University of South Carolina Libraries
<j Poem by. Charles Dickons. . A correspondent of the Dally News Of Lon? don has rescued the following verses, by Charles Dickens, from the obscurity of an old ^Annual eluted br "Lady Blessington in 1814. j The; are .entitled "A Word in Season and * perhaps they are as timely now when ministers ? afcaakmgwbether Dickens was a Christianas - J^isy were twenty-six years, ago : ? They have a superstition in the East, ThatAllah, written on a piece or paper, ls better unction than can come or priest, wot rolling incense, and of lighted taper: F Holding that any scrap which bears ti at name _,-:3ln any characters, lu front impressed on, Tffiejl help the Under through the purging flame, And aire his toasted feet a place to rest on. Accordingly they make a mighty fuss, With every wretched tract and fierce oration, And hoard then* leaves-for they are not, like us, A highly civilized and thinking nation: And, always stooping m the miry ways a To look for matter of this earthly leaven, Tiley seldom, m their dust-exploring days, .Hare any leisure to look opto Heaven. -. Bo have I known a country on the earth, Where darkness sat upon the living waters, AndJbrntalignorance, and toil, and dearth ' Were the hard portion of its sons and daughters; And yet, where they who should have ope'd the door . . ? QtcharttT and light for all men's finding, Squabbled for words upon the altar-floor, And not The Book in struggles for the binding. i The gentlest man among these pioqfffurks God's living image ruthlessly defaces; The beat high-churchman, with no faith in works, Bowstrings the Virtues in t.*? market-places: The Ohrtitian Pariah, whom both Beets curse (They curse all other men and ourse each other), -Walto taroura the world,no' very much the worse, Boes all.the good he can. and loves his brother. Sir COMMERCIAL NEWS. ??? . Brrrovtu. BAUTMORB-Per sehr J- O Hiles-66 phosphate reckT , The Cnarleston Cotton, Rice and Naval ? Stores Harket. OFTICE CHARLESTON NEWS, 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, June 29, 1870. j COTTON.-There was a steady and well sustain . ed Inquiry during most of the day, prices being rather softer, but without Important change. Bales'about 660 hales, say 6 at 16c; 19 at 16; 22 at-! ie*; io at lix; s at 17; 26 at 17X; 14 at 17X; 38 at 18; 10? at IS)? ; 148 at 18*; 86 at 18X- We quote : LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.16 miK ?Low middling...Tr.18 & 'Middling. ...18X@1BX Strict middling.18X@ RICE.-There was a moderate inquiry at rather mora steady rates. Sales near loo tierces of clean Ciro Una, say 36 tierces at 7 fi c ; 26 at 8; 4 at 8X ; * at 8X, and 22 on private terms. Wo quote com? mon to fair, clean Carolina at 7@7X?; good 8@ .xe. va?. NAVAL STORES.-There were no sales of import " tance. - FEEIOHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam, direct nomi? nal, via New York, 7-l6d on uplands; ll-16d on sea islands; by sail we quote 7-l6d on " upland cotton, ' and .Xd . ""B lb on sea Island cotton. To'Havre, by steam, nomi ^_nal; 'by sail, nominal at Xe on uplands and ix on sea islands. Coastwise to New York, by steam, .Xe v> lb on uplands an* Xe oa sea islands; by sall, Xe Vb on up? lands. To Boston, by steam, nominal; by sall, x -.Xe 9 rb on uplands. To Philadelphia, by steam, Xe V BJ on uplands; by salL somewhat nomi aaL. .To - Baltimore, by steam, x@Xc V H> on upteiids; by sall somewhat nominal. *?.' EXCHANGE-st erl in g 60 days bills at 2ix@2iX DQHESTK: EXCHANGE,-The banks purchase sight checks at x@X orr, and sch at x premium, out? side they purchase at X off to par, and sell at x@ JU premium. . . eeu>.-ioto ?2--' . <v J - ? . Marketa by Telegraph. FOREIGN. LOPPOW, June 29- Noon.-Consols 92X. Bonds> WX^-Tallow dalt at 4?S. x LJVSRPOOL, June 29-Neon.