University of South Carolina Libraries
XMMMB OT^TMJB NB WS. Tia DAILY NEWS, by maa ono year, $8; tlx ftontns $4; tax?e monto* 12 60. Served In tee etty at EIGHTEEN o ?Ta a week, payable to. tbe car tiers, or $8 a y ear, paid in advance at the office. THB TM-WBBXLY NEWS, published OB Tuesdays, Thursdays aad Saturdays, one year $4; six ?anec tb* $2. Tan WBEELY NEWS, one year $2. Six copies ^10. Ten copies, to one address, $15. SUBSCRIPTIONS in all cases payable in advance, ind no paper contin?en after the expiration of I tho time r aid for. CASH R ATES FOB ADVERT < =E KENTS ZS THB DAILY .fxtrs.-First insertion 12 cents a ltnt; subs?quent nsertlons S cents a line. Special Notices 13 cents : a line. Business Notices (by count) 15 cents a line. Marriage and Funeral Notices $1 each. Meet nga 76 cents each. Cuts and Electrotype Adver i s ementa will be inserted on the Fourth Page only. Hotness of Vf ants, To Bent, Lost and Pound, ; Boarding, ic, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents each insertion; over 20, t.nd not exceeding 30 . words, 40 cents each insertion; over 30, and not j exceeding 40 words, 60 ce its each insertion. These rates are var, and must invariably be . paid in advance. CONTRACT ADVERTISE IIB NTS, tO Rm tWO weefcs or longer, for each line ot solid nonpareil: 2 wonks 60 cents; l month $1; 2 months $1 76; 8 j x moa Urs $260* 6 months $4; 12 months $7. Larger, advertise o;en ta in exact proportion. TRANSIS NT ADVERT 13KM.?NTS will be published in the TUB TRI-WEEKLY NSWS at the same rates fte in THB DAILY NEWS. Contract advertisements* ' aTcne-aar the rates for Tjrs DAILY NEWS. ADVEBTTSEHKNTS IN THB WSEBXY NEWS, per ' Ine Of Solid nonpareil, 1 Insertion 15 cents; 1 BBontn 60 cents; 8 months $1; s months $1 75; 12 months $3. RKMTTTASCK3 should bs made by Postofflce . Meany Order or by Express, ir this cannot be done, pcoteotion against losses by mail may be aeoored by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able ta the order or the proprietors of TBS NEWS, Or by sending the money tn a registered letter. Address . RIORDAN. DAWSON A CO.. 1 . . No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, S.e. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1871. -Gold* closed in New York, y*esterday, ?t?OialOJ.* -The Sew Tbrkf cotton market closed quiet arid stead j atl5|c; safes 2485 bales. -At Liverpool cotton closed quiet and Steady; aplauda 7?ti ; sales 10,000 balea. Robbery ?.nd Rsin-WHi the People -* . .Safenm ? The people of this Stats know that the| . taxation of the current year, if collected, means Starvation and Confiscation. Bnt the people of Northern and Western Stat a?, where the tax levies amount, to tens of mil? lions, must think it much-ado-about-nolh hjg when toe people of Sooth Carolina are .driven to desperation by a tax of about four J million dollars. A comparison between the expenses of the State Government, and the amount of taxes levied upon the people, at .different dat?e, will show the magritnde of the evil, and explain the reason of tba dia ' content and indignation which ?U the breasts oj the taxpayers of tho State. In 1858 the entire eoirt of the State Gov? ernment, including the police assessment, was $684,877. At that time, the State was | wealthy and the prospects of the people iiuiujwBqUi m m-j asaranw;--cue oatt the real property was assessed at a nominal price, and the State Government was io the hands of a body of cultivated and honorable . gentlemen, who watched with unceasing vig? ilance over the liberties, aa well as the pe? cuniary interests, cf the people. In 1868, wheo the people had lost their , -slave property, Governor Orr, whom the Radicals themselves regard os a wise, sound . and practical statesman, estimated that the 3 -sntire cost of the State Governmeut, exclu? sive of the interest on tho public debt, ?would cot exceed $375,000. The debt was ' less th rm $5,000, ODO, bearing an interest of j about $300,OOO. Governor Orr's estimate, .therefore, was $075,000. We now turn to the record of the Radical .? adminiatratiou which is still in power.. . For tbe fiscal year 1868,- the Radical tax rlevywas: .State, tax.,..,.$1,263,35^00 County tax.....V.601.097 00 Poll tax. .Ti.....'. 70,748 00 -Total 1888......$1,836,104 00 It moat be no ted, moreover, that the re tarns from all the counties were not com? plete. The total poll tax, for instance, was really 9150,000. For the fiscal year 1869, the Radical tax . evy was:. . State tax.$1,014,901 00 | County tax..* . S9T,766 00 Total 1869.....?.$1,622,867 00 For tiie fiscal year 1877, the Radical tax levy is? " ?tate tax.-.-.$1.647.000 00 ] County tax.. 618,047 00 Poll tax.. 150,600 00 Total 1870.$3.416,047 00 lor thevfflecai year 1871, the iiadic-? tax levy is: State tax........-..$1,281,000 00 County tax. . 649,000 00 Poll tax.......v.,.v. 150,000 00 Total 1871......F,.$1,930,000 00 It ia plain, therefore, that tbe Badieal administration are -levying taxes of over 92,000,000 a year to pay for work which was done before the warfer $600,000, and could he done, under any honest government, for, at the ruoBt, $750,000. But this is not all. In order tuat they may obtain means for paying off the huge ffoating debt of the . State ia New York, the General Assembly anticipate toe time of collecting tax?e, and make the taxes for 1870 aad 1871 payable daring tbs present year. The taxpayers, therefore, are required to pay this ?ear : Taxes cf 18*0..