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resits OF Tan msws. TH* DAILY NEWS, by mau bo? year, ?? si* months $4; torce months$3 6Cv, Served tn thn etty at BICTHTKKN CWT** weetjpayhbletocar* riere, or $8 a year, paid in edtanoe. -at the office. TH? HH-WKKKLY Na^pubhsbed oaJTuesdays, Thundays ead Saturdays, ene year $4;,aDc months $2. 1 ' THB WBSXXY Hairs,- ene year $* Ste^optee $10. Ten copies, to one ad dre?, f^ Sr/BSCBipnoNB ta ah "casos payable in advance, and no paper continaea art* the expiration ?fi the time paid for. ? 0ASH |M *oa A?YK?ia***wcaxj? Tan DAIXY NEWS.-Firs', insertion 12 cents a Une; sab seque nt nsertlons 8 cents a Une. Spatial* ?: Ices 12 cents S Une. Business Notices (by count) is cents a line. Marriage and FnnenJ Notices fl each."" Meet? ings 76 cents each. Cats sad Elect rot y pe. Ad raz tlsements will be ?TWfry? on the Fourth Page only. NTJTICXS of "Wants, Tb Rent, Lest and Foo nd. Boarding, Set., not exceeding*-words, 2? ceo?? each Insertion; over 30, and ' not exceeding 30 word*, de cents each Insertion ; over 80, ind not exceeding 40 words, tooents each Insertion; .Trttese ratte are nar, and mast invariably be paid in advance. OBHTRACT ^ rna two weet ir J or longer, for each 'ene of solid nonpareil: weeMsCOcetttBt 1 mooth $1;" 2 months $119; months $2 50; 6 months $4; 12 montha $T. Larger advertisements In exast proportion, s " TK-ASSTHVT A?VXKTI??MXJ?T9 wlU-be pobHahed Di the THE TBTWtaKLT Nsw* at -the same rates as In THE DAILY NEWS. Contract advertisements at one-half tne"TatertorTH? OAtxr Haws.. . ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE WKKXLY NEWS, per line of solid nonpareil, 1 insertion 15 cents; 1 mouth'50 ceuta; '8 montha SI; 6 months $175] 1? months $3. . ...... RsxnTANGBS" should' De made by' Poa tom oe Honey Order'or 'bt&*S&*)?'this canln? be. done, proteotton against tosses by maU may be secured by forwarding a draft ea Charleston pay? able to the ordar of the proprietors of TB? NEWS, or by sending the-money ina registered, let tea-.. Address, RIORDAN, JJAW?QN * ca.; , No.W Cast Bay, Charlestoa, S.O. .MONDAY, SM?&Y ,& isa <L ?aTTEE PRTO? OF ' SUBSCRIPTION POR THE' ?'DAltr ITEWSf* IS KOW EI^HTIX)??^r? \ X^A^ TJ? AUT'AKC E. '-., f&mr ?JOB ? >," ysnrsror JTJSJS DAY. .- - . ajar H .- *?..?? tit -Gold closed in .New York, on Saturday, at ?oKaiox. ~;.? -t . Cotton closed" strpttg 'and ? active ; npUnds 10% cento; sales A800 bah*. , \ -in Liverpool cotton closed firm uplands. 8d, Orleans 8#d; *ale?%l?(f?ba?es. . . -There ls said to be at'least half a dozen sena tom nov anxious ?boat Chief Justice? Chase's health. ..''-. "' '* " ..* -In Montreal; the whipping post, as a punish ment for ?mer erl mes, Iras been revived, lt is -A large u umber. of clerks and aalesjjpnn ar e. j Bant: to- have .asa? thrown out of employment In j New Tort at the beginning, of ID e New Year. -Large nnjaber* uX .people Are emigrating from J Tennessee ? and* ooovgss into Texas- . attracted thither ty the eicenenr fsrndrjg Tacflltiea. -General Anderson, of Fot t Samt er lame, ls la such delicate health that his friends feel alarmed aboutit. .--An English hatter pnblbhes a letter from President Grant ex Dressing lue thanks for. the present o? a hat. ?. - -The death of Major John H. Steele ls annoinc ed in the Atlanta papers. He was one of the old? est editors In the South, being, ac the time of his death; amy-four years of age. -Voa Boast, the Aaairiaa minister, eclipses Grant as a smnker, and stoce the war refuses to limit himself'to lass t han' Tdr ty cigars a, day. " Be? hind all t ha} amoke theremust be some dre. . -The details o> thadeatti of Mr. John Walter, Boiionhe'p|opriiU)rjbrfhe London TJmeavshaw that lto?oairedoa tho ?th ultimo, willie trying to save bis Brother and eeheta, who had tauen through the Ice wain Rtaing on a late in front, of his father's res id ene?, at Bearwood, Berkshire. Ho had only .TBUamoA iorty^igiit hours before from a tour round tho woBd. . r -A Bchcme-to^ ? direct cable from London and Lilypool ttt-New' York' has been brought out by Misais, chadwick. Adara son A Co., 'of London, nader the beat .auspices. _ Tho -capital is to be $????,8 00. three Tour tbs' o?. }sv h 11h have been sub? scribed for in ?agland. already, if oue-fonrth be qulcklytaken np tn America, the cable win be laid tnjjfaf''. \, 'u fe . '1 ? .... Ir;.. .".:"'r -vThe State- of-Pennsylvania having ordered a painting pf- the-battre-.?f-OettjsbaTg Tor theitate hoH>e ?t narriaboiit Ho'largea'bat lt.eAnuot be'ojt into the building! ks now radnced totheextreoHty oT$Kber.?toetlnra ne? ?*nitoi pr hating lts; adornment therefor' kopt'lu Pim adelplila, wbere* happBy, they -have snoeeeaed tar duding- a hall large enough tobacco mm od ate rx. ' -The New York Journal'(berman) disputes-the estimate or the cost of the-shots ?red during the bombardment of Paris. Whatever it may-aay aboot it, tbe official Staat*Aaziegtr, la a recent .^teiestingatacr?;"B?Tea^^ fa t bo m a Uer- It meatlon?ooe one-i aoueand pou n d er-of whleo sort, fortuBateiy for Parta, but the one exists fs not yet before Parts-whose charge represent? the sam of eight hundred tha lera. The cost orthe'gun itself would support au entire regiment for one year. -There is a d?notons little story afloat about the Princess Louise. It ls that she fell madly in love with ber brottsr ''Alfred's tutor, a clergy? man's son: and whenhe. was dismissed, she ttteatenqft tajflinoue^f -4?e ritualist nuiiner: . The venerable Vio. woaldnt listen to that sort of nonsense, and for^rrfft dft?rramed to have her married. Lorn OteympseA to be around about that Mme,mm?O?t oioiady tbougbt ifewbuld serve for the desi rod soa-h>law^a position that he'waif glad taaccept. And that, o t he ?orv goes, is all the-fbve t?tere is in the much talked of "royal love Orton." " ' i-Tji* art of speeeh-making ia non-^aarrnfttal perlbds was lately illustrated at a banquet to*At lanta, Oa^? Secry?rj'b?lan? './as Vreseitt, ind offered tins toiste..t?eoj?i*-May she soon have In the Uni on, ta^rrespedte and in all particulars, the ri ace she deserves.n. As this dees cot distinct? ly Indicate the place Georgia "deserves," we nafe orally turn to tho speech 4n response lu*, that in formation. It was given by Governor Bullock, who said: "The sentiment which our honorable Mend ha?Jual ?x^^j^^'^rhichr^u;e(y have not the command -of .?ngaage properly te respond. .tx. . >. ?