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XKHMS OF THE NEWS. TEM DAILY NEWS, by .mall one year, 48; six j months $4; three montLs $2w. Served m the city at EIOHTKXK Casts a weekday a We to tha car rten, or $8 a year, paid in advance at the office. IBB TKI-WSSKXY Maire, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, -one year $4; eu montos $2. TBS WssKiY NEWS, one year $2. six copies 10. ..Ten copies, to one address? alfi. SUBSCRIPTIONS lu all cases payable in advance, and no paper conan nea arter the expiration of the time paid fer. . . Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO.. Ne. 149 East Bay, Charleston, S.O. FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1871. THE<S'EW8 BY MALZ. Persons leaving the city for the summer, or any portion of it, may have THE DAILY NEWS sent to their address, for such time as they desire, at the rate, of orfo dollar per. month. Orders, accompanied by the money, should be sent to the business office of the paper. NEWS OF THE DAY. -Gold was quoted steady in New Tort, yes? terday, at 13}. -Cotton closed steady at 20{o, with sales of 1043 bales. -In Liverpool cotton closed strong; up? lands 3d; Orleans 9?a9?d; sales 18,000 bales, -Intelligence by the last English mails tends to confirm the cable report that sand is filling up the Snez Canal. -Kisses are sold at fairs in Iowa. A man paya a certain amount into the general fund, and then selects the giri or woman he desires to kiss. -Hr. Stephens is already experiencing some of the minor woes of- journalism. In tho latest copy-of his paper received he says prominent? ly, "for bean?lully, in our last, readfear fuliy.? -David Pringle, of New York, agent of the patent medicine firm of Thomas Holloway, of Loddo'o, has been arrested and lodged In Lud lovrstx?et jail, charged with embezzling $25, 000 of his employer's funds. -Ib?rica crop of Louisiana of 1871 is esti? mated at iortj-nlue thousand nine hundred and seventy-one b. nels, of 200 pounds each, against 100,740 barrels in 1869-70. A full acre age was put under culture, but the drought cut off the yield. The prospects for the rice crop ' of*" 1871-72 are favorable, though the acreage IB small. -Paris now exhib? ta few traces of the re? cent struggle. -Tho barricades nave been levelled, new trees h av G been planted, and the damaged buildings are being rapidly repaired. Business has not yet revived, the briskest trade at present being in photographs of the city ..and , relics of the war. The streets are becoming crowded again with foreigners and .jet urning-' Parisians. "-^PrealaW ?av-8 declines to lecture In Mobile, because, he says, his wo??1? would be abused by political opponents in the Nert!) to injure his Southern friends. The following la tbe.oloiBj^fportionrpl Mr, Davis's letter : "It surely would not be difficult, wIth tad iftedoni yon allow in the s?lectionne-f a subject, to avoid any expression which coald fairly be used to the Injury of my Southern friends, but it would hardly be possible under existing cir? cumstances^ prevent my words from being abused for sncb a purpose. Hopefully looking forward to the better day when such restraints shall no longer exist, I beg you to make my acknowledgments, acceptable to your associ atesy-and to accept for yourself assurances of the high regard with which I am your friend." -A Bich mond paper publishes what pur? ports to be a copy of a letter lrom Bismarck to a Virginian, in acknowledgment of the receipt of some tobacco, with a request that the fra? grant g)ft should be equally divided between his Majesty the Emperor, bis Imperial High? ness the Crown Prince, bis Royal Highness Prince Frederick Karl, and himself. The let? ter says: - "Aa bis Majesty does not smoke, the "whole has been put at the disposal of the Crown Prince, "who ordered it to be divided in three parts. His Imperial Highness, who bap pens to prefer the pipe to the cigar, bas re? quested me to express tc you bis thanks for your-kind attention, and his satisfaction at the nigh quality of your produce. I beg to add, also, my thanks, and the hope that the weed will only serve to replenish the calumet, of peace." -The- Union Railroad Depot of the New York Central River, New Tork, and Harlem and New York and New Haven Railroads, jost completed in-New York City, covers an immense parallelogram, , extending lrom For? ty-second to Forty-fifth streets, 692 feet long and 240 feet wide. The building la construct? ed in the '-Renaissance" style, and the mater f 1 ala are smooth red brick and iron painted white.. The centre of the facade on Forty second street, on the sooth side, presents a tower 130 feet high, with towers 110 feet blgb j at each corner. The facade on the westside presents three towera -110 feet high. The north side ls constructed entirely of iron and bas 10 high iron arches for the passage of trains. The building ls 40* feet deep on each front for the offices and walting rooms, and is three Btorles high. In tho interior is a cen? tral space G50 feet by 200 feet, covered with a roof formed of glass and corrugated iron, and supported by 31 semi-circular iron trusses lour feet wide and ono loot thick. Twelve lines of rall ran the entire length of this large shed, - and are divided into groups by raised plat? forms of stone and oement. jj -Dr. Doll inger and his prominent odhe E -rents bave at last formally declared war against the Pope and those who maintain the f authority of the Vatican Council. The ocoa I sion arose from the publication, by several ! German bishops, of a pastoral In which they - required the faithful to obey the decrees of , that council. Dr. Do ll lager and his associates 1 nave replied formally to that