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?TTY AFFAIRS. ADVERTISERS win take notice that we cannot engage that any advertisement, sent *o TBS NEWS o QI ce at a later boar than h air-pas t nine o'clock at night will appear in the next morn? ing's paper. An exception to this rule ls made tn favor of notices of meetings, deaths and fune rals- ^ - Meetings Thia Day. Washington Lodgo, at 8 P. M. Union Light Infantry Charitable Society, at 8 P. M. Charleston- County Agricultural and Horticul? tural Society, at 8 P. M. Harton Pire Engine Company, at half past 7 P. M. Auction Sales This Day. A. C. MoOUllvray will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Postomce, real estate. John G. Mllnor <% Co. will sell at 10 o'clock, at their store, linen drills shoes, Ac Lanrey A Alexander will sell at 10 o'clock, nt their store, strips, hams, Ac. PBRHONAI..-Eon. J. P. Reed, or Anderson, arrived in our city yesterday. FIRST OF TBS SEASON.-Yesterday Messrs. Kanapanx A Gonzales shipped North by tho steamship Sooth Carolina, the Brat snapbeans of the Robson. They were raised by Mr. Wm. Lucas, of this city. OPPOSITION TO WHTTTEMORB.-E. J. Suet ter ] has nominated J. H. Ralney, colored, State sena tor from Georgetown County, asa candidate tor Congress te fill tho unexpired term caused by the resignation of Wbittemore. A FULL CAROO ANO PASSENGER LIST.-The superior steamship South Carolina left for New York last evening with a very large cargo. In fact the largest in balk ever cleared by steamer at Charleston for that port. Every state-room was occupied, some seventy or eighty passengers from this city and the Interior being hansomely accom? modated In her splendid deck cabins. A . GOOD MOVE.-Messrs. W. C . Wbilden A Co. and A H. Hayden will close their stores at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoons, from May 14th to October 1st. This la a good move, and lt would be well for all of ou r merchants who can do so to emulate the example, and thus give their em? ployees an opportunity, which they seldom have, of enjoying week day fresh air. THE BOOTH CAROLINA VULROAD ACCIDENT. Tho Jory summoned to hold an Inquest over the body of little Miehew, who waa killed by the rail? road collision last Sunday afternoon, was In ses? sion yesterday, and a number or witnesses were examined. As there are many more witnesses to be examined, lt cannot bo o cum tc ly stated when the verdict wUl be rendered. Joanna Mlshew, the father of the little boy who waa killed, ls In a critical condition from wounds received at the same time THE WORKING OHRBTIAN.-This Interesting j and jjopuiar religious and family newspaper, hitherto published at. York ville, S. 0., bas been removed to Charleston. Tho next number will be Issued from thia city next Tuesday. It is the oigan of the Baptist denomination in South Car? olina. The enterprising. editor, Rev. ni man R. Gaines, has added to the editorial strength of the paper the names of Rev. Dr. Reynolds, of Colum? bia, and Rev. L. H. Shook, of Charleston, and has an able o?rps of contributors from other parts of tne State. __ BOLO BURGLARY-FOOR HONORED DOLLARS1 WORTH or 0 KOCK KI BS STOLEN.-Night before last . daring burglary was perpetrated at the store of Mr. P. Weh manu, corner or Laurens and East Bay streets. The burglars forced a door on Lau rena street, which was fastened with an iron bar two and a hain non cs in diameter, anti then pro oeeded-to help themselves to tea, coffee, sugar rice, whiskey, Ac, oarrrlag off altogether about four hundred dollars' worth of groceries. Mr. Weh tc ann oom plains that a policeman ls never aeon in bia neighborhood; oertalnly th are conld have been none thereabouts at the hoar of the burglary. Tho police force ls, lt seems to ns, suf? ficiently large to patrol the entire city and pre? vent su oh a depredation as above described. CROM RS.-The committee of Council, ap? pointed to revise the jury ham have, we learn, completed their work. The regular monthly meeting of the Charleston County Agricultural and Horticultural Society will take place to-nighfe The parents of Richard Singleton, colored, have had bim arrested for stealing monty fran them. Jf. B. Delaney, colored, aide-de-camp to Gov? ernor Scott, has boen serenaded by the Delaney RioeGnarda, a colored company of this city. Friday Nixon wui oe carried np to the peniten? tiary to-day. Tim steamship Tennessee, Captain Chichester, left New York yesterday at quarter past 3 P. M. wita a foil freight. - UnUl farther notice tho Skating Bink will be open every morning from lo to ii, exclusively ror tad les. Admission and use of skates free A VERT BANDOO:*tr COMPLIMENT.-The fol? lowing letter has been forwarded to H.T. Peake, Eso., by tho delegation which representen the Cotton States Agricultural Association, in the. Sonto. Carolina Meehan leal and Immigration Con? ventlon: AUGUSTA, GA., May 6,1870. H. T. Penlee, Seq., General superintendent 3. C. B. a., .Okarieston, S.e.: DEAS SIR--The undersigned delegates from the "Cotton States Meehan io and Agricultural Fair Association, .? of Augusta, Georgia, to tue Agricul? tural; Mechanical and Immigration Convention, letaiybelu m your city, be/ to thank yon ror placing at their disposal, your very luxurious "special car."v This unexpected contribution tu their comfort will be greatly remembered by each and ail of us. We have learned with genuine regret that you are about to retire from the position von have fill od for so many years, with rare abUlty, and that you have determined to remain iu retire? ment. Permit ns to hope that you will reconsider tata? and consent to entertain any cali to a posi? tion In which your administrative talent and pro? gressive policy wUi be manifested in a Wide field or usefulness. - With sincere good wishes for your future health and prosperity, we are Very respectfully, . J. w. MEREDITH, J<-HN M. CLARE, JOHN OSLET, JK., WELLINGTON STKVKNSON. -W. A. BRILL, -p. j. BBKEMANS, WM. CRAIG. E. H. Ga AY, THOM}. MORGAN, J. If. TURPIN. ?OB?RT Y. H AK KIM, GEO. A. WHITEHEAD. UNITED STATES COURT-HON. GEOROB S. BBTAX, JUDEX, PBSsxDQro.