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TEEMS OF ras NEWS. Tm DAILY NEWS, by mau one year, $S; six ?tontos $4; taree months $2 60. Served m the cl ty at EMBTEEN OS* TS a week, payable to the car? 'flers, or $s a year, paid In advance at the office. TES Itel-WEEKLY NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $4; six months $2. Tax WEEKLY NEWS, one year $2. Six copies "910. Ten copies, to one address, $15. SUBSCRIPTIONS in all cases payable in advance, .nd no paper conunuea after the expiration or the time paid for. vCiSH RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS IN TOE DAILY NEWS.-First insertion 12 cents a line; subsequent naertlons 8 cents a Une. Special Notices 12 cents a Une. Business Notices (by count) 15 cents a Une. Marriage and Funeral Notices $1 each. Meeti? ngs 75 cents each. Cats and1 Electrotype Adver? tisements will be Inserted on the Fourth Page only. NOTICES of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, 4c, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 30 words, 40 cent? each insertion; over 30, and not exceeding 40 words, 50 cents each insertion. These rates are NET, and must Invariably be paid in advance. CONTRAc& ADVERTISEMENTS, to run two weeks Or longer, for each Une of soUd nonpareil: 2 weeks 60 cents; 1 month $1; 2 months $176; 3 months $260; e months $4; 12 months $7. Larger advertisements In exact proportion. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS wlU be published n the TUB TRI- WEEKLY NEWS at the same rates aa In THB DAILY NEWS. Contract advertisements et one-hair the rates for THE DAILY NEWS. ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE WEEKLY NEWS, per UneofsoUd nonpareil, 1 insertion 15 cents; 1. month 50 cents; S months $1; e months $1 75; 12 months $3. REMITTANCES should be made by Postofflce Money Order or by Express. If this cannot be done, proteotlon against losses by mail may be eecnred by forwarding a draft on Charleston may? bie to the order of tue proprietors of THE NEWS, or by ?ending the money lu a registered letter. Address RIORDAN. DAWSON & CO.. No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, S.e. FE ID A Y, MARCH 17, 1871. NEWS OF THE DAY. ' -Gold, at noon, in New York, yesterday, opened steady at 112. -The New York cotton market closed ac? tive end higher; sales 5633 bales at 154c. -At Liverpool cotton closed with a harden? ing tendency; uplands 73d., Orleans 7|d.; sales 18,000 bales. -There are said now to be about seventy partners in the Rothschild's banking Arms. -The Richmond courts admitted their drat colored lawyer to practice last week. -The Princess Metternich has offered to Louis Napoleon the use of her palace at Vi? enna. -The death of Rochefort and the Insanity of Trochu, lately reported by cable, are now both contradicted. -Among the French prisoners In Germany ls a grandson of Jerome Bonaparte, Prince Charles Bonaparte. He is quartered at Loet zen, Prussia, and Is under rigorous surveil? lance. -There lately passed through Nancy nine ? Japanese officers of high rank, homeward bound, after witnessing the Investment and capitulation of Paris. They had with them an Interpreter, formerly an officer In the British army. - -The many attempts at escape made by the French prisoners just before the armistice, nave been found to be the result ot a comull cated conspiracy among them to aid Bourbaki In his attempted Invasion of Germany. -In Berlin they have "Homes for the XTr>me less," an extensive collection of buildings. These are now undergoing improvements which will make them ornaments to the part of the town In which they are situated. These buildings are divided Into separate depart part men ts for homeless women and children and for homeless men. -Count Bismarck having received ink, ink? stand and pen, to he used in signing the treaty of peace, was obliged to refuse a table to sign lt on, as too Inconvenient at present. A Ham? burg dame tollo wed with a splendid and elabo? rate pen-wiper, for which she received, as the other donors received before her, 8 letter ot thanks. Blotting-paper and sand were not thus provided. -An Als ac ian peasant was recently ques? tioning a Bavarian soldier somewhat closely' as to the strength of his regiment, when the latter, suspecting that his Interrogator was either a spy or a Franc-tireur in diguise, suddenly "drew off" and sent him sprawling on the ground, and after walting for the Alsa . clan to pick himself up, coolly remarked in his Bavarian dialect, "That's Just how strong I am . by myself; so if you'll just put things together, you'll Und out perhaps how strong the whole of us are." -The French Government bas begun to lay on new taxes at the wrong end. A tax on cotton that ls expected to produce from twelve to sixteen millions of dollars per annum Ls a Tery questionable gain to the French treasu? ry. For Its first effect will be to place Routn out of competition with Manchester in the markets of the world; its next will Involve a protective tax much heavier than at present on imported cotton manufactures, and this will almost, If not altogether, destroy the rising prosperity of the calico printers, and so leave France with one productive industry the less. The other "imported raw materials" that are marked out tor taxation will nroba bly turn out to furnish quite as delusive sour? ces of increased revenue. -Washington specials say that Senator Sum? ner is in