document, and ~ ia plain terms repudiate the sentence of excommunication passed upon them. "We repudiate/' says this manifesto, "the threats of his bishops as unjustifiable, and their vio? lent measures as invalid and not binding." They go on to state that the decrees of excom? munication issued against those who reject the Vatican decrees "are as null and void as they are unjust, and can neither deprive the faithful of their right to the sacraments of Christ, nor priests of their power to administer them." This announcement of the view they intend to take is likely to cause still greater agitation in the church than now exists, and as the document is signed by the head of the movement, by professors in several German universities and by members of the Bavarian court and government, it ls expected that lt wili bring about a collision between the King and the Archbishop of Munich. , -One of the brightest feat8 of the New York Herald was the publication ot Lincoln's famous war and emancipation message before ita contemporaries had even a knowledge of the tenor of its contents. Theru was a prodi? gious hue and cry iu Washington over such ?'enterprise." Lincoln was very angry, and unable to imagine how the document was pro cured. But the mystery is at last solved. It seem? that the Chevalier Wikoff-oncena lamous newspaper man, and Fanny EUsler's friend-bribed Mrs". Lincoln, and she let him read the manuscript while shut up In a closet near old Abe's room. Wlkoff not only read, but copied the important war and proclamation parts, and got saleiy out- of the White House with bis "copy" in his pocket. It was soon on the wires, In the Herald office, "headed," "dis? played," "double leaded," and the usual "leader" written upon it. When it appeared the next day the Tribune and Times were sadly discomfited. An investigation took place in Washington, WJkoff was imprisoned, and he and Mrs. Lincoln suffered untold agony of apprehension. Finally she confessed all to Abraham, and be confessed to the in? vestigating committee. The matter was hush? ed up and Wlkoff set free. Just before that publication a remarkable resemblance b?tween Mrs. Lincoln and the Empress Eugenio had been discovered by the editor of the Herald, but has not been alluded to since. - The leader and the subsequent results belong in the cate? gory of remarkable newspaper coincidences. - THE. action of the Citizens' Convention in postponing the selection o? nominees for Aldermen is generally approved in the com? munity. The success of the ticket mu?t now largely hinge upon the character of our candidates for Aldermen, and too much care and deliberation can hardly be bestowed in the matter of choosing our very best and strongest mep. _ _ _ Oar Public Schools. Friday last, the 30th day oTJune, wit? nessed one of the most melancholy sights which Charleston has ever beheld. Three thousand children were sent to their homes and denied the benefits of-Public School in? struction because of an alleged want of means with which to pay their teachers. Now we have some sober words to say to the people, but more especially to the color? ed people, who are directly responsible for the cons?quences that have fallen upon us; for it certainly cannot be said of the white citizens that they have ever made the mis? take of entrusting large sums of money to the keeping of doubtful or irresponsible men. The large sum of $320,000 has been collected * in Charleston County alone, within the last 1 three months, and $150,000 have been ap- ' propriated by the Legislature for the educa- t Lion of the masses. These amounts have : jeen wasted, misspent, misapplied, or stolen. Now the money collected from the tax? paying citizens when placed in the Treasury ( ii the State or City, becomes the property of l ne people-the property of the rich and the ( ?or-of the black and the white alike. But t fcheo the money Is wasted, misspent, mis- j tpplied, or appropriated by the officer in marge of it, to his own private uses, the 6 )oor must of course sutler most. Every mild sent home from school will convey to ts parents, in words far stronger than ours, s he announcement of the public outrage that 1 LOB been perpetrated. f The white people as a class (fortunately Ty pr them) are more or less able to send their i rhiidren to pay schools ; but it is not sd with 6 he colored people. Mostly poor, and living rom hand to mouth, their children must go "ithout any instruction nt'all. Now how c ias this state of things been brought a'cout ? t The answer is plain: Men devoid alike ol ? lonor and common honesty, are put into 1 daces of honor and trust Formerly, none tat men of the highest character could ob- - ain an o rf ce of trust or emolument, and ?lthoogh of unquestioned integrity, they c cere required to give the heaviest bond3 for tl be faithful discharge of their dulles. But c ow is it now ? Mere adventurers, men who 8 ave "left their country for their country's 'good," are placed in positions where sums f money that they are scarcely able tb coust re at their mercy. And whose fault is his ? "We answer, the f?uit of the colored oter. Hear what Mr. Greeley says on this ery subject: "The colored people have 'proved themselves unworthy of the ballot. 'They have brought disgrace upon our par 'ty by the election of harpies, adventurers 'and scoundrels to office." Now we say to the colored people in all ?aimness and friendship, "Let the dead ( 'iPast' bury its dead," and let us all en leavor to secure ia the future the services of - nen of recognized virtue and integrity, men vho will not plunder our treasury, who will j lot buy fast horses and keep up expensive j istablishments with the money which was 8 ippropriafced to teach our children how to t ead and write. But, how are the schools to be reopened ? 