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ISUMS OE THE^SBWS. TBS DAILY NXWB, by m^B^flB yent, 98; SiX' months $4; taree moath^tA M<seared U? the city aUEie&mx OBNTS a vi$e k7 pay ab Ie to t ha car? riers, or $6 a year, pa^-iji advance at tho polee. THI TBI-WXMLT NXwe, pubushea oa Tuesdays, Thursdays" a ai Saturdays, one year $4; six mouthe $l ._ Tn WxaxxT SKW-8, one year $2. Six copies $ io. Ten copies, to'one address, $16. s cBscaiPTioKs in ah cases payable in advance, and ne paper conranueo arter the expiration br the time paid fer.' Address RIORDAN, DAWSON ? GO.. . No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, S.C. %lt OS,--afeita? lpg: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1871. THE SEWS BT MAIL. Persons leaving the city for the summer, or any portion of lt, may have THE DACY NEWS sent to their address, for such time aa they desire, at the rate-of one dollar per month. Orders, accompanied by the money, should be sent to the business office of the paper. NEWS OE THE HAY. -Gold at New York closed strong at 121a 12|c. -The New York cotton market closed nom? inal; uplands 19|c; sales 578 bales. -At Liverpool cotton closed dull; uplands 8Jd; sales 10,000 bales -The banishment of Victor Hugo from Br Ossels ls neatly compressed by Punch into "Victor-you go." . -The Emperor and Empress of Brazil will make visits to bayonne. Paris, Germany, Eng land and Italy, and return to Brazil in Februa ry next. -About fifty thousand canary birds, mostly reared in the Hartz Mountains, have been ex? ported from Germany to America, by way ol Bremen,' this season. -Near Marseilles they manufacture in a fae tory paper from nop vine3. The paper is vet y white, strong, soft and flexible, and said to be much liked' in Southern France. -The "Paris Artists' Union has received from an Englishman $2613 in gold as a prize for the - best picture, to represent England sending provisions to Paris, alter the siege. -Mozart's opera "Don Giovanni" was per formed the lour hundreth time April 24th, and Schiller's drama, "The Maid of Orleans'," the three hundredth time May 3d, at Berlin -A citizens'association of Cologne has re solved to present General Moltke with a bar rel ol the very best "eau de Cologne" from the renowned flrm'oi Johann Maria Farina, con? taining about seren thousand bottles. -Punch announces the arrival of the follow-1 ' lng cargo extraordinary : A vessel arrived at .Liverpool on the 11th ultimo, having on board a hundred cases of cigars and two cases .of measles. -A shooting affair came off on Friday after? noon last at Richmond, Va., in which a man named John Seay shot another named Geo JEpps lu the head near the left eye. The phys! -clans are hopeful of his recovery. Both parues f ired two shots. Seay ls In custody. -Hostilities have broken out amongst the t rival clans In the Fejee Islands, and cannibal ism indulged in to an unlimited extent by the Leroni faction who recently professed Chris- 8 tlanity. King Thakamaha ls getting his forces ^ ready to attack the revolting cannibals. V -The curative power of excitement was cu- c f lously Illustrated the other day in a Conn ec tl - ti out hospital. A rheumatic patient, suddenly jj discovering the corpse of a suicide in the next u cot lo his own, sprang out and ran nimbly n out of the room, without stopping to say ? "Good morning" to his crutches. -A steam yacht, Lady of the Lake, has been built In New York for Brigham Young, and in? tended to ply on Salt Lake and the River Jor? dan. The yacht is thirty feet long, with ten feet beam, seven feet- cabin depth, weighs * seven tons; and draws eighteen inches of waler. She has been sent West by railroad. -The Pacific Railway Excursion Company w have made arrangements for a trans-contlnen- f tal excursion at the least possible cost, viz : t< $193 fare for the round trip from New York to d San Francisco and 4191" from Baltimore. The a excursion train will be composed exclusively tI of Pullman pal ac J drawing-room and sleeping coaches, . -In the Brazilian Chambers a vote has been taken on the clause of the speech from the throne relative to the emancipation of slaves 0 belonging to the crown, and resulted In a ma- ^ jjorlty of twenty-eight for the government, h The debate upon the emancipation bill itself n ?03.not yet commenced. ii -At one of the "labor conventions" held In r 'Washington during the strike, a contractor s made a speech exhorting his hearers to "work c In the Interest ol harmony and peace." Wherupon an able-bodied striker sprang lo his feet with the exclamation, "Yes sah ! data what we want; hominy and peas ! but who can get lt wld a dollar an' a half a day ?" If -An "oracle" at New Orleans, discoursing 11 on the wonders of the Mississippi, me ntloned the Iron eoffin of De Soto, containing the t golden trumpet given him by Queen Victoria. , "What!" exclaimed one, "not Queen Vic- j torla V "Yes, sir, Queen Victoria." "Why, ? she wasn't born then by two hundred years or i more." "I dont care if she wasn't," was the bold reply, "I reckon she could leave it in her will."' -The Memphis Avalanche gives the follow? ing account of the way Memphis jurymen kill time: "Every day a number of men-Jury? men-can be seen busily engaged in playing that game, which Ah Sin did not understand. In one of the roomB- of the Second Circuit Court. It 1B very thrilling to watch the buck eta ot perspiration flow from the marble brows of the playera when the wrong man puts down