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""CITY AFFAIRS.. .Meteorological Observations. The following Is the War Department weath? er report-divisions of telegrams and reports for the benefit of- commerce. Observations taien jesterday, at 4:51 P. M.. Charleston time._ I a I di o| Sf 3 I ' S ga f Lita! I *Z Place of o fS Sd ?. =? Observation. : * 3 ?=. . o - ??-? Augusta.! 30.13160 i ?NWlG'tle. iClondy. Bait ?more.. 30.12142 3 |Cm?. Cloudy. Charleston, S. C. so.??i??f 2 JW ;Z'phr Cloudy.. K-r West,Fla...... ....]..... New-York.'?e 4 SW G'tle, [Oleady. Philadelphia.... 2?.S4?47'. 7 SW Iz'phr ("Cloudy. Savannah..,_ 30.1865' 2 NW G'tle. L. Rain WoaMngwn,D.a .??K9sm? e w z*pnr Cloudy. WKrnragtoo.N.C. 80.09(67 -3 sw prVt Pair. Norfolk.? 29.99,541 12 SW Pl's't. Cloudy. Barometer corrected for elevation and tempe? rature. _ Meeting* This Day. Marlon Lodge, at 7 P. M. Eagle Fire Company, at.7 P. M. Prospect Lodge, at half-past 7 P. M. Marion Fire Company, at 7 P. M. German Rifle Club, at 8 P. M. Auction Sales This Day. J. G. Milner & Co. will sell-at half-past 10 pflock, at his store, flowering shrubs, Ac H. Cobla 4 co. will sell at ll o'clock, at Brown's waar", molasses. Leitch & Bruns will sell at io o'clock, at l?o. 22 George street, furniture. 4tiiiiam McKay wi l sell at :o o'clock, at bis store, furniture, counters, Ac. Miles Drake win sell at io o'clock, at his sjore, shoes, clothing and hats. / PERSONAL.-Jarhep B. Rand??,.Esq., of Au? gusta, aud Mr. Joshua T. James, of the Wllming' ton journal, are staying at the Charleston Hotel. STILL THET COME.-General Wm.-Gurney and Mr. Benjamin Gapers are nominated as addi? tional candidates for, the '-vacant chair'' in the StateSenate, _> COMPLIMENTABY.-Norman. Hale, Esq., of the Ciceronian Literary Society of that staunch old Institution, Roanoke College, Virginia, will accept our thanks for his invitation to attend the anniversary celebration on the 221 instant. ? Moss MAU. IRREGULARITIES.-Dr. M. Rey? nolds, a subscriber at Statesbnrg, writes word that he only received two copies of THE, DAILY NEWS betwoe'n January io and January ol. The postal service in South Carolina needs an exten sire overhauling. DUEL PRETESTED.-We learn that the aftalr of honor pendlag between Colonel Willam. John ston^resweilt of t-heTharlotte, Columbia" au* Augusta Ballroad, and Mr. A. H. Davega, of Chester, 8. C., has been amicably adjusted &y the Intervention of friends. AN EXOBLLSST CHOICE.-We learn that Mr, D. S. Henderson, ef this city, lus been elected principal of the Chester Academy. Mr. Hender? son graduated with irrst honors at the Charleston College in the class of 1373, and. is a gentleman of fine abilities and promise. We congratulate the Chester Academy upon the excellant selection it has made. UNITED STATES COURT.-The District Court was opened at io o'clock yesterdsy morning, his Honor Judge Bryan presiding. Thc case of the Beaufort commissioners of elec tion was taken up, and the examination of the witnesses for the prosecution continued until 3 o'clock, when the court adjourned until io o'clock this morning. A SAIL rx THB W/IND.-Fred. Small was brought before Trw! Justice McKinlay yesterday morning and tried -on the charge of stealing a sall from Sampson McNeil, last Saturday night, on board a small wood-barge, ly ing at' the west end or Broad street. After a thorough investiga? tion, the prisoner was found g:i Wy and sentenced to thirty dags' imprisonment tn rte county Jail. v . -, -? .". . j OCR PsifiBs CORRXNT.-Weespecially Invite the aueutiQir*or*oar merchants to Tits NEWS Prices Uorr?nt,-'ii3ueil . thia morning. Made up with the utmost cai^ arid-handsomely printed with entirely new type, it forms, with the business .card of the house forwarding it, the most attract? ive aad welcome weekly commercial circular that can be asea. Price, for ten copies or more, with business cards, two and a half cents per copy; slugie.copies Ave cents. LARGE SALE OF COI FEE, SUGAR AND MO? LASSES.-The cargo of Rio coffee, ex Prothesa, amounting to ab jut 2500 bags, of Demerara; sn gar aud molasses, ex W. L. Deming, and other im pcpaijj?os, rorajlDg one ol the larges} SAd'ntost vsittamaooBecUoafcoi these lirticJe^eferpife-red on.on? occasionJuouxcltg, were disposed or at pabilo auction ye?$dayt 1$ Mri fK-;p. Hair; at the large ?ta^eh?ui?ia?><n> corner of Qaeen an'-i PhUAkripai d str ee ts. the' ampie storeroom wa? .ca aw ded with buf?i8^no_; OBIT irom Ottf Wa etty hat- Lforu most ot-t.'p? neigh hortag-'oost ujerclat towna^aad ihe;eniiro o Ie tl og, io th s - yal oe of about cue t un (Ired > an J ? forty-ihonsaatl dollars, -wheoga atgood p?ces. " ,* A I i-/*** ]:*x>< ^ * / g- ^ ^'j y&pRttPa&Ttos'?6Fjem Tix?-Jaoob Burne -wa? arrestad, ye - tor Oaf acorn wjr. "by omcer John aoav'on suspicion of having, s-.rte n a box or tm, for roomng, from the warehouse No. 2? Church Street The box" weighs aijoat a hundred pounds, and waa missed bj ore-of the-clerka, on. Monday laj&'Croai ? large pile. Jacob waa employed at il^issiahriihaieut some .time ago'op?n good re connnendatlooa, aad was not suspected of any tnfetg antiUMs present arrest. Qe aaa bees ar? rested-toefora, however, en charges of larceny and assault ana battery, ?nd aerved oat a tens or tliir; y days In Jad" for tac a offence. He denies the .charge of the tu steaHng, bat offers to pay JOT the-artlele If .the matter bev dropped. tatned iJMiustody for examination.' G. G. GRAD v's CIRCUS. -Those whom the maddy streets did aot deter Crom going to the O?adelv Green rast evening were treated to aa ex? hibition but seldom seen of late. The performance throughout was a regular old-fashioned Amer! .an .olrens, ?nd kept the assernble i erowd delighted until the end vithent aay extraneous aid. The inherent displays of riding showed great agility aird b-i :ne -?; and few could witness the da uger ?03 knife-th rowing without shuddering. Toe several downs were the funnies-' in -their lise, and got off Tots .of new and good things', which ?ere-aproarjou'stT received. The acrobatic" feats frere among the best lu the performance! ? wing to the wearier the canvas wai not as crowded as the performance deserved, OT as it wm ba*this evening if tho wea:he improves. BOBBERY OF GREENBACKS.