1 The Constitution of the State guarantees the lg ht of the people to assemble and petition ' or a redress of their grievances; Meet, . herefore, en ?nasse, fellow-citizenB, white , ind colored, rich and poor, in your different j vards, and demand from the party in power ? he instant dismissal of all delinquent oiil- ( ?ere. Make them disgorge the last dollar { >f their ill-gotten gains. Parify the political itmosphere, and give a healthy tone to every . lepartmentof government-both State and liunicipal. The Public Schools must be re- J >pened. _' THE Camden Journal bas the following 1 paragraph, which we commend to the care- ? ful study of our rising politicians: "A county commissioner of Kershaw draws ?tn order on the county treasurer for one dollar to relieve a transient pauper, and charges the ? county three dollars for his services in the. i premises. A brother county commissioner objecting to the charge, is bullied and de? nounced as a deserter to the Democrats.*' Our Radical friends, on reading this, will be highly indignant at the Democratic press for making such a fuss for a paltry two dol? lars. _ _ EVEN the Radical organ is constrained to applaud the citizens' choice of a nominee for the Mayoralty. It says: "We have "nothing?but the kindest words for General "Wngener himself. He is a geod and "honored citizen, and has done many things "for this the city of his adoption. We can "say this with justice." Political Notes. DISCUSSING Chase and Hancock as Demo? cratic candidates for President and vice-Presi? dent, the New York Herald says: "In the very Bonnd of this ticket of Chase and Hancock there is strength. Let the Democracy adopt lt, and they*will have no defensive battle to fight in 1872 on dead issues; but they will be free to takejhe offensive and to carry the war into the enemy's camp? Chase or Hancock will hardly do, but Chase and Hancock Is a splendid ticket, even for the fight ogolost Gen? eral Grant." PRESIDENT GRANT'S renomination is now generally regarded as certain. The New York World says : "No other candidate bas been presented with any show of Republican sup? port worth consideration except Horace Gree? ley. ? single fact will render it lt impossible to unite upon him the votes of anti-Grant Re? publicans-he is a rabid protectionist. So large a proportion o? the opponents of Grant are anti-protectionists that it is beyond possi? bility for them to agree upon Mr. Greeley; nor af?" other disabilities lacking. A very large share of the anti-Grant Republicans are Ger? mans; but Mr. Greeley, is a noted prohibition? ist. A very large share' of them are men edu? cated in the Democratic faith, who separated from the Democratic party because ol* ques? tions growing out of slavery and the war; but Mr. Greeley ls the one Uvldg representative of the dead Whig party. While these and other causes;prevent a union of anti-Grant Republicans upon any candidate, General Grant has at command and unhesitatingly uses agencies more powerful now than at any past period In our history. " ' THE Springfield Republican, the ablest Re? publican Journal In New England, hos this to Bay : "The fate of the Republican party, In the next Presidential campaign, lies partly in the degree of success that shall attend the effort tn the Democratic party to complete its new departure, and partly upon its own-reform legislation at the next session of Congress. The practical wisdom, the personal integrity, and the administrative ability with which lt grapples, next winier, with the questions of revenue and currency and tariff and civil ser? vice' are the tests of its future. It is evidently preparing to meet these questions in a differ? ent spirit irom that in which it has treated them for the lost two years. General Grant and his executive assistants are also put upon the Burne trial with their parly followers In. Congress. They must depart as well ; depart from corrupt schemes of outside annexation ; depart from careless indifference to public In? terests, and selfish care lor private ambitions, and give moro heed to the great business in? terests of the country ; they must learn to ad? minister more impartially, more honestly, more unselfishly, and more Intelligently-else the sceptre will depart from them, even if lt does not depart as well from their party." -fanerai Notices. ~P&*T?R?^^ acquaintances of Mr. John D. Zerbst, of Mrs. inna II. Zerbst, and of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cook, are respectfully iovltcd to attend the Funeral Service >f J. D. W., lofant son of the former, from the resl lenee of the latter, Line street, THIS AFT?RNOON, it 4 o'clock. july 7-* Special ?STotices.. ^BTOFFICE. OF THE 'CHABTEETON ?ASL1GHT COMPANY, JONE 28, I871.-The Joard of Directors of this Company having de? bared a Dividend ot FIFTY CENTS per Share.ou he Capitol stock for the last six months, the lame will be paid to Stockholders on and after ? OK DAT, 3d July. The Transfer Books will be closed from ttils late to 3 J J uly. W. J. HERIOT, jun-28 Secretary and Treasurer. ^SPECIAL NOTICE.--THE UNDER- \ ?IGNED respectfully informs his customers ana . hose wishing to patronize him, that he la now : irepared to taite ordera for GROCERIES at their , esldeuces, having a book for the purpose. Ordera 1 rill be taken on TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS, and i gods delivered to any part of the City rree of i barge. Fft?NC?? L "'NEILL, * 1, j anio Ko. 23S King street. i par NOTICE IS H5REBY GIVEN o all Sub-Agen,ts of thc Land Commission, that, rom and alter thc first day of March, mi, they rill report all their proceedings to Hon. F. L. !AjtU.