receipt of sympathetic dispatches from all quarters, and that many senators who voted against him excuse themselves by plead lng "the party whip.'' Trumbull, Schurz and ' Wilson say that a breach in the party will re- j 1 ault, which will be fatal to Grant's renomina? tion. The President warmly approves the course of the Senate. Sumner himself is im? placable, and lt is said that his forthcoming speech on San Domingo, nearly completed, | j will charge that the crimes for which Andrew Johnson was impeached were white as snow compared with those against Grant. The gov-11 ernment is said to be indignant at ihe reflec-11 tions on his son, tne cadet, and steadily re? faces to obey the request ol the House of Rep? resentatives for a court ol Inquiry on the first class, at West Point. The "state dinner" to the high commission ls pronounced the most elegant ever given In the White House, c Everybody was In full dress, aud tne gentle- ? men wore their orders and decorations. There were nine different kinds ot wine besides lignosa. --"No better illustration can be given of the complete demoralization ot the French army of the Seine than there is contained in the f recital of the following Incident which occur- ? red just before the armistice: Two Prussian 1 dragoons, venturing too far beyond their own 1 lines, found themselves suddenly surrounded ] by a haggard crowd of Gardes Mobile. One , -ot the two Prussians could speak French, and ( one ol the Gardes was an Alsacian, and under? stood German. Therefore, both parties were in a favorable condition to argue the question ' fairly. The two Prussians re?used to give * themselves up as prisoners of war, saying, "Ii < go with you, we will be a great deal worse 1 off than we are now; bat, if you come with ui you will be a great deal better off than yo are now. It wont do you any good to take t prisoners. It won't put any meal into yoi; mouths, nor warm you, nor yet clothe yoi But ii you let us take you prisoners, you wi be oared for and treated exactly as our me are, and all your hardships and dangers, an fighting for nothing, will be over V Despll French patriotism, French stomachs triumpl ed, and ihe Mobiles followed in the wake < the two dragoons into the Prussian cami Long and loud, but good-humored, was tb laughter that greeted the appearance of th two captors and their crowd ot captive! When the Graud Duke of Mecklenburg hear of lt he exclaimed, "That was diplomacy," an straightway sent the two amateur diplomatist a handsome present. ,. Suffrage and the Democracy. The New York World, in aa editor? which we publish in another column, ii] vite3 an expression of Southern sentiiaec in regard to the political issues involved 5 the next Presidential election. The prevail iDg feeling among the white people of Sout Carolina, we think.we may say, is not b; any means of a character to justify wha seem to be the apprehensions of the World We resisted what were called the recon struulion measures, as a policy unroasonabl and hostile-deficient in statesmanship a well as in maguanimity. The schemes b; which the two races at the South were di vid ed, and the colored people were turned ove in a body to the control of worthless adven turers, we opposed, for the freedmen's salo as well as our own. Mr. Beecher's pe argument that the franchise was like a gun the use of which must be learned by prac tice, served the purpose of the great sensia tionalist very well; but we fancy that hi would have liked it less had an experin&n of the sort been first tried upon his owt premises. Any one can judge now, by it! results, how puerile was this method o handling a great national difficulty. And the Radicals are discovering to theil consternation that a policy intended to con? solidate their party is precipitating theil downfall. lu some of the Southern States the genius loci has prevailed, aud the color? ed .people have already formed Conservative alliances. Besides, the new distribution ol voters in the Republic at large has caused political power to drift away from New Eng? land, Westward and even Southward. The recent overthrow of Charles Sumner is more than an event-it is a symptom. It is more than the piercing of a wind-bag-it ie the discharge of a malignant boil which threat? ened to be a chronic ailment Now it is of more importance to the South than to any other section that the decline of Radicalism shall not be arrested. To lament the past is idle; to recall, it is im? possible. A new age has begun. We must perforce accept its conditions. And, among these conditions, negro suffrage is one for which we have no responsibility, and over which neither we nor the Democratic party have any control. Now, when the amended Constitution confers this privilege-n<sw, when the majority of the States maintain it, and, among them, none more imperiously than those which suffer most from its abuses-now, when Rainey, . DeLarge, Elliott, from South Carolina; Wall, front Florida; Turaer, from Alabama, and Revels, from Mississippi, have already been wel? comed to the dignities it has assigned them in Congress-now, when the triumphant North clings to this as the oue abiding fruit of the war, and the only guarantee of eman? cipation, we regard the question of negro sufi rage as no longer among the living political issues, lt is au accomplished fuct, and the party which QtjjfcaoaiUi it must tight at a fearful disadvantage in the ap? proaching