University of South Carolina Libraries
tC i f I AFFAI RS. .'lett tn ss iii is Day. Washington Lodge, al 8 P. M. Sum'.er Rifle Club, at 8 P. ii. Germania Lodge, K. P., at s P. M. Catholic Ins l?ate, at half-past 7 P. M. Palmetto Fire Company, at 12 M. Pioneer Fire Company, at half-past s P. M. Young America Fire Company, at half-pas; s ?. M. Marlon F;re Company, at ? V. M. Aucti.*>? Salis This Day. Leitch & Bruns wm seil at ll o'clock, at the Courthouse, real estate. j. Fraser MaHiewes wm se'.: a: li o'clock, at the cid rostefflce, lea! estate. Lowndes A Gritaban will sell at ll o'clock, at tue old Post?nico, phosphate stock. J. G. Milnor A Co. will sell at hair-past IO o'clock, at thetr store, water-coolers, palmetto fans, Ac. . A. E. Abrahams & Sons will sell at ll o'clock, at their store, hickory stripes, tickings, Ac. Wm. McKay will sell at io o'clock, at his store, potatoes, furniture, &c. Miles Drake will sell at io o'clock, at his store,, clothing, straw goods, Ac. WEEKLY MORTALITY.-Froto the report of t?e city registrar, we learn that the mortality in Charleston, during the week ending May 5, 1871, was 25-8 whites and 17 colored. BENEFIT TO MISS RONAN.-From present in? dications we think that the Academy of Music will be crowded, on Friday night, to witness Miss P.cnan's performance or Julia. Hie sale of tick" et?Are understand, has already been large. FLORIDA STEAMERS.-The splendid steamer Dictator will leave southern wharr every Tues? day evening for Florida via Savannah, until for? tier notice. Tue City Point has been laid up for repairs, and will be generally fitted up forihe coming season. A PLEASANT TRIP.-On Tuesday last, Cap? tain L. W. Burns, or thc Eliza Hancox, kindly U-adered a pleasute trip on his elegant steamer to thc pupils am: young lady inmates of the Con? federate Home. The pari y visited the phosphate works and ether points cf Interest along the Ashley, and returned to She city, having enjoyed a most delightful excursion. SHOOTING AFFRAY IN COLUMBIA.-It is stat? ed that Mr. Gary, ctiiet clerk at the treasury de? partment, in Columbia, was shot on Monday eve? ning, at the Hotel, by a young man named John Harris. Thc difficulty occurred at the supper table. Mr. Gary received a pistol wound through the thigh, which is severe, but not dangerous. A PUBLIC TINDER Box.-The wooden tene ment No. 7 Washington street has caught fire sev? eral times of late, and no notice seems to have been taken of the affair, and no attempts made>to provide against a recurrence of the evil. We have been requested by persons in the neighborhood to caU this to the attention of the authorities, in order that the colored people who inhabit the pre? mises may be compelled to conform to the re? quirements of tue ordluanc-i in relation to sweep? ing chimneys, Ac. ?CLUBS AND STARS.- Eliaa Grant, lodged on the charge of stealing two silver goblets from Mrs. S*rohecker, ls held for examination. Taos. Horan, arrested for getting drunk and raising a disturbance In a house in South street, was sent to thc House of Correction for thirty days, under the vagrant law. Chas. Dugan, lodged for being drunk and una ole to take care of himself, in King street, was sentenced to* pay a flue of $5 or spend ten days In the House of Correct lou. A LITERARY DOMESTIC-A few aays ago a well-known gentleman of this city, while remov? ing his library, missed a largo number of valuable law fcooks. Upon Investigation by the deteotives, it was found that a female domestic bad ab? stracted the rolantes, without regard to authors, volumes or sets, ?md disposed of them at the moderate ra e of docents per volume, to. a Junk shop dealer on King street. Fourteen or the volumes have been r> covered and returned to the owner. Purchasing law books from a servant, thc owners name upon each volume, is not exactly th - thing, and ?he matter should be In-. quited into. _ UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, WEDNES? DAY, MAY io-HON GEO. S. BRYAN PRESIDINO. The appointments or George K. Ryan as assignee of Henry Asher, and that or David J. Winn as assignee of Leander A. Bigger, were approved by tlie court. IN ADMIRALTY: W. H. Dorrll vs. the brig Wm. H Parks. Libel f jr repairs, Ac. Thc said brig was ordered to be scldinthe above case, by the marshal-*/ this court, ofter due advertisement, subject to the cSlmofJ. G. andT. C. Marsh for $1300. The net proceeds to be paid into court for distribution under further orders. ? C. W. Townsend vs. the orig Wm. H. Parks. Tile pet i loner was allowed to Intervene and file his answer to the libel la the above cause. W. C. Dukes A Co. vs. ttu schooner Wanata. The bond given by the claimants for the return of the vessel was ordered to be cancelled. THE HEALING SPRINGS, BATH COUNTY, VA. These springs, situated In the Warm Spring Val? ley, Ya., and still popular with tourists from all parts of the country, wilt be.opened to visit ?rs on tie 1st June. They occupy so nearly a central po s.tion tn the great group of -m?ueral springs, for which this part of Virginia ls so remarkable, as to be accessible from ali, and within less than a day's journey of the most prominent of them. Southern visitors should take the cars of. the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad at Richmond, Va., 'or Coving ton. Tue buildings and furniture at this watering place are all new and constructed after the most improved style, to insure health and comfort. A handsome and commodious ballroom, supplied with a Une band of music, will be opeu every evening. Thc proprietors, through tl?lr accom? modating employees, will do everything In their power, we are conllde:it, to render the Healing Springs a comfortable retreat for the invalid ana an elegant and sumptuous residence f ir tue tem? porary visitor. See the advertisement elsewhere. THE TIDAL DRAINS.