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Walting for thc Spring. As the breezes stir the morning, As silence reigns in air; Steel-blue thc heavens above me, Moveless the trees and bare; Yet unto me the stillness This burden seems to bring "Patience : the earth is waiting, Waiting tor the Spring. Strong ash and sturdy chestnut, Rough oatt and poplar high. Stretch out theirsaplt ss branches Against the wintry iky. Even the guilty aspen Hath ceased her quivering, As though she too were waiting, Walting for the Spring. 1 strain mine eyes to listen, If haply where I stand. Bat one stray note of music May sound in all the land. "Why art thou mute, O blackbird 1 O thrush, why dost not sing f Ah ! surely they are waiting, Waiting for the Spring." 0 heart ! thy days are darksome; o heart ! thv nights arc drear; But soon shall streams or sunshine Proclaim thc turning year; Soon shall the trees be leafy, Soon every bird shall sing; Let them be silent, waiting, Waiting for the Spring. MUSIC AND THE DRAMA. -Joseph E. Jefferson is at the Holiday, Balti? more, supported by Miss Lillie Eldridge. -The Lydia Thompson blondes have returned to ^?iblo's. and have brought put their new extrava? ganza of "Pippin, or the Ring of the Geld Mines." -The number or young ladies who are stud.! lng ror the dramatic and lyrical profession in New York is said to he unprecedentedly great. -The total cost or the new opera house in Paris ls now given at about forty millions Tranes-eight millions of dollars. -Mr. H. J. Byron's very latest drama is enti? tled "The Prompter's Box;" the author plays the principal part. -Von Weber's opera of "Oberon," Yhich has been very rarely performed in this country, was given In Xew York last week by the Parepa-Rosa English Opera Company. -Miss Emily Schomberg, the noted Philadel? phia belle and talented amateur actress, has, of late, frequently appeared in private theatricals in that city, before large and aristocratic audi? ences. -Mr. H. Otis, the accomplished artist, who has made so favorable an impression upon the Charleston public, lu the role of "Lord Dundrea . ry," has received an offer to play the part through England and the Continent. -Mario has had great success in St. Petersburg this seasen. At the conclusion or a recent per? formance of "Les Huguenots," ho was called be? fore the eurtain twenty-five times, and was pre? sented with a gold crown, a massive gold plate, and a silver epergne, besides innumerable bou? quets. -Boucicaulfs latest play. "A Bark Night's Work," is a curious specimen ot the French comedies or Intrigue. Such a hopeless and Indes? cribable Imbroglio as its plot constitutes ls pre? sented In few works or the stage. Probability and possibility are put on one side. Thc specta? tor yields to the absurdity of the situations, and ends by.laughing, almost in his own despite. A Spanish monarch, amorous and henpecked, a young nobleman Intended for a priest, a cham? berlain, and a miller, are all converted by chance or design into the suitors of a village maiden, whose wedding has taken place In thc dark, and who, when the time comes, ls absolutely nnable to determine to which or the four she ls married. The first portion or her honeymoon ls passed amid obscurity as great as that ia which her marriage has been solemnized; and, as one claimant for her favors after another presents himself, she is beyond measure puzzled to kuow on whom, In strict Justice, they should be bestowed. A plot like this lends itself to all preposterous adven? tures, and these, aided by dialogue liberally spic. J with Innuendo, caused Incessant laughter, through which wa3 discernible aa occasional sound of disapproval. -The Fraulein Laura, who ls described as "thc most beautifol and daring performer oa the slack wire that the world has ever seen," is creating a sensation at the Royal Holborn Amphitheatre The sensation will be credited arter reading the following description of her performance: Her grace or manner and her comeliness or figure will be acknowledged by all who pay the Holborn Am? phitheatre a visit daring her stay, and, wheti we say that upon a wire not much thicker than a man's Coger, stretched across the building at a great height, she goes through the whole or her performance, no question can be raised as to her daring. Most o' Hie Teats she performs at this elevation will be familiar to all those who have seen the great Blond?n. She crosses the wire with her feet encased in baskets-baskets, too, or the real old Saturday night market fash? ion; then blindfolded and enveloped ina sack; then with a wheelbarrow; then with her hands ant* feet heavily manacled; then kneeling mid? way across she (Ires pistols in thc air; then she stands upon her toes in a manner which would do credit to the most