University of South Carolina Libraries
C ITT AFFAIRS. AD VERT?S Esta will take notice that we cannot .engage that any advertisement sent to Tas stKswB office at a later hour than half-past nine - o'clock at night will appear in the next morn ? ing's paper. An exception to this role is made i in favor of notices of meetings, deaths and ! funerals. Meetings Tilla D?y. Jefferson Lodge, at 8 P. M. Carolina Dramatic Club, at 8 P. M. Hope Fire Company, at 8 P. M. Auction Sales Tnt? Day. A. C. McGUllvray will sell at ll o'clock, at; ? old Postoffice, real estate. R. If. Marshall ? Brother will sell at ll . o'clock, at the old Postoffice, real estate. Lauroy & Alexander will sell at 10 o'clock, at their store, flour, molasses, Ac. & Henry Cobla A Co. will sell at 9 o'clock, at their store, butter, shoulders, Ac. GREENVILLE HIGH SCHOOL.-The advertise? ment of this school states that the fall session will open on August 1st. THE HEAT.-Appended is the range of the thermometer yesterday at Joseph Blackmann ?drug store, No. 39 Broad street: 8 o'clock, 84; 10, 88; 12, 91; 2, 91; 4, 91; 6, 88; 8, 86. UJOTED STATES DISTRICT COURT.-EX parte 1 Thomas Bonnell In re Bonnell A Drummond- j < petition tor final discharge in bankruptcy, was I granted. _^ ] yNoTARixs PoBLic.-The following appoint- j {' ments of notaries for Charleston have been j t made by the Governor : W. G. DeSaussure, G. I, Nelson Bernard, H. L. P. Bolger and Henry j, May- . . TRIAL JUSTICES.-A few days since we pub-I e lisheda list of twenty trial justices for the City J c and County of Charleston. Since then R. H. I ti DeHay, L. Bunch and w. A. Cannon have been I ? appointed-the latter In the place of P. N. A. I n Peaucheneau, removed. I tl ? - |w ARRIVAL OF THE SAVANNAH BAND.-The I 0 Washington Cornet Band, composed of colored I W men of Savannah, and which accompanied the I g Savannah Bas? Ball Club to this city twice j ? last sommer, arrived here Sunday night, and j u yesterday afternoon discoursed some excellent I ? music on the Battery. DEAD.-wilson Frierson, who was severely I jj injured on. the down train of the Northeastern j. Railroad la-tt Friday morning, died Sunday night at the City Hospita], whither he had ^ been conveyed.. Coroner Whiting held an In-1 ^ quest yesterday, and the jory returned a ver- L diet-in accordance with the above facts. .?? I . .PARADE.-Several of the colored military I FR companies ".paraded through the principal is streets yesterday, afternoon. We learn that Cl the object ot the parade was to escort Go v. 3t Scott from the South Carolina Railroad depot, 01 but, he having declined to come to the city at I AI present, they concluded to parade through the h ?^Ct8 ? j w ORGANIZATION OP A HOOK AND LADDER COM- I a PANT.-A number of colored citizens have or- j n ganlzed themselves into a company, to be I p called the Hook anti Ladder Company, No. 3, ti and- have elected : the following officers : I g William T. Elfe, foreman- William E. Burke, fr assistant foreman; P. B. Morris, secretary; A. I w V. Brodie, treasurer. The company propose O getting the necessary apparatus at an early ol day. w ? I no THE BRAZILIAN EXILES. -The ladies In charge of the Confederate Widows' Home, in addition Ql tc acknowledgments made by - others, desire I 0, to express their thanks to the friends who I V( generously assisted them in caring for the re- lg turned emigrants from Brazil, especially to Mr. j C( Jacob Small, Mr. Julius Ostendorff, Ur. J. Cap- j lc pei, Mr. James Dunning, Mr. T. O'Brien, and I N the ladles of the Mutual Aid Association for a L, liberal d?duction upon articles of clothing pur-1 K' chased. _ * : " j n THE CHARLESTON TRUCE FARMERS.-The I Norfolk Virginian says: "Standing on the I A whait of the Baltimore steamers,'Friday, we n< . saw about a hundred boxes ot tomatoes, which H ned been shipped from Charleston, S. C., to jcl Baltimore, and although brought with the N speed of the railroad, more than three-fourths I? of them had rotted. Tomatoes seem to rot aster this year than we ever knew them be- Q fore. We asked an old, experienced trucker IT] th J'cause of it, and he informed ns that lt was 10 on account of the long dry spell which delayed I them, and the heavy rains upon them ripening IP them soddenly." Why do not the truck (arm- j * era try the Express Company if the freight 111 trains are too slow i A special rate might be 0 made on application. - H' ? _ ? . I ^ FATAL K^uoss3& ACCIDENT.-Late Saturday afternoj0^jiseam? were heard issuing from a kitchen in Rose lane. Those hearing the] screams rushed lu the building, and found a woman named Violet Washington on fire. The J S names were soon extinguished, but not before the woman was severely burned. She was removed to No. 633 Ring-street, where she Un-1T! gered lu excruciating agony until late Sunday j night, when death relieved her of her suffer-1TL inga, Au Inquest was held and a verdict of ^ accidental death rendered. It ls believed t( that she attempted to make her fire burn more I 0 rapidly by pouring kerosene oil upon it, and s that the fire was communicated to the contents I N IQ the can, causing an explosion and setting I N the unfortunate woman on fire. -Doga are scarce on the streets at L pratftnt. v Chief Constable Hubbard ls in the city. t Fines to the amount of forty dollars were c imposed by the Mayor yesterday. ] The Promptitude^ Fire Company, colored, propose having a picnic at Glbbes's farm to- j Ti Mollie Gur?, fharged* with keeping a disorder? ly house in'Welms'a Court, was sent to jail for twenty days' yesterday by the Mayor. Dick Bichar?s, whoa tole a State gun (rota, a j militia man,"having tie-alternative of return- ? lng it or goln?bot js4I?jjoncluded to do the 1 ronner. A