University of South Carolina Libraries
TES ar8 OF TBS 2TB wa* nu DAILY NB rs, by mail one year, $>; six montas $4; titree months ts so. Served tn the city ax EIGHTHS* own a weet, payable to the car? riers, or SS a year, paid In advance at the office. THE TKI-WEKSLY Saws, published on Tuesdays, Thnndaye aa<t Satardaya, one year $4; six monita $2. TH? WeaxLT Naws, one year $2. Six copies $10. Ten copies, to one addresa, $16. SDBSOBIFTIOMS tn ali eases payable in advance, and no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 1871. jr s wa OF TBS DAT. -Gold closed in New York, yesterday, at lOialOJ. -._ i -Colton was unchanged; upland ki cents ales 3569 bales. -In Liverpool uplands closed at 7Jd, and Orleans at 7?a7j}d; sates 10,000 bales. -Confederate money is as good as any other k ind In San Domingo. So ls counterfeit, -The great bridge across the Mississippi River, at 6L Louis, was completed on Wednes? day. It cost one million ol dollars. ? -In Germany, the ladles have an ..anti Chignon Society," the pledge ol which has been taken by over 50.000 ladies. -A ladies' Ute insurance company ls being formed io London. One provision ia that all employee* are to be women. -The Connecticut Legislature Is to meet on the first Wednesday In May. and will then " proclaim ihn official result ot the recent elec on for Governor. -Cyrus W. Field ls a Arm believer In life i nsnranct*. He has policies on his life amount? ing to $214,000, on which he pays annual pre? miums amounting to $8000. ,-Colonel Albert Pike, ol Arkansas, has been the editor and proprietor of no less than twenty-five different newspapers, two-thirds Of which he boasts of killing. -The nttmoer of Germina expelled from France during the war ia 113,000; These 112,000 demand on an average three thousand francs indem u i ty tor their involuntary exile. -There were five cases of sunstroke in New York City on Monday last, and the thermome ter stood at 100 degrees In the shade in Albany the same day. -Bishop Martinez has jost arrived at Ha vana trom Spain, but he has not been permit? ted to land, and the affair creates considerable excitement. He will probably have to go back -President Grant bas abandoned his Cali? fornia trip until the fall. Tbe reference ques? tion from the High Commission and the en? forcement of the Ku-Klux bill keep him In Washington. -Camilla Urso has bought, at immense cost, the celebrated Joseph Guarnesius Cre? mona violin, in London. The owner at first refused to sell, but finally remarked, "Camilla, Ur SO irresistible- lake rt." -A correspondent of a Boston paper urges the formation of female emigration societies, to supply wives t^o the young meu of the far West. New England has a surplus of women, the West a surplus of men. -Among the periodicals on our exchange Hst are the Living Age, the Icon age, and the Golden Age. The Sausage hasn't come yet; though there is something that looks a little like it In the* Three Links, an Odd Fellows' paper. -Fashion gossip has lt that in passing a lady on the street the hat should be raised duriug the present season with the left band, the little finger and thumb to be placed under the . rim. The bow for April ls a little to the left ?Ide, and not quite as low as formerly. -John Ruskin hilly exculpates Bismarck and Louis Napoleon from any and all responsi? bility for the late war, declaring ihat Louis IX and his brother were the real cause of the contest. The Tribune askB.* "If ruskin were to reflect a little longer, couldn't he put the blame on Childerlo and Clovis ?" -Eleven Japanese merchants have arrived In California with 135.000 cards of silkworm eggs, costing in Japan $675.000. They were contracted for by a Freuen house al $5 a card, bat the order was cancelled lu consequence of the war. The Japanese merchants Iben ship? ped them on their own account -Mormon physicians are forbidden, nnder penally of $1000, and not lees than a year's Im? prisonment to prescribe any of the more pow? erful agents known to the medical protession, without first explaiuing to the patient aud his friends their medical properties, and procur ng the unqualified consent of all concerned. -At the Easter vestry eleoiion in St. Cle? ment's Church, Philadelphia, t?male pew-hold era (single) voted without restriction, but married ladies were permitted to do so only 'When they were accompanied by their hus . bands or could present evidence of iheir hus? bands' concurrence in the vote which they were about to casi. -A matrimonial commercial detective agency has been organized in Cincinnati by seven spinsters of mature age, who will sup ply information concerning any young man n town. Any maiden having an offer may apply at the bureau with the full conhdence of ascertaining the exact mercantile value of the partnership into which she in invited to enter. -Some one bas discovered that the Queen Of Holland is the author of the vigorous and bitter leaders against Germany which have at? tracted so much attention in several ol the ead lng Journals of Rotterdam, the Hague and Amsterdam. The Queen is represented to be one of the strongest and most sarcastic Writers for the press in the Netherlands, and -deserves to be considered a born journalist. -Lately at a dinner-table a gentleman re? marked that a certain lawyer, who used to be given to sharp practice, was getting more cir? cumspect. ..Yes," replied Judge Hoar, "he bas reached the superlative of life. He