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' ? ? 1 ? 1 ? COMMERCIAL NEWS. Imports. CARDENAS-Per scar Willie Martin-210 hhd9 and 75 toa molasses. To J A KnBlow ? co. SAHANA-Per sehr H L Snow-is,soo cocoanut*, 300 bunches bananas, 200 squashes, 1 bbl ginger root. To H F Bater * co. Exports. LIVERPOOL-Per Br bark Bell iste-104 bags sea Island and 983 bales upland cotton. 100 bags cot? ton seed, 150 tons phosphate rock. Nsw YORK-Per sehr Mary Farrow-93,600 fee', lumber. _"_ Vue CliStrleatou colton, Klee amt Naval Stores Harket. . * OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS. I " MONDAY EVENING, Marcb 13, ?s?l. J COTTON.-Tbe demand was somewhat limited Tor this article, but while the market presented a quiet aspect factors exhibited rather more confl dence In consequeitce of better .dispatches, and the staple closed wi: h an improved feeling, at un? changed figures, sales about 500 bales, say is at IOK, 95 at UX, 23 at UK, 47 at 12, 38 at 12K, 45 at 13,101 at 13K. 19 at 13>4, 63 at 13K, 6 at 14,25 at 14KC 9 m. We quote: IiTVBRFOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to gooiLordluary. Low middling..*..13K@r>K Middling.13K&13K Strict middling.14 @- _ RICE.-The transactions were light with a steady market. Sales 40 tierces of Clean Carolina, say ll tierces at "Kc, 30 at s l-i6c ^ a?: We quote common to fair at 7K@7Kc, good 7K@8c $ to. NAVAL STORBS.-There were no sales of note. Stock light. . FRBIQHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct nomi? nal on uplands; via New York, 5/,0> on up? lands, ld@iKd oa sea islands ;. by sai. 7-16 on uplands, V- ou sea islands, To Havre nomiual. coastwise-:o' Nsw York, by steam, Kc on uplands and xe on -se-' islands; $125"A tierce on rice; by Bail, J.. "?> lb o;. ootton; - "* tierce on rice; 40c. "(* barrel oa ros.a . $7@s "ft Mon lumber; $B@IO ft M on timber. Tc Boston, by sall, Kc *ft lb on upland cotton To Providence, by sall $9 9 M oajjoards, >.c V lb on cotton; by steam $1 bale on New York rates. To Philadelphia, by steam, 3?c H rb on uplands; by sall, $7 $ M OB boards; $9 on timber; $3 Ht toa on clay, aad$S@3 50 yu rhos ?hatea. To Baltimore, by steam, Kc 1? to; by sail, $3 50@7 9 M ou boards; $3<?3 25 V toa OL phosphate rock. Ve-?Us are ia demaml by our merchants to take lamber freights fri m Georgetown, S. c., Harlen and Satllla River, Ca and Jacksonville, Fia., to Northern ports, and $10, @12 fi M are the rates on lamber and beards. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 day bills 21. DOMESTIC Ex cu AN UK. - The banks pu*cua:e Bight checks at y, orr, aud sell at par. >GOLD-lftK?llX' - - Markets by Tc leg rup h. HON"EY MARKETS? " LONDON, March l?-Noon.-Consola 91X- Bonds ?IX. livening.-Securities unchanged. PBA>KFORT, March ia.-Bona closed at 96X. NEW YORE, March 13.-Noon.-Freie fite steady. Goverumeuts very steady and dub. Stocks open? ed strong, weak on- call, but better afterwards. Money 5. Gold steady at ll Ai. Exchange. lODg 9X; short 10K- . . Evening.-freights dub; steam, cotton 5-loaXd, grain 6KU. Mun ey easy at 3a5. Sterling 9Ka9Ai. ' ?old iiKaliK- Governments very dull. Sixty twos 12#. Southerns dull. "Virginias very strong. 2??rth can. lin aa U? le om Tennessee.* 64*,: new 6*K- Virginia* *7 ; new 93K* Louisianas es ; nerv? es. Levees 72K; eights 85. Alabamas 100; fives S9K> Georgias SI; t ev ens 90. North, caro hu a s 47; new Z?K- South Caroimas 78; new MM. Nsw OKLXANS, March li.-Stetling 21 X" Sight H. Gold UK. corros MARKETS. LIVERPOOL, Marcb 13.-Noon.-Cotton dull and unchanged;"upiaad&7J1d ; Uritans \% ; sales rO.uoo hales. Evening-Cotton quiet ??cd steady; upland*. 7Ka?>?d; Orleans- T?jfa7-t*u- dales 1:2,000 bales; speculation and export 3CMW; Bombay shipments, since last report, to loth, 9000 bales. ' 4 NEW YOB?, Marct?'18-Noon.-cotton quiet and Arm;'middling uplands 14K, Orreaua 15K; sales sooo bales. Evening.-Cotton arm and offering* light; sales 4411 bales ?Uljfo.- ? ? * B08SDM. Marou 13.--Cotton quiet and firm; mid- \ dungs l5Kc; net receipts isa bales; gross 5So; sales.400; stock u.otra. 1 BAXTuiuitE, March 13.-Cotton quiet and arm ; sJlddlings l4Kal4Kcv;.net receipts ?B bales-gross 410; exports coasrtvUe 142; sales 375; stuck las?. NOKEOLE, March 13.-Cotton firm; low mjd dhpg 12Kal2J?c; net receipts-2677; exports' coast? wise 1598; sales 160; actual stock talen to day awaiting slilpiutut 6766 bales. WiMttxeTON; -March lai-Cotttm Inscrive ah fl nommai; middlings 13c;uet rece.p? 64; .exports ooastwise 670 : st c ck 32is bales. - \ AOQCSTA, Marta 13.-Co; iou closed Arm at 13?sc formiddluig; sales 400 bales; receipts 640. SAVANNAH, March in.- cou on firm, with abare supply good cotton; middlings 13J?cj net receipts, 2514 balea. Exports tc*Great Britain, 3002; coast? wise, 2429t.saies, SOO; stout 7t994. MOBILE, March 13.-cotton armer; middlings 14al4Kt; net receipts 1954 bales; exports coast Viise 9t?; sales 980; aiock 60?592.. GALVESTON, Match 18.-Cotton-good ordinary'I 12Kc; net receipts 238i:expoi*8 toGieat Buiaiu 1600: Coutlneut 1525; coastwise 143; sales ooo; Block 03:6 bales, NEW ORLEANS, Mai eli -13.