Presidential struggle. It may bave been impolitic, malignant, and uncon? stitutional, but-the thiug is done. Whatever the political hacks of a bygone sra may say, wo believe that the people ef the South are neither so oblivious of the past nor so blind to the events of current history as to wish the great Democratic party to risk defeat by launching out upon an unpopular platform. The instincts of that party are with the South. Its triumph will alford such security to person and prop ?rty, such social order and financial pros? perity, such public safeguards, and such :ivil enfranchisements, as have not existed since the war, and cannot exiBt uuder the rule of Radicalism. Those very States whose painful experiences would incline Lheut to be most intractable, well know that :heir only hope of redemption lies in the ro jstaljlishment of the reign of justice in the general Government. They know that to cripple and defeat the Democratic party is ;o perpetuate their own bondage. Aud they ?rill be slow, we fancy, to embarrass their riends iu other sections by demanding of hem sheer impossibilities. Seward a? a Sight-seer. The English journals are poking fun at Jr. Seward on account of Iiis graudilo pietice. "From the Great Wall," says the j llustrious ex-secretary, "I have been able , 'to look down southward upon the decay- , 'ing power of China, and northward upon i 'the aboriginal region of the North Pacific I 'coastof the Asiatic Continent." The geo- 1 rraphy is bud, but "aboriginal region" is i jood, notwithstanding the sneers of envious Britons. There are some regions which are lot aboriginal-the deltas of the Nile and Mississippi Rivers, for instance. If a man cannot see an aboriginal region from the 3reat Chinese Wull, lie cannot see it any- < where. There eau be no successful assault k nade upou Mr. Seward's geology. As for J lis geography, is he not now travelling ?? >n purpose to pick up information in that ine? _gl arr iee._ ARN' HOLTER-FEEH EN.-On Mo a a ay evening. Mareil 13th, 1871. by the Rev. W. S. Bowman, Mr. FRED. W. ARNHOLTER and MIBS ANNIE S. FEEHKN, all or this city. if liner ttl Notices. THE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT? ANCES or Mr. NICHOLAS BLASICH are respect rully Invited to attend his Funeral from his late residence, Ptnckuey street, at 3 o'clock THIS AF? TERNOON. mariT1-* ^sSrTHE FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT? ANCES of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beck and family, are Invited to attend the Funeral Services of their Infant daughter, ALICE BELLE, at Magnolia Cemetery, at a quarter to 6 o'clock, THIS AFTER? NOON, marl"* Special Homes. ^?CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP JAMES ADQ?R, from New York, are notified that she l* discharging cargo Tni3 DAT, at Adger's Wharf. Goods uncalled for at sunset will re? main on the wharf at ownerB' risk. marl7-l JAMES ADDER A CO., Agents. CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP MARYLAND, from Baltimore, are hereby notlded that she ls THIS DAV discharging Cargo at Pier No. 1, Union Wharves. All goods not taken away at sunset will remain on wharf at consignees' risk. MORDECAI A CO., marl7-l Agents. pS-A. REWARD OF FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS will be paid for proof to conviction of the person or persons who cut the Pipe of the Steamer MARION. RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO., Agenta. marl"-2D?c pS- STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. COLLETON COUNTY.-IN THE COMMON PLEAS. -UENRV C. GLOVER and JAMES S. GLOVER, Executors of JuHN 0. G .OVER, deceased, Plain? tiffs, against C. D. RICE. Defendant.-Copy Sum? mons for Money Demand.-To the Defendant, 0. D. RICE: You are hereby summoned and re? quired to answer the complaint lu this action, which was Died on the 18th day of February, 1871, in the office of the Clerk of Common Pleas for the said County, and to serve a copy or your answer to the said complaint on the subscribers at the office or CARLOS TRACY, Attorney at Law, in Walterboro', South Carolina, within twen'y days arter the service hereof, exclusive of the day or such service; and if yon fail to answer the com? plaint within the time aloresaid, the plaintiff in this action will take judgment against you for the sum of seven hundred dollars, with Interest from 23d day of October, 1857, and costs. Dated at Walterboro', March 16.1871. CARLOS TRACY, HENDER90N A BE (I RE, Attorneys mr Plaintiffs. By the order of Judge PLATT. A. C. SHAFFER, f , Q marn-fe C. c. P. ( L,-Sl pSWREX YOU ARE DEPRESSED BY the gaunt, sickly feeling of a disordered system, which needs to be cleansed and stimulated into healthy action, take a dose or two of AYER'! PILLS and see how quick you can be restored for a shilling. marl7-rmw3D*w ATTENTION, TAXPAYERS -ALL TAXES not paid on or before MARCH 22,1871, are liable to a penalty of twenty per cent. All Taxes not paid on or before JUKE 13,1871, are liable to an additional penalty of five percent., wh-n property of taxpayers will be levi d on by distress or other? wise. marl5-7 WM. GURNEY, County Treasurer. pS PEOPLE'S NATIONAL BANK, CHARLESTON, S. C., MARCH 14, 1871.