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C ITY AFFAIR S. ADVERTISERS will take notice that we cannot ^engage that any advertisement sent to Tas NEWS office at a later hoar than half-past nine o'clock at night will appear in the next morn? ing's paper. An exception to this rule is made in favor of notices of meetings, deaths and funerals. _ Meetings Thia Day Delta Lodge of Perfection, at 8 P. M. - Jefferson Lodge, at 8 P. M. Charleston Light Dragoons, at 8 P. M. Palmetto Regatta Club, at 8 P. M. * Carolina Rifle Club, at 8 P. H. Mechanics' Union, at 8 P. M. Vigilant Fire Company, at 8 P. M. La Favorita Club, at half-past 8 P. M. Auction Sales This Day. A. C. McOiliivray will sell at 12 o'clock, at j the CocrthQuse, real estate. J. E. Bowers will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Postoffice, real estate. Lowndes & Grimball will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Poetoffice, real estate. THE FOURTH. How it was Celebrated-Parade of Fire and Military Companies. The c?l?bration of the Fourth of July in the - way it is expected .to be celebrated, 1 e., with music, gun-firing, parades, ?c., was confined almost exclusively to the colored people and the United States - soldiers stationed at this * post Nearly all of the stores were closed, and the majority of the citizens enjoyed the day as one of rest Early yesterday morning the First Regiment of National Guards of South Carolina paraded through the principal' streets. This parade ushered in the day, and from that time out the streets were thronged with men, women and children, a large nnmber of the former In the uniform of a soldier or fireman, or wearing the insignia of some society-all awaiting, with ? commendable patience, the grand parade which was announced to take place at 3 o'clock, under the auspices of the Union League. Shortly before 3 o'clock the. rendezvous of the companies and societies at the corner of Meeting and Calhoun streets presented a most animated appearance. Drums were beating, fifes shrieking, marshals giving orders, banners fluttering, and companies marching to and Iro. 3 o'clock was the hour appointed for the forma? tion of the line, but It was long after that hour before il was formed and ready to march. At last however, the line, composed of the vari? ous colored military companies, the Union League and the Longshoremen's Protective Association, moved off, in charge of H. B. Pickenpack, chief marshal; N. T. Spencer, J. A. Mushlngton, A. H. Smith, Rev. R. D. Pep? per and T. Osborn, assistant marshals, through Calhoun to King, down King to Hasel, through jfasel to Meeting, and down Meeting to White Point Garden. On reaching White Point Gar? den the procession was dispersed, and the members and the crowd thronged around the -stand, which was draped with United States flags. It bad been announced that R. C. DeLarge, Aaron V. Logan, T. J. Mackey, W. H. Misha w, A. J. Ransier, Wm. Elliott Martin R. Delaney, B. H. Cain, C. C. Bowen, L. C. Northrop, W. G. Grlfflm and B. F. Jackson would deliver I addresses, and the assemblage settled Itself " down to hear them, bat the storm of rain ?which came ap shortly after 5 o'clock dispers? ed them before more than two had spoken. These two were Logan and DeLarge. Their remarks embraced very little more than the usual talk about the blessings of freedom and Republicanism. DeLarge, however, branched off Into a topic of which he now always treats -that of giving the colored people their full share of the State and county offices. His re? marks were well received by his hearers, and itj?h that they are becoming awakened to tamfft that they have, voted and received promises while, those they supported secured all of the offices and drew the salaries. As stated, the shower of raia dispersed the assemblage, and the exercises were abruptly ^concluded. . PARADE OT THE FIRE COMPANIES. While the procession above treated of was forming at the corner of Meeting and Calhoun Seem, the Ashley, No. 9, Comet Star, No. 5, udence, No. ?, Comet, of Orangeburg, and Pioneer Axe Company, of Savannah, formed at the corner of John and Meeting streets, and paraded in .the following order down Meet nk to Calhoun, through Calhoun to King, ^VRvn King to Hasel, through Hasel to Meet? ing, thence to White Point Garden, and np to ^Broad street: Pioneer Axe Company, Ashley, No. 9, with apparatus, Comet Star, with appa? ratus, Comet and Prudence. The Comet Star paraded the largest number of men, although all of the companies turned out well. When the line was near Broad and Meeting streets, about which point the exercises were to take place, the storm came np and necessitated the return of the firemen to their quarters. Notwithstanding the large crowd of colored people on the street^ there waa the utmost order throughout the day. There seemed to DB a lack of unanimity among the companies in their parade this year. Heretofore all of the organizations.-paraded together. Yesterday the military and fire companies paraded separately, while two of the military com? panies marched through Meeting street short? ly after the regular procession had passed, apparently as if they had formed no part or parcel of it CRUMBS.-Owing to the hot weather, there will be no skating at the rink for the present A large number of persons went to the blackfish banks yesterday, bu', caught few fish. .?iere was a thriving trade in peanuts yes ^rday. The chimes of St. Michaels were rung yesr 4kday in honor of the Fourth. ?The national salute was fired from a bat? tery at the arsenal yesterday at sunrise, noon and sunset. Among the various nags displayed yester? day wer those o.'England, France, Cuba and America. . ^ A banner with the Inscription, "No phos? phates in this ward," (4th,) attracted conside? rable attention yesterday. The steamer Pilot Boy arrived all safe yes? terday afternoon-none the worst for getting aground between Beaufort and Savannah, of which mention has been made. Two half-grown colored 'girls engaged in a regular rough-and-tumble fight yesterday after? noon, at the corner of Atlantic street and the bfitery, which ended without bloodshed. ? The steamer of the Phoenix Company was called out yesterday to extinguish the rt ames among the rains of the late fire on East Bay street THE HEAT.