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J2IT? AFFAIRS. Mectings-Thls Day. Washington Lodge, at S P. M. .Etna Fire Engine Company, at Half-past 8 P. M. KntgUw of Pythias, at 8 P. M. Committee Steam Fire Companies, at half-past 8 P M. ' Auction Sales This Day. Miles Drake will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, fancy goods, ladies' hat3, 4c. J. Fraser Mathewes will sell at half-past io o'clock, at his office, amare and male. Leitch A Brans will sell at 5 P. M.. at thc store O' w. G. Whilden A Co . corner King and Bean fair: streets. Jewelry, silverware, Ac. R. M. Marshall A Brother will sell at half-past io o'.lock. at their ofHce tobacco, horse, buggy and seeing machine. United ! tates Marshal will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Postofflce, the brig W. H. Parks. William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, furniture, wheelbarrows, Ac. PERSONAL.-Ex-President Jefferson Davis eas expected to arrive In Columbia yesterday. MORTALITY REPORT.-The city registrar re? ports 34 deaths for the week ending May 20. Of j these 26 were colored persons and 8 whites. Chil? dren, as usual, form a large majority of the whole number. A BANKRUPT HAS NO RIGHT TO FEE COUNSEL. A sew and Important question lu bankruptcy has arisen In the United States District Court or Kew York. It has been found that m a majority of in? stances no account has been rendered of the Barns paid by bankrupts to their lawyers; and as all the assets of a bankrupt belong to his creditors, lt is claimed that a bankrupt has no right to fee coun? sel with any of the proceeds *>r his estate, and that counsel, In receiving such lees, Involuntarily take the place of debtors, and may be sued. INQUEST.-A jury ol inquest was empanelled yesterday morning by Coroner Taft to Inquire Into the circumstances which led to the death of Henry Doscber Gerken. the youth who was ran over by the street car, In Meeting street, last Thursday afternoon. On the testimony of one witness several parties were bound over to ap? pear to-day. The ,ury then adjourned until to day, at 12 M.. when the examination will be re sumed at the office of the coroner, tu the Court LECTURES ox NATURAL HISTORY.-The course of lectures usually given at this season by Pro fesser Holmes, at the Lyceum, will be resumed at S o'clock P.M. this day. New and costly ap? paratus has been lately added to bis laboratory, and Zaotmayer's grand solar microscope will be used for exhibiting the wonders of the invisible ?world. Those young ladies and gentlemen who have taken or Intend to take tickets should se? cure their seats without delay. Advanced classes in schools taking fifteen tickets will be allowed a discount. SHEETING FROM THE LANGLEY FACTORY. A sample of the "Standard Sheeting," the manu? facture of which has Just been commenced at the Langley Mills, South Carolina, will bear favora? ble comparison with the goods of like class tamed otfc-by any similar establishment North or South, and indicates tnat these milts will at once take high ground in public appreciation of their pro? duct. Au appropriate trade mark, consisting of the motto "Free Trade" endorsed over a pair of hands locked lu friendly grasp, has been adopted for thl3 sheeting. BREACH OP TRUST.-Sarah Miller, colored, was arrested yesterday morning by Officers Burke and Davis, on the charge 6V stealing several arti C'.es of value from the house of Mr. Rodgers, in Spring street. The prisoner was employed on the premises la the capacity of cook, and had been left alone ta charge of the house on the day of the steam fire engine tournament. On the return of the family In the evenlug, the doors were found open, avd several pieces or silver and other arti des of value missing. Sarah could not give any account or the matter; at all events she gave none. She ls held for examination. ACCIDENT ON SHIPBOARD.-Monday evenln when thc steamship virginia was just off the Weehawken Lightship on her way up the harbor her second mate, Furman Dqwman by name, fell backwards fromvthe deck tuto the engine-room below, as he wa? giving orders to the seamen In his fall, be s ruck several obstacles, and was picked up In a senseless s*ate, with his scalp ter. ribly lacerated, and several ug y bruises oh other parts of his body. He was'Disced upon the at tendant pilot boat, and, being brought to the city as quickly as pos ible, was conveyed to the City Hospital, where he received every attention. Thc wounded mau is a native of New Jersey, and about forty-four j ears or age. T -? SUPREME COURT, COLUMBIA, MAY 22.