-The Stockholders of thia Bank are hereby notlQ ed that the Bank will pay all Taxes which may be lawfully Imposed on the Stock of the Bank. By order. H. G. LOPER, marl5-3_Cashier. pS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all Sub-Agents of the Land Commission, that, from and arter the first day of March, 1871, they (rill report all their proceedings to Hon. F. L. CARDOZO, Secretary of the Advisory Board. ROBT. C. DE t. A HG E. L. C. S. S. C. Columbia, February 28.1871._marll NOTICE.-NATIONAL FREED? MAN'S SAVINGS AND TU?ST COMPANY. CHARLESTON BRANCH, No. 74 BROAD STREET. Money deposited on or bc'ore March 20th will draw Interest Rom March 1st, at SIX PER CENT. NATHAN RITTER, marl3__cashier. PS A DIALOGUE IN WALL STREET. lt is a vulgar error to suppose that the habitues of Wall street converse about nothing but stocks iud gold. Sometimes they talk about their health; ind they all seem to have one trouble-BILIOUS? NESS. The wear and tear of speculation lavari ibiy tells upon the liver. "How do you tliiuk I'm looking ?" said a well? town "Bull"' to a rrlend in the Long Roora, a ew days arter thc late smash up in gold. "Do I ook panic-struck?" "No; by Jove !" was the reply; "you look in trim io fight for a man's lire. Never saw you looking jet'er." "Let me tell you a secret, my boy," returned Jot great operator: "I drink no wine, no brandy, ao bar-room stimulant ol any kind; but I Just keep my stamina up with an occasional dose of j PLANTATION BITTERS; and if you'll do me the | favor to try it for that bile on the stomach you're llways complaining or, I'll furnish the margin for four next spec, if lt doesn't cure you." The gentleman referred to (the initial or whose Christian name is not very far from the end or the Uphabel) has unbounded confidence in the resto ratlve; and his bright eye, firm nerves and won ierrul powers of endurance, prove that it ls well ou tided. SEA MOSS FARINE from pure Irish Moss, for liane Mauge. Puddings, Custards, Creams, Ac, Icc. The cheapest, healthiest, and most delicious ood iu the world. marl3-mwf3DAC ps- ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE OF AP ?OINTMEST.-In the District Court or the Jutted states for the Eastern District of South karolina.-In the matter of W. C. P. BELLINGER iud WILLIAM H. BELLINGER, Corartuers as IELLINCI'.R A SON.-lu Bankruptcy.-To whom t may concern: The undersigned hereby gives no ice of his appointment as Assignee of "BELLIN? GER & SON," of the Town of Walterboro', in the Jouuty of Collctou and State of ts mill Carulina, vithin said District, wno have been adjudged Jaukrupts upon their own petition, by the Dia rict Court of said District. Dated at Walterboro', this 2d day of March, A. >. 1871. L L FOX, Assignee. EASTERS DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA, SS: hereby desiguate the Charleston Courier and 'HE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS as the newspapers n which the above notice shall be published by he said ISAIAH IRWIN FOX, Assignee of DEL ?INGER A SON, Bankrupts aforesaid, according o law. I also designate the same papers as those n which all sales of said Bankrupt's property hall bc advertised. J ated at Charleston, this 1st day of March, A. ). 1871. . JULIUS C. CARPENTER, Registrar In Bankruptcy, Second Congressional District for S. C. raar3-f3 EDpeing, &t. ^OUTHEKN DYE HOUSE. A new FRENCH DYE HOUSE has been opened t No. 369 King street, where DYEING in all coi? rs, and Cleaning of all kinds ls done at the hortest notice and in the best sive. L BILLER, French Dytr, No. 359 King street, near corner George stteet. sepio-lyr Spwiol Hotic**. ?ST- NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK. CHARTERED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES-DEPOSITS OVER 18,250,000 CHARLESTON BRANCH No. 74 BROAD STREET. -Deposita made on or before March 20th will draw Interest from March ist. Interest paid or Compounded March, July and November. Deposits of $50, and upwards, draws Interest from date. Deposits can be withdrawn, without notice, during Banking hours, from 9 A. M., to 2 ?. M. Open Saturday nights from 5 to 8, to receive Deposits only. NATHAN RITTER, feb?l-2l_Cashier. CITY TAX NOTICE.-OFFICE OF CITY APPRAISER, CITY HALL, CHARLESTON, S. C., FEBRUARY 218T, 18Tl.-Notlce Is hereby given to all concerned that RETURNS for all REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY, within the limits of the City or Charleston, shall be made and delivered at this office on or before the twenty-first day of March, 1871, for the year com? mencing on the first day of January 1871, veri? fied by oath, or the person whose duty it ls to so list or return said property possessed by him, or under his control, either as owner, agent, parent, husband, guardian, executor, administrator, trus? tee, receiver, officer, partner, factor, or holder, with the VALUE of such PERSONAL property so held or controlled. By Section 54 or Act No. 22, of the Legislature of 1868, approved September 15th, providing for the assessment and taxation of property, which act was extended, so far as applicable, to the City of Charleston, byan act of the Legislature, passed March 1st, 1870, lt ls made the duty of the City Appraiser to add fifty per cent-, and one dollar as penalty for failure or neglect to make returns of property within the time given so to do, and must be observed. The following must be returned for taxation as Personal Property, viz: Horses mid Mules. Neat Cattle. Gold and Sliver Watches. Cold and Silver Plate. Piano Fortes, Melodeons, or Cabinet Organs. Carriages. Wagons. Drays. Carts or other vehicles. Dogs. Average value of Goods, Merchandise, or