University of South Carolina Libraries
A] I i V AFFAIRS. Meetings Th I?. Day. Citizens of .Ward 3, at 8 P. M. Marlon Lodge, at s P. M. Palme'to Guard-Rifle Club, at 8 P. H. f ? Auction Su.le? THU Day. Hiles Drake will sell at IO o'clock, at Ms store, boots, shoes and hats. William McKay will sell at io o'clock, ut hu store, furniture, crockery.-Ac. ? OTK PRICES CURRENT.-We especially invite the ni lentlon of our merchants to THE NEWS Prices Current, issued this morning. Made up" w i.! h the utmost care, and handsomely printed with * entirely new type, it forms, with the business card o? the house forwarding it, the niost attractive and welcome weekly commer? cial circular that can be used. Price, for ten copies or more, with business cards, two and aimil tents per copy; single copies five-cents. ELECTION ANNOUNCEMENTS intended for pub- j Ilea:lon m THE NEWS, must, In all cases, be piid for in advance. AN EAGLE was captured in Lexington, in ttys State, a few days ago, m-asiutng seven feet .from tip* to tip across the wings. ' WHAT'S IX A NAME?-TWO negroes were caught, in the act of attempting to break Into a Blore in Sumter a few nights ago. Their names were Prince and John the Bap 1st. Nothing lesa., CITADEL SQUABS BAPTIST CHURCH.-The ex bioU|pa in aid of the Sunday-school library or -this choren ls appointed for Friday evening, June -Sot h.' a: 8 o'clock, at Hotmes's Lyceum, matead of j Friday, June lath, as announced. THE PHILADELPHIA S T E AI LINE.-Tho steamship Empire, Captain Hinckley, left her ! wharr at 9 o'clock last evening for Philadelphia,?! with a full cargo and six hundred boxes farm truck aud irait ou deck. THE AIR LINTS RAILROAD. -The Town of An? derson rotes $50,000 to the Atlanta and Richmond Air Llue Railway, provider i he road shall pass by Wiersen and locate a depot within Its corpo-. rate .imits. Ont of two hundred aud one votes, there wnsnot a single vote cast against subscrip? tion. PR?SENTATION. -The? German Steam Fire Eugine Company were presented at their last .meetiug with a line portrait of the tate S. G. Courtenay, at one time chief of the Fire Depart, -ment. The likeness ls capt al, and the portrait will be cheri-lied as a memento of a true axeman, who sacrificed bis Uf? In the service of humanity. LADIES' MCTUAL AID ASSOCIATION.-The r? port or the receipts and expend mires or this as? sociation for the month of May, ISTI, consists or the following amounts viz: To balance $5112; -to sales-room account $80 60; to donation $50; to subscriptions $1 24. Total $308 72. By cash paid $129; balance oh hand $179 72. Amount of ordered work during the month $89 92. "STILL WATERS RUN DEEP."-This popular ? -drama will be repeated this evening, by request, at the old <4Veondschart$bund Hall, In Sooiety ?Weet, by the Carolina Dramatic Club. In their last appearance this band of amatners exhibited a -degree or skill and talent which took their ad? mirers by storm,'and the entertainment this eve? ning ts eagerly expected by many of their friends. HOLMES'S LYCEUM, exhibition ot many* attractive scenes from points of interest in Egypt, Palestine, Italy, Ac, together with some -comic interludes and a display of occasional ebro motropes, will be given by Proreasor Holmes, with his magic lantern, at the Lyceum to-night, ?for the benefit of the Holy communion Sunday School Library. Doors open at 8 o'clock. Tickete twenty five ce .'ts each. Music ON THE BATTERY.-Thc Charleston public wlil be pleased to learn that che Pheonix Bi iss Bund, vf. R. Fordham; lander, wMi perform on jue Battery to-morro w^(Sasnrtty) afttrnooji. -The following la the prograw??l: ^??^ \ 1. Grund March. 2. Water Lily Polka. 3. Quickstep-"Share My Cottage." 4. W?i*-?^utirq?el?i.* * .A 5. -tratcu-iifthe $>?&." V5g 6. Quickstep^- "How c?fc I L&ve'Thee.'* ? CRUMBS.-A black nun buoy, marked No. 1, .was picked np oil' north Edlsto by the steamer Faunie on her last trip. The exhibition in.aft. cir"the. Sjundj^-sehooi^ library of the Citadel Square Baptist Church will 11; ko pl .ree -at 6 o'clock, at Holmes "H Lyceum, en th? r-venihg Of ?hgpjth instan? j |J1 AV jv are" requested to state that the'announce- | xnent made lu the Courier yesterday morning that the -Jbtcora Cornet Band will perform on tue Bat? tery-gratis-was not authorized. COTTON BLOOM.-A correspondent (Mr. Wm. M. Brelau<*).from Boadvllie, S. C., sends us a fine -cotton oloom, whl:b, he says, he cut off a stalk thirty -i bree in cher high, having twenty-three TM rn?. The cotton was planted 1? March, with? out mauure of any kind, on poor land, and guano put to lt about the end of April. The writer says he -aw his first bloom on. the 12th Instant-now he hi? many. The cotton crop generally In hrs section Is poor, at least three weeks behind, and very much "in the grass." Very .few win make over hair a crop. Corn, ls very good, axeant in the low grounds where it Is drowsed- oat. The spriug '-is too wet, hence bad Staads af cotton. PALM ti TO SOCIAL CLUB.