-The Court met at IC A. M. Pre-cut, Chief Justice Moses and Associate Justices Willard and Wright. J. Reid Rollston and A. Z. Demorest vs. Joseph Crews. Mr. . unbar read brlei f jr respondent. It was ordered that the case stand over ci il to-mor row, when the matter must be disposed of. C. E. Fleming vs. T. J. Robertson, executpr of John Caldwell. Mr. C. D. Melton read brief for appellant and also argument, and Mr. MeKfcs er was heard tor respoudeut. Mr..Melton was heard in reply. , Scott, Williams A Co. vs. Joseph Crews. Mr. Chamberlain was he-rd for appellant. Mr. Pope and M-. Melton for respoadeut ana Mr. Chamber? lain la reply. PICNICS TO-DAY.-The members of LaCan deur Lodge, No. 36. A. F. M., and 1 heir friends ivll] enjoy a picnic to-day at the Schutzenplatz, the varied resources of which haven of pleasure will all be brought Into requisition for the delectation Jj of the participants. The grounds are ke,<t in perfect order, and with the fine band of music engaged the place cau :ot fan to prove attractive to those who wish to e joy a Dleasant holiday. Omnibuses will leave for the Platz at 9 o'clock and every teu minutes thereafter during the day, from' the oorner of Meeting and Line streets. In addition to the usual amusements several shoot? ing matches will tafee place, lu which separate prizes will oe contested for by the ladies and by Ut-' gentlemen. Tickets can be procured off the committee-Messrs. I>. Muller, J. Madsen, Wm. Fisher, J. Borger and Henry Wagener. The first annual picnic of the Germania Buad will also take plas? this morning at the Mount Pleasant House, where the partid pa tl ta will enjoy airlie rural advantages, heightened hy the re? freshing breeze from the ocean. The steamer leaves the wharf, at tho foot of Market street, at 10 A. M.. sud at 1, 3 and 5.30 P. M. UNMUZZLED NUISANCES.-According to the report of the etty appraiser in the beginning or thc pp sent year, lhere were bei ween .'1OUO and 6000 dogs returned ia the city, upon which laxes were paid. Allowing Tor tnose which have no certain owners and Sachos have been foi gotten In the letuins, the number cannot be far short of 7000, ann all who looa around upon thc numbers and van-ties of these animals runnlug about the street will be convinced that this ls by no means a large estimate. Tneir inherent propensity ior biting people ls also frequently displayed, and the danger attending this canine propensity dur lng the hot weather ts too well appreciated by the ne- /OUR, and known by the sen-lbl-, -o need comment. A muzzle would aocommcdate both parties by gratifying who like to h ve a "dawg" with them In the streets, and by reas? suring those who look upon the animal as t? biUug machine 01 the most daugerous kind. H. W. Smalls, thc son of the alderman, was attacked and bitten bv one of th se nuisao es, of the "genus Taurus." Monday t vening, lu Laurel street. Jacob Ro> aL the owner, was reported for allow? ing the animal to run at large, and the --dawg" was taken to the Guardhouse. The affair was examined into before the Mavor, and, with the consent of all interested. (L e. all but the dog.) the offend r was ord-red to be kided. The sen? tence was executed In the yard at the lower Guardhouse, a pistol shot soon dispatching the unlucky pop. Loss o? THE BRITISH BARS FJJRT.-The British baric Fairy, which waaladen at?Rnll River, S. C., with acarpo of phosphates and bound for a port In Europe, went ashore on the breakers of St. Helena Bar. on Thursday night, and has be? come a wreck, having broken In two. The rig? ging, provisions and other movables were saved. Thl3 Intcligence reached here by the steamer Eliza Hancox, from Beaufort, Ac. THAT ?""TSTERIOCS BOLT.-Those who are familiar with the circumstances under which the farewell gun of the steamship Champion wns Bred on Saturday evening, are much amused ar thc apocryphal story, of the bombardment of Anson street. Whence the mysterious bolt came they do not undertake to expliin; but a? the Champion's ' Lonir Tom"-a formidable carron? ade nearly two feet in length-was jointed in the direction in which the steamer was moving. 1. down the harbor-it mast have had the peculiar quality of 'Shooting round a corner" to have sent a bolt in the direction of the city. CONFIRMATION?-From the Deutsche Zei? tung, of yesterday, we learn that the rite of con? firmation was administered, on Sunday last, In the Cern'aa Lutheran Curch, corner of Anson and Hasel streets, by the pas or. Rev. L. Muller. The church wa" handsomely decorated for the occasion with flowers and evergreens. The pas? tor delivered a suitable discourse, and the sing? ing was excellent, ander the ablo directions of Professor John Heineman. There was'one draw? back to the solemn feeling of festive Joy: Young Henry Doscher Gerken. ons of the catechumens, was mlfslnK. (He ls the young man who was run over by the street cars last week, and has since died from ti e injuries sustained by that acci? dent.) The following were confirmed: Charlotte Aman, Margaretha Albera, Bertha Mensing, Jo? hanna Torie, Elvina Semke, Henrietta Ploger. Anna E"'.;rr'>. Sophie Tiedemann, Au?usta Thees, Alvina Bnuoavnr, El sa Ko3ter, Catharina Claus, Martha Fink, (atharlna Buck. Anna Brunsen, Mathilda Heue;, Johanna A. Mahlstedt, Carl F. Henken, Join W. Peierman, Rudolph Carstens, Carl Ranken, George Washington Kruger. Car? sten Sahlmarm. F. Martin Meyer, John H. Lubs, john H. Sch size, Carl Picken and Henry War necke. . CLUBS ANO STARS.