-9Zr>. secretary of the Advisory Board. ROBT. C. DBLARGB, L. C. S. S. C. Columbia, February 25,1871._m aril p&* MEDICAL NOTICE. -PATIENTS utTering from Diseases pertaining to the GENTTO '?UNARY ORGANS., will receive the latest selen? itic treatment by placing themselves under the are oi Dr. T. REENSTJERNA, o al ce No. 74 Basel treet, three doora from the Postoftlce. sep20-tuthlyr pa* J UST PUBLISHED. IN ONE VOLUME, Price 50c. The following Medical Lectures for Gentlemen: 1. TU1L0S0PHY OF MARRIAGE. 2. PREMATURE DECLINE IN MAN. 3. NERVOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. 4. DISEASES OF THE GENERATIVE ORGANS. 5. SPERMATORRHOEA. 0. ABUSES OF TOE NATURAL FUNCTIONS. 7. TREATMENT AND CURE. Price 50 cents by mall. Address the author, Dr. JURTIS, No. 9 Tremont Place, Boston. Mass. mar7-tuthsiyr pa* WARRANTED INFALLIBLE ri .ME DOES NOT IMPAIR ITS EFFICIENCY_ aiLLlNGS'S OOMPOUND BUG DESTROYER, pre jared only by R. C. MILLINGS, No. 444 King itrect, and sold by Druggists and the trade In general, !n bottles at Fifty Cents each. Liberal inducements offered to dealers by ap My lug to EWD. S. BURNHAM, Druggist, No. 421 King street, Charleston, S. 0. mayll-thstu2mos . PST* GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL. Chis valuable compound contains no opium, laud mum, paregoric, or other anodyne, and will not nassacre the Innocenta like the "soothing syrups" IO much in vogue. The GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL is harmless, and ls recommended by all >ur best physicians. It ls to be had of the manu acturer, Da. H. BAER, Ko. 131 Meeting street. And of all Druggists._aprJ2-stoth p&~ GETTING MARRIED.-ESSAYS ?OR YOUNG MEN on great SOCIAL EVILS AND ABUSES which interfere with MARRIAGE-wl?h ?uro means of relief for the Erring and Unfortu late, diseased and debilitated. Sent free, in seat id envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, S'o. 2 s. Nluth street, Philadelphia, Pa. nmyl3-3mo3_ pS* BAKER'S CITRATE MAGNESIA. A splendid preparation. Completely superseding the use of all nauseous purgative Medicines. Sold Dy Druggists. JNO. C. BAKER & CO., Philadel? phia. A full supply on hand by Du. H. BAER, feb7-tnthssmoB_No. 131 Meeting street. j?TBATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SUPERB HAIR DYE ls the best tn the worio- per? fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous.- No disappointment. No ridiculous tints or unpleas? ant odor. The genuine W. A. BATCBELOR'S HAIR DYE produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or Natural Brown. Does not stain the skin, but 'eave3 the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only Safe and Perfect Dye. Sold by all Drug? gists. Factory No. 16 Bond street, New Yolk. jan23-mwflyr pa- THE SEASON IS APPROACHING for Children's Summer Complaints, especially in those who are Teething. A sare and secure reme? dy ls all Important, and mothers will find such a one lu DH. BAER'S GERMAN SOOTHING COR OIAL^ To be had of all Druggists. apr24-mwf p&* JOHN C. BAKER & CO.'S GENU INE MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL.-ESTABLISH? ED 1S30.-Acknowledged by eminent physicians to be the best in' the world. Sold by Druggists generally. JNO. C. BAKER 4 CO., Philadelphia. A full supply on hand by DR. H. BAER, febS-mwfSmos No. 181 Meeting street. ^BRITISH CONSULATE.-DURING the absence of Her Majesty's Consol, his duties will be discharged by GEORGE R. WALKER, julye-th2 H. M. Acting Consul, Special ??otitcB. SW WASHINGTON LIGHT INFAN? TRY RIFLE CLUB.-The members or tbis aub will please call on the undersigned, at the corner of Adger's South" Wharf ' and East Bay, and pro? cure orders for their uniforms. W. W. SIMONS, - jnly?-6 Secretary and Treasurer W. L. L R. G. SW A CARD.-OFFICE OF ENTER? PRISE RAILROAD COMPANY, No. 51 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., JULY 6, 1871. Numerous applications having been made at this office by parties offering to exchange Real Eestate ana other Property for Stock In this Company, while we are glad to see this mani? festation of confidence, we beg respectfully to inform the public that the By-Laws require Twenty-five Per Cent, to be paid la cash for first instalment, on call. WM. MCKINLAY, july7-l Treasurer. ?W OFFICE COMMISSIONERS PILO? TAGE, CHARLESTON, S. 0., JULY 6, 1871. G?0. WILSON ls hereby suspended from Piloting on the Bar and Harbor of Charleston, S. 0.. for the period of twelve (12) months from date, for-j neglect of duty. By order of the Board. A. HABENIOHT, Chairman. OFFICE COMMISSIONERS PILOTAGE, CHARLESTON*, S. C., JULY 8, 1871.-EDWARD MYOTT is hereby suspended from Piloting on the Bar and Harbor of Charleston, S. C., for absenting himself withont permission. By order of the Board, A. H?BENICHT, jolyC-1_Chairman. SW PURGE OUT THE MORBID HU? MORS of the Blood, by a dose or two of AVER'S PILLS, and you will have clearer heads as well as bodies. 'uly7-fmw3D*c ^PEOPLE'S BANK OF SOUTH CAR 0L1NA, CHARLESTON, JULY C, I8TL-The Board of Directors having declared a Dividend of EIGHTY CENTS per Share apon tba Consolidated Stock, and in the same proportion' npoo the Cn consolidated Shares, trie same will be paid on and after MONDAY next, loth instant. Julyft-6 JA M ES B. BETTS, Cashier. SW OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION, FOR THE BENE? FIT OF THE FREE SCHOOL FUND, NO. 147 MEET? ING STREET-CHARLESTON, JULY 6, 1871. Official Raffled Numbers of the Charleston Chari? table Association,' for the Benefit of the Free School Fund: CLASS NO. 67-MORNING. 70-37-65-7-16-23-78-18-73-55-24-68. CLASS NO. 3s-EVENING. 