peddler, who, when arrested for peddling without a license, drew a ' knife and showed fight, has been .turned over to the State for prosecution. The "Catholic Political Casino Alsergrund," of Vienna, have returned thanks to the Con? gressmen who succeeded lu getting the ap priatton to rebuild the Catholic Orphan Asylum in Charleston. Sally Elkins, colored, has been sentenced to pay a fine o? five dollars and costs, for creating dissensions between James McCall and his wife, by whispering numerous well concocted falsehoods into the ears of both. A new serial story by a distinguished Ameri? can, writer, whose name is held in reserve, is to ba begun In the August Galaxy. The tale is said to be full of incident, dramatic, novel in scene and character, and admirably adapted for serial publication. Box HEADS printed ou fine paper at S3, $4, M and 18 GO per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Office. SIGNS OF PROSPERITY.-Five years ago, few people bad faith In the recuperative energies of Charleston. The masses were affected with a moral dyspepsia which prevented them from looking into the future with hopeful eyes. In our broken fortunes, scattered families and disorganized system of labor, they saw noth? ing but a perpetuation of the ruin that had come upon the land,.and in their despair they either emigrated, or, making the worst of-mis fort me, contented themselves with au effort simply to earn their dally bread. But all this has been changed. In a year or two from the time of which we speak, labor for mere sustenance gave way to sharp active en? terprise. Capitol began to The cloud liite?. Ou'r .cot?on fields responded as in other 4ajs to the touch of. the plough and hoe. En ergetic men set examples which were ;'o'.low? ed, and thus by one agency and another, we have risen and are making our way out of the idough ot despond. ' J Look a$ some bf . the signs. We have two lines of steamers which connect us with New York ; one line of steamers to - Baltimore; one line of steamers to Philadelphia; one line of | steamers to Liverpool, and 'steamboat com- [ municatlon with nearly every Important river town and with Savannah, Beaufort and Georgetown.' Old railroads are being repair? ed and new ones are being constructed The discovery of phosphates has added to the wealth of our people nearly three millions of dollars, and prospectively will add millions more. Our coast marine has been largely In- \ creased. Our wharves, once mined, are lined t with vessels from all parts of the country. Our streets are being put in order; old edifices ire being repaired, and new ones built. Our I j banks are flourishing, and business hourly im- j ? troves. During the winter Just gone fifteen housand tourists passed through Charleston ind disbursed their money plentifully. So I ( hat, turn our eyes In what direction we may, j Q ve see evidences of growth and prosperity rhich are in the highest degree encouraging There is no compass in the community, ho w ver, more delicate in Its indications of Buc? eas than a hotel. When we see the proprle ora of a great establishment like the Mills [ouse investing a large amount of money, lonths in advance of the season of travel, for ie purpose of accommodating the throngs on .hlch with business sagacity they depend, it I f itself is a sign-"a handwriting on the | Bl ?11" which is not to be Ignored; for these entlemen have felt the popular pulse, and lagnosed the body politic with a certainty pon which the community may in no small egree pin their faith. Passing by this popular institution yester-j ay, we found that Messrs. Parker A Pond ave already covered Its sightly fronts with a uidsome cream colored coat, and that exten ve preparations are being made within to scorate and Improve wherever the artist or ie mechanic can, with advantage, lay his md. : Many- of the rooms are to be elegantly escoed; others are to be whitened and vam- ( j, hed; new and tasteful furniture, carpets and irtalns have been ordered for the several orles; suites of rooms for the accommodation f transient and permanen: boarders are to be tran ged In superb style; the dining rooms are > undergo transformation; large and beautiful ilrrors are to be Introduced; the barber-shop rill be conducted ? la Phalon; the bath rooms re to be reopened with the latest conve lences attached thereto; the telegraph corn any are about to establish - uranch office in io house for the accommodation of the uests; and altogether, from parlor to attic, om the reading room to the cuisine, there lil be ho hotel between New York and New deans superior .in Its appointments to those j rj r the Mills House, and certainly no puce here the traveller or the home guest will tore enloy the luxuries and comforts ot life. Messrs. Parker * Pond are both wide-awake Dtel managers.' The ronner ls well known to | cl ur citizens, and the latter has for several sara been the proprietor of the National Ho ?1 In Atlanta. - We understand that he has re jntly disposed o? one-half of his interest In that LS?tutlon, and hereafter will doubtless spend tost of his time in Charleston. Both are ge? lai, courteous and hospitable gentlemen, who, oowing the wants of the public, leave no ?asonable means unemployed to supply them. Mr. Bernons, late of the Screven House, 1 krannah, will return to the position which g] 3 so many years filled In the office of the Mills ls ouse, and Mr. William Smith, late the chief q erk of the La To ure tte House, at Bergen Point, u . J., will be his active coadjutor. These gen- a emen have also been long and favorably known T > the travelling community, and lt will be P either their fault nor that of the proprietors If u ley fall to maintain the time-honored