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The Agett Stranger. AN INCIDENT OF TUE WAR. CY BRET II A '.. IT. "I was with Grant"-the stranger said: Sata thc rarmer: -Say no more. But rest thee here at my cottage porch, For thy feet aro weary and sore." "J was with Grant"-the stranger sahl: Said thc farmer: 'Nay. no more 1 prithee sit at my frugal board, Aud cat of my humb.e store. .Tfow fa-es my boy-my soldier boy, Of tim old Ninth Army Corps ? 1 warrant he bore lilia gallautly In thc smoke and th.- battle's roar !" "i kn *w him nor," said the aged man, "And. as I rt "larked before, I was with Orum"-"Nay, uay, I know," Said the farmer, "Say ho mire; "Ile fell in battle I se?, alas! Tuou dst smooth these tiding; o'er Nay, speak the truth, whatever it be, Though it rend my bosom's core. "Cow fell he-with his face to the foe, Cphohlins the flag lie bore* Ot sav not Mat my boy disgraced . Thc uniform that he wore I" '.I cannot tc'.l," said the aged man, "Aud should have remarked, before, That I was with Grant-lu Illinois Some three years before the war." Tuen the farmer spake him never a word, But beat with his dst full sore That aged man, who had worked for Graut Some three years before tue war. IRE SS I HAN COURT on, TUE BARONET'S SON. By MRS. HARRIET LR WIS, AUTHOR OF "THE O0CHLE LIFF," "TUE BAILIFF'S SCHBsIE," "TUE SUNDERED HEARTS,'* "TUE LADY OF KILDARE," "A LIFE AT STAKE,'' "THE HOl'SB OF SECRETS, AO., AC. CHAPTER L A FATEFUL O4.TASTR0PUE. A wild 6torm was raging upon the Mediter? ranean Bea, near thc close ol a dreary Novem? ber day, and sky and waters were black with the gloom of the budden and furious tempest, before which a sundi sailing vessel was scud ding under bare poles. Her build and rigging proclaimed her Sardinian. 8he was The Gull, Captain Varino, master, on her way from Cag liari to Palermo. She had on board two seamen, and two pas - senge; s. These passengers were Englishmen who had procured passage on The Gull to Palermo, whence they inieuded to embark by steamer to Marseilles, the following day. Wliile the captain and his assistants wero at? tending to i heir dulles, and expressing appre? hensions as-to their safety, the two English? men stood apart, leaning against Ibo low bul " warks, and surveying tho wild scene around them. These men were both young, apparenlly ol the same age, about three and twenty, but evidently they wore not ol the same station in life. One, thc more striking of thc two, was aris? tocratic in '?is bearing, tall, slender and hand? some, with a frank, smiling mouth, a pair o? .earless blue eyes, set under a wide and- mas? sive forehead, and tawny hair blowing back from his face. Noble, generous and kind? hearted, he had an adventurous disposition and a dauntless courage. He was Guy Tressllian, tho only son and heir of Sir Arthur Tressilian, Baronet, ol Tree silian Court, England. His companion presented a remarkable re? semblance to him, being also tall and slender and fair, with tawny hair and moustache, but he had not the (rank smile, lue bright, fearless look, or the Joyous spirit that characterized young Tressillan. Young us lie was, he had seen much ol the dark side ol life, and his ex? periences hud been s'icu os to develop in him some of the worst qualities of his uaturc. He was Jasper Lowder, Guy Tressilian's hired travelling companion atm bosom friend. The meeting and connection of the two had a touch ol' romance. Young Trcsslliau had spent four years in a German university, whence he had been graduated willi honor. On leaving the university, iu obeueueo to lils father's written command, lie had undertaken a tour of the countries inclosing the Mediter? ranean Sea, lu company with one of hi3 late tutors. This gentleman being unexpectedly promoted lo a professorship, abandoned Tres? sillian at Baden, leuvlog him to lind another travelling compauiou. On the ?vening of tho very day after this desertion, as Guy Tressillan was sauntering through the streets of Baden, he had boen as? saulted by a trio of lils own countrymen, all more or le;;j intoxicated. It was apparent that they took him lor another, and Intended lo wreak vengeance upon hiui. Without allow? ing hint to speak, they forced him to >.eieud himself. Guy was getting tho worst of thc conflict, when a stranger came running lo his assisi ance, und in a few moments tho two had put the miliaris to Sight. This stranger who came so opportunely to Chty's assistance was Jasper Lowder. His re? semblance to Young Tressilian awakened lu the latter a romantic interest. He questioned Lowder, learned that he was poor und alone in the world, and took him with him to lils hotel. Believing that the similarity of features indica? ted a siiMiarily of tastes und natures, he en? gaged Lowder as his travelling companion, -and the past year they had spent together more like brothers than like employer aud em? ployed. "This storm ls a regular Levanter," said Lowder, clinging with both hands to tue bul? warks. "Do you think the craft will staud ll, Tre6silian ?" ..Oh, yes," answered young Tresillian, wip? ing the salt Bl)ray from his face. "The captain knows the Sicilian coast perfectly, la two .lours, or less, we shall be in ike bay of Paler? mo, in throe hours we snail be domiciled In the best rooms ol' ino hold Triuacria, with the best supper which Messer Ragu-n, can furnish. And lo-morruw, at noon,"1 he added, "we shall embark for Marseille*) in a Messageries slea mer." "And from Marseilles you will proceed to England and lo Tressilian Court." said Lowder, with some bitterness. "Aud /-what is lo be como ol' me? I liavo had a year ol unalloyed nappines-, aud no v comes buck the drudgery, the hopolo^s loil. the anxieUes ot the wretched old life. You picked me up at Baden, ti poor adventurer seeking to gain a living by leach? ing Euglis'.i, and the same destiny ls open io monow."' Tresillian turned lils handsome face noon his companion in surprise and affectionate re? proach. "Jusper !" he exclaimed, "yon talk strange? ly. Do you suppose 1 have culled you irieud and brother so long, and loved you so well, lo lose you now ? I ?nenut to hti.e written to tey rather concerning you and your future, Jasper, but his sudden recall, received yesterday, cansos me to return home without writing. I aimil telegraph IV un Marseilles thal you will come home with me. And you will, will you not ? You will not abandon mo, my friend ? I will charge myself with yoisr future, I will seo i hal you obtain Ute position to which your talents emilie you. You kave no tius to keep you on die Com ?noni, ?.'