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FINANCIAL ANJO COMMERCIAL. Stocks, Bonds and Bank Bills. REPORT 0 F T HE MARKET FOB THE WEBE ENDING APRIL 7TO, 1870, PRE? PARED EXPRESSLY FOK *T11E NEWS/' BY I. S. X. BENNETT, STOCK BROKER AND T.EAL ESTATE AGENT, NO. 40 RKOAD STREET. During thc past week the market for all classes of securities has been very dull. For sterling ex. change the rate yesterday was 20>i@21 Tor sixty day bills. In ('.omestle exchange, the banks were purchasing sight drafts on Kew York at }{@}? and selling at u@H premium. Transactions in gold limited; bought at 10@10>i, sold at 12. Banks discounted freely, on good collaterals, at l ? cent, per mouth. Southern Bank Bills. Current Rates. Bank of Charleston. Far. Bank of South Carolina. 04? 5 Bank of State of South Carolina, prior to 1S61. 49? SO Bank of State of South CarohVi, after January i, 1S61. I9? Farmers' and Exchange Bank, Charleston.& People's Bank, Charleston. par. Planters' and Mechanics' Bank, Charleston. par. Southwestern Railroad Bank, Charlestou (old). par. Southwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston (new). par. State Bank, Charleston. C2j;'@ 03 Union Bank, Charleston. par. Bank of Camden. 49? 50 Bank of Chester. 05? Bank of Georgetown. 05? Bank of Hamburg. 03? Bank of Newberry. 9S@ Commercial Bank, Columbia. 02? Exchange Bank, Columbia. 10? Merchants' Bank, Chcraw. 03? Planters'Bank of Falrlleld. 03? City or Charleston Change Bills. par. State or S. Carolina Treasury Notes. par. Bonds. Stoelcs und Coupons. Current Rates. South Carolina Railroad and Bank Stock (whole shares). 45 00? South Carolina Railroad (hair shares) 22 00? People's National Hank Stock.105 00? First National Hunk stock.119 uu@120 00 South Carolin a Loan and Trust Com? pany Stock.105 00? Union Bank Stock. 0 75? 7 00 Bank or Charleston Stock (whole shares). 23 00? 23 25 Sank of Charleston Stock (half shares). ll 50? People's Bank Stock. 5 50? Kanters' A Mechanics' Bank Stock.. 2 60? City of Cha-lestou Six Per Cent. Stock, ex interest. 57 00? 57 50 City of 'marleston Fire Loan Bonds.. 75 oo@ 75 25 Charleston Gas Company Stock. 22 00? 22 50 Charleston City Railway Stock (ex di via cud...... 52 00? 52 50 ??ate of Sooth Carolina Bonds (old). 86 00? Tf*?o of South Carolina Bonds (new "~- ?-^-^-I^msLry 1,18?T).80 ?0? 81 00 lSSUe O? ?JT--i_^?^-aa?d State of South Carolina Bonuo~i^r. Tor Bank of the State bills). 80? State of South Carolina Stock. 79? 80 State of South Carolina Coupons (fundableL..................- *8)i@ Svuth Carolina Rahroad Six Per Cent Bonds...i. 74 50? 75 00 "South Carolina Railroad Seven Per Cent. Bonds tex coupons).8100? South Carolina Railroad Certblcate of Indebtedness. par. Northeastern Railroad First Mort? gage Bonds (oast due) 7 per ot.. 89 00? 90 00 Northeas ern Ruilr ? 1 First Mort? gage Bonds. 8 per ct. 87 5C? 88 00 Northeastern Railroad First Coupons (past due). 80 00? 80 50 northeastern Railroad Stock(capital) 10 00? Northeastern Railroad Stock (pre? ferred. 40 00? Northeastern Railroad Certlflcato of Indebtedness. 63? 65 Savannah and Charleston Railroad Bonds (tlrst mortgage). 80? Savannah and Charleston Railroad Bonds (State guarantee). 70? Savannah and Charleston Railroad (State guarantee)Seven Per Cent. Bonds. TO? Savannah and Charleston Railroad Stock. 31 00? 32 00 Charleston, Columbia and Augusta Railroad Bonds (nominal). 00 00? Charleston, Columbia and Augusta Ballroad Stock. 53 00? 55 00 Memphis and Charleston R. R. Bonds 64? Memphis and Cha'mn IL R. Coupons 75? Memphis and Charleston R. R. Stock 11 00? Greenville and Columbia Railroad State guaranteed Bonds. 6S@ QreenvUle and Columbia First Mort? gage Bonds. 80? Blue Ridge Railroad (1st mortgage) . Bonds.00 60? 70 ?0 Spartauburg and Unlou Railroad Bonds. 68 M? Cheraw and Darlington First Mort? gage Bonds.84? City or Columbia Bonds. 68? "u City or Columbia Coupons. 75? 76 City of Augusta Bonds. 82 Of? 54 CO Granltcville Manufacturing Compa ny (ex dividend).450 00? City of Savannah, lionels. S3 SM City or Savannah Coupons (due pre? vious to J une l, 1808). 96? City or Savannah Coupons (due after June 1,1866. 95? City or Memphis Bonds (endorsed by M. A C. Railroad. 66? City or Memphis Coupons. 70? 71 City ol Memphis Bonds (unendorsed) 50? 51 Georgia State Bonds,7 per cen t. (old) 86? Georgia Sute Bonds, 7per ct.(new). 94? Georgia State Coupons. 9S? par Tko Charleston Market. [FOB .THE WKKX ENDINO APRIL 7.] THE RKcrrrTS, Ac-The arrivals or cotton al? though declining, exhibited for the week, up Friday last, a small gain on last year, and were 41,474 bales against 33,219 the season before. At New Orleans th? supplies were 21,202 in contrast with 12,096 the year previous; the total receipts for the year up to the latest mandates were 2,392,383 bales, against 1,638.145 the last season-show? ing an Increase of 564.188 bales. The total receipts at the principal Southern cotton centres up to the latest telegraphic iatel agence have been as follows: 1870. I860. New Orleans. April 6.958 895 729.117 Mobile, April 6 . 266.133 202.265 Savannah, April 6 .416,629 308,951 Charleston, April 6.204,130 171,052 Texas, April 6.190,690 122.7 Virginia, April a.178.073 136.348 THE CROPS.-Planting has. In many parts of the South, been retarded by a prevalence of cold and wet weather, which shows a disposition (o extend into the spring. It is probable that thc efforts being pnt forth to increase the crops have not been equalled, and the amount or manures sent to the Interior has been without ronner precedeur. Wherever there is good management the general tendency to advance has becu steady, and the improvement ls shown In thc decided increase or | the cottou crop this season. With favorable "weather during the coming crop year, there are good reasons io hope that the result will be in ad? vance of anything since the close or hostilities but much depends up.,n atmospheric conditions, and unless favored with suitable weather, heavy supplies of manures, Improved implement-, and r beter organized labor, will full to produce thc increase that should fairly be looked for. the receipts of cotton at the ports from March 31 to April 6, as reported by telegraph, have boen as follows. This does not include the overloud or North Carolina supplies : NEW OitLEANS Mardi 31.2031.April 1...3576) AprlH and 3.1408.April 4...4590 S 17,003 April*.4302.April 6...liol) MOBILE March 31. 