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C ITT AFFAIRS. . ADVERTISERS will take notice that we cannot engage that any advertisement seat to THE NEWS office at a later hour than half-past nine o'clock at night will appear in the next morn "fig's paper. An exception to this rule Is made in favor ol notices of meeting, deaths and funerals. - - - . ?_ BILL HEAPS printed on fine paper at $3, $4, 46, $6 50 and $8 50 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Office. THE HEAT.-Appended is the range of the thermometer yesterday at Joseph Blackman's .drug store. No. 39 Broad street : 8 o'clock, 81; 10, 84; 12, 86; 2, 88; 4, 87; 6, 87, 8, 85. EXCURSION.-The boys ol the St. Peter'6 Sun? day-school had an excursion to Sullivan's Isl? and on Wednesday, and the girls had a similar excursion on Thursday. They enjoyed them? selves hugely._ Tm STAT?*-There were heavy rains in Barnwell on'Tuesday....Greenville has had heavy showers during the past week-The wheat and oat crops in Chester, just harvested, are very good, and tho promise tor corn and cotton is good. '_ MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE.-A white boy, about seventeen years of age, and, named Ogier Chapman, left his home early Thursday morning and has not yet returned. Any infor? mation concerning his whereabouts will be grateiully received by his widowed mother. IMPROVEMENT.-The partition wall behind Nos. 1 and 3 Hay ne street, occupied by Messrs. George W. Wilhams & Co., ls being removed. This: work is under the charge ol Mr. J. C. Lacoste. When the work is completed, the fen will have moro room to carry on their rapidly increasing business. REGATTA.-At six o'clock this afternoon our ?citizens will have an opportunity ol witnessing an oar boat regatta off the battery. Four boats, with four oars each, have been entered. The start will be made at the hour named from Chlsolm's Mill, and the race will be over the old course to a point on" the lower end of the battery, a distance of one mlle. . 1.0.0. F.-At the regular meeting of Schil? ler Lodge, No. 30, the following officers were .duly installed: D. Nordmeyer, N. G.; H. Zeig ler, V. G.; Th. Henrichsoo, secretary; J no. Heesemann, treasurer; J. H. Albers, W.; F. Grovermann, A. G.; A. Minges, C.; H. Buck, B. S. N. G.; H. Honings, L. S. N. G.; J. Hels- 1 Isenb?ttel, R. 8. S.; F. Kuhland, L. S. S.; H. Rosebrock, t G.; H. TIetJen, Ri S. V. G.; A. Henken, L. S.V. G. , THE TENNESSEE.-The tug Oldham, which ] left Wilmington on Wednesday for the wreck- 1 ed steamer Tennessee, with steam pump, dec, to endeavor to get her off the beach, had not, ! np to Thursday night, been able to reach her in consequence ot the rough sea. The sloop Flash arrived at Wilmington - Thursday, with twenty-seven bales cotton on . board, saved from the wreck, and late the ? . same night the steamship Empire also came f np, having on board Mr. W. P. Clyde and Cap- * tain Chichester. The Empire has been to the flpt.' c k, but did not attempt to re m ove anything. Mr. Clyde Informed the Journal that it is as yet uncertain whether an effort will be made to * save either tiie hull br the machinery, as the 1 former now appears to be badly battered, and the machinery is warped, and otherwise rauch n injured by the intense heat. a . ' ?- ? A FOUNDLING.-The Columbia Guardian says ? that on the night of the 7th instant, as two of v Billy Holmes's daughters were returning from h the firemen's fair, they saw a small bundle ti upon the steps of a carpenter's shop next to n their house, and their escort havingJtfs euri- {jj osiry excttjj^fcfci^Jt up, and, opening the n mus?n ri^per,founcFTO conteatsjt?oib?^i bran n new crybaby. The chim is .s?|p^ht ' ohm- p piecteflland Is supposed > bJ|iSBraj&'a was aflund its body, whl i apjteafed to bc thi> b hali' o| stocking, on whl : i ^js?p;^i^wplece [? o? pa^tw?i thi> letter ^^^^^^?t. n presen* T^y?ng^er Wll^d ajLerous V visltsJmd n&ny were the remarks whom it resembled: ^***:^^ UNITED- ' STATE3 COORT-HON. GEORGE S. BRYAN, PRESIDING_The following business , was disposed of In the Admiralty, Circuit and ? District Courts yesterday : Admiralty Court.-In the case of H. S. Leb- fl bK vs. the steamship Moneka et'al-libel it was ordered that the libel be dismissed, the fe libellantpaymg the costs. The libellant enter- J ed an appeal from the decree. pi Circuit Court.-In the case- of the United J* States vs. David H. Hamilton, principal, and Henry Gourdin and John S. Ash?, sureties- w debt on official bond-the judge found for the W| plaintiff $3000 and coste. ni i?jbx the case of the United States vs. C.B. ^ Prloleau, T. D Wagner, et al, partners under ni tho. style of John Fraser ? Co., time was grant- ^ [ ed the ; d?fendante to file an answer to the sup- ol elemental bill. H District Court.-Ex parte Adolph Tiefenthal, of Prussia. Petition for citizenship. Granted. Bi . Ex parte G. Herbert Sass, In re Evans & J? Cogswell. Application for substitute, 4c. Granted. CRUMBS.