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- LAXEST COMMERCIAL. BU port s. NEW YORK-Steamship James Adger-26 bags Bea island cotton, 1138 bales npland cotton, 99 tes rice, ia bbis rosin, io balea yarn, 71 rolls leather, 61 empty barrels, 33 pk gs sundries. The Charleston Cotton Klee and Naval Stores Market. Omn CHARLESTON NEWS. 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 19, 1870. ( The stores and offlcea were generlly closed to? day to attend to the eleotlon; business was con? sequently unimportant. COTTONT-The transactions were limited to about iso bales by one seller, say 27 at 13X; 58 at '-MX; 35 at lix; Z?tAZAK? ?nd on the evening before, 17 balea of strict to good middling at 15c fi ft. The operations were too limited to indi? cate prices. RICE.-The market was quiet; sales 32 tierces, say 17 tierces at 7X; 15 at 7 ll-lOc *$ ft. NAVAL STOSES.-There were no sales of note. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct nomi? nal; via New York, Xd on uplands, lXd on sea Islands ; by sall xd on uplands. Xd on sea Islands. To Havre nominal. Coastwise-to New York, by steam, Xe on uplands and lc on sea Islands; $160 fi tierce on rice; by sall, xe $ ft on eotton;-ft tierce on rice; 40c ft barrel on rosin; $7@f> V M on lumber; $9@10 fl M on timber. To Boston, by san, X@Xc 9 ft on upland cotton. To Providence, by sail $8 fl M on boards, Xe f> ft on cotton; by steam $1 <$ bale on New York rates. To Philadelphia, by steam, ?? ? ?a uplands; by sall, $7 ? M on boards; $9 on timber; $3 fi toa on clay, and 13?3 60' on phos? phates. To Baltimore, by steam, xe ? ft; by sall, |0 6097 fi M on boards; $3@3 26 * ton on phosphate rock. Vessels are m demand by our merchants to take lumber freights from Georgetown, a G., Parlen and Satilla River, Ga., and* Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and $10 ?12 ft M are the rates on lumber and boards. Er CHANGE.-Sterling 60 day bUls 20@20X> DOMESTIC EXCHANGE. - The banks purchase sigh: checks at X@X off, and sell at par. GOLD-12314. Markets by Telegraph. FOREIGN. . LONDON,October 19-Noon-consols 92X. Bonds 89X. * . FRANKFORT, October 19-Noon.-Bonds 95X LIVERPOOL, October 19-Noon.-Cotton opened firm; uplands ^XaSXd; Orleans 6Xda9d; sales 1 12,000 bales. Red Western wheat 88 9d to 10s. Corn 18B ?d to 19a. Afternooom-Cotton easier; uplands SXd; Or? leans 8Xd. Lard declining'. Eve Ding.-Cotton quiet and unchanged; sales 12,060 bales; speculation and export 3000 bales. Wheat, No. 2 red Western 8s lod. Rosin 5a ! - DOMESTIC. j Nvw YORK, October 19-Noon.-Flour a shade firmer. Wheat 1 cent, bett ter. Corn heavy. Pork quiet. Lard steady. Cotton a shade easier. Uplands 16XC. Turpentine easier at 45a45Xc. Rosin steady at $5 to 18. Stocks very strong, j Money 5a?. Gold 12X. Sterling, long 8X; abort ?X- Sixty-twos 12X. Evening.-Cotton weak; sales 4200; uplands 10XC "Tour-State and Western firmer;-low grades of superfine $5S0a6 50; Southern firm; c?minon to fair extra $5 85a6 60; good to choice . $6 wsaS 76. Wheat in moderate export demand; . winter red and amber Western $1 Saal 41X. Con closed a shade firmer at 82a83c. Beef quiet. Pork quiet at {26. Lard unchanged. Whiskey firmer af 94A96c Groceries quiet and firm. Turpentine ?45?46XC. Rosin steady. Tallow dull at sXaSXc Freights firm; cotton by saU X&6-1S; wheat by steam 9; sall 8. Money unchanged. Gold 13X. Sterling sxasx. Bonds steady; Southern very dun. . . BOSTON, October 19.-Cotton firm; middlings 16xc; stock 4000 bales; sales 2000 bales. WILMINGTON, N. C., October 19.-Cotton firm; middling*! lie; sales 186 bales; net receipts 235 bales; exports coastwise 477 bales; stock 1128 bales. SAVANNAH, October 19.-Cotton active; Offer? ings light; middlings 14Xal4Xc; sales 800 balea; ntt rec?ipts 3777; exporta coastwise 1497; stock 48,187. NORFOLK, October is.-cotton arm; low mia. d?ng l4Xal4Xc; sales loo bales; net receipts 712 balee; exports coastwise 700 bales; stock 2785. J. BALTIMORE, October 19.-Middlings l6Xc; Bales 800 bales; net receipts loo; coastwise 1200; total 1300; exports coastwise 965; stock 4455. Flour dull, with prices less firm. Wheat steady. Cora dull and lower; white 70a90c. Whiskey firm at 92c. Provisions unchanged. CINCINNATI, October 19.-Floor quiet and un? changed. Corn firm and scarce; old 65c; new 44a 46c. Mess pork quiet and unchanged. Lard quiet and unchanged. Bacon m fair demand and ad? vancing; shoulders 18Xc; clear sides 19c ST. 'LOUIS, October 19.-Corn unchanged. Whiskey 88c Tobacco firmer. Bagging and rope unchanged. MOBILE, October 19.