-On Monday evening, the/E'na and Pioneer Fire Companies were out practicing with their engines, and took a run up Meeting street to the Charleston Hotel, over tue ^Found to be traversed by the steamers in the coming tournament. Upon arriving at the large well opposite Hayne 6treet, the suction was thrown in, lind i he enc ines attempted to play off. >% water, but a spattering or black mud tn s tarown out, and, ou looking into the well, noth Lng but oozy mod was to be seen. This unex? pected den- uement put an end to the practicing, and necessitated a thorough cleaning . ut of the engines. Tidswell ought to be ot.e of the main 3 -arces in time or lire tor a good supply or water, and, being situated lu the wealthiest aud most thickly settled portion or the business c immu? nity, should al .. ays be kept fall. If, instead of mere practicing, lhere Hod lwvu a Are, the engines tttat relie I upon thc tidal drain would have been in? capacitated for working even where water could be found. The matter ts a serious one, and should "se looked into by the proper authorities. Hotel Arrival*-May io. PAVILION HOTEL. A W. Loyns, Florence, S. C. CHARLESTON HOTEL. W. E. Church, N. Y.; T. R. Robertson, Winus baro, s. C.; Juo. Woods. S. C.; D. A. January, D S. Hiller, St. Louis; Jas. M. Sty. N. Y.; Geo E. Pritchell, Jos. F. Thomson, Columbia S. C.; \V. J. Sherman, v.Dy; Daa'l D. Leary, Ed. W. Lartue, W. E. Perry, N. Y.; J. H. Cornish, A. W. Bary, H. C. Ca'k-.n, N. Y.; Edward Duleu, Pnila.; John D. Parker, S. C.; D. M. Boone, Fla. MILLS HOI SS. J. G. Gilbert, E. H. Morgan, Newark, N. J.; Mr. ?sd Mrs. Thos. C. Arnold, N. Y.; H. Thorndike, Ga.; Colone'. J. D. Stanbury Captain Valli, Savan? nah, Ga. MEMORIAL CELEBRATION. The remains of eighty South Carolinians, who fell upon ihe bloody field of Gettysburg; were yes? terday :reinterretl _t Magnolia Cern . -ur. The prep? arations which have been in progress for the past week culminated in the solemn ceremonies around the graves, and.seldom have we seen a more impressive spectacle than wa3 exhibited yesterday on that hallowed square. The memo? ries of ?he past, which seem of late to have been smothered up by our present trouble*: were once more awakened, and few who stood upon that solem? ground who did not feel the influence pro? duced by them. The long row of freshly made graves spoke louder than trumpets, and the cause for which they died was Invested with a brighter glory by the immensity of their sacrifice. They died upon thc soil of an enemy, and yesterday saw the latest prayer of many of them granted, that they should sleep their long last steep In the bosom or their native Carolina. The wives, mothers and sisters who sent them rorth to bat? tle remembered these dying words, and after a long Interval of untiring energy and labor In the great aad hallowed cause, they have fulfllled their wishes. All honor to the lautes who have assisted In this sacred work. Th: tr gb.' morning was propitious to a celc ,bra lon of ic 2 kind, and at an early hour, masses or evergreen 1, beautirul crosses and chaplets, and lovely bouquets of flowers were to be seen borne about the streets. The extensive decorations in the Hioernian Hall, from the late lair or the Sis? ters or Mercy, were taken down to lorin material for the decorations, and various wagons, with their ve rnal freight, variegated with baskets of flowers, could be seen the city. At 2 o'clock, by general conseut, the leading establish? ments on our prlucipal streets were closed, apd the population turned odt en masse, to do honer to the remains of the fallen heroes. The street cars on the up trips were Jammed; everybody was hurry itg to the railroad depots. The trains on the South carolina and Northeast? ern Railroads Were much lerner than usual. On one tri.ln alone there we^-thirteen passenger cars, at.d every oue full. Dp to the mitote that the last train left tbedepoi, ladles and gentlemen, and the inevitable jmalt l- ays, could be sean .'mr. rying up, but at last ahe whistle blew, and the long* train or tars nove J Steadily up to the Forks of the Fioad. Alighting here, the ..-?Ito-s walked up the ave? nue, aud were soon a: ts?? burial grotfnd of thc Confederate dead. In addition to thc railroad trains, vast numbers of impromptu vehicles were plying along thc road?, and over 6000 persons must have beeu upon the grounds. The road irom the gate 01 the cemetery, within thc grounds, was thronged with vehicles, and the vast concourse of people .vevo densely crowded around the speaking stand, at .ne northeast corner of the Confederate burial ground. The ceremonies were introduced by Lle.enant General R. H. Audersoa, who excused the absence of the venerable Dr. Bacnman. and announced that - thc Re". Edison Capers had beeu requested to take his place. Mr. Capers then offered the following prayer: O ! Taou grear, good and merciful God-Thou Father or compassion and God of all consolation and grace In Christ Jesus our Lord, to Thee we bring cur humble tribute of praise and thanks? giving. We are unworthy and Biulul-Thou art holy ard worthy to be exalted ror evermore. O ! God ! be with us, in this nour, when with sad heans we exclaim, lover and friend hast Thou pat far from us an-1 our acquaintance into dark? ness. We have gathered today around the re? mains of the belove l and honored dead, who were nat atone bouud to us by the strong ties ol kindred and affection, but to whom we owe a deo debt of gratitude, for these sleep? ing patriots shed their blood in our do? rene;. And whilst we pla".e up'in their graves memorial garlands or love, affection and grati? tude, ?ut Thou, Heavenly b.'titer, engrave upon our heurts the remembrance ol their virtues, and teach cs to emulate meir patriotic love of coun? try? Impress upon our hearts, everlasting Uod, the solemn lesson of mortality here taught us, and, whilst we linger around Ute hallowed mounds under which our dead heroes Ile, let us look btyond-above, and prepare, by lives ol inno? cence, virtue, benevolence and faith, to join our departed ones iu thai land wnere sorrows are ende 1 and partlugs are unknown. Have mer y, dear. Fattier In heaven, upon the beloved, rela? tiv.