the right bower." -The Grand Orient, Supreme Council of Freemasonry for France and the French pos? sessions, has repudiated and diso wned the acts of tho Paris Free Masons who made them? selves prominent In their efforts at conciliation during the Commune. The proclamation of the Grand Orient to this effect refers to them as "a group ol Free Masons, or calling them? selves such, but recruited lor the most* part one knows not where." -The total number of physicians who paid taxes to the government for the year ending April 30, 1871, was 49,79S. Of these there -were regular or allopathic, 39,070; homoeopa? thic, 2961; hydropathic, 133; eclectic, 2860; mis? cellaneous or not classifled, 4770. These figures show that the number engoged In the profession has been over-estimated. ?he usual : guess at the number of homoeopaths has been 10,000. It is believed that the government list is very full and accurate, as it ls not easy for a doctor to keep out ol the way of the as .sessor. -Of the marriage of Napoleon and Eugenie-1 lt is recorded lhat a romantic incident seemed to decree that the Montijos and the Napoleons should be united. The story is ol Josephine's betrothal ring, and ls In this wise: Eugenie's father, while serving In the first Napoleon's army, resided in Paris. In 1809, a little girl, Maria Montljo, about three years old, went to ?lay in the^^erieatr?tn heruurae. There le met a lit tte boy. who gave her a gold ring, tia tnVchildren were strangers to each other, and did not meet again, the owner of the ring 'remained unknown, and so the little Marla kept itfor a plaything: The ring was Joseph ine's, and the little boy was Louis Napoleon, who had run away with the ring. The loss ot the ring was a bad omen to Josephine, for a year afterward she had to resign in favor of another. Little Maria kept the plaything till she grew up. At sixteen years of age she married and became the mother of Eugenie, whose birth took place May 5, 1826. Her mother engraved this date on the ring she had worn so long herself, and when Eugenie was older gave it to her. When quite a child, Eu? genie went to London to pay a visit; there she became acquainted with Louis Napoleon, who saw the ring with the date and Josephine's name on it, and knew lt had belonged to her. From this circumstance Louis looked upon the little Montijo as attached to his house, and twenty years afterward it became a fact. After a time Eugenie's mother came to regard the token as of great importance, and formed a plan of bringing the two families together. That was the secret of BO lovely a woman as Eugenie remaining single till the age of twenty-six. A crown awaited ber, which was never lost sight of. -Atlantic cities are now generally making the experiment of importing China goods ria the Pacific Railroad. The manifest of the steamer China at San Francisco, the 16th in? stant, showed 6770 packages tea, of which 1072 were for Chicago, 182 for Boston, 44 for Balti? more, 33 for New Bedford; and for New York, 839 of teas, and 235 of silks; for Liverpool, 70 packages of silks, leaving for San Francisco 46GO of teas, 49 cases nutmegs and 20 packages cinnamon. Upon this list, the San Francisco Bulletin remarks: : 'It will be seen that cities Dot before on the list of direct importers have made the experiment, and, also, that spices and silks will follow in the wake of teas to be imported and distributed by San Francisco. The China's lreight list of teas would have been much larger* but it was at the close of the season, and the new crops were just coming into market." A Hood Sign. One of the most encouraging signs of the times for Charleston and South Carolina is the gradual but steady amplification of our banking facilities. The People's National Bank having entered the financial field with a capital of only $250,000, had by good man? agement and successive enlargements of its operations, increased its capital to $750,000. On Monday last $250,000 more was added, making the capital of the Bank reach the round figure of One Million Dollars. * With auch practical evidences of vigor and suc? cess in our new banks, and with the old in? stitutions reviving one after another, our community has a fair prospect of abundant lanking capital in the future. Ugly '.Complication*." A correspondent from Columbia informs is that the accounts of the Treasurer and t Auditor of Edgefield County are in a pre- J t :ious muddle, and that Mr. Frank Howard, ate restaurant keeper in - Charleston, bas teen sent from Columbia to investigate them, tumor hath it that several clerical errors, bowing faults in addition to a large amount, ave already been found. Friends of the larties, in Columbia, assert that the compil? ations are altogether the result of iucompe ency on the part of one or both of the par? ies to keep accounts, such as are required l so complicated a system of collecting and Huming taxes. Others smile incredulously j t any such version of the affair. j t lc ti s Consolation. The whole number of Insurgents shot by dr? er of drum-head courts-martial since the cap ire of Paris la 18,000. P. G. Who is P. G. ? P. G. is the gentleman ho presides over the London office of the few York World, and sends cable dispatches ) that estimable paper. He figured heavily aring the war with Prussia, exaggerating (ways,. misleading always, and telling the j B .nth-not invariably. Since Munchausen | ti o such extravaganzist bas appeared. He xcels the Highly Intelligent