prestige ? f this popular caravansary. Wo have said enough to Illustrate our pur- { ose. Such -signs" are not among those ?, rbich "fall In dry weather." They mean busl- B ess, renewed energy, money in the pockets a f the people. They are tangible evidences of T npiovement, and can but add to the conti- a enc? we reposo In our future. i tl BV8IKX&8 KO XI C B 8 . |s 0 HIVE you tried my dollar. Tea, Green and a lack? WILSON'S GROCERY. Jun8 ? DEALERS m Jcs are directed to the adver- 8 s?ment of 3000 tons heavy Maine ice for sale. ? "HUSBANDS, love your wives," ls an injune- t] on of Holy Writ, and one of the best ways of a lowing your appreciation of that command ls u ) stop at No. 27 Queen street and leave an ? rder for one of the Improved Commonsense owing Machines to be sent up. The best ! ?achlne ever produced yet for the amount of | loney. julyl8 T BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office s 3 now prepared to furnish good envelopes, E vita business cards printed thereon, at $4 per Y housand.. Send your orders. Every mer ihant and business man should have his card )rtnted on his envelopes. Cotton ? iee. RON TIESl IRONTIES! We will Bell the following named IRON TIES at he lowest orlces and on favorable termB : BEARD'S PATENT LOCK TIE-Hlghly Finished. Jwett'8 Patent Self-Fastening Tie-Varnished. Sutler's Patent Tie-Varnlahed. lr row Tie-Varnished. GEO. W. WILLIAMS A CO., julyli-thstulO Factors. gqbimt- JtoKittg,?Et. Q ABLNET-MAKING AND UPHOLSTERY | j NICELY AND SUBSTANTIALLY DONE BY J. IM LUNSFOBD, NO. 27 Queen Street. I wish to Inform my friends and the pnbllo gen? erally that the Hospital for SICK FURNITURE ls still at No. 27 Queen street, where au the diseases that Furniture ls heb: to will be cured speedily and on the most reasonable terms as usual Send tn, therefore, an your sick and wonnded patients, and I will heal them and mate glad the the hearts or all those who favor me with patron? age in thia line. I would respectfully beg leave to ce.u yonr at? tention to the fact that I am Belling the best Sew? ing Machines to be found in the market, ail com? plete, for only $17. c*n and examine for your? selves, and read the testimonials in favor of the Improved Common Sense Family sawing Ma? chine, and then I am sure you wlU tako one nome pith yon. J. L. LUNSFORD, No. ST Queen street, near Calder House. (Dbitaarg. B RIG HTMAN.-Departed this life on the 11th instant, at Yemassee Station, S. C., CHICOKA DAVIS, eldest child of William H. and Fannie F. Srlghtman, aged 9 years, 2 months and 17 days. "Suffer little children to come unto me, and for? bid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of Hea? ven." i ." * Special ?Totices. pS- CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP MANHATTAN are notified that she ls discharg? ing cargo, at Adger's South Wharf. - Goods un? called for at sunset, will remain on the wharf at owners' risk. JAMES ADGER & CO.. Agents. julyl9-l ^^.TEMPERANCE MEN ADMIT ITS utility. No attempt has ever been made or ever will be made, to disguise the character of PLAN? TATION BirrERS. It contains alcohol; and no Bitters that do not contain alcohol are worth rush. Water will neither preserve the virtues of tonic vegetables nor render them active in the system. This is a chemical fact which no one competent to deliver an opinion on the subject will deny. Water tonics turu sour on the atom sch, If they are not sour to begin with, (which ls Frequently the case,) and produce and promote Indigestion, matead of curing lt. Let it, there Tore, be distinctly understood that PLANTATION BITTERS ls an alcohol restorative. Bnt mark :his : lt is strictly a medicine, not a beverage. It s to be taken in limited quantities and at stated limes, like other remedies and antidotes, and, iherefore Its use ls in accordance with tempe ance law. as well as with that "higher law" viuch renders it Incumbent upon every being lifted with reason to resort to the best possible neans of accomplishing a salutary end. SBA MOSS FARINE from pura Irish Moss, for liane Mange, Puddings, Custards, Creams, Ac, ic. The cheapest, healthiest and most delicious ood tn the world._jnlyl8-mwf3p*c J?S* GERMAN SOCIETY OF SOUTH 'ABOLLNA.-Emigrants seeking employment can ?brain information concerning the same from laptaln H. HARMS, Agent of this Society, whose ffice for the present ls at No. 80 East Bay. Parties wishing to employ Emigrants can consult lie Agent dally. Office hours from 12 to 2 o'clock. JOHN CAM PS EN, ap23 stn_President. pS- NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAV NO claims against the estate of J. H. LANGE du present them duly attested, and all Indebted ) said estate will make payment to the under* igned, at the corner of Bogard and Laurel treeta. MARY LANGE, Jnn23-tn3?_Administratrix. PS- DO NOT TAKE OUR WORD, BUT RY IT.-Dr. J. BRADFIELD^ FEMALE REGU ATOR will relieve all Irregularities, relieve all Tltatlon of kidneys, purify the blood, give tone nd strength to the whole system, imparting a >sy hue to the cheeks, and cheerfnlness to the \ lind. For sale by GOODRICH, WINEMAN A CO. jun25-stoth6mos_ PS- NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAV >QS AND TRUST COMPANY.-CHARLESTON RANCH, No. 74 BROAD STRRET.-Money deposited i or before July 18th, will draw Interest from lly 1st. Interest allowed March, July and No ?mber. Deposits payable on demand. Jnn29 NATHAN RITTER. Cashier. ps- THE SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN ND TRUST COMPANY.-CHARLESTON, S. 0., ULY 6, 1870.-SAVT? 08 DEPARTMENT.