-Cotton opened quiet; uplands led; Orleans lOXd; sales 10,000 . balea. Red winter wheat Oe sd. Evenlng.-Cottou, uplands OXalOd; Orleans loxaioxd; sales 8000 balea; for export and spec? ulation loop balea. Hour 33s ?d. Corn 81s 3d. -, PJOUB, June 29.-Bourse opened dun. Rentes 72f 420. HAVRE, June 29-Noon.-Cotton opened Cat; if IBO on th e spot and afloat ?. ?oMimcN^ NEW YORK, Jone.29-Noon.-Governments doll. Bonds lix? So u them State securities duli. Very little doing In stocks owing to the Intense heat of j the weather, i H on ey easy ar Sss per cent. Ster ling, long ?x; short 10X-. Gold UX. Tennessee ex-coupons 86X; Virginia ei-coupona 70; new 69. Louisiana, old 77; new 73; Levees 77; eights xs. Alaterna- eights ioi : fives 96. Georgia sixes 89; sevens 06. North Carolina old 49; new 27X. Booth Carolina old 92; new 82. Floor doll and unchanged. -Wheat quiet. Corn dull and de? clining. Pork quiet, $29 76. Lard dull at 16X c Cotton lower, 20Xa20Xo; sales 200 baies. Tur? pentine dun, 87X0.. Rosin $2 for Btralned. freights duD. . Evening-Cotton dull and nomina); sales imo bales; uplands aoxc Flour dull and declining. Wheat favors buyers. Corn ls2o lower. Pork lower, $29 50a28 62X- Lard duiL Whiskey $1 02 l 03. Groceries quiet and steady. Naval stores duQ. Honey easy. Sterling firm, 9Xaio. Gold llXallX. Governments closed^ nil. Sixty two's UX- Southerns steady, Uttle doing. CINCINNATI, June 29.-Flour dull and lower; family t&OOaS 76. Corn dull at 8 2a83c ; prime white shelled sold at 85. "Whiskey steady at $1. Pork held at *so. Bacon dall; aman? sales of shoulders st is x ai 8.xe, packed; sides held at lex ai7Xc; BO sties. Lard held at 16o. ST. LOOTS, June 29.-Fleur dull and unchanged. Coradeclining. Whiskey firmer at-$103. Pork dull at $29 76ase. Shoulders l8Xc; clear rik sides MX* NORTOLE, June 29.-Cotton dull; low middlings nominally at ?8X0; receipts 18 bales; exports coastwise lits bales; stock 1787 bales. M AUGUSTA, June 29.-Market qa le t, and prices easier; closing Irregular; sales 206 bales receipts Si bales; middlings iTXaWXa SAVANNAH, Jone ^.-Cotton in good demand; Ir middlings 18X0^sales 800 bales; receipts 636 t bales; exports to Great Brrtam 8744 bales; coast? wise 524 baieststock 12,910 bales. '.' MOBILE, June 29.- Cotton dull and lower; low middlings ITXC; sales SOO bales; receipts 16 bales; exports to Portland 679 bales; to New Orleans 18 bales; stock 24.8M bales. GALVESTON, Jane 2S.-Cotton dull; good ordi? nary 18Xc; sales 250 bales; receipts 140; exports coastwise 120; stock 17,666. Nsw ORLEANS, June 29.-Cotton dull and nomi? nal; middlings i9ai9xc sales 1800 bales; net re? ceipts 626; coastwise SS; total 610; exports to Great Britain 2309; Havre399; coastwise 886; stock 72,014? Sugar firm; prime HXallXc. Molasses arm, 60a76c Coffee, prime 17Xal7Xc. Sterling 22. SightxaX premium. Gold liv Havana Market. HAVANA, June 28.-The following is the report or the markets for the week ending Saturday: Bogar has been active; the business was large, pri?es were stiff; the market yesterday was quiet? er, bot steady, and prices closed unchanged; Noe. 10 to 12 D. 8. quoted at 8xa9 reals per arrobe; Nos. IS tc 20 at ax al ix realB. Molasses sogar dull; little ousiness done on account of scarcity of stock; .Nos. 7 to 10 quoted at 6a7X reals. Mus oovado sugar firm; holders demand an advance: fair to gtfc.d 8a8X reals. Exports of sugar for the week from Havana and Matanzas 44.000 boxes and 6000 hods, including 12,000 boxes and 5000 hhds to the United Sutes. Stock In warehouse at Havana and Haunzss 446.000 boxes and 14, ooo ahas. Freights closed buoyant; captains de? mand higher rates. Sugar per box to the United States, $1 60&1 87X: per and. $5 Maa 50; molas? ses perbhd to the United States, $3a4 25; freights Esr ton to Falmouth and orders, 42s 6da45a. umber-Market well supplied with