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coszjtrjss?iAJj jr j) irs. Exporta. LrvxBPOOL-Per British bark Ranger-194 bags sea leland cotton. 353 balea upland cotton, ?pola wax, 4 bbls oil, 1743 bbls rosin, lia bags cotton seed, 350 tons phosphates, 660 bags ground phos Pl?xLTiMORR-P*r sehr Sea Qaeen-70,000 feet boards and plank.. .Per sehr Emeline McLaln -120,000 feet lamber. Th? Gbarleaton Cotton, nice ?nd Ha?rai Stores Market. OPTICS 'OHAKLSSTON NBWS, ) MONDA? EVKNIN?. Jane 19, is7l. \ COTTON.-The demand for this staple was light bat prices maintained a steady charact er. Sales lot? bales^and 200 on Saturday, not reported; say l at Uki, 2 at Uki, 7 at 18, 8 at 18J?, 7 at 19, 18 at 20,16 at 20K, 30 at 21, 14 at 21 >i, ll at 22; and, ou F it ord ay evening, 190, from ordinary to strict m.ddling, at 26c, and 15 at 210. Jfe quote : LIVERPOOL CLASSiriOATlOtt. Ordinary'to good ordinary.15>?tj;l0 .'low mlddllDg..19>?<S20 Middling. 20X@21 Strict ml dd na g.21^922 RroE-Tuts grain was qniet and no transactions took place. On Saturday ab oat 30 tierces were sold, not before mentioned, at s%c f rb. We quote common to fair at s@sy,c, good 3,v@8j?'c ? rb. NATAL STORKS.-The sales td-day were 893 bblB rosin, as follows : a J bbls extra- pale at $6 60, 67 bbls pale at $6-76,61 bbls low pale at '$6@5 26, sis bbls dall at $&S5i, 24 bbls coach wheels at $4 75, 26 bbls No 1 at $3, ll bbls extra No 1 at $4 76,39 b'jis low No 1 at (2 75. 73 bbr^ extra No 2 at $2 30, 17 bbls- -Nos 2 and 3 at $2 os? $2 15. #No salea of spirits turpentine. FsaiasTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct, nominal on uplands ; via New York, Kd on uplands ; ld on sea islands ; by* sal., kid on uplands, kia on ?ea islands.. To Havn nominal, Ooajtwise-ito- New York by steam,, kio on uplands and 3fc on sea ?lands; Si 25 fi tierce on rice; by sail, Kc * ft oja cotton ; - ft tierce op,rice; 40c ft barrel on roam ;' $T?3 ft Mon lumber;'* 0@io * M on timber, T. Boston, by sall, kio ft ft on npland cotton. To Providence, by sall $8 ft M on boards, Ht ft rc on cotton; by steam $1 fi bale on New York rates:- To Philadelphia, by steam, Kc ft ft on uplands; by sall, $7' f? M on boards; $9 00 timber; $3 fi ton on clay, asd $3@3 60 cn phos phates. To Baltimore, by steam, Ko ft ft- by sail, $6 50@7 fi M on boards; $3?3 25 V ton < n Phosphate rock. Vessels are .in demand by oar .merchants to take lamber freights from Georgetown, s. c., Danen and Satiaa "/.er, as., and Jacksonville, Fla.,, to Northern ports, and Sic 0t$-fl U are the rates on lamber and boards. ExcBANcm.-sterling 60 day bills 22X@22&' - DOMESTIC EX0HAM8B. -The kanks are pur? chasing -light checks on New York at nar; 6 d ay s X off; 10 days X off; 16 days - off;' 20 day?- off; SO days - off. They are selling sight checks at a premium. ' ? - G0M>-11)?9I2X. Marketa by Telegraph. '*? MONST HARKBTS. ' LONDON, Jane 19-Noon.-Consols 92*. Bonds JO?. . ? Evening-Consols KK- Bonds 90^. PARIS, June 19-Noon.-Rentes 62 rrancs. Nsw YOKK, Jane 19-Noon.-Freights quiet.' Stocks steady and dulL Gold steady at 12K Governments- very strong and steady. Money 1 easy at 3. state oonda dad and steady. Ex ci an ge, long lox 5 short 10& -Evening-Freignta firm. Stocks strong. Gold 12Xal2Ji. Governments strong, -with utile busi? ness, states steady at saturday's prices. Money 2a3 per oepr. . ' ? Naw ORLEANS. June 19.-Bank sterling 241?. Sights premium, Gold IVi . . COTTON MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, Jane 19-Noon_Cotton active am> I ; firmer:- uplands 8?id; Orleans SXaS??d; eales 1 20,000 bales. Nearly due from New.Orleans 8?id Evening-Cotton buoyant; uplands Skid, Or leans 8Kda8Xd; Bales 25,00) bales; for export and speculation 13,000; named ship at New Orleans ?Ko. Nsw YORK, Jane 19-Noon.-Cotton quiet but firm; uplands 20?ic; Orleans 2ikiC Sales 1500 bales. Evening-Cotton firm bot quiet jeales 8040* balee stile. BOOTON, June M.-Cotton firm; middlings 21?o; ??receipts 94 balee; gross 666; sales 600; stock | j BALTIMORE, Juge H.-Cotton firm; middlings 2PMa2?Kc; net recelpta 103 bales; gross 460; ex? ports coastwise 84; sales 300; stock 1695. NoRPOLt, Jane IB.-cotton firm; low middling coastwise I f . ? Ul di lugs H 19Mc; net receipts SO bales; exports coastwise 2; Bales 4: stock 1299. AcbusTA, Jane 19.-Cotton m ark et- cl osea ?ira arl9KGfor Liverpool and 20c for New ?ork-mld Clings; sales 200 bales; receipts 90. SAVANNAH, Jone 19.-Cotton, little doing, offer inga scarce; middlings ie>?c; net receipts 3649 bsjpj; exporta coaawwls? lcM; sales* yoi etoo*. Moe ILE, June 19.-Cotton quiet but firm; mid dungs is lie; net receipts 376 bales; Bales 400; BtOCK 12,78?. NBw.ORLxii.-s, June 19.-Cotton arni; middlings. . ?0c;-net receipts 2S47 bales/, gross263S; exports to ? Great Britain 2834: Havre- 2986; coastwlBe 5698; ? sales SMOrftook 60,492; * ?. ,f GALVESTON. June 1*.-Cotton firmer; good ordl- j ?IQ ?s^i?^c; net receipt 832 bales; exports ? to Great Britain 2516; Bales 600; stock 49,239. \ ?? . : PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE MARKETS. 1 LONDON, Jane 19-Noon.-Tallow 6d to 43s Od. \ Sugar afloat 3ls to Bis Sd..Corn als. >. - ? Nsw YOEE, Jane 19-Noou.-Flour declining. Wheat quiet ?ad heavy.. Qom steady. p(.rk dull at $14 75a 15. Lard quiet. Turpentine firm at ?ii c. Roiioquiet al $2 60 for-S train ed. ,- fi ? awning.-Flour, southern dori' Sna drooping; common to fair extra se 60a7 20; good to choice S7 26a9. .