began by seeking to get on, thea he sought to get bonor, and now ho Is try ing to got honest.'" The conversation did not refer to General Butler. -Napoleon's virit to Victoria was made by special train from Chiselhurst to Windsor, ac? companied by Prince Murat. At Windsor an enthusiastic reception awaited the Emperor. The Queen's private suite of waiting-rooms were opened lor his reception, the platform was occupied by Influeutlul ro ideuta, and the roads about were crowded with people who Cheered and shouted witu enthusiasm. The family of Marshal Canrobert were awaiting his arrival, and in their company, escorted by the Lord Chamberlain and dignitaries of Windsor, be was driven to the castle, spent halt an hour ina visit to the Queen,, and rem raed to be dis? patched on his backward Journey with the same enthusiastic cheers. -The marriage of Miss Gerolt, daughter of Baron Gerolt, the Prussiau ?H?lster at Wash? ington, to Mr. Bungabee, charge d'affaires of Greece wilt lake place about me twentieth of the present month, and will be solemnized by three ceremonies. The first, will be pei tunned according lo Ihe ri'es of the Ru maa Cai hone j < Church, ai the house ol the bru.e's lather, j i The second ceremony will luke plan- lu New j York, at the Oreek Catholic. Cuapei, Mr. I < Bungabee being a Greek Ouiiiullv, ? hile Miso ! I Gerelt belong tr) the Roman Church. The] third ceremony ?111 befecliil contract entered Into at tte Greelif Consulate In New York. Th? wedding will be a strictly private one. The Russian Ministe, also ? Greek Catholic, will accompany the bridegroom to New York. The' several ceremonies will occupy nearly a week in their celebration. -Berlin ls highly tickled with the story of | the manner in which the eldest boy of the Crown Princess demeaned himself when he met his grandfather the c her day at Wild park. As soon as the Emperor came within proper distance this youthful Fritz saluted him with intense gravity, and stood to attention as rigidly as If he had- petrified. The Emperor called him familiarly by name, and asked him an afiectlonate question. His reply was another elaborate military salute, and a re sumptlod on the boy's part of "attention." With a burst of laughter the old gentleman took his grandson In his arms, when at length the latter thought circumstances entitled him to merge-discipline lu an affectionate demon? stration. He ls very like what, In appearance, the Prince of Wales was at his. age. He ls spoF an of as a very promising boy-honorable, studious aid eager to excel. The second son, Henry, Is a pretty boy, but rather pale and delicate._ The Work of the Ittny Convention. There is evidently, in some quarters, a great fear lest the Taxpayers' Convention, which assembles in Columbia in May, should oe hasty and passionate ia its action, and so fail to accomplish any practical result in the way of alleviating the bardens which press apon the people. We do not know that | there is any. cause for this feeling. It plain that the Convention is not political ia character-that it has, by the terms of the resolutions auder which it is called, no part or parcel ia National or State politics. The uatiire of the work before it is marked out beyond the likelihood of misuppreheusioo. That wo?k is, consider the financial condition ' of the State, to inquire into ita debt, and to take steps for protecting the- people, if that caa be done, against a recarreace of that inor? dinate taxaliua and criminal extravagance whicb is robbing planter, merchant and me? chanic of the fruits of the working year. The Convention may address":.itself to ob? taining, through the proper authorities, postponement of the collection of th3 tax or 1871, doe next Novemoer. It may direct Us j efforts to determining, with the concurrence | of the Executive, the legitimate debt of the State. It may ponder the propriety of estab? lishing an Executive Committee to remain ia Colombia, as the representative of the property-holders, daring the session of the Legislatare-to watch corrapt schemes, and throw tbe moral force of the State agaiast ; official profligacy and public fraud. But we do not apprehend any turbulent action. Should the Convention fall to obtain some delay ia the collection of the November tax, it must calmly resolve what other course is safest and wisest to adopt Should it fail to I ascertain, from official sources, the debt of | the State, it must decide, from the published reporta of the Comptroller-General, what debt is to be recognized as binding, at all times, opon the people. Bot ander no cir- ] cumstances do we. fear that any hot-bearj. will be allowed to sway, or to mould, the deliberadnos of a body of grave and thought? ful men, who have too much at stake to be oowary io what they do. The political and financial future of South'Carolina wonld be marred by wild and passionate action ia Co- j lumbla in Hay. ' Nor is it hard to see that, any vindictive and rash course, whi! 