-At the first seml , annual meeting of this club, held on Wednesday evening, the following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing six months: T. J. Melvin, president; CC Bolger^ vice-president; D. W. Mus? tard, secretary; M. Fitzgibbon, treasurer. The follow ip g standing committees we pe appointed: .Commrtteron ??tters-iEiwara .O'Neur, A. rousse! I er e. Wm. Lar o uss el 1er e. Committee on finance-R. A. Tongue. L. E. Hendricks, J. A. Melvin. After the meeting adjourned the club reassembled at the hall of the Carolina Dramatic .Club, and, with their invited gaests, pastea a .pleasant social evening. CLUBS AND STARS.-Israel Pinckney, lodged on the charge of vagrancy and disorderly con? duct, was discharged arter a hearing. Harrison Carron, a constable, lodged for rais? ing a disturbance and drawing a pistol on the po aceraan who arrested him, was tu/ned over to a ./al justice. S. Harper, arrested for quarrelling and threat? ening the lire or Mr. H. Behrmann, ls held for ex? amination. .. Edward M. and Rachel Mazyck, colored, lodged ror raising a disturbance in Elliott Btreet, were tried. Edward was sentenced to pay a fine of five dollars or spend five days In the House of Cor? rection. Rachel was discharged. THE STATE COURT.-The Court of General Sessions was opened at io o'clock yesterday-morn? ing. Hon. H. F. Graham presiding. The State vs. Georee.Habenioht-assault and .battery. Continued by the defence. The State v? BenJ. Brown and Jas. Campbell assault with Intent to kill and resisting a peace officer in the discbarge of lils duty. Continued by the defence. The -tate VB. Gas Williams-grand larceny. C. W. Buttz for the derence. Verdict, not guilty. The State va. John alias George Washington alias John Stewart-grand larceny. Verdict, not guilty. The State vs. John Mitchell-burglary. Messrs. Seymour and Jervey for the defence. Verdict, guilty. The State vs. Moses Johnson-grand larceny. Prisoner appeared la person and pleaded guilty to petty iarceny. Plea accepted. The State vs. Pompey Vlrgll-rarralgned and in dictmento amended by substituting names or sev? eral witnesses in this case. The State vs. John alias George Washington grand larceny. C. W. Buttz ror the defence. Ver cwt, guilty. Adjourned until 10 o'clock this mom lng. ' TEE JUUNICIEAL ELECTION. meeting in Ward i. The citizens of this ward assembled at Hi? bernian Hall last evening, la Urge numbers, to organize for the Municipal canvass. ' On motion ot Captain Tecklenburg, Mri -Beth Spencer was called io the chair, and Mr. Henty J. O'Neill acted aa secretary. On motion or Mr. Thomas E. Ryan, a committee of five was appointed on -permanent organiza? tion. ? In pursuance thereof the chair appointed on i that committee Messrs. F. Ktessei.'E. H. Stetting. ! Janies Riley, H. Buck and Wm. M. Sage. The committee retired for consultation, and, a*f ' ter a .short absence, reported the following per ! manent officers: T. ?street, president; James RI ; ley. N. .Fehrenbach and Marlow Cochran, vice presidents; J. O'Neill and Thomas E. Ryan, secre? tarles; w. K. steadman, treasurer. ' Pr?sident Street, oh taking the chair, sald-that he bad very little to say. The meeting was not i political one, and, as far as he was concerned, "ne would do ali m his power tc-promote ever/move? ment that looked to the es'abilshment of a good, efficient and intelligent government, as-opposed to the present one which was to the contrary. He ansonnced the meeting ready Tor business. It was resolved that the wari would meet on next Wednesday night, at which time lt will go Into an election, by ballot, for six delegates to at? tend the convention to be held on the 5th of July. The meeting thea adjourned. Meeting In Ward 5? A numerous assemblage of citizens at Ar. no; d's Hall last ?ve ni rig evinced the great interest which this ward, takes la the coming municipal - election. The meeting was Well attended" by the most prominent business men and mechanics, among whom a large number of the most respect? able colored citizens found a hearty welcome. The meeting was called to order, Dr. J. H. Hon? our, Jv., being requested to act as chairman, and Mr. J. W. Eingman as secretary. The following permanent officers having been nominated by a committee, were elected by ac? clamation .- A. J. Crews, president; Frank Brown, vice-president; Henry Foster, secretary; c. A. Lengnlck, treasurer. By a resolution, all the residents of the ward wh? were desirous of becoming members of the club and forwarding the object? it had in view, were requested to siga the roll, and nearly a hun? dred names Were speedily registered. After a spirited discussion as to the propriety I j of Immediately electing delegates to th? nomi? nating convention, or postponing the a subs?quent meeting, the club adjourned to meet subject to the call of tie president through the dilly papers. 