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Kxport*. NEW YORK-Per steamship Champion-654 bales totton, 6S tes rice, 34 bales yarn, 78 empty bbls, 18 packages, l horse, l buggy. , " tM BALTIMORE-Per steamship Maryland-, i tes rico ?3 bales cotton, 58 bbls rosin, o bbls beans, . bags seeds, l case hats, 35,0*0 feet lumber au d 8BBA^CTSU>XA-Per Span brig Gabrlelia-2S0 bales upland cotton, 300 bbls rosin. The Charleston Cotton, Kite ami Naval Stores .Harket. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, 1 SATURDAY EVENING, April 2, ISTO. f COTTON.-This staple was In good demand, and with a limited offering supply, the better qualities .stiffened about X& fi re. Sales soo bales, say : 9 at 17; 3 at 17}*; 20 at 18; 13 at 1SX; IS at 19; 12 at l?Xi 6 at 19tf; ::. at 19?.?'; 13 at 20; 9 at 20?i; 27 at aox; to at 21; 12 at 2t>4-; 31 at 21?; 14 at 21X; M at 22. We quote : LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.17>i@20 Low middling.20*? Middling.ilK&LX Strict middling.21X023 RICE.-The market for this grain was quiet, with but Utile offering. Sales 31 tierces at 5X0. fi lb. We quote common to fair clean Carolina at 4&@5c; good b)?&>%c NAVAL STORES.-There were no sales of note. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, oy steam, ?id ft ?b on ?plarS?, aud LMd on sea Islands; by 3ai!, yt? ft lb on upland cotton, and Xd ft tb on sea Island cotton. To Havre, by steam, nomi? nal: by sall, nominal at Xe on upland:? and l?ic on sea islauds. Coastwise to New York, by steam, >?c ft lb on uplands and Xe on sea islauds; by sal!, ?ic ft re on up? lands. To Boston, by steam, nominal; by sail. K % ?ic 1* re on uplands. To Philadelphia, hy steam. Xe fi ? on uplands; by sall, somewhat nom? inal. To Baltimore, by steam, X@Kc ft re on uplands;by sall somewhat nominal. EXCHANOB.-Sterling 60 day bills 19?i@20. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks purchase sight checks at par, and sell at X premium. Out? side they purchase at par and sell at ;i@X pre? mium. COLD.-Buying at 10, and selling at 12. Markets by Telegraph. FOREIGN. LONDON, April 2-Noon.-Consols 93X- Bonds 91X- Turpentine COs 6da3ls. LIVERPOOL, April 2-Noon.-Cotton steady; up? lands loxd; Orleans lljfd; sales 12,000 bales. Evening.-Cotton steady ; speculation and ex? port 3o00 bales. Pork firm at 93s Cd. Lard flat. FRANKFORT, Aprd 2.-Bonds opened flat but un? changed. .PARIS, April 2-Noon. - Bourse opened dul[. Rentes 73f 75c Evening.-Bourse closed doll. Rentes 73f 75c. HAXRE, April 2.-Cotton opened active but Arm, j both spot and afloat; spot If 31c. DOMESTIC. NEW YORK, April 2-Noon.-Stocks dull. Money at 6a6 per cent; sterling, long 8X; short SX Gold 11X< Bonds 10; Tennessee ex-coupons 58; new51X; Virginia ex-coupons 70; new 68; Lou? isiana, old 77; new 72; Levees, sixes 77; eights 91; Alabama eights 97; fives 75; Georgia sizes 84; sevens 92; North Carolina 46>i; new 22; South Carolina.88; new 82. Flour dull and declining. Wheat dnll and nominally lower. Corn quiet and lc better. Mess pork heavy at $2G 50. Lard quiet; barrels HXaUXc for steam. Cotton quiet but Brm; middling nplands 22Xa22Xc; Orleans 23,'.;a 23Xc; sales 600 bales. Spirits turpentine firm at 47KC. Rosin steady, at $2 for strained. Freights dull. Evening.-Money active at 5a7; bank state? ment unfavorable; ' loans Increase nearly 1,000, 000; specie decrease over $2,250,000; circulation In? crease nearly, $250,000; deposits decrease near? ly $2,500,000, legal lender decrease $2,500,000. Sterling dull at 8}?aSX. Gold n,V Governments dull and steady. State securities dull. Cotton dull; sales 500 bales at 22Xc. Flour dull and drooping; superfine State and Western $4 35a4 55. Wheat dull and declining; white $1 42al 45. Corn scarce and lc better; mixed Western Si 03al 00K; new yellow $1 08. Pork steady at $26 50. Beef steady. Lard quiet and steady. Naval stores Arm. Groceries quiet. Freights dull. " BOSTON, April 2.-Cotton quiet and steady; mid? dling 2o?ic; sales 150 bales; receipts 735 bales; exports to Great Britain io bales; stock 12,000 hales. BALTIMORE, April 2.-Cotton in fair derna ml; middling 22,*i ; sales 20S bales; net receipts 171 bales; coastwise 51 bales; stock 9180 bales. Flour Armer-Improved demand; Howard street super? fine $4 62 ? ai; extra $5 IJ^HC: do family $6 25a 7; city mills-superfine $4 75a5 50; do extra $3 50a 0; do family S0 75aS75; Westra superfine $4 02?aO; do extra $5a5 50; do family $6a6 75. Wheat firmer; Pennsylvania red $129; Marylaud $1 35al 45. Corn-receipts small and in good de? mand; white $lal 03; yellow $ial 02. Oats steady at 56a5S. Rye dull at 95a$l. Provisions firm nt yesterday's figures. Whiskey reeling better at 9Sa$l. NORFOLK, April 2.-Cotton firm and prices a shade better, but not quotably higher; low mid? dling 20a20Xc; sales 00; receipts 505; stock 5604 bales. AucrsTA, April 2.-Cotton opened with a ralr * demand at 20Xc for middling.?, closing quiet but steady at the same figure; sales 311; receipts 240 bales. SAVANNAH, April 2.