-Cotton flat ; middling 14Xc; sales soo bales; net recelpta 1394; exports to Great Britain 1762; coastwise 1800; otock 25,248 bales. - 'GALVESTON, October 19.-Cotton m good de? mand; prices advanced; good ordinary l3xc; sales 200 bales; net receipts 244; stock 7813 bales. Nsw ORLEANS, October 19.-Cotton active and higher; middling isai5.\ic; sales 6500 bales; net .receipts 728; coastwise 390: total. 1118; exports coastwise 1010; stock 52,870 bales. Interior Cotton Market?. COLUMBIA, October 19.-Sales of cotton yes? terday 72 bales; middlings 13Xal3X cents. CHARLOTTE, October 17.-Sales or 30 bales; prices unchanged; middlings I3al3xc. ATLANTA, October 17.-The market to-day has been dull and declining; middling 13; low mid? dling 12X; good ordinary ll; ordinary lOallc - COLUMBUS, October 17.-On the streets mid? dlings were sold at i3xal3XC for New York and strict middlings, and often the distinction was not very clear. In warehouses lots were held for higher figures, and no "Unes" were bought. Sales 322 bales; receipts 420; shipments 417. New York Va val Storcs^Marke t. . From the Journal of Commerce, October 17 : Spirits turpentine is more active and firm. The sales are to meet wants of the local trade, em? bracing 300 bbis at 45Xa46c for merchantable lots, -the Inside price flat. Rosins-There is a smalttrade. at unchanged prices; strained quoted at I2a2 05, without business; the other grades are selling in small lots, with 300*barrels placed at unchanged figures. New York Rice Market. From the Journals.' Commerce, October 17: The recelpta or domestic are more liberal, and as the demand does not increase, prices are a trifle easier; 75 tierces sold at 8Xasc East India ls steady, hut not active: 150 bags sold at 7a7\ic. From the World: The demand ls not very sharp, but as the addition* to the supply comes tn slow? ly holders remain firm at former figures. Sales of 25 tee Carolin A at 9a9xc; and loo bags Ran? goon at 7a7xc. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, October 18.-TURPENTINE. Sales of 92 bbis at $2 75 for soft, and $155 for hard, per 280 lbs. SPIRITS TURPENTINE,-Market steady, with sales of 227 bbis at 40 cents for Southern, and loo bbis at 40Xc per gallon for New York packages. ROSIN.-sales of 102 bbis at $1 70 for extra No. 2, and $2 50 for No. 1. TAR.-24 bbis sold at $1 30 per bbl. COTTON.-Sales or223 bales as rollows:.3 at 13 2 at 13X. 53 at 14, 155 at 14X, and 10 at 14X cents per lb. New York ^ngar Market. F">m the Journal or Commerce, October 17 : Tne market for raw ls quiet, but prices are steadi? ly held; buyers are holding off, but Importers re mam firm in their views. The offerings are light and only at full rates. We quote ralr to good re? fining 9Xal0c, and No. 12 box at lOXc; the sale* are 13 hhds. Demerara at i2*?al2X<% aud 400 boxes Havana, at 9Xc. Refined ls in fair requ-st at steady rates. We quote soft yellow at 12al.'Xo; soft white at 12Xal2Xc; and crushed, powden-d and granulated at ljXajgXo._ Receipts by Railroad, October io. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 1669 bales cotton, 38 bales goods, iso sacks flour, 80 barrels flour. 160 bbis naval stores, 4 cars stack. To Claghorn, HerrtngA co. W A Courtenay, Pel ?er, Rodgers A co, QB Walter A co, Sloan * Selg hlons. Mowry A Son, Dowling A co, J N Robson, w c Courtney A co, G W Williams A co, Frost A 6**?' ? KJ?T?N- Reeder * Davis, Wagener A SfeSftV^1 ' RaUroa<'1 Agent, and NORTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 256 bk ? cotton, so bbis naval atores, care lum per, rough rice, mdje, Ac. To Bollmann BroB, G W Williams * co, Prost A Adger. Mowry A Son, WK Ryan. Graeser A Smith. Reeder A Davls, PelzerT Rodgers A co, A J Salinas, G H Walter A co. Caldwell A Son. Brodie A co. A S Johnston^ Xachman A co. F P Smith, Ingraliam A Son H Klatte A co. Raveinl & co, Shackelford A Kelly, Claghorn, Herring* co, West A Jones, A B Moni? gan Sloan A Seignlaus, B Boyd. W C Courtney A co Goldsmith A Son, Wagner, Hager A co,-J Wel? ling, Atlantic Phosphate co, and Railroad Agent. Passengers. Per steamer Argo, from Edisto and Way Land? ings-B J Whaley, J J Mitchell. John Deighen, 1 Holmes, Dr T R Mikell and family, Mrs F J Mo3e9, Miss M DeLeon, and S Howe. if A JUNE NEWS. CHARLESTON, OCTOBER 20 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Empire, Holmes, Philadelphia-left 15th inst. Mdse. TOW A Courtenay, J H Abra? hams, G W Almar, J D Aiken A co, EE Bedford, J W Behan, Dr H Baer, T M Bristol: A co. Byrne A Fogartie, E Bates * co, ES Burnham, Bollmanu