expert of ballet dancers; and, finally, crosses with a beautiful child cf about five years or age on her back. Every one of these feats was accomplished with so much case and grace that upon her descent to the stage she was greetel with load and repeated applause, which did not cease until she had made her reap? pearance four times to bow her acknowledg? ments, lt ls only to the last feat we have men? tioned that the slightest objection can be taken. Grown up persons have tho fullest right to risk their necks if they Uko. But a child of tender years eau hardly bc a voluntary agent lu such a matter, and while this -'sweet little cherub" was "perched up aloft" the spectators held their breath with anxiety, and only gave a sig h or re lier when they saw her landed In safety. COMMERCIAL NEUS. Exports. BALTIMORE-Per steamship Falcon-icu tierces rice, ?M bales cotton. 41 bbls rusln, l?o bales yaru, 35 bundles paper, ?0 casks clay, tu bo.\cs tobacco, 1 b.ile, 2 cases and 3 Obis mdse. The Charleston Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, l SATURDAY EVENING, April o, lSTO. j COTTON.-TI.ere was hardly any inquiry for this ?rdete, the r4arket ruling very quiet, but without Hhowing ary chango of impartauce. Sales loj bales, say io a;. ISM; 2 at 19; o at 20; 53 at JSJ?; 34 at 22>ic. We quote: LIVF.KPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordiua.y.18 ^'321 Low middling.21 ,'?($ Mlddliug.22 re? strict middling.22.'?@ RICE.-This grain was firm, with but limited transactions. Sales about IUD tierces of clean Carolina, among trhiob were 4J tierces Inferior nt4*i; 5 at 5.1?', and 32 oa private terms. We quote common to fair clean Carolina ut 4*f?3J?; good 5,'i@5#c $ lb. NAVAL STORES.-There was no business of Im? portance doing in these articles. FREIGUTS.-To Liverpool, oy steam, Jfil fi lb oa npland3, and r.'^il on sea Islands; by sail, >?<1 f, lb on upland cotton, and fia ?? lb on sea island cb'iou. To Havre, by steam, nomi? nal; by sad, nominal at %c ou uplands and lh'c oa sea uland*. Coastwise tu New Yon:, by. steam, <?c $ lb on uplands and Jicou aea Islands; by sail,?c fl lb oaup lauds. To Boston, by steam, nominal; by sall, ? @Xe fl lb ou upland*. To Philadelphia, by steam .Sc fl rb on uplauds; by sill, somewhat nom? inal. To Baltimore, by steam. hi^ytc -j-, ? on uplands; by sad somewhat nominal. EXCHANGE.-Sterling co day bills 2l)f?3iv DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks purchase sight checks at par, and sell at }? premium. Out? side they purchase at par and sell at j,? <"'c pre? mium. OULO.-Buying at 10@10;?, and seillng at 12@ -Marktts by Telegraph. FOREIGN. PARIS, April O.-Bourse oneced quiet. Rentes 441 70c ^LON.,0,, April?.-Sooa.-Coasols88Jf. Bonds LIVERPOOL, April 9.-NCOL.-Colton qaiet and steady; uplands HAid; Orleans ll ?id; sales 10,000 bales. Evening.-Cotton closed qniet; quotations un? changed. Sales for speculation and export, 2000 b3les. DOMESTIC. NEW YORK, April 9.-Noon.-Stocks steady. Money easy at sac per cent, premium. Gold 12*-,. Sterling exchange, long s^; short, 9*,'. Five twenties or '62, coupons, io??'; Tennessee sixes, ex-coupons. 59; new, 52'i; Virginia sixes, ex coupon, 70,'?; new, 69,V; Louisiana sixes, cx-cou pons, new, 73; old, 75; Levee sixes, 75?i; eights, 97; Alabama eights, ex-coupon, 97; fives, S2?; Georgia sixes, ex-coupon, 85: sevens, 94; North Carolina sixes, ex-coupons, old, 4G>i; new, 22}?'; South Carolina sixes, ex-coupon, old, 87; new, 52. Flour dull and 5c lower. Wheat dull and lc lower. Corn a shade firmer. Mess pork steady at $27 50. Lard quiet; barrels 15Xc. Cotton market quiet and demand weak; uplands 23>ic; Orleans 24c; sales of 1300 bales. Spirits turpen? tine quiet at 47,S'c Rosin firm at $2 10a2 15 for strained. Freights dull. Evening.-Money easy at 5a6 per cent. Sterling exchauge irm at 108% to 109. Gold 12}?. Gov? ernment securities sympathize with gold and are higher. Sixty-two coupons ll Kally. State bonds quiet. Cotton opened heavy and lower, but closed steady ; sales of 1500 bales uplands at 23>?c; Orleans 24c; net receipts of the week at all Culled States ports, 42,053 bales; exports or the week to Great Britain, 31,212 bales; exports of the week to the Continent, 3S.450 bales; stock on hand and on shipboard not yet cleared 379,173 bales. Flour dull and declining; superfine State and Western ?4 30.1 ! 4?, Wheat ia2c lower; Pennsylvania win? ter red and amber Western ?1 21al 25. Corn firm. Whiskey lower at $1 02al 03. Mess pork a shade firmer at $27 Ct. Beer steady. Lard steady. Na? val storeB quiet. Groceries quiet. BALTIMORE, April 9.-Cotton quiet nnd firm; middlings 22^'c; sales 260 bales; receipts G8 bales; coastwise 50 bales; total 110 bales; exports coast? wise ns bales: stock 49S0 bales. NORFOLK, April 8.