-Wtiistey-qulei at Vtkio. Wheat lower; pen tine Brm. Rosin quiet ? BALTIMORE,- Juno 1S\-Flour dull and low S gradea weak. Wheal; dall bat steady. White cu rn f> 88a90c; yellow dull at 76a78c. Oata steady at 78a 1 89c Providions unchanged. Whiskey BSaJSMc. WILMINGTON, Jone 19.-Spirits turpentine steady at 43c. Rosin steady at $2 06 for strained, $3 25 ror No.'l, $5 76-for pale, crude turpentine quiet at $3 for yellow dip. and $4 25 ipr virgin. -i CINCINNATI. Jone 19. -Corn In good demand at ?, full prices, 67c Provisions quiet and weak. A, MeBS pork $15. Shoulders tki ; clear rib sides 8*c. ? t lard 10c Whiskey 89c J % LOCISVIXLR, June 19.-Flour quiet. Corn In de- ? mand at ?8c Provisions doll and weak. Meas ? $16. Shoulders S?: clear sides 9c. Lard 10ii, ll alivie Whl-key89c Nsw ORLEANS, June 19.-Flour dull; snperflne S5 62j<; d> nitle $6 25; .treble $6 6oae. Corn com? menced, at 72a78c; white and yellow 7<a75c. Oats quiet at e-'aeec Bran lower at $i io. Har quiet; prime $26: choice $28. Poi k dull ; mess offered at $16 25. .Bacon qniet at 7J?, 9k?9tfc. Sogar cured nams l4Jiai5c. Laid, dull; tierce lo vane keg uxaiixc. < Sugar scarce; common 9K; fair IO. Molassta reboiled 40c Whiskey firmer at 82a95. Coffee Inactive aU3%al5Kc. Easton & Co.'? Cotton Report, for the . Week ending ?Tune 16, 18Tl. 27EW YORK, June 17,-THB MARKET.-In onr ? last isport the mai kel closed Arm aiisftc Satur- 1 day the market was firmer, and prices were ad? vanced kio; tbe business irdn^actlons were light. Sales 2096 bales. Middling i9,\c Monday tb-."-'J was mope activity, and .prices were fully k?o nigher. Sales4832 balea Middlings iOkic lues day there ?as a fair bu?lness transacted at un? changed prices. Sales 41o8 baI->8. Wednesday the market was steady, and prices a shade firmer for the tte* ter glades. >ales 2516 bales. Mid? dlings 20Xc. Thursday there was a lair business transacteu at steady ratea Holders offered but a small proportion of their stock, and were very firm In their views. The d. mand was largely for transit cotton, sp in m rs purchased sparingly. Sales 4785 bales. Middllnga 20Xc Yesterday toe market was firmer and prices higher. The auv.c;? rrorn jhe Siuth, touching the growing crop, are ci-nstitered nniavorable; this, with fa? vorable loreign ao-vlces, has strengthened tbe views of hold* ra. The offerings have been small and flrmly hem. Sales2545 bales. Middlings 20kic, upland New and Floridas. Mobile. Orleans. Texas Ordinary,.if* -ie ie? 16* Oood ordinary..nki 18? 18? 18X Middling.2tj? 20J? 21 21V Palea or the week 20.832 bales--including 97?: Sorters11"8' '? .ap*u,i'"-,Is. T* 7973 to ex Gross rec ipts at tni* oort for the week 12.449 bales. Since 1st September, 1 ew 967 bales .galuBt?77 589 la?i.year. ' 1'"W-S6T .DaJe3> STATISTICAL POSITION. 187!^ '% StocK ii< u\ei|niui..bales. 945.0?0 ssaom afloat from india. 2? 220*000 Afloat from A mei l.i. 132,000 us' Stock ft London. 83.700 24 Afloat for London. 100,000 *42-n?o Stock m Havre. 23.490 1I7 070 Afloat for Havre. 2S.880 67 816 8tpck in Bremen.... 62,926 20.434 Afloat for Bremen. 61,687 4.932 Stock MI united states ports.... 237.914 213,556 Stock in the interior towns... 18 610 46,865 ????J^'-'J-.V,*. 1,888,106 1.620.063 Excess tn vialble suppiy-com pared with 1S70 . 368.043 Stock of cotton held hy Man i>^^we?8.p.1,inrrsatth-in'U8 100,000 45.000 Price of mid Orlean? ?n Livei PrJeeV mid brt'eana oNew' 8>id* 1016'16J ^fg?ia::;;;;;-;;;;:; -St New York Rice Market. From the Daily Bulletin, Saturday, June 17: Che Btock of domestic la not very large, but ta analto the demand, waled la res tri Wed to the vants or laney grocers by the ruling price, Hoid !M pretty firm, and offer goods only as caUed-for. Sales or 86 tierce? at 9>?a9Xc ror ordinary to jrlme Carolina, and 10c for fancy do. Foreign itylesare jobbing very fairly from day to day, ?nd conrmancr about rormer rates,.the market ruling steady. Sales or 280 bags Rangoon at Ta rxc, and 300 bag9 Patna at 7 #a8c. From the Journal of Commerce: The business In roreign continues to be quite good. The supply ls ralr, out mere la a healthy ioue to the murker, which decides holders to reruse all bide which ihow weakness; 400 bags Rangoon sold at ???^c, and 4M bags Patna at 7Xa6c. carolina ls a Utile jlack; the receipts are quite liberal, and- are free? ly offered, while buyers are Indifferent; 70 tierces sold at 9??a9Xc. New Torie Naval Stores Market. From the Journal or .Commerce, Saturday, June 17: In spirits turpentine prices show no rurttoer change. The demand has failed off, but the reduced stock gives holders confidence. We quote merchantable order at 46tfa4?c. Sales embrace 103 bbls, to arrive, at 46Kc, and 90 bbls on spot at 16Xa47c Rosins-The market- ls stronger for strained. There ls a little b?tter Inquiry, and with the stock well concentrated there ls very little to be had under $2 60. Sales embrace 825 bb? at $2 60, and 350 bbls common st $2 ss. In One grades a very fair inquiry ta reported, and with a moderate stock full prices are ruling. The Bales embraoat-450 b'Ms at $460a6SO. We quote No. 2 at $2 70a2 s j v Kc. 1 atT-S3a4; pale at $4 26a 5 60; extra pale st $6t7 SO. Tar ls again higher, with the stock in row-hands and sparingly offer? ed. W* quote Wilmington at $3 so.. A sale was mada within a day or" two-of 300 bhls Washing? ton on private terms. . . ' *. New York Hay Market. From tie baily Bulletin, SdtuTday/June 17: Receipts to-day 2090 bales. Orders foe shieptag gradee are coming la from-the south more freely, which csuses a guod demand and firm reeling. Sales arc 200 bales ror Savannah, 60 Sot Augusta, 1S6 for charleston, 200 for Wilmington, ss for Now be rn r:?: for Petersburg, all at $106 per TOO lbs; also se bales tor Camp Plaokney on private tarma Retail Is firm and ln-fair demand, straw rulas steady. >:. "Boston Market. BOSTON, Jane 14.