University of South Carolina Libraries
em AFFAIRS. I Meetings This Day. rn*. _ Citizens of Ward 1, at 8 P. M. Citizens of Ward 5, at 3 P. M. Union KU ?ri ^ olag Lodge, at half-post 3 P. M. Relief Loan Association, at ha'f-past 8 P. M. ?Charleston Dramatic Club, at 8 P. M Auction Salea ruta Day. Henry Cobia & Co. will sell at 9 o'clock, at their store, butter, bacon, Ac. J. A. Bnslow A Co. will Sell at half-past 10 O'clock, at their store, dour. ELECTION ANNOUNCEMENTS intended for pub? lication in Tm -irs, must, in all cases, be p-ttd -for in advauce._' JOSEPH CHAP LAIN, and not R B. Chaplain, "wss appointed on the committee at the meeting of Ward 4 on Tuesday ?vening. FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS-AFTERNOON_The steamship Empire, Captain Hinckley,1 will be dis? patched at 5 o'clock. Shippers will hand in all hills lading at that nour. TUB UGLY CLUB of the University of South Carolina will engage tn its usual anniversary ex? ercises on tue 27th instant. Mr. T. Hasefl Gibbes, cf Columbia, will he the orator. The committee have our thanks for their kind Invitation. CRUMBS.-A colored man, while standing at Hie door of Dr. Skrlne's apothecary store In King ' street, this morning, had an epileptic flt and fell down. He was taken into the st?re and under the care of the Doctor, waa soon able to ge about his bcsluess. Trie Sumter Social Club will give a picnic on thc 2^instant a: Mount Pleasant. Tickets $1. STATE LAWS-The attention of the legal .fraternity, and others interested, ls called to the notice in to-day 'a paper, emanating from the of-, nee of the Secretary of State. This lndrx to the acta ?ince 1868 completes the ?4th volume of the Statutes at Large of the State. It'bas been care? ful y prepared, and wm be found a very val?enle, auxiliary to said acts. The notice gives the necessary Infor rna ti on as to where this work can be obtained. ' . .issn AiiRESTiNO SAILORS.-James'Wilson,, a s?ilo r, was arrested^ few days ago on a warrant lashed by Trial Justice Levy, on the affidavit of Peter Wal-h, a sailor boarding-house keeper, alleging that he was a deserter, and after an-examina? tion he wac committed to Jail. A writ or habeas 'Corptxsw&t sued ont, and the*pH-oner brought before lus Honor Judge .Graham. Mr. George R. Walker, counsel for the prisoner, contended that s deserter could be arrested on the complaint of the'cap tain of the ship from which he had desert? ed but not on the affidavit of a bearding house keeper. After argument and mature delibera? tion, the judge ordered the discharge of the pris oner. H .WK WE A STREET INSPECTOR ?-There is an anxious lhqulry m the upper paruof the city to know what has become of the great. Captain Jen Rs. The gotten'are overgrown with gra*. an i, being badly graded, are Ailed with water of a stagnant and putrid, nature, which cannot fall 1 to produce disease of various;, kin da. lit ocr in - specter go through Radcliffe and Tanderh?rst -streets, tar Instance, and see for himself. Bot, perhaps, in the classic language of Mr. School ' Superintendent Jillson, . he "does not care a 1 jinks." We hope, however, that such ls not the case. Wedeour duty in directing nts attention, -and hope he will do his lu having the nuisance at <mce abated. CLUBS ANO STARS.-John Davis and James Jones, arrested for fighting on the street, late : Tuesday night, were tried, and the first sent to ' jail for t wen "y days. Jones was discharged. CharJea Peterson, ?o.'gedJ?Qr " dlaturb?ng.^the neighborhood by beating his wife, in a house lu Merris street, was senteu?ed to pay a line of $6 1 or so to the House of Correction for ten days. 1 Theownerof a dog, reported for allowing his pet to run at large, and bite a child iii Woolie 1 au.-et, near the South Carolina Railroad Depot, was discharged on exam nation. . Ellen Wilson and Meli?da Bell, two dashing 1 belles of color! who had been indulging in a little 1 scratching and tearing or each oth-.r, were turned ' over to a trial justice. PAPER ! SAH.-Newsboys are a public conve? nience in their way, and the'cohort of colored urchins who now monopolize this branch of in? du-try have bec .me. by general consent, a stand? ing institmiou in the city. On the streets they can be tolerated ; but the bands that pertinacious? ly ban? around the entrance to .our principal ' hotels are often a source of serious annoyance to 1 the proprietors and their guests. They are strict- I ly enjoined from entering the porches, but two- of 1 them yesterday morning entered the forbidden 1 precinct, and raised a disturbance in the piazza 1 of the Charleston Ho el. They were speediljf ar- { rested, ?and being taken before the Mayor were 1 sentenced to pay a fine of $5, or go to the House of Correction for ten days, a? a warning to their 1 intruding brethren. 1 ? .