-The Fourth of July ls generally considered the hottest day of the year. This Fourth is an exception, however, as will be seen by the appended register of the ther? mometer report at Joseph Blackman's drug stoke. No. 39 Broad street : 8 o'clock, 82; fc?0, &; 12, 86; 2, 87; 4, 85; 6, 82; 8, 80. FIRE IN COLOMBIA.-The Phoenix says that at 3 o'clock, Sunday morning, fire waa discov? ered issuing from the grocery store of Cooper A Taylor, on Assembly street, opposite .the market, which soon extended to the buildings north and south, and endangered all the sur? rounding property. The following ls the loss : Cooper tc Taylor, brick building, totally des? troyed, with stock of goods ; McGuinnls cfc Co., bakery ; and Hendrix & Co., grocery, brick building, a portion of the stock of goods saved : a small brick building, occupied by colored jailors, names not known. These were all on the north. On the south : fruit store and dwell? ing^ occupied by Mrs. Huffman ; dwelling own? ed and occupied by J. T. Zealy, with contents. The stores occupied by Alworden & Stork and others, took "fire, but were extinguished. Amount of loss and Insurance unknown. There was but little wind, or the loss would have been fearful. BUSINESS NOTICES. AUCTION SALE OF CHROMOS.-The last and most attractive collection of chromos, will be sold by Leitch & Bruns, at Quinby & Co.'s Gallery, on "Wednesday, July 6th, at ll A. M. This collection is composed of the very finest chromos In the market, and will be sold with? out reserve. Call and examine the beautiful pictures. _ _ july5-2 OH, MT !-Why, my friend, Mrs. Jones, how well your furniture looks since you have had lt repaired. Do tell me who did do it up for you. 0, yes, friend Smith, certainly I will. Mr. J. L. Lunsford is the man, and his shop is in Queen street, No. 27, near the Calder House, and you will find him ever ready and wiUing to do your furniture up in the best style-and what is best of ali, he will not charge you a cow and cali for lt either. HAVE you tried my dollar Tea, Green and Black ? WILSON'S GROCERY. jun8 BILI. HEAPS printed on fine paper at $3, $4, $5, $6 50 and 18 50 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job Office. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office ls now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $4 per thousand. Send your orders. Every mer? chant and business man should have his card printed on his envelopes. DAVID DICKSON'S great book on farming now out. No larmer's Ubrary complete without it. Bound in cloth, extra, $4; sheep, $4 50; half j morocco, $5. Orders received at this office. Good canvassing agents wanted. For terms, apply at this office. junl7-lmo illa mc o. SHA?KELFORD-OTIS.-On Tuesday. 28th of I lune, by the Rev. W. B. W. Howe, JAMES M. SHACKBLFOKD and AMELIA OTIS, daughter of the. late W. M. Otis, all or this city. Special -Notices. psTL O. O. F.-R. W. GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA. -The M. W. Grand Master win InstaU the Officers or the Subordinate Lodges, at Odd Fellow's Hall, on the following evenings, at 8 o'clock : Marion, No. 2, on FRIDAY, July l. Schiller, No. 30, on SUNDAY, July 3. Jefferson, No. 4, on TUESDAY, Joly 6. South Carolina, No. 1, on WEDNESDAY, July 6. Howard, No. 3, on THURSDAY, July 7. The Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge ire requested to attend and assist m the installa? tion. By order of the M. W. G. M. RICHARD CALDWELL, Jnlyl-6_Grand Secretary. ?gfTEE PEOPLES* NATIONAL BANK, CHARLESTON, & O., JUNE 29. -The Board Of Di - ec tors harina; declared a DIVIDEND OF FIVE r-'??'CENTJon its CAPITAL'ST?OK ifr?eof the lovernment and State Tax,) the same will be >ald on and after the 5th day of July next. Jttlyl-4 .-' . H. OrLOPSR. Cashier. ?^-OFFICE^OF THE MOUNT PLEAS? ANT AND SULLIVAN'S ISLAND FURRY COM? PANY, CHARLESTON, JU LY 1, 1870.-The Board )? Directora having declared a DIVIDEND, from fte "earnings or the' last two months, of TWO ?OLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS' PER SHARE, be? ag at the rate of fifteen (15) per cent per annum, fte same will be paid to Stock holde ra on and after he, 6th instant, at the office corner of- Broad- and State streets. HDTSON LEE, Jolyl-tt * ' _Secretary and Treas?rer. pt* THE PLANTERS' AND" MECHAN? OS' BANK OF SOOTH CAROLINA, CHARLES? TON, S. C., JUNE 30, 1870.-Interest at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum, to 30th Jane, 1870,.on As? sessments paid upon Stock in this Bank, and a Dividend of Three (3j percent., free ot "Revenue ax, on the Capital, as declared by the Comptrol er-General ef the State, under the Act of 12th (arch, 1888, will be paid at the Bank on and after be 7th inst. Notes and Acceptances payable at this Bank on he 4th July, must oe anticipated, as the Bank vin be closed on that day. July I-f. W. E. HASKELL. Cashier. ps* FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF I HARLESTON.-CHARLESTON, S. C., JUNE '29, 870.-DIT/DEND NOTICE.-The BOARD OF ) I RECTO RS having declared a Dividend of ?IX PER CENT, on the Capita'. Stock, (free or lovernment Tax) the same vin be payable on ind after the 5th of July next. .v.WW. O. BREESE, June29 . ... Cashier. ^y*.-NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAV NGS AND TRUST OOLPANY.-CHABLESTON ?RANCH, No. 74 B?IOAD STREET.-Money deposited n or before July 18th, win draw interest from uiy 1st. Interest allowed March, July and No ember. Deposits" payable on demand. Jon? ' NATHAN RITTER, Cashier. ??.OFFICE CHARLESTON GASLIGHT ,'OMPANY, JUNE 21, 1870.