$2.416.047 Taxes of-1871. 1,980,000 -Vetsrt....;.:..............t*,3S5,S47 While, then, the taxable property or the State is reduced iu amount (rem $489,000,000 {according to the United States census) io 1860, toHl?3?}S?,0(?O "(according to the Stt assessment) in 1870, the taxation of o year is raised from $684,000, in 1868, $4,395,047 in 1871. Nor must it be forg< ten that all property in the State is now ? sessed at far more than its market vale while in 1860 it waa valued at much less th its real selling value in gold. ? Woree remains behind. The taxes ha been raised from $684,000 to $4,395,04 and at the same time the acknowledg debt of the State is increased from $4,93^ 849 in 1868 to $9,865,908 in 1870. Beaid this, the General Assembly cancelled t first lien which the State had as security I the $4,000,000 guaranteed for the Blue Rid, Railroad, and for the $2,000,000 gu?rante for the Greenville and Columbia Railroa It ia also proposed to create a new sterlii debt of ?1,200,000, which would be abs lately at the disposal of the men who ha increased the taxes .eight-fold and ha trebled the State debt. It is Baie to say th the debt of South Garolina? (without tl sterling debt, and Including the unsecun guarantees) is at least $16,000,000. He much more it ia, no man who ls outside the Radical Ring can say. Ia it not time that the taxpayers pf ti State, who are without representation in tl General Aaaembly ; w"ho have been for thr years the foot-stool ol a gang of mercena politicians and igboraut negroes; anon band themselves together to BM e the Sta from utter ruin, and themselves from bani ruptcy and the Poorhouse ! 'The Way Ont of the Wilderness. Wa priii t to-day a second article diBcnaait the evils which oppress the State, and whit may be regarded aa a natural; if not an ii evitable, consequence of negro supremacy The writer" ia a gentleman of position, tho oughly identified with the interests ol Sont Carolina. It is his endeavor, while poiutio out the disease, ta suggest and explain remedy-one, be it understood, which pacific in.character, and involves no real .tance whatever* to the laws of the State an of the United States. We ask, for the art dee of Citizen, the though if ut conakleratio whr?- they unquestionably deserve. Tn? Du? y or the People. The Savannah Republican, alluding I the frightful burden of taxation imposed o South Caiolloa by hex corrupt and irrespot si ble legislators, says: "We have no hesitation in sayiaz that r sistance to theeutrage complained of ts a dut which the people of Carolina owe both to Go and to themselves. IV? would not -pay th tax, but repudiate, and take the responsibility I It must cerne to this sooner or later, and n better, time for the issue- than' now. Th American citizen who would refase to sappor them In the position ls uawortby of th name." Chumbera'? Enryclop tc dla. We have received from Fogartie's Book Dc posltory the monthly parts completing th third vblume of Llpplneott'e new edition c this highly valuable work. The_JJjai, thre .>"xncnnTiST!ao ?e"had either oouuo or in parts So much praise has been bestowed upoi Chambers's Encyclopaedia that it is only necee sary to remind our readers that the new edi tion is a model ot typographical neatness au* accuracy, and that the work itself is, beyonc question, one of the most convenient, trust worthy and useful collections of knowledge ever Issued from the press. Mr. Fogartie, the Charleston agent, will sup ply copies and give any Information that ma} be desired. I Alarnc?. . aUZYOn%-CAMMBB?->Oe - Therese* ?ventai March 23.1871, by tue Kev. A. M. Mar-hall. S. MA ZTCE to ALICK FRANKLIN, 'hird daughter ul Jo-tt-pti O. ranimer, at the residence or the brlde'i lather. Botu of thia city. Ko cards._* Xmier ai Jollies. Acquaintances of Mr. JAMES E. SPEAK, of Mist Lama A. spear, Mr. ?ad Mrs w. Abercrombie, i and m-.aud Mia Daniel fl. Sllooz, are respeoUul ly lavitcd to attend the Funeral Services or tbc former, at Glebe Street Church, THIS AOTZIINOON, at half-past 3 o'clock. . mai zu* LANDMARK LODGE, No. 76, A. F. M.-The Members of Landmark Lodge will assemble at Masonlo Hall THIS DAT, at 8 o'clock, P. M., to pay the last nitrate or respect to oar late Brother, JAMES E. SPEAR. By order of the w. M. T. PIN CK XE Y LOWNDES, mar29 m Secretary. pB~ CHARLESTON BO ? RD OF TRA 1)3.-The officers and members or this Board, are respectfully Invited to attend the Funeral Service of yonr late brother member, JAMBS E. SPEAR*THIS AITSBNOON, at half-past 9 o'clock, at the Glebe street Presbyterian Church. A. FOSTER BLACK, marSS Secretary. Special StoiireB. ^S^H^NILE SINGING SCHOOL^ Mr. KEMMERER wlU commence a 'JUVENILE SINO INC, SCHOOL Tars AFTXBXOON, at hair past 4 o'ctoi-k, at the Hibereua Han. Tuition ror tbtr teeu Lessons, Including- a Book, 60 cents. The class will mott avery afternoon. mar28-3* NOTICE -ALL CLAIMS AGAINST the bark KED \K.Chas. A. French, Master, must he rend- red in triplicate at our office, at 12 o'clock M., To MORROW, 30th instant, ur they will be de burred pay iu ' nt. J. A. i NS LOW A CO., mitr3tK? No. 141 East Bay. pk> CONSIGNEES PKR MERCHANTS' LINE Schooner B. S. HAWKINS, will send Tor gouda ro Adger's North Wharf, or pay expenses of stem ge. No claims allowed after go<<d* ?eave the wharf. WILLIAM ROACH 4 CO. mar291 "jgrr CONSIGNEES 1't?ttMK?CHANTS' Line Schooner M?KOVE-t, from Kew York, will send tor ( to \d>:er's Not tit Wharf before sunset, or they will be .