- . a id frieuds or the dead. Comfttrt the wMow and the orphan, and provide ror their necessities. And we beseech The* look In- mercy upon pur distracted land; remove ihe evil- uiider which we groan; let wisdom guide our counsels, mit! prosperity smile .wain upon our land. Finally, may Thy holy reiiaton be widely diflused. until the while earth be flited with Thy glory. In the name nud for the sake of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. The following beautiful ode. written expressly for the occasion by Ur. J. Dickson Bruns, ami Set to music by Prof. Thos. P. O'Nealc, was sung by the children of Hie CpiceUerate Home, lcd by Mr. O'Neaii; and assisted by a po werra! chorus of bass voices au tho stage: Ode, cv nr.. J. DICKSON BRUNS. Husl;ed he Hie clamor or the mar ; Stided as when strick-eii peoples pray : For through a Lilien nations heart Wt bring our herds' dust to day; Lc-t all her sons a Sabbath keen In Meir proud City by the Sea, And come, whoever loves<.! weep Tin; broketi lance or Chivalry. Come Honor wich iU> diutcd shield, Anl Valor with thy stn vero 1 glaive ; Aud from the sod where Faith hath kneeled, Rise Justice from her trampled grave t And come, O dove-eyed Peace : who long Fro m this, ou1- desolate land, hath strayed. And "t ns dream that Hate at.d Wrong Wi .h these our brothvr.v bones relaid! Twice Amarant t for the noble dead, Nor be ?he victor-leaf forgot. And, while the paning prayer ls said, Strew Heart's Ease and Forget-me-not. For thes" no sculptured shaft shad risc, Nor stouei urn i-nibl ?cou them ; But nobbing waves and watling skies Will sound i ht tr flt iug requiem. And, year by year, a form uusi-en Mull deck the turf we heap io day, To keep i heir fadeless memories green, Who fell, In vain, Tor liberty. So guard O God I this -acred dust, Winch we wi;h pravers and tears would bless. And be Thon still tin- Widow's trust, Arad Father of the Fatherless. The Rev. J. L. Girardcu, D. D., next delivered the address. To eive a synopsis or thin speaker's words wo dd De an injustice to his splendid effort am convey but a faint impression of its power and beauty. His s. ul stirring, words met with a warm sympathy from" his audience, and his mas? ter de meatian of the present Situation, Us ten? dencia s, aud our proper course, excited the deep? est interest. His,Closing appeal and Invocation to thone wit >e obsequies were being celebrated was touching apd beautiful, aud many an eye Ailed with tears, i Mr. Edward R. Miles thou read a poem pre? pared ror the occasion, lt referred to the solemn ceremonies of the day and was Ulled with beau? tiful hough s. The allusion io the bells of St. Michael's ?cerned particularly happy and touch? ing. The atrecting ode wiatt cn by the Rev. C. S. Vedder npuu the return of the Gettysburg dead was then snug by the children of the Home. It isas tullo ?vs: Ode, UPON' THE RETURN OF THE GETTYSBURG DEAD. BY REV. C. S VUDDER. Room ! ror the hunlsli'd room : Roo.?, 0:1 thuir Mottler's breast; Sae eilis ficm rf-i.u th.-ir strauger tomb, io fold in ctn lo her ?ea ! Room ! wher" tlic?r native sky May arch their po .cefnl slcen ! Kovin ! where UM r m triyr comrades He T;.eir living comrades weep.! Room ! for their sisters' tea? Have mourne 1 them lonir In vain, Aad tribute ilow'r>. through all the years, Shall lull lu loving ra Ul ! Raum ! where '.heir native Prhe M y semino! their d_*t, And Cypress and Magnolia twine Their garlands for the>ust ! Room ! where the spreading Oak Mav mourn a nation's l<m. And droop o'er bnddliu promise broke, Its sad, fuuereal mos ! Room ! by the Bobbin, sea; Room ! near the sadden-d street* Room t wrn-ivth. lrs puichres may be Mecas, .'or pilgrim rca ! F oom ! 'tis tin ir Mother calls ' She sent them from her side; For hir they stood, as living walls For her they gran dry died ! Fioom I for thc cxU'd, room I Room, in our Inmost he - ns, Uhlle tearful Love can guard their tomb TtU Life Itself depat .si Willie tho ode waa being sang the open gravea were being ailed up, after which the ladeas of the Memorial Association began the work of decora? ting the graves. On each lowly stone was placed a chaplet, frequently varied by beaatlful crosses of evergreen and Sowers. Not one was forgotten, and the tender and loving manner with which Hie work was done showed the deep f;ellngs or the fair decorators. In the centre oftlieburial-ground was a large evergreen cross, covered with white lilies, and standing upsn a raised mound. It farmed a beautiful central flgure and emblem to the lowly graves around. The remains which were reinterred are not yet furnished with head-stone3. but this will be at? tended to shortly. The following is the hst of those South Carolin? ians who were buried at Gettysbury, Pennsylva? nia, In consequence or wounds inflicted during the battle or July 1st. 2d and 3d, 1SC3. und whose graves were marked and could yet be IdentlQcd: Camp