'aili nt to beal oar own wounds, wonld be a terrible | blow to that, great constitutional parly which, all tbe country over, is organizing for vic tory. These things are koowa to the peo? ple, and they will only elect such delegates is will represent them with quiet dignity as well as fidelity and zeal. The Ku-Klux Bill. The following leading article from the New Fork Evening Post expresses the opinions of ;uat large body of moderate Republicans m .he North who are not willing, for the sake >f vindictive party feeling, to act any longer a den'.mee o;' theCoasiitution: "Ii is reported from Washington that gentle nen In Congress expect to pass the Ku-Klux lill this week, and adjourn on Saturday. "Are they nut a little too sanguine ? Ia or 1er to make the bill a law, the President will lave to abra it. Before slgaiog lt he will have o examine it. lu examining it, he will natu ally compare its provisions with the Consu? mion ot the United States, the supreme law f the laud, which he has sworn to defe nd and ?reserve. "The President Is not a lawyer ; but it does lot need the skill of a lawyer to discover that he Ku-Klux bill violates both the letter and he spirit of the Constitution ; that lt ls, as harper's Weekly tills week shows, as we have bown, as a huye and the most Influential part if tbe Republican press hos shown, opposed 0 (he principles ot the Constitution, and cou? ntry to the system and theory of our govera aeat. "Harper's Weekly, whose article we reprlut ilsewbere, has been the most faithful- friend tad admirer of the President. It asserts, what s perfectly true, that this bill is uaconstltu ionul, unwarranted by anything in the Const! ution. What if the President should happen .o think so too ! What if, feeling his 6oIemn rustas the sworn defender of the Constitu? tion, he should be compelled-as we hope for lis own sake and the country's, he will be-to tend the bill back to Congress ? "He would do the country a great, an almost neelimable service, and one in the very line of ill his past great services to the Uni n. For ts he fought in the wur for the maintenance of he Constitution, so now he would once more ipp -ar as Its defender. Let him remember, md read over, tne words of his great prede ;e?sor, Lincoln: 'I wuuld pave the Union,' vrote Ur. Lincoln, 'I would pave lt in tile hortest way, under the Constitution.' And his was lu a time ot war. And again he said : 1 am natura1 ly anil-.siavery ; if slavery is QM rroug, nothing is wroug. Yet I have never mdersluod that the Presidency conferred upon ne au unrestricted light to act officially upoi;. IIIH judgment and feeling, lt was lu the oath took mat I would io the best of my ability i ruted preserve and deleud the Co us ti union ol lie Uuited States. I culd not take office willi? na taking the oath ; nur was it my view thal : might lake au uaiti U) get power, and break .he oath iii using the power.' '.President Grant can du no better or wiser hing than lo follow the example ol' President l incoln's devotion lo Hie ConHtilutiun. He :unn?t by auv act willi in his power more eu Jeiir himself lo the peuple than by keeping his Mill and maintaining Hie Constitution hu ?wore Ul defend,- preserve and protect. "If he does this Congress may nut adjourn >n Sal unlay-but ht- Ku-Klux bili will II?-V?T >ecome a law. It needs only one of his calm ? I clef/ messages to rally most the. whole of the Republican strength la Congress to his side, and to make him the tree and worthy leader of his party." Mew Books. Ora GIRLS. Bv Dio Lewis, A. M.;M. D.. Presi? dent of the "Normal Institute ior Physical Education, Ac. New York : Harper & Bros. 1871. Charleston: Holmea's Bookhouse;" Thia is a shocking book. The author in? sists upon treating Oar Girls, the potential mothers of millions of freeborn Americans, as human beings, who are not higher than physical laws, aod cannot live, without burt, in a way that would bring the toughest per Bon of the opposite gender to the brick of the grave. In very plain words, Dr. Lewis telle "Oar Girls" how their Bhoes should be made, and shows them how they may walk like queens, instead of skipping like kanga? roos. Low necks aod short sleeves come in for their share of criticism, for, says Dr. Lewis, "the brave, earnest women who may "read these pages would not pardon rae if I "discussed this vital subject io a shilly-shally, "easy-going, disingenuous manner." Among the most striking chapters are those on" "Outrages upon the Body," upon "Large cs. "Small Women," upon "Idleness among "Girls," and apon "Sunshine and Health." This last is rich ir aeuud thought and practi? cal Buggestion. "T.iie "Employments of Wo "meu" are discussed at length, as are "Piano "MuBic," the "Study or French," and the best way or "Supporting Stockings." Dr. Lewis is flatly opposed to round dancing and theatre-going, and can always give some shrewd reasoo for the faith that is ia him. The "Short Sermoa about Matrimoay" is full of home truths. "Our Girls" is the best quoted book of the season. Extracts from it have appeared io all the leading papers, and its popularity is steadily increasing. And the reason is plain. However we may differ from Dr. Lewis on some points, we cannot upon all, and every sensible woman and girl in the country may obtain hints which they may turn to advan? tage." The fair sex are joined to their idols, but ir only one io a thousand follows, eveo ia part, Dr. Lewis's advice, somethiog will have been done towards the removal or the evils which women bring opoo themselves, aod which, if unchecked, mast destroy that physical harmony which is the foundation or moral as well as bodily health. Dr. Lewis writes vigorously, but with fatherly kindness. We hope that bis book will be as widely read io the Sooth as it is sure to be io the North. For sale at Holmes's Bookhouse. pp. 383. Price $1 50. (Dbitnarrj.. PINCKNEY.