Bros, C L Chap?n. Cameron, Barkley A co, PT Corbin, M H Collins UcD Cohen, T M Cater, Jas Cosgrove, I C'nism, Dowle, Moise A Davis, J M Easua Bros, L Elias, A W Eckel A co, Fogartie's Book Depository, C D Franke, M Fehrenbach, H H Fehrenbach, J H Graver. Jno M Greer. T B Green, Gaslight co, Holmes' Bookhouse, H L Habenlcht, J Hurkamp A co, E Jordan A Son, Jeffords A co, Johnston, Crews A co, H Klatte A co, S King, G J Luhn, A R Lewith, David Lopez, J H Roper, J G Milnor A co, Muller A Welters, W A Mertens, C 0 Michaelis, Macqueen A Ri ?cke, Merris A Fox, J Marlon, B K Neufvllle.C G Neumeyer, M H Nathans, B O'Neill. M O'Brien, C F Panknln, D Paul A co, Paul, Welch A Brr nd es, Mrs H J Porter, John Rus? sell, L E R, EB Stoddard, A F Stelling, S C Rail? road, W A Skrlne,. B D Schur, Walter Steele, A L Tyler, J F Taylor A co. F von Santen, H H von Eltjtn, Wagener A-Monsees, Walker, Evans A Cogswell, W L Webb, W H Welsh, and P Walsh. M L brig Geo S Berry, Bradley, New York-5 days. Mdse. To Wm Roach A co, JE Adger A co, C D Ahrens A co. Adams. Damon A co, Boll mann Bros, A Brookbanks, H Bischoff A co, E R Cowperthwait, w H Chafee A co, Cameron, Rark? ley A co, T Campbell, Duval A Son, Dowle, Moise A Davis, P Darcy, I L Falk A co, H Gerdts A co, C Gravelej, J Graham, W Gurney, Hart A co, I K Heart, Heart A Rice, W Helssenbuttle, H Klatte A co, Kinsman A Howell, Kanapaux A Gonzalez, C L Kcrnahrens, C Kerrison A co, D Lopez, A Mc Cobb, Jr, W A Mertens, C H Meyer, B K NenfvlUe, F L O'Neill B O'Neill. Paul, Welch A Urandes, C P Koppen helm, S O Railroad Agent, Cave A Luns berg, Ravenel A Holme?, D H Sllcox, S Stnrtevant, Order, W Shepherd A co. F von Santen, E H Stel? ling, Steffens, Werner A Dacker, W H Smith A co, H Stenken A Bro, W S hroder. A Seckendorf, R Tbomlinson A co, J Thomson, PPToale, A Tobias' Sons, W L Webb, W G WhUden A co, Wando Man? ufacturing co. Wagener A Monsees, G W Williams A co, W P Kinsman. M Gannon, and others. Sloop Louise A Hattie, from Russell's Creek M11L 18 bales upland cotton, and cotton seed. To Fraser A DIU, John HanckeL Stoney A Lowndes, H F Baker A co, and Mowry-A Son. Sloop Jack, Frazier, from Russell's Creek Mill. 3 bags and 23 sacks cotton seed. To FraBt r a DUI, ant! Stoney A Lowndes. Sloop Ellen, Cantwell, Cooper River, 1200 bush? els rough rice. To F Wehman and B G Hasch. Sloop George, Chicovlch, Ashepoo. 1700 bnshels i oas ti rice. To Fraser A DHL and L D DeSaussure. Sloop Julia Dean, Harris, Combante. 1200 bush? els Rongh Rice. To W C Bee A co. Sloop Blackbird, Rugero, Combahee. 1700 bush? els rough rice. To W C Bee A co. Steamer Argo, Klssan, Edisto and Way Land? ings. 7 bales sea l3land cotton, mdse and sun? dries. To Douglas Nisbet, Richard Roper, Stoney A Lowndes, Fraser A BUI, Bollmann Bros, J C H Claussen, S Forgarty, M McGortey, and Order. Boat from James Island, 4 bags sea Island cot? ton. To Fraser A DHL CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship James Adger, Lockwood, New York -James Adger A co. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship James Adger, Lockwood, New York. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Clyde. Hunter, New York. October 16. Steamship J W Everman, Hinckley, Philadel? phia, October 16. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore, October ML Brig Minnie Miller, Leland, Jacksonville, Octo? ber 17 CP FOR THIS POKT. Brig CVWUilams, williams, at Philadelphia, October 15. Sehr EA Hooper, Champion, at Philadelphia, October 15. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Bark Evanei, Randall, at Boston, October 17. MEMORANDA. The sehr Abbie Donn sailed from the Delaware Breakwater, October 14, for Charleston. The bark R B Walket, Pe tungin, at Wood's Hole, 14th Instant, from GhlBOlm'sIsland, S C, has the second mate, cook aid two seamen Bick. Re? ports heavy pales frone the 6th to the 8th ins-ant, particularly from the northeast. The brig Helen, Fnrblah. from Chlsolm's Island, arrived at Wood's Hole, October ie. LIST OF VESSELS DP, CLEARED AND SAI LID FOB THIS POET. FOREIGN. LIVERPOOL. The Heiress, Rea, salle i.AuguBt 20 Brig R P Grove, Harkness, cleared.August 29 DOMESTIC. ROCKPORT. ME. Brig Manzanilla, Spear, sailed.Sept 22 BOSTON. Ship Cano va Lock, cleared.October 4 Ship Anna Camp. Lincoln, up.October 9 Ship John O Baker, Spear, cleared.October 12 Bark Horace Scudder, Gould, up.October 9 Bark Aurelia, Lincoln, up.October ll Bark Evanei, Randall, cleared.October 17 sehr B F Lovell, Leavitt, cleared.October 9 Brig Carmina-, up.Sept 8 Brig R M