-THE THIEF IN JAIL.-Thomas Bauks, a colored youth of eighteen summ* rs, was arrested yesterday morning on a charge of s tea lu g $25 In greenbacks from a col? ored man named Frank Gregory. Both or them had been employed for some time past in a bar. room on Maiket street, and at night slept la the same apartment. .'Ban'.s discovered that hts com? panion kept his money in his t?unk, and one day last week, when Gregory was absent, he opened the trunk and made off with $25 lu-greenbacka. The thief at the same time, from fear of detection, left $3 in coin, which was with the re3t of the money. Gregoty reported the matter at the de? tective office, and Officers Davis and Burke, having taken charge of the case, arrested Banks early yesterday morning aad lodged him in a cell at the detective office. A few minutes after his incarce? ration the prisoner made the loctpup resound with Us shouts and lamentations, ami made a confession of the whole matter to the officers. The money, was ?.ot fouud on his person, brit he ottered to take tue officers where he had left ir, and the amount, minns $0, which the prisoner fepeat, will probably be recovered. Banks ls held fer examination. REAL ESTATE SALE.-The fine rice and cot? ton plantation on Edtsto River and Mosquito Creek, known as "Sampson Island," in all about IMO acres, 60 acres of rice' and 50 acres of high land, now under cultivation, was sold, yesterday public J. Fraser Mithewes, snhject io lucumbrances, for $1500; one-third cash, and ttie balance in one, two and three years. GRAND DIAMOND GIFT CONCERTS, for the beheflt of thc unfortunate Bufferers in the French war, will be held in Washington, D. C., on the 27th day of February, 1871, at which time over nine thousand sets of diamond Jewelry will be dlstribnted'to holders of tickets without reserva? tion, and whether present or absent. These gems range In value from $55 to $60,000, and every gem is warranted by a wholesale diamond house to he genuine and of the finest water. The names of General Albert Pike, or Washington City, and the Eon. John E. Ward, of New York, appear as man? agers and should be a sufficient endorsement of the adair. Tickets are $6 eaoh, and can be found at the Charleston Hotelr In charge of A, Butter? field, their authorized agent. THE SOUTH CAROLINA INSTITUTE.-The meet? ing at the Board of Trade Rooms last night was well attended, and considerable interest was manifested in the financial condition or the In? stitute. Ou motion of Mr. W. S. Heaerey, Colonel W. L. Trenholm was proposed a3 president for the ensuing year. The rules being suspended, Colonel Trenholm was unanimously elected by acclamation. Mr. Alva Gage and Dr. A. B. Rose were subsequently elected vice-presidents. An adjourned meeting -was ordered to be called on Friday, the 10th instant, when' a full statement or the assets and lttbllttres or the Institute will- be presented and a board of directors .elected. Messrs. Egan, Gage and Potter wore appointed a committee to visit Columbia and try to effect some arrangement with the Stater authorities In regard to mortgages held on thc property pr the Institute. The meeting thea adjourned'. CLIJBB ANO STARS.-A white woman, be? longing to the numerous family or tue Brides, aecamc very Intoxicated on Wednesday .night ind was arrested roi* ra'slog a disturbance at (he ?mer or E'liot-t and Church streets. She was wrought berore the Mayor yesterday morning, ind arter an examination discharged on condition >r leaving the city at once for Savannah and be? having herself.ia future. Au individual with a red face was struck by \ lersey lightning on East Bay late Wednesday e light. Els nose, however, proved to be a ggod" t m i uer or, and .the electric encrent passed from hts t system near this point. He was taken to the Guard- b louse, and after audglu or deep slumbers appeared jefore the Mayor, by whom he waa discharged h ipoQ explaining the unusual occurrence and on ? making the assurance that lightning never-strikes t twice hr the same place. li John White, arrested on suspicion of stealing a t pocket of cotton rrom a boat, at one of the c wharves, after a preliminary hearing was re- r nanded for fumier examination. ]l COLONEL THOMAS A. DODAMKAD, of Virginia, | b rho has just entered upon the dutles^f engineer md general superintendent or the Greenville and v Columbia Railroad, is one of the most experienced fl tmTefflcIent railroad men in the United States, c For thirty y?ars he has been connected with rall- h roads la Virginia, during this time having f lad charge or the Richmond and Petersburg, Chesapeake and Ohio, virginia and Tenncs iee, Richmond and York River, und Rich nond and Danville Railroads, and early In the ate war was- ser: West by the Confederate Gov? ernment to take charge of the Memphis and Chlo Railroad and the road from Bowling Green to Nashville, while General Albert Sidney Johnston iras-in command at the former place. He return Ml to Virginia after tho rall of Fort Donaldson, to r' ake charge or the -Richmond and Danville line, t! .rhlch he has managed until his transrer to our d >wn State. His thorough and practical km-wtedge n alt thc departments or engineering, construc inn, transportation, and machinery or railroads, E las given Colonel Dodamead a deservedly hfgh h lositlon In his profession, and there is no wonder 0 hat "I'S Virginia papers speak with regretful ti errus of the loss or an officer so efficient, und a c ltizen so valuable. What ls their los*, however, ts ur gain, and we congratulate