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San and Rain. A young wile stood at a lattice pane. In a study sad and brown, Watching the dreary, ceaseless rain, Steadily pouring down Drip, drip, drip, lt kept on its tireless play: Aad the poor little woman sighed, -'Ah, mo ! What a wretched, weary day ! An eager hand at the door, A step as of one in haste, A kiss upon her lips once more, An arm around her waist; Thro'?. throb, throb. Went her little heart, grateful and gay, . As she thought, with a smile, "Well, after au, It isn't so dull a day !" Forgot was the plashing rain, And the lowering skies above, For the sombre room was lighted again By tue blessed sun of love; Love, love, love, Kan the little wife's murmur'd lay; "Without, lt may threaten and frown If it will, Within, what a gloi lous day '." LIT EX ART ii OSSIE. -The Scientific American predicts that, in less than twenty years illustrations will be as common a feature of daily papers as market reporrs are now. -The Revue des Deux Mondes, which is generally considered the best European maga? zine, has a circulation of twenty-one thousand copies. -Thc acts of the (Ecumenical Council are to be commemorated in a history, which is to be published in six magnificent folio volumes, in a most luxurious style. -An elaborate poem by George Eliot is to appear in the April number of Macmillan's Magazine, lt will tc looked for with interest -but it is a great pity she does not keep to her novels. -There is some talk in London of starlin a great international financial paper. The capital is fixed at ?250,000, half of which is said to have been already subscribed, -tflic object of the 6chemc is to kill the Times. -The best thing in thc first number of the new comic paper, Punchinello, is this: "Let Stone of the Journal of Commerce, Wood of the News, Marble of the World and Brick of the Democrat put their heads together and make a new conglomerate pavement." -All of John Stuart Mill's writings have been translated and published in Russia, ex? cept his essays on "Liberty" and on "Utilita? rianism," and we learn that governmental per? mission has at last been granted for the publi? cation of these. -Nearly o?e-thir'l of the books published in England go tl .rough two or more editions. The remaining two-thirds are largely cora - posed of purely ephemeral literature, such as pamphlets, sermons, nursery-tales and the like-works that either enjoy a very limited sale or none at all. -Speaking of The Holy Grail, the London Examiner says: "Mr. Tennyson is distinctive? ly the poet of sadness; and his present poem is -the very saddest thing he has ever written. The Holy Grail might have been called the Bistory of an Enthusiasm by a sympathetic unbeliever." -On the first appearance of "Paradise Lost," now considered a e^m of the purest water, Waller wrote concerning lt: "The old blind schoolmaster, John Milton, hath publish? ed a tedious poem on the fall ot man; if its length be not considered a merit, it has no other." -The number of Every Saturday for April 9, to be published next week, will contain the opening chapters of Dicken's new story, "The Mystery of Ed win" Drood," the first long work from his pen since 1664. It is to be printed here from advance sheets, simultaneous with the publication in London, and will be accom? panied by all the original illustrations from the designs by Mr. S. L. Firdes. -A curions bcok is announced for immediate publii. tion In London "on a hitherto neglected subject of our social annals," to be called "A History ol' the Rod (Flagellation and Plagel lante) la all Countries and Down to the Present Time." The work will be adorned with numer? ous characteristic engravings, and the author (a Rev. Mr. Cooper) assures the render that his sole aim has been to give, to the best of his ability, a true history of the rod as an instru? ment for correctional purposes In the church, the State and the family. -Mr. Samuelson, member