Healer, Jones, up.Sept 20 raw TOBE. Shlp.John Sldn , Bartlett, cleared....October 13 Sehr Roth H P er, Lenny, cleared.octoberi-i Sehr B N Hav as, Wyatt, up.October 13 Sehr Mary A '. ier, Tyler, up.October 14 PHILADELPHIA. Brig C V WiUlams, Williams, up.October lg Sehr E H Nayler, Nayler, cleared.October s Sehr S L Burns, Crosby, cleared.Sept io Sehr Z Steelmac, Chnrch, up.Sept 17 Sehr E A Hooper, Champion, up.Obtober 15 BALTIMORE Bark Virginia Dare, Bishop, up.Oct 15 Brig Abby Ellen, Foss, up.October 2 Sehr Mary A Eliza, Crowell, np.October ll ^-jyHITE l^AD, JTOLORS AND PAIN? Pure Raw and Double-Boiled LINSEED OIL English and American White Lead Paints in Oil, In great variety. ALSO, An extensive assortment of BRUSHES. For sale; by CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO. Corner Meeting and Cumberland streeiB, mch24 arno Charleston, S. O. B E L T I N G A large Stock of Leather and Robber BELTING and RUBBER GOODS, including Manhole and Handhole Gaskets, (ali sizes.) Hose, Sheet. Rub ber for packing, Pore Vulcanized Gum for valves, Ac ALBO, "Regulation" LEATHER HOSE, double-ri vete? and of approved manufacture. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 ?mo Charleston, s, O. JgAR IRON AND STEEL. English and American Refined, In bara English and American common, tn bars Boiler Plate and Sheet Iron Bolts, Nuts and Washers. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mcb24 arno Charleston. S. C. N AILS, NAILS, Ofthebest brands, including Parker Mills and CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO.'S unequalled "Nf Plus Ultra" CUT NAILS. ALSO, A fall Stock of Wrought and Cut SPIKES. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 arno Charleston. S. O. O IL! OIL1 OIL1 Winter sprained SPERM, Extra Lard C. B. A Co.'s Engine OIL Paraphene Spindle Olive OIL, Cotton Seed OU White Oak (Weat Virginia) OIL For i Us by CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO., Corner Meetlng^and Cumberland streets. mch24 omo ? Charleston. S. a g UPE R IO R COLOGNE WATER. Manufactured and for sale by Dr. H. BAER. od* 131 Meeting street. Y0 Slipping. R NEW YORK. ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. OLD LINE NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISHED 1845. SPACIOUS AND ELEGANT DECK STATE-ROOMS. The superior Side-wheel Steamship CHAMPION R. W. Lockwood, Commander, wlP leave Adger's Wharf as above. For Freight or Passage, apply to JAMES ADOER A CO, Agents. &~ The CHARLESTON follows on TUESDAY, October 25th, at 6 o'clock f. M._octl0-4 JP O R X E W YORK. ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20TH, AT 4 O'CLOCK P. M. NEW IRON STEAM LINE-ESTABLISHED 1870. STATE-ROOMS ALL. ON DECK. The Splendid New kon aide Wheel Steam? ship SOCTH CAROLINA, will Ball for New York on THURSDAY, October 20ta, at 4 o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves, connecting with Day Passenger Trams from Columbia and Augusta, arriving at half-past 3 P. M. Insurance by Steamers of this Line >i per cent. For Freight Engagements or Passage, having very Une state-room accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. OCtl7-4_ .pOR PHILADELPHIA THE REGULAR STEAM LINE-WEEEL ?*. The Screw Steamship E >I JP I Tl E, HERRING, Commander, will be dispatched for Philadelphia on SATURDAY 22d October, at 2 o'clock P., M.. from Brown's North Wharf. ?-Through Bills Lading will be Issued to Bos? ton and New York. Cotton rate to Philadelphia Jic per pound; Rice $1 60 per cask: Rosin 40c per barrel. For Freight engagements only, applv to WM. A. COURTENAY, OC120-3 No. 1 Union Wharf. F OR PHILADELPHIA THE LARGE IRON SCREW STEAMSHIP LEOPARD Will sall To-D AV, at 2 o'clock P. M., ^frOGm. and will take a limited qaantlty of RlcejS&iffifi or Cotton to Philadelphia, New York or boston. For freight engagements, apply early to WM. A. COURTENAY, oct20-l tfnlon Wharves. J3AC1FIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPY'S THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of the above line leave Her^gBflfc, Ko. 42, North River, foot of CanalS?Ji?B street, N?w York, at 12 o'clock noon, of the 4th and 20th of every month (except when these dates fall on Sunday, then the Saturday preced? ing. Departure of the 20th connect?t Panama with steamers for South Pacific and Central American ports. Those of 4th touch at Manzanillo. Steamship JAPAN leaves San Francisco for Ja? pan and China October 1, 1870. No California steamers touch at Havana, but go direct from New York to Asplnwall. One hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or