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TES HS OE THE XE WS. TBS DAILY NEWS, by mail one year, $8; six months $4; three months $2 50. Served in the city at EIGHTEEN CENTS a week, payable to the car- j Hers, or $8 a year, paid m advance at the office. TH* TKI-WEEKLY NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $4; slx months $2. THE WEEKLY News, one year $2. Six copies | $10. Ten copies, to one address, $15. SUBSCRIPTIONS in all oases payable In advance, and no paper comm uea arter the expiration of the time paid tor. CASH RATSB TOR AnvKBTrarnxxTS m THE DAILY NEWS.-First insertion 12 cents a line; subsequent insertions ? oents a line. Special Notices 12 cents aline. Business Notices (by ooantj-15 cents a Une. Marriage and Funeral Notices $1 each. Meet? ings 75 cents each. Cuts and Electro , pe Adver? tisements wUl be inserted on th? Fourth Page only. 4-v ,.: ; NOT i c KS of Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents each Insertion; over so, and not exceeding 30 words, 40 cents each Insertion; over 30, and not exceeding 40 words, 50 cents each insertL These rates are KIT, and must Invariably be paid lu advance CONTRACT ADVERTISEMENTS, to run two weeks or longer, for each line of solid nonpareil: 2 weebB 60 cents; 1 month $1; 2 months $lY6; 3 months $2 50; 6 months $4; 12 months $7. Larger advertisements in exact proportion. TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS will be published In the THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS at the same rates as in TUB DAILY NEWS. Contract advertisements at one-half the rates for THE DAILY NEWS. ADVERTISEMENTS DJ THE WEEKLY NEWS, per Une of solid nonpareil, 1 insertion. 15 cents; 1 month 60 cents; 3 months $l; 6 months $176; 12 months $3. REMITTANCES should be made by Po s to tn ce Money Order or by Express. If this cannet be done, protection against losses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order or the proprietors of THE NEWS, or by sending the money lu a registered letter. Address ' RIORDAN. DAWSON A 00.. No. 140 East Bay, Charlestoh, S.C. Wit <M)w?k?Un gfetog. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1871. ?m^TRE PRICE OF SUBSCrllPTION FOR THE "DAILY NEWS" IS NOW EI?HT DOLLARS A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. SEWS OF TMJS I>?Y. %g - - ^SS* -Gold ctosed lu New Turk;- yesterday, at lisant*, if - jw j -Cotton dosed dull; uplands Byjfc cents; sales 2500 bales." ? i&p -In Uvr&otK on the evening of thesd, cotton elosed dull and with a downward- tendency; up land? t\0, Orleans sd; sates 8000 bales. _ -Lisa w.?ber?a blondes aire easnarins^nsceptl ble Nash vi llians. -The reason a Rlohmond woman wants a di Yoree, is because she has not seen her husband alnce he murdered her father. -John and Cora Thompson, or Indianapolis, were divorced, but John would follow Cora aroa od entreating ?o be reinstated. She didn't like this, and plainly indicated it by shooting him. No carda ' -An effort ls being made to displace the long established hoop skirt. A gored haircloth skirt stiffened with hair cords running horizontally around the garment, and enlarged at the bottom with several haircloth flounces, ls expected to take Its place. -Immense chignons and heavy padded false chatelaine braids, looking like a burden upon the head of the wearer, are rapidly disappearing. Our mest fashionable belies now braid or plait their own natural tresses in two long braids, which are looped to the back part ol the head. -There ls someth'ng, after all, a little disreput? able lu parody and burlesque. There ls a small nursery song beginning, "Mary had a little lamb,'* written by somebody to as unknown. For years it has been repeated by mothers to their children, and repeated back In loping accents by the chil? dren themselves. In many a mind it is associat? ed with tender memories of those wno were too early lost. But the parody-writers have got hold of the ditty, and are twisting and turning it into an manner or laughable aud ridiculous shapes. ? t Mr. Nast bas come to their assistance with a lot of caricatures at which, In spite of himself, one cannot helpttaughlng; and the ruin of the pretty llttlesong is complete. This is one of the results of the rage for the comic which marks the pre sent time, and which has declared a laughing war against all that is serious. We do not com plain; we only wonder. -The New York correspondent of the Plilladei phla Ledger writes- om. Monday as fallows: "It ls to the credit of th? German"l?puUitlon here, and especially that, numerous and influential class who do business down tu wu, that "they have ab stained from 'all formal and publte^exultatton over the surrender of Paris,' though under the -circumstances, perhaps, they:might be pardoned something <>r the,.kind. Toe North Gejmiau steam? ers at Uobokeu have "their flags nylngliijjunoi- of the event, it Ja true, bat .apart from that there is nothing in the way of outward jubilation to at? tract attention. On the contrary, when it wis proposed on 'Change, this morning, that a steam ship should be immediately dispatched to Havre, with a cargo or provisions for the inhabitants or Paris, lt ls said th a more than one'German mer chant came forward and offered to contribute, No class of the community have been quicker to mark this praiseworthy- disposition than our adopted citizens or French extraction, and- as might be supposed, the effect ls a mutual feeling or kindly regard, lu place of the suppressed hos? tility that existed between the two na tonalities before.? -A Savannah gentleman, writing from Flor? ence, says : "The price of busts or the fluesi exe? cution is from $500 to $750. It will cost fi ?ty dol? lars more to deliver them