* .-The nhme bTCj^?t G^ra?t?son of th?. goy%i: meat, freqneatly appeara oo> the,' 'book bf del in- , ] quendes?'- at.West^Petht, ?-which ah mfede meanors or ena sw are 'rtpdrred. ' One' entry' against him. ls, "Per ala tent disobedience to' oners." Another ls, ' laughlag In the-ranks." ITie reBortipr officer?a^e nbt?spe'cters of per... .ns. TbM boot is a curiosity i o a civilian. "Scratching nose In ranks" (caused by a provoking mosquito;) "sneezing and coughing, unnecessarily;n. "coat skirt tucked in trowsers;" "pants on top of boot?;? "ralslBg both hands in ranks" (caused, as explan? ation says, by "bug m ear;'') "stamping In ranks"-ah are complaints gravely entered. -A correspondent writing from London says : "The most extraordinary machine to the exhibi? tion ls, beyond question, the ode for microscopic writing. This enables a per-on ta.write in the; usual way, and to dapiioate bis irving a minion times smaller-se, smalt,' Indeed, tnat lt ls in vlsi, ble to the naked eye, yet with a powerful micro? scope becomes so piala that every line and dot can be seen. The inventor claims that with this Instrument he can copy top entire' Bible t wen ty two times I? the apace of an inch. The Astor Li? brary, I pres?me, COOM tie transferred to a sheet* of notepaper. PraoU cajiy. lt wTJTbe of ?rest ? er - Tie* -In prevenUag forgeries. With one o: these machines'H pr?vate- mark can be put on bills so minute and perfect that the forger caa neither . y - pe roe! ve nor tm lute lt;-tout the bank clerk broker, know-tug where ;to loot, can at onoe tect tb acm bin la genulrfe. The machine is in ve n non of a 'Mr. Peters.''" S -We have the Lettre Journal of Parts to ceruber 17. It announces^fhe discovery wit the city of an nnknownatote of ry?.whtoh. c alterably increases the resources or the besieg AB order from the Mayor of Paris takes pos slO?T?-b?TQa'edTn cooTtlng/OTaTl th? BTe-wooi .the city, and alt the lightwood enif able for t use, whether ia private nanda or In the hands merchants. With the authorization of Gent Troohu, Captain Beau repaire has organize* corps of twelve thousand sharpshooters, v which he proposes to make bis way through maalan lines, it la announced on Ideoembe that the balloon companies will send out hallo every day, carrying passengers, letters i journals. These balloons, However, carry on. average only one hundred kilogrammes of po: matter, which ls only one-ttdrd of what they't? In the ranier period of the siege. The sew c nous Mnufactcfetl In the city ar? said to b< (extraordinary stree gt h and precision. Tw et four of them are finished dally. An Iron ?lad com crt ive, carrying a mitrailleur, moved out cently on the raUroad of the east,' and after a 1 shots at the Prussian advance posts, Went"i> into the city. On-December U; the arrivai Parto of ?eve rai mess enger?-br ic ring pr?vate < reapoadene? from the country -la announced ; 1 it la,atoo atated that by means of a combined s teui-oJ balloonn and of telegraphing, the peoph Barta witt have newefrom without every dary. -- - .I'? Property mad Taxation. *. * Tlie report of the St?'e.. Auditor, airea printed in this paper, is now issued, in pa phlet form with a mass ol tables showi tba description and value ot all tho. ta sa I property- in the .?Late, together with 1 t-naount of taxes a?se?sed and collected. Hie total vaiae of all-th?f rentable'.r< est?te ls set down at $li?>98S^&?j pf whi amount $34,446,874 ie in cities, towns a villages, and $81,840,865 is not -in* eiti< towns and, villages. No returns ace -mn foe, Williamsburg and Union Counties, t real es tate i ri which couutles was valued, 18S9rat $?,0*6\867 an? $2,:7S7,S93; X may," therefore", estimate T?J?e* 'total taiatj r?aj estate at SlH^.S^.-The/"^^' Chariest on has real estate to the amount $8?,8$8; 670, or r?txhninlns of tlr? wSo) Tn? pereocal property tn/*?h?,Sf?te (ekc? 8i\e of WiL'ainaburg. which .ia l?s?l), gaj $309,303) ia valued at $63,W?ir72ft.-Charin ton County ls put\t?own'-at $19,681,-219; \ ?bout one-ihird of the whole. The entl: value of. both real and personal property ?5183,913,367. This ia $15,000,000 greati than in 1-868, the Increase being- mail ly attributable to "the 'assessment of' ral road property exempt;,.07 cheiler ir01 taxation- _ Charleston County isiaaecsae at $47,316,440,. or one-faur IA ot the wfaoh Craa^etmri> te aoetaod; -af $8/909;,9lJ white Richland ; finclbrdirig Columbia) j assessed at '?7,507,020- ; Barnwell Count has the highest assessment (-?9,6n2,451) ?ni bide of Charleston. Eickens County bas th lowest assessment,' or $1,386,tW?! The returns of personal property sho w thu some live stock remains in the State.. W have 54,052 horses, valued at $4,478,523 stn average of $82 eacbi'. There are 70T,81i nattle valued at $3,481,360; 43,238 mules an t isses valued at $4,290,316, an average o 599 each; 167,602 sheep and goa us, valuec it .$245,338, an average of $l-47*each;590,. )55 hogs valued at $1,938,438. The gooc >eople of the State confess lo gold and silvei patches and plate valued at $842,314, and o 3374 piano fortes, melodeons and cabinet >rgans valued at $352,315. There are 17, 131 pleasure carriages, valued at $841,874, The difference ip 'assessed value of these ?arr i ages is shown by the fact that il?t re?rteles io_Lancaster^ are valued at $5807, w iro average value of five dollars, while ibbevilie ha*. J13}J valued Jat $64,041, or ive?age valneof ji?y-?v$, dollars. Q f dogs )f high and low degree there are 66,72-7 val ietKat 5*267,286, or* an average- value'.ol 53 90. \" ?\ . ;a During the.year ending October 31, 1S70, Lho total amount. received for St.-.te taxes ?vas $699,8J5. This year the State tux (in? cluding the poll tax) will be at least* $1,750, toft* T?