-COFFHS.-The' market for coffee rematas the samo as previously noticed. The sales are only m small lots as wanted by job? bers, aud we quote Java at 19a22c, gold, Singa? pore lTXaiSc, gold, and Rio at liaise, gold.- St. Domingo ls ou?e?, and sales are nominally 9"?a 10c, gola, In bond. COTTON.-The market has been considerably ex? cited ror cotton the past week, and a fun her ma? terial advance has peon established m price's. Crop advices are not very favorable, and lrom ' abroad there ls more encouragement. The ad? vance for some weeks past has been quite rapid, bat holders are-confldent and-not disposed to nrge sales. The transactions have beenln small lois as wanted by manufacturers, and we quote-ordi? nary at 15%al6c, gocd ordinary lSalSKc, low mid? dling at DfcttOKc-sud rjrHiM.fog at 20a?0??c per lb, Including uplands and Guir. ?. D0J?K6TIC3.-There ls -considerable exoitefhen t | in couon good* oB..account of the rapid advance In potion, and prices have ?d-ranced and tend up? ward. -The sales have been td seme extent purely speculative. Woellans'are quite firm and have been tn better demand. Man J fae urers are .ray? ing very high prices for the new-clip at .the We6t, and expect to realize a corresponding advance in goods. *, . GUNNY RAGS.-The market continues qnlet st Millee, currency, bat ao salas to notice. GUNNY CLOTH.-Th er* have been sales or :oo bales Romeo at 18>?c? .currency, but other Cal? cutta cloth is doll and neglected. Domestic cluth is-firm, with sales of soo rolls at 19&c, and smaji lots at 20c per yard. HAY.-Th a market ls firm, and prime quality is scarce. Sales at *25a34 per ton tor common anti prime. NAVAL STORKS.-Spirits tuHnentine Is dn'l and lower, with sales at 60.i5lc per gallon. In tar, roMn and pitch no movements of anv importance. Pale rosin Is Bcarce and held at $7 per bbl, with che pros?( ct ot light tapplles ?or the present. Rica.-The market is steady, with sales of 76 :askBCarolin* at 8J?a9)?c; Patna at 7*?a7*?c, and Rangoon at 67%-nXc per lb. Augusto. Cotton Statement. AUGUSTA, "June 16. Stock on hand September lt 1870. 1,444 iteceipts since to date..'..185,993 j Total..". .187.437 Exports and home consumption.183,481 Stock on hand to-day (Friday, 16th). 3.956 I Total.187,437 Columbus Cotton M%rket. COLUMBUS, June ie. - COTTON. -To- cl ay (Friday) TQr market ia quiet at the following figures: lore rlor-; ordinary l?Kal5;'good ordlmvy l6aT8J4; low middling T7Xal6; middling 18J? cents. Sal -s ?0 bales; sales or the Teek 569; weeks recepts 254, against 854 the pre vicua week, aad 169 the corres? ponding week last seasou; shipments 881 bates. WEI'S LY STATEMENT. Stock os hand September J.'IBTO;.... 1_:. l|672 Received pas? wwk. 364 . . Received previously..-..73,740-73:094 Total....:.?...:...T8,6t6 ?hipped past week.?. m. Shipped previously.78,663-73,6? Stock June 16, 1871... 2 027 On the week the stock has decreased 627.bales. Receipts by Railroad, .Jane 19. - SOUTH UAH?llNA RAILROAD. 731 bales cotton, 75 bales goods. 68-bWs naval tores, 1 c&r stock, 26 cars lumber and wood, To railroad Agrnt, Geo H Walter A cn, A S Smith, H Shrieks, Pfclzer, Rodgers A co, P C Trenhoim, C jtbenwood, Steffens, werner A Ducker, Wagoner s Monsees. Smith A Chateau. Kinsman A Howell, ; S MUea, G S Hacker, G Foll?n, Jno Marshall, Jos ' riley A co. Bollmaon Bros, Frost A Adger, A B lanigan, G W WRIIams A co, W Roach A co. E J Vat A co, Sloan & Set?nlou<. Brodie A co, Mowry i Son, W P Hall, J BT Alley, F 0 Borner, Utsey t Lenjon. Passengers. Per steamship Sea Gull, from Baltimore-John 7 RawllngB. T PQK OAIiBifXtAJt. MOON'S.r^ASKS. 'ull Moon, 3d, 1 bous,- 7 minutea-moraiag. inst Quarter, otb, 7 hours, 16 minutes, evening, lew Moon? 17th. o hoare! 9 minares, evening, mt (joane*. 1:6th. 6 hours. 24 minute*, evening. JVVJt. BiMoMday tr Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday... ?(Friday. Saturday... Sunday.. -. . SUV BUBS. 4..63 4.. 53 4. .54 4, ,54 4.. 54 4..54 4..54 6Ch> SKIS. 7.. 9. j.. 9 7.. 9. 7..10 7..10 7..10 7..10 11001. B. A B, 8. .40 9. J4 10.. 0 10..43 ll..50 morn msc WAtBR 8. .45 9..-27 10.. 8 20..59 ll. ^33 morn 12..28 MA.RXSC ?TJSWB. IHAHLESTOJS,, S. C.-.JUNE 20, 1871. at 82 deg 46 min 33 sec. | Loa-70 deg si miu27 seo. ARRIVED YSSTERDAi. Steamship Virginia, Hunter, Philadelohla-lert - inst.