-Died, on the evening of April 6, 1871, EDWARD SBUBRICK. lorant soo of- B. Gail? lard and M. Caroline Pin ck ney. ?** Special Sellers. "pflWT?ck-LA~^FAV?SlTA^TlJB PICNIC, proposed for the ]l4th Instant, has been postponed until THIS DAT, isih Instant. Steamer will leave Market Wharf at 8 and io A. M. and 3 P. M., returning at 6 P. M. Partios interested will please take notice. B. H. BROWN, aprl5_Secretary and Treasnrer. pf OFFICE OF THE SOUTH OAHOLI NA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY, CHARLES? TON, S. C., APRIL 15,1871.-The tenth Instalment or FIVE DOLLARS FER SHARE will be payable on 15th May proximo: In Charleston, at the office of the Company, No. IO Broad street. Ia sumter, to Major Joseph Johnson. In Manning, to Dr. O Allen Hoggins. WM. H. PERONNEAD, aprl3.29.mayi3.is_Treasurer. jE?TWHAT IS IT?-MAN V, MANY PEO PLE suffer from they know not what. They are lot sick-they are not wei:. There ls no name 'ur lt. lt ts simply weakness-a breaking down >f the vital forces. Whatever its causes, (and :hey are Innumerable.) Its symptoms are In tue nain the same. Among the most prominent are ?xt erne lassitude, loss or appetite, loss or flesh, iud great mental depression. Indigestion and a itowach cough are also frequently concomitants >r ilus distressing state or body and or mind. Nie common remark in relation to persons In men a condition ls, that they are consumptive. ?ow,what thpse uufortuuates really want ls vigor, dial Htremtth; and, as certainly as dawn sue ;eedrt darkness, they can recuperate their systems .nd re?an pert ct health by resorting to HOS 'ETTKtt's CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. 119 as clear tust a lire-reviving ionic ls required n such cases, as that t ic dying flame o: an empty amp requites tu be revived with a uew sup riv'of ill. Perfectly pure and Innocuous, containing lot hing but thr mo-t genial vegetable extracts, md combining the three grand elements of a tomachtc. an alterative, and a genial lnvigorant, lostetter's Bitters are sanable to all constitu? ions, und are as applicable to the diseases und Usabilities ul Hie feebler sex as to those ol men. apri6-6o*c_ pf ESTATE NOTICE.-ALL PER IONS indebted to Mrs. ELIZ \ BETH L. POR )HB><, deceased, late of St. John's Berkeley, will nuke payment to the subscriber, In Cbnrles on, and all persons having claims a alnst said leceased will render their accounts, properly at tated, to PETER C. GAILLARD, qprl4-rmw6_Quallfleil Executor. SfOHLY A FEW DAYS LONGER. Complete triumph over Corns and Bunions by dons. BENGER. Pieuty references to reliable teuiiemen who have been cured. Apply at No. tai King street.. aprS-wsl* ?pf BANK OP CHARLESTON, CHARLESTON, MARCH 28, 1871.-In accordance sith the r?solution adopted at a meeting of the stockholders, on 27th lost., an election for Thir? teen Directors will be held on TUESDAY, 2<1 day or Hay next, and a meeting or the Stockholders for lie purpose or reorganizing ti e Bank will also bc ?eld on same date, at 12 o'clock, in the Bank ilalL. WILLIAM THAYER, aprl-stntlilOD6_Cashier. ps- BAKER'S CITRATE MAGNESIA \ splendid preparation. Completely superseding li?* use or all nauseous purgative Medicines. Sold >y Druggists. JXO. C. BAKER A CO., Philadel? phia. A lull supply on hand by DR. H. BA ER, reli'-tuthssmua_No. 131 Mating street. jBir-lF YOU DON'T WANT To DISGUST irerybody with your n0eusive Uicatli cure your .'man h. $5Uii reward is ottered hythe prupne or ul Dr. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDi for a case ie cannot cure. Ii is sold by diinrgmis. Can get i fir sixty cents by mall from Dr. R. V. Pierce, ?, New Yon.. Pamphlet fi oe. apri:i-tlistn:Uuc /2-irDU. CURTIS ON "MANHOOD." k Medical E*say on thc cause and cure of Prema ure D' cline, Nervous and Physical Debility, Sper uatorrlirca, .sedentary Life Excess, overtaxed {.institution, Anuses of the System, Ac. li gives i clear synopsis of the Impediments to carriage, iud tne remedies therefor-the resaitb of twenty ears' successrul practice, by E. DB F. CURTI.-s. il. H.,, .vc. '.Curtis un Mashood" should i>e rend by the oung tor Its instruction, and Dy tue afil?ete i as a jui ce ol MM. lt will injure no une.-Medical 'iia-.i anUGaze'te. There is no member of society by whom this ?o >K will not ne round use!ul. wno:lier he l<e larent. preceptor or clergvinan.-uirukm Time*. Pnce $t uy niall. Address Dr. CURTIS, No. 0 Teniout, Boston, Mass. mar7-tuthslyr Spital Sotitgz.. jar THE MARINEES CHTJBCH "WILL be open for Divine Service every SABBATH MOBN IN9, at half-past loo-'clock, corner of Church and Water streets, services by the Rev. W. B. YATES, Chaplain. ' Janl4-s DIVINE SERVICE WILL BE CON? DUCT! D In the Orphan's Chapel on SABBATH AT TERNOON, at 4 o'clock, by the Rev. P. GOWAN. arplS_ Jar SPRING STREET CHURCH. Divine Service To MORROW MORNING at haif-past io o'clock. Sabbath-achool In tbe AFTEBNOOK. EVBNINO Service at quarter to 8 o'clock. Daring the Revival now In progresa in this Church, Di? vine Service will be held every EVENING ar. 8 o'clock, and a Prayer Meeting every AFTERNOON at 6 o'clock_ _apris Jar TRINITY CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY.-TO-MOBBOW MOEN INO, at half-past 10 o'clock,-* Sermon, suitable to the ocoasion, will be delivered by the Pastor. Rev. J. M. CARLISLE, with the reading o? the Annual Report by the Superintendent, S. A. NELSON, Esq., and appropriate singing by the children. At NICHT, at 8 o'clock, there will be Speeches by the Scholars, Singing by the School and Floral Offering, with presentation of Prizes. The public are Invited to be pr?sent. _aprlS-* far UNITARIAN CHURCH-DIVINE service will be held in- thia Church TOMOBROW MORNING, at hair-past ie o'clock, and in the EVENING at a quarter before 8 o'clock, the Rev; R. P. CUTLER officiating. All strangers are cor? dially invited to attend. Subject for the evening discourse : Sin, Ita Pre? sent and Future Retribution!?._apris jaY SWEDENBORGIAN SERVICE. Rev. EDWARD PAYSON WALTON, of Virginia, will preach at the Sailors' Bethel Church, on Church street, south of Tradd, on SUNDAY MORN? INO, at half-past io o'clock. Subject : Cain kills Abel, or Faith alone kills Charity-thoa a Murder., then a Suicide." aprl6 Jar CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP GEORGIA, from New York, are hereby noti? fied that she will discharge cargo THIS DAT at j Pier No. 2, Union Wharves. Goods uncalled for at sunset will remain on the - wharf at owners risk and expense. WM. A. COURTENAY, aprl5-l_ Agent. jar NO.ICE. -ALL PERSONS ARE cautioned against i rad lng for a note executed by L OOUDROP, dated the 5th of April, 1871, for $400, at thirty days, purported to be endorsed by me, as the said note was obtained without con alderatlpn and under false pretences. aprl5-l_ E. SCOTT. jar MAGNOLIA CEMETERY.-NO? TICE.-The Oates of this Cemetery will hereafter be closed oh SUNDATS, and no person allowed on tbe grounda except ic?h a lot-Tiolder's ttcktt, which muBt be obtained at the office in Broad street. EDWARD 8KB RING, mar24-2tns4 . President M. C. Company. ^OFFICE OF THE SOUTH CAROLI NA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY-CHARLES TON, S. C., MARCH 16TH, 1871.-The Ninth Instal? ment of FIVE DOLLARS per share will be paya? see on 15th April proximo. In Charleston-At the Office of the Company, No. 10 Broad street In Sumter-To Major JOSEPH JOHNSON. In Clarendon-To Dr. 0. ALLEN HUGGINS. WM. H. PERONNE AU, raarlS-w?sl Treasurer. Jar OFFICE SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY. CHARLESTON, APRIL 3, 1871.-Stockholders or this Company are notified that the Eight per cent. Bonds and Certificates of Stock authorized to be Issued at the annual meeting of theStocK holders held on the 8th day of February last, will be ready for delivery on THUBSDAT, 6th In? stant, and for that purpose the Treasurer of the Company will attend at the office or Messrs. CAMPBELL A SEABROOK, No. 50 Broad street, .on that day, and each subs?quent day, from 12 to S o'clock, until Saturday, 15th Instant, inclusive. S.W. FISHER, ' apr3-12 Trea"nrer S. and C. R. R. Company. jar NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Sub-Agents of the Land Commission, that, from and after the drat day <>f March, 1871, they will report all their proceedings to Hon. F. L. CARDOZO, Secretary of the Advisory Board. ROBT. C. DKLARGE, L. C. S. S.'O. Columbia, February S8.1871._ marti J3T GETTING MARRIED.-ESSAYS for Young Men on Social' Evils, and the propriety, or impropriety of getting Married, with sanitary help for those who feel uuntteu for matrimonial happiness. Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Ad? dress Howard Association, Box P, Philadelphia, P . an'Ja-amos J financial. AME S H~] W" ILS' BANKER AND BROKER, NO. 5 BROAD STREET.CHARLESTON, S. C.. Buys and sella FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC EX? CHANGE, Gold Silver, Bank Notes, Stocks. Bonds, and all classes or Securities, at current rates and on Commission. Interest allowed on Deposits, subject to check at sight. Time Deposits received as per agree? ment. Issnes Gold Checks on New York; Drafts In sums of ?1 and upwards on Union Bank of Lon? don, and Provincial Bank or Ireland, at Dublin, aud Branche?; also, lu aums of Ten Thalera and upwards on Dtsoonnt Company, Berlin, Prussia. Collections attended io promptly. Loans negotiated, aprl-atuthlmo ?" CU-SDlipers, iilaqa'iiu'?, Ut R URA L CAROLINIAN FOR APRIL NOW READY. CONTENTS AS VARIED AND INTERESTING AS USUAL. Price-For single number.25 cents Per annum.$2 oo For sale by WALKER EVANS A COGSWELL, Publishers, No. 3 Broad street. AND BY BOOKSELLERS EVERYWHERE. maris _, (Sbacaiiona._ JJD WABD C. STIEL, TEACHER OF TUE GERMAN LANGUAGE. Room No.2. Mansion House, Broad street. JB3-OFFIUE HOURS from 12 to 3, and from 6 to 7. TERMS LIBERAL. anrO-thstu? (Eas i'murcs DALL, t? LAO l\ <fc CO., Will sell their Stock of BRONZE AND IMITATION BRONZE GAS FIXTURES AT MUCH LESS TUAN THE ACTUAL COSI OF MANUFACTURE. These goods are nf the newest pat terns, and in iliiisii superior to any lu the market. To those luruisluut! hoaxes, t UH IS au opp >ruintty to pro? cure tuc BEST CHANDELIER-*. UttACKKT?, .tc. at a leas price tlmu Wey would pay for Inferior fixture lt is our intentiou to eive un entire y this brancn of our bu-iiiess, ,vulcu causes so ? a reduc Hon in |inre. CALL, BLACK ? CO., Nos. 565 and 567 BROADWAY, S.? Y. innls-ivr jLJoMOUPA IV'iiC tU?AilSlMlSts A FULL ASSORTMENT just, received ny OB. Ll. tJAKR, jU'va No 131 Meeting street. _ - ? ftecfnreo. : ; y^ . FBEE SWEDENBQBGIAN LECTURE AT THE ' UNITARIAN OHURCH TO-NIGHT". Rev. ED WD. PAYSON WALTON will Lecture TO-MQHT, at the Unitarian Church, at 8 o'clock. Subject: "Redemption. Who Redeems? Who is Redeemed, and (rom Wha: are Mankind Re? deemed^" Seats free. aprl6 ECOND LEOTUBE . QN ASIA AND ?AFRICA. S Dr. W. J. DAVIS, ex-Professor In the University of St. Petersburg, will deliver the Second Lec? ture on his SCIENTIFIC TRAVELS IN SIBERIA, CHINA AND AFRICA TuasDAT next, the 18th April, at 8 o'clock P. M., In the Lyceum Hail of Professor HOLMES, corner of King and Went? worth reeta. Professor DAVIS will give some Interesting accounts of his Travels with Dr. LIVINGSTONE, In Central Africa. The Lecture wlH be illustrated by means of powerfnl Qxy Hydrogen Lanterns, exhibiting beanttinl largo Transparencies or Views of Pyramids of Egypt. Tickets for a Lady and Gentleman $1; Single Tickets so cents-may be had at Holmes's Book House, King street. aprl6-S* ?lcctmgs. C~???TttiEslT5?