-The following bust. I j ness was dispeled of in the Circuit, District and j, Admiralty Oot rta yesterday: Cf rouit court.- In the case or Thomas Branch and Fred. R. Scott, of Virginia, and Thomas P. Branon, of Georgia, copartners, as Branch Sons A Co., vs. Reuben Tomllnson, James W. Grace et al, or south Carolina, a motion for Injunction was faade. After a short hearing, the case was con? tinued untd to-day. ' District OourL-Ex parte W. G. Mazyok-appll eatkra for a copyright of a production entitled "The Oradle and th ? Grave" The application was granted. Ex part? J. E. Adger A Co., creditor, In re Wm. IL Haywood et al-petitlou to eatabUsh lien. Pe? titions referred to Registrar Carpenter, to re? port. Sx parte J. Lcbby ? Sons, ls re Owen P. Fitz simmons-pectMoa to establish lien, iv ti t ion re? ferred to Registrar Carpenter. In re John T. Sloan, bankrupt. The Jndge ap? proved the appointment or J. N. Brown, or Ander? son, as assignee. Ex part? D. T. Vaughan-petition ror final dis? charge from bankruptcy. Referred to Registrar Jaeger. In the cite of thc United States vs. David R. Williams, oharged with being physician lu prac? tice without paying license tax, a nolle prosequl was entered. Admiralty Court.-The case of Charles Relegla .t^jy, owners of the Ark, va. schooner Francis ; was under argument to the hour of adj oura - nit. THE SCH?TZENFEST. THIRD DAY. Stray Shots ni the Ri flo mc rt-Turret Practice by thc Ladle?- Bistrlbutlon of Prizes by Captain Melcher*. There was A o abatement of fun, interest or crowd. Indeed, the week seems, hy common con? sent, to be giren np to recreation, and between one and five o'clock every dav the shell road, Unod with vehicles, and the fastest horses thc olty affords, presents a processional aspect that charmingly contrasts with the monotony of ordi? nary travel upon lt. At Brated intervals thc cars came and went, discharging their living frelghr, and talcing In those homeward bound, and be? tween footmen, cav alies and carriages, thc sur? roundings wore an aspect decidedly gay and festive. If the Immense throng within the grounds did not enjoy themselves, it certainly was no fault of thc ever-thoughtful Germans. The Committee on Amusements were untiring In their efforts to please, and at proper Intervals trotted out bri? gades of little urchins, who, for a consideration, were made to go through with antics that tickled thc diaphragms of spectators. Individual mem? bers of the Ride Club likewise exerted themselves to promote thc object of the festival, namely, en? tertainment, and all present were made to real? ise the freedom or the place, the absence or -, re? straint, and the hearty purposes of the occasion. ir the visitor loved muslo, he found gratifica? tion tn listening to the strains of Muller's Baad: dancing, he could enjoy with true Teutonic vim in the great hall; panoramic views of the peripa? tetic humanity thronging the grounds, ha could secure from the broad piazzas; quiet, he could ob? tain la the shady re?usses of the old oak groves; natural history, he could study among the mon? keys and trained mice; tcte-a-tetes and perambu? lating flirtatious were but natural outgrowths of | the scene: sandbars in the throat were washed away by ever-flowing streams of lager; and of I eating, there was so end-the only drawback being that Nature did not create man with a tast? ing apparatus extending from his head to his heels. To those Interested in marksmanship, the tar? get exeroises were naturally the chief attraction, and the shots Indicated a degree of skill on the part of a majority of the olub, which proves that the German of to-day has m no wise lost the art or his fathers. Peeping Into the shooting shed (for only mem? bers of the Sch?tzen verein are almltted there,) yon are struck by tho order which prevails and the system by which each bullet's work is record? ed against the name ot the person by whom lt was fired. You see big rifles and little rifles-rifles hoary with antiquity, with old-fashioned stocks and bar? rels; rifles bright with polish, and fresh from the hands of Happoldt, our Charleston gun maker; rifles with bores as big ai your thumb, or no big? ger than a good sized pea; and you see too the Jolliest, best natured, biggest hearted Germans tn Charleston-true types of thc Fatherland,and true I I representatives of our most valued adopted oltl- j I zens. Yonder, for Instance, ls Torck, the heavy breasted, ronnd-bodled restaurateur, who makes a practice every year -of shooting out "bull's j I eyes" and carrying away crowns. Whether he 11 holds a majority or moral sunshine or lager under [ hts shirt buttons, ls a point that has never beea j I determined. There also ls Happoldt,.a keon, grey-eyed man, slim, trim and athletic-a fine representative of the men who are bnUding our fortunes, and yet j preserve unohanged the traditions of their own ( people-a sharpshooter la the A No. 1 ranks of the l German Club. Next appears Mclohers, the president or the club, fair haired, ruddy faced and Teuton shaped he who has a kind word for all, and is at home 11 equally In dispensing the hospitalities or thc Sch?tzen verein or watching the inscrutable ways j f or Providence amid the dispensations or every? day life-a first-class citizen, full or oonhommie, md alive with thc duties or his position. Then, again, there is C. H. Bergmann, the sec? retary, a serious looking, practical gentleman, who keeps all the papers of the club where ho can lay his hands on them Instanter; who nover gets angry, and who believes a German ls a direct de? scendant of Father Adam In everything bot the disposition to partake of forbidden fruit. Ur. Bergmann ls In charge of one of the best schools in Charleston, and on the day or the parada hts eighty pupils, every one of whom 1B a microscopic Turnor, constituted a very important feature of ? the procession. A bighearted, brave and intel? lectual gentleman. . There, too, ls P. Paokhabar, thc vice-president, who received a gold-headed cane the other day, because be was so unseltls? as to work for the happiness ot other people- a generous looking follow, who would pass, anywhere