-Cotton in lair demand; middlings 21 Ji; sales 5C0; receipts ces; stock 40,353 bales. GALVESTON. April 1.-Cotton nat; good ordinary.' 17Xal8c; sales 260 bales; receipts 760 bales; ex ? ports coastwise 4S9 bates; stock 31,482 bales; re? ceipts tor the week 4214 bales; exports to Great Britain cm bales; to Couiluent 1433 bales; coast? wise 2051 bales; sales uso bales. MOBILE, April 2.-Cotton in good demand and tendlug npwaid. Middling 21 Aie. Sales 1000 bales; receipts 35J; exports to New Orleans 129; stock 60,119 bales. NEW ORLEANS, April 2.-Cotton in fair de? mand ami firm. Middlings 21Xa22o. Sales 5S09 bales; net receipts 140S; 210; total 1C18; exports to St. Petersburg ?900; stock 190,150 bales. Sugar, prime, Hallie. Molasses, reboiled, C2a 05c. Sterling 21. New York sight *? premiunL Gold nx- _. ".civ Torie Rico Market. From'thc Journal of Commerce of the 31st of March: itice-domestic remains dud, and prices heavy. Tuo Southern advices are not favorable. and deter other than compulsory purchases. -We quote oas. From thc Herald : Rice was ?utt, but unchang? ed. Tho sales were conti'ted to small lots willan th? range or V? icy for common to prime. From the World : Rice-Carolina moderately active and steady ; sales ol' 50 tierces at 4Xa5Xe. From the Journal of Commerce or April l: The market tor domestic rcmuius quiet, and prices are in the bnyer-H favor. The demand ls still for small lots for local use. We quote 5ut?c. From thc World: ?ice quiet at unchanged prices. Sales 01 joi> lots uirollna ut 4J?a?\rc Prom UieTinun: Klee has been dull and heavy at aboi.t tormer quotations, stock of itali-won this mo -mug, 5200 bags In Urst bauds. " ' Boston Market. BOSTON, March 31.-COITES.-The transactions in cortee have been quite unimportant, thc trade purchasing only tn small lots as wanted. Java ranges from 20Xa21Xc gold: and Kio ut 14;t'alsc. gold. lu St. Domingo nothing has been done: ami tor Mocha prices are nominally 40a4lc ft Tb currency. , ' COTTON.-Thc mai kee tor cotton has been dull dor Box herring are selling at 3?a42c for scaled, ana 30ft32c for No 1. Salmon are quiet, and the sales have been confined to small lots. GUSSY BAOS.-The market is firm but q?\,ct Tor cunny bags. Sales of 250 bales, to ?rrive, at lltfc, gold; and 200 bale6 at lltfc, <;0ld, In bond, also to arlve. GUNNY CLOTH.-Thc market is firm for gunny cloth and prices are well ?ustalned. but there ls less speculative inquiry. Sales ot 100 bales at 2ic, gold; 300 bales at 22Sc, currency; and 140 bales, to arrive, at USC per yard, gold, in bond. Higher prices are now asked. In domestic bagging, sales of 1000 rolls at 24a24Kc gold. HAY -Tue market is Arm, with sales at SloalS for inrerior, and $20a24 per ton for good and prime. NAVAL STORES-Spirits turpentine ls firm and prices have advanced to 49a50c gal. In rosin, pitch and tar there ls very little doing, and prices are nominally the same. KICK-The market is dull and the sales have been confined to small lots of Carolina at Ca0>4'c v lb FRUIT-We sales of Malaga raisins have been confined to small lots at $4 20a4 25 # box for layers. In Smyrna Ogs sales of 35,000 drums, iucluding all In first hands, at 13c & lb. Dates and peanuts remain the s?>nc, with sales In job? hing lots as wanted. By auction 4000 boxes and 41 cases good Smyrna figs, at 12j?'al6>?c $ rb. Savannah Market. SAVANNAH, March 31.-COTTON-During the week under review but little has been done. Holders have asked more than buyers were will ing to pay, and the operations of the week have been restricted to 2700 bales. The stock on hand at thc close or the market yesterday was 47,404 bales upland, and 4311 bales sea island-rrom the ronner figures, 200 bales, and rrom the latter 300 bales must be deducted, being the amount burned on thc ?th Instant. Thc receipts at all the ports root up 2,299,020 bates. The stocl; on hand at all the ports to latest dates reach 436,415 l?ales, against 379,170 bales the same time last year. The following resume of our daily market will indicate its tone for the week: March u5.-The demand was only moderate and the sales were restricted to 600 bales; mid? dling 21c. March 20.-The market opened with an ad? vance of Ji'c on our last quotations, and holders were il rm at the following quotations: Sales 200 bales; middling 2i;?c. March 28.-The market opened quiet and re? mained so during the day, buyers being unwill? ing to meet the demand or holders. Middling 2l%c; sales ooo bales. March 29.-The market was still quiet, buyers declining to pay prices asked. Sales 400 bales; Middling 2l>4<;. Mardi 30.-Holders having met thc views or buvcrs, thc demand was good and SOU bales were sold. Middling 20??a2lc March 31:-The demand was good, but the oper? ations were restricted in consequence ot' the high prices asked by .holders. Sales 400 bales. Mid? dling :iA?a21??c SBA ISLAND.