1 GEORGIA OPINION -OF A CHARLESTON FIRM.-The Farmer and Gardener, published Ia Augusta, Ga., speaks of our enterprising towns? men arter this wise.: Messrs. Kinsman A Howell, of Charleston, S. C., wtirbe found to fill the great need long felt by shippers or fruit as reliable middlemen. Being well posted-, as to the peen llarlties of the New York fruit market, their ser? vices In either forwarding . fruits to responsible firms there or effecting sales of consignments are ottered to fruit growers, and wetiust that they will receive a liberal patronage. /ATRIANGULAR DIFFICOLTT.-Afil? Jenkins, an Elliott street damsel, .was brought before Trial Justice Magrath, this morning, on the charge of stealing a string or fish from a vender, and spit- s ting tn the m in's face when he asked her 'to re- * turu them. After au examination, she was round d guilty, and sentenced to five days lnjalL An officer jvas detailed to accompany her to prison, dud?sBortly aft??eaving?tae trlaijnstlce's office, 3 she seized her escort by the coat collar and com- F menced pomme ling him about the head. This 1 aroused his official Indignation, and be sailed la, a changing his prisoner ina few momenta into "a bundle of writhing rags." She was taken back-to the Justice's office, and given In charge or L two ooLstables, who managed to get her ta Jail. " Congressman DeLarge, who was an eye-witness Of the fight between the officer and the woman, bad his sympathies aroused In behalf of the latter, and immediately entered a complaint against the QwhtfU-heM ior-egmlnatlon. ri CSARt.ESTtoW F?TALE SEMINARY.-The corner stone of a new schoolhouse, to be known uniter the above name, was laid yesterday morn- J lag In Wie lot No.. 50 si. Phtllnstreet, adjoining the rewcle^ft^ojf the^fficlpaio^lhe sehoolfSfas Etta A. K-Bjir Hie scDgJars, ttBner Oe ??epJ?on of one of%e-*eaiS3r?. parrSnpate<f la raFe?remo t nies, and marched out Into the yard to the strain . <;< of a melodeon, played by one of their number, a The tin box placed in the corner-stone contained t Ue roll ofthe scholars ?4) composing the school, . s?c?ral Oamederata- bRU, sateral pieces of coln, the city papers, and photographs of the teachers. a The childe ir;oo aclu tied the ceremonies bj singing ia hWn M??rOhed pjogttd the atqhA Tbe hossie 5wiii to" c?nstj-uctea* by the architect, Mr? J. H. Devereux, according' to the modern style of school architecture, will be three stories high, and furnished with all .the latest improvements and conveniences. Tn? principal. Miss Kelly, hav? ing but recently recovered from a severe illness, a was represented tn the exercises of the day by W. c Aiken Kelly, Esq, who addressed the company ^ assembled. This seminary was established in g October last, and has an able corps of teachers, to c wit: Mis? Etti A. Kelly, principal; Mrs. Isabella c A.' Smith, first assistant teacher; -Miss Minnie E. Seymour, second assurant teacher; Kiss Laura Kelly, third assistant teacher; Maj r L. DuBos, French department; Mr. F. Berkhan, vocal music, n lt affords us great- pleasure to ch ronlcle the in -. \ cepdotf or trustworthy errt erprise, and"we sincere- v ly hope*that Mesa Kelly may eon tin ne to meet tue n encouragement on the part of the public which she so richly -rn ed t s. Tm: FIRE.-Between 2 and 3 o'clock yester? day morning, a Dre broke ont in the kitchen at? tached to the residence or Mr. Martin, on the west side of Nassau street, between Columbus and Line. The alarm was promptly given, and the ttremen were qaleily on tee ground, bat I ( owing to the high wind prevailing at the time, [ ( and the combustible nature or the materials of which the houses were bulli, the flames raged I t fiercely, and spread rapidly. There being no fire | t wells in the neighborhood ksufficient water coul l -lot be had to'work a steam'are engine. The little water to be had was some distance orr, and .he band-engines had to form fines three deep, iy whloh lt required three engines to throw a single Stream on the fire. The firemen-worked with vigor* and did not relax their exertions un? til half-past 7 o'clock. Before the flames were sub .med, four dwelling-houses, with the outbuild? ing", were entirely destroyed. T wo of the houses destroyed, consisting of two-story wooden dwell? ings and outbuildings, were occupied by Mr. Jacob P. Manta, engineer on the South Carolina Railroad, and Mrs. Charles W. Syfaa. These buildings werejowned by Mr.Breedeman, engineer of the German Steam Fire com pa ny .. This prop? erty was not Insured. Mr. Martin only succeeded In saving a part of his furniture. One other was owned by Mr. Rosis, the engineer of tba*Young America Fife