other Information apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the wharf foot of Canal street, North River, New York. iF. R. BABY, Agent. BJojyI8-lyr_ ?pOR SAVANNAH, BEAUFORT, SEA? BROOK'S, PACIFIC LANDING, FENWICK'S IS? LAND. The Fast Steamer PILOT BOY, Captain John Sly, will resume her,_ route on TUESDAY, 27th September, ieavln* Fra ser's Wharf every .TUESDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock, for Savannah, Beaufort and Pacific Landing. Every FRIDAY MORNING, at 8 o'clock, for Beau? fort, Pacific Lauding, and Fenwick's RETURNING, Will leave Savannah every WEDNESDAY AFTEB KOON, at half-past 2 o'clock, touching at Sea? brook's, Beaufort and Pacific Landing. On the FRIDAY Trip, will leave Beaufort FRIDAY NIGHT, touching at all the Landings on ber way to Charleston. Every alternate FRIDAY, she will touch at Ch Iso tm's Landing. For Freight or Passage, apply on board or to J. D. AIKEN A CO., Agents, Bep22 Fraser's Wharf. ^TEERLY LINE TO SAVANNAH. THROUGH BY DATLIGHT. FOR PACIFIC LANDING. BEAUFORT, HILTON HEAD, SAVANNAH, DARI KN AND BRUNSWICK, GA. The favorite Steamer ELIZA HANCOX, Captain L. W. BURNS, will receive Freight at South Atlan- _ .?HT->a?. tic wharf for above points everym?Sm?^mZ TUESDAY, and leave on every WEDNESDAY MOEN INO, at 7 o'clock, arriving at Savannah the same evening, and leaving for Danen, Ac, the follow? ing morning. Returning, will leave Savannah for Charleston every MONDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. For Freight or passage, apply to IRAVENEL A HOLMES. seplO No. 177 East Bay. po R F LORIDA, TWICE A WEEK. FOR SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACESON VILLE, PILATELA AND ALL POINTS ON THE ST. JOHN'S RIVER. The Steamer DICTATOR, Captain George E. McMillan, will Bah fromi__ _ Central Wharf for above points every TUESDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, arriving back at Charles? ton every SUNDAY AFTERNOON, at s o'olock. The Steamer CITY POINT, Captain D. B. Vin? cent, will sall from Central Wharf for above points every FRIDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, arriving back at Charleston WE?N?SDAY AFTERNOON, at i o'clock. Fare from Charleston to Savannah, Including meals and berth, ta. J. D. AIKEN A CO., Agents, octlO_No. 5 Cent.ral Wharf. miME TABLE OF STEAMER "ARGO' -' JL FOR OCTOBER, 1870. DAYS OF LEAVING CHANGED TO TUESDATS AND FRIDAYS. FOR EDISTO AND ENTERPRISE, VIA JOHN'S ISLAND FERRY, CHURCH FLATS, YOUNG'S ISLAND, BEAR'S BLUFF, ?c. Th? Steamer "ARGO," will re- ? . ^JIT*****. celve Freight at South AtlanticMBK Wharf, on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, and leave as follows: CHARLESTON" EDISTO. Tuesday, 4th....12 M Wednesday, 6th, ll AM Friday, 7th, 2PM Saturday, 8th, 1 P M Tuesday, nth, 6* AM Wednesday, 12th, 6A M Friday, 14th, 8 A M Saturday, 16th, TAM Tuesday, 18th, UH A M Wednesday, l?th, ll AM Friday, 2lBt. 2 P M Saturday, 22d, 1 P M Tuesday, 26th, 6 A M Wednesday,26th, 5% A M Friday, 28tb, 8)? A M Saturday, 29th, 8AM For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or to DOUGLAS NISBET, Agent, South Atlantic wharf. N. B.-Freight and wharfage payable on the ff narr. . jBep30 JpiOR NEW YOEE-MERCHANTS' LINE. The Regular Packet Schooner LILLY, Hughes, Master, having her heavy Freight _ engaged, wants Cotton and light Freight, at low rates, to fill. WM. ROACH A CO. OCtl8-3 F OR LIVERPOOL. The small Al American Barque SHARPS BCRG, Rogers, Master, having three-fourths!_ of her cargo engaged, will be dispatched for tne above port. For Freight engagements, apply to STREET BROTHERS A CO., No. 74 East Bay, or octlg_BAGGETT A CO.. Atlantic Wharf. JPOR LIVERPOOL. The American Ship TRANQ?EBAR, Cap? tain, Haward, ls now loading, and will be promptly dispatched for the above port. For freight engagements, apply to C. N. HUBERT, QCU8-12_No. 12 East Bay JfOB LIVERPOOL. 500 BALES WANTED. The first-class Ship "WILLIAM H. MOODY," Hilten, Master, having the)_ larger part of ber cargo engaged and going on board, wants 500 hundred bales Cotton to fill up. For engagements, apply to J. A. ENSLOW A CO., oem , No. 141 East Bay. Y 0 E LIVERPOOL. The Al Ship ARRACAN. Captain H.