-The uarterly Interest credited to the Depositors, nd remaining undrawn, will bear Interest from it matant. All Deposits made on or before 20th Instant, will ear Interest as though made on 1st instant, he rate of interest ls Six per cent, per annum, redlted quarterly. THOS. R. WARING, Jnlye-15_Caan 1er. PS* SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PUB? IC.-GRE AT ONE DOLLARSALE-EVERYBODY sTERESTED.-Extraordinary sale of Diamond ad Gold Jewelry, Silver and Plated ware, Musical istruments, Sewing Machines, Dry and Fancy cods, Table Cutlery, Photograph Albums, arti les of Virtu, and an endless variety of Foreign nd Domestic Goods, both useful and ornamen .1, at a uniform price of ONE DOLLAR each. Agents wanted everywhere. .Great induce lents offered. Send for circular. Address, C. C. CORY A CO., No. 103 Broadway, Jun3-ftu3mo8_New York. pS-TRE BLOOD IN SUMMER.-THE lood deteriorates In hot weather. Profuse per? oration deprives lt of a portion of its nour? ning and reproductive properties. Conse uently In summer the flesh loses, in some degree, s firmness, the muscles lack their usual elasticity nd vigor, and the weight of the body diminishes, hese are clear indications that the ordinary sup ly of the ilfe-sus tain lng principle afforded by the >od we eat Is not sufficient to meet the require lents of the system under a high temperature, here ls another reason for this besides the direct lfluence of the heat, viz : the loss of appetite nd the weakening of the digestive powers which : occasions. Under these circumstances, a whole ome lnvtgorant ls evidently needed, and the best nd 8afe8t ls HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, his admirable vegetable tonic and alterative eta favorably upon the system In several ways, t Increases the appetite and facilitates digestion, hereby inclining the stomach to receive and en hielt to assimilate a due amount of nourish aent. It also tones the relaxed secretive organs nd the bowels. Under Its operation the process f emaciation, occasioned by the dram through lie pores ls arrested, the whole frame refreshed nd invigorated, and the spirits exhilarated. The yspeptlc, the bilious, the nervous, the debilita ed, scarcely need to be told that lt ls precisely lie stimulant and corrective they onght to take t this season. Thousands of them know the ut by experience. Nothing In the pharmaco aila (or out of lt) will supply Ita place-least of ll, the trashy local nostrums which some un crupulons dealers would be glad, for the benefit f their own pockets, to peddle out in Its stead. Julyis-SBAC_ pS* AWAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE RUSSES.-Comfort and Cure for the Ruptured, ent postpaid on receipt of 10 cents. Address ir. E. B, FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, New 'ort_dec?s ps-k GRAND EPOCH LN SCIENCE. Tom the time when, in 18S4, Dr. RUGGB discov red "Carbolic Add" and lu extraordinary medi? al effects, nothing In the history of Med icm e has quailed lt. Largely used by the French p hy al? lans in treatment of consumptive and scrofu 3us diseases, lt was Introduced by the Court Pby iclan of Berlin, MAX ERNST HENRY, Into Pros la, and from thence to the United States. No hlng else of the present day can equal HEN tY'S SOLULION OR CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. Patients get better after only one tose hat been taken, and we cordially recommend t to the public.-TEditor "Argua." janl7 lyr ^MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD, essays for young men, on the passional attrac lon of tue sexes, and the happiness of Taos ? ARRI AG R, when perfect manhood and perfect iromanhood unite to consecrate the union. Sent. 'ree, In BAaled envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. majr24-3moe AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. -OLD Eyes made new, easily, without doctor or medi? cines. Bent postpaid on receipt of io cents. Ad* dress Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, Kew York. declS pS* MANHOOD.-A MEDICAL ESSAY on the Cause and Cure of Decline In Premature Han, the treatment of Nervous and Physioal De? bility, Ac. .There ls no member of society by whom this book will not be found useful, w??thar auch per? son holds the relation of Parent '/receptor or Clergyman."-RadicalTimes and Gazette. Sent by mall on receipt or any cents. Address the Author, Dr. E. DaF, CURTIS, Washington, D. ?, sept! lyr Hertels. pALMETTO HOUSE, AT THE TOWN OF SPARTANBfJRG, S. C. Thia comfortable and convenient HOTEL ls now open for the accommodation of transient or permanent BOARDERS, under the manage? ment of Mr. ROSS SPRIGG, formerly of Charles? ton. The comfortable arrangements of Parlors and Bed-rooms, with the convenient r cation in the town, and its nearness to Glenn's and Chero? kee Springs, make lt a desirable stopping place or residence to the man of business, or the seek? er of health or pleasure. .The table will be supplied with the best the Charleston market or surrounding country can furnish, which, with competent cooks and atten? tive servants,.cannot fall to give satisfaction to all who may favor the House with their pa? tronage. A large Stable is attached, where horses and vehicles can be obtained for excursions into the country or other purposes. The terms will De moderate, and cannot fail to give general sat? isfaction;_Jnlyi9-tu3mo8 J R V I N G HOUSE. A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, European Plan. Loca? ron unsurpassed, being near UNION SQUARE, WALLACE'S THEATRE, and A. T. STEWART'S Sew (up town) Store. Broadway and Twelfth itreets, New York. G. P. HARLOW, aprl4 thstu Proprietor. .Jhnannal. ANTED. ?EOPLE'S BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA STOCK Northeastern Railroad Bonds. FOB SALE. City of Charleston Stock State of South Carolina Bonds. J. DRAYTON FORD, JuIylO-1_No. 40 Broad street. \ J O L D WANTED. 