. A strange expression passed over Jasper LowcV-rs luce. "ND, I have no ties," he said huskily. "?nd you will go home with mer"' "What, will your father say to my coming ?" demanded Lowder. "He will think your gen? erosity Quixotic He will dismiss norn Iiis bouse thu lured ' companion who dares to ro soniule .'is son-" A Midd-ii uir. h of the Uti lo vessel, a wavo sweeping over the deck, iuterruutod Utesen? tence. ..Yon wrong mj lather," saul Tressilian, his blue eyes kindling, when lite vo.-.-,ei hud right? ed. "He i> the noble:-', mau in Hie world. He Will wei Dine my friends as bis own. You will love him, Jusper, *?s 1 do, wiieu s.m know him." "He doesn't seem very affectionate,"" re ma;k.-il i uwder "Yon iinvo berni awav iruiu your Iimue for live years', aud hu lias b:a jusi recalled you !" Young fre-j-iliairschecks flushed, as Lew- ; dur saw in the lurid g . >'/ HiaL luomcuianly lighted .:)> Hie leiupe.-LUtitw seem*. .'You know, or cm lim reason, Ja po;-." li-said, willi something ol' uti > flori. ".My fulher n.t.- a ward ibu <\ uiglner 'd'au nhl friend. \b! bear Unit w iud shuck ? The gale is liieivnsing !" "Yes," assented Lowder. "Am! ibo ward is Miss Irby-Hie golden-haired Blanche, of you nave lulu eil SO niiiijli. aud With Whom so i have .-xe ?.-geil letters!** "Yes. My father lointcd a prBJect lo liavo me murry Blanche. He old not wish n- to grow up logeiher, lest we should learn t" re? gard esvih oilier as brother and tdsler. W herr -Blauehe came to live at tho court my luther sent mo to Germany. The night before home, he called me into lils library am me all his hopes amt piar.s for my luton entreated me to continue worthy of his cent ward, ami to keep my heart pure lb I have done FO, Jasper. I have nev? loved any woman. And yesterday 1 rec my father's summons to come homo. H recalled me alter Ave years of abseil know Hie wish that lies nearest his heart wants me to return and marry Blattei shrink from the proposed marriage. I going home. And 1 dread offending m\ lather, whom I love better than any tn It is hard, Jasper, tn revolt against lite ami plans of a kind and generous ft very love lor me causes him to ur t his mat ringer "Is it?"' fsiul Lowlier dryly, and w strange smile full of sneering bitterness, experience has been widely diff?rent yours, TressUiao. Did I ever tell you i father P "No. I took ii for granted that he is d '.Perhaps !:c ls. I don't know," sahl Loi with a reckless laugh, "Bui it' he is living, a scoundrel. Don't start. Tresillian, al wi lilla! speech. Walt till you hear my stol am in u desperate mood to-night. This s: stirs up ali tao bad -.vii h in tuc. Asnear? can discover, my father was tho younge of a proud old county family--* '.Von tic not know, then asked Tress: pressing his companion's hand. "I have no proofs ol it. All I posit know is this. Wy mother was of htiuibU lion, pretty, with blue eyes and an apple som rhee, and ti nder, appealing ways, was tho daughter of a widow, residin Brighton, i he widow, my grandmother, a lodglng-hoiise, and my "lather, a gtiy, i inir youti^ lellow, came to lodge with her, might have been expected, he fell in ?ovo his landlady's daughter. He offered th? vi giri mxrriage, ou condition that the u should L-e kept secret until lits affairs brlgl ed and ho chose to divulge it. The .vonny lovei! him. Uer mother was ambitious penurious. The result vas the lover bat) way, ami married the daughter of his ?arel quietly, almost secretly. Then he took bride lu London, tn cheap and obscure l< ings. v. here, a year inter, I '.vas born. The. wind for n moment drowned his vi As it presently lulled, lie resumed rockie! and with passionate bitterness: "For years my motlier ami I Ured In tl stuffy, obscure iod^iu^s, until her bloom fadeil. and. ?he had grown lilia and "wan nervous. My lal her visited us ut ?stated sous once or twice a week, but lie nt brought any of his tamily to call upon ns doubt if his aristocratic relatives even susp cd tho existence of Um faded wife and HO whom ho was secretly ashamed. J have p. reason to believe that ho had linc lodging] the West End, where lia was supposed to I bachelor, and that he went iaiu lushionablo cietj. while my poor mother and 1 lived san ely. Ile was a proL-igttlc ?iud it roue: ho bau an ?tr of fashion timi awakened my t Ish admiration, and aroused my mo: ber's af klobato pride in him. She was alway-, plead to be introduced io bis relativos, and io li: horse:*, publicly ackuowlcd^-i. But my fal alway? put her olf, stying !i:t>l he was not ready. Worn ont. and despairing, my incl died when I was ten years old." Again the wind shrieked past, ?gain Hie tlc vessel lurched, tn? Bea sweeping deck. Tho captain screamed hi* orders to his in abd Mira few minutes rlisor 1er ivig"it?d. 'A nany bit of weather I Raid Ltnvd "And a bad .?Ky P '.Vos, bul. I've seen as* bad." r turned Tr stlian. "We shall make port fear. Wo must be weil ot: otrard the Cape <hil!o. And it's only sevra miles from : Cape to Palermo." 1 Bm the seven miles In itv -donn arc woi than seventy in good wernher. Those cou are tlangeniti*. Tn ssilian." Low der shuddered as ho surveyed sea a *?kv. .?But about your father, Jasper ?" said Tr? silian. wiio had become if mir interested his companion's story. ..What did lio do alt your mot ber's dea h P "I remained at Ute old bid-rings wltii o single old servan: a mouth ur moto, my l iib visiting me several limos, ?iud expressing tm lety ?s to what he Blionld do with mo. A ?rei after my mother*-] death hu told me that! brother was dead. A HM nih Liter, bis lin li kided, by being thrown lt oin his hors My lather caine Into riches ami honors hy the deatiis. At last, deciding to rid Jimi tell cf in hu took nit.- down to Brighton, to my old gran mother, tier sons were dead; she bad giri up keeping ledgers, and was grown inL-erl Me promised her liva hundred ponuds aye lo ko'-p mo. and to !:<:.