314.April 1... 557) -*-I>ril 2. 360.April 4...1216} 2,953 April 5.102.April 6... .1U4) SAVANNAH March 31. 467.April 1...100P April 2.SSS.April 4... 5211 4,130 April 5.1229.April C... 464) CHARLESTON March 31. 352.April 1... 498) April 2.380.April 4... 443 1 2.S09 April 6. 719.April 0... 427) GALVESTON Marp,h 31. 619.April 1.) *PT 1. 760.April4... 215} 2 934 April 5 . 890.April C.. 55o) NOKFOLX - "31.115.April 1... 153) 4gS.!5?5..April 4... 53o 1,558 AP"? ?.25o.April 0.) Total.^? The arrivals at the ports for the sanie week last year were 33,709 bales. TUE COTTON MARKET.-Tills artlclo during thc ?week nnder review assumed an improving char? acter, and a bctt.r demand has prevailed, \run advancing prices. In the foreign market this staple opened at 10J? 1 for middling uplands aid hardened to llJi?!!.1^; at New York thc rates commenced at --j? anti stiffened to.3*ic, and at this port prices began at 2lc and stiffened to 23c H lb. The movements at Liverpool and New York for this periol have I een us follows: On Friday, April 1, the ronner was firm at 10 J? d for uplands, sales ?2,000 bales; the latter was quiet at 22#c, sales 1200 bales. Ou Saturday the former was fi I0%a. sales 12.000 bales; the latter was quit firm ot 22.VC, sales 500 bales. On Monda former was buoyant and advancing, ur llS'd, sales bales; the latter advam '?Oe, sales 2200 bales. On Tuesday thc forme firmer and closed with an upward tendenc lands il??@ll>.?d, sales 18,000 bales; the was firmer at 23,Sic, sales 1500 bales. On Wt day the former was quiet and steady at : ll Md, sales 12,000 bales; the latter was qa 23@23.?ic, sales 800 bales. Yesterday the fe was steady at U?l@ilMd, sales 12,000 bales latter was quiet and firm. The stock of the article in sight at the dates was as rollows: 1870. Stock in Liverpool. 452,000 2 Afloat .?rora India. 100,000 2 Afloat fi om America. 227,000 li S'ock ba i/judon. 64.690 Auoat for London. 21,000 i Stock In Havre. 67,960 Afloat fer Havre. 46,162 : stock in Uremen. 8,4So Afloat Tor Bremen. 21,172 Stock in United States ports.... 438.600 C! Stock in the interior towns_ 85,681 ' Total. 1,518,933 1,31 Excess in visible supply. 2( Stock of cotton held by Manchester spinn? the mills, now 30,000 bales, same time isca, * bales. Middling uplands now li'iall.vd, 12Xal3J?d. The arrivals at this port for this period been 38 bags of sea islands and Floridas and bales of uplands, against s bags of sea Isl and Floridas and 253G bales or uplands fo corresponding time last year. The supples come as rollows, say or uplands per South ( lina Railroad, 2493 bales; per Northeastern road, 220; Santee, 20; Beaufort, 2; wagon; Of sea Islands, Beaufort, 6; Florida, 9; Sa nah 23. Tue tranactions and prices prevailing lu market, for this time, have been as follows: On Friday, April 1st, there was a good dem; prices showing mnch firmness with an upvi tendency for thc better grades; sales about b les; ordinary to good ordinary being quote I7j?@20, low middllug 20>?c, middling 21, st middling 21 ??c ft lb. On Saturday the inquiry was continued steady, prices or the better grades improi about ;?c fl lb; sales 300 bales; ordinary to g ordinary being quoted at I7>i?20, low midd 20J?, middling HJf?SlX, and strict midd! 21,V@22c ft lb. On Monday thc limited offering stock and proved telegrams caused a Urra feeling ami factors, and they held at rates above the view buyers, causing a Itefat business; sales less tl loo bales; quotations somewhat nominal, say hilary to good ?f dine ry lMOft, low middling middling 21K, nnd strict middling no sales. On Tuesday the market was firm and vr.nclng, particularly for good grades; sales ns|-,j n'rdiuarj to good ordinary being quoted 1S;?@20)?C, low middling 21, middling ?ljtfa and strict middling 22@22Kc. ?? lb. On Wednesday there was a rnoderate inquiry firm rates, the market closing quiet; sales n 500 bales; ordinary to good ordinsry being qno at is;??2ie., low middling 21*,'@21Ji, mlldl; 22, and strict middling 22,'4'@22Kc ft lb. Yesterday thc market was quiet bnt Arm; si 200 bales, say 2atic; l at 17J?; ll at WK;! 18%; 22 at 19; 3atH>J?;C0 at 20; ll at 21; 41 21,"ii 53 at 22. Wc quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION". ordinary to good ordluarv.lS'-i 521 Low middling.".21!?<*21.'? Middling.Ii @ Strict middling.23&g32j? ?-EA ISLAND COTTON.-The receipts have b* limited, and were 33 bags, ngain?t 8 Lags for t Same week last season. The market lias be quiet during this period, and buyers were i mandi g a concession; th": transactions being a restricted way, the business has amounted about 20? bags of all qualities, say cf sr-a ?.-lam 15 at 40; 14 at 42: 8 al 46; 10 at 5G; 2 at 52; ll 87c. Of Floridas, 1 stained at 23; u stained at 13 carts at GO; 2 at C3; 10 al 37; 32 at CS; S at -10 at 45c. We quote common Floridas al 3o@35; u ilium 36@3S; good 4C@fj; fine anil choice liol nat. Slea islands may Ls qjuotod at 40? io for co mon; 50@G3 for medium; G?0C3 Tor medium line, and 70c@?l ft lb for flue and choice lots. KICK.-Thc receipts or Carolina rongli rice ci linne light and unimportant. This ?raia I: Leen in moderate but steady request during tl period, prices exhibiting rather moro ilrninci The operations have amounted to about 7001 ?ort ol clean Cand?na, among which were no t ?ere at 4J?; 78 tierce? at?; 21 at SK; 141 at 5v;; 4.0 5 5-10; 31 at 5J?; 190 at 5)i; 184 at 5&0 ft lb. V quote common to lair clean Carolina at 4^(Ti">: good S'itfM?ic f> lb. Carolina rough may quoted at 00c@?l 10 ft bushel Tor interior, a; $l@$l 40 ft bushel Tor seacoast. NAVAL MOUES.