University of South Carolina Libraries
- CITY AFFAIRS ? ADYKBTSBB8 will take notice that we cannot engage that any advertisement sent to THE iJjpwB office at a later hour than half-past nine ?o'clock at night will appear in the nest morn? ing's paper. An exception to this rule is made in favor of notices of meetings, deaths and funerals. " _ Meetings This Day. Mechanics' Lyceum, at 8 P. w Medical Society, at 8 P. M. Eagle Fire Company, at 8 P. M. Marion Fire Company, at half-past 7 P. M. Homestead Building and Loan Association, at quarter-past 8 P. M. Marion Lodge, at 8 P. M. Strict Observance Lodge, at 8 P. M. Auction Hales This Day. Steffens, Werner <fc Ducker will sell at 10 o'clock, at the southeast corner of Meeting and Queen streets, contents bar-room, Ac William McKay will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, furniture, ?t?. Miles Drake will sell at 10 o'clock at his store, clothing, shoes and hats. THE HEAT.-Appended is the register of the thermometer kept at Joseph Blackman's drag store, No 17 Broad street, yesterday: 8 o'clock 36; 10, 88; 12, 91; 2, 92; 6, S6\ 8, 83. 'Two GREAT BOOKS.-We have received from Fogartie's Book Depository, King street, part 9 of Lippincotf s "Universal Pronouncing Dic? tionary," and part 9 of 1 -Chambers's Encyclo I. O. 0. F.-The attention of the members of the Order, and particularly the officers and members of the Grand Lodge, is directed to the advertisement of the grand secretary ld - this morning's paper. THE FLORIDA. STEAMERS.-On and arter "Tuesday next; the steamer Dictator will sail every Tuesday for Savannah. Fernandina - Jacksonville and toUH points on the St John's River The City Point will lay by a while fpr ?? repairs. ? ' - i w?l t. ' THE DISASTER TO THE TENNESSEE.-A very -general sympathy was evoked; yesterday opon the announcement o? the misfortune to'the . new iron steamship "Tennessee," and the orn? ees of the agents were thronged during the . day by the numeraos friends of the line, who, with the public generally, seemed to regard . the disaster as a public calamity. OUR PRICES CURRENT.-We especially invite -the attention of oar merchants to TETE NEWS Prices Curren? issued this morning. Made ap with the utmfst care, and handsomely printed with .entirely new 'type, it forms, with the business card of the house forwarding it, the most attractive and welcome weekly commer? cial circular that can be used. Price, for ten ? copies or more,' with business cards, two and a half cents per copy; single copies Ave cents. A- . ; :' -;>'. - ,. iRAVELLING OFFICIAL8.-The Augusta Chronicle, of yesterday, .has the following paragraph: On yesterday morning the Pennsylvania, the ? special car belonging to Allied-Tyler,- Esq., the vice-president of the South Carolina BaUroad, reached here from Charleston, bringing Ed? ward H. Barnwell, the general freight agent of the South Carolina Railroad; S. B. Plckens, the general ticket agent, and L. C. Hendricks, the assistant auditor of that co ipo ration. TABAOB CF. THE COLORED FIREMEN.-The Oe met 5 tar Fire Company, No. 5, and Pru? dence Fire Company, No. 4, of this city, .haye invited the Comet Fire Company of Orange : burg to visit them 3nd participate with them in their parade on the afternoon of the Fourth . of July. The visiting company is expected to ?arrive on Sunday afternoon. Three fire cora - . i panie? from Savannah are also expected to be ?present. _^'' j" V UNITED STATES COURT-HON. GEORGE S. Ba YAN, JODOK, PRESIDING.-In the case of the United States vs. John Fraser A Co., before ? the Circuit Court, yesterday, the following or? der was made: - THE UNITED- STATES OP AMERICA VS. JOHN - FRASER * CO. The order la this cause, made and entered, on the 2d day of May, 1870, being submitted to the court for. reconsideration, apon argument being heard, it ls ordered, that whenever the trustees. Mesar?/' Charles T. Lowndes and James Babb, stu. " - .uko sale of any part of ike property contacted In the deed mentioned ijFthe order of May ,2,1870, the cash proceeds ot sale received by them, or either of them, shall be paid to the clerk of this court by them, and thai any securities taken from the par - chaser or purchasers, ia part payment, or for the credit portion of the sales, if the whole or any part be on credit, shall oe deposited In the hands of said clerk; and .nat at the same time, the trustee or trustees so making such sale . snail report the same, setting forth the proper-, . ty sold, the name or names of the purchaser . or purchasers, the amount ot the sales-money, the terms o? sale, distinguishing between the . cash and credit, and how the credit portion may be secured. It is- further ordered, that the said sales money and securities, when paid and deposited : as aforesaid, shall beheld therein, subject to ! the order of the court, (Signed) GEO. S. BRYAN, United States Judge District South Carolina. June 30th, 1870. THE Pu a LIC SCHOOL-. -We learn that the pub? lic schools of this city were yesterday formally transferred to the new board of commission . era, lately ap po int ed by Governor Scott. Four? teen years have elapsed since the present ?, .J ; tem of schools was introduced into this elly, -and during the whole of that period political influences have never been allowed to enter into the election of the board of commision? ers, A new era has* now dawned upon our -city and State, and the same pernicious influ? ences, which have for the past few years brought ruin and disgrace apon our unhappy . country, have at last been brought to bear upon this important public interest ThecU - i 9ms of Charleston have, at great expense, erected buildings second to none In the United States; and we trust that the new school au? thorities will not allow the reputation which . our schools have won to be destroyed by pre . cipltate or unwise action. The property which this board holds ba trust lor thc citizens ls valued at more than $100, 000, nearly the whole of which has been accu? mulated since the introduction of the present : system. Over twenty thousand children have ?'been enrolled in the schools during this period, -and these pupils are now found in all the walks .of life. To the gentlemen who have so long and ?so ably managed the schools, we desire to re? turn the thanks of the community. We apj" pend the names of the new and old boards. JVeio Boord.