in perfect condition m Savannah. Mr. Powera's charges are higher, bat ne has so much to do that last year he woad take n? orders for busts. He uses, besides, only 'Clay brought from the State of Alabama. He says lt Is the best in the world, smoother for moulding, and of a color that la working- does not Injure the eyes. On entering Powers's studio, one ls, of course, ueeply interested In hi* wonder? ful productions, bot not less so in the man him? self, whose whole manner and appearance indi? cate genius. He ls extremely polite to stin? gers, and explains with a peculiar charm tho cir? cumstances and design of par tcular works. At? tached to some six or chrht busts tn his studio, or persons from different Srates of the North, are oarus with tire names and prto s, and a state? ment that they have been ordered and never paid for. Mr. Powers says he has beeu forced to take this means of protecting himself against those who would gratify their vanity by giving an order for a bust and never paying for it" -The telegraph meagrely announces the burn? ing or the coolie ship Unca wah. In the Chi. a seas, In October List. Late rare. un papers give the ter? rible details. The* Uacawah sailed October 13 from Hiagao for C?Hao, with Uve hundred and thlrty-swen coolies on board. ? htn eight days out, they rose and -refusing to go below^rter ex? ercise on deck, a severe battle ensued; between them and the crew, rn which the' carpenter and steward were killed ahd-several sailors ,wounded. .At last the Chinese were driven below, when they -set dre to the ship, and .the crew tang fright got out a beat, and the cantutn was obliged to jump overboard and swim., arter them. They pul ed Ave days, tMf they"reaoneiT the Great Natu nas Island, whence they were anon taken off. The British s ilp Juanpore, on the evening of the mutiny, approach* d the burning- ship and.plcked up a boat manned by twenty Ove Chinese and a Greek sailor, wno tthl the terrible story- Next -day she cruised near the burning ship, picked up Trompieces of wreck, .tc, 112 ihe survivors, which she brought to ABjer. The remainder of the coolies doubtless cerl-hed in the destruction they caused. The ringleader or the mutiny, and the mari who set Ore to the ship, were put In irons on board the Juanpore.- The Greek ls sus peded of, having been In collusion with thc mu tl neers. j j -New York journalism bas just won anotherof it3 peculiar triumph?. -A leading newspaper of tbe metropts, feeling that the Pone ls not already sorely enough tried, sent one of its most servile lackeys to interview his Holiness, and spread bis views before one hundred and seventy-five mil? lion Catholic believers. Thc fellow entered on his work with zeal, anti is so well satisfied with.his acblevemeut that he t-igns his name in full to the production, which tills au entire page in the paper. The CT-t column if devoted to the usual putr of the paper's enterprise, and the reporter's peculiar fit? ness fur the mission, the second to thc Journey to Rome, the third to Dr. O'Callagan, the fourth and fifth to Monslgnore Nardi, and the Blxth to Che Pope himself. Tho fellow, who had been crawling on his knees before every ecclesiastic that he had met, "genuflected on one knee" be? fore the Pontiff and kissed his band. Tals oseu latory salute failed to unseal the Pope's Ups, for he entrusted the reporter with nothing but the most stale and ordluary facts. The Holy Father shows In the conversation an active sense that he was being bored, but when he declined to say anything about the "modus vivendi" batwoen himself and the King, and the prospects or his own departure from Rome, the impression left on the reporter was not that he had been snubbed as an impudent intruder, hut something mach more satisfactory to himself. John Bull In a Bad Way. England is in a sad strait, if Blackwoods Magazine for January is to be believed: In the memory of living man, says a writer in that periodical, the British army was never so discontented or disjointed as it is now. Regiment^ officers complain-and they have just right to do so-that they are held up in Parliament, it* private society, and through the press as habitually neglectful of their duty. They do nothing, it is said, that they can possibly help, and the little that they are compelled to do they do grudging? ly. If U>?3 were true to the letter, which it is not. could any one tn surprised? It seems to be the great object of those in authority to sever us much" as possible all connection between the officer and the man, except on formal parades. The captain of a company is nobody. He can neither re? ward nor punish a maD, be he ever so de? serving of reward or punishment He is more of a cypher than the youngest ensign used to be half a century ago. So, also, Lae officer in command of a regiment is hampered and restrained on -every side, till there is induced on his part a disposition to let things take their course; on the part of the non-commissioned officers and privates,* the habit of carping at everything that is done or proposed. It was thus that in the French army began that spirit of insubordi? nation which cached its climax in the year that is passing, and showed itself in the dis? graceful routs of Woerth and Sedan. Mean? while, in higher places, with all the anxiety manifested to centralize power, there are mutual jealou^es, offieial distrusts, personal antipathies, which, were tue pressure of sudden war to come upon the country, would make shipwreck of the whole machine. What is the use, says Blackwood, within little more "than a month of the meeting ol" Parliament, of disguising the truth? Th? new control system, autl all the officials connected with it, are hated by the en? tire