- I A ROYAL Row.-Tuesday ^morning, between 0 and IQ o'clock, tue, com muni ty in the neighbor hood ot'the pnpBfses Na* si'St, Philip street, were , sonKwliat_alarmed by t??r?xcltlnf noLses which , proceeded rroin a uen?a;m'the yara. The house was Inhabited by'JhUa, lizzie and Scipio John? son, Josephicaand Harriet Williams, and Carolina Pepe, all seven c Mored, ajnong whom a domestic squabble had arisen. The shrill and sharp tongues ? of the women soon brought* the quarrel to a focus, - and everybody "went" for everybody else with, nature*! weapons. The police were soon ca lied' In. and arrested th? parrles>eagaged, before any damage was Inflicted beyond a few bloody noses, scratched faces and torn clothes. The duaky platoon was bf ought before the Mayor, who dis' charged Jolla, fined Scipio and Josephina $ 0, aud sent tbe other .three to the House of Correction for five days. "Now, THEN, BUTTERFINGERS."-About 7 o'cl:ckyesterday morning's precious yoath.or color, rejoicing m the greasy appellation of Jake Butter, entered the apothecary shop of Dr. W. A Shrine, No. 280 KTng street, and after looking around for some time vithout saying a wo rd to any one, quietly ensconced himself behind the counter. When asked what he was, doing there, he failed to give a satisfactory answer? and mum? bled something about soda water. H's suspicious proximity to the money drawer 'iaus;d him to be turned over to an officer, by whom he was speed? ily brought before Hie Mayor on the charge of vagrancy. His previous character told hard agttnst him, and Jake got a pass to the House of Correction, where he can philosophize on the wickedness of the world, and reflect on the tenth of the Scriptures, that the way of the transgres? sor is Lard. THE STATE CiRCufr COURT.-The Court of. General Sessions was opened yesterday morning ai 10 o'clock, Hon. R. F. Graham presiding. The following cases were cUspos^d of : The SUtrfe vs. Wm. of trust. R. W. Seymour, Esq., for the defence. Verdict, guil? ty The State vs. Edward Hunter and August Hart zer-graud larceny. J. G. Mackey, Esq., for the derence. . Verdict, guilty.' The State vs. Ellen Butterfield-grand larceny. CL. Butts, Baq., for the defence. Verdict, ?tot guilty. The State vs. Wm- Darrel and J. F. Mason-as? sault and assault with intent to kill. Continued. The State vs. Edward Brown-grand larceny. Continued, and beuch warrant ordered to be Is? sued against the defendant. The defendants, F. C. Miller, E. P. Wall, and M. McLaughlin in the seven cases now pending against them for official misconduct, were order ed to gr?e bond with sufficient security in the sum or $600, to appear on .Friday next, for trial, briore the Co mt of General Sessions. The wit? nesses in the case who were present were also or? dered to give bond to appear, and attach? ments were orden d against those who were ab sent, return ivie on the day of the trial. Adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. ? THE MUNICIPAL ELECTION. Meeting ia Ward 6. There waa a full meeting of the citizens of tala ward last evening at Arnold's. HauyMeeting, near John street. R. C.?ari?ej; ?so^-aras'called to the chair, and Mr. J. &.B^ay)or rj?dr^i?' sec? retary. The following: committee on permanent organi? zation was appointed td report officers at a meet? ing tobe liekl at the same tima /and place next Wednaiday'mg'ht: Ve^Rlsheiv^^fii H. Honour. J. Xell^amesl_felvlar^a.n G5ltf*?W i?&W'? Ham Meagher. The meeting afterwards adjourned to meet as above. Meeting In Ward! 8. An adjourned meeting was held last ?^enla^ at. the hall a: the corner of King and Line streets, President Tobias In the chale The president stated that he had conferred with prominent med '8E- the other ward s, and would recommend that the election of d?legatcs be de? terred until th? 28th Instant: bot a motion to go into an immediate election prevailed, and the fol? lowing gentlemen were selected to. attend the convention, to be held on the 5th of July : R. M. Hogan, J..B. Shlrer, Richard Washington, ?. W. Mathe wes, TV F. Heidt and D. IL Smith. The meeting then adjourned, subject to the pall of the chair. Meeting tn Ward 7. The banner ward of the city was weil rep? resented last evening at the ureeiiug jield at their hall, In Nassau street, pursuant to th*call in vi mg all citizens In favor of a Conservative govern? ment and opposed to the present admmis(ration. The meeting wu called to order by Mr. E. Dann being requested to takerihe cha tr, ?nd Mr. J. N. Purse to act as secretary. . On motion, lt was resolved to- elect, permanent officers for the club, and Dr. Thomas S. Ortmke having been nominated for president, Ire was elected by acclamation. Mn A. N. Puudtwaa then nominated for vice president; Mr. Joan Piaspohl for secretary, and Mr. George A. Douglas for treasurer. These gen? tlemen we re e lee rad by ac crtamat la n.