-The Board of Direc ors of this Company having declared a Dividend X FIFTY CENTS per Share on the Capital Stock, he same wm be paid to Stockholders on and arter rtTESDAY, 6th July. The Books for transfer will be closed rrom this late untu the 6th July. w. J. H ERIOT. Jung Secretary and Treasurer. CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK OF lOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON BRANCH, No. ; BROAD STREET.-The Books of th& Bank will >e closed for the payment of Deposits from the 1st o the 16th of July, in order to make the regular eml-annual calculations of ?nteres:, but wili con Inue to receive deposits as usual. Interest allowed on deposits six per cent., com? manded semi-annually, and upon all money de? mited m this Bank ou or before the 5th day of lach Calendar month wlU bear Interest for that nun tn, the same as u* deposited on 1st instan:. D. RAVENEL, Jr.. jun.28 Assistant Cashier. NOTICE.-ALL PERSONS HAV NG claims against the estate of J. H. LANGE viii present them duly attested, and all Indebted o said estate wu! make payment to the under lgned, at the corner of Bogard and Laurel itreets. MARY LANGE, Jun28-:u3* Administratrix. THREE MONTHS FROM DATE ipplicatlon will be made to the People's Bank for ene wal of CERTIFICATE No. 2528, for 3 Shares, he original having been lost. may5-lamo3 ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COM? PANY OF CHARLESTON, S. C.-TREASURER'S OF? FICE, CHARLESTON', JUNK 22, 1870.-In accordance with a Resolution of the Board of Directors, adopt .d on the 20th instant, TEN (101 PERCENT, of the Capital Stock or this Company ls hereby called fer, payable at the Treasurer's office, Brown's Wharf, on or before 3th proximo. F. J. PELfAER, jun25-swfnitri5 Treasurer. Special Notices. pS- NOTICE.-THU STEAMER PILOT BOY will not leave for Edlsto and Beaufort To DAY, but win sall at her regalar hour, on THURS? DAY MORNING, for Beaufort and Savannah. julyS-l_._J. D. AIKEN' & on. pS- CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP MANHATTAN are notified that she ls discharg? ing cargo, at Adger's South Wharf. Goods un? called for at sunset, will remain on the wharf at owners' risk. JAMES ADC ER A CO., Agcuts. Jnly5-1_ ^.NOTICE.- A CHANGE OF OWN? ERSHIP having taken place In Steamer " EMILIE," all bills and claims against her to sot h June, inclusive, must be presented by loth July, or they will be debarred payment. SHACKELFORD A KELLY, Agents, July5-tuwf3 No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. ps- SPECIAL NOTICE. - GRANITE VILLE, S. C., JOLY 1ST, 1870.-A QUARTERLY BfVIDEND of Two (2) per cent, on the Capital Stock of the Graniteville Manufacturing Compa? ny, ls hereby declared, and will be payable on and after MONDAY, 11th instant. H. H. HICKMAN, july2-3 Prc3ldent G. M. Co. RUNION BANK SOUTH CAROLINA. CHARLESTON, JUNE 30,1870.-The Board or Di? rectors having declared a SEMI-ANNUAL DIVI? DEND OF FIVE PER CENT, (free or Government Tax) on the present Capital Stock or this Bank, the same will be paid to Stockholders on and arter TUESDAY, 5th day of Joly, proximo, on application at the Bank. H. D. ALEXANDER, Jun30-thstu5 _Cashier. ps- GERMAN SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-Emigrants seeking employment can obtain information concerning the same from Captain H. HARMS, Agent or this Society, whose office for the present ls at No. 80 East Bay. Parties wishing to employ Emigrants can consult the Agent daily. Office hours from 12 to 2 o'clock. JOHN CAMPSEN, ap23 stu President pS- ESTATE OF REUBEN SMITH. - The undersigned will, on and after the 5th proxi? mo, pay a FINAL DIVIDEND (from an amount of assets recently realized) on the principal of the debt due to such creditors as accepted a deed ot assignment from REUBEN SMITH, dated 2d July, 1816, and attached the amount of their claims to their names. In all cases legal authority to rooeive the Divi? dend must be lodged with the undersigned before the same will be paid. SAMUEL Y. TUPPER, Administrator Estate of T. Tapper, Last Survivor or Assignees of Benben Smith jun28-tuths5 TREASURER'S OFFICE, SAVAN? NAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD COM PANY.-COUPONS OF THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS of this Company, due 1st July, 1870, will be paid at the Banking House or H. H. KIMPTON, Financial Agent or the State of Sooth Carolina, No. 0 Nassau street, New York, on and after the first day of July, 1670 S. W. FISHER, Jun28-tuths6 Treasurer. pS- TAX NOTICE.-THE SUBSCRIB? ER will be in attendance at Mount Pleasant House on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, until the 15th instant, from 3 to 6 P. M., to re? ceive payment of Corporation Taxes. JOHN FERGUSON, Town Treasurer. Mount Pleasant, Jaly 1. 1870. July2-stutb6 DO NOT TAKE OUR WORD, BUT TRY IT.-Dr. J. BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGU? LATOR will relieve all irregularities, relieve all Irritation of kidneys, purify the blood, give tone and strength to the whole system, imparting rosy hue to the cheeks, and cheerfulness to the mind. For Bale by GOODRICH, WINEMAN A CO. Jnn25-stuth0mos pS- SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PUB LIC.-GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE-EVERYBODY INTERESTED.-Extraordinary sale or Diamond ind Gold Jewelry, Silver and Platedware, Musical Instruments, Sewing Machines, Dry and Fancy Soods, Table Cutlery, Photograph Albums, arti :les ot Virtu, and an endless variety or Foreign ind Domestic Goods, both userai and ornamen tal, at a uniform price or ONE DOLLAR each. Agents wanted everywhere. Great Induce men ts offered. Send for circular. Address, C. C. CORY A^O., No. 193 Broadway, jun3-ftu3mos New York. MORE POWER THAN CALOMEL HOME EVIDENCE.-AUGUSTA, Ga., December 1, i860.