-The limited arrivals or thc articles keep business on a restricted scale. > note sales or spirits turpentine at 41@4l?<c gallon, and pale to extra pale rosin at $4<S$? bbl. HAY.-There have boen received about 400 bal of Eastern and 600 bales of North River ilcscrl Hons. Abont 400 bnlcs of Eastern were sold i private terms, and 200 bales of North River $1 70 $ hundred. Cons.-Thc supplies coming to hand have bei light, amounting to about 14,000 bu.-?iels. The has been a steady demand ' country consurn Hon. and prices for jobbing lots have been gra ually stiffening, and prime white has advanced $1 30 ft bushel, weight, sacks Include?', Tor limit! parcels. ? OATS.-The market is rnirly supplied with th grain, and wc quote ubout 70c ft bushel, bulk, fi wholesale lots. FLOCK -There arc rair supplies of the varioi qualities of this article In thc ham's or dealer and there has been only a moderate lnqulr. low grades being easier and better qualities stead. Northern anU Western fine may bc quoted at $5< 6 10 per bbl; soper at $6 40@5 60 per bbl; extra i $6@C 75 per bbl, and family at S7@8 per bl Southern grades arc in moderate stock and ai held at $7?7 75 pt r bbl for extra, and $S@9 pc bbl for family grades. BACON.-The stock of this article is moderan with a limited inquiry, and we note a tinner fee lng in thc market. Prime smoked shoulders ma bc quoted at 12%@13c ft lb. Sides at 16%@17c i lb. Suited shoulders are held at HJ?@l2e, an sides at 15??@15>?c ft lb. SUOAH AND MOLASSES.-Several cargoes fror Cuba have arrived during thc week, but have nc been offered. There have been no sales of note ii sugars. Clayed molasses, In hhds, has been soli at 37@38c ft gallon. Muscovado, in hhds, may b q noted at 4?@45c ft gallon. A limited business li New Orleans ls doing at about 77c ft gallon fo prime. FKL'IT.-There is only a retail business doing ii these articles. VEGETABLES.-Irish potatoes arc In fair sup ply, aad may be quoted at $2?3 ft bbl. Onions are scarce, and sell ut $6 50@7 50 per bbL BUTTER AND LARD-There is u fair stock ol prime Goshen. We quote good to prime at 35@ 40c ft lb. Western and other lower grades sell rrom 2O@30c 1? lu; country do. at 23@36c ft lb, as in quality. Lard ls in good supply and ls held at I6???i?l7i?c. SALT.-A shipment received direct is being plac-d on bond. Lots rrom store selling at $140 @1 50 ft sack. INDIA BAOOIKO.-The market is fairly supplied with this article, and wc quote 23?24c ft yard. Dundee bagging, 44 inches, IK lbs. for the yard, ls held at je?soc. RorE.-The demand ror rope ls moderate, and prices arc somewhat nominal at quotations. We quote hemp at -cents ft lb; greenlcafat lOcents; and jute at 8K@& cents ? lb. IRON RANDS AND T ES Tor cotton,.or thc mont approved patterns, are offered on thc market at 6K@'K'c ft lb. TIMBER AND LUMBER.-The market for this arti? cle is dull. We quote Umber for mating purposes rrom $5@9. Shipping timber $10@15; 4-4@5-4 flooring at $14@15 ft M. Bright lumber, good merchantable, from city mills, out to size, from **><?24 ft M by the cargo. FRMOHTS-To Liverpool, by steam, ??tl on uplands. \K? on sea i^nds; by sail, we quote Jid on uplands and ??d on sea is? lands. To Harre nominal. Coastwise-to New York, by steam. Xe on uplands and *c 0n sea islands, $1 oo ft tierce on rice; by sall, ?con cotton;- ft tierce on rice; 40c ft barrel on rosin ; $79(8 ? Moa lamber; $9?io fl Hon tun ber. To Boston, br saU, %?%c fy lb on upland cotton. To Providence, fl ? M cn boards, Sc ? lb on cotton. To Philadelphia, by steam, Kc 9 lb on uplands; by sail, $6?7 ?Mon beards; $9 on timber; $3 $ ten on clay, and $3#S 25 on phosphates. To Baltimore by steam, Kc ? Ki; by sall, $5 9 M on boards; $2 60@3 60 fl toa on phosphate reek. Vessels are in demand by our merchants to take lamber freights from Georgetown, S. C., Parlen and Satllla River, Ga., and Jacksonville, Fla., to Northern ports, and $U@12 9 M are rates on lumber and boards. EXCHANGE-STERLING BILLS.-The rate yester? day was 2o%@-l for 60 day bills. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks are purchas? ing sight checks on Kew Tork at par; 6 days % discount; 10 dajs % per ct. discount; 15 days %; 20 days -; 30 ?iya -. They are selling sight checks at % premium. GOLD.-The brokers were yesterday buying at 10, and selling at 12. Exports for thc Week ending April 6. FOREIGN BARCELONA-rcr Span brig Gabrieiiu-280 bales upland cotton, 300 bbls rosin. A PORT IN AUSTRALIA-Per ship David Brown 612,898 feet steam sawed lumber. DOMESTIC. NEW YORK-Per steamship South Carolina-32 bags Bea Island and 682 bales upland cotton, 212 bbls rosin, 95 tes rice. 33 bales domestics. 166 bun? dles paper, 24 pkgs dried fruit and sundries. Per steamship Champion-684 bales sotten, 68 tes rice, 34 bales yam. 78 empty bbls, ll packages. 1 horse, 1 buggy.Fer Mcamshlp Charleston-270 tes rice, 438 bales cotton, 40 bales domestics, 98 packages sundries, 1 horse. PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship Zodiac-177 tea rice, 162 bnles upland coitou, 18a Ualcs yarn,warp and thread, 60 bundles paper, ? ions fer? tilizer, 81 bbls frances. 17 casks clay and sun? dries_Per sehr Han Gilford-200 tons phosphate rook, 67,000 feet limber. BALTIMORE-Fer steamship Maryland-71 tes rice, SS bales cotton, 53 bids rosin, 6 bbls brans, 7 nags seeds, 1 case hats, 3.'>,O0O feet lumber and s? nd rles. WILMINGTON, DEL-Per sehr S T Baker-310 tonB phosphate rock.Per sehr Sparkling Sea 40,928 feet resawed lumber, 57,500 feet hewn tim ber. , Markets by Telegraph. FOREIGN. LONDON, April 7.-Noon.-Consols 93%. Bonds 91.'?'. Sugar quiet both on spot and afloat. Evening.-Consols 93%. Bonds 91%. LIVERPOOL, April 7.-Noon.-Cotton steady; uplands ll%ail%d: Orleans lljiall^d; ?alC3 12,00? bales. Beef loos. Bacon 56s. Evening.