combatant portion of the army. The control, from the chief down? wards, is furious at ibis, and hates the com? batant portion of the anny in return. The lield-marshal commanding-in-chief bas be? come an anomaly, with whom no human be? ing appears to know bow to deal. As to the militia aud the volunteers-where is their jrgauization ? where is their discipline^ ivberc their couh'ndence in tho authority inder which they exist? where their zeal in he service ? Positively the military ele nent is nowhere; for the men who carry inns are universally dissatisfied, und they vhose business it is to keep them in good ?eart harass and annoy them in every cou ?eivable way. As to the stores whether of trmsor ammunition-the appliances for pat? ing an army in the Held and the menus of and transport-the artillery, both for the ortrees and the field-they ure nowhere. Such are the representations ufan important >rgan of the party ia England. The profes? ional organ; Thc Army and Navy Gazelle, .shudders" as it thiuks. of the unprotected tature of tbe eastern eoasts of England. Captain Tulloch lately showed that it would ie quito easy to establish a base of opera ions in the Blackwater Rive/, "ouly tuirty 'six miles hi a direct line from the cea'tre of 'Lemdon. " Thc Favll in Priv?e. The Kew York Baily Bulletin has an in erestiog article upon the effect on prices, )roduced by the announcement of tile fall of Paris. lu its issue of Tuesday it says: "Contrary to expectation, the news of capit? ulation of the French capital bas been received ty the commercial community of this city, ikely to be effected directly or Indirectly .hereby, in a very calm manner; and In icarcely any article ot merchandise do we find tay unusual amount of excitement, or the sudden increase of values predicted^ Indeed, n some cases the cost of goods has actually lecllned, and, to our certain knowledge, ship? pers who were supposed to be oa the lookout ;or Invoices te be Bent abroad, such as provi? sions? ?c., have been selliug out supplies al? ready secured. The truth ls, the surrender of Paris has been a foregone conclusiou for many flays past, and the effect in most cases un? doubtedly Hilly dlscouuted, while it ls also belter known that Immense stores of goods are already accumulated at various points in Europe, which must be distributed belora fresh orders are likely to come lo hand. Provisions were thought to be a sure trump; but aside from a little call lor bacon, at former rates, and. two or linee sales ol prime mess pork, at fencer prices, lhere was no demand, except the usual speculative movement in mess'pork at the end ot the month, and lard was not only lower, but closed decidedly heavy. Breadstuff* were a little steamy, but the confidence was almost entirely on the side of' sellers, and the amount of business really ac? complished was not very large. Da cotton, however, the course of the market was mo6t nrprising, even to the most persistent 'bears,' the position showing-no strength, and closing with sales almdst impossible, except at a de? cline, and the trade generally 6lmply aston? ished at the continued magnitude ol the re? ceipts at the ports, Hie aggregate to-day reach? ing about 36,000 bales. On coffee and sugar holders were ? little more confident in vfew of small stocks at present available, and the probability that Europe will soon cull for in? creased supplies.. A little" time may change Hie position or affairs In some Instances, but ?peculators for a rise have certainly not met with the success anticipated Immediately upon peace in- Europe becoming pretty well as? sured." ? Religious Permeation. $ * > ?Fr V Thirty-five Protestant clergymen of Brot?k lyn uniter'in abolition for tho removal of .Collector Murphy, of New York. They make ttfe application as clergymen, alleging noth? ing against the political or social integrity of the present incumbent. Their own char? acter is no* in question, but every libera 1 minded man will be inclined to join with the New York. Evening Post ia denouncing what is unquestionably, upon the face of it, an attack upon the religion of Mr. Murphy: "Suppose thirty-five Roman Catholi? priests, speaking as priests, demanded of the Presi? dent that he should appoiqt Some other man '. What outcries should we not hear about 'priest? ly assumption and arrogance,' about 'danger? ous Interlerence ol priests with political affairs,' about the 'perils of liberty,' and so on. But have not the signers of this petition put them? selves out of court by their !blunder ? How can they, or those who support them in using their professional standing as ministers of re? ligion to further a political aim, complain here? after of the Roman Catholic 'Influence in our politics.' "As citizens, they have precisely the same rights as other citizens ; but even as citizens, the manner of their interference would have been an Indecorous proceeding towards the President. We have a right to be shocked that thirty respectable Protestant clergymen should have committed so grave an offence against right and propriety." Such a proceeding is unpardonable in this 'land of religious freedom. It is the foster? ing of a spirit which, if suffered to go on, will ultimately divide tho country into two great religious parties, and perhaps involv? itrio that most virulent of ail conflicts, a re? ligious war. A MEETING was held recently in Richmond, Virginia, having for its purpose the encour? agement of immigration to that State. Severul members of the Legislature were present, who favored the propriety of intro? ducing a bill before that body embodying the views'of the meeting and the sugges? tions that had been made. The principal plan proposed for inducing immigration was that the Legislature should authorize the railroad companies of the State to purchase land on either skle the lines of their road, to be offered to immigrants at a price so low as to induce them to purchase and settle. In South Carolina the railroad companies them? selves might do something in this direction. ?lUctings. piHARLESTON TYPOGRAPHICAL. SO KJ CIETY.