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CITY. AFFAIRS -r -*~-m~~_ Meetings This Day. Zerubbabel Chapter, at hall-past 7 P. Sf. Marion Lodge, at s P. M. .stonewall Fire Company, at 3 P. M. lleltef Loan Association, at S P. M. Auction Sates TUls Day. Milos Drake will soil at IO o'clock at his .iiorc, boots, shoes and hats. William McKay will sell at io o'clock, ar. his ?.'.ore, counters, show-cases, Ac. OBSTRUCTIVE FIRE IX HAMBURG.- Thc Ham? burg Brewery, Messrs. Legier Bros., proprietors, was nearly destroyed by fire late Wednesday uig'it. Their los3 is estimated at about $5000. CITY/ TAXES.-The time for thc payment of | City taxes has been extended to the 20th instant, when twenty per cent, will be added to all who fail to go up and pay their flrst third. We call particular attention to the no*ice of the City Treasurer In to-day's NEWS, as the twenty per cent, will ocrtalnly be added to all delinquents. OUR PRICES CURRENT.-WC especially invite thc attention of our merchants to THE NEWS Prices Current, Issued this morning. Made up -?-Uh the utmost care, and handsomely printed with entirely new type, lt forms, with the busi? ness card of the house forwarding it. the most attractive and welcome weekly commercial cir ctijftr that can be used. Price, for ten copies or more, with business cards two and a hair ccats per copy; single copies five cents. PATBNT HARROW AND SEED-SOWER.-In the American Artisan of April C, we find an engrav? ing and a description or the patent harrow and seed-sower, Invented by Mr. Augustine L. Taveau. Tills Invention ls spoken of very highly, and was awarded a first class premium and gold medal at the late Maryland Agricnltnral State Fair. Mr. Taveau ls a Charlestonlan, who emigrated after the war to Chaptico, St. Mary's County, Mary? land, where he now resides. SOUTH CAROLINA CENTRAL.-The Sumter Watchman learns that a corps ot engineers, or which Mr. George Earle is chief, ls now engaged m making the permanent survey or location of the South Carolina Central Railroad, and that the work of grading has commenced at Gourdln's. ' This looks like something practical. The bope is entertained or being able to reach Sumter in twelve months. The people of Clareadon are moving In th's matter In earnest, aod through the energy of Dr. J. J. Ingram and others, the subscriptions In land have been considerably in? creased. Clarendon greatly needs railroad facili? ties, and we trust the efforts in this direction may prove successful. "WHAT A MOON !"-To-night we will have an unusually large moon. In January, and also in March, there were two new moons, while In the Intervening February there was no moon; which is a combination of very rare occurrence, not having taken place for at least forty years past, back to A. D. 1830, further than which this deponent has not calculated. This peculiarity arises simply from the form of our arbitrary cal? endar. But still more worthy of note is the natu? ral fact, that we have an exact concurrence of full moon with the perigee of the mooa's orbit; a: which time the moon's apparent size is the largest it ever is. Such an occurrence cannot come oftener than once in twenty years (and 107 days,) and one so exact as this one is not likely to occur for several centuries. CRUMBS.-Yesterday was Thursday of Holy Week, sometimes termed Maundy-Thursday or the day of thc mandate, "Do this in remembrance . of Me.? The market will be closed at 9 o'clock this morning. The i cw steamer or the German Fire Company is expected on the steamship Charleston, which will arrive to-day. C?ptala T. B. Johnston has assumed the duties of postmaster at Sumter, and contemplates some decided Improvements In the present building, looking to the comfort and convcnlcuce of the community. D. 0. Clark, A. Jackson and A. Smith have boen elected trustees of the public schools for the school district of Christ Church Parish. .SORGHUM RKFINER.-Quite a number ol our citizens yesterday visited the refinery of Mr. F. G. Cart, (on East Bay.) one or the firm of the Stewart Manufacturing and Refining Company, of Kentucky, to witness the experiment of manu? facturing first-class sugar and syrup from the Imphee cane. The experiments were eminently satisfactory. It seems to us that it would bc ad? vantageous for our planters to make their own sugar and syrups. The cane which will yied from one to two hundred gallons of syrup to the aoref is a certain crop, as weather does not in the least affect it. Thc machinery necessary for the manufacture of thc sugar and syrup is very cheap, and not at all complicated. The matter is worth the attention of planters and others. Thc experiments will be carried on from day to day. The public are invited to attend. GOOD FRIDAY.-Yesterday was Thursday of | Holy Week, sometimes termed Maundy-Thursday, or the day of the mandate, "Do this ia remem? brance of Me." It ls followed by Good Friday, which is set apart to commemorate the crucifix ion or Jesu*, in Bogland, Good Friday and Christmas arc thc only close holidays of the year, w lien the shops arc all closed and the churches opened. The day is observed in the Greek, Ro? man. Anglican and Episcopal Churches as a sol? emn period ol prayer and fasting. In tho Catho? lic Churches of this city thc prescribed services for thc day, the Mass of tue Prcaanctlfled and the Veneration of thc Cross, will take place. Good Friday ls followed by Easter Even, the last day of Lent. It is a vigil. The flrst Easter Even was a High Sabbath; now it ls but a Satur day, upon which, in quiet and sadness, are held the concluding services of Lent. UNITED STATES COURT-HON. GBOROH S. BRYAN, JUDGE, PRESIDING.-The rollo wing cases were disposed of in the Circuit and District Courts yesterday: Ctrcuit Court.-The case of Lewis B. Branch ft Co. vs. T. A. Dunlop, survivor, was ordered to bc heard on the 23th of this month. In the case of Thomas A. Mc Creery vs. Oswald Reeder, Jury No. 2 found for the plaintiff four hua -dredjjlollars, without interest. In the case of t lie United States vs. Thomas Claddcn-stealing rrom the mails-the defendant plead guilty and was sentenced to two years' im? prisonment. F#x parte Albert M. Boozer, of Columbia. Ap? plication for appointment as commissioner was granted. District Court.-EX parte H. II. Eastcrling. Application to withdraw papers from ihi clerk's office was granted. The court then adjourned until ll A. M. Sat? urday. A SINGULAR CASE-A CUBAN GIRL RESTORED ro FREEDOM.