-Colton quiet and steady; uplands ll%d; Orleans lij?d? sales 12,000 bales; export and speculation 2060 baj?s. Breads!tiffs Ss 7d to 8s Sd. TARIS, April 7,-B.urso opened dull. Rentes Tai' 95C. Ev?rji?r-~7,10 Rour?c closed quiet. Rentes 73f 90C. IIAVKE, April 7.-CclK<n opened dull; If 33con spot, and if 33e afloat. FRANKFORT. Asm Tjuited Slates bouds flat St 9;%a95%. DOMESTIC. NEW YORK, April 7-Noan.-Stocks Jinn. Money easyat?aC per cent. Sterling, long 8?; short o.'i. Gold 11%. Sixty-twos 10%. Tennessee?, e.\-coupons 59; new 62K; Vlrgiuias, ex cosponis 70; new 69Ji ; Louisianas, old 74; new 72%; Levees, sixes 75%: eights 91: Alabamajilghts 06; fives 60; (?...?'rgr:r8?\r?s~s7r sevens 92%TNortiT Carolinas, ol'! 48%; new 22; Sooth Carolina', old 88; new 82. Flour steady and wheat firm. Fork quiet; mess $2T. Lard drooping at 16%al5%c. Cotton firm; middlings 23a23%c; Orleans 23a23%e. Turpentine in moderate request at 47e. Rosin $2 10a2 15 for strained. Freights dull. Evening.-Cotton urtu'; sales soco, at cs% cts, Flour heavy; super Slate $4 40^4 50; common to fair extra Southern $5 coaO. Wheat steady and in fair export and milling demand; white, red .".nd r.r.ihcr Western $l 20. Com a shade ii nu cr; new mixed Western $1 08al 00. Beef quiet. Mess pork $27a27%. Lard Arm at 10al6%. Whiskey $i05al 06. Groceries linn. Naval stores quiet. Freights dull. Money easy. Gold dull nt !:%:'.12. Sterling 6%:i3%. Governments barely steady; Southerns dull, without material change. Coupon bunda ISSI, 14. Sixty-twos io%. Sixty roiinV?(i ?iixij-livca 0??; HAW R?? Kl vty-spvpns nj;. Sixty-eights 9%. Ten-forties 0%. Tcnncssces 58%; new 52%. Virginias 09%; new 69. Geor? tria si.\?8 87; sevens in. North Carolinas 46%; new 22. Souih Cr.rollua-!. new 82. Louisianas T4; new 72%. Levee sixes 7C; eights Atacama eights Sfl.v; fives 75. Thc sub-Treasury balance is eighty-three million six hundred ami twenty thousand Ave hundred and forty-six dollars, in? cluding three million Ave hundred and seven thousand one hundred dollars In currency. BOSTON, April 7.-To-day is a holiday and there ls no market. Net receipts 15 bales; coastwise 49 bales; total 64 bales; stock 12,000 bales. BALTIMORE, April 7.-Cotton Armer and prices a shade better; middlings 23c; sales 1110 bales: net receipts 20 bales; coastwise 50 bales; total 70 bales. Exports to the continent 2430 braes; coast? wise 60 bales. Stock 53S0 bales. CiNXiNNATl, April 7.-Cora In good demand at S5:i87c. Whiskey stendy ut $1. Pork $27; little offering. Bacon Arm; shoulders ll%c; sides 15, If 'i and 16c. ST. LOUIS. April 7.-Corn very firm; mixed 88a 89c; white oi)n92. Whiskey f l 02. Pork $27 60. a-j8. Shoulders ll%c; clear sides l0%c. LOUISVILLE, April 7.-Corn 95c. Pork $28. Shoulders ll%c; clear sides 10%. Lard 10c. Wills key $1. NORFOLK, April 7.-Cotton Armer; low mid? dlings 20%n21c; sales 100 bales; receipts 212 bales; exports coastwise 13S9 bales: stock 4970. AUGUSTA, April 7.-Cotton market closed qnle* and Brm; sales 409 bales; middlings 2i:i2l%e; re? ceipts 233. SAVANNAH, April -Cotton doll, with more sellers than buyers. Middlings 21%a22e. Sales 1000 bales; receipts 7U4; exports coastwise 19; stock 47,856 bales. GALVESTON, April 7.-Cotton (Inn and In fair de? mand.- Good ordinary I8j?ai8%c. Sales 359 bales; receipts 489; stock 29,645 bales. MOBILE, April 7.-Cotton quiet, but. Arm: mid: dllngs 2l%a22c; sales 300 bales; receipts lu5; ex? ports to Great Ilritain 553!; to the Continent 1551; to New Orl?ans 110; stock 48,372 bales. NEW OKLEA'-B. April 7.-Cotton steady and In fair demand; middlings 22 ?ic; sales 2560 bales; net receipts 1544 bales; coastwise 274 bales; total 1818; exports, Havre 'MA bales; New York 67 bales; l'hilaclelphia io bales; burned 125 bales; stock 175,105 bales. Sugar, primo at n%all%e. Molasses, reboiled at 5?}?a60. Sterling 21%. Sight exchange % premium. Gold 11%. New York Rice Murket. From the Journal of Commerce of the 5th In? stant: There ls perhaps a t rille more Inquiry to? day for domestic, but thc business is too ii: to indicate a decisive chance. We quote 5n6e. From cu.. Herald: Carolina was quiet, but steady. Sn: ,!i Kales were made within the lauge uf 5.160 fur common to prune. From thc Tiuio: Klee dull ami nominally un? changed. Sales 01 l\j iierces CarolUia at 5%au%e. Nashville Market. NASHVILLE, April 4.-COTTON.-With favorable ? advices to-day Irom Liverpool and New York, our market was very much Improved In tone, and buoyant throughout the day. We quote: Interior .13al5e: ordinary 17alS; gcod ordinary I9a20c; low middling 21c. COTTOX STATEMENT. Stock on hand September 1,1869. None Received to-day. nu Received previously.39,636- 39,055 ToUl. 30,656 Shipi-ul to-day. 101 Shipped previously.33,697-33.69S Stock ou hand. ' 5,967 FLOI'R.-Thc market is steady at the following quotations: RupcrAne $4.75; extra ?5 60; family SC: fancy $6 75. COKN.-Shipments to-day of 3000 bushels nt $1 9 bushel, sacked and delivered in depot. WHEAT.-Sales to duy of 300 bushels white at $1 25, sacked and delivered in depot. Wc quote the buying rates us follows: Mediterranean 95c; red $105; white and amber $1 lOal 15. Interior Cotton Markets. SUMTER, April 5.-Cotton Arm at from 17c to 26c, but little offering. ATLANTA, April 5.-Thc mnrkct closed active at I9%c for middlings, 18%c for low middlings; 17%c for good ordinary; I6c for ordinary. MACON. April 5.-Receipts to-dov C7 bales: sales 263 bales: shipped 348 bales. The market closed Arm with a good demand this evening at 21c. Offerings still very light. MONTGOMERY, April 5.-Our citton market ls quiet to-duy at 20c for low middlings. : fe "ri"-' : g ** ? -2.22. to WMWtj o .- ci a i-1 M - co - . MI-?'?' O -J S3g: afg?rg: Se WOO* OOOOliLjlS leawo'-ichOO'-o;"; M:9a?x>> co i? o -J a o: i sa r-: cn ? : co cs OM?-. tc O _?O CC ?Cl a- e 3?^? O Ci COJO oeVoct-t oo-i "ec t: j?; * - c ct. ^ ; r: -J c.' c." o C-4-O??CUCO -IjtO o wa> c.