*ri?r tb tile elections' of October last, ive nacl VState tax of 5 mi'is on the dollar, roe- Radicals WOB, and, at once, increase the :a* to'9- rnflls. Of the taros collected" in 1870 Dalston" ?aid ^U^?I?JOT'ti?^?l?veh?is >fj,hja whole,. One s Lrik tug, lea tura of tho Able of taxes received is the small amount ?ollected from the poll -esa. By the State jenstitutiod only on?spbll taX^ allowed, t nd. that for edqeati on al purposes. The con? stitution also provides that DO person shall be iisfranchised hy reasonroi his failure to pay :he poll tax. As a natural consequence, the legroes pay'no tax whatever. There are tbout 150,000 voters in the State, yet the poll tax last year realized (exclusive o' Charleston) ou ly $41,819. There are, at least, t?O.OOO white voters, and it is evident that they pay ail the poll, tax as well as all the taxes (with infinit?sima) exceptions) on real and personal property. ' ?ftt? Ch?Tl?ton 8eB?ton5ilp. The .Attorney-General has delivered an opinion upon the late senatorial election io Charleston County.. Mr. Chamberlain is of opinion that ai Miahaw, who received the highest; number ol votes, died on the day. previous to the election his election is un voidably vorht Mr.' Chamberlain- then con? fiders the question whether the whole elec? tion is void, or vrBeth?r Mr. Edwin Bates, whp received the aeLsj highest number of votes,, is, entitled declared elected.. The English authorities lead Mr. Chamber? lain to the conclusion that Mr. ' Bates lacks ari element essential to muiataiu his claim to be declared elected, viz : Knowledge or notice on the part of the electors of the death of Mis h aw. Gushing, the great Amer? ican authority, says that m all cases where there is "no actual or presumed knowledge" of the ctisabilt yof the person voted for, the whole proceeding is "merely void." Mr. Chamber lain, therefore, declares that Mr. Bates is not entitled to a seat in the Senate. The Senate Committee on Privileges and Elections are expected to report in conform? ity with. Mr. Chamberlain's ' opinion, and thea the wire-pulling of tho Radical aspi? rants to the vacant chair will actively begin. It is a good opportunity for an active young politician, as the Radical nomination is tan? tamount to an election. There are several candidates in the field, and we suppose that, as usual in such cases, the wcrst of the bunch will be chosen. _ THE Georgetown TVwtes defends the lien law as wise and necessary, and says that, from the planting stand-pornt, nothing could be more .disaatroas than the repeal of tbe law, as now proposed. Ohio ?nd TJtary. M^i The Chamberbf Commerce of . Cincinnati, qa the 'loth instant, * onan?monsly -adopted Tfl60ltttion3 favoring the legalizing of all speciJsgijglesoj'interest'in written contracts; sis per cent to remain the legal rate in the absence of a contract The representatives of the,city in.the General Assembly were re? quested, at the same time, to bring the mat? ter before that body. " We commend this action tb the considera? tion of the few gentlemen, well-meaning but mist??k?n/ who desire to advance backwarrT| j and re-establish, ia this* Slate, ?he very laws ??which Ohio endeavors to repeal. While every other State is pressing towards the abolition of all restrictions upon the borrow? ing "and lending of money, it Is sought to face Sooth. Carolina to the rear, and renew the Vfdn attempt to force capitalists to lend their money at less than the market rate. Tm;Columbia Union hopes that no propo \ sitlon so ridiculous as that to confer opon the . Speak er pf the Ho u 3e of Re present at i ves, and j the Pi'esident of the Senate, power to call ex? tra sessions of the. Genera] Assembly when? ever, in their judgment, lt shall be deemed ; ?eOB88?iyf w?HTeeelve serfbds attention. It1 j say s : ' 'While we have a Governor of the State, "let such*'dat i ea as pertain, to his -effiee be ''diflchargeii by him. It w.ll be Lime enough "to confer this extraordinary-power upon "the two officers named, when we shall have "abolished the office ol tim Executive. " TUE -Georgetown Time> brings to light " a curious iJe?ncideBc?.* According to the Stade census, taken eighteen months ago, ? the- county bad 1381 white males, 1300 wh i te- j females,. C2CC colored males and_712? col: oreel Tem ale?-tot ai 16,373. Singular to say the United States census, taken a 3/'etWVaier, shows'-exactly the same numbers all the .Wjjy brough.. There seem to be a very big cat in tm 3 me ai-tab ! THESE prosecutions for.improper conduct at tbe late elections will do good. A mana? ger of eiectibus, for jaeglecting his duty, .'goes to jail for six months ; another mana? ge^ for tb> same, ^offence, goes to jail for nine months. What, however, has. become of tbe^army bf minors who voted Illegally * ' J Coot ano -forme. -., ?j? BROOCH LOST.-LOST,-ON FRIDAY afternorm, 13th> on Wentworth street, be- j tween Ring and Coming streets, a child's CORAL. BROOCH. ' The finder will be liberally rewarded by having lt at Ko. 64 Wentworth street.. Janie-* LOST; ? SMALL BLACK AND TAN Terrier Slat The Under will be suitably re? warded by leaving the same at No. 39 Broad st. janis's_;_ "' CfTRAYBD OR STOLEN FROM OFFICE otth? Southern Express Company, a Liver Colored and White Poiuter POP, -about three mon thu old. A liberal reward wlU be paid, tor re? cover* of same._ , Jania LOST, TH rs MORNING, A PACKAGE bf SHIt' PAPERS, belonging to the Bark Scott. A suitable reward will oe paid If left nt tuts office. D. JENNINGS. No. 12 Broad street. Jsnli Sanqo ?ooos, Ut. M ASQUERADTE SUITS , REPRESENTING BEARS. MONKEYS, FROGS, CLOWNS, CHINESE, T?RKS, PRINCES, AO. I beg to Inform Masqueraders that I have Just received a larrie consignment of thc above men? tioned GOODS, hut as they can be offered for sale for only a few days, parties interested will please call at once and maka their selections. FANCY COSTUMES, Black sud Colored Domino Suits for hire at reasonable ra :es. I have at?o opened a complete assortment of MASKJ?, Wigs; Whiskers, Moustachues, Gold and Silver Lace, Card, stars', Spangles, Gold and Silver Clotri, diamond Dust; Ac, Ac. -, , . ; F? VON SANTES, No. 2:0 door to Academy of Magic. j?nl?