University of South Carolina Libraries
pair Weather and Foul. - '& SpeaS naught, move not; bat listen; tho sky-la fan org?id; " v v Vt ??a ripple on tho river, no stir in field or Ibid ;. AU gleams; but naught dota, glisten save Ute far .. voff unseen Bea. M Forget days past, heartbroken, pot au thy me? mory by 1 No grief on UM green hillside, no pit; in the say; Joy that may not be spoken filia mead and flower and tree. Look not. they w?l net heed thee : speak not they will not hear; Pray not, they have no bounty; carse not, they . may not fear; . ... Lower dewu, they wUT net heed thee; long-lived the world shall be. Hang, down taine head and hearken, for the "bright eve mocks thee still ; Night trlppcth on the twilight, bat the sommer * ' hath no will - For woes of thine to darken, and the moon hath left thc sea. . . nope not to tell thy story In the rest or gray-eyed ii morn, ... ? Ia the dawn grown gray and rain v, for the thrush, --, 'ere day la boru, ,.- SuaU bo singing to the glory of the day-star mock Ung thee. . ? -.. Be silent, worn, and weary till this tyranny ls I past, -'For Chu summer Joy shall darken, and the wind v ., , v wail low at last. Ana the drifting rack, and dreary, shall be kind to hear and see. ?wert.-- riS Thou ah al t Temom ber sorrow, thou shalt tell aU thy ? v-1 -.-.-.tale. Wheo the rain nhs up the valley, and the trees >? .anda their wail *? Thins far heyond to-morrow, and the sun that y et -iahallbe. . jer Hillside and vineyard hidden? and the river run? ning rough, ' . *. Toward the flood th at TO ce ts the Northlands, shan be rest for thee enough, Tor the tears to fall unbidden, for thy memory to go free. Beet? then, when all moans round thee, and no fair suantten Ue Maketh Ugh. of sorrow underneath a brazen sky 1 And Ute tuneful woe hath found thee, over ?and * adorer sea. ?**fck ii kOt . o ?? m i ? THE EETOLZTTIOX HT HOME. - - - TMe Pope's Protest. - .; The following protest, printed In Latin, has r> beefi addressed hy the Pope to each O. ri to ai, and was distributed In the three hundred vestries of - .- , mw- cc, POTS. ;BoJorea' aon. Satotatlon and Apostolic Bene- i litSS&JCf-'OuT Jeans Christ, who humbles and elevates, morones, and vivifies (lat Kings, . chap. 2, -veree e,) scourges and eaves (Tobias, j chap. 13, verse a,) haa recently permitted that tills I -, r. ?ty of Home, tba fleet of the Supreme Pontlfl cate, j ^QHntkinl&^W^^ostBe hand?/ as-weU as* the re-1 * naalsJngiiOTtlon or the Pontifical ?tate which the j - enemies had for soma time considered lt exped?-1 eut not 1o usurp. Yielding to the impulse of our I . -. iaiharly love towards our beloved sons, the Cann- [ nala ef ti? Bely Beman Church, and seeing lc \ ?#aJiB^ .?awjaritntii m our supremo Apostolate, I *^?B-ita??.'.tats > day resolved, lc oar mourning I and sorrow, to declare to them, as -ts -required f by the duty of our ministry, and as even ?he I ?o!?xjf? or conscience urges us todo, tho inmost J v-rtheWM-t?-'otK- ?ni, which makes mi to detest I - and pub?Hy sad openly to reprobate the state of I ,-ttlnga-no? existing. We who, although unwor- J ^-inland-undeserving, exercise the power of the I Vicar of our Lord Christ on earth, and who I ?. AI? th? pastor over the whole House of Israel, Jlfl-iooweiTea. BOW practtcany waatin? that free doro which ls absolutely lnoispensabie to ns in I ord er to gewera the Church of God, and to main* I tain Ita rights; and wo feel lt ia our duty ts issue I thfsprotest, which we moreover intend to have J - nmiiahed, that lt may be known, as it la proper thafctt should be, by the whole Catholic wari?. And when we assert that this freedom has been ravished and taken from u*, our adversaries eouhLnot reply that this complaint and thia decla ratibn are without foundation. Indeed, any one I .jwho possesses good sense will understand andi gggptesa thathaylng nolonger that supreme and | - 'free-power, In virtue of wWcli we enjoy the right f of our civil PrfmUpate m the ase otpn- uo means fyi conveyance, and- In the public circulation I -Jl<mlej<etg> and being unable to trust tho gov- J . 5S*PN^ T*10 aas abrogated, this . power, I wer are zeally deprived of the necessary and f speedy way, aa well au of the faculty of treating I :lMaft?