-ifessrs. Jfm. H. Tatt ? Land-Gents: For several years post, I have been subject to Bilious macks, and always was a Arm believer that there ivas no remedy for the complaint but mercury, mtll about a year and a half ago, as an expert neat, I tried your Vegetable Liver Pills, and was igreeably surprised to find that they accomplish >d all the results, and more besides, or Blue Mass jr Calomel, without any ot their bad effects. I ?vas always an unbeliever Hi Patent Medicines, ml can say this for your Pills, that, since I com? menced using them, I have not taken a particle )f Mercury m any shape, and I consider this tact ia important one, and one that those who are in he habit of taking Mercury for Bilious diseases :an properly appreciate. I cordially recommend ;hem as the best Liver Medicine ever introduced. Yours, Ac. E. H. GRAY, junlT-lmo No. 249 Broad Street MANHOOD AND WOMANHOOD Essays for yoong men, on the passional attrac? tion of the sexes, and the happiness of Taux il ARR i AGE, when perfect manhood and perfect womanhood unite to consecrate the union. Sent ree, in sealed 'envelopes. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, BoxP, Philadelphia, Pa. may24-3mos- . YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY. HAVING YOUR PRINTING EXECUTED AT THE NEWS JOB OFFICE. ?-ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. pS-A. GRAND EPOCH IN SCIENCE.- 1 froia the time when, la 1334. j)r. RUG GE dlscov- ( fred "Carbolic Acid" and Its extraordinary medi- I :al effects, nothing tn the history of Medicine has ?quailed lt. Largely used by the French physi tlans in treatment of consumptive and sensu? ous diseases, lt was Introduced by the Court Phy? sician of Berlin, MAT ERNST HENRY, into Prus tia, and from thence to the United States. No nlng else of the present day can equal HEN- - IT'o SOLULION OR CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. Patieuts get better after only one - tose has been taken, and we cordially recommend t to the public-(Editor "Argos." janl7 Iyr c par MANHOOD.-A MEDICAL ESSAY m the Cause and Cure of Decline in Premature Han, the treatment of Nervous and Physical De? bility, Ac. "There ls no member of society by whom this ( book will not be round oserai, whether such per? son holds the relation cf Parent Preceptor or Clergyman."-Medical Times and Gazette. Sent by mall on receipt or fifty cents. Address the Author, Dr. E. DEF. OURTIS, Washington, D. C._septl lyr A WAY WITH SPECTACLES. -OLD Eyes made new, easily, without doctor or medi? cines. Sent postpaid on receipt of io cents. Ad- ? dress Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, , New York._dec?s | pS- AWAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE TRUSSES.-Comfort and Cure for the Ruptured. Sent postpaid on receipt of 10 cents. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, New iori, decifi ?pmai ?Yotires. ps* PUBLIC SCHOOLS-PEABODY'S FUND FOB THE SOUTH-The Trust?es of the rand bave jost bad tbelr annual meeting, when eulogiums and resolutions were read in honor of the memory of the distinguished benefactor, and the report of the board for the past year received. The use of the fund has been productive of much good, chiefly by the stimulus lt has given the committee In the establishment of public schools. The benefits derived from them In every com? munity ls lasting in their effects, and of Incalcu? lable advantage-elevating the masses, and Im? parting among them a thirst for knowledge, and a desire for Information on all the leading topics of the day, and on none more so than on Hygiene -the preservation of health and the prevention of disease. This ls aow so marked and apparent as to as? tonish the Intelligent observer, proving evidently that the people as a mass keep themselves in? formed of the hygienic reforms of the day, by reading with discrimination the various medical pamphlets and almanacs that are furnished them gratuitously-among the best of which ls Solo? mons 's Omnibus for 1870, the medical text kook for the people-m which will be found, by uncon? tested certificates, "the unrivalled tonic of the century" is SOLOMONS'S BITTERS. Jnly5-tuths3_ ps* A BROADSIDE FOR HUMBUGS. Incompetence and assurance generally go hand in hand, and of all the tribe of pretentious know-nothings with which society is afflicted, the unscientific "medicine men" who attempt to tamper with the health of the community are the most dangerous and the most impudent. So much by way of text. Now for a special and particular application. Ic appears that a mushroom growth of so-called "Bitters" is springing up under different names in various localities, particularly in the Southern and Western States, which the venders have the hardihood to recommend to easy-going people upon whom they think they can Impose, as a sub? stitute for HOSTEITER'S STOMACH BITTERS, long recognized by every class as the purest and best medicated stimulant and lnvlgorant the world affords. The concoctions referred to being composed of worthless materials, offer a larger margin for profit than that Celebrated Tonic, and hence the anxiety of dollar-worshipping dealers to foist them upon the public In Its place. But "forewarned ls forearmed," and all par? ties whom these distinguished (?) beings are en? deavoring to coax and Inveigle into substituting trash for a standard remedy, are hereby inform? ed of the selfish and sordid motives which under? lie the representations la question. The great popularity and vast sales of HOSTET - TE R'S BITTERS cannot, of course, be seriously Impaired by these "tricks of trade," but as the debilitated and suffering have a direct interest In the matter, lt ls only an act of common hu? manity to put them on their guard. Julyl-D<tc6 Eailroab Supplies. STEAM ENGINES AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. A fuU assortment of BRASS and IRON FIT TINOS, for steam and gas-fitters and plambers. steam Guages, Guage-cocks, Low Water Detec? tors, Oil Cups, Tools for machinists and black imlths, Bellows, Ac. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY i CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mcii24 imo Charleston, S. C. ? E L T I N G. A large Stock of Leather and Rubber BELTING ind RUBBER GOODS, Including Manhole and landhole Gaskets, (all sizes.) Hose, Sheet Rub jer for packing, Pure Vulcanized Gum for valves, ALSO, "Regulation" LEATHER HOSE, double-riveted ind of approved manufacture. For sale by . - "? CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 arno_Charleston, 3.0. QUC UMBER-WOOD PUMPS. The cheapest and best PUMP now in use. They rive no taste to the water and are applicable la ivery locality. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 arno_Charleston. 8. C. gTEAM ENGINES, JOLLERS, STEAM PUMPS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Ungle and double-acting Lift and Force PUMPS, I. Disston A Son's Celebrated Circular, Gang, land and Cross-Out Saws. Also, Miners' and En neera' Supplies In great variety, Slovels, Picks tc. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO.. Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 6mo_?_Charleston, B. 0. gAR IRON* AND STEEL. English and American Relined, In bars English and American common, in bars Boiler Plate and Sheet Iron Bolts, Nuts and Washers.] For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO., Corner Meeting and cumberland streets, mch24 emo_ Charleston, 8. 0. t^THITE LEAD,Q00LORS AND PAINT Pure Raw and Double-Boiled LINSEED OIL English and American WhAe'Lead Paints la Oil, ta great variety. ALSO, An extensive assortment of BRUSHES. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO. Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 6mo Charleston. S. 0. Pf AILS, NAILS, lithe best brands, Including Parker Mills and JAMERON, BARKLEY A CO.'S unequalled "Ne Mus Ultra" CUT NAILS. ALSO, A full Stock of Wrought and Cut SPIKES. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO., ' Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 emo Charleston, S. 0. pLPE FOR GAS, STEAM AND WATER. Sole Agency of MORRIS TASKER A CO.'S Pas :al Iron Works. At store of CAMERON, BARKLEY ? CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mchii emo . Charleston. S. C. 0 IL! OIL! OIL! Winter Strained SPERM, Extra Lard C. B. A Co.'s Engine Oil, Paraphene Spindle Olive Oil, Cotton Seed Oil White Oak (Weat Virginia) OIL For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch246mo ' Charleston, S. 0. gHAMPOOLNG AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN attended at tholr residences promptly and at reasonable rates. Send orders to W. E. MARSHA LT., Barber, Broad street, next door to Telegraph office, najsa ?rngs, CTiemical?, #c. JTJOMOOPATHIC REMEDIES. A FULL ASSORTMENT Just received by DR. H. BAER, Jnly5_No. 131 Meeting street. jyR. BING'S PILE REMEDY. For sale by DR, H. BAER. Julys_ PROFESSOR BERGER'S BED-BUG DESTROYER. Costars INSECT POWDER Olentwortb's Roach Exterminator Costar's Rat Poison Isaacsen's Sure Pop-Death to Musquitoes. For sale by ' DR, H. BAER, Jnly5_No. 131 Meeting street. S WEET QUININE Is a recent improvement. Replaces the ase of the Bitter Sulphate Quinine, with which all are fam?lar. DOSE FOR DOSE, lt ls warranted fully equal in every way to Bitter Quinine, and, like it. ls the one great, posi? tive and unfailing cure for all DISEASES OF MALARIOUS ORIGIN. Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Bilious Fever, Dumb Ague, and the long train of disorders rollo wing these when neglected. SWEET QUININE ls made solely from Peruvian Bark (so ls Bitter Quinine,) thefore it ls or vegetable origin, and not a mineral poison, bat, on the contrary, is proved to be one or the elements round in the blood or all healthy persons. SWEET QUININE acts as an antidote to, as well as a care for, Mala? rial or Miasmatic Poison, the absorption or which by the lungs causes Intermittent Fevers, Ac. The only advantage claimed for SWEET QUININE over the use pf old Bitter Qulnli.e ls the entire ab? sence ot that'intense, persistent bitterness, which In the latter ls an Insurmountable obstacle to Its ase with most persons, and always with children. SWEET QUININE ls la two forms-In Powder, for the use or Physi? cians and Druggists, and Fluid for use In the family and for the general public. STEARNS, FARR & CO., MANUFACTURING OHEMISTS, NEW TORE. For sale by DO WIE, MOISE A DAVIS. mayl0-tuths3mos_ gCIENTIFIC PROGRESSION Has unveiled to the light of day THE BITTER, MEDICATED INFUSION Known to tho people as 80LOMONS'S BITTERS! The Cure for Dyspepsia And Its attending Evils. The Preventive to All Malarial Diseases. The Regulator of The Liver and Stomach. The " Help " To Nursing Mothers. THE PURE, PROMPT AND PERFECT TONIO OF THE PERIOD. Prepared at the Laboratory of A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., Wholesale Druggists, Savannah, Ga. aa~ Sold by all Druggists. W. S. CORWIN A CO. will supply lt at Proprie? tors' prices. mchl-tuthsomos JgUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL FOR INFANTS TEETHING. ALLAYS INFLAMMATION' OP THE OHMS. CURES CHOLIC, CHOLERA INFANTUM, DYSENTERY. AND ALL DISEASES TO WHICH CHILDREN ARB SUBJECT WHEN TEETHING. CONTAINS NO ANODYNE. RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL 18 Offered to the public with an absolute guarantee against all danger from Its use. Read the folio wing certifi? cates: CHARLESTON, May io, 1968. Mr. J. B. RUSSELL, one of our careful and Intel? ligent Pharmaceutists and Apothecaries, has sub? mitted to my examination the formula for the preparation of a Soothing Cordial prepared and vended by him. It affords me pleasure to express a favorable opinion of Its safe and efficient adaptation Cc the f>artlcular cases of tho diseases or chile' ren. which, t is designed to relieve. E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Having had occasion to prescribe RUSSELL'S Soothing Cordial In severe cases or Bowel Com Staints in children and delicate females, I have een mach pleased with Its effects. I consider lt a valuable medicine in all cases, in which it may be