for a married man, and ts unimpeachable as a bachelor. Nor ls our friend F. Melcher* to be lost sight of. lt was he who, with.Professor Deden and three others, met in 1854 to organise the dab, and who may be regarded as tho founders of these annual festivities. They wear their honors serenely, and in all that concerna the weal of the public, may Dd written down with an emphatic "Yours, truly." And Yon San ten-he must not be neglected. Toung, smooth-faced, handsome, a thorough son rf the Fatherland, brim ru l of energy, with a kind word for au, not proud of his prosperity, bat very proud or his ancestry, mast happily does he com? bine the suaviter in.modo ot the social gentleman With the fm-Mer tn-, re ot the tl rie a rifleman. . He wears -his uniform like the king Re deserves to be. There are others who pass In view bet?re os? good shots, good men, and-healthy old fellows who haye mute their social mark; bat we must morten our bowstrings and withhold Ure. We Oiuyneod add that the'German Rifle Club is som posed of a body of men, or every one of whom ?omethlng kind might be written; and lt is due io the ract that they are all, by nature, ld en tl tied with our social and bt di ness welfare, that they to-day command a power tn Charleston which parties the respect of the people. - " TAUGET TR A CT I CE U Y LA VI BS. Yesterday a ?umber.or 'ladies engaged in tar? get practice with the air-guns. There were several excellent shots made, and the ladles displayed great Interest m the practice, each one seeming ruxtons to secure one or the prizes offered. After a long contest it.yras decided that Urs. Geilfuss was entitled to the first prize; Mrs. Harms to the second; Miss Nichols the third, and Mrs. w. D. Harvey the fourth-for making the worst shot, shortly after four o'clock, Captain Melchers dis? tributed the prizes to the ladles. Mrs. Geilfuss received a ladies' work st and -.Mrs. Harms a port monnaie; Miss Nichols a sUver sewing-bird, snd Hrs. Harvey one or Mr. ClauBsen's advertising medals. INCIDENTS. The firing at the eagle was lively during the shooting hours, and although the bird suffered sonsiderably. only the head was shot off, Mr. P. gressel making the successful shot The members of the South Carolina Rifle Club, with their slxtccn-shooters, displayed consider? able still. These rifles, while a very efficient wea? pon, are not specially adapted to target practice. One or the members or (his club fired abont thirty shots at thc target, and although not one or the bullets struck the bull's-eye, yet the whole num? ber were close around lt in a space which could be covered by the hand. Had he possessed one or the rifles used in regular target practice, the bull's-eye would have been put out. Harry Leslie and Miss Nichols gave their usual tight-rope performances. Leslie announced that on Friday he would take a stove on the rope with him and cook and eat his dinner. It is under? stood that the pnblic are Invited to panic pate la the meal. He need not prepare a very large din? ner. The exercises of to day will be similar to those or yesterday-- To-morrow the fest will close. TUB SKATING: RINK, at the Academy of Music Hall, la getting to be a place of popular re-sort. The roller ska ung exercise ls exhilarating and healthful, aud we would advise our yonng citi? zens or both sexes to avail themselves of the op? portunity of getting a large amount of exercise, combined with considerable amusement. rf I STATE TAXATION. Motion for an Injunction to Restrain the State from li e v y I n g Taxes upon the So a th Carolina Railroad Company. AN INTERESTING CASE. In thc United States Circuit Court jester day, Ids Honor Judge Bryan presiding, a motion was made by Hon. A. 0. Magrath for au Injunc? tion to restrain Reuben Tomllnson, Esq., State Auditor, and the treasurers of the several coun? ties through which thc South Carolina Railroad passes, from proceeding to the collection of taxes assessed upon tho property of the company. The bill ceta forth that the South Carolina Rail? road Company has, by the statutes of thc State, a perpetual exemption from taxation; that by tho recent act or the Legislature the courts are for? bidden to Interfere with the collection of any tax assessed under the authority of the State, and that the provision made in thc statute for the recovery of taxes Illegally assessed and collected ls Inadequate and affords no adequate or substan? tial relier. Hence this bill ls brought by Branch A Sons, citizens of Virginia and Georgia, against the South Carolina Railroad to prohibit the compa? ny from paying tho tax, and against tho tax om? eo ra fer the purposes or suspending thc enforce mens of the taxes. Mr. Magrath appeared for thc complainants, and Mesar?. D. H. Chamberlain and D. T. Corbin for defendants. Mr. Magrath opened tho argu? ment tn support of the motion, and cited from thc various statutes of the State, showing that the South Carolina Railroad Company had per petual exemption rrom taxation. Uo then argued that snoh exemption rrom taxation constituted, a contract, within the meaning or the Oonstitu Honor tho United States, which the court was bound to protect. The act or the Legislature or 1870 was a distinct violation of that contract, which this court was bound to give them protea tlon against. The learned counsel cited name rous authorities in support of his position, more particularly from decisions of the Supreme Court or thc United States. The question made in the bill, he said, S this Branch, ?oas a Co., citizens of Virginia and Georgia, come into this court with the allegation that they aro stockholders of the South Carolina Railroad Company, and that the State of South Carolina has Imposed a tax on the property of that corporation, rrom which tax, by acts or the Legislature or South Carolina, an exemption had bean granted to the South Carolina Railroad. That exemption, they allege, ls still In force. The set or the Legislature imposing a tax now on the property of that company is a violation of a con tract, and Impairs the obligation of that contract; Ming such, lt ls a case arising under the