-The Regular Monthly Meeting of I your Society will be holden Tn is EVENING, the 4th Instant, at 7>? o'clock, over thc Store of Mr. J. H. V?llers, northeast corner of Beaufaln am St. Phillp streets. By order. J. D. PARRY, ?feb4_Secretary. SANS SOUCI CHARADE CLU?.-MEM? BERS will attend the Scmt-Monthly Meeting, THis(Saturdav) EVSNINO. at. 6 P. M. jun4-? w. o. WARNER, M. P.. Secretary. DAN LODGE, No. 93, I. O. B. B. The Regular Mcetlnu will be held at the usual time aucl place. PHILIP WIN BMA Sf, feb4_Secretary. ME. GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAP . TER OF SOUTH CAIIOLINA.-The Annual ta .UH Convocation will be holden in the City of Ch-rlestou, Deo volentc, In Mhuuic flail, ac 12 merlillau, on TOESIUY. thc 14th day of Kebruary, A. L. '2401, A. IT. 1871. Members and Grand Offi? cers, and Delegates from subordinate Chapters, are requested to attend punctually and generally, for the consideration of important business and the Election of Grand Officers for tUc Masonic year ensuing. With their characicrl-tlc Uuera'lty the dur?rent Railroad Companies have granted to the Grand Officers find Dcb gutes the privilege of passing and repasting over their roads for one fare. Tue full fire will ba patti at tao placo of starting. ' On nil railroads, except the South Carolina Kailroad^Unj Grand uniccrs und Dele* gutes will bc permitted rb return from thc con. vocation free on Ute production ot (ha certificate of thu Grand .Secretary. On tuc South c irollna Railroad, lieturti Tickets will ho furnished by the Conductors to the Grand Officers and Delegates, which will enable them to repites free or charge. By order of ilie M. H. G H. P., Companion M. Mo-KS. AUGUSTINE T. SMYTHE, febi-s2 Grand Socrerarr. Ililli GENTLEMEN ACTING AS A SPE . C1AL COMMITTEE for the Monu neiitnl Fair win please mee: the Ladies holding Table* at ihe Widows' Home Broad htreet, ou MONDAY, Febru? ary 6, at 8 o'clock._fei)3 OFFICE CHARLESTON GASLIGHT COMPANY. JANUARY 24, 187L-The An nu il Mt'Ctiiig of the Stockholders of tilla (.'oinpanv win bc held ou MONDAY. 6th Feb uary, 1871, ar-12 o'clock M., at thc Hull of Hie P unier* and Me? chanics,, East Bay, when a statement or thc affaira of the Company will he submitted, and an. election held for President and eight Directors to serve fur the eusuiug year. W. J. HERIOT, lan?o Secreiary and Treasurer. Utatts. WANTED, A M A ID -SE it VANT. AP? PLY at once to PORCH Eil A UEN'itY, South Ailinn^ Wharf._M il-1? WANTED TO HIRE OUT A HAZEL? TON BROTHERS PIANO, In One tone and good order. Apply at this Pince._M>3 ALADY, EXPERIENCED IN MUSIC TKAUHINU, wishes some other scholars Fifty cents a Lesson. Address 'JC.Y,"' DULY SEWS Pince._fehl-4* WANTED, A WHITE WOMAN TO DO plalu Cooking and Chamber work P>r a family. Iuqulreat No. ?4 King street, one door below Bruad. Jati25 AYOUNG LADY IS DESIROUS OF obtaining a situai lou as companion or housekeeper to au Invalid or elderly UUv, either In Hie city ur counn-y. SiUary not ?? much ol' an object us a comfortable home. Address M. 7.., DAILY NEWS Office. Jan24 ?cst and Jonnc. LOST, THIS MORNING, A PACKAGE of silt - PAPERS, belonging io the Hark Sett A?uttablo reward witt oe paid ir len ut this ?unce. D. JENNINGS, N'o. IS Broad street. Jinn ?ox Sole. 17<OR ii A LE, A NUMBER ONE COW, J? willi rounxCair, I Uue, SPRINGER, 1 Hue huge working MULE, and I HORSE and CA UT. Iit?|Ulfc at Ni?. 5-J Mate street. fvlil-^inwa? ALOT OK ABOUT TWENTY HEAD OK COWS. CALVES ANO BEEK C iTTLE. good stock. Can nt* purchased very low ii early appli? cation be made to D. P. FOG LE, Kort Motte, Sou: h Carolina Railroad. I'eb4-l|i?c HOUSES AND MULES JUST RECEIVED on consignment nt WILSON'S ?TABLES, Ko. 118 Meeting SN cet. opposite Board of Trude. Oin' car IOHM of c&eap Work II -wes, and rn-: car load of t?nia1l Plantation Mules-all of winch ls ordered to bu soul regardless ol' cost. Call at If you want a bargaiu. A. WILSON. Ub3-l*_ FOR SALE. A COW AND CALF. AP? PLY at Nu. 18 Judith street, at 8 o'clock lo? uie morning, or ut 3 P. ts. fobs I^OR SALK.-JUST ARRIVED WITH A lot of HOUSES AND MULES, amangal them fourteen head of good Plantation M.ires. P. WEST Que ii street. feb2-3* FOR SALE. TWO VERY FINE MULES, one very line Mare, rust lu Hnj?ie barucas, Two fine Drays, one tine Buggy, one Light Cover eil Wagon. WU: be andi low for caati. Apply to CAMERON, BARKLEY ,fc CO. febl-6 _Rcmoaals. EE\iOVAL -DR. WM. C. U?RLBECK has removed his Office una Kcsldeme to No. 213 Meeting street, oue door, south or Calhoun street. feb4-3 Bo?toing. PRIVATE BOARDING AT MRS. W. S. FRAZER'S, Ko. 4 Hudson street feb2-thstu:* -3p^~~|-^ WILSON-PRATrif-OnjHie evening # tl January, by the Ret. W?fi. Adatas, at/thi dence or the bride-? -fatger, JAMBS T^'WILS MART E., only daughter of George L. and M. Pratt, or this city. .Spctroi-Sfoitcfe. ?&* NOTICE.-A?L PERSONS j 'INO claims against the Est?te of. the GEORGE H. HOPPO?K will, present the duly attested, to P. GADSDEN HASELL, Accommodation Wharf, and all persons Ind to said Estate will make payment to him, CAMPBELL & SEABROOK, No. 50 Broad str HOWEL HOPPOCK, feb4-9w8 Administra ??~A CARD.-THE S?BSCRI respectfully informs. his friends and the j that he has opened a PIANOFORTE AND hi STORE at t ive old stand of Zogbaum, Young Mr. HENRY YOUNG will attead promptly orders for Taning and Repairing as usual. CHARLES L. McCLENAHA? reb3-2 _ No. 101 King stn 2?