1 Apply to W. P. HALL, Julyl2 Brown A Co.'s Wharf. ff ENRY H. BOODY 4 CO., BANKERS RAILWAY AGENTS" Na 12 WAU, sro EXT, Nsw YOKE, Make Collections, pay Coupons and Dividends, uy and Sell Governments, Raliway Bonds, and ther Securities on Commission. ?^Particular attention given to the negotla on of Railway and other Corporate loans. N. B.-Interest allowed on deposits. New York, May 2d, 1870. . H. Boony. D. A. BOODY. H. P. BOODY. may? Samrj ($0000, &z. ^ALL, BLACK ? CO., N03. 665 and 567 BRO A.D WAY, NEW YORK, i vite the attention of purchaser's from Charles m and vicinity, to their unequalled assortment " SILVERWARE, JEWELRY. FANCY GOODS ND GAS FIXTURES. All orders wlU be prompt attended to. Goods sent per Express, and ickages allowed to be opened before selection made. Any article not satisfactory can be ex tanged. Estimates given and designs furnished on ap Icatlon. Our goods are of the best, and at Ices which cannot bs undersold. Strangers siting the city, without intention of purchase, ?e also invited to visit our establishment. Juiyl8-lyr Shirts ano ? urmo Inn g ($0000. j CO IT'S ERPECT PITTING STAR SHERTS. HFAPE8T SHIRT HOUSE IN THE CITY. IRST-OLASS WORK. PERFECT FIT GUARAN? TEED. STAR SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. I ( SHIRTS SENT EVERYWHERE BY EXPRESS ' SIX FINE SHIRTS FOR $12. IX MASONVILLE MUSLIN SHIRTS, With fine Linen Bosom, $15. IX WAMSUTTA MILL SHIRTS, with very fine Linen Bosom, $18. IX NEW YORK MILL SHIRTS, with very Une Linen Bossm, $21 MADS TO OBDBB FBOX KBASDBEUBKT. IX FANCY PERCALE SHIRTS AND COLLARS, ' $18, or $aeach. (, A full line of all sizes ready-made. C a These goods are 20 per cent, tower than any ' ther house in the trade. Send for printed Circular and direction of mes? ure. Address 0 E.SCOTT, I ? Janl7-6mosDAO STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM. fea?h, ano Recreation. ?yiLLlAMSTON SPRINGS. The large and commodious Hotel at this delight-1 ? il watering-place has been thoroughly repaired-, 1 od fitted up with new Furniture,under the super itendence of JOHN A. MAYS, and will be opened n the 20th July, for the accommodation of vtslt rs. No pains or expense will be spared in pro ldlng for the comfort and enjoyment or guests. With the advantage of a superior Hotel in a ealthy and beautiful country, added to the enra Ive properties of the water, and the pleasant- I ( ess of this delightful village, we believe that the | 1 1 valid or pleasure-seeker can find no place of the Ind hereabouts where the time will be spent sore profitably or agreeably. The rooms are large and airy, and are so ar anged as to furnish many conveniences, ea eclally to families who do not wish to be sep rsted. The table wUl be always furnished with the est the country and cities can alford, and. in heir culinary department, they would say that hey have recured the services of those who can iot fall to please even the most fastidious. Complete facilities are likewise afforded for musement; in a word, the proprietor flatters ilmself that he has left nothing undone that Qlght afford pleasure and comfo t to his guests. A few good horses and buggies will be found onstantly on band for the accommodation of Isltors. RATES OF BO ABD: Per Day.$ 2 60 per week. 12 oe Per Month. 35 00 Special arrangements will be made with Faml les at a lower rate than the above. ]nly4-lmo_JOHN A MAYS. t??THERE TO SPEND THE SUMMER. GLENN SPRINGS.', SPABTANBORO COUNTY/, S. C., W. D. FOWLER, PBOPBIBTOB. ?Thia delightful WATERING PLACE, unsurpassed jy any in the Sooth, 1B now open for the recep? tion of Invalids and pleasure-seekers for the sum? ner. The Billiard and Bowling Saloon, both for Ladles and Gentlemen, will be found In complete order. Rooms newly and comfortably furnished, ind tba tablas supplied with the best the market affoids. -stages direct from SparUnborg to Hotel same day. Charges-$85 per month, juniO-lmo Uaiiroo? Supplies. 8TEAM ENGINES AND ENGINEEE81 SUPPLIES. ..... A fall assortment of BRASS and IRON FIT? TINGS, for steam and gas-fitters and. plombera. Steam Guage?, Guage-cocks, Low Water Detec? tors, Oil Oops, Tools Nfor machinists and black? smiths, Bellows. Ac. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Comberiand streets, maha* 6mo Charleston, S. C. B E L T I N G A large Stock of Leather and Rubber BELTING and RUBBER GOODS, Including Manhole and Handhole Gaskets, (aU sizes.) Hose, Sheet Rub? ber for packing, Pure Vulcanized Gum for valves, Ac. ALSO, "Regulation" LEATHER HOSE, double-riveted and of approved manufacture. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland Btreets, mch24 emo_ Charleston, S. C. QUCUMBER-WOOD POMPS. The cheapest and bast PUMP now in use. They give no taste to the water and are applicable tn every locality. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland Btreets, mehi? arno Charleston. S. 0. S TEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, STEAM PUMPS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, single and double-acting Lift and Force PUMPS, B. Dlsston A Son's Celebrated Circular, Gang, Rand and Cross-Out Saws. Also, Miners' and En? gineers' Supplies In great variety, Shovels, Picks, kc. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, racha* gmo_Charleston, 8. C. JgAR IRON AND STEEL. English and American Refined, in bars English and American common, in bars Boiler Plate and Sheet Iron Bolts, Nuts and Washers.] For sale by < CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch246mo_Charleston, 8.0. WHITE LEAD, COLORS AND PAINT 0 I Ll Pnre Raw and Double-Boiled LINSEED OIL English and American White Lead Paints in Oil. in great variety. ALSO, An extensive assortment of BRUSHES. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO. Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo Charleston, S. a pLPEFOR GAS, STEAM AND WATER. Sole Agency or MORRIS TASKER A CO.'S Fas? al Iron Works. At store of CAME BON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 arno Charleston. 8. C. NT AILS, NAILS, tr the best brands, including Parker Mills and i AME RON, BARKLEY A CO.'S unequalled "Ne .lus Ultra" CUT NAILS. ALSO, A full Stock or Wrought and Ont SPIKES. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Comer Meeting and Cumberland streets, mchfll arno_Ohatleston, 8. C. 0 ILl OILl OIL winter Strained SPERM, Extra Lard C. B. & co.'s Engine OIL Paraptiene Spindle OHve OU, Cotton Seed Oil White Oak (West Virginia) OIL For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch2*6mo Charleston, S. 0. Drugs, QTrjemicals* &c. ^WEET QUININE Is a recent Improvement, teplaces the use of the Bitter Sulphate Quinine, with which all are familiar. DOSE FOR DOSE, t ls warranted fully equal tn every way to Bitter Quinine, and, like lc, ls the one great, posi? tive and unfailing cure for all DISEASES OF MALARIOUS ORIGIN. 'ever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Bilious Fever, Dnmb Ague, nd the Long train of disorders following these rhen neglected. SWEET QUININE 3made solely from Peruvian Bark (so ls Bitter [ulnlne,) thefore lt ls of vegetable origin, and not , mineral poison, but, on the contrary, is proved o be one of the elementa found in the blood of all ealtby persons. SWEET QUININE eta as an antidote to, as well as a cure for. Maia lal or Miasmatic Poison, the absorption of which y the longs causes Intermittent Fevers, Ac. The niy advantage claimed for SWEET QUININE ver the use of old Bitter Qninli.e ls the entire ab enee or that Intense, persistent bitterness, which a the latter is an insurmountable obstacle to ita ise with mose persons, and always with children. SWEET QUININE % tn two forms-m Powder, for the use of P hy al? lana and Druggists, and Fluid lor use In the amlry and for the general public. STEARNS, FARR A CO., MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, NEW YORK. For sale by DO WIE, MOISE A DAVIS. maylo-tuthaSmos_ ^CIENTIFIC PROGRESSION Has unveiled to the light of day THE BITTER, MEDICATED INFUSION Known to the people as JOLOMONS'S BITTERS! me Cure for Dyspepsia And tts attending Evils. rhe Preventive to All Malarial Diseases. roe Regulator of The Liver and Stomach. roe " Help ? To Nursing Mothers. THE PURE, PROMPT AN? PERFECT TONIC OF THE PERIOD. Prepared at the Laboratory of A, A SOLOMONS A CO., Wholesale Druggists, Savannah, Ga. 49- Sold ky all Druggists. W. S. CORWIN A CO. will supply lt at Proprie ors' prices. mchl-tnthsemos t^UPBRIOR COLOGNE WATER. Mannraotured and ^^BABR, ort! No. 181 Meeting street Unction jgJgg^?gg?f^ggg? Bj ALONZO J. WHITE & SON. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE IN SUMMER? VILLE. Will be eold on THUR8DAY next, 21st instant, at ll o'clock A M., ? All that certain PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND in the Town of Summerville, immediately oppos? ite the new Town Hall, and kn'wn as the Resi? dence of the late Captain Wm. Trout, me curing and containing one acre, more or less; batting and bounding to the north on Land of Phil p Gadsden, Esq., south on main road, and east and west on Lands of the late Captain Trout, together with the improvements thereon, consisting of a comfortable Residence with four rooms, lathed and plastered, with wide double Piazzas. Store? room, Kitchen, Carriage House and Stable, all m good repair. Conditions cash. Purchaser to pay ns for pa? pers and stamps. Juiyi9-tuth2 By TtViY. LEITCH f&JR, S. BRUNS, P****) "T3ic?l Auctioneers. KM.^^ UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. ? Seedorf, Assignee, vs. Wagner, et ni. on TUESDAY, the 28th July, at ll o'clock, will be sold, near the Old Customhouse. All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings there? on, at the northeast corner of Queen and State streets, measuring In front on Queen street 21 feet, on State street sa feet, on the north Une. running east from State street 19 feet io inches, then running south about 10 feet, then east about 8 feet to meet the eastern boundary, be the said dimensions more or less; bounding south on Queen street, west on State street, north on lot next described, and east on land of N. A. Roye. ?lftO. All that LOT, adjoining the above on the north, on the east side of (?ueen street, measuring in front on State street se feet on the south une, running east from State street 19 feet io taches, then south about io leet, then east about 8 feet to meet the eastern boundary, and on the north Une about 29 feet 7 Inches, be the said dimen? sions more or less; bounding weston State street, south on lot above described, north on land of Fleming and Ross, and east on land of N. A. Roye. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one, two, three and four years, secured by bond of the pur? chaser, with Interest from the day of sale, payable annually, until the principal is paid, and mort? gage of the premises; the buildings to be Insured In some company approved by the Referee, the Insurance to be contlnned until the bond be paid and the mortgage satisfied, and the policy as? signed. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES W. GRAY, julyl-fltutho Special Referee. Business QLaxbs. ADAMS, DAMON & CO., 16 BROAD ST., Dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Ac. Agents for the Automatic Washing Machine and Wringer. ATMAR, G. W.