-to e i at their risk and ex? pense. No claims allow*! after the nooda are re? moved. WILLIAM ROACH * CO. -jnm2b-l XT TO BR RAFFLED, AT KING WIL LIAM CIGAR STOetB, No. 310 King street, ONE FINE MEERSCHAUM PIPE, or me Choice of the Show case, on WEONKSOAY. the 29th instan1. Coin? op and take a chance at the next List. The highest throw and the iowe?r throw has the choice pick or my Meerschaums. Only FIFTY" CENTS, marcs_WM. sOHKObtR. GETTING JlAKrUED.-ESSAYS ror Young Men on Social Kylm, and the propriety or impropriety of getting Marri, d, with sanitary h?lo for those wno reel unfl.; rea for matrimonial happiness. Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Ad? dress Howard Association, Box P, Phlladeinnta, Pa. anss-smos f special JSotitSt. p?T UNION BANK OP SOUTH CARO? LIN A, - Not loe is ne rebj given tost this Bank will, on :he Hrst dsy ef Maj next,'be prepared, lo com? pliance -with lae recent amendment of its charter, to consolidate, reduce, ana redeem the Stock of tt? Bank-that is to say, Ol .2 SHARE OF NEW, will be issued for TEN SHARES OF OLD STOCK; and at the request of any stockholder holding less than ten shares, the Bank will redeem the same at the rate fixed for said redemption by the charter, or holders may sell and asdgn all such by endorsment on the original certificates. Ac? cording to the provisions of the amended char? ter 'T?O one shan be considered or held to be : stockholder of the said Bank who bas not receiv? ed a new certificate for the consolidated shares,' on or before the first day of Jane next H. D. ALEXANDER, mar27-mwf Cash 1er. ?rsfTHE PLANTERS' AMD MECHAN ICS1 BANK OF SOOTH CAROLINA.-Thirty days after date this Bank will be prepared to consoli? date its Stock by issuing one Share of new for ten of the old,' in compliance with the recent amend? ment of its charter. Also to receive ''subscrip? tions for an additional number of Shares to the extent of twenty thousand at twenty-five dollars each, including the Consolidated Shares as above, present Stockholders to have precedence In sub? scription to the increased Stock, in proportion to the amount now held by them respectively. mar22-w6 par- NOTICE-ALL PERSONS RAV-. 1NG Claims against the Estate of E. BARNWELL HEYWARD will present the same properly at? tested, and persons Indebted te same v. lu please make payment to W. C. BEE A CO., Charleston, s.e. ALLEN O. IZARD, ) A. B. ROSE, \ Executors, marg-wsfl THEO. D. JERVEY.) -JSTOFFICE OF THE SOUTH CAROLI NACENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY-CHARLES TON, S. C., MARCH 15TH, 1871.-The Ninth Instal? ment of FIVE DOLLARS per share will be paya? ble on 15th April proximo. In Charleston-At tbe Office of the Company, No. io Broad street. In Sumter-To Major JOSEPH JOHNSON. In Clarendon-To Dr. G. ALLEN HUGGINS. WM. H. PERONNEATJ, marl5-w5sl . Treasurer. ESTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF HARLESTON-COURT OF COMMON PLEA.-_JOHN S. H YAN, against W. H. MCDOW? ELL, D. CALLAHAN, H. M. DRANE and THE* \ SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY'.-Whereas, by an order of his Honor, R. F. GRAHAM, made and entered on the 23d day of March, 1871, this case Is referred to the un? dersigned, as special referee, to take the account of all the partnership transaction* between the copartners in the firm of MCDOWELL, CALLA? HAN A COMPANY: And whereas, it is further ordered that said Referee shall call upon all the Credit- rs of the said firm to present and prove their respective claims before him, and that he be authorized to require and examine proof of all each claims as may be produced if either of the partners require lt. Therefore, the under? signed hereby call? upon all Creditors of the said Ul m or MCDOWELL, CALLAHAN A COMPANY to present and prove their respective claims before him, at the office or HAYNE A SON, No. 22 Broad street, at ll o'clock A. M., on SATURDAY, 1st day of April, 1871. L W. HAYNE, Special Referee. Charleston, March 24, 1871. mar24-8 ?&> NOTICE IS HEREBY* GIVEN to all Sub-/g?uis of the Land Commission, that, from and arter the first day <>f March, 1871, they will report all their proceedings to Hon. F. L. ?ARDOZO, Secretary of the Advisory Board. ROBT. C. DBLARGE, L. C. S. S. 0. Columbia, February 28,1871. marti A GRATEFUL ACKNOWLEDG? MENT.-A. J. CHARLOCK, a printer in the office of the Ohio Weeklv Clarion, writes to the propri? etors of the PLANTATION BITTERS as follows: "Three months ago I was the mere shadow of a der me while at work. The compositor at the next case said io me one <)ay, -Audrew, yon need a tonio. That's what's the matter, and there's no tonic thal was ever got np eqial to PLANTATION BITTERS. Try 'em ' 1 have 'tried 'em,' and you are at liberty to state (referring to me for con Hi motion) that they have restored my health, aud.I believe, saved my ure." SBA Moss FAWNE (rom pure Irish Moss, for Blanc Mange, Puddings, Custards, Creams,'Ac. Ac The cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious food in the world. mar-tf-mwfSDac ?ST JOHN C. BAKER <fc CO 'S GENU? INE MEDICINAL ?JOD LIVER OIL.