-Cotton quiet; low middling 20>sc; sales 50 bales; receipts 14 bales; exports coastwise 38 bales; receipts or the week 2301; stock 5559 bales. WILMINGTON, April 9.-Sales ot 73 bbls at $2 85 ror sort and SI 75 rnr hard turpentine. Spirits turpentine steady; sales orS9 bbls at 42}? and 43 bbls at 42'4'c for country; and 73 bbLs at42??a43c per gallon tor New York bbls: sales of 246 bbls rosin at $160 for strained, SI $5 for No. 2, $410 for pale, and $5 for extra pale; 83 bbls tar sold at $1 60 per bbl. ACOCOTA, April 9.-Marktt quiet and easier; sales 259 bales; receipts 139 bales; middliugs 21.UC. SAVANNAH. April 9.-Cotton dull; more sellers than buyers; middlings 22c asked; sales 100 bales; net receipts 653 bales; exports, coastwise, 269 bales; stock 42,cos bales. GALVESTON, April 9.-Cotton quiet nnc! finn; good ordinary lSJic; sales 150 bales; receipts 04 bales; exports, coastwise, 1S7 balts; stock 20,075 bales. MOBILE. April 9.-Cotton dull and nominal; middlings aiJic; ?ales UO bales; receipts 10C0 bales: exports, coastwise, SS biles; suck 51,430 bales. NEW ORLEANS, April 9.-Cotton firm and in fair demand; middling 22)?c; sales 5000 bales; net receipts 2191 bales; coastwise 17; total 220?; ex? ports to the Continent 1600 bales; to France 30S5 bales; coastwise Kio bales: stock 179.376 bales. Sugar, prime, nj?allj?c. Molasses, prime, 70c. Whiskey 92uca$l 03. Sterling 2':,','. Sight -? premium. Gold 12?.'. New York Rice Market. The Journal or Commerce. 7th Iti'tant, says: Thc market .s steady, with n veiw moderate il- . maud from thc grocers. We quote SaviiC. S*les 75 tts. The World, 7th Instant, says: Klee dull and nom? inally unchanged ?it 5u6^ for Carolina. From the Journal or Commerce, or April S: There ls the customary jobbing trade at about fo: - mer rates. We quote 6a6c Sales 60 casks. From the World: Tiierc has been a trille better trade demandai former rates, with salea of 125 tierces Carolina al Sane. From thc Herald: Carolina was quiet, lint price? were unchanged. The sale* were cou tined to small lots within me range of SaCo fur cuutuum io prime. From thc Times: Rice has been rather mom sought after In a jobbing way at. steady prices: stoc-k of Eas: India last evcniug bags. Koston Harket. BOSTON, April 6.- OFFER.- The market far codee has become quite tirm. t>ut tran-acilon* have been confined to small lots ot .lava ?it ?Ski 21 l?e, gold; and Rio at l&j.jnlSc per pound, gold. Si xii c 1500 titus St. Domingo have been shipped to Euro;)", and th * price wi tins description is nomi? nal y 93?c, gold In bond. COTTON.-The market, for cotton has been quite llrm.tor somo days past, and prices have advanc? ed. "Thc demand continues moderate; but hold? ers are not disposed to urge sales except at lull prices. We quote ordinary at lSJ?alVC' good ordinary at 20u21c; low middling at 22022i?c, and middling at 230331^0 per pound, Including up? lands and Gulf. The market closed quite firm at these figures. DOMESTICS.-There is not much activity to note in cotton goo ls. but prices are steady, and hold? ers are firm at the low prices previously current. All leading makes or cottons aro well sold up. lint still the demand does net come DD to expectation, lu woollens, no change and very little improve? ment. Prices rule low and unsatisfactory. ia IT.-in Malaga raisins me sales have been small lots of layers at $ 110 cash ami $4 20.i4 20. discount oil', lu Smyrna figs, dates and peanuts very ll'tie has bceu done. The careo ol thc Young Turk, from Messina, sold nt auction ns follows: 42.10 boxes oranses at $3 ltia:j S7>?. and soo boxes lemons at $3 20a3 60 per box. The cargo or the ilciiian sold ns follow?: 4473 boxes oranges at $3 2ua3 7o pir box and loso boxes lemons at $3 20a 3 40 i ter box. The cargo or the OrchlUa sold as follows: 4440 boxes oranges at. $3 05a4 10, and 1200 boxes lemons at $3a3 36 per box. FISH.-Cod ash are steady and firm, with a fair demand and a small stock. The sales have been at $5 ?o.iT to lor medium and large, including all kinds. Small are scarce, ami prices are quite nominal. lu bake there have been sales at $4 per qtl, packed; and pollock range from $2 7Sa$3 7.? per uti. loose. Mackerel are quiet; No 1 remain the same, but 2's and 3's are gradually easing otr. The sales have been at $2Ga$2S for No 1 bay and shore: $14a$l5 for No 2; and CSa>s 90 for medium, aud ;12 5ua$13 for large a's. Alewives have been 111 moderate demand at $4 75a$5 2."> per bbl. Pickled herring have been selling ?it ?4 Ma?-'. 75 per bbl, Including common ami Labrador. Box herring have been selling at 33a42e for scaled. Mid 30a33c for Ko I. Salmon arc quiet at $22u$24 per bbl. and f 29a $32 per tierce. G CNN Y BAUS.-The market is firm with further sales at il.'...c gold, In bond, to arrive, noir held at 12c. GUNNY CLOTH.