&* MULTITUDES OP PEOPLE QUIRE an alterative, to restore the healthy a of their systems and correct the d?ranger that creep into lt. Sarsaparillas were used valued, until several Impositions were palm' upon the public under this name. AYER'S : SAPARILLA is no Imposition. feb3-fmjv3 D . ^-CITY APPRAISER'S OFFICE, C HALL, CHARLESTON, S. C., FEBRUAR1 1871.-Owners of Real Estate who regord propel ly over-assessed, may appeal to the ? of Equalization for a reduction of the s Written communications, stating location description of property, must he addressed ti "BOARD OF EQUALIZATION,'" and leit at office. P. J. COOGAN, City Apprais fei)2-3_ ? ?3r WM. McKAY, AT No.- 140 ME INC STREET, will make advances on any everything sent to Mm on consignment. jan24_ ^THE SOUTH CAROLINA LO AND TRUST COMPANY.-NOTICE T? ST( HOLDER'S.-An election will be held on MONI oth February, for Eighteen Blrectors of Company, tb serve for twelve months. I open at the omeo, No. io Broad street, froml to 2 Pr M. ., THOS. R. WARING. jau30 6_CashK p?T TAX NOTICE.-NOTICE IS HE] BY given that the Treasurer of Colleton Coe will ne ready io receive the State and Cou Taxes at his ottlce, In Waltsrboro', February until March 22d. After this date an addltld twenty percent, will be charged on all arnot -of taxes remaining unpaid before May et ii. after that date the Treasurer will'proceed to lect by distress or otherwise. Al! real and personal property are charged \ nine mills on thc dollar for State, and three u on the dollar for County Taxes. All taxes payable In this County will be pah this othce as above. .nico County Treasurer, Colleton County, S. Walterboro', January 27,1871. JAMES W. GRACE, Jan30-12_Treaaiirei ?aT TO THE CITIZENS OF CHARL] TON.-The YOUNG AMERICA STEAM FIRE C( PA NY would rcspectrully represent that their j sent financial condition; compels them to mi an appeal to your well-knownjloerallty and p Ile spirit. After Ave years' uninterrupted service our ap] ratus, worn and injured by the faithful duly p termed, ?is been sent to the builders for ? epa; The pay from tho city, having been greatly doced, ls Inadequate to meet our current expem and ya j tuc debt Incurred by the company fort necessary repairs now being made. The following gentleman have been appoint to call ou the citizens for donations : A. W. LEWIN, vice-President, p. FINN". j. MCDOUGAL, GEO. RE LYE A, J. ROSIS, J. C. MAHER, JAS. QUINN, M. CAREY, M. KINO. By order or thc Company. It. S. BRUNS, President J..S. WESTBNDORFF, secretary. I clieerrully recommebd tba appeal or the abo Company. . M. H. NATHAN, Juna?_Chlet Fire Department. ?St* OFFICE OF THE SOUTH CAR< LINA CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPAS' CHARLESTON, S. C., 11TII JANUARY, 1871.-Tl Seventh Instalment of FIVE DOLLARS per Sha will be payable on 15th February proximo. In Charleston, at Hie Onice of thc pompan No. lauread street. lu Sumter, to Major JOSEPH JOHNSON. In Manning, to Dr. G. ALLEN HUGGINS. Jnn!l-s5 WM. H. PEHONNKAU, Treasurer. ?Sr FOR MOTH PATCHES Freckles au.l Tan, uso PERRY'S MOTH AN FRECKLE LOTION. The only reliable and barn less rem-'dy known to science Tor re.-uovln brown discolorations from the Face. Prepart tnly by Dr. B. C. PERRY, No. 49 Bund stree New York. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Who! sale by DO WIK, MOISE A DAVIS, Charleston, I c. ilecl6>tlwtu3nioa z?r> FOR COUGHS, BRONCHITIS AN1 Coasiimpiion,[iii Its eat Heat stages, nothing equal Dr. PIEUCE'S ALT. EXi'. OR (?OLDEN MEDICA DISCOVERY. It is also a great blood purl tier au strength restorer or tonic, and ?or "Liver Coir plaint" and Costive Conditions ol the Bowels! has no equal. All Scrofulous and skin disease.1 as Pimples, Blotches, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas an Eruptions, yield to IIB wonderful curative prc pertles. SOId by Dr?gglsts. feui-i iistuanao ^SOONKR OK LATE?, A NEGLEC TED cold wi.I develop a constant Cough, Short ness of Brest h, Failing Strength and Wast lug o Flesh-tho avaut couriers pr Consumption, li sume Instances thc same cause will produce Bron chills, a disease or thc branches or the windpipe lu ail atfectlons or the Pulmonary organs, as wei os la Bronchial complaints, JAYNE'S EXPEU ro RANT ls both a palliative ami a curative, as thi testimony or thousands, and Its world wide repu tation ai tests-while In Cimgns and Colds lt acti speedily, and when tak? najcnrdiug to directions, promptly removes them. Why not give this stau dard ?vmedy au Immediate trial? Sold by al Druggists, and by GOODRICH, WISEMAN A CO. Charleston, S. C. fet?2-thstu3 JSF* PIMPLES ON THE FACE.-FOE Comedones, Rl.ick worms or Grubs. Pimply Erup? tions aud blotched .'isihjurations oq thc Face, use PERRY'S COME DUNE AND PIMPLE REMEDY, Depot No. 49 Bond btreet, New York. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Wholesale" by DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Charleston, s. c. il'-el3-thstu3ino<_ j?* GETTING MARRIED --ESSAYS for Young Men on Social Evils, and the propriety or Impropriety or getting Marm d, with sanitary help for those who feel uuUuen tor matrimonial hupplneas. Sent free, in sealed envelopes. Ad? dress tlowar.l Association, li >x P, Philadelphia, Pa. jau2>-3mos BATCHELORS II AI lt DYE.