Letterman Burying Ground. W. C. C. Fullmer, section l, grave 34, company F. 31th regiment. Sergeant T. S. Callliard, section 2, grave 5, com? pany F, 2d reg ment. F. L. Nettles, section 3, grave 31. company E, 2d regiment. T. J. Turner, section 4, grave 4, company. G, 22d regiment. Jacob H. Clancy, section 4. grave 5, company G, 13th regiment. H. S. Jones, section 5, grave 10, company G, 7th regiment. Lieutenant Austin, section 3, grave 27, compa? ny G, 14th regiment F. T. Derrick, section 5, grave 31, company I, 151 li regiment. H. M. Paysenger, section 7, gi ave 12, company Ei 3d regiment. Austin Nabos, section 7, grave 15, company G, 2d reslmeuL ' E. R. Eni ick, section 7, grave 13, company C, 15th regiment. Sergeant P. T. Dickson, section r>, grave 1, com? pany C, 2d regiment Burled at Rose's, under large cherry tree, back ol Hie barn. R. M. Love, compauy G. 2d regiment. H. W. Wilkerson, company U, 2d regiment. ' Sergeant D. R. Ryan, compauy K, '?a regiment. J. W. Polk, compauy E. 2d regiment. W. R. Allen, company E, 2d regiment. Burled in McMillan's Orchard, under apple tree, near General Pickett's Division line or fortifica? tions. Sergeant John G. Mayo, company G, 1st regi? ment. T. A. Rhod s, company G, 1st regiment. Burled tn Rose's Meadow Peach Ofchard. W. N. Ril^y, company F, 2d regiment. J. M. Reynolds, company F, 2d regiment. W. W. Waller, company F, Sd regiment. W. G. L imax. compauy F, Sd regiment. J. F. Roberts, company A, 2d regiment. W. M. Roach, company A, 2d regiment. Buriel lu Apple Orchard, at Blac. Horse Tavern. Sergeant D. C. McDutlle, company I. 8th regi? ment. T. Hampton, company n, 8th regiment. Burled northwest of Rose's Barn, under Peach Tree. C?ptala Wilson, 2d regiment. Burled north of Rose's, Inside the fence, on south side of Emmeitsburg Road, under apple tree.' near the Meadow Stream. Captain Cunningham, company C, 2d regi? ment. Buried northwest of Rose'.s.north of the Emmetts burg Hoad, near some trees. J. Bligh, company D, 2d r -imeut. W. E. Felder, company D.. regiment. W. R. Ballard, (or Banard,) company D, 2d regiment. Buried In the woods, east or Crawford's tene? ment hoiue. G. W. Smith, company E, Jordan's Bakery. Burled North or Black norse Tavern, jear the Creek and Graveyard. E. P. Pulley, company B, 3d regiment . Sergeant W. lsbeli. company c, 2d regiment. W. VV. Koon. Company I. 15th regiment. Lieutenant A. A. Fuller, James's Battery. J. W. casson, co upany A, 2d reglmeut. J. F. Eaddv. company G, loth regiment. Captain R. C. Pulltam, company B. 2d regiment. Lieutenant W. R. Thomas, cempany K, 3d regi? ment. H. Adams, company K, 8tli regiment. E. M. Burgess, company H, 15th leglment. J. C. WanslU, 8th regiment. H. Vauderfoid, company H, 15th regiment. Joel Miller, 7th regiment. Second Lieutenant George C. Braslnglon, com? pany H, 2d regiment. Lteuteuaut \v. F. Wissen, 15th regiment. Lieutenant George M. McDowel, company F, 2d reiriment. Lieutenant M. P. .RuzzarJ, company B, 3d regiment. Mcho'.iis Hill Batty, company-A. 3d regiment. W. R. Person, company C, 2d regiment. Burled opposite Rose's house, under peach tree. Captain T. J. Warren, company A, 15th regi? ment Buried near the barn on Crawford's tenant rarni. T. Hays, Rhett's Battery. The following are Hie names or those South Carolinians whose gi aves were marked, but which could not now be Identified separately, and hence will be groupul as they were buried: P. OBJ, battery 3d, company 15. W. P. Miller, battery 3d, cotm-any B. J. W. S ewart, battery 3d, company E. - Sergeant W. Y. Woir, battery 3d, company D. Sergeant V. L. Culbertson, batterv3d, company C. Sergeant J. WI Foaithe, battery 3d, company C. Ll-uietiaut M. P. McGowan, battery 3d, com? pany-K. Lieutenant P. B. Longford, company E, 8th reg? iment. Lieutenant J. M. Potter, company H, 15th regi? ment. Sergeant E. W. Eure, company. H, 15th regi? ment. fcrgeaut J. T. spears, company E, 15th regi? ment. . E. W. Levis, company E, 15th regiment. P. W. Stiffb,-. Burled west of Rose's barn, under a large cherry t ree. Edward J. Mills company I. id regiment. T. S. Gad-den, company 1, 2d regiment. .Burled lu Rose's garden. S. C. Miles, company f, 2d reg meat. . This list is prepared by a Northern gentleman who is not familiar with the uames and regiments of South Carolina. On this account a few slight inaccuracies could scat eel) be avoid, d. AB soon as tue decoration was over, the dense crowds hurried our. of the cemetery, under the threatening approach of a heavy black cloud. Thc train was tn waiting, and the. thousands were quickly whirled to the city. APPOINTMENTS BV TUB (JUVBKNOU.-The fol lowiag appointments Rave be-, n announced at the Executive Department: David Leeccie, as jury commissioner for Chester County; R. G. Billings, of Lancaster County, to be'uotary publier J. D. Robertson, as school commissioner fer Beaufort.' TUE VISITING FIUEIIEN.-At a meeting ol the Independent Fire Eugine Com any, of Colum? bia, held on Tuesday n'giit, it was decided that thev attend th-.-nremen's parade lu Charleston,' on the 17th Instaut. Tiie Savannah Advertiser says: "The Metropoli? tan Fire Company yesterday received a joint Invi? tation from the Phoenix aud .Etua Fire Com? panies of Charleston, to jobi them in their annual ceiebiat'um on the 17th of May. The Germania, of Uiis city, have also had a standing invitation for som.- time from the German of Charleston, to participate in the festivities of the annual parade. We aie informed that though no company pro puss Ko:ng from this city ma body, many mem? ber? of tue companies invited win bc present on the occasion."' A BOLD ROBB BUT/.