other commodities pertaining to business as merchant, agent or otherwise, between the first days of Jan? uary, 1870, and 1871. Average value or all Materials U9ed or provided for use in business as a manufacturer or other? wise, between the first days of January, 1870, and 1871. Value or aU Machinery, Engines, Tools, Fixtures and Implements used or provided, and of all man? ufactured articles on hand on January 1st, 1871. Value of Moneys, including Bauk Bills and Cir? culating Notes on hand or deposit. Value of all Credl s over legal Indebtedness. Value of all Investments In the Bonds or Stocks or any company, corporation or person, In or out of this city (except National Banks out of this city,) and of the gross receipts er Insurance Agencies In money and notes, between the first days of January, 1870, and 1871, namely: Value of all other Personal Property, Including Household Furniture. feb22-lmo P. J. COOGAN, City Appraiser. par* GETTING MARRIED.-ESSAYS for Young Men on Social Evils, and thc propriety or Impropriety of getting Married, with sanitary help for those Who feel unflttea for matrimonial happiness. Sent free, In sealed envelopes. Ad? dress Howard Association, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa._an25-lmoB pS3r THE GREAT VERNAL SPECIFIC. No class of invalids are more sensitive to changes of season and variations of temperature than dyspeptics, and persons of bilious habit. Tender lungs are not more easily affected by these vicis? situdes than feeble stomachs. If there ls a ten? dency In the system to Indigestion, biliousness or bowel complaints, the variable weather of early spring ts almost sure to develop one or the other of these ailments. Intermittent fevers are also more prevalent in the sp lng months than at any other season except autumn. In view or these facts, this seems to bc a proner time to Invite es? pecial attention to IIuSTKITER'S STOMACH BIT? TERS, a medicine which for a lung series of years has proved superior to alt others as a remedy for the above named disorders, and as protection against the miasma which frequently produces, and always aggravates them. It was formerly the practice to give violent cathartics as '?spring medicine," nor ls the cusiom yet entl ely obso? lete. Nothing, hewever, eau be more ill-judged aud unphllosophlcal. The chilling moisture with which thc air is loaded at. thc breaking up of win? ter, presses heavily upou the vital forces of the body, and reinforcement, not depletion, ls what lt requires. The Bitters ls a genial and excellent tonic, a moderate alterative, and just enough of an aperient to regulate, without convulsing, the bowels. It ls, therefore, a specific peculiarly adapted to the present season. marl 1-GD.?.C i^jOHN c.BAKER ?t co's GENU 1SEMEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL.-ESTABLISH? ED ISoO.-Acknowledged by eminent physicians' to be the best in the world. Sold by Druggists generally. JN'O. c. BAKER A CO., Philadelphia. A full supply on hand by Da. H. BAKR, febO-mwfflmos No. 131 Meeting street. .?5B-BATCflELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS S?PERB HAIR DYE is the best in the world- per? fectly harmless, reliable and instantaneous. . No disappointment. No ridiculous tints or unpleas? ant odor. The genuine W. A. BATCH E LO R'S HAIR DYE produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Black or Natural Brown. Does not stain the skin, but leaves the hair clean, soft and beautiful. The only Safe aud Perfect Dye. Sold by all Drug? gists. Factory No. 18 BoLd street, Kew York. jaii'23-mwflyr ?otir?ing. B""??R^R?~lvXl^a^A ^GENTLE? MAN and his wife, or two single ladles, can be accommod?t ed with board In a quiet family where there are no children. Location pleasant. References exchanged. Anply at this uttlce. marK-rtmi* NOTICE.-THE "EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY." ol'Nf' York, have removed from No. Ul Meebnir street to their uew oillce, No. 20 BROAD STREET. WM. B. SHAW, feb!3 General Agent. {Patches, Jemelrg?_^c._ JUNE JEWELRY, ' WATCHES, 4 C. THE LATEST STYLES. Particular attention ls invited to the NEW, LARGE AND ELEGANT STOCK OE WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND FANCY UOODS, suitable for Preseuis, received and opeued. ' AT JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STR?ET. JAMIES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREBT. JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET. ? All Hie newest and must exquisite designs ID Jewelry, comprising, SETS OF PEARL, GARNET. ALL GOLD. CORAL AND STONE. Leontine, Opera. Neck and Vest CHAINS; Seal Rings, Diamond Rlugs; Gtnt's Pins, Pearl aud Diamond; Plalu Cold and Weddlne Rings always on hand or made to order; Sleeve Buttons and Studs, Bracelets, Brooches and Earrings; Armlets and Necklaces, in Gold aud Coral; Brooches for Hair or Miniatures, Lockets, Charms and Mas?me Pm?. Glove Bands, at JAMES ALLAN'S, No. 307 KING STREET, A few doora above Wentworth street. nov24-thrtn JOSEPH W. HARuIS&ON'S, ARTIST'S SUPPLY, PAINT AND OIL STORE, No. 62 QUE BM STREET, CHARLESTON, 3. C. Patent Thief Detecting! rmj MONEY DRAWER. Jamvmwfem iflegtinge, THE REGULAR WEEKLY MEETING of Marion Lodge, No. 2, I.O.O.F., will be. held THIS EVENING, at 7 o'clock, at Odd Fellowe Hall. Members will please attend. Candidates are requested to be punctual. ROBT. 0. STARR, m arl 7_Recording Secretary. ZERUBBABEL CHAPTER No. ll, R. A. M -The Regular Convocation of tills Chapter will he held at Masonic Hall, THIS EVE? NING, the 17 th Instant, at 7 o'clock precisely. Members are particularly requested to attend as the Arrears will be acted upon. Candidates fpr the Mark and Fait Masters Degrees will please be punctual. MARTIN W. WIGG. marl7_Secretary. THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE Fire, Marine and Life Insnrance Agents, will take place THIS AFTERNOON, 17th instant, at hair-pasc S o'clock, at the Hall or the Chamber of Commerce, at which time the Committee will make their report. A; L. TOBIAS, marl7_ Secretary. BANK OF CHARLESTON, CHARLES? TON, MARCH 15, 1871.