-Cotton firm-r, but not highe. ; middlings I4dl4&c; net receipts, 13,857; gross revcipts, 14,157. Exports to Liver? pool, 6364-. to Coi k, 15C0; to Anuvw p, 3373. Sales, 9600; steck, 294,550. PROVISIONS AND FRODCCE MABE1.TS. LIVERTUOL, March 13-Noon.-Breadalufis quiet. Turpentine LOS sd tv 37s. Evening.-Cumberland cut 49s; short middies 60s6d. Turpentine 37? 8d. - - NEW YORE, March 13-Noon.-Flour quiet-ead steady. Wheat quiet aud unchanged. Corn aun 11 and firm. Pork dull at ?21 S7a2l50. Lasu quw-ir at njiaivK- Tnrpeutlne duh at 53. Rosin quiet at $2 70u2 bo for strained. -Evening.-Flour, Southern steady; common to fair extra S7.n 60; good .to coolee $7 65a9. Whis? key firm at ?3ii;c. Wheat more active; winter lcd Souther ti $160; winter red aud amber .Westecu I tl 7oal 72. corn scarce and finner at 87aSJK eta.'. Klee firm. Pork firmer at- sxi ?xiaxi 75.? Beer steady. Lani a shtde better; kettle 13>?C. Tur r;utine duh at 53o. Rosin .quiet; strained $2 70a. 80. Tallow steady. CINCINNATI, Marett ia-Flour steady. Corn, full prices, r ru Visums dull and unchauged. Whiskey 81c: NEW OBXE.VNS, March la,-Flour drill and lower; supei $0 25; double $7; treble $7 25. Coru scaicu and firmer; white 728*78?. Oats firmer; Ohio River 64c; St. Louis 67u6Sc. Bran $130. Hay prime S25a20. Pork dull and loner; meas o Bacunduli; held at 9KullKal2Kc. hugar-cure<l hams lOaiOKc. Lard dull; lieicti 12Kal3c; kv g 14al4,^c. Sugar 6a5K- lah- 7Ka8c; prime 9KaR'c. MolaSiCa-good fermenting 30a40c;Reboiled 42c. -? Havana .Ujuktt. HAVANA. Marcb 4.-Sales of-segar here and at Matanzas give a total for the week past of 15,161 bo xi s oi sugar of all classes- and shades; 1840 hogsheads oi muscovadoes and reflrrliig augers, centrifugals anu molasses goods counted 1n; ldtu hogsheads*?!' concentrated svrup, and 0500 hoga heads ol c!a\ed (450uX and muscovado molasses. The rates of previous quotailims have been ans tamed and icpeated,.although wc ure aware that some lots of NdJ. ll and 12 hare been disposed o: at PKCKK reals per-arrobe. Quotations eontlunt: For white, llirougb, ?G to ?T?? per loo ponuo< yellow^lo, Nos. 3 tc 20, at $5K t? f ?K do;ttre?rn, do. Nos. 11 and 12, at ibu to Sf> do. aud cucu? ruchos, Nos. 9 tu lo, at ?4K to s?K do. These quotations hold good lor Matanzas by a' small fraction less itu v.ugh ail classes and qc a : ties. Shipped hence and irgm Matanzas: ?19,373 boxes and 5279 hlxis, 01 "which to the Dulled ?tates and north of Hal teraa 6703 boxes -und 5215 bhds; to Falmouth 10.268 boxes and, 114 hhds, and balance to O'btr l-.uropean ports direct, save io boxes to Veia Cruz and l box to St. Thomas. MOLASSES.-Sales reported above mostly at Ma? tanzas, and quotattous seem determined at 5 rs for clayed and 5K do for Muscovado. Honey is looked tor at 75c per gallon. lu leaf tobacco aud cigars there is nothing more new to advise, ai.d tobacco plant?is aie more hopelul, and thc lactoues have orders for all they can put upon the market, while the street dealers Have lu hand ail ine Eastern lear (caned vuelta-alajo.) lerthe bentot cf strangers who seek cheap cigars. Boston ?l u rke t. BOSTON,. March 8.-COFFEE.-There ls very little change to nonce murree. The trade are purchasing in small lots us wanted, and sales ct Java at 19Ka23c, goid, and Kio at 14al6Kc per lb, gold. In Si. Domingo, for export', the sales have been 35U bags cummou aud 150 bags Cape at full prices. This desctlption luie?at Braise per lb, gold, in bond. OOTruN.-Tim market for-thls article has de? clined quite raoidi.. the past week, and although prices are believed uow to have touched very lust? figures, there ls no deposition to atari up to uny exteut?. Manufactuiers, however, have been well supplied by reuen 1 large receipts. The sales have been but moderate, aud we m>w quute ordinary atllKitllKc, good ordinary at l2Kal3c, low mid? dling at l3Kal4,<?c, and middling at 14Xul6Kc, Including uplands and Gulf. DOMESTICS.-Tue mov- ments in cotton goods lodicate no material chance. S-.une styles of priuta have eHSevl oh Kc 9 yard, but other stand? ard couous-and wool ens have not varied materi? ally, wu ht? fair Jobbing demand, aud indioutious n?more aL'live lril(,e at ?o ?arly day. i"r,Yii*NY Ba?3-There ha^ been considerable do nricMgUTnNAB??3,.L>UL w'thout improvement lu SK?^? ???JPS it?cluJe 1000 balc8. on the spot GUNNY CLOTH.-This article if h?n n^. continues quiet. ffwT^SSS^?iffJSSktS domesuc baggtug at 20a2OKc ? ??1 ? .AIL? jeuvery l?!&viff?^T^^t j HAT.-There has been a steady demasd. tor this article, and the sales have been ai tl9a20T?..ton as to Quality. ' '. ' H fe *' "- ?, ? * &>. . NAVAL sioRE8.-SplfitB turpentine is a Shade lower, with sales at 58?a59>ic per gallon. Tar to quiet and remains the same. In rosin eales or so bbls pale at $8, and 400 bbls common strained at S2 S5a2 87jTP? 0DW Pitco ia/ quiet-pt-prevlous PrKiOB.-The market ls firm for thto article, with saies or io!) casks carolina at 8??a9c per lb lor good and prime. Easton & Co.'s Colton Report, for the Week Ending March 10,1871. SEW YORK, March ll.-THE MARKET.