-AS wc learn, d3y be?ore yesterday Magistrate T. J. and J. G. Mackey granted a writ .or ha boas corpus upon application of E. Wiesto, Attorney or Flora Osma, the application rccltinr. that the said Flora, who lives In Charleston, "is of African descent, and was boru a slave in the City ?cf Havana, on the Island or Cuba; that she is owned or claimed to be owned by one Fernando Osma, who married her hair sister, Riter Osma, and who desires to convey her back to tho Island of Cuba, where her mother now aves, in slavery; that she Is fourteen years of age, and of sound mind ami discretion, and that she docs not wish to return to thc Island or Cuba, for tho .reason that upon her rctura she would bc a slave ?under thc law of Spam." When the case came before the magi-tratc*. th ;y hoard the testimony jud decided that the Flora was the slave of Fer? nando Osma alleged, but as Kiter Osma had pro winced the body of Flora and declared that she -waived nil claim to the custody of the said Flora, thcApronkl order that she o? committed to the care of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weston, she having Selected them as Uer t^rapirary guardians. O ?BE ARMERS AND PLANTERS. Alerting of the Charleston County Agricultural anti Horticultural Society. A meeting of* this society was held in the Market Hall last night-Charles Macbeth, Esq., presiding. The minutes of the lust meeting were read and confirmed. The president stated that, as the society would have to appoint delegates to Hie May convention, he desired to know what number would, in the opinion of thc society, be requisite. Mr. LaKoche moved that ten members, with thc president as chairman, be appointed. Mr. W. M. Lawton moved that twenty bc ap? pointed. Which was adopted. Major Varden, chairman of tho Executive Com? mittee, made the following report: REPORT OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE FOR THE MONTH ENDING APtlL 10. Your committee beg leave to report that their conferences with the committee from the South Carolina Institute, relative to the joint participa? tion In the fair, has resulted in the withdrawal of this society from all and any part in t hc matter. We beg leave to report" the receipt from thc Hon. Horace Capron, Commissioner of Agricul? ture, reports from the Department of Agriculture for 1S50,1SG7 and 1808, also monthly report for January. From thc New York State Agricultural Society, bound copies of their transactions from 1868 to 1S?3 Inclusive-ten volumes-an exceed? ingly valuable donation. Pamphlets from the same source on the following subjects: Hindrances and Help to the Advancement or Agriculture; Prest Fail's Address on the Management or Fairs; Address on Paris Universal Exhibition; Apple Cul? ture, Pro.'lts, Ac; Address on Agricultural Educa? tion: Second National Trial or Mowers and Reap? ers : Report on Abortion lu Cows: Proceedings and Debates of the American Convention ol Cat? tle Commissioners. From Professor Porcher we have a copy or the Resources or Southern Fields and Forests, au especially valuable donation, and OHO this asso dation should reel ah especial pride and pleasure in acknowledging. It is a production ol' Charles? ton District, and it particularly points to what we are all too apt to lorget aud neglect-our own resources. Our floral exhibition progresses-but calls ror more active aid on the part of our own members. Very resncctrully, \V. B. VABDBLL, Chairman Executive Committee. The report was received as information, and the thanks of the society tendered to all indi viduals and associations mentioned therein as contributing works to the society. Dr. Horibeck read a letter from Hon. Wm. Gilmore Simms accepting the invitation to de livcr the opening address before the floral exhi? bition or tho society in May. The letter was re? ceived. The president read a letter rrom the Agricul? tural Society or South Carolina, calling the atten? tion or the society to a resolution recently passed, requesting the members of the Charleston Coun? ty Socloty to become members of the old State Society. The president stated that lt was the Impression that thc sosiety which tendered thc invitation had dbsolred, but this was not so; that the socie? ty's charter wa3 perpetual, and if this society de? sired to accept the Invitation lt would be only to drop Its name and change lt to that of the Agri? cultural Society of South Caroliaa, each member or this joining that society and unite with the old members of the other society, and work under its charter and privileges. Mr. Lawton moved that a committee of Ave, with the president as chairman, bc appointed to arrange for a consolidation or the two societies. ARer considerable discussion the motion was adopted, aud Messrs. Lawton, Varden, La Roche, Horibeck and Davis were appointed os tho com? mittee. Dr. Horibeck stated that thc Market Hall had been ?elected ns the place Tor holding the dural exh.bitton ou the 2d or May. At thli point a majority or those present signed .% document, making them members ol tho South Carolina Agricultural Society. A resolution that a suitable hall be selected ror the ralr, and a bs.nd of music to perform during the occasion be obtained, was adopted. Mr. Davis offered a resolation providing that tho socletv offer a prize o? three silver cups for the victor in a race between row boats during Hie fair, and that a committee be appointed to make the necessary arrangements, which was adopt eil. Messrs. Davis, Brown and Th jiuas were appointed on the commit iee. The society then adjourned. TITS AUGUSTA. HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION. Great preparations aro making for ihe Horticul? tural Exhibition or the Cotton State3 Mechanical and Agricultural Fair Association, to bc held lu Augusta, on the 11th or May. The Rev. C. W. Howard will deliver the opening address." The rollowiug rules are published for thc information of intending exhibitors: Ample and appropriate buildings wlil be pro? vided by thc association for all articles entered for exhibition. Articles can bc entered Tor exhibition free or charge. To enable tho officers of the association to ar? range each article entered in its proper place, dis? play it to its best advantage, and avoid confu? sion, exhibitors ure respectfully requested to bring all articles that can possibly be prepared on the day preceding the exhibition. The ut? most care will bc taken of all articles brought on the grouiids, to prevent their freshness bel?g Im? paired. Persons intending to exhibit largely, would confer s favor if they will advise thc secretary a I few days previous to the exhibition of the amoubt Of space they require, that the same may lu- re- j served and their articles placed ut their proper place. Euircescaube made ut the fair grounds from 8 o'clock A. M. uutil 1 P. M. on tho loth or May. and rrom 0 o'clock A. M. until lo o'clock A. M. on thc ltth. All articles intended Tor competition must positively be entered ?iud on thc grounds before io o'clock on tho dayvf exhibition, orthey can? not bc placed in t heir appropriate places. Competent awarding committees will pa<s ex? amination upon all articles entered ats o'clock P. M., on the lilli. Premiums will bo awarded al o o'clock p. M. Inferior anieles will nut receive awards, though there be no competition. Special premiums will be awarded for nnv plant, flower, fruit or vegetable nui mentioned in the foregoing list, and deserving of the same. All articles must bo correctly named, with writ? ten labels attached, and a list or plants or fruits, with the name of exhibitor, furnished to the secretary when making the entry. All articles entered ?er competition must bc grown by thc exhibitor, and are expected to be presented lu neat form. The chairman or the Committee ou Premiums Mr. P. J. Btrckmans-begs instate thui, although he expects io bo an exhibitor, he will not compete Tor any premium. For further information, address the secretary, E. H. Gray, Augusto, Ga. STATU SL'PUKMK COURT.