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COMMERCIAL NEWS. Export*. NEW CASTLE, ENG-Fer British bart Win Fisher -520 tens phosphate rock._ WOOD'S HoLR-Per sehr Z Steelnian-3>0 tons phosphate rock. VU? Charleston Cotton. Rice and Sar?' Store.? Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS ' | SATURDAY EVENING, April M 15L0-J COTTON.-Ttiere was a fairly .sunned inquiry for this article, the market shoing no change or importance; sales about et" t-alcs, say 1 at lSXc; 40atl0c; 2 at mic: 3 at 19t*'c-< 8 at 20c?15 at 20Ke; 25 at 2ic; 5.?^ 2i>4c; o atat2l.i,'c; 3S at 21Xc; 60 at ZlXei 290 at 22c. We quote: HVERrOOL CLASSIFICATION. ordinary to good ordinary.18 @20>i Low middling.--t Jg Middling. Strict middling.23 ?~ RtCB-Holders were firm, but thc market was quiet and without sales of note. We quote good rice at c ua6*ic <P ?. NAVAL STOitKS.-TUerc was rather more doing, -with the following sales, say ? bb'.s opaque rosin at $2 Tic; 33 do. dull at $3; 40 pale at ?4a4 20c: 22 extra pale at $5; 15 do. at 50 50 ?. bbl. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, cy steam, Xd ? lb on uplands, and lXd on sea islands; by sail, J.d $ lb on upland cotton, and Xd 1? lb on sea Island cotton. To Havre, by steam, nomi? nal; by sall, nominal at Xe on uplands and ixe on sea islands. Coastwise to New York, by steam, >?c *l lb oa aplanas and Xe on sea Islands; by sall, ??c 3 h> on up? lands. To Boston, by steam, nominal; by sail, X @?;c"? lb on uplands. To Philadelphia, hy steam. Xe V tt on uplauds: by sail, somewuat nom? inal. To Baltimore, by steam, X?X'c ? ?b on nplands; by sail somewhat nominal. EXC?TANOS.-Sterling co day bills 22X<*23. DOMESTIC EXCUANQE.-The banks purchase sight checks at par to Xi premium, and sell at ,l? @X premium. Outside they purchase at ?? to X premium, and sell at X@Xo premium. GOLD.-Buying at ll, and selling at 12X Marketa by Telegraph. FOREICN. LONDON, April 16.-Noon.-Consols opened at 94X- Bonds 8SX PARTS, April 1?.-Bourse closed tirm at 74f ic. HAVRE, April 16_Cotton opened ?;r'r' and steady. DOMESTIC. Nsw YORK, April 16 - Noon. - Stocks tirm. Honey easy at 6 per cent. Gold 13j(. Bonds 12X- Exchange, long 9; short, BX. Tennessee, ex-coupons 60; new 54??': Virginias 10; cx-conpons .9X; new 69; Missouri 92X; Louisana, old 75X; new T3X; Levees sixes 7CX; eights MX; Alabama eights 97X; Aves 80; Georgia sixes 85; sevens 03: Vorth Carolina, old 46X;new 22X; South Caro? lina, old 87; new 81. Flour steady. Wheat a shade firmer. Corn active at an advance of 2c. Hess pork $23 I0a28 12. Lard quiet at 15Xal5Xc Xor steam. Cotton qnlet and firm; nplands 23j*c: Orleans 23Xc, and held higher: sales 400 bales. Turpentine quiet at 47S4TXC Rosin ja io re? strained. Freights qnlet. Evening.-Coupons 1881,74X; Sixty-twos 12.X; Sixty-fours 10X; Sixty-fives lix; new 9X; do. 81xty-sevens 10X; Sixty-eights lox; Ten-forties ex ; Missouris S2X; Tennessecs, old C9li; new MX- Bank statement favorable; loans decrease over $2,000,000; specie deo ease, nearly $2,000,000; circulation decrease ?io,ooo; deposits Increase over $1,000,000; legal tenders Increase over $2, ?00,000. Sterling dull at 8Xa9. Gold 13X- Gov? ernments Strong; Sixty-twos 12X- State bonds strong. Sub-treasury balance $85,231,397. Flour Arm and In fair request; superflue State and Wes? tern $4 70ao 20. Wheat a shade Armer ror Wes? tern; winter red and amber Western $l 20ai 23. Corn active and 2a3 better; new mixed Western $1 lOal 13. Whiskey decidedly Armer, $1 os.^nl 0.). Pork steady. Beef quier. Lard a shade easier; kettle 16al6>?'c. Groceries quiet and Arm. Naval stores quiet. Freights a shade firmer. Cotton quiet but strong; ?sales 1000 bales; uplands 23X; Orleans 23Xc BOSTON, April io.-octtou own, nntk..s->. nu diing 23X- Sales 200 bales; receipts 10 bales; coastwise 910; total 920. BALTIMORE, April 16.-Flour Arm and fairly ac? tive; Howard street superfine 54 87>?a512,^. Wheat firm. Corn fairly active; white $1 OSal OG; yellow $108. Oats . 62Xa65. Ford $20. Bacon Arm; shoulders 13. Lard 16Xal7. Whiskey $1 OSal 02X CINCINNATI, April 16.-Corn dull and lower at 84aS6. Whiskey ; 97a9S. Mess pork irregular; choice $27 60. Bacon Arm and la fair demand; shoulders ll Xal2. Lara qniet. LOUISVILLE, Aprit 16.-Corn SI. Mess pork $29. Bacon-shoulders 12; clear sides l?Jiaie. Lard 16. Whiskey 97. NORFOLK, April IG.-Cotton quiet; low middlings 2lc. Net receipts looo bales, total 1C05; exporta coastwise 282; stock on hand 5811. AUGUSTA, April 16.-Cotton opened with a good demand at 21c for middling, aud continued so throughout thc day, closing steady, with but very little offering, at the same quotation. Sales icc bales. Receipts 166 bales. GALTXSTON, April 16.