-Thc demand ror ganny cloth has again her?:i quite active, and large sales have been made, for present and future delivery, ai gradually advancing prices. The sales Include (?ooo bales at 14%sl8c gold, lu bond, ?ind 24j(a26c currency, lu dumesii<; bagging, sties of 3000 rolls at 24a2kc gold, and now held a: thc latter rate. HAY.-The market is quire finn for Uar. with a good demand. Sales at $10J25 ? ion, ns to quality. NAVAL STOKES.-lu spirits turpentine, thc sales hive been at 40a50o t1 gallon, closing at. 4l)c. Tar has been In demand, with sales of'?OOO bbl* on private terms. We quote prices ?2 77?<u3? bbl. lu rosin and pitch, no transactions. RICE--Demand moderate and sales confined to small lots ut Oae.'^c fl lb for carolina. Savannah Market. SAVANNAH, April 7.-COTTON.-Owing to the difference lu the views or buyers sud sellers, but l:me has been done for the past week. Holders ?nive asked more than buyers were williup to pa v. and the sales of the week have only reached ::-ji>o bale-. The stock on hand ut the close ol the market yesterday was 44.2.'i0 bales upland ami 3S07 bales sea Island-from rh?; former figures 203 bales, sud from the latter Soo hales must bede iluctid, being thc amount bumed on thc nth inst. The receipts at all the pons foot up 2.32S 726 bales; the stock on hand at ?ill the ports to the latest dates reach 098,803 bales, against 3lb,5S6 bales the same time )a.-t year. The following resume of our daily market will indicate its tone for thc week : April 1.-Thc market was in good demand, but holders asked more than buyers were willina to pay. and thc business ol'the dav was restricted to the sale ol but soo bales. Middling 21'4'a2l':c. April 2.-Ruyers not being willing to pay thc prices asked by holders, thc business was small S iles 300 bales at Hie following quotations: Mid? dling 21.'?'c. April 4.-The market continued firm, and the business done was principally speculative, ?ales ioo bales. Strict middling 212(0. April 5.-The telegraph lines bfing down, no news was received, which caused Hie market to be very quiet, both buyers and sellers awaiting further advices. Sales 200 bales. Middling21 Xe April o.-Holders having met the views of buy? ers. Ute sales reached too bales Middling 31 J?c April 7-The demand was principally tor Um lower grades, and the prices paid have been very irregular. Sales cou bales. Middling 21i?a21Xc, . SBA ISLAND.-The demand has been good for the past week. We quote: Mains (commonly call? ed carr colton.) 2.i; common Georgia and Floridas S&M; medium Floridas 3Ga3$; good Floridas 40a 42: medium fine Floridas 4ja5?; line Floridas 02 196c. RECEIPTS.-The receipts nt this port for the past iveek have been 13JS bales upland and 242 bales sea Island, from the following sources: Central Railroad, 2840 bales upland; Atlantic and Guir Railroad, 9S4 bales upland and 166 bales sea isl? and; Savannah Rivet- steamers, 504 bales upland; Florida steamers, 50 bales sea island; coasters, e bales sea island. BXPOKTS.-The exports for the week have been 74TG bales upland and 74G bales sea Island, as fol? lows: To Great Britain 2893 bales upland and ni bales sea island; to France 2SG7 bales upland and 148 sea Island; coastwise 1716 bales upland and 457 bales sea island. FINANCIAL.-Sight exchange buying at par to .4 prem., selling at >;a>, prem.; sterling exchange I20>?al20??. Money is obtainable on good security at 12 to 13 per cent, for thirty to sixty days; very long dates prime paper 18 to 20. Securities con? tinue Arra, and are marked by light offerings of all favorite stocks. City Savannah bonds have been sold freely and an advance obtained. Interior Cotton markets. COLUMBIA, April 8. -The sales of cotton for the past week amount to 189 bales, which were sold at the following prices: 4 at 16','; 4 at 17; 10 at IS; 19at 19?; 62at 20; 77 at 20Ji; 19 at 21; 3 at 2i>;c. ORANGEBURG, April 8.-Sales during the week 40 bales. We quote: Ordinary 10; low middling 17J?; middling 19c. ATLANTA, April S.-The market closed active at 20c for middlings; 19',' for low middlings; I8>i for good ordinary; 17 for ordinary. MONTGOMERY, April 8.-Our market is quiet but arm, with but light offering; ?ow middlings 20>i.i21c. Georgetown Market. GEORGETOWN, April 4.-COTTON.-Sales of 2 bales this week, at from 15 to isc. We quote from 15 to 20c per lb. CORN.-Arrival or three cargoes this week. Selling at $1 IS per bushel. TIMBER.-Arriving rreely-bringing from 0 to 15c per cubic foot. TURPENTINE -Virgin d:p. ?4. Yellow dip. ?2 70. Scrape or hard, >l -'5 to $1 cu per bbl or 2S0 lbs I to the bbl. SPiuirs TURPENTINE.-Per gallon 40a4i,'ic. TAH.-Per bbl, retail, PEANUTS.-Per bushel ?ia*t 25. Receipts by Kailroau, April 9. SOLTU CAROLINA RAILROAD. 