of Parliament for Nottingham, and owner or several manufacto? ries in England and Saxony, has lately pub? lished a little book concerning the- condition of workingmen in Germany and Switzerland. He says that drunkenness is the greatest curse upon the material and intellectual progress of the English workmen; and as an effective means against this bane, be advises that in? stead of the form at ion of temperance unions, or of totally closing beer houses, German beer should be introduced in place ol the heavy adulterated English beer. -An autograph letter of Goethe, written iu 1793, has been lately found among the old cor? respondence of the well known publishing house, Vleweg of Brunswick. It ceneists of but two sentences, and it as follows: "Accoin panying this letter I send you a manuscript in a sealed envelope. If Herr Vleweg declines to purchase it for 200 frledrichs d'or, he will please return me the packet without breaking the seal." The publisher, who was a prudent man, did not like the idea of buying a pig in a poke, and took a few days to reflect; after which he tore open the envelope and found the poem of Hermann and Dorothea. We need not say that his 200 friedrichs d'or could not have, been better invested. -The French paper, the Gaulois, which Is doing all it can to rival and supplant t he Figaro, offers two bottles of champagne to every one who will subscribe to it for the next six months. The Figaro, to trump the Gaulois' premium of a case of champagne, has matte arrangements with an armorer to supply all its subscribers with a waiscoat-pocket slx-bar : felled revolver at h^Ii-price-namely, 15 francs -so that all readers of the Figaro, when trav? elling by railway, may escape the fate of Dr. Constantine James. But the possession of a pistol may bring some of the subscribers to the galleys, and thus subscribers be lost. The Figaro pathetically says it will feel richly re? warded if its idea should save only one life from a railway assassin. As EMIGRATION SCHEME.-The Northern Pa? cific Railroad lias a vast emigration scheme on foot. They have a land grant equivalent to a strip of land twenty miles wide from the head of Lake Superior to the Pacific Ocean. To stimulate validation to these lands, and to se? cure labor to briid their road, the company have organized the grandest scheme of emi? gration ever devised, and they propose to send Senator Schurz, ex-Secretary Mcculloch and ex-Governor Marshall to Europe to stimulate the desired emigration. They propose to ofter thc emigrant abundant employment lu build? ing the road for the first year or two after his arrival. Then when he has finished his work tor the company he is to have a Tarra of 40, 80, or 160 acres, with a neat frame dwelling house ready erected thereon, and a lot of reasonable size fenced in, all at the expense of the company. The terms of payment are so long and on so low Interest that they cannot prove a burden to the poor? est. It is expected that the surplus wages re? ceived for constructing the road will stock the farm and provide the tools, so that everv per? son employed in the construction ot the road may, as soon as it la finished, go to ralsiug the crops, which lt will bring to market. The company will manufacture the bouses, by the thousand, exactly alike. By the plan thus de viaed, labor for the road is secured and a pop? ulation ou the line of the road to furnish lt business. The idea is novel and significant, j % and if effectually carried out will bring wealth j c ?nd developmeut to an immense portion of T ice Northwest. I i COMMERCIAL NEWS. Imports. LIVERPOOL- Per Br steamship Arragon-1242 iron pots, 1210 camp ovens, 375 biscuit ovens, 1225 spiders, 2685 covers, to J E Ad ger A co; 1 box of books, to Gourdin, Matthlessen A co; 110 casks bottled beer, to Order; 50 casks bottled beer, to Ravenel A co; 2 bblB ale, 1 bale sacks, 4000 bun? dles arrow ties, 100 bags do, 3 cases mdse, 300 sacks