^ jj 5 ? 5 **? motion was m?d? to defer'tn?'ef?ction"br del-" egatea to the -nominating convention to the 21at of June, which, after some discussion, was lost. ' - On motion ' of Mr. sweeney, lt waa resolved to go into an immediate election for delegates, and the following gentlemen were cttosenoy ballot to* represent the ward : E. Donn, R. Gordon, W. H. Sig wald. James M. Eason, E. Powers, and A. H. Petsch. On motion, the meeting then adjourned, sub? ject to the call of the president though the pwpera. CfTADEL SQUARE BAPTIST CHURCH.-The ex? hibici?n tn aid of the Sunday-school library of thia church ls appointed for Friday evening, Jane soto, at 5 o'clock, at Holmes's Lyceum, instead of Friday, Jone 18th, as announced. MK. O. F. BncHHErr HEAKD FROM.-Mr. Geo. Francis Bnchhelt was arrested in Louisville, Ky. aa an advance telegram from Lieutenant Phllip py, who was sent ny his family In search of him. Mr. B. made no resistance, ana returned quietly to Augusta, where he arrived last evening. He will remain lu t.iat city unflr hts iffor her, who'ls L expected there th s morning, can have an oppor? tunity of eo-ferrmg with Um; Mr. BMMteit states as a reason for hld leaving Charleston that he owed large amounts of money, and feared that his creditors might put him In jail. He denies any intention ou his part of defrauding the in? surance companies. He takes matters coolly, and says he will not wUlitgly return to Charleston unless his father pays bis debts. The sum af $56 and a through-ticket to the'WeaVw'ere found upon his person. . ?TRIAL JUSTICE ITEMS.-Ann Young; the keeper of an assignation house, was arraigned yesterday morning before Trial Justice Magrath, on the charge ot harborings yoting girl under age. She was bound over to appear at the next term of the Court of General Session? Betsy Reed wa? tried before Trial Jos tice Levy, charged with stabbing Lady Grant several times in the arm. She was found guilt? ?fan assault with a deadly weapon and sent to rusticate for thirty days in Sheriff Mackey's hotel. Michael Heyward, the colored drayman who was arrested for inhuman treatment of a boy lamed Daniel Curry, a few days ago* waa brought before Trial Justice Magrath yesterday morning, and after examination, waa bound over In $1000, to ssvssrsc at the. next term of court for assault . apd battier j u^d t attempt to klU. Th? fattier or . thev^by wat ofcupd over lqr-$500 as-ap accessor*-', f In default bf ball they were bothaent 'to jail. Th? boy has been placed In the colored Orphan Asylum by Lieutenant-Governor ? RanBler. CHLO RA. LCM. -A want lon..- felt in the com? munity ls np-w supplied by Mr. C. F. ?auknin, tte . p/en-lAown chemist- an?? apothecary, vvnofjffers In tins morning's NEWS the newly discovered, aon-poisonous and Inodorous antiseptic and dis? infectant- "chl?ralum."" The disinfectants now in use are all more or less objectionable on ac count of their offensive and? tp some people, sick snlpg'odor. Those In need of such a commodity wm. be. pleased to jig re a ?ajout?t* devoid of rhese objectionable qualities. There ls no donbt that for these reaaana chi?rraluo vrfcl soon come Into universa', use. Our readers will Also notice that Mr. Panknln has just received a_u>t of the celebrated Erencu asthma cigarettes; as also a fresh supply of the Congress, Empire and Pavilion Spring waters. Of the Hepatic Bitters manufactured by Mr. Panknln, 1: ls not necessary to speak here, as iE ls well known and thoroughly established in the trade. Nor need we call attention to his general stoof' of med min a, chemicals, perfumery, Ac, for ta* character and reputation of the advertiser ??t a full guarantee for the excellence of the ar Roles he offers to the public. NEWBERRY CO LI. KO E rs- WALHALLA, 8. C. The catalogues of this institution, whleh we have jost received, Indicates that it- is In a highly flourishing condition.' From' the preparations now in progress, the approaching commencement exercises promises to be of extraordinary inter? est. In addition to the performances common to auch an occasion, the corner-stone of the college edifice will be laid by the Masonic fraternity. In addition to the regular examinations the "alendar .exhibits the following programme: Conic?t literary -societies, June 28; anniversary literary societies; annual meeting of the board, and anni vetsary Alumni Association, Jane 27th; laying corner-stone of college, june 28th; junior exhibi? tion 2*th. On the 28th the ladles or Walhalla will, give a dinner, the proceeds of which will be de? voted to the completion or the coll?ge building. The address be ore the literary societies will be delivered"by Rev. J. Hawkins. The Alumni will be addressed by Mr. J. E. Uouseal, ano the ad? dress at laying the coiner-stone