-Wilson Henry, a colored man, arrested far stealing a lot of tobacco from the sloop Higgle Delaney, was sent to the Um-? of Correction for ten days. Jolla Palmer, lodged for raising a disturbance 'n that plou3 neighborhood, to wit : Bcrresford street, was sentenced to pay a One of ?10 or spend twenty days In the House or Correction. Mary Bell, who was disorderly In St.'s alley, fas seat to the House of Correction for ten days. Roso Johtson, lodging fr.?- resisting and abas? ing the police at the Uppr: '?&'-ket, was sentenced to pay $5 or go to the ff?o*t o'. Correction for ten days. Francis Campbell and .. hn Allen, lodged on the charge of vagrancy, ?fbi? sent to jail for thirty days. Anna Heyward, colored, arrested for stealing $0 from James Miller in Elliott street, was sent to the House or Correction for tweatj days sa a vagrant. John Luca? and John Hanny, arrested ror being Irunk and dlarirderly at the corner of Elliott and Church street, were fined, the first $5, and the j second $2 60. Patrick Dolan, lodged for beiug drank and raising a disturbance in Elliott street, was sen :enced to pay a One of $5 or go to the House of Correction for ten days. John Miller,' ror getting drunk and abusing the lolice, was flaed $5. THE TJxiTEn STATES COURT, TCESOAX, MAT ?3-Hos. G KO. s. BRVAV, PRESIDINO.-C. L. Bartie nyer, assignee of Wm. G. Whllden 4 Co., was >rdered to advertise tor twenty-one days, calling n the Hen credpors to prove their demands igalttst the ?tate berore thc registrar, and thc aid assignee was further authorized to sell any ir all of the bankrupt's real estate on the terms ir one-third cish. and the balance tn one and two ears, as bc deemed advisable. Thc United States vs. David Wigton. Assnmp . it Tor supplies famished by g-.vernraent. Ver lict for the plilntifffor $0?0, without Interest. The United States vs. Ferdinand Gregory. As cmpslt as above. Verdict for the defendant. The petltlor or W. C. Langley, ror rent due from he bankrupt estate or W G. Whllden A Co., was ercrred to tho registrar to report, the assignee to now cause berore him wny the same should not ie paid The United State* vs. Wm. Hockaday. Plant ?r's bond for supplies. Verdict for the plaintiff O' $107 16. In the Circuit Cour-, an Injuncilon was grant d on the prayer of Caleb S. Marshall and the Vlllimau's Island Phosphate Company against the larine and R ver Phosphate Mining and Manu acturiug Company, restraining them from cnter ag upon, mlulsg Or removing the phosphates romas much r the land claimed by the com ilainants In North Wlmbee creek, bordering on Vllliman's Island, as extends down to mean low rater mark lu the creek. THE FIRST OP THB SEASON.-Owins; to seve al reports wh icu have beeu circu? lied abuat the ireseoce aud rerocl'y or certain tiger sharks in he harbor, Mr. Robertson, wharfinger on North itlautic wharf, was yesterday induced to set a ne. Thechaln-hook, with Its templing aia^s or alt, bad hardiy been at the bottom tl fti. eu ia ba? tes, berore s audry heavy tngs and Jerks an ounced that there was nn operator at che other nd or thc ?int. The news -prca-l quickly, and as He large crowd assembled, two men seized the ue to measuie streng.h with the submarine mon? ter, who Wan pwdtc ed to be of enormous atze cjd uuparalleU diterocliy. To ?ne dtsap"olatm?ut f ?very one i he shark, as lt nroved to be, behav d tn the most unsharkly manner, an<< followed lie-nook up to the what ras q.delly as aa bull Ju iter does the ring in hts nose. - She passive fish ras soon r?tst d on the w,ua*Cattd, like tue rebels f QhL he wad hang, drawn ami quartered with nt even-a trld by jury or be ne flt of clergy. An xploratton au?'Scd Ue curious chat the-antmal ad not had anything unlawful ror breakfast, and is bony was soon diffcled among the workmen m the wharf, several >p.inlsU -aiiors who had he day berore berm,' Jumping frons the stern of heir brig and Hwimrofkrg ont into the river, caine iver aud examined the .uonst er. and, tn judge hy heir excited t ie spot, there will not 6e ouch mote bathing there this summer. The, hark measured, six feet, and. be.oogrl to the ?cam?n specie or sand -enarra. It ts wed to re sark, that a few minnies before the. bite ar. the lue an old hsn<l "smeit" a shark la me ueighb'or lOrh'ood. Th3 odor ls said io bc plainly perceptl 'le, aird ls- ve y much like that ul a watermelon, lathers will please make a uote ot it. Hotel Vrriv?ls- lay T?3. 