-Io our I last repoit the market closed duU and depressed ; middlings l4#c. Saturday the market was quiet and unchanged: sales 2M| bales. Monday the. market wa^ dull and irregular; und prices were easier for thc poorer grades; sales 6923 bales; middlings 14Xc. Tuesday themarket was quiet and prices-were unchanged; the offerings were ralr, bufthere was less disposition shown on the part of holders to realize; sales S290 bales, wed oesdav the market was Meadfer, with a fair in? quiry "rrotn spinners a :d exporters; sales 42i. bales; middlings 14?ic. Thursday, with ?vor* Ole roreign advices, tr.e market was Armer and. prices '<c high?; saleB 4806 bales; midd lugs 1 147ic. Yesterday there was a moderate business transacted,-at easier prices; the offerings were fair, but no piessure v. as exhibited on the pari-oT towera to realize; sates 3007 bales; middlings 1 C* upland New and Floridas. Mobile. Orleans. Texas.* n* Good ordinary. .12}? ? UM 12? 13 Low m hulling...?? BX 14 14*4 Middling.MM UK 15 h Wi Sties ol thc week 25,104 bales, Including 3640 to spinners, 17& to speculators, and 19,250 to ex? porters* " r Gross receipts at this port tor toe week 32,113 bales. Since 1st September-, 707,311 bale?, against. 50S.563 last year. RECEIPTS,-This week show an excess over those of same week last j ear or loti per cent. Ther ex? cess since. 1st of September is now 835,641 bales, pointing to a crop 01 3,950,000 bales, with receipts tor balance ot season no larger than last year. '1 he receipts tor the next ten weeks last year ave? raged _45,9;6 balea ir reCVipts should be 50 per cent over last year, the crop would be 4,200,000. The excess In" receipts at the different ports is as follows: New Orleans 21.53, Mobile 32.48, Galves? ton C8.04, florida 53.29, Savanuah 55.65, Charles? ton 50.07, New Xork 82.53, Boston 53.4C. \\ dook for free receipts alie* Orleans, and especially at Galveston, for aome tlma-yet;-. ? STATISTICAL JSOSTJIOK. j. , 'HW. ' K70; ?tocK lu Liverpool.bales 708,000 271,210 Ailoat from India. 99,ooo 89,uou Afloat from America.. ::?o,ooo 3i3,ooo ?toct in London. 70.340 69.000 Anoat-ior London...". 63.U?D 31,000 Stock In Havre. 43,870 74.080 Afloat for Havre.*.. 950 38,313 i stock m Bremen. 3,co5. e,563 AUuat for Bremen..* 41,870 2?,3ti7 stock Ul Culled Slates porttl.. 7U2,344 531,597 -?tock lu thc interior to wuc... 112,217 101,908 T?tai?.:."3?260.aso 1,049,035 Excess in visible supply, compared wita 1870. 711,051 Stock of colton held by Man? chester spinners at tue mids.:....:....: 95,000 Price of mid. Orleans in Liverpool. ..7?id ll ?-10d. Price ol mid. Orleans in New Y>jt&.ib%c 22c. Price or guld.Wi l&X Xevr Yoi?. Kiev Market. from the Dady Bulletlu. March Hr There is a slight retail movement m donielle but the prices cirent have a tendency to retard the demand; . and pi>rcna?es are only made thrungli necessity. We leam of a few tierces at 8X88X0. Forelgu is I iu good demand 1er home use and export and pretty firm, though a larger supply near ut Inna is likely to prevent any great advance. Sales ol 300 bags Rangoon at 7,';-7^c. From the Journal 01 Commerce: There is- no new feature ia. domestic. Tho a.'uck ia small and ls flrroly held, wtnie thedrmar.d4s confined tonic -few suialt lota required ror dully use. We -quote s aS.'jC. In Kaugoou mere :-> 1res dui.?g. but prices remaio steady. We notice salta ot soo bags. We quote 3;?U3,'?C go d, for lots ia boud, and 7ii7,'?c curiency?os lots duty paid. From the Times: Dornest lc very high, very Urin, and very <miei, ?1 c.uneq-ieuce-of sayers reinsing" to submit tu the rates asked. Small boud. From the -Wo?kt: Rice has been in light de? mand since our last at about steady prices. Caro? lina $&iS62)i; itang 'Uii $7a7 -5. currency, and do, lu bond, ai $3 Iff MO*) 4o,.gold, per loo lbs. Sales 3? bags Rangoo?, irr bond, torn?me usc, on piivtM terms. .. t .. -Mew York Hay Market. From the Daily Bulletin, March ll: Receipts to day 14 car toada HW il 900 bales by boat. With foi leotlpf*. a moderate demand/ayd larges tock.-?, prices arbitregitlar ami heavr for all grides or hay nut strictly cuulue. The sales ure 390 bale? lor Cha. Uston at gi 15, 13a bales fur Fernandina at il li. 50 balt s for Camp l'iuckuey nt $1 20. iou bales for Wtimiugton tit $120, and 'JJb bales lor JaCkJOL vii.ej (repotted -also) -at gi -aa Retah of j the orrt quality to held ni formar prices un ac? count 0/ ?earclty. Straw 4< lu helter supply aud easier ui prk e, with a downward tendency, aa re? ceipts ly boat become mure nt-ei-td; marciano demand for lots. .'luumuuHiy Cotton S tai "intu?. MONTGTJMKRY. March i>. Stockt un naud j tem bel' 1, i-.;o.1,? Received |<HSI week..'. *..?j Received previously.81,896-85,790 Total...87,371 Shipped rust Wiek:..-.,.1.G57 Siilpped previously.77.G51-79.C0S Srock on hand Thursday night;' : ? - - March 9,1871.;. S.063 Selma Cotton Statement. * SELMA, March' 10. Stock on hand september 1, IS70.bales.. 1272 Received this week. 950 To; a?'............... r......... ~ .T^SI Shipped this week.1,183 Shipped previously.?70,279-71,482 Stock on hand Friday. March 10, if 71... 6,379 * Interior Cotton Markets. ' ' MONTGOMERY, March ll -Market to dull at j .12,'?c 1QW middlings. SELMA, March H.-There were sates yesterday to tire amount of ?e bales. Low middling L?tfc; strict gnud ordinary 12.>ic. Fuetora aaked the above rates, bul buyers uflei ed less. Good cotton scarce. tim r :)n. by UailrcoU. March 13. - SOCTU OAUOL1KA KAILKOAO. 