by Rev. W. S. Bowman. The railroads along the entire route will pass visitors to and from the commencement for one-rare, through the geoeroue courtesy of President Magrath and Colonel S. ff. Pic kens ol the South? Carolina' Railroad. Excursion tickets will be sold here from the 22d to the 27th instan; for $14 85 the round trip, and will be good, to re? turn until the 5th or July. This will afford a splendid opportunity for ell persons who wish to take a trip to the mountain r?gions -of our State, to enjoy along, cheap and healthful ride. ' Hotel Arrivals-Jane 14. PAVILION HOTEL. . W. james, Columbia; A. A. Burlingame, J. C. Herbert, New York; W. Wallace, T. E. Mciver, C. and D. Railroad; W. A. Carrigan, So? ciety Hill; J. A. McDo aid St. Louis. CHARLESTON HOTEL. 6. J. Lang, E. A. Marshall. Philadelphia; G. A. Hoyt, C. D. Owens, New York; W. Curry, Alaba? ma; J. Massman, New Orleans; W. B. Johnston, Macon; C. Guerrero, Savannah; J. Cooper, Beau? fort. : ' . - - . ' MILLS HOUSE W. J. DeTreville. M. J. Browning, Orangeburg; J. P. Chase, J. J. McCown, Florence; w. J. Hutch? inson, Weldon; M. M. Carter, Northeastern Rail? road; A. H. Hammond, P. W. Burr, New York; R. M. Newport, Mrs. and Master Newport, Philadel? phia; Miss B. McCauley, Mansfield; Captain A. D. Lathrop, BaU River. * THE MORSE STATUE CELEBRATION.-Among .thc greetings telegraphed to Professor-Morse at the recent celebration was the following from the 6pef8lorsiu Charleston: '-From the far South we send back the?kfudly. greeting ol our rather In |%??gmphy?aaa^ brothers of ihe North, '.East and. .?Yest -unitel-fa malting np the circuit or praise tcThlm whose* genius devised and whose patient energies worked out this the grandest in? vention of the nineteenth century." t_aa ctr"? ' ^-^t.. a?B>t DnOJrfVED WHILE FISHING -IN Q t; ES T, 4c.-^iin{lcqutst*n'as *?e'.?, v'esteraayxirjornlng-, over,the cody of a wblfebqy, between seven and eight years ol age, who had been found dead, on Tuesday night, In old Town Creek, near the EU wan Phosphate Works. From tho evidence given - at the inquest, Ft seems that the family or the de? ceased lived at tire Etlwan Works, aud on Tuesday afternoon he .was last seen going towards the wharf on oW Town C. eek; accompanied by'a-boy. still, smaller than himself, and not quite four years bf age. At 6 o'clock he was missed, sfhd the smaller coy .came home, but said nothing of his companion. A strict search was instituted, and at io o'clock that night the deceased was dis covered lu the river, near the wharf, by the 'watchman, John Hanny. Th's body was lying on its face lu the' mod, with the arma stretched out. The arms, face and ears were much eaten by crabs, and the facer was considerably bruised. About 3 o'clock In the nigh-, the smaller boy woke up, and seeing his mother cry mg, asked why she was doing BO. She replied, "for Willie." He then remarked that "Willie was in the water." In the morning he took bis father down to the wharf, and told him how WfjUe had been ashing for crabs, and had, all or 'a sudden, fallen mito the water. The jury* Maud that the deceased had come to his death, by bel?g accidentally drowned, as above, stated. BUSLKBSa K U X I CES. RELIEF LOAN ASSOCIATION.- The attention OT the stockholders In this association is called to the notice of the anniversary meeting this eve? ning, atMaspnlaJJall, at-half-past 8 otaleck, . . FINE FARM ANO MILL FOR SALE.-We call at? tention to the advertisement or a large cotton plantaron for sale in Orangetrarg County, known aa Marl Bl u tr. There is a saw and grist mill and good te&Jdeace on the placey CHEAP AND VALUABLE LANDS IN GEORGIA. We dirent attention to the advertisement In to? day's NEWS, offering valuable lands for sale at low rates !n North Georgia. I DBSIRE to inform the people ol Charleston and the country that they oan buy a better and cheaper Sewing- Machine from me than they can. | elsewhere, and BOW ls the time, and No. 31 Queen street is the place, to get a first-class1 Sewing Ma? chine, either new or second-hand; se come one, come ali, and let me serve yon to a No. 1 Machine. JunlO J. L. LUNSFORD. PHOTOGRAPH'ALBUMS CHEAPER THAN ETER ! tn Velvet and Leather bindings, 75 cents; old price 90 cents. In Velvet and Leather bindla?s, ii cents; old price $1. In Velvet and Leather bindings, $1; old price $1 25. In Velvet and Lea t;ierbindings, $120; old price SI 50. HASEL sr. BAZAAR, AND NO. 161 KINO ST. th ' " ^ - ' THE ATTENTION OF WATCH-BUYERS is culled to our large srock or Waiyiatn Watches.. These Watches have been long known throughout the rutted States as the best and cheapest In the market. All Watches guaranteed. W. CARRINGTON A Co., ni0.rl3,- * . . "Ne. 25* King street. . BILI, HEADS printed on fine paper at S3, SI, f?, |6 50 sud $8 50 per thousand, according to .ize, a: THE NSWS Job om cc. TUE ACADEMY OF MUSIC GRAND GIFT CON? CERTS, as advertised by Messrs. Butler, Chadwick, Gary A Co.