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mAJrCLAX XBTP COMMXMCIAX. The Charleston Stock?* Bond Market. HlKIET VA LIT! OP TH? STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER ?riirno GALLED AT THE CHARLESTON STOCK ?OARDVFOK THE WEEK ENDINO AUGUST 26,1870. [Published officially by authority or Etock Board.] ASKED. BID. QOld.V..%. 18 16 ' ' Southern Bank Billi. Bank of Camden. ^5 Bank of Cbeuer..... ix Bank of Georgetown. i~ Bank of Bjunburg. " BanS Of South Carolina....... ** Bank of Sute or South Carolina, 40 prior to 1861.?"ihifiii" Bank of State of South Caroona, ? after 1st January, 1861. * Commercial Bank^ Columbia....... ? Exchange Bans, Columbia,. . .. 1U Farmer? and Exchange Bank, Charleston. rr Merchants' Bank. Cheraw. 07 Planters' Bank, Falrfleld.. .. 07 State Bank, Charleston. 08)4 State Securities. State Bonds, old....... 76 State Bonds, issue or 1867. - so State Bonds, for funding bank notes..'.. 68 State Bonds, for conversion of BB curitles....... 88 Stud Stock, old. g State Stock, new. 00 Railroad Securities. S. C. Railroad and Bank Stock. ? CO 86 00 & a Railroad stock. ?00 8? 00 6 C. Railroad Six Per Cent. Bonds. nommai a C. Railroad Seven Per Cent. . Bonds. 75 50 74 00 northeastern Railroad Stock (capi tai?....Y... nommai northeastern Railroad Stock (pre ferred). nommai Northeastern Railroad First Mort gage Bonds, 8 Per Cent. 91 00 00 Northeastern Railroad Second Mon gage Bonds, 8 Per Cent. nommai Northeastern Railroad Certificates of Indebtedness.*. nominal Savannah and Charleston Railroad Stock....iV..... 29 00 .? Savannah and Charleston Railroad First Mortgage 7 Per Cent. Bonds. nominal Savannah and Charleston Railroad T Per Cent. "State guaranteed Bonds. nommai Charleston and savannah Railroad 0 Per Cent, state guaranteed _ Bonds.i-V,--i nomtaaJ Greenville and Columbia Railroad Co.Stock..A-.f'V nominal Greenville and Col nm ola Railroad 7 Per Cent. State guaranteed Bonde-... nominal Greenville and Colombia Railroad _ ' , 7 Percent. First Mortgage Bonds nommai Greenville and Columbia Railroad 77mer Cent. .Second Mortgage : Bonds...I......-?W. MW .. ^ Greenville and Columbia Railroad 7 Per Cent. Certificates of Indeb* i < - : edness.,....-.?.'-.. nommai . Cheraw and Darlington Railroad gtook.........7^777. R-jr;n sr. v" nominal Cheraw ? and Darlington Railroad -.; " t First Mortgage Bonds. nommai Cnertrw 1 ana -DarUna10n - Railroad Second Mortgage BondB. nominal Cheraw-and Darlington Railroad , Certificates ol Indebtedness. nommai Charlotte, Columbia .and Augusta Railroad stock. ?00 Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad First Mortgage Bonds... 8300 Spartanburg and Union Railroad State guaranteed Bonds. 60 00 60 00 Blue Ridge Railroad First Mortgage Bonds,.....".....'...-.... nominal : : Cltp Securities. Ctty-BaOway Stock.. 51*80 City of Charleston Six Per Cent. - Stock...-. 48 00 47 00 City of Charleston Fire Loan 7 Per Cent, Bonds...-.. 68 co 66 00 Cit j of Colombia 6 Per Cent, Bonds, nommai City of Colombia 7 Fer Cent. Bonds. nominal Bank Stock. First National Bank of Charleston !1 Stock.-. 120 00 .. ?People'sNational Bank Stock..:.... 10300 10200 Colon Bank Stock. 6 75 6 60 South Carolina Lean and Trust Company '..'.-/.?. 102 00 People's Rant Stock.. 600 476 Planters' and Mechanics' Bank Stock.4.... .. 215 Bank of Charleston Stock.... 2200 2100 Carolina National Bark Stock...... nommai Bank of Newberry Stock. 2 60 2 00 Bank of .Camden Stock. nommai ? MUcellaneoui Securities. Granitr7Qle Manufacturing Com-' pur- Stock. 86 00 88 00 Lari%ey Manufacturing Company Stock......'.-. nominal Batwvme Manufacturing Company Stock. ;. nomin al Chariest on -Gas Company Stock. 2100 20 00 Phosphate Stock. - Charleston Mining and Manufao- . . turing Company .Stock. 20000 Wando Mining and Manufacturing Company Stock. 826 00 276 00 Sulphuric Add and Superphos? phate Company Stock. nominal Marine and River Mining and Man? ufacturing Company Stock... 140 00 Atlantic Mining and Itanuf?ct ur lng Company Stock. par 96 00 Palmetto Mining and Manufactur? ing Company Stock............... nommai Chicora Mining and Manufactur? ing Company Stock. nominal Free Lilt. State er Georgia 6 per cent. Bonds, old../..'...'. nommai State of Georgia 7 per cent. Bonds, old..... nominal 8tate of Georgia 7 per cent. Bonds, new..2..'.. nommai City of Savannah 7 per cent. Bonds. old......*..nommai City of Savannah 7 per cent. Bonds, new. nommai - City-' of Augusta 7 per cent. Bonds, old.....:.,. nommai City of Augusta 7 per cent. Bonds, new.. nominal City of Macon 7 per cent. Bonds_ nominal City of Columbus 7 per cent. Bonds. nommai ? . Ci tv of Memphis 6 per cent. Bonds, old.7...". nommai City of Memphis 6 per cent. Bonds, new..V.. nommai City of Memphis 6 per cent. En? dorsed Bonds. nominal "Memphis and Charleston Railroad stock...nominal : Memphis and Charleston Railroad 7 per cent. First Mortgage Bonds nominal Memphis and Charleston Railroad 7 per cent. Second Mortgage Bonds nominal ' City <5f Atlanta 8 per cent. Bonds... nominal ' I Macon and Western Railroad stock, nommai Central Railroad of Georgia Stock.. nominal Georgia Railroad Stock...... nommai Macon and Augusta Railroad 1st Mortgage 7 per cent. Bond a.. nominal Macon and Augusta Railroad 1st Mortgage T per cent. Bonds, en? dorsed........... nommai Macon ana: Brunswick Railroad State Endorsed Bonds, 7 per cent, nominal Montgomery and West Point Rail? road 1st Mortgage 8 per cent. nommai Market continues very duh. Money scarce at ltf percent, premium on collaterals. Szportf xor tho Week ending Avgnst 841. FOREIGN. Lirra (SCOTLAND)-Per Br barken tine Wander? er-416 tons phosphate. DOMESTIC. Nsw YOF.T-Per steamship Sooth Carolina-4 bags sea Uland cotton, 749 bales upland cotton, lio Dales yarn, Ac, 50 tes rice, 166 bbls rosin. 