-Cotton Arm. Good ordi? nary 18X; eales ?60 bales; net receipts 1279; total 1279. Exports-to Great Britain 997; coast? wise 1077; stock on hand 27,129. MOBILE, April ie.-Cotton quiet; middlings 21>4 s?lXc Sales looo bales; exports coastwise-S?l *o New Orleans; TSSBo New York; stock on baud M.627. NEW ORLEANS, April 16.-Cotton very firm and holders asklug higher rates; middliug 22a22Xc; sales bid bales; net receipts two days 5125 bales: coastwise 731 bales; total 5666 bales; exports to Great Britain 1924 bales; Continent, 1594 bales; Bremen, 1600 bales; coastwise, 4SS bales; stock on nand, 162,650 bales. Sugar, prime HXallXc Mo? lasses, prime 70a75. Coirce ItekJ Armer; fair l6Xa 16Xc; prime lStfc. Sterling 23Xa23;-i. Sight on Hew York X premium. Gold 13X Sew York Rice Murkei. From thc Jourualjor Commerce, 14th Instant The market for domestic ls firm, though there is not very much business doing; loo tierces sold at *Xa6Xc. From the Times: Market Arm and moderately active, tbuugu tncjsalcs are not ?ts larne as ce? erally supposed. We learn or some -uo tierces Carolina at eyuOftc. From thc Worm: Holders firm, and nc pood ?tock available except at rmi figures, ihouch bur? sts sr? not great!.- alarmed bby thc reports or large sales at high prices and operate cautiously About a? tierces Carolina changed hands at ova BXC From the Herald: Carolina was moderately ac? tive and Arm, the sales being loo tierces within the range of 6a7c for common to prime. From the Journal of Commerce of the 15th n slant: The market is dull and prices arc heavy. The grocers refuse to accede to the views of th holders, and thc dullucss of thc past few dara i'i^ Perceptible effect on those who arc carrying stock. We quote oXa'c. " Hr??r?i1? Sf?P* C:jro!i3a was steady and S?m*J??m ?,r Ue",aiul- A,'^t m "crees ?ere prime. rangC ?f 5'ia7c for ,nfcrtor 10 th?rrfmn! .n )Vorl(V Fu!I f??ner prices asked, lint more anxious to secure customers ?tale* or TS tierces Carolina at 6a7e. .ues ol ,o From the Times: Klee has been saleable ami tirm ^e?hi?R.Verces Faruli:,:i S??S^W!5r ?S?i1^;KRan,K?On 1,as been ?tut?fl at $2 7iaa v" : gold In bond, per loo lbs; stock 4^oo ba-s. /S' lon-'Pn?, V,e rril)i,u.e: Boiders are Briner bur are no? ??T? K0Uilct ",r ,l,8,r M ?'ev do Oaroilaa. y UjrCT8? ?a?w 75 licR'tS at ?:l7? ",r I Colnmbitj Market. shewed an a*ivcPo" W-TYe?erd?y thc market dltngs, bu- - ? '.????t?.s,. cessions. Ordinary diing l?Xa?;'miad^ffVSi?' . Sales of the Vee" 14Vh . 6trR"1 mWrtMni orders: 27? rUr Nw Yu,.. i'f! MS on European em spinners. K Irl?* 10 Kuftou tor North greater than previous Wt Ct* ar<i -TO balts Week's receipts 0?0 bales' 0 . vlous oue and aw the correso&S nst C4:? ,h" Pre? season. Shipments 1474 bale?. ^ VVeeli o: hist WBEXLY STATEMENT. Stock on hand Sept l, lsuu_ Becelved past week. vr ^25 , .-Received previously.-'.'-"n??*sjm1 fhlppod past week.1 474 Shipped previously.5o,?56-51,030 .?tock en hand April 15.1S70. ITZl On the week the stock hus decreased 90S bal-.s v WsusavUXc Market. t?PSS&'jiS^^ ?-CorroN._The market j 5 waa Uuu &?a ?-ioted weak, noiainaliy as io' I lows- Inferior 12J*aKi?; ordinary 16>?al7*?c; cood" ordinary I8?ai9>ic; low middling 20a20>i. COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand september i, 1869. None Received to-day..... 325 Received previously.41,328-?l,66o Total. . 41,653 Shipped to-day. Tl ?hipped previously.35,646-35,643 Stock on hand. 6>878 FLOCK.-We quote superflue $4 50; extra $5; family $6; Taney $6 75. , ._".," CORN.-We note sales to day of 3oe bushels at $1 07 Ji, and 60O at $110, all sacked and delivered 1UwK.-Ko transactions to-day. W'e quote bin ing prices as follows: Mediterranean 9oc; red Si 06; white aud amber $1 lOal 15. OATS.-We quote at 75c, sacked and delivered in depot. Georgetown Marltet. GEORGETOWN', April 10.-COTTON.-Sales of 2 bales this week at from 15 to 18 cents per lb. We quote from 15 to 20 cents per lb. Cons.-Arrival of three cargoes this wees. Stiling at $116 per bushel. TIMBER-Arriving neely-bringing from C to la cents per cubic foot. . TURPENTINE.-Virgin din $4; yellow dip $2 ,0 scrape or hard il 25 to $1 co per bbl. of 380 lbs to the bb!. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.-Per gallon 40a41)? cents. TA?.-Per bbl., retail, $3. PEANUTS.-Per bushel $lal 25. Interior Cotton Markets. MACON, April 15.-Receipts today 89 bales; sales lil bales; shipped 89 b?.ies. The market eon tiuues ..'" ?nu drooping, lt closed so this eve? ning a. .:. nominal. ATLANTA, April 15.