-Early yesterday morn? ing Messrs. Klinck, Wilkenberg & Co., upon opening their stoic, at the corner of Broad and Church Btrects, discovered i hat it had been robbed during thc preceding nigh*, of various articles, one of the Inner doors Ueuur forced. The matter was reported at once at the Detective office, and Ottieers Truall, Davis timi Burke shortly alter suc? ceeded In bringing to Uah* some or ihe stolen property aud arresting Moses Johnson, a noto? rious thief a' the foot -or Calhoun street, near Ga lsdeu's wharf. A lew hours or bi' arceratlon collected Moses's thoughts, and he cm fessed the whole affair. He stated that he with several other parties went to the store lu question, about 4 o'clock yesterday morning, and effected an en? trance by rnlsuig the cellar do jr ou On arch s; reet. They afterwards forced the inner door nf thc ntorc. aud took oat three kegs or butter and three larce English cheeses. This p.under they brought out unobserved, and placing ic on a dray which they kept tu walting noir by tar tili* purpos-, car? ried lt te au ln;am.jiis iocality known as Gabo's Row. One cheese they .-old for fifty cents to pay the dra-uian, and one other they had lu a well on the buna lot, next the Pheonix Eu giue-tlouse, iu Cumberlaud street. Following lils directions, all of the goods were recovered by the detectives and restored to the ?wncr.i. Moses has Just finished a term in jail, whither he waa sent upon being convicted ot larceny. Uenry Fi axer, a similar character, was also arrested on suspicion of being impllcued in the robbery. REV. E. J. MEYNARDIE, we are pleased to learn, is recovering from a serious illness. He ! resides at present in Chester. BABOONS.-The Governor has pardoned Ruf flnKlng, of Abbeville, and Daniel David, of Marl-' I boro'; the former on the recommendation of f Judge Orr. and the latter on the petition of nu? merous citizens._ ACADEMY OF MCS?C-Considering the high wind and threatening skies, the Chapman Sisters and Mr. Bishop had a very good house last "night. Everything pissed off well, and everybody was highly entertained. This was a farewell per? formance, and we wish the "Violets or the Stage" every success on their northward tour. DIOCESAN' CONTENTION.-The annual con? vention ot the Pr?, .estant Episcopal Church, In the dlocease of t South Carolina, will be opened this mornlnir at io o'clock, at St. Philip's Church. The Right Rev. Bishop Davis will pr?sid?, and the opening sermon will be de? livered by the Rev. Mr. Trapler, rector of St. Michael's Church of this city. The venerable bishop arrived In the city a few days ago, and ls the guest bf the Rev. A. Toomer Porter. -?a? - j ANOTHER BURGLARY.-The" store ol Mr. Lo geman, Corner er King and Tradd streets, was broken into yesterday morning by thieves, who made their escape with about $35 in currency and groceries worrh $125. The'thleves entered the store through the sash over the door which Wasprotectc' by Iron bars. These were prized off, and the sash being raised, admitted of easy Ingress. The detectives are on the track or the thieves. RAO rc AL "MASS" MEETING.-A slimly at? tended Radical meeting was held last evening at the Military Hall. Senator Gaillard was dilled to the chair, and explained that the object or the meeting was to elect a chairman or the city cen? tral committee. L. L W?oir then attempted a speech, but something bc said created snell an up? roar that the meeting almost ended In a row. ? Several other speakers attempted to explain or make motions, but the confusion dire caused by I Woolf's effusion could not be remedied, and the repeated thumps by the chairman with a heavy | stick upon the table railed to restore the requisite amount of order for transacting any business. Our reporter len as several dusky politicians were discussing, In a very excited manner, whicu of the speakers should be pnt ont of the door. DEATH OP DR. BENJAMIN JENKINS.-We learn from the Southern Christian Advocate, that Dr. Jenkins died at Shanghai, China, March 13, his age being about ?6 years. Dr. J. was well known lu Charleston, having resided hera a number of years, prior to his removal to. China. He was at one time employed in the printing office or the Charleston courier, then for six yeirs published the Advocate until, in 1843, he went as a mission? ary to China. He severed his connection with the board, however, some years- ago, and became attached to the United States Consulate, where he rendered valuable service by his great linguistic proficiency. Dr. Jenkins was a self-made man; In lils earlier years a hard student, with a special predilection for languages. Before he went to China, he bad acquired some knowledge of some eight or ten different languages, and during his stay in the East he added largely to his store in 'this direction, and used lils leisure in laying open the literary treasures the heathen Chinee to our Inquiring Occidental gaze. Kusiirjsss ir o x i cm?. TBE ?WORLD ls tender footed as a class. Whatever shall answer best for wet weather and dry, for sea and shore, ls bound to be popular whether or no; and lt would be a bootless tasa to attempt stemming the great-popularity gained by the Cable Screw Wire Boots and Shoes In the tlx months Just passed. They claim much, but the public has endorsed that claim. TRAVELLERS and those who expect to be travellers this summer, can supply themselves with Portfolios at cost, by applying at once to \VAi.KEn, EVANS A COGSWELL, Nos. 3 Broad aud-ioo East Bay streets, raayU-. Charleston, S. C. $100,000 dollars to be given away In land and greenbacks, at the great Premium Land Sale. Tickets Tor sale at EDWARD PURRY, No. 149 Meeting Btreet, raayll-tlimw3 Opposite-Charleston Hotel. ONLT IS cents a pound for those fresh.baked Water Crackers^ at KINSMAN BROS., mayll-1 No. S4 Market street. WANTED.