1032 bules conon, 43 tales goods,-l cars stock. Tu Rai,toad Agent, Geo W Williams A co, Peleer. Rodgers A co, TV Smith, Frost A Adg'er, Gen H Walter A co. Mow rt A Sou, Mu rd aug h A Mathews, J N Robson. A J Salluas. A B Mulligim, Pringle & Son, W C Courtney A co. Sloao A Seigaioun, W C BOCA- co. Thurston A Holmes, Geo A Tienholm A sScm, Brodie A co. > "S'OKTHEASTEJtN KATLlthAP. 07 bales cotton, l32 bbls naval stores, 70 bushels peas, cars ?umber, mdse. Ac. To G tv Williams * co, Frost 4 Atlger, A J Salinas, T P Smiih, J Mar? shal!, Jr, Klasmau A lin well, Pelze-, Budgers A cu, Crasser A- Smith, Partien A Parky, F Weh? muuu.-? W Thornley, Caldwell A Sou. L D Mowry & Son. E Welling, Railroad .\.g?ent ann Older. - g .. MA ui A J? jv;JE irs. CI!A:;LSSTON? S. C........MARCH 14. ISTL ARRiTED YKSTEitDAI Stea nship Virginia, Hunter, Phiiadeiphhi-?crt 9th inst.. Mdse. To w A Cuurtnev, E J Adams ?G Bi rn?, ws'Missel', Brtm^&jru?r, w,M hird k co. Bunmsfcn BroS^Byrtre *A Foitartle", Tl B?sjuoff A co. uipt G W Bradley, A il Brown, Ed Bates A co. T M Bristol! A co, T > Butta, C Bare A CU, John commins, C A Cateo m, Cameron, Ba:Kley i co McD Cuhin, VS H Chaffe A co, T CaiuobtU, J C H -Cia assen, L Chap?n A co.Mraue, Buy (stun A co, E Daly,Douglas A Miller, Elias Bree, J M r a?bn A Bru, Fiirc:ijiott, Beueolct *, cu. Fugartle's BOOK House, J M Greer A Sou, I) F Gleason, ll Gerdts A co, J H Grotlieer Goodrich, Y>'iut.m.iu A to P P Murray, - Hummtrschmidt, Dr T E Hertz,' J F Johauns, Johnston. Crews & co. J lt Johnson, T J Kerr A co, Jeffords A co. il KUI te .v co, Klltici; 1 Wicken berg A co, ? L Kamann ns, L Kenake, A D Lorentz,' Knobe'och A- Sinai], .Mttntouc A co LD Mowry A Sun, M W Marshall, W Mancher, j'uu 1. Milnur A co. Macqueen A Riecke, Mordecai A co A Niemanu. M N Nathan, News oillce, N E Rail rca-!, B O'Neill, Ostend or fl k co, F updebeeck, D O'Neill A Sons. Pierce A co. E PIUS, J R Pringle A Son, J A Quaekenbush. J Russell, Ravenel ,v co, j W Wildaus A co, Walker. Bvaas'A C- gswtll.s O Railroad co, P '.Villah, Titos lt Waring, and other?. On Sundaj. ut 5 P M. off Cipe lookout, passed the steamship Ctiauiplon, (rum Charlesion lor New York. Tue Virginia oxpenenced Heavy weather ou t he passage. Bark Midas, Higgins, St Ileana, SC, - davs. Ballast. Tu W Roach A co. Southern Line sehr L A Dancnhower. Grace. Philadelphia-10 days. Mdse. To H F Baker k co, Ralhoad Agent.* W S Bissen, JJ Bischofl A co, G w Ali?ar, Dr ll Raer. Do wie, Moise A Davis, J B Duval A sou. H A Due, Cameron, Barkley & co, c D Franke, J 41 Fredsbesgi w F Paddon, Jeffords A co. C L Kornahrens, Geo W Williams k co. Tiede; maun, Calder A co, Ravenel, l!ojne3 & co, C F Pankhl'i, R White. II Stelnken. T M Cater, Kins? man-A Howell, M Qoklsnttth * Son, CGraveley, n Cob:a A co, W Shepherd A co. Sehr Je sie s Clark, Clark, Philadelphia-10 dav?. Mdse. To H F Baker A co. Cameron, Barkley A co. Railroad Agent. Sehr Helen L Snow. Snow, Sam ana Bay, (San Domingoi-lidayff. Fruit. -To H F Baker A co. Sehr Willie Wariin. Notes, cardenas-5 days. Molasses. Ta J A Enslow A co. Scar Elten. Ragero, Cumbahee. :ooo bushels ough j ice. To W c Bee A co. TILL LiJ-Lfl steamer Eliza Hancox, Burna, Savannah, via Jjeaix'ort, Ac 15 bags sea island cotton, mdse, Ac. To Ravenel, Hohnes; A co, D McPherson. PincWiey Bros, G Foirt?, D Heyward, W H Harri? son, Southern Express co, and Order. Sloop Julia Dean, Harria Combahee. 1200 bush? els rough rice. To W c Bee A co. Received from; Chlsolm'a Mill. 114 tierces rice. To P G Haselfand THAW Dewees. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Br bark Beltiste, Nielsen, Liverpool-R Mure A co. - ' Sehr Mary Farrow, Bagley; New Yofk-Wm Roach A co. . Sehr Eureka; Mayo, Baltimore via Eucksville, S C-J A Enslow A co. ? SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr Edith B Everman, Corson, Jacksonville, Fla. Sehr C S Groves, Weaver, Union Island, Ca. FROM THIS POUT. Br bark James ives, Carroll, Liverpool, March 9. Sehr Ida Birds'all. Birdsall, Darien, Ga, March o. CLEARED "FOR THIS PORT. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, New York. March ll. . MEMORANDA. . NEW YORK, March 13.-Returned 'for repairs, steamship Harrisville, for Savannah, with three flanges of her screwflsroken. Shipping. aphOB ^MIT ; O RLE AK S. " The fine Brig MARY E. ROWLAND, Row-^?U land*, Master, having a large portion or herJflMl fargo engaged ana going on board, will be cl ti? pa1 ched for the above port. Foe Freight engagements, apply to marl4_ STREfcT BROTHERS A CO. jp O B N E W ORLEANS. The tine fast-sailing Schooner "WILLIE J?? MARTIN.'', Master, having part of ????2 cargo engaged, will meet with dispatch. For further engagements, apply to J. A. ENSLOW A CO., marl4 No. 141 EastTJay. jp O R PHILADELPHIA, a WEBEJ?f STEAM?NB^TH?RSDAYS. The Iron Screw Steamship V * H GI N I A. HUNTER, Command?e, ~ Will be dispatched for PliUadelph?a on THURSDAY, 16th March, ac 2- o'clock P., M.. from Brown's North Wharf. ?3-Thron g h Bills Lading wul be issued to Boa ton. For Freight engagements apply to WM. A. 4dOUlrTENAY, marl3-miuth3_No. 1 Union Wnaii rjiHSOUGH BILLS LADING TO AND FROM 8ALTCS0RE PHIL A DEL Pill A, BOSTON, UltE.ME.V, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. Tue one Steamship FALCON, ^FtSft Haynle, commander, will sail fur BsJ-?UgSf ttmore on TCESDAY, 141U March, at u o'clock,. Hf Pnuaueipnu Freights forwarded to mat oily by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Congiguees arc allowed mn' pit: time tu sample and sell their QOOtls from ilie Railroad Depot iu Phlladei/hia. PAUL C. TRE.NHOLM. Agent, mar9-S No. 