-The inquiry has been good thc past week and at thc followlug quotations. The tales have been ab.-.ut 4*5 bales: Mains (commonly called cart cotton) 25c; common Georgia and Floridas 2Sa34e; medium Floridas 06a3So; good Fioridas 40a42e; medium fine Floridas 45a50e; fine Floridas 52a05c. RECBiiTs.-The receipts at this port for thc past week have beeu ?493 bales uplands, and C3 bales sea islands from the following sources: Central Railroad, 3334 bales uplands; Atlantic and Gun Railroad, 733 bales uplands; Savannah River steamers, 458 balesuplauds; Florida steamers, :>"> boles sea bland: HawklnsvlUe, 03 bales uplands; wa"Ons, 5 bales uplands aud IO bales sea islands. EXP0KT8.-The exports or Hie week have been 9092 bales upland, and 50O bales sea island, as roUowa: To Great britain, 3S41 bales upland ami 169 bales s^a Island: to France, 2353 bales upland ; io other foreign ports, 1994 b^lcs; coastwise, DC! bales upland and 391 bales sea Island. FINANCIAl_Sight exchange buying at par tu S premium;selling at .?"'aJi premium; sterling exchuge 110. Money ls obtainable on good se? curity at 12 to 15 per cent, for 30 to CO days: very long dates prime paper is to 20. Securities contiuue firm, and are marked by light offerings orall favorite stocks. Old City Savannah bond;, and mortgage bonds or Atlantic and Gulf, and Macon and brunswick R.iilroud, arc still lu de? mand at inside ligures. Columbus Market. COLUMBUS, April 2.-Yesterday there was again an active demand which found few sell?is at-?0>?a20>?c for middlings; sales 192 bales. Tue market closed quiet at the following figures, as given by warehouses: Ordluary l5Kal6;ie: good ordinary 18c; low middling l9Al9>ie; middling 30Jja20)?c; strict middling 20%c. Sales oi thc week ssa bales: 743 on Europea a orders, 146 for New York, none for Northern skin? ners. Sales ol thc week arc 581 bales greater tliau previous week. Week's receipts 501 bale? against 524 the previous om*, and 473 the corres. ! ponding week or last season. Shipments 754 bales-JOG for New York, via Opclilcaand Charles I ton. WEEKLY RT ATEM OT. Stock on hand Sept. l, lstw. 12."> Received past week. .161 Received previously.61,280-Cl ,841 Total. CI.9C0 Shipped past week. 751 Shipped previously.4S,4tiU-19,2:T> Stock on hand AprU 1, 1870. 13,743 ? Nashville Market. NASHVILLE. Mardi 31.-COTTON.-Thc market was steady throughout thc day, wim a better tone, and closed quiet without change as follows: Inferior 12al4; ordinary 15alG; good ordinary 17a 18; low middling 19. COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand September 1,1SG9. None. Received to day. 2ui Keceived previously.39,007-"3,-iol Total.39,2?l Shipped to-day. 1S9 Shipped previously.32,SSI -33,073 Stock on hand. o.iss FLOOR.-Tho demand continues good, and wc note au active market at $5a7 for supers to laney. COHN.-Shipment? to-n.iy or 900 bushels ut ?1 per bushel, sucked and delivered in depot. Sales from store ol 1500 bushels, sacked at 95c. OATS.-We quute 75c sacked and delivered iii depot. WHEAT.-Thf buying lates are as follows: Medi? terranean 95c; red $105; white aud amber SI lOal 15. Georgetown Market. GEORGETOWN. March 30.-COTTON.-Sales or 2 bales this week at from 15 to is cents per lb. We ?quote from 15 to 20 cents per lb. COHN.-Arrival or three cargoes this week. Selim,' at SI 15 per bushel. TIMBER-Arriving freely-bringing rrom 6to 15 cents per cubic foot. TUKI'ENTINE.-Virgin dip $4; yellow dip $2 70 serape or bard SI 25 to SI 60 per bbl. ot 2S0 lbs to the bbl. SPIRITS TURI-ENTISE.-Per gallon 40a4lj? cents. TAU.-Per bb!., retail, S3. PEANUTS.-Per bushel $tal 25. Interior Cotton Market H. . COLUMBIA, April 1.-The sales of cotton for thc past week foot up 1:4 bales, as follows: i at 16; 2 at 16>i; 3 at 17; G at 18; 8 at 18J4'; 16 ut 18Jc; lo at 13 at 19; 30 at !9>s; 40 at 2ue. ORANGEBORG, April 1 - Sales dunns thc week 20 bales. We quote ordinary 10e; low middling 17,'ic; middling 18,'ic. MACON, April 1.-Receipts to-day 103 bales; salts loy; shipped 174. Thc market ls limier mid more neuve under thc favorable reports from New York and Liverpool, lt closed linn willi n good demand this evening at sojic for middling*, being au advance ol' a half cent on thu day's operations. Offerings still very light. ATLANTA, April 1.-Thc market closed active atl'.'jjo for middlings; tt>~o for low middlings; 17J?c lor good ordinary; lue for ordinary. MONTGOMERY. April L-Market is tlrm to-day with but few sellers. Low middlings ure held lit 20.-. Receipts by RatflroiuL. April S. SOPTH CAROLINA KA1L7.0AD. 21S bales cotton, G6 bales domestics, S32 sacks oil meal, so bbis naval slores, 26 casks ciay,1 <\ir ?t<iefc. To Railroad Agent, Ci ll Walter ft co, Bel? ier, Rodgera St co, Beetler ic Davis, .Ino Marshall. Wardlaws Carew, A J Salinas, w W Smith, G W Williams .t co, J B E Sloan, Thurston Sc Holmes. A li Mulligan, Mowry A Son, Frost Sc Adger, G A Treuholui sc co, Claghorn, Heming & co. SOUTHEASTERN RAILROAD. 