Contraband as ie sun excels a rush light, or as Butler ex els all the other beasts cf the field. Tbe 'B Reliable Gentleman was a fool to bim. What c is real name may be*, we know not. We ' ever want to know. What it ought to be, a Perpetual or Preposterous or Preternatu al or Pluperfect Gasbag! The World hould value him extravagantly. He is I t inique. j r But supposing be tells one-half or even >ne-tenth of the truth-how terrible, bow dmost inbonceivable the state of things de? noted in two printed lines'. One might veil ask, "Is this the XlXth Century, and 'are these the evidences of progress?" If ^ ,hese be your fruits, O mue h-vaunted mod- ? ?rn civilization I we pray to be delivered r rom them. They are the fruits of central- t zation in a free society, and-whither"are 1 are of these United States tending? It is not well to ask so pinching a ques-, c lion. Let us be thankful that wa live where j j ?ve live, in a land not burdened witu popu ation, and with as yet few great cities. SVbat the future may bring of horror and - jloodshed, we need not inquire. Enough i 'or us to know that after a war much longer I md in some results much more terrible than 1 ;hat between France and Prussia, only one j political execution took place-that of Wirz. j tfrs. Surratt, and others who died with her, i ?vere in truth political victims, but there was 1 he excuse of assassination. And even Wirz vas not charged with avowed political or locjal crimes, but with alleged cruelty to irisoners. Bad as we are in America, we IJ ire yet angels of mercy compared to the | [ erocious men of France. , e Matter. I . Some days ago, we gave a characteristic mecdote of Kepler, who asked tia wife vhether, if hard-boiled eggs, lettuce, oil, ? .inegar, <fec, were scattered- through the t luiverse, she thought the blind force of t .toms could bring them together again to nuke a salad. "Not as good a one as mine," pas ber smiling reply. Kepler lived in an age when the "blind f 'force of atoms" was not so well understood i ? it is to-day.- Unable to account for the J notions of tbe planets, be ascribed them to 0 .ngels who were Bent by the Lord of Heaven } o attend to this special service. Spinoza aw much deeper than Kepler, and uttered a o xeat, a sublime truth when he said, "we do 1 .not know what matter can do." Science ; very day confirms Spinoza's dictum. , Take the ether, the rarest form of matter, infinitely..rarer ?ian any gas, S that ita very existence^deterto?iable ?hly by?inferenbe. ~W? aa^ar ""?ot?bg;?a a?ry-i tn?iig weft can ?be. Bot ita properties are those of a solid. It ia mo?e'likoB. jelly^thaa a gaa, says Tyndall. Take matter in another form, gross enough -that, of a bit of steel. "Draw a magnet across it, and something (we know not what, only that it is not nothing,) enters into it, and it becomes so sensitive that by noticing it attentively yon can tell the rise and pro? gress of a cyclone in the sun, ninety-five millions of miles off. Take matter in a form still more gross that of the mud, the coal-dost and refuse of a city like London. Let lt alone, says Buskin -let. the "blind force of atoms" have its way, and behold in time the marvellous facets of several kinds of crystal-nature's masterpiece of inorganic organization. Lastly, take organic matter in its simplest form. Here is an amoeba, a mere cell, with? out so mach as a nucleus to mark the first step towards differentiation-ia effect, a soap-bnbble floating on the water. It has no eyes, no nose, no ears, no month, no stomach, no lunga, no heart, no brain, no approach to muscular fibre; not a trace of anything resembling a. nervous system, no limbs bf any description, no division of parts, no segments. Tet it is alive, it moves, it-pashes oat a part of its cell-wall, knows when and where to find its prey; how to doable itself around it and to digest it. Well may we say with Spinoza that we do not know what matter can do, and well may we add with Herbert Spencer, ia his last book, that if mind is to be defined in terms of matter, matter ia its tum is truly defina? ble only ia terms of miad; aod the wisdom aud power of the Unknowable Cause are dis? played more amazingly, perhaps, ia the least, or what we are accustomed to call the least, than in the greatest of things. The day is gone by to belittle matler. "This vile body," in the light of recent knowledge, sounds absurd. "The perish "able thiogs of earth" are perishable io form ooly, for matter, force and miad we now know to be alike indestructible. Matter is the visible side of the Unknowable; mind its invisible side. They are alike Divine in origin. CDbituarn. WRACO_Died, at Columbia. S. C.. June 22d, 1871, or whooping cough, PAHELA MC UO tr ELL, laughter of A. McDowell and Livingston W. Wragg, aged 1 year, 8 months and io days. DELEOX_Dle'd, at Charleston, on Satarday, rune 24, 1871, Mrs. ISABEL DBLKOK, widow of the late Dr. Abraham DeLeon, or Camden, S. C., In tho eightieth year or her age. Special Notices. ~3ah~~N~~A T~T~? NAL FREEDMAN'S' SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY, CHARLESTON BRANCH, No. 74 BROAD STREET. On and arter July l, 1871, all sums or FIVE DOLLARS and upwards, ir allowed to remain on leposlt cor Six Months, will receive Interest at he rate or SIX PER CENT, per annum, and In erest at the ab-jve mentioned rate will begin to iccrue, at the beginning of each month, on all imounts deposited arter the 1st day or July. In crest to be calculated January and July. Deposits In sums or not less than FIFTY DOL? LARS will be received, to be subject to check at lght, which shall draw interest at the rate of 'OUR PER CENT, per annum, on condition that he sums so deposited shall remain on deposit not ess than THIRTY DAYS. NATHAN RITTER, Juo23-0 Cashier N. F. S. aud T. Company. ?&* OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON ,'HARITABLE ASSOCIATION, FOR. THE BENE? FIT OF THE FREE SCHOOL FUND, NO. 147 MEET NG STREET-CHARLESTON, JUNE 27, 1871. ifflclM Raffled Numbers of the Charleston Charl ?ble Association, for the Benefit or the Free chool Fund : CLASS No. 53-MORNING. 3 -20-19 -42 -51-41-40-56-75-55-72-65. - CLASS NO. 64-EVBNING. 3-51-64-36 -66-12 -44-32-71 25-75-42. As witness our haud thls27th day ol June, 1871. FENN PBCK, JAMES GILLI LAND, mav29_Sworn Commissioners. pa* "NOTICE.-THE PUBLIC IS HERE Y notified that, on account or my age, I have re ired from the Mercantile Business. JOHN SANDERS, JunSi-6* Carmel Hill, Chester County, S. IX pa* OFFICE OF ENTERPRISE RAIL :OAD COMPANY, No. 54 BROAD STREET. HARLESTON, JUNE 2l,1871.-The Books for the ub-criptions to Stock will be opened at the irhce, No. 54 Broad street, ou MONDAY, 26th. WM. MCKINLAY, jnn21_Secretary and Treasurer. pt* NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 0 all Sub-Agenta or thc Land Commission, that, rom and arter the drat day or March, 1871, they ' rill report all their proceedings to Hon. F. L. IARDOZO, Secretary or the Advisory Board. ROBT. C. DBLARGE, L. C. S. S. C. 1 Columbia, February 28, 1871. marll pa* $100,000 IN PRIZES '-READER, 1 FORTUNE MAY BE YOURS FOR FIVE DOL? LARS.-Fair, Square and Honest. Aiken Pre- j alum Land Sale. Ninety-four Real Estate Prizes rom $300 to $25,000 each. Five hundred and 1 wen ty-two Cash Prizes frcm $5 to $1000 each. )nly 19,000 Shares at $5 each. A Premium En ;ravlng worth $6 with each share. Twenty-five 1 lollara will secure six engravings, with an equal :hance to all the prizes. For shares and full ] >arilculars, address J. C. DERBY, General Mana ?er, Augusta, Ga. jans 1 pa* CHARLESTON BIBLE SOCIETY. The Treasurer of the Charleston Bible Society will ecelve Subscriptions or Donations at his oincc, , s'o. 68 East Bay, corner or Atlantic WharL The \ >ayment or Two Dollars will constitue a person a t nember ror one year. Bibles are kept on Tiand ? or distribution. The Society has one Colporteur j u the field, and solicits aid to Introduce another. , ?ersons Interested In the woik or Beeklng further j nrormatlon will please call on the Treasurer. J. N. ROBSON, ( apr28-emoa Treasurer C. B. s. pa* GETTING MARRIED.-ESSAYS : ?OR YOUNG MEN on great SOCIAL EVILS AND IBCSES which interrere with MARRIAGE-with - iure means or relier tor the Erring and Unfortu late, diseased aud debilitated. Sent rrec, in seal- '* id envelopes. Address 110 WA I'. D ASSOCIATION, * io. 2 S. Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. mayis-3mo8_ pa* JOHN C. BAKER A CO.'o GEN LI? NE Vr.DICINAL COD LIVER OIL-KSTABLISU- " ?D liso.-Acknowledged by eminent physicians 0 be the best in the world. Sold hy DrugKlHtH ( leaeraUy. JNO. C. BAKER A CO., Philadelphia. A full supply on hand by DR. H. BA ER, rebs-mwremo.-'_No. 131 Meet Inn street. P&* THE SEASON 18 APPROACHING 1 or Children's Sommer Complaints, especially In c hose who are Teething. A Bare and secure reme- s iy ls all Important, and mothers will fiml snell a ne-In DR. BAER'S GERMAN SOOTHING COR- ? HAL. To be had oran Druggists. apr24-mwr ? pa*IF YOUR HAIR IS COMING OUT r turning gray, do not murmur over u mlsfor une you can so easily avert. AYER'S HAIR rIGOR will remove the cause or your grier by eBtoring your hair to its natural color, and there? with your good looks and good nature. Jan23-rmw3D?w Qpttial JXotitiB. ?mT FIRST rU0im\Ji jjgfljT K OF CH A Rt.ESTO>\-C B?RLB?TOX, '27~TH JUNE, 1871. DIVIDEND.-The Boara ?T Directors bave Tais DAT declared a DIVIDEND OF SJ? (6) PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, free of Tax, payable on and after tne 3d Joly next. jun28 WM. C. BREESE, Cashier. ps- CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP SALVOR, from Philadelphia, are hereby no? tified that she will discbarge cargo TO-DAT, at Brown's North Wharf. Goods uncalled for at sunset will remain on wharf at owners' risk and expense. WM. A, COURTENAY, Agent. * Jun28-1 1 NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS ARE hereby cautioned against harboring or trusting any of the crew of the British Bark VINCO, Cap? tain Robson, from Liverpool, as no debts of their contracting will be paid by the Captain or JUD28-3 HENRY OARD, Agent. ^OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON GASLIGHT COMPANY, JUNE 28, 1871.-The Board of Directors of this Company having de? clared a Dividend ot FIFTY CENTS per Share on the Capital stock for the last six,.months, the same will be paid to Stockholders on and after MONDAY, 3d July. The Transfer Books will be closed from this date to 31 July. W. J. HERIOT, jun28 Secretary and Treasurer. PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK, CHARLESTON, S. C., JUNE 27,1871.-The Board of Directors having declared a Semi-Annual Divi? dend of FIVE PER CENT, (.'ceo of Taxes) on its Capital Stock, the same will be paid on and after MONDAT, the 3d of July next. By order. H. 0. LOPER, Jun27_Cashier. JZSB~ J. R. SOLOMONS, M. D., DENTIST, Will leave the city about 20th July. jnn26-mwf3 ^ EXCURSION TICKETS ! !