-The market closed active at 20J?C for middling; l9>ic for low middling; I8.lic Tor good ordinary; 17c for ordinary. MONTGOMERY, Anrll 15.-The market ls per? fectly inactive .to-day. In consequence of the holiday lu New York and Liverpool, Good Friday, wc have no market reports. ORANGEBDKC, April 15.-Sales during the week 70 bale-s. We quote: Ordinary Kal7; low middling 18>i; middling 19&. COLUMBIA. April 15.-Sales of cotton for the week 179 bales, as follows: 2 at if.; Sut 17M: 3 at is; S at I8"4; 20 at ?sc,'; 25 at 20; 3 at 20}, ; 25 at 20,?i: 10 at 20%i\ 43 at21; 19 at 21 J?'; 6 at 21&C SUMTER, April 13.-About 20 bales have been sold daring the week ending 13th instant. We quote: Ordinary lOJi: good ordinary 18; low mid? dling 1S??: middling 19?; strict middling 20 ?ic. GREENVILLE, April 12.-Sales of 80 bags; ex? tremes 17a20c. ANDERSON, April 13.-Vdry little cotton offer? ing to-day, but the market has been brisk during the week; middlings lOaSOMc l&eceipt* by Railroad, April I?. KOKTUEASTSUN KAILROAO. 107 bales cotton, lmxcs tobacco, kegs nails, ears lumber and phosphate, mdse, Ac. To Bollruann Bros, M A Hastings, J D Aiken A co, Haedon* Cohen, G W Williams A- cn, A J Salinas. Caldwell A Son, Frost A Adger. Pelzer.Rodgers A co. W s Henercy, J J rcrkius, D Paul A co. Mowry A Son. M Trlcst, Hart A co, W K Ryan, Kendall A Dock ery, Graeser A Smith, W B P Plncell. Ingraham A 8M>, Kanapaux A Gonzales, and Railro.d Agent. Passengers. Ter steamship Tennessee, from New York-P. F Clvde, K Barnes, Mrs Lang. Miss Lang, Captain A E Goodsell ~nd wife, E K Willard and wife, Mrs ti ilium. Miss J Bales. Miss L Willard. J C Giaf ton. Dr C F Coleman. J W Smith, Mr Woodcock and son, O I' Terry. G P WeatCersby, A Boblnsou. Miss A robinson. N Robinson. W A Courtenay. W McTerrau. P Hanson, J Lowry, H W Shore, B Tos scn. W Schirmer, T Hansen, ll Thompson, and J U'il!y.?.H. Per f.t?-amor nictator. from Talatka via Jack? sonville. Fernandina nod Savannah-H B Hart, witc-and servant, Mr Rice. U Watson and wire, H H Freeman ?lid wife, C II Arnold, Chief-Justice Richards, Miss Pace, Mr Leonard and wife, A P Jarnsen, wife and child. Hiss Jamson, Miss Rod- | gen, Mr Whittier und wife, J Whiling, W Rice, J Sheridan. W M Puffer, Mr Buller and wife. Miss Cunningham A M Tupper, A P Stafford and wife. II A Kempton, IV O Willard and wife, G Pratt nnd lady. Mr Cookroit and wife, Miss Bak^r. Mr Baker and set vaur. Mrs llaker. General McMahon, Miss Warren. A Tucker and wife. Mr Arteniii?, Miss Dyke. Mr Dyke and wire. T W Worth, wife, two childrcii ami servant, Mrs Rock and son. Miss Gilbert. F A Dockery. Dr Worland, J M Curtis, P C Harbough, Mr Brown, ami J Stowe. Per steamer Pilot Boy, rrom Savannah ria Beau? fort, Ac-W Bruin and lady, c Op-nuctuicr. ll F Morrison. G W Roberts, R ? Bailev w K Worden, w A Smith. J V Reilly. R ll cain, w j Whipper, L " Woolf, T J Mackey, j G Mackey, Dr A E Wilder, and 2 on deck. 1'OJIX C A I* E X l> A lt. MOON'S PHASES, rim Quarter. 8th, ll hours, 5 minutes, evening, r'ull Moon, l?tb, 5 hours, 6 minutes. CVcnl?fc*. * ?j I Monday. . Tuesday. I Wednesday. Thursday... ! Friday. i Saturday... Sunda*,. sex. tt:s?s. SIN S4?TS. 5.. 28 5..20 .'...25 5.. 24 8..?3 5.. 22 6..21 C. .31 6..32 6. .33 0..34 G..35 6..35 6..3? MOON ntC51 t. A- Ssl WATER. 9.. 55 ll.. 2 morn. 12.. 1 13. .53 1..42 2..23 0..31 IO..24 ll..17 12..14 1..1S 3.. 24 M A It I XE XE HS. CHARLESTON, APRIL 18, ARRIVED SATURDAY. Steamship Victor, Gates, New Oi leans-left Sat? urday. Round to New York and put lu with loss of rudder. To PC Treuholn. Merchants' Wae sehr l?anlel Brittain. Carroll. New York-6 days. Mdse. To W Roach ft co, H Bischoff ft co, Jeffords A co, Rollmann Bros. W M Bird A co, J C Burckmevvr, C Bart A co, Il Bul winkle A co, H Cobla A to. Cameron, Barkley A co, W H Chatee A co, E L Pierson, E R Cowper thwalt, J Campsen A CJ, W S Corwin A co, J M Eason ft Bro, Do wie, Meise A Davis, H A Doc, C ? Franckc, J H Graver, i Gorham, Goodrich, Wine man A co. Hart ft co. J AV Harrisson, J Von Hollen. Jeffords A co, Kuobelcch A Small. F I) C Kracke, W Murseber, M antone ft co. Muller, Nlmlte ft co, J F O'Neill A Son, J A Quackenbush, S C Railroad Agent, N E Railroad Agent, stenhouse A co, J li Tictjeu, Taft ft Howland, P C Trenholm, W J Trim A Tobias' Sans, Walker, h vans ft co, W L Wcbbj West A Jonc3, G W Williams A co. J N M Wohlt mun. Werner ft Ducker, Wando Manufacturing Company, W T Waite, J P Filzgerald, P Ronan, and others. Sehr Charlotte, Peterson. Savannah. 150 tierces rice. To Cohen, llauckcl A co. Sehr Ann S Deas. Garbatl. West Point Mill. S4 tierces rice. To W* C Bee A co. Steamer Pilot Boy, White, Savannah via Beau? fort, Ac. 19 bales sea island cotton. 