Consti cutios of the United States, and a case of which ,hla court has Jurisdiction. According to the de Malone or thc Supreme Court or the United States, where a corporation within a State ls either mable or unwilling to make sufficient opposition to an unconst ltut lona.' act or the State Legislature, tis the right of a corporator living outside of the Jtate to come Into this court for that relief which me corporation ls not able to secure. The parties whom he (Mr. Magrath) represented, have dc na?ded of the South Carolina Railroad Company ts purpose In relation to the assessment made ot .his property for taxation, and that corporation, is stated la the bill, has expressed to them Its nablllty under the laws of tho State to offer an iffectuat resistance to the collection of thc tax, Counsel, after thus briefly stating the case, sub? mited a copy or the order, which lt was pro meed to make after thc hearing of the whole ar rument by the court. This order restrains leuben Tomllnson and the various county treasu- < 'era rrom proceeding by distress or execution or < my other manner to assess, Impose, or collect 1 my tax upon the capital t-tock or the Sooth Caro? ma Railroad Company or dividends thereon, Ac, md prohibits tho >outh Carolina Railroad Oom ?any from consenting to pay sud tax, proresscd o be assessed and collected under the oct or 1870, ta The argument for tho State will bs opened this lornlng, at ll o'olock by, Attorney-General lhamberlaln. Tn? BONDAY-SCBOOI. CONVENTION.-Quito a urge number ot delegates to the State Sunday Ichool Convention, which meets to-day at io i'clcck, in the Trinity Church, arrived yesterday .rternoon. There will be three sessions or the | 1 onventlon per day excepting on Saturday, when here will be two. The exercises will bc Interest-1 1 og, and will doubtless result In much good to the lunday-school cause. The public are luvlted to attend all these meet ogs, as there will be many very Interesting sub? lets discussed relating :o Sunday-schools. The etalon Ulla mornlug will be devoted to effecting ho organization ot the oouvention and tho an? ointment cr committees. In tho afternoon the Dilowicg subjects will be dlsonssed : Hair-past 3 'clock-"Tho object ana iicsign of Sunday choois." 4 o'clock-"What relation docs the ihurcli bear to the San lay-school." Half-past 4 'dook-"The duties of pastors, officers and icmbers of Churches to tire Sunday-schools o'olock-"Opening of question box.*1 The question box ls one of tho most Interesting ?atures or the convention. Every person la re nested to write quedtluns relative to Sunday choois that may uot be upoa the regular pro ramme and place them lu the box. At the olosc f each session the box whl be opened, and the ueatious read and answered by the president. in tho evening a public meeting will be held, at rblch appropriate addresses will be delivered by entiemeu appointed for the purpose. These vening meetings aro likely to prove Intensely aterestlng, aud should be well attended. BUSINE?? NOTICES. i 1 1 A NEW STYLE BOOT, for ladles, misses and 1 hlldrcn, called the "Pau" boot; the first that has ppcared here. They arc of superb style and fln m. Sold at retail by JOHN COMMINS, 1 mayl2-th2 No. 131 Meeting street. \ MBSSRS. L. CHAP?N & Co. arc offering great argalna for the next sixty days In their large-stock f carriages, buggies, harness, Ac, at No. 20 lay ne street, and No. 103 Meeting street. may 12-2 ^. SPECIAL ATTENTION is called to the large tock or dry goods at Mr. A. R. Stillman's store, Io. 281 King street, which will bc sold upon the J lost reasonable terms. | t I BILL HEADS printed on fina paper at $3, 14, ;5, $s 60 and $8 50 per thousand, according to I ute, at THE NEWS Job Office | I I BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE MEWS Job Office |p i now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with lusmess cards printed thereon, at $4 per thous .nd. Send your orders. Every merchant and | j melness man should have his card printed on his nvelones. irHisc?ilancoii0. F BANK'S SALOON. FRANK HOWARD, late of the Pavilion Botet, nd more recently of the Mills House, has opened t PRANK'S 8ALOON, it No. 14? MEETING STREET, directly opposite [ he Boa ?d of Trade Rooms. ALES, Wines, Liquors and Olgars, of the best luaUty, wUl be served, and Lunch dally from ll Ul 2 o'clock. aprl 3mos_FRANK HOWARD. pAUL C. TBENHOLM, (LATE COURTENAY a TRENHOLM,) AGENT OP .MOSE AND CHARLESTON j STEAMSHIP COMPANY, , AND j SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 2 UNION WHARF, fehl tnths4moB YOU WANT PAPEB BAGS, FLOUR SACKS, and Hags of every description, go to EDWARD PURRY, ic 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, a. 0. deol4 cmos f nntxal Notices. . ps- THE RELATIVES, FEIENDS AND Acquaintances of Mrs. ANNE FOX, of ber daugh? ter, Urs. Cecelia M. Corcoran and family, and of Rev. J. A. Corcoran, D. D., are Invited to attend the Funeral Servloes of the former, at the Cathe? dral Chapel, Queen street, at 9 o'clock, Tms MORNING._mayi2* ps- THE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND accuatntances of Mr. and Mrs. H. P. FEUGAS, and the Congregation of thc Cathedral Chapel, are respectfully Invited to attend the Funeral Service of the former, Tni3 MOKNIKO, ai io o'clock. mayl2-?_ COLE.-Died attire Confederate Widows' Home, on Wednesday, May ll, QHBTBOM COLK, one of the pupils of the "Home," aged 14 years and 0 mo'ichs, youngest daughter of the late John J. Cole, or Hindi un, S. C. pS-THE FRIENDS OF THE FAMILY and of the '-Home," are Invited to attend the Fu? neral, TO-MORUOW (Friday) MORNING, at 10 o'clock, at the Huguenot Church. mayl2-2 Special Kol?ccs. PS-U. C. POROHER, ADMINISTRA? TRIX, vs. EXECUTORS F. M. WESTON ETAL.-By virtue of an ordtr entered on 5th Inat., before Hon. K. B. Carpenter, in this case, the Creditors or the late PERCIVAL R. PORCHER are required to prove their olalms berorc me, at my office, No. 50 Broad street, on or before theist or July next. W. ST. J UL1EN JBRVEY, mayl2-th8 _Rcrercc. ps- EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE.-A L L persons having claims against the Estate or the late GEORGE W. NICKERSON, Printer, or Charles? ton, deceased, will present the same, proparly at? tested; and those indebted to said Estate wit! make payment to the undersigned. JANE NI0KER30N, apriS thu Qns.ll'icd Executrix. PS- PROPOSALS. -OFFICE SINKING FUND COMMISSION, COLUMBIA, S. 0., APRIL 25, 1870.-Notice ls hereby given that the Commis? sion is now prepared to receive proposals for the purchase of STOCK owned by the State. All com? munications must be addressed to the under? signed. * J. H. RAINEY, Secretary Sinking Fund Commission, apron 22_Columbia, 9. C. ps- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. - Sealed proposals for completing the Breast Dam at Langley, S. C., (formerly known aa Kalmia Hills,) about eight miles from Augusta, on the South Carolina Railroad, will be received nntll May 1st. Specifications can be seen at the office or Messrs. J. SIBLEY A SONS, Augusta, Ga., or apon the premises at Langley, S. 0. The Com? pany reserve the right to reject any or all bids. .WM. 0. SIBLEY, President april Imo_Langley Manufacturing Co. PS- CARD. -WILLIAM COMINGS, late practica! Painter of the flrm^of T. A. BEAM? ISH A CO., Painters, begs leave"To return thanks to his friends and customers or the late firm. Being now In the employ of DOUGLAS A MIL? LER, No. 50 East Bay, all orders from my friends rvlll be promptly attended to, by myself and them._ may2-mthlmo PS- MILHAU'S GOLDEN COD LIVER ML.-With Hypophosphlte of Lime, a great Im? provement; made with the best of oil known, it mites efficacy with pleasant flavor and easy di restlbillty. Sold by all respectable druggists. J. MILHAU'S SONS, No. 183 Broadway. ap rei thmlmo_New York. RESTATE NOTICE-ALL PERSONS laving claims against the Estate of RIOUARD l'EA DON, deceased, will present the same duly Utested, and those Indebted to sahl Estate will sake payment to Messrs. BUIST & BUIST, Solici? tors, No. 41 Broad street. CHARLES MACBETH, mayfi-thmS_Qualified executor. ps- PEOPLE'S BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA.-This Bank ls now prepared to sell >r Issue at par CenlUcates for Shares of Its Cupi? al Stock, which will ho entitled to participate In til future divisions or profits or assets, at the rate >r Twenty-five Dollars each. JAMES B. BETTS, may-t-3 tuthnO nAO fnfdiler. .?SF-SPECIAL NOTICE.-BOOKS FOR Subscription to thc Stock of the ENTERPRISE RAILROAD COMPANY of Charleston will be jpencd on and after THIS DAT, the 23d Instant, at the office of Messrs. WHIPPER, ELLIOTT A AL? LEN, No. 91 Broad street, where the undersigned nay be found dally between the hours of 10 A. M. ind 2 P. M. WM. MCKINLAY, mch23 ws2mths_Treasurer. ps- COMPLICATE!? MECHANISM - Ire you aware that you arc wonderfully and tearfully made, and that tho complicated and leUcate mechanism of the human body can be jntlrely disarranged by one part being out of or 1er, Just as the springs, wheels and cogs or a slock refuse to go, If even an laflultesslmal por lon of the works ls wanting r Being aoqoalntcd with thia fact, howBurprls ng lt ls to soe hundreds of sensible men and romen going through life like a creaking door, iiways complaining and yet never resorting to my means of Improving their health. Any little violent exercise for a few minutes viii occasion great distress; beating of the heart, iirobblng of thc temples and labored and Imped? id respiration-this is weakness or debility, a hin and Impoverished condition of the blood, he pabylum of lire. Nature by these symptoms, ls making a requl iltlon Tor assistance and support. The macbl ?ery ls out or order-a screw ls loose somewhere n thc animal mechanism-won't you repair lt t Von't you raise up the digestive apparatus to a lealthly condition, by a tonic and strengthening nedlclne? Invalids, dyspepilcs, nervous and lellcate women, nursing mothers, listen to a vord of advice ? Take a course or SOLOMON'S UTTERS and you will be most assuredly restored 0 your wonted health._mnyio-tuths3 ps- MANHOOD.-A MEDICAL ESSAY tn the Cause and Cure or Decline m Premature dan, the treatment of Nervous and Physical De illlty, Ac "There ls no member of society by whom thie >ook will not be found useful, whether such per? on holds the relation ci Parent Preceptor or Jlergyman."-Medical Times and Gazette. Sent by mall on receipt of fifty cents. Adores he Author, Dr. E. DsF. CURTIS. Washington ). C._weptl lyr ps- IF YOU WANT STRAW. MANIL? LA and all kinds of WRAPPING PAPERS, go to COWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, oppo fte Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C. decM 6mos_ pS-A GRAND EPOCH IN SCIENCE. 'rom the time when, In 1834, Dr. RUGGE dlscov ired "Carbolic Acid" and Its extraordinary medi? cal effects, nothing In the history of Medicine has ?quailed lt. Largely used by the French physi? cians m treatment of consumptive and sensu? ous diseases, lt was introduced by the Court Phy delan of BerUn, MAX ERNST HENRY, Into Pros ila, and from thence to the United States. No hlng else of the present day can equal HEN? RY'S SOLUCION OR ?ARBOLIO CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. Patients get better after only one lose nae been taken, and we cordially recommend t to the public-fEdltor "Argus." >anl7 lrr PS- AWAY WITH SPECTACLES. -OLD Syes made new, easily, without doctor or medi? cines. Sent postpaid on receipt or io cents. Ad lress Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No? 120 Lexington avenue. yew York._deeiA ps- TO PRINTERS.-D? YOU WANT S'EWS, BOOK, CAP, DEMI and MEDIUM PAPERS, 3111 Heads, statements, Cards, Card Board, brini? ng Material, Binding, Ruling and Cutting, go 10 3DWAR1) PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, oppo. lite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C decl4 amos pS- AWAY WITH UNCOMFORTABLE [.RUSSES,-Comfort and Cure for the Ruptured. Sent postpaid on receipt of io cents. Address i)r. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue. New fork. dec!5 Special Koines. pa- THE UNDERSIGNED STORES, AC? CORDING to their usual custom, Trill close at 2 o'clock on SATURDAYS, rrom May 14th to October 1,18T0. Vf. O. WHILDEN A CO. mayl2_A. H. HAYDEN._ p3- SOUTH CAROLINA SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION.-All Delegates to this Convention are reqnested to report Immediately on their arrival, at the Committee Rooms of Trin? ity Church, Hasel street, where they will register their names and be assigned to residences. OLIVER F. GREGORY, Chairman Committee on Entertainment aud Re ception. _nmyll-2 pa- MRS. MCMILLAN, ITAVING OPEN? ED a SEWING-ROOM at her residence, No. 34 Wentworth street, will be pleaRcd to receive a continuation of the patronage hitherto extended to the Sewing-room of Mr. D. B. Haselton, In King street, which ls now closed. Mrs. M. thinks she can give general satlsfaoton to all her patrons. mayo_ pS- OFFICE CHARLESTON CITY RAIL rt AY COMPANY-CHARLESTON. MAY 7, 1870.-In order to provide Increased facilities for visitors to the Festival of the Sch?tzenfest, thc TWO HORSE (Red) CARS will be changed to the KING STREET LINE, and thc ONE HORSE (Yellow) OAKS will run on the KLTI.F.DOE STKBRT LINK, commencing MONDAY, thc Otu Instant, and so continue until FRIDAY, thc 13th Instant, Inclusive; trier which date they will resume their regular routes. S. W. RAMSAY, m4y7-8 Secretary. pa- THE PIONEER STEAM FIK? 30MPANY-TO THK CITIZENS OF CHARLES? TON: Would respectfully represent that thc pr?? tent condition of their apparatus and of their fl lances compel them to make that appeal to your lberallty and public spirit, which has never yet ?en made In vain by the Fire Department or | hts city. Oar Engine, worn and Injured in your service, lemands Immediate and extensive repairs. Our lose, arter faithful use for five years, ls now un? equal to the performance of its duty, and there ls i balf.ncc due for the purchase of thc Engine, till remaining unpaid. The pay from thc city has been greatly reduced ind can contribute to no more than the current ixpendlturea, and the resources or the Company itherwlse are entirely Inadequate to meet these leccssltles, or they would be cheerfully devoted o them without a call upon your aid. We are willing and anxious to devote to yonr Dterest all our zeal and all oar service, without eoompense, and we only ask you to assist us to 10 so with that measure of efficiency which the aagnitudo of that interest demands, by enabling LB to keep np our Engine and apparatus In pro er order. The oldest chartered Company In the D?pan? nent, the Pioneer, In the introduction of steam ower for the salvation of your property, ask yon o look back upon the long years or its service, nd to contribute to that efficiency that lt ls their ride and your Interest to cherish and protect. The following named gentlemen have been ap oin ted a Committee to walt upon the citizens nd solicit contributions to the aggregate sum of j Wo Thousand Dollars, for the purposes above et forth. J. E. BURKE, WILLIAM KNOX, A 8. BROWN, IL S. RENNEKER, -? P. W. K KN NEK Ell, H. T. SURAU, J. 0. OOUTVENIER, W. P. RAVENEL. a F. STEINMKYER, j. o. SIC WALD. By order of thc Company. A T. SMYTHE, President, J. W. MoKEXRY. Secretary._may4 pa-AH OLD FALLACY EXPLODED. Iilrty or forty years ago lt was the fashion to ad alnlstcr powerful purgatives aa "spring medi? cines." Terrino doses of salts and senna, alomel and Jalap, or glauber salts were given to 11 the members of a family, whether sick or well, iy way of preparing them for thc warm weather n prospect. This pernicious custom ls nearly ob oletc. but there are some old Bourbons or private ire, Incapable alike of rorgettlng anything or earning anything, who obstinately cling to lt tiu. Nothing could be more pernicious, more itterly unphllosopblcal Utan such an onslaught >n the vigor and elasticity or the system. In riler to enable thc physical structures to resist he enervating effects of spring damps und sum? ner heats, lt should be toned and reinforced, not claxed and weakened. The best mealclne agent or this purpose ls HOSTETTBB'S STOMACH UTTERS. Its effect ls to tone the stomach and Iver, gently relieve the bowels rrom obstructions, race the nerves, Improve the quality or the lood, stimulate the appetite aud cheer thc spir? es. In this Improved condition the organiza lon j capable ol resisting unhealthy influences, rhlch would prostrate an enfeebled system. A Igorous digestion ls absolutely essential to .cattii, and there ls no danger or thc stomach fal erlng or railing In Its Important office If tills ge? lai vegetable elixir IR taken regularly as a tomaehic None of the tonie tlnotnres or ex rads will supply the place of the Bitters, for tho imple reason that they operate as astringents nly. In fact, in ordinary practice, five or six rescriptions would be required to produce sepa ately the beneficial results which are effected sl lultaneuusiy aud harmoniously by this single peel (lc ni a v 0-6 nie ^-SORGHUM WORKS AND REFIN !RY.-The Works recently put up for tr-e^lllustra lon or thc process or manufacturing syrup and ugar from sorghum, and relining, will bo In ope atlon Tu is DAY, from ll o'clock A. M. to 2 'clock P. M., aud will be continued from day to ay. All persons Interested are Invited to wit ess lt. FRANCIS 0. CART. Agent, apr?Q_So. 32 East Buy. pa- IF YOU WANT LAW BOOKS, AW BLANKS and Legal Printing, goto EDWARD ERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charlea? ra H?te', Charleston. S. C decl4 flmo* YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY HAVING YOUR PRINTING EXEOUTED AT THE NEWS JOB OFFICE. BORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.-? pa- WEDLOCK-THE BASIS OF CIVIL OCIETY.-Essays for Young Men, on the honor nd happiness of Marriage, and the evils and dan? ers of Celibacy, with. sanitary help for the at ?dninent or man's true position in lire. Sent free i sealed envelopes. Address HOWABD ASSOCI LTION, Box P, Philadelphia. Pa. jan28 3mos -c-?