advisable to avoid the use of anodyne, and par? ticularly Tor ramlly use, as it ls perfectly safe. W. T. WRAGG, M. D. CHARLESTON. S. C.. 1563. I certify that I have most successfully med RUSSELL'S Soothing Cordial in thc Summer Com? plaints ot infants. He has fully exhibited the In? gredients or his remedy, and the tedious method or preparation. I recognize the prescription containing no anodyne whatever-as a most safe and efficacious one In bowel affections of children. When much pain or restlessness attends the affec? tion, doses of Paregoric can be added to the pre? scribed doses of the Cordial according to the age of the patient. The compound, though more often, ants in an efficient manner without any ad? dition ot anodyne. In the Diarrhoea or the aged. In Increased doses, lt ls ot great value as a remedy ; never disagree? ing with the stomach-increasing appetite, im? proving digestion, and acting as a slow but effi? cient astringent agent. W. M. FITCH, M. D. CHARLESTON, S. C., 1868. Dear Slr-I have used your Soothing Cordial tor Diarrhoea In teething children, and find it a very excellent preparation. It has a great advantage over most preparations of the kind In containing no Opium or Narcotic. When these are required they eau be added la proportions applicable to the case. I therefore can recommend its use m the affec? tions for which lt ls designed. Respectfully yours, Ac. T. L. OGIER, M. D. MOUNT PLEASANT, S. 0,1888. Mr. J. B. Bussell : DEAR SIR-I have used your Soothing Cordial for children extensively in my practice, and most cheerfully testify to Its merits. I have fourni lt, without an exception, to accomplish ali it claims, and consider lt superior to anything In use tor children. Its freedom rrom anodyne of any kind recom? mends lt as a perfectly sare preparation lu the hands of mothers and Inexperienced nurses. Very respectfully, Ac, D. R. WILLIAMS, M. D. Made by J. B. RUSSELL, Chemist. Sold Dy Dr. H. BAER, Wholesale Agent for South Carolina._octl3 HE FOUNTAIN SYRINGE. T SELF ACTING.-NO PUMPING.-NO AIR INJECTED. The best universal SYRINGE in tue market. It ls recommended by the flrst Physicians or the country. It ls so simple that lt cannot get out of order. There are no valves, and nothing that will cor? rode. One will last a life time. Dr. JOS. H. WARREN, an eminent Phislclan, or Boston writes to the manufacturers: "From the tact or its simplicity and correct principle la the structure or your 'Fountain Sy? ringe,' and for the easy manipulation, practicable result, and comfort to the patient. I have recom? mended this Instrument extensively.'1 The Profession are Invited to cab and examine the apparatus. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. IL BAER, . No. 131 Meeting street. mayfJO Agent for South Carolina. JUST RECEIVED, CARBONATE OF AMMONIA Bicarbonate of Soda Cream of Tartar Fresh Hops. For sale, wholesale and retail, by Dr. H. BAER, octf No, 131 Meeting street, ?Luttion Sales--?rjis marj. A. C. McGILLIVARY, Auctioneer. SH ERIFF'S S A Ii E . By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias and executions against the property, to me directed and delivered, .win be sold THIS DAY, the 5th of July, (Monday, the regular sales-day, being a national holiday,) at the northeast corner of the Courthouse, at 12 o'clock, All the right, title and interest of the defendants hereinafter named in the property as below de? scribed: H. F. BRANDT VS. JANE H. B?O0LPH. All that LOT OF LAND, witn a three story Brlek House thereon, situate on the north side of Queen street, near Church street, measuring and containing on Queen street, 34 feet 3 inches, and in depth 75 feet, be the said measurements more or less; bounded north on St. Philip's Church? yard, easton Lands of Poinclgnon, west on Lands of Mrs. Rudolph, south on Queen street. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Mrs. Jane M. Rudolph at Uie suit of H. F. Brandt. J. L AHSENS, J. L. ANCRUM, J. H. RKNNEKER, ET AL, VS. ANN M'GINN, EXECUTRIX OF JAMES M'GINN. All that LOT OF LAND, With the Buildings thereon, known as No. '25, according to a plat of said Land now or late In possession of Nathaniel Heyward; measuring and containing 35 feet front by 116 feet in depth, more or less; bounded north on Hey ward's Court, southwest on Lots Nos. 28, 27 and 28, southeast on Lot No. 80, and north? east on Lot No. 24. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, situate on west side of East Bay, between Tr ld and Elliott streets, and known as No. 63. Levied on and to be sold as the property of James McGinn, deceased, under executions at the suit of E. M. and C. H. Whiting. J. L. Ahrens, J. H. Renneker and J. L. Ancrum, against Ann McGinn, Executrix of James McGinn. WILLIAM MARSCHBR, JOHN KENNEDY, ET AL, VS. WILLIAM SMITH. All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, situate on east side or Church street, oe tweeen Queen and Chalmers street, and known as No. 108. Levied on and to be sold as the property of william Smith, at the suits ol Anthon Johnson, William Marscher, John Kennedy and others. ; E. R. SHIPMAN, ADMINISTRATRIX, GRAYELEY * PRINGLE, J. W. LAWTON AND OTHERS VS. S. W. PALMER All that' TRACT OF LAND, with the Improve? ments thereon, containing 1225 acres, situate in St. Stephen's Parish, and known as Murrell Plan? tation; bounded north on Landa formerly of Cou? turier, now of Palmer, east on Lands of Palmer and Gourdin, south on Rodo Plantation, and west on Lauds of Porcher. ALSO, AU that TRACT OF LAND, with the improve? ments thereon, next adjoining the above Tract, and known as Rodo Plantation, and containing 545 acres. A plat of the above described Lands may be seen on application at my office. Levied ca and to be sold as the property of S. Warren Palmer, at suits of E. R. Shipman, ad. mlnlstratrix, Graveley A Pringle, J. w. Lawton and others. O. W. CLARK a CO. VS. REEVES ? GABT. All that TRACT OF LAND, containing four acres, with the buildings thereon, situate on Edlsto Island; bounded north by public road, south, cast and west by Landa of late A. J. Clarke, and more folly described m conveyance from Hanahan to Reeves, March. 