^J Speneer, is loading, and will be prompt-SB ly dispatched . for the above port. For Freight engagements, apply to GEO. A. THEN HOLM A SON. octl3 No. 1 Broad street pOR LIVERPOOL. The Al (new) American Bark XENIA. ^L. Long, master, having more than one-half SHD her cargo engaged and going on board, will I promptly dispatched for the above port. For balance of freight room, apply to STREET BROTHERS A CO., QCt7 _No. 74 East Bay. QLD ?JAROLINA TJITTERS. A DELIGHTFUL TONIC. We take great pleasure in offering the OHL.? CAROLINA BITTERS to the public. They are compounded with great care, and contain some of tlie best. Tonics In the Pharmacopla. As evidence of the superiority of eur BITTERS over all others, we have certificates from many of the leading physicians in our State, who have prescribed them in their practice. Tne OLD CAROLINA BITTERS Will be found Invaluable for Want of Appetite, General Debility, Chilla and Fever, and Dyspepsia. We do not offer our BITTERS as a cure for all diseases, but as an Aromatic Tonic, they have no equal. For sale by Druggists and Grocers everywhere. Principal Depot, GOODRICH, WI VE M A V Ac CO.. Importers of Choice Drugs and Chemicals, Janl3 clyr 'm Charleston. 8. C. Setting fflcclimes. 1 WEED" FAMILY FAVORITE LOCK-STITCB MACHINE. are the heat in use. For sale on the Lease Plan, with monthly pay* ments, on easy terms, or for cash. All kinds of Machine attachments, Needles, Cotton, (white, black and colored,) Silk, Oil, Soap, Ac, Ac Repairing aa usual. Circulars and samples of work sent on application. D. B. HASELTON, General Dealer in First Class Sewing Ma? chines and Material, No. 307 King stree:, augn Charleston. S. C. .pA VIS & MILLER'S FLAVORING EXTRACTS IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES QUALITY STILL FURTHER IMPROVED. We beg leave respectfully to call the attentlot of the public to our Superior Flavoring Extracts. As ten years have now elapsed since we first In? troduced them to the notice of the American pub Ile, we deem lt unnecessary at present to ente: into a lengthy description of their merita, Aa There ia hardly a etty or town of any note In the country into which they have not found their way. The reason of this widespread popularity and dally increasing demand ls owing entirely to their peculiar excellence and Intrinsic worth. Being determined to make them the Standard Ex? tracts of the day, we have still further Improved their quality, and now we firmly and honestly be? lle vethat they stand without a rival Our Vanilla Extract cannot be surpassed for richness and delicacy of flavor. It ts a strictly pure and high? ly concentrated Extract of Vanilla B?ans. In short, we think it the best that is made, at least, this ls the decision of the best ; adges In -1. i coun? try. We don't pretend to compete ia price with many of the Bo-called Flavoring Extracts of thr day, which are really but worthless compounds, undeserving of the name. For quality and style, wc defy competition. DAVIS A MILLER'S PURE YEAST POWDER, A substitute for Yeast In making Hot Bread, Rolls and Batter Cakes of every description, hav? ing the advantage of making the dough or batter perfectly light, and ready for baking without delay, and greatly diminishing the liability to become sour. Many dyspeptics, who cannot tolerate fresh, light cakes when made with yeast, can eat them with Impunity when raised m this way. When used according to directions, lt ls war? ranted to make rich, sweet, light and nutrltlonf Bread and Biscuit, Muffins, Wallies. Corn Bread, all kinds of Griddle Cakes, also Bolled Puddings Dumplings, Pot Pies, Ac. PREPARED OKLT ET DAVIS & MILLER, BALTIMORE, MD. A. J. MILLER, Sole Proprietor. We have been appointed Agents for the State of South Carolina for the above desirable goods, and can offer them to the trade at proprietors' prices. GOODRICH, WD?EMAN A 00., Importera and Wholesale Druggists, mchl2 smwemosDAO Charleston, S. C. JJIPEFOR GAS, STEAM AND WATER,. Sole Agency of MORRIS TASKER A CO.'S Pa* cal Iron Works. At atore of CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo Charleston, s. c drags, Crjemicola, &t. pRTSICIANS, PLEASE NOTICE. Direct Importation GENUINE AND PURE MEDICINES. IODIDE POTASSIUM. Calvert's Carbouo Acid Citric Acid, Herring's Wine of Colchicun. Pnre Rhubarb Herring's Citrate Iron and Quinine Precipitated Chalk Price's Glycerine J. Collis Brown's Chlorodyne German Chloral Hyllrate. G. J. LUHN, Apothecary and Chemist, Southeast Corner Ring and John streets, may20-thstu5mos 'Charleston, S. C. A Nsw DISCOVERY 11 PHALONT 8 Salvii^onf? thc Hair. For Restorinftofr^Hair ito Original PHALON'S HVmi?N differs utterly from aji^thc "dyes,* " colorers/^fnd " restorers * (t?) in ?se. It acts on a totally deferent principle. It is limpid^ragrant, and per? fectly innocroijs, precipitates no muddy or iraient mat? ter, requires no shaldng up, and