-~" ? Agricultural jJmplcments. pO PLANTERS. We have been appointed Agents for the sale or IHAW'S COTTON SEED HULLER, MAN?PACT?KED BY THU "DIAMOND MILL MANUFACTURING CO.,'1 nd offer the same at Manufacturer's Prices, Freight added, "eeling assured lt ls what every Planter needs. Sample or work, Circulars and all Inronuatlon furnished on application to us. me of the "HULLERS" to be seen at our Oftlce. BRODIE A 00., Factors and Commission Merchants, North Atlantic WharL Charleston, S. C., February 12, 1870. febl4 mwf3mos griotfjiwfl ano jFnrmgljinfl (fltoobs. \rOW IS THE TIME. GEORGE LITTLE 4 CO.. No. 218 KINO STREET. Is the place to rind the largest and best selected R toe ft of Men's, Youths' and Children's CLOTH? ING ever ollercd In this market, and at prices to suit the times. Having determined to sell our Goods as low as can be purchased elsewhere, we would respect:ally solicit an examination of our Stock. ?.ur Stock of CHILDREN'S CLOTHING com? prises the latest styles in Linen and Casslmere. Also a fine and well selected assortment of FURNISHING GOODS. GEORGE LITTLE A CO., No. 213 King street, below Market. apr30-S stntha_ PRING CLOTHING. No. 2 19 KING STREET. CORNER OF WENTWORTH. An extensive Bupply of 8PRINO CLOTHING, made up expressly for the trade of this city, is now offered at LOW PRICES, the Goods having been bought since the decline in gout The as? sortment consists of all New Fabrics for men's wear, and made up equal to custom work. This house will continue to deserve thc wide reputa? tion lt has enjoyed for many yr.ars of "selling the best made Clothing In the city." In the s took will bc found'tho following: ' SOOTOn CHEVIOT WALKING COAT SOIT8 Scotch Cheviot Sack Coat Suits French Batiste Walking Coat Suits French Coating Walking Coat Suits Bngllsh and American Melton Goat Suits Silk Mixed Coat Suits Plaid Casslmere Coat Suits Blue Flannel Coat Suits French, Blue and Black Tricot Coat Suits Oakes' Casslmere (all Wool) Coat Suits, at $U 60. BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING. The largest and best assortment In the city, viz: Walking Coat SUITS, sack Coat Suits, and Paney Knickerbocker Suits, for ages from 6 to 17 veers, of Meltons, Silk Mixed, Blue Flannels, Mixed Cas? slmere, Black Cloths, Ac., of all qualities. . FURNISHING GOODS. S, In this department will be found every style of Under-Garmeuts for men's wear, snob, as: Gauze, Merino, Lisle Thread, Silk, Cotton and Per kale Undershirts Joans and Linea Drawers Silk Ties and Bows, Colored Silk Cravats and Bearra French Kid Gloves, Beaver Gauntlets, Silk and Thread Gloves Potent Shoulder Suspenders, Braces, Ac. j Also, THE CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS AND COLLARS, Introduced by mo in this city twenty-five years ago, and since thea selUng them to the satisfac? tion or all purchasers. aw Prices as advertised m Cord. TAILORING DEPARTMENT Is supplied with French, English and American COATINGS. Meltons, Batiste, Scotch Cheviot, Silk Mixed and Cloths, of a variety of shades. OASSIMERBS or the most wolcot patterns of the eeasoB, Plaids, Stripes and Plain, which Goods wtU be made up Vp order, In the well known good style always displayed at this House, and at mod? erate prices. WHITE TURKISH HAREM VESTS, A new and elegant Garment. SW Purchasers are invited to call and make their selections. WILLIAM MATTHTESSEN. Captain B. W. McTUREOUS, Superintendent. may2-lmo Hlachincrrj, Castinge, &c. J^^ETING'TTR?ET FO?1TD_Y7 THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW PUBNISHINQ THE IM? PROVED MCCARTHY COTTON OIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Of various sizes, on hand. Improved Vertical and Horizontal Corn Mills, Sugar Mills, Sugar Boilers and Pans, or all sizes. Horse-Powers and Gm Gearing, from e to lo feet lu diameter. Improved Lever Cotton Presses, for Hand, Power, Saw and Rice Mills. Machinery and Castings of all descriptions made i to order. Particular attention paid to House Fronts and Castings for Buildings, Gratings, Cistern Covers, sash Weights, Ac, Ac WILLIAM a H ENERE Y, MACHINIST AND 'FOUNDER, NO. 314 MEETING STREBT, CHARLESTON, 8. G. ang4 mws_ HONIX IRON WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1844. JOHN F. TAYLOR A CO., 8CCC-8S0R8 TO CAMERON A CO., RXOISEERS, BOILERMAKERS, ?c, Nos. 4, fl, 8, io AND 12 PRITCHARD STREET, (Near the Dry Dock,) CHARLESTON, S. C. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS-MARINE, STATIONARY ANT) PORTABLE. RICE THRESHERS AND MILLS OF EVERY DE? SCRIPTION. SHAFTING, PULLEYS AND GEARING. IRON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS. CASTINGS OF EVERY KIND, TN IRON OR BRASS. Guarantee to furnUh ENGINES AND BOILERS or as good quality and power, and at os low rates, as can be had In New York, Baltimore or Phils delphla. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. UlCtl2 3IU08DAC IF YOU WANT THE CELEBRATED CARTER'S WRITING and COPYING INK combined, go to J5DWABD PERRY, Nc 166 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, 8. C. decli Smos Unction Salee--?l)is Oar). By A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, .... Auctioneer. THREE STORY RESIDENCE, WITH Large Lot, No. 6 Calhoun arreet, nearly opposite East Bay, at Auction. Will be sold THIS DAY, the latta instant, nt ll o'clock, in front of the Old Customhouse. All that LOT Ol' LAND, measuring 40 roe* front by loo feet In depth, situate on the north side or Cqlhoun street, 4th west or Washington street, together with a finely built three story wooden Dwc'ling thereon, containing 8 largo rooms, double piazza to the west, dressing rooms, pantry, large cistern, kitchen, and ali necessary outbuildings. Gas throughout Dwell? ing. Terns-One-third cash; the balance parable m one and two years, secured by bond arid mort? gage or the property. Premises to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser paying Auc? tioneer Tor papers und stamps as usual. mayl2_ . A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. THE nOME, LOAN AND BUILDING Associatron vs. Michael Bolger. Under Decree in Equity in above case, will be sold Tills DAY, the 12th or May instant, at ll o'clock A. M., In front or the Old Customhouse, All that LOT OP LAND, with the buildings thereon, situate at the south end of Ashley court, In Queen street, in the City of Charleston, meas? uring on thc west line 68 feet 6 inches, same OB - east tine, and on the north and south Unes46feet, more or less; butting and bounding north on Lands or L. F. Ashby, east on Lands or-, south on Lands or B. C. Pressley. a d weat on Land conveyed to James W. Gray, attorney and trustee, by G. W. Cooper. Terms-' ne-hair cash; balance payable In one year from tiny of sale, secured by bond or pur? chaser and mortgage or premises. Buildings to be insured and pllicy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACK BY, mayis_S. 0. 