white pine which ts quoted at $38 60; pitch pine In demand at $28a80 per H. Box shooks quiet at 9 reals. Hoops $40*80per M. Exchange on London isa 16X premium; on United i-tates, in currency, short tight, 7as discount; in gold, &a&X premium. Wvw York Rle? Market. From the Journal of Commerce, June 27: There isa good trade demand for Rangoon, and consid? erable ca 1 for Carolina af steady rates. Sale? have been made o? 400 bags Rangoon at 6Xa7Xc and 76*1? Carolina st SXaSXC From the Tribune: Rangoon wag in good Job- , bing demand, abd there was a moderate demand JofiCaroiina et ronner rates; sales 406 bag Ran- ' goon at 6x*\x c cuxrenoy, and 76 tes, Carolin a at From tbe World : There is a good jobbing trad e in .Ras goon, and a moderate inquiry for Carolina at steady rates. ' Sal?s 460 bags Rangoon at 6%a. 7Ko currency, and 76 tea Carolina at 83?a8Xc From tbe Herald: Carolina -tras quiet, bat prices were firm owing to the small supply. Small sales were made at 8??a9c. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, June 28.-SPIRITS TUTPENTINE. Sales of 40 cases New York packages at 34 and 616 Southern packages at 33>4'c D?T gallon. Rosw.-Sales o? 1053 bois at $1 60 for strained (delivered,) $3a3 26 for No. 1, $4 25a4 50 for pale and $5 for extra pale. CRUDE TURPENTINE.-Receipts 326 bbls, which sold at $2 75 for virgin, $2 40 for soft and $1 20 for hard-a decline of 25c per bbl on virgin. Interior Cotton Markets. MACON, June27.-Receipts to-day s bales; sales 7: shipped 60. The mar Ker is wholly unohanged; operations are so light that quotations are merely nominal. The best cotton here would bring at the close this evening abont 18c. Nothing offer? ing. : COLUMBUS. Jone 27.-Our market dull and no? minal; middlings 18, low middlings 17ai7J? cts. Sales 20 bales; receipts 4; shipments 22. ATLANTA, June 28.-The market closed at 18c fox middlings; 17 for low middlings; 10 for goo?i ordinary; 16 for ordinary. MONTGOMERY, June 27.-The market- ls quiet at 17 KC for low middlings. Receipts toy Rn Uro ad, June 20. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. 278 bales cotton, 62 bales domestics, 100 bbls floor, 68 bbls naval stores, 3 cars lamber, scars wood. To Railroad Agent, L D DeSanssnre, Reed? er k Davis, Pelzer, Rodgers k co, J Marshall, Jr, Kinsman k Howell, - Frost k Adger, Claghorn, Herring k co, Cam ps en k co, O W Williams k oo, A B Mulligan, Goldsmith k Son, J 0 Malone?. Passenger*! Per steamer City Point, from Palatka, via Jack? sonville, Fernandina and Savannah-H Schipman, Uuno, TV Webster and wife, MrsGladdon. R K Llmboy, W T Fitts, A Lltschgi, J H King, Mrs C Pratt, Misa W White, Legare, Mrs Brown, Tr es? cott, and 14 deck. Per steamer Pilot BOY, from Beaufort, Pacific Landing and Edlsto-Master W S Porter, S Platt, Rev J i Walker and lady, J B Ezetl, J C Shaw, Madame Luxeir and servant. Leroy F Youmans, F G DeFontaine, lady, three children and servant, E DeTrevlile, WP Holmes, E J Holmes, D Calla? han, D C Wilson, J Whaley, H S Tyrell, W Sea? brook, Mrs Coffin, Mrs C Balley and servant, and 21 deck. MAJBJNJB KJBWB. OH ABLESTON, S. C., JUNE 30 ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Lighthouse Tender tug Commodore, Fenton, Philadelphia-20 days. Ballast. To the Master. Bound to Key West, and J ut in for coal. Lighthouse Tender tug . meral Poe, Nash, Phil? adelphia-20 days. Balla' .. TotheMaster. Bound to Mobile, sad pnt In lor coal. Sehr Ann S Deas, Carbatl. West Point Mill. 81 tes rice. To A Canale and W C Bee k co. Steamer City Point, Peck, Palatka, via Jack? sonville, Fernandina and Savannah. 