53-47-1-43-32-16-58-61-16 -51-62-55. As witness our band this 6ih day of July, 1871 FENN PECK, JAMES GILLILAND, may29 sworn Commissioners. SW A CARD.-THE UNDERSIGNED, H. T. PETERS, having charge of the bead offiee of the CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION, No. 147 Meeting Btree:, for the sale of CERTIFI? CATES, win be pleased lo see his friends and other?, at any time, at the above place. All busi? ness strioUy and promptly attended to.. J uly 5 H. T. PETERS. ?WOFElQE SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY, CHARLESTON. S. C., JULY 1, 1871.-Stockh old era of this Company are notified that the fourth Ud last INSTALMENT ON THE EIGHT PER CENT. BONDS, authorized to be issued at the An? nual Meeting of the Stockholders, held on the 8th day of February last, ls now doe and payable, rue Treasurer of the Company will attend at the office of .Messrs. CAMPBELL * SEABROOK, No. 50 Broad street, Tics DAY, and each subsequent day, from li. to 3 o'clock, until SATURDAY, the Bth Instant, inclusive, to receive payment and deliver the Bonds and certificates of Stock. After Bald date the Stock of those who have failed to take their Bonds, as well os the Bonds, viii be liable for arrears, and may be used by. the Company to make good the defaalt. S. W. FISHER, Julyl-8 Treas. Sav. and Char. R. R. Co. SW L O. O. F.-R, W. GRAND LODGE OF TUE STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA.-The Officers of the Subordinate Lodges will be In? stalled at Odd Fellows' Hall, on the following Evenings, at 8 o'clock: Schiller, No. 30, on SUNDAY, 2d Joly. South Carolina, No. l, on WEDNESDAY, 6th Jaly Howard, No. 3, on THURSDAY, Ctn. July: Marlon, No. 2, on FRIDAY, 7th July. Jefferson, NO. 4, on TUESDAY, nth July. The Officers sad Members of the Qraud Lodge are requested to attend In the installations. By order or tbe D.O. M. JOHN H. HONOUR, JR.. M. D., jalyl-swthftn6 Grand Secretary. SW TREASURER'S OFFICE SAVAN? NAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY, CHARLESTON, S. C., JUNE 30, 1871.-Coupons for Interest on the First Mortgage Seven Percept. Bonds Savannah and Charleston Railroad Com? pany, which matured oh the 1st Joly, 1871, will be paid on and after that date at the Banking House of H. H. KlMPTON, Financial Agent or ? the State of South carolina, No. 9 Nassau street, New York. Jniy3-mwi3 .s. W. FISHER, Treasurer. SW CHARLESTON BIBLE SOCIETY. The Treasurer of the charleston Bible Society will receive Subscriptions or Donations at his office, No. es East Bay, corner of Atlantic Wharf. The payment of Two Dollars will constitue a person a member for one year. Bibles are kept on hand' for distribution. The Society has one Colporteur In tue field, and solicits aid to Introduce another. Persona interested In the woik or seeking further Information will please call on tbe Treasurer. J. N. ROBSON, apr28-0mos Treasurer C. B. S. ?W MESSRS. EDIIORS-PLEASE AN? NOUNCE as a Candidato for Mayor, at tbe next Municipal Election, the name of General JOHN A. WAQENER, and oblige moyl7 . *A FRIEND TO REFORM. ?W HOW WE USED TO BE PHYSICK? ED.-Who does not remember the time when spring purgation was considered Indispensable to summer health? No matter for wry faces, the inevitable salts and senna, rhubarb, or calomel and jalap, must be admtnf'tered. These "spring medicines," the youngsters were told, were to keep them hale and hearty during the summer. We all know now taut this was a fallacy; that new vigor, not depletion, ls what ls required at the commencement of the summer solstice. As a prepa'ation for the enervating effects of oppres? sive Bummer weather, a coarse o? HOSTELER'S STOMACH BITTERS is highly expedient. This famous vegetable preparation has three promi? nent properties: It renovates, purifies and regu? lates all the functions of the body. It ls composed exclusively of pure vegetable productions, viz: the essential principle of Monongahela Rye, and thc most efficacious tonic and alterative roots, barks and gums Known to medical botanists. Hence, lt ia an absolutely safe medicine, and no tincture of tte PJiarmacopceia caa compare with lt, either in purity or In the variety of its objects, and its comprehensive results. Happily for man? kind, tho theory that it was necessary to pros? trate a patient io order t-Vcure him, is forever ex? ploded, and the true philosophical doctrine, that vigor ls the great- antagonist or disease, has taken Us place. Hostetter's Bitters ls an Invlgo rant, and hence it iSjthe proper medicine for the fe b.'e at this most trjing season of the year. Be sure that you obtain the genuine article, as there are Innumerable vile Imitations la the mar ket. Look to the ornamental stamp, the engraved label, and the name blown into the glass. Hos? tetter's Stomach Bitters ls sold in bottles only. Julyl-stuths Dae SW FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS AND Consumption, la its early stages, ac thing equals Dr. PIERCE'S ALT. EXT. or Goldeo Medical Dis? covery. It is also a great blood purifier and strength restorer or tonic and for "Liver Oom plaint" and costive conditions of the bowels lt has no equal. Sold by ail Druggists, apr20-th3tu3p*o iflegtings. mHE REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING JL of Marion Lodge, No. 2,1. O. 0. F.. will be held THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock, at Oa? Fellows' Hall. Members of Sister Lodges are fraternally in? vited. ROBT. C. S1S.RR, jqly7_Recording Secretary. STRICT OBSERVANCE LODGE, -No. 73, A. F. M.-The Regular Monthly Communica? tion or this Lodge held at Masonic Hall, THIS EVENING, at half-past 8 o'clock. The Master Mason's Degree will be conferred. Brethren and candidates .will take due and timely notice, and govern themselves accordingly. Br order or the Worshipful Muster, CLARENCE WAGNER, july? __._Secretary. MARION STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM? PANY.