Company, and was also uninsured. Mr. Rosis also sav?d his. furniture. The fourth house was owned by Alderman McKinlay, and was lasared for $600 i a the North British Mercan? tile Insurance Compiny, of wfilch Mr. E. behring ls agent. Tne fire ls believed to have been the* work or an Incendiary, aa MP. Martin's family did not retire until arter 12 o'clock, and had carefully extin? guished the lire lu the stove before" they went to bed. Directly across the street from the Ore was Br. Bason's foundry, which escaped destruction only throogh the exertions of the firemen, a stream of water having been kept continually piaylug upon lt. About hair-past 4 o'clock, when this fire bad "almost succumbed, the sparks communicated to the roof of an unoccupied house at the corner of Columbus 8trget and the Mall. The engines qulcky turned Their attention to this point, and .theflames were extinguished; bot not before considerable damage had been done to the roof. This house is the property of'Mrs. Margareta. Oakes, and wa-) lately occupied bj Judge R. F Graham. It was Insured In ina.Richmond Bank king and Insurance Company, Mr. j. L. Hon? our, agent, for $2200. CH ER AW AND SALISBD'ST RAILROAD.-From a letter written lrom Charleston ey Hon. W. H . Robbi ia. of North CaroUna, to &^Sa?liS?rj Ex imlner.'we extract the following, Bluing grati? fying progress m this important public work. Hr. Robbins is one of the directors of the C ti eta w ind Salisbury Railroad, and was here recently ia tttendanoe on a meetlng.of the board. He says: The Cuera w and Salisbury Road is graded tue greater part of the way from Oberaw to Wades ? 3oro', and contractors are now pushing that part forward rapidly. We have just mace arrange, mei:ts to get money to buy Iron and otaeAtock: Tor that portion of the road, ami through the mergy and activity of Major B. D. Townsend, mr president, who ls certainly one of the - most, jfllcient mea for sue* ai task tobe found in any rartof tiie country, we confidently expect this *oad to be in operation as far as- Wades boro' by ;be end of this year or thereabouts. LOVE AND A STOMACH POMP.-A young man attempted to kui himself Wednesday night by wallowing an ounce of laudanum- Ne was dis covered In his room about ll o'clock, by a friend who was attracted by bis heavy and unnatural snoring. To this friend he acknowledged having ;aken the laaflanum. Dr. Joseph Tates was im nedlately sent for, and on his arrival applied the itomach pomp to the sufferer. The doctor then ?ok him Into the street and walked him to and TO until daylight yesterday morning, when he emoved his charge toa vacant lot, and kept him vaiUng until 10 o'clock, dashing- cold water into ils face at intervals to keep him awake. He was ;nen taken to the hospital, where every attent? ion was bestowed upon bim. At latest acconnta xe was doing well. This, we learn, ls the second ittempt he bas made on his life. The immediate ?use of this last attempt to put an end to his existence ls said to have been thar "his aweet ?eart danced willi somebody else at the picnic." Popr fellow I FONERAL OP DR. BENJ. JENKINS.-We men lonedbriefly a lew weeks ago the death of Dr. lenklna, in Shanghai, China. AS he had many Heads In Charleston, where he lived for s num >er of years, the following partleuiars by Rev. Ifoung J. 'Allen, one of the Southern Methodist nlsslonarjes in China, will be Interesting : Dr. Benjamin Jenkins died about 4 o'clock, on he morning of the 13th March, of bronchitis, In he 67th year of lils age He was our erst mls ilonary to China, and together with Dr. Charles Taylor, his colleague, sailed from Boston In March >r April, 1848. In 1852, in consequence or hs vite's failing health, he was torced to return to america. Hts wire died on the passage, but be, titer remaining about a year lb the Darted States, ?otumed China-arriving In 1854 with a ?enforcement or new missionaries. He continued rom that lime lill 1803 m connection with the nisslon. In 1862, he disconnected hlmselr entlre y from' us and returned to America via England ind Franee. in 1881. he returned te Shanghai igain, trom which date he was connected with be United States consulate general here, as in erpr?ter and vice coDsuVgeneral, and also acted is Amerlcau assessor In the mixed oourt, where ?tn foreigners and Chinese are implicated. He va3 an exceedingly quiet man, a great student, ind by his ability and general usefulness in Che lommcnlty had wen the respect ot all, both for? goers and Chinese. AU the consular flags, rep eseutlug ' fourteen nations, were lowered hair nast on the announcement of hts death.and the uneral was numerously attended-nearly all the onsuiar representatives, ene. municipal officers, ifftcers from the men-of-war. fa port, the voiuu eer corps and some Chinese mandarlas being iresent. The services were held In the Mortuary Ih'apel. and were conduce.1 by Re?. Robert Nel on, or Virginia, pastor of the American Protea ant Episcopal Church m Shanghai. Hotel ArrlTils-Junt- lt>. PA VI VON HOTEL. Alex. E. Bristow. Marlboro* S. C..;.C. Vose, ummervllle, S. C.; Jos. o. Herbert, New York; I. D. McDonald, New Orleans; E. J. Baker, Oour ln's; J. C. Bell, Fairfield, S. C. CHARLESTON HOTEL. John Doolan, Richmond, Ta.; Alex. E. Bristow, outs. Carolina; George H. Haselhurst, Georgia; L W. Cubbedge, Macon; B. T. Msckfarlan, New 'ork; James P. DePass, Colonel B. F. Ward law nd Little-Jackie, A.