-THIS SUPERB HAIR DYE ls the best tn the world-per? fectly harmless, reliable and Instan'aneohs. No disappointment. No ridiculous Hut*or unpleas? ant odor. The genuine W. A. UATCIIELOR'811ALK .DYE produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid Bh;ck or Natural Brown. Does not slain the skin, but leaves the hair elem, soft and beautiful. The only Safe and perfect Dye. Spld hy all Drug? gists. Factory No. 16 Bo: d street, New York. jan23-mWUyr .aa-THE GREAT MEDICAL WONDER, DE, HASKELL'S ELECTRIC Ol'.. K Us all pain ia two minutes. Cancers, Bolls, Tetter and Old Sores, cured in 48 hours by DR, HASKELL'S CAR? BOLIC CANCER SALVE. For sale nt retail by G. W. Ai M AK, COHEN'S MEDICAL DE DR. H. BABB, POT, A. O. BARBOT, DR. G. J. LCHX, BD. S. BURNHAM, W. T. LI TTLE Jr CO., M. H. COLLINS A 00., ALFRED RAOUL, M. D., GRAMAN t SCHWAKE, DR. W. A. SK RI NE. E. H. KELLERS, M. ?., And at wholesale by DOWT& MOISE 4 DAVIS. ?Ole Agents :or South Carolina uovli-3mosD4w B^?llL MARINERS CHURCH ^IL^rJ ba&panior Dlvins?Bervlce every S^?BBATI^??ORK iNG,^ntUf-pasi?Vclo%x, corneroY Church arid Water streets. Services by tbe Rev. W. B. YATES, Chaplain._JanI4-s ^.DIVINE SERVICE WILL fi?TC???:" DUCTED ID the Orphans' Chapel on SABBATH ATTBPWOON, at half-past 3 o'clock, by the Kev. ?. M. CARLISLE._feb! ?S- TRINITY CHURCH.-B IS H O P WILLIAM M. WIGHTMAN will preach TOMOR BOW MORNING, at half-past 10 o'clock, and Rev. J. M. CAR LISE. Pastor, at night, at half-past 7 o'clock. Sunday-School "fij the afternoon at quarter, past 3 o-clock. " . ' Jan4-* THE REV. DR. LOOMIS, COR? RESPONDING SBORETARY of the A. S. F. So? ciety, will deliver a Discourse' at the Circular Church, in the MORNING, At half-past 10 o'clock. Subject, "The Mission of Commerce;" and -in the EVENING, athalf-paat 7, at the Central Presby? terian Church, Dr. Dana's. Subject, "The Daugh ter of Tyre."_febt 39* UNITARIAN OflURCH.-DIVINE SERVICE will be held In this Church, TOMORROW M9RNING, at half-past 10 o'clock, and In the EVE? NING, ata quarter-past 7 o'clock, the Rev. R. P. CUTLER officiating. All strangers are cordially invited to attend. Subject for. the evening dis? course : "The Forbidden Fruit and-the Original Sin.? . febi THE RESIDENCE ON RUTLEDGE AVENUE, advertised for sale last Thursday, by W. Y. LEITCH k R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers, was not-sold on account.of the Inclemency of the weather. It will be offered on TUESDAY next, 7 th Instant, at the Old Exchange, at ll o'clock, un? less previously disposed of at Private Sale. febt-sm2 ^SUGGESTIONS FOR THE SEASON. Thousands regard the winter as a season of trials; and .the truth ls, that ir there is a weak point in the system, winter is pretty sure to And lt out. Constitutional tendencies lo disease are generalty aggravated by damp and cold. (Rheumatism sometimes Iles perdu all the summer and fall, to pounce upon Its victims In the season of cold.) As a means of fortifying the body against all the diseases which prevail most extensively In winter HOSTETER'S STOMACH BITTERS cannot be too ?urgently recommended. There would be fewer cases pf the pu! mu nary complaints tending to consumption, If all feeble systems were invigorat? ed 'during rhu sea-on with a cmrse of this Inesti? mable vegetable tonic and alterative. Constipa? tion, Indigestion, torpidity of the liver, and a gen? eral frlugglshness of the secretive organs, very gencrallv prevail at this period of the year. To all these ailments experience (the most trust? worthy of all mentors) teaches, us that the BIT? TERS is a reliable remedy. Warm clothing ls a good external defence against atmospheric cold and moisture, but vigorous activity in the vital organization which generates heat and delivers lt xo thu surface, ts also essential to health, and this activity ls secured through the operation of the BITTERS. The skin sympathizes with the stomach, and If digestion ta regular And perfect, the exterior circulation will be brisk, and damp and cold may be encountered with comparative safety. febl-eoic QLo Bent. TO RENT, TWO ROOMS IN A COM? MODIOUS residence In tue western part of Hie city. 'Apply nt Tag NEWS office. febi-i* TO RENT, A TWO AND A HALF STORY ' BRICK .JMU.SE. No. 4 Trumbo's Court. Good water and other accommodations on tho premises. Apply nt Na l Hay ne street. JauSl-tuths_*_ TO RENT, AVERY DESIRABLE HOUSE lu the upper part of thc city, off Spring street, near Gadsden's Green. This house was occupied by the Sisters of Mercy, and is large aud commodious, having all the modern Improve? ment. Beat low. Apply at No. 114 Broad street, jana ?nmbL'r, ?ntU jr^ UMBER! LUMBER! Lumber otall sises aud ..escrlptions, sawc 1 and delivered at Charleston, or any point on thc South Carolina Railroad. Ordt-ra addressed to TUOS-. s. imOWNING, jftitfO-th?tttlm* 2'PStation. S. C. Railroad. LUMBER, AT WHOLESALE AND RE? TAIL. ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND QUALITY. A full stock of WHITE PINE, from ? tu 12 lnchc3 tl lek, clear and well seasoned. Mahogany, Walnut, Cherry, Birch, Oak, Ash, Poplar Boards and Plauks, Rosewood, Walnut ?ind Mahogany* Veneers. Neweis, Ba asters, all kinds ol Mu?idme*, Sashes, Blind?, Doors, Ac. The at; ct: non of builders and others is especial? ly requested, that we are prepared to furnish the above in any quantities wirti KUUII prices that compare favoraply with New York rates. LU. HALL A 00., Corner East Bay and Market streets. Jan8-w?m2uios ^TOO?! WOOD! WOOD! OAK, LIGHTWOOD and PINE, delivered at ro duced rates. Woou ol' Hie best quality always on liuud. WILLIAM SIMMONS; woo<i Yard, Market street, febisrj* Between State and East Buy. jg HILDERS' DEPOT,. No. 04 CHURCH STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. SLATES TILE TIN LIME PLASTER . CEMENT LATHS . HAIR . SAND, AC., AC, Ac. BUILDING PAPER, A substitute for Laths and Piaster, at less than one-half the cost. J CST RECEIVED, 300 box?s best I. C. Charcoal TTN loo Obis. Empire Mills Plaster. E. M. GRIM KE. ?7- Postoffice i: ix 374. I unis B Soots., Gljocs, &z. O 0 TT"AN D SHOES. GET THE BEST 1 GET THE BEST ! GET THE BEST 1 Buy vonr BOOTS AND SnOES at 8T EI OBS'S , No. 41 BROAD STrtEET. . He makes them to order, in any style desired, u.