-A Meeting of the Stockholders will be held in the Bank Hall, on MONDAY next, 20th instant, at 12 o'clock. marlfl-4_WILLIAM THAYER, Cashier. SOUTH CAROLINA MEDICAL ASSOCIA? TION.-The Annual Meeting of the South carolina Medical Association will he held at Charleston, on the First WEDNESDAY in April, 1871. County Societies will organize and send their Delegates. Where no County Society exists, Physicians from the County will please send Dele? gates. Arrangements will be made with the Railroads to pass Delegates for one fare. J. SOMERS BUIST, M. D.. marl4-tnf7wl Recording Secretary S.O. M. A. ttJunts. WANTED, A RESPECTABLE WHITE Chambermaid and Seamstress. Apply at No. 28 George street._marl7-l? WANTED, A COOK, ALSO A WOMAN or Girl to mind children. Recommenda? tions required. Apply In Calhoun street, one door from corner or St. Phillp. Bouth side. marn-l? WANTED, SECONDHAND FURNI? TURE, of evsry description, Tor which the highest prices win be paid. Address J. S. B., care of WM. MCKAY, NO. 140 Meeting street, for Ave days._' marl7-l? HOUSE SERVANT WANTED .-A single Colored WOMAN wanted to do gene? ral housework; mu-t come recommended. Apply at No. 4 Doughty street._maris WANTED, BY A RESPECTABLE WHITE GIRL, a situation as chamber? maid or child's nnrse. No objections to going in the country, and willing to make hei self generally useful. Apply at No. 15 Sires street, between Spring and Borgard streets. _mart5-3? WANTED. A SECOND-HAND MELO DEON, (Ove octaves,) In (rood order. Ap? ply by letter, to Q, DAILY NEWS OfHce, stating maker's name and lowest cash price. mar3 ?ost emu irotmo. LOSITONI?^ NRR King and Mary streets, a Lady's Gold Buckle, with Initials E. A C. Five dollars reward will be paid for Its recove y. Apply at- No. 513 King street._marl6-4? LOST, ON FRIDAY EVENING LAST, A DRAY-BOOK, for recovery of which a libe? ral reward will be given. Apply at this o nice, maris LOST OR GONE ADRIFT. ON THE evening of the Oth instant, from the sloop z.neka. lying at the Devereux Saw Mils, a s mall Yawl Boat. A suitable reward will be paid for her recovery. Apply at this Office. mari3-mwf3 QLo Sent. T~ O~RE^T7^HAT~DE^^ DENCE, No. 63 Elizabeth street, near Aiken Row-4 square rooms, 2 attics, pantry, dressing room, double-piazza, cistern aud gas ; brick kitchen and stable, all in complete order. Inquire on the premires for one week, or at tue corner of Klug and Beaufaln streets._mari7-i TO RENT, IN THE SO UT H W ESTE RN part of the city, two or three ROuMS, pleas? antly located. Apply at No. 1 Greenhill street. marl5-3_ TO RENT, THE BRICK DOUSE AND STORE, with FIXTURES. No. 15 Klug street. Apply at No. 54 King street._niai'13-6? TO RENT, A TWO AND A HALF STORY BRICK HOUSE, No. 4 Trumbo'a Court. Good water and other accommodations on the premises. Apply at No. 1 Hay ne street. Jnn31-tuths Soi Sale. C~ ABBAGE AND TTJMATTPPT?NTS for sale at No. 4 Barns lane, south side. mari7-i*_ VIGILANT FIRE ENGINE FOR SALE. For sale the first-class double brake Jeffers ENGINE belonging to the Vigilant Fire Englue Company. This Engine ls so well knovn through? out tins city and State that a description is uu necesrary. Apply to L. U. MOWRY, President Vigilant Fire Engine Co Atlantic Wharf. KS- Greenville Mountaineer, Yurkvdle Enquir? er, cneraw Democrat and Andereon Intelligencer will each copy once, and send bill as above. feb2J-wfm FOR SALE, SEVERAL SEWING MA? CHINES, ul good quality, which are offered heap. Call at No. 27 Queen street, between Meeting aud Church streets. febll Remaros. TiimTTi^^^ paid for Information that will lead to thc re turn or a liver colored SETTER BITCH, who an? swers to the nam1? or Zapplio. She left the resi? dence corner ot Calhoun and Rutledge streets on the morning or the lath. Apply there or at No. 62 Broad street. raarl7-2 dhi f\f\n REWARD> F0R ANY HP-LV/Uv/ cuse of Blind, Bleeding, Itching or Ulcerated PILES tba*. DEMING'S PILE REMEDY Ulis to cure, lt la prepared expressly to eure thc Piles and nothing else, and has cured cases of over twenty voar'satandlng. Sold by all Druggists. Price $1. GOODRICH, WINE MAN A CO., Agents, No. 23 Hayne street. fcb22-wfmlmo .financial. ~lT~E~'r7 SPARTANBURG AND UNION RAILROAD GUAR? ANTEED BONDS Spartanburg and Union Railroad Guaranteed Past Due Coupons Laurens Railroad Guaranteed Bonds Laurens Railroad Guaranteed Past Due Coupons. Apply to L. G AMURI LL, raari7-2? No. 7 Broad street. w ANTED FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ON REAL ESTATE IN THE CITY. Apply to W. Y. LEITCH A R. S. BRUNS, marl7-l Brokers, No. 35 Broad street. T .fertilisers. HE EXCELSIOR FLY-BRUSH, PATENTED NOVEMBER, 1870. This BRUSH should be In every family. It ta the most durable anti useful Fly-brush ever before offered for sale. The great demand with which these Brashes have met a 1 over thc country where they have been Introduced, ls a guarantee that they are all that the manuractiirers cl.)im Cor them-the most durable, cheap, usetul und orna? mental articles of the kind ever placed befo ru the public. Having accepted the Agency Tor these Brushes, I am ready to furnish the Trade at the shortest no? tice. Orders by mall will receive prompt atten? tion. Samples cad be seen at the Grocery of Mr. D. A. AMME, corner Market and Meetlug streets. A. KALSTROM, Postoffice Box No. 565, marl7-l* Charleston, S. C. JgNGLIi-H SUPERPHOSPHATE. GERMAN CONCENTRATED POTASH MANURE. 