^-rhioh the Vicar of Jesus Christ and I *5? eottIn<5n Father of the Faithful, to whom I his sons so numerously come from sill of tlie world, must treat and administer. I JT? t?servation baa again been confirmed by a I ractwithin tba last few days. Persons going out I of oar Palace or the Vatican-have been searched I by seidlera of the new government, w'jo wanted I to knowif they were not carrying something un-1 der their clothes. A complaint was lodged { against this proceeding, and tue reply was that lt 11 had been done by mistake, and an apology was I offered for lt. But who can ignore easily errors I er this kind-can be repeated, and lead to others? j Moreover public education In this august ol ty I te .threatened with a very serious evlL Be- { fore 100?.the "acadsmlo year win be open-IT et the university. This establishment, I which tas heretofore oojoyod exempary tran- I ; qnuuty and order.although about twelve hundred J young men aro there assembled, being the sole I place Vhere. so many Christian and honest I parents can send their children to bb Instructed I wita oct the risk or being corrupted; this establish-1 mdt, either on account of the? false and erro- I-, ? W&SSSS** which are ?ow prevailing, or on I account af the animus of those who have been. I &^&.?P?W&Mz thom, muai falL aa will be J easily u/*terstood, Into a state very different from J WBatltwas...It was made ktown thatthelawsl inope?a?lon, In Homo should remain m their In- I tegrtfy and InrlolabDlty after the occupation, but I lnsplteof such declarations the pariah registers .?^^S,11 away ^ ?or?e ^ cammed, and lt ls I 8 not dlacuK tc> gnees that such information ls-| U-eveto searched for as w;u doubtless be useful to dWf tap conscription listi, and fer other . S}%:K!*ak-ara ea3u-r Uniigmed. It must Be added, that attacks and offences, inratr desire of vengeance and by inartv BPtetta? left unpunished, and that a aimtarlm ?51iity te assured to tho authors of those shame fnTanJ^wor^ontrages wfth which our faith? ful bodies or troops, who. have so weU deserved of society and rellglur; havo bcea loaded, to the great grief af, aU. honeat people.. Lastly, oxitoan cea and dec/ees concerning church property have already ?lawed toe tendency of the usurpers. Tkexcfore against ail those things already accom? plished, as wan aa against those stol worse which aro Imminent, we Intend to protest ta virtue of oar supreme authority, aa we now protest through the present letters, by means of which we Jet you Sn^J?Cloy?d son, and atoo each of the cardinals of toe Holy Roman Ch arch, a brief statement of those partiooiaxfacts, moreover reserving to our? se? to eater toto the matter more fully elsewhere. minds of our .enemies, in order that they may cew loadrhg their souls with the more and more <. <CTKheaflng weight ?f eoeMatestioat censure, and provoking npon themselves tte terrible wrath of the Uving and all-seeing God, vhose arm S?iP<^c^Jt?ian- 0D our, part, pray the S^vlr??^lwf*? ^^ncy aud humiUty, ira- . PjOTlng alao the^Intercession of the Immaculate \j^aita ctfWBrother Apostles Peter tua J*T, ?nd W ns do ?o with the holy confldenee ttat weiihan ohtaln what we aak^becanaethe . Lord helps those who are in Whitton who in? voke him ic sto cori ty. Meanwhile, p ruy lng that OW LOM Jeana Chrtst may bestow peace and tor ca the r beloved son, we, from the bottow of the heart, give the ApoatoUo blessing. -" ?^???nie, near 3L Peterus, on the seth of ?t*,"*? Pros, p. p. rx AX "EXCEDENT" TO BISMARCK. I What the Premier Pound in Bia Bed? ' At the Prussian headquarters in Utax, the Eng .occupied the front, Count Bismarck theback rooms of the- Archbishop's palace. The apart menm.of the Count wen' on the ground floor, and kKtoa ont.tjpont.he exteastve gardens to the rear of the palace. The sixteenth cf September had beena very-busy day to many ortho Prnaaiana, and not least of all tothe Count. He waa riding ?S.?^v.'^? ^ ^.ST^10? ?* had a conference with the Xrog. Tired with these difficult labors, be k?sten ed, when he reached his room, to pre? pare for bed. Be had acarcely, however, begun to undress himself when he heard a milling among toe boothes, and on searching found there, to his aston tEhment, an infant sot mare than four -. S^^JS^^'i0801"he round by the aide ?y**** *rwe the foUoWlng note: "My husband fell at SeoAn; I have nothing to eat. $&? ^SSStJ^^^J^ ^^^ It has ^J^ffiiJln^at' \. N?r does ^ co-ions Btory end here. To make it dramatically com- i p?ete and symmetrical, the unfortunate nrbther committed suicide, The matter la said tb have i??Sj^F?' a?