-THE SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY has put on sale EXCURSION TICKETS to Anderson, Greenville and Walhalla, for the summer Months, at very low rates: To Anderson and Return.$14 10 To Greenville and Return. 15 10 To Walhalla and Return. 16 10 Those wishing to visit williamson Springs can purchase the Auderson Tickets. jun24-7 S. B. PICKERS, G. T. A. gar INSTANTANEOUS AND EFFICA CIOUS cures of Corns, Bunions and Diseased Nails, without cutting, pain or the loss of blood. DR. RENDALL, a practitioner in this branch of Surgery for rr any years ia London, Dublin and Edinburgh, can be consulted for a few days at corner Church and Market streets daily, after 12 M. Thousands of testimonials can be seen and indisputable references tn this city can be given. Jun28-8* ^SPECIAL NOTICE.-THE ONDER SIGNED respectfully informs his customers and those wishing to patronize bim, that he is now prepared to take orders for'QROCERIES at their residences, having a book for the purpose. Orders will be taken on TUSSDATS and FRIDAYS, and goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. FRANOIS L. O'NEILL, junio . No. 238 King street. ?Sf* MESSRS. EDIIORS-PLEASE AN NOUNCE as a Candidate for Mayor, at the next Municipal Election, the name of General JOHN A. WAGENER, and oblige rr.ayl7_A FRIEND TO REFORM. . ^SPECIAL NOTICE. -DURING THE summer months the rates of Board at the MILLS DOUSE will be REDUCED to three dollars per day. J. PARKER, Proprietor. G. W. PARKER, Superintendent. may23-imo J5* CHARLESTON COUNTY TAX NOTICE.- COUNTY AUDITOR'S OFFICE, FIRE? PROOF BUILDING, CHARLESTON, JUNE 23, 1871. Notice ls hereby given to all concerned, that re* turns for all REAL AND PERSONAL PROPER? TY, within the limits of this County, shall be made and delivered at this office on or before the 31st day of July, 1871, for the year eommenclng luly 1st, 1871, vert ?ted by oath of the person, ?.hose duty lt ls to so list or return said property possessed by him, or under his control, either as 3wner, agent, parent, husband, guardian, execu? tor, administrator, trustee, receiver, officer, partner, factor, or holder, with the value of such personal property so held or controled. By Section id, of aa Act to amend aa Act provldlag for the issessment and taxation of property, passed September 16, 1963, and all Acta amendatory : hereto, lt ls made the doty of the County Audi ;or to add Ofty per cent, penalty thereto for fall ire or neglect to make returns of property with n the time given so to do, "and must be ob lervetL" The following must be re' urned for Taxation as Personal Property: 1. Number of Horses. 2. Number of Cattle, 3. Number or Mules and Asses. 4. Number of Sheep and Goats. 6. Number of Hogs -*?.? A ( Number or Gold and Silver Watches. (Number of Gold and Silver Plate. 7. Number of Pianofortes, Melodeons, or Cabinet Organs. 8. Number of Pleasure Carriages, e. Number of Dogs. .o. Value of goods, merchandise, moneys and credits pertaining to my business as a mer? chant, during the year or part thereof, end? ing the first dav of July, 1871. 11. Value or materials received, used or provided to be used, in my busluess, as a manufac? turer during the year or nan thereof, end? ing the first Jay of July, 1871. 12. Value of all machiner y, engines, tools, fixtures and implements used oriprovlded for use In my business as a manufacturer, during the year or part thereof, ending the first day of July, 1871, and or all manufactured arti? cles on hand one year or more previous to that day. 3. Value or moneya, including Bank Bills and Circulating Notes. ,4. Value or all credits. .5. Value or Investments in the stocks of any company or corporation ont of this State, pzceptNational Banka.. .6. Value of all Investments In bonds, except bonds of the United States and of this State, expressly exempt from taxation. .7. Annual value of all leaaeB except permanent leases. .8. Value or all other property. SAMUEL L. BENNETT, Jun23 7mth9_Connty Auditor. ^BATOHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS JUPERB HAIR DYE ls the best tn the teor?a-per ectly harmless, reliable and Instantaneous. No llsappolntment. No ridiculous tints or unpleas int odor. The genuine W. A. BATCHELOR'S HAIR )YE produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black >r Natural Brown. Does not stain the skin, but eavcB the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The mly Safe and Perfect Dye. Sold by all Drug [istB. Factory No. 18 Bond street, New York, janja-mwriyr Kemoools. VT AD AME LUZ [ER, PARISIAN DRESS LvX MAKER, has removed to No. 238 KING ?rmiKT, east side, between Market and Hasel un-ers. aprl6 ?olel?. JOSE'S HOTEL, (FORMERLY HUNT'S HOTEL, J COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, This HouHe ls In the centre of the city, convenient o all the public offices and business bouses, locat d on the soulhwest corner of the Statehouse Iquare; has been recently reopened and renovat d, and win now compare favorably with any lotel at the South. ROSE'S Omnibus will convey passengers to and rom every train free or charge. Also, a first class Carriage for the aocomraoda lon or ladles. Junl2 W. E. ROSE, Proprietor. EO?AL AND SELECT MAgTERS.j^AT I TEND a R?gclar ~convocation of^Enoch conoci? Nc. i, at 8 o "crock THIS EVENING. Jane 28th. 18T1. Candidates fox the Degrees wUl take dae notice. ?. : ? By order of tfiCT. I. M. W. J. ANDERSON, Jnn28-?