0. A. C MeGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer* HOME LOAN AND BUILDING ASSO? CIATION vs. Melvin B. Wilbur. Under Decree in Equity in the above case, wUl be sold THIS DAY, the 12th of May instant, at ll o'clock A M., in front of the old Custom? house, All that LOT OF LAND, situate on the nerta , ?rte ot Bogard street, in the City or Charleston, measuring in front on said street 33 feet 4 laches, by 115 reet 7 inches. Together with the Lot adjointng the above, northwest corner or the rear of the above Lot, measuring about 30 feet square, together with the Buildings thereon on both the above mentioned parcels of Land, as per plan drawn by R. Ki Payne in April. 1852. Terms-One-third cash; balance payable In one year, with Interest from day of sale, to be Beear ed ty bond of the purchaser and mortgage of Ino premises; buildings to be Insured and p?ftoy as? signed. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. w. M. MACKEY, m ay 12_a c. 0. A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. The Home Loan and Building AssoolaMoa VB. M. W. Cross. Wilt be sold THIS DAY, the latta of May Instant, In front of the Old Customhouse, at ll o'clock A. M., AU that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings thereon, situate on thO north aide of Oannon street, belog 5th lot east of Rutledge street, ia the Upper Wards, City or Charleston, measuring la width on the north and sooth Unes M reet, more or less, and In depth, on the east and west linea, 175 feet, more or less; bounding north on buds of-Allen, south on can no a street, easton lands or Peter J. Sires, formerly of Pranola J. Cobla, and west on lands of-. Terms-One half cash; balance In one year, with Interest from day or sale, to be secured by bond or the purchaser and mortgage of tao premises: buildings to be Insured and polio/ as? signed. Purchaser to pay Tor papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY, mnyl2_S.O. C. A. C McGILLIvARY, Auctioneer. UNDER DECRE-0 IN EQUITY. The Home Loan and Bunding AssootaUen vs. Melvin E. Wilbur. Will be sold THIS DAY, the 12th or Kay Inst., In front of the Old Onstomnouse, at ll o'clock A. M. All that LOT OF LAND, with the Bull dingi theron, situate on tho west side of Rutledge., street, in tue City of Charleston, and dedgnttedr by thc No. 62 and tho No. 49 in a plan by R. K. Payne, Surveyor, dated ?-th November, ISM; measuring 30 reet front on Rutledge street, 36 teet on the wost Une, 195 reet on the north line, and 195 reet on the south Hue. Bounding east on Rutledge street: west on Lam street; north by Lots Nos. 61 and 48, and south by Lands of B. C. Gadsden. Terms- One-half cash; balance payable In one year, with interest from day or sate, secured tay bond or purchaser and mortgage or the premises; buildings to be insured and policy assigned. Pur? chaser to pay for papers and stamps. mayl2_B W. M. MACK KY, aaa Dy JOHN G. MILNOR & CO. UNDERSHIRTS, FANCY LINEN DRILLS, Ac. THIS DAY, 12th instant, at 10 o'clock, wa wfll sell at our store. No. 135 Mretlmr street, Fancy and Brown LINEN DRILLS, Linen Osat Inga, Black Summer Cloth, White Brilliants, Oot ton Oassimeres. Oottonades, Fanoy Prints, lima Denims. Lace Bordered Embroidered Handker? chiefs, Brown and Bleached Cotton Undershlrta, Misses' White Hose. Shoe Laces. Corset Laces, Dotted and Plain Swiss Muslins. Paper and Linea Fans. Colored Turtons, Dress Goods, Bleach? ed and Brown Shirting, Lot Bouts, Shoes and Gaiters. Conditions cash. may 12 By LAU RE Y & ALEXANDER. STRIPS, PIGS HEADS, HAMS, SHOUL? DERS, Ao. THIS DAY, the 12th Inst., wlU be sold before oar Store, ar IO o'clock, 6 barrels Extra Sugar Cured STRIPS 7 barrels Prime Smoked Figs' Heads 10 barrels Bright Hams. Just received per steamer champion. Conditions cash. mogil Auction Soles- -irntnre (Dans. By R. M. MARSHALL & BRO., Auctioneers. -yALUABLE RICE PLANTATION AT PUBLIC AUCTION. Under Decree In Equity-Lesesne, Trustee, vs. Nowell, Executors, etsi. WlU be sold to the highest bidder, at the OM Post oin ce, in Charleston, on THURSDAY, tnelOtta day of May next, at ll o'clock, All that vu i y valuable RICE PLANTATION, known as "Aukland," on the north branch Sante* River, Parish of Prince George. Georgetown Coun? ty, South Carolina, containing four hundred and nrty-elght (458) acres, more or lass; hutting and bounding to inc non? on '.Push-and-go" Creek; west by "Peach Tree" Plantation; south by Landa of estate John Hume Lucas, and east parity tay Sante? River and Lands of M. O. Barksdale. Splendid water laclllties, with Dwelling noose. Barn. Ac. About 400 acres of the above is River Swamp Rice Land. Terms-One-third [H) cash; balance in one fl) and two (2) years, secured by bonds of puretaaaer and mortgage or premises, with Interest at tao rate or 7 per cent, per annum. Purchaser to pay ror papers, taxes and stamps. ROBERT 0F1IS0LM, JR., apr29 fl th3 Special lloforoo. {jo ldc. D E KALB HOUSE, CAMDEN. 8. 0. This elegant Hotel, having been recently refur? nished, and thoroughly renovated, ls now opea to the public. J. B. WASHINGTON, may5-12_Superintendent. JRVING HOU81. A FIRST CLASS HOTEL, European Plan. Loca? tion unsurpassed, being near UNION SQUABS, WALLACE'S THEATRE, and A T. STEWART? New (uptown) Store. Broadway and TwotRta streets. New York. 0. P. HARLOW, apri4 thstn_Proprietor. ?yy ASHING TON, D. O. THE NEW HOTEL, "THE ARLINGTON," . BulKJby W. W. Corcoran, Esq. T. ROESSLE Sc SOW. PROPRTRTOea. LAKE GEORGE FORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTBL, WILL BE OPENED FOR SUMMER YISiTORS JUNE 1st ?y ROOMS can be engaged and plans of Botet seen at "The Arlington.? Washington, D. a ? T. ROESSLE A -ON. mch2i 2mo3 PROFRMTBSJB.