-Moulton Emery, ^airman; J. D. Geddings, Ward 1; Wm. McKinlay, (colored; Ward 2; Samuel L. Bennett, (colored) Ward 3; M. H. Warren, Ward 4; Arthur Sumner, Ward 5; Wm. H. Birney, (colored) Ward 6; James M. Eason, Ward 7; Thornes Small, (colored)' Ward 8. Old Board.-Son, C. G. Memmioger, chair? man; W. J. Bennett, Hon. W. D. Porter. Hon Wm. Alston Pringle, John Bussell, Frederick Richards, Hon. Henry Buis~ Hon. Wm. S. Henerey, Hon. F. A. Sawyer, Benjamin Lucas, Hon. C. M. Furman, P. J. Coogan, Hon. C. H. ^mouton. DMATH OP MR. CHRISTIANSEN.-Mr. Jasper ' Christiansen a native of Germany, but for near fifty years a citizen of Charleston, died at Cam? den, South Carolina, on the 28th June. He was born In the city of Flensburg, Schleswig Holstein. He carried on business at the corner of Horlbeck's alley and King street for a long i time; was very successful and accumulated quite a fortune. After the war, on account of | ill health, he moved to Camden. BUSINESS CHANGES.-The cotton factorage and commissions house of Seignious & Sloan will meet with, we hope, a great deal of sue cess. Colonel Sloan stands well in the mer? cantile community, and Mr. Seignious, whom we know personally, ls a gentleman of great industry and undoubted business ability. The firm of Budd & Blake was dissolved on 30th ultimo. Mr. Julius A. Blake resumes the | commission business on his own account, and will also deal in coal. Mr. E. C. Wunderlich will continue to trans? act business ou his own account under the firm name of George A. Hopley & Co. The old copartnership, under the same name, was dissolved by limitation. The firm of Taft A Howland is dissolved by mutual consent. A. R. and A. W. Taft will carry on the general- commission business under the firm name of A. R. Taft & Co. CRUMBS.-On and after to-day the office o the United States assistant treasury will be at the Customhouse. A meeting of the Enterprise Railroad Com? pany will be held on the 7 i of July. The colored people -".u making extensive preparations to have a gay time on the Fourth of July. Granville Finney, and Edward and John Miller are held for trial. The first named for vkgrancy and the others for stealing cotton. ' Prince Freeman, colored, supposed to be In? sane, has been sent to the City Registrar for examination. I, I. Woolf, secretary of the Veteran Repub? lican Brotherhood, has resigned, and J. B. Mushington, colored, has been elected In his stead.. Julia Washington, charged with stealing vegetables from Mr. Jones's farm, has been turned over to Trial Justice McKinlay for prosecution. The charge against Mr. James Dugan of hav? ing stolen property In his possession has been dismissed, there being no evidence to sus? tain lt' , The old Board of Free School Commission? ers",'of this city, have turned over the proper? ty in their possession. The new Board of .School Commissioners were to have held their [ first meeting last evening. A shed, situated about two hundred yards j ?rom the station-house on Morris Island, was istruck by. lighting a few days since and shat-j te red to pieces. A woman, who was asleep in ' 'the building at the time, narrowly escaped, j The Comet Fire Company, No. 4, (colored,) of Orangeburg, will, upon the Invitation of the Comet.and Prudence, (colored,) fire com? panies of this city, arrive here on Sunday to participate in the celebration of the Fourth of | July. We acknowledge the receipt from Dr. Robt ? Lobby, city registrar, In charge of Health De ? partaient, copies of t he "Digest of the Aets of Assembly of South Carolina, and Ordinances of City of Charleston relative to Health Depart? ment, from 1763 to 1869," and of the "Rules and Regulations for the government of the offi? cers and Inmates of the City Hospital." Hotel Arrival*-Jane 30. CHARLS8T0N HOTEL. W- F. Clark, Greenport; Jno. Church, New Jersey; TL Tim mo ns, Camden, N. J.; W. M. Dwight, J. A. Fraser, G. C. Bacot, Wlnnsboro'; H. M. Drane, Wilmington; W. H. Farrar. G. P. Farrar, Chicago; J. B. Eaton and wife, U. S. A; 8. Fox, New York; W. H. Fitch, Jr., Mem? phis. ^_. PAVILION HOTEL. J. J. Antlley, Orangeburg; E. H. Brooks, Au? gusta; M. J. David, Manning; E. Geiger, Lex? ington;?: K. Curl), G. W, Ewans, Baltimore; J. Nettles, South Carolina. BUSINESS NOTICES. THE STEAMER Poe O s IN will leave at 6 o'clock this afternoon on her excursion trip, Instead of half-past 6, as heretofore. See advertise? ment. ^ j Mas. KEOGH, the celebrated chlropdoist, has left for the North, on business, and will be absent about two months. HAVE you tried my dollar Tea, Green and Black*-' WILSON'S GROCERY. Juns Bax HEAPS printed on fine paper at 13, $4, $5, $6 50 and $8 50 per thousand, according to size, at THE NEWS Job OiBce. ! BUSINESS ENVELOPES. -TUE NEWS Job Office is now:prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $4 per thousand. Send your orders. Every mer? chant and business man should have his card printed on bis envelopes. DATTO DICKSON'S great book on farming now ont No tanner's library complete without lt. Bound in cloth, extra, $4; sheep, 14 50; half | morocco, $5. Orders received at this office. Good canvassing agents wanted. Forterms, apply at this office. j uni7-1 mo . .tfiftannal. jjTa .. KA U P' M ? -N, ' ?o'." 