222 bags cof? fee, so packages mdse. To J D Aiken A co. Sto? ney ft Lowndes, Terry & Nolan, li Feldmann A cu, J K Heath. Ctactas A Witte. Pinckney Bros, Kail road Agent. C Ltischgi, G A Trcuholm A Son, G W Williams .if co, J Apple, southern Express Com? pany, and R N Chisolm. Steamer Dictator, McMillan, Palatka,via Jack? sonville, Fernandina and Savannah. Mdse. To J D Aiken A co, Mantoue A co, Pinckney Bros, W M Lawton A co, U 8 Quartermaster, anti others. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tennessee, Chichester, New York left 14th Instant. Mdse. To Wagner, Huger A c, W A Courtenay, J E Adger ft co, N E Rail? road Agent, J 1) Aiken ft co. Soul bern Express co, C n Ahrens ft co. J P U Alley, .1 Apple, ll Arm? strong Dr U liaer. W J Bennett. W M l?rd A co. T M Bristoll A co. M?llmann Uros, P Brown. J P Brown, (?amero?. Baratar ft co. J Cam naen * co vi Carrin mon ft co, T M Cuter, T D Cluney ft co. H Cobta A co, W S Corwin A co, I Commins, ll Daly. Howie. Moise A Davis, W c Dukes A co, J S Fairly A co. B Feldtuaini ft co, U F Fleming A co, B Foley, Forsyth, Mccomb A co, E N Fuller, Wm Gurner, D Goldstein, J H Uillen, Johnston, Crows ft co, TJ Kerr ft co. li Klatie ft co. Klinck, Wick .nberg A co. Lengnick, Sell A Foster, c Litschgl, 1 J Lunn. Mautoue ft co, S R Marshall, E M Mar? tin, w McKay, w Matthicsseo, M Geary. McLov ft Rlce. W H McIntosh, W A Mchrtens, D O'Neill ft Son, B O'Neill, Palmetto Pioneer Co-operative As* I sudation. Parker A Pond. Pe'ser, Rodgers ft co. C ! P Poppeuheim, Kavcncl ft Holmes, J stelbcr. E B Stoddard ft co. A II Hillman. 0 Tideman. J ll V?l? lers, w Vince. Walker, Evans ft Cogswell, J Wirrit .1 co. G U Waller ft c , W er.-ier ft Ducker, W J Yates, J H Abrahams, J Archer, B D Alford, G W Ali?ar, P Brady. T A Beamish A co. Ball, Sco villa A Pike. W U Chafee A co. Cartmill & V. G W Williams ft co, Smith A co, T Ketlv. J D Craig, W A Serbie, J G Milner ft co, H W Kinsman. T M Horsey ft Uro, D Louis, J Russell. North, Steele ft I Wardell, Gramar.n ft Schwacke, L Lorentz, F von Sant?s. J Jara, W Uiferiiardt, J A Hamilton. G ft D E Marsh, W Murchison, L Mover. Kurchgott Bros. lt K Nenfvillc. J Bush ft co. J Pollock. II T Peake, J F Griffin, O E ft A S Johnson, Goodrich, Wlueman & co, and others. steamship j w Krcnnau, Hincklev. Philadel? phia-left Thursday. V M. Mdse. To w A Courte? nay, Railroad Agent, J Slender. Cameron, Bark gy* c"> A H Abrahams. Marshall ft McMillan. T ?J Btlstoll ic co. Walker, Evans A Cogswell. C Ker? rison, u O'NellL Jeffords ft co. w Gurney, T R Waring, J Russell. Fegartie's Book House, D F Heming ft co, p Porcher. Marshall ft Burge, G W Williams A co. Mordecai A co. P O Bmwer, Blum & Miller, P walsh. D Franckc. U J Lohn. E F ben edikr. Kinsman Bros, J H Wurlitnauu, Khutc A co Rollmann Eros, JCosgrove, WS Bissell, Goodrich' Winemun A co, Howie. Moise A Davis A Lee A Johnson, Byrne ft Fogarty, C L Komahrens C Michael, B Johnson, A McLeisli, W Shepherd ft co J F Taylor ft co, E Perry, Klinck, Wickenberg A co, w Marscher. E Scott, A Palmer, II F Raker A co. and Crane. Povlston A co. ?SehrJ li .stickney, Foulk?, Baltimore-5 days, co ? i" "H** T" street Bros ft co, T J Kerr ft Order? Arenll i Sou, S C Railroad Agent, and Cora ami^.,Durfie- I,?-?"fee. Norfolk, Va-3 days, and West A jt,^0 t!,e Master, J Campsen ft co, British bar^?fATURDAV Eng-Henry Card. T*or< Burney, New Castle, Sehr Z Steelman Om. , Roach ft ct. ' c*w**"i Wood's Hole-Wm Steam tug Isaac R Staples, Springs, George? town, S C-Risley * Creighton. Sehr Union Flag, Maloney, Darien, Ga-H F Ba? ker * co. SAILED SATURDAY. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, Baltimore, hebr Serene, Jones, Baltimore. SAILED YESTERDAY. Sehr Z Steelman, Church, Wood's Hole, Mass. FROM THIS PORT. Bark Wetterhorn, Liuderkln, Liverpool, March 31. British brig Lady Perle, Aimar, Havre, March 30. Sehr Elias Moore, DeGroot, New Tork, April 13. Sehr Chase, Gross, Baltimore, April 14. Sehr V W Smith, Tooker, New York, April 14. ?P FOR THIS PORT. The Village Queen, McCray, at Cardiff, Marci. 31. Sehr Surprise, Beers, at Baltimore, April 10. Sehr SAE Corson, Brower, at Philadelphia, April 14. CLEARED FOR THIS TORT. Sehr John ll Hancock, d owell, at Boston, April 14. SAILED FOR THIS POUT. Brig Forest State, Coombs, Lom Wickford, April 13. LIST OF VESSELS TP, CLEARED AX? SAILER TOR THIS POUT. F O RE~? O N . NEWPORT, ENG. The Nannie T Bell, Ackley, sailed.Feb 10 CARDIFF. The Edith. Chegwinden, sailed.Jan 20 The Village Queen, McGray, up.March 31 II.'