-2. : J ' E ti T A B L I S H B D 18 5* CHARLES HICKEY, ' Manufacturer af LOOSING GLASS ANO PIUT?RE FRAMES. GILT, OVAL, WALNUT,*nd al! kinds bf PICTURE KRAM SS for Photographs, (. bromos and Needle Work- Special attention given to .Regltdiagt Hanging Glasses and Pictures Also, OH Paintings deane 1 and varnished. A good assortment of Chromos, Photographs and fine Engravings, ?c.,, No. SSS KING STREET, ,ABOVE LIBERTY. nov2i-mwf2m"osp*c_ ?giL?V BLACK' iz CO. ; NOB. 665 an"T587 BROADWAY, NEW Y?BK, Can attention of those about purchasing HOLT' DAY PRESENTS to their unequalled Stock, com prising everything lu ' SILVER, JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. , - . - v. It will be much to the advantage of those living at a distance i rom tbe city tc send their ora.-rs. as apectal attention will be given In the selection by one, of the Arm personalty. And in case the goods furnished are not satisfactory in every re? spect, they can be exchanged. Goods sent 0. 0. 0. Packages allowed tobe opened and selections made. Janl8-lyr Copartnership Notices. TENNENT fe HUME, CONVEYANCERS OF REAL ESTATE.-Thc undersigned have this day formed a Special Partnership as CON-' VKYANOERS OF REAL PROPERTY, and Will furnish thorough abstracts to all titles they pass under guarantee. Each member of the firm will conduct the other branches of his business Beparatelv. as hereto? fore.- WM. TENNENT, . . Attorney and Solicitor. WM. HUME, j JanS-mwflmo Land Surveyor. missolntione of (??partncrsijip. [ rpiTE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JV "existing under the nam? or SHEPPARD A CAMPBELL ia this day dissolved by mutual con? sent.. J. L. SHEPPARD will commue the BROK? ERAGE BUSINESS in lils own name, and settle the affairs of the' firm. J. L. SHEPPARD Jan2-m3 ._t_J 0. OAMPBKLb. D'SSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. Theropartnershlp ticrtnfore exlstinz under' tue uame and nun of MULLER A WI BTU KS, waa dissolved on rhe otu September, mo, by the de? cease f Mr. WERNER MULLER. All persons indebted to me late Arm will make payment to the.underslgned, , . . Ono F. WIETERS. Surviving Copartner. . The undersigned will continue the WHOLESALE GROCERY BUSINESS, at No. 161 East Bay, en his own aocount. 0'i.TO F. WIETERS. jau2-m3_ DISSOLUTION.-THE FIRM OF NORTH, STEELE A WARDELL have dissolved, to take effect from the ?d Instant. C. C. NORTH, of New York, retires, and JOHN K. STEELE and" A. W. WARDELL, Jr., continue the business un? der the name of STEELE A WARDELL. Janl3 3_ DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. The Copartnership heretofore existing nnder the name of J. K, READ A CO., ls this day dissolved by mutual consent. The liquidation of their affairs will be conducted by J. R. READ. (Signed) J. R. READ. C. J. QUINBY. Charleston, January 17,1871. Jan2 . Boarbing. BOARD -FAMILIES AND. SINGLE gentlemen cap bapieasantiy accommodated at the corner of Wentworth aid Glebe streets. decl3 ST. ANDREWS IrOD?E, Not 10,^ F. M. ThejReguiar Communication ?nitirl*rLoatfe . wm be held ac Masonic Ball, THIS EVBNIKG, M 7 o'clock. By order W. M. Janie L. P. 8PE18SE0GER, JH., Secretary. BiTBLE" SOCIETY OF ' ^CrT?RXBST?Nr >' Tba Annual Meeting oi.tne Bible Society o? Charleston will be held at . the Charleston College THIS DAV. the lem insTtrnf; at n>Wcirp. H.7 wlien an election til officers will-be hew and tbe Annnal Report of the Board be presented. jania_J. N. ROBSON, Secretary. CAROLINA DRAMATIC CLUB.-AT? TEND an Extra Meeting or your Olub, THIS . EVEN'mo, at the residence of trie stage manager, "No. 21S Meeting street, at ban* past 7 o'clock. Members will please come prepare;! to pay dues. By order. JOB DAWSON, Jr., Secretary. Janis ._.- _ FARMERS' FERTILIZER COMPANY OF SOOTH CAROLINA.-A Meeting of tb? stockholders, for tbe purpose of Increasing the Capital Stock and amending the first section or the By Laws, win be held at theroomsof the Board of Trade, TO-MORBOW. nth Instant, at 7 o'clock, P. M. The report of the committee anointed at the meeting of 13th December wm- be considered Janlo-2 A. H: MAZYCK, Treasurer. IO. 0. F.-R. W. GRAND LODGE OF . SOUTH -CAROLINA.-Toe Annual Commu? nication ortho R. W. Grand Lodge.of South Caro? lina will be held ?n the City of columbia, at Ma? sonic Hall, on WBDNBSPAT, January 18,1871, com? mencing at 9 o'clock A. M. A geaerai attendance of the members is requested, as business ol Impor? tance Will be transacled. -- By orderet tueJ?. W, fl. M.. . .. v. r ROBT. JAME?, Janl4-3_ Grand Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK? HOLDERS 'Of THE SOOTH CAROfclNA RAILROAD COMPANY, AND OF, TBE. SOUTH ? WESTERN RAILROAD BANK.-The Annual, Meeting of the Stockholders of the'above Instrru tlons will be held, tn the city of Charlee too-, on the second TUESDAY in February next, the 14th ot the month. Place of meeting-Hail of the Southwestern Railroad. Bank, .on. Broad street Hour of convening-ll o'clock A. >L . On the d8y following, W?riyMOAT, the 15th. there will be an election held ac the same place, . between the hours or 0 A.M. and 3 P. M.. for fif? teen Directors of the Rai'road Company, and thirteen Directors or the Bank. A Committee to verify Proxies will attend.. The following addition to the By-Laws, propos? ed at the Special meeting-rn May last, will come up for action at this: Article ist. Section 7th, shall be, "Any number of Stockholders, not leas than ten, representing five thousand shares Shall be necessary to require a stock vote.on. any ques? tion." . . ' Stockholders will be 'paned as usual over the Road, to and from the Meeting, free ot charge, in accordaucc with the resolution of the Convention of 1854. J.R. EMERY, janfwnwTwfme < - \ aXtseferssary. go fient?