-:> also Ibo soc roi ?d' II paternity, solemnly proinisiutr to acknowurdj me sonic day ns hi-- sou a:;d noir. The o' woman agreed to carryout his wishes, sd would have dono anything for money, i nevi saw my i'm her again. I went lo school, gre up, and ;t'. ibo age of twenty-one carno in my grandmother's money, the iruiis of yea of saving, site dying ul thal time. My latin had deliberately abandoned me. I di I ni know where to so- k bim, il I had wished i> ? to;.lv my money and cain? abroad. I ha been two years ba ihn t uniment, and h;i .spout my little fortuno when 1 met you. Tl rest you know." "An o ?d, romantic story I But why did yoi. father abandon jon ?" "That ho might be freed of encumbrance i make a grand marriage. From what m grandmother said ut dfferent limes, I conclu?! that my Fainer ?rae in love with a titled lad bet?re my mother's death. >>o doubt he ma ried this lady, ll he lives, this lady's eon ma be h s acknowledged he r. My lat her has u tt-rly di.-owned the son of Id's hasty, il slut red marriage. I have a fancy thal I sha meet him some day," and Jasper's brow darli ened to deeper blackness. "However. 1 stan no chance of ever receiving Justice at hi baud--." "What ls your father's natue, Jasper P asi ed Tresillian. Loader's face darkened. He bit his lip savagely. "What I have told you about myself I learn cd from my own observation, or fruinebano woids of my piironis and grandmother. M mother's ma'dou Darno was Jeanette Lowdei At our London lodgings, my lather bore th nanto <>f l ow der. I don't know his ical name hut 1 shou.d know his fuco any where, aithotigi 1 havo not, roon him in thirteen years. M; mother was actually married, Trossibun, but' never heard my father's mei.e. The clergy man who married my monier waa dead; ihi witnesses also. When ivy grandmother wa : dying she tried to tell me tho story. She hat pul- ;to:f to-? lung. Ad that-1 could ii-idor-tani ol' her mumblings was thc name uf Hov- rem; 1 shall never forget that name-.DKVKKKUX ! IVe amy th.a was my father's name-my out rlg'iU'ul name. Butas I should never lied ?lin ii 1 si.ugh: hun, nod as hu would repulse mo i I did dud bim, I stand nu chance nf liinerillii*. his prupeny He'nay lindo id. ll? moy ?mri oilier sons who have -uceoedod hun lt. m al la mystery, but the prominent inati Ls iliac lam an ott ca? t, poor, di.-owned and friend ! less." He leaned over tho bulwark, tho spray dash In over his lace violently. Tressilian's heart warm d tc him. "My poor friend P he said. Mt st I say again you are not Irieodless whlio I live. JJ j la hoi hus influence enough to oblato hu* you a gov? ernment appointment. Thin langlo limy straighten H>oli out some day. Bul it itooul, I you are resolute enoug'n io make your own I happiness " ll'?* grasped Lowder*s hand, and looked with warm bright eyes, full ol sympathy, Into Low der's lowering lace. There had been a temporary lull in the storm. Uni. us the two Stood th.-re. the tem? pest revived and swept over tho wild sea in maddened ruge. There was no lime for talking now. The wind rose so high thal words would scarcely have been distinguished. Tin: Mora) I hal had gone oefore lia-l ueen but play lu lids uwiul uii biir.-i. Thc vessel drove on, creaking and groaning, a mere c<ickle sheol on thu billows. "Motile! ol Mercies!'' wailed Ibu captain. "li's all up with UH. signeres. ? ea?i*i make uni) he Cape lu tilla darkness. Weslmll go on the rocks. St. Anthony ?ive usF' file seamen echoed ins cries. The two yoting Kmr?lshiiie:i. enmprchendiag liieir |M?rd."el'-pt'd hands iii silence. Fol* l??* ueXl lew imuuies ii seemed that iv Pan emotiiuti: r?*igm-d. i nen -jj mdse uk?.* ino ?vporlnf a cannon sud ilwilj iMiomt* i through i ne .-t. >; . n und toe dat k iit-s.-?. The iiiii-- ve.s.v-l shivered, siag-zeivj ami curve ned ii|iwti bur side. bil?' i a I .-II IIIJA up.o? ?i met?. A itt"ii!' iii 'mvrcrew at.*d passengers were Mi:i:u-iu .II itie iviitifrs. A imv .H .ei.- .1 . ol buffet ii g- and tossing?, nf vam (!in?i:ii*a ?uni a-iooifo-ii, involuntary priiyer; ano inVn Ja-per ?wd? rf( ;. his .-oii.-cs .>ll|i il illi Illili, atilt (iee ..lie lllieol!.? l-ei-. Wti. u he came tu Itiitiseli be was lyiug iipuu a ruCK.i beac 11 oi Hm Sicilian shore, Jul e. bruised, abd w- ak ?is a ciuld. tie opened his eye-. Hie wind bad spent its inri, and uo.v iiioam-u ?iluug ih?- coast willi a desolate, despairing wail. Tho waves boat, ?gii?--! Hu* licks. Lowlier st niggled to His elbow. " i\ recked I * be uiuUervil. "I am cn-l. ashore, while th? others ar? drowm d ! Oh, rhis ?s i.-mble ! I nave losi my bosi liieud to-night r 1 He moaned and wron? hi3 hands. "He is dead, who would have done so much for me, and T so worthless am saved ! All my hopes of an easy ami luxurious life must "JC re? signed now ?" At. that moment he' behold a dark object at a little distance In the water. Thc IWCS hurled this Object against the projecting heud of a sunken rock. At the same instant Low? der recognized it as the body of a man. Ho crept toward lt, and the waters dashed the body on the shore- at lils feet. Ile put his hands on his face. How cold and wot lt was ! lt fell like tho lace O? a dead man ! Lowfler's lingers carno lu contact with the soft, silken moustache, and ho know that thc bodv was that of Guy Tre.-sillan ! Of thc th o who had stood on the sloop's deck a half hour earlier, those two alone wore loll. Thc captain and his crew had found their deaths among tin: cruel, yawning waler?. Lewder thrust his hand under tho waistcoat ni his friend, hut lie could not perceive tho beating of his heart. Despair took possession Of Illili. "Dead!" ho said, shrilly. "Dead ! And lin would have done so much for mo it ho had lived! And his fat her mid the young girl be was lo have married will wait in vain for his coming ! His place at Tressilian Court is empty. Who can fill Jtr Jt seemed lo bim that sonio demon at his side echoed the question: Who could fit I tl-: place left vacant b>i noll: Guy ftv&ilian ? A thought came to him-a thought so strange nnd sinister thal Ito shivered involuntarily. Again he felt ol Tresslliuti's heart. II. gave no throb against Ids hand. Ile passed Iiis hand owr Tressilian's head ?nd discovered a gaping wound m thc sk;:!!. The hair was clotted wll ti blood. Puning his hand imo his breast pocket, Low? lier drew om his limo water-proof match-sale. He opened it with trombliug fingers and struck a light. Tho rod Bicker danced' on young Tres sultan's face. How ghastly ami terrible il looked ! Tin; eyes wero closed, the smile was gone. Tho seal of deam seemed soi on thc noblo fea? tures. Lowder examined the wound. Il liad boen made by conluct with the sharp rook, ami oven Loiviler perceived its terrible chara ter. "Il he is not dead, ho soon will be," ho mut? tered. "His bruin has received au awful in? jury. Ho will never know who lie is again. He won't Ure till mornin/, and tiela perhaps dead already. Ho inu-a bo dead !" Again il seemed to him as though some de? mon echoed his words. The mai eli dropped from hi* lingers into the water. For a lillie while ho crouched on thu wet stones m silence, battling it may bc willi tho better and nobler instincts of his na? lino. Ai last, with sudden and abrupt si ca! lb ?ness, his hands .