'J Union Wharves. J3AC?FIO MAIL STEAMSHIP C?MPY't . rHKOCGH LJNE xo . , CA Ll FOB NI A, CHINA AND J Ai ?ti FARES GREATLY REDUCED. steamers ofthe abov? line leave r:er>f?t No. 42, North River, foot of Canal^&fififi itreatJSnw York, at 12 o'ejoek noon,, oi the Sb .iiiu t:otli of every month (except. wh,eu tlies* . '.aiea fallon sunday, then tue saturday prereu Ueparture of tue 20th connect at ramtma. writ learners for South Pacltic and central, America: .uris. Those of 4th touch at Manzanillo. Steamship JAPAN leaves san Francisco Tor Ja lian ana China April 1,18T1. No California steamers'touch at Havana, bu co direct from New York to Aspiuwall. ' .Due hundred pounds baggage each adult Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets dr other information appf ol the COMPANY'S TTCfvET 'OFFIiJE, on tat wharf -foot of Canal street. North Rjreu,.N. ?Vrk, F.?t.??ABY,'Agcr.t. ?.iu.yliviyr . . ... _ poa is AV AHMAH:. . ELEGANT STATE ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS; The Splendid Steamer DICTATOR, Captain L. M. Coxetter. will i?n?*~ . southern. Wharf on TCESPAY EVENING, Barel 1871. tit 8.30 o'clock, Tor The above place. The splendid Steamer el i Y POINT. Captain 0. B. Vincent, will leave Sou:hern Wharf for the above place on FRIDAY EVENING, March 17. lgij, at 8.30 o'clock. . RAVEN EL & CO., marl!_. . _Agents. XpOE SAVANNAH VIA BEAUFORT AND PACIFIC LANDING. Tue Steamer PILOT HOY, Cantala J. W.^sly, will leave Central Wharf. for above points every MONDAY MUUM.SU. at 8 o'clock, and fur Beaufort and FacllU Landing every THURSDAY, leu-vingaeie at 8 o'clock A. M. For Freight or Passage, apply to J. D. AIKEN, Agont, fehl _No. 6 Central Wharf. ^TEEKLY LINE TO SAVANNAH! THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. . FOR PACIFIC ?lANDING, BEAUFORT, HILTON HEAD; SAVANNAH", DARIEN AND BRUNSWICK, GA. The favorite steamer ELIZA HANCOX,' _ - Captain L. W. BURNS, will receive Freight- at Accommoda- . ?3^*s ..?on wharf for above points every.uS?mWBmel tVESDAT, 3ad "leave on every "WEDNESDAY MUK.-, ISO. at 7 o'clock, arriving at aavauuah the sam: evening, and leaving for Darwn, ?ii:., the follow mg moriuug. Returmng, wdl leave savannau,to: Ciiarleston every MONDAY MCXNINQ, at 7 o'clock For Freight Or pas-sage, ajjplv to RATENEL. HOLMES & CO., SfcplQ. . No.T77 East B ?7. FLORIDA, TWICE A VVEEK. FOR SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE, I'lLATEA AND ALL IldNTa" Oji THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. . Tr.e Steamer DICTATOR, Ceptam _ -.'i'*?^ L. M. COXETTER, will suii fmiVT^'VTra -Soushern Wharf tor above points ovvrj I'liiuui ?.99 o'clock; arriving back at Ul mri/** : on every SUNDAY AJTEUKOON, at 6 o'clock. Tlio Steamer CITY POINT. Captain P. h. Vincent, will sail from Southern Wharf iur above point* every - FRIDAY EVENING, at ?.30 o'clock, arriving back at Charleston VHMKESDAY AFTERNOON, al .. o'clock. RAVEN EL & CO.. Agent?, octlO_._Southern whatf. JP OR WRIGHT'S BL?-FF, AND KTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE SANTEE RIVER. The steamer MARION, Captain W. F. Adair, ls now receiving Freight,^ a*. Aecomiuodatlon Wharf, and will leaved NESDAY NIGHT, the loth instant. Freight and warfage prepaid. No Freight received alter sunset. For Freight engagements. a:>ply to - . RA VEN EL. HOLMES'* CO., mar?-1:_No. 177 East Day. pOR GARDNER'S BLUF/, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE? DEE RIVER, VIA GEORGETOWN. To accommodaie shippers, the Steamer PLANTER, Captain J. T. ?fea? Foster, will continue to receive Frel?hT?TA Tiu raocatlon Wharf, and have TO-NIOHT, 14th inst. Freight aad Wharfage prepaid. ... For Freight or Passnae, having stateroom accommodations, apply .to '- '.<; - . - .RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO, "marl M ? ? . > No. 177 Fan Bay. JpOR GARDNER'S BLUFF, AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE? DEE RIVER, VIA GEORGETOWN, S. 0. The Steamer PLANTER, Capt. J. T. Foster., is now receiving freight at,_ Accommodation wharf-, and will leave on MUN? DAY NIGHT, tue 13th instant. Freight and wharfage prepaid. 9 For freight or passage, having stateroom aciom . modatlona, apply to RAVENEL, HOLMES A CO.. marll-2 No. 177 East Bay. LU Lili O J. Vil IMZi TT ?. x LUI Kjxs. j. j? 5t?ijjping. OK NEW TOSS ON THUBSDAY, MARCH 16TH, AT?PO?R O'CLOCK P. M. SEW IRON STEAM LISE-ESTABLISHED 1&7U STATE-ROO.MS ALL ON DECK. The Splendid New Iron Side Wheel Steamship SOUTH CAROLINA, Beckett^ Commander, ^Ul sail for New York on THURSDAY. March ictb,*at 4 o'clock P. M.. from Pier No. -2. Union Whams* The fine new Iron Steamship GEORGIA m\\\ follow on THO* KS DAY, March 23d. ? Through Billa o? Lading given-on Colton to Liverpool, Bostou,-ProTidence and ihe^New-Ecg; land-3ianm*acturing Ttfwiia, at- tne.