- ? ? TO BE RENTED FOa..QNE OB-.TWO ye?rs^S?UTH CHACHAN PLANTATION, on western branch or Cooper Rive-, r-ohtalnlDir about 350 acres rice land and large bodies of cleared and superior high land, suitable for cotton or provisions. It has been aocceslrfuriy cul tl vated daring the past year and previously. J. DRAY--. TON FORD, No. 33 Broad street._Janl4-2 TO RENT, A BRICK DWELLING-No. o Wall street, con tal air g BU square rooms, pastry, dresBlng^room, gas, 4c, all tn good order. Also, One elstern and well of ..water. Pur term?. : apply to WM. H. DAWSON, Beal Estate .Agent, .No. 65 Broad street. _ Jani3-3 FOR RENT OR SALE, A BEAUTIFUL ESTATE In Orangeburg District, situated on Lyons Creek, three and a half mflee from the -South Carolina Railroad. The' tract contains ttsoo acres, soil rich red clay, adapted to cotton, corn, wheat, root crops and clover. A splendid range for cattle; tanny hillsWos for vineyards, and low lands for meadows. Lyons Creek, a large, never-railing stream runs through the estate, and furnishes MM?NVtho finest water powers In the State. a* ? _^ A moat valuable iron ore Bas-been discovered receutly on the place. Tlie estate has on lt all the necessary farm bondings, negro houses, barns, atables, gin houses and small dwelling. It lias been In con atant cultivation since the war, and the splendid growing crop would give entire satisfaction. lt Ia offered for rent or satt,' on reasonable terms. Address ""Mrs. L M. KEITT, " Society Hill, Darlington District, S. a * Or R. M. MARSHALL k BRO., No. 33 Broad atreet. ' *' aug4 _iot galt._ FOR SALE, ONE SECOND-HAND BOILER, 30 Inches diameter, 22 feet long, lu good order, with Front. Grate, Bars, Beams, Ac, complete. Apply to THDKSTON A HOLMES, Auger's North Wharf. novsi-mth g?ttCflllfjrtgi. ENGLISH AND GERMAN SCHOOL- No. 82 WENTWORTH STREET.-The exarclseflor. thisinsUtutlon embrace all the branohes necessary tor a good English and Commercial education. The boura from 3 to 6 o'clock P, td. are devoted tu denoan lessons, via: Grammar, Speaking, Writing and Reading. Lessons in Drawlng'and Moulding every Saturday morning. 'The Night School from 7 to 9 o'clock, ror exercises or Arith? metic. Reading, Spelling and Writing, and Orna? mental and Mechanical Drawing lor adults, - ThaAcademy ia under myapeotal superinten? dence, with the axslstanee of Mr. J. MCDONALD, Miss J. H. ANGEL, Miss LEONHARDT, Miss J. MILLER. >?. .-. Vocal Mus to by Professor F.. BBROKQAN. C. H. BEROMAXN, . aug? Principal. Comber, ?Fue!, &t. g TTILTDE^S? D EPOT, . No. 94 CB?BCH, STREET, CHARLESTON, S. 0/ SLATES TILE . TIN LIME . PLASTER CEMENT LATHS HAIR SAND, ?c , Ac., ko. BUILDING PAPER, A substitute ror Laths and Plaster, at less than one-half the coat JOST KKCSIVKD, ... 300 boxea best I. C. Charcoal TIN loo bbls. Empire Miua Plaster. E. M. GRIMKE. MBf Postoillce Box 374._Janis LUMBER, AT WHOLESALE AND RE . TAIL. ALL DESCRIPTIONS AND QUALITY. A full stock of WHITE PINE, from H to 12 inches thick, clear and well seasoned. Mahogany, Walnut. Cherry, Birch, Oak, Ash, Poplar Boards -and Planks, Rosewood, Walnut and Mahognny veneers, Newels, Ba'usters, all kinds or Moulding*), Sashes, Blinds, Doors, Aa ' The attention of builder? and others la especial? ly requested, that we are prepared to furnish the - above In any quantities wich such prices that compare favorably with N?w York rates. , , ' LH. HALL A CO., . Corner East Bay and Market streets. Jan3-wsm2mos ' Smnxantt. ?JI H E CO T T O N S T ATES LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, .MAC O N,- O E 0 R Ol A. Authorised Capital.$2,000,00? ? Guaranteed Capital.;.:.$f>ou,ooo. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS Deposited with State authorities of Georgia. . FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, Deposited wUh State authorities of South-Caro? lina for Seuuxlt.v of Policy hoiders. . * OrPicEBs AI-XACos, .oEoaorA: .WM.. JOHNSTON, President. WM. 8* HOLT, vice-President. GEO. S. OLEAR. Secretary. C. F. McCAY, Actuary. JOHN W. BURKE, General Agent. W. J. MAGILL, Superintendent Agencies. Recommended by the following gentlemen, who have examined,its Charter and prospectus: COL WM. JOHNSTON, President Charlotte, CAA.. R. R. .Qsn. WADE HAMPTON,' Columbia, S. O. Col. L. D.* CHILDS, President Carolina National Bank, Columbia, S. 0. Col. JAMES G. GIB BES, Columbia, S. 0. Colonel JAMES H; RION, Winnsboro*, S. 0. General M. C. BUTLER, Ed ?eil eld. General ROBERT TOO M BS, or Georgia, Ac, Ac BURDELL BROS. Agents, Corner Broad and State streets. T. L. OG I KR, M. L?M Examining Physician, april m wi jr gENZINE, DVJUBLB DISTILLED, FOR CLEANING CLOTHES; For safe" wholesale and retail by Dr. H. BAER, No. 13i Meeting street. nue, east Bide, tfitrd doof above Gannon ?tre janl6-l?_ JOBIASXEB,. ..A,,.WPM AN ^WITHOIITj fi .children, tp cook and do a part of toe lions? work: "Recommendations required. Apply at_Ng. 124 MeptAng street. 'janie WANTED, A WOMAN TO DO M AID WORK and washing. None oded apply without recommendation. Apply at No. 18 Meet in g^treet._'_janl6-l? WANTED. : ?' GOOD . WA?TINGMAN. Recommendations required. Apply at the Hardware Store, corner of King and Market streets. ~ .. -, -- ...Janis - " ? -QktimtJerstttieBi HTJN?EEp' AND jtfxj? INN] VERS ART OF THE GERMAN FRIENDLY SOCIETY. The Ona Hundred and Fifth Anniversar? of-the Ger m aa Friendly Society will be celebrated on. WBONBSOAV, January is, at the Hall of thp Freund schaftsbund, corner Meeting and George streets. The Me m hers will a? se mble ' at (hat place, at 12 ' o'clock M., for the transaction or business. 'A* Pol! for the Election of Onioers for the ensuing -year will be opened at l o'clock, and closed at S P.M. ' A COLLATION, suitable to the "occasion, will be prepared anAplace 1 oa ths table at 1 o'clock. janlA- -- JOHN A. BLCM, Secretary. - JS^t? ?Jn?iifat?jtts. jgCt?OGL^^ And all descriptions of 'SCHOOL "STATIONtRY/ School (Pens, Copy Booka; and all tariertes of Blank Lo oki. Drawing Papers, ^Bristol Boards, Pencils, Drawing Cards and Drawing Rooks, at FOGARTIr?? BO O'S!''DEPOSITORY:' - s? . NEW -CATA LO OCR,-So. V~A FORSYTBE'S LIFE OF CICERO, 2 vols. In oner with Illustration!?, 3d American Edition, $2 60. Books and Reading; What Books shall I read and how to read then; by Porter, $2. The .Bottom of the Sea, by L. Sorrel,. (The Wonder Ltbrarv.) $1 50. Bronchitis and Kindred Diseases, by Dr. Halt;' ,4150. .Memoirs of the Life and Services bf the Rt. Rev. . -Alonzc Porter, D. D., LL.'