-ESTABLISH? ED 1830.-Acknowledged by ?mlnent physicians tn be the best In the world. Sold by Druggists generativ. JNO. C. BAKER ut CO., Philadelphia. A fun supply cn hand by DR. H. BAER, febe-niwremos No. 131 Meei lug street. fm* THE PUREST AND SAFEST. The efficacy of HOSTRTTER'S CELEBRATED j STOMACH BITTERS as a specific for recruiting the enfeeble-1 body au ' cheerio? the desponding mimi, has passed into a proverb. In ihe United S ates, where this marvellous, tonic has borne down all opposition, and eclipsed aU rivalry, the demand ror it has annually increased in a heavier and heavier ratio for years, mun, at last, the regu? lar sales of this preparation exceed those or all other stomachics combined. Eminent members of the medical'profession and hospital surgeon - with? out number, have candidly admltte that the pharmacopoeia of the faculty contains no preset lp tion that produces suoh beneficial effects in dys? pepsia, general debility and nervous diseases, as Hosteller's Bitters. To ase the language of a ven? erable ph* slclan of New York, "the Bitters are tbe purest stimulant and the Batest tonic we have." But the uses of the great vegetable antidote are much more comprehensive than such praise would Imply. As a preparatory antidote to epi? demic disease, a genial stimulant,'a promoter of | constitutional vigor, an appetizer, a stomachic, and a remedy for nervous debility, no medicinal preparation has ever attained the reputation of Hostetter's Sit'eis. lt 1B the household tonic of i the American people, and In all human probabil? ity will be so for centuries to c< me. The mag? nates of science recognize Its merits; and that lt ls emphatically the medicine of the tuasses, is proven hy Its vast and ever Increasing sales. mar25-6D*c_ /03"rB ATC HE LOB'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SUPERB HAIR DYE ls the best in the world-per? fectly'harmless, reliable and instan "ansons. No disappointment. Nu ridiculous tints or unpleas? ant odor. Tne genuine W. A. BATCH E LO R'S HAIR DYE produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or Natural Brown. Does not stain the skin, but leaves tue bair clean, soft and beauiiiul. The only safe and Perfect Dye. 3old by all Drug: gists. Factory No. 10 Boi.d street. New York. jantS-mwflyr /etr HAVE YOU SEEN IT T WHAT T The Life and Times ol (?enera. Ii. E. LEE I Mr. Bedell, boo-.keeper of Waverly House, will show lt to yon any time, ne ls the authorized agent for i his splendid book for Charleston and adja? cent counties. The New Orleans Times says: "We can recommend this work as the best that bas appeared ou tue southern Bide aluce the war." mais-w4 $?m6parj?r&, Hlaya-unce, &z RX[T"CTR~OT? NIA ?~~ FOR APRIL NOW READY. CONTENTS AS VARIED AND INTERESTING AS USUAL. Price-For single number.25 cents Per annum.$2 OJ For sale by WALKER. EVANS & COGSWELL, Publisher-, No. 3 Broad street., AND BY BOOKSELLERS EVERYWHERE. aaarss Meetings. | ALMETTO LODGE, j KNIGHTS- OF PYTHIAS, No. l.-Regular Meeting* TO? NIGHT, at hair-past 7 o'clock; Trie prompt at? tendance of members and candidates ls most earnestly requested. " . " " v By order of Worthy Chancellor. mar?_F. KAY HOUSTON, R. S. Afr"**5 WANTED, A COLORED BOY, ABOUT 17 or 18 years old, to make himself nsefnl in a Bakery, Apply at corner King and Princess streets._mar?fl-l? WANTED TO RENT BY MAY, A HOUSE containing about six rooms, in a pleasant neighborhood ; the lower or central part of the city preferred. Rent, If desired, paid month? ly. Apply at this oirice._mar28-tnths3 WANTED TO RENT. A DWELLING HOL'SF, in complete order, containing not less than six upright rooms, south of Calhoun and west of Meeting streets. Address C. F. PANK MN, throngh the Postoffice._mar28-6 ST RAW BE RR I ES.-WANTED, 600 quartB or Strawberries, in rood order, de? livered at the New York Steamship wharr, by 2 o'clock, on Thursday. . Crates and Baskets fur? nished. Apply to KINSMAN* A HOWELL. ANTED, BOARD IN TBE TOWN OF Sommerville for an invalid lady, with servant. Address PostefOce Box No. 8, stating terms._mar28-2* WANTED, A LADY WHO UNDER? STANDS Cutting and Sewing, as house keeper and seamstress. Address Postofflce Box No. UL .Sumter, S. C. _mar27-a? WANTED, A DRESSMAKER. AD DRES at onoe, Mrs.-1. F. NUNN, Florence^ S. C. mar27-4* WANTED TO BENT, A BRICKHOUSE containing six or eight upright rooms, with gas and water on the premises, m the cen? tral or lower part or the city. Rent punctually paid. Apply at No. 02 Wentworth street, be? tween Grace Church and Coming street. mar24-fmw3_ Cost and ic rina. M~7sSING WATCEL-THE FR I E N D who, yesterday, at the Race Course, took etiarire of the Dou ble" Cased SILVER WATCH No. 40,647, with a Link chain, made of sliver coln, will obi me by l emming it to the owner, 3. J. YOUNG at the Courthouse. mar29-2 STRAYED. FROM THE Pf'EMISES NEAR the Huco Gmund, a sma i White ami Yellow COW, with very lwge Ooma. Any pne having her tn possession will please notiry Messrs. <-HA PEAU t HEFFRO.N, Meeting street, next to the Mills House. mar29-l* .for Sale. A"WOODWARD" DONKEY PUMP, IN good order, twelve (12) Inch Cj Under, eight (8iinch stroke, eight (8) inch water Cylinder, for sale by RAVESEL, HOLMES A CO., No. 177 East Bay._ma'2T-mwf3 VIGILANT FIRE ENGINE FOR SALE. For sale the ll rat-class double brake Jeffers ENGINE belonging to the Vigilant Fire Engine Company. Tilts Engine ls so well known through? out HUB city "and state that a description is un? necessary. Apply to L. D. MOWRY. President Vigilant Fire Engine Co., Atlantic Wharf. ta- Greenville Mountaineer, Yorkviile Enquir? er. Cheraw Democrat and Anderson Intelligencer will each copy once, and send bill as above. feb2J-wim FOR SALE, TH" ENTIRE CONTENTS of a COUNTKY STORK", located on Edlsto River, near. Jacsonboro'. Excellent stand for business, ami claiming all the raft rrade oa the river. The store will tie leased If desired. This ts afine opportunity ior Investing a small amount of capital. Terms very reasonable. Apply by letter io D. RIKER, Jacksonboro', a C.. mari6-thsws4* ABARGAIN !