136 bales cotton, 125 bbis naval stores, no bush els rough nee. cars wood, lumber, nuise, Ac. To W c Courtenay Sc co, G J Lunn, II Gutes, Pelzer, ' Rodgers Sc co, stenhouse A co, Karden * Parker. Smith & Chapeau, W II Strainer, Kinsman ic Howell. S D Stoney, F Kloutwurth. Mantuue Sc co, Bischoff & co, Gr.ieser.fc Smith. G W Williams Sc co, Thurston & Holmes, J A (?ua- ketibiish, J I) Aiken St co, E 0 Stoddard Sc co. Hart A- co. J F Kream^r, w T White, W T Sunders, and Mrs E Porcher. Pawsenscrs. ..?Sr, stc'2'aship Champion, for New York H w Moore, J Barber and wire, Mrs MuNeal, R R Kennis aud wire, M Us Dennis, Mrs Osborn. Mrs E Fowler. E Ward. J D Duugla--, F Meyer, Ii B Haw? kins. Jr, A P Gregory, A Gamble and ?rife, Miss Gamble, LChainb-riuin and wife, G 'A Pitcher W Cunningham, M?SR K Chappell, A OutreV, Miss Green, M Gomez.-Wentworth, w T Worsliam and wife, H B Hawkins, wife, two childi en and nurse, C Low, E W Usher. Mrs R J Roberts and two children, J Nir-kersou, Miss M Fisher. F Gui breth, G S Coppins. 19 Vou Poster. Mrs and Miss Caufield; Mrs Schuvler and son, G A Glover, Mrs Waterbury, J Weekly. G Simpson, A Colyer. l"er steamship Tennessee, rrom New York-E Lawrence, B F Underbill. Mrs Underhill, A B Shaw, 1 J A Uovey. Capt 1) S Williams, B F Jackson. Mrs p^f^-^sA E Jackson, c Bogers, MUs Sarah rh ? 1 dr^'r' MlM Neille Parker, Mr Pond, r..ft x , ca,"V;rI ilot Bov-froni Savannah via Beau? t's de"^?U' F ??**> J 4 8hme* J t? J?z?I Per steamer Dictator, from Palatki rix Juri Tr ? f?? Sa vin nah-W % 'tot n son, Li Li iamiiri, 1- A Page J A Wo and iirtv W J Lewis, Mr Krunger Mr?sStU M?* Chi.d 'Mr n?rs Ls:rd, Mr Tucker and lady, J Marsh lusa Marsh and servant, Mr Brown and V ",rt C m Anderson wire aud daughter. Ur-Voigt anti wi/e 1? Winslow, Mr Beard and wife, Mrs Pendleton,' * J Nottingham, wife and two children, T L Gres gould and brother, J Hughes and wife, Mrs Mor? ris, Mrs Bobber, Mr Craddick, Mr Arnold and son, C Rothenun. G A Rose, Mr Coats, Mrs Leary, D Leary, J McLean, Mrs llnrd and A G Cavedo. PORT CALENDAR. MOON'S PHASES. First Quarter, 8th, ll hours, 6 minutes, evening. Full Moon, 15th, 5 hours, C minutes, evening. Last Quarter, 22d, ll hours. 5 minutes, morning. New Moon, 30th, 1 hour, 17 minutes, evening. 4 Monday. 5 Tuesday. o Wednesday. 7 Thursday... S Friday. 9 Saturday ... 10 Sunday. SON. RISES. 5..45 5..44 6.. 42 5..41 5..40 5.. 39 5..37 SUN SETS. 6..21 6..22 6..23 0..23 C..24 G..25 6..25 MOON LAS. 9..35 10..31 H..27 morn. 12..21 1..13 2.. S H1SH WATER. 9..60 10..37 ll..22 morn. 12..14 1..14 2..20 MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON; APRIL 4 ARRIVED FIUUA?. Brig Hampden. Perkins. Baltimore-days. Corn, Hour, oats, fte. To W Roach ft co. Wagner A Monsecs, C N Averill ft Son, T Tupper ft Sous, dados & Witte, J K H Wohltmann, Mordecai & co, W B Smith ft co, Goodrich, Winemau A co , T J Kerr A co. ARRIVED SATURDAY. Seri Mattie Holmes, Stubbs, New York-C days. Guano. To the Master, and Pelzer, Rodgers A co. Steamer Pilot Bov, White, Savannah via Beau? fort, Ac. 2 bales square cotton, 5 bales sea island cotton, 1 pocket colton, 150 packages sundries. To J D Aiken ft co, G W Williams ft co, S U Sto? ney Vincent ft Grown, WA L, Courdln, Mattlues seu A co. Miss J Cauter, Miss (I Cole, Holmes ft Calder, J J Stouey, Hopkins, McPherson ft co, Southern Express co. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Tennessee, Chichester, New York left 31st instant. Mdse. To Wagner, Huger ft co, W A Courtenay, J E Adgcr ft CO, N E Rail? road Agent, J D Aiken ft co, southern Expresa co, C 1) Ahrens ft co. K Bales ft co. Wm M Bird & co H Bischoff ft co, W S Bisscll, Blum & Muller. T M Brlsloll A co, B T Brown, P Brown, B Boyd, T M Cater. Burmeister ft Zerbst, Cameron, Barkley A co, W U Chufee A co, Chapeau ft Heffron, Chls olm ft Bro, L Chapia ft co. T D Clancy ft co, A V Chevreux, II Cobla .t co, Crane, Boy Ls lon ft co, ll Daly, J H Devereux. Douglass ft Miller, Dewie, Moise A Davis, L Drucker. J S Fairly ft co, P Teck Icu berg, M Pulley, D F Fleming A co, Fursyluc, MeCouib ? CO, Furchgott ft Bro, ll GrrdUftco, Gil mai Mn A co, I Gond kop, J H Graver A co, J F CriSlu. Goutcvenir Bros, W Gurney. A J Harris. J Het>citian, J Iscman, Jeffords ft co, Jennings, Tliomliusoti ft co, King A Clbbon. II Klatte ft co, Klinck, Wickenbcrg ft co. G Lehlhcck. Lengnlck, icil A Foster. C Litschgi, M Luhrs, S Mann, Man roue A co, W Harscher, E M Martin. Muller, Niui i:z ft co, G K McMillan. .Ino Ogrcn. Mrs O'Neill. B O'Neill, J F O'Neill ft Bull, D O'Neill ft Son, Parker x Pond, i'elzer. Rodgers ft co. J R Head ft co, C K Seaman, A TeckleutMsrg. W Shepherd A co, G W Steffen*, A R StUlman. E II Stelling. E Ii Stod? dard, ll Souberoux, J KTajior & co, w G Trott,. V Vince, W Vance, F von Santen. Walker, Evans ft Cogswell, M A Warren, Mrs S Watts, F Weltmann, Werner ft Ducker. R While, G W Williams A co, W J Yates, Zogiiaum, Young ft co, Granitcvllle Manufacturing co, K P Benedict, J