-CHOICE DRUGS, CHE? MICALS, Surgical instruments, Perfumeries and Toilet Articles, 489 King, cor. Vanderhorst st. ARCHER'S BAZAAR, 363 KING ST., Wholesale and RetaU Notions and Fancy Goods, 50 per cent, less than elsewhere. ALLAN, JAMES, WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry, Sterling SUver, Plated ware, Spec? tacles, Fancy Goods, Ac, No. 307 King street. BAKER, H. F., dc CO., SHIPPING AND Commission Merchants, Central Wharf. BABBOT, ALFRED A., AGENT OF THE Havana Cigar Factory,"La Valentina," 118 East Bay street. BAZAAR, P. VON S ANTEN, IMPORT? ER of Paris Fane Goods, Toys, French Con fee tlonery, In dla Ru b bf Goods Ac, No. 229 King st. BISCHOFF ? CO., HENRY, WHOLE? SALE Grocers, and Dealers in Wines, Li? quors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, 197 East Bay. CHARLESTON HOTEL, THE BEST regulated and irnlshed House in the South? ern States. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor. COSGROVES SODA WATER MANU? FACTORY and Bottllng>Warerooms for Bass and Hlbbert's London Ales, 37 Market st._ CHAPIN & CO., L., MANUFACTURERS and Dealers In Carriages, Harness, Ac,, 20 Hay ne, A 33 A 36 Plnckney st, ; also, 193 Meetmg st. CORWIN dc CO., WM. S., IMPORTERS and Dealers in Colee Widnes, Brandies, Teas and Groceries, Wholesale and Retail' 276 King Bt. CliAi'EE & CO., WM. H., WHOLE? SALE Dealers In Groceries, wines, Liquors, Ac ; Agents far Exton'a Crackers, 207 East Bay. CHAFEE'S TONIC, THE BEST AND most pleasant Stomach Regulator extant. Chafee A Co., No. 207 East Bay, Manufacturers. DUVAL & SON, J. B., MANUFACTUR? ERS of Tinware, Dealers in Stoves. House Furnishing Goods, Ac. 337 King st. EASON IRON WOBKS, ESTABLISHED 1838, Nassau and CelumbuB streets; Steam Engines, Marine, Portable and Stationery. Boilers. FOLLIN, G., TOBACCO COMMISSION Merchant, Manufacturers' Agent fer the sale of Standard Brands, No. isl East Bay. FURNITURE WAREROOM8, ESTAB? LISHED 1838. D. H. SUCOX, NOB. 176,177 and 179 King st. Goods carefully packed and shipped. /"I OLDSMITli & SON, MOSES, 4, 6 AND VJT 8 Vendue Range,Wholesale Dealers ta Iron, Metals, Rags, Paper Stock, Bides, Wool, Ac GURNEY, WM., FACTOR AND COiMMIS SION Merchant, 102 East Bay, and 1 Accom? modation Wharf. p OUTEV?NIER BROS., (SUCCESSORS UT to A Hiing.) dealers In Millinery, Fancy Goods, Toys, China, Glassware, Ac, 237 King st. HENERBY, WM S., 314 MEETING ST., Machinist and Founder. Manufacturer of Engines, and improved Agricultural Implements. KINSMAN & HOWELL, G KINE KAL . Commission Merchants, and Agents for Mapes' Superphosphate of Lime, No. 128 East Bay. Ly.ONS A MURRAY, WHOLESALE AND Retail Dealers In Boots, Shoes. Trunks, Ac, 78 Market st., near Meeting, Sign of "Bbl Boot." LA CRIOLLA. -JOSE JARA, IMPOR? TER and Manufacturer of Havana Cigars, Wholesale and Retail, car. Meeting and Market ats. LITTLE A CO., GEO., 213 KING ST., . sell the cheapest and best Clothing and Fur? nishing Goods ta Charleston. LUNSFORD, J. L., CABINETMAKER . and Upholsterer, 27 Queen st. Jobbing neatly done. Agency Common-Sense Sewing Machines. MEKTENS, VV. A., DEALER IN LA? DIES1, Misses',Gent's, Boys' and Children's Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Ac, 282 King Bt. MERNAUGH, N., DEALER IN BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Ac, 212 King street. MARBLE WORKS.-THE OLD ESTAB? LISHMENT, E. R. WHITE, Proprietor, 119 Meeting st., next old Theatre lot._ MATTHTESSEN, WM, STAR SHIRT Emporium and Fine Clothing and Tailoring House, Gents' Furnishing Goods, 291 King st. NEUFVILLE, B. K., BLANK BOOK Manufacturer, Job Printer and Stationer, 9 broad st. Magazines, Ac, bound In all styles. NOAU'S ARK-WM MCLEAN, JOBBER and Dealer In Toys, Fancy Goods, Show Oa Bea. Stamping A Pinking a specialty; 433 King st. OSTENDORFF & CO., WHOLESALE ' Grocers, Dealers In Wines, Liquors and Ci? gars, No. 175 East Bay. _ O'NEILL, BERNARD, WHOLESALE Grocer and Commission Merchant, 189 East Bay. Foreign and Domestic Exchange for sale. TXADDON, W. F., GAS FITTER, STEAM X Fitter and Plumber, 447 King st. Ail kinda of Gas Apparatus made to urder._ T>IANOFOKTE AND MUSIC STORE, JT 191 King St.. ZOGBAUM, YOONG A CO., Agents for Knabe A Co.. Dunham A Sons, etc PHON1X IRON WORKS,ESTABLISHED 1844. John F. Taylor A Co., Engineers and Boilermakers, 4, 6. 8. IQ and 12 Pritchard at. PERRY, EDWARD, 155 MEETING ST., Printer, Stationer, and dealer ta Blank, School and Law Books._ STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers In Dry Goods, No. 289 King street, three doors below Wentworth._ COTTS' STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM and Gents? Furnishing Room, Meeting at. op? posite Market Hall. Agent for the Champion Brace. S~PEAR, JAMESE., 235 KING ST., OPPO aite Hasel, Importer and Dealer in Fine Watch? es. Jewelry, Silver, Platedware, Fancy Goods, Ac. THE GREAT SOUTHERN TEA HOUSE. WM. S. CORWIN A CO., 275 King st., branch House of 900 Broadway, New York._ VOIGT, C., DEALER IN FRENCH CALF? SKINS, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Shoe Findings. Hides. Furs and Beeswax, 85 Marxet st. TLLIAMS ABRO., A. M., 143 AND 145 East Bay, np stairs. Railroad. Commercial and General Job Printing, at New YorK prices. WHILDEN & CO., WATCHES, JEWEL ry and Silverware, 265 King st. Crockery and Glassware at Wholesale. No. 137 MeetUH"'?,. WEBB, WM. L, IMPORTER OF OH1 NA, Glass and Earthenware, 128 Meeting street;___ TT7TNG, ROBERT, BELL HANGER AND W Locksmith, 122 King st. Hotels and pri? vate houses fitted up with Bells, Speaking Pipes. FLEMING'S WORM CONFECTIONS, (SANTONINS.) They are purely vegetable, safe and sure. The beal m use. For sale by . Dr. H. BAER, NO. 131 Meeting street, I octf Wholesale Agent Onction Salee-?rji0 HJag. A. C. McGILXlTEAT,__^ Auctioneer, j A VC J ION SALE. ' .