-'o -i o'; ,oo oil's u.?-.-ie?sci. cjo O-'UOiWJIOltC" ? -J ij oces'i-oi' *- " O- ci cs ; <- o ?8 -, cc; fcS c._c? _c?-pcp; j?*> co "tco Mca*?a>S* fi*; ic J- ? o -1 OT a o. >-r T' -i oe ic c ic c ou c <c . -' ?* '- it. oo ip t? .? ?g S o - c. *-?c^/o^5? o cc co . t? cr. ca o r1- ft? . o Cf -*. c. ta 30 o ** * to to_ 2 ? 2r< 3 - ? - ^ O o < 2 M . M to p?: : i3." tc Cr. * ' Cn Of) mo- . ce co 00 a. * ? o o .-io . eo . Sft: V.??* -i"-> Vs "to ?-1 ? tc E co . I?O?O-?' Ba ..tits S ce"*-1*--' . ? c tc IC o.c,iaMOC ^ : : Ma?Vg?Sgft9 . . <C- ty C-T-COO O N C . . tc cc O IC - toto MC? f~ o S c. ??5:^58: SS o o ? ?-1 ?-? c:-c.--* . cr f SOCO C. ? .- O ?J . ??11 ???C-C. *. ic ? ? g Cr -i-;- wo:!*.-too; OC CO o'ctV' o???5i; sf? ooo? to -??-.-''-*. e u ?SS. S rc c-> cs o . 55 g-3 5 o Sf S -I o - je g f CP ce ? si p - rr mo -fi NOTE.-Wc have ilcilactctl rrom New Orleans .-.o.?-?! lia?es uplands, rrom Mobile oco bales, rrom Savannah 62SS bags sea island and 71 bales up? land, and rrom Chariest ou 3721 bags sea island and 151 baleB upland-tile quantities received at those ports rrom Mobile. Florida. Texas ami Savannah. chai ir-itcm Wholesale Prices. ARTICLES. 1 Kll,J>3. BACOINO, ft yard Dundee. 30 e Ounnv Cloth. 23 ? *4 New York Double Anchor, 44 Inches, 2Jilli?. " ? HALE TtorE, ft lb- _ Manilla.. ? Western. ? @ If*? jute. 0 @ 8 tlUTTKR- Goshen. 30 ? 40 County. 26 ? 30 COTTON, V lb- .".,- ", Ordlnarv to good ordinary.... is>i@ 21 Low middling. 21 .'i? 21 ? Middling to strict middling... 2a (a) 22? Good middling. .. g Sea island..'.. 40 ? 1 06 COFFEE, ft lb- M _ nn itu. 2? @ 22 Ugunyra. 24 ? 2C, Java.... 28 ? 30 FERTILIZERS- _ Carolina Fertilizer, ft 2000 lbs. 60 00 ? Wando Fertilizer. 60 00 ? Double Relined Potulrette. sow) ? Niles'Phosphate. 63 00 ? Peruvian Guuno, ? 2240 lbs...100 00 <& racitlc duane, ft 2000 lbs.?5 00 ? Phoenix Guano. r>5 00 ? Haugh'* Phosphate, ft 2000 lbs 00 00 m Rhodes' Phosphate, ft 2000 lbs 65 00 ? Rhodes' Standard Mauurc (SG5 time). 07 5U ? Orchillo Guano (?40 lime).35 uo ? Land Plaster. 13 00 ? 15 00 Mapes' Super Phos, ft 2000 lbs. 65 00 ? WooUdou's Phosphate of Lime 65 00 ? Woolston's Vegc'or, ft 2'>oo lbs 05 00 ta) Cioasdalc's Gen. Sup.l'hos. net 60 00 ? Bowers' Complete iManure, net 60 00 ? Sardy's Phos. Peruvian, cash. C5 00 @ Sanly's Pacific Guano, cash... co uo ? ratnnseo Guano.65 00 ? F. Frank Co's Atnmoniatod Bone Phosphate. 60 00 ? Coe's Pure Dissolved Hone.... 62 00 ? Whann's Superphosphate.65 00 ? 75 00 Kirwan G nano, No 1 ($60 time) 54 00 ? Rtlwan Guan??, No S t?'O time) 6? 00 ? .. ' SCell'8 Araiueulated Bone Phos? phate (570 lime). GO 00 ? Ft.ont. ft bbl- . Kine . .? 00 @ 4 10 ci.,.,t.r. 5 40 ? 5 no Northern and Western Extra. S 00 ? 7 00 Rainmore Extra. ? Soulhern-Super. ? . Kxtra. 7 M 8 00 Family. ? 00 ? a 50 QUAIN, ft bushel Marvland Oats.0 ? Western Oana. ? Corn. 1 2i & 1 30 HAY, ft cwt North River.\. 1 it) ? LUMBER, V M feet- , . _ . Clear White Pine, Amt quality. 50 00 @ OJ o0 White I'lnc, good run. SS 00 ? 40 00 Yellow Fine. 20 00 ? 24 00 Boards, rough.M 00 ? 15 00 (.moved and tongued 28 CO ? 32 00 MOLASSES, ft gallon- ?? Cuba. J' @ 88 Muscovado. 42 ? Sugar-house. 50 ? 1 00 New Orleans. 7" 0 NAVAL STORES, ft bbl Tar. ? Pite*. . Rosin, pale. 4 00 ? 5 00 Rosin, No. 1. 2 00 fm Rosin, No. 2. 1 <W @ Rosin. No. 3. 15* ? Spirits Turpentine, ft gallon.. 41 ? 4l,-i Oakum, ft rb. is ? NAILP-American 4?20iL. ft keg 5 05 ? 7 OJ POWUER-Dupont's. F.F.F. g.... 6 70 ? Dupont's, F.F.F. 5 60 ? Dupont's. Blasting. 4 25 ? PROVISIONS, ft it Bacon, Rams. 20 ? 22 Sides. lG?4"if' 17 Shoulders. 12;4'? 13 Strips. ? Lard, in keg. lf'>i? -t'is Hotter. ? ? 40 Cheese. 15 ? 50 Potatoes, Irish, ft bbl. 2 00 <y 3 00 Sweet. 3 50 te) 4 00 Onions. 7 00 ? 7 f.o /.nplcs. 5 00 ? 0 00 Bergs. 2-? ? :;o Poultry-Chickens, ft doz.... 3 00 ? 4 00 Fowls, ft doz. & 0?) ? G 00 RICE, ft lb-Carolina. <U\?* 05?? East india.?. .. ? SALT, ft sack-Liverpool, coarse 1 40 ? 1 50 Liverpool, linc. ? uoAR, ft lb-Raw. ? Porto Rico. ? Muscovado. ? EESWA.T-ft lb. 38 ? 40 I1I?ES. Green-ft lb. 08 ? Dry. LS ? .. CHESTNUTS-ft bushel. 4 W ff StocLs of Cotton lu tU? Inferior Towns not Inelutletl In the Receipts' TOWNS. Augusta A Uam'g.March 31 Macon, Ca.April 2 Columbas, Ca.April s Montgomery, Ala.March 25 Selma. Ala.April 3 Memphis, Tenn.April l Nachvule, Tenn.April b Total. 1870. 20,392 13,294 12.743 10,825 5,420 16,882 a.iiy 86,031 UGO. 15,711 0,702 11,657 5,402 6,650 22,722 6,318 71,157 Comparative Exporta of Cotton and Rice from the Pon of Cha vientan, from Sep? tember 1, 1900, to April 6, 1870. EXrOKTED TO Liverpool... .ther Br. Ports Tot'l Q. Britain Havre. Other Fr. Port.? Total France X. of Europe Tot'l V. Europe S. of Europe.. Vf. Indies, 4c. Total F. Ports.. Boston., Rhode Island New York_ Philadelphia.. Bait, ft Nr'folk Oth. D. S. Ports Tot'l Cse Ports Grand Total 1869-'70. B. L.Op'd 5550 6112 113 3961 10 10529 63279 1269 Rlce S. LiTjp'd.iRlce 724 347 1338 5992 71878 SG491 8537 ISM 109367flB161 181745 119 1868-'69. 2725 8709 2020 4221 3002 19286 2725 14 2269 2341 5086 370S9 2104 30793 70 4232 1725 17841 . 88633I?457 6253| 1530 148501 5296 99 1456 154S53 21534 Exporta of Rice, Naval Stores und Lum? ber from the Port of Charleston, from September 1,1869, to April G. 1870. ESrOllTED TO NAVA1 ISTOR'S Boston. New York_ Philadelphia.. Baltimore.... New Orleans.. Mobile. Provid'ce.R I". Oth'rUSP'rts Tal Coastw'se 3,061 Barcelona. Maj'aftM'ket. West Indies.. Halifax, N S.. St John's, N B. London. Bristol, Eng.. Liverpool.I 6,6-12 HaxTC, 1869-'70. Bbls. 11,026) 5,669 6.476 1,458 23,6211. Feet. 1868-'69. NAVAL STOB'S 141,404 2,801,04S 435,000 960,440 354.140 1,221,751 5.073,783 8| 759,622 ?2M Montevideo... Great Britain. Bio dc Janeiro Australia. Tota'.JForcIgn. Grand Total 5,2Cb 15,179 38,802 303,124 618.7S4 612.89S 2,199,62* 8.173.411 Bbls. 11,106 4,237 430 1,808 2.5S9 216| 7,492 6,547 16,794 34,62 Feet. 216.000 3,422,356 1,627,643 2,308,696 1.261,450 313,663 9,149,808 206,000 1,291,750 1,497,750 10,047,558 S cr.o BB D C. . K~ S ?7 ra ra c : I ill i it I m E 2 j Sa : || :. I ? i i? ! : a*: ": 8* 2. : "a : : : M : : : M -3 ; r; ; ; ss : : : * H 7f . M. ? . O . . . cr. : S ; j I? O :c c: d C C TO fi a * . o SS* g ? ? % s c ? 