. VANA. Sehr Marv Lymburner, La^ell. sailed... .March 9 Span brig Tomas, Rosas, eic ?cd.March 10 DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Sehr S N Smith. Smith, up.March 9 Sehr J Hancock, Crowed, cleared.April 14 NEW YORK. Sehr Commodore Kearney, PlUlbrook, up..Feb 24 Sehr Georgia, Brier, np.Mardi 3 Sehr Thomas Boo/,, Somer.-, cleared.April 0 Sehr Guiding - tar, Frecthyf. up.April o Sehr E D Endicott, Endicott, cleared - April ll Sehr Joseph Seager, Ellis, cleared.April 12 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr C H Moller. Brown, cleared.March 30 Sehr Anna Little. Crawrord, up.March 7 Sehr Ellie L Smith, Smith, up.March 20 Sehr Jessie S Clark. Clark, cleared.April 3 Sehr Kate E Rich, Doughty, cleared.April 12 Sehr J M Fitzpatrick, Smith, cleared.April 12 Sehr S H Sharp. Webb, cleared.April 13 Sehr SAE Corson, Brower. up.April 14 BALTIMORE. Brig J All Crowley, C: owley, cleared - April 10 Sehr J W coffin. Upton, up.April 9 Sehr FI C Bird, Drinkwater, op.March ll Sehr Marr Menus, Bayard, up.April 2 Sehr K S Potter, Potter, up.April 9 SchrD F Keeling, Robinson, cleared.April 13 Sehr Surprise, Beers, up.April lo ROCEPORT, JIE. Sehr Clara Bell, Amesbury, up.March 18 WICK PORP. Brig Forest State, Coombs, sailed.Ayrll 13 ffotels. QOL?MB1A HOTEL, COLUMBIA, S. C., GORMAN ? EADEXHOr, PUOPRUCTORS. The Proprietors of this pleasantly located and elegantly tarnished Establishment, at the State Capital, desire to Inform thc travelling public and others seeking accommodations, that the "CO? LUMBIA" ls In every respect a first-class Hotel, unsurpassed by any in the State or thc United States. Situated in the business centre or the city, ?Ith linc large airy mams, and a table sup? plied with eve rv delicacy or the season, both from New York and "Charleston markets, the Proprie? tors pledge themselves I hat no efforts will be ?pared to give perice: satisfaction In every re spect. A lir?t-class Livery Stable ls attached to the Hotel, where vehicles or every description can be had at. thc shortest notice. Omnibuses attend thc arrival and departure or every Train, and passengers are carried to and rr??lu the Hotel FREE OP CO AROS. WW. GORMAN.H. H. BADENIIOP a pris wi ni w A S II I N G T O N , D THE NEW HOTEL, ?!THE ARLINGTON,' Built by W. W. Corcoran, Esq. T. ROESSLE i SON, PROPRIETOR?. H. A Tv JG GEORGE FORT WILLIAM HENRY HOTEL, "WILL BE OPENED FOP. SUMMER VISITORS JUNE 1st. ?g- W0OMS can bc engaged and plana or note! seen at The Arlington," Washington, D. C T. ROESSLE ? i? ON, mc*2l 2mos Pr.opRiETOKS. ilTacljincrrj, (Eastings, Sit. J^JEETING STREET FOUNDRY. TOIS ESTABLISHMENT M NOW FURNISHING TBX IM? PROVES MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Of various sizes, on ?land. Improved Vertical and Horizontal Com Mills, Sugar Mills, Sugar Boiler* and Pans, of all sizes. Uorse-Powors and Gm Gearing, from 0 to IC reet in diameter. Improved Lever Cotton Presses, for Hand, Tower, Saw and Rice Mills. Machinery and Castings or all descriptions made te order. Particular mention paid to Ueuce Fronts and Castings for Buildings, Gratings, Cistern Covers, Sash Weights, Ac, Ac. WILLIAM S. IIENRRCY, MACHINIST AND POUSDE P., No. ?U MEETING STREET. CHARLESTON, 8. C. ans-l mw? jp LL O K J X I Ii ? N W ? ? ; K S. ESTABLISHED 1?44. JOHN F. TAYLOR & CO., SCCCErtSORS TO CAMERON A CO., ENGINEERS, BOILERMAKERS, rfc, Nos. 4, o, s, io AND 12 PRITCHARD STRUCT, (Near the Dr7 Dock,) CHARLESTON, S. C. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS-MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE. RICE THRESHERS AND MILLS OF EVERY DE? SCRIPTION. SHAFTING, PULLEYS AND GEARING. [RON FRONTS FUR BUILDINGS. CASTINGS OF EVERY KIND. IN IRON OR BRASS. Gusran'ee to furnish ENGINES AND BOILERS :f as good quality and power, and at as low rates, is can be had In New York, Baltimore or PhUa ielphla. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. mch2 3mosD*c fflttikrring. JJENKE & MULLER, MERCHANT TAILORS, No. 325 KING STREET, Opposite Society street, lave just received and opened a large and fine isscrtmcnt or MEN'S, TOOT'S AND BOY'S CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac, For Spring and Summer. CONSISTING OF: UNEN, Linen Duck, Alpaca, Drap D'Et?, Cheviot, Casslmere and Cloth Suits ?njtlish Walking Coats, o? all colors tVhlte and Colored Shirts, Underwear Goods, Ac. english and Domestic Half nose Alexander and Couvlsicr's Kid, Silk and Thread Gloves AND 1 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TUE LATEST STYLE of Linen and Taper COLLARS, Neckties, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Suspen? ders, Umbrellas, Ac. Also, a large and well