_Recorder. IO. O. F,-SOUTH CAROLINA LODGE, . No. 1-A Regular Weekly Meeting of this Lodge will take place THIS EVENING, at 8 o'clock precisely. An Election for Officers for the ensu? ing term will take place. A general attendance ls reques ed, as business of importance ?ill be transacted. ROBT. JAMES, Jnn28_Recording Secretary. SUMTER RIFLE CLUB.-ASSEMBLE AT Archer's Hail, THIS MORNING, the 28th instant, at half-past 7 o'clock, in full uniform, for Parade. By order of the President. W. M. BRUNS, Jun28_Secretary and Treasurer, ATTENTION 1 PALMETTO GUARD RIFLE CLUB.-Assemble nt Archer's Hall, THIS MORNING, 28th Inst., at half-past 7 o'clock, A. M., fully armed and equipped for Anniversary Parade. By order President c. R. HOLMES. A. S. DOUGLAS, JnniS_Secretary and Treasurer. WARD No. 2.-THE CITIZENS OF Ward 2, irrespectattve of party or color, opposed to the present City Administration, are requested to meet at Hibernian Hall, (lower room ) THIS (Wednesday) EVENING. 28th, at 8 o'clock, io elect Six (6) Delegates to the Nominating Con? vention, to be held on WEDNESDAY, the 5th July. None but residents of the Ward will be allowed to participate. By order of the President. Jun29 JOHN H. OSTENDORFF, Secretary. WARD No. 3.-THE CITIZENS OF this Ward opposed to the present Admin? istration, are requested to meet at the Hibernian Hall THIS EVSNING, at 8 o'clock, for toe purpose of electing Delegates tn the Nominating Conven? tion, to be held on the 5th of July. This 1B an im? portant meeting, and ali Conservative voters are urged to attend. By order of the President. - J. A. QUACK EN BUSH, ' JUU28-*_Secretary. WARD No. 4.-THE CITIZENS OF this Ward, and only such, will attend a .Meeting THIS EVENING, tue 28th Instant, at 8 o'clock, at the Masonic Ball, corner of King and Wentworth streets, for the purpose of Elect? ing Delegates to the Nominating Convention, and a Central Committee to whom shall be entrusted the management of the canvass. By order. C. H. BERGMANN, Jun28 ' Secretary. (Dams. WANTED, TWELVE FIRST-RATE CARPENTERS, six white and six colored. April at No. 10 Drayton street, Savannah, Ga. P. KILLORIN._JU028-1? WANTED, A GERMAN GIRL TO TAKE care of an infant and make herself gene? rali? useful. Apply at No. 115 Wentwonh street, near Pitt._Jun28-1* WANTED, AT No 18 MEETING street a cook to do part of washing. Good recommendations required. Good wages paid. . JUU28-1?_ WANTED, A SMART SERVANT TO cook and wash. Must, come well recom? mended. Apply at ARCHER'S BAZAAR,. No. 3S3 King street._jnn28-3? WANTED, A WOMAN SERVANT TO cook and wash for a family of two. Good recommendations required. Apply at this office. J0U28-1?_ WANTED, A GOOD COOK AND WASHER, that can come well recom? mended-white or colored. Apply at No. 41 Wentworth street. _jun.3j ALADY OF EXPERIENCE WISHES to secure now a position as Teacher in a. | sci.ool or family, for the 1st October, to teach English branches, including Mathematics, and, If In a family, also French and rudiments of Music If required. Address, with full particulars of term?. Ac, P. 0. Box No. 21, Wilson, N. C. J:in23-lmo?_ WANTED, LADIES TO PROCURE AT ARCHER'S Bazaar, Ctilgnons. at 40o. and soc., French Corsets, 75c , Lotta Basties, soc.. Nils? son Pads, 40C. JUU22-0* WANTED, EVERY ONE TO KNOW that they eau get their Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Spectacles*REPAIRED CHEAPER than at any other house In the city, by calling on WM. MASTERMAN & SON, Watchmakers and Jewellels, No. 4? Charlotte street, near Meeting street._jnn24Tsmw3? WANTED TO PURCHASE FOR CASH, or on time, a two aad a half story HOCoE, (Brick preferred) In the central part of the city, ls a good neighborhood. Apply at this office. jmi?a-ftnws WANTED TO HIRE, AN ENGINE from 12 to 15 horse power, to mn a Rice Thresher at Rantowle's, from 15th August, to thresh 7000 to 8000 bushels Rice. STONEY ? LOWNDES, Southern Wharf._Jnn21-w2 HOUSE WANTED.-A DWELLING or four or six Rooms, with outbuildings, cistern and good yapd, about ten or (Ifteeu min? utes walk from the Old Postoffice, ls wanted by a reliable tenant. Address "Lessee," DAILY NEWS office._junio ANEAT HOUSE WANTED, BY A DE? SIRABLE tenant, who would take a three or fl ve years' lease at a moderate rent. Must be In western part of the city or near the Battery. Address, with rall particulars, BETA, office of I THE NEWS._?_junl5 AYOUNG LADY WISHES THE SIT? UATION of Governess. Will teach English and the rudiments or Music. Adduss "D.,^ DAILY NEWS office._junio WANTED PURCHASERS OF TICKETS ia the Land and Immigration Association or Messrs. BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY A CO. Tickets now ready. Will be glad to see my friends at the office of Mr. C. OLASIUS, corner East Bay and Central Wharf. EBEN COFFIN, Sub-Agent. may29_ AN ACTIVE YOUNG MAN (SCOTCH) wants a situation; ls acquainted with Dry Goods and Groceries; ls a good Accountant, and willing to make himself generally useful. Oau give first-class references. Address Veritas, Office of TUE NEWS._mayl8 ?ox Soli. p O TO KLEIN'S, No 339 KINGSTREET, VX noi only ror buying your nice PEACHES, and other Fruit, but go and see that magnificent Mocking Bird he's got. It ls a stunner, some body says. Go and hear him yourself and you will believe lt._Jun28-? FOR SALE.-A JUDGMENT AGAINST PARKER J. HOLLAND ror Twenty-six 25-100 Dollars, will be sold at private sale, at a discount, at MENKE A MULLER._Jau21 FOR SALE, SEVERAL SEWING MA? CHINES, or good quality, which are offered dieap. call at No. 27 Queen street, between ?tooting and Church streets._fobl4 WOOD! WOOD!