*-Mdse. To W A Courtney. P Walsh, JUo ? Taylor A co, Railroad Agents. J C H Claussen, J ^Quackenbush, B Keldmann A co, R Gerdts A co, )r ? Beer, W U Chafee A co,.C L Kornabrens. G L> crans. Quinliven & Bro. R Tliomllnsou A co, W > Bissen, Cameron, Barkley A co, G W williams & io, 3 B Duval A Sun, Blum A Miller. E Si Qrtmke, 3 O'Neill, Mantons A co, McDuff cohen, Kllnek, Sickenberg A co, W Shepherd A co; I/Clrapin A 30, R M Marshall A ' Uro. Ellas A Bro, A R Still iran, P L Schuckn an. F c Borqer, W McLean. L F Robertson, M U Nathan, Mrs Ann Ross1, F Fischer, i 7, Cinder, M O'Brien, Bollmann Bros, Klusmun Uros, A M Stantuii, Steffens, Werner A Ducker, T ? Cater, Smith A Chapeau, 0 F W.eters, H Bischoff k co, J M v,reer A Sou, J G Milnur A co, G J Lu n, a Goldsmith A son, A Tterenibul T M Bristoll A so, Daily New office, Goodrich, Winemau A co, CP Pobpenhelm, Moines's Book- House, Hart A co, J IV linley, Dowle, Aloise A Davis, C Linen thal A co, Caren?is; er A Zerbst, J Campsm A co. T S Budd, r?eijen A Luden, fi McEJroy, G W W A co, Order iud ethers. Steamsnip Sea GoU. Dutton, Baltlraore^-lett loi h inst. Mdse. To Mordecai A co, perren ?olm, S O Railroad Agent; N E Railroad Agent, L ieuineyer, D a Amine. Ravenel, Holmes A co,? c ?Panknln, C Lulen tr al ? co. M H collins. Jib n A'efiman u, i 0 Ojemann, Jno H Gm ver A co, J N ?tobsun, Jeffords A co. J U Richer. B O'Neill, Jos D Ilk- n, H Leldlng, McLoy A Rice, W c-Bee t. co, w li Bini ar co. Macqueen A Klecke, Ahams, Damon t co, Mrs ?snow rim, L Lorentz T M Cater. Wffg Mier A Mon?eeB, Knobeloch A Small, and KUnck, ?Vichen berg A co. Bark American Lloyds, Parks. Havana-7 days, ?ailatit. 10.W Roach A co. Previously reported it Quarantine. CLEARED YESTERDAY. British bark Ranger, Cox, Liverpool-B S Rhett kSon. - behr sea Queen, Rosebrook, Baltimore-J A 3nslow A co. Sehr Emeline McLaln, CroweU, Baltimore-H F iaker A co. SAILED YESTERDAY. Bark Annie Klmball,?Stkison, Liverpool. MARINE NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. rm?? \0r??.iUQe W-4?TiveU. steamship City of rans. Arrived out, theTatrfax and Minnesota. I.?a1B?*H?,June ,19-Anived. steamship Rapi *St?E&&k!?l? Caldwell and bflgTrtaL iaven. Cleared, brig Kva N Johnson, Nei? MEMORANDA, The Norwegian bark Lugct, Nielsen, ror Liver ?ooi, reporte* wenttQ-?** fl* tarbor by a tug, bat?came to ' loads. Tue sehr Irene Mesaervey, WalL from Provi lenee, R I, for Charleston, waa at Newport I4tb rune. LIBT'QF'VESSELS' CP. CLEARED 1KB SAILBD POR TH*; TOKV. FOREIGN. UTBRFOOL. Br eh ip island Home, McLellan, np., .April 6 Br bark Vince, Robson, sailed....:.,.April 2i me HariaGPHnrap.tfr.?>y.ji9 rbe Romaine, Young, op........... r.Hay 27 WEST HARTLEPOOL, EKG. Br bark Kat nleen, Lester, np.......May 5 9 3' *' BRISTOL, G, .v., The frar?oer MamteBufori.;.. *May*2? CALLAO. Br brig Benoni, Jones, sailed... Jan 23 J j fi 5 CARDITP. ? s Tn?RTK o?r?y,^-,sailed....'.'....May 6 The Martha, Lewis, sailed. .May 9 HALAGA. Span brig Rosario, GirardcyaaHed..May 28 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Brig L C Madeira, Moslander, np..June a NSW YORK. Sehr Clara Sawyer, Branscomb, up.June 14 Sehr- S A Reed, Reed, up.-.Jabe 6 Sehr Florence Rogers, Sheppard, up.June 8 Sehr L S Davis, Bishop, cleared.June S Sehr B N Hawkins, Wyatt, cleared.June 16 PH1LAPKLPHIA. Br bark Rhea Sylvia, Coffir. cleared.June 6 Scar A S Gaskin, Gas kill, up...?. */*X^?UM 16. - - BALTIMORE.' .'.' ' ''" S*7 - Brig Georgie, Swan, up.:-June 9 Sehr WUlle Martin, Noyes, up.June 9 Sehr Chimo, La?ad, cleared.June 9 BAN a OR, MR. . ,? . Sehr Hannah, Staples, cleared'.......'.. .May 23 T H~E G B E AT FAMILY PAPER I FAMILY PAPER I FAMILY PAP9R I FAMILY.PAPER ! FAMILY F APER I FAMILY PAPER I THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST, AND THE BEST I THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND TOE, BEST I ' THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE . BEST f . - T THE CHEAPEST, THE^IVEIIEST AND THE THE GHE4#?6T, THE LIVELIEST AND THE . ... BEST I THEJ CHEAPEST,' TilE LIVELIEST AND TBS BEST 1 THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS 1 A THE. CHARLESTON WEEKLY nu; Wei ! THE CHARLESTON WEEK!. Y NEWS ! j THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS 1 Contains all tba Nowa, Editorial and Miscellany .ons Reading Matter published in THE DAILY NEWS AND THE TRl-TfEEKLl NEWS, INCLUDING : batest Telegraph News, Political Intelligence, Commercial and Stock Reports, Literary Topics and Reviews, Selected Social Essays, Personal Gossip, and Information for Planters. TOGJCTHSK WITH THE CHOICEST STORIES, ' < LIGHT READING, aad POETRY, 32 From the current' Foreign and Domestic * - Periodicals.' SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN1 COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SBND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY.. ' SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. 4|fWAYS IN ADVANCE. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 60 EACH. MAKE UP TOUR CLUBS I 49> Address, (enclosing Registered Letter,) RIORDAN, DAWSON <fc ?0., CHARLESTON, S. O. B OT AMICAL TEXT-BOOKS. By Professor ASA GRAY, Of Harvard University, Author of "How Plants Grow," "Soliool and Field Book of Botany," 'Manual of Botany," "Struc? tural and Systematic Botany," ?c., Ac. "Botany should be taught In every school, and these Volumes should be the Text-Books."-JProj. J. S. Davis, University oj virginia. The publishers beg to calf the atteptlon of those aboot i or tum g classes In Botany to the well known works by Profea-or Gray. Having been carefully revised, they present the latest and most accurate principles and developments of the science, and lt is sufficient indorsement of them to state that they are uBPd in almost every noted College, High School and Seminary in the country, and are rec? ommended over other series by nine-tenths of the leading Professors and Botanical Teachers in the United states. No author has yet approached Professor Gray in (he rare art of making purely seien title theories ind dry details popular and. interesting. From als charming elementary work "How Plants Brow," to his more elaborate "Manual." tbere'is - )De simple, concise and yet exhaustive method of leaching the various grad ts of the study. Descriptive Circulars, giving lull titles and prl :es, will be forwarded by mail, to any address, on ippUoattcjt IViSON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & CO., Publishers, Nos. 138 and 140 Grand street, New York, febio f-p 0 fi""~' B A ?'