-This court met in Columbia Wednesday. Present - Chief Justice Moses and Associates Wright and Willard. The following palters were, upon motion, or? dered io be docketed: J. J. Blackwood and J. S. Harris, executors, vs. W. J. dawson; W. L. Har? ris vs. W. E. 'lese; the State ex rel.. S. B. Massey vs. James Meek: James Mason vs. Green Gordon, four cases; Samuel W. Melton and wif.j vs. J. N. Withers, et al; A. J. Ktbler vs. Johu J. Bridges. The following were struck off: C. B. Walker, assignee, VA Louis Covar; Ann Griffen and M. L. Bonham vs. G. A. A W. H. Addison; L. Muore and wife vs. Elizabeth Adams et al. Continued by ordtr: A. F. Branch vs. S. D. Caroihers. and Samuel W. Melton and wife vs. J. N. Withers et al. The court announced tn thc members of the har, that cases will not be reserved or kept, open lon? ger than the close of the call of thc docket for the circuit to which t!n\v b-long, but must be heard, continued, or struck off, unless tor special rea? sons any such cause may be ordered ou a par? ticular day to be assigned for that purpose. Thomas" F. Mellow, administrator, vs. Daniel W. Brown, executor. Mr. J. D. Wylie read the brier and was heard 'or appellant. Ciiernw and Salisbury Railroad Companv vs. Cheraw and Dallington Railroad Company. Rule to show cause granted, returnable on Friday morning ai io o'clock. The State vs. Friday Nixon-murder. Petition for habeas corpus. W. J. Whipper for prisoner. Writ granted and mada returnable on Tuesday neit at io o'clock. lu tue ca-e ol' tl.c Cheraw and Darlington Rail? road Company vs. the Cheraw und salisuurr Kail road Company, til? Cluer Justice announced the " acnt ur ihe court, annulling and vacating tu. wrder or the court below In granting the man? damus In the above case. In this case a writ of mandamus was granted by Judge Rutland, sitting in thc Court or Sessions at Chesterfield, requiring iho president and secre? tary or the Cheraw and Darlington liailmnd Com? pany to transfer to Messrs. Walters A Newcomer certain shares of s'uck sold to them by li. D. Townsend, president ol ?he Cheraw ami Salisbiiri Railroad Company. Appeal being taken there? from by the respondents, the cause was heard rm a prttliniiiiarr argument ns to the jurisdiction of a circuit judge, sitting in thc Court of sessions, to Ki kiit a writ of mandamus. Tue Supreme Court yesterday announced their opitiion. vacating and annulling thu writ granted by Judge Rutland, and bidding that a circuit judge silting in tho Court ol Sessions is without jurisdiction to enter? tain a mo-ion for a writ of mandamus. Tho counsel for the relators thereupon renewed their application before thc Snpreme Court for a rule upon the respondent* to show cause why thc writ prayed for should not be granted by thc su promo Court. Thc rule was made returnable Thursday illuming, at 10 o'clock. NIXON', THE MURDERER.-A writ of habeas corpus has been granted hy the Supreme Court, to be served upon Sheriff Mackey, ordering him to produce the body of Friday Nixon before the court at Columbia, on Tuesday next. The writ is based upon Hie fact "that the day fixed by the Governor Tor the execution of Nixon having passed, and lt not having taken place, he is entitled to his dis? charge from jail." TUE CAUSE OF COTIA.-We aro now definitely informed that the public meeting of those who sympathize with the cause of Cuban Indepen? dence will take place on Monday next. We have received a note from C. Edward Femes, secretary of the Cuban Junta of this city, Indignantly deny? ing tlic truth of the recent Spanish dispatch, stat? ing that thc war was ended by the ronte and dis? bandment of the insurgents. Mr. Fornes claims that, on the day following the date of this dispatch an engagement took place between the Cubans and Spaniards; and further that the revolution is now stronger than ever-the insurgent force amounting to 7G,048 men of all arms. ANALYSES OF LANDS.-At thc close of Pro? fessor Shepard's lecture, on Wednesday night last, he presented the following analyses of rice lands on the Combahee River, and of sea island cotton lands on the Edisto Uiver. The rice lands belonjr to Mr. Warren, and the colton lands to Mr. Mlkell: RICE LAND. ?Main i Rose j [Tract. I Tract, j Subsoil. Moisture and water. I 31.40; 32.301 12.90 Organic matter. 20.00 20.50 18.00 Fixed ingredients. 48.00 41.18 09.10 Nitrogen.1*0.326 0.520 0.343 Organic matter.I 3-5.40 44.234] 22.18 Insoluble in acid..' 59.02 50.37 04.05 Sulphuric acid.' 0.099t 0.150 traces Phosphoric acid.I ' 0.1O5] 0.1*6 0.124 Carbonic ach?.?traces tracesl 3.3 Iron and altumina.! 3.91 3.454! 4.52 Lime.? 0.3571 O.?OO l.oo Magnesia.| o.450? 0.412 1.74 Soluble of Silica. 0.2301 0.4117I t '.io Totasll.j O.lSOl 0.137 o.iea Soda.! 0A50| trace>| 0.13 *Uf this nitrogenous ma'ter ?.035. was already formed ammonia. tWith some oxides or iron. SEA ISLAND COTTON LAND. Moisture. 0.97 Organic matter. 2.476 Fixed Ingredients. 90.554 Nitrogen.0.000.716 Organic matter and moisture. 2.943 Insoluble in acid. 92.48 Sulphuric acid. 0.170 Phosphoric acid. 0.063 Carbonic acid. 0.420 Iron and allumlna. 2.490 Lime. 0.892 Macncsia.traces. Soluble silica. 0.0425 Potash aud soda. u.50 MAUNDAY-THURSDAY-T UE CATHOLK CHURCHES.