-Attend the Regular Monthly Meet? ing of your Company, at your Hall, THIS (Friday) EVENING, at s o'clock. By order. GEO. A. CALI ER, jnly7_,_Secretary. EAGLE STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM? PANY.-Yon are hereby summoned to at? tend a Regular Monthly Meeting of your Compa? ny, at your Hall, i n THIS (Friday) EVENING, 7th Instant, at 8 o'clock. By order. ARTHUR M. COHEN, joly*_Secretary E. S. F. E. Co. ST. STEPHEN'S FREE CHURCH SOCI? ETY--There will be a meeting of the So? ciety TniH (Friday) AFTERNOON, 7th inst., at half gast 5 o'clock, at the Church, Anson street, on usinesa or Importance. All members and sub? scribers, and the Executive Committee in particu? lar, are rt nu est.- d to be punctual in attendance. july? THEODORE E. NEWTON, Secretary. THE FRENCH PROTESTANT CHURCH OF CHARLESTON.-The Regular Seml-An nnal Meeting of Jhe Corporation will be held at the office of the Secretary, No. 8 Broad street, on MONDAY AFTERNOON, loth instant, ate o'clock. D. RAVENEL. JB., Jnly7_Secretary. mams. WANTED IMMEDIATET^^ to Cook and make herself generally ase fnL Apply at No. 06 Spring street. Jnly7-1* WANTED, A COMPETENT COOK. Reference required. Apply northwest corner King and Morris streets. JulyT-2* Tl/ANTED, A GOOD WASHER AND Y? Ironer. Apply at Np. io Wentworth etreet, Bouth gide, near East Bay._July7-3 WANTED, A CHAMBERMAID TO MAKE berseir generally useful. Apply at No. 4 Glebe street._Jnly7-1? AYOUNG LAD WANTED. MUST bowell recommended. Apply at MENEE A MULLER, No. 3-25 King street._July 7 WANTED, A FEW MUSIC SCHOLARS, by a lady who la fully competent to teach. Apply at No. 18 Beanfaln street._Jnly7-1? p IEL WANTED, WHITE OR COLOR VDT ED, to attend chamber and do plain sew? ing. Apply at No. 14 Ball street, north Bide, next to Pitt._r Jory71 WANTED, A FIRST-RATE COOK, WHO can give good references. Apply, from 4 to 6 P. M., at No. 5 Legare street._JoIy7-3 WANTED, AT No. 18 MEETING street, a Watter. Also, a Cook. Recom mendatlons required. _ Jnly71? WANTED, GENTLEMEN TO KNOW that the largest and cheapest Stock of j GENT'S FURNISHING GOUDS is on Hand at AR? CHER'S BAZAAR. No. 363 King street, juiy.7-6' WANTED, SEVERAL SMART FE? MALE Assistants at ARC BER'S BA? ZAAR, No. 863 King street, to reside with the family. Must come well recommended. Jnly7-2?_ WANTED, A GOOD COOK AND WASH- ? ER and understands how to milk. Must come with good recommendations. White pre? ferred. Apply at the corner of MJ1 and Rutledge avenue._Jnly7-1? WANTED, A COLORED MAN OR Boy, one who will make himself userai about house. Apply, with reference, to GE<>. w. STEFFENS, Vendue Range._Jniye-2? WANTED TO PURCHASE, FOR CASH, a small HOUSE, containing 6 to ? rooms, situated either In the centre of the city or near the lines or the City Railway. Address X. Y. Z;, at this office, stating terms, location, Ac. Julys_ WANTED, BY A YOUNG MAN, A native of Florida, a situation as salesman or clerk in a house In Charleston. He ls well and favorably known thronghoat East Florida, and can furnish satisfactory testimoniara as to char? acter and qualifications. Address J. S. J., NEWS office._julyl WANTED PURCHASE H 3 OF TICKETS U tho Land and lui migration Association or Mfcars. BUTLER. CHADWICK, GARY A CO. Tickets now ready. Will be* glad to seo my friends at the office or Mr. C. ms, corner East Bay and Central Wharf. EBEN COFFIN, Sab-Agent. may _ WANTED, A WHITE WOMAN TO DO PLAIN COOKING and wash. Apply at No. 94 King street, one door below J. Hurtsamp A Co.'s Grocery._'_Jun30 ALADY OF EXPERIENCE WISHES to secure now a position as Teacher in a sctiool or family, for the 1st October, to teach English branches, including Mai hematics, and, If in a family, also French and rudiments of Music tr required. . Address, wUh fall particulars or terms. Ac, P. 0. Box No. 21, Wilson, N. C. jun23-lmo?_ ANEAT HOUSE WANTED, BY A DE? SIRABLE tenant, who would take a three or nve yea?' lease at a moderate rent. Must be In western part or the city or near the Battery. Address, with fall particulars,. BETA, office or Tua Nsws._JnoJfi AYOUNG LADY WISHES THE SIT? UATION or Governess. Will teach English and the rudiments of Music. Address "P.," DAILY NEWS oince._Junio AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN (SCOTCH) wanta a situation ; ls acquainted with Dry Goods and Groceries; ls a good Accountant, and willing to make himself generally useful. Can give first-class references. Address Veritas, Office of THE NEWS._mavis Soar?ina. a Gentleman and his Daughter, grown, in a central location. Please undress A. B. o'., tbrougb Po-tarnee, stating location au J price. jnly7-l* * JgOARD IN NEW YORK. Person wishing genteel BOARD tn the City of New York for the Summer months, tn a House patronized by Southern families, will find lt to their taste and advantage to call on the subscrib? er at No. 1 North Washington Squaw, before maning other engagements. Mas. WHYTE. Joly4-lmo_ BOARDING. - A FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with good board sud pleasant rooms, on moderate terras, hy ap? plying at No. 12 Wentworth street. DAY BOARD INO alsT furnished._mayl6 Cost a ii ir Jfosrtfj. L^OSTT?T^WEDNESDAY ~E VENING last, a red colored Bull Terrier Slut, with white neck and breast, about a year old; answers to the name of "Jess." A reward will be glveu If returned to J. .-HAW, No. 288 King street. July7-i?