24 bundle J paper, 46 rolls palmetto leaf, 23 bbls flour and ann dries-Per steamship Manhattan-492 . teles cotton, 38 tea rice, los bales yarn, 14 bbls ott, 680 bushels wheat, 25 bbls flour, 99 empty bar rels^iepkgs. PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship Salvor-102 bales cotton, 121 bales yarn, 63 tes rice, and sundries BALTIMORE- Per steamship Sea Gull-244 bales cotton, 260 tons phosphate rock, 98 casks clay, 4 hhda hides, 4 cases mdse, and sundries. BOSTON-Per sehr Montana-eil bbls spirits of .turpentine,.1638 bbls rosin, 60 casks clay, 5 tons j old iron. .Fer schooner A ? Glover-967 bbls rosin, 70O bbte* spirits turpentine,- so tons bones, . Noam WETMODTH (MASS)-Per sehr M C Mose lej-325 tons phosphate. 8HELTER ISLAND (1,1}-Per sehr Robert Palmer -340 tons phosphate. KicaaoND (YA)_Per achr Matoaka-300 tons phosphate. Tko Charleston Harket. [TOR THE WEEK ENDIN9 AUGUST 25.] THE CEOPS.-The general progress of the crops for the past week has continued favorable, and In many places the prospect never looked better. In the interior there are Borne cou,plaints of rust and occasional indications of caterpillar on the coast, bot these evils, np to this time, have only presented themselves in a limited form, and lt ls hoped that their development wm be confined to a narrow field. The new crop, with hot weather, is maturing well, and new bales are being received at all the leading points. A small lot or new Carolina rica was received during the week, and harvesting wui Boon bc general over the rice fields. THE RECEIPTS.-The supplies at the cotton ports for the week up to Friday last were 6287 bales, against 6517 bales the week before, and 1361 for the week the year previous. At New Orleans the receipts were 904'bales, agataBt 229 last season. The total arrivals at me cotton ports from Sep? tember 1,1869, opto the latest' mau dates, were 2,891,683 bales, in contrast with 2,117,765'bales ?the year before, showing an Increase of 773,918 bale*. Toe receipts at thc chief Southern centres intelligence, have been as follows : 1870. 1889. NewOrleaBS,Anrt24.Mg? gjg Mobile, . . ? . . - . ^0 353,456 Savannah, Augja8tZ4----- 198,008 ^^iTtST i"" 2*383 144,861 ???fai!.??.W MM? The arrivals at the chief Southern centres from Aneust 18th to the 24th, 1870, inclusive, ai re? ported by telegraph, have been as follows. This includes all points but North Carolina and over? land : NEW ORIJUNE Angustie. 60....August 19.. 221) August 20. 29... .August 22... 217 j- .4( August 28.. 120.... August 24... 10? J MOBILE August 18. 36.... August 19.. WOY August 20. 13.AUgUBt 22.. 7. ? 29! August 23. 1....August24... 22J SAVANNAH August 18. 59.... August 19.. 40 Y August20....... 140....August 22.. 186V 77 August 23. 107....August 24... 244J CHARLESTON AugnstlS. 263....August 19.. 2821 ... August20. 165....August 22.. US\ 109 AugU8t23. 133....August 24... 134 J GALVESTON Augnstl8... -....August 19.. -"I August20. 16....August 22.. 10 Y 3 Angust23. - ...:AugUSt24... 8J NORFOLK - August 18. - ...August 19..- -1 August20. - ...August 22.. -> - August 23. -.J_ Total.294 The arrivals for the corresponding week las year, were-bales. The stocks of the article m sight at the lates dates were as follows: STATISTICAL POSITION- "70. ISM Stock in Liverpool. S29>??? ^'S? Sf??m?. 389,000 590,00 Afloat from America. ?.OOO ?0,00 Stock in London. ?.?3? ?Mg Afloat for London. ftT Stock in Havre. 15S.W0 53,48 . Afloat for Havre. W.K? 118,27 Stock In Bremen.... 20,650 6,18 Afloat for Bremen. .JV.- ,7?Z Stock tn United States ports.. 86,458 14,38 Stock m Interior towna. 19,091 95 Total.^346,645 1,146,21 Excess in visible supply, com? pared with 1869. 290,3? Stock of cotton held by Man? chester spinners at the mills 66,000 140,00 Price of mid. uplandB in Liver? pool. 9@9Kd 13J?l Priced mid. upl'ds in N.York. I9??c 3>)?< Price of gold.17J<anx 32J? I The following is the latest intelligence of th .Bombay shipments, by special telegrams froi Finlay, Clark A Co.: 1870.- 1869. Gt. Brit. Oont. Gt. Brit. Con ? Ex ports 6th to 12th Au? gust, inclu . Sive. 19,000 6,970 1< Previously re? ported. 716,000 146,000 844,143 171,9; 735,000 146,000 851,113 172,0: Deficit to Great Britain.116.1 Deficit to Continent.27,0 The arrivals at this port for the week ha' been - bags of sea islands and Floridas ar 1093 ba es uplands, against - bags or Beal lands and Floridas and 1269 bales uplands tl week before, and 2 bags or s ?a Islands and Floi das and SH bales uplands for the same week la year. These supplies have come as follows: s: of uplands per South Carolina Railroad 1077 bal? per Northeastern Rallro id 16, Edisto 1. ? THE COTTON MAUSET.- -Thls article has exhlt ted a firmer character during the first of tl week, and prices ' stiffened, but closed dall, the foreign markets the staple opened at sj; a rb for middling uplands, Improved to 9 vd, ai receded to 9@9?d. At New York the rate coi menced at 19 vc, Improved to 20c and declined lOXc; while at this port middling uplands, wal .began at I7,v@i7,vc, hardened to 1: val:,Vc t* 1 . The folio wing will show the movements at Llv< pool and New York for this period. On Frida August the 19th, the former closed firm, uplan 8%d, sales 12,000 bales; the latter was quiet 19Kc sales 130.0 bales. On Saturday the form closed active and buoyant, uplands 9.vd, Bal 18,000 bales; the latter waa armer, uplands I9*j Bales 1300 bales1. On Monday the former w buoyant at 9vd, sales 15,000 bales; the latter w firmer at 20c, sales 600 bales. On Tuesday tl former was dull, uplands 9,H'd, sales 8,000 bale the latter was dull at ia vc, sales 950 bales. ( Wednesday the former was dull, uplands 9@9.v sales 10,000 bales; the latter was dull and easl at 19V c, sales 500 bales. Yesterday the former w: dull at 9@9Vd ; the latter was dull at 19^c ? 