2 5 BROAD'STREET, CHARLESTON, S. O. Dealer in SPfCIE, ONOOKRENr BANK NOTES Bonds, Stocks, Coupons, Ac, Ac. Orders for the purchase and sale or Securities promptly executed. Collections carefully attended to and remitted for upon day of pajn-.ent, ,at current rates or ex. change. at .'' ?f Prices Carrent lamedvweekly <fid forwarded gratuitously to any point on application. New York Correspondents-Messrs. Howes A Macy, Henry ClewB A Co., Luther Kountte, and J. M. Welth A Atenta._ Janl6-mwI3mos JJ ENSTE. BOODY 4.C0., c BANKERS RAILWAY AO.E NTS, Na 12 WALLSTREET, NEW YORK, Make CoUectlona, pay Coupons and Dividends. Buy and SeU Governments, Railway Bonds, and other Securities on Commission. ter Particular attention given to the negotia? tion of Rail way and other Corporate loans. N. B.-Interest aUowed on deposits. New York, May 2d, 1870. H. H. BeoDv. D. A Boonr. H. P. Boos v. may: mHE CELEBRATED THOROUGHBRED J. Stallion "JONOE HOOPER" w?l stand this season in Spring street, near King. Terms- $25 tba & jason and $1 ta tne groom, payable in advance. . For pedigree Md any other partlcalaivawfly at No* U vaaderhowTrTaarf jansi mwr imiterai Notices. . pm- THE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. EDWARD N. BRODIE, and their respective families, and the members and congregations of the Citadel Square and First Baptist Churches, are invited to attend the inn er al services of the former, at his late resi? dence, No. 15 Lynch street, next south of Went-, worth, TH rs AFTERNOON, at 5 o'clock. Julyl-* WILKIE.-Died, in this cltv, on the 30th June, 1870, Mrs. CAROLINE WILKIE, aged 70 years and 10 months. fSO- HER RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend her Funeral Services, at the Unitarian Church, THIS (Friday) AFTERNOON. July 1st. at half-past 5 o'clock. Julyl ?bunora. THOMPSON.-Died, in thia city, on Snnday morning, 26th ult., after a brier illness, HENRY T. THOMPSON, formerly of Greenville, S. 0., in the 3Sd year of his age. Special ? jvices. pa- A BROADSIDE FOE HUMBUGS. Incompetence and assurance generally go hand m hand, and of all the tribe or pretentious know-nothings with which society is afflicted, the unscientific "medicine men" who attempt to tamper with the health of the community are the most dangerous and the most impudent. So mach by way of text. Now for a special and particular application. It appears that a mushroom growth of so-called "Bitters" ls springing up under dur?rent names in various localities, particularly in the Southern and Western States, which the venders have the hardihood tc recommend to easy-going people upon whom they think they can Impose, as a sub? stitute for HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS, long recognized by every class as the purest and best medicated stimulant and Invlgorant the world affords. The concoctions referred to being composed of worthless materials, offer a larger margin for profit than that Celebrated Tonic, and hence the anxiety of. dollar-worshipping dealers to foist them upon the public In Its place. But "forewarned is forearmed," and all par? ties whom these distinguished (?) beings are en? deavoring to coax and Inveigle Into substituting trash for a standard remedy, are hereby Inform- J ed or the selfish and sordid motives which under? lie the representations in question. The great popularity and vast sales of HOSTET? TER'S BITTERS cannot, or course, be seriously impaired. bj these "tricks of trade," but as the debilitated and suffering have a direct interest in the matter, lt ls only an act of common hu? manity to pat them on their guard. Julyl-P?ce_ pm- CITY TAIES--CITY TREASURY, JUNE 1, 1870.-Pursuant to an Ordinance to Raise Supplies for the year 1870, the Second Instalment of one-third or the Corporation Tax will be re? ceived at this office from and after this dato to the first Of Joly. S THOMAS, Jnn21-10_Pity Treasurer. ^OFFICE CHARLESTON GASLIGHT COMPANY, JUNE 21, 1870.-The Board of Direc? tors of this Company having declared a Dividend or FIFTY CENTS per Share on the Capital Stock, the same will be paid to Stockholders on and after TUE8DAT, fith July. The Books for transfer will be closed from this date onto the 6th July. ' W. J. HERIOT, Jun fl_Secretary and Treasnrer. pm- WANTED-PROPOSALS TO FUR? NISH 180,000 running feet of first-class PALMET? TO LOOS, no less than 17 feet In length, and 10 to 12 Inches In diameter. Deliverable In Charleston, between the present date and the 1st September. Logs to be straight. Pr?posais will be received for the entire quanti? ty or for portions of lt, up to July 10. Apply at South Carolina Railroad office, to ALFRED L. TYLER, vice-President. MV Savannah papers please copy, and send bul to this office. _Jnnl8-12 pm- SPECIAL NOTICE TO THE PUB? LIC-GREAT ONE DOLLARSALE-EVERYBODY INTERESTED.