-At the last meeting of the Board "7 of Trade, George L. Buist, Esq., was unani- ( mously elected solicitor. - E1 The Mayor yesterday imposed fines to the amount of ten dollars. .BtWOtj forget the excursion of the Planter N< to the phosphate works to-day. ot ? Tetter addressed to "T. J. Sheenan, i0 Charleston," is held at the Wilmington post office. B< William Pennington has been sentenced to pf a term of twenty days in jail, by Trial Justice T. J. Mackey, for assaulting Louisa Simmons. Jeffrey Bayes, arrested by the detectives np- J oakthe charge of having stolen three sliver "I spoons and a set of harness, is held for trial. ' A grand picnic will be given atGibbs's farm, on Monday next, for the benefit o? the Young Men's African us Debating Club. Ellen Jackson, colored, charged with being one of two thieves who escaped from Savan? nah, has been arrested here. The motion for an injonction to restrain the city from paying4he Interest on the city debt ox -did not take place yesterday as was expected, n* but will probably be made on Friday next. The hearing of the case of Mollie Daniels, m arrested for keeping a disorderly house in La Beatifaln street, has been postponed until to- ?" day. an - Henry Wilson, arrested for entering Mr. afl Boddy's store and robbing his cash box to the . amount of $16, had a trial yesterday before Trial Justice Magrath, and was found guilty dJ and sen^nced to a term of. thirty days in jail. - Hotel Arrival?-July f>. ~ CHARLESTON. . M. David, Columbia; Thos. McGetrlck, Au? gusta; G. W. Boblnson, Baltimore; S. C. Peixot to, Columbia; Sol. Haas, North Carolina; W. H. Be thea, Marion; W. S. Dunn, Summerville; W. J. McKeraU, Marion, J^B. Sheckell, Bo?ton. tic w Ni Btl H I SALE OK REAL ESTATE.-Mr. McGillivray sold a vacant lot near the corner of Broad and Butledge streets, sixty feet front by one hun drednnd thirty-seven in depth, for $1500. LAMES' MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION'.-The re? port ot the receipts and expenditures of this association for the month of June, 1870, con? sists of the following amounts, viz : ,To balance, $222 05; to salesroom account, $64 95; to sub? scriptions, $104. Total. $391. By cash paid, $170; by Insurance on depository, $30; by bal? ance on hand, $191. Amount of ordert work during the month, $46 61. THE CITY PROPERTY NOT TO BE SOLD.-As is known, the Battery, Artesian Well, and other city property, levied upon by Sheriff Mackey, by virtue of an execution in the case of the executors of Geo. Gibbon vs. the City Council, is advertised to be sold on Monday next By reference to our telegraphic columns lt will be seen that on yesterday, at Columbia, before Associate Justice Willard, City Attorney Corbin, in behalf of the City Council, moved that the injunction heretofore granted by Judge Willard restraining Sheriff Mackey from yelling the aforesaid property be continued in force. The executors were represented by Messrs. Phillips and Campbell. After argu? ments from the counsel on both sides, Messrs. Phillips and Campbell agreed to withdraw the evy, but announced that, although they would aot insist upon the sa'e of the property at the ;lme advertised, they would hereafter renew he levy. Major Corbin then withdrew his mo ion to continue the injunction. BUSINESS NOTICES. SPECIAL attention ls called to the advertlse nent of bonds for sale by Mr. A. C. Kaufman, ;o be found elsewhere. THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Boston, is most con? veniently located to all lines of travel, as well ts to the business portion of the city. Bllliard coms. cal?, passenger elevators, Ac. Newly famished throughout. CINCINNATI LAGER BEER.-Arriving weekly u half and quarter barrels. A supply always in hand. For sale by J. N. M. WOHLTMAXX, july6-4 No. 187 East Bay. HAVE you tried my dollar Tea, Green and Hack? WILSON'S GBOCEET. Jun8 BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Oi?ce s now prepared to furnish good envelopes, vith business cards printed thereon, at $4 per housand. Send your orders. Every mer ?nant and business man should have his card >rinted on his envelopes. DAVID DICKSON'S great book on tanning now ?ut No homer's library complete without it. Sound in cloth, extra, $4; sheep, $4 50; half norocco, $5. Orders received at this office. lOod canvassing agents wanted. For terms, ipply at this office. j uni7-1 mo Kemovals. REMOVAL.-THE SUBSCRIBER HAS removed from the old and well known tand, No. 17 Broad street, to No. 39 Broad street, rhete he will be pleased to see the friends and atrons of the Old Establishment JOS-PH BLACKMAN. Apothecary No. 39 Broad street. July?-tuwsS ^eolt!) anb fie cr cation, rori LL I AM S TO N SPRINGS. The large and commodious Hotel at this delight. il watering-place has been thoroughly repaired, nd flited np with new Furniture.under the super. itendence of JOHN A. MAYS, and will be opened n the 20th July, for the accommodation of visit- . rs. No pains or expense will be spared m pro- 1 hiing for the comfort and enjoyment of guests, with the advantage of a superior Hotel in a t eolthy and beautiful country, added to the cura? re properties of the water, and the pleasant- - ess of this delightful village, we believe that the t valid or pleasure-seeker can find no place of the Ind hereabouts where the time will be spent 5 tore profitably or agreeably. e The rooms are large and airy, and are so ar- . an ged as to furnish many conveniences, es ecially to families who do not wish to be sop- s rated. i Tpe table will be always furnished with the , est the country and cities can afford, and ?in 1 jeir culinary department they would say that t ley have secured the services of those who can- t ot fall to please even the most fastidious. t Complete facilities are likewise afforded for 1 mosement; in a word, the proprietor flatters t iraself that be has left nothing undone that t light afford pleasure, and comfoi c to his guests. , A few good horses and buggies will be found 1 instantly on hand for the accommodation of 1 isltors. - f KATES OF BOASD: 1 Per Day.