-to'? into the broas! pocket of Tres? silian und drew out his private note-book, a packet or loiters, a few trinkets, ll? secured those among bis own wet garments. Their possession seemed tu give him coi nage, and his face hardened, anil he knelt beside thc bi>ily of his friend anti rilled 1:1s garments bf all Hint they contained, bestowing his plunder on his own pcrcou. Then he tonk his own purse, hisnoie-book, a , lew receipts and trifles Irow ??is own pockets, anti pul I hem lu llie pockets of Tressilian. .. i ?s done !" lie whispered to himself, look? ing with wild d- liant oyo- through ihedurk ne-'S. "Ko one is harmed. Ile is dead. If he had lived ho would have provided 1er mc. As ho is dying ';!. dom!. J mus!, provide for ?ny^eli. This tuxn'ess Otfwscn US wilt muk? my fortune. ?ii- friend) will be span d a terrible grief, and i 1 sha!! livo a' last I Fortune gives inca olmnco i< gain numo and wealth at onc.'ucky stroke f" As il io give himself noehnnec for repent? ance, I".' ar* se to his leet an?! turned his ?..arching gi.mees in an inland direction, A? tight, ns from B coi luge window, glimmer? ing faintly through the thick hose, caught bis : g.'ZO. Raising his voice, li? called lo.?dh : "Help! Ho. Ibero 1 helpT Tho w:ud Inn! ??bated, and his eries rang out through lite night with startling distinctness. The light lie bad seen moved and diappenei!. A minute- later, answering cries reached Low i'er's oars, and ho heard nasty steps, ami saw thu approaching lighi of a l?utern, borne alon by ft man's uontisud arin. "This way!" shouted Lewder. We oro wrecked or. i!:o rocks ! For tho love of Heaven, hasten !" The bearer cf tho lantorn,altended by a male cnmpanlon, cono running to liimv anti was soon ut. lils side. Tho lantern-bearer was ii rough Sicilian fisherman, rt grade above lils class. His companion was also Sicilian, but evidently of somewhat higher degree. Holli were ?ill excitement, astonishment mid sym l?u hy. In as lew ?voris as possible Lewder told tho story of tho shipwreck, and calleo attention io Hid condition of his noble young employer. ..I Uiink ho is dead !" he said, In a choking voice. "Carry him up to your cabin. Lut everything be done that can be done to save lilin.* I will pay you well for any kindness io bim. Poor fellow! He was my travelling companion. 1 loved him a.s if he had been my brother Instead oi only my hired attendant! Poor Jasper P Til ? two Sicilians lifted the helpless form ol poor young Tressillain, and carried it between them toward the cottage. Jasper Lowder fol? lowed them, bewailing lils loss. Tho abovo wo puoiisli as a specimen chapter; but the contin itatidn of this story will bo found in tho Now York Lodger. Ask for tho Humber dated January 7th, which can bo had at any nows ollice or book-store. If you aro not within renell of u news office, "yon can have the Ledger mailed to you l'or ono year by sundi g three dollars to Robert Homier, publisher, 180 Williams street. New York. The Lodger pays moro tor original contributions than uny oilier porioiiical In tho world, il will pnblish none but the very, very best. Its moral tone i- : tin: purest, ami its circulation tho largest. Everybody who takes it is happier for hav? ing lt. COMMERCIAL XE H'S. RX VU ('Iii* Livtierooii-Per bart saiah- isis bales upland cotton, us ions phosphate rock. . Ew YORK- Per steamship Manhattan-st baits sea'island and li 42 b.ucs Uflaud owtton, S3 ilerccs nee, M b iles domestics, OJ pk^s sundries, ou emp? ty bi ls. I'UIXADZLTUIA-Per steamship JW Overman IO les rice, ISd hales colton, lil bales yaru, ?e. 6 l?ki;s hi les, MD u-gs quartermaster stores, IM rk<-. cocoonu -> and sundi les. r?ie Charleston Lotion, (?tee amt Naval Stored ?liur'ccCi OFFICE UIIAKMSTOS NEWS, I SATURDAY KVBXIKO, December 24, ib7i"?. ? Cori O.S.-There was a pco:l demand fer the flncr qualities of this staple, suy middlings and i.bove, bul the lower grades were noi mien soUght j.'ter; the belier descriptions wer.: hi consequence held at vcr., lull pr?c?s. sales about ono baler, say 1 at KW; 23 at 14; Sat MX; IN atl4X: 41 at MX; Ito ut 16; &i it l?jf; 18 ai ??>?; ?lat liX- We quote: LIVEKI'OOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary tn good ordinary.18,'?$14M Low middling.l4V?;l45C Middling.15 ?J Siltict middling.l&j?#l Rios.-Diere was a good insjtiirr for mis grain, thc market exhibiting steadiness. Sales about 275 'leroi* of clean Carolina, flay 42 tierces at t>\i; CS at C\: 10 ut tr-?; UK at 0 0-10; 24 at t?X 9 .b. We quote good Clean Carolina al flJ?@'J>?u ti lb. NAVAL bToi*..-.-?. - There were no sales of uote. FitKiuurs.-To Liverpool, by steam direct li on uplands; via New Vork, %<\ on aplauda, ljid on ?ea .Minds; by ^atl ?fd un uplands, ,'.;d on se '?lands. To llano nominal. i'oastwl-e-to .New tors, by steam, *?o on uplands and lo on sea Islands; iii j\ tierce on ncc; by sail, fic'H lb on soi ton: - ri ?terco on rice: 40c ?* barrel ou rosi-: .?Tirts fi M ou lumber: SO?KIU V M OU tue.'.er. i o auston, by sail. >4@f?e \a rb on nplaud cottou. lYi Providence, ny sail ss A M on boards, #e A lb on cotton: by steam il j? bale ou New Vork rates. To Philadelphia, by steam, -ic TS \i m uplands: by sail, Si >* M ou boards; it? on lubber; $tf H ion on clay, aad$3?8 ?0 ouphos males. To lialtiiiiorc. by steam, 'ic pl lb; br < i , ?-'? ";)e;; >i M on boards; -J? ion .>:< ia :?<;..i.tio roe'-:. Vessel* are m deuiaitd !>. .?ir nieruhants to HIM lumber freights from ii-orgctnwii. >. e., Danen and Sal Ilia Uiver, Ga md lucksiiiiv'.?e. Kia.. tn Northern ; urn, und |i? ?'