? IM O? E, FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH 0 .' BU-LST/AD1NG ISSUED? TO PHIL,.\ DKLPUI rv.' BOSTON. AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The filie Steamship SEA GULL, Dutton, Com* iTOanoer*-will .sau ror Baitimgre on FRIDAY, I 23dJane?'atT0 o'clock A. 31.'' "': - ajr Fhiladelphia Freights Torwarded to thai city , by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am I nie time ,to sample and sell their Gooda- >lrom the Ra'flr?afl Depot in Philad?lahia.- - . ?'? For Freight or Passage apply to PAUL C. TRENHOLM, Agent, jun20-4 , . So. 2 union wnarves. ?i\% C H OH- 'LI NE STE AM?E R S S AIL EVERY WE DNESD A Y AND. SATUR? DAY TO AND FROM NEW YORK . AND GLASGOW^ CALH.NO AT LONDON DERRY TO LAND MAILS AND PASSENGERS. ir . t'/'i . . _. . "The Steamers of this favorite Line, are built expressly for the Atlantic Pas-J sanger Trade, and fitted up in every respect witt all the modern improvements calculated to Insure the safety, comfort and convenience of Passen? gers. PASSAGE RATES, PAYABLE IN CURRENCY, ITO Glasgow^ Liverpool andj^ondrtf derry-First Cabul! $05and $75, according to looailon; rOabiu Return Tickets.'$130, securing best"accommoda? tions; Intermediate, $33; steerage, $28. Parties Bending for their friends in the Old Country can purcnase tickets at reduced rates. For further particulars, apply, ta HENDERSON BROTHERS,"T?o. 7 Bowline O?een, N. Y., or to DOUGLAS NESBIT. No. 3 Accommodation, wharf, Charleston, S. 0. tgr R. ponslble Agents wanted in town and conn try -_ Jnn20-D*w8mos. J ? ? 3) E W T 0 R E . OU WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, AT HALF: PAST 5 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. The Splend'd Side Wheel Steamship "CHARLES . TONV'lJamea Berry, Commander, will sall for New York OA WEDNESDAY, June 2lBt, at half-past 6 P. M-., from Pier No. 2* Union Wharves. ' - * Through Blila pf .Lading to Liverpool by WILLIAMS ? GUION STEAM LINE. To Genoa, Trieste,,, Naples, Leghorn, Christiania, Gotten burg, and to oiasgow, by ANCHOR LINE STEAM? SHIPS. To New England Cities as usual. Insurance by Steamers of this Libe x per cent. For Freight Engagements or Passage, having very fine State-room accommodations, apply to I-WAGNER, HUGER A CO., Ne. 96 Broad street, or to WM, A. COURTENAY, Na, 1 Union Wharf. Jnni7-3_:_ jp 0 M t W ? TOKE, OLJl^N^ &&&&*D ^1A?=S. TON STEAMSHIPS. iii W^PM ^WMil SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATE-ROOMS THE VERY FAST AND SPLEiyilD, Side-Wheel Steamships of this Line will sall from Aclger's Wharf as follows : JAMI^A_ ADDER? SATORJIAX^.June aith^at 6 MA*lj^fr{?, ^T^AY; %y J$t,?$ 6-^clock S3- insurance J? percent, by this Line. <ar Through Eilis ol Lading given on Cotton tn Liverpool, Boston, Prudence abd thc New Eng innd manufacturing towns at tho lowest marke ratee. ay State-rooms may be secured In advance wit boat extravenarte. 4&or Freight, or Passage engagements, apply to. maya* " y JAME? ADQER j co*. JpOR LIVEBPO?L, VIA QUEENSTOWN. I' CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS, THE.LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY Will dispatch ooo.ot their first-class, lull power Iran-Screw^ teaman ip ar rou? PIER So. 46 N. B., EVERY WEDNESDAY, AS FOLLOWS:^ NEVADA, Capt. OREEN...'May 21, at 9 A M WYOMING, Capt. WBINNZRAY.May 31, at 3 P Ai -NEBRASKA, Capt. COARD.... ..June 8, at a P M M IN Nt. is OTA, Capt. T. W. Fau? lt ANN...Jone 7, at. 9.80 A M IDAHO, Capt. PRICE.-June 14, at 3 P M _ MANU ATTA X. Capt. FORSYTH..Jane 17, at 3 P M ' COLORA DO, Cap t. T. F. FRES* AK. Jade 21, at^ PM WISCONSIN, Capt.'WILLI AMS.. Jone 28, at 2 P M Cabin Passage $80, gold. Steerage-Paseag? (Office No. 29 Broadway) ?30, I currency. For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. 63 Wall street, N. Y. N. B.-Through Bills Lading to Liverpool issued by the Charleston and New York Steamers, which make close connection with the abovo line.' For particulars and rate of Freight apply to ; - JAMES AUGER A CO., * u WAGNER, HUGER A CO., 3 niaj6 Or WM. A. COURTENAY jpAeiFlO MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPY'r-' TB KO CO H LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above ilneieaVe Pier No. 42, North River, foot of canal. _ street. New Vork, at 12 o'clock noon, of the I6tn md 30ih of every month (except when them '.ates fall on Sunday, then the Saturday prececi mg. All departures connect at Panama with steam? ers for .^outh Pacirlc and Central American ports Departure of 15th tonches at Kingston. Jamaica. Tor Japan and China, steamers leave San Fran? cisco nrst of ever}' month, except when lt falls on Sonday ; then on the nay preceding. No California steamers touch a:- Havana, bui .:o direct from New York to Aspinwall. * one hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Sledicine aud'arteudauce free. For Passage Tickeis or other information appl- ' at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFUSE, on the wharf root of canal street, North River. Ne? i ork. . , F. B. HAUY, Agent. juiyia-lyr QERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL 1 AN INVALUABLE REMEDY FOR INFANTS I This 13 Hip best Medicine for young children sunering with Colic, Diarrhoea-, or any other com? plaint', in-idem lo Teething. It may be given with safety, as ii contains no opium, or other in mrious anodyne. Price. 