3(1 LI/4 IIOCSE. H. Chord, Troy; A.'H. Hammod, New York; Irs. A. J. Rich, Mr.s. A. M. stone. C. T. Rich, Inflalo; H. G. K(Chards, Capeen A. J. Bencley, C. !. Hal. New fork; G. C. Searle, St. Lmis; H. A 'racy and who, Norwich; J. N. scro g.,.mal, lew York; Mrs. and Miss Kelly, Calais; Mrs. M. C. lansard, Nevr Lond >n. CH Aat>K8TON HOTEL. J. L. Fond i, *agusia; Tr Grimshaw, Canada; liss H: Carun. Miss M. Fagaa, Miss J. Januey, . ( liss A. J nney. Miss P. Januey. Master J. Januey, :. D. King, New York; J. A. Barksdale, W. P. larsten, StruthUaroUna: Dr. M. H. crowder, New irions; D. Qalnrt, Augusta; E Maher, Maryland; t. R. Bridges, North arolina; A. Jac-ibe. l.oudun; I. G. COok, Maryl in I; H. IL .mus. Sr. Louis; J. Jr lampbeii, Mrs. w. H uildersleeve. Brooklyn; S. Imadbent, W. H Barne-i, H. D. Musaetra in, Bal. imore; G. B. Gavict, Jr. aud wife, Mrs. S. W. eas lee, H. H. Calhoun, Florina; J. Stern, Whlie aU; A. M. tatham, St. Aadrew's; w. ciyourn, amden. PAVILION HOTEL. 8. N. Hen trix, Columbia; G. R. Congdon, eorcetown; T. K. Ra v sor. Si. Georges; T. L. Hoi rook, Washi -gwn; E. Stewart, Savannah; J. o. oater, Bean! ort. EXECUTIVE NEWS.-The following appoint menta and changes nave been annouHced at tbe executive department: John Baaskett. of Richland Connty. notary pub lie: T. C. Cavender, trial Justice. Chesterfield Coan ty, removed on neconnt of change of locatl.-n, and H. J. Fox appointed to flit the vacancy. G. S. Smith, trial Justice. Barnwell County, vice J. M. Ryan, removed; A. C. Moore, Richland County, deputy survevor; J. R. Boyles, of Wlnns boro','treasurer of Fal field Connty, vice J. W, Clarke, deceased. Gadsden Tarlton, of Clarendon County, has re signed hi- office SB connty commissioner. P. M. Whitman and w. J. Verdler have been appointed commissioners of elections Tor Beau fort Coun tr. W J. Samuels, appointed commissioner of deeds, resident at Frankfort, Kentucky; Jacob Pu Bois, commissioner of deeds, resident ac No. 166 Broadway, New York Cltv; James F. Corcoran and Samuel .Mortimer, or Charleston, South Caro? lina, to be notaries public. R U 8 I Jt JB ? a NOTICE s. NEW YORK LEDOER, WEEKLY, SATURDAY NIGHT and FIRE SIDB COUP AK ION, six cents a copy, at No. 161 King street. may3-w LADIES ANO GENTS, who contemplate trav? elling, are informed that we have a few of the finest and most substantial Trunks ever offered; also, Travelling Bags, In great variety, and com? mon Trunks of all description. W. C. Cn A rn AN & Co., Star Shoe House, No. 442 King street, mayn-wfme BcsrNE8S ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Jot* Office is new prepared to famish good envelopes, with nosiness cards printed thereon, at $4 per thous? and. Send your orders. Every merchant and nosiness ?nan should have his card printed o his envelopes THE ATTENTION OF WATCH-BUYERS ls called io our large stock of Waltha n Watches. These Watches have been long known throughout the United States as the be-t and cheapest In the market. All Watches guaranteed. W. CARRINGTON & Co., morie No. 2C6 Kins street BILL HEADS printed on fine paper ot. $3, $i, jj, $6 50 and $3 so per thousand, according to -ize, ar TJE NEWS Johoitlce. Gr Soots, Shoes, #e. E T TH?TE S T f~ Buy your BOOTS AND SHOES at STEIBBR'S. NO. 41 BROAD STREET. He makes them to order, in any style desired, nslngonly the best material und workmanship. Constantly on hand, a large assortment or cus? tom made BOOTS AND SHOES, of ull sizes. The New EXCELSIOR GAITER. Which dispenses with shoe strtnzsand elastic, MADE TO ORDER at this establishment. Call and examine specimens. JACOB STE I BER, may22 No. 41 Broad street. jgOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS. Receiving ..ils day per steamships Georgia, rrom New York, Fall River, (rom Philadelphia, issorted Invoices of FINE BOOTS AND SHOES. In addition to the choice selection alwa,~ in -tock I keep those CABLM SCREW WIRE WATER PROOF BROGANS. Sold cheap at EDWARD DALY'S, mar22 No. 1X1 Meeting street. OT ICE! NOTICE! By Fall River Steamship from Philadelphia this lay 1 am rcceiviug a fresh supply ol those Gent's Hand-Sewed Magic Fitting FRENCH CALF BOOTS. With much time and. ' or, I have the ?ame for Boys and Gents. EDWARD DALY, mar22 No. 121 Meeting stree:. JlO THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. Please inrorra the numerous- readers or your inper that the AMERICAN GAITER, Patented, or he Shoe of the Future, ls a sucoess. To supply he demands of the Trade, another Invoice to-day >y Fall River, from Philadelphia. Sold by EDWARD DALY, mar22 No. 121 Meetine street. CABLE SCREW WIRE BOOTS & SHOES, THE BEST ?or Wet Weather. For Dry Weather,. For Youths, For Age, For Gentlemen, For Ladies, For i he City, For the Country, For Rilling, For Walking, . For Fishing. For Hunting. SOLD r.V D KA Licit S eVERYWHEUE. See that every one bears the Patent Stamp, maylt-lmo iSeuispapirs, lila wu unes, BAL CAROLINIAN FOR MAY NOW READY. IDNTENTS AS VARIED AND INTERESTING AS USUAL. 