Apple, G W Almar, C D llr.ihe. Johnston. Crews ft co, Ravencl ft U limes, ll F SeufvihcW A Gibson, M ll Nathan. A Levy, I) <io:?ir;..:::. Hart ft c?, Menke ft Muller, Stenhouse ft co. J H Warkerman, J K Heath. Stoll, Webb ft co, W F Little, A W Eckel ft co, J W Jae irer. W Matt messen, K Pils, M Marks, ESebring.S R Marshall, Ostendorff A co, Wagner ft Monsees, Clacius ft Witte, S See!. News ?iilce, Hall ft co, D LewisvSt James Hotel, .1 l'oilark, A Tlefcnthal. W G Whlldeu A co, Legier ft Bro, Nachmanu A co,W S Corwin ft co. steamer Dictator, McMillan, ralatkn. via Jack? sonville. Fernandina and Savannah. IS bales cot ton and mdse. To J D Aiken ft co. J Morrison. .1 F O'Neill * Son. S C Railroad Agent. Pinckne.v Ufos. I'ar.l. Welch ft Branden, Walker. Evans ft. Cogswell. Kirkpatrick A Witto,S C Behling, .Ino F Taylor ft co, Kinatid and others. CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New York Jas Adgcr ft co. Steamship Maryland, Johnson, Baltimore p C Trcnholm. Span brig Gabriella, Pages, Barcelona-W P Hail. Sehr E S Conant. Garfish. Philadelphia via DucKsvllle. S ('-J A Kiislow ft co. . Sehr l.arnanine. Foss, New York via Bucksviilc, S c-J A Euslow ft cn. SAILED SATURDAY. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, Ncr/ York. Steamship Maryland, Johnson, Ballimore. Ship ll C Winthrop, Stewart, Liverpool. Sehr Pun Gifford, Terrell. Philadelphia. Sehr Elias Moore, DeGroot, New York. Sehr sparkling bea, Rose, Wilmington, Del. SAILED YESTERDAY. RarR Annie Torrey, Libby, Liverpool. Span brig Gabriella; Pages. Barcelona. Sehr S T Baker, Davis, Wilmington, N C. Sehr D Talbot, Amesbury. Fernandina. Sehr L W Illumed. Banne!!, n Northern port. Sehr S II Woodbury, Woodbury, Jacksonville. Sehr Mediator, Cage, Beaufort, S C. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Mauhattan, Woodhull, New York. March 31. Steamship Prometheus, Gray, PhQsdClphin, March 31. Ship Hope. Ure, Liverpool. March 1?. Spun brig Manuel, l'are*, Barcelona, March 14. Span brig Guion, (?un Iga. Barcelona, March T4. Sehr Hattie M Bowes, Howes, Baltimore, March 31. Sehr Ben Borland, Blalsdeil, New York, Mardi 30. Sehr Young Tcazcr, Brlghtman, Havana, March 20. Sehr E A Hooper, Champion, Georgetown, S C. March 2*. Stir Marian Gage, Shepherd, Georgetown, S c, March 29. Sehr C B Wood, Gandy, Providence, March 30. Steamer Samson, Flyun, Savannah, March 31. UP FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Kale Rich, Doughty, at Philadelphia, March 31. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr C U Moller, Brown, nt Philadelphia, March 30. MEMORANDA. GEORSETCW:*, S C. April 2-Arrived, March 25, sehr Ridgewood. Dcrrlcksnu, New York; 27th, sehr.s M S Sindsay, Bprclglits, Baltimore; K A Hooper, Champion. Chu rles, on; 25th, sehr S.irah Fisk, Thompson, Savannah; satli. seor Marian (?age, Shepherd, Charleston. i.Lmvd. March 28, schrs .1 B Marshall.Scavey, Hostou; J li Wood I mn, Woodbury; Sh'iltiiuoic; .Mary Fair?v. Cunden, Martinique: Myrover, Brown, New York: Eveline. Gilmore, Belfast, Me; Kith,,sehr Sabao, Samson, Burbadoes. Thc Br steauishln Camilla, Capt Peace, arrived at New York on Wednesday ?asi, iro n Palermo. Capt Peace reports: March lo, hu 33 30, long 4310. spoke steamship Venezuelan (Br,) from Liverpool tor Burbadoes, with rudder Rmi post carried away and after compartment lull of water; at the re quest of capt Crowell, of thc V. received ou board '.he Camilla the malls and is person*(pn?senjrer*:j II s nong gale blowing ?nd high sea running ?it thc lime, lt was with great ditnculty Ihe passengers were u'ot nu board with ihc assistance or the life? boat of the V: as no other assistance was requir? ed, proceeded mi mir vovnge; thc machinery or the V was nil In good order. The brig Monica. Libby, from Charleston fer Boston, arrived at Holmes" Hole March 00. TUe sehr W F Garrison, A 'ams, from Charles? ton for Boston, arrived at Holmes' Hole .March 3i?. The sehr Hattie Coombs, Jameson, from Charles? ton for Weymouth, passed through Hell Gale Marci! 31. LIST OF VESSELS rr, CLEARED AND SAILED ron THIS POUT. F O lt E I G N . NEWPORT, I:N?. TheNaaaieT Bell, Ackley. sailed.Feb lo CARDIFF. Thc Edith. CiiegwituU-n, sailed.Jun 29 HAVANA. Sehr Mary Lymburner, Lan*!!, sailed....March n Span brig Tomas, Rosas, cleared.Maren lo DOM E~S TIC. COSTON. Sehr C E Raymond. Biggins, cleared_Mardi P Sehr S N Smitli. Smith, up.March 9 Sehr Anna E Glover, Terry, cleared.March 33 Sehr J Haucock, Crowell, up....March 28 NEW YOKX. Sehr Commodore Kearney, fullbrook, up..Feb 24 Sehr Georgia. Brier, up.March 3 Sehr lt N Hawkins, Wyatt, up.Mardi 22 Sehr J lt Stickney, Fooks, up.March ul PHILADELPHIA. Sehr C H Moller. Brown, c leared.March 3u Sehr AnnaLlttle. Crawford, up.Mureil 7 Sehr .leddle. Trott, cleared.March 23 Sehr Kille L Smith,Smith, up.March 20 Sehr Kale Rich, Doughty, up.March 31 BALTIMORE. Sehr H G Bird, Drinkwater, up.March ll Sehr Frank ft Emily, Colley, cleared.March 27 Sehr E li Eaton, Stiackfurd, up.March 25 ROCRTORT.' ME. Sehr Clara Bell. Amesbury, up.March is ' T. HUMPHREYS, BROKER. AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. SALES OF REAL ESTATE. STOCKS. BONDS SECURITIES AND PERSONAL PRC PERIT ATrENDED TO. No. 27 BROAD STREET, Charleston, S. C. REFERENCE?.