.'J y M are i.e ra es ou lumber and boards. fixen LUI*.-starting ?ai -tav ?Ula m's .? ?9. OouESTtc KSCIIAN'OK. - The barnes purchase itch: checks ai X@ ?* "-T. end sch at par, GOLD-lu ??i ii. Blurted* *>y i eli-graph? " P'R?ION. LtVKitrooi. Peceiu ?. r 22-Rveninor.-Cotton clos d lu. i. ant; upi md- >%d; Ot kans 8Xd? .oles 15,000 ba es. DOMENIC. Ntw YOHK. Ure mtier :'4-Noon.-Flour very llrm. Wncal a sba-ie dune'-. Corn sc?roe and ilrm. Fork tlrm al SH) &o..iy TC. Lard Urm. c t ton steady; uplands l?j?c; bales 20ou bales. Tor psntine steady at 40c. Rosin very firm at $2 12%. Freights Arm. St icks strong but very dall; Gov? ernments weak and dull; Southern-, notntng do? ing. Gold ui'VutO'i. .Money easy at 7, gold. Sterling, long 9; short 9Ji. Evening.-Money dead-dry easter at 6*7, with exceptions ar. 5 per cent Sterlinjrilull and nomi? nally unchanged. Gold dull at loj^aio.^. Govern? ments very dull bot steady; six-twos 7?i. South ems dull. Tennessces 63; new 62J?. Virginias66; new cs. Louisianas TO; new 64. Levees 71;tights S4. Alabamas lOOtf; lives 70. Georgias Bl; sevens Oiy. Korth Carolinas 44'.,': now 23!.i. South Curo Unas 81; new CT.'?. cv.non q'ulet; sales 2,100 balrs atlS&c. Flour a sitado lirmcr; sup.-rilno .Slate and Western Salsas 40. Whet tlnu; winter red and amber w. stern 51 ??.ai ?7. corn active and Brm; new 74n76. Pork tinner af ?-.'O. Beef steady. Lard firmer; kettle t2??al3. Groceries dull. Na val stan s steady. Freight quiet and very firm. BOSTON*. December m.-Conon dull; middlings 15ltul5?c:net receipts 80bales; Bress 555; nitres ..",0; stock 3500 t>alc3, Bai.Tj.HOHB, December '.M.-Flour active: shlp pius crades higher. Wheat unclumged. Com ...?.luteact;e. ; .yellow dull. Provisions tionilnally unchangeil. Whiskey 03a94e. Cotton itali and heavy, middlings lwjijc: n> \ receipts 33.i hales; gross 333; sales 500; stock 12,423, CINCINNATI, December -ready and in modera:e demand .it. $3 coa5 M Cnn scarce and higher nt 62 i5lc Mess pork lu demiind at. :?lt>. Lani Orin at Hall ?sc. Uacoa In light de? mand, and holders flrni: shoulders 10c; rib ll.'jc; clear sides 12c. Whiskey S7e. WILMINGTON, December 24.-Cottoo qnlcfc; niid iFhnzs uj.ii ; ucl r -".-i: ts ?47 baie?;exports coast? wise SO '.; .-1 licit 1IJ babs. X0HF0LK, l) comber 24.-Cotton (inlet: low mid? dling minute; net receipts not oaks; exports viseSeu; s iles mn; stock 7*to. ACui'srA, GA.. December 24.-Cotton mirkct tjulc-tat 14'.;'e. for middling; sales 7::-'J baie-; re Ctii?US MOT. SAVANNAH. December C4.-Cotton quiet, with .'ighO i tie. i :gs; midd.lugs 14;.:...; U-t receipts 3657 billes; expuris to Great Britain 037?; sales 7a .; Stock 72.243. MoniLE, December21.-Cotton quiet; middlings 14,'ic; ii :t receipts 17*1 halci: exports e jost wisc 47S;.-:il s OOO; stock ?;,'.'24. GAI.TBSTON, December St-Cotton very firm: holders ask bisher raie-; go ?<! ordinary 12,'ja 12"?'c; !iCt re eipts 17ii7 hales; exports tu Great Ih ?tain 1270; coastwise 10;soles 630: stock 30,SCO. Now 01: LEANS, December 24.-Cotton steady and in lair demand; middlings 14*?al4fl?d; net receipts was ?ules; gross io.2'.t? bales; exports to Great Britain 3674bales;to Barcelona3381 bales: to Queenstown 2600 bales; coastwi-.e 423 bales: sali s s too bales; .stock 183,266 bahs. Sugar in fair demand; prime 9y iioc. Molasses finn: prime 33a57c; choice eouoic; all others nnchatiged. Sierilug20. sight jfaif. Oo'.dio?;. ?-' I luvu mi Market. HAVANA, December 17.-The week has been slow in i he sugar nuirkcr, although there has been much talk or a contract concluded fur 30,000 boxes, but no reliable data seems tx bc known te brokers or dealers, other sales in four lus, 2730 boxes sad 4200 hhds. nt. Matanza' Quota? tions as last given-tor whites, through, SdftaTX P'-r 100 ?bs; yellow, do.. Mos. 13 to20 at SSaO'j do.; brown, du . Nos. 11 ami W at s4,y 14% ile : do., GucumehoB, do., Nos. 7 to io at $J;?.M.\; du. In other -:.a se wo ??ave r?o transactions to make b.isis loi' rpm!a*lons. siii?'?Hii during the week h 'ncc and from Ma tanzas, III 7b; boxes and 478 hluls., . f wu Ich to rho L'tiit;ii state?, S2fi7 boxes and 478 libd?; and bolinee to Europe; for S|ialn 010 boxes, and lo Liverpool i:?!?: leaving slocks lu the two puris equal I :v).".2l Ii :;e- and 3-i-i hhds., against for i qua! period of IS a of 60.031 b otes and 3521 Illida Next advice. 1 will give shipment* to nate. In molasses G.ere Ls as yet no accnnvdatlon or stoc'.;, anil netv crop ls no- in quantity tu suit buyers; said to have been made ono s accepted nt. Car demis urti Mut tineas for two or three Cargoes of from 309 to 490 hh is. each, at 5 reals for chycrt. .ii il5?fformu ovado. In tobaeeo-Thu season, "by abundan i light .-howers, have heeu favora lo o.- * i.itng pa:, is. but holders lue not n lia ti d from iheir rxtreme pretensions; wherefore transact hms have in en less this wee'; than thc previous. Sew V. rk bu? ors are nm in ititi woe!'. Cigars bold tbe i u \ ii, wini oidc 1 yet walling to be iii.ol u.i i lie raciones er bo t refutation. Boston aZu.i'Uct. BOSro.V, December 22.-Cowstt.-Tlie market fur cuflee remains pretty much the samt*. Inst. Doimugu HIV Mbiivc buu.i coa haga at about gild, in bond, tor common, an t ,'nO tu 1 co hags Ca; c at about 9c, gold, lu bond. Java cont luues lo bo taken In small tuts ai. 2l*iit2ic, gvld; and Itiont laraine ^ ih. gold. Mocha ts scarce and prices an.- quite nominal. Corrow.-The market'for cotton was quiie dud eur y 111 the wei k, hm within a fe r day- 1 her- has been quit.- a rca lion, and tho decline hat been lu b recovered. Manufacturers have been pre; ty woll supplie:! by recent, mn are purchas? ing lu ?1 lair extent, and wc quoteordinary at IS'?nDJ'?c; goal ordinary ut. li .'allic; hov mid? dling l5alSj?e. und midihmgat I3>?u10c $ lb, 111 ? lu nag uplands a id guli, Tue market closes quite Onu a1 inc c prices. UUHKSTIUS -There has been rather more ac tiiiiy m cutt if goods, b.u prices have ruled in favor of tniyeiH, ?md thc market has now reached comparatively iow figures .'ur ab leading st.iles. lu a'uOileiiH very Ut le tilts ?icen June. Sume light g i.ids have bei :i taken by eluihier--, but holders ol' heavy goods ara eloslng uut stueks at compara? tively low llgtirca. GUNNY KAUS.-There have been sales of 120 bab s at lS>,ai0cun i ney. and market linn. GUNNY CLUTH.