-Livingston, Florida. MILLS HOUSE. A. A. Clarkson, Philadelphia; Captain A D. othrop, Bull River; Charles Wlnslow.^Jas. Cald relL New York City. KUHTHEXH N O T I fl JS H. ONE CASE CHEAP COLORED MUSLINS, "war tntsd to wash," at 12# cents, just opened'at Junl4-wrm3 . STOLL, WEBB k Co. GRAY JAPANESE CLOTHS, and Hart - Mourning | ap??ese, in pretty styles, jut t opened at junl4-wrm3 ' SMLL, WEBB k Co. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OP WHITE PIQOE, at 20 o 26 cents ; cheap Nalaeook Muslins, 20, 26 to 36 Bnts; Plaid Nainsook Muslins, at 20 cents. The pove goods are very cheap. Just opened at junii-wlmS STOLL, WIBB k Co. CHEAP LONGCLOTHS AND SmRT&oa, in stand rd brands, just opened at . . jnnl4-wrm8 STOLL, WEBB A CO. CRIBBAOE BOARDS, 30- cents eaeh. White Envelopes, 10 cents a package, j un ur HASEL STREIT BAZAAR. I DESIRE to inform'the people of Charleston nd the country that they can buy a better and heaper Sewing Machine from me than they can isewhere, and now ls the time, and No. 31 Queen treet ls the place, to get a Hrst-class Sewing Ma hine, either new or second-hand; so come one, ome all, and let me serve yon to a No. l Machine. Junio ^ IL. LUMBPOBD. TBE ATTENTION OF WATCH-BUYERS ls Called jour large 9took or Waltham- Watches. These batches have been long known throughout the bitted States as the best and cheapest in thc market. All Watches guaranteed. W. CARRipOTOir A Co., mans No. 256 King street? BILL HEADS printed.on tine paper at $3, $1, is, $6 so and $8 60 per thousand, according to l?e, at THE NEWS Joh Office. THE A CAD EMT OF MUSIC GRAND. GIFT CON? CERTS, as advertised by Messrs. Butler, Chadwick, ?ary A Co.-Mr. Eben Goran, sob agent for this ?piondid and attractive scrfeme ls now prepared o Bell tickets for the same. Applications to be nade to him at the ofl^e ot Mr. fi. M. Morelaad, so. 20 Broad street. . may29 BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS#Job Office 6 now prepared to furnish good envelopes; with msiness cards printed thereop, at $4 per thous md.. Sead your orders. Every merchant and mcness man should have his card printed on ns envelopes. Sasituss (Laxos. |? I N S M* A N & HOWELL, . . FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 128 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. 0. Will give prompt personal attention to the sale Mr shipment of PEACHES AND APPLES IN THEIR SEASON.'AND COUNTRY PRODUCE GENERALLY. Marking Plates, and Instructions for packing, tarnished on application._may26-lmo JOSEPH MURRAY, NOTARY PUBLIC, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND COLLECTOR, No. 109 EAST BAT, NEAR BROAD STREET. mayl6 - . JEEVES, BROWN <t_VAN WICKLE, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Of ALL KINDS OF DOMESTIC FRUIT AND TEGETABLES In their season. Nos. 162 and 163 CENTRE ROW, WE*ST WASHINGTON MARKET, NEW YORK. RKFXBKMOBS.-S. A. Lambert, with Adolph Nimitz, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, So. 209 East Bay, Charleston, s. a apri3-3mo8 OF THE aa, ! SO. CA. LAND ASSOCIATION READY, FOR SALE AN?> ?JEIIAIYERY. ?. ALL ORDERS PROM THE COUNTRY PROMPTLY FILLED. IO- AGENTS WANTED for Beaufort. Uolletou. Georgetown, Olarendon, WMlam?burg Orange* burg, Barnwell, Chesterfield and Horry. . E. SEBR?VG Ai CO., and J. I?. MO;ES, ' may26-6fmwimo GENERAL'AGENTS, No. 34 BROAD STREET. Orrj ?coos, &c. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS ! FOR FIVE DAYS LONGER, WE PARTICULARLY INVITE THOSE WHO ARE DESIROUS OF OBTAINING BARGAINS TO VISIT OUR STORES, AS S?OH AN .OPPORTUNITY IS SELDOM G FF E RED. EVERY ARTICLE UH OUR STOCK WILL BE DISPOSED OF ' AT NEW YORK COST AND LESS ! A LARGE LINE OF .'* Summer Dress Goods, Irish Linen, Bird's-Eye Diaper, Silk Trinnnings, Ribbons, ?e., AT A GREAT SACRIFICE.. . ?- .Cai: and be convinced. The attention of. Merchants ls called to the above. FURCHGrOTT, BENEDICT & CO., . . Nos. 344 and 437 KING; STREET. jun? . , ?ine ?roccries, j&t. AND TEA WAREHOUSE. HEADQUARTERS FOE SELECTED DAISY BUTTER . PUEE LEAF LARD F RIME FACTOR F AND ENGLISH CH EBB ES ' ' ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CB ACKERS, an BISCUITS, AO., Ac. N. B.