the Greenville aud ,'otnmbta Railroad on their excellent choice. THE ACADEMY ot- Music-Atter the criticism ipou the domestic drama of Harry Watkins, cn Ried "Set in Gold, or the One Bright Spot." which ras performed at the Academy last night, we rere prepared for au unusually fine representa lon of character. It ls'scarcely necessary to add hat no lover or good acting could last night have icon disappointed. The play ls not only novel nd original, but in writing it, Mr. Watkins si ems 0 have adapted lt expressly to that peculiar ?ilenj which he possesses of throwing the whole Dree of the Irish character into tue exlilbl?on of n hour. The ld*a sought to be illustrated t* that TavarJce struggling with natural affection-or miser weighing the attraction or gold against ftelove-of a son, and the acoompllslje 1 actor eld his audience spell-bound from the begin? ing to the end of the performance. A more tinning drama has no: been put upon our stage Dr a long time, and ono can readily understand ow rt.has added rresh laurels to the rame or the uthor- actor. Mrs. WatAlns as Biddy McNhlty chleved another success, and received manya ilaudltas tribute to the charming manner in raich she sings her way into the people's heart TheN,Adventurcs of aiiove Letter" concluded the atertalument To night Mrs. Rose WiUktns will ave a benefit. The play selected ror the occasion 1 "?lolly Bawn." and we venture the prediction it lone which will draw a Urge and appreciative au lenee. Some how or other one Ukes to vibrate uddenly "rrom grave tb gay, frdm lively to evere," and thc Watkins have the wonderful irt ot bringing salt water to the eyes, aud In a nomeut atterwards stretching mouths from ear o ear to catch the trickling tear-drop. GRAND TOURNAMENT AI TIVERTON LAWN. >u the 10th of last month, the usual routine of oantry Ute at St. John's Berkeley, near Biggins march, was varied hy one of these handsome fxhibitlons, which display to ao much advantage he graceful riding and _skliral. horsemanship of roung men. The weather was fine, and at an ?arly hour the knights assembled at the Lawn to he number af seventeen, attired In gorgeous cos umes of every description, which spoke wonders or the rojian-tic taste of the wearers. A large lumber of woman, many gentlemen, a good sprinkling or boys and gina, and a black forest >f Fifteenth amendments assembled to wi: a ess he "feats at arms." The lists, consisting of a. .mooth lawn" with three rings suspende I at in er? rais of thirty-three yards, had been already pre tared, and, at thc sound or the trumpet, eich -.night m turn ran a til: at the rings. After-three Hts-to-each -knight, in which the most skrtful lorseraanshlp and graceful rldtag-was displayed. ;he first prize was, awarded to the '-Knight or ihe .one Star," John' C. Bradley<; Jr;, Esq., whit, as he privilege pf'Ms- prowea^eirbjfnad Miss Alice ?loyd the Q ueen or Love and I Beau ty. Thc s .'Cond r-rize was a ward al to the ifJCSlghti or the Stars," samuel D. A\rtnger, EaqVwnn placed his wreath ipon the brow or MIssdKate Harvey as first m dd Df honor. The third" prize was awarded to the .Knight of Bunker Hill," Joseph A. Harvey, Esq., who placed h's wreath upon thc brow of Miss Bessie Clark as secoad mild of honor. The fourth prizo was awarded to the "Knight of the 3outhern Croas,*" Jacob Carson, Esq., wno placed his wrea'h upon the brow of Miss Emma Brown? ing as third maid or honor. The fifth prize, for which there was a close competition, and which consisted or a tin sword, was won at last by the "Knight of"-well-"Cliarlestou," who wore tc with good grac? fur the rest of the evening. After the tournament, the young people adjourn? ed to the handsome mansion adjoining the lists, and, to the pleasing strains of a due band, the happy dancers whited away the evening hours. Queens and princes, knights and maids or honor, all played their part, and Tew will rerget ror a long time to come the pleasures and Incidents or the Tiverton Lawn tournament. We are indebted to '.Santcc" Tor a graphic and ijtcresttng account of the proceedings in de? tail, but the want or space compels us to select but a few of the principal items from the le; ter. RANGE OP THE THERMOMETER at Joseph Blackman's drug store, No. 39 Broad street, Jan? uary 31: 8 O'Clock, 61; 10, 62; 12, C5;2, 66; 4, 57; 6,- 65; S, 64. TRIAL JUSTICES.-The Senate has confirmed the following nominations: Lexington County William J. Barr, Charles Hutto, W. D. Hill, J.'J. Derrick and J. H. Conntz, Jr. Barnwell County B. H. Nurtand and Oliver Hewitt. Rejected-J. Lease and R 0. McMillan, of Barnwell County. CRUMBS.-We have received from Messrs. Walker, Evans A* Ct. the proceedings or the an? nual convention of thc South Carolina Agricultu? ral and Mechanical Society, held in Columbia, S. C. , lu November last. . The delay in the arrival of the Greenville train, at Columbia, on Tuesday, was caused by a run off the track near Beiton. Three cara were damaged, sut no one hurt. THE SAVANNAH RIVER RISING.-The rains )f Tuesday and Tuesday night caused the Savan lah River to rise rapidly. At 4- P. M. on Wed ?esday the stream at Augusta measured tweaty our feet, and eight feet more would Inundate ;he upper part of the city. At 1 o'clock the mpetuous force of ihe current bore away the ?ntlre cabin or the old steamer Hard Times, for teveral months past lying below thc city limits, >n the Carolina side, leaving nothing visible of he venerable and much disputed boat. DISPOSING OF HIS ARMS.