-Extraordinary sale of Diamond and Gold Jewelry, Silver and Plated ware, Musical instruments, Sewing Machines, Dry and Fancy Goods, Table Cutlery, Photograph Albums, arti? cles of Virtu, and an endless variety or Foreign and Domestic Goods, both userai and ornamen? tal, at a uniform price of ONE DOLLAR each. Agents wanted everywhere. Great tndace meats offered. Send for circular. Address, C. C. CORY A CO., No. 193 Broadway, jno3-rtn3mos_New York. ^LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BIT TERS, an old German Tonic._ pa- LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BIT? TERS, the most delightful and effective In the world._ pm- LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BIT TERS strengthens the debilitated._ pm- LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BIT TERS cores female complaints._ pm- LdTPMAN'S.GREAT GERMAN BIT? TERS erres "never well" people. *_ "^LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BIT? TERS will give an appetite._junio-fmw ^'BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE ls the best In the world harmless, reliable, Instantaneous, does not con? tain lead, nor any vttalio poison to produce par? alysis or death. Avoid the vaunted and delusive preparations boas Ung virtues they do not possess. The genuine W. A. BATCHELOR'S HATR DYE has had thirty years' on tarnished reputation to uphold its integrity as the only perfect Hau* Dye, Buick or Brown. Sold by all Druggists. Applied at No. 10 Bond street, New York. nov26 rmwlyr pm- A MOST DELIGHTFUL DESSERT may be found In the new article of food, SEA MOSS FARINE, which can be purchased for twenty-five cents a package, that will produce sixteen quarts ot most excellent blanc mange, or a proportionate quantity of custards, light pud? dings, rarma, creams, sances, gruels, Charlotte Russe, AC. This seems almost incredible ; but it ls vouched for by ladies or the highest respecta? bility, who append their names to their state? ments. The company state that at least fifty de? licious dishes can be made from the Sea MOBS Fa? rine, and give In their circular the recipes for many or them. We consider Mr. Rand's discov? ery a highly Important one tor the millions, j^nd Indeed for all classes of society, In these stringent i imes._jon27-mwfs pm-?L GRAND EPOCH IN SCIENCE. From the time when, in 1834, Dr. RUGGE discov? ered "Carbolic Acid" and its extraordinary medi? cal effects, nothing in the history of Medicine has equalled lt. Largely used by the French physi? cians ba treatment of consumptive and scrofu? lous diseases, lt was Introduced by the Court Phy? sician of Berlin, MAX ERNST HENRY, Into Pros-1 sta, and from thence to the United States. No? thing else of the present day can equal HEN? RY'S SOLUUON ?R CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. Patients get better after only one dose has been taken, and we cordially recommend lt to the public-fEdltor "Argua." JanlT lyr MANHOOD.-A MEDICAL ESSAY on tho Cause and Core or Decline in Premature Man, the treatment of Nervous and Physical De? bility, Ac --There ls no member or society by whom this bock will noe be found useful whether such per? son holds the relation cf Parent Preceptor or Clergyman."-Medical Times and Gazette, Sent by mall on receipt of fifty cea.Ls. Address the Author, Dr. E. DBF. CURTIS, Washington, D.O._ sepa lyr M AWAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE TRUSSES.-Comfort and Core for the Raptured. Sent postpaid on receipt of lo cents. Address Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 LexLugtou avenue, New York. Oeol? Special Notices. pa- ATLANTIC PHOSPHATE COM? PANY OF CHARLESTON, S. C.-T ISDREB'S OF? FICE, CHARLESTON, JUNE 22, 1870.-Ia accordance with a Resolution or the Board of Directora, adopt? ed on the 20th instant, TEN (10) PER CENT, of the Capital Stock of thia Company ls hereby called fer, payable at the Treasurer's office, Brown's Wharf, on or before 5th proximo. F. J. PELZER, jnn25-swfmtn5_Treaanrer. pa- PEOPLE'S BANK OF SOUTH CAR? OLINA, CHARLESTON, JUNE 30.-This Bank will be closed on MONDAY, Fourth July next. Paper payable on that day must be anticipated.. ; JAMES B. BETTS, jun30-2_?_Cashier. pa- FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF CHARLESTON, CHARLESTON, JONE 29, 1870. This Bank will be closed on MONDAY next, 4th of July. Notes and acceptances payable on that day must, therefore, be anticipated, jongg_WM. 0. BREESE. Cashier. pa- FIBST NATIONAL BANK OF CHARLESTON.-CHARLESTON, S. C., JUNE 29, 1870.-DIVIDEND NOTICE.-The BOARD OF DIRECTORS having declared a Dividend or SIX PER CENT, on the Capital Stock, (free of Government Tax,) the same will be payable on and after the 5th of July next. WM. 0. BREESE, june 29__^_Cashier. pa- NATIONAL FREEDMAN'S SAV? INGS AND TRUST COMPANY.-CHARLESTON BRANCH, NO. 74 BROAD ST RX ET.-Money deposited on or before July 18th, will draw interest from July 1st. Interest allowed March, July and, No? vember. Deposits payable on demand. Jnn29_NATHAN RITTER, Cashier. pa- CITIZENS' SAVINGS BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHARLESTON BRANCH, No. 8 BROAD STREET.-The Books of this Bank will be closed for the payment of Deposits from the 1st to the 15th of Jury, la order to make the regular semi-annual calculations ol interest, but will con? tinue to receive deposits as usual. interest allowed on deposits six per cent., com? pounded semi-annually, and upon all money de? posited in this Bankin or before the 5th day or each Calendar month will bear interest for that month, the same as If deposited on 1st Instant. D. RAVENEL, Jr., jung_Assistant Cashier. pa- STATE OF SOOTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON-IN THE COMMON PLEAS.-CASPAR BART A CO. vs. PERALLADA PING A CO.--Summons for Money Demand.