1 The transactions la this market for the wa have been as follows: On Friday, August l9t there was a fair inquiry, at fnll rates, bnt tl supply was light; sales of 125 bales; ordinary good ordinary being quoted at 13@16c, low mi diing 16V@17C, middling 17,v<ai:vc, and ?tri middling 17vc V rb. On Saturday there was fair demand at firmer rates, prices improving some cases about vc ? lb; sales 175 bales; on nary to good ordinary being qnoted at 13 v@iG. low middling 17, middling l7,v@i: V. and strl middling 18c $ tb. On Monday the inqu lry w moderate, and prices steady; sales near 100 bale prices unchanged. On Taesday, with some i qnlry and a light supply, the market was rath firmer, and prices very full; sales 110 bales; on nary to good ordinary being quoted at U@l6j low middling 17.v@l7,V, middling 17.V. and stri middling 16c 9 lb. Oa Wednesday prices we well sustained; sales 106 bales; ordinary to got ordinary being qnoted at 14@17, low mlddlii 17,V@17X, middling 1: V, and strict middling @16 Vc $ lb. Yesterday the market was qule and stock light; sales less.than 50 bales, arnot which were S at 15V; l a: ITV; 2 at 18; 5 at 18.' and 14 on private terms. Wc quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.14 @17 Low middling..17X@17V Midd Un g.17J?@ fi Strict middling.18 @18,v SEA ISLAND COTTON.-The market for th quality of the staple maintained a du ll charade j and there were no transactions. Buyers w ! await the developments of the new crop and tl progress of hostilities in Europe. Quotations a; omitted as entirely nommai. RICE.-Da the absence of stock the business I tljls grain has been unimportant. A small lot 1 new clean Carolina, the first of the season, an i.he earliest receipt ever known, was sold at ll '* lb, classed fair. The crop is maturing rapid 1, and with no disturbing influencer, eirly receip may be looked for, when the market will assam amore active appearance. Until rurther oper; tipne, quotations are omitted. NAVAL STORES.-The arrivals have been to fahr extent, and were about 2000 bbls. for tl week. There has been only a limited busmen doing, and we mote sales of spirits turpentine ? 35Kc;pale to extra pale roBln at $3 87?i@4 & dull and No. 1 at $2 so. HAT.-There have been received about 400 bait of thlB article-all North River qualities. Sales < this kind in a limited way have taken place : tl 50 fl hundred. CORN.-The market has been well supplied, an about 35,000 bushels have come to hand from Bait more, North Caro ina and New York. The art cl? ls doll, and jobbing sales of prime white ha^ taken place at $13S@l 40c f> bnshel, weight, bat Included, and jl30@i35c V bnshel for lnferi< white. OATS.-The arrivals of this grain have been iii eral. The trade ls mostly In a jobbing way i about 860 H bushel, weight, bags included, ft old, and 75c fl bushel for new. FLOUR.-Thia article ls in fair stock, a modera demand prevailing at slightly easier rate Northern and Western fine may be quoted at j y> bbl; super at $6 25?6 50 $ bbl; extra at f> ' @8 25 ft bbl, and family at $8 50@9 fi bbl. Soutl ern qualities from new wheat are In better supp] and are Fold at $7@7 50 for super. $8@8 25 f> bi for extra, and $9@io fi bbl Tor family grades. BACON.-Prime meat has maintained a stead figure, the stock being moderate and deman limited. Prime smoked ahoulders may be quote at 16KC fi ft, and prime smoked clear rib B des i 19@l9tfc V ft. Salt meats, there are ont little 0 the market, and they are somewhat nominal SUGAR AND MoLASs>8.-The BtockB are Ugh but good to prime grocery sugars may be quote al ll,H@12c fl ft. Muscovado molasses may t quoted dull at 42@43c In hdds, and 45@4ec fi ga lon in bbls. BOTTER AND LARD-There ls a fair Btock c prime Goshen. We quote good to prime at 35< 450 V lb; Chicago prime 29@30c V lb; Wee tern and other lower grades sell front 2O@S0c fl B> i country do at 25@30c ? lb, as io quality. Lard 1B in good supply, and is held at I8?c. BAIT.-About 2700 Backs were received coast, wise. Lots from store Belling at $140?i 50 ?? sack. INDIA BAGGING.-There ls some limited inquiry for this article We quote" 31@32c "ft yard. Dundee hagging, 44 inches, 1?? ?s for the yard, ls held at 2Sc. IRON BANDS AND TIES Tor cotton, of the raosr^ approved patterns, are offered on the marl-ct al 8@7c fl ft? TIMBER ixb LUMBER.-The ms->et for this arti? cle is dull. We quote timber, mr muling purposes from $5?7. Shipping, timber $8@14; 4-4@5-4 flooring at $11@12 $ M. Bright lumber, good merchantable, Crom city milis, cut to size, from i $15@22 fl M. by the cargo. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam direct nominal; via New York, 7-16d on uplands, U-16don sea Islands; by sall nominal. To Havre ( nommai. Coastwise - to New York, by Bteam, Kc on uplands and ?c on sea islands; $1 oe fl tierce on rice; by sail, ?c on j cotton; - ? tierce on rice; 40c ft barrel on roeta; $7@$8 ? M on lumber; $9@10 * Mon tim? ber. To Boston, by Bah, ?@Xc ? lb on upland cotton. To Providence, $8 fl M on boards, ?c 1 fl lb on cotton. To Philadelphia, by steam, Kc ft ? on uplands; by sall, $7 TP M on boards; $9 on timber; $3 fl ton oh clay, and $S@3 50 on phosphates. To Baltimore by steam, ?c ? rn; by saU, $6 60@7 fl M on boards; $3@3 25 fl ton ; on phosphate rock. Vescels are In demand by ' our merchants to take lumber freights from ' Georgetown, S. C., Darien and Satilla River, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and ' $10@12 fl M are rates on lumber and boards. EXCHANGE-STERUNO BILLS.-The rate yester j day was nommai for 60 day bills. I DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks are parchas 1 lng sight checks on New York par to J? prem.; 5 days ? off; 10 days ? off; 15 days & off; 20 days -; 80 days -.. They are selling sight checks at premium. GOLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying at ' 16 and selling at 17@19. Marketa by Telegraph. FOREIGN. 1 LONDON, August 25.-Noon-Consols 61Bonds i 68?. Bank rate reduced 4 per cent. Afternoon.-Bonds 87. Evening.