communicates noltain to the skin or the lincA No pap cr curtain is necessary to conceal its ty^rj^^appcarancc, for the sbjdcireason that it h not turbj?T It is, to all intents and pulses, A NIW DI KO V I RY in To?c?Qiernistry. IW PhlWs " VITALIA" is warranted to erKart a change in the color of them?r within i o days after the firstjapplica don, the direction/ being carefully observ?e" IT IS AS CJ^j? AS WATE* 1 AMD J?AS NO SEDIMENT. Price, f)ne Dollar per Box, TWO BOTTLES. SOLD BY ALIH^RUGGISTS. If your DruggtsV has not to Vitalia* on handf write, en? closing $l.oc^?nd we will forward it yslmediately. PHA1XI|? & S0N,# 517 Brmdwajt N. T. Sold at wholesale by DOWIE. MOISE A DAVIS. Wholesale Druggists, Meeting corner Hasel street. sep24-9tnth6mos_ ?Sl?ii)irierrj, C?eringg, &t. J^IDER GOVERNOR CUT-OFF ENGINES EORIZONTAL, VERTICAL AND INCLINED. Embracing, without complication, all the per? fections attained In the most complex ENGINES, the smallest sizes having all the excellence of the larger ones, a feature not possible in any other construction of high class expansion Engines. The greatest attainable economy and perfect regulation, by the most simple and durable mech? anism. A large number now in operation. Pamphlets and price list on application. DELAMATER IRON WORKS, Foot ot West Thirteenth street, New York. angl0-w*3mos* _'_ hgACON'S TRUNK ENGINES! FOR ALL PURPOSES. COMPACT, DURABLE AND EFFICIENT. BACON'S STEAM AND BELT HOIHT1TVG MACHINES, For Manufacturers, Stores, Docks, Ships, Ac. Price list on application. DELAMATER IRON WORKS. Foot of West Thirteenth street, New York. auglO-ws3mos?_ ?JgRICSSON'S CALORIC ENGINE. SAFE, ECONOMICAL. DURABLE,. USES NO WATER, REQUIRES NO ENGINEER. Having made arrangements for manufacturing this ENGINE on an extensive scale, we are now prepared to furnish to all desiring a light power, the beat and most economical Engine ever offered to the public. DELAMATER IRON WORKS, Foot of West Thirteenth street, New York. Branch Onice-JAS. A. ROBINSON, angio-wsamos*_No. 130 Broadway. J^JTEETING STREET FOUNDRY THIS SST AB LIS HM EXT is NOW FURNISHING TBS DI PBOVBD MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Of various eizep, on hand. Improved Vertical and Horizontal Com Mila, Sngar Mille, Sugar Boilers and Pans, of ali sizes. Horse-Powers and Gin Gearing, :rcm 6 to 16 feet In diameter. Improved Lever Cotton Presses, for Hand, Power, Saw and luce Mills. Machinery and Casiings of all descnptlons made te order. Particular attention paid to House Fronts and Castings for Buildings, Gratings, Cistern Covers, Sash weights, Ac, Ac WILLIAM S. HENERET, MACHINIST AND FOUNDER, NO. 814 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, 8 J. ang4 mws TJR. BING'S PILE REMEDY. For sale by DB. E. BABB. Julys ?etucgo -Starer). P t B E OS W E ? O _S T ? B C H. K T. KINGSFORD & SON, MANUFACTURERS. THIS STARCH has established greater celebrity than, any other ever obtained, and having re? cently doabled the capacity of their works, they will now be able to meet the ilemand. Their works are the largest of the kind in the world, the production being over twenty tons each day. : v' The great desideratnm in thc Starch, and that which is exceedingly difficult to secure, ia uniform . good quality. NOSE OF INFERIOR GRADES IS EVER WANTED BT THE CONSUMER; and every Grocer ls aware of the annoyance caused by even a slight variation In the quality. None below ttie standard is ever allowed to go out of the factory, and not a box has ever been returned to them as defective. IT WILL KEEP PERFECFLY SWEET FOR YEARS IN ANY CLIMATE. Mr. KINGSFORD has been engaged in the manufacture of Starch fur THIRTY-NINE YEARS, and' is the Inventor of the process of making CORN STARCH. The subscribers are sole Agents for Messrs. T. KINGSFORD A SON'S STARCH, and are prepared to? fu rn !ah the wholesale and retail trade at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. octl2-2mos_HENRY GERDTS ?fe CO, Agents. ?crus1 .fnrnisl}ing ?coos, &c. R E S H STOCK OF FALL GOODS. F STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS j STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS. FIT WELL LOW PRICED BEST MATERIALS MADE TO ORDER.' AT E. SCOTT'S STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM, [MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE THE MARKET. STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS STAR SHIRTS Jail and see the new and elegant assortment of Winter and Fall Underwear, Champion Braces, Lrnm?i?asTcanes, Scarfs, Tiea, Bows and Gents' Furnishing Goodsigenerally octs-emos "." N E VF FALL Drrj (goods. AND WINTER JUST OPENED AT GOODS 287 STOLE, WEBB King Street. co.,. 