-Hon. DJNP.T BPIiT, W. J. MA? GRATH, Esq., General JA?!ES CONNER. T. R. WARING, Esq. 0Ct4 Star ?rjirts. ?^M. MATTH IESSE? l||Ji JJ No. 291 KING STREET, CORNER WENTWORTH", AGENT FOR TUE MANUFACTURERS OF TUB CELEBRATED STAR SHIRTS EACH QUALITY OF SIIIRT IS NUMBERED. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: No. 42.$2 00 No. 52. 2 60 No. T2. 3 00 No. 92. S 50 febf. 5m o? miscellaneous. J RI S ll ROOFING FELT. TUE BEST, CHEAPEST ANO MOST PCT? A RLE 00 Material for Rooting Known. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY <fc CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, mclt24 0mo Charleston. S. C. ' Murray & Lanman's Florida Water, Tlie most celebrated and most delightful of all per famesffor use on thc hand? kerchief, at the toilet, and in thc bath, for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers. For sale by DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, jan24 mws4mos_Charley ton, S. C. J^NOCH MORGAN'S SONS' (LaTABI.tsnED 1809.) (211 Washington street, N. Y. SA PO Ll Cr BEST THING (OUT FOR CLEANING Windows, (without water,) Paint, Oil Cloths, Floor*, Tables, and all Woodwork, China, Earthen and Glassware, and for General House? cleaning Purposes. FOR POLISHING Knives, Tinware, Brass, Steel, Iron and all Metallic Wares. REMOVES, as by Magic, Stains and Bust, leav? ing a brilliant surface equal to new. REMOVES STAINS FROM MARBLE, PAINT AND WOOD. Is not injurious, and QUICKER, BETTER AND CHEAPER than Hath Brick, Rotten Stone, Acid or Lye; lt will be found, on trial, the most perfect, reliable and Indispensable article ever offered to he public nf this or any other country; in fact, a PUCTARATION NO INDIVIDUAL OI; CLASS CAN AK FORO TO DO WITHOUT. Wc refer to the many testimonials in otu pos? session, from families, hotels ?nd manufacturers; also to more Utan FIVM IITJKDrtED THOUSAND persons who hnvc lt in daily use in howse and shop. It will cost you little io test our claims do lt. For sale, wholcsaleand retail, by Grocery, Drug and Notion houses throughout the United states. Sold by GOODRICH. WINEMA.X A CO., Whole? sale Druggists, Charleston, S. C., also DOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Wholesale Druggists. feil".? Hi.'tlPB QLFJ AN LINENS NEXT TO GODLINESS. THE UNIVERSAL RUBBER BATH is Adjustable for convenient use in a Shower, Sit? ting, Hip and Submergent Bath, combining sim? plicity, couveuleuce and comfort. . - 1 heg to Inform the public that I have the Agen? cy for the sale of these Baths In this State, und ?nt now prepared to show by sample at. m.v Store, their superiority over ail other Bathing ?ippara tus heretofore invented. V. VON SA NT EN, Dealer in all kinds of Rubber Goods, Nursery ShceMap, Ac, and Importer ol' Paris Fancy Goods, Toy?, Flrcwoiks, ftc. No. 229 KING STREUT. Nest to Academy of Music rocha atuthlmiMU ROS AD ALIS, ? w-_ g 0Y?\ ^> ?a = c g_'_ v>y :ROSADALIS. Sold by GOODRICH, WISEMAN & CO., Direct importers of European Drug!? and Chem Icals. Charleston. S. C. uiityh stuthly IF YOU AVANT THE CELEBRATED CARTER'S WRITING and COPYING INK combined, go to EDWARD PERRY. No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston. S. c. dccl4 6mos TF YOU WANTYOUR PRINTING DONE JL in Fme Style and at Reasonable Rates, go to EDWARD PERRY, N\ 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, CLaiieston, S. C. decl4 cmos Oroccri?s, $?t. gOUTH CAROLINA GROCERY AND TEA WAREHOUSE. (Branch of Nc. OOO Broadway, Corner Twentieth Street, New York.) WM. S. CORWIN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ANO IMPORTERS OF 3ft ^X-j ETTT^^. 33 CHAMPAGNES, WINES, BRANDIES, &c, NO. 275 KING STREET, CHARLES TOS', S. e. SOLE AGENTS FOR THB \V. S. C. CLUB-HOUSE GIN, URBANA CHAMPAGNE CO.. AND ATMORE'S CELEBRATED MINOE-MEAT, SMOKED DREP OrJ^r, / ^SSO^vW? C^?V BREAKFAST L, N" ^ \ ^^/^f STRIPS. -!--'-^ GOVERNMENT JAVA. MARACAIBO, LAGUAYKA, MOCHA, RIO COFFEES. CHAMPAGNES. CLARETS. SAUTERNES, &c. ?" MORT A Cn.ANDON GREEN SfcAL BRAND'G FRBKE'S MEDOC. 1 P. R A ND Eli BC RG FRBRES Vc Clicquot Ponsardln Johnston A Sou's Motloc La Croix Blanche Piper A co 's Heldsclck Johnston k Son's SC Lonbea Chateaux Palllett Bouche Fils & Co.\s cabinet EschennuerA Co.'s Boulllac Sit-ratelner U. F. A Co.'s Napoleon Cabinet Godard's Coutry ![iuchlielmer B. F. A Co.'s Carte Blanche St. Julien Medoc Mosel le Muscatel B F & Co 's Dry Verzcnay Chsteaux Margaux Ohanibertln, Nuns o'. IL Munim's Vcrzenays' Chateaux Yqueni Sparkling Catawba J. Mtimm's Pi ivate Stock Chateaux La Rosa Champagne Cider Urbana Champagne Lynch St. Julien. L. k G. feuglUb and Scotch Ales. BORER'S RVSS' ST. DOMINGO. HOST KITER'S, ANGOSTURA, DUNHAM'S, STOUGHTON, AND ' DRAKE'S PLANTA MOS Bl PIERS. Hermetically Sealed MEATS. Soups, Fish, cud Fruits, of every variety, by thc can dozen or ease. T-?..