-To PERALLADA PING A CO., merchants at Baracoa, in the Island of Coba, defendants in this action: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your, ans wer on the subscriber at my omeo, No. Ill East Bay, Charleston, S. C., within twenty days after the service of this summons on you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the sum of Twelve Hundred and Eighty-nine Dollars and costs. Dated Charleston, June 23, 1870. JNO. A MOROSO, Jun24-f6_Plaintiff'a Attorney. pa- STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF KERSHAW.-IN THE COMMON PLEAS.-GEORGE P. THOMAS, survivor of GEO. P. THOMAS and BENJ. F. BARTHOLOW. late co? partners In trade, as GEO. P. THOMAS A CO., Plaintiff vs. WILLIAM DAASH, Defendant. Summons for Money Demand.-To WILLIAM DAASH, the Defendant In this action:-You are hereby summoned and required to ans wer the complaint In this action, of which a copy ls herewith served npon you, and to serve a copy of your a ns wer on the subscribers at their office, No. - Rutledge street, within twenty days after the service of this summons on yon, exclusive of the day of service. If yon fail to answer this complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of three hundred and forty-eight 78-100 dollars, with interest at th? rate of seven (7) per centum per annum, from the twenty-seventh (27th) day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy, and costs. Dated at Camden, S. C., 20th June, 1870. KERSHAW A KERSHAW, Jun24-fa_Plaintiff's Attorneys. ^NOTICE-TO BUILDERS. -OFFICE OF THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR WIL? LIAMSBURG COUNTY.-KTNGSTREE, S. C., MAY 80, 1870.-Sealed proposals will be received at this Office until, the first day of July next for RE? BUILDING THE WILLIAMSBURG COUNTY JAIL In the Town or Kingetree. The lowest bidder, offering oona fide responsi? ble sureties, will receive thc contract; but the Commissioners will not entertain au irresponsi? ble bid, although lt should be the lowest offered. The contractor wUl file with the Commissioners his bond, with sureties, within twenty days from the day he Bhall receive notification of the accept? ance of his proposal, and furnish to the Commis? sioners the necessary proof of the sufficiency of his bond. The proposals will state the sum for which the work will be undertaken, as well as the names and residences of the sureties by whom the In? tegrity of the contract will be guaranteed. The proposed building to be of BRICK, lu the erection or which the Commissioners will allow the old material la the ruins of the former build? ing to be used by the contractor. The ground plan of the building ls to be m the shape of an L. two stories high, and or the follow? ing dimensions, to wit : The front and side walls to be, the one 77 feet long, and the other 70 feet in length; the ead walls to be, the one 2? feet 6 inches, and the other 24 feet. The lower floor will be elevated two feet from the ground; the rooms and cells on the lower floor to be ll feet la the clear between the floor and the ceiling; two of the rooms la the wing to be each 20 feet by 24 feet; the other wing to be di? vided so os to contain a passage io feet wide; six cells, to be each io feet square, and a stair case leading to the second floor; the passage to be 31 feet from the floor to the ceiling, with the excep? tion or the corridor leading to the celia of the se? cond floor, as hereinafter described. The upper story to be 9 feet 6 laches between the floor and celling, and to consist of two rooms In one wing, each 20 by 24 feet, and six cells In the other wing, with a corridor 4 feet wide, sup? ported by brackets leading to the cells; the corri? dor to be protected with necessary railing. The roof of the building to be covered with the best IC charcoal brand roofing tm. All the materials used In the building 'o be of the best quality, and subject at all times to the in? spection of the Commissioners or their agent. The building to be erected ia conformity with the plaus and specifications, which can be In? spected at any and all times at the Office of the County Commissioners. SAMUEL P. MATTHEWS. junio-f*_._Chairman. pa- MORE POWER THAN CALOMEL. HOME EVIDENCE.-AUGUSTA, Ga., December 1, 1809.-Messrs. Wm. it. Tutt rf Land-Gants: For several years past, I have been subject to Bilious attacks, and always was a firm believer that there was no remedy for the complaint but mercury, until about a year and a half ago, as an experi? ment, I tried your Vegetable Liver Pills, and was agreeably surprised to find that they accomplish? ed all the results, and more besides, of Blue Mass or Calomel, without any of their bad effects. I was always an unbeliever in Patent Medicines, but can say this for your Pills, that, sindee I com? menced using them, I have not taken a particle of Mercury In any shape, and I consider this fact au important one, and one that those who are In the habit of taking Mercury for Bilious diseases can properly appreciate. I cordially recommend them as the best Liver Medicine ever introduced. Yours, Ac. E. H. GRAY, Jnnl7-lmo No. 249 Broad Street. pa- AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. -OLD Eyes made new, easily, without doctor or medi? cines. Sent postpaid on receipt or 10 cents. Ad? dress Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. lao Lexington avenue, New York, decl? Special Statues. O. O. F.-B. W. GRAND LODGE OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-The M. W. Grand Master will install the Officers of the Subordinate Lodges, at Odd Fellow's Hall, on the following evenings, at 8 o'clock : Marlon, No. 2, on FRIDAY, Joly 1. Schiller, No. 30, on SUNDAY, July 3. Jefferson, No. 4, on TUESDAY, July s. South Carolina, No. 1, on WEDNESDAY, July 8. Howard, No. 3, on THURSDAY, July 7. The Officers and Members of the Grand Lodge are requested to attend and assist bi the Installa? tion. By order of the M. W. 0. M. RICHARD CALDWELL, Joly 1-6_Grand Secretary. ^THE PEOPLES' NATIONAL BANK, CHARLESTON, S. C., JUNE 29.