_ LOST, IN THE VICINITY OF THE Rutledge and Beaufulu street Pond, a Child's Coral Armlet. The finder will be suita? bly rewarded. Apply at No. 6 Montague street July7-i*_ _Jror 5aU._ FOR SALE, A FINE MULE. ALSO, 'A B VTTE vu BOAT, with Balls complete. Ap ply at No. ll Vendue Range._juiy7-l FOR SALE, SEVERAL SEWING MA? CHINES, of good qualitv, willoh areoUcred ;heap. Call at No. ??7 Queen street, between Heeling aud Church sireetB._fcbll FOR SALE.-A JUDGMENT AGAINST PARKER J. HOLLAND Tor Twenty six 25-100 Dollars, will be sold at private Bale, at a discount, at MENKE A MULLER._juu21 AT PRIVATE SALE, MARL BLUFF PLANTATION, on Rocky Creek Swamp, urangebtirg District, South carolina, 15 miles from Blackville, on South Carolina Railroad, Au? gusta Branch, and 18 nines from Orangebarg Courthouse, on Columbia Branch Road, Charles? ton and Augusta and Charleston and Columbia Railroads, containing 1926 aerea or land, 238 or which ls cleared and under good fences; about 40 acres more chared, but not under fence-all of which ls first-class Cotton and Corn Lands; the balance ls first-class Timber Land. A first-class Circular Saw Mill (water,) in order for Immediate use, on a constant stream. Lum? ber to hand, and can be rafted to Charleston from thc Mill. Also, a good Grist; Mill. Has a comfortable house with six (6) rooms, outbuild? ings all In good condition, stables, barn, Ac, six E) framed negro houses in good order. It also as a Mart Bed on lt wb ch makes lt very advan? tageous to agricultural imrposes for making ma? nures, Ac The best of titles can be given. Any Information either in writing or in person can be had by application to Dr. H. BARR, No. 181 Meet? ing stteet, Charleston, S, C. jonis ^ZgTNA STEAM FIRE COMEANi; An AFTERNOON AND EVENING REOEMIOH will be given by this Company to the children, members and friends of the Company, commenc? ing at 4 O'CIOCE, and ending at ll on SATURDAY, the 8th inst '~"'""."" The Hall will be open for inspection, and the Portrait oLex-Presldent R F. Sweegan,by Car? tis, will be on exhibition. Please apply to the Committee for Cards of Ad? mission, COiTMITTEB. T.J.LTONS, WM. HARVEY, W. WEBB, JR., C. J. BERRIE. C. A. VONDOHLEN, ROBT. WALKER, C. 0. WIGHTMAN, T. S. NIPSON. july8-3 . ?roreries, ?,\qnotB* &t. JpEACHES ! PEACHES 1 PEACHES ! Jost received, a fresh lot of PEACH SS, which will be sold to-day from 60c. to $125 per box, by C. BART A CO., July7-2 Nos. 65, 67 and 59 Market street. ?^TTLSONS' POPULAR GROCERY. Smoked PIG TONGUES at $125 per dozen.. WILSONS' GROCERY. It ls a settled fact that WILSONS' GROCERY. WILSON sells a better WILSONS' GROCERY. TEA for the same money > WILSONS' GROCERY. than any other House in WILSONS' GROCERY. . the City. WILSONS' GROCERY. WILSONS' . GROCERY. We are now offering a WILSONS' GROCERY. Fine. Clear Drawing WILSONS' GROCERY. TEA No. 806 KING" 8T. At the low price of No. 3 06 KING ST. ONE DOLLAR No. 3 06 KING ST. . a pound, NO. 306 ' KING ST. GREEN AND BLACK. NO. 3 0 6 KING ST. No. 306 KING ST. Give WILSON'S TLA a No. 306 ' KING ST, trial, and yon will use NO. 30 6 . KING ST. - - no other. No. 3 06 KING ST. AU Goods delivered free. '.. NO. 306 KING ST. pAUL B. LAL A NE & CO., WHOLESALE PROVISION DEALERS, NO. 171 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. a, HAVE ON HAND, AND WEEKLY RECEIVING : SHOULDERS, SIDES, STRIPS AND HAMS Flour, Sugar, Coffee and Pork Syrop, Molasses, Butter and Lard Beef, Cheese, Mackerel and Herring Codfish, Salmon With a fall and well selected Stock of GROCE? RIES, walch we offer at the lowest market rates. ?.COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. Also, always on hand, those good PATAPSOO S. C. HAMS. may5-fmw3mos Sa Bent. TO RENT, A NEAT TWO AND A HALF story HOUSE. No. .4 Mary street. Apply at southwest corner of Church and Chalmer streetB. July 7-2'_. _; TO RENT, A SUITE OF ROOMS. WITH piazza attached. Apply at thia office. joly7-Im2*___ TO BENT, A SUITE OF ROOMS. AP ply at No. 0 Society street._Joly?-!* TO RENT, THAT COMFORTABLE Residence No. 43'Society street, near Klug street. For terms, Ac, apply to GEO. W. STEF FENS, Vendue Range._' Jnlye-2* TO BENT ON SULLIVAN'S ISLAND, a delightfully situated Residence on the Front Beach, containing 8 square rooms. Rent moderate. Apply to' O. W. SEiGNIO?S, Coal Yard, No. 271 East Bay street._jnly6-2 TO RENT, ON SULLIVAN'S" ISLAND, an eligibly situated House on Sullivan's island, within six mlnuteV walk of the Steamboat landing, containing elgin sqnare rooms, pantry, double piazzas, Ac. On the premises are a large cistern and well of water, and all necessary out? buildings. Also, a fine vegetable garden under cultivation. To an approved tenant, the rent will be moderate. Apply to ROB'iRT MORE A CO., Central wharf._Julyl-6 TO RENT, FOUR ROOMS, AT No. ll Doughty street Apply within. Jun28 TO RENT, A SUMMER RETREAT IN the Town of Anderson, S. C.-a beautiful Cottage, containing six rooms, partially furnished. The garden ls m a high state of cultivation, and the surroundings all that can be desired for sum? mer comfort and pleasure From May to October lhere 1B not a more agreeable locality tn South Carolina. Apply to F. ti. Da FONTAINE, at tho Mills House, or to M., Box HW, Anderson, S. C. aprlT ' flJissolntioits of dEoparttLsrsljip. THE PARTNERSHIP OF AN DREWS & SALVO is this day dissolved by mutual con? sent. Tue business will be conducted by JA-. F. SALVO. E. D. ANDREWS, July6-3_JAS. F. SALVO. LAW NOTICE.