-TO PRINTERS AND BOOKBINDERS.-A Haggles Wood Frame Paper Cutter, will be sold low for cash. Is nearly new. cuts 28 Inches, and has an extra knire. No charge fur package. Price $40. Apply at THE NEWS Job (?mee. mar22 FOK SALE ON SULLIVAN'S ISLAND - A comfortable HOUSE, with six rooms, out? buildings, large lot and garden, and delightfully situate) on Middle street, midway between the Steamboat Lauding and the Fort. Also, a LOT in (he city, on the sooth side of Cumberland street, next east of Meeting, 49 by 72 Apply to J. D. ALEXANDER. No. 16 Broad street. _mar?i-li* VTEWSPAPERS^-FOR SALE AQUANTI J \ .rv of tb? ohnud. A j i pty ax Board of Traci? Roums, No. lui Meeilng sireet ^noviu-lu FOR SALE, SEVERAL SEWING MA c Hi.s KS. of good quality, which are offered i heap, call at. No. 27 Queen street, between Meeting aud Churoli streets. febl4 ?o Beni. T~7)~RENT, T^T~T^"^AN^~?~ H ALF STORY ?'RICK HOUSE, with double piazzas, four nprlgnt rooms, two attics, brick kitchen ami st anle, cistern, gas tl s turcs throughout, allin good order. Apply to W. G. WHILUEN A CO.. No. 255 King street, corner BeanfaiH. maret"-1 ?oar?ing. BOARDING.-TWO PLEASANTLY situated rooms, with comfortable private board, to be had at No. 23 Lynch street. Apply at residence. mar29-wl2* B financial. ONDS, sTol?l??, AC CI I Y COLUMBIA PA.VT DUB COUPONS bpartanhurg and Union Kanroad Guaranteed Cou? pons Memphis and Ohio Ral'road Six Per Cent. Bonds Memphis and Ohio Railroad Sis Per Cent. Coupons. Wanted by J. H. WILSON, mar28-2 No. 5 Broad t-treet. M ?flillinern, JDwssmaking, #r. ADAME LUZIER, PARISIAN DRESSMAKER, KING STREET, WEST SIDE. ONE DOOR ABOVE WENTWORTH STREET, (UP STAIRS.) FINE FRENCH CORSETS MADE TO ORDER. PRICES REASONABLE. marts_ 3.gncnlinre, {jorticultnte, &z. QE^^ToY^?c?"^ ILLS, Just reci ived by thc Steamer Falcon. ALSO. BRINLY'S NEW THH.L PLOUGH. man!9-w.-4 C. GRAVEL I. NU. 52 East Bay. iiUeidlaruoas. C A R D . . JOHN BINNS, AGENT, * Respectfully informs the citizens or Charleston, and tne public generally, that lie has opened a st ure at v'u, 31 Market street, where he lntewiB to ke-pon baud every article for Ladt??' and Gents' WE IRING Ai'PARE Pocket and Taive Oufery, Agricultural Tools and numerous articles, useful and ornamental, too numerous to recapituU e In an advertisement, and will s-ll for eas i for a small margin over direct im on cost and by such he hupes to share a portiun of public pair 'U age._mar21-9 ^ MCCONKEY, PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER. No. 102 BROAD STREET. (Davison's Old Stand.) tW Orders Intended for me sh mid be left as above between KIN ; AND MUSTING STREETS. marl4-17* j^ING WILLIAM. Just received at KI VG WILLIAM'S CIGAR FAC? TORY. No. 310 King street, near Society street, a large and complete assortment of Leaf. Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO. Cigarettes, Sou tr. Pipes. Ac. Havana aud D -mestic Cigars imported and manufactured by WM. SCHRODER, who respect, fullyin vues the attention ol chewers and smokers, and traders, wholesale and retail, to a stock fully com prising every variety of quality and prices, from the cheapest to the highest grade, winch is offered at the lowest cash rates. Ad orders from me country will receive promut attention and -hipped 0. 0. D., or at thirty days' cu.y accept ance. IIW?IMUM?? -y-y A R N E R ' S IODO FORM AND IRON PILLS. For sale by DR. H. LAER, janis No. isl Meeting street. amfecments. . T A - - ? ? ? . T**- -*-rjfw-pjjfc , ?fm?. ? A ?C ADBMT .O F"MTJ 8 I Q^. ' i .J\_* a s- s . ?j Third ? Night ot'the brilliant eh* agemeBt of. t h e : S world-renowned 35 -3 i ; MISS LTDIA'THOKPSON ANOTHER; ELBff?NT . COMBINATION. BRILLIANT AMD FASHIONABLE AUDIENCES. WEDNESDAY EVENING, March 20, will be pre seated the Grand Spectacular Bariesqaa Extrava- . ganza, entitled t" Yr .'LURLINE. Founded on Wallace's Opera of that name. OHARH rNG MUSIC, " ~ ' "* ' SPLENDID SCENERY,. GORG EO?S COSTUMES. LOCAL HITS. The performance win commence with a LAUGHABLE FARCE. THURSDAY EVENING-PARIS. FRIDAY EVENING, Beneflt of Miss LYDIA ' THOMPSON, wN> will appear In two characters. MW NOTICE. - for the accommodation of fami? lies, there will be a MATINEE PERFORMANCE on SATURDAY, April 1,'By MIBS THOMPSON AND COMPANY,_._mara JT^BCTURBS ON AFRICA. Dr. W.'J. DAVIS, formerly Professor ia-the Uni? versity of st. Petersburg, will deliver his first Lecture on Scientific Travels in Siberia, China and Africa THURSDAY EVENING, 30th March. 