selected Stock of BROADCLOTH, CASSIMERE, DOESKIN, COATING, AC. And a large variety ol NEW STYLE PANTS AND VEST PATTERNS, which we offer to sell by piece, yard or pattern, or made up into Garments, by measure, lu the latest itjic and the shortest uolice. cur Stock has been selected with great care, and purchased since the fall In gold, which en? ables us to seil at greatly reduced prices. Ruy crs lu our ?inc would do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. All orders will receive cur prompt and very careful attention. Entire satisfaction ls guaran te-:. apr! fmwSmos _ T A I L O R i KG Tito undersign?.! begs leave to inform his' friends ami the public, that he has jcs: returned from New York with a iull und carefully selected Stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS or the most Fashionable Patterns. He would call spe? cial utter.tlou to his selections of CLOTHS, DOESKINS. CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, which he ls prepared to make up at short notice, and in the latest styles. Also, a full assortment of FURNISHING GOODS; Including THE FAMOUS STAR SHIRTS, and NECKTIES, SCARFS, Ac, tn great variety. JOHN RGGUEIMER, No. 141 Klug street, A few doors north of Queen street. mchlC 6wfmlmo L ' Bitters, i p v M A N ? S GREAT GE R M AN BITTERS TUE BEST TONIC AND INVIOORATOR KNOWS ! They arc unsurpassed as a cure for Dyspepsia and General Exhaustion. A .SURE PREVENTIVE OF FEVER AND AGUE, BILIOUS, REMITTENT AND INTERMITTENT FEVHRS. IT IS INVALUABLE TO FEMALES ! 'TIS A CORDIAL FOR THE AGED, AND A SUUE PROTECTION AGAINST ALL MALA? RIOUS DISEASES. It ia undoubtedly thc best Medical Cor? dial ever offered to tho Public I SAVANNAH. March Ifi, 1S70."-* MK-FIIS. JACOB Lirra AN A hitor. Savannah. Ca.: aenLi- 1 have bcrore mc your esteemed letter ol thc Mth instant, containing various documents relative to your "German Hitters." After a care? ful examination I must confess that your Hitters is really what, you represent lt M be, au old Ger nian recipe Of Hr. Kuchel heb. ot Ik" lin. Prussia, lt will no doubt be rxci-lleut lor Dyspepsia, Gen? eral Debility and Nervous Diseases,-and it ls a good preventive nf Chilis and Fevers. I lind lt to bc thc most delightful aud pleasant stomachic 1 remain, jr oura trulv. (Signed) ACC. P. WETTER. KIRKLAND MIMA C.V., March 22, ISTO. MESSRS. JACOB I.MTUAN & BRO., Druggists, sa? vannah, Ga.: GtnUemm-I have Introduced your Great Cor niati Bitters hore to my customers and friends, andi Hud better sale l?r them than u ny I have ever kept before. Those who have tried them ap? prove of them very highly, ami I do not hesitate in saying that they arc far superior in v.ilue to any other Hitters now in rsc. Yours, 1 especially, isiguod) w. KIRKLAND. W? rorer, by permission, to Doctors King, Sulli? van, Duncan, and other leading physicians of Sa? vannah; to ex-Mayor Anderson, John L. Vllla lougn, ami other distinguished citizens of Savan? nah. Depots la Charleston, S. CL, rorLippmac'sCre: Germau Bitters: W. G. TROTT, Du. n. DAER. A. W. ECKEL Si CO., ED. S. BURNHAM, IV. A. SHRINE, Dit. P. M. COHEN, C. J. LUU?.'. Wholesale Agents: Cl.ACIUS A WITTE, STEFFEN'S, WERNER A DUCKER, and HENRY BISCHOFF & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, api-16 Cmos In Charleston, S. C. ittisrcllanc?ns. FF YOU WA^T BLANK R?OKS~3?ADE L TO (RIDER, and of thc best material, to anv utrera go to EDWARD PEU RT, ?0. iso Meeting street, opposite Charleston ilote) Charleston. & p._docij ,-.mos fF YOU WANT NOTE, LETTER AND L CAI' PAPERS and ENVELOPES, go to EDWARD FEB ft Y. ko. 155 Meeting street, opi>*Jte Charleston Hole! ! jjiyta^iK S .C. ried-tonio* [F YOUAVANT VOfJlC PRINTING DONK L in Fine Style ;tnd st Reasonable Rates, go io . ,.. " , EDWARD PEKRf, ^tln? street, oposito Cnnrtoton Ho'ei. Charleston, a. c. ,ieci4 ?mon ' P K . D A U E R , M L'S If DEALER, llano Tuner, Teacher of Vio n, Flute and Guitar. Repairer or Musical Is:ru lents. Hitchcock's Five and Ten cents Music alway? n lund. BALLS AND PARTIES rurnished wiih the best rid most fashionable Music lately received from urope at moderate prices. Apply at No. 44? ?5,?fe?t' l?nT d?or? above Calhoun. octi2 tuimthamoB Scales. STA-isTIDAIRID SCALES. AGENCY TRANSFERRED TO HART & CO., No. 39 IIAYXE STREET, AND COMER KING AND MAf?KT?T STKEETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. JTE3- A FULL ASSORTMENT CONSTANTIA' OX UANO AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. ?a.lroa? Supplies. STEAM ENGINES AND ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. A fiill assortment of BRASS and IRON FIT? TINGS, Tor steam and gas-fitters and plumbers. Steam Guages, Guage-cocks, Low Water Detec? tors, Oil Cups, Tools for machinists and black? smith0, Bellows, Ac. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mch24 (imo Charleston, S. C. Jg E LT I N G . A large Stock of Leather and Rubber BELTING and RUBRER GOODS, Including Manhole and Handhole Gaskets, (all sizes.) Hose, Sheet Rub? ber for packing, Pure Vulcanized Gum for valves, Ac. A1.S0, "Regnlatlon" LEATHER HOSE, double-riveted j and of approved manufacture. For sate by CAMERON. BARKLEY ? CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, melun Gmo Charleston, S. C. S T E A }.l ENGINES, BOILERS, STEAM PUMPS, CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Single and double-acting Lift sad Force PUMPS, H. Disston A Sou's Celebrated Circular, Gang, Hand and Cross-Cut Saws. Also, Miners' and En Inecrs' Supplies In great variety, Shovels, Picks. Ac. Tor sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland street?, mcl:24 Gmo Charleston. S. C. JgAlt IRON AND STEEL. English and American Ref! ?ed, in bars English and American common, in bars Boiler Plate and Sheet Ima Bolts, Nuis and Washers. r?.r sale by CAMBRON, BARKLEY ? CO.. Corner Meeting and Cumberland stntets, mcii24Cmo Charleston, S.e. A I L 'S , NAIL S , orihebest brands, including Partir Mills and CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO.'S unequalled "Ne Plus t itra" CUT NAILS. ALSO, A full RMct nf Wrought and Cut SPIKES. For .-ale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO.. Corner Meeting am'. Cumberland streets, in?: 124 cuto Cbiricsion, s. c. Q IL! OIL! OIL! vvjntcr S'rained SPERM, Extra Lard C. It. \- co.'s Engine Oil, Paraphene Spindle olive Oil, Cotton Seed Oil White Oak (West Virginia) Oil. For sale by CAMERON. BARKLEY & CO., Coiner M-cling and Cumberland streets, inch'J-JCnio Charleston, S.O. Railroads. C\ AV ANN AU AND CII ALLERTON KAIL O ROAD. 5 SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) S AV A V :? A tl AND CIIAKL?STUM.RATLUOAP CO.. J Mll.l.t'Ct'OT, CUAKLESTOS, April 15, 1S70. ) On ?nd after MONDAY. IStli Inst.. Trl-Wccfclj Prelcht Trains will run through to Savannah, lentils: Chat losten on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAY? ?ind Fm DAYS, an ii returning on TUESDAYS, Tuwts HAYS und SATUIIDATS. Freight received un to : o'clock P. M., (Ul TCE8DAY8, TllCKSDAYS lind SAT IT.D'.YK will bs forwarded by following day train. C. S. GADSDEN, nprlrt Engineer and Superintendent. i'ENING OP THE SAVANNAH ANL CHARLESTON RAILROAD. O SUPERINTENDENTS OFFICE, ) VIM. STREET DEPOT, > CHAm.FsTo.v, March 10,l?70. ) On and after FRIDAY, nth March, there will be DAILY COMMUNICATION between Charleston and Savannah. Pas?eugtr trains will mu us fol? lows: Leave Charleston. R.30 A. M. Ar-ive ::i Savannah. 3.00 P. M. A. M. Ari Ive iu Charleston.5.00 p. M. C. S. GADSDEN. melin Superintirttdeut. OOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) CUJKLCsTUX, S. C., Sept. 15, 1S0H. j 0:1 and niter Thursday. September 16. the Pas? senger Trains or. thc South Carolina Railroad will run as .ollowa: yon A cu rsTA. I.eS VC Ct: a Heston.e..1Ci A. M Arrive at Augusta..:.-;.*. I*. >; Connecting with ir.tins fur Montgomery, Meat ;.;?i-', Saslivllle and New encans. \u Mviiigomto und Rntti'l Junction. nm cot.rint.'A. Lmv^Cliarle-ton.f>.?.n ,\. M. Arrive ?11 Columbi*;.-t.-to P. M. Connecting arith Wilmington ;,:;(*. ilauttt'.Mv.: Railroad, and Camden irani. roa coASLtrr-vov. LCM ve An?rnst:i.-.s.C-> A. M. Arrive nt charleston.i.w p. M. Leave Columbia.7,^, A< JJ AV. Ivc- ai p. M. ?l'?TSTA MOUT KXrKESS, (Sundays excepte*!.; Leave Charleston.:..-.?? p. y,. Arrive at AkigUtilii.y. Co'cnecritii; with train-? for N.;s':;villt iii} New Orhtiiir. viii t;r:--.-.-! Jr.i.c::;i:i. Leave Augusta.u.3C p. M. An ?vc at Ckariotos. >? .v. IC. o.:.t ;i:;iA NW,-rr nxrusss. ?Stiaityys ejEcepteilJ L?rare C?iarleston.o.o? P. M. Arrive at Outeinhia.1.45 A. M. CcnniTtisp iSDviav* Wircnt>-ll w;t!i Gr, eu vim it?'i ?.cl?v.ijfc ..*: . "ti : . ?.V. ... WetRic days sud ?'lioaiv '..?.;. t '-.,'....;;e ,1..; V.^:;. ! ?ina Rafircad, I Leave'.c:...i, ..CV? * Arrive at Charleston...'.'."........;.,..<.'.. t: Leave.Chariest on...."'. V..."'..'.'..'.!.'.2..*.? v. ii Arrive at Summerville.tin p. y. Leave Srtmmvrviiie.:.i > A. V. Arrive zx charleston.?. CAM1V,;N Ct?ASCtr. Camden and Colombia Pass&azcr Trams it MONDAYS, WE: VKSDAYS atti! SATTRDA-'S. :::::: :.. tween Camden and Kit.;rc:;:o (S.'.::.Mays e.?. ceptcd.) w>nnccts with ?ii; ind down bay p.,.. seugers ut Kiugvillc. Leave Camden.i*.?5 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.11.00 A. IL Leave cviumWa.:.45P. .v. Arrive at Camden.0.0O p. 5;. (SUr.'