-Mr. Eben Collin, sub-agent for this splendid and attractive scheme ls now prepared to sell tickets for the-same. Applications to be made to htm atthe-office of Mr. E. M. Moreland^ No. 28 Broad afreet. ." - may 29 BUHINESS ENVELOPES.-JHE NEWS Job Office K now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with ?usiness curds-printed thereon, at $l per thous? and. Send yoiT orders. Every merchant and n.siness <QA? should have his catd printed on. nit OD velones. r , . j .. ; . i ps* LET COMMON S&KSE DECODE - What is the rational mode of procedure in cases of g?nerai debility and nervous prostration Does not reason ted us that judicious stimulation la required. To resort to violent purgation in BUfhji caseys jtaabsurd as?it.wonld bj op bleed a starving man. Tet it is done every day. Yea, thia stupid and unphllosophlcal practice ls con? tinued In the teeth of the great fact that physical weakness, with all the nervous disturbances that accompany lt, ls more certainly and rapidly re? lieved by BOSTETTER'S 5 STOMACH '.BT?IERS tuan by any other medicine at present kupwn. It ls true that general debility is often -attended with torpidity or frregu!a;lty of the. bowels, and that this symptom most not be overlooked. But while tbc discharge of the waste matter of the spotenHs expedited dr regulated, Us vigor must ne 'recruit? ed. The-Bitter*. Co both. Thc j combine aperient arid anti bilious properties, with extraordinary ionic power. Even while removing obstructions from the bowols, they tone and Invigorate those organs. Through the stomach, upon which the great vegetable specific acts directly, lt gives a healthy and permanent impetus to every en? feebled function. Digestion ls facilitated, the faltering circulation regulated, ?the blood rein? forced with a new aceesslon of the alimentary principle, the-nerves braced and all the dormant powers of the ayatem roused into healthy action; not spasmodically, as would be the case If a mere stimulant were administered, but for a contin? uance. It is in this way that such extraordinary changes are wrought in the condition of the feeble, emaciated and nervous invalids by the use or this wonderful corrective, alterative and tonic. Let common sense decide between such a preparation and a prostrating cathartic supple? mented by a poisonous astringent like strychnine or qulnia. Junl0-3stuthDAc %SS* GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL. This valuable compound contains no opium, laud? anum, paregoric, or other anodyne, and will not massacre the innocents like the "soothing syrups" so much'in vogue. The GERMAN SOOTHING CORDIAL is harmless, and ls recommended by all our best physicians. It ls to be had or tho manu? facturer, ' ' DR. H. DAER, No. 131 Meeting st Feet. And of all Druggists,_apr22-8tuth ps* GETTING MARRIED.-ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN on great SOCIAL EVILS AND ABUSES which interfere with MARRIAGE-with sure means of relief for the Erring and Unfortu? nate, diseased and debilitated, sent free, tn seat? ed envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCIAT1 ON, No. 2 S. Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa. may 13 -amos pS* THE SEASON IS APPROACHING for Children's Summer Complaints, especially in those who are Teething. A safe and secure reme? dy ls all important, and mothers will find such a one In DR. BA ER'S GERMAN SOOTHING COR DIAL. To be had of all Druggists. apr24-mwf, pS* JOHN C. BAKER & CO 'S GENU? INE MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL.-ESTABLISH ED 1830.-Acknowledged by eminent physicians to be the best in the world. Sold by Druggists generally. JNO. C. BAKER A CO., Philadelphia. A full supply on hand by Du. H. BAER, feb6-mwf6mos_No. 131 Meeting street. ^BATOBELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SUPERB HAIR DYE ls the best in the teor?a-per? fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints or unpleas? ant odor. The genuine W. A. BATCHELORS HAIR DYE produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or Natural Brown. Does not stain the skin, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only Safe and Perfect Dye. Sold- by all Drug? gists. Factory No. 16 Bond, street, New York. ran28-mwflyr Strugs, Ct)cmica?5, ,C-r. "C. F. PANK If IN, CHEMIST Al JPOIMY, No. 128 MEETING- STREET, CHARLESTON, ?3. C. .V^E^ON JS RESP?CTFULLY CALLED TO the NEW NON-POISONOUS and ODORLESS DIS? INFECTANT and ANTISEPTIC, CH LO RA LUM,; (Chloride*of Aluminium, the Saline'An'(septic; harmless as common salt.) ?" TheLancet, August 27th, 1870, says of this pre-' paratton: "It ls qulteas potentas Chloride of Zinc or Carbolic Acid, aud ls at the same time