?K, Bishop of Penn? sylvania, by M. A. De Woolie Howe, D. IX, ia. Cong bs and Colds, or the Preventlve.Caase and > Ohre of vsrrlcns infections of the Throat, Ac., -toy Dr, Hall, .author of.-Health by Goori Liv? ing," Ac, $160. Rena to Ch em! el. Essays. Bv George Wilson, F. R. S. T., of .Edinburgh, $2. Abbeys, Castles and Ancient Halls of England and Wales; their Legendary Lore and Popu? lar H Ls to rr, by John Timbs, 2 Vots, SS 80. The Legendary. Ballads of England and Scotland, compiled by J". 8. Roberts, tl. A New Dictionary of Quotations from-the 0 reek,-. Latia and Modern Languages, with an exten? sive Index to every impoftant word, $2. WonderYUrfisnoon A*cefltd, ?History or Balloons, . -Ac- from the French ot Marion, $1 M. The Comic History or England, by A. Beckett, wftn':20 colored Etching* and ?00 Wood Cits, .SC ? ?\* m! >-. ?.. The Comic History of Rome, by A. Beckett, nias trated by Leeofi, ts 76. - * . ? ? *r The Comic. Blackstone, by. A, Beckett, with UHs traUona by Crui ks h an ; s, 12 W au d tl 60. Motlier ffobse in a "New Dress; g3 75; Mother . ?oose?B Melodies, vri th notes, mu ile and aa account of the Goose or Vergopse Family, $3 Ts; fTheseare the great rival editions of "Dear Old Mother Goose.") , Histoty of English Literature, lu a Series of Bio nhlcarEssays, h> Collier, LL. D., tl TS. (meats or Colon and - Coloring, with thc nature of Figments, .Ac, by Field, ii. " Thomas Chalmers, a Biographical Study, by James* "Dodels, tl W.' *''?<. ' From Egypt w smal; The Exodus of the Children of Israel, by Professor Oausaen, tl TS. Memoirs or the Life and writings of Thomas Cha?nera, hy. his son-iu-law, Dr. Hanna, 4 vols., fr SO; Memoir of Wm. Ellery Channing,' with Extracts fromCowespouplence, &c 2xoU,Jt8 60.* . Millar's Almanac Mr 1871. interleaved. DIARIES FOR 187.1"'-* Photograph Albums, Writing Albums, Auto? graph Albums. Our varieties of these beautiful articles are unsurpassed and <*eap. - . .-v* ' Writing Des ka, Writing. Oases and: Portfolios, embracing everv variety or styles, from $1 up to t26. ". JUVENILE BOOKS. . Especial attention has heen given to our Juve? nile Department. -Our assortment ls uuhstflly large, and great care has bean taken to (?elect ?good books for the young of all ages. - BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS. . A large stock of English Karatly and Pocket Bibles and Kplscopal Prayer Books.-embraclng all the newest editions and styles of bindings. The prices or Bibles and Prayer Books have been greatly reduced. Our stock offers a*large a va? riety as Can be had, and at reduced prices. N. B. Our Monthly Literary Bulletin will be sent Free topetsona in thecoantry; ? ' v "it ' MW Persons residing la the country will please bear in mind that bv sending their orden to us for any book? published in America, they will be charged only the peke of the book. We pay for the postage or express. Address " FOGARTIE*S BOOK DEPOSITOBY, u No. 2?o King street, (in the Ban dj Charleston, 8. C. Jun26 . _ JJ^ TJSSELL'f-LIST '. ILLUSTRATED HOLIDAY . GIFT BOOKS. FLOWE?S*"FROM THE'UPPER ALPS, with Glimpse? of their Homea superbly illnstrated w?h chromo lithographs, folio. $12 60. The Arts In the Middle Ages, and at the Period of th? Renaissance. By -Pam Lacroix, Curator of the Imperial Library pr the Arsenal, Parla. Illus? trated'with nineteen chromo-lithographie prints, and upward of fonr hundred engravings en wood.' tis. . ... Ecclesiastical Art in Germany during the Middle Age?). By Professor Lttbke. Illustrated with one I hundred and elginy-four engravings, lvoL, 8vo. ts. Specimens of the Drawings or the Ten Masters, with descriptive letter-press and twenty photo? graphs, 4to, handsomely bound. $10. Songs of Home, with thirty-six Illustrations by Fenn, Hennessy, Griswold, *c" and eight auto? graphs, uniform with ' Songs of Life." "Kath rina,"'''Bitter-sweet." Ac, cloth, mn gilt. $6. Marvels of Glass-Making. By A. Sauzay. With sixty-seven Illustrations na wood, and ten auto? type copies of tho best examples In the South Ken a Rig ton M asen m. SS- - Wonders of Italian Art. By Louis Vlardot. With ten autotypes and thirty engravings, cloth, ts. Wonders ot Painting. Of the Spanish, French, English and Flemish Schools By M. Viardot. With numerous antotype and wood-cut illustra? tions, cloth, gilt. ts. ' ' ~ The Birth sud ch id hood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Meditations selected from the works of" Augustine, Chrysostom, Cosln, Hall, Calvin, Ac, with twelve photographs after Da Vinci, Raffaelle, Murillo, Guido, Delaroche, A'ry Schetfer, and other masters, 1 vol., illuminated cloth, extra gilt. $6. illus tran ona or the Life, of Martin Luther. En graved in line after original paintings by Labou? chere, with letter-press. By Rev. Merle D'Aublgne Twelve pictures in folio, te. - - ? ; Library of Poe:ry and Song. Being a choice selection from the best poets, with introduction' by Wm. Cullen Bryant. -Handsomely illnstrated, 1 VOL, 8vo. $6. . The Song or the Sower. By Wm. Cullen Bryant Illustrated with forty-two engravings by the best awlHis, 4to, cloth, gilt, ts. Rustic Adorn merits for Homes ef Taste, with - nine colored plates and'two hundred and thirty wood engravings, 1 vuL, 8vo, cloth, gilt. $u. Miss Kiiman-egg and her Precious Leg; A Gold? en Legend. By Thomas Hobd. Illustrated by sixty exquisite ?: chinga in-rn drawings by.Tournai Sercombe, IL A., m characters lc cloth binding. t7 sc MotlierjQoose m her New Dress. A serlecof ex? quisite drawings lu tinted chrom?s. Bv MLss Chase, a daughter of the? Ohief-Jw-rtce. Elegant 410., green ami gold. $4 50. frustrations to Goetln-'s Faust. Thirteen de? signs In Silhouette, by Paul Konewka. The-Rnglish text from Bayard Taylor's new translation, 1 vol., Ito. $1. Mangln-The Desert World. Translated from the French, with additions and emendations. One verv liand-ome voL, royal 8vo" with one hundred amt slxtv