~^ MR (IOE.-A Special Meering of the Chamber will be held at their Hall, at the corner of Broad and East Bay streets, at 2 P. M. THIS DAT. By order. P. J. flARBOT, apr!6 secretary. CHARLESTON BOARD OF TRADE. A Special Meeting of the Board, on business ol Importance, wi 1 he held at tne Board of Trade Rooms, at 8 P. M. THIS DAT. By order. A. FOSTER BLACK, oprl5_Sicretnry. D~ AN LODGE, No. 93, L O. B. B.-A Regular Meeting of this Lodge will be held a> the usual time and place. Candidates for In Hutton will pirase be punctual. B) order of the Pr-sident. sprig_PHILIP WINEMAN, Secretary. RELIEF LOAN ASSOCIATION.-THE Regalar Monthly Meeting of the Associa? te . will be held THIS EVENING, at Masonic Hall, at 8 o'clock. Arrears received during the day at No. 135 Meeting street, and at the Meeting. WM. B. ST RED MAN, aprl5 Secretary and Trea-nrer. THE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, CHARLESTON, S. C.-A meeting of ihe Stockholders of the Peoples' Natloual Bank will bc held at the Banking House on the TWENTIETH OF APRIL next, at 12 o'clock, fer th i purpose or amending Section III of the Articles nf Ass ela? tion, so that the Board of Directors shall consist or eleven Instead of seven, as heretofore. aprl3-thtus H. G. LOPhR, Cashier. C?ams. W~ ANTED, A~FIRsT-CLASS WHITE JOURNEYMAN BARBER, wages SIS p-r we? k, ar. JOHN LOSANO'S, No. 102 Market street. apris-l? ._._ WANTED, A COLORED BOY, TO attend to horse. A' ply at northwest cor nerof Rutledge and Montague streets. apri&-stu2*_ WANTED, BY A COMPETENT AND. reliable person, a situation to do general housework, sewing, or to ta e charge of children. Uood reiercnce can be tlven. Address M. M., through the postofflce._aprlS-l* AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, who is a first-class penman, wants em? ployment. Please address ACCOUNTANT, at this office._._aprlS-2? WANTED, A LAD IN A STORE TO GO on errands. Apply at No.291 King street. apr!5-l_ WANTED TO PURCHASE, SECOND HAND FURNITURE or all describions, for which hignes' casn prices will be paid. Ad dress P. 0. Box No. 473._aprlo-niws3? A COMPETENT STOCK CLERK WANT i\ ED lu a Fancy Goods House. Address P. 0. Box No. 71._marll-tuths3* WANTED TO PURCHASE, A LOT ON MeeUng street, between Queen and Mar? ket. Address, s tatlug price and dimensions. -*G," DAILY NEWS. aprl4-2 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, AT No. 67 Wentworth street a competent Servant to cook and do housi work. None need apply unless welt recommended. apris WANTED, S \LESMEN AND CAN VASSERSror EMERSON'S BINDER, tor mu-ic aud periodicals, and f r Emerson's Clip and File tor office papers. Two separate ? rr tc es. the Clip and Pile for bunine s men, and the binder f< r everybody. Send tor terra- and li t- to JNO. R. BARRETT A CO., Book Hinders, No. 120 S. Clark street, Chicago. Illinois;_apr5-ws8 WANTED. A SITUATION BY A RE SPECTABi.E W ilTE WOMAN, to cook and make herself generally us ful, ?nd attend toa cow If required. Apply at No. 76 King s reet. Good references. aprl3-3* for Sole. . . F?R^ArT?T?^rjMB?T ~OWMHA5H COW AND CALF.' Apply at ourner of Maga? zine and Mazyck s reels._apu-l* FOR S\LE, A No. 1 MILCH COW AND CALF. Apph in state street, opposite l.iuguard, near ene Wood Yard. anrifi-i* FOR SALE, THE SLOOP G A USS, eight tons capacity, and one year old, as she now lies at foot of Ha-ei street. Terms low. Apply to STEFFEN^, WERNER A DUCKER. Vea dur Range. E <at Ba>._april FOR SALE, SEVKRAL SEWING MA? CHINES, of good quauty, winch are ottered heap. Cull at No. 27 Qieen street, between Meeting and Church streets._ffrKM FOR SALE, ONE 10-HORSB POWER PORTABLE STE \M KMUMC, bur little used, and lu Une condition, ohean for casa or city ac? ceptance. CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO. apr7-12DAC_ ABARGAIN!-TO PRINTERS AND . BOCK BINDE KS.-A Rnggles Wood Frame Paper Curter, will be sold low for cash. Is nearly new. cuts 28 Inches, and has au extra km re. No charge for package. Price $40. Apply at THE NEWS Job office. mai'22 TO RENT, TWO OR THREE LARGE ROOMS, with every convenience, pat try and piazza attached, in a private family. Terms Inw. Address D., postofflce. aprlS-'tu2* TO RENT, THAT PLEASANT TWO siory Dwelling, No. SS Cannon street, con? tain lug six rooms, kitchen and carriage-house, at $26 per month to an approved tetianr. Apply to Dr. CARRIERE, No. 123 Coming street. aprl5-l?_ TO RENT, THE WHOLE OR PART OF an elegant und oom mod lona Residence, in the wesiern part ol the city, having a tine garden attached, aud all necessary ombuiloluga. Pos? session given Immediately. Apply to G. N. BER NAKD, No. 86 Broad street._tn-8 TO RENT, A TWO AND A HALF ST<?RY BRICK H"USB. No. 4 Trnmbrt's Court. Good water and otner accommodai lons on the premises. Apply at No. 1 Uayne street. Jan3l-tuths_ TO RENT, A COMFORTABLE HOJSJ', N". SIS Coming str er, c-ntnining four rooms and gas, good h:t' heo sud QB ern. Apo y ;o W. D. DAWSON, No. 66 Bo-ad street, aprtl-l TO RENT, ONE-HALF OF A DWELL? ING situated In a most d> strahle ion ion or theclty.aa i within five minutia' walk if the Post oftl e. Rent modeiate. Inquire ut No. 2 Society st. iee t._nmr3u iLUSl ?Ulli ?OU1U TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD.-TAjSt or st len, a larpe silve< . luie i Revolver, (six chara? era. i<cmingii<n A Sous makers.) A inward ol $10 will be niven and n<> questions a- sed if returned lo tne owner, or ?20 win oe enid tor au> Information thar win lead bi conviction or tue i tiler. Apply at No ??7 Klug street. aprl4--* IfU'lllOUUlb. MAD \ME LUZIBlt, P\RISI\N DRESS? MAKER, has removed io No. 238 KING SiuEi.T, east side, between Market and tinsel streets. H pris VTOTIOB.-T H B "hQlTITABL? LIFE A.1 ASSURANCE SOCIETY," of Ne** York, have ?.moved from No. Ul M.:etn.' sireet to their new office, No. 20 BllOAD STREET. WU. B. SHAW, febia ?ta?era! Agent. pR. HJNO'S Pw,tv itbMJSA?U POT sale b? lia.H. .'ia ER. j ?ivs OAT H***) Li 0 PAIE, JH. Al? OP THE SISTEBS OF OUR LADT OF MERCY, AT HIBERNIAN HALL, MONDAY, APRIL 17, 1871, Thia Fair will open at 7 P. M. on MOWAT next, the 17th Instant, and will be open thereafter from 12 M. until 2 P. M., and from 6 P. M. until ll P. M. Servants accompanying white children will be admitted daring the day, bat all servan ts-will be excluded after 7 P. IL The price of Tickets will be as follows : Season Tickets.$1 cc Family Season Tickets. 2 00 Single Tickets. 2S Children. 10 Sertanta In charge of condren. 10 BERNARD O'NEILL, Chairman. THORAS O'BRIEN, Secretary. aprl3-3 M. w. ST. AM AND, Treasurer. (Groceries, ?iqnors, &t. gMALL HAMS-:VERY CHOICE. 10 TIERCES, averaging 7 tn io pounds. For sale by KLINCK, WICKENBERO A CO. aprl4-2_ ?jpLOUE! FLOUR ! FLOUR! 843 bbls. Pine, r^iper and Extra FLOUR. ?' Landing from schooner Ocean Traveller. For sale by T. J. KERR A CO, apr!3-3 JJ AMS, SIDES, SHOULDERS, 4c. io tierces Rawson'a Extra S. C. Hams 20 linds. Strictly Prime 0. K. Sides and Shoulders 60 tuxes Prime D. S. Sides and Shoulders 20 boxes Low Prime Meat. Landing and lu store, and for gale by aprl3-ths2 LACKET A ALEXANDER. Q I G A R S! CIGARS! Large Stock of Good, Free SMOKING CIGARS, constantly on hand, and for sale at $10 per thous? and, at - J. MADSEN'S CIGAR MANUFACTORY, No. 183 Meeting street, apr3-lmo Opposite Charleston Hotel. c ORN AND OATS. 7000 bushels Prime White CORN, In sacks 1000 bushels Yellow, in sacks INO bushels Oats, in Backs. For sale tow from wharf. Apply to HUNT BROS. k CO., apra_Atlantic Wharf. MPORTED CHAMPAGNES. I Now on hand the following branda of CHAM? PAGNES, at REDUCED PRICES, by the basket, ease or bottle : Piper k Co.'s HEIDSIECK Chas. Heldsleck's-OREEN SEAL V. E. Clicquot's PONSARDDi y arum's VE RZ ENA Y and PRIVATE STOCK Roederer'a DRY SILLERY O. Ii. Mumm's DRY VERZENAY Bouche, Plia k Co.'s BRANDS Napoleon's CABINET DRY VERZENAY CARTE BLANCHE. E. E. BEDFORD, Late Wm. S. Corwin k Co., j anil Na 276 King street. S PARELING MOSELLE SPARKLING CATAWBA liOCH EIMER ND3RSTEINER LIQUEUR DES BENEDICTINS CHARTREUSE ' 1 CURACOA MARASCHINO i . RUSSIAN RUMMEL ABSINTH! ERMODTH PARFAIT AMOUR CREME DB ROSE NO ?EAUX ANISETTE. E. E. BEDFORD, jami No. 276 King street. B REMEN LAGER BEER ENGLISH ALES SCOTCH ALES CHAMPAGNE ALES LONDON PORTERS OUBLINflPORTBRS CHAMPAGNE CIDER E. E. BEDFORD, anil No. 27? Km;; street. . EAS! TEAS! TEAS! PURE TEAS ONLY ! JUST RECEIVED A LARGE rNVOIOE FINE DRAWING TEAS From 70 oeata to $ i 70 per pound, being about 26 cents per pound below other Dealers. Consumers desiring FINE TEAS would do well to try those void at WILSON'8 GROCERY and yon will use no other kind. We bny TEAS In large quantities from flrst hands, (avoiding Tea Companies of all kinds.) therefore buying at a small advance on flrat cost, and would advise consumers to buy no Tea in packages. For PURE TEAS, go to WILSON* GROCERY, Anson and Society streets. aw All Goods delivered free. No charge for packing. QROCERIES! GROCERIES! Country Orders promptly attended to, at WILSON'S GROCERY. Box No. 383, Charleston, S. C. aw No charge for paoklng or de.lvenug Gooda. ITTINES AND LIQUORS AT REDUCED V\ FKlU-t?. WHISKEY from $1 60 per tallon and upwards Od North Carol na Corn Wrns key fx per gallon. Port Sth-rr.v, Madeira and laren Wlues from $1 5" i ie gallon and onwards. French au>i D uueaiie Brandies at reduced prices. Allot thu above ar procured directly ir ni tie Impor if* an-i DotiL'ers thereby savuig ail inter? med?ale runt*, and insuring a good article, and ure warnnb-d of giuxi quality, are flavor, pure and linaiiulimie i, even tue lowest grades being iraaiauieed pure. Person, in need ol such uood* tor medicinal or othar purposes caa depend pou get Ung a strictly pure article at an extremely mw price from W. R. WBL 'H. Family Grocer, 3. W. ? omer Meeting and Market streets. ?y Goo'is delivered tree of charge. april J?ING WILLIAM.' Just received ai Kl?G WILLIAM'S CIGAR FAC? TORY, No. 3lu King stree;, nea; Society street, a lunre?UM uoiiip..-ie aMortinem o Leal. Chewim; .md Miiokuie ron AC? JO. .lix oeites. anuir. Pipes. AC. Havana ami I) .mestic Cigars imported ain niuiui.ioi-ireil hy 'V.VI SO<IR ?DKK. who respect tully luviie.