'rice-For single number..,.25 cente Per annum.oe For sale by WALKER, EVANS & COGSWELL, . Publishers, No. 3 Broad street. ND BY BOOKSELLERS EVERYWHERE. mar2f> ?3atcl)cst Jc?pclrij, #c. pLNE JEWELRY, WATCHES, ?fcc. THE LATEST STYLES. Particular attention ls invited to the NEW, ,ARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OF WATCHES, KW ELRY, SILVERWARE AND FANOY GOODS, unable for Presents, just received and opened. AT JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLAN'S. No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. L?I the newest and most exquisite designs In Jewelry, comprising, ?ETS OF PEARL, GARNET. ALL GOLD, CORAL AND STONE, [.contine. Opera. Neck and Vest CHAINS; Seal tings. Diamond Rings; Gtnt's Pins, Pearl and llaiuond; Plain Gold and Wedding Rings always m hand or made to order; Sleeve Buttons and 'tads. Bracelets. Brooches and Earrings; Armlet nd Necklaces, in Gold and Coral; Brooches.for lair or Miniatures, Lockets, Charmiaad Masonic ins. Glove BandB. at AMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. A few doors above Wentworth street. nov24-mwf B ALL, BLACK & C'J., Nos. 665 aud 5B7 BROADWAY, N. T. WILL FURNISH STERLING SILVER FOllKS AND SPOONS In quantity, at $1 75 GOLD PER ODxVCE. These Qoods are pronounced superior in beauty f mush, and greater tu variety or pattern, to any 'abie Ware manufactured. A LARGS STOCK OF WEDDING JSILVER CONSTANTLY ON HAND, innis-lvr insnranu. s l . POKE?TY^?T?IU ?84? NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. 8 4 5.0 rgsnlie d.1 8 4 8 THOMAS FROST, General Agent, No, 54 Broad street. aaar2-thstu3mos No. 291 K?NG STREET, CORNER OP WENTWORTH, An extensive assortment of SPRING- AND STJMMEE CLOTHING. made np for.the trade of this c'.ty, now offered at LOW PRICES. In the stock wm be round the following styles of snits : SCOTCH CHEVIOT HORSING AND DERBY SUITS French Batist? Morning and Derby Suits Silk Mixed Morning And Derby Suits Diagonal and Crape Coating Morning and Derby Suits Blue and Black Flannel Morning and Derby Suits Light Mixed Casslmere Morning and Derby Snits. BOW IND ron'n SACKS, DERBY AND MORNING COAT SUITS, for ages of from 3 to IT years. . " FURNISHING GOODS. A full supply of,all kinds-UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, GLOVES, SCARFS, BOWS, Ac, or the latest styles. THE CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL QUALITIES. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT Offers FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN^ SUMMER CLOTHS, COATINGS, BATISTE, CHE? VIOT AND FANCY OASSlMEBES, of select pat? terns and shades, which wilt be made to order In the best mauner, at MODERATE PRICES. WM. MATTHIESSEN. B. W. MoTUREOUS, Superintendent. mayl-mwth2mos_ tailoring, inrnisliing ?DOGS, Ut. P R I NG OPENING. s MENKE Je MULLER. No. 32i KINO STREET", Llave Just opened an entire New stock of JLOTHS, CLOTHINQ, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, orSprlngand summer. Our Clothing ts a very large and fine selected nock for Men, Youths and Boys, from $6 to $50 ier suit. The largest portion is of Imported roods and manufactured by ourselves; we can, heretorc, recommend them as regard flt, wear ind workmanship. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT s supplied with the finest selection of FOREIGN IND DOMESTIC CLOTHS, DOESKINS, DIAGO? NALS, TRICOTS, MELTONS, CHEVIOTS, CASSI HERES, Ac, and a very large siock of the most ashlonable Pant and Vest Patterns, which we rill make up tu order by measure In the latest ityles. The foreman in this department uf our luslness has no equal lu the artistic world for cut lng and producing au elegant flt. FURNISHING GOODS. This department ls supplied with the celebrated ?TAR SHIRTS. Foreign and Domestic Under hirts and Drawers, Silk and Thread Gloves, Linen ind Paper Collars,'Neckiles, Bows.Scarfs, Pucket laudkerohtefs, socks, Umbrellas, Ac. Our stock has been selected with great care, nd prices marked very low In plain figures. Buyers in our Hue will Hud it to their advuntdg o give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. mar22-3mo.s Snsmess (Earos. JOSEPH- WT HAKlilSSON'S, " LRTIST'S SUPPLY, PAINT AND OIL STORE, NO. 62 QUEEN STRBKT, CHA.KLE.ST0N, S. C. 'atent Thief Detecting (alarm) MONEY DRAWER, su2-mwf6iu JOSEPH MURRAY, NOTARY PUBLtC, IEAL ESTATE AGENT AND COLLECTOR, No. 109 EAST BAT, NKAR BROAD !-TKBET. mayio _ R B. CARPENTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 7 2 BROAD STREBT, Charleston, S. C., Will Practice in the State and Federal courts, feh'ii_ JEEVES, BROWN & VAN WICKLE, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IN ALL KINDS OP 10MESTI0 FRUIT AND VEGETABLES' in their season. NOS. 192 and 163 CENTRE ROW, VEST WASHINGTON MARKET, SEW YORK. RKPERJ5N0B8.