non' poisonous and devoid of unpleasant smell of every kind. These qualities will, no doubt, Insure its being extensively used, and at no distant-date we may expect l( to displace the antiseptics which are at present in vogue." CHLORALUM ls an astringent antiseptic, ap* plied to foul ulcers by-London surgeons, as a gar? gle in scarlet fever, diphtheria and common sore throat, and has been round Invaluable In Inflam? mation of the eyes, Ac. CHLORALUM can be relied on by Farmers in the treatment of Foot and-Mouth Disease, and In carrying on disinfection In their homes, stables, cowbeda, pl?tres and pouitry-huuiea. - CHLORAL CM" for dog kennels cap be used wJth great advantage add economy ia keeping meat fresh for any lengih ot time, in purifying the benches and yard?,*and completely removing the font and sickening odor of dirty or il.-J rained kennels. - Hi~ For sale in quantities to suit purchasers. The advertiser ls also In receipt or a small lot of Imported Espies Cigarettes, for Asthma. Together with a Fresh supply pf CONGRESS, EMPIRE, AND PAVILION SPRING WATERS. For sale low by the case. -~- . - . H J.NUPACTURER OF P^'K-MN^S HEPATIC BITTERS Which,have established for themselves a reputa? tion surpassed by none for the relief of Diseases of the Stomach aud Liver. '? full assortment .of MEDICINES, PERFUME? RIES, CHEMICALS, Ac, of bis own Import?t! n. Through constant effort and attention, he hopes to merit a continuance or the .public 'patronage which has hitherto been extended to him. . Junl6 (Elotljing ano inrmsliir.a, \Sooos SPRING CLOTHING. No. 291 KING STREET, CORNER OF WENTWORTH, An extensive assortment of SPRING- AND SUMMER CLOTHING. made np for the trade or this city, now offered at LOW PfcVICES. In the stock will be found the following styles or suits : SCOTCH CHEV?OT MORNING AND DERBY SUITS French Batiste Morning and Derby Sui ts Silk Mixed Morning and Derby Suits Diagonal and Crape Coating Morning and Derby Suits Blue and Black Flannel Morning and Derby Snits Light Mixed.Cas9lmere Morning aud Derby Suits. BOYS' AM 10!? SUITS. SACKS. DERRY AND MORNING COAT SUITS, for ages of rrom 5 to 17 years. FURNISHING GOODS. A full supply or all kinds-UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, GLOVES, SCARFS, BOSVS, Ac, of the latest styles. THE CELEBRATED STAB SHIRTS AND COLLARS A FULL SUPPLY ?F ALL QUALITIES. THE "TAILORING DEPARTMENT Offers FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SUMMER CLOTHS, COATINGS, BATISTE, CHE? VIOT AND FANCY CASSIMERES, of select pat? terns and shades, which will be made to order In the best manner, at MODERATE PRICES. WM. MATTHIESSEN. B. W. McTUREOUS, Superintendent. tnayi-mwtbSmos flUrrj ?oo?s, Ut. UNPRECEDENTED BARGAINS ! FOR FIVE DAYS LONGER, WE PARTICULARLY INVITE ?HOSE WHO ARE DESIROUS OF O ET ALNI NG "BARGAINS- TO VISIT OUR STORES, AS SUCH AN*OPPt>.RTUNIT? IS SELDOM OFFERED. EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STOCK WILL .B? "DISPOSED OP AT NEW YORK COST AND LESS ! . A LARGE-LINE OF --- ' . i ' ; Surnmer Dress Goods, Irish Linen, Tiird's-Eye Diaper, Silk Trimmings, Bibbons, &c., AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. MW Cali and be* convinced. The attention er Merchants ls called to the above. FtJfiCHGGI?, BENEDICT & CO., Nos. 344 and 487 KINGr ST&EET. iirte ?rcr t ries, Ut. BEDFORD'S ?LATE CORWTJKTS ) GROCERY . * . AND , - v TEA. WAREHOL SE. flfiADQUARTKBS- FOB SELECTED DAIRY BUTTER .. PORE LEAF LARD \ PRIME FACTOBY AND ENGLISH CHEESES ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CRACKERS, %Q> BISCUITS, Ac, AO. N. B.-I CLAIM TO &EEP THE LARGEST STOCK. AND MOST "EXTENSIVE ASSORHUWT 0? FAMILY G R'OOBRIES IN^SBHS .CITY. f: E. JZ. BEDFORD, . . VBR.Y. 4 ..r-v PURE . .?ah?$^^'J^^^^Jii&? % BR.AHJMSS, WINES .-. V \yiLLIAM S. CORWIN A CO., .fAJHiy -,'." . ? AND VERY OLD --^-.^^o,m^^ STREET, ?raiSKlk, . OPPOSITE BASEL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DpALER m " Fine Teas. CoiFees, Sugars Provisions, Spices, Ac1 HEH MET FC ALL V SEALED FILL ITS. VEGETABLES-MEATS, S.OUPS, Aa. All articles sold from this establishment are of the VERT BB8T QUALITY and WARRANTS*) aoods leUverea to au parts of tho Clty# Railroad ?epota, Steamboats,, free of expense.. SEND FOR A' (JAS. M. MARTIN. _OATALqgE. _1WM.Q. MOCD, JB. ?81Kg ?0O?0% Sft. MOTHERS, READ THIS! ..Tr* -i_ IS Tfl O HO CGH ? LT waterpiujoffcvFio tscts clothiDp; retains Linen Diapers; avoids pins; pennie* circu? 1 tljn ol air. Kecom m?nded bj physicians and all mothers whose child reo have worn them. Made In four sizes :lsmallest;4 largest- Price $1. Mailed free. . Address F. VON SANTEN, No. 22a King street, Charleston, s?. c. Dealer in ail kinds of RUBBER GOOD.