^owesPmar ket rates. insurance by Steamers of Jhis Une >? per cant. For Freight Engagements or Passage, having very fine state-room accommodations, apply to ' WAGNER, HUGER A CO.. So. 29 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTES AY", No. \ Union Wharves. marl3-4 ._ JP 0 R NE IV YO. UK OLD LINE \ E\V YORK AM) CHAUL?S TON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISHED 1845. SPACIOUS AND ELEGAST DECK STATE ROOMS. "?A Thc very fast, and splendid Side-Wheel Steam ships ot this Line will sall froril Artger's South Wharf as follows during the month of March: CHARLESTON, TrESuA?, 14th, at 12,'i P. M. MANHATTAN. S?TURDAT, Util, at 4? P.- M. JAMES ADGER, TUESDAY, 21st, at 0 P. M. CHAMPION. SATPKDAT, 25th. at 7 P. M. CHARLESTON, ll'ESHAY, 23th, at ll A. M. Through Billa dr Ladina given on Cotton to Liverpool, Boston. Providence and the Sew Eng? land manufacturing towns at the lowest market rates. Freights ou upland cotton through to Liverpool five-eghilis of a penny: sea Islaud one penny. Uplauu cotton to Sew York >? cent, sea island *c - , . For Freight or Passage engagements, apply to marl-lmo JAME? ADO KR A CO. Premium lani) Bali. $95,000 _ $95,000 LAST CHANCE TO SEE-WflAT tb WILL DO. $5 Will secure a Share In thc Aiken Premium $5 $5 Land Sak.Invest $5 $5 Will secure a share as above and a Une S5 $5 Work of Art to xdorn your homes. $5 ?& - Will secure a share aud the Steel Engrav- ' 5 lng, "Mindage ol Pocahontas"...worth $5 will secure a share and the Steel Engrav- $5 fi lug, "Landing of Cslumbus,".wotth $5 $5 WW secure a share and Mic SteelBngrav- -gs $5 lng. "The Day we Celebrate,".worth $5 S5 Will secure a sharc^-and the beautiful $5 $5 Chromo, "AmericanAutumn,"....worth $5 if? wm secure io some shareholder the Der- s5. ?5 by Mansion and 25 acres of Vineyard uud ?5 Orchard, valued atg2?,0w0^...?...;. 15 $5 WilUecure to some shareholder "Rose- $5' $5 ville Farm,''160 acres. $5" $5 valued at f 10,000.invest ' S5"1 (5 Will secure to some slMucholder "Gm- $;>>j $5 house Farm," 105 acres. $5 S5 valued at $?ooo.invest $5 ! $5 Will steme to some shareholder who In- $o | $5 vests, a Peach Orchard, valued at S3500 $5 SS WU! secure io some shareholder a Vine- $5' {5 yard and Peach Orchard. $5 $5 valued at $3ouo.luvest $5 S5 wm secure to some shareholder a fine- $5 ?5 ViHa site, with Cottage, uatdea, Ac, $5 ?5 valued at $264)0.invest $5 *5 win secure to 88 other shareholders val $5 nuble pi operties, ranging In value from ia $5 $300 tu $1500.InvCbt $5 36 These Real Estate Prizes-.. $5 $5 valued ai $95,uoo, arc located in the beau- $5 ii tifal Town vf Aiken, Soath Cai'dlna... g5 *r? Its uneijuaHed climate and healtu-glvlng $5 $5 suirouu'Ung?, has made it the ' $5 S5 ''SARATOGA OF THE SOUTH." $5 $5 The SlnireH will be dist ribo te<l April 2lst, $a $5 when each siiuiciioliler will ste fa-j *5> '-WHAT FI VS DOLLARS WILL DO.'J. .* ? $5 "There Is a tide In the affairs cd men. whleh, Taken at the Hood, leads on to fortune." ' The mos: liberal terms to Chiba Ft>r dessrlptfon of the valuable Real Estate, Prizes, notices'or the press, names of Committee .to mawe the Drawing, home endorsements, and general character ul the enterprise aud .manage? ment, send for pamphlet. Remittances for shares Hhi.uld be made wltn Posto?lce Money. Order, OF currencyln registered letter, or by Express. Ad? dress J. 0. JJ ER BY, General Manager, , _ _ _ 4ugusjaX!a.. Offl:e ?orn?j- of Jackson aniBeynoinaitreetB. es- Residents- W'CIrarleslw'?mr Vicinity can-| secure Shares by nnplvingto J. RUSSELL BAKER, 50 society st.; at C. HICK KY'S, No. 345 King street; WILBUR & SONS', No. 59 Broad street, aud JU LICS ROUMILLAT'S, KO? col hing street, where specimens ol the Works of Art, winch each share? holder rccuivesf ?an-oe B?en. uarS-42 - <fffis -ftor-es. GAS <%j8?f'" ?>oriCEL,uv Fixt?res, ' '? & fl " ll SHADES, A FT CA .ND >#Jhy ? Ii-?l?f.?'? Wf CLOBE8, BURNERS I '?'iB GAS FITTING,. PLUMBING - AND TIN ROOFING'. . JP. L. GTJILL?MIIV, mai-?-tathslmo No. 740 CHURCH STREET. Jeaami's preparations. S??BB ^FOJ^l DEATH TO RATS, ROACHES, BEDBUGrSi&c, NEVER FAILING. BOXES DOUBLE THE SIZE AS OTHERS. HERMETICALLY SEALED AND ' ALWAYS FRESH. Sold at Wholesale by DOWIE, MOISE & DAVIS, And at retal by all Druggists. febl-6mo gAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY, PIERCE'S GOLDEN DISCOVERY, DBBING'S PILE REMEDY', and all ether new Preparations. For sale by DR. H. BAERj mario So. 131 Meeting Btreet. JFeriili}gr?, THE (?REIT FERTILIZER FOB CO?T?J? AND ALL ^CR?FS. RAWB?XE STANDARD GUARANTEED tel its, MANUFACTURED BY VVAffi)N,WHANN&l WILMINGTON, DI (Sf- FOR S ALE "BY 8?2s FACTORS; ?VISION MERCI THE UNTARALLTELEO S?'.'?ES-V OE TH-JS gre. i FERTILIZER b? ALL CROPS prpvis If tc be tbe;BEST'p.nd CHEAFEST ilaUHrc BOW ever? ed lb. tire masker. It bas been used bj many of tbs .meal.emi? nent riant eis In tue Sooth, ana IN ETEE? SINGLE INSTANCE. IT HAS GIVEN . . . ENTIRE. SATISFACTION. * - On COTT?'N Its effects have been partlcolailj marted. It jaie tiling for WHANN'S PHOS rflATE, to increase, the yield from' ONE HUN? DRED-to TWO HUNDRED ? PEBr.OENT:, or ?7eji nore.* Mr. "George C. Dixon, an eminent planter af Cameron, aa., says in-a-letter-to' the Barnier of the Spath, Novembers, ttjat In an experiment With seven leading Superphosphates and Guanos, the' wu ANN'S pro-aed Itself the best of'all tjiese tried, piying-a NET PROFIT reyeri at the.pres e?t low juice oX Cotton,) of $80'90 p#r acre of Cotton. A-copy o'. Mr.