-S. A. Lambert, with Adolph ftmltz. Commission and Forwarding Merchant. io. 20u East Bay. Onarlesion, st ll ??priti-f m-ie Pianos, (Drgans, Ut. C\ HARLES L. McCLENAHAN, NO. 191 KINO STREET, importer and Dealer lu ?IAN08, CAB IN RT ORGANS, SHEET VTOIO, STRINGS, AC, Ac. MW Tuning and Repairing promptly attended o by HENRY YOUNO. marSS-tuthsSmos ??0tr)ing anb Irirms?img (Saabs. DBESS SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS SHIRTS C O Tu, Li AL. Ht S . NECK WEAK; GLOVES UNDERWEAR. CANES AND UMBRELLAS, TRIMS & TRAVELLING BIGS AN ENTIBE NEW STOCK OF THE ABOVE GOODS IN THE LATEST STYLE, AND AT PRICES TO S?TT. J. H. LAWTON ft CO., ACADEMY OF MUSK HULLOING. N 0 ?remo $ri?e Pistribmian. T I OE v '~ SOUTH CAROLINA LAND AND IMMIGRA? TION GIFT CONCERTS. E. SEBRING A CO., and JUL IUS L. MOSES, No. 34 Broad street, are appointed General Agents for the sale of Tickets to the PRIZE CONCERTS, to be given by the Sooth Carolina Land and Immigra? tion Association, for, the Counties of norry, Georgetown, Charleston, Colletoa and Beaufort. All Canvassers already appointed must apply to them. BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY" ? CO. In view of the foregoing appointments, we beg leave to Inform the public that we are .now pre? pared to RECEIVE ORDERS FOB TICKETS, and the same will be ready for delivery lu the course of a few days. Persons living elsewhere desiri ag Tickets may remit us PostofBce money order aud stamp, and wc will send tickets to any address. AGENTS WANTED for the Counties of Beaufort, Holleton, Georgetown and Uorry, Marlon, Marlbo? rough, Darlington, Sumter, Clarendon, Williams? burg, Orangeburg. Barnw?ll-and Chesterfield. Applications for Agencies must be made to us. E. SEBRING A- CO., and j. L. MOSES, No. 34 Broa i street, mayl9-? Charleston, S. C. N O T I C E In answer to many Inquiries, lt ls stated that the . DRAWING OF THE SOUTH CAROLINA LAND AND IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION GIFT CONCERTS Will bc conducted as follows: There* will be a large wheel, accepted by a Com? mittee or Mechanics, which will contain tue num? bers rrora 1 to 150,000, each and every number plainly printed. These numbers will be counted D .1 in full by three prominent and well-known persons, who will put thom up In lots of l?OOeach. They will seal and to the quantity and num? bers being correct, utid--r a katy's seal. Some prominent per-mn will then be selected to put mem In the wheel, which trill be rapidly revolved lor hair an hour 'l here will also be a smaller wheel, which will iimiaiii 24u4 pieces of papv i?r tickets, each wrap? ped up nike, mid on eacn will be plainly printed Academy or Music. lOO.uuO, 'J5,0oo, lu.itOO, AC. re? presenting each and every prize to oe drawn. These will be in-pected and pla> e>) In the wheel wita the same eire and Lithe .-ame manner as Hio-eln the larger wneel, after ? hich the wneel wUi be rapid-y revolved; a number will then be drawn from the large wheel tiy a blind or blind? folded person, which nu tuner will he announced to the iiudieuce distinctly, and printed upon a black board ror that purpose, so tha;. lt may be seen by . verv on" In the noose. A Tlokeuor I'nze will then be drawn In the same manner from the .-maher wneel. which will be an? nounced in the same way. und the person boldi g the number drawn (rom the large wheel will bu entitled to the prize printed upon Hie ticket drawn from tn<- smaller wi eel. both wheels will then be revolved, and a second number drawn from each wheel as before. This will be comlnaed until all the prizes have beeu .ira wu irom the smaller wheel. BUTLER, CHADWICK. GARY Jc 00., raaylS-a Charleston, s. C. rpRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ?tc. just received, a large asssurtment, and-for salea I/*. H. HAKR'b Dru? store. H ELMBOLD'8 B U6HtJI HELMBOLD'S SARSAPARILLA Helmbold's Rose Wash Hembold's catawba Grape Pills. For sale by Da. H. BABB, mayii Ka 131 Heeung street. s TBB PLACE FOR. LOW PRICES. ' STAR SHIRTS. Fit, Quality and Work Guaranteed. STAR SHIRTS. Latc3t New York and London Cuts. STAR SHIRTS. Order your siihrts, now, before tue bot season. STAR SHIRTS. Shirts, Collars, Drawers, Night Shirts. STAR SHIRTS. Made to Orders and Ready"-Made. STAR SHIRTS. At less price than any other first class house. STAR SHIRTS. Men's Famishing Goods at STAR SHIRTS. SCOTT'S SHIRT EMPORIUM, STAR SHIRTS. Meeting street, opposite Market. STAR SHIRTS. S SDni (Sooos, Ut. j Nos. 244 and 437 KIN Gr ST. BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT IN ORDER TO REDUCE STOCK. THEY ARE NOW OFFERING ALL KINDS OF FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS AT LOWER PRICES TUN EVER. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD, WITHOUT REGARD TO C08T. may 16 Summer Besorts. S UMMER BOARDING AIE E*N HOTEL, AIKEN, S. (.!. The people of Charleston and vtc'.nttv are re? specriully informed that the above HOTEL will oe ??peu during Oie dummer of 1S71 for the reception of permanent and tombent guests. The rooms are large, airy aud well furnished. House and grounds w -ll shaded. The tallie-: will he supplied with all the delica? cies of the sea-sou. Terms very modecate. Eor further particulars address CASE A LO UNS BE I! RY, Proprietors. Good Livery attached to the Honse. nprt?-lmo premium ?anb Salt. |T?1T,?00_$10?7)?0 AIKEN PREMIUM LAND SALE $10O,0G0 to be Distributed to Shareholders. FrvB DOLLARS will purchase a Share, Including a Work or Art woi th Fiva DOLLARS. The Derby Farm Property to be distributed em? braces the Largest Vinyard and Orcnard In the ?ioutn. UNEQUALLED CLIMATE I PEACEABLE COUN? TRY I GENEROUS SOIL I The salubrious and health-mvlng climate of Aiken has given it the name of "Tue Saratoga ol the south.'' tn Premiums pteseuted to Shareholdeis. $iou,coo In Heal Kstate and Greenback Prizes zo be distributed to Shareholders. 94 Kcal Estate Prizes, worth irom $300 to $25,000, 522 Greenback Prizes, from $5 to $1000. ONLY 19,000 SQAKE8 WILL BB ISSUED. ONE SHARE IN EVERY THIitTY-ONE WILL DRAW A PRIZE. This Real Estate Property, conveyed by Deed of Trust tn i he i uinmlttee who are to conduct ne DRAWING, is to be ira sferred hy them to toe FORTUNATE SHAREHOLDER."* as noon as the re? maining Shares are s.-ld. The orawiiig wdl Like place according to Ute pubiLshed programme. TUE HAY OF THE DRAWING will bc announced by Telegram to the Associated Press. A Nm ll Sum invested now may secure a Por? cuno. Every Shareholder may rest ^stirred of eqnai Instice, and that luis Scheme, unlike many othr-is, is-FAIR, SQUARE AND HONEST." Money received arter the Books are closed w:ll be promptly returned. For full particulars, IN embraced in revisen pamphlet, addsess J. C. DE KUY. Gi-ueral Manager, mays Key Hos No. :;34. Auga-ra. Oa. 4 GUOD ADV ER USING MEDIUM. THE MOUNTAINEER, GREENVILLE, S. C. Has tne largest real circulation of any pap-jr in that section. Subscription price $1 a year. G. E. ELFORD, Editor and Proprietor. G. G. WELLS. Associate Editor, dec?a _ QPONGES ! SPONGES i Just rec-ived a line assortment BATHING SPONGE earrings eponge Toilet sponge Surgeon's Sponge, Ac., Ac. For pale by Da. H. BAHR, m ay 15_No. 131 Meeting street. gili JaMES CLARKE'S FEMALE PILLS. These PILi.s have long been used both in Great Britain and th * country, and are the best orth-Jir kind lu tn< m net. Fur salt ST DR. EL BARR, aprta_Na 131 Meeting street. ' wyn. BIN ti's PILE BUMED 1. Fer Bale by DB. H. BAEH. julyt fcnrt?m Sake- ?rjw ?Jap. SALE OF JEWELRY, CROCKERY, China, Silverware and Fancy Goods, con tinned nightly, at Store of Messrs. w. o. Whllden The above sale will commence THIS (Wednes day) EVENING, at 8 o'clock._may24 By WM. McEAY. THIS DAY, WILL BE SOLD, AT If o'clock, at No. 140 Meeting street, ?".SS ?et ROSEWOOD PARLOR FURNITURE; eJop. 0Tab|es. Bureaus. Bedsteads. Chairs, boras, Meat-safes, six Wheelbarrows, fonr WaU IULI' Z1?0- one CLUSTER DIAMOND E.NQ, oa account of an estate. may24 R. M. MARSHALL St BRO. WILL 8ELL THIS DAY, AT HALF PAST 10 o'clock, at No. 33 Broad street. One HORSE, 1 Buggy, i Sewing Machined may24 ? M. MARSHALL & BRO. WILL SELL, AT AUCTION. THIS ^ MORNING, Sith Instant, at half-past lt TWO' BOXES MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. Sold on account violation Revenue Laws. may24 Bj J. FRASER MATHEWES. ONE FINE SADDLE AND DEAFY _ MARE and WORK MUL1?. Will be sold THI9 DAT, at my office, at half past io o'clock. . Terms cash. _ raay24 By MILES DRAKE. FANCY GOODS, LADIES'HATS, STRAIT GOODS. *C THIS MORNING, at io o'clock, I will sell with out reserve, at my Store, corner of King; and. Liberty streets, An Invoice of FANCY GOODS, Jost received, consist? ag of: Mien and Metal Back Dressing COMBS, Rabber Fine Combs, Pocketbooks, Cigar Oases, Garters, Cloth, Hair, Shaving and Tooth Brushes. Specta clps and Cases, Belt Beckles. Bracelets. Battons, Watch Guards, Scissors. Knives. Scarf Pins, Rings. Chignon Oombs, Fancy Soap, Jewelry Sets, Ear Drops, Brooches. Sleeve Buttons. Ac 10 cases Ladles' Hats, latest style. Linen Cambric ? Handkerchiefs, Tabi?cloths, Towels, Ladles' and Gent's Hosiery and Gloves, Dress (?nods, Crats, Pantaand Vests, Men'n, Boys' and Children's Straw Hats. Ac. On TO MORROW I will sell a Large and Cb olee Assortment of Seasonable CLOTHING. m ay 24 TTNITED STATES TtfAT^TTAT.'R SALK. U South Carolina District.-Wm. H. Dorrili vs. Brig W. H. Parks.