-FROM ONE TO TWO hundred cords prime YELLOW PINE for sale low at a good landing sixteen miles from the city. Apply at southeast corner Reid and Drake streets, from 6 to half-past 8 A. M. and 3 to o P. M., or Po8tofllce Box No. 84._Jnn24-sw2? WRAPPING PAPER FOR SALE.-OLD NEWSPAPERS In large or small quantities. Price 50 CENTS PER HUNDRED. Apply at the office or THE NEWS._may 18 AT PRIVATE SALE, MARL BLUFF PLANTATION, on Rocky Creek Swamp, OraDgeburg District, South carolina, 15 miles .'rom Blackville, on South Carolina Railroad, au? gusta Branch, and 18 mites from Orangeburg courthouse, on Columbia Branch Road. Charles? ton and Augusta and Charleston aud Columbia Railroads, containing 1926 acres or land, 238 of which ls cleared and under good fences; about 40 acres more eli ared, but not under fence-all of which is first-class Cotton and Corn Lands; the balance ls first class Timber Land. A first-class Circular Saw Mill (water,) In order for Immediate use, on a constant stream. Lum? ber to hand, and can be rafted to Charleston .'rom the Mill. Also, a good Grist Mill. Has a comfortable house with six (6) rooms, outbuild? ings all lu good condition, stables, barn, Ac, six (6) (tamed negro houses In good order. It also has a Marl Bed on lt wh ch makes lt very advan? tageous to agricultural purposes for making ma? nures, Ac. The best of titles can be given. Any information either tn writing or in person can be had by application to Dr. H. BAER, No. 131 Meet? ing street, Charleston. S. C. junio Boots, Srjoes, Vc. Gr E.T T H E B E S T! Buy your BOOTS AND SHOES at STEI BER'S, No. 41 BROAD STREET. He makes them to order, In any style desired, uslugonly the best material und workmanship. Constantly on hand, a large assortment or cus? tom made BOOTS AND SHOES, o( all sizes, t The New EXCELSIOR GAITER, Which dispenses with shoe strings and elastic, MADE TO ORDER at this establishment. Call and examine specimens. JACOB STE1BER, may22 No. 41 Bread street. , ? iq Dors, Ut. QfiO?CE WHT?E MILLING CORN, g ?WO bj?shels Choice Prime Waite MILLING CORN, landing and ror.*ale low by K ? tSfi .'JOHN CAMPSEN & CO., Jaa27-1_Nos. 12 and U Market street."' ??BN, HAY, OATS AND SYRUP. 2??6 bushels Pr toe'Mixed COR?? '? ~ 203 balea Prime Bay 750 bushels Western Oats-landing from steam? ship Salvor 60 barrels Bee-Hive Syrup-landing from-steam ship Salvor. For sale by HERMANN BULWIXKLE, jou27-2 Kerr's Wharf. JJ A M S AND LARD. lo tierces Daniela's Imitation WESTPHALIA HAMS 5 tierces Davis's Diamond Hams 10 tierces Davis's Leaf Lard. All Hams reweighed when sold. For sale by D. A. AMME, Southeast corner Market and Meeting streets. Jun23_._ ?1 HARLES HEIDSIEGE CHAMPAGNES, SILLERY AND EXTRA DRY. A. L ALANDE A OO., Proprietor of the Chat. LeoviUe and Brown cantenac Clarets. A fall assortment of the above Wines for sale by all principal Grocers and Wine Dealers. H. BISCHOFF A CO. mar3l-fmw3mos* JJATHOR3? SPRINGS WATER Bogen A Son's DIAMOND SPARKLING CATAWBA WINE Binnlnger's Old London Dock Gm, Old Tom Gin Assorted French Brandy ; Fruits, in quart jars Assorted Frenoh Fruits, In own Joice, put ap In glass stoppered decanters French Pickles, m fancy jara india Currie, in flasks Yarmouth Bloater Paste, Ancho w Paste French Mustard, m glass pots Queen's Olives, Oapers, Bordeaux Olive Oil, Florence Olive OB, la flasks, and Bengal Chutney. - E. E. BEDFORD, Late w. s. Corwin A co. janli _Ko. 276 King street. NEW BUTTER, IMITATION ENGLISH CHEESE, AC. . RECEIVED PER RECENT ARRIVALS. Choice New GOSHEN BUTTER, Jenny Lind Im? itation English Cheese, Mild Factory Cheese, Pine* apple Cheese, Young America Cheese, Eldamand Sap Sago Cheese, Extra Smoked Tongues and Breakfast Bacon Strips, Choice Pickled Beef, Fam? ily Pig Pork and Pies led Ox Tongues. SUGAR-CURED HAMS. Duffleld's, American, Wheatphalia, Whitaker, Extra Star, Davis's Diamond, and the celebrated White Sugar cored Champion Hams. For sale by E. E. BEDFORD, jami No. 276 King street. B REMEN LAGER BEER ENGLISH ALES SCOTCH ALES CHAMPAGNE ALES LONDON PORTER* DUBLIN PORTERS CHAMPAGNE CIDER. E. E. BEDFORD, anil So. 273 Kine street. CHOICE SUGAR-CURED STRIPS, AT 13 cents per lb. Fulton Market BEEF, very fine, at 15 cents per W. . A lot or unbagged Sugar-cured Hams (war? ranted) at a low price. W. H. WELCH'S, S. W. Oorner Meeting and Market streets. AU Goods delivered free. janal Cost ano ironn?r. LOST, ON SATURDAY LAST, A SMALL Brass Closet KEY, of peculiar make. The finder will receive a reward and the thanks of the owner, by leaving the same at THE NEWS office. Jan27-5_ FIVE DOLLARS REWARD.-LOST OR stolen from a child's neck on the Battery, last Saturday, a curlondy wrought GOLD NECK. LACE. The above reward will be paid and no questions asked, for Us return to the office or THE NEWS._Jun27-a PICKED UP ADRIFT. A WHITE PAINT? ED YA Wi BOAT, clinker build. Apply at tue Carolina House, Sullivan's Inland. Jaa26-3* (So Bent. T~~o RENTTrotnfRo^ Doughty street Apply within. jan28 TO RENT, A SUMMER RETREAT IN the Town of Anderson, 3. C.-a beautiful1 Cottage, containing six rooms, partially furnished, rue garden ls lh a high state of cultivation, and the surroundings all that can be desired for sum? mer comfort and pleasure. From May to October there ts not a more agreeable locality In South Car -lina. Apply to F. U. DK FONTAINE, at tho Hills House, or to M., Box 100, Anderson, S. 0. apri7_ Copartnership Notices. H^RI^?STONT JDNE 17, 1871.