-lng only the bust material and wo; kmanahip. Cupstaullv on lund, a large assortment of cus? tom made BOOTS AND SHOttS, of all sizes. The New EXCELSIOR GAITER, Which disposes with shoe si hugs and elastic MADE TO ORDER at his establishment. Cad aud examine specimens. JACOB STEIRER, declS-tUthsSmos No. 41 Broad street. .fertilisers. ATLAN 1 IC ~?HT)SPH?TE COMPANY OF CHARLESTON, S. C. F. J. PORCHER, P. j. PELTER, President. Treasurer. IliKKCTfiKS.-W. LE H BY, IV. P. HALL, L. ?. DE SAUSSURE, B. G. I* I NC KN EY. The ATLANTIC PHOSPHATES are now bel?g manufactured at their works -n Ashley River, under tho directiou of an ezpeuenced and practi? cal chemist. The Company Intend thia to be a first-class fer? tilizer, ami one winch can be recommended to Planters. STANDARD GUARANTEED. The Company are also prepared t . manufacture ACID PHOSPHATE for composting with cntton seed. This preparation ls highly recommended by chem Isis, as wita lt Planters are euablud to make their own fertilizers. The ATLANTIC' PHOSPHATE ls sold at $38 per ton, cash, or ?do on time. with, m wrest at the rate of one per cent uer month. . . Tue ACID l'HO-?PTlATK ls s'UH at $85 per ton, cash, or ?40 On time, with interest at the rate of one per ceut. per month. PfcLZBR. RODGERS A CO.. General Ascents, rlcc3l-4mos Brown's Wharf. Charleston, s. C. p E R U V I A N GUANO. For sale a lot of A No. 1 Chincha W i n i GU ANO, in store and toarrive. U)Ul-> Mc LA IN, joni No. 31 Broad s.iect. ?* J QmsmentB. * .yHgr--s-: ^?J|DEMP qjp Musi?. j 1 WO fflMJOMPERFORMANCES I ,? MITINEE AT 2CTCL0CK-EV"ENI*T'r AT ?T Lase Appearances or ihe Great An...ts, ROSE AND HARRY WATKINS. S AT G RD A? AEIERNOQN.. io r jjj?.a ccomiuo J a ? ti on of families and schools, the beautiful Domes? tic Drama of Life, Love and Adveutures, inter? spersed with charming Music and Si >ng, entitled * KATY "D A R L I S6[ Or, POT TOURS ELP IN HER- PLACE. Katy, (with songs.) Rose Watkins. Andy, Harry Watkins. EVENING, at 8 o'clock, the Great Original Dra? matic Version of rhe Popular Roman?a, entitled the HIDDEN nAND; Or, OLD VIKGINIA AS IT WA3. Capitols and Wool, (their origlnahobaracters,) Rose and Harry Watkins. Few Dramas have taken such a popular hold upon the public mind as this Grand Comic Crea? tion, which never fails to elicit the most enthusias? tic demonstrations of delight. No one should fall to witness this carnival of Fun, Frolic, Music, Dance and Song: feb* S T. CECILIA SOCIETY. A BALL will be given at the Hall of the German Freundsthaftsbund, on THURSDAY EVENING, Feb? ruary 9, 1871, instead of Tuesday evening, Feb-, | ruary 7, "as bei etofore advertised. T. PINCKNEY LOWNDES, Jan4-6_ Secretary and Treasurer. ? GRAND MASQUERADE BALL OP THE GERMANIA BUND, WiD ie given on MONDAY, February 13,1871, at the Academy of Music. Tickets can be bad from th?Oommittee: J. H. OETJEN, Chairman. F. W. METER, C. OTTEN, W. E. KLEIN, F. HAESLOOP, J. STEFFENS, C. SCHMETZBR, C P. GARDNER. A fine Brass Band will be bi attendance. Positively no Tickets sold at the door. janl9,21,25,28,30-febl,2,4,6,7,8,9.10,ll,13 Business Caros. ^^?fSL B Y~ \)T^c\TWlTTt SHIP BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 78 EAST BAT, CORNER NORTH ATLANTIC WHARF. FREruUT? for Foreign and Domestic Ports procured at best market rates. Strict attention given, and liberal advances made OE all consignments. All orders faithfully executed. . feb4-stalh. JAMES MCCONKEY, PAINTER AND DECORATOR. Orders- received at A. 0. BARBOT'S Drug Store, No. 43 Broad .street. ._Jan21-lmo JOHN MAESH?feL,.'jK., COMMISSION MERCHANT. NAVAL STORES, COTTON, LUMBER AND BICE. MARSHALL'S WHARF, Charleston, S. C. auir24 s _.* *_ JL- L UNS FORD, CABINET-MAKER . and UPHOLSTERER, begs leave to inform the people of'Charleston, and of the State, that be ls still carrying on his old business, at Nb. 31 Queen street. He can make or r pair a piece of Furulture-of any daeortptlon. He also manufac? tures new MATTRESSES and renovates old ones. Cane Chair-bottoms replaced by an experienced workman. Customers muy rely upon the per? formance of work lu a ffrompt and faithful man? ner. Price for renovating a Moss Mattress, large hizo, $3 60; Hair Mattresses, $i; Cotton or Wool Mattresses, $5. Persons having this work to be done are assured that the contents of mattresses will not be exchanged for cheap or ipferlor arti? cles. J. L. LUNSFORD, P. B. H. dec21_ Jg ALL, BLACK & CO., Nos. 565 and 667 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, WATCHES and SILVERWARE, Of the best, quality and at LOWEST PRICES, doods sent per Expresa, C. O. D. junl8-lyr Sfaospapevs, ?Hagauses, Ut. JJ U R A L CAROLINIAN. FEBRUARY NUMBER. High Farming Without Manure, E. M. Pendle? ton; Experiments with Fertilizers, E. B. Smith; Practical Experience in Haming. S. W. Evans; Common Sense applied to Farming, Hobkirk; Ex? pel lenee with Turnips, R. Clilsolm; Is the South a Stock Country? D. w. Aiken; Nut Bearing Trees of thc South, S. B. Buckley. And numerous orher articles and much valua? ble correspondence. Subscription, $2 per annum. Addreas RURAL CAROLINIAN, febl Charleston, s. G. Docing, &r. OU T H ERN DYE ?O4USE. S A new FRENCH DYE HOUSE has been opened at NO.-.I69 King street,- where DYEING la aU col? ors, and Cleautng of all kinds is done at the shortest notice* aha la the best style. I. BILLER, French Dyer. No. 350 King street, near corner George street. 8epl6-lj:r . c ?roceriis, tiqeors, &z. HEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! COOD AS THE BEST \ Is the universal verdict pronounced upoii 0 S T ES D O It F F ' 3 PRIZE G ROUER IES N. B.