1886. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Wil? liam E. Reeves, under execution in case of G. W. Clark A Co., against William E. Reeves and A N. Gary. J. D. SEABROOK VS. H. L. CHISOLM. All that TRACT OF LAND, containing 600 acres, more or less, situate on John's Island, and bound? ed north by lands of DanL Jenkins, south by Church Creek, east by -, and west by New Cut and New Cut Creek. Levied on and to be sold as property of Henry L. Cbisotm, at suit of Joseph B. Seabrook. PHILIP EPSTEIN V3. JNO. E. FOET AND JNO. E. FORT VS. A. E. THOMAS ET AL. All THAT TRACT OF LAND, containing 4408 acres, more or less situate in St. James Santee. Levied on and to be sold as property of John E. Fort, at the suit of Phillp Epstein and in the case of Jno. E. Fort vs. A. E. Thomas et al, the court having decreed against the complainant. DU. J. M. SUIRBR VS. P. J. COUTURIER. All that TRACT OF LAND, containing-acres, situate In St. Stephen's Parish; bounded north by Lands of Santee Canal Company and S. W. Palmer, east by Lands of-, south by Lands of Wm. Ravenel, and west by public road. Upon this Tract are a Dwelling-house, Kitchen Out? houses, Barns and Smoke-houses. Levied on and to be sold as the property of Pe? ter J. Couturier, at the suit of Dr. J. M. Sblrer. E. W. M. MACKEY, Jnly5_Sheriff Charleston County. By LOWNDES & GRIMBALL, PORCHER VS. WESTON, EXTX..ET AL. By virtue of an order in this case, I will of? fer for sale, at public auction, THIS DAY, 6th July, at ll o'clock, A. M., at the Old Poa tom ce, All that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND, situate, lying and being In the Parish of St. John's Berkeley, in the County of Charleston, and State aforesaid, measuring and containing - acres, more or less; butting and bounding north on Lands of the estate of Stevens, Lands now or late of Samuel Foxworth and Lands of Porcher, east on Lands of estate Wm. Porcher, south on Lands now or late of John D. Brad well and S. Du Bose, and west on Lands of the estate of J. Porcher, Jr., deceased. ALSO, A PINELAND RESIDENCE in the Village of PlnopoUs. Terms-One-fourth cash; balance in three equal annual instalments, payable lu one, two and three years, with interest. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. W. ST. JULIEN JERVEY, julys_Referee. By JOHN E. BOWERS, Auctioneer. AGOOD BUSINESS STAND FOR A STORE AND BAR-ROOM, corner Bogard and Percy streets. Will be sold THIS DAY, the 5th Instant, at ll o'clock, In front of the Old Poatomce, corner of East Bay and Broad streets, All that LOT OF LAND, with the two and a half story Building, containing three square rooms up stairs, and two unfinished attic rooms; and a four-room House adjoining on the same Lot, corner Bogard and Percy streets. Lot mea? sures 30 feet front on Percy street, by 80 feet deep cn Bogard. All the buildings in good order; the mam store the whole length of the building, with a side apartment for a bar room or store? room, and a back-room. Piazza on south side; brick cistern aud a good wed of water. The owner ls leaving the state. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay J. E. B. for pa? pers and stamps. Julys Sturts ano ?nrmsrung (J&oote. O C O T T ' S IS THE PLACE TO GET YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER ? 0UTFIT8 IN FURNISHING GOODS. THE FAMOUS STAR SHIRTS, GRAY'S PATENT MOULDED COLLARS. SOLE AGENCY FOR THE NEW SPIRAL SEAM DRAWERS, ANS THE PATENT CHAMPION BRACE, (Suspenders and Shoulder Braces combined.) SIGN OF THE STAR SHIRT, MEETING STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET. jam? smosoac Agencies. ADVERTISING AGENCY. Authorized Agency for Southern Newspapers. Publisher's Lowest Cash Rates to all. DISCOUNT TO LARGE ADVERTISERS. Legal Notices, Real Estate Sales, and general advertising inserted in New York World, Tribune, Journal ol' Commerce, Evening Post, and other Northern papers, ca favorable terms. WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, nichol tutus No. 3 Broad street. TTPHAM'S ANTIDOTE FOR STRONG U DRINK. A SURE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Bottle. Seut by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price. The Antidote ls the best remedy that can be administered in Mania-a-Potfi, and also for all nervous affections. For sale by Dr. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street, OCXS Agent for South. Carolina. faction Sales--Sut?te Dane. By R, M. MARSHALL & BRO. ENTIRE FURNITURE OF A FAMILY Leaving ttte State. On THURSDAY, 7th instant, at half-past IO o'clock, will be sold at No. 52 Hasel street, east of Anson, Parlor. Dining-room and Chamber FURNI? TURE, Cooking Stove and Utensils, Icehouse, two Pianos, and many other articles. Terras cash. Articles to be removed at once. jnlje_ By WM. McKAY, BALANCE OF ESTATES SALE OF FUR N1 TURE AND SUNDRIES. ' TO-MORROW, (Wednesday,) at 140 Meeting street, at 10 o'clock._Joly6 By J. FRASER MATHE WES, Auctioneer. AT AUCTION-HANDSOME AND WELL kept Fut nit ure of a family leaving the State, Will be sold at No. - Rutledge avenue, opposite Morris street, on WEDNESDAY, the 0th Inst., at ll o'clock, FURNITURE as above, consisting of:1 Drawing. Dining and Bed Room Furniture, Of Mahogany, Walnut and Oak, Extension Dining Table, Marble Top Centre Table, Sideboard, Oane and Mohair Seat Chairs, and Tete-a-Tetes, Eta? gler, Bedsteads, Wardrobe, Bureau, Washstand, ftc. ; Matresses. Pillows. Blankets and Carpets ; Handsome Cnt-Otass and China, Ice House, Water Cooler, and many other articles used in house? keeping. Terms cash._ Julys W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. CLOSING OUT SALE OF CHROMOS at Quincy's Art Gallery, over Read ft Co.'s Store, King street. ON WEDNESDAY, the 8th instant, commencing at ll o'clock, will