-Turpentine firmer at 29s. Latest.-Consols 91 ?; bonds 87? Sugar active. ? LIVERPOOL, August 2?.-Noon-Cotton opens i doll; uplands 9a9?d; Orleans 9?a9?d; sales 6000 bales. 'Afternoon.-Cotton, downward tendency. Pork ? 1803. Lard dull. Beef dull at 123s ed. Evening.-Cotton closed with an upward ten? dency; upland 9d; Orleans 9';d; sales 9000 bal ;s; } export and speculation 2000 bales. Corn 30s. ) Tallow 45s Cd. FRANEFORT, August 25.-Bonds heavy at Bl ??a ? 91 ) DOMESTIC. j NEW YORE, August 25.-Noon-Flour firm. I Wheat quiet and firm. Corn steady. Pork $28. . Lard firm. Cotton quiet and weak; uplands 19&c; :. Orleans 20?c; sales five hundred bales. Turpen . tine39?a40c. Rosin; strained $190. Freights t Arm. Stocks dull. Gold 17?. Money 4a5 per j cent. Sterling, long 9? ; short 10?. Bonds ll ? ; , Tennessees 62;new 59?. Virginios 64?; new 62. Louisianas 70; new 64. Levees 72; eights 66. Ala . bamas, eights 97?; Aves 70. Georgia, sixes 62?; ? sevens 91?. North Caiollnas 51?*'; new i9. South i Carolinas 80; new 72?. ? Evening.-Money easy at 4a6per cent. Ex 1 change doll and nominally unchanged. Gold .;. Governments heavy and lower. Slxty ) twos ll?. Southerns dull. Tennessees and Vlr l glnias Eomewhat stronger. Cotton dull and un . changed; sales 1000 bales; middling uplands - I9?c Flour-State and Western firmer, leas ac* , tlve; superfine $5 40a5 66; Southern steady; com 9 moa to fair extra $6ac 90. Wheat quite firm; t winter red and Western amber $140al 42; white r Southern $1 65al eo. Corn unchanged. Beef 3 quiet. Pork $27 95a26. Lard steady. Whiskey , 94>?a9t'C. Groceries dull. Turpentine quiet. Rosin 3 firm. Tallow 9?a9?c. Freights firmer;on wheat i by steam 5?ae?. ? BALTIMORE, August 25.-Flour unchanged. ; Wheat active; white $140al 65. White corn $l 05 ! al 12; Southern yellow 90a95c. Provisions un , changed. Whiskey 92a93c. CINCINNATI, August 25-Flour dull and un i changed. Corn dull at 77a78c. Whiskey duh at , 90891c. Pork $28 50. Shoulders 14?; clear sides ; 17 V. Lard 16. LOUISVILLE, August 25.-Bagging active at i 2P-;a30c. Flour declining; extra family $5 50. i Corn unchanged. Mess pork $29. Shoulders 14?; clear sides is?. Whiskey Ola92. ; ST.LOUIS, August 25.-Hempen bagging Arm and i unchanged. Flour and corn dull. Whiskey 94c. i Provisions quiet. Bacon, on orders, shoulders . l4?c; clear sides I8?c. Lard 16al6?c. AUGUSTA. August 25.-Cotton dull and easier; ; sales 106 bales; receipts 50; middlings I7?al7?c. i SAVANNAH, August 25.-Cotton opened active, ; but is now quiet; offerings very light; low mid? dlings 17?al7?c; sales 200_bales; net receipts . 137; stock 1284. MOBILE, August 2.\-Cotton easy, middlings I7?al8c; sales 50 bales; net receipts 34; exports coastwise l; stock 9358. GALVESTON, August 25.-Cotton quiet and firm; good ordinary 15c; net iecelpts 27 bales; stock 5234. NEW ORLEANS, August 20.-Cotton dull, and tendency down; middlings I7?al7?c; net. re? ceipts 68 bales; coastwise l; total 69; exports to Great Britain 703; coastwise 1017; stock 29,316. Sterling 29?a30. Sight ? premium. Gold 17. New York Rice Market. From the Dally Bulletin, August 23 : The mar ket is fairly active and steady for the best grades, but on common sorts the feeling is rather un? settled. Sales of 160 bags Patna at 8?e, and 300 bags Rangoon at 7a7?c; Carolina common to good per cwt $8 75a9; Carolina prime to fancv pi.r cwt $9 2589 37?; Rangoon per lb 7a7?; Ran? goon, gold in bond, per lb 3?a3?. From the Journal of Commerce : The market is rather quiet. Prime grades are scarce and fairly steady, but the poorer qualities are dull; soo bags Rangoon, duty paid, sold at 7a"?c, currency, and 175 bags Patna at g?c. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, August 24.-TURPENTINE-Only 90 bbls received, which sold at $2 26 for soft, and $1 20 for bard, per 28u lbs. SriRrrs TURPENTINE-Sales 201 bbls at 35?c per gallon lor Southern. ROSIN.-Sales of 3035 hWs at $i 50 for strained, and $2 60 for No. 1. TAR.-18 bbls sold at $2 per bbl. Norfolk Market. NORFOLK, August 23.-COTTON.-Receipt s for the week 366 bales. The demund ls light, and confined to the better sorts, for wh ch. in straight even lots, there ls a fair inquiry at 16?c; but for the lower grades and inferior there is no demand, and buyers for it are scarce at a large deduction. There ls considerable badly mixed, packed cotton remaining, which is hard to pla-e at any price. The tone of the market for beat sorts is a little strengthened today by better news. CORN.-Receipts 10,700 bushels. There is a steady, small demand. Sales early in the week at $105al 07 F r white; bat at the close there is some weakness, and the highest rates are not maintained. Unsound, heated und fly-cut, out of-order corn is not so saleable; for such 90aMe ?has been accepted. Interior Cotton Markets. MACON, August 23.-Receipts to-dav 8 bales; sales 55; shipped 133. The market ls steady and firm at I6?c for low middlings. Demand mode? rate and offerings light. ATLANTA, August 23 -The market closed at 17c for middlings; 15 for low middling; 14 for good ordinary; 13 for ordinary. MONTGOMERY. August 23-Our cotton mar? ket ls qalet and unsettled. POST CALENDAR. MOON'S PHASES. ?rat Quarter, 4th, 3 hours. 31 minutes, morn lng Full Moon, nth. 3 hours, 63 minutes, morning Last Quarter. 19th, 2 hours. 30 minutes, morning. New Moon, 26th. 4 hours, 5 minutes, evening. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday... Friday...... Saturday... Sunday. SUN. RISES. 6. .29 6..29 6.. 30 6..31 6..SI 6..32 5. .33 SDN SETS. 6 36 C. 34 6..33 6.. 32 6. 31 6..30 6..28 MOON R. ? a I..11 4.. 6 2.. 0 5.. 2 2..67 6..59 3..66 6..48 Sets 7. 36 7..27 R..24 :.. 5 9.. 