-WE have this day. the 26th June, associated wph ns HENRY BAYER as a partner. The busi? ness will be conducted under the same name as heretofore, of C. BARTA CO. 0. BART. W. BART. Jan28-wfm3 ._H. BAYER. PHONIX IRON WORKS, CHARLES? TON, S. C.-EDWARD M. TROTH and W. H. PRIOLEAU have been admitted as copartners with us. The business will be conducted under the same style as heretofore. Jun27-6 nae . JOHN F. TAYLOR A CO. Boaroina. TWO GENTLEMEN CAN BE ACCOMMO? DATED with a pleasant Room and Board in a private family, by applying at No. 1 Aaa street. jnn28-2?_ BOARDING. - A FEW GENTLEMEN can be accommodated with good board and pleasant rooms, on moderate terms, by ap? plying at No. 12 Wentworth street. DAY BO ARD? ING also furnished._ mayl6 HILBERS HOUSE, No. 284 KING STREET, between Wentworth and Hasel streets, within five minnies' walk of the Postofflce and principal nosiness Houses of Meeting and Hayne streets, and fifty yards of the City Rail? way, which communicates with all parts or the city. Terms, $2 per diem. Special contracts made on most reasonable terms for BOARD by the week or month for single Gentlemen or Fami? lies. MRS. B. II I LEERS, Proprietor. June-lmo ?nil?ing i?lateriai. gHINGLES! SHINGLES! Just received, a flue lot. For sale low at BUILD? ER'S DEPOT. No. 94 Church street, j i ute E. M. G RIM fl E. CHARLESTON STEAM SAW AND PLANING MILL, WEST END WENTWORTH AND BEAUFAIN STS. The proprietor respectfully informs his friends ind the public that, having reUtted the above Mill with improved Machinery, ls now prepared to receive orders for LUMBER of all descriptions, which will be furnished with dispatch, and at the lowest market prices. On hand a large stock of Seasoned, Dressed Flooring, Lining, Shelving md Weather BOARDS. Also, SHINGLES. Plast ?lng Laths, Ac. J. H. STEtti MEYER. JnnlQ-3moe_ J^IME AND LATHS. 1,550 bbls. Fresh LIME 1U3.0Q0 Laths. Landing from Schooner Frank and Emily. IN STORE: CEMENT, Calcined and Land Plaster, Hatr, Ac For sale by OLNEY A CO.. may22_Noa ll and 13 Vendue Range. PROFESSOR BERGER'S BED-BUG DESTROYER. JOBtar's INSECT POWDER Glen:worth's Roach Exterminator Costar's Rat Poison Isaacsen'sSnre Pop-Death to Mosquitoes. Fer sale by DH. H. BAER, ly* 1 No. 131 Meeting suva*. J%0?T?il^^toref ?frc._ n??LEr|s OH EAP STORikT .'?.No. M8?INf?3TBEET, SIGNS OFjHB.CROCKERY HOUSE AND CABO V y" Lm?^E?' AOENCT, Toa can bay for one dollar and arty cents one p o and of th a. very., beat. JO UNG KYSQN TEA, o? delicate flavor and great streng tb. For thirty cents one?gall?n best quality LIGHT HOUsE-OlL. . . , . '. ; For seventy-five cents one galion cholee Silver Drip SYRUP. For three dollars and fifty cents a Japanned Tin CHAMBER SET, composed of tar?e articles, and worth Ave dollars.' For-flfty cents a LOOKING GLASS,. Which any buyer would taint cheap at one dollar.- > EXTENSIVE STOCK OF _ HOUSE FURNISHING G'OODS, TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. CHEAPER Than same quality gooda else where. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, TINWARE, ' HARDWARE, . WOODEN WARE and WILLOWWARJB. PLAIN AND DECORATED FRENCH CHINA GOODS. e> At' LINLEY' B.-.C HEAP STOB1, No. 333 King street, marl8-lyr THlLSONff POPULAR GROCERY. Smoked PIG TONGUE* at $l 26 per dozen. WILSONS' GROCERY. It ls a settled fact that WILSONS' GROCERY. WILSON sella a better . WILSONS? GROCERY. TEA for the same money WILSONS' GROCERY. - ? than any other House In WILSONS' GROSERY. tae Ctty. WILSONS' GROCERY. WILSONS' GROCERY. We are now offering a WILSONS' GROCERY. Fine, Olear Drawing ' WILSONS' .GROOB?Y. TEA ? NO. 30 6 . KING ST. . At the low price of No. 306 KING ST. ONE DOLLAR No. 306 KING ST. a pound, No. 3 0 6 ' KING ST. OREEN AND BLACK. Ne. 306 - KING ST. NO. 30 6 KINO ST. Give WILSON'S TEA a No. 30 6 KING ST. trial, and you will nae No. 3 06 KINO ST. no other. No. 306 KING ST. All Goods delivered free. >*0. 30 6 _ KING- ST. pAUL B. L ALANE & CO., WHOLESALE PROVISION DEALERS, NO. 171 EAST' BAY, CHARLESTON, S. O., HAVE ON HAN?, AND WE CELT KKCErviNfj: SHOULDERS, SIDES, STRIPS AND HAMS & Flour, Sugar, coffee and Pork Syrup; Molasses, Batter and Lard Beef, Cheese-, Mackerel and Herring .' . codfish, Salmon With a fall and well selected stock of GROCE? RIES, which we offer at the lowest market rates. Sf^COUNTRY ORDERS SOLICITED. . Also, always on hand, those good PATAPS0O S. C. HAMS. may5-fmwsmos ._ JSliUincrst HDreaamiiking, 8t. /TR AND oinfNTlfG BY MRS. C. 8TACKLEY, AT HEB NEW STORE, No. 297 Koro STREET, FORMERLY THE DOLLAR STORE. STOCK CONSISTING OF : 200 cartoons BONNET TRIMMINGS, Sash, Neck and Hair Ribbons loo cases NEW STYLE HATS, in Straw; Leghorn, Chip, Cactus Braid and Neapolitan. ANO, \ MILLINERY GOODS, In endless variety. ALSO, 50 cases SUNDOWNS * io cases Magnolias 10 cases Gypsy School 5 cases Sailor Hats . s cases Minnehaha 200 dozen Chignons, in Jute and Beal Human Hair, Curls, Frizzes, O natalina, Braids, Ac, Ac._ may26 PRING OPENING. S MRS. M. J, ZERNOW WILL OPEN THIS DAY AT No. 304 KING STREET, A large and varied assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, To which she invites the attention of the ladlee In general DRESSMAKING ATTENDED TO AS USUAL BRANCH OF MADAME DBMOREST'S CELE? BRATED PAPER PATTERNS. ? N. B.-All orders receive prompt attention. apr5-wfm3mod jj^- ADAME LUZIER, PARISIAN DRESSMAKER, NO. 238 KING STREET, EAST SIDE, BETWEEN | MARKET AND HASEL SIS., (UP STAIRS.) FINE FRENCH CORSETS MADE TO ORDER? PRICBS REASONABLE. ^ maras i