$ 2 60 < PerWepfc. 12 00 ? Per Month. 35 00 Special arrangements will be made with Faml- i to at a lower rate than the above. joly4-lmo_JOHN A. MAYS. J J1HE CATOOSA SPRIGS. " ? This well known and popular place will be open >r the reception of visitors. Jone the 20th, 1570. c lie Proprietor will endeavor to make it a pleas-11 it place to all who may favor him with their itronage. There ls a great varletv or water at ils place-about fifty springs on two acres of nd. t The curative and healing qualities of those i aters are well known to be equal to any in the orld. They are situated In Catooso County, Ga., r )out 7 miles from the Tennessee line, two miles d )rth of the W. A A. Railroad, fonr miles from Inggold, live and a hair rrom Tunnel HilL Pas- . . mgers can get off the cars at either of the last 6 jmed places, where they will find aocoiumodat- | r g landlords and ladlee to stop with and convey ice to the Springs. There will be a regular Une Coaches and a baggage Wagon, from Tunnel Ul to the Springs Persons wishing Board had ot notify the Proprietor by letter. My Postofflce will be Tunnel HUI. Ga. >ard per month.$50 00 ard per week. u 00 jard per day. 250 A deduction for large families. JOHN C. MARTIN, Proprietor WM. W. MARTIN, derk._JnlyS-s: CHEROKEE SPRINGS, J ght Miles from Spartanborg Courthouse, S. C. New Furniture-Hotel thoroughly Renovated. JW Bedding, New Baths, Bowling Alley, and I E her modes of exercise for guests, will be ready | li r visitors June 1,1S70. CABINS TO RENT. I a Vi >ard per month.?30 , ?r w?*.io u !C day.... R. C. OLIVER, Proprietor, Spartanburg Courthouse. S. C. ll |un9-thstulmo* e TfTHERE TO SPEND THE SUMMER. ? - b GLENN SPRINGS. n SPARTANDUVG COUNTY". S. C. a W. D. FOWLER, PROPRIETOR. rbis delightful WATERING PLACE, unsurpassed any m the South, is .low open for the recep >n of Invalids and pleasure-seekers for the sum- E sr. The Billiard and Bowling Saloon, both for cl dies and Gentlemen. wUl be found m complete der. Rooms newly and comfortably furnished, d thc tables supplied with the best the market 'olds. stages direct from Spartanburg to Hotel same .y. Charges-$35 per month. jun20-lmo a FIRST CLASS HOTEL. European Pian. Loca ? unsurpassed, being near UNION SQUARE, ALLAOK'S THEATRE, and A T. STEWART'S sw (uptown) Store. Broadway and Twelfth reeta, New York. G. P. HARLOW, it>rl4 thsta Proprietor. iflarne?. BUCHH KIT-STACKLBY.-JQly 3.1870, by Rev. W. B. Yates, at the residence or the bride'? rather. Mr. PHIL. BucnHsrr, Jr., of Florence, s C., to Hiss ELIZA, eldest daughter ol John Stack ley, Esq. of Charleston, S. C. SS* Darlington and Marlon papers r-'.c?: "opy Sew York papers will also copy. CObitnarrj. CLARKSON-Died, on June 8th Insult, near Frederlcksburg, Va., HBKKY MAZYCK, ag. d eight mc nt tis and seventeen days, the son of He. ry M. and Janie Irvin Clarkson STROTHER.-Died, near Ettgefleld. on Tt.'ffid nit., BESSIE REED, Becond daughter or the ate >:ev. Edward Reed, and wife or B. N. Strother. * CARROLL.-Died, In this city. July 6. 187 ANNA REYNOLDS, infant daughter or E. Mikeh and Anna R. Carroll, aged 8 months and 1 day. Ere sin could blight, or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care, * The opening bud to Heaven conveyed. And bade lt blossom there. * Special -Notices. NICKERSON HOUSE, COLUMBIA I have secured the services of Mr. C. T. KINLOCH, or Charleston, who will look after the comfort of the guests of the NIOKERSON HOUSE, july7 _W. A. WRIGHT. $S* ONLY 25 CENTS FOR CUTTING HAIR, 25 cents lor Shampooing, and Eight Shaves tor $1, at J. LOHBARDO'S, No. 114 Mar kel street. Jnlve-6* pS* THE SOUTH CAROLINA LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY.-CHARLESTON, S. C JULY 6, 1870.-SAVINQS DEPARTMENT.-The Quarterly Dividends credited to the Depositors, and remaining undrawn, will bear interest from 1st instant. All Deposits made on or before 20th instant, will bear Interest as thongh made on 1st instant. The rate of interest is Six per cent, per annum, credited quarterly. THOS. R. WARING, ?':ly6-15 Cashier. pS" NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAV? INGS AND TRUST COMPANY.-CHARLESTON' BRANCH, NO. 74 BROAD STREET.-Money deposited -?n or before July 18th, will draw Interest from July 1st. Interest allowed March, Jnly and No vernier. Deposits payable on demand. Jan29 NATHAN RITTER. Cashier. ^CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON BRANCH, No 5 BROAD STREET.-The Books ol this Bank will be closed for the payment of Deposits from the 1st to the 16th or July, in order to make the regular semi-annual calculations of Interest, but will con tlnue to receive deposits as usual. Interest allowed on deposits six per cent., com? pounded semi-annually, and upon all money de? posited In this Bank on or before the 5th day of each Calendar, month will bear Interest for that month, the same as If deposited on 1st Instant. D. RAVENEL, Jr.. jun28 Assistant Cashier. ^^DABNEY, MOF jrxtlj & CO. VS. THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS OF THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, ET AL. CHARLESTON COUNTY, COMMON PLEAS EQUITY SIDE.