-Yesterday being Maunday-Thersday, wu9 closely observed by the members of the Catholic Church, and the different chapels and churches were thronged until late at night. In every church thc Repository containing the Sacrament was decorated with flowers and bril? liantly lighted/and all showed marks or the care and attention lavished upon them by ibe mern hers or the congregation. At thc Cathedral Chapel thc alinr was adorned with flowers of striking hue, and thC3c, with tho shining lamps and glowing decorations, made the whole structure almost gorgeous in its richness of beauty. At St. Patrick's thc altar was arranged In pyra? midal form. Flowers and glancing lights were in profusion, and thc pallid beauty of the Dead Christ gleaming out from the mass of sombre green, gave a charming finish to tho graceful scene. After night all thc building was twinkling with light, the myriad of tapers being the gift of the generous congregation. At St. Joseph's, also, thc decoration* were in every way worthy of the church and the occasion. This church drew to its silent aisles a long linc of worshippers. At St. Mary's, thc Lady Altar was changed Into a repository, the High Altar standing bleak and bare as the wood of the bitter Cross. The Reposi? tory was draped with elaborate curtains of thread lace, and were looped np with crowns or natural violets. Thc steps of the Repository were veiled by massive vases of choice exotics, while thc twinkling tapers and soberly burning lights of high degree, gave the crowning charm to all thc graceful work. St. Peter's Church was very handsomely deco? rated. The pillars of thc alt.:r were twined with evcrg cens, and the altar steps and altar were adorned with a profusion of flowers. An abun? dance of lights made the church a brilliant sight, and all the decorations w.rc Tich and In good taste. The colored Catholics are evidently rond of their little church. Hotel ArrivjiLs-April 14. CHARLESTON HOTEL. Dr. J. P. Kirkland, L. Charles Peak, Cleve? land : Mrs. Pcnnypacker, Miss Pcnnypacker, Chester; Ii. S. Lorlng, Norwrick; W. W. Miner. New London; Irviu-.' B. Laughlin, Pittsburg; P. H. Lorenstaud wife, Springfield; H. Carter, Macon; John T. Butler, New Orleaus; ll. Ycaiman, Balti? more; Henry L. Balk, Joseph Sumerar, Augusta; W. T. J. 0. Woodward, Nashville; Chas. E. White, New York; M. A. Merony, T. K. Legare, Orange? burg: Dr. Tylee, Summerville; B. P. Wickcrsham, Philadelphia; I). S. Stafford, Columbus; Theo. L. Henry, Savannah; John Roberts, New Vork; A. M. Lat'iatn, St. Andrew's; P. Shipman. Baltimore; E. Shcppcrson, Wilmington; Fred. King, Savan? nah: W. S. Grady, New York: T. N. McCarter and wife, Newark; James P. Whitney, Mrs. Whitney and maid, G. A. Whitney, E. A. Bcrchard and wiro, Miss P.erchard, John E. Pago and son, Bos? ton; \Y. IL Penfold, Mrs. W. S. Brown, New York; A. .Moore, U. S. A. PAVILION HOTEL. Wm. AV. Rawls, Ridge ville; M. J. Trotter, Edge Hold: John Nettles and wife. South Carolina; Mrs. White, Sumter; T. Milton Kennedy and wire, Mrs. G. W. Little, Wadesboro1: M. B. Wood, South Carolina; J. IL Stagle. Philadelphia; D. Lawton Wini l ingham and wife, Mrs. J. J. Macdonald, Jer? sey City; J. Loomis, Baltimore; Chas. T. Craig. Summerville; H. Leary, Jr., North Carolina; S. J. Henagan, Marion; L. M. Keen, H S. Revenue Cut? ter Racer; R. S. Johnson, Edisto Island. i ; vs i yLs s NOTICES. ATrKNTiON is directed to thc advertisement of the steamer Kate Lee, which can be chartered for all points witiiLi forty miles of the city, at moderate rates. To TUB LADIES.-We have just opened new lots of Drees Goods, varying In prices. Neat styles at 10 and 12J? cents; choice stylos at 15, 20 and 25 cents. A good Barege Dress for gi, at STOLL, WEBB A CO., metilo wftn Nos. 287 and 283 King street. HAVE YOU TRIED MT DOLLAR TEA ? aprlS WILSON'S GROCERY. SAVE YOUR MONEY.-Cuy your periodicals at the Hasel street Bazaar. New York Herald. Times, World and Tribune 5 cents each. ANOTHER lot of those celebrated filly-picture albums, one dollar each, at thc Ilasel street Ba? zaar. A SEW STYLE ot fi ne initial note paper and envelopes, 40 ceu:* a box, at thc Hasel street Ba? zaar. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office la now prepared to furnish good envelopes, wiih business cards printed thereon, st $4 per thous? and. Send your orders. Every merchant and nosiness man should have his card printed en his envelopes. PERSONS visiting the city will purchase the stereoscopic views o? Charleston and vicinity at thc Easel streei Bazaar, or at No. ICI King street. LADIES, have you seen that nice note paper at the Hasel street Bazaar, price 25 cents for two quires r DIM. HEADS printed on fine paper at $3, $4, $5, ?5 io and *>8 50 per thousand, according to size, ai TUE NEWS Job Office. OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in Hie PostofTlce at Charleston, Tor the week ending April 14, 1870, and printed officially In TUE DAILY NEWS, as the newspaper having the largest circulation In the City of Charleston. f?T Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should state that they are "Advertised." ?SB~ Office hours rrom 8 A. IL to P. M. On Sundays, from ?? to 6K F- M. STANLEY G. TROTT. Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Adams, Mrs Hull, Miss Jane Pyos, Miss Sa Charlott Uappoldt, Mrs J rah Alsjor, Mrs MC H Prince, Miss C Anderson, Mrs Henderson,Miss E Maria C E Rahldus, Mrs L Ash, Mrs Rinor Hopkins, Mrs M[ c Austin, Mrs E S Riggs. Miss M Avinger, Miss C Hopkins, Mrs Raland, Mrs R V John T Ball, Lindy Horibeck, Mrs Randall, Miss Brown, Mrs Dr Peter Kitty Selina Houghton, Mrs? Rivers. Mrs M E Brown, Mrs R IRlchardson.Mrs Jane Hughes, Mrs | Flora Brown, Mrs Wm F Rivers, Mrs Car Robert Jeffors, Mrs E ollne Brown. Miss Johnson, Miss Richardson,Mrs Mary Rachel Hannah Barnwell, Mrs Johnson, Mollie Robert, Mrs R J R L Johnson, Mrs Robb, Mrs Mar Bennett, Miss Frances garet Jane Johnson, Mrs Robinson, Mrs Bell, Miss Mary Anera Ann J Jenkins, Miss E Robinson, Ma Blssill, Miss Jones, Mrs R A ryon Ellen Jones, Miss Su- Robinson, Mrs Blaklc?, Miss L san Mary T J Kanee, Mrs L Roberts. Miss Bomcmann, II Valeria Miss L O Koner, Miss Ju- Rus, Miss S A Bray Boy, Mrs L lier ?Rnsherrord, Breed, Mrs C G King, Miss A I Miss Sallie Brennen, Miss Reitt, Miss 1 Ry an, Mrs AP Annie Amelia I Ry an, Miss Car Rrlan.MrsEvo King, Mrs rte Brooks, Miss LeKange, Lau-jSpencer, Mrs Clara ra - I Margaret Burkett, Miss Larkins, Mrs M Slmmons, Jen . Amoila Lemacks.Mls&II net Busch, Mrs Laurens, Miss Simmons, Miss Anna Rachel M L Bull, Miss M Lenard, Mrs J iSlmons, Miss Carter, Miss C Laury, Miss Annett Cantwell, Miss Jane: Simmons, Mrs Marv Lvmer, Mrs n Anna Calvert, Mrs S Lynch, Miss Smith, Mrs H ? illy Isaac B Camps, Mrs J i Lucas, Miss Smith, Mrs F ClansscD, Mrs Mary Jane Sanders, Mrs H Lee, Miss L A Mary Collins, Mrs M J Lee, Mrs M T. Shields, Mrs Cokely, Mrs Murant, Mrs Mary Mary Mary Simpson, Miss Cotton, Miss Mahoney, Mrs Anna Salley Mary Simpson, Mrs A Cornellos, Mrs Mathews, Mrs Stevens, Mrs 3 B Sarah W Daley, Miss Liz- Mathis, Miss S Siegln. Mrs C 0 zle A Steedman, Miss Dendy. Mrs H Mlllhou?, Mrs J Ella E B Surglan, Mrs C Deascl, Mrs Car- Mickle, Celia Thompson,Miss olino Mitchell, Miss H Dowell, Mary E Laura Thompson, Mrs Doar, Mrs M A Middleton, Miss Mary A Douzelman, An- AK Toomer, Miss M na Michel, Mrs L B B Drayton, Hetty