-I OLAIM TO KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK AND MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OL FAMILY GROCERIES IN THIS CITY. VERY CHOICE FAMILY FLOUR. ?3. E. BEDFORD, PURE BRANDIES, WINE > AND VERY OLD WHISKIES. 8T*CCBSSOR TO WILLIAM S. CORWIN A 00., No*. 375 KING STU B ET, OPPOSITE BASEL. WHOLESALE AND RET.V.IL DEALER "'?'[- DI - . . "ly Pine Teas, Coffees. Sugars Provisions, Spices, Sec* HEIirt?ETk'ALLY JSEALKD FRUITS. VEGETABLES, MEATS, SOUPS, &c. Ail articles sold from this establishment are of the VERV BEST <#JAL'TA'-aa<t WARRANTED Goods louvered to all parts of the Cltyi Railroad Depots, Steamboat, free ot expense. EVERr R. BEDFORD. I SEND FOR A I i AS. S. MARTIN. H. ORUBER. f CATALOG PE._. I WM. G.'MOOD. 4B. Shags, Chemicals, &t. C F. PANKNIN, CHEM Al APOTHECARY. No. 123 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. ATTENTION IS RESPECTFULLY CALLED TO the NEW NON-POISONODS and ODORLESS DIS . INFECTANT and ANTISEPTIC, CHLORALUM. (Chloride of A m DJ la lum, the Sal me Antiseptic; harmless as common sat! . The Lancet, August 27th, 1870, says of this pre? paration: "It ls. quite as potent as Chloride of Zinc or Carbolic Add, and ls at' the sante time non? poisonous and devoid of unpleasant smell of every kind. These qualities will, no doubt, Insure Its being extensively used, and at no distant date we may expect lt to displace the antiseptics which are at present in vogue." . CHLORALDM is an astringent antiseptic, ap? plied to foul ulcers by London surgeons, asa gar? gle in scarlet fever, diphtheria and common sore throat, and has been found Invaluable in inflam? mation of the eyes, Ac. OHLORALUM ?an be relied on bj Farmers tn the treatment of Foot and Mouth Disease, and in carrying on disinfection in their homes, stables, cowbede, plg6tyes and poultry-houses. OHLORALUM* for dog kennels used with great: advaptage and economy In keeping meat fresh for any length of- time, in purifying the benches and yards, and completely removing the foul and sickening odor of dirty or lli-dralned kennels. 49* For sale In Quantities to suit purchasers. The advertiser is also In receipt of a. s mall lot of Imported Espies Cigarettes, for Asthma. Together with a Fresh supply of CONGRESS, ; EMPIRE, AND PAVILION SPRING WATERS. For sale low by the case, . MANUFACTURER OF PUN'S HEPATIC BITTERS Which have established for themselves* a reputa? tion surpassed by none for the relief of Diseases of the Stomach and Liver. A fall assortment of MEDICINES, PERFUME? RIES, CHEMICALS, 4c, of his own Import?t!' n. Through constant effort and attention, he hopes to merit a continnsnce of the public patronage which has hitherto been extsnded to him. Junis-2m os ?oncfj ?0003. &t. 10THERS, REM THIS] IS THOROUGH L Y waterproof. Pro. teeta clothing; retains Linea Diapers; avoids r<lns; permits circu?? Hon of air. Reoom mended bj physicians* and ali'mothers whose children have worn 'them. 'Made in four sizes: l smallest : 4 largest. <Prlo? $l. Malled free. Address P. VON SAMTEN, No. 220 King street, Charleston. .*-. C.. Dealer In all kinds or RUBBER GOODS, such as Rubber Sheet. lng, white and black, Air Pillows. Air and ".Vater Beds, Hospital Cushions. Bandage Cum, Rubber Clothing. Piano covers, D or Mats. Ac., Ac. and Importer o'f Faucy Goods, Toys and Fireworks. junB-Omos 2fero Publications. G'ET T.?E BESTt WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DfCTtONARY. 10,000 Words and Meanings not" in other Dic? tionaries. 3000 Engravings, IMO Pages Quarto. Price $12. "Glad to add my testimony In Its favor." (President Walker, of Harvard. "Every School knows-lu value." [W. H. Prescott, the Historian. "The most complete Dictionary of the Lan? guage." [Dr. Dick, of Scotland. "The beet guide of Students of our Language." (John G. Whittler. "He will transmit bis name to latest posterity." [Chancellor Kent. . "Etymological parts surpasses anything by earlier laborers." (George Bancroft. "Bearing relation to Language Principia does to Philosophy." (Elihu Burri?. "Excels au others In denning scientific terms." [President Hitchcock, "So far asl know, best denning Dictionary." . [Horace Mann. "Take lt altogether, the-surpassing work." [Smart, the English Ortheoeplst. ' A necessity for every intelligent family, stu? dent, teaoher and professional man. What Li-, iirary ls complete without the best English Dic? tionary? Also, Webster's National Pictorial Dictionary IMO Pages Octavo, soo Encra vin gs. Price $5. "The work ls really a gem of a Dictionary ; just the thing for the million." ?American Educational Monthly. . A C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass, sold )>y all Booksellers. may27-lS* Jsoacscn'e preparations. STTH/JS POP ! DEATH TO RATS, ROACHES BEDBUGS, &c. NEVER FAILING. BOXES DOUBLE THE SIZE AS OTHERS. HERMETICALLY SEALED AND ALWAYS FRESH. Sold at. Wholesale by DO WIE. MOISE Ss DAVIS, And at retail by all Druggists. febl-emo me pood Bark FANNIE, Jenes, Master j&f of small capacity, ha vin pr. engaged iheflg larger part of'cargo, will meet with, dlspatclr^^ For Balanco of engagements apply to* " '.. 