400 bales cotton. GI bales domestics, 80 bids flour. To Railroad Ageut, Frost A Adger. I'elzcr, Rodgers A co, Reeder A Davis, Graescr A Smith, Dowling A co, G ll Walter A co, G W Williams A co, EJ Wlss & co, J BE Sloan, Kirkpatrick A Witte. Thurston & Holmes, J R Pringle i Son, T J Kerr A co. Shackelford A Kelly, W W Smith, W C Courtney A co, and Watson A Hill. Passengers. Per steamship Sooth Carolina, from New York Mr Robinson and wire, Mr Dodge and wife, Col Giver*. J II l?ertcll and wire, CT Chamberlain, H R Harris, A Menke and wife, Mrs S E Barlow, F Hasbrouch ami wife, A Anderson, wife and child, M Anderson. W C Marvin, F Peterson, wire and two children. B Allstadter, F Cost. T Brady, H C llanto, C Parker, G Illghtman, R Wish. W R Hoyt. F L Stowell, R Gowen, W Mathews, F J Clark, R A Ba\ ley. F Hyde, T Anderson, C L?ben rood. Mas? ter Lubenrocd, Captain Deahon, Mrs Callahan. J Woolfinger. Miss Callahan, Miss C II Oakes, Mrs Oakes, J c nnckney, and J S SlOiU. Per ?teamer Dictator. Irom Palatka via Jack? sonville. Fernandina and Savannah-W Bealter, E A Wells and daughter, W Lowe. Miss Lowe, J C Neve, L Dav, E N Broone, W Lovenhclm, L Rod? gers and lady. Miss Gadsden, Miss Auderson, W ti Lauter, omi 7 on deck. Per Mesmer Pilot Hov. Irom Savannah via Beau? fort. Ac-v.'A Lurgrore mid lady, P L Wiggiu, W .1 Whipper, CS Kite, J II Wuhrmau, D W.tonkins and lady, Miss Jenkins, .Miss Florence Fuller, Miss Lelia Barnwell. A Barnwell, two officers aud fifty men company I!, sib lurautry. P ORT C-I LEX DAR. MOON'S rn ASKS. F;rst Qcarfcr, 8th, ll hours, 5 minutes, evening. Foil Moon, 16th, 5 hours, o minutes, evening. L ist Quarter. S2d, ll hours, 5 minutes, morning. New Moon. EOih, l hour, 17 minutes, cvenuig. ll [Monthly.I 5..36 l-jf tuesday.... 13!Wednesday..| 5..34 Mfrhursday.... l5{Frlday.! 5..31 loisumnlay ....J 5..30 17jSiindav.I 5..20 stix. RISES. SUN SETS. e..20 G.. 27 ?..27 6..2S 6..29 6..29 6.. 30 MOON K. A S. 2.. 52 3..30 4..17 4. .58 5..35 "Iscs. H..47 mou WATER. 3..29 4..30 0..29 ?..21 7.. 9 7.. 55 8..46 MARINE NEUS. CHARLESTON, S. C., APRIL ll. ARK1VEO SATURDAY'. Sehr Ann S Deas, Garbaltlc. West Point Mill. 251 tierces rice. Tu W c Bec A co, Thurston A Holmes, and J li Pringle A Sou. Steamer Pilot Hoy, While, Savannah via lieau fort, Ac. 2 nales sea inland cotton, 8 bales upland co: lun, 50 packages mdse. To J i> Aiken A co, lt Johnson, w L Webo. Hopkins, .Mcl'tiersou .fc co, K??l A- Adger. Il Bischoff A co, Bollmaun Bros, and Southern Expresa company. ARRIVED YESTERDAY, steamship South Carolina. Adkins, New York leif. Thursday, P M. Mdse. To Wagner, Huger A co, W A Courtenay. Andrews & Salvo, Adams, Damon A co. G W Atinar. J Apple, Adams Express Cuinpauy. F C Barbeti. J c Uurckineyer. C Bart A co, ll Bischoff A co. K T Brown, T M Brlsnll .t Cn, Bourke A Tiltou, M F Brill, Dr II l?acr, B Bates A co, A K Bristow, E Bristow, .1 ll Beckman, R A- A P Caldwell, Chit ins A Wine, Miss J ll Carrington, TM Cater, J c H Clausen, Cameron, Barkley A co. L Cohen, Mrs Callahan, G H Coriiellsou. J S Briggs, J L Deut, Bowie, Moise A Davis, FA Ford, I D F Fleming A co, Furchgott Bros, J S Fairly & co, Forsythe, Mccomb A ce. P I'Toale, Lieut Col Pleader, w Gurney. Goodrich, Winemaa A co, c il Glldden, J T Gninn, C Gravelcv. D Goldstein, J M Homey A Bro. J I' Horbach, H Klatte A co, H G A- co. U H ali ti, Hart A- co, UGA co. Ii Harris, Il W, F Kelly, L G Harmon, Jeffords A co, Johnston, Crews A co, Jeffords A- Copeland, c II Johnson, C L Kornahrens, L Kelly, Killick, Wlckenberg A co, . C Kerrison, H Lciding, M Lubn, G .1 Lulin, Leng nick, Sell ii K?ster, ll Lowndes, D Lopez A Son, J Levlnsohn, J B Latine, A Langer, Lowry A- M. w J Lee, J Lunnv, J Lewis, McLoy A Rice, Muller, Niiriu .V co. .1 o McNally, Man tone A co. .1M Mar? tin. J B McElhOse. M A B. M McMasier. W Murclii soii. S R Marshall, McNamara A Jones. J F O'Neill A Son. Mills Honse, C I'Poppcnhcim, J Pollard, W F Paddon, Pel/.er, Rodgers A co, E Perry, J Rug helmcr, Palmetto Pioneer Cooperative Associa? tion, j Russell. J lt Read A- co, A O Stone, VVShep? herd ic co, E B Stoddard A- co, S Sampson, Stoil, Webb A co. t' Kennell, s S Solomons, ll Slender, Tobias' Sons J F Br unard, w T Smith, F .1 Peck, II Murtaugh. C ll towen. <? S faomas, ll I' Flood, C Stanley, G w Trott. <; A Trennolm A- Sou. Trlesl A lleni.un, W ll Welch, superintendent, shnskel ford A- Kelly, W I'dVrltanlt. J ll Vu len, il Valen? tine. J D Aiken A co, Miss J R Williams, Walker, Evans A Cogswell, M A Warren, Wagener A Mon secs, J N M Wohltuianu, s Worruck, w J Yates A co, and s c Railroad Agent. The s c was detain e I oT the bar four hours on aucun ut of log; made til.-? run ?rom New York In G.I hours. Passed the se unship Huntsville with steamship Montgomery in tow oil Absccom, light bearing W by N, dis? tance ilfieeii miles, both vessels under full sail also passed steamer Virgo, off lue Capes Dela? ware. steamer Dictator, McMillan. Palatka. vin Jack? sunville, Fernandina ?iud Savannah, GO baies sea island cotton, :;.'