1871, at 8 o'clock, in the Lyceum of Professor Holmes, King street, corner of Wentworth. Professor DAVIS having accompanied the cele? brated Dr. Livingstone In Central Africa, will < speak in his lectures of his adventures and seien; tifie observations. Tickets of admission for lady and gentleman $l; single tickets- 60 cents May be obtained at HGLMES'S Book Store, King street mar29-2* tailoring, irarmsfying ?ooos, &c. ? S PIING OPENING MENEE & MULLER, No. 326 KING STREET, Have Jost opened an entire New Stock of j CLOTHS, CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, for Sprint? and Summer. Our Clothing ls a very large and fine selected stock for Men, Youths and Boys, from fifi to seo per suit. The largest portion is of Imported goods and manufactured by ourselves; wc can, therefore,-recommend them as regard flt, wear and workmanship. OUR TAILORING DEPARTMENT ls supplied with thc finest selection of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CLOTHS, DOESKINS, DIAGO? NALS, TRICOTS, MELTONS, CHEVIOTS, CASSI MERES, ftc, and a very large stock or the most fashionable Pant and Vest Patterns, which we will make up to order by measure in the latest styles. The foreman in this department of our business has no equal lu the artUtte world for cut. ting and producing an elegant flt. FURNISHING GOODS. This department ls supplied with the celebrated STAR SHIRTS, Foreign and Domestic Under? shirts and Drawers, Silk and Threat! Gloves, Linen and Paper Collars, Neckties, Bows,Scarfe, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Seeks, Umbrellas, ftc. Our stoct has been selected with great care, and prices marked very low in plain Agares. Bayers in oar Ila? will And lt to their advantage to give ns a call before purchasing elsewhere. mar22-3moa ._ JOHN R?GHEIMEB, NO. 141 KING STREET, WEST SIDE, A FEW DOORS MOUTH OF QUEEN STREET, Would respectfully inform his friends that he has just returned from New York with a large and well selected stock of the latest styles of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. Also, a roil assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Including the celebrated STAR SHIRTS, marie HJrrj ?coos, St. J7URCHG0TT. BENEDICT ?c. CO'. J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO THEIR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC That, owing to the SPECIAL FACILITIES AND QUALIFICATIONS Of their Resident Partner In New York, They are enabled to purchase their supplies ol FINE AND STAPLE DEY GOODS, Both Foreign and Domestic, in all oases from Crst hands, AT THE LOWEST CASH EIC!ORE, And thuB to offer EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS TO OUS TOMERS, Their prices will be found from TWENTY TO FIFTY PER CENT. LOWER Than those or any other Dry Goods House . In the Sooth. They Invite an Inspection of their Stock, which ls made up of NO AUCTION GOODS, But which will be found to consist of an Immense variety of THE CHOICEST AND LATEST NOVELTIES IN THEIR LINE. Comparison, as to quality, with the best goods offered elsewhere, IS CHALLENGED, And competition as to price IS DEFIED. Every article Bold by ns ls warranted to be pre? cisely as represented. .Oar motto ls "QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS," And Customers who wish to SAVE MONEY IN BUYING Will do well to give us a call. FUBCHGOTT, BENEDICT ?fc CO. Up-Town Store. I Down-Town Store, No. 437 King .street, I No. -?U King street, Corner of Calhoun. | Near "The Bend." i oc(31 (fas fixtures. J_?ALL, BLACK.A CO., Will sell their Stock of l ON Z E AND IMITATION BRONZE GAS FIXTURES AT MUCH LESS TEAN TBE ACTUAL C0ST\ OF MANUFACTURE. These goods nre?r the newest pat terns, and tn finish superior to any in the market. To those furnishing bouses, t ns is an opp ?ri unity to pro? cure the B&vr CHANDELIERS. BRACKETS, ftc, at a less price than they would pay ror inferior fixture*. Ills oar intention to ?ive np entire!/ this branch or our business, wulcu causes so great a redac? tion in price. BALL/ BLACK & CO., Nos. 60S end NJ7 BROADWAY, N. T. jnnlS-lyr fin?; 'SOUTH CAROLINA LANDJA?D J, g IMMIXTION ASSOCIATION. ~ g Ta?uB deragued^tiive entered into an an ??la? t? on for tbe purpose of introducing IMMIGRANTS INTO SOUTH CAROLINA, and producing homes for the same. Th?y pTopT^t?^?si^fl^^ clpal cities or Europe, and In the North ant) ate? Northwest, and- aastet immigrants tn coming to. onr St ate. where (hey have nonas provided, and aid them la becoming permanent settlers upon the sou.. They request their friends throughout.t ne State to place suoh or their. Lands and Baal Estate at their disposal as will mase a alta nie homes Xor Im? migrants at the io we* t credit prions, say Xor a pe? riod or live years, which the undersigned will un tertake to advertise and sell, charging the own? ers a reasonable commlsslea for the sale. Circulars will be prepared and distributed ex? plaining more in detail onr plana, CENTRAL OFFICE ACADEMY UP MUSIC, ' Corner King and Market streets, . CHABXSSXOK, SO. CA. BUTLER, CHADWICK, GARY ft CO. REFERENCES '. Gen. Wade Hampton, Hon. James Ofiesmit, HCa; J,- P. Carroll, Gen. J no. S. Preston, Hon, B. F. Perry, - - OCT. A. G. Magrath, GOT. M. L. Bonham, ' Hon. W. D. S?mpeos, Gen. Johnson H ag cod, Andrew Simon os, Esq.., Hon. Arra ?stead Bart, Hon. Geo. A. Treuhoim, Hon. J. B. Campbell, Gov. Jnc L. Manning. mar28-lmo_. I " moteles, Xeiueifg, &i. J1LNE JEWELRY, WATCHES, Ac. THE LATEST STYLES. Partlcalar attention