3 Exports? S.iou.i LA finAMIR-Per sehr R M Brooking ;?:..O?O feet lumner, ico empty hhds. NEW YOIIK-Per steamship Tennessee-77 boers sea Island cotton, 5S8 balcB upland cotton. 202 tierces rice, 61 bales vam, 61 tierces clay. 4 bales hide?, 21 bundles leather, 24 bundles paper, 67 cum y barrels, und sundries. BALTIMORE-Per sehr Ida Richardson-61 tons phosphate rock, feet noorina boards. PROVIOENCK, R I- Prr sehr SV W Simmons 144.'.00 feet yellow pine flooring. Receipts by Railroad, April 7. 801TI1 CAROLINA nWI.UOAD. SSS bales cotton, 84 lnlcs domestica. CO s cl;s oil meal, 22 bbls naval Moras'4 cara Moe;:. To Railroad Agent, A lt M11lli7r.11, W C Cimrmor ft co, fi ll Wader ft ca, Frost ft Adper, G A Tren holm .'. Son, Pfizer, Hedger* ft co, Mon ty A Son. w W Smith. Girocr ft .'.milli. Brodie A 0. W Williams A- co, Bowling ft cn, Kinsman ft Howell, Cui'tweli A Son. und Reeder A Davis. NORTHE.'.STE K N UAILKOAD. .!7 bales cotton, 240 bbls naval store?, caw lum? ber and phosphates, mdse, .vc To G W Williams A i", Cstldwril A- Soi:. Brodie .fe cn, Bavenel A co. W K Byau, Kinsman ft Howell, sni?k ft C, J Mar. sha ll. Jr. I? (J Eliuugh, J Ford, ?iud Killick, Wick entiers A co. Passenger.?. Ter steamship Tennessee, for New York-S B Weld. Captniu Anderson and wife. Miss Ander? son, G W Woodman, A I' Newcomb. I? Alms. Mi s Goodrich, I. Goodrich, J P Greefiwokl, T 1: Vince, Mr Bracklin, CT Knight, J Kirkland, Jr, Mrs and Mi-s White, W A Courtnay, J P Wllhersley, aud w Meade. JP O MX CALENDAR. MOON'S rilASES. First Quarter. 8th, ll hours, 5 nilnntes, evening. Full Moon, j.M H. 5 hours, 6 minutes, evening. Last ipiartcr, vid. 11 hours. 5 inimit?s, morning. New Moon, "Otli, 1 hour, 17 minutes, evening. .(?Monday. '.r?ucsday. SI UV iLiesi'.ny.. ; j Thursday ?Frulay. <|sa: unlay.... lujsuwiay. SCN. ?USES. 5.. 44 5..42 5..41 5..40 5...'10 5..37 srN SETS. 0..21 6..22 6..23 6..23 6.. 24 6.. 25 C. 25 MOON 9..35 10..31 H..27 mom. 12..21 1..13 2.. 6 men WATER. 9. .60 10..37 ll..22 morn. 12..14 1..14 2..20 MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, APRIL 8. ARRIVE!) YESTERDAY. Sehr Island Belle, Pierre, Cardenas-7 days. Sugar and molasses. To W P Hull. Sehr Frank ft Binliy, Colley, Baltimore-6 days. Corn aud oats. To lt M Butler A Son. Sehr Ann S Deas. Garuaii, WestPoint Mill. 64 tierces rice. To Cohen, Haiickel A co, and J D Aiken ft. 1:0. Steamer Planter. Foster. Peedee River via Georgetown. v? bales upland cotton, in I.Lis naval Stores, mid mdse. Tn Bavenel A Mulmes. L 1) Mowry .V Son, Kirkpatrick A Witte, G W W|| Hams ft iv, Frost ft Adger, G ll Wulter A co. Pri? zer, Rodgers ft co, Dowle, Noise ft Davis, and Order. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Steamship Treucssco, Chichester, New York w A Courtenay. Sehr Palma, Rankin, New York, via Wilming? ton, N C-W Roach A co. Sehr R M Brooking, DuugUs, S.igna la Grande J A Elislnw A co. Sehr Ida Richardson, Bdloll, Baltimore-J A Bindow St cn. Sehr Mary, Gilchrist, Bucksville, s C-J A i.'ns low ,v co. Sch rs V W Simmons, Williams, Providence, P. I-Risley ft Creighton. Kehr May Day, Adams, Rockporf, tie, via Georgetown, S c- Ridley .t Creighton. SAILED YESTERDAY. {^Steamship Tennessee, Chichester, New York. Sehr J W Wilson, Adair.*, a Northern Port. Sehr Carlton Jayne, Brown, Bucksville, S C. Sehr Ida Bella, Fisher, a Southern Port. Sehr Ma:tle Holmes, Sntlbs, Georgetown, S C. FROM THIS PURT. Steamship South Carolina. Adkins, New York. April 4. Steamship Maryland, Johnson, Bulilniore, April 6. CLEARED FOR THIS POUT. Sehr B N Hawkins, Wyall, at New York, April4. MEMORANDA. Theliri^ P.onJ Carver, Pendleton, from B'ieks vllie, s c, arrived at Belfast, MC, March 20. List of Skipping IN TUE rOl'.T OP CHARLESTON. AntlL 7. Vessels under loo tons, and steainers coasting willtUi the State, excepted. STEAMSHIPS. Arragon (Br), 1317 tons, Houison, at Bovcc A co's wharf, for Liv? mool, loading-R Mr.rc A <: ?. Falcon, 072 tons. Horsey, at Union wharf, Tor Bal? timore, loading-P C Trenholm. SHIPS. Southern Chief, 1518- tois. Higgins, at. Atlantic wharf, for Liverpool, loading-Willis A ch Isol in P?. cl lie, 635 tons, Foss, at Atlantic wharf, for Liv? erpool, leading-W B Smith A co. BARRS. Elliott Ritchie, - tons, Pnng, at Accommodation wharf, from Onanape Isles, Peru, walting H Card. A B Wyman, 885 tons, Wyman, at Atlantic wharf, from Liverpool, waiting-W B Smith A co. Island Queen (Br), 33*2 tons, Brooks, at Marshall's wharr, from Newport, Eng, discharging-R Mure A co. Wm Fisher (Br), - tons, Burney, in Ashley River, for Newcastle, Eng, loading-B S Rhett A Sen. SCHOONERS. Montana, - tons, Parker, at NE Railroad wharf, for Boston, loading-Risley A Creighton. Ida Richardson, nSHons, Bedell, in Ashley River, for Ballimore, ready-J A Euslow A co. Eclipse, - tons, Thompson, at Etiwan co's wharf, from New York, discharging-W Roach A co. Georgia, 120 tons, Brien, ar. Brown A co's wharf, for Boston, loading-M Goldsmith A Son. E H Naylor, 280 tons, Naylor, at Northeastern Railroad wharf, for New York, loading-Wm Roach A co. Serene, - tons, Jones, at Bennett's wharf, from Norfolk, walting-Risley A Creighton. W H Thorndike, 120 tons, Hall, In Ashley River, for a Northern Port, loading-H F Baker A co. H G Fay, 183 tons, Prescott, at N E Railroad wharf, for Baltimore, loading-Master. R M Brooking, 169 tons, Douglass, In the Stream, for Sagua la Grande, ready-J A Enslow & co. Z Steelmai. 