-?,., borden's. Lelbeg'a and Tourtelot's EXTRACT OF HEEP. PRESERVES, Jellies, Jams mid Itiand.v Fruits. English Sanees, Pickle?, Salad 0?!. Cap?is, Spanish and Frenen Olive?. .Palie and Terrine de Fol Onix. Anchovies, Anchovy I'as'.o, Walnut, Tomato ami Mushroom Catsups. PEPPER SAUCE, Currie Powder. Raspberry Vinegar, Lemon and Orgeat Syrups, Macearon! nuil Vermicelli.' Families Hotels and Vessels <?iirpllrd at WHOLESALE PRICES in purchasing l y the nnrknge. All Goods warranted, and FULL WEICHT guarantceil. We will be pleased lo furnish a List of Prices tu tiiiisc who may write for tho articles and quantity desired. Goods delivered to ?ill patts cf thc City. Railroad Depots and Steamboats. FREE OF CHARGE. KZ- TERMS CASH, OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. Scud for ono of our Catalogues o' Merchandise. OKOROB II. CRUDER.':- E. BEDFORD.J. S. MARTIN. iiichl21mo Scales. OS?*!* R ii.'' . ?'lPw'i'jM ?feMW f fSPfi sTA.3srr)^i^r) SCALES. ! AGENCY TRANSFERRED TO HART & CO., Xo. .'JO HAYXE STRE3T, AND CORNER I?.1ZG A.VD 3IARXET .STREETS, C HAK LEST?N, S. C. . /TT' A PULL ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON BAND AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. mens snio Dneiness C?Tat??G. ? DAMS, DAMON & co., IG BROAD ST., J'A. Deniers In stoves. Ranges, (?mies, .vc. Agent? mr il.-! Automatic Washing Machine ami Wringer. A JALlR, G. W.-GllOlOE DRUGS, CHE -L'x. .MiCAi.s, Snrglcal instruments. Perfumeries ?Hui Toilet Articles, -IOU King, cor. Vaiidcrhorsl st. ARCHER'S BAZAAR, liGl? KING ST., xx. Wholesale and Retail Notions ami Faucj Uouds, to per cent, less than elsewhere._ 4 ' LLANTJ?MES, WATCH KS, C I .oe K ?\ Jewelry. Sterling Silver, I'la red ware, S? e - fneles. Fancy Goods; Ac. No. ::o; King street. BA ii E fi,.H. F., Je CO., SHIPPING A ?U Cuni misidoij Merchants. i>ntr;u wivn-r. . ]>A??liOT, ALFRED A., AUK.\V Oe tue. J? Havana '.'?gar Factory,"La Valentina," 1<V rust liny >tre-r._ TDAZAAR, F. VON SANTEN, LUFOIiT ? j Kl: ol' Purin Fane Goods. Tors, French Con Hubbe Goods Ac, Na 220 King s:. TS?S?IIOFF & o., HENRY, WHOLE .IL* SALE Grocers, and Dealers in Wines, Ll uaojv, cigars. Tobacco. Ac. IO" East Bay. 7 ITLIRLKSTON- II?TKL" Tl f?T JTKS? K^I leguiated and itiiished House In thc South ern Stajcs. K..II. JACKSON. Proprietor. /"lostjliovK's""5?lJ?~rW?TE?; M?N?> V-/ FACTORY and IWhIiuc'Warerootns for Bas* omi HlbhcrfS London ?las, G7 Martel sr. ~i "S?1APTN &CO., L., MA N ?FACTUitJE: ; ? Vj and Dealers iu Carriages, .Harness, Ac,, 20 I layne. A SSA ss Blackney .-a. ::.:<<;. l*j Meeting st. poRWIN tb CO., AVIL 8., lMl'OltTJSUS VV am! Dealers In (jolea Whines. Uraiidfcs, Tea* and Groceries, Wholesale ami Retail' 2T? Kl?gst. p?n^?iriT "CO.,"WM. JJ..'"Wr??TE V.' SALK Dealers in Groceries, wines, Liquors, Ac: Agents tor Eaton's Crackers, 20" Basl \--.w. 7 Ml A FEE'S ~TO N IC," TUE REST AN J most pleasant Stomach Regulator extant. I Cha fcc A Co., No. 20T East I?? r. Manufacturers. D~VXTLlssW,T.Tl.. HANUFACTUli- ! KV.S or Tinware. Dealers In Stoves; Ituuss I Furnishing Ponds, .Vc. 33J Kins .-t. , ^'A*(j5r??i?T"\V0li?vS', KSiAiir^li^D ; .J.j 1838; Nassau and Cefumbtis s'reeN: Sii-afn ; Engines, Murine. Portable and Stiitlonery. .....!..... "pliK?CH C1II?T~AT~??k't) Vt. h' li JO prices, Glass and Crockery, at IL H. Mt DOW-. ELL'S. Agent, corner or King ami Liberty sis. F'"1M.LT?, G., TojL\<X(7Ti3?a?is>iC?? : Merchant, Manufacturers' Agent ?or the . mle of Standard Brands. No. 1S1 East liar. t [ T7\UR?TT??{? Wvilr?HK)MS,ESTAR.I I: LISHKDISCS. D. n. siicox.'Nos. IT-V?T; and; 1:0 King st. Goods cnn fully packe?! and shipped, jfT?Tu?MlTH ?"ITT?Tli?SilS, 4, ti ?ND VX s Vendue ltaiipe, Wholesale Deniers in iron. , Metals, lings, Paper stock. Hides. Wool, Sr. p URN EY. WM.TF?CTU1? AND COAN! IS- I OT SION Merchant, 102 Eas: Hay, ami 1 Ac? ra- I nod a Hon Wharf. pTjUf?Yj^??TirLiToS., iSL'CCES'S?i^ I.X tn -A'. Hiing.) dealers in Klilinery. ' Fanev .'toods. Toys. China. Glassware. Ac. King ? H~LFi?rti\r,""\vM. S., 3N M?^TT?GWT. I .Machinist and Founder, Manufacturer <.< Engines, and Improved Agricultural Implement*. KIN SHAN A; HOWELL, GJ'JN E U AL Commission Merchants, mid Agents 1er Japes' Superphosphate of Lime. No. 12* East Bay. LYONS A MURKAY. \V1J0LESALE Ak'D R?tail Dealers lu Roots. Shoes. Trunks. Ac, s Market st., near Meeting, S!?n of "Big Boot.? Ii?!?i?ics3 (?nr?Ss. T A CRIOLLA.-JOSE JARA, 1MPOR ? i TER ami Manufacturer of Havana Cigars.' A'i?i|] .-;;!:? tl.- ! ?{?lilli. f:ur. MlM'l jll'J liii'l M:trl:et SIS. J i TT LS X CO., G J?U, 218 K1 .N i> is J., j j si :Sie cheapest ami best clothing and Fnr ni'iit?i; fowwls li? Charleston. ._ ?Jjr KiiTKXS, W A., DEALER JN LA i? i. i>;?:s', M?ses', Getitfc, Boj?? ?nil Children'? iwi-tiH and Simes, Trunks, Valises, .Vc. -?3-J Kl?gst. "fc li I f NA UG?L N., DEALER IN BOOTS, J? S. Klines, Mats, Trunks, Valises, Ac., "Ji2 Kine TtTARULB WORKS.