-The demand for thtsarilcichas bei it qal e muderate, mid the market is as dull as p:cv;o.isiy noticed.*' The sales harebell at 23a 240 per yard, currencj-. .NAVAL STOKES.-Iii spirits turpentine the sales have been in small luts at 48A40C gallon. Tar is q uot. With small sales at $3u3 it "R bbl. ito-mis are scarce and held higher, with sales of small lots m. sumo, advance on previous rates. Kick.-There have b.-m salsa of loo cusks Caro? lina at o;4'a7c 9 H>. New York Rice J?nrket. . From the Daily Buileiin, December 2?: There is avery dull market, and nothing of luterc-t to ad? vise. The call ls utily lor Jon lots, auden those about former prices aro curreut. Baku ol' 80 les ai fisia7c. cash. Fr.uu thu Journal of Commerce: There ls no new feature to note. Tue offerings aro us yet light, but aie fully suillciciit to meet Soe demand. Wc q uic6'?u"c; sa es 40 tes. From thu Herald December 2J: Carolina waij. still slo-v uf sale, lhere being bm. Uti ile demand" bot prices were UUehanged. A few small lots were sold al Hom 0,lio. tj 7c. KangOOU dull aud nominal. From the World December 22: Tho demand moderate, and the m irkct generally du 1 and un ic tel esl lng. Sales of a lew les. ata&ca?c. for Carolina, Fruin ihe Dally BJlleiln, December 23: Business contienes to dragaioua shiwly. aad lits murker ls wuhout lifo. iTicc-? qu:i cd as before, ?cn raby nominal for wholesale lots. Bales ofiiO tier, cs carolina at Ciato. Fruin ihe Joonikl of Coninicr. e: There is no ?cw feature to uote. The dcm nd is hunted, and holders aie .'ree a< Hers of 1 Ii - small qa-iiiliiy they have 0:1 baud. M c qilole 6J.{a7i.-. From the World: 'ihe market slow and on* cha-L-ed. but wl:i oat innen ?irength. Sales cf to tierces Cirolbm itt 6Xa"c cash. norn thc ller?|.l: Car ?tin 1 w.n steady at 6!<a 7c, wiUi sina i ?alt s witciu the rtuge. Kangooa was diitl and uumiual. Sa VA n ! i a h Harket. SAVANN A . U icember 22.-Corro??.-Thc mar? ket, opened willi a good demand and was very timi. Tuc de oat,il and flrmtiosd na-been well snstaloed thrnughmit Hie week, and thc s-les, which have bci-n but s&oo bales, would have been much laiver mn. lor the bad woolner and tho in? ability to bandle coi tun, owing to Hie clecilon. Hoidcr.s Have been imablc Ul uai'C cit ton saiupled, and tbe stuck oCcred during t!ie week lias been very light. Tho stuck un hand at thc close of thc market yestenlay was 7?,s78 nales upland and 7ftl bales bea Island, l'he receipts at ?ll the puris 1001 up J,36I,2S7 bales; thc stock on haud at allports, to latest dates, reach i?',7a3 bales, a^.dnst aia.^oo bales the s.iuv: time list year. sitA ISI.ANO- hie salc> Hrs week have been ll tlit. nu me uasis of 34<: for medium fine F'ioridas, a id 30a33e for good oeau cotton, with Sumo linn i ness, 'rm! lower g a-ies ure much neglected. He ceip:s con tm ne nght. mid liic demand is very small, as nolie but ihe bolter graties are "nix^lit 'ur. aud Hi -v being so.ireo, bu c-rs wi.l aol opK rutc. md/'i-Tt-rs_Thu rei t Ipts at this our' for the past week have nani 26,133'-s iipuin I, and 222 l?ales neaislaii'is. in:iu thu following sources: Central . aiiruad 16.517 bates uplaiiu; AHatillCHOd Gulf Itnilroud ?S4i bales u.ulaml aud 78 bahia s a isl? ands; Augusta f nia: s 2727 lulen upland; Florida boats 7J l?ales cul m l m.d 80 bales sea islands; ntag'.itisi ?KI o a-.toi'i 7J bales upland and iii bales sea island. KxroHT.-.-The CA puris for the week have been '?5 090 l?ales unbind a: <1 2S1 bales fen island, as follows: Llverp.HI! 12.393b.,lcs upland; New York ,"'7^0 biles upland and 250 bileshOsi udanil; I'hiia del,i la 217 bales IIJIIH??; llaltimoru i:?l twles up land; charleston * bates I and 33 ba es S'.-n \it?i :> 1461 ba:es upland; Ainsteroam 121a ottivs upla-id; Bremen 3til9 ba cs upland, ColiiAhas Market? COLUMBUS, Deeeuiber 24. - CHITON.-Friday oar market ?'lowed a good denuiiMl, un 1 nuder ibo "innnuis ni favorable, advices, pri?es were Hillier aed ?? i er; . 17 h.!k's, ai Hie f.JluWIIig !."...: Ord tiny ll'iso: god unlbi.try 12--..? '-'-?.-; ii-v iiiiiblilug i.tbi';-: niiblling L'SIJc sales of ibo .v e . -. :H;4 bali-i'j.v on Kur") e ui . liters, '.. :: Noritic n aeeut: t. 1.HI for No ihei 1 spiuin r-. I.' ru, om : sonso. i-.,i. Witi-K'j! ro l-ei(i sa:62b;l!?". .-CiiililSt 1'71 tue j.n-1 ?.l< Oil.', end .tas;; nie ciirn-spotidiiig Vi'cci. ia?i ?c^suji; .-Inp o li'.-i Hides. vj. ii I ll 1 3. A I M. SfbcK un nani! Senreuibcr 1, Is?O. J,572 t'.eeeivu I .is: week. 3,512 Keceivci previou>ly.?: ;,v3-)~'b>. 192 Tula!. 47,Ui.i Shipped ? as:, w, cl.-. 2 337 alupneu,409-4M,73d Stun- Dec mber 2.J. '.870. 12,3-8 On iii - week thc sloe.: hus increased 1235. Interior Cotton Markets. CHARLOTTE, December 23.-Sales to-day 78 bales; prices unchanged; mldddug i3Xc;low mid Uimgl2>ial8c; good ordmary Li.-^c. ATLANTA, December 23.-The market to-day has buen dull and declining; middlings 13c; low middling l3??;good ordinary 12)ij ordinary llji. MACON, December 23.-Receipts 92S bales; ship? ments 432: sales so;, The market Ann, with extra middlings at 14c. MONTGOMERY. December 23.-Our cotton mar? ket ss active, with general demand; lo" middling Meataxe, SELMA, lieccmt-cr 23.-Tiierc were sales yester? day to die amount or SOO bales. i.i>\v middling 13'.,'c. Thc d. maud was good and general; mar? ket nniet bat firm. Receipts'by llAllrnttd. December SOETU CAROLINA RAILROAD. 1202 l?ales cotton. 32 hales domestics, Ac. To Railroad Acent. Peixer, Hodge s ft co. G H Walter & co, sioau ft Sclgnious, Dowling ft co, Mowry & Son, A ?Mulligan. WISS k co, O Foll?n. A J .-ali? ?as, w 0 Courtnay ft co, W A Courtney.W p Hon, Caldwell ft Son, (i A Tr -nliolm 4 Son, W W Smith, li W Williams k co. W lt Wi ll um ft Sou, Frost k Adger,Wagoner & Murdaugh, Reeder ft Davis and Order. SAVANNAH ASO CHARLESTON RAILROAD. 13 l?ales cotton, mdse, ic. To W C Courtney ft eo, Wagoner ft Murdattgh, l-l Brown, 0 Scott, wc lice ft co. J lt Pringle k Son, l- raser ?t Dill, Stoney k Lowndes, ?nd Railroad Anent. PaiMcngcrs. Per steamship Manhattan, for New York-Hrs .1 ii Athols, T Fisher. Fer steamship South Carolina, irom New York -w Hail, W Tomlin. C E Vcrdicr, M Tacite, D U Sheppard, Ur A Lynah, Miss M J .McLean, Mr Per? ry, Mr Whale.