-Any person havingjeoin, bonds or stocks In bia possession would do well to examine the advertisement or Mr. A. C. Kaufman in ano? ther c lumn. NEW TORR LEDGER, WEEKI*-, SATURO AT NIGHT and FIRE .SIDE COMPANION, six cents a copy, at No. ldl King street. m ay 3 PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS CHEAPER THAN EVEI: in Velvet and Leather bindings, 75 cents; od price 90 cents, in? Velvet and Leather bindings, -?? cents: old price $1. la Velvet and Leather bindings, $i; old price $1 25. lu Velvet and Lea? ther bindings, $120; old price $l 50. LI AS KL sr, BA?AAK, AND NO. 181 KIN'G ST. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Ollice .s now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with nosiness canis printed thereon, at $4 per thous? and. Sehd yonr orders. Every merchant; and tiusiness ?nan should have his card printed OJ. HIS envelopes . BILL HEADS printed on tine paper at 13, $4, f i, tr, 6u and $s 50 per thousand, according tc size, ai TJE NEWS Joriorflce. THE ATTENTION OK WATCU-BOTEIW is called to our large stock or Waltha n Watches. These Watches hare been long known throughout thc Culled States as the be-t and cheapest In thc market. All Waldies guaranteed. W. CAKKINOTOX A CO., . maris No. 260 King street. CROQUET ! CROQUET ! ! CROQUET ! ! !-Im? mense reducion in. price I The largest Field Croquet at $4. . HASEL STREBT CAZA AR AND NO. 161 KINO ST. mar22_ PARCHEESI 1 PARCHEESI !- A royal garrie ol india. HASEL STREET BAZAAR, ant*2? And No. 181 King Street. ATTENTION, TOURISTS.-."sieccoscopic views nf .Charleston und vicinity, at No. lol King .street. Tar ?hs ?lase! street Bazaar. iiovl2 (Eiijars, Sobacco, Ut. QIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, ?c. nie undersigned. Proprietor or "EMPEROR WILLIAM CIGAR EMPORIUM.? No. 310 Klug street, three doors south ot Socletv street, respect rudy state J to me Smoking, C .ewing aadsnuf. Ung public, that he has concluded to offer extra indncemetti .) 10 Wholesale and Retah Consumers or eic AUS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, to., by disposing of his stuck at such prices as, to secure a large and reliable trude. An extensive and complete assortment or all articles lu his line ot business ls kept constantly ou hand, givtog a facility of niling, without delay, all orders extended to him, accoiupalneil wirti cash, or draft on responsible houses tu the city. Purchasers are requested to examine lils perfect Stock before trading else? where. . WM. sHRODER, Proprietor of Emperor William Ci^ar Store. deni3-rtin?"> Q H. WRIGHT'S IM PROVED INKSTAND AND IMPROVED DESK EQUIPMENT, . Containing all tho rr-quisltes for Merchants, Bank? ers. Libraries, Rc nltng Rooms and Desks. Each INKSTAND cont ams etter scale, sponge cup, perpetual calendar, thermometer, stamp sure, rotating mucilage ooillr*, black and red Ink well, pen racle, clock aird stationery drawer. The must complete uuttlt for the desk ever Invented. For sale at EDWARD PERRY, Agent or the Calendar Inkstand Company, No. 149 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel apr29-sw No. 363- KING STREET. FRESH ARRIVALS. CLEARANCE! SALE, AND EXTENSIVE ALTERATION JONE 1ST. I would respectfully inform my numerous cus? tomers, particularly the Ladies, that r have re turned from Nsw York aid have received upwards of one hundred cases assorted merchandise, com? prising everything lu the . NOTION, HOSIERY AND FANCY LINE. My Stock at present ls the largest, cheapest and be3t assorted, either whole-ale or retail, this side of the Potomac. My tried mercantile experience and position in the market as a CASH buyer, gives me superior advantages over those ho'diug old stocks, bongbt on credit. Odd lots given away. . ? 49- Price Catalogues and $20 gold pieces on application. 49- Cash only. No credit. No bad debts. Fix? ed prices. The only safe and honest way for buy? er and seller. $3~ Five per cent, on all bills over $5. ARCHER'S BAZAAR, mayfl-tnthso No. 363 King street. B ?Urn ?coirs, #c. A R G A I N IN LADIES' AND CENT'S HOSIERY. S! FGRCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO. are otlering full regular made COTTON HOSE 26 cents per pair, value 40 cents. An extra superfine Co:tau Hose at 50 cents per pair, value 75 cents; also, a' large supply of Bal brlgau and Lisle Hose, Gauze. Merino, Cotton and Lisle Underwear, ac corresponding prices. RIBBON."?! RIBBONS I RIBBONS ! Io all shades and wldthB, at greatly reduced prices. FCRCHGOTT, BENEDICT A CO.. _gos. 244 and 437 King atreat. jp??CHCrOTT, BENEDICT & CO. Are offering the largest and mo't Important and cheapest steck of HOUSEKEEPING AND UOCSEFCRNI5HING GOODS that has ever been oflered In tilts city. 600 dozen One Huck and Damask TOWELS from $1 to $4, value $125 and $5. Each dozen will be found 20 per cent, lower than similar arti? cles at any other establishment In the city. Napkins only $1 26, worth $1 60. Dollies only 75 cents, worth $L 60 pieces White Piques only 13 cents, worth 25 cents. 50 pieces White Piques only 25 cents, worth 30 cents. . . 200 pieces White Marseilles 35 to 75 cents, value 50 cents to $1. F URCHGOTT. BENEDICT & CO. Are oiTorlng 60 pieces. BLACK SILK GRENA? DINE, which have been bought for cash rrom the manufacturer at a great sacrifice, and will be sold at 75 cents per yard, worth $1 l2>i. We would also state that we have reduced our entire and well selected stock of DRESS GOODS AND SILKS to suit the present tunes. Lace Shawls from recent Importation In large variety at Importers'prices. . . . "pURCHGOTT, BENEDICT.