.'di IL T. PEAKS, septic General Superintendent. TF YOU WANT PAPEE BAGS, FLOUR X SACKS, cud Bacs of every desjriut.t-11, co to EDWARD PERRY, k No. 156 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C. decl4 emos ?HisccIlaucou5. RI S n ROOFING FELT THE P.EST, CHEAPEST AND MOST DURABLE Mate: ?al fm Hooting known. Fer sale by CAMERON, CAi?KLE? & CO., Corner Met! lng and cumberland street*. mth'M omn Charleston,- S. C CURES DYSPEFSIA& INDIGESTION S?'-'-' EVERYWHERE 1 JWIE.MOISE&D ? PROPRIETORS a v-HOLESALE DRUGGISTS N. c. WieCommlMlonct of Revenueilma ?lecld? thai ativ .lei- can sell tl* ur;?ole without i special Meemi'._mc" : THE STANDARD REPUTATION AT? TAINED Itv this nnrlvallrd and infalhbi YEAST rov?'!>::i: during twelve yean past, ls dui to lt.- perfect purity, healthfulness and economy fut op ?ti tio;. iictual weight, ?us represented, un? will keep for years. Thc i|iiaiif tty required for uro ls rrom oncfonrtl to ntic-linir less limn oilier Itaklns Powders. Sold by Crocers t lin MU; li out the United State5 DOOLEY A BROTHER, Manufacturer* ar.d Proprietors, No. ff! New street, New York. mcliW mws3mos oma rn il: o niest celebrated and moist delightful (if all per hiv.QHj fer usc on i?ic hand 1:' rchrcf, at (he toilet, and i:: ike balli, for salo by all Th ;:.::;?is?3 and Perfumers. Por .-ale by HOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Jamu m c .-linos Charleston, S. C. ?iiool (Cotton. THE CELEBRATED A.T. STEWARTSCO, $Ol? AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES. For sale in charleston by J. R. READ J: CO. SIX-CORD. rTomo^fflAFiii??imQss t? Pafplry) BCDika2. tprlJ inwsl? ?i]oni?cr mace. HE CHAMPION BEAC E. R This BRACE, in Its peculiar construction, has alb the advantages of SUSPENDERS AND SHOULDER BRACES COMBINED. First, lt does rot disarrange the Shirt Bosom. Second, lt cannot slip orr thc shoulders. Third There is less strain on the buttons of the pants than With common Suspenders. Fourth. Each, section or thc pants can be adjusted Independent? ly. Fifth. By means of the Adjustlble Back Strap, a pentle or'powerful Brace can be obtained? Sixth. ir, attaches to Hie pants ai thc same point? that.tbc ordinary Snqimdcr ace? J?. S?.!c Agent in Charleston, SCO 1- T Sin PEALE? IN A NP FOKNlPHINfl t;(if " DS,T ?:;; s .'.trott. <-j]i-i'. Vt?tw J'sli. ?inr Shins. TTT yt. is A T T H ? :: s s K nr J$\ m ?M if No. 201 KINO ST R EFT, CORNER WENTWORTH,. AGENT FUR TUE MANUFACTURERS OP THE CELEBRATED S T AR SHIRTS ! EACH QUALITY OF" SHIRT IS NUMBERED. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: Nc ?: No. K N'c. ?? $2 00 2 50 3 00 3 50 r^o:t ?i?os (Clothing uno i-iiriusliing ?oofcs. NEVVYOHK / THE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY* as the result of a long established and successful business enables us to offer inducements that makes this announcement worthy of ATTENTION. Importing our foreign goods di? rect, controlling many leading styl#s of American fabrics, employing trie? best artistic talent in the production' of our goods, and "constant progress" our motto, we claim to lead the mar? ket in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines of di grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed'for qual? ity, workmanship and elegance. In GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS our stock ts constantly large and seasonable. We are the sole manu? facturers of the . j which we supply both rea.iy-made and to order. Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen visiting New-York are requested to call and have their measures recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished when desired. > Address P. O. Box 2256, N. Y. DEVLIN & CO, rpo Tili WCEK.'Vf CL?S?.-WE- A2IE JL now prepared to fanni's all classes with connans employment a* home, iu whole cf the tune, or for the spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex tasiiy earn ?rom oe couts to? $5 per evening: and a pro? portional sum bj devoting their whole time to tie oiisme.-s. Boys and tfirls earn nearly as much cs Mien. That ali who see this notice may send their address, abd test rut btt&lnew>, we make this un? paralleled offer : To such a* are not well satisfied, we will Bend fl to pay for lbe trouble of writing. Pull particulars, a valuable tamale, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of "The Peo? ple's Literary Companion"-che of the largest and best ramify newspapers published -all sent free by mall. Reader, if you want permanenfc nmiifnhic wnrk, address E. C. A1J.FN A CO~J Augusta, Maine. JanlT 3mOS