superb illustrations. $s. Mangln-Tho Mystery nf the Ocean. Translated from tre French, with additions and emendations. One verv handsome-vo!., royal 8vo., with one hun? dred and thirty superb illustrations, te Mlcnelet-The Bird: Its History, Habits and Usefulness. Oce handsome vol.. royal 8vo;, with two hundred and ten superb illustrations bj Glaco melll. tc Figuier-Earth and ?ea. From the French of Louis Ftgnler. Illustrated with two hundred and fifty engravings. One handsome voL, royal 8ve. ts. Library of Wonders. Illustrated with one thou? sand beau'iful Illustrations. The series consists ol: Wonders of the Human Body; The Sublime in Nature; Intelligence of Animals; Thunder and Lightning; Bottom of the Sea; Wonders of the Heavens; Italian Arr; Architecture; Glassmatlng; Lighthouses and Lightships; Wonders of Pompeii; Egypt 3800 Years Ago; The s-un; Wonders or Heat; Optical Wonders: Wonders of Acoustics: Wonder rut.Escapes; Bodily strength ard Skill; Balloon Ascents; Great Hunts. The volumes may be pur? chased separately at $1 to. Etchings by John Leech, containing illustra? tions or "Jack Brag," "Christopher Tadpole" and "H?ctor O'Halloran,"" one vol., fblm. $3. M?nchhausen-Adventures du Baron de M?nch? hausen. Traduction nouvelle par Gautier Als. Illustr?es par Gustave Dore. - Also, a large and choice collection of the newest Juvenile and Toy Booka. decls } JAMES A. OATES. /.'..LI5SBI AUD MANAGER? --loonanr, the 'brilliant ana pn?uUMg . MBS. JAMES A. OATES^-.j -And her-Faatoaa---? , "? V COMIO OPERA COUPAitr, IQ Offs ab aca't latest and one ol' bl? most pleasing '. Comic Opera?, entl?ei? . PRIMA' VQWJk OF A ?UGHfT Sta? Perrormanoe wit. commence with a PA-j VORlTE PARC E. Between ttepleees, tbs GrearO'RtrARDO"? awd bis TT/KBLERONICCW." aa- Loolc ont for LITTLE -FArjsr, Seats secured don og the day frons e A. H. to 5 P. M., in the vestibule-entrance en Klag; street. jatrTB ' * . QOIILL,IO.N..CLUBt * ? BALL , will be given at .the South Carolina Hall, Tr^D AT EVE.NI.HG. the 17 th. las tant. ..; ^ i p EDWIN P. PBOffT, JanTff-t_Secretary and Treasurer.-. Q. R A ND li ASQGE-aAM? " ' OP ntt * FREUND8C?EACTSB?ND, To be given at their HAP, corner of Meeting and George streets, January iB,*JfH. : * co un ir.Et ?. v US', ?.>.?.; CHAS. SIEGLING, C. a PLKS?E, . . fi. HJuISSBB, . ? B. WO?fLERSv StfBOESM. janlo-tutnmamthii j? . A IR ! F AIR? 'F At?t? V A F Alfi, will be -given by the NIAGARA f HS ENGINE COMPANY; No. 8, itt aid of the fand for . the poretrealnf of a new gagftre, at -tte BBttary 1 Hall, Wentworth street, commencing MONDAT "j KrHKwa, the 23d instant and cominae.fof "ten ' nig Ut * All dDnati an?'1 from, lue ladles wUi be j tUa?kfally received by the ComuUUee^ ijid tho | patronage of the public generally lt--Hotted. ' OOMMITTHB "OF AB?AHWMatf.'Wtt! . '. * PVW. LEWIS, Chairman. ' H. BE ET ARD, ' K. C. TCC??R, W. P. COLS, W. P. ps&ai-,. ... i BjWFHK, ?.W. NK?A, .. >-J, R W. NELSON, - ? - . ED WAH D LAB AT CE; j H. CARRELL, D.FUST,-'*' ' " ' .D.MCL?W?ST fi. B. LAWRANCE, J.T?NOTT, " . W.& LAWTON,, UW?L?I?,'.''. G. A. PYOSeV ' F. HOWMAN, . 1. H. CCBT1S, . ; C. & SK LL, - T, W. WILLIAMS. . Admission ?etsentii. : Ghftdwnteooots.' Season ' Tic-vets 60 cents.; Thike'tscan be'?ai? frpn? either | of the above comm lt tsai. .* - IL BRI:YARD, Ticket Agent, i iL B.-Doora open at-7 P. M., and clow at u j o'eleetc. .? *' .' - tams-m'wn jfirriii.^re. ... pUBE e-T-P S ? M ! CONTAINING 80 PER CBHT. OF SOtTTJET-E 1 -. MATTER tV . .-. ; ' GROUNB'AND PREPARED IN THIS tUTt': AHB , - WARRANTED FREE FROM" . r ? AJJULTERATION. <- ?.* The annexed communication from FTbf.'?fSlriipff j XS. Shepard, Jr., of tue purity of this ertteti?, ts ? guarantee of lu highly valuable ?uniiUes -to tue farmer, being avaJli.ble when mix Cl with- other manured, to the great advantage of any Kind o? crop. Unequalled ai a top-drps sing for wp ear, rye, barley, Ac.; arid the grasses, one peck bf which will show yiiublelmprfvemeaton an acre of ground. ? . . * Thia valuable Manure ta offered for -sale a? the low price of 116 per ton cash, or on time lor city acceptance with Interest added. Put up for shipment in bags of zoo pounds each. AU orders by mall lo accordance with abof? terms will be promptly executed by ' >. ' JOHN H. HOLMES, ? j Commission Mercbant^ > Boyce's Wharf, Charleston, a, t?. Ov F?O K oy STAT* I Nar KOBO a OF FjurrxusKBS^ } LAaoKATO? MEDICAL COLI EOE, .QUEEN ST., . CBAWiksro^ S. C.^N?vember.114, 18W. J ' Utj. joan H. lionnes: - ' \ ?SAK siR-TUe gypsum submitted by yon for , analysts la the most remartabic I hare ever seen fqr Its- freedom from intpurltlea of every*' kind, j containrag as lt dues but one-third of One per centY Dr Insoluble matter, ir lt can besuppHed OT sMr* Har quaUty (^cannot fall to prove a great boon to Boutaorn agrleultore, aa there ia no crop io ara Ich ltia not AieneQctai, whe?ier applied alone or In conjunction wUh other manures. . .- - . Very respectfully, your obedient servant, . (Signed) CHARLES U. SHEPPARDJavKjO,. janil-wfoi22_r . TOANDO FERTILIZER. ^; Cash-FIFTY UOLLABS per ton o'2000 pounds,, at factory. . ? Time-FIFTY-FIYE DOLLARS per tin of mm. pouoda, at. factory, payable .November l, 1871^1 without interest. "Foi aale by . ? ... . WM. C. DUKES.* co., Genend Agents.'^. No. 1 South Atlantic Wharf, Jan4-wrmlmoD*c Charleston. S. C. ?pACIFIO GUANO COMPANY'S (CAPITAL $1,000,000) ' " ... ^ SO L P B E E.P?. C I PIC G? ANO. Thts GUANO ls now so well known tn all the Southern states ror its remarkable effects aa an agency for Increasing the products of labor, as out to reqolro especial commenoation rrom na. Its use for Ove years , past baa established Its character ror reliable excellence. The large Axed capital invested by the com nany in this trade, affords the surest guarantee the vontinued ex? cellence of Its Guano. J. N. ROBSON, - Selling Agent, Charleston, ?L 0, JOHN S. REESE A CO., General Agenta, Haiti-" more._dee?fr-e*o QO MP OU ND ACID P-HOSPHATE OF LIMB, FOR COMPOSTING WITH COTTON BRED. This article Ia manafactured by the PAC?FIO GUANO COMPANY, at Charleston, S. Ot, under the superintendence or Dr. ST. JULIEN RAYE NEL. When composted With an equal Weight or Cotton Seed, its results hare been found fully equal to the best standard fertlllaera its econo? my must commend IS, to tho notice of Planters. generally. Fur specific-direction s for composting, and ror supplies, apply to ' J. N. ROB,-ON,' Setting Agent, Charleston; S. C. JOHN S. REESE A -CO., General Agenta, Balti? more! *' ' . . - - . d?:22-DAC-fmw P E RU VI AN GUANO., For sale a lot of A No. 1 Chincha Wand GUANO, lu store and to arri ve. LOUIS Mc LAIN, Jan4 "_' . No. 31 Broad street. ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COMPANY OF CHARLESTON, ?. C. F. J. PORCHER, F. J. PELZER, President. . .Treasurer. DtBSCTOBS.-W. LEK BY, W. P. HALL, L. D. Da I SAUSSURE, B. G. PiNCKNEY. The ATLANTIC PHOSPHATES are now being ma aui'act omi at their works on Ashley River, under the direction of an experienced and practi? cal chemist. The Company intend thia to be a first-class fer tli Her,. and one which can be recommended to Planters. STANDARD GUARANTEED. The Company are also prepared to manufacture ACID PHOSPHATE for composting with cotton seed. . This preparation ls highly recommended by* chemists, as with lt Planters are enabled to make their own fertilisers. The ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE ls sold at $56 per ton, cash, or $90 on time, with Interest at the rate of one per cent, per month. The ACID PHOSPHATE ls sold at $35 per fon, cash, or $40 ou time, with Interest at the rahs ar one per cent, per month. PtiLZER, RODGERS & co., General Agents, dec81-4mos Brown's Wharf, Charleston, s. 0. QOMQ30PATHIO RRMTanraa A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received by i DB. H. BAER 'uiy6 No 131 Meeting street. J oit, receiver per Sc?eoner Daylight, from Bar? acoa, CTO? : 800 bunches fine RED BANANAS h?.anlrt afccaaaftnabJajricea at the^rtheas^ corner of gartet, and. Sat "Bay -streets, by~? . BAYSR A tBESS?t, JR. ; Janls-^> . I ."" ' - - ?. * i S v? -, i t- L^.as pteft * *>V! 'S v .v .tv it. j Si - .li .CK*- "?? >? .. ^ , . .. >. ir*?''? .*. ..; --i-i*- -? ?i?? If von Va*t gdod BUTTER, at soo. a potrnd, ' '^ ^ "'' . ^i?.Tmjjo*3Ps. ; Il you want Table Batter, at A?C a poogd,. ?la to WILSON'S, if von wan* tte Bes: flauer, At 46c, .. rf fl? fc> M MM . ??*.,/. . . ,<>..?:..'-.?? 1? f on wurt-C-}ff*e, at m. apctrcd; ' _.. ^ G^.?WTL8(>!ra. " *- * lt TS ? v*> T?"5 Sf ?I**? ?r-i* ?- * t* . If yon want eMgar^rtsTforanrer for a doBar, Go to WILSON'S. K/ott want L^t&frwn Bngar, 8 potior a dollar, >j.'. fr __ Go to WILSON'S. I I5t>rt *--.'.. - S J?"*'-" ^ Ii jroa wast UaBegt Lard, ?>r lbs. for one dollar, :'-r':*-- . vg ...daioWLSON'a. r ,. ' . ". ^ ., ... if fm wnotfkeat ano> fisMfcrra, ion, a pound, .-<..*- .-.'v? ..g*ie>w?iSO?nB.'"' If yon want a Sagas.enrad Pig Ham, at iso. a Go to WILSON'S. if ytru wahtscgar^j'red Pig aho&Mfc, at ?Kc. ?.t? WIL?fJN'S. VIS* wast 2 lbtcan Tonjatoe* Jtt so per ?oras, * . ? w*Wi^p*^wa. ? . .:?*.-.?.:.' rf iii I 'And evoid large fTntirw?ch oanasaJaigu piusm ' t' ^ -. <34? !:! ir. .. .! -? -: > ? ? ? ? -? '?". ?. iii . - .-. -.v .' ?'.: ->.V ^ -'ALL-" GO?D6 ?BU wat BP' jn? . jr i Lia K's ? j o c gvV'T;.'. ; jany. "_. .- ,. -.;*-.-":* *. v T ' '-. '. . :.4.- ? - 'St " ^i. .-: . ,Jt .jj o T t'cj^ \\r;:": ';" . Keasts. STEI?FESS. WEBKBB ?^?KElLjjaTa t ransferretl tho agency ox the ci?brat?d BETE? rBflrALVtb t he uni .-reigned, woo I? .prepared to SrmaiillatlU} per barrer ana ??. per M?T frst lt WHoWf ' Seatheast?NM Meet lng and Basel strestj. 1 SUte for OrjlttM -ax *T?>*EN*, WEWtE? A DU?EER. i . ? . . ' KLEIN?B'S WORLB-BKNOWNEDOINOlSirATI LA^ER alar aya on hand. ,f, -1 jaaitVstatha ?' l TOO sacks Lftarpoof SALT.' I?ndln? front Ship. Muscoogas. For sale by Jam-l?_ T. J". KERR A CO. CHQULDEBS, SIDES; HAMS, kt. ? M fchds. Choice Bac?n SHOULDERS - .1? C. RC SMfle . . ii boxes D. 8. L. c sides U boxea D. S. BolK ShoaMera 18 boxet S.-c. Cumb?nanda ?a . 26 bb 1 s. New York RHgsrluwwe Syrup, Sow ItJidlng and.for sale?ow by . PAUL J. L AL AN? A CO., . Jairtl .. ; Ho. 171 East Bfcy. p H CTN ET SA-TJ G jp?.; ; fV^ ? ^ VJ - . ? ? .: U .fu ? 7 -. . BENGAL. CLUB CHUTNEY - - CashmereOhhtney , . ** *' - r ? . Pindaree Chutney - - Impo rted>oJrect in quart bottiaV . <? j - . LTERT E.BEDFORD, *^ ?uccessor to Wm. 8, Corwin ACo., _ janfl- - So:street, WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE ^.' London Glu!? Sauce - :.?i . - John Boil Sanee India SbySanci ^ ' . ! .!' . Boyal Osborne Sance. Ejsence ShrJjnjM . Easence Anohovlea . . Tomat? Oataop . Pacolo Sauce ' '1 . Pepper Sansa. Curry' PowiWur CORRINE, an excellent articie for Beaconing. j EVERT E. BElJFCWtD, \ Late W. 8. Corwin *,Oon jami_._ No. m Emt jgggj JJ.BIED GREEN LENTILS * DATFT3 White Beans . _ ^SpUtPess ^ ' narie/~v . Mac caroni . .VermlceUl . Sago >. . Tapioca . . Imperial sad Stewing Prunes *" New Figs. ;s ? E. R. BEDFORD, . Janll_ v Late W. s. Corwin A Co. QRANGES AND PINEAPPLES. ' sn,000 ORANGES, at $2 per h unbred ^ UOdoaen Pineapples. Landing from the Steamship Rita, from Hava? na, and for sate at No: 83 Marget street, benth side, opposite Market Hair." 5 r decs . ..- ? MRS. C. r>. irjsNDRHhx. HAMS 1 HAM S 1 HAM S" I ? - NEW DAVIS DIAMOND BRAND, . At 2o cents per ppntul nov2i-3mofl JOHN HCRKAMP-A GO. QOL?MB1A HOTEL, 30L?KBTA, S. A, ' WM. GORMAN, PSOPRIBTOS. . Ute. Proprietor of fids pleasantly Inflated sad elegant^ furnished Establishment, at th*. State unsurpassed by any la the State or the-Unlted States. Situated m the basin eas centre or the etty, with fine large airy* rooms, audi a table sup? plied with every delicacy of the season, both from New Tort sad Charleston market?, tie Proprie? tor pledges that no efforts will be spared Ur rire perfect satisfaction in every reapecL , . , . A flrat-claas Livery Stable is attached lotta Hotel, where vehicles of .every deacffMomWbe had at the shortest notice. ^^^^^ Omn^maea attend the arrivai afc? dtoartara of evei7 Train. Wit l?Ofi??AN, _ Proprietor aa? Superintendent. J. D. BUDDS,Cashier. , ^afris-wtt? J