-Upon- the coin ilaint of Lieutenant Young, of the Comet Light nfantry, Company E, 1st Regiment or the N. G. >. C., James Richardson, a member of that com lany, was arrested yesterday afternoon on the ?harge of disposing or-"C/Vdf'i* jxw?e/-/'"-bis ine and accoutrements. Thoprlsoner had joined he company In lsto, and been presented with a temlngtou rifle and the necessary military iccoutrements. The-e he had borne at several' i laraderf, Ac, but lately having taken a review of he Eastern question, and seeing that the Franco 'ermau war wat as good as ended, the soldier . oncluded that there was ne use for arms in 'these weak piping times of peace,'" and disposed r them. The State, however, whose property ! hey Vere,v put a veto upon these proceedings, . nd so the poor militiaman ls arrested. His case rill be examined to-day bet?re Trial Justice ' fagratli. FINISHING OFF A SPREE-A LIVELY FIGHT nra THE POUCE.-At a late hour on Wednesday vening last, R. Middleton, a colored jouth. en? ere?! Military Hall, In Wentworth 6treet, where, he fair of the Niagara Fire Company was 4>elng .eld, lu a state or Intoxication, and mingling d'.h. the dense throng which covered the Urge all, m his jolly humor-soon contrived to raise a * listurbance. A policeman present Requested him o keep order, btu Middleton was just In a fight- .' ag mood, and becoming enraged at the Insinua lon, pitched Into the X. Y. Lin the most fero* Ir is manner. Fortunately for the latter, retn orcements arrived quickly upon the scene, and ftera lively scuttle, In-which he fought like a 'rojan until almost all his clothing was torn off y lus foes, Middleton" was arrested and.taken ut. The cortege, on its way to the Guardhouse, ras overtaken In King street by one of the riends of the prisoner, named James Barnes, who aught hold of the police to stop them, and get la friend off. His overtures were badly received, or In a few moments he was a prisoner on his ray to the Slationhouse, by the side or his friend, 'hey were both locked up, and yesterday morning lade their appearance before the City Judlelary. Liter n hearing, in which their offences were learly proved, they were sentenced, notwlth taudlngthelrtiumerou3 excuses, to pay a One of ?5 each, or go to the House or Correction ror fl\? ttys. They seemed to have spent all or their louey at the ralr, ror with a dgh cr resignation, hey wended their way to tlie House or Corteo? lon, where they will put np ror the next Ave ays. Tnt GERMAN ARTILLERY MASKED BALL. ?arly last evening the entrance to thc Hibernian lull was thronged by a motley crowd or the curl us watch lng eagerly ror, and hailing with cheers, ie numerous grotesque characters as they as. ended to the hall above. Notwithstanding the nilen aspect of the aky the Artillerists and their dr guests turned out In large numbers, and In a hort Mme the spacious hall waa crowded with isrry beings. The large number of clowns, frayed In all the glories or variegated paper cam ric, gave carrency to the report that thc city as shortly to be overrun with circuses, and all i turu were made painfully aware of numerous (tie demons running around thc hall admluls ;rlng a welcome with sound slaps from their Hons. The dominoes were out in force; and ie dark eyes that dashed from ben ea Hi the -ovoklng musks w,re tantalizingly distract g. Knights and negresses, nnns and ne? ues, peasant girls aud peanut-venders-all ingledin the usual ill-assorted, mirth-Inducing yle. Here a sable woedsawyer pited his trade, .erlooked in a suspicious, license-inquiring man? ir hy one of "Whipper's Bulldog?;" there a phl nthropic?l dominic went offering his capacious tx of snuff to the numerous gigantic fiery nasal ivelopmeats which shone In every direction. A ind of merry fifteenth amendments, In all the orles of ebon faces and kinky hair, and led by ce'ebrated "press-toe-dig-potato," attracted uch attention aud excited curiosity to the high >t pitch. At half-past ll o'clock the unmasking ?ok pine, and lt was long before the numerous tclamatlouB or surprise, and thc hearty laughs ; the discomfitures and mistakes, had subsided, general sacrifice to her of the "many-twinkling et" followed, and was enjoyed with all the spirit ( ' German festivities. At a late hour or the night, - rather an early one of the morning, the strains f softly-breathing music told that the dancers nd uot yet giren o'er their fascinating amuse >ent B U S J X E H S NOTICES. NOTICE.-The Fancy Goods for sale tills day t auction bas been sold at private sale. reb3-l T. M. CATER. SALE or SECURITIES.-Holmes & Macbeth -ill sell at the old Pcstofucc, at ll o'clock A. M., Ry sh ires South Carolina Railroad and bank tock, and ther valuable securl ties. DOWN.-It will be noticed that a liansome eduction has been made in the Belling price of ie "Magnum Bonum" fertilizer, of which Mr. J. L.Caldwell A Son are the agents. COAL.-We desire to call attention to the ad ertlsement of Messrs. J. A. Enslow A Co. or un xcelleut article or Philadelphia coal, suita'sle mr loves and grates, at SS 75 per ton, delivered In ny part or thc city, for a few days, while the c>sel ls discharging. feb3-l THE MOST celebrated medicinal tonic ol the ge, Old Carolina Bitters. Have you tried them ? Bowie GOODS ! RUSTIC GOODS !-Side and .omer brackets, book racks, wall pockets, paper rands, match safes, and pia ure frames. Hasel >t reet Bazaar and No. 161 King street. oct ia To CURE prostration, Indigestion and many, tther irs that woman ls heir to, use the Old Caro? ma Bitters. FRAMES ! FRAMES ! FRAMHB!-AT REDUCED PRICES l AT REDUCED PRICKS I-For Photo? graphs and Imperial Cards-the greatest variety jver seen lu this city-the Ladles are especially uvired to call at No. 161 King street, or at the Hasel street Bazaar. octl4-fs MIRE YOUR CLOTHING !-Order your Stencil Plates at the Hasel Etreet Bazaar. octU-fs ATTENTION, TOURISTS.