50 ions ENGLISH SUPERPHOSPHATE, war? ranted to com alu -24 per cent Soluble Phosphate of Lime, ax $45 i er iou, or les-? for the lot. loo tons Concentrated Potash Manure, at 2>ic. per pound, gold, or less ror the lot. These Manures are imported direct, aud can be relied on as represented. Analysis made In Eu? rope and here on hie at my office. For salo hy J. N. ROBSON, No. 68 East. Bay and Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic wharf. marI7-3D4C H IBEE?IlN HA L~L ! FRIDAY, MARCH 17TH. LAST NIGHT OF DECASTBOI A FINE PROGRAMME. AN ELE G'A NT BEDROOM SET, Valued at Sixty Dollars, TO BE GIVEN AWAY I Besides one hundred other Presenta. MATINEE ON SATURDAY._marni A^CADEMY OF- MUSIC. Extraordinary Engagement for the week com? mencing March 27th. LYDIA THOMPSON and her Incomparable Com? pany tn PARIS, OR THE APPLE OF DISCORD. This Company Is the best organization Of Its kind In this country or in Europe. mari?-e A CADEMY OF MUSIC FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MARCH 17,18, 20 and 21. GRAND MATINEE SATURDAY, AT 2 P. M. WONDERS OF THE WORLD. FIRST TOUR OF AMERICA or SATSUMA'S ROYAL JAPANESE TROUPE. Composed of AriiBts of both Sexes, ACROBATS, JUGGLERS, AND EQUILIBRISTS. The only Japanese Troupe now Performing In America. Prices as usual. Admission to Matinee, Adults 50 cents. Children 25 cenia? Reserved Seats for sale at Academy three days lu advance. H. SCH?TZ MANN, Director. W. R. HAYDEN, Business Manager. marl4-7 SUnioersanes. ST. PATRICK'S BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. The FIFTY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY of this So? ciety will be celebrated on FRIDAY next, the 17th Instant, the Feast of St. Patrick, the Patron Samt of Ireland. The Members will assemble at Ma? sonic Hall, at 8 o'clock A. M, for the transaction or business, aud from thence will ?proceed to St. Patrick's Church to bear Mass. A discourse suit? able to the occasion will be delivered by the Rev. C. B. NORTHROP, after which a Collection will be taken up in behalf of the Orphans under the charge of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. From thence the Society will return to their Hall, through the principal streets, when the Election of Officers for the ensuing year will take place. Supper wiU be served at 8 o'clock P. M. marie-2 W. BAKER, Secretary. H IBERNIAN SOCIETY. SEVENTIETH ANNIVERSARY. The Hibernian Society will celebrate Its SEV ENTIETH ANNIVERSARY, on FRIDAY, the 17th Instant, at their Hall In Meeting street. The Society will assemble at 12 o'clock M. for the election or Officers for the ensuing' year, and the transaction of other business. Members will please come prepared to pay arrears. Rule X, applicable to arrears, will be rigidly enforced. Polls open from 12 M. to 2 P. M. The Society will re assemble tn the evening at 8 o'clock precisely to partake of the Anniversary Supper. 8TEWARDS. ALEXANDER McLOY. WM. L. DAGQETT, JAMES COSGROVE, E.R. WHITE, A. 0. STONE. JAMES ARMSTRONG, JB., marll_Secretary. tailoring, itarnisljing ?000s, $tt. JOHN RUGHEIMER, No. 141 KINO STREET, WEST SIDE, A FEW DOORS NORTH OF QUEEN STREET, Would respectfully Inform his friends that he has Just returned from New York with a large and well selected stock of the latest styles of SPRING AND *S UMMER GOODS. Also, a run assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Including the Celebrated S T AAR SHIRTS. marie_ Jemdrrn, Silucrtoare, #c. g ALL, BLACK & CO., Nos. 565 and 667 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, MANUFACTURERS OF STERLING SILVER FORKS AND SPOONS, . " . DINNER AND TEA SERVICES. Also, a large variety or NEW ORNAMENTAL PIECES. For Wedding Presents. jnnl8-lyr (Groceries, Ciquors, &c. j"MPORTED CHAMPAGNES. Now on hand the following brands of CHAM? PAGNES, at REDUCED PRICES, by the basket, case or bottle : Piper & Co.'s HEIDSIECE Chas. Heidsleck's ?- GREEN SEAL V. E. Clicquot's PONSARDIN Mumm's VERZENAY and PRIVATE STOCK Roederer's DRY SILLERY G. H. Mumm's DRY VERZENAY Bouche, Fils A Co* 3 BRANDS Napoleon's CABINET ? DRY VERZENAY CARTE BLANCHE. E. E. BEDFORD, Late Wm. S. Corwin A co., jaull No. 275 King street. gPARKLING MOSELLE SPARKLING CATAWBA L.OCUELMER NIERSTEINER LIQUEUR DES BENEDICTINS CHARTREUSE CURAOOA MARASCHINO RUSSIAN K?MMEL ABSINTHE - VERMOUTH PARFAIT AMOUR OREME DE ROSE NO lt EA BX 3 ANISETTE. E. E. BEDFORD, janll No. 275 King street. ? jS REMEN LAGER BEER ENGLISH ALES SCOTOH ALES CHAMPAGNE ALE3 LONDON PORTERS D?BL1N PORTE R8 CHAMPAGNE CIDER. E. E. BEDFORD, anil_No. ?75 King grwpt ?QICKSON n OTT OM SEED. 200 bushels Seleoted SEED, No. 1 3uo bushels seed, No. 2. Hie above seid ls raised from the No. 1 Seed Imported direct from DAVID UIUKSON, Sparta, Ga., 1870, and growu on the Marshland Farm near this city. For sale at very low prices by J, 0. U. C LA CSS EN, fet>3-ftu Market street. <B>rox*rig0, Cupwrgt &t. jQ.