la invited to the NEW, LARGE ANO ELEGANT STOCK OF.WAXOHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND FANCY GOODS, bul table lor Presen IB, jost received, and opened. AT JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLAN'S. No. 307 KING STREET. JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. All the newest and most exquisite designs In Jewelry, comprising, SETS OP PEARL. GARNET, ALL GOLD, CORAL AND STONE. Leontine, Opera. Neck and Vest CHAINS* Seal Rings, Diamond Ringa; Gent's Pms, PaarLand Diamond; Plain Gold and Wedding Rings always on hand or made to order; Sleeve Battons and I Stada, Bracelets, Broochesjmd Earrings; Armlets and Necklaces, In Gold and Coral;. Brooches Tor | Hair or Miniatures, Lockets, Charms and Mas?me Pins, Glove Bands, at JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET, A few doors above Wentworth street. * nov24-mwf_ Bitters. m K S T- I' M O K I A L S. Read a few or the Testimonials In regard to the* EFFICACY of that STERLING MEDIO.NE, OLD CAROLINA BITTERS.. A few Certificates irom ttie many tn onr posses-, sion from persons who have tested the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS: FROM THE POSTMASTER AT TUMBLING . SH ALS, S. 0. TUMBLING SHOALS, S. C., April 0,1870. Messrs. GOODRICH, WISEMAN ft Co., Charleston, S. C.: Gentlemen-This ls to Inform you that about a > ) ear ugo 1 was In delicate health, worn ont with old age and bard work, weighing one hundred and twenty-Ore pounds; upon request I com i menced using the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Af? ter using nine bottles, 1 felt as well and vigor?os, as thirty years ago-went to work ami made money. .1 Weighed, after axing the above, one hundred and seventy-two pounds. I have since been strong and hale. Accept-, gentlemen, my thanks, and success say I to the OLM CAROLINA BITTERS.' . 'Signed) RANSOM PHILLIPS, P. M., Tumbling Shoals, S. 0. FROM ANDREW CHAMBERS, IRWINTON, OA. IRWINTON, GA., September 2fi, i860. Mesara. GOODRICH, WINBMAN A CO.: ?O?Xi?m?TT-^WfiW Iii y (Tnt-"city "Two went a vour Dr. Service gave me a nowie of your cele Orated CAROLINA BITTE is, which I brought home Tor my father, whose health was very feeble. Arter using lt he was eo well piensen wirb tts eflects. that he considers them almost tndlspeusa ble. Please Und enclosed sixteen, ($16.) the price ol two cases: direct them W. J. Chambers A HOD, ?No. 16, C. H. R. Yours, very respectiully,, . (Signed) ANDREW CHAMBEES. ANO i li MR VOICE FROM GEORGIA. FORT YALLET, GA., september 15, 1809. Messrs. OonoRioii. WINRMAN A Co , Charleston: Gentlemen-? take great pleasure In Informing youiliatmv wife has experienced great benefit from t>e use of the OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. lt ls certainly a good medicine, und I would; . pleased if you would send me another dozen im? mediately. Respectfully.'ftc., (digued) J NO. A HOUSER. Sold by ali DrugplstB in Charleston. The trade supplied by nOGDRICH. Wi NE MAN ft OG., Principa' Depot, No. 36 Hayne street. Boote, Sfyoes, Ut. j?OOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS. Recel vin tr this dav per Steamships Georgia, from New York, Fall River, irom PbihvMpuia, assured invoices of FINE BOO I'S AND SHOES. In addition to the choice selection always in St>>ck I keen i hose OABLB SCREW WI KB WATER PROOF KHOGANS. Sold cheap at . EDWARD DALY'S, mar-?? No. 121 Meeting street. J^T*OTICEl NOTICE) By Fall ?Iver Steamship from Philadelphia this day I am receiving a fresu uupplv oi those Gent's (land Sewed Magic Fitting FRENCH O \ LF BOOTH. With much tims and labor, I have the same for Boys and Gents. EnWAR'i DALY, marta No. Ill Meetlnx street. JIO THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. Please inform the numer?os readers of your paper that the AMERICAN GAITKR, Patented, or the Shoe ol the Future, ls a .success. To supply the demands or the Trade, another invoice to-day by Fall River, from Philadelplila. Sold by EDWARD DALY, mari? No. 121 Meeting street. He morals. N^OTIOR^T^ ASSURANCESO0IETY,"of Ne" York, have removed from No. 141 Meetmir street to their uew office, No. 20 BROAD STREET. WM. B. SHAW, feb!3_?_Genera! Agent. Climber, fuel, #c. ^GENCY~^F T^E^^E^v;E^UX^" 8TEAM SAW MILLS, BUILDERS' DEPOT, No. 94 CHURCH STREET, TH KKK DOORS NORTH HF BROAD. The undersigned resnectinlly so.ieits o'ders for I CITY MILL SAWBO LUMBER, to be delivered at any wharf io Hie city, our Mills being op.-rated by ex per s,.nd ex pene ned mechanics, we ex ned tn ' oiler a-superlor a; tide of lumner, both in quality and rsttiilariry ol cu: ti mr. Vessels r thv largest size can bc loaded at the Mills. Having made ar range.uent' roi* the manufacture or Boxes.for shippmz vegetables, at prices whicii will dary competition, we Invite tue allen non of farmers ami shippers to oar tine lists For oas cent ad <utl<inal R?xes in lou of loo or over will oe deliver? ed ?it the foran or E. M; GUI M UK. mart_ (Ebrormes, Ciqnors, Ut. A~1??NCV~FOK THE GREAT UNITED STATES TEA COMPANY. TE?S IN VARIETY AT RfcDUCED PHICBS I QUALITY GUARANTEED I AB Agent for ?he above Company, I would- re fpectrmiy oail tne attention or te i-drinker* to the assortment of Tr A? I new have laster-AU?ol which are w .USANTES STRICTLY PUBS. I ebal leo ?a comparison lu quality and price ?sith any Teas -old tn mis market I only ask alair I rial to test the superiority of these goo is. W. t. WEL H, Agent lor tne Great U. tl. Tea itompany, . urn cr Market and Meeting streets. ST*Al goods uelnereu ires tu railroad depots, Btcamboata^aQd ail parts of the oliy. ma at HINGLEs! SHINGLES! S Prime CYPRESS SHINGLES. In- buncoes, deliv ve re i either at the city or at sullivan's Isla ><L or sale by s UACKEL KOR > ft KELLY, msris-imo Mo. 1 Boyce's Wharf, 53? Cwinors, ?2? c. ^. SjSfah^y- 8 *- Lambert, rrom BuxisaJHKBSE. Ac, on constan IMMlMMendfl will give him a call and examine the Waalitj of goode already re? ceived. P.S.