-All persons, depositors in the Bank of the State of South Carolina, or any of Its branches, having claims upon said Bank, are hereby notified that by the decree or his Honor Judge CARPENTER, made In this cause, and dated May "th, 1870, they must prove their claims before me on or before the flfteen'.h (15th) day of August next, or else they will be barred rrom all participation In the Assets of said Bank or claims upon the State of South Carolina. Depositors must present their claims, sustained by affidavit, similar to those required for claims upon executors or administrators, stating dis? tinctly when the deposit accounr le?an. and iv hen lt ended. The Deposit Books must in every case bo pro luced ir in existence. CHARLES H. SIMONTON, Referee. Charleston, S. C., No. 15 Broad street, over Feo iles' National Bank, June 22, 1870. N. B.-Columbia Phoenix will please copy as ibove marked. jun23-23,30Jul8.9,13,20.23,27.30,aug?, PS* BUILD UP THE SYSTEM. itrength evaporates fast at this season. This is specially the case with ah who live by the sweat .f their brow. From every pore of the sieve-like kin a moisture exudes which contains the cle? nents of vitality. Thereby the blood is impover shed, the nerves relaxed, the muscles weakened, he digestion impaired, the bowels disturbed, and he animal spirits depressed. The constant drain hat produces these effects cannot be arrested, lecause it is due to the heat or the atmosphere; mt the loss of the life-sustaining elements can >e supplied by extra Invigoration. Now, there ore, ls the time to resort to HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, the most powerful und tealthful of ad vegetable tonics. Long experl mee has proved that nothing else will efficiently wstaln and regulate the system, when wilting lown nnder the double presare of excessive teat, and constant physical or mental labor, AH lersons who have been tempted to try the local 'tonics'* (so-called) which have been started by ordid speculators, la almost every town and lUage. with a view or "turning a penny" by the rednllty or the unwary, know this to their cost, t ls a wise maxim that says, "Hold fast to that rhlch is good/' Of the forty millions of people n the United States, probably one-filth have ested the restorative properties of HOSTETTER'S UTTERS, and know it to be a specific for dys? pepsia, biliousness, nervous weakness, general lebllity, constipation, fever and ague, and want f appetite: that any of these should bepersnad d to experiment with the worthless nostrums ecommended by unscrupulous and ignorant rapyrlcs seems almost incredible. jllly8-D4C8_ YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY HAVING YOUR PRINTING EXECUTED AT THE NEWS JOB OFFICE. ?-ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.*?a ,ZS* MORE POWER THAN CALOMEL. [OME EVIDENCE.-AUGUSTA, Ga., December l, }6f?.-Messrs. Wm. H. Tutl & Land-Gents: For ?veral years past, I have been subject to Bilious ttacks, and always was a firm believer that there ?as no remedy for the complaint but mercury, mil about a year.and a hah* ago, as an exped? ient, I tried your Vegetable Liver Pills, and was greeably surprised to find that they accomplish ii all the results, and more besides, of Blue Mass r Calomel, without any of their bad effects. I .as always an unbeliever in Patent Medtcines, ut can say this for your Pills, that, since I com lenced using them, I have not taken a particle r Mercury m any shape, and I consider this fact a important one, and one that those who are in ie habit of taking Mercury for Billons diseases ia properly appreciate. I cordially recommend ..em as the best Liver Medicine ever introduced. Yours, Ac. E. H. GRAY, jnni;-lmo No. 240 Broad Street. ps* AWAY WITH SPECTACLES--OLD yes made new, easily, without doctor or med? nes. Sent postpaid on receipt of io cents. Ad resa Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, ew York. decl6 PS* MANHOOD.-A MEDICAL ESSAY n the Cause and Cure of Decline in Premature lan, the treatment of Nervous and Physical De lilty, Ac. "There ls no member of society by whom this ook will not be found useful, whether such per? in holds the relation cf Parent Preceptor or lergyman.''-Medical Times and Gazette. Sent by mail on receipt of fifty cents. Address ie Author, Dr. E. DBF. ?URTIS, Washington, C. septl ly r AWAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE RUSSES.-Comfort and Cure for the Ruptured, ent postpaid on receipt or 10 cents. Address r. F.. B. FOOTE, No. 130 Lexington avenue, New Ork. decl5 i ; Special 3foticas. j^DIVTNE SERVICE WILL BE CON? DUCTED In the Orphan's Chapel TO-MORROW AFTE?-VOON, at 5O'Clock, by Rev. E. T. WTNK.LER, D. D._JnljO pS- DIVINE SERVICE WILL BE HELD at St. Stephen's Church TO-MORROW, at hair-past 10 o'clock A. M. and 6 o'clock P. M. july9-l ~-J3&-ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. The Rev. W. W. HICKS, associate Pastor or this Church, having returned to the city, will fill his pulpit TO-MORROW MoRNiire, at the usual hour, - and every succeeding Sabbath morning till fur? ther notice._Jnly9-? ps- NOTICE.