Montgomery, Toban, Miss Ja Duirey, Mrs Miss A lia Rhney, Mis Lu- Moran, Mrs W Vones. Mrs lah W Morgan, Mrs Amelia Pavnl, Mrs Martha Walker, Miss Elizabeth Monett, Miss R Wagner, Miss E Fenwick, Mrs Morgun, Mrs J Mary Amelia Warner, Miss Fields, Ml3s So- Mulllngs, Mrs Nellio phle Anne Walker, Mrs Floyd. Mrs Clo- Muir, Miss Jane Kllza linda Murry, Mrs H Ward, E n Flynn. Mrs Murry, Mrs Walbln, Miss Cathrine Mary Martha Flathnian, Mrs Muny, Miss K White, Mrs Syl M McCarthy, Miss vira Fore?, Mrs Bli- LJ Winter, Miss zabcth Michael, Miss M Alice Fortune, Mrs A Welbons, Miss Bridget Mc Voy. Mrs W G al eton, Miss lt Janies Welbons, Miss 0 Newman, Mrs Adlinc Green, Miss Lizzie Wyait,Mrs Elsy Rose Newman. Mrs Wurns, Mary Garvey, Miss O'Brien, Mrs II Williams, Re Mary A Parker, Mrs becca Oedisou, Mrs S Polly Williams, Mrs Glenn, Neille Percival, Miss Lydia Grunt, Mrs WU- Mattie Williams, Mrs liam Pcndergrast, M A Guery, Mrs Al- Mrs M Wilson, Mrs but Pera, Miss L Amelia Hay, Mrs Sarah Phillips Welmere, Mrs S Porter, Mrs Julia E Haden, Mrs E James B Yoong, Miss A . Emma MEN'S LIST. Achille, John Hay ne, lion ll McLclsh, James Ahrens, John E McSweeny, Allen, John Harrison, Cnpy Miles Angcrmann, F Hargrave, John Nelligan, Mi M Harken, Johann ciiacl Arndt, Louis Hawcrman, Rev O'Brien. Martin Baker, Capt C AD Olns, Dick U nasted. Jr, Say- Oakman, R Barber, Geo mour L O'Connor, Jop Baldwin, Lucius Haley, T II O'Donoghue, D Harvev, James Miele Ball. Elias N Hansen. Alex O'Neil, John C Bergmann. Geo Hamilton, O'Neil, Edward Behrens, II Naih'l Paine, Arthur B Bee. Henry R Hastedt, Uer- Panzerbclter, Bennett, F N man Charles Benton. Charles Hay ward.Nath'l Palmer. Stephen R Hei lte. Isaac Pctus, Wm lt Bill, John H Howard, Prince Peck, John G Black, Wm Howell, 0 F Pcronneau, Sam Black, Geo C Uockaday, Wm Pinkos, Abra Blakeman, Jos Hogan, Dennis ham Blakcly, ll W Holmes, Wm Player, Charles lioikln, A G Hoiigdon.James Potcr, Nathan Bosch, Charil P Pomeroy. A ll Bradley. N E Hunt, Walter Pope, RR Brook, Jimmie Humphreys, -Proctor, J H Brewer, J EC Wm Preston, Jame3 ?rill. Edward Hyde, Sam'l I'rendergras, Bride, W B Jackson, Sr, Hon .1 Burke, Ormsby Wm ll Quinn, James Hum, Geo Johnson, Robt C Burrows, Wash- Johnson, J Quinn, John bicton ?Johnson, Thom- Raymond, W II Butler. G P j as Rain. John Buxuauin, c Linnie*. Jose Reardon, Wm Callaghan. II Kontler, Fran- Reese. James Callahan, B els Rivara, 0 M Campbell, C Kennedy. A J RJdgeson, Isak Campbell, Lewis Kenny. Mickle Ridgcsun, J.ik L Klulaw, Jack son Carson, Leon- Kinloch. B R lilley, John anl Knld, Maj Rogers, Win Christopher, Kiley, Wm Rouse, Wm N John Knsliaw, John Rosebrook, Her Chapped, Silas Kirchhoff, Ju- man dareton, Paul lianes Russell. S C ciaussen. J O Kornahrens. J Royals. Ilnrdr Clark, Thump- N Sawyer. Plenty son Levy, C II Sawyer. Barber Collwcll, Daniel Llllonllial. F Shaw, Lewis Colver, Hiram Jacob Shanahan, Rlch p Llndenihall, A anl Conover, H W Louis, Edward Siddons, I. L Cochran, John Leakes, Daniel Simmons, W II R Lorenzt, T R Seaman, II A Cook. W A Loth, Edward Sknntlin. Mr Cook, Frank Lulu, C F Smith, Charles Cross, Alick Maguire, Red- Smlth.Scabrook i Comings, W H mond Soper, Wade Cuthwuod, Rob- Maloney, Sic- Sparkman. Geo I bert ven Strand, H W David, M Marshall, A S Stewart, Rich Davids. B Manlgo. Archer ard Daly. J C Mathews,Ogilby Stroble, .Toioph Devoe, Jr. D M W Sullivan, Pat Doscher, Franz Meyer, Jacob rick 0 Mears, Ceo Thompson, F F Douglass,Albert Merson, John Thompson. Wm Doten, Thus J Moldau. John F Tucker A Sons Dudley. C T Middleton, Jr, Vcndcrhoret, Easterhv, SR John J Robert Eilis, W J Middleton, Go- Waters. J P Everett, Rev den Warnken, Hen John S Miller, Edward ry Faulfc, Rufus ll Waldo, F W Fischer, Jacob Miller, Lt PL Watson, Thos E Fort, Wm Milligan. Joseph Waterman, For Frank. DC Morris. Richard dinand Frayzer, Pit- Motuvius, Hon- Wellbrook. D mus rick Welch, B H Garner, T S Mo ire, John White, R R Garrison. .las L Murty. Capt White, F W Caddis, John li Daniel White, Wm Guim', Joseph Mull ry, Wm Williams, Tims Georgia Home Mundell. Robert Williams, ll Hol? ing Comp ?Myers, Capt.1 S lev Gonn, Jas McEvoy, Nichol- Williams. Wm M Glimariln A Co as winard. W C Gooding. W B McDowell, Sr, J Witherspoon. Gowan, Col JE McHeury, Ruben Isaac C Grant, Pcbrua- Mciver, S A Willcox, C ry McMauus, John wigg, A B Cray, A P MacNeal, Rev Wragg, Wm J firauani, Berry Angustus Yocklact, Ne Graut, Ishmel McNulty, Ed- cleass Green. Phillip ward _Zimmer. P ?ST Persons depositing letters in the Poa toni ce will please place the stamp near the upper right hand corner of thc envelope, and they will also please to remember that without the stamp a let? ter cannot be mailed, but will bc sent to the Dead Letter Oltlce. JAMES CONNER'S SONS UNITED STATES TYPE AND ELEC ROTVIPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTER'S WAREHOUSE, NOS. 2S, 30 ?ND SC, CENTRE 3TREET, CORNER READ AND DUANE STREETS, K E W YORK. A large Stock of ENGLISH AND GERMAN PACKS, both Plain and Ornamental, kept on hand. All Type cast at this establishment ls manufactured from the metal known as Connor's Unequalled Hard Type Metal. Every article ne? cessary for a perfeci Printing Office furnished. janja stutudmus? iflarriefc. CHISOLM-REED.-At the residence of Hie bride's father, bj- the Rev. L. H. Shuck, Mr. S. P. CHISOLM, late of Beaufort, to Miss ADELLA REED, ?laughter or Samuel Reed, Esq., of Barnwell County. Sancxai Notices. ?S-TEE RELATIVES AND FRIENDS of Dr. and Mrs. L?enry D. Fraser, are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral Service of their In? fant daughter HELEN ST. CLAIR, at Grace Church, at 1 o'clock TO-DAY._apr!5 1 pB* THE RELATIVES, FRIENDS AND acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Colburn. and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hussey, are Invited to attend the Funeral Services or Mrs. HUSSEY, at St. Luke's Church, THIS AFTERNOON, at 5 o'clock, aprl? ?bitnarrj. STEVENS.-Died at St. Stephen's. April fith. lit? tle GRACIE, daughter or Rev. p. F. and Mary Capers Stevens. This world was all too bleak and cold To yield her quiet rest ; God took her to thc Heavenly fold, And laid her In His breast. Special Notices. p&- CITY TAXES-TIME EXTENDED. CITY TREASURY, Uni APRIL, 1S70.-The Ordi? nance to raise supplies for the year 1870, requires thc flr3t instalment of one-third bc paid by the loth April. The time has been extended to the 20th Instant, "when if the Taxes, assessments and penalties charged against any parcel or lot o real and personal property, shall not be paid on or before the day prescribed by Ordinance, a pen? alty of twenty per cent, thereon shall be added by the City Treasurer. S. THOMAS, apr!5 5 _City Treasnrer. ?&- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. This Is to certify that, pursuant to the provision's of an Act, entitled "An Act to regulate the forma? tion of Corporations," approved December io, 1369, a Company has been organized under the corporate name of "The Marine and River Phos? phate Mining and Manufacturing Company of South Carolina," foe the purpose or carrying on the business 1st. Of digging, mining and removing from thc beds of the navigable streams and waters within the jurisdiction of the State of South Carolina thc Phosphate Rock and Pho3pbatlc Deposits, under the terms and provisions or the Act entitled "Au Act to grant to certain persons therein named, and their associates, the right to dig and mine In the beds of the navigable streams and waters of the State of South Carolina for Phosphate Rock and Phosphatic Deposits," passed March 1,1870. 2d. Of Manufacturing Fertilizers from Phos? phate Rock and Phosphatic Deposits, and such or thc clements as enter Into or pertain to said man? ufactory. 3d. Of reducing orude Phosphato Rock and Pho9phatlc Deposits to such forms and oondltlons as may be hest suited to the purpose of trade and commerce. 4th. Of buying, selling and vending Phosphate Rock, Phosphatic Deposits and Fertilizers, and all such Machinery, Engines, Tools, Implements, Vessels and Material ai are necessary or pertain to thc business ot digging, mining and removing from the beds of the navigable streams and waters of the State thc Phosphate Rock and Phosphate Deposits; also as arc suitable to the manuiaciory of Fertilizers from Phosphate Rock une Phosphatic Deposits, aud tho clements and Ingredients entering therein, and also aa are suit? able to reducing Crude Phosphate nock and Phosphatic Deposits to the forma and conditions best suited to thc purposes of trade and com? merce. Thia Company ls located at Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, and will have its princi? pal office of business there, but will carry on its business throughout and beyond thc limits of the State of South Carolina, ns mty be found neces? sary. The amount of the Capital Stock ls Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, of which Twenty-live Thousand Dollars has been actually paid in. The par value or tho Shares In the Corporation ts One Hundred Dollars each. GEO. W. WILLIAMS, President. JAS. H. TAYLOR, Treasurer. DIRECTOR3 : GEO. W. WILLIAMS. I). T. CORBIN. E. WILLIS. EDWIN PLATT. WM. L. BRADLEY. STATE OP SouTn CAROLINA. 1 CITY AND COUNTY OK CHARLESTON, J Personally appeared before me, George W. Wil? liams, President; James H. Taylor, Treasurer; Oeorge W. Williams, ?.T. Corbin, E. Willis, Edwin Platt, Wm. L. Bradley, Directors of "Thc Marine and River Phoipbate Mining and Manufacturing Company or Sjuth Carolina," and being duly sworn, dppo3C and say the above ccrtillcatc sub? scribid hy them Ls true. JOSEPH MURRAY, April 7, 1870, Notary Public. aprt f3 pSf SIC SEMPER TYE ANNI?.-TO have good, light, spongy, and ai all times sweet Bread, Biscuits; Rolls, Cakes, Ac, to have lt nu? tritious, and yet not injurious to health, ls cer? tainly a great desideratum. WAGNER'S VIRGINIA YEAST POWDERS Combine all those properties. They do away en? tirely wlih Yeast and thc troublesome process of making lt, saving you time, labor and money; they are the most popular Powders In Yirgiula. aro the productions of home industry, ami receiv? ed at onr late State Fair the highest premium over all other Powders. Prepared by L. WAGNER, Druggist, Richmond, Va. DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists, nprlS wfm2mos Charleston. S. C.. Agents. pSTk GRAND EPOCH IN SCIENCE. From thc time when, in 1834, Dr. RCCGE discov? ered "Carbolic Acid" and Its extraordinary medi? cal effects, nothing in thc history of Medicine has equalled lt. Largely used by the French physi? cians in treatment of consumptive and scrofu? lous diseases, it was Introduced by the Court Phy? sician of Berlin, MAX ERNST HENRY, into Prus? sia, and from thence to the United Slates. No? thing eLse of the present day can equal HEN? RY'S SOLULION OR CARBOLIC CONSTITUTION RENOVATOR. Patient? get better after only one. Onte lins hern taken, Rnd wc cordially recommend lt to the pniillc- fEdltnr "Argua." tann lyr pa-NO MORE MEDICINE.-SEVENTY thousand cures without medicine hy DuBarry's delicious REVA KENT A ARABICA FOOD, which eradicates dyspepsia, indigestion, acidity, nausea, vomiting, wasting, diabetes, sleeplessness, cough, asthma, consumption, debility, constipation, diar? rhoea, palpitation, nervous, bilious, liver and stomach complaints. It nourishes better than meat, ami saves, moreover, fifty limes its costin other remedies. Cure No. 03.413-"ROME, July 21, 1S?S.-Thc health or the Holy Father Is excellent, especially since he has conOned himself entirely to DuBarry's Food, and lils Holiness cannot praise this excellent food too highly." Sold In tins of one pound, $1 25; 24 pounds $18; carriage free. Also, the REVALENTA CHOCOLATE, In one pound packets, Si 50. CopIe3 of cures sent gratis. Ad? dress C. N. Dt'BARRY A CO., No. 103 William street, New York, and at all Druggists ami Gro? cery_""r- ? ^BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS SPLENDID HAIR DYE ls the best In the world harmless, reliable, instantaneous, docs not con tain lead, nor any Vitalia poison to produce par alysls or death. Avoid the vaunted and delnslv? prepnratious boasting virtues they do not possess Thc genuine W. A. BATCHELORS HAIR ?Yt has had thirty years' untarnished reputation t< uphold its integrity as the only perfect Hair Dye Black or Brown. Sold by all Druggists. Appliei at No. 10 Bond street, New York. novae fm wi yr_ p3T AWAY WITH TJNCOMFORTABU TRUSSES.-Comfort and Cure for thc Ruptor*! Sent postpaid ou receipt, of 10 cents. Addres Dr. E. B. FOOTE, No. 120 Lexington avenue, Nei York. decis Special 3Siotitt0. ? ^TRINITY CHURCH.