25 ceuts a bottle. Manufacture! and f&r sale by DR. H. BAER. . Also by the following Druggists: A. W. ECKEL A CO!, Dr. A. RAOUL, Dr. W. A. SKR1NE, A. 0. BAR BOT, W. T. LITTLE A CO., J. BLACKMAN, P. M. COHEN, Dr. E. H. KELLERS, E. S. BURNHAM, GRAMAN A .-OHWAKE, ti. W. AIMAR, * J. LOCKWOOD, G. J. LU1IN, W. T. LINN, W. A. GIBSON, And by Druggists penerallv. _ jan2 ^STHMA CIGARETTES A few of tuc genuine ESP1CS "FUMIGATEURS PECTORALES" lo be had of Da. H. BAER. inay25 No. 131 Meeting street. 5 hipping. The good Baric FANNIE, Jenes, Master, or small capacltv, having engaged theXUf larger part or cargo, will meet with dlspttoE For balance of engagements apply to J. A. ESSLOW 4TJ0., Ship Brokers, ? .jnnlo-2_No. gi East BtjL ?pi SH?NG E'XCURS IOI?S. The beautiful Yacht ELEANOR will make J}+ an Excursion to the Blackflsh Eank3, start-9B lng from Southern Wharf every WEDNHSDAT an?. FRIDAY, at'7 A. M., and returning In the after? noon. Lines and Bait famished on board. Fare $160. The ELEANOR may be chartered at any Mme for Private Excursion Parties. Apply to Captain YOUNO, op board._ Janie jp OR? SAVANNAH, PAC1F10 LANDING. BEAUFORT AND WAY LANDINGS. : The Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain - _?j^s>w W. T. BcNelty, ls now receivlng?efj?HpjC Freight at Accommodation Wharf, and will leave on WEDNESDAY MORNING, 2lst Instant, at 8 o'clock. Returning will leave Savannah FRHUY MORN? ING, at 8 o'clock. Freight and wharfage prepaid. For Freight or Passage, apply to . . BAVENEL, ' HOLMES Sc CO., ... Jun20-2 , No. 177 East Bay. POR WRIGHT'S BLUFF AND' INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE* * SANTBE RIVER. .. . ' . ; ',.r.- . :_. m. The Stekmer MARION, Captain W.- - . ?JT*?k. F. Adair,'ls now-receiving FK\ght??$%Q??S?J?? at Accommodation wharf, and will leave on WB NELDAY NIOHT, '2lst instant. . Freight and wharfage prepaid. "For Freight engagementvapply to RAVENEL, HOLMES ? CO., ?jnnl9-:3 No? 177-East Bay. F O R ?' L O R -I D A, VIA SAVANNAH. The Steamer DlUTATult, Captain L. M. coxetterr w?l leave southern._ Wharf every 1TESDA- EVENING, at ;^8o OCIOCK, (until further notice,) for Jacksonville, Fernan? dina and Palatka, arriving back at Charleston every NATCRDAY AFTERNOON. mayll BAVENEL J: CO., Agents, ^XCTJRSroNS! FISHING EXCURSIONS!' TMeSteamer WATE?R LILLY can be j .^fr**k> charteredon MONDAYS and Tuerta'dtiSkHKi DAYS for Excursions, for wblah she is adwuabry adapted. ?pp?y on board, or to DOUGLAS NISBET, Junio Al Freigut Ornee South Atlantlo wharf. rpOW?GE AND EXCURSIONS. Thasteamer EMIL?E, captain C. - . ^TT^w C. White, can bc engaged for TOW-?ABBBC age and Excursions Apply on boara, a . Cum taercial Wuarf, or to SHACKELFORD St KELLY, may23-trjthsimo_Boyce's Wharf. QHA?GE CF SC?EDULE. GEORGETOWN STEAMERS. Until further . notLae, the Steamer EMILIE, Captain C. C. Wirree, WIU,__ leave Charleston every WBDNESDAY MOB*, at ^O'clock, end Georgetown every THURSDAY AF? TERNOON, at? o'clock. For engagements apply on ?board at Oommer etai wharf, o? to .. - '."L ' . . SHACKELFORD Sc KELLY, Agents, jun3 - Ne. 1 Boyce's Wharf. RTLT^OTR O L I N I A N FOR MAY NOW READY. CONTENTS AS VARIED *AND* INTERESTING AS USUAL. Price-For single number...25 cent? Per annum..:.$2 oe For sale by WALKER, EVANS Sc COS SWELL, 'Publishers. No. 3 Broad street. AND BX BOOKSELLERS^ EVERYWHERE. marae . __ ^yp)NEY CANNOT BUY TT! FOR SIGHT IS PRfCELESStl _ The DIAMOND GLASSES, manufactured by J..E. SPENCER <b ca, New York, which are now oflejtec t<rthe public, are pronounced byaiwho celebrarW Opticians of the world to be the most Perfect, Na tural Artificial help to.the human.eye ever-known. They are g*onml under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, and derive their name. "Diamond," on account Of their hardness and brilliancy* ? M. . The sclent iuc principle on which they are in? structed brtogB the core or. centre of the lenstn rec! ly in front of the eye; producing "a clear and distinct vision, as in the natural, healthy sight, and preventing altnaptsasanrsensations, such as .glimmering and wavering of sight, dizziness, Ac., peculiar to all others lo use. They are mounted tn the finest manner, In Iran?es or the beat-quality, of ali materials uaad Wt that purpose. Tnelr finish and durability caji -not be surpassed. CAPTION.-None genuine unless bearing their trade-mark stamped on every frame. JAMES ALLAN, Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silverware atid Optical Goods, No. 307 King street. ? pct31-5tntlrlyr_. . Girarles top, S. C., *_gctpitlgj -jgtlarliineg. rJJE?