2 balee cotton, 600 melons, and sundries. To J D Aiken A co, M Goldsmith k Son, G H Iugraham A Son, E B Stoddard A co, W B Willlama A Son, W Fal? lon, L Jenkins, W Hunt, J Lutjen A" Co, W M Bird A co. W Harrell A co, H Fltta, Mrs C K Huger, Mrs J Williamson. D Ravenel, Jr, A co, Rentiers. Steamer General Manigault, Conies, George? town. 250 bbls rosin, 74 bbls spirits turpentine, and cotton. To SkackelTord A Kelly, G W Wil? liams k co, J Marshall, Jr, and L D Mowry. Steamer Pilot Boy, White, Beaufort, Pacific Landing and Edlsto. 125 packages sundries. To J D Aiken A co, W J Whipper. Capt G W B.-adlej. Fogartle'B Boole Depositor?, Mrs K G Chaplain. F Kressel, B C Adams, Wm Whaley, A Maalon, s Wallace. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Scar J C Miles, Powell, Baltimore-J A Enslow k ca. SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr W N Hawkins, Wyatt. Wood's Hole. LIST OF VESSELS UT, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR THIS PORT. F? R?G?. LIVERPOOL. The Kathleen, Lester, up...... May 19 D O M E~8 TIC. BOOTON. Sehr Helene. Bahrs, up.Msy'16 Behr W S Hille??, Burgess, cleared..".June 16 NEW TORE. Bark Lamplighter, Beach, cleared.June 22 Brig C V williams, Thomson, cleared.June 22 Star My rover, Brown, up.June 20 Sehr Wm Bernent, Penny, up...May 12 PHILADELPHIA. Behr-rrene Measervey, Wau.-? ?.June a Behr Veto, Manning; cleared.."..June ia Sehr SAE Corson, Brower, ap.June 17 BALTIMORE. Brig LewlB Clark, Cobb, cleared.June 24 Sehr Joseph Baxter. Baxter, cleared.May 27 Sehr J H Stickney, Fooks, up.........June 17 . ROCXPORT, MX. Brig Manzanilla, Spear, sailed.Jone 16 NORFOLK, TA Brig Tonquin, Rose, sailed.June 21 Ihrintinrj. THE PRICE TELLS. CHEAP PRINTING. CHEAP PRUTTING. CHEAP PRINTING. CHEAP PRINTING. CHEAP PRINTING. CHEAP PRINTING. The attention of the business pottle is - Mtriteo o the following greatly REDUCED RATES fer JOB PRINTING -THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. 149 EAST BAY. BUSINESS CARDS, From $2 60 per thoasand and upwards, accord ag to s iz e and quality of card. - BUSINESS CIRCULARS, From $4 00 per thousand and upwards, accord ag to the quantity of matter and quality af i aper. ENVELOPES, With Business Card neatly printed thereon, at rona $2 60 per thousadn and upwards, aoesrcttng o quality. BILL HEADS, At from $3 60 per thousand sad onwards, ac~ ordmg to size and quality of paper and amoun r natter. DRUG LABELS, At from 40 cents per thousand and upwards, ocerdlng to size and quantity. ALL OTHER KINDS OF PRINTING will be one at correspondingly low rates, aad in the est style. tsr SHOW PRINTING A SPECIALTY. Call at Tax NEWS Office and examine specl ?ens sad pri?es. ?sr- JUST RECEIVED; A LABOE ASSORTMENT OF INE BUSINESS ENVELOPES, NOB. 5 AND 6, Which will be furnished to our customers with usin?es Card neatly printed thereon at ti to SI er loco. CALL AT HE NEWS JOB OFFICE AMD BEB SAMPLES. * . SUPERIOR COLOGNE WATER. Manufactured and for sale by Dr. H. BAER. oct* ftc isl Meeting street. plantation Sitters. GLORIOUS* CHANGE That any aloa maa survived the treatment of fifty years ago, most be considered a proof tb at*, naman 1 beings are ve^ hard to MU The lancet, calomel, can thar id ea and drastic pur? gatives were tsen the order of the day> The phy? sician played into the hands of the apothecary, and the unfortunate patient was drenohed morn* lng, noon and night with prostrating medicines. We live in a more rational and conscientious era. The importance of supporting Nature in its conflict with disease ls now understood. Complaints in themselves weakening are no longer aggravated by artificial depletion. They are met with TONICS that rally the vital powers and enable them to de? feat the enemy. Chief among these alUes of Na? ture, in ita battles with sickness, is PLANTATION BITTERS. This wonderful vegetable restorative is the st. e t anchor of the feeble aid debilitated. As a cordial for the aged and decreptd lt has no equal among stomachics. Aa a remedy for the nervous weakness to whicb the tender sex are especially snbjeot, it