-Also, Uss on band an assortment of mjsrt8-2' Ufo. aea'lJltKy. x-?ow'landlngtretsoflr. HiWalnah ' . ? . 4o*affbbm: Ko. I MtOKEML' ' ? 40 kits Ho. 1,Mackerel - 5 bbla. Ko.TlMackerel ? For sale low. ' WILLIAM" ROACH ft Oft. mart>-4. t v. y x'/gfo ' WA N T E D, 1 - - . .* / -('?St i, . EVERYBODY TO KNOW That they are daily losing money *6y"not baying at . .U8LE?& ??^?t?? ' . \ ' My prices are unprecedentedly loyr, and on all '. brandies of my business I defy ccm^??oa, OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, 36c.A #and Best silver Drip Syrn*>, 75c. per galibi Golden Syrup, soc. a gallon Crash Sogar. Ttf pounds for $1 - !"'*--'". Best Leaf Lard, ponndirfor fl Lighthouse Oil, 30c. a gallon . > Bee? Toang Hyson Tea, eot?l elsewhere e* ta per k- - pound, oan be bought here for $1? iv the pound package .Crockery, Glassware, Tinware,Hardware I Fancy China Gooda. . - I -. .A? . .*.. , I A general assortment in the MOOSE FURNISH? ING LINE-, eold ax m ar venously ?ow-prie as. ? ROASTED AND GROUND RIO. LAG LT AY BA.' AND [ JAVA COFFS E,. ' i Freeh every day In the week, and guaranteed of fhrtoesc ?pallty armvor ?a-ch particular kind* as repriseated. Tne. roasting w done- ?pair the premises, ander my personal supervision (ant . nat imported from Ne? York,) and, oan be relied .upeu^ . Look ont for the Signs or the ?."'J., CROCKERY HOUSE ANS CAROLINA TEA AGENCY, And stop in and ask for one or my Business Cir colara. .... RespectfeHy, JOHN w,- LISLE?. maria-lyr ,_.. .jy/J" O LA8 S E 8 AND S?6 AB. 25 Ands. Nc w crop MUSCOVADO MOLASSES, 22o barrels tew Crop Muscovado Molasses H boxes "Prime Grocery Sagaz 150 boxes good Grocery Sogar For sale by m W. P. HALL, marSS-Wfoi? > -Brown ft Ootla Wharf. jp OR SALE, AT LOW PRICES, In lou to rm lt eurchesera. a small lot ?f Ne. 2 BULK SIDES and SHOULDERS. OEM. W. WILLIAMS k 00., Factors, -msr28-2 Coen er cuan oh and Mayne streets. C O R N ! C OE NI OOOObnshala Prime White and slightly Mixed I CORN, landing this dav. Fir sate low from wharL JOHN OAMPSBN ft CO. v mar28-2_-\_' T JUST RECEIVED,'-' I a<x bnahels Prime GOLD SEED SICK. .Foe sale by J Aa. R PRING LE k SDN, mar27-3 No. 6 S?rth Ad ger's Wharf. c OR N I CORNI 0O?N! 3,600 busheU Prias?Mixed CORN 10,000 bushels Prime White Uara. Landing Md for sale low ny marat-ff* . H. ?UL WINKLE * 00. JJ ACON! BAGO NI BACON! in store and receiving : * . . 60 hhds. 0. R. BACON SIDES (Western) 60 hhds. Heavy Western Bacon shoulders 26 tierces Prime S. o. Hams (canvased.) For sale low at MACQUEEN * RI tv K. K'S, maru Nos 2t and 23 Vendue Bange. -? )^PAJL?LP^H>.MP A G N 9.8. Now on hand the* folio wing brande of OBAU? PAONES, at REDUCED PRICES, by t?w ballet, case or bottle : Piper k Oo.'s HEIDSTEOK Ohas. Hdldsleck'8 - GREEN SEAL V. E. OUoqaot'S PONSARDD* Mnmm's VERZENAYand PMVATE MOOX... Koedarer'a DRY HILLERY G. H. Mnmm'S DRY VERZENAY . - Ronche, FUS k Oo.'s BRANDS Napoleon's OABfNIP DRY VERZENAY CARTE BLANCHE. . E. E. BEDFORD, Late Wm. S. Corwin k Co., Jami No. 275 King street.: S PA?KLING MOSELLE SPARKLING CATAWBA *r UOUHEIMER - NIER-STEINER - LIQUEUR DES BBNKBICTTTNS CHARTREUSE CURACOA MARASCHINO RC&&1AN K?MMEL ABSINTHE VERMOUTH PARFAIT AMOUR CREME DE ROSE NOrfiAUX ANiH?tTTg. E. ?. BEDFORD. janll No 276 Kine street. B REMEN L A G fi A U E ii i$ ENGLISH ALES SOO rou ALB* CHAMPAGNE LONDON DUBLIN PORTERS CHAMPAGNE CIDER. E. E. REDFORD, atti No. 22* Kmc IEASI TEAS! TEAS! ./ WILSON ft BROTHER will issue at an early day a Catalogne of the FOTS GROCERIES with which their est abn?hmest -? ' stocked. Bat at present they desire to cati attention more especially to an extract from '.Fr?e American Grocer," relative to the great Tea swindles wtujak are now being foisted upon tho Amen can peo? ple. All lovers af Tea should peruse the rem adra of the editor of the able Journal from walch the extract ls taken, and be warned in tl ma. Referring to the large Tea Companies of Haw York City, the writer says:" ' "I have now in my possession a sa rapte of bogas Tea, without one single leaf o? ihe original oat* nese Herb co adobera cit wun. It was made for a Monster House, sold to a Mons1 er House, need by a Monster Boase, and distributed by the l corrupt myrmidons of that self-same House throughout the United States of Amalo? to do its deadly work of gradually pottooluff tba free, yee unprotected, people of your Great Re I public.'' The citizens of Charleston who wi? h to avetd aging the poisonous compounds, too often sold ander the name of Tea, should take UM don or purchasing only .from responsible I which have an established repot atwu for< in PURE 'EAS. For PURE Ti JA A of all qualities and prtoea, f o to WILSON k BROTHER, Jrooers, Anson and Society streets.' - All Goods delivered Ore*. 1