-Dixon's- letter, giving detaiLs.*?win be ftrrnlstred on application - ' FOR SALE BY " (Li??HORlIERR?l??fO., CHARLESTON, 9. G., AND AUGUSTA' GA, <lec21-w&tu3mos DICKSON FERTILIZER COMPANY, - A U G ? S T A,*. GA. < p fe rt co, w* s ??3 "ft CO WAR?tANTKD PMLHH FKOM ADULTERATION. DICKSON^ ?t?foffi&?k&.gtr.~.t.:. too ......7..'.'.i:.^' rpi .!L.?..-..^?.v, 63 73 Time (C?? acceptance).... ". Time (City acceptant***). ^sj^1 bnyage^^?ifroit'if-iw l*W.r~*5?flr??S'io ? ands each..'._."?.*?-...-..$1 per ton We use no Infer? ir ar idiittfrathm material m eur ms na ac laxes, i-iantera are invited to visit our Works, e'eud lor Circulais; 5*'J - t* % - ?j; -r A ."-- "J.VMSS-T. GARDINER, President, -Augusta, C?a. GEO. W." *3\JS^?:?^enti Charleston, S.4C.^ Janjitj-tlis: u:ni"s ' ' ' IMPORTANT' TO COTTON PLANTERS! * -o^'<:,rv, - THE MARTLA^D l?'OiV*** ?li Jt'-? -fi'G."-' '?T . lt HAVE P?EPAREU A SPECIAL FEKTIL'ZSRTADAPTED TO THE COTTON PLANT, UNDER TUE NAME OP"- * ' ;;; C p.X T;O.JiT JP O 6 X5 ! ' IVuictfrfHEY^fU'AlM.TOjJ'tf OJtTUWllGHKST QR ADE OF FERTILIZERS SOLD-IN'THE SOUTH, EQUAL IN ll? KB?L'ByrO?J?KRL'VIA3? GUANO, AND. OF MORE PERMANENT /. BENEFIT 10 TUE SOIL.! Lt _ .- ? - '? >J j I -.' F .? -* ? -.-? o--* ; ' It Lu* Ilten ?-<cil hy ?EVER1L -?ll' \ D ;t ED PLANTERS Ip. North rfrttt Sot?th I ? ' mfd '.;e?>.'gl..,.f[..- t\i (>'Sv a-,on~. with thc falloir in 9.results: ^T^CITEAMS ?rrl erotics IWT?^OO ?TBR OEirr, . .% lt r*.'?ltia uiougitt bi .rit cA?uAi TUircrupis u??t affected by'rust. li.matures ita; crup 11,re- :o four wet ks in udvnnce, thus insuring the crop agaiutit early frosts, OT ia tuc event ul a backward ?-ea-on fur pluming en d ies ute planter to puTTu but crop three or fpur weeks ?a'er. I:I\3;I- larc ns thc M of .lui ?;, tvtlti a certainty of success. li |M-i duces a l titer yualitv <>{ Colton. Looking ai i he low priufoi cuitou, Hie intelligent pjanter will readily comprehend thc necessity of ii?iug 11? blue hut the lilgiicft grade ol Fei t h?trs. aud cf ?tuc: ly avoldidg jjioso whose value has been iftluvcd t,y adulierj tuti or tue usc of ch .-np luatcria!* under pretence-of rdcetlag the low price, of i.'Mifetn. ^ . . if UN rnu*ifl ">:|y 'h ubiol bj th*; use of COTTON FOOD'' It will give him.from'i-nc to two hun? dred per Ctr !. I. p uilt uti ms 1111 lay. wi*. ; C-t'onat HU cenrs per pound, aud li will enable him to [i ant lever LU es willi ? ?01 re<rw?n!iji3 reductiun af labjr and exp .-use with better results., OSy gOO rZ* TO.f, l?f SACHS, l? TO THE TON. ? LAWRENCE SANGSTON, President,' ?^T-t ... ri*f"? * * 41 5? J^CHANQE PLACE,-BALTIMORE. J. E. PR2Nfe? & St)N, Agents, Charleston, S. C. ftbS-tastu MC ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY, [OF CHARLESTON, S. C. F. J. PORCHER, President, F. J. PETHER, Treasurer. Vf. LEBBY.. DIRECTORS. .TV. r.fH-ALL.- L. D. DESAUSSTJRE. .B. S. PINCBTNEY TUE ATLANTIC PHOSPHATES ARE NOW PEING ..MANUFACTURED AT THEIR WHORES ON aSHUSY Ul\BH"undei' ti e diiecrti>B ol an experienced apd Practical Chemtat. The Company In-* tend Hus tu be a Hist tlass Fertilizer,-aud oue winch can be* rocommentieu to Planters. 1 - STANDARD OUABANTEED. TUE COMPANY ARE ALSO PREFABED TO MANTJFA"CTUREf ACID' PHOSPHATE' FOR CO.fiPOSTING WITH COTTON SEED; This prep'r.:i!r.n ts hlgli'y recommended by?beml??^ aa wtth it Planters are euablal to make their own Kerniizei?. ' . The A ri.ANTIC PHOSPHATE's sold at ?55Tei ton cash, or-on time, with interest at the rate of one per cent, per ilium li. , - T1:o ACID PHOSPHATE ls -sold'at *3? per ton. cash, cr-on time, with intereat at the rate of*| one per.ccn*. per uioniti. . ?."..? . PELZEIU RODGERS & CO., General Agents, itecSI-imos BROWN'S WHARF? CHARLESTON, S'. C. OLD CA KO LI M BLT TE ii S. H. BISCHOFF ?'c CO., H. KLATTE <fc CO.. BOLLA! ANN BEOTHTRS, J. A. QU.ACKENBCSH. WAKENER* MONSEE8, MA?TOUE & CO. .J1HE -GREENVTLLE ENTERPRISE 13 TOE LAUGEST NEWSPAPER, AKD HAS THE MOST EXTENSIVE 61 RC UL ATI ON*. OF ANT TAPER PUBLISHED IN ; ?THE- ..?1T..T'0> QRE? NVILI/E. ; OdntractAdvertlslDg''LoV. - ": - '* -* Circulates also.In Anderson. Plckens, Srarian | burg and Western North Carolina. J. C. A E. BAILEY, . *- Proprietors, . CD pt i 604. J^JONEY CANNOT BUY IT4 FOR SIGHT IS PR1CELESSII ; Tue DIAMOND GLASSES.'manufactured by J. E. SPENCEB A CU.. New Yurt, which are now oflered to thc public, are pronounced hy till the celebrated Opticians ol the world to Le the most Perfect, Na ; ulai Artificial i.elp .tu the human tye ever known. They are groud under their own srgiervtston, from minute Crystal Pebbles, melted together, .and derive their name. .'.Diamond,'' on account ot their hardness and briUJancy. ' > The sclenti?c principle on which they are con? structed brings the core or centre of the lens di? rectly in front of the eye, producing a clear and distinct vision, as in the -natural, healthy sight, and preventlngail unpleasant sensation?,such as glimmering and wavering of sight, dizziness, Ac, peculiar to all others in use. They are mounted in the finest manner, tn frames of the best quality, of all materials used for that purpose. Tuelr finish and durability can? not be surpassed. . . ? - -* - - . CAUTION.