* were given that the des?late tolant sho-ld be sent^o Bexlha, Was ever a life so curiously begun? -A New York telegram of Monday, saysr -"The executtv? ?mimlttee of the association for-nne re? lief ot lata ni! OB bat tie-field a. appeal to tha public ioraldtn sendtog a ship-load of breaugtr^? and meat to the starving people of the desolated dla tricts of ArAeanea and Alsace. Aocempanytue the appeal ja a letter from H. 8. Sanford, e^?ln ?^L^rS^??^ *-*Bd Brussels, October rta wWiAstoiedtoat in the Ardennes alone, the re gie? atang.the^Belgiumfrontier, 200,000people mJ&^mlyy&frfra. Many are wltoout -^^?^uch as is made of lioahea. and have ^J?S?*^5ralB? --?mes the only otothes ?L^J3&i??USP^00'y ?ioh food as SSS^n?SJSS??f c*n.*tu> 06 obtained rrom the ? ^^^M^S^JSSt^' wlntertoapTf t Untiling. . (fe OP PE?C^. St IN DULL TIMES, BY HAVING YOUR DARDS, CIRCULARS, AND OTHER NICELY AND CHEAPLY DONE, . AT iDfaojsp apees. T HB 6 B E A T FAMILY PAPER I . FAMILY PAPER 1 FAMILY PAPER I FAMILY PAPER I FAMILY PAPER I FAMILY PAPER 1 THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST, AND THE j BEST I THE OHEAPBST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST I PHE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST ANQ THE BEBT t PUB CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AMD THE BEBT I BE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST I "HE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST I THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS ! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS!. tontaina an the New?, Editorial and Miscellane ooa Reading Hatter published in BB DALLY HEWS AND THE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, INCLUDING Ateet Telegraph Bows, . PoUUcai Intelligence, Commercial and Stock Reports, . Literary Tcples and Reviews, elected Social Baanya, Personal Gossip, and information lor Plantera. TOGBTHBB WITH THE CHOICE RT STORIES, LIGHT READING, and POETRY, Prom the carrent Foreign and Domestic i Pe *iodit ala. SEND FOB A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOB A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOB A SPECIMEN COPT. SEND FOB A SPECIMEN COPY. BEND FOB A SPECIMEN COPY. 3 BND FOB A SPECIMEN COPY. SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOLLARS A YEAS. ALWAYS Eff ADVANCE. CLUBS OF TBE 8TJFT LIED AT $1 60 EACH. MASE UP YOUS CLUBS! M~f Address, (enclosing money in Registered better,) RIORDAN, DAWSON 4 GO., _ CHARLESTON, S. a JOLE GREENvTLIJE ENTERPRISE . f ts TTTB - LARGEST NEWSPAPER, AND HAS TUB fOST EXTENSIVE CIRCULATION, OP ABT r AFEE rUBUSHBD fit , PH S CITY OB ?RE8N VILLE. Contract Advertising Low. ?reni?t? also, in Anderson, Plc tena, Spartan erg and, Wejrtern Honk OaroUna. , " li5 ? - * J. C. * E. BALLEY, JaTyll " Proprietors. ^?XS??5aWQF-?FING -FELT. ,f^^'':'r ^^^^^^ THE BEST, OH BAI EST AMI/ HOST DURABLE MateriALfor Roooxg known. . For^aaleby . CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Corner Meeting and cumberland streets, > mohStomo Charleston, S. 0. B E LT 1 ? G. ? large-Stock of leather and Robber -BELTING and' RUBBER GOODS, including Manhole and 1 Handho?e Gaskets, (aB sizes.) Hose, Sheet Rob? ber tor packing, PUB Vulcanized Gum for valves, AC HI ALSO. ?Regulation" LEATHER HOSE, doublo-'rivetni? and of approved manufacture. : For salo by CAMERON, BARKLEY St CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, gejgl anio. . ? Charleston. 8. ti. . QUOOMBER-WOOD PUMPS.' * The cheapest and best PUMP now in use. They give no taste to the water and are applicable lo every locality. For sale by ? CAMERON, BARKLEY Jb CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mchzi emo Oh arl efl ton, S. O. WHITE LEAD, COLORS AND PAINT Ol Ll . Pure Raw and Double-Boiled LINSEED OIL English and American White Lead Parnta in Oil, In great variety. . ALSO, An extensive assortment of BRUSHES. I - For Bale by CAMBR?N, BARKLEY A 00. Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mona? imo_ ,v Charleston, S. c. STEAM ENGINES AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. ! A ioU assortment of BRASS and IRON FIT? TINGS, for steam and gas-fitters and plumbers. Steam Guagea, on age-cocks, Lovr water De toe ton, OU Gups, Tools for machinists and block amitos, Bellows, Ac - For sale by *: CAMERON, BARKLEY * CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mohM emo_charleston, 8. a 0 I.LI O I Lt OIL! Winter strained SPERM, Extra* Lard C. B, A Co.'s Engine Oil, Farnpheno Spindle OUve OIL Cotton Seed OU Waite Oak (West Virginia) OIL For sale hy CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mchMemo_ -Charleston, s. 0. gAE IBON AND STEEL. . English and American Relined, in bara English and American common, m bars Boiler Plate and Sheet iron Bolts, Nuta and Washers. For sale by ? . . CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, m c. h 24 Sra o Ch a r ICH t on. S. a S TEAM . ENGINES, BOILERS, STEAM PUMPS, CIRCULAR BAW MILLS, Single and double-acting Lift and Force. PUMPS. H. Disston & Son's Celebrated .Circular, Gang, Hand and Cross-cut Saws. Also, Miners' and En? gineers' Supplies tn great variety, Shovels, Picks, ?kc. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO.,' Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, menai arno . ?_ Charleston, 8. 0. ? ABLNET-MAKING AND UPHOLSTERY NICELY AND SUBSTANTIALLY DONE BY J. L. LUNSFORD, Na 27 Queen Street. I wish to Inform my friends and the public gen? erally that the Hospital for SICK FURNITURE ls still at No. 27 Queen street, where all the diseases that Furniture ls heir to wUl bo cured speedily and on the most reasonable terms aa usual Send In, therefore, all yoor ste): and wounded patients, and 1 will heal them and make glad the ? the hearts of all those who favor me with patron? age m this Une. I would respectfully beg leave to call your at? tention to the fsct that.I am selling the best sew? ing Machlues to be found m the market, alleom plete, for only $17. Call ana examine for your? selves, and read ?tte testimonlalB in favor of thc Improved Common Sens? Family Sewing Ma? chine, and then I am sure you will take one home with yon. ;J. L. LUNSFORD, No. 27 Queen street, near Calder Houao. arru JJA VIS & MILLEB'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS IMPORTANT/ ANNOUNCEMENT. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES QUALITY STILL FURTHER IMPROVED. We beg leave respectfully to call the attention of tho pubUc to our. Superior Flavoring Extracta As ten years have now elapsed since we first in? troduced them to the notice of the American pub? lic, we deem it unnecessary at present to enter into a lengthy description or their merita, Aa There ls hardly a etty or town of any note In the country into which they have not found their way. The reason of this widespread popularity and dally Increasing demand ls owing entirely to their peculiar excellence and Intrinsic worth. Boing determined to malee them the Standard Ex? tracts of the day. we have still further improved their quality, and now we firmly and honestly be? lle vethat they stand without a riva!.' Onr Vanilla Extract cannot be surpassed for richness and delicacy of flavor, lt is a strictly pure and high &concentrated Extract of Vanilla Beana.' in ort, we think it the best that is made, at least, this ls the decision of the best judges in a1 coun? try. We don't pretend to compete in price with many of the so-called Flavoring Extracts of the day, which are really but worthless compounds, undeserving of the name. For quality and Btyle, we defy competition. DAVIS & MILLER'S PURE YEAST POWDER, A substitute for Yeast ta making Hot Bread, Bolla and Batter Oakes of every description, hav? ing the advantage of making the dough or batter perfectly light, and ready for baking without delay, and greatly diminishing the liability to become sour. Many dyspeptics, who cannot tolerate fresh, light cakes when made with yeast, can eat them with impunity when raised In this way. When used according to directions, lt is war? ranted to make rich, sweet, light and nutritions Bread and Biscuit, Muffins, Wahles. Corn Bread. aU kinds or Griddle Cakes, also Boiled Puddings Dumplings, Pot Pies, Ac. PREPARED ONLY BT D AV IS A MILLER, . BALTIMORE, MD. A J. MILLER, Sole Proprietor. We have been appointed Agents mr the State of South Carolina for the above desirable goods, and can offer them to the trade at proprietors' prices. GOODRICH, WTNEMAN St CO., Importers and Wholesale Druggists, mchI2 smweraosDAO . Cl mr) es ton, s.e. PROFESSOR BERGER'S BED-BUG DESTROYER. Oos tar's INSECT POWDER Glentworth's Roach Exterminator Costar's Rat poison v? ? * Isaacson's Sore Pop-Death to Mosquitoes. Por sale by Du. H. BA ER, Julys No. 131 Meeting street. jy-r pp M A R' 's,* T G R EUT <* E R MA N BITTERS THE TT^EST MEDICATED CORDIAL ? . - or ..'