-THE FIRM OF WHA LEY, MITCHELL A CLANCY ls this day dis? solved by mutual consent. WILLIAM WHALEY, JULIAN MITCHELL, W. D. CLANCY. No. 48 Broad street, Charleston, S. C., June 30, 1871. july 1-6 THE FIRM OF FRIPP & MAY IS THIS day dissolved by mutual consent. Either partner ls authorized to sign ia liquidation. ft Sr. JAMES FRIPP. JULIUS A. MAY. Charleston, Joly 1st, 1871. The COMMISSION BUSINESS will be continued by Mr. E. ST. J. FRIPP on bis own account. The COTTON GINNING AND SELECTING BUSI? NESS will be continued os heretofore by Mr. J. A. MAY <>n his own account. Julyl-smf3 DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. Notice ls hereby given that the Partnership lately subsisting between the late JOHN CAMP SEN AND ERNEST WALTJEN, of charle ton, un? der the firm of JOHN CAM ?'SEN A COMPANY, was dissolved on the 2lst day of May, 1871, by the decease of Mr. JOHN CAMPSEN. The under? signed ls authorized to settle au debts due to and by the said Partnership. _ ERNEST WALTJEN, Surviving Copartner. NOTICE.-The undersigned will continue the Wholesale and Retail GRAIN AND MILLING BUSINESS, in the CUy of Charleston, under the name of JOHN CAMPSEN A CO., to date from 1st Instant. CATHARINE CAMPSEN, (Widow of the late J. Oampoen.) ERNEST WALTJEN. Charleston, Jane 12,1871 juul3-tuf imo c (BfooievieB, $>v{note, &t. "gUTTER CHEESE A2?D BICE. Recel vin g by steamer Jemes A dger. now land lng, an_assortmen; of BUTTER and CHEESE, fresh lot, Fancy and other grades. For sale at reasonable prices. A. NIMITZ, JnlyS-3_No. 209 East Bay. OKN! COBNI CO E~N ? C 8600 bushels Prime Western White CORN land? ing from Schooner Matoako. For sale by ' : HERMANN BULWTNKLE. Jvly6-3 ? ._ Kerr's "Wharf. TT^HITE WINE,AND CIDER VINEGAR. 25 barrels Imperial French Wine VINEGAR 20 barrels Non pariel Cider Vinegar 20 barrels Table Wine Vinegar. Agents of above and have constantly a foll stock on hand. * For sale low by Jnlyl-lmo STEFFENS. WERNER k DUCKER. JJ AMS A'N J>?;-;% ARD.. io tierces Duffleld's Imitation WESTPHALIA'' HAMS 6 tierces Davis's Diamond Hams 10 tierces Davis's Leaf Lard. All Hams reweighed when sold. , For sale by D. A. AMME, Southeast corner Market and Meeting streets. jnn?s CHOICE SUGAR-CURED STRIPS, AT I? cents per lb. , Falt?n Market BEEF, very line, at 16 centa per lb. .. . A lot of nnbagged sugar-cured Hams (war? ranted) at a low price. W. H. WELCH'S, ^ S. W. Corner Meeting and Market streets. All Gooda delivered free. Jun24 ^T LINLEY*S "CHEAP S.T?RE, No. 388 KING STREET, SIGNS OF THE CROCKERY HOUSE AND CARO? LINA TEA AGENCY, Yon can buy for one dollar and fifty cents one pound or the very beat YOUNG HYSON TEA, of delicate flavor and great strength. For thirty cents one gallon best quality LIGHT? HOUSE OIL. For seven ty n ve cents ose gallon choice Silver Drip SYBUP. For three dollars and arty cents a Japanned Tia CHAMBER SET, composed ot tbree articles, and worth five douars.; For fifty cents a LOOKING GLASS, which any : buyer would tamk cheap at one dollar. EXTENSIVE STOCK OF HOUSE. 7U-BNIS H IN G GOODS, TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT; CHEAPER - Than same quality gooda elsewhere. CROCKERY, -GLASSWARE, TINWARE,. HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE and WILLOWWARE. PLAIN ' AND DECORATED FRENCH CHINA *GOODS. AT LINLEY'S CHEAP STORE, No. 888 King street, ' mario-iyr JJATHORK SPRINGS WATER Bogen A Son's DIAMOND SPARKLING CATAWBA WINE ? Binningens Old London Dock Gin. Old Tom Gin: Assorted French Brandy; Fruits, in quart Jars assorted French Fruits, In own j nice, put np in glass stoppered decantera .-. Pickles, m fancy Jara india Corrie, in flasks Yarmouth Bloater Paste, Anchovy Paste French Mustard, In glass pois Queen's Olives, Capers, Bordeaux Olive OR, Florence OUve OU, In flasks, and Bengal Chutney? E. E. BEDFORD, Late w. s. Corwin & Co. . Jami_j_No. 276 King street; XTEW BUTTER, IMITATION ENGLISH lil CHEESE, Ac RECEIVED PER RECENT ARRIVALS. . Choice New GOSHEN BUTTER, Jenny Lind Im? itation English CHeese, MUd Factory Cheese, Pine? apple Cheese; Youn g America Cheese, E id am ana Sap Sago Cheese, Extra Smoked Tongues and' Breakfast Bacon Strips, Choice Pickled Heel, Fam- J Uy Pig Pork and Pickled Ox Tongues. SUGAR-CURED HAMS. Duffleid's, American, Whestphalia, Whitaker, Extra Star, Davis's Diamond, and the celebrated) White Sugar-cured Champion Hams. For sale by E. E. BEDFORD, . J an ll . No. 276 King street. B REMEN LAGE P. BEER ENGLISH ALES SCOTCH ALES" CHAMPAGNE ALES LONDON PORTERS DUBLIN PORTERS CHAMPAGNE CIDER. E. E. BEDFORD, anil No. -?~? Kine street. (ZEoparttLersrjip Noliras. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-MR. W. B AYN A RD w HAL EY ls associated with ne? in our Commercial Boainess from this date. - W. B. SMITH k CO., . July 1,1871. Napier's Bange. Jnly6-wf2 Utatcrjes, Jitoelrp, &t. JjALL, BLAO?'i CO., NO. 666 AND 667 BROADWAY, N. Y., Can attention to their very extensive stock of SILVERWARE, PBEOIOUS STONES, . Imported and American Watches of Waltham Manufacture, JEWELRY, BRONZES, 1 CLOCKS, I STATUARY, GAS FIXTURES, AC Ocr gooda are of the best quality, perfect in design and finish, and sold at fair prices. Strang? ers lu the city are cordlaUy invited to visit oar Sales-rooms, whether they wish to pnrcnase or not. JulylSlyr .piINE JEWELRY WATCHES, Ac * THE.LATEST STYLES. Particular attention is invited to the NEW,. LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND FANOY GOODS,, suitable for Presents, Just received and opened. AT JAMES AJXANS, No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. AU the newest and most exquisite designs ir? Jewelry, comprising, SETS OF PEARL, GARNET. ALL GOLD, CORAL AND STONE. Leontine, Opera. Neck and Vest CHAINS; seal' Krngs, Diamond Rings; Gent's pms, Pearl andi Diamond; Plain Gold and Wedding Rings a l way li? on hand or made to order; Sleeve Battons and studs, Bracelets, Brooches and Earrings; Armlets and Necklaces, in Gold and Coral; Brooches for Hair or Miniatures, Lockets, Charms and Masonic Pins, Glove Bands, at JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET, A few doon above Wentworth street. nov24-mwf