-Stereoscopic views of Charleston and vicinity, at No. 161 king street, or at the Haael street Bazaar. nov!2 Do NOT neglect your heaith. Take the Old Carolina Bitters; they will prove a foantaln or renewed life. BULL HEADS printed on fine paper at S3, ii, $5, $6 SO ind $8 60 par thousand, according to size, at TEC NEWS Job Office. fertilisers. TO FACTORS AMD PLANTERS ! -0 "Cae undersigned begs to inrorm his customers and the public that, In addition to his Works at Savannah, he has established extensive Superphosphate Works at the WAPPOO MI GUS, opposite this city, which are now la acive opiratlon, raaaufatsturing his well known fertilizers, the ' P H:0 S P HL?0 - P }EHR 3U .VI A N . AND . AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANOS, AND WHERE HE WILL ALSO KEEP ON HAND N o. 1 I?ERTJVIA1Y GUANO, SOUTH CAROLINA PHOSPHATES of the highest grade from his Ashepoo Mines, (crude and ground,) analyzing over sixty per cent, of Bone Phosphate of Lime; and LAND PLASTEB . These Works have been opened under the inspection of Dr. C. H. SHEPARD, Jr., inspector of Fertilizers for south Carolina, and every package will bear his brand certifying to its inspection. Uniformity or quality quaraa teed and prices reduced. Meesrs. G. A TRENHOLM & SON, General Agents, ) PTT. WT F(,Tnv " ." Messrs. GRAE8ER & SMITH, Agents, f CHARLESTON, 8. C. ja?L3 J. B. HARDY. CORNER EAST BAY AND BROAD STREETS, CHARLESTON, S.-C. ETI WAX G??AI0S, SOLUBLE MANURES AND SULPHURIC ACID, MANUFACTURED AT THE ETIWAN" WOR/KIS./ CHARLESTON, S. C., BY THE mnm MD m snpwp mum. THE NOW WELL KNOWN* ETIWAN GUANO ISJIANT/FACTCRED FROM THE NATIVE BONE PIIOSPHATKS.of South Carolina. These PHOSPHATES lu their natural state are Insoluble, and re? quire to be grouad to powder, and made Soluble by Sulphuric Acid. Tnls Company have now in ope? ration the largest Sulphuric Acid Chambers at the South, and are, therefore, able to manufacture at .the lowen rates, the highest, grade of FKRTILIZER; lt being dear that thagreater the proportion of Soluble Phosphate which any Fertilizer contains the less the quantity required per'acre. In order to make the Fertilizer complete. Ammonia and Potash In surnclent quAututes are added. With these views the company manufacture and oner for sale , ETI W A X GU ANOS, WARRANTED TO CONTAIN FROM 15 TO 20 PER CERT. OF DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE OF L'ME. and rrom 2 to 2)i per cont, of AMMONIA, with a sunTclent addition of PERUVIAN GUANO and POTASU, to adapt lt to all crops. Price $63 per toa, cash; on time, $70 per ton, and interest 7 per cent, per annum. ? DISSOLVED BONE, OF HIGH GRADE. SUITABLE FOR MANUFACTURERS OR FOR PLANTERS. BEING IN ITSELF AN excellent FERTILIZER, and specially adapted for Compost. As large quantities of Sulphuric Acid are nsed to dissolve the Phosphate, this will be found a cheap and convenient wavto transport that ma? terial. The grade famished will be from 18 to 20 per cent. Dissolved Bone Phosphate. Price $40 per ton. cash: on time, $45, with interest at 7 per cent, per annum. Still higher grades will be furnished to order at an additional price percentage. COMPOUND ACID PHOSPHATE, SPECIALLY PREPARED FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON* SEED AND OTHER PLANTATION MANURES. Price. $35 per ton, cash; on time, $40, with Interest at ; per cent per annum. GROUND BONE, AT MUCH LOWER RATES, CONSISTING SIMPLY OF THE NATIVE-BONE PHOSPHATES GROUND to powder. Price $20 per ton, cash; oa time, $22, and Interest at 7 per cent, per ac num. WM. C. BEE & CO., AGENTS, No. 14 ADOS R'S WHARP, CHARLESTON. S. C. N, B.-THE PERCENTAGE OF DISSOLVED BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME AND AMMONIA IN ALL THE ETIWANS is ascertained at the Works, by their Chemist, before delivery. S.iould any pur? chaser be dissatisfied, he may return average Samples of any purchase, within thirty (30) days after delivery, and they.will beanalyzed auetv. aud any deticlenoy in the percentage guaranteed will be made good to him by theV'empany.. Jan23-nMrf2mos -fine ?roceries, tee. EDFORD'8 (LATE COB WIN'S) ,i ri R Y AND B TEA WAREHOUSE. HEADQUARTERS FOR SELECTED DAIRY BUTTER PURE LEAF LARD PRIME FACTORY AND ENGLISH CHEESES ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CRiCKEUS, and ' BISCUITS, Ac., 40. N. B.-I CLAIM TO KEEP THE LARGEST STOCK, AND MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES IN THIS CITY. f 1 E E. BEDFORD, VERY PURE SUCCESSOR PO CHOICE BRANDIES, WINES WILLIAM S. CORWIN A CO., FAMILY* ' AND VERY OLD No. 27?-KINO STREET, "0,aT FLOUR. " . WHISKIES. OPPOSITE HABEL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER, IN Fine Teas, Coffees, Sugars Provisions, Spices, i&c! - ' Il ER "IE TIC ALL Y SEALED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, MEATS, SOUPS, &c. AU articles sold from this establishment are of the VERY BEST QUALITY and WARRANTEE. Goods Jellvered to all parts of the City, Railroad Depots, Steamboats, free of expense. (JAS. S. MARTIN, j WM. G. MOOD, Ja. EVER'f E. BED I ORD. I GEO. H. GRUBER. ( SEND FOR'A CATALOGUE. irinanrial. JJ Y AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF ALABAMA. 100,000 DOLLARS IN UNITED STATES CURRENCY" DISTRIBUTED TO TICKET HOLDERS OF THE ALADAMA IMMIGRANT ?WIM0N GIFT CONCERN FEBRUARY TWENTY-SECOND, 1871. 1 Gift of.....Z...... $25,000 1 Gift of. 10 000 2 Gifts of $5000 are. 10,000 fi Gifts of $2000 are. lo.coo io Gifts of $1000 are. 20 Gifts.or $500 are.....$10,000 loo Gifts of $100 are..^.10,000 1500 Gifts of $10 are...!.16,000 1639 Gifts, amounting to.$100,GCO COMMISSIONERS AND SUPERVISORS OF THE DRAWING. " General JONES M. WITHERS, hue Major-General lu ?. 