-. Agnes Fiau-so, Wm Hocker and wife, W A elmslea I. J M Bailey, T Paul, J Hayter, PA Walo, O iiur';.', I) F Tulley, J Douglass, M:ss Booth, I Kouer, J Brown. Per steamer Kniilic, from Georgetown, S C C I' Lesesne, J G Wheeler, P c o i/.ier. ? A Du Pre, ti T Wilson, Dr FL Frost, G Holloway, AGrant, and lit o:i deck. Per steamer Argo, from Edisto and Way Land? ings-A Northrup, ll Wehlen, GA Richmond, lt (?uigley. C Bell, l Green. Fer steamer Dictator. Irom Palatka via Jack sou ville,Fernandina ami Savannah-LC Nowell; Mr Whluoll, Capt Camming, Mr Peek, Mrs Solleu and two children, Miss Jobusou, A G Barcohi, und 14 on deck. l'OJIT OALCXV>.lB. MOON'S rn ASKS. Full Moon, 7??!. 9 hour.'. 19 mlnntcq, nveulni?. li ist (Marter, istli, 3 hours, si minutes, evening, sew Moon, 22d, fi h ens, ??a atlnutcs, morning. ! tret waa-ter. -.otb. ll hours, ls inhiuies, morn'g. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday.. Rmn day.... ?'.^V3. saturday,.., .innday. 7.. 3 7.. 3 7.. 3 7.. 4 7.. I 0.. 0 SCN" 4...'.0 3.. 0 5.. 0 G.. 1 G.. 1 5.. 2 0.. 0 ..roo: il. fi 9..22 10..32 M..SI morn. 12..23 I. .10 0..'0 mon WATE: . H.. 4 ll..63 morn. 12..42 1..S8 2.. 2.1 0\.Oo M.LUISE xjsna. . : A R Jj ii S TON , ? K fl ii M ll E ll 2 G . ARRIVED SATURDAY. Sehr Ann S De is, Garba; lt. Weat Point Mill. U2 te-, rice. To W c Bee ft co. Steamer Emilie, White, Georgetown. S C. 215 tierces rice, hales eotton, and sundries. To Slicekcliord & Kelly, Pringle & Son. s Hyams, c 0 tu ne, J ii Wilson, N Thurston, E UcCrady, K 13 Bedford, Goodrich. Wii-enian A co, Geni Jas Simons. T Y Sin ou-'. C Nielson, K 'V Allston, J V Taj tor ft .:??>, Ttiurston k Holmes, TTupper ft ^ons, J ll Dawson, w C lice A co, Cohen, liaucscl k c.?, W L Webb, Mrs Huger and others. Steamer Argo, Klssaui, Eilis! > and Way Land inga 33 bag* sea Island aid 7 eales uplaud cor? in:', iii-'.sc. .-.c. To D Nisbet. J Cold ck .fe co. W K Rr an, stoney k Lowndes, M McCor?y, W Day iou, tt?venel k c .. T L Webb, Prater k Dill, J liions & co, W A Doyle, and Order. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship South Carolina. Beckett, New York -left - inst. Mdse. To Wagner, linger k c?>. W A Courtenay, J D Aiken ft co, southern Ex? press Company, S C Railroad Agent. O A Sholl road co, Adams, Damon A .. o, J ri Ailgcr k co, t.: Jus Adgcr k co. M ft A Ashton, J Apple, lia) or A Kr?ssel Jr, 0 llerbussc. W M ihr.l k co. K K Bal? ford. ?I Bischoff A- co, W S Itissell, rai Britton A co, T Kennell, B Boyd, E T Brown, tl Drown. J r Brown. J P Buckingt-r, !.: L Bitmnaiis, Cameron. ??ai kiev k co, M 0 Bnxbaum, W II Chafen ft ou. T U Cater, ' Campscn k co, L E Cordroy, ll Daly. .1 Douglass, Elias A* Uro, Crane, lloytston A- co, .1 S Fairly ft co, ll P Fleming & co, log.iriio'.-. b'oot; Repository, Forsythc, Mccomb ft co, Fnrehgotr, Benedict ft io,o Gravelly, n Gerdt* .to, PL Gui! 1.'min. G S Hacker, A J Harris. Il ll (lawley, J ii llnppoldt, Charl'-ston Hotel. N A Hunt,.! (lyman, c ll Julius in, Johns; dh, crews ft co, T kelly, J H L wton k co, Klinck, Wickenberg k co, Kinsman Bros, J D Kracke. Lauroy k Alexander, Ce; laid? low, (J J Luhn, J Madsen, S R Marshall, Marshal .t Burge. W M.itthlesseii, N Mornaiigh. J G Miliior ft co, DcDuu*Cohen, W A Mertens. Mc Loy k lilce, ?Hillier * wtmcrx, T Murphy, li it Nut'..m. Osreu dorir.t co, lt O'Neil!, U O'Neill .fe Soil. J F O'Neill, P V C Association, Paul. Welch k Brande*, Jas R Pringle .v s n, 0 P Poppenhehn, RavencI .v co. w P Russell ft co. c -tackier, W Steel". 1) R smith, K li Stoddard k co, ll Stella, Stoll, Webb k co, Dr Shepard. Stettens, Weiner i Ducker. J lt Hoad ft co, J P Taylor.% co, o Tledemaun. J Thompson, A LTyler, RTIiomlinson, T R Waring. A C Welton. W ll Whildcn ft co. Hobt White, Walker, Evans ft Cogswell, J Wirih .fe co, G W Williams ft co. w J Vales. Experienced heavy snow storm lo liai te? las; fmm Hatteras, strong westeny gates, willi heavy seas. Steamer Dictator. McMillan, Palatka, via Jack? sonville. Fernandina and Savannah, io? bags sea islaad a\d 32 bales upland colton, mdse, Ac. To J D Aiken <? co, G W Witte, Fraser ft Dill, w M Lawion, Piuckney bros, Ree 1er ft Davis, w B Wil? liams k son. Macqueen k itiecke, G W Williams ,\ co, Caldwell ft :-on, J F O'Neill, Southern Express co, ll Kia? le ft co. Stoney A Lowndes, R S Vi li? ning. Cohen, Hauc?ei ot co, J N Robson, ai.a B O'NellL CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, New York James Adgcr ft co. Steamship J W Everman, Hinckley, Philadel? phia-W A Courtenay. Ihtrk Sarah, Atkins, Liverpool-St reel Bros A co. S hr John M brooman, Douglass, Fernandina, Fla. to load fur Wilmington, Del-J A Enslow A. co. sehr Eugene Borda, Dake1, Jacksonville-U V Caker ft co. SAILED SATURDAY. Bark BrancU, Rnndall, Liverpool. Sehr W L liurroufilis, Lowileu, Cork for Orders. Sehr Jesse Wilson. Connelly, Qeoigetowu, S C. SAILED YKSTKKDAV. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull. New York. Steamship J W Everman, Hinckley, Philadel? phia. sbhrTG Smiih. Bacon, Savannah. Sour John Slasman, Adams, Wilmington, N 0. Sehr J M BruomaU, Douglas, Fernandina. FROM THIS POUT. S'e.up.siiip Virginia, Hunter, Philadelphia, De? cember 21. Hrig G - Berry. Bridle*. Barbadoes, Decembers. Sehr l> V Lowell, Leavltt, Boston, llecciiioerSj. .-.dir W U Steele, Buck, Havana, Uccombcr li. CP FOR THIS PORT. Hrig Edith Hall, Oliver, at llullimoro, Decoin bi r 20. Sehr IdaS Burgess,, at Nev,- York De? cember 31. CLEARED FO ? THIS PORT. Cr ?hip Cashmere, T?. ., at Boston, December 21. ti luail for Liverpool. Sehr E J Palmer, Smuot, as Baltiraoie, Decem? ber 21. Sci.r K A Hooper, Hooper, at 1'hlladclp la, De? cember 21. ' senr Starlight, McIntyre, at. New York, Decem? ber 21. Sp in scar LuLja, Such, at St Ja;io de Cuba, De? cember ?. Sehr Gcoraie Staples, McGregor,at New York, December ^2. SAILED FOR THIS PORT. Thc Emmanuel, Binersen, from Port Talbot, De? cember 7. - Or bark Vinco, Robson, from Liverpool, De? cember 0. Br brig Prothesa, Ball, from Kio do Jauclro, De? cember-. MEMORANDA. Tho bari: John Fyfe. T?ller. from Charleston, wah coito i, which arrived at Liverpool I4ili insr, ls htated, per cable lelcgram datotl 20th, io nave b'en burned and Scuttled ut her dock. The J F resisten?] 