268 tons, Church, in Ashley River, for a Northern Port, walting-W Roach A eo. Nora (Br), - tons, Howes, at Brown A co's wharf. from Matanzas, walting-W P nail. Maud Webster, 170 tons, Wentworth, In Ashley River, for New YorV, loading-J A Eutdew A eo. S V W Simwone, 1P2 ten?. William*, In Ashley River, for Providence, R 1. ready-Risley A Creighton. Palina, .".os tuns, Rankin, et Auger's wharf, from New York, discharging-W R.'ach A co. Central America. 2^7 ions, Crouch, at Palmetto wharf, ?rom New York, walling-J A Biislow A co. May Day. - tons, Adam';, nt Centra', wharf* for Georgetown. S C, ready-Risley A deigh? ton. Mary, - tons, Gilchrist, at Palmetto wharf, from Belfast, Me, ulscburgjng- J A Enslow A co. Sturdf-vnnr, - tons. Griw, ct Brown A co's wharf, Hom Elizabeth City, N C, discharging -RM Butler A Son. ? . Lilly. - tons. Hughes, at Adgcr's wharf, for Savannah, ready-W Roach A co. W G Dearborn, - tons. Scull, at Central wharf, from New York, dUcharglug-II F ift&ct A co. Thomas Miskimmons, - tons, Lewis, at Palmet? to wharf, from Cardenas, discharging-J A Bnslow A co. Anna E Clover, 2?8 tous, Tcirv. nt Central wharf, from Bostun. discharging-M Guldsmlth A Sou. U E Kai mond, - tens, Higgin*, nt Brown A co's wharf, irom Boston, discharging-M Gold C smith A Son. Island Belle, - ton?.' Pierce, nt Brr.wn A co's wharf, iroin lordcnas?, discharging-W P Hall. Frank A Emily, - Colley, at Brown A co's wharf, from Baltimore, discharging-R ?I liu:ler A 8on. LIST OF VESSELS rr, CLEAItLD AND SAILED FOlt TTJJS JrORT. FOREIGN. NEWPORT, ENS. Thc Nannie T Eel!, Ackley. sailed.Feb io CABDEFF. The Edith, Chigwidden, sailed.Jan 29 HAVANA. Sehr Mn ry Lymburner, Lanni, sailed....March 9 Span brig Tomas, Ro6as, cleared.March 10 DOMESTIC. r.OSTON. Sehr S N Smith. Smith, rip..March 9 .Sehr J Haucock, Crowed, up.Murch 28 NEW TORE. Steamship Manhattan, w oodhull. clcared.Aprii 2 Sehr Com inodore Kearney, Phllbruek, up..Feb 24 Scar Georgia, Brier, np.March 3 SchrB N Hawkins, Wyatt, cleared.April 4 Sehr J ll Stickney, Fooks, up.March Si Sehr Daniel Brittain, Carroll, up.April 1 pniLAUEi mu. Sciir C II Mo 1er, Brown, cleared.March 30 Nebr Anna Little. Crawford, up.March 7 Sehr ?eddie. Trott, cleared.Murch 23 sehr K ll- li Smith. Smith, u:-.March 20 Sehr Kate K Rich, Doughty, cleared.April 3 Schi' Jessie S Clark, Clark, cleared.April 3 BAlTISlOCS. Sehr fl C. Bird. Drinkwater, np.March ll Sehr Mao* Means, Bayard, up.April 2 8rhr K s Putter, Boner, up.April 2 Sehr U II Eaton, Shack ford, cleared.April 4 NORFOLK, VA. Sehr J?nc Durfee, Durlee, sailed.April 4 ROCK FORT, HE. Sehr fiara Reil, Amesbury., np.March IS ittisccllaucons. VERY LIGHT BROWN SUGAR, 7* pounds rorSl. At WILSON'S GROCERY. pR a WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS S. v.. Thc Commissioner of Revenue has decide? that any denier can sell this article without i special license._mci? 2 I>UOWN SUGAR, 9, 10 AND ll POUNDi > for $1, at WILSON'S CRUCLKY. upr.? * _ IMS H ROOFING FELT. THE BEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST DURABLE Material for Rooting known. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY & CO.. Corner Meetlug and Cumberland streets, inrli24Sato 'Cha Heston. s.e. rS QOD GREEN TEA AT ONE HOLLAR VJT a mutml. Try lt. At uprS_WILSON'S GROCERY. TF YOU AVANT PAPER BACS, FLOUR i. SACKS, nod Baits of everv #c*crlpil'iu. go to EDWARD PE li RY. No. Meeting sin-ct. opposite Charleitoii Hotel i'l'iii-:-.ii>ri. S. C. ??ftflW fireO" IF YOU WANT ii LANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER, and of thc best material, to any f. atti ru go to EDWARD PERKY, No. 155 Meeting street, opposite charleston Hotel Charleston. S. C. dee*4 finit? TV YO? WA KT SCHOOL AND TEXT JL HOOKS of all kinds, cheaper than you cr.n purchase else wintro, go to EDWARD PERKY", No. i.V. Meeting street, opposite C5:ar!w*n Tl'.tel Chat ?fi-tor.. S.e. decusmotf TT YOU WANT YOUR PRINTING DONE JL lu Flue Sivli! und at Reasonable Kates, go io EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 M-.ctitut street, opposite ?aarieiton Horei, Charh?ttnii. s?, c. dwtU man? ?* L O SET PAPE R FIFI Y CENTS A REAM AT TUS IT A S E L STREET BAZAAR lanae_ IP YOU WANT NOTE, LETTER AND CAP PAPERS and ENVELOPES, go to EDWARD PERRY. No. 165 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel i Charleston, S. C. decl4 6mcs 1 OFFICIAL. LIST OF LETTERS remaining In the Postofllce at Charleston, for the week ending April '7, 1870, and printed officially tn THE DAILY NEWS, as the newspaper having the largest circulation In the City of Charleston. OS" Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should Btatc that they are "Advertised." jj?- Office hours from 8 A. M. to 6>i P. M. On Sundays, from 5>i to ey P. M. STANLEY G. TROTT. Postmaster. WOMEN'S LIST. Allen, Mrs Sa- Harrison, Miss Ohear, Miss Ma? rah AM tie Alexander, Ell- Henlsler, Mrs M Parker, Mrs za E James S Bathee. Miss Harney, Mrs Ju- Pnlvey, Mrs C C Elizabeth lia Patterson, Mrs Rrlen, Miss Rc- Howard, Mrs Rebecca becca Hager Parker, Mrs Brown, Miss A Hunt, Mrs Ru- Peggy L thama Page, Mrs. Julia Brown, Miss E Bilton, Mr3 Plnckey, Miss A Jane Sallie Banks, Mrs Ma-Johnson. Was Poole, Miss C A ry E * Anna M Porter, Miss J M Barner, Mrs Johnson, Mrs W Ploss, Mrs E Banant, Mrs H Purcell, Mk? S Sarah Johnson, Miss A Blake, Mrs CA ER Pugh, Mrs M A Bowman, Mrs Jones, Miss Ma- Qu acton bush, Ann ry H Miss M Earns, Mrs Jones; Miss Qnlnllvin, Mrs Bridgett Jane Queolley. Mar Calvin, Mrs F Kennedy. Mrs ? garet Ellen L Caroline Rnv, Mrs Isa Cammer, Miss .. Kennedy, Mrs Pi bella Alice J Rainer, Sarah Cain. Hrs Lan-Kinsey, airs Oc-iRiniey, Mrs R. ra II tavla I W Caldwell, Mi-- Kcan.MIss Hag- River?: Mrs Pet Jenni- EieLJ |Rof -. Miss Char Casi \v. M.-.? M j Lan d. Miss Isa-1 y y Canttie!!; .Miss bella !'.'.!. MMI::, Miss Kticeiier [Lawton. Mrs E * H Ct?ui*" n, Jlr* I' P i::i:te!. M:?.?W ci.-'. ?:c.; Miss la man, Mrs W i Anf?le I' 1 H l.i.iji t?gc, Miss Clarke. Mrs Leman. Mis : Kim Fi unke Marla il?utli .ice, Mrs Cook?. .Vi-s Leary, Mi-s An-i ri wi?iy Alice nie I Sri iib. Csrolln? Cooper, Mrs l'ILeckwoofl. Mt>>"iiiioiinsi Mrs J K !."