3. Mobile Tribune. ", ex Mayor of Mobile, and editor Dally Colonel JOHN A. ELMORE, of Montgomery, Attoruey-at-Law. General WILLIAM W. ALLEN, of Montgomery, Planter and late Brigadier-General ia C. S. A. REFERENCES. OFFICE SECRETAKY OF STATE, MONTOOSISRV. ALA., 1 November 20, 1870. J I hereby certify that the ''ALABAMA IMMIGRANT ASSOCIATION" is regal trly incorporated un? der the laws of thlsState. with a capital of $00,000, and that tuc Inc irporators are gentlemjn of means, integrity and high standing. CHAS. A. WILLER, Secretary of State. [GRBAT SEAL OF STATE.] We, the nndersitrned, cheerfully state that we are personally well acqudated with Messrs. STOKES .fe G RE ENR, Managers of the "Alabama Immigrani- Association," and we Know them tobe gen tlemeu of high .standing. Integrity and rellahtllty in this city, who will see that the drawings of their "Association," whlcu is solvent and responsible, are tionestiy sud fairly mule. Messrs. EL? MORE, WITHERS and ALLEN, the Oonvnlsstoners of the "Association,''are gentlemen well known over the country as of the highest iutegnty and honor, who would not lend the use of their names to any scheme or project that was not strictly honorable-and above suspicion. FARLEY SMITH .t CO., Bankers. . IIEWRY E. FABER. Maror of Montgomery. HOLMES A GOLUTHWAITE, Bankers. JOSEPH W. Di uMiCK, Postmaster of the City of E. S. MITCHELL, Agent Southern Express Com- Mouigomery. nany. FRANCla W1UMER, Collector of U. S. Internal J. H. PHIN'IZY. Agent Tallahasse Manufacturing Revenue. Company. WM. B. HOGHES, Clerk City Council of Mont? gomery. PRICE OF SINGLE.TICKETS has been put at ONLY TWO DOLLARS. A discount of ren percent, will be made to purchasers of $50, uud a discount of twenty per cent, to purchasers of $100 worth or Tickets. Agents wantc t in every part of the country, to whom liberal Inducements will be offered. Send for Circulars and read the Testimonials. ' Parties at a distance desiring to purchase tickets must remit their money as per address below. Jan26-18D4W STOKES & GREENE, MANAGERS, MONTGOMERY, ALA. &tttfiari Balts--?iji? CJarj By JOHN G. MILNOR & CO. T ARGE COLLECTION FLOWERING ?J Plants. Evergreens, Roses and Frnir Trees. THIS DAT, 3d instant, at -hair-pAst 10 o'clock, we wu: sell, at No. lei Meeting street, opposite I Charleston Hotel, A very choice collecton ol CAMSLIA JAPO"T I CAS, Monthly Oarnatlon Pinks, Roses o' tile '-...?jst Importation ana finest varieties, Everj iee-.-, too numerous to mention, Fruit Trees, Pears, Apples, Peaches, Apricots, and Grapa Vines. . From the celebri.?.ert Nursery or Mr. G. Marc, . or Astoria. I? I- New York* P. S.--The ladies are respectfully Invited to cal! and examine the collection, as they are now on exhibition._feb3 By HENRY COBIA & CO. VTEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. _Ll THIS DAY, 3d, at ll o'clock, on Brown A Co.'s Wharf, alongside-Brig Margaret, we will se?, -30e-bairels Prime New Crop NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. Conditions at sale._-_fcbj By W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BR?NS, - Auctioneer*. FURNITURE OP A FAMILY DECLIN? ING HOUSBKEEP1NG. Will be sold, on the premises No. 22. George street, THIS DAY. the 3d dayor February, sale commencing at io o'clock, The entire FURNITURE or Ute above household, consisting lu pact of Brussels and Ingrain CAR? PETS, Tete-a-Tete Sets, Buretntf, Soras, Arm -Chairs, Mirrors, Bedsteads, Extension Tables, Chairs, Rockers, Wardrobes, Crockery and Glass? ware, Kitchen Furniture. Cooking Utensils, Ac Terms cash. AU articles to be removed on day ?of sale._UM By MILIS DRAKE. CLOTHING, HATS, SEWING MA? CHINE. Ac. THIS MORNING at io o'clock. I will sell at my Store, corner ot Krng and Liberty streets, . An INVOICE OF CLOTHING, Just recelved,,con sisting of: 4? Fine Black Frock COATS 72 Fine Frock and Sack Business Coats . 150 Tweed, Casslmere and Satinet Sack Coats 300 Tweed, Caeslmere and Je m Pants 80 Black casstniereand Fancy Vests 80 dozen Men's, Boys'and Children's Hats, latest styles. Tablecloths, H au Kerchiefs. Hosiery, Shoe Laces, Corset Laces, Gloves, Scarfs, Ac. ALSO, One SEWING MACHINE. feb3 Br WM. McKAY. COUNTERS, FURNITURE, CUTLERY AND HARDWARE. TBK DAY (Friday), at 10 o'clock, at No. 140 Meeting street. Also, two PLANTATION MULES._feb3 By HOLMES & MACBETH, Auctioneers. POSTPONED ON ACCOUNT OF THE] WEATHER.-SECURITIES. Will be -sold THIS DAY. February 3, at ll o'clock, In front or the Old Postofflce,. The loliowlng SECURITIES: . 60Share8 SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD COMPANY STOCK 60 Shares Marine and River Mining Phos? phate Company Srock $10,000 Farmers'-and Exchange Bank Bills $6.000 Roistered Bills or State Bank 80 Shares Peoples', Bank Stock 44 Shares Memphis and Charleston Railroad Company Stock. Ieb3 Auctioneers1 Pr in atc Gales, Sit. By LOUIS D DeSAUSSURE. FARM SEVEN MILES FROM CHARLES? TON. For Sale, the Farm on cooper River, known as the "RETREAT," containing about iil4 acres ol land: ou lt are a brick dwellln?, twe brick out? buildings, stable and carriage hoase. The loca? tion is a beautiful one and commands a fine view of the river; the garden walks were laid out with taste, and now have a variety of ornamental trees. To one desiring a country residence near the city, it offers many advantegee. Apply as above, at No. 23 Broad street._J?u27-ftu4 By LOUIS D- DeSAUSSURE. ~ RUTLEDGE AVENUE LOT FOR ?ALE. The LOT OF LAND, on the weit Aide or Rut? ledge avenue (south or the re?ldence or Mr. Wm. Lucas) with two small Brick Buildings subtan tlaliy built, which eau be rearranged or enlarged to make a comfortable dwelling. The Lot measures loo. reet rront hy 178 feet deep. Apply us above, at No. 23 Broad street. . j*n27-itu4 By J. FRASER MATHE ?VES, Real Bistate Broker, No. 36 Uroad Streit AT PRIVATE SALE, PHOSPHATE LANDS or best quality and locations. Rice and Cotton Plantations in all parts or th.' State. City Residences, Stores, Building Lots and Farms. octi2-emo Cumber, fneU Sit. -yrrooD I WOOD I WOOD ! OAK, LIGHTWOOD and PINE, delivered at re? duced rates. Woeu ol the best quality always on hand. WILLIAM SIMMONS, Wood Yard, Market street, feb!-*?