-THREE MONTHS AF? TER date, application will be made for RENEW? AL of SCRIP, number and date not" known, In narre of Rev. CLEMENT P. JONES, for twenty two (2S) Shares Union Bank Stock, original hav ing been Inst or destroyed._Jnly9-lamoS? ps- LOOK AT THE RUINS I AYE, look at the ruins of what once were magnificent sets of teeth, to be seen everywhere in society. Look at them, and ask yourself if it ls not marvel? lous that such destruction is permitted, when, by simply using SOZODONT, any teeth, however fragile, may be preserved rrom decay or blemish is long as life lasts. ?'"SPALDING'S GLUE," useful In every house. July8-rmw_ RUNION BANK SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON, JUNE 30, 1870.-The Board or Di? rectors having declared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVI? DEND OF FIVE PER CENT, (free or Government rax) on the present Capital Stock or this Bank, ;he same will be paid to stockholders on and arter PDESOAY, 5th day or July, proximo, on application lt thc- Bank. H. D. ALEXANDER, Jnn30-th8tn5 _Cashier. ps- TREASURER'S OFFICE, SAVAN? NAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COM ?ANT.-COUPONS OF THE FIRST MORTGAGE 3?NDS of this Company, due J July, 1870, will >e paid at the Banking House or H. H. KIMPTON, 'Inanclal Agent or the State or south Carolina, so. 9 Nassau street, New York, on and after the Irst day of July, 1870 S. W. FISHER, Jun28-tuths6 _Treasarer, pS- TAX NOTICE.-THE SUBSCRIB? IR will be lu attendance at Mount Pleasant louse on TOKSDATS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, int? the 16th Instant, from 3 to 6 P. M., to re eive payment of Corporation Taxes.. JOHN FERGUSON, Town Treasurer. Mount Pleapant, July 1.1870. July2-st.uth6 ^-ESTATE OF REUBEN SMITH. He undersigned will, on and arter the 5th proxi? mo, pay a FINAL DIVIDEND (rrom an amount or ?sets recently realized) on the principal of the eb: due to such creditors as accepted a deed or sslgnment from REUBEN SMITH, dated 2d July. 816, and attached the amount of their claims to heir names. In all cases legal authority to receive the Dlvl end must be lodged with the undersigned before he same will be paid. SAMUEL Y. TUPPER. Administrator Estate of T. Tapper, Last Survivor or Assignees of Reuben smith. jun2S-tuths5 pS- GERMAN SOCIETY OF SOUTH ARO LIN A.-Emigrants seeking employment can btain Information concerning the same from aptain H. HARMS, Agent or this Society, whose mee for the present ls at No. 80 East Bay. Parties wishing to employ Emigrants can consult iie Agent dally. Office hours from 12 to 2 o'clock. JOHN OAMPSEN. ap33 ste_President. ps- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OUTH CAROLINA-In the matter of JNO. P. RADLEY, Bankrupt-In Bankruptcy.-To whom may concerti :-The undersigned hereby gives otice of.hls appointment as Assignee or JNO. . BRADLEY, tn the District or Williamsburg and tate of South Carolina, within said District, who ns been adjudged a bankrupt npon his own peli? on by the District Court of said District. . Dated the 17th day of March, A. D. 1870. jun25-s3 " J. E. SCOTT. Assignee. DO NOT TAKE OUR WORD. BUT RY IT.-Dr. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGU ATOR will relieve all irregularities, relieve all ritatlon or kidneys, purify the blood, give tone ad strength to the whole system, imparting a )sy-l-.ue to the cheeks, and cheerfulness to the lind. . For sale by GOODRICH, WINEMAN A CO. jun26-stntt>6mo3_ ps- PUBLIC SCHOOLS-PEABODY ' S UND FOR THE SOUTH.-The Trustees of the md have just had their annual meeting, when iloglums and resolutions were read in honor of ie memory of the distinguished benefactor, and ie report of the board for the past year received. The use or the rund has been productive or inch good, chiefly by thc stimulus lt has given ie committee in the establishment or public shoots. The benedts derived rrom them In every com .unity is lasting In their effects, and or ia cale u .ble advantage-elevating the masses, and Im? ming among them a thirst for knowledge, and desire for Information on all the leading topics .' the day, and on none more so than on Hygiene ?the preservation of health and the prevention of isease. . This is now so marked and apparent as to as ?nish the intelligent observer, proving evidently lat the people os a mass keep themselves in irmed of the hygienic reforms or the day, by mading with discrimination the various medical imphlets and almanacs that are furnished them ratuitously-among the best or which ls Solo ons's Omnibus for 1870, the medical text book r the people-m which will be found, by uncon sted certificates, "the unrivalled tonic of the mtury" is SOLOMONS'S BITTERS. july5-tuths3_ pS-k GRAND EPOCH IN SCIENCE. rom the time when, in 1834, Dr. RUOGE discov ed "Carbolic Acid" and Its extraordinary medt ,1 effects, notning in the history of Medicine has nailed lt. Largely used by the French physl ans In treatment of consumptive and scrofti? ns diseases, lt was introduced by the Court Phy ;lan of Berlin, MAX ERNST HENRY, into Pms ?, and from thence to the United States. No ing else of the present day can equal HEN rS SOLULION OR CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION BNOVATOR. Patients get better ajter only one >se has been taken, and we cordially recommend to the public-fEdltor "Argus.'' jahn l.vr