4 man WATER ?SW NJ OD I-- X3 SS : *. CFS??: : . . . f 50 -so. : : . I ; ? a. a aa; ? ? ??Sr?Sr Sr ? >>>> S = co a c aces IUI g g |g|| -S5o? g s s?ss Ssl* c?5SS?: a lliliffggil? .3288*. S o> I fc 3 ? S - ? ? B?? - S a'fbVio _6S^?SS SSSS S iLlss???'ii fl Ego O rr S! " ' t?K QIC . "tc"i S5: : g?gSS. s -Si : i S: : y . v> : ct 8g? -,Se??S-' ? ?2Sgl'??S8l Sg ss M IO M _?O>JD so -1 >-> ?? fci 00 in t? 5> ?O *. CO *C5 rf^-OCisoptceO-JtO 3 ? S3? o *2 -g : ?ito o ; 588: I* O IO ! il .S S ; S 8 : Vf . y>-Vs ? co . OD C tc > "tc *a> ? 'oi'a > i?to. eo 5 1 *c - o . 0 > o - 35 c ? I* . * O??0 J* an cc - T ri . . O 1: - - -j s ^ ?. c : ? . . <c -? s ii M g S ? S ? - . o ; jo ro IgfiiSfsgits SSS: ?gggiS: |s Sil ce ?1 So .o _ NOTE,-We have deducted from New Orleans 05,058 bales uplands, from Mobile 1124 bales, from Savannah 6605 bags Bea island and 93 bales up? land, and from Charleston 4720 bags sea Island and 178 bales upland-the quantities received at those ports from Mobile, Florida. Texas and Savannah. Charleston Wholesale Prices. ARTICLES. PRICES. BAGGING, fi yara Bundee. 25 @ 46 Gunny Cloth. 31 & 32 New York Double Anchor, 44 inches, 2>?ths. 35 <a BALE KOPE, .ft lb Manilla. a Western.!!*.! '? a 12* Jute. @ BITTER-Goshen. 30 S 40 County..... a a 30 COTTON, ft re Ordinary to good ordinary.... 14 ? 17 Low middling. V)i? 17? Middling to strict middling... 17#a 18?4 Good middling. a Sea Island. 40 @ 100 COFFZB, ft ft RIO. 20 ? 22 Lagnayra. 24 a 26 Java. 28 fi 30 FERTILIZERS- . Carolina Fertilizer, ft 2000 lbs. 60 00 @ Wando Fertilizer. 60 00 @ Double Refined Poudrette. 30 00 @ Niles'Phosphate. 63 00 @ Peruvian Guano, ft 2240 lbs...loo 00 @ Pacific Guano, ft 2000 lbs. 65 00 @ Phoenix Guano. 66 00 @ Baugh's Phosphate, ft 2000 lbs 60 00 @ Rhodes' Phosphate, ft 2000 lbs 65 00 @ Rhodes' Standard Manure ($65 time). 57 50 @ Orchilio Guano ($40 time). 35 00 @ Land Plaster. 13 00 @ 15 00 Mapes' Super Phos, ft 2O00 lbs. 65 00 @ Woolston's Phosphate of Lime 65 00 @ Wooiston's Vege'or, ft 2000 lbs 66 00 @ Croasdale's Gen. Sup.rhos. net 60 00 @ Bowers' Complete Manure, net 60 00 a gardy's Phos. Peruvian, cash. 65 00 ? Sardy's Pacific Guano, cash... 60 00 <a Patansco Guano. 65 00 @ E- Frank Co's Amtuoniated Bone Phosphate.60 00 @ Coe's Pure Dissolved Bone.... 02 00 a Whann's Superphosphate.05 00 @ 75 00 Etiwan Guano, Nol ($60 time) 54 00 @ Etiwan Guano, No 2 (?60 time) 63 00 @ Zed's Ammonlited Bone Phos? phate ($:o time). 60 co a Russel Coe's Ammonlated Bone Superphosphate ($65 , ?hne). 60 00 @ FLOUR, ft bbl Fine. 6 00 @ Super. 6 25 @ 6 60 Northern and Western Extra. 7 25 @ 8 25 Baltimore Extra. @ Southern-Super....'.!.. 700 @ 7 50 Extra. 8 00 @ 8 25 Family. 8 00 @ 10 00 GRAIN, fi bushel Maryland Oats. 75 @ 85 Western Oats. a "Corn. 1 30 @ 1 40 HAT, ft cwt North River. 1 50 a LUMBER, ft M feet Clear White Pine, first quality. 50 00 @ 66 0o White Pine, good run. 38 00 @4000 Yellow Pine.2000 a 24 00 Boards, rough. ll 00 fi 12 00 Grooved and tongued 28 00 fi 32 00 MOLASSES, ft gallon Cuba. 31 a Muscovado. . 42 & 4C. Sujrar-house. 60 fi 1 00 New Orleans. 77 @ NAVAL STORKS, fk fbi Tar. a Pitch. & Rosin, pale. . 3 70 @ 4 25 Rosin, No. l. . .. 190 @ 3 00 Rosin, No, 2. 1 35 @ 1 CO Rosin, No. 8. 1 30 & Spirits Turpentine, ft nil?n.. .. @ 35;.: Oakum, ft ft. 16 @ .. " NAILS-American 4#20d" ft keg sos @ 7 00 POWDER-Dupont's,F.F.F. g.... 6 00 @ Dupont's, F.F.P. 5 00 @ Dupont's. Blasting....'.'^..'.... 4 00 & PROVISIONS, ft ft Becon, Hains. 24 @ 27 .cid0fl. ?9 fi 19;j Shoulders. 16?@ Strips. 20 @ Lard, in keg. 18>i@ 19 Butter. 30 fi 40 Cheese. 35 @ 30 Potatoes, Irish, ft bbl. 2 00 @ 3 00 Sweet. 3 50 fi 4 00 Onions. @ Apples. . .... ?. @ Eggs. 25 ? 30 Poultry-Chickens, ft doz.... 3 00 @ 4 00 Fowls, fl doz. 5 00 a 6 00 RICE, fi ft-Carolina. @ East India. @ SALT, ft sack-Liverpool, coarse 3 40 @ 1 50 Liverpool, Une. a SUGAR, fi ft-Raw. a Porto Rico. a Muscovado. 30 @ 13 V BEESWAX-fi ft. 38 a 40' iti?ES. Green-fi ft. 08 a Dry. 18 a CHESTNUTS- fi bushel. 4 00 @ Storks of Cotton in the Interior Towns not Included in thc Iteceipts. Augusta* Ham 'g.... Augun 19 2,470 200 Macon, Ga.August 19 3,203 72 Columbus, Ga.: .-.August 19 2,200 200 Montgomery, Ala.August 19 2,380 140 Selma, Ala.August 19 1,485 162 Memphis, Tenn.August 19 4,2*7 170 Nashville, Tenn.Angustio 3,148 68 Total.. 10.091 968 Export? o?* Rice, Naval Stores and Lam? ber from the Port ot* Charleston, from September 1, 1869, to Angnst ?5,1870. 'EXPORTED TO 1869-'70. 1898-69. Bbls. Feet, Bbls. Feet. Boston. New Torfe... Philadelphia. Baltimore... Sew Orleans. Mobile.! Provid'ce.RI.I Oth'rDSP'rts T'al Coastw'se 20,11 17.666 8,040 2,829 249,022 3,788,048 1,403,150 1,696,316 13,254 10,130 5,269 3,674 Barcelona. Maj'&AM'ket. WeBt Indies.. Halifax, NS.. St John's, NB. London. Bristol, Eng.. Liverpool. Havre. 756,140 2,305,264 49,482 10,131,940 32,227 3,777 466,125 6,316,132 2,668,173 3,229,265 3,066,181 1,002,781 15,726,647 2,639 206,000 96| 1,290,302 - I. 4121 2,107,928 4,631 9,134 Montevideo... Great Britain. Rio de Janeiro Australia. Total Foreign. Grand Total 10,630 28,268 ?.750 2,963 17,844 308,124 868.711 512,898 2,978,035 13.109,975 12,809 36,56; 68,794 367,089 2,681,617 18,408,264 Comparative Export? of Cotton and Rice from the Port of Charleston, from Sep? tember 1,1609, to Aaguat 23. 1S70. EXPORTED TO 186?-'70. S. I.iUp'd. i Rice iBtt-*m. S. I. ?p'd. Rice Liverpool. Other Br. Ports Ton G. Britain Harre. OHier Fr. Ports Total France.. 0702 6702 80565 724 4023 49789 80585 724 4023 49789 656 653 1269 1269 347 N. of Europe Tot'l N. Europe S.of Europe.. W. Indies, Ac. Total F. Ports.. Boston. Rhode Island.. New York. Philadelphia... Bait. 4c Nr'folk 1338 1338 7258 6659 69851 132 3061 119 1127 0521 652 2404! 4023 62845 35 6115;117069 14506 10, 10599; 3036 ....I 152041 5797 333 . 4254 Oth. TJ. S. Ports Tot'l Cse Ports Grand Total. ! 128481235784?28889 145933J27712 7137 1751 3192. 101593,1.--461 ,.| 107021 3071 151 194791 6399 43 109 1402 3310 7333 142212:30084 195067,30154 Export!. GLASGOW-Per bark Eva H Fisk-700 bbls rosin, 025 tons phosphates. Receipt? by Railroad, Angnst 25. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 193 bales cotton, 87 bales goods. 47 bids naval stores, 605 sacks flour, 160 bul* flour, 340 sacks bran, cars lumber aud wood. To W W Smith, G H Walter A co, E J Wlss A co, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, W C Cour:ney A co, J Adger A co, Claghorn, Herring A co, J N Robson, Stenhouse A co, J M Reamer. J C Mollonee, Caldwell .t Son, Wagner & Murdaugh, Dowling A co, Smith A Chapeau and Frost A Adger. MAMINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, S. C., AUGUST 26 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Merchants' Line sehr Florence Rodgers. Shep? pard, New York-0 days. Mdse. To W Roach A co, J E Adger A co, Adams, Damon A co, E Bates A co, C D Ahrens A co, U Dischoff A co, W M Hird A co, E E Bedford, T W Bliss, ur Daer, C Bart A co, C Berbusse, ll Bulwlnkle, Bollmann Bros, T M Cater, Crane, Hov la ton <fc co. Cameron, Barkley & co, A F Chevereux, R Caldwell, Met) Cohen, J c ll Claussen. Dowie, Moise A Davis, I L Falk A- co, J S Fairly A co, C D Francke, C Gravely, Goodrich, Wlneinnn A co, Guy A Kinloch, Hart A co, G S Hacker, A Johnson, J P Keip, U Klatte A co. Wm Marscher, Kinsman A Rowed, C LUlenthall. Mul? ler A Wieters, Murphy A Little, S R Marsh-ill. J F O'Neill A Son, Man tone A co, B O'Neill, W A Per? ry, J ll Peterman, Pelzcr, I-odgers A co, S U Rail? road Agent, N E P.allroad Agent. Steffens, Werner A Ducker. Ravenel & Holmes, w Sheppard it co, O A Trenholm A Son. Mrs A Tannl-iasou. Wagner A Monsees, P P Toale, G W williams A co, J N M Wohltmann. J ll Wurhmann. L Weiskopf. North, Steele A Wardell. ?V G Whil Jen A co, and S Yea? don, behr Clara Montgomery. Borden, New York-4 day*. Acids and mdse. To W Roach A co. Rail? road Agent, Wando Mining and Manufacturing Compauy, Adams, Damon A co, J E Adger A co, C D Ahrens A co, Bollmann Bros, ll Bulwinkle A co, J J Boesch, W M Bird A co, F C Borner. JOH Claussen, dane, lioylston A co, Cameron, Bark? ley A co, J Campsen A co, E R Cowperthwalt, W C Dukes A co, Dowie, Moise A Davis, D F Fleming A co, C Gravely, J W Harrisson, J S Hyer, Hart A co, T M Horsey, Huger A Ravenel, J K Heath, S R Marshall, Holmes A Calder, Kinsman A Howell, Kllnck, Wickenberg A co, Ostendorf A co, A O Stone, B O'Neill, W Sheppard A co, Steffens, Wer? ner A Ducker, P P Toale, J Wiley A co. G W Wil? liams A co, Walker, Evans A Cogswell, Wagner A Monsees, W L Webb, Mulford A Sprague, J C W, J B Falser, Order and others. Sehr L N Novell, McLaln, New York-5 days. Corn and oats. To J A Enslow A co, and W B Smith A co. Sehr Helene, Horton, New York-6 days. Salt. To W Roach A co and G W Willlama A co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bark Eva H Fisk, Em. ry. Glasgow-Street Bros A co. SAILED YESTERDAT. Sehr D Talbot, Amesbury, Wilmington, Del. FROM THIS PORT. Sehr J M Fitzpatrick, Smith, Philadelphia, Au? gust 22. Sehr Dearborn, Peters, Jacksonville, Fla, Au? gust 22. List of Shipping Us' THE PORT OF CHARLESTON, ACOOST 25. Vessels under 100 tons, and steamers coasting within the State, excepted. STEAMSHIPS. Champion, 1418 tons, Lockwood, at Adgcr's wharf. for New York, loading-James Adjrer A co. J W Everman, Cid tons, Hinckley, at Brown A co's wharf, for Philadelphia, loading-W A Courtenay. Maryland, 531 lons. Johnson, nt Union wharf, for Baltimore, loading-Paul C Trenholm. BARKS. Eva H Fisk. 562 tons. Emery, at Atlantic wharf, for a Port in Great Britain, ready-Street Bros A co. Flori M Uulbiirt,494ion.<\ Ililey, at Atlantic wharr, for ?Port in Great Britain, loading-W Roach A co." Times. (Br,) - tons, Bryant, at Quarantine, from Bermuda, waiting-B 3 Rhett A Son. Kathleen, (Br,) -tons. Lester, at Accommodation wharf, from Liverpool, discharging-H caul. Vinco, (Br,) 434 tons, Doyle, In ihe Stream, from Middleboro', Eng, just arrived-H Card. BRIGS. Lewis Clark, 209 tons, Cobb, a: Kerr's wharf, from Baltimore, discharging-J A Enslow A co F H Jennings, 320 tons, Noble, at N E Railroad wharf, for Boston, loading-W Roach A oo. James Crosby, 179 tons, Baldwin in Ashley River, for Providence, loading-H F Eaker A . co. SCHOONERS. N W Smith, 365 tons, rooker, at Marshall's wharf, for New York, loading-W Roach A co. Lilly, 412 tons, Hughes.ln Ashley River, for New York, loading-W Roach A co. " Wantanga, 127 tons. Munro, lu Ashley River, for Providence, loading-Master. E J Palmer, 197 tons, Smoot, in Ashley River, for Bait more, loading-Street Bros A co. D F Keeling, 209 tons, Robinson, in Ashley River, for Baltimore, loading-Street Bros A co. Mott BedelL 177 tons, Bedell, at Brown 4 co's wnarf, from Norfolk, Va, ?Usckarging-Mas ter. B N HawklnB, 369 tons, Morris, at Auger's wharf, from New York, dlscharing-W Beach A oo. Minnie Reppner, 344 tons, w?ekB, at Fairchild's wharf, from Baltimore, dlscharging-H F Baker A co. Zeta Psi, 234 tons, Thompson, at Johnson's wharf, from Philadelphia, discharging-H F Baker A co. L N Lovell, 162 tons, McLaln, at Atlantic wharf, from New York, discharging-J A Enslow & co. Florence Rogers, - tone, Sheppard, at Adger's wharf, rrom New York, discbarglng-Wm Roach A co. Helene, - tons. Horton, at Union wharf, from New York, discharging-Master. Clara Montgomery, - tons, Borten, at Wando Company's wharf, from New Turk, dlvchorg ing-W Roach A co. LIST oFv?SSELS OF, CLEARED AND SAILED FOB THIS TORT. F o R?T? G N . LIVERPOOL. Tlie R B Cove, Harkness, np.July 12 Bark Aiinie Kimball, Stineon, up.July 16 DOM E~8 TIC. BOSTON. Brig Minnie Abbie, Barding, cleared.. .Augast 21 NEW TOBE. Brig C V Williams, Thompson, cleared..Angnst 18 Sehr Matilda Brooks, Jones; cleared... .Angnst 20 Sehr Traveller, Hodges, cleared.Angnst 6 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Geo B Squire, Tlmmons, np.July 23 Sehr Jos Segar, Ellis, cleared.Angnst 21 BALTIMORE. Sehr Ida Richardson, Bedell, np.Angnst 13 Sehr J H Stickney, Fooks, np.Angurt 18 OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS remaining In the Postoffice at Charleston, for the week ending August 25, 1870, and printed officially in THE DAILY NEWS, as the newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston. Ja?-Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should state that they are "Advertised." 49~ Office hours from 8 A. M. to 6% P. M. On Sundays, from 5tf to 63? P. M. STANLEY G. TROTT, Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Adams, Miss Gaillard, MissD Mitchell,Harriet Annie E B Miles. Anna Adams, Amelia Gates Charlotte Mnrelster, Miss W Ged dis, Emeline M Allison, Patsy Gibson, Abbie Morris, Catherin Jane (col'di Clover, Mrs II I Morrison, Elvira Anderson, Ma- Goddard, Mrs Murry, Mary ria Winiam McCormick, Armitage, Lau- Grave, Dianah Maggie ra M McCabe, Mrs M Anson, Rebecca Graham. Miss E Bennett, Mrs A LUCY M UcKeepan. Ann G Grant, Rinah McMalister.Mlss Bernhardt, Mrs Gunnell, Georgi- Mackey C tl enna Sights, Sarah Benson,Alice W Hay, Mary A Ann Bnhlnjan, Mrs F aaren.-, R Gene Sevens, Mrs L W via Dowd Nolen. Jane Buce, Henrietta Harrison, Sarah?>orrls, Carrie brown, Juda Ann O'Connor, Mrs Brown, Susan E Haney, Alice ! c M Brown, Eliza C Harvey, Nancey iOhland, Mrs A Brown, Emma Haig, Susan M orciade, Emily Brown, Matilda]Harmon, .Mrs [Farmer, Rebec Brown, Margret i Ann ca Brown, Miss Hargrave, Fie- Patterson, Rosa Francis leila Philips, Sarah Byrne, Mrs John Hargls, Miss Philips, Mts U L Burley, Mrs Wm Hannan W Reed, Mrs Caro H Hayward, Miss line Capera, Mrs Eu- s Ren? ty.Bridget genia Bett, Kate Rivers, Maria Casey, Mary D HUI, Ann Rogers, Sarah Calvin. Isabella Hogarth, MIPS Roddy, Mrs Cane, Janey F V ROBS, Charity Carrold, Clara Hudson, Mrs Al- Rodlft, Ann Campbell, Nan- lert Sandes, Mrs A cey Jackson, Miss Sassard, Mrs Chap?n, Jose- Lizzie Henrietta phlne Jackson, Cathe- Schmidt, Mrs H Cherry, Miss C rln Scheper, Mrs M Jacobs, Virginia Soppble Cblsolm, Miss j Jones, Susan L ?Scott, MrsGrace Henry Jones, Ann F Scott, Mary E Connelly, Jesse Jones, Anna Seymour, Miss M Marla Minnie Cook, Miss He- Johnston, Eliza Sch.osser, Mrs neh O Geo Conklln, Marga-'Kennedy, Mrs J Shlon. Ella ret c 'Kennedy, Eliza Sheridan, Marla Crosland, Mrs iKeith, Susan Simmons, Marla Ellen (col'd) Simmons, Mar Curt Ls, Mrs Kos ah, Annie tha Jane .Lausoc. Mary Smith, Katie Cunningham, ?Ladson, Venus.Smith, Marie bridget Lalo, Rosanna Smalls, Mrs T Davis, Miss B Legree, Rosa steedmen. Miss Davids, Ange- Lewis, Cathrine Stewart, Miss line Lewis, Mrs A W Ann Descoreps, Mrs Love. Mrs Chas S&msar, Susan Dickerson, Rosa Loyal, Marnte A Sullivan, Han Duley, Kate Lucas, Jane nah DoHiptwn,Lanie Lucas, Mary Tinnies, Susan Dunn, Mrs Chas Lyons. Magret A Edgerson, Ade- Mehrteus, Mrs Tweed, Ellen hue E L Cmphrks, Mrs Farmer, Sarah Miller, Rebecca H E Frederick, Mary R Weason.lsabel Frlpp, Mrs J ? Middleton, Mrs la Gardner, Rosa Eliza Whitman, Caro E M Middleton, Mrs line Gerland. Annett EU IWbltc, Phillis MEN'S LIST. Alston, col J ?Green, George osgood, George Motte ?Guerard. Ed P Papsey.Andrew Alston, BF Hartwell, Jno Parker, J Allston, PH Harney, T Pendergrass, Alien. George Hamilton, C J ? Isaac ARN, I Henry, John F Petty, Edward Barlow, James | A Co Pearlston, F Baker, capt Jas Hencken, C F Pepe, Geo P M C Henne, A Preaveaus, Blssian, Snead Heywcod. isard Ephraim tilank, Il Hughes, Geo Quinn, Thos Blake, Walter i Coffin oulgley. Wm J Lusher A Lend- Jaretzky, Mo- Huberts, Sam . helm i ritz uel R Bolles. W ll ?Johnston, Roulenskv, Wm Urowu, B H I Butcher Rolands, bz Brown, W J ?Jones, Richard Rouse, WM Brown, Moses Kocster, Theo Shoughnesv, M Browning, W TlKolnmann, I o Bradley, Wm T Deaderick .?avage, Wm Brunges, Mr W Lawrence, P.ob- Sams, C A Bradford, Willie! ert Schvenfleld, Bursch, Geo Lew!?, H A Scharlz, Gott Camerou, S Lohnmann, leib Calder. H F Fritz Sheppard, Wm C'anncdy.Joseph Lockhart,AndW A Chemist, Mackey, J G Simmons, Ar Chichester, H B Martz, Jacob mand Charles. R K Max wt ll, Jno Sims, Frank Cherry, Henry Marzyck, Ste- Uvlttle, Allen Coles, Joseph plien Smith, Wm Costed, James iMappus.Jno Smalls, Benj Conroy, Patrick|Mehrtens, Chris- Sneeder Jno L Curry,Solomons, iophel Stephens,James Cusick, N 'Miller, Peter L stavier, James Daley A Ray I Miller, D R Symonds, F H ?unls, Edward Miller, Jno G Thorn, Isaac Drayton, Isaac'Miller, A Co, Thayer, Robert Duffy, Win i Wm iThompaon, Al Eberhart. H C Miller, Charles len Easterby, S R ; E Turner, Wm E lls, Hayne ;Mlche, A Venniug, W C Evens, Geo W ?Mickey, Edward WaUace, John Expectant, ?Minde, Aristide Wa> ley, T Fields, Prince ?Morse, Anspn Warren, WP Fisher, GcW :Moultree, Jam es I Watson, John H Floetmanu, Mulloy, Michael Walker, Alfred Chas iMcCurdy ADuke Warley, Theo Fox, John H McCreary, B B Webb, Walter B Ford, Wm ?McCante, Thos Webb, Walter Frendenberg, iMclntlre, H C Webb.TG Henry |McGuire, Ed- Webb, G C Frazer, John ward Weleh, Peter Prater, Benj F Nicholson, W H Whim cv. WU Fuller, JohuU O'Brien, Wm liam" Gilbert, M |OIdenbut;le, Wlnstock, B M Gilmore, Jno John Wilson, James Glover, James lOustin, Robert T Gosse, T lOsborn, Jamery Wreden, Henry Grave, J HP |....Zerbst, F H 83- Persons depositing letters In the Postoftice will please place the stamp near the upper right hand corner of the envelope, and they will also please to remember that without the stamp a let? ter cannot be mailed, but will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. i?taclii?urD, (Eastings, &t. o * 8 2 "WEED'' FAMILY FAVORITE LOCK-STITCH MACHINE, are the heit ?n use. For tale on the Lease Plan, with monthly pay? ments, on easy terms, or for cash. All kinds of Machine attachments. Needles, Cotton, (white, black and colored.) Silk, Oil. Soap, Ac, Ac. Repairing as usual. Circulars and samples of work sent on application. D. B. HASELTON, General Dealer