-None genuine unless bearing their trade mark stamned on every frame.. 4 JAMES ALLAN, . Dealer In Watches, Jewelry, Sterling Silverware and Optical-Goods, ' No. 307 King street. ? ??l-mwelyr Charleston, S. 0. NORTHEASTEBlf RAILROAD COM? PANY1.- ' OBMIX81W, S. a.-Fcbruary 11,1671.' Trains leave Charleston Daily at 12 M.and 6:30 PM. 'Arrive at CTia^eHtqfeg30. A. M. (Mondays ex cepted)and 3:3?T. M. if"' Train does not leave Otaries:on 4:35 P. M., SUN? DAYS. Train leaving at 12 M. makes through conneo non' to sew York, via Richmond and Acqnia Creek'only, going through ul 42 hour?, WITHOUT DETKNTIOX ON SUNDAY'S. Passeugers leaving by 6:30 P. M. Train have choice of route.' Tfa lttcnmomr and W*9hington, or via Portsmouth and Baltimore. Those leaving KKIDAY try. thia Train lay over on SUNDAY in Bai timor?. Thofe leaVlngnn SAT?THDAYremain SUN? DAY in Wilmington, N-O. 7hie is the cheapest, quickes : and most pleasant route IQ Clndlnnati,' Chicago and other points West and Northwest, both Trains making close connections at Washington with Western .trams ' or Baltimore and Chlo Railroad. S. 8. SOLOMONS, -v Engineer and Sepertntendent. P. L. CXEAFOR, General Ticket Agent. febii-ymoB . _.m SA vlsVNAM iirD^fi AltLE3TON R?TAV ' ... . _ ... ?0*1), - PASSENGER TRAINS""un tills KoaiLxun daily a? iuiiows; -. y H ."T.^.? . .... Leave Chat-lea;on..,..?..Ji.SQA.M. Arrive atTSavaonah'.... .1..S.QTP. M: ' LeaveBavsnnahr... ......11.16 A. M. Arti ve at Charles ton.620 F. M. Connects at Savannah w4th t?? Atlantic A Gn.T Railroad for Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and'all. points In Florida "Wirti ?entrai- Bannan rorMacon, Amanta, Mo? bile. New Organs, and the West. ... With Steamboats for peints on the Savannah River. * . . ? At charleston with the NonheasMrn antTSOutn Carolina Railroad!, and Steamships for all pom is North abd West. Through Ticket a ovar this line on tale at Hotels 10 Charleston; Sereven House, S a ve an alt; and au principal Ticket offices North and South. Freights forwarded dtfily to" and from Savan. nah and all points beyond.* Through Bills qi. Lading issued to Jacksonville, Palatka, 4C* Tariff ss low ae by say other Une.* a & GADSDEN, . octS . ? Eni-jneer and Superiatcndcnt. OUTR CAROLINA RAILROAD. 8 VICE-PRESIDENT'S OFFICE, ) '?- CHAFLBSTOK. & c" January isfisni. f On win aiwr 5BM>AX, Januaty 22, the Passen? ger Tram* on jus amtu - r.^na. Railroad wai ru. hs foEoTve: <. * "?OBi ATOrSTA. Leave Char.esloa-.-.-.12.5?P. M. Arrive at .Augusta."..?.8.15 P. M. ' FOB COLCMBKi. Leave 'Jnirrleston? ..*.....?.*.20'A. M. Arrive at Columbia.3.40 P.*M. sea cnAsaosroN. Leave Angtista. 7.40. A. M. Arrive af masterton' r...." 8.??-P. M. Leave Cokannta. .?__i J. 15- Pt M. axrtiv.e a: ci'atlaston..7.50 p. M. ACOUSTATUHUT xxntssa. ? {Sundays' e?c?pted.) l^aveCharleston. 8.80P.M. Arrlveat Au?usu-. 7.05 A. M. Leave'Augusta.6.noP. M. .Arriveat Charlestcn.-.. wo A. S. ? tflL?M?M MeHT VJ'UKSK (Sundays excepted,). Leave Charleston.T.lo P. M? Arrive a: columbia.... ?*r.-.. coo A. M. Leave Columbia..... tiO P, M. Arrive at Charleston..'.. fl.'45-Arwtf. . " SWB??RTTL?B TRAIN. ' Leaye Charleston..,...,?..-....A30 P. M. Arrive at SnmmervuUe. 6.00 P. M. ?Lea-veSdrir-ierTrnc.t.... *.7.Uo A-fiL Arriva at Gharttttoo. r..K.8.16 A. M. caitD&N. ?AL JO) c a. Leave Camden...'..9.60 A.M. Arrive a^TCmgvlIle:.........':.1.20 P.M. Leave Klngvdle?.-.,.*. 2.80P.M. Arrive at Camden,..-. 6.00 P. M. Day and yght Trains make close connections at Angosta witB Oe rrj:a Railroad and Central Railroad. Nlgkt.Train connects with Macon and,Engasta Rain-i-an. Ooiomftm Nicht Train connects with t>reenville aad Columbia Railroad. Cannie* Train connects daily with Day Passen? ger Trains. jaul9 A. L. TYLER, vlec-President. - - . Sitters-. OLD X1AB.OLI?JL BITT*ERS-r . - FOR Silt BY . X. E. ?fiDFORD, Ring street, . C. D. AHSENS <fc CO., King street, B. FELDMANN ? CO., King street, " . C. MOMEIER, And by Druggists ?nd Grocers everywhere, jj . Cpg?ac Bitters, " EtBST PEIZE Paris Exhibition 1867. Purify tho blood and strengthen the System, eradicating the effect of 'dissipation, maintain the human frame in condition of healthfulness, dispel the Blues and ali mental dis? tempers, and relieve those whose sedenta ry habits (an? them open to depression. They prevent^nd cure our and other Fevers, Fever and. Ague. Chilla, -Diarrhoea, Dysen? tery, Dyspepsia, Sea - Sickness, Colic; Citolera, Cholera Morbus, and every complaint, inci? dental to diet or atmos? phere. Ladies will find them a sovereign boon, as they eradicate all traces of Debility, Nervousness, Inertness, and Diseases peculiar to the sex. (^"Thousands of Testimo? nials .can be seen at the office of M. JACOBSON, Sole Proprietor, 64 & 66 Water Street, N. T. CLACIUS & WITTE, CHARLESTON, General Ascents for the State of So. Carolina febll-lyrpic ?PRAM'S ANTIDOTE FOR STRONG DRINK. A SURE CORE FOR DRUNKENNESS . One Donar a Bottle. Sent by mau pceta?s paid, on receipt-of price. "mu, postage The Antidote ia the heat remedy that can a? administered In"Mania-a-PotuTand aJaofrr?fe nervous affections. "rT"1 For sale by . Dr. H. B?ER. ? .Ko*131 Meeting street 006 AzentforSbutTcarouns,