-THERE WILL be regular services THIS DAY at ll o'clock, In ac? cordance with the appointment of the Sooth Car? olina Conference of Che Methodist Episcopal Church, South, setting It apart as a day of fasting and prayer. ,_aprlS 1* pm* PUBLIC MARKETS. -THIS DAY being Good Friday, tho Markets will be closed at. at 9 o'clock A. M. WILLIAM KIRKWOOD, apris_Chief Clerk. pS- HELP FOR THE MISERABLE. No wonder that the face of the dyspeptic bas a dragged, worn, hopeless expression that is pitiful to see. No wonder that the miserable marty to indigestion ls fretful, Irritable and unsocial. Whoever can bear the pangs of this tormenting complaint cheerfully and with an unruffled tem? per, ls little shore of a saint. Bat why sbould human fortitude continue to be thus severely tried, when an abs oin te sp?cifie for the disease is always at hand. Everywhere within the limits or civilization In this hemisphere, HOTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS ls obtainable, and the history of the flrst case or dyspepsia In which lt has been administered In vain, has yet to bo written. The sickness at the stomach, the sense of weakness and stupor, thc feeling of emptiness and hollow, ness before eating, and of oppression afterwards, the fluttering or the pulse, tho intenso nervous Ir? ritation, the morbid indisposition to exertion, the weariness of life and indifference to all its plea? sures, which are among thc symptoms of the dis? ease in Its chronic form, are rapidly ameliorated hy the tonic operation of this palatable vegetable restorative, which seems to renovate and quicken all thc dormant forces of thc system, and rouse thc mind from the apathy and gloom Inseparable rrom a derangement of the digestive and secre? tive functions. In erdlnary cases, a few weeks suffices :o complete the cure, -but when the dis? ease ls complicated, as lt ofrea ia, with torpidity of the liver, severe constipation, impurity of the blood, and a sluggish circulation, a longer time may be required. Persevere, however, and the result ls certain. Au encouraging Improvement will be perceptible from day to day, and thc con? valescent, knowing and feeling that he or she ls on the high road to health, will await the happy issue with comparative patience._aprl5 6 pa* LIEBIG'S COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT secures great economy and conveni? ence In housekeeping, and excellence lu cooking. None genuine without thc signature of Baron LIEBIG, the Inventor, nnd of MAX PETTENKOF. FER, delegate. J. MILUAU'S SONS, No. 183 Broadway. mchl8 ftulmo _New York. pm* NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals for completing the Breast Dam at Langley, S. C., (formerly known as Kalmia Mills,) about eight miles from Angusta, on the South Carolina Railroad, will be received until May 1st. Specifications can be seen at the office of Messrs. J. SIBLEY St SONS, Augusta, Ga., or npon the premises at Langley, S. C. The Com? pany reserve the right to reject any or all bids. WM. 0. SIBLEY, President apr!4 imo_Langley Manufacturing Co. pm* PUBLIC SCHOOLS.-EXAMINA TION OF TEACHERS.-*?ie Regular Quarterly Examination of "Applicants for the office of Teacher in the Public Schools," will-be held at the Normal School, St. Philip street, on SATUR? DAY, 16th instant, commencing at 9 o'clock A. M. Candidates will please be present punctually at the honr named. By order or the Board. E. MONTAGUE GR?MKE, apr!2 fi _Secretary C. F. 3. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY HAVING YOUR PRINTING EXECUTED AT THE NEWS JOB 0 FFlCB ??-ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED.-?? par BOTTLED UNDER THE SUPER? VISION OF THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT.-GEN? UINE VICHY WATEPv. For sale by WM. S. CORWIN A CO., No. 275 King street. Price 50 cents per bottle, $5 per dozen-fnl quarts. aprt 5 pm* GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD, CHARLESTON, S. C., MARCH 30, 1870-For the information of Shippers, the following letter ls published. II. T. PEAKE, General Superintendent. ( o o Y Y . j GENERAL AGENT'S OFFICB.) GREENVILLE A COLUMBIA R. R. CO., } COLUMBIA, S. C., March 28,1370. ) Mr. tl. T. re*leo, General Super'dt S. C. It. R.: DEAR SIR: You will please stop the receipts of Freight for points on thc Laurens Railroad, (Jala pa, Kinard's, Martin's, Clinton and Laurens,) until you are notified from this ofllce to com? mence receiving Freights again for these points. Yours, very respectfully, (Signed.) W. ALSTON GIBBES, mcl\31 General Agent. L TUE NEWS JOB OFFICE EXECUTES ALL KINDS OF PRINTING IN TilE NEATEST AND CHEAPEST STYLE, t SS* ORDERS SOLICITED. -3? par WEDLOCK-THE BASIS OF CIVIL SOCIETY.-Essays for Young Men, on the honor and happiness of Marriage, and the evils and dan? gers of Celibacy, with sanitary help for the at? tainment of man's true position In life. Sent free In scaled envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCI? ATION, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. jan28 3mos_( par MANHOOD.-A MEDICAL ESSAY on the Cause and Cure of Decline In Premature Man; the treatment of Nervous and Physical De M'ity, Ac. "There ls no member of society by whom this found useful, whether such per? son holds the relation or Tarent Preceptor or Clergy m au. "-Medical Times and Gazette. Sent by mall on receipt of flfty cenis. Address the Author. Dr. E. DBF. CURTIS, Washington. D. c. sent! lvr pm* TO PRINTERS.-IF Y?U WANT NEWS, BOOK, CAP. DEMI and MEDIUM PAPERS, Rill Heads, Statements, Cards, Card Hoard, J :at lug Material. Binding. Ruling and Cutting, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, oppo? site Charleston notch Charleston, S. C. dccl4 fimos_ . pa* IF YOU WANT STRAW, MANIL? LA and all kinds or WRAPPING PAPERS, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, oppo? site Charleston HoteL Charleston, S, C. deni4 Kiuos_ pa* IF YOU WANT LAW DOOKS, LAW BLANKS and Legal Printing, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charles? ton Hote4^__n_________3_C._decl4 CmoH pm* AWAY WITH SPECTACLES.-OLD Eyes made new, easily, withmt doctor or medi? cines. Sent postpaid on of io cents. Ad? dress Dn E. B. FOOTE, No. 12a Lexington avenue. New York. declS J B . i? A i' RAY, DENTIST, No. 277 KING STREET, Over Drug Store next to Kinsman's Saloon CHARLESTON, S. C. REFERENCE?.-Prof. E. Geddings, M. I).. T. I. Ogler. M. 0., Prof. Mldcleton iLchel, M. D., W. M Fitch, M. D. mel:l7 Imo ?nrlurn 5ttics~-Oins man. By MILES DRARF. BOOTS, SHOES AND H A TS J THIS MORNING, at 10 o'clock, I Will sell af my Store, corner of King and Liberty streets, ' 125 cases DOOTS AND SHOES, just received, CONSISTIN'O OP: Men's Calf and Serge CONGRESS, Calf and Butt* Brogans, Balmorals and Oxford? and-a large as? sortment of Ladles'. Misses' and Children's Shoes. 