is-supersedlng every other stimulant and nervine. In all climates, tropical, temperate or frigid, lt acts aa a specific In every species of disorder which undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever U . '-?iy is introduced it becomes a standard article -a medicinal staple. Druggists, although their profit upon lt ls. snail, find it absolutely necessary to keep a preparation for which everybody inquires, and for which nobody wul. accept a substitute. It ls to-day the most popular medicine in the civilized world, extensively as lt is advertised, its best ad vertisenent is the beneficial result which uniformly follows Ita nae. Every bottle sold in? sures the sale or at least half a dozen more. Un? like other stimulants, it braces and fortifies the Bj stem without exciting und oe cerebral action, The cheering effect which it produces upsn the mind is not memantary, bat pe rm aa en ;. There is no subsequent -iepreeslon. It does Bot, as is the case with all other stimuli, beget a craving for ex? citants. On the other hand, it soothes and calms the nerves,comblnlng.strange as the anomaly may seem, th equalities or a sedative and gentle ano, dyne with those of a tonic and invigorant. The perfect porky of all its ingredients, their admirable adaptation to the purposes ;vnej are intended to ; subserve, the judicious pru portions in which they are combined, and the scientific skill wita walch they are friend sd, render this famous article at once the most potent and the moe* harmless of ah known .onics and alteratives. Sold by all Druggists. apra T _ygtpgpopjerg/ HE GREAT SOUTHERN FAMILY PAPER I SOUTHERN FAMILY PAPER! SOUTHERN FAMILY PAPER I SOUTHERN FAMILY PAPER I SOUTHERN FAMILY PAPER ! SOUTHERN FAMILY PAPER t THE.CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST, AND THE BEST I THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST ! THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIESTJ AND THE BEST ! THE ??CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE [BEST ! THE CHEAPEST, THE "LIVELIEST AND THB [BEST I THE CHEAPEST, THE LIVELIEST AND THE BEST t THE CHARLESTON WBEKLY NEWS ! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS ! THE CT ARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS ! THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS ! [THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS ! |THE CHARLESTON WEEKLY NEWS ! Contains an tbe News, Editorial and Mlaeellane oas Reading Matter published in THB; DAILY NEWS AND THE TRI WEEKLY NEWS, INCL0DINO : Latest Telegraph News, Poetical Intelligence, Commercial and Stock Reports, Literary Topics and Reviews, Selected Social Essays, Personal Gossip, and Iaformatlon|ror Planters. TOOETBBR WITH THE CHOICEST STORIES, LIGHT READING, and POETRY, From the curres t Fore ten and Domestic Periodicals. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPfr. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND, FOR A SPBCIMBN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SEND FOR A SPECIMEN COPY. SUBSCRIPTION TWO DOLLARS A YEAR ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 66 EACH. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 P6 EACH. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 50 EACH. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 60 EACH. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 50 EACH. CLUBS OF TEN SUPPLIED AT $1 50 EACH. MAKE UP YOUR CLUBS ! 