-The Board of Di? rectors having declared a DIVIDEND OF FIVE PER CENT, en its CAPITAL STOCK (free or the Government and State Tax,) the same will be paid on and after the 5th day of July next. Notice ls also given that MONDAY next be m g the Fourth or July, this Bank will be closed. AU paper maturing on that day most, as usual, be anticipated. H. G. LOPER, Cashier. J aly 1-4_ pm- CAED.-THE FIRM OF BUDD k BLAKE having been dissolved on 30th ultimo, I resume business on my own account. In addition to my General Commission Busi? ness, I will keep a supply of the best R. A. COAL for family ase, and respectfully solicit a share or patronage. JULIUS A. BLAKE. JnIyl-3_ pS- BEWARE OF TOOTH POISONS, vended under the name ol Dentifrices. Adopt and adhere to the only preparation that really preserves the tenth and hardens the gums, fra? grant S0Z0D0NT. Its effects on decaying teeth are marvellous. SPALDING'S GLUE meads Crockery, Woodea ware, Ac._Julyl-rmw3 ! p&~ CALOMEL AT A DISCOUNT Defiance to Southern Fevers. Good digestion se? cured by using SIMMONS'S LIVER INVIGORA TOR._Jolyl-1 pm* OFFICE OF THE MOUNT PLEAS? ANT AND SULLIVAN'S ISLAND FERRY COM? PANY, CHARLESTON, JULY 1, 1870.-The Board of Directors having declared a DIVIDEND, from the earnings of the last two months, or TWO DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE, be? ing at the rate or fifteen (15) per cent, per annum, the same will be paid to Stockholders on and arter the 6th instant, at the office corner or Broad and State streets. HDTSON LEE, Julyl-4 ._Secretary and Treasurer. pm* THE PLANTERS' AND MECHAN? ICS' BANK OF SOOTH CAROLINA CHARLES? TON, S. C., JUNE 30, 1870.-Interest at the rate of 12 per cent, per annum, to 30th Jone, 1870, on As? sessments paid upon Stock In this Bank, and a Dividend ot Three (3) per cent., free of Revenue tax, on the Capital, as declared by the Comptrol? ler-General er the State, nader the Act cf 12th March, 1868, will be paid at the Bank on and after the 7th prox. Notes and Acceptances payable at this Baak on the 4th July, mast be anticipated, as the Bank will be closed on that day. j ply 1-6_W. E. HASKELL. Cashier. pm- THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLI? NA, GEORGETOWN COUNTY-IN THE COURT OF PROBATE.-SAMUEL S. FRASER vs. CHAS. E. COOK, Defendant, lmpleaded with others.-To CHARLES E. COOK, Defendant above named: Yon are hereby summoned and required to an? swer the complaint in this action, which ls filed In tue office or the Judge of the Probate Court for the County or Georgetown, In the State aforesaid, and serve a copy or yonr answer on Che sabscrlb - er, at bis office in Georgetown, S. C., within twen? ty days arter the service of the summons on you, exclusive of the day of service. If you fail to an? swer the complaint within that tune, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. R. DOZIER, Plaintiff's Attorney. To CHARLES E. COOK : Take notice that thia action ls commenced for partition or Real Estate ta Probate Court, In and for the County or George? town, la the State ot South Carolina, and that a summons In this action, of which the foregoing ls a copy, was flied la the office of the Judge of Pro? bate or said County, nt Georgetown, in said State, on the 28th day of June, 1870, and that yon are required to appear tn the cause by the nth day or July uext, or the plalutiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. R. DOZIER, Plaintiff's Attorney. Georgetown, S. C., 28th June, 1876. julyl-fO Quitta, Crockers, &z. ^TT-M. G. W HIL D EN & CO. HAVE REMOVED THEIR WHOLESALE CROCKERY, CHINA ANO GLASSWARE ESTABLISHMENT FROM No. 137 MEETING 8TREET TO No. 29 HAYNE STREET, Extending through to No. 62 MARKET STREET, entrance on both streets. Mr. W. S. LANNEAU wUl have the WHOLE? SALE DEPARTMENT especially under his charge, and Mr. STEPHEN THOMAS, Jr., will be round at the RETAIL STORE, No. 255 KING STREET, cor? ner Beaofaia, and will manage that branca. Our customers and friends will find a complete ASSORTMENT OF GOODS at both Stores at REA? SONABLE RATES. WM. 0. WHILDBN. .S. THOMAS, JR. . W. S. L ANNE AU. CROCKERY, CHTNA AND GLASSWARE AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT No. 20 HAYNE STREET, AND No. 62 MARKET STREET. WATCHES JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED WARE CUT AND PRESSED GLASS CROCKERY AND CHINA AT No. 255 KING STREET. COBNBB BBAUKATN. For sale by WILLIAM G. WHILDBN & CO. may3 _ MRS. E. KEOGH OFFERS HER services as a CHIROPODIST, to the ladles and gentlemen of Charleston. Special attention paid to the cure of Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Nails, Ac. Can be seen at her residence, No. 6 Pitt street, from IO A M. to 2 P. M., and 3 to 5 P M I think lt my duty to the publio, to state that Mrs. KEOGH is, in my opinion, the best Chiropo? dist ot the day. Her operations don't give pain, and are very snccessrnl. E. NORTH, M. D. The undersigned recommend Mrs. KEOGH, hav? ing known for many years the entire satisfac? tion expressed by numerous persons in this city, of her skill and success as a Chiropodist. GEORGE BUIST, 11LIAS HORLBECK, M. D., may26 UW. M. FITCH, M. D. Sfjirte irait intuiting tKoo?s. ? ?. # ? * ? * * * . ?