~G0LD MEDAL SAWING MACHINE. DOUBLE LOCK ELASTIC STITCH. This ls the must simple and reliable Two Thread Sewing Machine lu the world. It sews direct Irxsom uv o threads, ?nd is {16 less than any othpr first-class Sewing Machine. Samples-can be Bien at No. 155 MEETING STREET, opposite Charles? ton Hotel, sdle Agent for-the State. Sub-agents wanted through the State. Address'W. S. BIS SKLL, Charleston, Also agents for Home Shuttle Hand Machine, $21 y;; /s ? apj-A-tnthsgmos ?a -A - ? AND THE ' WEED" FAMILY FAVORITE LOOK-STITOb MACHINE. are the best lu use. For sale on the Lease Flan, wiuj monthly pay ments, on easy terms, or for cash. All sinus o Machiue attachmeats, Needles, Cotton, (white black and colored,) Silk, OU, Soap, Sec., Sic. Repairing as usual. Circulars and samples o work sent ou application. D. B. HASELTON, Geueic: "ealer In Fir3t Class Sewing MS chines ana Material, No. 307 King street, nugi7_._(.'hrirleNTon. s. a Jsaocscn's preparations. DEATH TO RATS. * ROACHES BEDBUGS, &c. NEVER FAILING. BOXES DOUBLE THE SIZE AS OTHERS. . HERMETICALLY SEALED AND ALWAYJ? FRESH. Sold af- Wholesale by DOWIE. MOISE & DAVIS, And at retail by au Druggists. iebi-emo ?rani> Pti^ ^Distribution. ~ * Cl VEN AWAY! SOUTH CAROLINA in.??. Inferencesi?South Carolina :.. f- . ,v General WADE HAMWON", -Geaeral JOHN & PRESTON, Hon. B. P. PERRY, Hom W. IL SIMPSON.. Governor M. L.. BflKHAjL .AHDRE.VV rSIJftMbVB. Esq., General JOHNSON HAG?OD/W G. A? TKENHOLM, BOU. ARJJiSTEAD BURT, GoveraorJ. L. MANNING, HOt?: JA^&-CHE?NrjT, Hon. J, B. OAMPiiBCL. . "*"' . . .<>..-".:?. -,? ?.v?*. E??f?waces i? K?w York City : * ?a ?r? AUGUST B?LJWNT A CO., Bunkers; MORTON, BLJSS'A CO.. Banters:Hon. CHARLES ?'CQNOR. CounaeUor-at-Law; Hon. JOBN--Ek WARD? Qoun sello r-ax-Law; Hon. ROGER A. PRYOR, torjniel3S-aJ; Law-; Colonel RICHAKP LATHERS, T. A. HOYT, EsqTpreslde?? Gold Room; 'HUNT?THOMP^sN A CO., Factors; ANDERSON, STARR A CO., Merchants; PP/rTDS^A-CO,, MercnantafF.' ? ?GSA UM * FAIRCHILD, jrerchants, ? * ? $500,000 TO. BE AWARDED T? THC TK?KET-HOi-DSM.^OF THE 9ERIE8 OF CONCERTS TO COMMENCE OH THE FM6T OF OCTOBER, 1871, AT THE AG&WMYOF MUSIC, CHA^LESTQfA, ?. C., ON WHICH DAY THE DRAWING COMMENCES, rn THIS SOUTH - CAROLINA LAND AND IMMIGRATION ASSOC LiTICTN, UNDER THE AUSPICES ol the "Sooth Oarollna .State* Ajrrlcuitural and Mechanical Society,7' win-gi ve a sertescTCbncera at the Academy of Mnsfc. Charleston, a. C., commencing October let, "?aiL /OT t*M/*bss3te of ratelag a lund to enable Emigraats to sattle ripon lands -selected by tho AsioouUfiU^ Home* Of Northern aDd European Farmers and others, in the State of South .Carolina, and for their transportation thither and ?apport lor the first year. 150,000 SEASON TICKETS AF ADMISSION, AND NO MORE, . AT FIVE DOLLARS EACH. . ALL THE PREMIUMS. 1?CLUD?NG. DEED AN? CERTIF?CATE OF^rrTLE TO ACADEMY OF MUSIC, will be deposited wita'the Rational Bank'of the Republic, New York: #?500,000 Il^^Grl^T?! ' ' . ' . ' . f-in-m.i-^o 1st Gift-ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Charlea ton, S. C., cost to build $230,000, having an annual rental of about $20,ooh, from ?pera House, Stores and Halls; the building'-being - :l?'' about 230 feet by 60 feet, and situated corner of Hing and Market streets, in tte - ?.' centre of the city, and well known to be the finest btrKdrng a(rd.moat valuable ' ''-*-? property In Charleston, valued at....".... .,. .$*&o,ooo/ 2d Girt-Cash...'...'..?....!... 106l0Cf> 3TJ,Gift-Cash......'.....?..*'.........*.,...'.".j. :?5,000 ?h aift-C?sh.... .?.". .*.. ..10,000 SSO; 26Gifts-cash-each'$ioco...v......:....?,ooo 26, Gifts-Cash-eaoh $'500".....I.A . i*...'...... .'./'i^,5?. 3?|yGifta-Cash-each $100.*.!'........../..j....../...l^TU^Obo 250Gifts-Cash-each $60..?.fi..,.,......'.........^jajtiW 500Gifts-Cash-each $25.v...v......V... . la.sqot 1250 G Ifta-Cash-eaoh $10. ..... ..y ....f...^. 12,5(10 2404 Gifts, amounts, to.v...v.v........ $300,000 BUTLEE, CHADWICK, OAST $ CO., Agents S. C. Land and immigration Association, General ll. C. -B?fiER, }. - . .-.A.... JOHN OHAWlCKjfeq., ^ , CKABLEBTpN.SvC. GOTeraFMVW. GARY. ' K * S . . .... . - 'wi '. . i ' .;*<? ' - # ' - SA ?'" ' #?.?"' **. . . AGENTS tVAjlTEB-LIflERAL C0.1J1I??H?.S ALLOWED, -0 Coinmissionof a and Super vino rs Drawing: Ueaec?i A. B. WRIGHT, of Georgia. General BBADL?Y T. JOJ?iSOl^-oiYlrfteha s Colonel B. H. B?TLBDGB, of 45osAh?aroana. . - Hon. ROSER A. PRYOR, ol New York. r , . . .--r-7*-?---'.' , ;' A FAIR AJND COMMENDABLE SCHEME I . OH?RliSTONi B. (DH May-. 1871. We taAavDlsasnre in oertiryiag that we are. acquainted with General M. 0. BUTLER, JOHN CHADWICK, Esq., and Genera! M. W. GARY, of the firm or BUTLER, CHADWICK. GARY A CO., and Know them to be gentlemen of lhfegrity, and we regasd tho object they Lave of assisting immigrant? to nomes m Sesth Carolina orgreat lnrpornsnce to the State as wall as to .the lmmlgran?, and We have every confidence- tiiat thetr enterprise will he carried out with fairness and hoaesiy to all par. ties concerned. . ... ',_._L_ GEO. A. TRENHOLM, ? I.-W. MAYNE. - . . B. H. RUTLEDGE, A.4J. MAGRATH, . JAMES CONNER. THOS. Y. SIMONS, JAMES R. PRINGLE. HENRY BUIST; < % WILMOT G. DuSAUSSURE. ' . Tlcketc canb? procured of E. SEBR1NG A CO.. au4 J. L. MOSES, General Agents, No. 84 Broad street. - * . ' ...'' & m?W-Smo? ' ' FOIL TUE. B?TNEPIT OF THE ^ . * '?? ? J'" .-!T.. ?;> - '?. fWiuutvfMi F IR, EE SCHOOL ^..Ulf D, CHARTERED BY THC ?TATE OF ?O?TH CAROLINA, Save, commenced the Dlstrib?tien of Awards in Eanda j and Tenements^ Diamonds, Jewelry, Pianos, Organs, Harpa, Statues, Poid Watches, Silver, and flated Ware, **.x by Baffle, and will continue twice a day, at 12 fi. and 5 P. Jtf., at the General Office, Ko, 147 Meeting: street, (martentos; Jl. C. The Blrectorh of the CHARLESTON CHARITABLE ASSOCIATION, for tba Beoellt of the Free Behool Fund, havin? uosaplled wltb the terms ol their Charter, and paid over to J. K. JlLLSOa, state Superintendent of Education of South Carolina, the sum or One Thousand Dollars, being the annual payment or the School Fund under the Charter, (*be receipt being hereto appended,) nave Inaugurated a system or Insurance csrtrflcateswhich is surrounded by.evary degree of fairness, and will be^anled lor twice a day, at Twelve M. and Five P. M., lu public, unaer the superintendency oj Captaig FENN PECK, a*>w'orn Commissioner. ^ ^ The advantages of this system are, that the pureba*ors can have the choice or theft: own Bam? bers anywhere from No.