-), such as Rubber Sheet? ing, whits and buck. Air Pillows. Air and Water Beds, u ci ap. ui Cushions, Bandage Gum. Rubber Clothing, Piano envers, u. or Ma'.?, dec, Ac, and importer of Fancy Goods, Toys and Fireworks. jun9-3mos ?Xcm JJnbiictiiID:IE. GET THE BEST. ' WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. 10,000 Words nml Meanings cot in other Die' tionarie.s. 3000 Engravings, li40 Page/ Quarto. TOT to add my testimony In Its favor." [President Walker, of Harvard. "Every School knows Its value," [W.-H. Prescott, the Historian. "The most complete Dictionary of the Lan? guage." . [Dr. Dick, of Scotland. "The best guide of Students of our Language." [John G. Whittler. "He will transmit his name to latest posterity.." [Chancellor Kent. "Etymological parts surpasses anything by earlier laborers/' . [George Bam-rort. "Bearing relation to Language Principia does to Philosophy." [Elihu Burritt. ".Excels ah others in defining scientific terms." ,* [.President Hitchcock. "So far as I know, best denplng Dictionary." [Horace Mann. "Take lt altogether, the surpassing work." [Smart, the English Ortbeoplst. A necessity for every Intelligent rare liv. stu? dent, teacher and professional man. What Li? brary is complete without the best English Dic? tionary? Also, Webster's National Pictorial DlctlonaSry 1040 Pages Octavo. 800 Engravings. Price $5. '.The work ls really a gem of a Dictionary; Just the thing for the million.'' ?American Educational Monthly. . A O. MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. maj27-18*> | tailoring, i-nrnisljing ?ocas, -&r. S MENE 1 ' L L E B, No. 325 KINO STREET. Unve Just ..opened an entire- New stock ol CLOTHS, CLOTHTX?, FCRNISHlN?l 00OD5, Ac. forSprtngand Summ'eff Our Clothing is a very large and line selected stock for Men; Youths and Boys, rrom $6 to |5C per suit. Thc largest portion is or importe il and .manufactured by ourselves: we can, therefore, recommc-nil them as regard Ht, weat and workmnnslnp. .OCR TAILORING DEPARTMENT ? 1$ supplied with the finest selection of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CLOTHS, DOESKINS, DIAGO? NALS. TRICOTS, MELTONS, CHEVIOTS, CASSI MERES, Ac, and a very large slock of the most fashionable Pant and Vest Patterns, which we will make un to order by measure lu thu la-esi style's. The foreman in this department pf oar business has no equal lu trie artistic world for cut? ting and producing an elegant flt. FURNISHING GOODs. This department is supplied with the celer-rated STAU SHIRJE8, -Foreign .and Domestic Under Bhlrts and DrawerSrSIlkand Thread Gloves, Linen and Paper Collars, Necktie's, Dows.Scarrs. Pocket ll audkerchlefs, Socks, Umbrellas, Ac. Our stock has been selected with great care, and prices marked very law In plain figures. Buyers in our line will find lt to their advantage to give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. ra.ir22-3mos g AGE'S CATARRH REMEDY, PIERCE'S GOLDEN DISCOVERY, DARING'S PILE REMEDY, and all other new Preparations. For sale by Da. H. BAER, mario No. 131 Meeting street. H T Shirts uric i nnusljing ?>C??? . TM^L^OITF^ g STAR SHIRTS. Fit, Quanti sad Wor? Guaranteed. STAR SHIRTS. A Latest New Tort and London Cats. 8TAR 8HIRTS. Order your shirts nowr be.'sre the hot season. 0 STAR SHIRTS. Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Night Shirts. STAR SHIRTS. Made to Orders and Ready-Blade. y STAR SHIRTS. At less price than any ether drst class * house. . STAR SHIRTS. ' Mon's Furnishing Goods at * STAR SHIRTS. SCOTT'S S BIRT EMPORIUM. STAR SHIRTS. Meeting 3treAt, opposite Market. S STAR SHIRTS. S ?)atcl)CS, JiUJCllD, Ut. Nos. 385 and 687 BROADWAY, N. Y. WILL FURNISH STERLING SILVER FORKS AND SPOONS - In quantity, at tl 75 GOLD PER OUNCE. These Goods are pronounced superior, in .beauty or-finish, and greater lu variety of pattern, to any Table Ware manufactured. , -j . A LABU S STOCK OF WE D D I SILVER CONSTANTLY OM HAND. innlS-lyr_ Drnus, Cosmical*, Ul. ROSAD?LIS. ROSADALIS is the best Blood Purifier. ROSADALIS, a sore cure for Scrofula. ROSADALIS, endorsed by Physicians. ROSADALIS, a potent remedy for Rheumatism. ROSADALIS, a Remedy tried and true. ROSADALIS, the best Altera? tive extant. ROSADALIS endorsed'by the following : Dr. R. WILSON CARR, of Baltimore, i>V. T. d PUGH, Ol Battimore. Or. THO.?. J. LOY KIN, or Baltimore. Ur. A. DURGAN. of Tarboro', N. c. Dr. J. S. SPARKS, of Nlcholasvile, Ky. Ur. A. F. WHEELER, of Lima. Ohio. Dr. W. HOLLOWAY, ol Philadelphia. Dr. J. L. MCCARTHA, of South Carolina. aud many otners. See ROSADALIS ALMANAC ROSADAXO?, endorsed by Rev. DABNEY BALL, n?V of Mary? land Conference, formerly Chaplain In the C':u federate Army of Northern Virginia. ROSADALIS is Alterative, Tonic and Diuretic, and acta ai one aud the 6ame time upon the BLOOD, JAVER, KIDNEYS aucl-all the SECRETORY ORGANS, ex? celling all impure matter and building up the system to a healthy, vigorous .condition. BOSADALI6 IS SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DO WIE, MOISE A DAVIS, ) Wholesale GOODRICH, WI NEMAN A CO., Agents in Dr. H. BAER, ) Charleston, maro ly HTASKELL'S ELECTRIC OIL. ? L . AND HASKELL'S CARBOLIC* CANCER SALVE, For sale bc DR. H. BAER, mayar .Mi Meeting street. jjUrl?m QaUa^miis Map. By HKSBY COBLA. & VO. T> UTTER, BACON, Ac. ?Se.W??V19 SSW! froB'? *oar 10 tubs HOSHEN BUTTER . t looo lbs. Bacon Shoulden' 20-boxes Candles i.