49" Address, (enclosing money In Registered Letter,) RIORDAN, DAWSON A 00., CHARLESTON, S. C. TTPELAM'S ANTIDOTE FOB STRONG U DRINK. A SURE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Bottle. Sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of price. The Antidote ls the best remedy tbat can be idmlntetered In Mdhia-a-Potn, and also for all lervouB affections. For sale by Dr. H. BAERV No. 131 Meeting street, octa Agent for Soo tb Carolina. Chm ge, Crjmnuote, #c. J^B, SIMMONS' LITER REGULATOR, A preparation;of Roots and Herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, and can do no injury to any one. It bas been used by hundreds, and known for the last thirty-five years as one of the most relia? ble, efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered to the suffering. If taken regularly and persistently, it is sure to cure: Dyspepsia, headache, jaundice, costiveness, sick headache, chronic diarrhoea, affections of the bladder, camp dysentery, affections of the kidneys, fever, nervousness, chins, diseases of the skin, impurity of the blood, melancholy or de? pression of spirits, heartburn, colic or pams m the bowels, pain in the head, fever and ague, dropsy, boils, pain in back and limbs, asthma, erysipelas, female affections, and billousldiseases generally. Prepared only by J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Drug? gists,-Macon, Ga. Price $1; by mail $l 25. Many highly respectable persons can fahy at? test to the virtues of this valuable medicine. For sale by _ GOODRICH, WILEMAN A CO. DOWIE, MOISE 4 DAVIS, janl6 slyr_Charleston. Q F. *F A N K N I N , APOTHECARY AND CHEMIST, So. 123 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. The advertiser begs te call attention to his stock if the best imported and domestic CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND PATENT MED? ICINES. Upon the DISPENSING DEPARTMENT of bia business lie bestows che utmost personal care and attention, and guarantees the purity of the medi? cines used in compounding. PRESCRIPTIONS Prepared carefully at an hours of the day and night. Special Agency for the sale of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Manufactured by Meassrs. GEORGE TIEMANN k CO., OF NEW TORE. ms STOCK or HAIR, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, PERFU? MERIES, AC, lu large and well selected. AUB?CT FOR TUB SALK OF TBE CELEBRTBD BOCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGWATER, A supply of which ls aiwaya on hand. Manufacturer of PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTER ., Whiob have established for themselves a reputa lion surpassed by none. Through constant effort and attention he hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage which bas hitherto been extended to him. lebltt _ RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL - FOB INFANTS TEETHING. ALLAYS INFLAMMATION OF THE GUMS. CCRE8 CBOLIC, CHOLERA INFANTUM, DT8ENTERT. AND ALL DISEASES TO WHICH CHILDREN ARE SUBJECT WHEN TEETHING. CONTAINS NO ANODYNE. RUSSELL'S SOOTHING CORDIAL is offered to the public with an absolute guarantee against all Sanger from its use. Read the following certifi? cates: CHARLESTON, May 16, 1868. Mr. J. E. RrasELL, one of our careful and Intel? ligent Pharmaoeutlsts and Apothecaries, has sub? mitted to my examination the formula for the preparation of a Soothing Cordial prepared and fended by him. It affords me pleasure to express a favorable apinlon of its aale and efficient adaptation to the particular cases of the diseases of children, which it ls designed to relieve. E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Having had occasion to prescribe RUSSELL'S ?oothing Cordial in severe cases of Bowel Com? plaints in children and delicate females, I have jeen much pleased with its effects. I-consider lt i valuable medicine in all cases, in which it may ae advisable to avoid the use of anodyne, and par? ticularly for family use, as it ls perfectly safe. W. T. WRAGG, M. D. CHARLESTON. S. C.. 1868. 