* * . g C OTT ' S 18 THE PL ?Ci TO GET YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER OUTFITS IN FURNISHING GOODS. THE FAMOUS STAR SHIRTS, GRAY'S PATENT MOULDED COLLARS. SOLE AGENCY FOR THE NEW SPIRAL SEAM DRAWERS, AND THE PATENT CHAMPION BRACE, (Suspenders and Shoulder Braces combined.) SIGN OF THE STAR SHIRT, MEKTTNQ STREET, OPPOSITE MARKET. janl7 smoaiMtO iHiUmcrrj, iancrj ?000s, &z. S PRING OPENING, AT No. 304 KING STREET. MRS. M. JJ. ZERNOW Having recently returned from New York, will open THIS DA? a Choice Assortment of MILLI? NERY GOODS, Including all tue LATEST PARISI? AN NOVELTIES. DRESSMAKING, In all its Branches, attended toas usual. DRESS TRIMMINGS and PAPER PATTERNS kept on band. Country Orders solicited and promptly attended to. aprl5-fmw3moa Ciotrjing atilt inrnisrjing ?cobs. E. J^OWIS THE TIM GEORGE LITTLE ACO a No. 213 KINO STREET, Is the place to and the largest and best selected stock of Men's Youths' aaa Children's CLOTH? ING ever offered in this market, and at prices to ault the times. Having determined to seU our Goods os low as can be purchased elsewhere, we would respectfully solicit an examination of our Stock. Our Stock or CHILDREN'S CLOTHING com^ prises the latest styles la Linen and Cosslmere. Also a fine and well selected assortment of FURNISHING GOODS. GEORGE LITTLE A CO., No. 213 King street, below Market. juns-fmwimo M tailoring. E N K S; ft' 'U lt L LEE, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 326 KING STREET, Opposite Society street, Have juat received and opened a arge and fine assortment of HEN'S, TOOTH'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac,, For Spring and Summer. CON8I3TTNO OF: LINEN, Linen Duck, Alpaca, Drap D'Et?, Cheviot, Cassim ere and Cloth Salts English Walking Coats, of all oolors White and Colored Shirts, Underwear Goods, Ac English and Domestic Hair Hose Alexander and Oouvlsler's Kid, Silk and Thread Gloves AND A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST STYLE of Linen and Paper COLLARS, Neckties, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Suspen? ders, Umbrellas, Ac. Also, a large and well selected Stock of BROADCLOTH, CASSIMERE, DOESKIN, COATING, Ac And a large variety of NEW STYLE PANTS AND VEST PATTERNS, which we offer to sell by piece, yard or pastern, or made up Into Garments, by measure, la the latest style and the shortest notice Our Stock has been selected with great care, and purcbased since the fall In gold, which en? ables us to sell at greatly reduced prices. Bayers la our line would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere All orders will receive our prompt and very careful attention. Entire satisfaction is guaran .?neil ap; 1 fraw3mofl ?ailroa?s. gU M MER SCHEDULE. SPARTANBURG AND UNION RAILROAD. UNION C. H., S. C., Juna.21,1870. On and after MONDAY, the 27th instant, there will be Doily Passenger Trains over tow Road. On MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, FRIDAYS and SAT? URDAYS, the L?wn Trains will leave Spartanbnrg Courthouse at 6:30 A. M., and arrive at Alston ll A. M. Returning, leave Alston at 12 M., and reach Sparenburg Courthouse at 6:30 P. M. On TUESDAYS, the Down Trams will leave Spar tanbury Courthouse at 7.30 A. M, and arrive at Alsroa at 1 P. M. Returning, leave Alston at 2:16 P.M., and reach Spartar.burg Courthouse at 7 P. M. Ou 1 H URS D A Y s, the Down Trains will leave Spartanbarg Courthouse at 3:45 A. M., and arrive at Alston at 8:35 A. M. Returning, leave Alston at 9:30 A. M., and reach Sparenburg Courthouse at 2:40 P. M. By this Schedule, persons coming down the Greenville Road on Ter HY- can come up the Spartanburg Rood the uue day. without deten, tlon on the way, and persons going down this road on THURSDAYS can go through to Columbia without detention at Alston. Persons going down this road on THURSDAYS can go up the Greenville Road the sane day, without detention on the way. and parties coming up from Cr lum? bla same day, for this mad, will not be detained at Alston. THOMAS B. JETER, jun24-12 _President 8. A U. R. R. . OUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. S GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, 1 CHARLESTON, S. C., May ll, 1870. J On and after Sunday, May 15th, the Passenger Trains upon the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows: FOR AUGUSTA. Leav? Charleston.3.30 A M. Arrive at Augusta.4.26 P. M FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A M Arrive at Columbia.4.10 P. M. FOB CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.8.00 A M. Leave Columbia.7.45 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.3.30 P. M AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.8.30 P. M. Leave Augusta.8,00 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.T.05 A M. Arrive at Charleston.5-40 A M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M. Leave Columbia.7.60 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.6.00 A M. Arrive at Charleston.6.45 A M. SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.2-60 P. M. Arrive a: Summerville.4.10 P. M Leave Summerville.7.10 A M Arrive at Charleston.3.26 A. ? CAMDEN BRANCH. Oamden and Columbia Passenger Trains on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, and be? tween Camden and Kintrville daily, (Sundays ex? cepted,) connects with up and down Day Pas ?engers at Ringville. Leave Camden.6.35 A M. Arrive at Columbia.11.00 A M Leave Columbia.LOO P. M. Arrive at Camden.6.40 P. M, ? M. x pis A inz may 13 General Superintendent, i?xifsm^ *3ttUfl~~qLi)tg mag. * Br MILES DRAKE. BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, LADIES' Trimmed Hate, Straw Goods, Ac. ? THIS MOB-NiNG, at io o'clock. I will sell, at mr Store, corner of Hing and Liberty streets, 60 cases BOOTS and Shoes, comprising Mens' Calf and Kip P. S. Congress, Malakoffs, Oxford Ties, Brogans. Balmorals, Ac, Ladles' Serge, Congress and Polish Boots, Blisses' and Childrens' Slippers, Ankle Tief. Polish and Congress. White and Brown Linen, Tweed and Melton Coats, Pants and Vests. 