-.- >? io tubs Lard, Conditions casa. . ' . . , . ?n^n By J. A. ENSLOW & CO. "COLOUR I FLOUR! FLQ?B? ovi". JH^, P*Y, l5th instant, at half-past ? SfiSS V? *. 8oM' tairont of oar Btojre/?o. 24 I vendue Ranze. TObbl&Fiafa. > . , " -ftnlfi PUBLIC SALE OF LOTS ?T MOUNT PLEAS ANT. - WJl^offnndrytax executions' tam*, di? rected, i-w?tsjn at Public AncttonTatlhn foot or Ferry Wharr. In Mount Pleasant, on MONDAT the26th June, at ll ofolock IVlL. OHmwwAV A LEASE; not exceeding seven yean, of * number ofHoufles ar/d Lots and Vacant Lota, tn the said town, their location and dimensions to be d eic rii>ed at the time of the cale. Levied ca andtobeaolffor taxes doe the said tow? to in<Lf?u?wh?? partons and for amounts opposite sltetheir respective names: Estate M. Bennett, $5-15 Estate E. H. Jener, gl&ao ,E*tate-J. MfcheU, i??^ .State w. Morrison, aa w > Estate J. M. B ryan, $ g 91 Estate Jira. O'?arA 13 os Eatatfc Wm. Hyams, $3 91 . . Estate J. P. Labord, S3 91 Estate James Labord, M ai Estate James Archer, 1MB, 1819,1 ^ Batate James Archer, 1870, S3 TL f ~ Estate Angnst Oneld, a 95 " ' ' Estate H. Moieaon, (2 71 Estate A. C. Phln, ?8 07 . ? Estate J. C. Miller. 1416. R. 0. J2RVE?, Junl3-tnthm8 Marshal Town Monnt Pleasant. tfernsnapcr?, J*la?ajines, ??r. HE 'GE E TA T FAMILY PAPER- I FAMILY PAPER t FAMILY PAPER I FAMILY PAPER I FAMILY FABER I FAMILY PAPER I . .. . . : . fVft'. <*5>" THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST, AND TBS BEST I . TOE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND TRI BEST 1 THE CHEAPEST, TH? LIVELIEST AND TBS . BEST I THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND TBE BEST I THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST. I THE.CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST.AND THE BEST 1 THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS I THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NBWSl THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS! THE! CHARLESTON WEEKLY BiBW? I TSE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS ! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS 1 Contains all the News, Editorial*and Miscellane? ous Reading Matter published in THE DAILY NEWS AND THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, . INCLUDING : Latest Telegraph News, Political Intelligence, . Commercial and stock: Reporta, . Literary Tqplcs and Renews, Selected Social Essays, Personal Gossip, and Information lor Planten.. TOGETHER WITH TEE CHOICEST STORIES, LIGHT. HEADING, and POETRY, From the current Foreign and Domestic Periodicals. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. %SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPT. SEND FOR. A SPECIMEN COPY. SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 60 EACH. MAKE UP TOUR CLUBS ! ta* Address, (enclosing m?ney In Registered Letter,) . ' RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., CHARLESTON. S. a JgOTAN?OAL TEXT-BOOKS. By Professor ASA GRAY,. Of Haward University, Author of "How Plants Grow," ''School and Field Book of Botany," "Manual of Botany," "Struc? tural and systematic Botany," ftc, ftc.. m "Botany should be taught In every school, an.4 these Volumes should be the Text-Books."-Pro/, ?J, S. Dams, university of Virginia. The publishers beg to can the attention of thorn about ?or ui ing classes bi Botany to the well known worts by Professor Gray. Having been carefully revised, they present the latest and most aocurato principles and developments of the aclence. and lt ls autucient indorsement or them to state that they are used In almost every noted college, H igt. School and Seminary in the country, ami are rec? ommended over other senes by nine-tenths or tn? .leading Professors and Botanical Teachers in tno United States. ._, ? ""_ . No author bas yet approached Professor Groin the rare-art of making purely scientific th?orie? and dry details popular and interesting. From his charming elementary wort "How Planta Grow," to Sw more elaborate -Manual ?' there la one simple, conclae and yet exhaustive method of teachln? the various grades of the study. Deacnptive Circulara, giving lull titles and prl cea, win be forwarded by mau, to any address, on aPPlVlS0N, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR A CO., - ' Publishers, Nos. 138 and 140 Grand street, New York, feblO