-i tb No: 78,- and the privilege or limrthiftor increjuin* theirs vestments a* pleasure. ThaBcuedule of Rates adopted by lb? Company will explain more fully and accurately aDd can be obtained at the Office ol the Company or from any venders. Every Raffle that i ates place la classed and numbered on the Company's Official Books, and takes place twice a day. as ?ohowsr ? Numbers primed en cubes irom No. l io- No. M, are placed (in public) by the Sworn Gommla, stoner in a Class Raffle Cylinder and are well shaken. A boy blindfolded takes one of these Cubas which Is exhibited to the spectators and declared to be and? 1B recorded aa the first Raffled number. The Rame Cy Lader will then be revolved, and the boy again takes out another number, wtdoh ia lirai larly exhibited to the sped alors and recorded aa the second Redie number.. This operation will he re? peated until Twelve numbers are Raffled out or the Cylinder, and each number recorded on the Official Books or the Company fu tue oraer in which lt ls taken lu the Raffle. These Twejve num? bers so Ruffled in each Raffle will decide all the AWARDS OF CERTIFICATES. - All the numbers lu each Raffle are equal nadlsilactlon being made as to the order In which tho 'numbers are taken in the Raffle, and the AWARDS ARE AT ONCE DELIVERED tq.the successful CERTIFICATE' HOLDER. EXPLANATION OF THE CERTIFICATE AWARDS. Purchasers select their own numbers anywhere from 1 to 78, and for example, say, pays for the same one dellar. The vender gives the purchaser a certificate with the number or numbers selected, and enters the, same uuiob r or numbers, upon the Company's Register (with -the amount eopald) to be returned to the*Office or the Company by the vender,befare the Raffle takes place. Purchasers may select a One Number Certificate, or ?Two Number Certificate, cr a Three Number Certificate, or a Four Namb?r Certificate. A Single-Number Certitoate means a Bingle number selected by the buyer anywhere from 1 to 78, and should that number be taken out.m the Twelve Numbers so taken from the Raffle Cylinder, the Purchaser will be entitled to an AWARD OF FOUR TIMES the value of Shares in the RAFFLED ROPERTY or cost of the original Certificate of Shares. . ?c A Two Number certificate means IT the Two numbera as the Certificate come ont in the Twelw numbers taken from the. Raffled Cylinder, will entitle the successful holder to an AWARD .of Shares lh the RAFFLED PROPER L'Y of TWENTY times the value or cost of the original certificate or Shares. A Three Number Certificate means if the Three numbers on the certificate come ont in the Twelve so i aken from the Raffle Cylinder wilt entitle the bolder to an AWARD of Shares in the RAFFL?KD PROPERTY of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY TIMES the value or cosfor the original Certificate or Shares. If but Two of the numbers are oat is the Three on the Certificate, the pur? chaser will receive an AWARD of TW10E the amonnt of the value or cost of the original Certificate.* . # A Fdur Nnmber Certificate means ir the Foqr numbers on the Certificate come out In the Twetye) So taken from the Raffle Cv Hurler the purchaser will be entitled to an AWARD of Shares In the RAFFLED PROPERTY of TUREE UUNDR?D TIMES th ; value orbost of i he original Certificate of Shares. If but Three of the numbera on the Certificate are out in the Raffle the purchaser will receive an AWARD or Shares in the RAFFLED PROPERTY or TEN times the value or. coat or the original C?rtl?c&t? of Sb?TG?. * A person may invest In a Certificare or Shares in these RAFFLES an amount small or large as ho pleases. The Company's Schedule List of-Awards ls made out at the rate of ONE DOLLAR FOR OER! IFICATES, but Certificates.will be I.-sued of the value cf ?5,60 and 76 cents; also, $1, $2, $8, |4, $5 and to $io and upwards, and the Awams delivered pro rata to the schedule list o? rates. The above explanation will enable any one desiring, to* take a share in these Raffles to do so under? standingly, and the Raffles belog fairly and honestly conducted* lu public by the Sworn Commission? er und exact ly at the hours named, they afford a safer mean's of investment than any other hun', ness speculation. The first Property and Land Scheme.of the Company wul be issued in a short time, and wU.1 he Raffled every three months. An; further information will be furnished by the General Agent of the Company, at their Office? No. 147 MEETING STREET, opposite the Charleston Hotel, where Certificates are for sale. . . JT. JP. HORBACH, General Agent of t&e Company, P. O. Box No, $49. _1 CHARLESTON, May 24th, 1871. Received of the CHARLESTON OHARTTAeLE ASSOCIATION, of. the State of South Carolina for the Benefit of the Free Schoo) Fund, (bacc?taors of R. H. WILLOUGHBY A CO., one Thousandl Dol? lars, being the Bum in full to be paid Into the hatads or the SiateSapenntenden or Education ?'aa re? quired by an Act or the General Assembly 61 the State of Sooth Carolina, passed at the resrhar Sea. sion of 1870-71, approved March 8th, 1871. j. K. JlLLSuSf may2?-imo State Superintendent Education, South Carolina/