& CO. Are otlering 5 cases of 4-4 SHIRTING at-10 and \iyt cents, value M-i and 16 cents. 2 cases of to 4 Bleached Sheeting 37K and 40 cents, value60 cents. 100 rolls of White and Check Matting will be sold for the next fourteen days. 4 4 White at 27 and 30 cents. 4-4 Check at 33 and 35 cents. Oil Cloths are constantly on hand lu all widths. FTJRCHGOTT, BENEDICT & CO" No. 244 Klug street, In the Bend, octet No. 437 King street, corner Calhoun. UJatcljcs, ^croelrn, #c. ?^r G7 ^?L3EFT^C0/S^ST( A T AT PRIVATF. SALE, AND BELOW COST In ord T to ac .'Qtnruodate Ladies and others who have been unable to attend the auctions held nightly, at the store of W. G. WHILDEN A co., In King street, corner of Be.mfain street, the auctions at this store will he suspended d'uilng the week commencing MOND?T S'il instant. The store will ne open EVERY DAY DUR?NQ THE WEEK, ui usual business hours, when thc entire remaining stock of.Jewelry, China, GU?sware and Fancy Gooda will be offered at private sale ar. aud bel w cost. ].niles are especially Invited to call and exam? ine the stock. N. B.-The wholesale Stock of CROCKERY; Ac, or W. G. WHILDEN & CO., at Nd. 26 Hayn? street, will bc offered at auction, commencing TJESDAY, 9th instant, at 10 A. M. maye ? ALL, ELA CK 4 CO., Nos. 665 aud 5U7 BROADWAY, N. Y. WILL FURNISH STERLING SILVER FOIIKS AND SP80N3 In qunutlty, at $1 75 GOLD PER OUNCE. These Goods are pronounced superior in beauty of tluLsh, aud greater la variety dr pattern, to any Table Ware manufactured. A LAHOE STOCK OF WEDDING SILVER CONSTANTLY ON HAND. innlS-lyr S ?Tcm Pttbhratums. P EC i A"L ' BX) ok "N 0 Tin is FOGARTIE'o BOOK DEPOSITORY. We are offering great Inducements to Book buyers. The whole of our large and choice coi. lection of Books, consisting ol': THEOLOGICAL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, SUNDAY-SCHOOL LIBRARY BOOKS AND JUVENILE BUOKS, have beeu rearranged and marked down In ac? cordance with the reduced prices of Northern publlsncrs. We oiler for the uext SIXTY DAYS the further inducement or A LIBERAL DISCOUNT on all pur? chases of Books amounting to fl VE DOLLARS and upwards. Our STOCK OF BOOKS, consists of all the latest and best editions of STANDARD AND NEW PUBLICATIONS. OUR JUVENILE DEPARTMENT is particularly rich in good books tor the young. We have recently made large additions to our stock of BIBLES. The prices are greatly reduced. Weare now offering an unusually large variety of English and American Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, and the Episcopal Prayer Book, at ex? tremely low prices. We are Special Agents for several Sunday School Publishing Houses, und have on hand sup? plies ol their publications. All varieties of STATIONERY, aud a full assort nient of SCHOOL BOOKS. Our Store ls so arranged that visitors can ex? amine the stock at their leisure, 'i he price of each book is marked MO os to atlord purchasers every facitity. 43- Persons residing in '.lie jouutry will please bear in mind that by sending their orders to as for any books published In America, they wUl be charged only the price of -he book. We pay for tue pdstage or express. ff Address FOG ARTI EPS BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 260 KING STREET (tn the Bend,) mari4-tuths Charleston, 9. C. Olotrjing arito inrmafjino, ?acc?. SPRENG GLOTH?fIGT S?. 291 KING STREET, CORNER OP WENTWORTH. An extensive assortment of SPRING- AND SUMMER CLOTHING. made up for thc trade or this city, now oCered at LOW PRICES. In the stock will be foe nd the following siyle3 or snits : SCOTCH CHEVIOT MORNING AND DERBY SUITS French B.iMste Morning and Derby Snits SUE Mixed Morning and Derby Suits Diagonal and Crape Coating Morning and Derby Snits Blue ami Black Flannel Morning and Derby Snits Light Mixed Oakmore Morning and Derby Snits. BOYS MD mm sp SACKS, DERBY AND MORNING COAT SUITS, for ages of from 5 co 17 years. FURNISHING GOODS;. A full supply of all kinds-UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, GLOVES, S'JARFS. BOWS, &C, of the latest styles. . THE CELEBRATED STAB SHIRTS AND COLLARS A FULL SUPPLY OF ALL QUALITIES. THE (jffers FRENCH, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SUMME it CLOTHS, COATINGS," BATISTE, CHE? VIOT AND ?ANGY CASSIMERES, of select pat? terns and shades, which will be made to order in the best maimer, atjiODERATE PRICES, WM. MATTHIESS EN. B. W. McTUREOUS. Superintendent. raayl-mwth'Jmos si mr DRESS SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS O O L L A. it S NECK WE AB. GLOVES UNDERWEAR. SANES AND UMBRELLAS, ?KM ?LUI AX ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF THE ABOVE COOP? IN THE LATEST STYLE, AND AT PRICE? TO SUIT. 1.1. LAWTON & CO., ACA.DFMI OF MUSIC BUD JMJrtt. Ruction Bal?e-?rji"0 Sag. Bj W. Y. LEircWTBT& BB?N^ Auctioneers. POSITIVE SALE UNDER FORECLOS? URE of Mortgage. Will be sold THIS HORNING, lita day of Ma-*, at No. 29 Hayne street, running through to No. 82 Hark ec stree;, at 10 o'clock, and continued from day to day until the entire stock is-dlsposed of, The larore and weU assorted STOCK: of Messrs. Wm. G. Wbtlden A Co., consisting lu part of: Domestic and Imnorced WHITE GRANITE C. 0. and DIPPED WARE, in whole packages and in small lots from shelves. ALSO, Varied stock of GLASSWARE, Lampsand Lamp Fixtures, ac, Ac, and such articles asare usually found in a first-class wholesale Crockery Empo? rium. Parties desiring catalogdea will make applica? tion at No. 29 Hayne street. Terms cash. .Goods packed at customary rates by experienced packers._mayll By W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, A