25 cases, 150 dozen, Men's and Boys' Felt and Wool nats._aprl5 By WM. McKAY. COUNTERS, SHOW-CASES, Ac. , THIS MORNING. (Friday.) at half-past' 10 o'clock, at No. 140 Meeting street, WARDROBES, Soras. Lounges, Watches, Clocks md Sundries. .ipri5 Section Soles-.future EJajja. By J. A. ENSLOW & CO. WRECK SALE ON ACCOUNT OF THE Underwriters and all concerned. On SATURDAY, the 16th of April, will be Bold at the north side of the Old Customhouse, at 10 o'clock, The British Bark ELIZA, as she now lies strand? ed on Stono Breakers. ALSO, The CARGO, which consisted of 370 hhds. Mo? lasses, more or less. Conditions cash._apr!5 By J. S ? RYAN, Auctioneer. POSITIVE SALE, on TUESDAY, tho 19th instant, at ll o'clock A. M., at the north or thc Exchange, I will sell to thc highest bidder, without any manner of reserve, All that LOT OF LAND on Calhoun street, south side, east or Meeting street, (formerly occupied by the late James P. Earle,. E-rj.,) measuring 38 feet front by 218 In depth, with the Buildings thereon, consisting or a comfortable two story dwelling house, with piazza to the sooth, a two story brick kitchen immediately adjoining, a large cistern, and other outbuildings, and known as No. 8 on plat made by Major Charles Parker, 1854, on record in the Mesne Conveyance Office, bc the same more or less. 1 ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with any Buildings that may be thereon, situate on the south side of Cal? houn street, near Anson street, measuring 40*feet front by 200 feet tn depth, known as No. 3 on a plat made by Major Charles Parker, 1S54, on record in the Mesne Conveyance Office, be the same more or less. Terms-One-third cash; remainder, in bonds bearing interest payable In one and two years, with Insurance and assignment of policy. Pur? chaser to pay for papers and stamps. . JAMES W. GRAY, aprlS_Special Refere?. Bj A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. UNDER DECREE ^IN EQUITY. The Peoples' National Bank vs. John Tegnl. Will be sold in front of the Old Customhouse, on FRIDAY, the 29th day or April, at ll o'clock A. M., All that PIECE, PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND, oou talnln g one hundred acres,mere or less, situate on John's island. County or Charleston, State aforesaid, the same being the southern por? tion of Tract of Land at present owned by Daniel H. Stevens, and lettered "C" upon a Plat bj Hume A Tennant, Surveyors, and recorded in Mesne Conveyance office for Charleston Count?, May 28th, 1807, In Book "A," No. 1, page 164: bounded north on the remaining portion of said Tract "0," south on Lands of Wm. Roper and Wai. Mathewes, west on Lands of W. S. Wh?ley, and east on Lands of Roper and Legare. Terms-One-third cash; balance In one and two years, to be secured hy bond of the purchaser and mortgage or the property. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. B. W. M. MACKEY, aprt ft_S. C. C. By A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Ann O'Hara vs. B. F. Rich wood. Will be sold on SATURDAY, the 10th day of April, inst., in front of the Old Customhouse, at ll o'clock A. M., All that LOT OF LAND, situate near the Village or Hilmrdsvllle, Christ Church Parish, known In a plan or HUlardsvllle, by R. K. Payne, Surveyor, by the Nos. 17 and 18, measuring on Contre Ave? nue 72fl feet, more or less; containing In all 20 acres, and having a water line of 728 feet; bound? ing northwardly on Centre Avenne, eastwardly on Let No. 10, sooth wardly on thc water, and weatwardly on Lot No. 16. ALSO, All those two LOTS OF LAND, situate near nillardsvlllc, and known In a plan by R. K. Payne, Surveyor, dated 3lst March, 1863. and re? corded In thc Mesne Conveyance Office, by the numbers 23 and 25, with the addition or tho marsh Lands to the south, measuring on Centre Avenue soo feet, on thc east line 2100, on the west line 2100 feet on the south linc soo feet, and con? taining 38 and four-twentieths or an acre, more or less, of high land, sand and marsh; bounding north on Centre Avenue, cast on Lot No. 27, the property of s. Fogartle, west on Lot No. 19, the property or T. E. Dawson, an* south on thc low water line or Charleston Harbor. ALSO, All that TRACT OF LAND, known as No. 19, on a plat by R. K. Pay no, Surveyor, for the Mount Pleasant Ferry company; bounding north on Lot No. 24, east ou the water, south on Lot No. 18 and west on Centre Avenue, measuring und contain? ing 10 acres of Lund, more or less. Terms cash. Purchasers to pav for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MAOKEY, a pre wmfs4_S. CT C. By LOWNDES & 6R1MBALL. RESIDENCE EAST BAY. Will be ?old TUESDAY, 19th April, at Hie Ol.I Postoffice at 10 o'clock, That three story BRICK RESIDENCE with dou? ble piazzas, at the northwest corner of Laurens and East Bay streets. Lot measures 162 feet on Laurens street, .33 root on East Bay, 71 feet on west Hue, - feet on north line, be thc same more or less. Terms-One-fourth cash; balance in one and two years. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps._apria tufmtoj By F. P. SALAS, Auctioneer. CARGO OF DAMAGED SUGAR, ON account or the uudcrwrlters and all con? cerned. On TUESDAY next, the 10th Instant, at ll o'clock A. M., will bc sold in lots to suit purcha? sers, at the store, southwest corner or State and Chalmers streets, A cargo of SUGARS, damaged on the voyage of Importation, consisting of: 100 boxes SUGAR 100 barrels Sugar 61 hogsheads Sugar. Terms cash. The Augusta Constitutionalist, Columbia Phoenix and Savannah Republican will give the above three insertions and send bills to F. P. S. aprlS illiscclhwcoBo. J) R A T T'S "ASTRAL" OIL Unlike many other Illuminating Oils, ls per? fectly pure and free from all adulterations or mixtures of any kind. It emits no offensive smell while burning, gives a soft and brilliant; light, an dean be usedi with the same assurance of safety as gas. Chemists pronounce lt tba best and safest Illuminating OU ever offered to the public; and Insurance Companies endorse and urge upon consumers thc use of the "AsSral" Oil In preference to ?nv other. His now burned by thousands of families, and m no Instance has anv accident occurred from Its use: a lamp*filled with lt. if upset and broken, will not exploite. To prevent adulteration, thp "Astral" Oil ls packed onlv in the Guaranty Patent Cans, of 1 gallon and S gallons each, aud each can ls sealed Ina manner that cannat be counterfeited. Every package with uncut seal we warrant Be sure and gee none but the genuine article. Pratt's "As? tra!'* oil, for sale by dealers everywhere, and at wholesale aud retRll bv tho proprietors OIL HOUSE OF CHARLES PRATT, No. 108 Fulton street. New York, Postoffice Box No. 3050. Send for circulars, with testimonials aud price ?;*rs. Enclose stamps foi ">y of the "Astral Light.? For sale by GOODRICH, LINEMAN A CO., Wholesale Druggists Charleston. S. 8. dec!? pnUPEIN ? WINKLER, DENTISTS OFFICE NO. 275 ZIf'O [STOBST. novi3 omos yr YOU WANT BLANK BOOKS MADE JL TO ORDER, and of the bast materL'J, to any pattern go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Cnarleston note I Charleston. 9. G. dect4 fimos FYOU WANT YOUR PRINTING DONE in Fine Stvle and at RoRsnnable Rates, go tc* * EDWARD PERRY. So. 165 Meeting street, cpnoilte Charleston Hotel, Charlton. R. C.. jgmawMg M. H AN CK EL, M. D., DENTIST, nas resumed th? <-nnr.U>? of his rr.^sslon^ RnmmOhi S3? Kin* sir-*?, ippnstre Hanover SP'.'.AR'S Jowftlrr <:-"rp*< wtr?< "istn I~f~f?l?\V\^T PAPER RAHS. FLOUR ? vCKS. and Bazs of evprv description, go to EDWARD PERRY, Xo :.'<5 Meering street, opposite Charleston note!? ' charleston, S. Q, dccl4 6moa