.*' : , , .KC H E. .-A O B I . . ; ??; iX?J&M . ?, "'. as-Llppraan's Great German Bitters strength eus ihe debilitated. . . . . . ?SrLippman's Great German Bitters strength ens the consumptive.. ??-ljppman's Great German Bluets cures Female Complaints. .... 49-Llppman's Great German. Bitters, the moat delightful and effective in tho world. . * asrLippman's Great German Bitters cures "never weil" people. es-Lippman'a Great German Bitters gives an appetite. 49-Uppman's Great German - Bitters eurea Liver Complaint. S3-Lippmann Great German Bitters gives tone to digestive organs. OSrLlppman's Great German Bitters cures Nervousness. ?S-LI ppm au's Gre it German Bitters, the best Spring Medicine. i?SwLtppraau'b Great German Bitters regulates the Bowels, " . j os-Uppman's Great Getman Bitters excites the Torpid IJver. jrj-Lfppman'a Great German Bitters, best physicians recommend. . , ss-Llppmau'a Great German Bitters will give youthful vigor. swLippuiann'3 Great German Bitters cures debUIry. : . aj-Lippman's Great German Bitters, the favorite of Germany. sa-Lippman'a Great German Bitters prevents Chills and Fever. 43-Llppman'B Great German Bitters has met with success everywhere. CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA, May, 1870. MESSRS. JACOB LIPPMAN A BRO.: Qmuemcn-l certify that I have oxamln ed and used in ray practice Li pp tn un's Great Ger man Bitters. 1 regard them au an admirable tonic and appetizer. J. W. POINDEXTER, M. D. Depots In Charleston S.e.:' -j AV. 0. TROTT. KU. S. BURNHAM, A. W. ECKEL A CO., 0. J. LUHN, W. A. SK1UNK Wholesalo Agents: riENRY BISCHOFF ft CO. STEFFENS. WERNER A DUCKER, DOW1E, M01.SK A DAVIS, Druggists, C LACT LS A WITTE. JJIX?J*JMLA1S'& PYKAPUOB THE GREAT CHILL AND FEVER EXPELLES ONE DOSE 8T0PS THE 0H-?LL8. . NSAR GRAHAMVILLE, 3. C., November 10,1809 MR. LrrwAn: Dear Ar-Please send me half dozen bottles of your invaluable and Infallible Pyrnfage. Tli bearer himself was cured of a two y eara'ciil ll aa fever, and his wholo family. It has never failed In a Bingle case. Yours respectfully, WM. F. ROBERT. We annex herewith One of the .many certlfi cate? for thc famous "OIL OF EJFE,'; In our poa session * MAYOR'S OFFICE, GBIFPIH, GA., - February 8, 1808. Ulis ls to certify that l have used lTofessor ll H. Kay ton's "OU of Life" In my family, In a case of aggravated "Neuralgia In the Face," and arter three appUct.tlons, gave permanent reHor. oct26-30 W. M. CLINK. Mayor. O'" C A. BOLINA B ITTERS'. A'DEUGJITFUL TONIC. . We take great pleasure In offering the ' OLD CAROLINA IJIXTEltfc to the public They arc compounded with great care, and contain some or the best Tonics bi thc Pharmacopia. As evidence of the superiority of .ur BITTERS over aU others, wo have certificates from many or the leading physicians m our State, who have prescribed them tn their practice. The OL.D CAROLIN A BITTED S . . W1U be found Invaluable for? went of Appetite, . . / General Debility, . ir* Chills and Fever, and . . Dyspepsia. We do not oner our BITTERS as a-euro for all diseases, bot as au Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For salo by Druggists and Grocers everywhere Principal Depot, GOODRICH, AV I NIC MA N & CO., Importers of Choice Drugs mid Chemicals, Janis oiyr * Charleston, S" 0.' "MARENGO" FEVER AND AGUE CUBS A certain euro for CHILLS AND FEVER-a gen nine Southern preparation, purely vegetable; a tonic and fever preventive, highly recommended and stands unequalled by any preparation now oirered. To persona residing m unhealthy sec? tions lt lR*lnvaluable. Warranted-No Humbug. For sale by all Druggists, and by . G. J. LUHN, Agent, Druggist, southeast corner King aud John BIS., lunis-imosnac Charleston, s. 0. HE FOUNTAIN SYRINGE. SELF ACTING?-NO PUMPING.-NO AIE '. ' INJECTED. The best, universal SYRINGE in the market. It ls recommended, by the ti rat Physiotens uf the country. It is so simple that it cannot get ont -jf order. There are no valves, ana nothing that win cor? rode One wtu last a Ufe time. . - ' - Dr. JOS. H. WARREN, an eminent Phlslclan, of Boston writes to-the manufacturers: "From, the fact or. itssbtjiiclty and correct principle In the structure or yon, 'Fountain Sy? ringe,' and Tor the easy manipulation, practicable result, and comfort to the patient, I have recom? mended tula Instrument extenalvelv." The Profession are invited to cali and examino the apparatus., For ?ale, wholesale and retail, by . . . _ . . Vt. U. BAER, 1 " . Wo. 131 Meeting street; -, may30 Agent lor South Catalina. A NEW DISCOVERY l l f PH ALoiy s Salvation fer the Hair* Fer Restoring to . >.? Original Habits Vwu?M* "Vvrpik" difiera utterly trom^^the "dyes/* " restorers " (?) in?'