tret loneeT.' HL. LLOYD, EXECUTRIX, ET AL, . vs. T. Heyward Thayer, Ad? m Li era cor, and L. M. Philips et al. By virtue of. an order of Hon. R. F. Graham, Circuit Judge,'i will olt?r for sale, at public auc? tion, at the Courthouse, Charleston, S. 0., on THIS DAY, 11th May, 1871. at ll o'clock A. JL, All that PIECE, PARCEL OR LOT OF LAND, wich the two-story DWELLING and outbuildings thereon, situate, lying and being on the north side of Judith street, la the City of Charleston, measuring and containing in front on Jod 1th street forty feet, on the back line forty 'feet, ba depth on the west Une one hnndred and thirty, one feet, and on the east line one hnndred and twenty-nine feet abc Inches, be the aatd dimen? sions.more cr less; butting and bounding to the sou tit" on Judith street, to the north on fand of --/to the east on land new or late or the Hon. Geo. S. Bryan, and to the wes'on land now or late of the Hon. Wm. Aiken. Terms-One-third cash; balance In two equal successive annual instalments, with Interes; there? on, at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, pay? able semi-annually, secured by bond of parcha ser and mortgage of premises. Purchaser to in? sure buildings and assign policy, and pay for stamps endpapers. JOHN F. FICKEN, Special Referee. aprl0-w4thl_ By JOHN G. MLLNOR & CO. WATER COOLERS ON ACCOUNT OP Underwriters and all concerned. Palmet? to Kans. Hammocks and Dry Goods. THIS DAY, 11th .mst., at half-past 10 o'clock, we will sell at onr Store, on account of Under? writers and all concerned. 19 Two, Three ?nd Four Gallon WATER COOLERS 3 oases Palmetto and Chinese Fans 3 Hammocks, with a general assortment of desirable Dry Goods, received per steamer Adger. Conditions cash._mayll By A. H. ABRAHAMS & SONS.' PEREMPTORY SADE; THIS DAY, nth Inst., at ll o'clock, will be positively sold, by order of Consignees, at our Store, No. 133 Meeting street, Inpart,HICKORY STRIPES, TICKINGS, Prints. Lawns, Alpacas, Broadcloths. Oassimeres, Head and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Tweeds, Oottonades, Pins, Needles, Spool Cottons, Socks, stockings, Ganze Undershirts, and many other articles. mayll_ _ By HUES DRAKE. CLOTHING, STRAW GOODS, LADIES' HATS, LOOKING GLASSES, Ac. THIS MORNING, at io.o'clock, I will sell at my store, corner of King and Liberty streets, Alpaca, Llnetr, "earsucker. Gaulet, Jean and Melton COATS, PANTS AND VESTS, Barege, Leno. Victoria Lawn, L. C. Handkerchiefs, Lisle Thread Gloves, Sleeve Battons, Table Cloths, Towels, Fancy SturtB. Ladles' Trimmed Hat*, Men's, Boys' and Children's Straw Hats, Ac. ALSO, 20 dozen LOOKING GLASSES, sizes 6x8, 9x7, 12X9,17x10 and 22x13. On TO-MORROW I win seU 60 cases BOOTS and SHOES._._._mayll By WM. McKAY. POTATOES, HOUSEHOLD EUE NI TURE Ac THIS DAY, will be sold at 140 Meeting street, at io o'clock, Thirty barrels Peach Blow and Prince Albert POTATOES; and balance of Furniture, Crockery, Ac. of a family declining housekeeping. Sale on Friday or Hardware, Cutlery and No Hons._mayll By J. FRASER MATHEWES. ?T AUCTION.-WILL BE SOLD, ON THIS DAY, 11th Inst., nt the Old POBtof Dee, Broad street, at ll o'clock, Two-story HOUSE AND LOT, No. 57' Tradd street, with outbuildings. Lot 23 feet front by 106 feet deep. . Terms-One-third cash, balance m one and two v?ars, secured by bond and mortgage of the premises, with Interest; property tu be Insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay J. F. M. for papers and stamps._may9 By LOWNDES & (DUMBALL. PHOSPHATE STOCK AT AUCTION. Will be sold on THIS DAY, nth instant, at the Old Postofflce, at n o'clock, 9 shares PALMKTTO MINING AND MANUFAC? TURING COMPANY STOCK. Terms cash. maylO Auction Sales-i/aturc ?DOTJS. BJ W. Y. LEITCH ? B, 8. BRUNS, Auctioneers. EARE OPPORTUNITY FOR PURCHAS? ING Elegant Furniture. Will be sold on FRIDAY, the 12th Instant, at tbe Residence of Major R. 0. Gilchrist, No. 27 Rut? ledge avenue, A superb lot or HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, con? sisting in part of: ? ROSEWOOD PARLOR FURNITURE, Marble TopTahtes, Etajeres, Oak and cottage Chamber >e:s, .sideboards, Extension Tables, Mattresses, Medall?n, Velvet and Brussels Carpets, Glass and Crockeryware, Paintings, Matting, Kitchen Uten? sils, Ac, Ac, Ac ALSO, Flue GERANIUMS, Camellas and Hot House Plauts. ALSO, A Superior Rosewood 7-octave OHIOKERING PIANO. ' At 12 o'clock noon, the RESIDENCE itself will be oHeYrd tor sale. Those desiring to inspect lt and the Furniture can do so on Thursday, the nth Instant, between the hours or ll A. M. and 2 P. M., and 4 and 6 P. M. Terms oasft. Every article to- be deUvered on day of sale. neal Estate, one-third cash; balance In one and two-.ears, with interest, secured by bond and mortnag/ of the property. Insurance and as? signment of policy. Purchaser to pay us for pa? pers and stamps. maylO-wtof? 31] iris aub in rm s r? in s v?oo?s. SPRING NOTELiTIES. SCARFS AND TIES. THE MATELOT THE MARQUIS OF LORNE THE MONARCH THE RUGBY CRAVAT BOW, COLLARS AND CUFFS. DERBY KENSINGTON FLORENCE BRICN?LI LO! THERE DISRAELI CLUB HOUSE CLUB HOUSE AND A Fresh Stock of Fine Fur? nishing Goods of all kinds, at SCOTT'S STAR SHI.RT EMPORIUM MEETING STREET. OPPOSITE MARKET. Agencies. c IIARLESTON ADVERTISING AGENCY, CORNER BROAD STREET AND EAST BAY. ADVERTISEMENTS taken at publishers' lowest cash rates for ALL PAPERS tn th? United States.' WALKER, ETU:NS Jt COGSWELL. dec&mwf PROFESSOR BERGER'S BED-BUG DESTROYER. COStar'S INSECT POWDER Glentworth'!! Roach Exterminator Coe tar's Rat Polaon isaacsen'sSttre Pop-Death to' Mosquitoes. For sale by DR. LL BASK, ly ?3 No. 131 Meeting stire/w