60 dozen Ladies' Trimmed Hats, latest style. 100 dozen Mens' and Boys' Curacoa, Florence, Canton. Sennet and Leghorn Hats. Towels, Handkerchiefs, Linen Thread, Spool Thread, White Goods, Dress Coode, Ac. Jnlyl By WM. McKAY. ESTATE SALE, WTTHODT RESERVE. THIS DAY, at io o'clock, at No. 140 Meet? ing street, BRUSSELS CARPET, Feather Beds, Spanish Linen Towels, Bedding and Household Furniture, Chairs, Ac. Unlimited articles received np to hoar of sale. Jnlyl_ By STEFFENS, WERNER & DUCKER, Auctioneers. SHERIFF'S SALE.-ESTATE OF MEL DAU, Assignee, va. Knee. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, to me direct? ed and delivered, will be sold THIS DAY, the 1st or July, at io o'clock, on the premises. ? ! The entire contents of the GROCERY STORE and BAR ROOM, ut the sontheast corner of Meet? ing and Queen streets, together with the privi? lege of the lease, at the rate of $600 per annum. Terms-One-half cash; the residue on a credit of ninety days, with interest from day or sale and approved security. E. W. M. MACKEY, Jalyl S. O. C. I Ruction ?oks-JFatore Dapa. I By W. Y. LEITCH. & B, S. BRUNS/ Auctioneers. > ? UNDER DECREE IN EQIHTY. ' ! Seedorf, Assignee, vs. Wagner, et aL On TUESDAY, the 26th Joly next, at ll o'clock, will be sold, near the Old Customhouse. - AU that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings there - on, at the northeast corner or Queen and State' streets, measuring in front on Queen street 21 feet, on State street 86 feet, on the north line, running east from State street 19 feet io inches, then' running south about 10 feet, then east about 8 feet to meet the eastern boundary, be the said dimensions more or less; bounding south, on. Queen street, west on State street, north on lot next described, and east on land of N. A. Roye. ALSO, ' ; v; All that LOT, adjoining the above on the north; on the east side of queen street, measuring bi front on state street 36 feet on the south One, running east from state street 19 feet io inchev then sonth about io teet, thea east about 8 feet to meet the eastern boundary, and on the north Une about 29 feet T inches, be the said. dimen? sions more or less; bounding west on State street, south on lot above described, north on land of Fleming and Ross, and east* on land of N. A. Roye. Terms-One-third cash; balance ta one, twoy three and four years, .secured by bond or the par-' chaser, with interest from the day of sale, payable annually until the principal ls paid, and mort-' gage or the premises; the buildings to be Insured ? in some company approved by the Referee? the' Insurance to be continued until the bond be paid - and the mortgage satisfied, and the policy as- ' signed. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. JAMES W. GRAY, juiyi -ntuths Special Referee.' Ey HENRY COBIA Sc CO. DAMAGED O 0 RN. ON SATURDAY,.the 2d instant, will be sold at Nos. 76 and 78 East Bay, at n o'clock, 1366 bags CORN, three bushels each. .> 87 bags Corn, two bushels each. Imported la Schooner D. V. Streaker, dam-1 aged on her voyage from Baltimore to thia port. Sold on account of the.Underwriters and all con? cerned. Conditions cash. < .. juiyi Bitters. X I P P M A N ' S ORE AT GERMAN BITTERS! THE PUREST MEDICATED CORDIAL op THE AGE! ALTERATIVE, ANTI-BILIOUS, and , INVIGORATING PROPERTIES.: LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BITTE RH ls pre- 1 pared from the original German receipt cow io the possession of the proprietors, and hi the same preparation that was used ta Germany upwards of a century ago; and to-day lt ls the household : remedy of Germany, recommended by Ita most eminent physicians. . .; LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS J Is composed ot the purest alcoholic essence of Germany's favorite beverage, impregnated with the juices and extracts of rare herbs, roots and barks; all of which combined make it one of too best and surest preparations for the cure or Dyspepsia, Lots of Tone la the Stomach, and Digestive Organs, NERVOUS DEBILITY. LANGOUR. CONSTIPATION, LIVER COMPLAINT, GENERAL EXHAUSTION, .AND AS A PREVENTIVE FOR CHILLS AND FEVER, AND MALARIOUS DISEASES GENERALLY. FEMALES WU1 find LIPPMAN'S GREAT GERMAN BITTERS the best tonic known for the diseases to which they are geuerally subject, and where a gentle stimulant ls recommended. MATHEW'S BLUFF, S. C., Jone 2. 1870. MESSRS. LI PPM AN A BRO.: Inclosed please find money for one case or your German Bittern. Persons who have bought them from me express having been greatly benefited by their use. Yours, Ac, C. R. FITTS. OSANGEBGR?. S. C., JUUC 4, 1870. MESSRS. IHPPMAN A Bao.: Inclosed find $50; send us more of your Bitters; they are taking weiL . . Yours, 4 c. F. H. W. BRIGOHAN ft Go. Depots la Charleston, S. C.: W. G. TROTT. BD. S. BURNHAM, A. W. ECKEL A CO.. G. J. LUHN, W. A. SKRINE, Wholesale Ageats: DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Druggists, CLAOIUS A WITTE. STEFFENS, WERNER A DUCKER, and HENRY BISCHOFF A CO. aprl6-6mos E RICSSON'S CALORIC ENGINE. SAFE, ECONOMICAL, DURABLE. USES NO WATER. P.EQCIRES NO ENGINEER. Having made arrangements for manufacturing this ENGINE on an extensive scale, we are now prepared to famish to all desiring a light power, the best and most economical Engtae ever offer? ed to the public. DELAMATER IRON WORKS, FOOT OF WEST 13TB STREET, NEW YORK. BRANCH OFFICE: JAS. A. ROBINSON, may 30-3 mos No 130 Broadway.