*0 B~N! CO R NT~ 20,000 bushels Prime WHITE CORK, la store 10,000 bushels Prime White Corn, to arrive from Baltimore and Norfolk. fcFor sale by T. TUPPER k SONS. marl7-6 gALTED SIDES AND SHOULDERS. 300 boxes Prime Long Clear MIDDLES 100 boxes Prime D S. Shoulders 60 tierces Choice Lard. For sale by T. TUPPER k SONS. marnie .. . . ,_ Q.REAT INDUCEMENT^ FOR CASH PURCHASERS, AT LINLEY'S CHEAP STORE, No. 388 KINO STREET, SIGNS OF THE CROCKERY HOUSE AMD CAROLINE TEA AOEMOT. THE PL?0E FOR GOOD TEAS AT LOW PRICES. Parties desirons of getting the best and the most for their cash, would do well to give me a call, as I have reddced the greater part of my Stock Ur - Og urea very slightly in advance of Importing costs. I have Tm hand a targe stock of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, Tinware^Hardware, Glassware, ana House Furnishing Goods generally. Bear In mind that I am selling Old Government Java Coffee A lbs. for tl, and the very best Young Hyson Tea by the pound package for $150; choice Syrup for 76 cents per gallon; Cm heit Sugar 7 lbs. and best Leaf Lard 6* lbs. for $1. All other goods uni? formly low. Quality of goods and down weights guaranteed. A large lot of Looking Glasses much below manufacturer's cost. JOHN W. LINLEY. marie-lyr w. H. : W B L O H, SUCCESSOR TO TBE PALMETTO PIONEER CO-OPErUTTVE GROCERY, Corner Meeting and Market Streets. .*?_ Having now In store a full and complete Stock of GROCERIES, WINES, LIQUOR*. Ac, I would respectfully invite the at.temi ?a of purchasers to the same. Prices as low as the lowest, with quality and weight of goods guaranteed. Having received the Agency for the Great United states Tea Compn ny, I am prepared to offer bargains in the TEA Une. - AU Goods delivered free. mario S RINGLES! SHINGLES! Prime CYPRESS SHINGLES, in bunches, dellv vered either at the city or at Sullivan's Island, i-or sale by SHACKELFORl) A KELLY, marl6-lmo_No. 1 Boyce's Wharf; VTEW CROP MUSCOVADO AND CLAYED ll MOLASSES. 60 hhds. I Superior Bright New Crop Mus* 60 tierces I - covado MOLASSES. 160 hhds. 1 Superior Bright New Crop, Clayed 26 tierces) Molasses. The above cargo, imported by Schooner willie Martin, from Cardenas, in new packages, in fine order, is now being landed at Atlantic Wharf. For sale by J. A. ENS LOW A CO., marl4 No. 141 East Bay. QORN! CORNI CORNI 10,000 bushels Prime White, Mixed and Yellow CORN. For sale by marl") T. J. KERR k CO. JOE SALE. 500 bushels White Seed RICE, very pure. JAMES R. PR?GLE k SON, Factors and Commission Merchants, mare-mwftS No. 6 Adger's Wharf. J^-EW ORLEANS MOLASSES, SUGAR, ?rc 250 nola. New Orleans MOLASSES 60 hhds. New Orleans Sugar 100 boxes Havana Sugar 300 bags Rio Coffee 600 pkgs. Smoked and Dry Salted Bacon. For sale low by STEFFENS, WERNER A-DUCKER. feolS-lmo Jg AGON! BACON ! BACON! in store and receiving : 50 hhds. c. R. BACON SIDES (Western) 60 hhds. Heavy Western Bacon Shoulders 26 tierces Prime S. 0. Hams (canvased.) For sale low at MACQUEEN' * RIECKE'S, maru_Noa. 21 and 23 Vendue Range. IV ERPOOL SALT. 3600 sacks Liverpool SALT, landing rrom Bark Beitlste, direct from Liverpool. For sale by feb8 T. J. KERR k CO. IL SON & BRO. Have now In Stock a large and rarefully selected Assortment of FINE DRAWING TEAS, which they are selling at 25 cents per pound be. low last year's prices f?rjame quality. Parties desiring a good article la the Tea line would do weU to try them. We have also a TULL STOCK OF GROCERIES, In which Hue wo feel satisfied that from our long experience in business to sell you as low, if not LOWER, than an?'other store In the city. ?S- ALL GOODS i ?ELI VER ED FREE. 8AM. H. WILSON ? BRO., Anson and Soolety street* JgUTTER ! BUTTER ! Strictly. Prime GOSHEN BUTTER, always on band, ac WILSON'S GROCERY. rJIOMATOES! TOMATOES! Canned TOMATOES, $2 per dozen. WILSON'S GROCERY. gUGARS! SUGARS! Seven pounds CRUSHED SUGAR, $1 Seven and one-quarter pounds "A" Sugar, $1. All Goods delivered free. No charge for Pack? ing. WILSON'S G > OGERY, Anson and Society streets. QOFFEE! COFFEE! RIO COFFEE, als and one-quarter pounds, $1. A better article than sold elsewhere at a higher price. At WILSON'S GROCERY, a Anson and Society streets. YEAST POWDEL PRESTON A MERRILL'S Pioneer's G%tz Sea Foam' Horsford's self-Raising Preparations Royal Baking Powders Dr. Price's Cream Powders. For sale at WILSON'S GROCERY, Anson and Society streets. XetDspuperg, iilnqannes, &z. ^SK FOR THE MARCH NUMBER OF THE RURAL CAROLINIAN, and read the following articles : Does Farming Pay in the south ? D. Wyatt Aiken; Commercial Manures with Experiments,- Edward McIntosh; Car. Una Rtce in Italy, F. Peyre Porcher; Esparto Crass, Eugene W. Hllgard; The Fig, a Neglected Resource. P. J. Berckmaus; Experiments with Tomatoes, R. Chlsolm; I ri-di Potatoes for Winter Use, H. W Ravenel; Is the >om u a stock Coan try? D. Wyatt Aiken; Bee Hires and Bee Charm? ing, P. J. Quattieoanm; History of Charleston Phosphates, L. M. Hatch. Also many other articles, varied correspond? ence and much editorial matter m this the LEAD? ING SOUTHERN AGRICULTURAL MAGAZINE. Subscription, $2 per annum. Address RURAL CAROLINIAN, feb27 Charleston, S. C. C HARLES TON ADVERTISING AGENCY, CORNER BROAD STREET AND BAST BAT. ADVERTISEMENTS taken at publishers1 lowest cash rates for ALL PAPERS in the United State. WALKER, EVANS A QUOaWELK deeral wt