^o,J0"n Hol-on and Thomas Holton vs. Thom? as Ashby, Executor, et at-ia Commonweal Rrt?e/?f ?.rder la lal9 case is?edbFtho Hon. R. B. Carpenter, Judge or the cirait"?Ahirfc for the First Circuit. I wltt^oflS f?r sal?Tt P? Auction at the old Postoffice, Charleston s KL THIS DAY, the 19th of July, A. D.W0 aili o'clock A. M., ' ' p Ali that certain PIECE. PARCEL OR LOT'flF LAND, with the buildings thereon, situate IraS and being on the north side of Inspection street known aa No. 6, In Ward 3, in the City of Oharlefci ton. In the said State, measuring and contalntnfc m front on Inspection street 42 feet, more or leak, sud in depth, from south, to north, lu feet, more or less; butting and bounding on the southon Inspection street, on the east by lands now or lately owned by Joshua Lazarus, on the west hr -Parker, and on the north by land of Captain -Grant. . Terms-One-half cash, and the balance in''a bond or bonds on a credit of one year bromine day or sale, with interest thereon, payable aentl annually; the bond or bonds to be secured br-a mortgage of the premises, the buildings to be in? sured and policy assigned until the bond or bonds are paid, and the mortgage satisfied. Purchasfi to pay me for stamps and papers. ! J"'yi?_R. S. DURYEA. Referee^ By R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. a riOOD MILLING OR GR?CESIT VX STAND, No. 81K Beaufam street near Smith. South side. . ? ? T THIS DAY, the 19th instant, at il o'oloct will be sold, at the Old Postofflce, Broad street, |:) The. above LOT, with the Buildings thereon, consisting of a large Wooden Building, so. by m reet. Also the Frame and Foundation of another : Cistern on the place. Lot 50 by 150 feet. > ? Conditions cash. ' Purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps. InlysT By LATJREY & ALEXANDER, :i' FLOUR, MOLASSES, CORN, BACON,Avc THIS DAY, the ie th Instant, will be SOM before our store, at lo o'clock, ? - Barrels FLOUR ? - - - ' - Barrels Molasses . ??"? - Bags Corn . : - Dry Salted Shoulders A - Barrels Strips ?ll - Bacon Stdes I - Bacon Shoulders. ?a Conditions cash. July 19 Bj HENRY COBIA SC CO. .- f j? UTTER, SHOULDERS, Ac \ THIS DAY, at 9 o'clock, in front of oar' Stow. wilt be-sold, ' . ;f' 20 tubs GOSHEN BUTTER 'J '., 2000 pounds Smoked Shoulders ' '? 60 oozes Candles ? .'.'. 20 boxes Soap. ria Conditions cash._ Jalyi? ' i?liecellaneotts. ?*. rjAR ! TAR ! TAR !. Just arrived and for. sale, a small quantity ter No. 1 PITCH PINE TAR, In good packages. Will be sold low if applied for immediately. . -1 JulylQ-3_MOSES GOLDSMITH A SON, rjTHE GREENVILLE ENTERPRISE? IS THU ?J LARGEST NEWSPAPER, . \ ANO HAS TBS . ?\ \ MOST EXTENSIVE 01 RC ? h ATIOF , OP ANT PAP EB PDT3LI3HED IN jj, THE CITY OF . GREENVILLE. , Contract Advertising Low.. ; % Circulates also In Anderson, Plckens, Spartajn burg and Western North Carolina. '? '?** J. C. A E. BAILEY, , jnlvll-12_Proprietors^ COOKING MADE PLEASANT AND ECONOMICAL. J Heating the house can be avoided, and the ex? pense of a servant saved, together with a great reduction In the cost of fuel, by using thftflC PROVED KEROSENE STOVE, sold by -^T J. B. DUVAL A SOB;'; may3l-tnf_No. 337 King street. PROFESSOR BERGER'S BED-BUG DESTROYER. I ? CoBtar's INSECT POWDER Glentworth^ Roach Exterminator '-."I COB tar's Rat Poison . Isaacsen'a Sure Pop-Death to Musquito*** For sale by DR. H. BARR: :.. Jnly5_No. 131 Meeting street. Q.EORGETOWN TIMES. ? TARBOX A DO AR, PROPRIETORS. ? Published every Thursday, at Georgetown, Se 0. The TIMES respectfully asks the attention of ibo a us i ness men or Charleston to Its low advertising rates. Our terms are low, but they are cash. We win insert a Card of not more than 10 Unes for |10 per annum. Look to your interests.] . Jnnl3_ . .? gHAMFOOLNG AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN ri? mended at their residences promptly and> at reasonable rates. -,\ Send orders to . ? W. E. MARSHALL, Barber,': Breul street, next door to Telegraph office. may23 . P BANK'S SALOON. FRANK HOWARD, late of the Pavilion Boret, ind more recently of the Mills House, has opened FRANK'S SALOON, it NO. 14S MEETING STREET, directly Opposite :he Board of Trade Rooms. H ALES, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, or the '?est luallty, will be served, and Lunch daily from U au 2 o'clock. ? . ~: apriamo FRANK HOWARD. JBocljMittB, (Eastings, &t., E RICSSON'S CALORIC ENGI Nt'S .: SAFE, ECONOMICAL, DURABLE. USES BO WATER. REQUIRES NO ENGINEER,.5 .?? ( Having made arrangements for manufacturing this ENGINE on an extensive scale, we are'pow prepared to furnish to aU desiring a light power, ;ae best and moat economical Engine ever o^rer jd to the public. ni DELA MATER IRON WORKS, fi* FOOT OF WEST 13TH STREET, NEW YORK. BRANCH OFFICE: JAS. A. ROBINSON, -t. ?j" mayS0-3mos_No 130 Broadway. jyjEETING STREET FOUNDRY. raiS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW PURNISHINO T??Of? PROVED ? MCCARTHY COTTON G^N. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, ? . ' .cia Of various sizes, on hand. Improved Vertical and Horizontal Oom ?Um, Sugar Mills, Sugar Boilers and Pane,'if aft sizes. . "'^ Horse-Powers and Gin Gearing, from fl to ttrfeet In diameter. Improved Lever Cotton Presses, for Hand; $iWer, Saw and Rice Milla. Machinery and Castings of all description?mada te order. ?>? Particular attention paid to House FrontsJand Castings for Buildings, Gratings, datera Coters, sash Weights, Ac, ftc .-T ? WILLIAM S. HENEREY, . MACHINIST AND FOUN1XEB. .ita NO. 814 MEETTNO STREET, bait*. OHARLBBTON, 8. C. . nv aug4 mws _.*>oj _ ^J^!^ . p J. SCHLBPE6EB L'jf,, .'V LINE STREET^ BETWEEN ZWQpK?; LUMBER of eT'^!^?tl??Li?*J??^ MATERIAL, Lime and Plastering Laths, rm Glasses, Shingles; also Groove inlftWJ* B^rdl^Ac/constantly on hand at the.-AfWfc mi-set prices; also, Vegetable Boxea .-",, oe tu mtnslyr , v r.