289' RETAIL .WHOLESALE WeSbeg to inform the ladles of Charleston that we have opened a largo WHOLESALE STOCK AT No. 289 KING STREET, ?pt the convenience of those Ailing Country Orders,. where they can get all. C1B.BRA8 of Goods by the piece, at Jobbmg rates, as low aa at any house in me tfty. Wft have.also^arranged our RETAIL STORE with special care forbidding to the comfort and convenience of thejladles and all who purchase C B|E A. I? DRY GOODS. We J re determ In?dito sell all styles of Goods at a very small auvance on coat, and hope thas onr friends;and all consumera orr the useful, as well as ornamental Goods lc our Une, win" give? ns a call before2>nrchaslng elsewhere. We have Just made very, large additions to our Stocks in both Stores. We beg. to call special, attention to a few leading styles: 1? 83S TJRESS? GOODS FROM AUCTION-CHEAP. A lot of FALL POPLINS, 28 [cents ~ All 8hadeslln?Plaln|Colored?Alpacas, at 28 cents, worth 40 cents-cheap Large lot of Detains, a good assortment of Poplins, Plain and Plaid, from 85 to 45 cents . All shades cisured ottoman;cioths,' at i86 cents. These are choice Goods. ; Also, the 4-4 Ottoman' i;iotcs-in all shades Large assortment ofiEmpress Cloths, ranging In price from 65 to 80 cent8 and fl. . Also, a CHEAP LOT OF FLANNELS, Longcloths, Sheetings, Brown and Bleached Shirtings, Ac, Ar. Toge the:- with every other article to be found in a DRY GOODS HOUSE, which we will sell lo w for cash, or city acceptance,; at . sepal_STOLL, WEBB & CO. insurance. TT NICKEBBOCKER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. ESTABLISHED 1858. ERASTUS LYMAN, Froeldont. GEORGE F. SNIFFEN, Secretary; INCOME FOR I860.$5,041,024- * ASSETS OVER... 7,600,000 Securely Invested nader stringent [Lire Insurance Law ot Kew York. This Company has deposited ? la State Bonds with Comptroller-General of South Carolina, as addltltlonal security to Local PoHcj holders. ordinary Life, Non-Forfeiture and Endowment Policies issued on every plan. Premiums payable an nu ally, semi-annually and quarterly. Rates of Premium are as low as any Company can offer and do a safe business. No extra charge for Southern residence. Cash and Reversionary Dividends proportioned on Contribution plan declared annually, and may ne used to reduce Premiums for ensuing year, or to Increase amount assured. A Loan of 33s tper cent, on amount of premiums allowed if desired. No restrictions on travel In any portion of the United States or Europe. " Loases promptly paid. sepO-6 s3mos WM. S. HASTIE k SON, General Agents for the Carolinas, No. 43 BROAD STREET, Charleston, S. C. Cotton QTies. Invented and Patented by a Virginian. Thia TIE combines the advantages of great strength, simplicity and ease la manipulation; and the di incur y of taking up the entire slack of the Band in the operation of pressing and compressing Ia entirely obviated. ... ^ From those who have used Hu m we have assurances that they are preferred to any Tie pre? vious', y triad. Belnf; Manufacture r's Agents for the sale of this admirable Tie in South Carolina, we have arr ampie st od. on hand from which we can fill orders from Planters or the Trade at the lowest market rates. ? W. C. BEE Sc CO., AGENTS FOR SOUTH CAROLINA, ADGER'S WHARF, octia-wfmlmo _ "/".NLY INFALLIBLE REMEDY \J KNOWN." "FREE FROM POISON, NOT DANGERO?8 TO USE." "COSTAB'S" RAT, ROACH, Ac, EXTERMINATOR Destroys them effectually and Forever. "COSTAR'S" BED-BUG EXTERMINATOR Certain, sure and quickly Prevented. "COSTAR'S" INSECT POWDER (ONLY PURE] Instantly Billa Roaches, Bed-Bugs, Moths and Insects* M&* For safety use only "COSTAR'S." Special Wholesale Agents at Charleston, GOODRICH, WIN EILAN A CO. Sold by all Druggists. may4-wTyrD*c JJOMOOPATHIC REMEDIES. A FULL ASSORTMENT just received hy DR. H. BABB, 'alys Ko 131 Meeting street. EISH HOOFING FELT THE BEST. CHEAPEST AND MOST DURABLB Material for Rooting known. For-sale by CAMERON. BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mcn24amo_Charleston. S. C. QUC?MBEE-WOOD PUMPS. The cheapest and best PUMP now in use. They give no taste to the water and are applicable ls every locality. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo Charleston, S. 0. SHAMPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended at their residences prompt:y and at reasonable rates. Send orders to , w. E. MARSHALL, Barber, 4 Broad street, next door to Telegraph tflloe. miy23