_Between Stute and East Bay. JJUILDER-S' DEPOT, No. 94 CHURCH STREET, CHARLESTON, 9. C. SLATES - . * TILE . TIN LIME PLASTER . CEMENT LATHS HAIR ' SAND, Ac, Ac, Ac. - BUILDING PAPER, A substitute for Laths and Piaster, ac less Chan one-half the cost. JUST MCEITED, SOO hoses best I. C. Charcoal TIN 100 bbls. Empire Mills Piaster. E. M. GRIM KE. ?r Postofflce Box 374. | nnlfi i?liGcellfineons. jg AJL.LT" BLACK & O Ot, Sos. M5 and 667 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, " . WATCHES and SILVERWARE, O? the best, quality and at LOWEST PRICES. Goods sent per Express, C. O. D. Junl8-lyr_ JAMES MCCONKEY, PAINTER AND DECORATOR. Orders received at A. O. BARdOT'S Drug Store, Na 46 Broad Urger._Jana-Mmo JOSEPH W. HARRISSONS, ARTIST'S SUPPLY, PAINT AND OIL STORE, No. 82 QUEEN STKSBT, CHAKLBSTON.S. C. Patent Thier Detecting (Alarm) MONEY DRAWER. Jao2-mwf6moB_ JL. L?NSFORD, CABINET-MAKER . and UPHuLSTERKR, begs leave to .nform the people of Charleston, and er the Statt*, that he iu still carrying on his. old business at No. si Wileen street. He eau make or r pair a piece of Furniture bf any description. He also ma:mrac->| lures new MATTRESSES and renovates old ones. Cane Chair-bottoms replaced by an experienced workman. G?steme: s may rely upon the per? formance or work In a prompt and faithful man? ner. Price for renovating a Moss Mattress, l?rice size, $3 60; Hair Mattresses, $4; Cotton or Wool j Mattresses, $5. Persons having this work to be done are assured that the conteuta or mattresses will not be exchanged Tor ch'-ap or irferior arti? cle?. J. L. LUNbFORD, P. ?.'H. decal J? IN G WILLIAM. Just received at KlsG WILLIAM'S CIGAR FAC? TOR!', No. 310 King street, near Society street, a lame and complete assortment or Leaf, Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO. Cigarettes, Suuff, Pipes, Ac. Havana aud D miestlc Cigars- Imponed and manufactured by WM SCHRODER, who respect? fully invites the attention of chewers and smokers, aud traders, wholesale and retail, to a stock Tully comprising every variety or quality ami pricesi, from ihe ch ea nest to the highest grade, which is offered at the lowest eash rates. A I orders from thc-country will receive prompt attention and shipped C. O. D., or at thirty days' city accept? ance. deul3-6mos .Seeing, Sit. g OU T H ERN DYE HOUSE. Anew FRENCH DYE HOUSE has been opened at No. 350 King street, where DYEING in all col? ors, and Cleaning ot all kinds is done at the shortest notice and in the best style. L BILLE?, French Dypr, No. 359 King street, near corner George street. sepie-iyr %nt?on Gales*-?-atan* tya$$. Bj W.T. LEITCH&,B. S.BR?NS. Auf ttoaeerj, TT7ILL BE SOLD AT A?GTIQN, ON" TT TTJESDAY, 7thInstant, ?f ?-^?to?t, afc the Old Customhouse, ";,;, ,' .': The PREMISES known as No. ff Washington street, east side, between Vernon and inspection streets. Lot measnres 40 by no feecdeep. ' Terms-One-hatf cash: llanca In .one and two years, secured by bond and mortgageof the prop? erly, with interest payable semi-annually. Par chaser to pay ns for papers and stamps. feb3-fmtn3_"_ _! W. Y. LEITCH & fi. S. BBUlfS, Auctioneers. ;:. t.: TWO TENEMENT WOODEN DWELL? INGS In Mackintosh's Cjurt, King street, opposite Ann. wm be sold on TUESDAY, the 7th Instant, at the Old Postofflce, at ll o'clock. That two-story WOODEN TENEMENT BUILD? ING ou the.sooth side of Mackintosh's ooort, (la rear of the bakery of Mr. p. Heinz, No. 83UKiog street.) Lot measures 86 feet front, .119-12 feet on back line, by 42 feet in depth. ALSO, That two-Story WOODEN TENEMENT BUILD? ING on the north side or Mackintosh's Court, ad? joining the parsonage of St. Patrick's Church cn the west. Lot measures 73 812 feet- front, 79 feet on back line, by 61 feet in depth. Ter ms-one-hair cash; balance in one year, with. Interest; property to be insured and policy as? signed. Purchasers to pay for papers and stattps, feW-fmtnj _? . Bj h 8. K. BENNETT. rpHE EXECUTORS OP THOMAS BEN _L NE TT vs: Jane MTBennett, et a?_Under de? cree of no art of Common Pleas.-In Equity. Will be sold, on WEDNESDAY, the 8th Marco, at the old Postofflce in Charleston, at ll o'clock, The following Real Estate, belonging to tho estate of the late Thomas Bennett, as set forth In plats to be seen at the office of I. s. K. Bennett, Crofts strp?t * ? * 1. AU that' perUon of the CANNONS BOROUGH TIDE MILL Pv ND TRACT, situate east of Rut? ledge avenue, south of Calhoun street and west of Smith street. This portion may be lard off In lots fronting on the above named streets, two-or which are the principal thoroughfares o?ate city. It also embraces the lots through which the City Tldal Drains draw water from the pond, ana should attract the attention of the city authorities as purchasers. 2. All that portion of the MILL POND TRACT, lying west; of Rutledge avenue, south of Calhoun street, and extending west to a Une commencing on Gadsden street, south of the;Lot of Mr. Crouch, and diverging around the square established to the east of the residence of the lite Governor Ben? nett, thence along Lucas street to the centre of Com ming's Creek, (henee along the centre of said Creek to the wharf head- at the east end of Fold Creek, thence alrongthe boundary Une of the Tract back to Rutledge avenue. - This portion, includes the three story Tide Mid, with- the Wharf adjacent, the upper Flood Gate, the Briok Stack, Counting-house, and sundry small Houses on the fttgh rand, near the R?sidence; sud'naeh. of lt may be laid -off in lots on Rutle.'ga avenue and Calhoun street; and the whole portion ls also worthy thc attention of the city aotharltfesas tm essential means of flooding their Tidal Drains. '? ' 3. All (bat portion ol Ute said TRACT lying west of Lucas street, and extending on thesouth* to the centre of Cu m min g's creek, to the nor tl? extending to the centre or the creek or canal be? tween this property and that lately belonging to Jonathan- Lucas, and to ?he w-vst extending-to the property of the West Point Milla Company uud to the channel of Ashley River, on which there l?