? J?. It act? on a totally different principle. It is limpicl^^agrani; aiid per? fectly mrxitocvjs, precipitates no muddy or flao^ent rriaf> ter, requires no shafting up, and communicates no\tain to the skin or tk fiuA No paper curtain is ne?psary to conceal its tort ilro appearance, for the sim^?c reason that // ?* /w/ turbtiC It ia, to all intents and p ofoc3ea, A HI W DI ICO VI RT in To?&Oieniistrjr. esr H!**^?viTALun i* warranted to CTK*C? a dianne in the color of fiiea?r wifurn io days after the firstfei olica 1 <fcecdon/ Sang If your "Vitaba*!? closing $1 forward it Sold at wholesale by DOWLE. MOISE A DAVIS. Wholesale Drngglsts, Meeting corner linscistreet. ..Hcp24-htutli0inoS' . .- ' JJUSSKIJL'S"- SOOTHING CORDIAL FOR INFANTS TEETHING. M.r.AYn" ikn..vsni?TioN OK'Tint OHMS, CURES CUOLIC, CHOLERA INFANTUM, fiVSKNTKUJf, ANO ALI. DI SI! AS Its TO WHICH OUIMMUDf AltE 8?RJKCT WHKN TKETIIINO. CONTAINS NO ANODYNE. RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL ls offered to thc public with au absoluto guarantee against all danger iront its usc. Read tho following certlfl CuLes: CirAiiLKSTON.May 16, 1868. Mr. ,T. B. RUSSELL, one of our careful and Intel? ligent Pharmaceutists ami Apothecaries, bas sub inlit.ed to my examination the'formula for the preparation of a Soothing Cordial prepared and vended by.him. , . it affords mc pleasure to express a favorable o pu i io 11 of Ils narc, au d eiUclent adaptation to the particular cases of tho (liseuses of children, which it is designed to relieve . K. GEDDINGS, M. D. Having had occasion to prescribo ursenxL's Soul liing Cordial in severe cases pf Bowel (Join plaiuts in children and delicate females, I have been much pleased with its effects. 1 consider it a valuable medicine in all cases, in which lt may te advisable Lo avoid thc unit of anodyne, and par? ticularly for family use, as it ts perfectly sare. vt'- - W. T. WRA?O, M. D. ClIAlll.RSTON, s. c., ian. IK-ar Slr-I liavo used your Soothing Cordial for Dlarrhui. tn teething children, and mid lt a very excellent 'preparation. iL bas a great advantage over most preparations of tho kind lu containing no Opium or Narcotic. . .When thew: are required they.can bo added In proportions applicable to Hie casu. J iheruforo can recommend Its usc lu tho affec; Uous for which designed. . . . - Respectfully yours, Ac.,. .*. T. L. 0(1 ii1;it, M. D. . CHARLESTON. S..C, 1868. . 1 ecru fy that T Jiavc most succcsafuljy used RUSSELL'S Soothing Cordial lu tim Summer Oom plaluts of Infants. Ile hus fully exhibited thc in? gredients Of hts remedy1, and tho tedious method" of preparation. 1 recognise. the prescription containing no anodyue whatever-as a most safe and elli caclous one in bowel affections of children! When much pain or restlessness attends tho affec? tion, doses or l'aregorlo can ho .aihied to thc pre scribed doses of thc Cordial accoit'luir to tho age of thc patient. Thc compound, thiiugh moro often, acts in au efficient miiuncr without any ad? dition of anodyne.. "'\ . . In the l Harri i ira of thc aged, hi increased doses, Itlsofgrcntvalucus a remedy; never disagree? ing wi til the stomach-Increasing appetite, im? proving digestion, aim Acting na a, slow but cm clent astringent agont. . ', w. .M. I'Tixiii, M. ?. ; MOUNT PL HAS ANT, 3. o., 1808. Mr. J. B. Bussell : DSAR s m.-I have used your Soothing Cordial for.children extensively lu my practice, and most cheerfully testify to lus merita. I have. lound it, without an exception, to accomplish alt lt claims,, and j constler lt. superior to anything In use for uhiklren.. - Its freedom from anodyne of any kimi recom? mends lt asa perfectly safe preparation in the' hands of mothers and inexperienced nurses. ; Very respectfully, ic., i). R. WILLIAMS, M. D. Mode by J. B. RUSSELL, Chemist. Solid by Dr. H. BA Ell, Wholesale Agont for Benth Carolina. . - _ octia ?ANLY INFALLIBLE REMEDY \J ? l KNOWN." " "FREE FROM POISON, NOT DANOEROES TO USE." "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, ftc, EXTERMINATOR - , Destroys them effectually and Forever., .. "COSTAR'S" B E D-I? U G EXTERMINATOR Certain, sure and quickly Prevented. .. "COSTAR'S" INSECT POWDER (ONLY PURBl Instantly kills Roaches, Bcd-Bngs, Mot ILS and - nnsocts. as- For safety use only "COSTAR'S." Special Whole.salo Agents at Charleston, GOODRIOD, WINEMAN 4 CO. Sold by all Druggists. - iaay4-w1yrnac fJlHE GREAT GERMAN REMEDIES. Professor LOUIS WUNDRAM'S BLOOD PUR! FYI NO AND PURGATIVE HERBS, (In Pills or Powders.) for the euro of all Acute or Chrome Diseases, resulting from Impure blood and Imper? fect digestion. .Also, the following Medicines by tho some (Pro feasor Louis Wumlrum, Brunswick, Germany :) GOUT POWDERS. . Rheumatic Tincture. Epileptic Remedy. "' Toothache Drops. . ' Herb Tea (for'DyspepHla and Nervousness.) . . .Rheumatic H&rT Tea. - % - Gout Tlnoihre. ?? . . . , -, ,"EyeWater. ? . .. -- wundwasHCr (the German "Pat namer.) Forsalrhy- - - -?r.Hlg A ER, may*) No. 1-31 Meeting street. Invented and Patented by a ^Virgfniati^ -. . .. V * '. '.'. **' >. .?/*.' - ?Aft Th fas TTE combines the advantages of great strength, simplicity asa ease In manrpmaUon ; and thc difficulty of tatting up the entire alack cu* the Band tn the operation of pxeaalnjeoncLcompressing ls entirety obviated. . . . ^ ? ~ ' :'. - *"?.. .... ' "/Z/ '. -From those who have used them we have assurances that "they ai? preferred any Tie pre? viously triad. - . * ? . . V?-?- * ?- .'* ' Being Manuracturer'a Agenis for the sale of this admirable Tlo in-South Garollnn?we have an ampio stocK on hand rrom' which we can AU orders from Plasters or the Trade at the rowe?? manet rates, . . . . . ??? ., .. .-. - - "> . m W . . C?... B E l-l & . -<.??)?, fk AGENTS FOR SQ?TH' CARO LINA , ' ?'?fR'*.i?*?f"tfJ^B^. oetia-wunimo ' - S'"5*?2. ". jniintanrc. . ".. -ju. , _. ... v '.^ J?N-ICKERBOCJA^ ' LIFE, INSURANCE . COMPANY,. ... i *' ' . . OP-?THE., birt; "pp ^^'?t?n^'^Z JJ u ESTABLISHED 1888. - ! ' ' - .".'" ? ERASTUS LYMAN, President. ... GEORGR-i'V SNJEPEN, Secretary. ' - INCOME FOR 1 soo.. .'. f ..'...*. 1.1......... .,'."7.. ~.. $6,bif,?33P - .V?-. v ASSETS OVBIt-v---------........r......1'..... 7,600,000 J'. . ' . Securely invested under stringent-Life Insurance Law of New York. ? -. ... * ga^k t*i Tins Company has 'deposited $50.000 in State Bonds wIta Qomptroyer-a<!neraJ0-Sojalh> ralina, aa ruM tt monal security to Local Policy holders. . . r f 'ordinary Life, Non-Forfeiture and. Endowmont Policies issued, on everyjHan, ?ypf<"">^ payable annuaUy, semi-annually and quarterly. ? ? ?. ?. .-fv* *vY-. Rites of Premium are as low as any Company can oder and do a safe basincas. No extra charge for Sc nthern residence. - - * .. ...< , . - a .'."*? ?JJ* .'-??? **s'"?e Cash and' Rc vcrslonary Dividends proportioned on ContrtbuUon plan declared annnaftyrand maw oeuaeil toreduce Premiums .for ensuing year, cc to Increase amount aaaured. >*f??r i-fti "A Loan ol 33 H ' per ccnL on amouu t of premiums allover If desired. . fio restrictirjns on travel la any portion or the United Skates or Europe. Ixmcs promptly paid. { y? WM. S. HASTIE ? SON, G?nerai Agents for ^e Carpjlnas, 8'ip9-fl SSmos-. . r N?.t?B'R?^ ?ION INSURANCE Ct) M PA N'T, OPS AN ^Hr**1rj? 8 00 ?'*'.'? -r-?:- - jjrfS .%;? V ya ?4ii>f CAPITAL.,. :... v.. .V.V.-^ffAJMTW'.v ASSETS, GOLD, JTJLT1,18C0. V.I. ,. : T. .Jt,g?,^7? . ? . T~r??:.~T"- ' ' rrt-'ji?-i -/iviiwiig ' , HOARD OF It KKK HENCE IN NRW YORK*" . t- \tfr?- ? H. B. CLAFLIN, of'u. B. Cl aili n &.Co. < <*> EUGENE KELLY, of Eugene ICel?f' GEORGE OPDYKE, Of Ucoige Opdykoh Co. J. G. KirrLB?0t Dewitt, Kltt|?v& flerf?v DAVID DOWS, of David Dows A Co. WM. T. COLEMAN, Lue of Wm. T. Coleman A Co. , JOHN WINSLOW,, of -Van Co?t, Winslow A Van Gott. ~ " POLI ? t'E 8 ? BA NT E D 'i N O IJR ^ E A O Y -,OfcB,;?.? L B V" S T O CK H 0-J< D B R S INDI V ID ? ALL. Y &L IA B L B . *v?.- ?V . . ' -to:- . '. .... . *&4tef^f(i*f. ALL LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED AND PAID AT BRAUCH OFFICE No. ill BROADWAY, N. Y SKKEIJS, BOWERS & BO?GHT'OP?; 3?^T<A^1BQS., POLICIES OF INSURANCE AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE ISSUED BY WM. Tt . HERIOT ?Se CO. , A. Cf- E?NgT S . C H A B L SST 0 N ,' S . "C . Z ' ' ' J* 'scpI2-jnwfluio " " .-.i ... - : ?smc0o Starr jj. ?"'. p U R E 0 S- W E G 0_S T A R '?'^?Z^T-j?