1 J. A, ENSLoW A'CO./'Suip-Bfokers, . JanM-wfZ,.. ., No. Ul.East Bay. jp I 8 H*I N G B XC?KS IONS. ' The heap Ufa l Yacht ELEANOR will malte ?t? M Excursion LO the-Blackish Banks, atart-wBfe Lng from Som hem Wharf .?very WEDNESDAY ana FRIOAY, at 7 A. M.. and returning In thc after noon. Lines-and Batt fBcubhed oa boan! Fan il M. ? . : J The ELEANOR may be charter?!'at any tittie' for Private Excursion Parties.""Apply to Captain 10 ONO, on board._ junio p OB BALTIMORE. FREIGHTS RECEIVED DAILY, AND THROUGH BILLS LADING ISSUED ?^^fr* TO -?^f??k - Pf II IJA DEL.P1H A, BOSTON', AND THE CITIES .'pf THE' NORTHWEST. The dne Steamship FALCON. Barnie, Com, mander, will safl Ibr Baltimore dh FRIDAY:' 19th- Jnne, at uni past ? o'clock P. MV . ' mr Philadelphia Fraimts forwarded to tba* :lty by railroad from Baltimore vlthoat addi? tional Insurance, and Consign?esareauotfeu am pie time ;o sample amt- sell their Goods from rh" Railroad l?epot In Pniladel?hlai. . . Fox Freight or Passage apply to PAULO. TBENHOliilL'Agent, jbjaw-4 . : No. a union* Wharves. P? O JR . 2? E W T O K ? . OLD LINE ai BW TOOK AND CliAJLLEft To\ STJBAjasHXPS. ESTABLISHED 1845. .? SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATE-ROOMS .. THE VERY FAST AND SPLENDID Side-Wheel Steamships of this Line will sall faom Adger's Whasf as foBows : MANHATTAN, 8ATOB9AY, Jane 17th, at 5* o'clock P. lt JAMES AUGER, .SAILBOAT, June 24th, at ll o'clock A M MANHATTAN, SATURDAY, Joly Ut, at 3Ccloek P. M. 4HT> insurance K percent, by this Line. ter Through Billa of"Ladin? Riven on Cotton to. Liverpool, Boston, Providence and the New Eat' land manufacturing towns at the lowest masker rates. sar State-rooms may be secured in advance witboat extra charge. For Freight or Passage engagements, apply to mayai_JAMES, ADQEK A 00. J10R LWERPO?L, VIA QTJfiENSTOWN. CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS. THE LIVERPOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM COMPANY Will dispatch one of their nrst-claas, foll power Iron Screw Steamship*from .,. PIER No. 46 N. R., EVERY WEDNESDAY, . AS. FOLLOWS: NEVADA, Capt. OsHX..*.May 44, at u A M WYOMING, Capt. WBDnmzLrJSaj 81, at 3 P M NEBRASKA, Cant. GOABB.June 3, at 3 P M | MINNr SOTA, Capt. T. W. F&fiB MANM.June 7, atfiiSO A M 1 IDAHO,-Capt? Paies.June U, at 3 P M MANHATTAN,.Capt. FORSYTH . .June 17, at 3 P IL j tOLORAl)?,Capt.T.F.FESKMA}.-Jime il,, at 3 P M I WISCONSIN,.Capt. WILLIAMS. .June 28, at 2 P M J . Cabin Passage $B0, gold. * Steerage Passage (Office No. 29 Broadway) sao, currency. . For Freight or Cabin Passage, apply to WILLIAMS A GUION, No. 63 Wau street, N. Y. N. B. -Through BU la Lading to Liverpool Issued by the Charlea; JU and New York Steamers, which make close connectipn with the above Une. Fur particulars and rate of Freight apply to JAMES AUGER A CO., WAONER, HUGER A CO., maye Or ? WM. A. COURTENAY J>ACLF1C MAIL STF. A M.SHH' O?MPY': rnaocuH LINK TO CALIFORNIA. CHINA AND JAPAN FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above une leave Pier Nu. 4ii. North "River, foot of caualj_ rrreet. Now York, at 12 o'clock noou, of the I6tn' .nd 30th of every month fe*eept wiicn thea, 'tates fallon Sunday, thon the saturday preceo ?UK All departnni connect ar, Panama wit: eteam ors for south Patine and central Amencia rons. Departure of 16th touches at Klngstqn. Jamaica For Japan and China, steamers leave san Fran? cisco n rst of every month, except when lt falls on munday; then on the day preceding. No California steamers touch at Havana, bat ^o direct from New Yoric to Asplnwall. ?One huudred pcunds baggage iree to each adnu Medicine aud attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other information.appl a: tit? COMPANY'S TICKET 0FF1?E, on th? wharf foot of Canal street, Nortn River, Ne? i ork. F- B? BABY, Agent. juiyOfi-iyr JpOB GA B D NE R 'S BLUFF. AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE? DEE RIVER, VIA GEORGETOWN. The steamer PLANTER, Captain _ _ *ir^*h. H. S. Cordes, ls now rece.vlugJ^SIBVL Freight at Accommodation Wharf,, and win iCawe MONDAY NIGHT, loth. Instant. Freight and wharfage prepaid. For Freight er Passage, having State Room accommodation, apply to RA VEN EL. HOLMES & CO., junia_ No. 177 Eaat Bay. JgXCUBSIONS! FISHING-EXCURSIONS! The Steamer WATER LILLY can be - _.