-THE OLD ESTAR I .LVL I.1SHM?NT, IS. H. WHITE, Proprietor, ll? j .?..i-iiKg rt., ii> d'il Theatre lor. ! \f ATTHI.ES3EN, OT.; STAR SHIRT i JL-* i. Emjiorjuiii mid Kine Clothing and Tn?orlnp i ?1--.?-. iit:!ii>' Furnishing (liMwls, aa King st.. ["VTEHr VILLE, B. E., BLANK BOOK ! i.1 .'Jar.til'acuirer, Joli Printer a lid Stationer, t i I ?road sr. Magazines, Ac bound in ali styles. j vraurs ARK.-- wai. MCLEAN, JOBBER ?1 and Healer in Toy?, Paney Roods. Show en? s's. tampina" A ('inking a specialty : <I33 Kinase OST EX DOR FF i- O'?., WHOLESALE Grocers. Dealers in wines. Liquors and Ci* cars. y". ;;?> Bast tiny. O'NEILL, BERNARD, WHOLESALE Grocer and Commission Merchant, W I K;:-t Bay. and 48 anil ?'.0 Stale St. MD A I) DON, W. F., GAS FITTER, STEAM ? 1. Fitter and Plumber, "441 Kl?gst. All kinds : ' i Gas Apparatus made tn miler. hpLVN???RTE AND .MIMO STORE, i JL lld King st.. ZOO BAUM, YOUNO & CO.. j Aa--:ii* for iiiiuiio * Co., Donburn & Son*, etc. j T) ! : OXIX ? LOX WORKS ESTABLISHED ? JL IS?; John P. Taylor & Co.. Engineers arni i boilermaker?. -I. c, 8, io und 12 Pritchard sr. PERRY, EDWARD, 1531JOET?XG ST., Printer. Stationer, null dealer lu Blank, Schcol ami Law !!..<.k". QTOLL. WEBB it CO.,. WHOLESALE O and Retail Ddricr?'Jn Dry Goods. No. 2S3 Kin,* street, three doors below Wehtwinth. QCOTTS: STAR ..SHIRT EMPORIUM O and cents' Ptrrnisliti'ig Room. Meeting sr. op. po-: te. Market Hall. Airi ?I mffheChamplon RM re. Ql'E.VR. JAMESE., 235 KING ST., OFfO O sltel las?l, Importer anil Dralcriu Fin? Watch? es. J"?vir.?\ silver; I'hitciUvare. Fanev Coeds, Ac. Tm GREAT SOETHEEN TEA HOUSE. WM. 8. CORWIN A- CO.. Ivlug st., branch lions? eff: J Broadway. New York. XrOTG'T, C.. DEALER IX KREXCH CALF V SKINS, Oak mid Hemlock Side.Leather, Shoe Findings^ Hides. V?m ned !*e<swnx."SS Market st. WILLIAMS ?ic BRO., A.M.!) BRfiAD st.. :v> *.?:iirs. I'nHrnad, Commercial and Gr-ni-ral Jd' Printing, nj New York ;. rices. W~"ULT7DEX& CU., WATCHES, JEWEL ry and Silverware, -ZZ? Kinjr st. Crockery and Glassware at Wholesale, Nn. is-Meotinr"*. WIXG. LODERT, BELL llAXGER AXD Locksmith, 123 King ar. Hotels and pri? vare houses flited up with Reils, Speaking Pipes. TX7EBI!, y.TU. L., IMPORTER OF CHI VV KA, Glass und Earthenware, 12& Meeting street. ??wlot? Bxate. HE CHAMPIO.N BRACE Tuts BRACE, in its peculiar construction, bas all tlie advantages or SUSPENDERS AND S1?OULDER BRACES COMBINED. Fiist. lt dees not disarrange the Shirt Bocona. Second. It cannot slip off the shoulders. Third. There is less strain on the buttons of the panta than arith common Suspenders. Fourth. Each section of the pantheon bc adjusted Independent? ly. Fifth. Py means of the Adjustlble Back Strap a gentle or powerful Trace can be obtained. Sixth. It attaches to ti e pants at the same colnts that the 01 dlnary SUM ender.does. Si.le Agent, iu Charleston, ?: . SCOTT , * DFALER IU sn;;.TJ? ANTI FURNISH ?NI; MODS, . MIHI. Oj : . -Mattel Hail. Ifio! hui ?:ia .?urms:::?i?"<?5?o50. JTHE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY J as the result of a long established' and successful business enables usto offer inducements that makes this announcement worthy of ATTENTION. Importing our foreign goods' di? rect, controlling many leading styles of American fabrics, employing file best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and "constant progress" o-ur motto, we claim to lead the mar? ket in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines of alt. grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassedfor qual? ity, workmanship and elegance, ra ' GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS' our stock is constantly large and seasonable. Wc arc thc sole manu? facturers of the which we supply both ready-made] and to order. * 1 Prices uniformly low. _J Gentlemen visiting New-York arei requested to call and have their measures recorded upon our books. ? System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished; when desired. . ', Address P. O. Box 2256, N. Y. DEVLIN & CO, ebl 2 Cmos Spool (Eoiton. jTESTSrXCOHD 9 SPOOL corrturasl?i SIX-CORD. Nato Asaibs ia?ew?arifir X&B COATS, af Bridgy, Sea tknl. iiinin mwsSlrii THE STANDARD REPUTATION AT . TA IX ED Uv this unrivalled and Infallible YEAST POWDER, during [wet? e year? pa$t, ls due? lo Its perfect purin-, bealiTffiil?es? and economy. Put op In tins, ncriial weight, as-represented, and will keep for years. " ' Thc quaiitlt v required for usc ls from onc-fourth? to one-hnlf less than other raking Powders. Sold by Grocers tt.rouvhour the United States. DOOLEY A BROTHER, Manufactur?is aud Pi oprletors. No. co New street, New Yolk. mchl4 mws3mos_ 1 ? _ \T S. H A N CK E L, . M. B., DENTIST, 'if las resnmed thc practice of his profession. .'??.in? No. res Kiiiz street, opposite Hasel, over .PEAR'S Jewelry Store Jan25 8 thatu