be sold, OHROMOS, Prattles and Engravings. Gallery now opened for inspection of visitors. Each picture sold must be delivered day of sale. Jaly2_ , ... . By W. Y. LEITCH ? R.S. BRUNS, Auctioneer?. UNDEfi DECREE IN EQUITY. . Seedorf, Assignee, vs. Wagner, et al. On TUESDAY, the 26th July, at ll o'clock, wu! be sold, near the Old Customhouse. AU that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings there? on, at the northeast corner of Queen and State streets, measuring In front on Queen street 21 feet, -on State street 86 feet, on the north line, running east from State street 19 feet io inches, then running south abont io feet, then east about 8 feet to meet the eastern boundary, be the said ".iraenstons more or less; bounding south on Queen street, west on State street, north on. lot next described, and east on land of N. Ar Roye: ALSO, All that LOT, adjoining the above on the north, on the east side of Queen street, meisurlng In front on State street 36 feet on the south une, running east from State street 19 feet 10 Inches, then south about 10 feet, thea east about 8 feet to meet the eastern boundary, and on the north line about 29 feet 7 inches, oe the said dimen? sions more or less; bounding west on State street, south on lot above described, north on land or Fleming and Ross, and east on land of N. A. Rove. Terms-One-third cash; balance In one, two, three and four years, secured by bond of the par chaser, with interest from the day of sale, payable annually, until the principal is paid, and mort? gage of the premises; the buildings to be insured in some company approved by the Referee, the insurance to be continued until the bond be paid and the mortgage satisfied, and the policy, as? signed. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES W. GRAY, Julyl-fltaths Special Refer??. Railroads. O T I C E. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. On and after July 1st, 1870, all Passengera get? ting on Trains at Stations where Tickets ARE SOLD, and neglecting to purchase Tickets, will be charged the Conductor's Excess Rate. Bat all Passengers getting cu at Stations where Tickets are NOT SOLD, will be charged only the Agent's Rate by the Conductor. ALFRED L. TYLER, vice-President. & B. PICEENS, General Ticket Agent. ta- Augusta and Columbia papers copy dally for one week. July4-e RUMMER SCHEDULE. SPARTANBURG AND UNION RAILROAD. UNION C. H., S. C., Jane 21,1670. On and after MONDAY, the 27th Instant, there will be Dally Passenger Trains over this Road. On MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS and SAT? URDAYS, the Down Trains will leave Spartanburg Courthouse at 5:30 A. M., and arrive at Alston ll A. M. Returning, leave Alston at 12 M., and reach Spartanburg Courthouse at 5:30 P. M. On TUESDAYS, the Down Trains will leave Spar? tanburg Courthouse at 7.30 A. M., and arrive at Alston at 1 P. M. Returning, leave Alston at 2:15 P. M., and reaoh Spartanburg Courthouse at 7 P. M. On THURSDAYS, the Down Trains will leave Spartanburg Courthouse at 3:45 A, M., and arrive at Alston at 8:35 A. M. Returning, leave Alston at 9:30 A. M., and reach Spartanburg Courthouse at 2:40 P. M. By this Schedule, persons coming down the Greenville Road on TUESDAYS can come up the Spartanbnrg Road the same day, without deten? tion on the way, and persons going down this road on THURSDAYS can go through to Columbia without detention at Alston. Persons going down this road on THURSDAYS caa go ap the Greenville Road the same day, without detention on the way. and parties coming up from Colom? bia same dav, for this road, will not be detained at Alston. THOMAS B. JETER, Jun24-12 President S. A U. R. R. S O?TH CAROLINA RAILROAD. O EN ERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 CHARLESTON, S. C., May ll, 1870. j On and after Sunday, May 15th, the Passenger Trains upon the South Carolina Railroad w?l ron as follows: FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.80 A. M. Arrive at Augusta.4.26 P. M. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.80 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.4.10 P. M. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.8.00 A. M. Leave Columbia.7.45 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.80 P. M. AUCIUBTA NIGHT EXPRESS. . (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.6.30 P. BL Leave Augusta.6.00 P. H. Arrive at Augusta.7.06 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.6.40 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.80 P. M. Leave Columbia.7.60 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.o.oo A. M. Arrive at Charleston.6.46 A. M. SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.2.60 P. M. Arrive at Summerville..4.10 P. M. Leave Summerville.7.10 A. M Arrive at Charleston.8.26 A. V. CAMDEN BRANCH. Camden and Colombia Passenger Trains on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATUBDAYS, and be? tween Camden and Ringville daily, (Sundays ex? cepted.) connects with ap and down Day Pas? sengers at Ringville. , Leave Camden.6.36 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.11.00 A. M. Leave Columbia.LOO P. M. Arrive at Camden.6.40 P. M. H. T. PEAKE, mayl3 General Superintendent. Miscellaneous. S CH LE P E G R E L L, Na 37 LINE STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBER of every description and BUILDING MATERIAL, Lime and Plastering Laths, Paints, Oils, Glasses, Shingles; also Groove and Tongue Boards, Ac, constantly on hand at the lowest market prices; also, Vegetable Boxes octll mtuslyr _ M. HANCKEL, M. D., DENTIST, Has resumed the practice of his profession. Rooms No. 235 Ring street, opposite Hasel, over SPEAR'S Jewelry Store4 jan25 8 thatn pHUPEIN & WINKLER, DENTISTS, 0F7ICS NO. 275 UNG 8TRBBT. novl3 9mos ' FLEMING'S WORM CONFECTIONS, (SANTONINE.) They are purely vegetable, safe and sore. The best in use. For sale by Dr. H. BAER, NO. 131 Meeting street, octfi Wholesale Agent