??m. Mis Mnionds; Mrs Coelinib, MI>s i Martita i E dial lott '.owery. Mrs M I^IUI .iifie?. LHFS Cit-^-e-. M,s |i,nnch, Mrs H j Ailee J Jane i LUCKS, Mrs M J]Slii-H?ti; Mrs Days. Mrs KS:- 31 ckqmsr, Mrs! Lucy XMhciti I chiirt?nt |simVr, Mrs FM Davis. Miv Lw.-|Mi.yninr, Miss s? Mind*. MM .-??i I K?-c I Waller David, Mw s n Mitchell, Miss ,, Miss Dupont. Mis* Phillis Eiier Charlot! Myers, Miss M ?Stone, Mrs WU Ed wards, Mrs K | liam Bili*. Mrs Jute. Myers, Miss Ma-|Suinter, Miss phitie ila Anule . Pen-Ill, Miss Su Mills. Miss SP.- Sulllses, Mrs M san rey 11 Flemming, Mis.-Morrison, Mrs ITajIor,. Mary Dorcas ?Tirper. Mrs J Flemming. MiswMurray, Miss | Tit zen, Miss Le Sllvey J Mary ? ri French, Mrs J Mivar, Mrs Ell-.Tlrney, Mrs W Ea j M a ir sic Frazier, Mi*? 'Murphy, Mrs ?Tlnslev, Mrs Sarah | Jane ' Sallie Green. IlarrietiMuuall, Mrs E S|Toomer. Mrs Su Orecu, Mrs Har Munroe, Mrs ? san rlr-t Mary ?V/n?mer, Mrs Gr.rdner, Mrs McKtegan, Mrs; Msry Mira Jno Walker, Janey Clock, Bardlnc McKeaver, Miss Wcllln, Mrs Mar Crant, Martha F tha Bryson, Mrs M Miller, Mrs White. Miss Ro Cruut, Mrs Frances C Fr an na Cathrine Miller, Miss Sa- Wilkinson, Miss Grldiue, Caro- rah C Louisa line Miller, Miss Sn- Wise, Miss Lillie Graut, Mrs M san Williams, Miss P Giinipie, Miss J McKeown, Mrs Williams, Mrs B M William Gr? lui m. Miss Wickson. Miss Williams, Mrs S. Isabel M Lucinda P Hal!, Mrs Lvdiit Norris, Sophia .Williams. SS Hayden: Mrs E Nielson, Miss M wilson, Mrs E Augusta K Wilson, Miss A null. Mrs Mar- Oppel. Mrs Mary " tba George Yatcn, Mrs Ma Huben, Mrs FC. ry MEN'S LIST. A, J C Hawkins, H D Pringle, G F Aisi na. Geo Hard, WD & C Probst, John E Ahilen, John V Procter, Nath'i Alston, Col R A Harrlsou, John H. Ancrum, Jehu Hardcnbrook, B Pushreau, Tony R N Harney, Fran A .?na!, W Happoldt, Wm | els L Auston, Wm Hupermann, Reeves, Calvin Burton, A M Henry D Itaibi r. Geo Harris, Jacob Relncke, Ceo Berry,'Meses Hanls A.Phln Reynolds, R J Bennet, Geo Harvey. James Richter, Tobias Behrens, 0 Halloran. Wm Rldgeson, Isak Heck, Arthur Hallennir, Gus- Kiley, Dido Benedict A Ce, tr.r Hitter. J N C ll Helms. O H Richardson, I'eMaw. Peter [lle:i>, Smart Dick " m 'Boone, James Hflns; John I) Richardson, Isa llfvic. lt Uti bilton, Ma- lah Boyd. Dr W S lin w Blon, A T Bowers. Juc Hedrick Gustav Mien, Pr B Boric, Hmry J F Rhett. Wm Bo} ri, barn-N liv) warri. Jo- Robfsnn. J How'tr,, J li Muli Rowel, Napo Browi r, J K Holman, Pre?- lyon* Bro??. FdwniV. ton . Sin.'ord.Cnarlee Bright, GeoM Metter, Jcs L B flout,*, A L Hill. Lewis Schroder, Fren rtrndv, PH ti Irk Holmes. Nst (Set even, Jacob bu- kV-, Christo Holinn, W A -?server.?, John iihi-r liowaid, Albin ' V. Burns. Joseph A {Schwartz, ller-j buller, A F Horst, Geo j man Illicit. Henry, Chnrlen'Srubrook. J Gi Butmtl!, capt J ti tn st u, Geo 'SltaV, Thos S (Helson. Daniel i-hoemakcr, H Cai nev. Peter Hutton, James j B Canoli, Edward E " Sililhc, F Cauii/.ttcll, ivens. Hlrnm Sharp, Levis . ClisrlcsS James, Jean Shapiro,Ll) Cumplan, Jackson. TU Shepley, James Smart Jones. HW Simon, John Chat riler, Hen- Kerrigan, C U iSlellng. F , iy Kenny. Phineas Sinclair, Bich? el nd wick, John Kelly.: John I nrd , L Kelston, Isak Isiii?h, Isaacr Cbil?l|rn..S Knight, .t ..'o. Smith, Francis i liioii.'?hohia? mun I Sm ? Iles, Peter ri-tt)ii!n,J Kuri.-. John ii [Snefl; David R Cly bm n, Thos LaRochc,Janies;Siiodgrass, M J ii LaRociic. IsaaclSpear, D M Clark, S W Levy, Solomon iSiewart, John Clink.CP Lee. Charles W Cobb, Gideon Floyd, Joseph iSturt, Washing Cede. Julius II W ton Cokidon, Sylva- (.cowls, A Otis ?Stedman, uns Muiilv. John Charles Collins. Pniiiek Malmke. Julius Sr.ncrn,;, I Wal- 1! Sullivan, John Ince Vam 4 Sons, Symon?, Thos Cummings, J H May, John Tajlor, Syna p M Hegen. John Tliomas.Charies Cunningham, A Mitchell. Cato Thelman, Lau tt Mlllrr. Win rely .Dawson, Thos (col'd) (Townsend, Jos L Morl?-siv, Pat- 1 R Par;h. Rev Jas rick ?i-'riehels.Charles hiMsj Simon I Mosley. Jcssv Ml II R Dari,?,'Caleb .Motean. I'd- Punier, A Damier A Far- I ? ard WM ??sieh, rar iM? zen, Mr ' Charlie Dfilv. J C. .'McAvny. Wm F.'tntgnorl, Frank Prliinv, Maj M McCuilrr. WE lin R K * ! Ur Dowe'!, Ward, A Hcifccriv. A J James Warner, An l>rat?T.'lkrt.iry ?Mc Ka min, IV.:- ! drew E Dui,more, " i tick ; Wu ?ker, John Adam '.McKlnsIf, JohniWalker, Robert Edwards, .*::- M'-Kcivey, Jw; ?Warren, D!a HnsT i kin* ! mi-nd Kc bert. Jr.? IlieNiiich, ll? k- Watson, John Pills, Joseph S ? crt (Wa.-l l:>cton? Pair. Theodore lVa>:!n, fcV!3*h . John Kiel ling. F W {Nlc?iofeet:, W M Wr.-.ver, Jacob Firm:, Charles ? ?reit Pani.! ! H A Cakmau, li Willama, Lewis Pi'!-.-, p?ti lek OaSiaai?, Cllf- t K Fortune, l?u- ? ford ' [Williams, rarris ferd lO'Di-lt Jena Williams, Sad Fralnor, Wm .Ollx, A j rack \f Getlniiiiii.Lniifs O'Neil, Myles ?Wil?iancs, JG caiierr, T-K ?nrcuti, L WIIAVII Bros Gibbes, .bis G ?Owen-, L*rl G 'Wilson, Wm A eili s. Paris Paine, Thointis!Wilson, Andrcar Giassliler, I! IPctcrmac, Hcu-| W heeler. G.^ . Glover, Frsr ger I ry iwniccx, c Rooilin. J 0 reek, John J ?White, Wm C Rouler, Henry [Picrse, Heiirr Wl!dliagrn, A Gruiiait. Jo!;n ?PIumm< r; Otis J Wile, sp Graham. Perry ll'astawka, iWrlplir. Pntrlct Ha? i ls, W c I Louis lYendt'ii, Il w Uti' Persons depositing letters lu the Postofllce will please place thc stamp near the upper right hand corner of thc envelope, and they w ill also please to remember that without thc stamp a let? ter cannot he mailed, but will be sent to thc Heart Letter Oi?-e. C HUP EIN & WIKKLEB, D E N T i S T S OFFICE NO. 276 KINO STREET. covl3 Oinos F B AN K'S * S A L 0 0 N. FRANK HOWARD, Late of the Pavilion Hotel,, and more recently of thc Mills House, will open Tins MORNINO the FRANK'S SALOON, at No. 14? MEETING STREET, directly opposite thc Boatd of Trade Room9. ALES, Wines, Liquors aud Cigars, of the best? quality, will be served, and Lunch dally from ll till 2 o'clock. aprl Smoa FRANK, HOWARD..