PS- MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD, ?aya for young men. on the passional attrac >n of the sexes, and the happiness of TRUE UUUAOE, when perfect manhood nnd perfect ^manhood unite to consecrate the union. Sent ?. in sealed envelopes. .Address. HOWARD 5SOCIATION, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa. may24-3mos Cabinet-fttaking, &t. CABINET-MAKING AND UPHOLSTERY i NICELY AND SUBSTANTIALLY DONE BY L. LUNSFORD, No. 27 Queen Street, I wisii to inform my friends and the public gen ally that the Hospital for SICK FURNITURE la ill at No. 2" Queen street, where ali the diseases at Furniture is heir to will be cured speedily id on the most reasonable terms as usual. Send in, therefore, all your sick and wounded .tlents. and I will heal them and make glad the e hearts of all those who ravor me with patron e In this line. I would respectfully beg leave to call your at ntion to the fact that I am selling the best Sew 5 Machines to be found in the market, all com? it?, for only $17. C?ll and examine for your Ives, and read the testimonials in favor of the lproved Common Sense Family Sewing Ma? me, and then I am sure you will tak. ie home Ith you. J. L. Lt s ORD, No. 27 Queen 3treet. near Calder House. ipttt ?flisceilaneons. gPRUCE" SPARS ! SPRTJCE SPARS . 100 SPRUCE SPARS, or various lengths. Por sale low by J. A. ENSLOW ft- CO. jn1y9-3tnth3_ 1 j I . ? jp EBFECTION IN BAKING Housekeepers who do their Cooking- on Kero? sene or Oas Stoves, should procure D?VAL'S PATENT BAKER, which will bake Bread, Biscuit, Pies. Ac, and Roost Poultry, Beer, Potatoes, Ac, to perfection. For sale by j. B. DUVAL A SON, may28-aw_No. 387 King street. J^" S. HANCKEL, M. D., DENTIST, Has resumed the practice or his proreaalon. Rooms No. 235 King street opposite Hasel, ove SPKAR'S Jewelry Store |an25 8 thstn S HANNON & LINING, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 4C, CAMDEN, S. C. WM. M.SHANNON.ARTHUR P. LISINO jun2-?_ . ? Q J. SOHLEPEGRELL, NO. *37 LINE STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER of every description and BUILDING MATERIAL, Lime and Plastering Laths, Paints, Oils, Glasses, Shingles; also Groove and Tongue Boards, Ac, constantly on hand at the lowest market price?; also, Vegetable Boxes octll mtuslvr ?J HUPEIN A. WINKLER, DENTISTS, 07?iCK SO. '?Tl? RIK? ?TP.aK". Q.EOR GETOWN TIMES TARBOR A DOAR, PRorBlBTORS. Published ' every Thursday, at Georgetown. S. C. The TIMES respectfully asks the atten tlon of the business men of Charleston to Its low advertising rates. Our terms are low, but they are cash. We will insert a Card of not more than 10 lines for $10 per annum. Look to your interests. Jnnl3-lmo_ JOHN MARSHALL JR., COMMISSION MERCHANT. NAVAL STORES. COTTON, LUMBER ANT' RICE. MARSHALL'S WHARF. Ciuriestou. S. C. ang-24 ~_ JAMES CONNER'S 80NS UNITED STATES TYPE AND ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTER'S WAREHOUSE, NOS. 28, SO AND 32, CENTRE STREBT. CORNER READ AND DUANE STREETS, XE W YORK. . A large Stock of ENGLISH AND GERMAN PACES, both Plain and Ornamental, kept on land. All Type cast at this establishment is nanufacturedjrrom the metal known as Conner'? Unequalled Hard Type Metal. Every article ne xssary for a perfect Printing Ottlce furnished. Ian2fl atnthflmnn* f TP HAM'S ANTIDOTE FOR STRONG U DRINK. A SURE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Bottle. Sent by mail, postage >aid, on receipt of price. The Antidote ls the test remedy that can be id ministered In Mauia-a-Potu, and also for all ?ervouB affections. For sale bv Dr. H. BAER. No. 131 Meeting street, nott, Agent tor South Carolina. 3 ti ino ano i-nrmslnng (ttoo?s. 1' ? * # t ? , . * . ? # * * I ? * * s - ? g C O T T' ' S IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER OUTFITS IN FURNISHING GOODS. THE FAMOUS STAR SHIRTS. JBATTS PATENT MOULDED COLLARS. SOLE AGENCY FOR THE NEW SPIRAL SEAM DRAWERS, ANO THE PATENT CHAMPION BRACE. (Suspenders and Shoulder Braces; SIGN OF THE STAR SHIRT. MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MAUSET. jaar: emosrxc (illina, (Erockarrj, &c. .^m. G. WHILDEN & CO. HAVE REMOVED THEIR VHOLESALE CROCKERY, CHINA AND GLASSWARE ESTABLISHMENT 'ROM No. 1C7 MEETING STREET TO No. 29 IIAYNE STREET, '.-wending through to No. 62 MARKET STREET, entrance on both streets. Mr. W. S. L ANNE AC w?l have the WHOLE ALE DEPARTMENT especially under his charge, nd Mr. STEPHEN THOMAS, Jr., will be found at ie RETAIL STORE, No. 255 KING STREET, cor? er Beanfaln, and will manage that branch. Our customers and friends will lind a complete SSORTMENT OF.G00D3 at both Stores at REA? ONABLE RATES. Tn. G. WH-LDES..S.THOMAS. JR. . W. S. LASSEAU. ROCKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWARE AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT No. 29 H A Y N E S T R E EJT, AND No. 62 MARKET STREET. BATCHES JEWELRY. SOLVER ANO PLATED WARE CDT AND PRESSED GLASS CROCKERY AND CHINA AT NO. 155 KING STREET. CO RN BR DBAUPAIN. For sale by riLLI AM G. WHILDEN ? COI. naya EJnrge, Orjeimcals, &t. PROFESSOR BERGER'S BED-BUG DESTROYER, Cottar's INSECT POWDER . . ; G1 en'.worth's Roach Exterrain ator Costar's Rat PolsoB' : ; n / , , ls a a c c e n'a Sore Pop-Death to Mosquitoes. For sale bj DB. H. DAER, jaiy5 : No. 181 Meeting street. JJR. BING'S PILE REMEDY. For sale by DB. H. BA ER. Julys yA" . JJOMCEOPATHIC REMEDIER. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received by DR. H. BAER, july?_??_No. 131 Meeting street. JJR. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR, A preparation of Roots and Herbs, warranted to be strictly Vegetable, and can do no Injury to any one. . . It has been used by hundreds, and known for the last thirty-five years as one of the most relia ble. efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. H taken regularly and persistently, it ft snr?to cure: Dyspepsia, headache, jaundice.. costiveness, sick headache, chronic marr hoe a, affections of the bladder, camp dysentery, affections of the kidneys, fever, nervousness, chills, diseases of the skin, impurity of the blood, melancholy or de? pression of spirits, heartburn, colic or pains in thc bowels, pain in the head, fever and ague, dropsy, bolls, pain in back 'and limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections, and bilious ^.diseases generally. ' Prepared only by j. H. ZEILEN A CO., Drug, gists. Macon, Ga. Price $1: by mall $125'. Many highly respectable persons can fully at tess to the virtues of this valuable medicine. For sate Uv GOODRICH, WLNEMAN fe CO. DOWIE, MOISE Sc DAVIS, janis slyr Charleston.' S WEET QUININE Is ? recent Improvement. Replaces the use of the Bitter Sulphate Quinine, with which all are familiar. DOSE FOR DOSE, lt is warranted fully equal In every way to Bitter Qnlnlne, and. like ft, ls the one great, posi? tive and unfailing cure for all DISEASES OF MALARIOUS ORIGIN. Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Billons Fever, Dumb Ague, and the long train of disorders following these when neglected. SWEET QUININE ls made solely from Peruvian Bark (so is Bitter Quinine..i tue?ore lt ls or vegetable origin; and not a mineral poison, bat, on the contrary, ls proved to be one of the elements found In the blood of all healthv persons. SWEET QUININE . acts os an antidote to, as well asa care for, Mala? rial or Miasmatic Poison, the absorption of which by the lungs causes Intermittent Fevers, Ac. The only advantage claimed for SWEET QUININE over the use of old Bitter Qui?i, e ls the entire ab? sence of that intense, persistent bitterness, which In the latter ls an Insurmountable obstacle to its U3e with most persons, and always with children. SWEET QUININE ls In two forms-in Powder, for the use of Physi? cians and Druggists, and Fluid for use In the family and for fhe general public. STEARNS, FARR & CO., MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS, NEW YORK. For sale by DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS. maylo-tuths3mos S CIENTIFIC PROGRESSION Has unveiled to the light of day THE BITTER. MEDICATED INFUSION Kiowa to the people as SOLOMONS'S BITTERS! The Cure for Dyspepsia Aol its attending Evils. rie Prev<a:ive tc All Malarial Diseases. The Regulator of Tie Li'er and Stomach. rue .. Help " To Nursing Mothers. rHE PURE. PROMPT AND PERFECT TONIO OF THE PERIOD. Prfnuofd at sae Laboratory of A. A. SOLOMONS A CO., Wholesale Druggists, Savannah, Ga. 9W Soul by at: ?ruggist?. W. S. CORWIN A CO. will 6upply it at Proprie ;ors' prices. mchl-tuths6mos N" Railroads. O T I C E . SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. On and after July 1st. 1870, alt Passengers get .mg on Trains at Stations where Tickets ARE SOLD, ?nd neglecting to purchase Tickets, will be iharged the Conductor's Excess Rate. But all Passengers getting on at Stations where Tickets ire NOT SOLD, will be charged only the Agent's late bv the Conductor. ALFRED L. TYLER, vice-President. S. B. PICKENS, General Ticket Agent. my Augusta and Columbia papers copy dally or one week. july4-6 OUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD OENERAL SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, 1 CHARLESTON, S. C., May ll, 1870. j On and after Sundav. May 15th, the Passenger trains upon the South carolina Railroad will nm ts fo?owa: FOB ArGCoTA. ^eave Charleston.3.30 A. M. irrtve at Augusta.4.25 P. M FOB COLOMBIA. ..eave Charleston.8.30 A M Arrive at Columbia.:.4.10 P. M FOB OHABLESt'Otf. jeave Augusta.8.00 A. M jeave Columbia.7.45 A. M Arrive at Charleston.3.30 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT BXPRE3S. (Sundays excepted.) ^eave Charleston.9.80 P. M i/eave Augusta.6,oo P. M ixrtve at Augusta.7.05 A. M irrtve at Charleston.5.40 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.', ^eave Charleston.7.30 P. M. jeave Columbia.7.S0 P. M. sxrive at Columbia.?.00 A. M. jrrlve at Charleston.6.45 A. M. SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. [.eave Charleston.2.50 p. M. \rrtve at Summerville.*JB P. M Leave Summerville.?? A. M arrive at Charleston.<<-2o A. ?. CAMDEN BRANCH. Camden and Columbia Passenger Trains on iIoNL>AT?\ WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and be ween Camden and Klnarvllie dally, (Sundays ex iepted.l connects with up and down Day Pas iengers at Ringville. jeave camden.0.38 A M. Arrive at Columbia.11.00 A M. ueave Columbia.1.00 P. M. Arrive at Camden...,.6.40 P. M. H. T. PEAKE, mayl? General Superintendent. gUPERIOR COLOGNE WATER, Maaufat tared and for sale by Dr. H. BAER. oct6 ap, 131 Meeting street. faction. Sales--?nmrc Saps. BJ A. r. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. EM. CUDWORTH, vs. CECILIA L. . BROWN.