711 tons, was bout at Bowdoinb nu. Mo. tu ivs:, and owned by Tho-. Du:ili .m's nephew A co, ol New ?ork. Th'1 brig Belmont Locke, nat ch. from Boston for Qeitmctown, s '.', urrired at iiolm-.u's Hole De cembi r 20. Tite brig s P Brown, Maride, from. Boston for Green pori., L I, tu lead guapo, waa at Newport, lt 1, DLC^III er 20. The sehr S EWoodbnrv.Woodbnry, from Bucks vllie, s c. urnvi d .it i: litimoie \>-:< ?mb-.-r 22. t he *chr Cvg mr. sinai. fr-'tn Georgetown, E C. auiv\-d at Baroad ?es D c .nu r S. Tho sc'ir Lissie (farr, G:l luis . from Belfast, ile, tor Ciirnksiou, arrived at. H-.m. s's Hole U . c mt iir 20. LIS. OF VK?S33 S ur, OL?.\;A::D BAILED For. mis r?r.r. F o K :: t 2 :.". LiranwH'L. Steamship Pioneer, Culnert-on. up.Suv 2i Br -tii?.' Muscongus, Glover, saile.i.N.-v 6 Br bark Vu.nun. CaiupiieW. sailed.OctoOer 2H Bark Vine, Robson, eailed.Dee S CARDtPP. Bark Benjamin Oasen?, uni. sailed.October 10 The Prof Schwelgurd, Svang, cleared.Nov 19 POUT TALBOT. The Emmanuel, Binersen, ?ailed.',.Dec 7 BIO DB JANEIRO. Br brig RrothessjiBa!), soiled..u ? "PM ?\nt CSroreries, &t. TD ED PO RD'S (LATE CORWIN ? S ) {TuttTc AND TEA WAREHOUSE. HEADQUARTERS FOR SELECTED DAIRY BUTTER PURE LEAF LARD PRIME FACTOT.Y AND EN'JLiSH CHEESES ENGLISH AND AMERICAN CRiCKEBS, wi BiscTjrrs, 4c, &c. S. E.-I CLAIM TO KEEP THE LAUGEST STOCK AND MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES IN THIS CITY. f VERY CUOICE F A lt I L l FLOUR. 13. Tu. BEDFORD, SUCCESSOR TO WILLIAM S. CORWIN Je CO., No. 375 KING STREET, OPPOSITE EASEL. PCRE B R^A ND I E S , WINES AND VERY OLD WHISKIES. WHOI.E9ALE JLTSJ> RETAIL DEALER IN Fine Teas, Coffees, Sugars Provisions, Spices, &c HERMETICALLY SK A LEI) FRUITS, . V E GETABLES, MEATS, SOUPS, AO. AH articics soM from thia establishment are of the VERY BEST QUALITY ami WARRANTED. GooUs lcllvercd to all parts of thc City, Railroad Depots, Steamboats, free of expense. (JAS. S. MARTIN* (WM. G. MOOD, JR. EVER/ E. REDFORD. ) GEO. H. GROBER. ( SEND FOR A CATALOGUE. Coliban ?ooijs. TTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! CHRISTMAS GOODS ! HOLIDAY GOODS ! CLOSING OUT SALE! GREA T DAHGAINS A. T JOHN MAEION'8 I ANNOUNCEMENT. The subscriber thankful for the patronage extended to ulm for the past thirty years, repoctroily informs his friends arid the public, that he la selling off his entire stock of TOYS, FANCY GOODS, PRESERVE-, CORDIALS, Ac., ic, at greatly reduced prices, as he Intends to close his business a: an early day. JOHN MARION, No. 27G King Street, Two Doors above Hasel. dcclO .fertilise. THE GREAT FERTILIZER m&mmm\ STANDARD GUARANTEED f li ?Me MANUFACTURED BY WILMINGTQN,DEL.j ????I 9 sum lOl? F0R SALE BY IcoTifOW-HERRlHG, feo?a FOR COTTON AND ALL CROPS. THE UNPARALLELED SUCCESS OF THIS gre:t FERTILIZER on ALL CROPS proves it to be the BEST and CHEAPEST Manure now offer? ed In thc market. It has been used by many of ths most emi? nent namers In the South, and IN EVERY SIXGLE INSTANCE IT HAS GIVEN ESTIRE SATISFACTION. On COTTON Its effects have been particularly marked lt is no rare thing for WUANN'S PHOS? PHATE to Increase the yield from ONE HUN* DRED to TWO HUNDRED PER CENT., or even more. Mr. George C. Dixon, an eminent planter of Cn meron, Ga, says In a letter to the Banner of the South, November 20, that In an experiment with seven leading Superphosphates and GUHUOS, tie WUANN'S proved Usch* the best of all those tried, paying a SET PROFIT (even at the pres? ent low priai of Cotton,) or $20 so p- r aere of Cotton. A copy of Mr. Dixon's letter, giving details, wUl be furnished on application. FOR SALE BT dlGHORN, HERRING &j?0.3 CHARLESTON, S. C., AND AUGUSTA, IA. decai-wstuamor Sewing machines* mn E SINGER* MANUFACTURING OOMPAKY have onerier a State Agency for tho sale of theil CKLKKUATKII SEWING MACHINES; al. No. 197 Kin;; s i*eei, Charleston, VV?UTO silk.-Cotton auu Flax Turva I-. Neille .. ic, may l? . obtained, intention i ' ii: . Ped to our X E_W V ? .M I LY S E WI N (j MACHINE AND TU? SEW ilANOFACTCIMNR MACHINE, iu which slmpllclty.and durability are-comblned. Machines lor salo on thc LEAS;. PLAN. Stitch* inc iloue io order. Local and Travelling Agents wanted. TUE SINGER SEWING M ACHIN JE AGENCY, No. 197 Klug Street, Charleston. nov2l 33 3 3 sa .?s AND THE WEED" FAMILY FAVORITE LOCK-ST1TC1; MACHINE. aro the best iu use. For sale on rho Lease nan, with monthly pav men ts, on ea? y terms, or fo: i'iish. All kinusu Machine attachments, Needles, Cotton, (waite black anti colored.) bilk, Oil, M<:ip, Ac, Ac. Repairing os usnal. circulais aud samples ol work bQM ou application. D. Ii. HASELTON, General Dealer in First Was* jawing .ya chineH and Material, So. so7 Kim; stree;, augl7 i-barbwr-.n v (? i)illCl"3. OLD CA ICOL INA BITTE ll S, VOR SALB EV E. E. BEDFORD, King si reel; C. D. A H uENS & 0., King street, B. FELD .Ma NN & CO., Klnf- street, And hy Druggists and Grocers everyflM ,_gittere._ "WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR THE OLD CAROLINA BITTERS. n. BISCBOFF & CO., H. KLATTE & CO., N BOLLMANN BROTHERS, J. A. QUACK. ENBUSH, WAGENER & MONSEES, MANTO?.E St CO. ?pilcal. ^NETI^^-OTHB^ FOR SIGHT IS F RI CE LR 88 tl I TheDIAMOND GLASSES, manufactured hy J.E. SPhNCEK A CO., New York, Which me u-iwctlercd f<> Hie public, are pronounced i>y?i l un- coleinated Opticians 01 thc world t" bi Hie most IVi-bct, Na? tural A i ti Ucla i i otp to 'he hummi cleever Kimwu. They aie gemini nnii-rtu?ir-nwIIsupervision, from minute Crystal Pebble*, melt?d together, and demv th ir name. '-Diamond.'' on account ni ihWr hardness ano brilliancy. ? 'I he si P-ntiuui principle on which thej?are con? strue-ed tirings the core ur centre o: the .ens tl* ledij m fruni cf theeye. pnMiuc n? a ek'ar sud distinct vision,as m ibo uatiiml. In-abby s-ghr, m il prevetiin gah un pansait i M-iisan.-ie-. >ncti as cliitunt-ruig end wa veno j ol sight, ilnuuuess, ?c., i crtilinr lu ?di oiliers m u-e. Ti.ey ar.- mon tel III the Dncs? manner, in fr.i mes of Hie best quality, ?il ml mu tennis esed fur li at purp se. T.;cir litii.-h and liuranliity can? not tu->ni passed. CAITION.-None ?remiln'' unless t earing tiielr tr na mark ?t autoed on every frame. JA MKS Ai LAN. Dealer In Wut ches. Jewelry, Sterling silverware and optical Goods, No. au? King street. octtl-mwstyr Charleston. S. C. PROFESSOR BERGER'S BED-RUG DESTROYER. Costar's rKSECT POWDER Jfr Glentwortb's Roach Exterminator Isaacsen's Sure Pop -Death to Mosquitoes. For sale by DB. H. BAER, ti6 ZTo. 131 Meeting sired,