^lT^w chartered on MONDAYS and THURS-??MMB&K DAYS for Excursions, for which she nt aomimbiy adapted. - .Apply on board, or to DOUGLAS NISBET, JuulO At Freight Office South.'Atlantic wharf. F OR V L 0 RT I D A, VIA SAVANNAH. . .The Steamer DICTATOR, Captain L. M. Coxetter. will leave southern;_". Wharf every TIMBRAI EV?NIN?, ar. o cidcK, (until further notice,) for Jacksonville, Fernan? dina and Palatka, arriving back a; charleaion every SATIEDAY AFTERNOON. mayli . RAVEN EL A CO.. Agents. QHANGE OF SCHEDULE. GEORGETOWN STEAMERS. Until further notice, the Steamer .. - EMILIE, Captain C. C. White. wlll^S^_ leave Charleston 'every WEDNESDAY MGHT, ac 9 o'cloek, and Georgetown every THURSDAY AF TERS?OS, at fi o'clock. For engagements apply on board at Commer? cial wharf orto ?HACKELFORD A KELLY, AgeDts, jun3 No. 1 Boyce's Wharf* fisnjina fiUurnncs. AKD TEE 'WEED" FAMILY FAVORITE LOCE-STlTOb MACHINE. are the beat lu use. For feale on the Lease Plan, with ments, OD easy terms, or for cash. All kinda o Machine attachments, Needles, Cotton, (wmte black and colored,) Silk, OU, Soap, Ac, Ac. . Repairing as usual. Circulara and Rumples, o work sent on application. D. B, HASELTON, Genert! dealer in First Class Sewing M? chines ana Material, No. 307 King ?tree:, augl7 Charleston. S. o. Hartum goLffl-ghio fltag. "^?pSksiSH^-~: *~ mais DAY,J?T io jb^???OTT WILL BK J. sold st No. 140 Meeting street, Lot or H0U8EHOLD FURNifR?g, Crockery. BwringMapnlne?., ... . ._>.". ..j.jt THIS MOBNING? AT -10 >fJ-OL^0K;: I . ^ win sou at' my store, - corner of Km? amt Ltt*r^.-streets,< ; : sn 532 .. ...... . w cases BOOTS ANO SHOES, a fresh and choice MTS, Boys' and Tooms' Brogans', Balmorals and Congress. ^ ~ ??ses Metf* Boye' and Children's Straw Hys, fhst reoeiTed.; ~ . - . ^ iloag MBS. M . J. Z B B-'H,0.rr * WILL OPEN THIS DAY AT Ho. 3 ?? I I; H fl "ST BEE T , A large and Taned assortment or ; K I L L I -V-.Rrs'B. G O &~J> &. To which sae Invites the attention ot Ute ladlee IngeneraL .?' "" ..'*' DRESS WA'kiNQ ATTENDED TO AS CS UAL, BRANCH OF jq^DAM DEMORESTS CELX BRATED PAPER PATTERNS. N. B.-All orders receive prompt attention, apr?-wfmsmos. ... . ..,. ... Q.BAND - O PENI N ? BT ' JftRS. C. ' ST ACKIiiEJT,' AT HEB NEW ST O.B.B*, * No. 297- KENO STREET, FORM1?RL? THE DOLLAR ST?BE. 8 TO Ck CONSISTING OP : ?0cartoons BONNET TRIMMINGS, Sash, Neck and Hair Ribbons *'" " -y.: LOO cases NEW STYLE HATS, In Straw, Leghorn, Chip, Castus Braid and Neapolitan. ARB, , : i MILLINERY GOODS, in endless variety. .;- - ? . AI8V>, r'"" 60 cases SUNDOWNS - 10 cases Magnolias io cases Gypsy School i? . ' &'cases Sailor Hats 6 caee* Minnehaha x 200 dosen Chignons, in Jato and Beal Haman Hair, Curls, Frieses, OhatAllns, Braids, * tc, Ac._'_>_'_ may?is JJA?A??E LUZ.IB?IIV PARISIAN DRESSMAKER, No. 238 KING STREET, EAST SIDE, BETWEEN MARKET AND HASEL ST?.;, ff/P STAIRS.) FINE FRENCH CORSETS MADE TO ORDgR. PRICES REASONABLE. mar29 . ' " ' Stjirta ana JgnnsJftB; gftooct. g THEVLAOE FOB?dow PRIORsT' STAR SHIRTS. . .'. . . ' *:'LT' .. . Pit, Quality and Work Guaranteed. * 0 STAR SHIRTS. ^ Latest New York '?nd Condon Out?. ?? STAR SHIRTS. 5 - Order your shina-now, before tho hot season. j0 STAR SHIRTS. | Shirts, Collara, Drawers, Night Shirts. STAR SHIRTS. .Made to Orders and Ready-Made. STAR SHIRTS. p At less price than any other first class bouse. STAR SHIRTS. " Men's Furnishing Goods at. . T STAR SHIRTS. ? SCOTT'S SHIRT EMPORIUM, STAR SHIRTS. Meeting street, opposite Market. S STAR SHIRTS. S 2ta*tutt0. HABLES TON 'ADVERTISING AGENCY, CORNER BROAD STREIT AND EAST BAT;' ADVERTISEMENTS taken at publishers' cash rates for ALL PAPEBS in the Gaited WALKER, B77?NS A COGSW dec6 mwf ClrB?s,. (?tyemcalt, Sf i. ROSAD ALIS. ROSAD ALIS is the best Blood Purifier. ROSAD ALIS, a sore cure for Scrofula. ROSAD ALIS, endorsed by Physicians. ROS AP ALIS, a potent remedy for Rheumatism. ROSAD ALIS, a Remedy tried and true. . R0SABALIS, the best Altera? tive extant ROSABALIS endorsed by the f olio wing : Dr. R. WILSON CARR, of Baltimore. Dr. T. C. PUGH, of Baltimore. Dr TITOS. J. BUYKIN, or Baltimore. Dr. A DURGAN. o? Tarboro', N. O. . Dr. J. S. SPARKS, of Nicholasvile, Ky. Dr. A. -F. WHEELER, Of Lima, Ohio. Dr. W. HOLLOWAY, of Ptlladelphla. Dr. J. L..McuARTHA,-of South carolina. , and many otners. See ROSADALIS ALMANAC KOSADALDS, endorsed by Rev. DABNEY BALL, now of Mary? land conference, formerly Chaplain In the Con? federate Ai my of Northern Yn-ginliL ls Alterative, Tonic and Diuretic, and acts ct one and the same time upon the BLOOP, LIVER, KIDNEYS and all the SECRETORY ORGANS, ex? pelling all impure matter and building np the system to a healthy, vigor?os condition. IS SOLD CY ALL DREQOiSTS. DOWIE. MOISE A DAVIS, ) fJ??ffS?S GOODRICH, WINEMAN * CO., gg**** Dr. H. BAER, ' Charleston. maro-ly_;_^ UPHAM'S ANTIDOTE FOB STBQHQ DRINK. A SURE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Bottle. Sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt bf price. ' -* . The Antidote ls the best remedy that caa? be administered in Manla-a-Potu, and also foran nervous affections. * . For sale by Dr. H. BAER. No. 131 Meeting street, oct 6 Agent for Sooth Caiotlsa. *