ractory filled and 3065 sacks common salt, to R Mure A co; 1 case mdse, to Johnston, Crews A co: 28 crates earthenware, to Wm.L Webb; 65 bbls phosphate gnano, 10 bbls superphospnate, to Order. Exports. LIVERPOOL-Per bark Annie Torrey-icc bags sea island cotton, 2310 bales upland cotton. NEW YORK-Per steamship James Adger-119 bales nplaad cotton, 26 bags sea island cotton, 55 tes rice, 39 bales yarns and domestics, 43 pack? ages.Per sehr N W Smith-72 casks clay, 20 boxes soap, 2 bales shavings, 2 bbls snuff, 86 emp tv ale bbls, 2500 empty carboys. " BALTIMORE-Per sehr Eveline McLaln-200 tons phosphate rock. The Charleston Cotton. Rice and Naval Stores Market. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, 1 TUESDAY EVENING, March 29,1870. f COTTON -There vas no change of importance exhibited tn thir. article, the transactions being moderate at about previous figures. Sales 290 bales, say : 2 at 16; 1 at 17; 3 at 17 Ji; 8 at 18; 5 at 18??; 5atl8>?; 10 at 19; 5 at 19tf; 39atl9K; 36 at 20; 2 at 20&; 46 at 21; 19 at 2l)?c. ?Wc quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.17>?@l9>? Low middling.20>?@20>? Middling.21 @ Strict middling.21J?@ RICE.-The business in this grain was only to a moderate extent; sales 60 tierces of clean Caro? nia, say 21 tierces at 4c; 50 at 4*i; 20at 6; 13 at 5.'? ; 50 at 5>ic fi lb. We quote common to fair clean Carolina at 4}2'@5; good 5,^@5>ic ~$ lb. NAVAL Srottt.-There was no business doing. FREIGHTS.-To Liverpool, by steam, >id $ lb on uplands, and U?d on sea islands; by sall, J<d ~& ft on upland cotton, and H<X "~ ft on sea Island cotton. To Havre, by steam, nomi? nal; by sall, nominal at J?c on uplands and i=,c on sea islands. Coastwise to Sew York, by steam, Kc H ft on uplands ind J^c on sra Islands; by sall, Kc 9 ft on up? lands. To Boston, by steam, nommai; by sall, >? ?)#c $ ft on upland* To Philadelphia, by steam, J?C ft on uplands; by sall, somewhat nom? inal. To Baltimore, by steam, KtjXC $ ft on uplands; by sail somewhat nominal. EXCHANGE.-Sterling 60 day's bills 20Ji?20l?. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks purchase sight checks at par, and sell at x premium. Out? side they purchase at par and sell at pre? mium. GOLD.-Buying at ll, and selling at 13. Markets by Telegraph. FOREIGN. LONDON, March 29-Noon.-Consols 91. Bonds unchanged. LONDON, March 29.-Evening.-Consols 93/i; Bonds 90*?. LIVERPOOL, March 29- Noon.-Cotton un? changed; sates 10,000 bales. Evening.-Cotton quiet; sales 10,000 boles; ex? ports aad speculation 20CO bales. Lard buoyant at 66s. Goods and yarns at Manchester quiet. HAVRE, March ?9.- cotton quiet; on thc spot irso?c. HAVRE, March 29.-Cotton closed quiet and steady. PARIS, March 29.-Bourse quiet.* Ren tes 74f 22c. FRANKFORT, March 29.-Bouds closed heavy. DOM ESTIC. NEW YORK, March 29-Noon.-Stocks firmer. Money easy. Gold ll??. Slxtflwos linn, Sterling, long shorts. Tennessee,ex-coupon 58;ncw50Ji; Virginia, ex-coupon, 70; new 70,1;; Louisiana, old 75; new 72>i; Levees sixes 7i.'"'; eights 92; Alabama, eights, 97;i; lives SO; Geor? gia, sixes, 84; sevens 92; North Carolina, old 46>i; new 22;i; S"Uth Carolinas, old 88; new 8$~?. Cotton dull and unchanged. Flour tinner. Wheat quiet. Corn excited. Evening.-Money In limited demand at 5 to 6 per ceut. Sterling weaker at 8}?. Gold quiet at UK- Governments firm. Southerns generally strong. Cotton heavy; salen 2700 bales, at un? changed prices. Flour firmer. Wheat tinner: No. 2 $1 07>ia$l 12; white Michigan $l 6 ?. Corn scarce; new mixed Western $1 0lu$i 03. Prov! slons steady. Groceries dull. Naval stores finn Discounts unchanged. Coupons, ISSI, 13. Sixty twos. 10; 4's, 8J,'; O'S, 9,'i; new, 7??; 7's, 8??; S's 8K; 10-40's, 5X; Louisianas 75%\ new 72?^; levees S's, 93?i; Gco-gUs 81; 7's, 93; North Caroli? nas 46J?; new 22; South Carolinas 88; new so.1,' Alabama S's, 71; 5's, 78. BOSTON, March 29.-Cotton dull and unchanged middlings 23>i; sales 200 bales; receipts 138; stock 15,000 bales. BALTIMORE. March 29.