-All goods delivered free of charge. PRIZES ! PRIZES! PRIZES! Not brass jewelry either, given with all sales of one dollar, at OSTENDQRFF'S PRIZE GROCERY, Northeast corner of Rutledge avenue and Cannon street. Jan3-tuth82mos_ jCUOUB, SIDES. SHOULDERS, HAMS, PORK, COFFEE, SUGAR, Ac. JEFFOR'DT & CO., NOS. 17 and 19 VENDUE RANGE, OFFER AT LOWEST MARKET RATES: 600 bbls. Fresh Ground FLOUR 26 hims. Choice Clear RU> sides 20 hhda. Prime .-moked Shoulders 10 tierces Choice S. C. Ham's IO tierces Pure Leaf Lard 25 bbls. Heavy City Mess Pork pounds Prime Dry Salt Sides lo,ooo pounds Dry --alt Bernes 100 sa< ks Rio Coffee 160 bills. Refined Sugars loo cases 2 and 3 lb. Fresh Tomatoes 75 cases Fiesh Peaches loo cases. 1 and 2 tb, Fresh Oysters. octll-tiithssmos_ JJxLNNlS'S ACME RYE WHISKIES. Messrs. H. S. HANNIS A CO., of Philadelphia, ever intent to Improve on the qualities rr their WHISKIES, can lay claim to producing some of the choicest In the coantry, and having rendered the pnces such as to to make them available for every class of trade and for general use oder the celebrated Acme brands or CABINE I , NECTAR. XX XX. XXX, XX and'X, through us, as their sole ag eu; s tor this city and the State 0. South Caro? lina, at the most advantageous prices sud terms. OLACIUS A WITTE, No. 130 Bast Bay. 60 BARRELS AS? 26 HALF BARRELS OF THE ABOVE ON HAND NOW. aoT28-stnth3inoa_ JUST r.'N ! A Large Lot of NEW, HYSONS, SOUCHONGS AND OOLONGS, Taken ont of bond after the reduction of the tariff. JOHN H UR KA MP A CO. nov24-8moa jfttytetim timare, &z. fi % MM T po TO w ru so irs: M" - - ?or SU8?B8, TEAS, 00PPEB8. Goto WILSONS T?r Hao8i strips, Bacon. Go to WILSON? ForB^tpatterat46cap?nnd.' oo to WILSON* For win?, Bran*?, Liquors. Go to WILSON'S For can?ed Fruits, Jellies. Go to WILSON'S por ?? Lat?? novelties. Go to WILSON'S For that Dollsx'Teal Go to WILSON'S ye R?onomit Ai Housekeepers. Go to WILSON'S, ye oi united Parse. Go tp W?LSOJ^^j lni*ri and Society street?. Go to WILSON^^ get yoar Qoods antlered free. Go to WILSON'S For aU your Groceries. Go to WIL5 ON'S, ^ doubtful and be convinced. Go to WILSON'S, Ko charge for looking. Go to WILSON'S, ^ doubt no more. Go to corn? Soolety and Anson streets, Go to WILSON'S,^ gee tbe'prlK ugda! Biscuit?. GO to WILSON'S, Go to WILSON'S Goto WILSON'S And get your money's worth. CHEAP GROCERY. Econor Go to WILSON'S, '>2l Corner Anson and Society streets. "jQICKSON'S COTTON SEED. UOOO bushels of DICKSON'S COTTON SEED. For sale by W. HrWaNNAMAKBR, St. Matth? ew's, S. C., at 7* cents pe* bushel. Reference-Pelzer, Rodgers A Co., Charleston, S.e._feBM J^EMONS! LEMONS I 30 botes Messina LEMONS. '-> Landing from Steamer Manhattan. For saleby JOHN F. O'NEILL; ^f* feb2-tbsm3_No. 167 East Bay. J^IVERPOOL SALT. 1700 sacks Liverpool SALT. Landing from Ship Muscongus. For ?ale by jania_ VT. J. KEBR-ACQ. jyVERPOOL S*ALT AFLOAT. 4000 sacks Liverpool SALT, ? Just received per bsrk Vinco, and for sale in lots to suit purchasers by ROBERT MURE A CO., jagg_;_ Central Wharf. ?OAL AT S8 75-PER TON DELIVERED. 2u? tons Grate and Stove COAL, delivered in any part of tbe city at $8 70 per ton. Landing this day. Apply to . J. A. ENSLOW & CO., feb2 . No. lil East Bay. Xj"| ASTERN HAY. soo bates EASTERN HAY. Landing and for sale by J. A. ENSLOW * co., feba_ No. 141 East Bay. 1 '8 - THE ? 7 1 "CHAMPION HAM" ls considered the best ever introduced in this cliy. This is the opinion of all who nave .tried them. 18-THE-71 CHAMPION HAM* ls warran ted-Mf they do not prove what is claim? ed for them, the money win be refunded. 18-THE-71 V CHAMPION HAM ia cured expressly for the undersigned, and. no expense has been spared to make them superior to all other H ami / loV-THE-71 CHAMPION HAMS are pu : up in thin glased canvass, and run from eight to twelve pounds each. We Invite every? body to try 18-THE-71 . CHAMPION HAM cured expressly fox ' EVERT E. BEDFORD, * janii_No. 376 King street. Jj ! A li 0 N. D HAMS. DAVLs'S ' DIAMOND HAMS. DUFFIELD'3 WESTPHALIA HAMS. DDFPIELD'S BONELESS BREAKFAST STRIPS. DUFFIELD'3 CHOICE SMOKED BEEF. DUFFIELD'3 SMOKED BEEF TONQUES. For sale by EVERT E. BEDFORD, Late Wm. S. Corwin A Co., janll_'_No. -275 King street" J? I N . G WILLIAM Just received at KING WILLIAM'S CIGAR FAC? TORY, No. 310 King street, near Society street, a lame and complete assortment or Leaf, Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO, cigarettes, Snuff, Pan. Ac. Havana aud Domestic Cigars imported and manufactured by WM SCRRoDER, who respect? fully Invites the attention or chewers and smokers, and traders, wholesale and retail, to a stock fully comprising every variety ol quality aud oricea, rrom the cheapest to the highest grade, waten ls offered at the lowest cash rates. A<1 orders from tue country will receive prompt attention and shipped a Ot D., or at thirty days* city accept? ance^_- . deci3-6moa JJ^A H. W. CATHER WOOD'S EXTRA FINE PORE OLD MONONGAHELA WHISKIES. In order to-facHttate the supply of our PURE OLD ?MONONGAHELA-RYE WtfLSKIRS to our former numerous customers at the Sooth, we have appointed Messrs. H. G ERD S A CO. our Agents, who, by this arrangement are enabled to supply the trade at pri?es which will insure satis? faction. H. A li. IV. OATHERWOOD. The an bec ribera take pleasure to inform their customers and the trade generativ tn at they have atm a few barrels of the Mesera. CATHRRWOOD'S FINE OLB MONONGAHELA WHISKIES on hand, which ha? had the benefit ol a Southern summer's heat. Have also received recently one hundred barrels of various grades, at reduced prices. ' H. GE KOTS ? CO., dec20-tnths3moa No. 196 East Bay. ^ GOOD ADVERTISING MEDIUM. THE MOUNTAINEER, GREENVILLE, S. C., Has tne largest, real, circulation of any paper In that section. Subscription price *i a year. G. E. ELFORD, Editor aad Proprietor. O. G. WSLLSr Aaaociato Editor! a dec?s ^