1 certify that 1 luve most successfully used RUSSELL'S Soothing cordial in the Summer Com? plaints of infants. He has fully exhibited the In? gredients of his remedy, and the tedious method ?rf preparation. I recognize the prescription containing no anodyne whatever-as a most safe ?ind efficacious one in bowel affections of children. When much pain or restlessness attends the affec? tion, doses of Paregoric can be added to the pre scribed doses of the Cordial according to the age af the patient, nie compound, though more arten, acts in an efficient manner without any ad? dition of anodyne. In the Diarrhoea of the aged, in increased doses, itisofgreatvalueas a remedy; never disagree .ng with the stomach-increasing appetite, Im? proving digestion, and acting as a slow but cill? aient astringent agent. W. M. FITCH, M. D. CHARLESTON, S. C., 1803. Dear Sir-1 have used your Soothing Cordial for Diarrhoea m teething children, and find lt a very ?xcellent preparation. . It has a great advantage aver most preparations of the kind in containing ao Opium or Narcotic When these are required they can be a?ced In proportions applicable to thc case. I therefore can recommend its use in the arlee <ions for which it is designed. Respectfully yours, Ac, T. L. OG1ER, M. D. MOUNT PLEASANT, S. C., 1868. Hr. J. S. Xussell : DEAR SIR-I have use? your Soothing Cordial 'or children extensively in my practice, and most :heerfully testify to us merits. I have found lt, .ritbout an exception, to accomplish all it claims, ind cons! 1er it superior to anything In use foi children. Its freedom from anodyne of any kind recom nends it as a perfectly safe preparation in the lands of mothers and inexperienced nurses. Very respectfully, Ac, D. R. WILLIAMS, M. D. Made by 3. B. RUSSELL, Chemist. . Sold by Dr. B. BAER, Wholesale Agent ror louth Caro?oa. octlS Sr-onL?f* Braze. HE CHAMPION BE ACE This BRACE, in Its peculiar construction, has all the advantages of SUSPENDERS AND SHOULDER BRACES COMBINED. First. It does not disarrange the Shirt Bosom. Second. It cannot sup off the shoulders. Third. There ls less strain on the buttons of the pants than irlth common Suspenders. Fourth. Bach section of the pants can be adjusted independent? ly. Fifth. By means of the Adjustible Back Strap a gentle or powerful Brace can be obtained. SUtL. It attaches to the pants at the points that the ordinary Suspender does. Sole Agent in Charleston, E . SCOTT, DEALER IH SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS, Meeting street. Opposite Market Hall. jan?l Sates. MARTIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Praster FIRE PROOF SAFES Aro most desirable for quality, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES Cannot be Sledged ! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot bo Drilled! SANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRE6S BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCK8 Please Bend for a catalogue to MARVIN & CO., (oldest rafe manufacture re) __. . , (265 Broadway, New York. Principal 1 m chefltnut;- St Phila> Warehouses jl08BtQk St., Clevelands And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout tho United States For sale by WM. M. BIRD A CO., No. 203 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON. dec20 fflisccllancons. C HUPEIN A WINKL ER, DENTISTS, OmCI NO. 276 EINO STREET. tJbvl3 Brnos Gr EORGETOWN TIMES TARBOX A DO AR, PROPRIETORS. Published every Thursday, at Georgetown, S. C. The TIMES respectfully asks the attention nf the business men of Charleston to its low advertising rates. Onr terms are low, but they are cash. We will insert a Card of not more thad io lines for $10 per annum. Look to your interests. junl3-lmo_ (g U M T E R WATCHMAN. The WATCHMAN, published at Sumter, S. C., ls one of the oldest and cheapest newspapers In the Stare, and has a much larger circulation than any uthcr newspaper in the section in which it le published. The merchants of Charleston cannot (Ind so good a medium for