in First Class Sewing Ma? chines and Material, No. 307 King stree:, augl7_ Charleston. S. C. "gACON'S TRUNK ENGINES ! FOR ALL PURPOSES. COMPACT, DURABLE AND EFFICIENT. BACON'S STEAM AND BELT HOISTING MACHINES, For Manufacturers, Stores, Docks, Ships, Ac. Price list on application. DELAMATER IRON WORKS, Foot of West Thirteenth Btreet, New York. ' augio-ws3mos* JpOR NEW YORK-THUESDAY. ^ The Splendid New Iron Screw Steamship "CLYDE," wlil sail for New York on THURSDAY, September 1, at 4 o'clock P. M., from Pier No. 2, Union Wharves, connecting with Day Passenger Trains from Columbia and Augusta, arriving at half-past 3P.M. The "CLYDE" will connect closely with the Liverpool Steamship "WISCONSIN," of Messrs. WILLIAMS A OUION'S Line, sailing September Insurance by Steamers of this Line hi per cent. .For Freight Engagements or Passage, having very fine stateroom accommodations, apply to WAGNER, HUGER A CO., No. 26 Broad street, or to WM. A. COURTENAY, No. 1 Union Wharves. ang26-6_ JOE NEW YORK. [ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, AT 5 O'CLOCK P. M.J OLD LINE NEW YORK AND CHARLESTON STEAMSHIPS. ESTABLISHED 1845. The superior first-clnss Bide-wheel steamship CHAMPION, R. W. Lockwood, Commander, will leave Adger's Wharf ss above. 4S" The CHAMPION is one of the best and largest steamships en the Atlantic Coast, and her table is supplied with all of the delicacies of the New York and Charleston markets. 49- Insurance by this lone half percent. 49" The MANHATTAN follows on SATURDAY, September 3d, at 12 o'clock M. For Freight or Passage, apply to aug22-6_JAMfaS ADQER A CO. BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOS? TON, AND THE CITIES OF THE NORTH? WEST. The fine Steamship "MARYLAND," ^fMBfc, Johnson, Commander, will sail for??yj?|2 Baltimore on SATURDAY, 27th August, at 4 o'clock P.M. 49* Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional insurance, and Consignees are allowed am? ple tune to sample and sell their Goods from the Railroad Depot In Philadelphia. PAUL C. TKENHOLM, Agent, ang24-4 No. 2 Union Wharves. J! O R PHILADELPHIA. THE REGULAR STEAM LINE-WEEKLY. The Screw Steamship J. W. EVER-^JtTJ|>L MAN, Hinckley. Commander, will saU for Philadelphia direct, on FRIDAY, August 26th,. at 6 o'clock P. M., from Brown's South Wharf. *g 49" Insurance by the steamers .of tuts Line ? per cent. For Freight engagements, or rassagc (cabin $15,) apply to WM. A. COURTENAY, Age.-., f aug22-mtmbf4_No. 1 Union Wharves. -pACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPY'S THROUGH LINS TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. FARES GREATLY REDUCED. Steamers of tie above liDe leave Pier, No. i-j.. North River, root or catraij_ strei t, New York, at 12 o'clock noon, ol the RE i '.'1st of tverv month (except when these dates lal! on Sunday, then the Saturday preced? ing. Departure of the 2lst connect at Panama with steamers for South Pacific and Central American ports. Those of 5tn touch at Manzanillo. Steamship COLORADO, Captain Farnsworth, leaves San Francisco lor Japan and China Sep? tember 1,1870. . No California steamers touch at Havana, bet go direct from New York to Asplnwall. Une hundred pounds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance iree. For Passage Tickets or other Information apply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the wharf foot of Canal suter. North River, New York. ,F. R. BABY, Agent. i'i:vi6-lyr _ ?pOR GARDNER'S BLUFF AND INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE PEE? DEE RIVER, VIA SOUTH ISLAND AND GEORGETOWN. The Steamer PLANTER, Captain J. T. Foster, having been thorough-_ ly overhauled audrefltted, will receive Freigut ut Accommodation Wharf on MONDAY, the 29th Inst*, and leave on THURSDAY MORNING, September 1st, at 5 o'clock. For Freight or Passage, having superior state? room accommodations, applv to KAVENEL A HOLMES. ang2fi-5 No. 177 fcast Bay. F OR FLORIDA (ONCE A WEEK,) VIA SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSON? VILLE, PILATKA AND ALL POINTS ON ST. JOHN'S RIVER The Steamer DICTATOR will sall on and after the5th July for above!_ places every TUESDAY EVENING, at So'caxNL Fare from Charleston to Savannah, including meals and berth, $3._julyl rJIBE ONLY INLAND ROUTE. FOR ED1STO AND ENTERPRISE. VIA JOHN'S ISLAND FERRY. CHURCH FLATS. TOUNG'S ISLAND, BEAR'S BLUFF, Ac. The Steamer "ARGO," Captain J. H. Proctor, ls now receiving., _ Freight at Accommodation Wharf, and will leave as per the following time table, until further no? tice: CHARLESTON. XDISTO. Monday, Aug. 1, BX A M.Tuesday, Aug 2, 7AM Thursday, Aug 4,10 A MiFrlrlay, Aug 5, 9 Itt Monday, Aug 8, 1PM Tuesday, Aug 9, 1 PM Thursday, Angil, 6 AMiFrldny, Aug 12, 6 AM Monday, Aug 15, 8 A M.Tuesday, Aug ir, 7 AM Thursday, Aug 18,10 A M ?Friday. Aug 19, 9>? A M Monday, Aug 22.1 P M'Tuesday, Ang 23, 12 M Thursday, Aug25, ' A M-Friday, Aug 26, 5 AM Monday, Aug 29, 'X AM,Tuesday, Aug30,6>? AM For Freight or Passage, apply on board, or to D04?A5 NISBET. Agent, Accommodation Wharf. N. B.-Freight and wharfage payable on the wharf._ ang4 A T7ESSELS SUPPLIED WITH CABIN AND V MESS STORES ON SHORT NOTICE. Captains and Stewards are respect-, fully Invited to cali and examine the quality and prices of our GOODS, guaranteed. Delivered free of expense. WM. S. CORWIN A CO.. No. 275 King street, opposite Hasel, Oharl'-ston. S. C. 49- Branch oi No. 900 Broadway, ?sw York. JtttiU .aiiacellaneons. GEORGE PAGE & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Pa?en: Portable Circular Saw Mills, Stationary and Portabia r^RS? STEAM ENCINESi5^^ GRIST MILLS, ?Cc / j>|\ No. 5 Schroeder Street; / jf \ BALTIMORE, MD. / -rJUn^l "Send for Cataioffues and Price-Lists. inn<*lS-3m08 DAW_ JJOMCEOPATHIC REMEDIES. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received by DR. H. BAER,*S9"Q jniy? No. 131 Meeting street.