> cuests tea, 150 packages noise. To J I) Aiken A co. w ii hauler. Claclus ? Witte. G w Williams A- co, s Watson, t; M Bullock, o B Mulligan, C?toierai A- Johnson. J Llppman A Bros, llnekney Bros. Fraser * Dill, W U Williams, Sier? ren s A- Darke, ?uni others. Steamer General Manigault, Cordes, Feeder. 14o bales hay. 20 bales cotton, 41 sacks peas. To Shackelford A Kelly, L D Mowry A Sou, and T 1' Smith. CLEARED SATURDAY". Steamship Falcon, Horsey, Ballimore -I* c Tren holm. SAILKD YESTERDAY. Steamship Falcon, Horsey.Baltimore. Sein Palm;'., Rankin, Wilmington, N C. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Tennessee, Chichester. New York. April 10. Sehr s i. Rus.o!. Smith, Jacksonville, April l. s.'.ir Carrie Meiviu. Slater, Georgetown, s c, April .". Smack Al!ilea, Fr., kiln, New York, April G. for Nonuk. Conn. U S surveying sehr Guthrie, Wright, New York, Mart h 7. CP FOR THIS PORT. Sehr J M Fitzpatrick, Smith, at Philadelphia April 7. ' ' CLEARED FOR THIS PORT, sehr Tilomas Booz, Somers, at New York April G. MEMORANDA. GEORGETOWN, S C.April G-Arrived, .lilt, sehr b Warreu, Kobens, Elizabeth citv; .".th. >chrs Cur? rie Melvin, Slater. Charleston: McKeruey. savannah. Cleared, ist. sehr Susan Wright. Mount, New York; 4th, H G Hand. Un ml. Pillia tle.pbla; otb, sehr M c Hart. Rawley, Tbooiastuu, Me; brig Charles Wesley, Orlan, Seursport, Me. Thc sehr A zelda A Laura, from Baracoa, arrived at New York April G. LIST OF VESSELS Ur, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR TUH'POKV. FOREIGN. J NEWPORT, ENG. The Nannie T Bell. Ackley. sailed.Feb io CARDIFF. The Edith, Chcgwldden. sailed.Jan 29 HAVANA. Sehr Mary Lymburner, Lausil. sailed_March 0 Spun brig Tomas, Rosas, cleared.March io DOMESTIC. BOSTON. Sehr S N Smith. Smith, up.March 9 Sehr J Ilaucock, Crowell, up.March 28 NEW TORr. Sehr Commodore Kearnev, Phllbrook, up..Feb 24 Sehr Georgia, Brier, up..I.March 3 I ?iisccllaticons. B RICKS FOR SALE. 500.000 BRICKS, various qualities ana price. For sale at Venning's Wharf, april 5 HOLMES, O'HEAR A CO. ?ONGRESS TIE ENVELOPES. For sale by "WALKER, EVANS, & COGSWELL, april F RANK'S SALOON. FRANK HOWARD, late of the Pavilion Hotel, ? ana more recently of the Mills House, has opened FRANK'S SALOON, at No. 146 MEETING STREET, airectly opposite the Eoai rt of Trade Rooms. ALES, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, of the best quality, will bc served, and Lunch daily from ll till 2 o'clock, aprl 3mo* FRANK nOWARD. F R D UER MUSIC DEALER, Piano Tuner, Teacher of Vio? lin, Flute and Guitar. Repairer of Musical latru talents. Hitchcock's Five and Ten cents Music always on hand. BALLS AND PARTIES furnished with thc best and most fashionable Music lately received from Europe at moderate prices. Apply at No. 449 King street, four doors above Calhoun. ocil2 tulmtlisuios fW. CUR ES DYSPEPSIA* INDIGESTION X\cX^. SC'-'J EVERYWHERE. T^rt a WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS N. B. The Commissioner of Revenue has decided thal any dealer can sell this article without a special license. mell 2 ?tlacrjincrp, (Castings, &z. jyjEETING STREET FOUNDRY. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING TDK IM? PROVED MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAM ENG1NKS AND HOILERS, Of various sizes, on hand. Improved Vertical and Horizontal Corn Mills. Sugar Mills, Sugar Boilers and Pan3, of all sizes. Horse-Powers and Gia Gearing, from 6 to 16 feet in diameter. Improved Lever Cotton Piesses, for Uaad, Tower, Saw and Rice Mills. Machinery and Castings of all descriptions made ie order. Particular attention paid to House Fronts and CaAtings for Buildings, Gratings, Cistern Covers, Sash Weights, Ac, Ac. WILLIAM S. I1ENEREY, MACHINIST AND FOUNDER, No. 314 MEETING ST GE Kr, CU.'.KLESTON, 8. C. Otig4 ni ws CE N I X 1 Ii O N WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1S44. JOHN F. TAYLOR ct CO., SUCCESSORS TO CAMERON A CO., ENGINEERS, BOILERMAKERS, Oe, Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10 ANO 12 PRITCHARD STREET, (Near the Dry Dock,) CHARLESTON, S. C. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS-MARJ-NE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE. RICE THRESHERS AND MILLS OF EVERY DE? SCRIPTION. SHAFTING, PULLEYS AND GEARING. IRON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS. CASTINGS OF EVERY KIND, IN IRON OR BRASS. Guarantee to furnish ENGINES AND BOILERS of ns good quality and power, aud at as low rates, as can be had In New York, Baltimore or Phila? delphia. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. incli2 ?HIOSDAC ($?lG. pRATT'S "ASTRAL" OIL Unlike many other Illuminating Oil?, is per? fectly pure and lice from ail adulteration* or mixtures of any kind, lt emits no offensive smell while burning, gives a soft and brilliant light, and can be used with the same assurance uf safety as gas. chemists pronounce lt the best aid safest lllttmiuaiing Oil ever offered to the public; and Insurance Companies endorse and urge tipriti consumers the use of the "Astral*' Oil In preference to any other. His now burned by thousands of families, and In no instance ha's any accident occurred from its usc; a lamp filled with lt, if upset and broken, will not explode. To prevent adulteration, the "Astral"' o?? is packed only m tue Guaranty Patent Cans, or l galion and 6 gallons each, and each can ls sealed in .-, manner that cannot bc counterfeited. Every packinre with uncut seal we warrant. Be sure and ger. none but the genuiue article, Pratt's "As tral" Oil, for sale bv dealers everywhere, and at wholesale ?nd retail bv the proprietors OIL MOUSE <)F CHARLES PIVATT. No. it8 Fulton street, New york. Postonice ?ox No. ;xi?o. send mr circulars, with testimonials and price lists. Enclose stamps foi . nv of the "Astra' Light." ' For sale by GOODRICH, LINEMAN A CO., u ho.esale Druggists ri-.aneston. S. c. decie gUPERIOR COLOGNE WATER. Manufactured a?>d for sale by Dr. H. BA ER. octfi >'o. 131 Meeting stree'. QIjonloer Brace. T HE CIIAMPIOiN BE ACE This BRACE, Ri Rs peculiar construction, lias aU the advantages or SUSPENDERS AND SHOULDER BRACES COMBINED. First. It does not disarrange the Shirt Bosom. Second. It cannot slip off the shoulders. Third. There ls less strain on the buttons or tue pants than with common Suspenders. Fourth. Each Ecction or the pants can be adjusted independent? ly. Firth. By meana or the Adjustfolc Back Strap a gentle or powerful Brace can be obtained. Sixth. It attaches to the pants at the same comte that thc ordinary Suspender does. Sole Agent in Charleston, E . SCOTT, DEALEK IH SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS, Meeting street, Opposite Market Hall, inn ci 3m os Star Shirts, ^y* M. MATT H IE S SEN, "_^^4^?-^ L mi ! ii J .**< No. 201 KINO STfir.ET. CORNER WCNTWf BTH, AGENT FOR THE MANUFACTURERS OP THE CELEBRATED STAB SHIRTS! EACH QUALITY OF SHIRT IS NUMBERED. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: No. -12. .*2lU No. No. ?e..., re'u3 i'lv.i-s 8 00 3 ?u GHolliing ano ?nrm&l)ing (!3COUQ. ^ KEW YORK / T?HE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY J as the result of a long established and successful business enables us to offer inducements that makes tfws announcement worthy of ATTENTION. Importing our foreign goods' di? rect, controlling many leading style." of American fabrics, employing the best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and "constant progress" our motto, we claim to lead the mar? ket in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines cf c.!l grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are uosL*rpassed'for qual? ity, workmanship and elegance. (;i GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOGS our stock is constantly large and seasonable. We are the sole manu? facturers of the which we supply both ready-made and to order. Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen visiting New-York are requested to call and| haie their measures recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished when desired. Address P. 0. Box 2256, N. Y. DEVLIN & CO. fcM2 2mos ?? ? a. A 4? ? * ft Ssa Pi 2 sj tl Sj sj ?j 4f e.; ^ *' ?j fej e,' *7 TO* THE WORKING CLASS.-WE ABE now prepared to rnruish all classes with constant employment at home, the whole or the time orior ?lie spare moments. Business new. licht and profitable, rersons of either scxeasliy earn Hum 00 cents to $5 per evening, and a pro nortioncl ?nm by devoting their whole time to the*. "' Boys and girls carn nearly as much as .nen. " hat ail whoscc this notice may send their andres?, and test the business, we make this un |.arallc ed offer : To such as are not well satisfied, we will tend $1 to pay tor the trouble of writing, l ui! p.rtlcular3, a valuable Bample, which will do m commence work on, and a copy or "The Peo? ple's Literary Companion"-one or the lamest and best family newspapers published -all sent rree by mau. Reader, if you "wont permanent, profitable work, address "E. C. ALLEN A CO., Augusta, Maine. . jann smos ?rcrer?s, Uz. s O?TIl CAROLINA GROCERY AND TEA WAREHOUSE. (Brandi of No. OCO Broadivaj-, Corner Twentieth Street, New Tork.> WM. S. CORWIN & CO., [WHOLESALE AM) BRTAIL DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, [ AND IMPORTERS OF CHAMPAGNES, WINES, BRANDIES* &c. NO. 275 KIKG STREET, CH Al! LESION, S C., SOLE AGENTS FOR THEj W. S. C. CLUB-HOUSE GIN, UlITAN A CHAM!? VGNK CO.? AX*J ATMORE'S CELEBRAT IB I?3KOE-I?EAT, FULTON MARKET BEEF, J-0-\A^^^^^S^>/~^r -\, GOVERNMENT JAVA, SMOKED BEEF iY2Dr???x~, /A?l?O*fe/\ f^?V? I MARACAIBO, AND. TONGUES, If!? LAG UA T RA, SUGAR-CURED fCmZOT! 