~a- frontage of 600 feet. On this portion Miere ls a large three-story Building,, formerly used as a steam saw mill, and a wharf, and cause? way leading to the West Point Mills; ateo, a dam or bank to the north and a floodgate to tho-sonth to admit the tide. The Lot Immediately opposite the residence of Mr. Jennings, on Calhoun street, Issue bounQary on that side, and the whole Tract ls more exactly described4n aplat to baneon at the office or Mr. Bennett . .4. Two LOTS on Calhoun street, opposite tho residence of Mr. B-. Jennings, on one of which is r, beautiful grove of-oak trees, and each lot meas? ures 60 leet front on Calhoun street, by 18T feet Jeep. 6. AU that valuable WHARF PROPERTY at the sast end of Hasel street, on Cooper River,' a few blocks above the "Customhouse, and a short dil* t?nce from the New York Packet Wharf, ideasor Ing about 120 feet in wldtb, and running from Concord street 360 feet or more to the channel of Cooper River, in eluding therein ample Dockage, both on the north and south sides, and on the channel of the river. Conditions of Sale-One fifth cash; balance bx four equal anneal Instalments, with in te? st from date, payable annually, at 7 per cent, Fscared by bond, with mortgage of the property, with policy of lnsuraoce on the buildings assigned. Pur? chasers to pay for all necessary popers and stamps. W. J. BENNETT, C. G. MEMMINGER, Exc-catora. Jan20-20,24.28feb3,8,14,13.22,25mohl,4,6,7,ll \ . Bj I. S. K. BENNETT. THE EXECUTORS OF THOMAS BEN? NETT vs. Jane M. Bennett et al-Udder De? cree of the Court of Common Pleas-In Equity. (ju THC RS DAY, the 9th of March, will oe sold, at Public Outcry, near the Old Postofflce at ll o'clock, NINE LOTS OF LAND, fronting on Line, AshO and Shepherd streets, as follows: . No. l. At the northeast corner of Line and Ashe streets, measuring 46 feet on Line, by 146 feet on Ashe street. No. 2. Next east of the above on L'ne street, measuring 46 feet front, by 145 feet deep. No. 3. Next east of No. 2 on Line streemeas nring 45 feet front, by M5 feet deep. No. 4. Next east of No. 3 on Line street, meas, t]ring 45 feat front, by 145 feet deep. No. s. On Ashe street, measnrlng 48 feet 4 Inches in front, by 100 feet deep. No. o. On Ashe street,. next north of No. 6, mensurlng 49 feet 4 Inches tn front, by loo'feet deep. No. 7. Next north of? No. 6. at the corner of Ashe and Shepherd streets, measuring 48 feet 4 Inches on Ashe street, by loo feet in depth on ?Shepherd street. 1 No. 8. On Shepherd street, measuring 40 feet front, by 145 feet deep: No. 9. On Shepherd street, east of the above, measuring 40 feet front, by 145 feet deep. Ail or which can be folly seen by reference lo a plat at Mr. Bennett's office, No. 40 Broad street. Conditions of sale-One-third cash; balance in two equal annual instalments, with Interest from date payable annually, at 7 per cent., .secured by bond, with mortgage of the propeay. Purchasers to pay for ail necessary papers and stamps. W. J. BENNETT, I FMCntara C. G. MEMMINGER, j ^xecuiars. Jan27-feb3.8,14,18.2a,26,mchl,4,7,8.0_ By J. FBASEK MATHE WES, Auctioneer. RENNEKER, ETAL, VS. McGINN. By virtue of an erler of sale in the above si..ted canse, to me directed by the Hon. R. F. Graham, Judge for the First circuit, I will offer for sale at public anorton, on TUESDAY, the 14th. day of February, 1871, at ll o'clock A. M., at the Old, Postofflce, foot of Broad street, Charleston, S.O., All 'that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, sit?atela Hey ward's court, in the Oity of Charleston, and known as No. 26, according to plat of said Land now or late in possession of Nathaniel Heyward, l sq.: butting and hoandlag north on Hayward's court 36 feet, southwest da Lp LS No?. 26. 27 und.28 116 feet, southeast on Lot No. 30 35 feet, and northeast on Lot No. 24116 feet, be the said dimensions more or less. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings, sit? uate on the west side of East -Bar, tn the City of Charleston, known by tn>- Mo. 08; butting andi bounding north on Lands of -, south ?a Landa of-, east bf East Bay, and west by Lands of -; measuring and containing in front on East Bay 43 feet 6 inches, the same on back line, by 128 feet ia depth, be the same more or less. Termsi-One-hair cash; balance payable in one and " two years, with Interest from day of sale payable annually, secured by bonds or the pur? chaser and mortgage of the property sold. Build? ings to oe Insured and policy assigned. Purcha? ser to pay for papers ano stamps. jan31-.nf5_WM. J. DAYBR, Re,eree. By K. ?L MARSHALL & BEO. DELIGHTFUL RESIDENCE No. 46 rut street. South of calhoun, and quite near the City Railway. on THURSDAY, February 9th, at ll o'clock, wiri he sold, at the Old P stofflce, Broad street, The above well built and Conveniently arranged WOODEN RESIDENCE, containing ulne rooms, besides attics, with a wide piazza to the south. Thc kitchen contains four rooms. The lot, which ls very high, measures about 76, by 109 feet, more or leas. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one, two and three years, by bom), with interest semi-annually, secured by mortgage of the premise* (Udldings to be insured arid policy assigned. Purchaser to pay R. M. M. A Bro. for papers and stamps. Jan28-swfinwthc_ _ Ifertifaers_ -pERUVlAN GUANO. For sale a lot of A No. 1 Chincha Mani GUANO, m store and to arrive. LOtJI> Me L A IN, Janl_No. 31 Droad aireeC pACTEIC GUANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL $1,000,000) SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. This GUANO is now so well known in all (he Southern States for its remarkable UTects as an. ageucy for increasing the producto of ? labor, aa not to require especial commennaUon from us? Its use for live years past bas esianhsned its character for reliable excellence. The taTke fixed oaplia Invested by the Company tu this trade, alfords the surest guarantee of tue con tinned ex? cellence of its Guano. J. N. HOBSON, - Selling Agent, charleston, S.- C. JOIIK S. REESE A CO., General AP nts, Balti? more. Uec?i-i>*o