-IN THE COMMON PLEAS.1 By vlrture or i ri order or he Hon R. B. Carpen? ter. Judge of the-First Clrcait, I will expose for sale at public auction on THURSDAY. 28th day of July Instant, at ll ?"clock A, M., In front or the Old Customhouse. ? AU that LOT OP LAND, with the improvements thert-on. situate north side or Cannon street, In the City or Charleston, measuring and contain? ing In rront on Cannon street thirty-three and one-third (334) feet, and In depth one hundred and seventy-two (172) reet. Butting and:bonnd lng north on lands of A. Jones, south on Cannon street aforesaid, east on lands of H a ry Burn, and west on land of Geo. Burn. Terms-One-hair cash; remainder in one year, to be secured by bond of purchaser, bearing in? terest from day of sale at the rate of seven per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, and mortgage of the property; buildings to oe in? sured and kept insured at the. cost of purchaser, for a s um equal to the amonht unpal.1 ;on the bond, and 'the policy assigned with mortgage. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. "E. W. M. MACKEY, July7ths7 Sherjff Charleston County..v ?ailroab iSupphes: l" STEAM ENGINES AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. A full assorcment of BRASS and IRON FIT? TINGS, for steam and gas-Utters and plumbers. Steam G nages, Guage-cooks, Low Water Detec? tors, oil Cups, Tools for. machinists and black? smiths, Bellows, Ac. ' For sale by ,'; , ,. CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., :.\ ' Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets/' mcb24 emo_CharleBt<m"'s> 0. jg E L T I N G. A large Stock ol Leather and Rubber BELTING and RUBBER ' GOODS, including Manhole and Handhole Gaskets, (ail'sizes.) Hose, Sheet Rub? ber for packing. P-.ire Vulcanized Gum for valves, fcc. " . . ' 'ij -i ' Xv.. ? i ::l . AL80, ... . : ?s i f?i - . >a ! ititi mi ttii "Regulation" LEATHER HOSE, double-riveted ind bf approved manufacture. - .... For sale by CAMERON, B??BXEYf.&"C0f, Corner Meeting and ' Cumberland str?etf,'-' , . . moh24 gmo i ? ,: cmart?st?n^R ? Q?O?MBER-WOOD PUMPS. J ] j JJ The cheapest and bast PUMP now In use. They (Ive no taste to the water and are applicablem wery locality. For sale by. ; . ?? CAMERON, BARKLEY * CO., ' .?Vii .. !. .. ...;< - ; 1 ? ' -:i ld ftlj M Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, . . mch2i arno_ Charleston, S. 0. j ? TEAM ENGINES,'/' Ju?d . ?Si nm .'. hSt-Sn' ?> 30LLERS, STEAM PUMPS, CIRCULAR SAW; MILLS, ilngle and double-acting Lift and Force PUMPS, 3. Dlsston A Son's Celebrated Circular, Gang," land and Cross-cut Saws. Also, Miners; and En? gineers" Supplies lu great variety, Shovekv.Picks, kc. ;: ' '. . V. For sale by ; vCAMERON, BARKLEY A CO.. ' Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, meb24 emo_Charleston,, 8.0. ; gAR IRON AND STEEL. English and American Refined, In bars English and American common, In bars ' Boiler Plate and Sheet Iron Bolts, Nuts and Washers.] ' . ?? .-,. . :..,( For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting, and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo_Charleston^ 3.'o. ^HITELEAD,^OOLORS AND PAINT Pure Raw and Doo/oIe-Bolleu" LINSEED OIL English and American White >ad Paints tn Oil. lr. great varley. ALSO, An extensive assortment of BRUSHES. For sale by CAMERON. BARKLEY A CO. Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets,. . mcjgt emo_Charleston, 8. a piPEFOR GAS, STEAM AND WATER. Sole Agency of MORRIS TASKER fr CO.'S Pas :al Iron Works. At store of CAMERON, BARKLEY de CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch2i Gmo Oharieston. S.-O. NT AILS, NAILS, Kthe best-brands, tnciudfng Parker Mills and 3AMER0N, BARKLEY A CO.'S unequalled "Ne ?las Ultra? CUT NAILS. ALSO, A fal! Steck of Wrought and Cut SPIKES,. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY 4 CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo Charleston, S. 0. 0 IL! OIL! 0 I Ll Winter Strained SPERM, Extra Lard ' C. B. A Co.1 J Engine Oil. Paraphene Spindle Olive Oil, Cotton Seed OU White Oak (West Virginia) OU. For sale by CAMERON. BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24Cmo Charleston, S. 0. jyj^EETING STREET FOUNDRY. HIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FCRNIsntNQ THB Di PaOVKD fcCAETHY COTTON OIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, O? varions sizes, on hand.. inproved Vertical and Horizontal Corn Milla, ? Sugar M/.L.S. Sugar Boilers and Pana, or all sizes. lorse-Powers and Gm Gearing, from e to ie reet In diameter, mproved Lever Coc:oa Presses, fer Hand, Power, Saw and Rice Mills, lachinery anJ Cas-mg* of 3i:. descriptions made ib order. Particular attention paid co House Fronts and taunta for Buildings. Gratings, Cistern Covers, las'u weigats, Ac... Ac. WILLIAM S. HENEREY, IACHINI3T AND FOUNDER, NO. 314 MEETING STREET. CHARLESTON', S. C. aug4 E RICcSON'S ?ALORiC ENGINE. SAFE. ECONOMICAL. DURABLE. USES NO WATER. REQUIRES NO ENGINEER. Having ina le arrangements for manufacturing his ENGINE on un extensive scale, we are now irenared to furnish to aU desiring a light power, he best and mos: economical Engine ever offer 0. to the public. DELAMATEE IRON WORKS, . 'OCT OF WEST 13TH STREET, NEW YORK. Pa.i>cn Oi-FtCE: JAS. A. ROBDXSON, mayoo-smos Nc ICO Broadway?