'BXSBM | ? -6?S\| MCCBA, BREAKFAST I T? Y ^^J^^ffl RIO STRIPS. '-'-^^^Ts???^--"-^ COFFEES. CHAMPAGNES. CX.ARETS. SAUTERNES, ?c. MOET A CRANDON GREEN SEAL BRAND'G FRERE'S MED CC BRANDENBURG FREKta Ye Clicquot Ponsardfn JolinEton & Son's Merk? La croix Blanche piper * Co.'* HekbekK . Johnston A Son's St. Loubes chateaux Pallien Boudie, Fils A Co.'s cabinet Eschenauer A Co.'s Bonlllac Nlersteiner . B. F. A Co.'s Napoleon Cabinet Godard's Coutry ' llochhelmer H. F. A Co. 1 Carte Blanche St. Julien Medoe Moselle Muscatel B. F. * Co.'s Dry Verzenay iCbntcaux Margaux chumbcrtin, Nubs G. H. Mumm's Vcrzenays ?Chateaux Yqnem Srorkling eaton ba j. Mumm's Pi ivate Stock Chateaux La Rosa Champagne Cider Crbuia Champaene ?Lynch St. Julien, L. AG. lEnglish and Scotch Ales. ECKER'S, RUSS', Si'. DOMINGO, HOSTF.ITER'S, ANGOSTURA, DCSH?IPS. STOUGHTON, AMD DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTE KS. X Hermetically Sealed MEATS, cours, Fleh, Vcgeiab.cs und l'iuits, or every;, variety, by thc con, itozeu or case. Borden's. Letbeg's and Tourtelofs EXTRACT OF BEEF. PRESERVES, Jellies, Jonis and Blandy Fruits, English Sauces, Pickles, Salad Oil. Capers, Spanish and French Olives. Patle and Terrine de Fol Orax, Anchovies. Anchovy Paste, YVRinnt, Tomato and Mushroom Catsups, PEPPER SAUCE, Currie Powder, Raspberry Vinegar, Lemon and Orgeat Syrups, Maccarocl end Vermicelli \ Families. Holds and Vessels supplied at WHOLESALE PRICE? In-rm-hs?lng hy the package. AU Goods warranted, and FULL WEK.IIT guaran teed. We will ho pleased to furnish a I.Ist ot Prices to i hose u ho may write for the Hrtieles ?nd quantity desired. Gooes delivered to all parts of thc City, Railroad Depots ?nd Steamboats. FBEE OF CHARGE. irs- TERMS CASH, OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. Send for one of our Catalogues of Merchandise. GEORGE II. O RUBER.E. E. BEDFORD.J. S. MARTIN. mchlS Imo Scnicc. No. 2J|f ? ..|V;gi AGENCY TRANSFERRED IO HART & CO., JO HAINE STREET. AND CORKER, KING AND MARKET STREBT?, CHARLESTON, S. C. m. i. ? A FULL ASSOMMENT CONSTANTLY ON KAVH AT Zi.1NCTAtTURER'S PRICES. dino ?Uiscciinncons. rpnE STANDARD REPUTATION AT JL TAi!\KI) i>v lilis unrivalled anil infallible V KA ST I'OWDEIt during twelve year? paf-r, l=(iue in i:< [un fed purity, healtlifolne.-s and economy. Pi : np in lins, actual weight, aa represented, and ? ?'i keep f?r years. 'i lie ipinntiiy required for usc is from one-fourth to oitc-lmlf h.-'s ihiin otlfer Baking Powders; Solo uv Utuccrs thmnr neut Ute United states. DOOLEY A IJROTHKR. Mann rac; un is and Proprietor*. Ko. t)9 New street, New Yolk. mehl4 mws3mos RI S II ROOFING EE LT THE BEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST BUHA BLE Material foaKooang*fcnown. t For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO., (Corner Meeting and Cumberland stree:*, \Tnelr.'4iinio Ch:it!-->toi;. g. C. Florida Water; Tho most celebrated and most delightful of all per? ennes, for use on the hand? kerchief, at the toilet, and in thc bath, for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers. For sale by BOWIE, MOUE A DAVIS, jaiitH mws4wi s Charleston, S. C. FF YOU WANT NOTE, LETTER AND L CAP PAPERS and ENVELOPES, gj to EDWARD PERRY. No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel Charleston, s. c. decw cmos miscellaneous. A SPLENDUl PUMP FOR SALE. Having purchased On- exclusive right for the S;ui.'s of North ?uni South Carolina for tho nianu racrnrc an?! salcorA; BAtDlNR'S PATENT GLASS SUbMKRCKH ??Oin5!iR-ACTING FORCE PUMP, 1 herebv forewarn; nuder thc* penalty of the law, anv i crs?c f:cm infringing unou wy rights in the same. Intending m manufacture arni sell the s?!>."." I aronui I"- pleased to confer with parties ws::itl!tg then:, '? o price will rance ttnin $-0 to &x, according to Ute depth of the wc!!, for No. 5 ynt'd '>'..?.-. throwlns '.'?'< gadens of water per minute, sud Nb. 2 for railroad stations; throwing ob gallons, pi Icc ?rivett on appHeatiou. This pump has "lin irfctfon, lind tie ?-acking will last for lille-ii '< ::::-. Ina ec-d wes?, directions will SC c?ni? i'?r pun nt: it np. which can he <!.n i- in 3v niii:?*?*. I w;!l receive orders at T::I!'OM>. rVotUtiid Nu k, !>?d Fariiivh>. N. c. All olde- loi-'r.-Mi: .<" tm' .:t eitheref the pinces <l wW receive prompi a-tci;:i'ti. I".-sr.nioS ... . .. hut HEN. BEST BIS COITO -j ? ? ?AQ AWXQ JWAKRANI?D SPOOL CUTIOS QBe $3 ?JSo\/Stfii?i? SU0"??IIR1. BBS V SIX-CORD, t sf ?ndsy> BtaiQ??W april mwsl? JOHN MA R 3 II A LL J n. COMMISSION MERCHANT. NAVAL STORES, COTTON, LUMBER ANO RICE. MARSHALL'S WHARF, Charleston, S. C. ^f aug24~s