-tue acieiuioii oi eUewoin ano smoker-,, md traows. Wholesale ami reui;. ut u stock tull? .oin.?rising r.vr.ry variety O' qimkly aud price rum ibeaoiaiiMMi ui me nuiles' grade, WHICH m ?tiered ai lue to.vesi casu r.v e,s. Ail orders fro:, .'tie isoutitn will rm-eiVH pcoinm accenuon an -iiiiuieii CO. li., or ac ihuty . dava' ouv accept *n?8. decia-Bmoa g (Sroeer?i, C?pggre, #r. gTARCffiC^OKERBL, FLOUR,?c* T STARCH. Havtng been ?apnotnted Agent for Johnson k Clement's ? OR? STARCH, I offer lt to the trade In lots at8X cents per pound. MACKEREL. 300 kits and hair bbl*. Ko. 1 MACKEREL, large size, on consignment, in lots to the trade at $2 25 and $9 60, or less, to close the lot. FLOUR. On consignment from the Mill direct, the Tari* oas grades or Family FLOUR manufactured by Dans k Emmons, and branded Gold Dost, Home and Santa Marla. The first ls put np especially for Family .use; the two last for Bakers. BROOMS, on consignment from the Factory in Tennes? see, and from $2 to S3 per dozen. ".MAYER'S SELF-WASHINO SOAP. 100 boxes of this valuable SOAP. LARD In bbis., 3, 6 and lo.ponnd caddies, also il hackets or 25 pounds. SUGAR, Crashed, Powdered, A, B and C, and Yellow: also Syrup. CANDLES, . in whole and half boxea, 12 OB.' and 14 os. BISCUITS AND OAKES. A fuji assortment of all kinda, in obis, and boxea, direct from the Bakery in Baltimore. SOAP, New York, Germ?n, Braal ve. Extra Pale Family, Laundry, Household, Perfumed. I offer these SOAPS at Factory prices, freight added, with the usual discount to the trade. COTTON-SEED MEAL. 200 bags direct from the Factory. The attention of purchasers ls called .to the above. Being on consignment, they wUl be sold at Factory prices, freight added. J. N. ROBSON, No. 68 East Bay, and Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. aprlS-lDAO g U T T* E E. V 10 firkins SELECTED GOSHEN BUTTER 10 Arkins Good Goshen Batter 20 tubs Choice and Good Goshen Batter. Landing and for sale by aprl6-l_ HENRY COBLA k PO. ?*ORN! CORNI CORNI 10,000 bushels Prime CORN, in store and for sale by T. J. KERR k CO. aprl_ RANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW . That they are dally losing money by not baying at LINLETTS CHEAP STORE. My prices are unprecedentedly low, and on all branches of my business I defy competition. OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, 26c a pound Beat Silver Drip Syrup, 75c. per gallon Golden Syrup, 60c. a gallon Crush 8ugar, 7# poonda for $1 Best Leaf Lard, SK pounds fer $1 Lighthouse Oil, Mc. a gallon Best Yoong Hyson Tea, sold elsewhere at $2 per pound, can be bought here for $1 so by the pound package Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Hardware Paney China Gooda. * Aim A general assortment in the HOUSE FURNISH? ING LINE, sold at marvel lons lr lew prices. ROASTED AND GROUND RIO, L AG U A YEA AND JAVA COFFEE, Fre9h every day In the week, and guaranteed of the beat quality and. of such particular kinds aa represented. The roasting ls done apon the premises, under, my personal supervision (and not imported from New York,) and can be relied upon. tj? Look out for the Signs or the CROCKERY HOUSE AND CAROLINA TEA AGENCY, And stop In and ask for one of my Business Cir? culars. Respectfully, JOHN W. LINLEY, matis-lyr Business Carba. rpHE GOLD MEDAL SEWING MACHINE. DOUBLE LOOK ELASTIC STITCH. This ia the m wt simple and reliable Two Thread Sewing Machine In the world. It sews direct from two threads, and is $16 lesa than any other a rsi-ciaas ?ewing Machine. Samples can be seen at No. 165 MEETING STREET, opposite Charles? ton HoteL >ole Agent for the State. Sub-agents wanted rhroogh the State. Address W. S. BIS ' SELL, charles.on. Alto agenta for Home Shuttle Hand Machine tja._apr4 tuthsflmoa W. WIECK ING, AGENT MILWAUKEE LAGER BEER, co KN EH KINO ANO SOCIETY STRXBTS^. aprlS-thatue* 1865J'J> FEENEY * ??" 1871 PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 78 BA ac LAY ANO No. 222 G KKK s WICH STE SETS, NEW YORK, Receivers of Green and Dried FRUITS, Track and ail kinds o' Farm and Garden Produce. Onr location and facilities for selling Fruits and Vegetables are unsurpassed in New York. circ ulars and Marking Plates sent free to Ship? pers. All correspondents and questions cheer? fully answered. REFERENCE.-C. H. LUienthai, Tobacconist, New York._apH4 JJEEVES, BROWN & VAN WICKLE, WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, IN ALL KINDS OF {ESTIO FRUIT AND VEGETABLES In their season. Noa. 162 and 1S3 CENTRE ROW, WEST WASHINGTON MARKET, NEW YORK. REFERENCES. -S. A. Lambert, with Adolph Nimitz, Oommiatslou an?1 Forwarding Merchant, No 209 East Bay. Charleston. S. C. aprI3-3moa C. 4 B. B. CARPENTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 72 BROAD STBBIT, Charleston, S. C., Will Practice in the State and Federal Courts. rebzi jy^ANlFOLD AND CARBON PAPERS. To Telegraph ami Railway Companies, Brokers, Reporters and Exchange O ru ces, TRY COWAN'S PA PENT IMPROVED MANI* FOLD ANO CARBON PAPERS. Send for pri?e and particulars to GOWAN ? CO., Stationers, No. 3a Pine street. New Torfe. P. O. Box 4748. For aale oy ali s 1 acionera. manMh usamos ?Jianos, Organs, #c. /S HARLES L McC LE N A H AN, ' NO. 191 KINO STREBT, Importer and Deal -r lu PIANOS, OA tl IN ET ORGANS. SHEET M08I0, STRINGS, Ac, AC ? Tuning and Repairing pr >,nptlv attended i oy HE M RV TOUNii. inar28-iuina2mOri ?7\ LLEMING'? WU ri M ou^hKJTIONS, JJ tSANTONINE.) mei ? " purely vegetaoie, sate auu ?ure. Tue j esr. in nae. For aale oj UL. a. BARK, No. lal Meetly sire*?, OOt SV ,ee?H.t .rt Alt