-Tn Admiralty. By virtue or an order cf safe to me directed* from the Honorable J^ige of the Dis; rice Court of South Carolina, In Admiralty for the District aforesaid, in the above case, I will expose for sale at Public Auction, at the Old Exchange, east end* of Broad street, tn the Port or Charleston, THIS MORNING, the 24tu day of May, 1871, at ll The Brig W. H. PARKS, her Tackle. AppareT and Furniture, sana, Chains, Anchor-, Boats and Appurtenances, as she now lies at Marsh's Wharf. Terms or Sale-Cash. Purchaser to pay United states Marshal for all necessary papers and United states Internal Revenue stamps. L. E. JOHNSON. may 24 U. 8. Marshal, District of Sc Ca. Unction Bales-in tari Dan s BT?OWM^ LARGE SALE OF FURNITURE, OAR PETS, Mirrors, silver-Plate, Pictures, and other articles, belonging to a weil furnished es? tablishment, at Auction. Win be sold FRIDAY, May 26, at 10 o'clock, at residence No. o Legare street. Terms cash. Articles to be removed day of sale._._;_may24 By W. Y. LEITCH ?R.S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE LOT, east side of Meeting street, at Auction, by or? der of the board or Directors. . Will be Bold on THURSDAY, the 21th instant, at the Old Broad street, at ll o'clock. The LOT OF LAND, situate on the east side of Meeting street, between Cumberland and Queen streets, one door south or the Circular Oharoh, and known as the Sooth Carolina Institute Lot, measuring 80 feet on Meeting street by 130 feet In depth. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay os for papers and stamps. may IS Nets Publications. S PEOIAL BOOK. NOTICE. FOOARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. We are offering great inducements to Book buyers.- The whole of oar large and choice col lection or Eooks, consisting or: THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, SUNDAY-SCHOOL LIBRARY BOOKS AND JUVENILE BOOKS, have been rearranged and marked down In ac? cordance with the reduced prices of Northern publishers. We oller for the next SIXTY DA YA the farther Inducement of A LIBERAL DISCOUNT tu au par chases Of BflOks amounting to FIVE DOLLARS and upwards. Our STOCK OF BOOKS, consists or ah the latest and best editions of STANDARD AND NEW PUBLICATIONS. OUR JUVENILE DEPARTMENT .is particularly rich In good books for the yoong We have reoeutly made large additions to oar stock of BIBLES. The prices are greatly reduced. Weare now offering an unusually large variety of EBgltsh and American Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, and the Episcopal Prayer Book, at ex? tremely low prices. We are Special Agents for several Sunday. School Publishing Houses, and have on ha sup? plies of their publications. AU varieties of STATIONERY, and a full assort? ment of SCHOOL BOOKS. O'-.r Store ls so arranged that visitors can ex? amine the stock at their leisure, i be price of each book is marked so as to afford purchasers every facility. 43? Persons residing In the country will please bear in mind that by sending their orders to us for any books published in America, they will be charged only the price of the book. We pay for? i he postage or express. 03~ Address FOG ARTI E'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 260 KING STREET (in the Bend,) marl4-tuths Charleston, S. C. rp Ii E GREAT # ENGLISH AND SCOTCH QUARTERLIES, AND BLACK WOOD'S MAGAZINE. REPRINTED IN NEW TORE BY THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO Q?ARTKRI.Y. The Edinburgh Review, London Quarterly Review. Nortu tl ri tish Review, Westminster Review. MONTHLY. Biackwond's Edinburgh Magazine. These pero-Heals are thc medium through which the grenier minds, not only or Great Britain and Ireiar.d. but also or Continental Europe, are con? stantly bMtnrht into inore or less intimate com munica ton with the world of readers. History. Biography. Science. Philosophy. Art, Religion, the ?teat political questions of the past and of to-day, ire treated in tncir psges as the learned alone .an treal them. No one who would keep pace with the times can afford to do without these pe? riodicals. or all the monthlies, Blackwood holds the fsre m s place. TERMS. Por aiiv one of the Reviews.#4 oo per annum? Por any two or ?he Kcviews. 7 00 For any three ol Hie oo " For ?I lour of I lie Review*..12 00 " Fur Biutkwoou'? Magazine.. 4 00 " Kor Blai i- wo'xl and one Review.. 7 00 " For BmCKWood and any two of t e Reviews.10 00 " For Blackwood and three or the Reviews..1300 M Por Blackwood and the four Re views.16 00 M Hngle numbers of a Review, $i ; single nota ber.-, of Blackwood, thirty-tlve couts a number, i o* ta ire two cenia a number. Circulars with further particulars may be had un application. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., No. US FaHon M'eei, New york. Postmastw rn and others disposed to canvass liberad) dealt with. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO. ALSO it'll.isn THE FARMER'S GUIDE To scvnuflc and Practical Agrtouirurn. By HENKT STKPH*Mts F. R. 8., Edinburgh, as-t the la ie J. P. NORTON, proresuorof scientific Ag? riculture In Yale College, Baw Haven. Two vols. Royal octavo. 1600 pages and namer ons engraving*. Pries, $7;by mali, post-paid, SJ. Jan7