communicating wi ti? ttie businessmen of Sumter and planters of tue surrounding country. Address GILBERT A FLOWERS, Pjoprletors, or w. Y. PAXTON, Business Manager, aprao_ Sumter. S. C. "SXULY INFALLIBLE REMEDY \J KNOWN." "FREE FROM POISON, NOT DA NO ER O US TO USE." "COSTAR'S" RAT. ROACH, Ac, EXTERMINATOR Destroys them effectually and Forever. "OOSTAR'S" BED-BUG "EXTERMINATOR Certain, sure and quickly Prevented. . COSTA R'S" INSECT POWDER (ONLY PURE) Initac.iy' kills Roaches, Bed-Bug-, Moths and Insects. ?3* For safety use only "COSTAR'S." Special Wholesale Agents al Charleston. GOODRICH, WINGMAN A CO. Sold by aft Druggists. raaj4-wlyTDA-c JAMES CONNER'S SONS UNITED STATES TYPE AND ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTER'S WAREHOUSE, NOS. 28, 30 AND 82, CENTRE STREET, CORNER READ AND DUANE STREETS, JVE W TORE. A arge SUXk of ENGLISH AND GERMAN F VE*; both Plain and Ornamental, kept en hand AH Type cast at this establishment ls mannfacturedjirom the metal known as Conner's Unequalled Hard Type Metal. Every article ne? cessary for a pepfect Printing Office furnished. ian2P EtuthCDDoa? w Stat gf)irt0. M . MATTHIESSEN, No. 281 KING STEHET, CORNER WENTWORTH, AGENT FOR THE MANUFACTURERS, GELEBBATED STAR SH IKTS1 EACH QUALITY OF SHIRT IS NUMBERED. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: No. 42.,..$2 00 No. 62. 2 60 NO. 72.;. 3 00 No. 92.A. 860 reba Sinos iniscelltirteous. & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS 4 N. B. The Commissioner o? Revenue has decided til a: any dealer can Bell tala article without a special license._melia TRISH ROOFING FELT. THE BEST. CHEAPEST AND MOST DURABLE Material for Rooting Known. CAMERON^ BARKLEY A CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, men? ?mo Charleston. S. 0. / -gNOCH MORGAN'S SONS' (ESTABUSHBr) 1809.) "?, ._ (211 Washington street, H. Y. S A PO HO: Is Better and Cheaper than So?]). mchltutnemoa ,_ MANHOOD HOW LOST-HOW RE? STORED I Jnst published m a sealed envelope. Price ats cents. A LECTURE on ".he NATO RAL TREATMENT and Radical Care of Spermatorrhea or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emissions, Sexual Debili? ty, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Ner? vousness, Consumption, Epilepsy aad Fits, Men? tal and Fhysical Incapacity, resulting from self abuse. Ar., by Robert J. Culverwell, M. D., author of the -'Green Book," Ac. "A boon to thoosands of sufferers." Sent under seal, in a plain envel? ope, to any address, postpaid, on receipt of elx cents or two postage stamps, by CHAS. J. C. KLINE k CO., No. 127 Bowery, New York, l'ostofllce Box No. 4686. Also, Dr. Culvtrwell's "MARRIAGE GUIDE," price as cents. _may7-stuth3moa li MARENGO FEVER AND AGUE. C?EB| A certain cure .'or cn ILLS AND FEVER-a gel? nine Southern preparation, purely vegetable; ? tonic and fever preventive, highly recommender and stands unequalled by any preparation nov offered. To persons residing lu unhealthy sea lions it is invaluable. ? Warranted-No Humbug. J For sale by al! Druggists, and by / G. J. LUHN, Agent, j Druggist, southeast corner King and John sts., j iuDl8-4mosD?c_Charleston, 3. Ca GEORGE PAGE & CO. 3 MANUFACTURERS OK Pa?en: Portable L'ireuhr ?Saw Mills, Stctisscry onfi Portae's ^ STEAM ENCIKE? ' QIUST MILLS, Ac. / Ko. 5 Schroeder Street, / E?LT'MO^t, MD. /' 'Send far O-xtaloptes and Price-Lists. junelS-SmoB DAW_ FLEMING'S WORM CONFECTIONS, (SANTON 1NE.) They are purely vegetable, safe and sure. The best in use. For sale I - 4 Dr. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street, ncxii ' whoiesn-le Agent QHAMPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN attended at their residences promptly and at reasonable rates. Send orders to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber^ Broad street, next d?ur to Telegraph ?moe. may 23