^''" T.R KINGSFORD &. SON, ^NOTACTIJBERS. . -THISSTARCH has established greater celebrity than any other ever" obtained, and having re? cently doubled the capacity of their works', they will now be able to meet tho demand. Thorr works aro the largest of the kind la the world, the -production being over twenty tons "each day.. The great desideratum m tho .starch, and that which ls exceedingly difficult to secure, Is 'uniform good quality. NONE OF INFERIOR GRADES IS EVER WANTED BY TI?E CONSUMER; and every Grocer is aware of tho annoyance caused by even a slight variation- In the'tmallry. None below tue standard ls ever allowed to go'ont or the ractory, and not a box has ever l>een returned to* tnem as dercctlvo. IT WILL KEEP PERFECFLY SWEET FOR YEA RSlfi AOT-bLTMATBi***' " - Mr. KINGSFORD has been engaged la the'idannracture of Starch for TTIIRTY-NTN-E YEARS, and ls tl io Invont?r or the process or making CORN STARCH. - ' . wi**e?i # t: The subscriber)) are sole Agents ror Messrs. T. KINGSFORD A SON'S STARCH, and uro -prepared to ru rn ian the wholesale and retail trade at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. . l&Ftam?* . ocm-2tncs_HENRY .gggdPgg & CO'- A gents ja ?UioccilancouG. ;J5TJHYEAS' ~ ~~~~ SATIN GLOSS STARCH In Six l'ound Box^nd One Pound Papers. Gives a BcautiTul, WHITE anid GLOSSY FINISH,, bes?lcs renders Fubrics very, durable.. : No oilier Starch no easily uwj, or io Economical.. , TTne it oniM?, anet You will uno iip other. . DUR YEAS' IMPROVED CORN STARCH Made with great eire, from the choicest White Corn. DU RYE AS' A choice preparation of thc finest portions of Surcu, from carefully suluctcU white Southern'Corn. UNEQUALLED AS AN ARTICLE OF FOOD, . OR AS A DELICACY, . By any other Preparation from Corn. Nono of the a bore Goods genuine with- " out i>ur>nu.' on every packngr. . |3P Persons una ble to procure our goods from their regular grocer,, on addressing the Manufacturers, 49 nnd 51 Park Place, New York City, will be directed to those in their vicinity who will supply them. octai-2moa _. ?_ J) RI CE 8 BED ? CED. FAIRBANKS & CO., - No. ^2 Broadway, New York. I No. iee Baltimore street, Baltlnroret.^. . No. 53 Camp street, New Orleans. ' FAIRBANKS,' BROWN ?>; COYj; - No. IIS Milk street, Bost?n. For sa'e by leading Hardware Dealers. : . o clf.S-ftn3mos " <? "? . ._ ^TJF&B IO B CO LOG N $ WATER. Maainfaitured ahd 'ler sal? PJ* -" ?'C? Dr. H. BABR. OCW . 131 Meeting street. JJIDEROOVEBNOBOUT-OEB1 ENGINES ... . - -i.'-y-t f?? #?r. HORIZONTAL, VERTIO AL AND INCLINED. i ..'/.' '?>.! . . ..- V; *$ .?-'/?wi-C?? Embracing, without complication, on the per focttons attained in the most complex ENGINES, the smallest sizes having all the lixcelleuee of the larger ones, a feature not possible La any other construction of high class expansion ^tribes. The greatest attainable .e^nooajr anoVperfect regulation, by the most simple and uur&blo meeh anlsm." A large number now in operation. Pamphlets and price list on appUcatfoo. . D EL AMATE R JLBX1N WORKS, JFootor WeaiTJilrteeath.lUecV?few Xork. anglg-WB3mos* ' _____ ~J~J k~* JgA?XMra- TBDNE ENJErINES t> i FOR ALL PURPOSES: COMPACT, DURABLE AND EPPIOrEN*.* - BACON'S STEAM AND BELT IIOIHTING MACHfOTVlKS, . For- Mannfaotnrers, Stores, DoclcS, ' Ships, Ao. Price list on application. - DE LA MATER IRON WORKS, ' Foot of West Thirteenth street, Now 'York. angio-WB3mos? _ JgEIOBSON'S Ckt?m?1 ENG?NE. SAFE, ECONOJOCAL, D?RABLE. USES NO WATER, REQUIRES NO ENGINEER. * ,t -. J- 2~irl - >' V *?K?l-?. * '- ? - , la>K - ~' \<t*fc <. f "w: r '. . ^ - *?* Having made arrangements for manufacturing this ENGINE on an extensive scale, wo aro now prepared to rurnish to ail centring a light power, thc best ami most economical Engine ever oifere? to the public. __- " DKLAMATKR IRON WORKS, Foot of West Thirteenth street; New York. Branch Oillcc-JAS; A. BOB1NSCN, augl0-un3mo8?_No. 130 BfoaOway.. PIPE FOB GAS, STEA&A? D. WATE?. BOM cfc ?j^V.Wi Sole Agency or MORRIS TASFTER A CO.'S Pas? cal Don works.-At-otoreof - CAMERON, BARKLEY <? CO., \ ~. Cl^?r! Meeting and Cjunberlaarl sa?ata, mc-24omo . . Ghari?stoiug. flt ^.?;i L s, N A??sS^::: Of the best lu anas, mdndlng Parser, Milla and CAMBRON, BAIUaEY'6i,0a'o:.0Be?l?ed ??Ne Has Ultra? OOTNAIL?^ ; i ? '.^ Jl A mi? stock bf WiongXt.and <W SPIKES.. A por sale try .' i ?"*? v . . . CAMERON,; .BA?KLEY\<% W,^ Corner Meeting and XinmOeriahd Btreeta, mchM orno . Charleston, S. 0.