-Cotton quiet but firm middlings 22*?c; sales 125 bales; net receipts 100; coastwise 63; total 163; stock 1543 bales. , CINCINNATI, March 20.-Corn firm at 76a60c. Whiskey 03a94c. Mess pork in good demand at $27. Bacon in fair demand at 15R15?, ; mostly held at ii to K higher; shoulders held at 10*?. Lard dull, at UJKaUe. LOUISVILLE, March 29.-Corn unchanged. Pro visions firm. Mess pork $27 50 Shoulders ll <?c; clear rib sides I6%c. Whiskey 93a94c. ST. Lons. March 29.-Corn firmer; mixed 79a 80c. Whiskey dull at 63c. Pork quiet at $20 75 Bacon easier; shoulders, loose, 9>?c; packed 10?ia Ile. Lard quiet at 14#C NORFOLK, March 29.-Cotton dull and unchang ed; low middling 20c; sales 25 bales; receipts 314; exports, coastwise, 675; stock 51uo. SAVANNAH, March 29.-Cotton quiet; middlings 2l,l?c; sales 150 bales; uet receipts 163; exports to Continent 1994; stock 51,110. GALVESTON, March 29.-Cotton ?Uli, Good or? dinary lSXc. Sales 150 bales; receipts HIS; ex? ports to Great Britain 3330; coastwise 20; stock 34,939 bales. MOBILE, March 29.-Cottou dull; middlings 20%; sales 500 bales; receipt? 122; stock 06,256 bales. NEW ORLEANS, March 29.-Cotton quiet and steady. Middling 2l%a22c. Sales 3200 bales; net receipts 4475; coastwise 106; total 4580; exports to Great Britain 6769; stock 205,009 bales. Sugar quiet; prime lO&allc. Molasses, reboiled, 40a55c Sterling 21^; sight 14al4?i premium. Gold ll Ji Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON Ma> ch28-TURPENTINE.-Sales or 280 bbls at $2 75 Tor soft, and ?1 60 for hard, per 280 lbs SPIRITS TURPENTINE. - Market steady, with sales of 100 bbis at 41 yt cents per Kallon. ROSIN.-Sales of 600 bbls at $165 for strained and $3 for No. 1. TAR.-575 bbls received and sold at $175 per barrel. Interior Cotton Markets. MACON, March 2'!.-Receipts to-day 20 bales ?ales 45; shipped 173. The market was firm wit li i good demand all day, and closed so this evening lt 20Aie for middlings- offerings extremely Ugh' ATLANTA. March 20.-The market closed ac ive at 20)?c fur middlings; 17 for lu\V middlings 9?? for good ordinary : ls)? for ordinary. MONTGOMERY. March 26.-Cotton market lulet; demand fair nt I9al9,sc for low middlings, folders being unwilling to accept less than 20c, tut little is doing. Receipts by Railroad. March SiV. som: CAROLINA RAILKUA;>. 51S bales cotn n, 29 bales goods. 33 bbls nava tores, 2 cars stock. To Railroad Agent, G li Wal? er A co, Pelzcr. Rodgers A co, w u williams A ion. Kinsman A Howell, Frost A Adger, Wagner. Rewart A co, A B Mulligan, E J Wiss A co, J B K ?loan, W K Ry.ui, Kirkpatrick A Witte. G W Wit tams A co, W C Courtney A co, A J Salinas, W A Courtenay, Reeder A Davis, Cloghoru, Herring A ?, W B Hall. NORTHEASTERS RAILROAD. 47 bales cotton, 53 bbls naval stores, tobacco, umber, wood, phosphates, railroad spikes, mdse, tc. To SAC Railroad co. Reeder A Davis, S D Itoney, Barden A Parker, G B Gibson A co, G W Viiliams A co. Kirkpatrick A Witte, Mowry A Son, lendall A Dockery, Graeser A Smith, l'elzer, Rod? ers A co, G li Walter A co, Thurston A Holmes, 'aid well A Son, A J Salinas, T D Clanoy, Shackel jrd A Kelly. A 0 Stone, Andrews A Salvo, Brodie : co. Cameron, Barkley A co, D C Ebaugh, W T anders, B F Simmons and Kcckley. Passengers. Per steamship James Adirer, for New York-L tcConkke. E W Jarvis. A M Jarvis, j T Hamilton, I Biddle. K C Nichols. Mrs M A Holmes, A Tnlot on, S Tillotson, Miss Tillotson. J B Stackley, J S Per British steamship Arragon, from Llver Bool-G Worth, E Mays, E Hutchinson, John Mc ougall, Miss DonglaBs, and 16 steerage. Per steamship Champion, from New York-R B Gould, E Gunn. Mrs H Armstrong, C P Davis, J B Williams. D O'Connor. G D Hardman, Miss Mar? shall. A F Smythe, E Edgerton, J Blay, J Norman, A Paillier, Miss O'Neill, J Harbeson, Y Taepot, F Legrand, J Elias, C Brand, and others. Per steamship Zodiac, from Philadelphia-Mrs N Hickman and child, Mrs White and 4 children, Capt E W Usher. Per steamship Maryland, from Baltimore-Mr Johnson and Capt Peters. Per steamer Dictator, from Palatka via Jack? sonville, Fernandina and Savannah-w Bentley and wife, W Law and wife, Col Warley and wife, two Misses Law and servant, J T Wamtenton, A M Jarvis. E W Jarvis, L Buse and wife, and 4 on deck. MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, M A R C H 30. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Br steamship Arragon, Houison, Liverpool. Assorted cargo. To R Mare A co, J E Adger A co, Gourdin, Matthiesscn A co, Order, Ravenel A co, R T Walker, Johnston, Crews A co, A Low A co, W L Webb. Had good weather to the West? ern Islands, but since exoerlenced a succession of heavy westerly gales, which lasted until Monday last, the ship behaving weil throughout. Steamship Champion, Lockwood, New lork left Saturday, P M. Mdse. To J Adger A co, J D Aiken A co, J E Adger A co, Mrs H Armstrong, J Archer, D A Anime, Adams, 1 .mon A co, J Ap? ple, ll Bulwlnkle A co. T M Bristoll A co, C Bart A co. W S Btsscll, M J Booth, Wm M Bird A co, C D Brooks A co, U Bascom, E T Brown A ?-o, Il Bis? choff A co, Bollmann A Bros, T A Beamish. R M Butler A Son, E Baum, H Brown. W S Corwin A co, J C H Haussen, Il Campsen. T M Cater, W H Chafee A co, J S Cohen, Claclus A Witte, G B Dc Peyster. Bowie, Moise A Davis. Edgerton A Rich? ards, S W Ely, Dr W M Fitch, I) M Fogartie, D F Fleming A co, Furcngott Uros, Forsythe, Mccomb A co, J S Fairly A co. J ll Graver A co. A (1 Good? win A co, Goutcvenir Uros, Goodrich, Wiucman A co, I Goudkop, N A Hunt, Jno lliirkamp A co, R Hunter, Hollins A Calder. W Ha?rai A co, Geo H Hacker, Miss E Haas. Hurt A eo, T M Horsey A Bro, Jeffords A co. Jennings, Thunilinson A co. Klinck, Wickcnberg A co, Krietc A Chapman, H Klatte A co, Kinsman Uros, A lt Lcwith, J Levln sohn, Laurey A Alexander, C Litschgl, L Lorentz, A Langer. W Mattliicssen. J P Mcrkdardt, A Mer naugh, Murphy A Little, Mowry A Son, J Madsen, A Melchers, McLoy A Rice, S R Marshall. R fl Mc? Dowell, Muller, Nimitz A co, J G Mllnor A co, W A Martin, Mills House, MantoueA co, M Marks, N E Railroad Agent, M H Nathan", Miss M O'Neill, B O'Neill, J C Otjen, I) O'Neill A Son, OstendortT A co, J F O'Neill A Son, J Pollock. W F Paddon, Rich, W K Ryan, R Roth, J II Renncker, Ravenel A co, J Reils, W Roach A co, L Schnell, S Samp? son. Shackelford A Kelly, Southern Express, A lt Stillman. J W Spraguc A Uro, E U Stoddard A co, S C Railioad, K Scott, J Thompson, J II Tletjcn, T Tupper A Sons, A Tobias' Sons, F von Santcn, Werner A Ducker, Walker, Evans A Cogswell, M A Warren, G W Williams A co, W L Webb, Wag? ner A Monsees, Mrs S Watts, J Wlrth A co, W J Yates, Mrs M J Zemow, Order, and others. Steamship Zodiac, Hines, Philadelphia-left - inst. Mdse. To Jno A Theo Getty, ami oihcrs. (Consignees previously reported.) On saturday, at 6 P M, off Cape Hatteras, expericn e ! a severe gale rrom southeast, which lasted 14 hours, and ?lterwards changed to southwest. Steamship Maryland, Johnson. Baltimore-left Saturday. Mdse. To Mordecai A co, P C Tren holm. Stenhouse A co. Taft A Howland. D O'Neill A Son. W Schmidt, Bollmann Bros, W L Webb, Kavvnel A Holmes, Il Gerdts A co, P PToale. E Perrv, E F Benedict, H Klatic A co. Pacltlc Guuno co, Il Bischoff A co, C II West, Riceke A Schachte, J II Billen, J lt Pringle A Son, ll Cobla A co, G II Walter A co. Chapeau A Heffron, OTiedemann, J D Aiken A o>, Paul, Welch A Brandes, Shackel? ford A Kelly, J M Tideiunnn A co, J M M Wohlt iiiann, Railroad Agent. Jeffords A co C Voigt, J c Dlohnie, Douglass A Miller. Willis A Clllsolm, C 1) Brahe A co, W G Whilden A co, J W Linley. W C Dukes A co, J Heins, ll Lclding, Kinsman A Bro?, ?C Hickey, K Jordan A Son, lt A A P Caldwell, F E Schroder, Cameron, Barkley A co. JU Graver A co, J F O'Neill A Son. C W Almar, J H Renncker, Strum* A Uro, J A Qnackeiihiish. Kriete A Chap? man, ?1 Fehlmann .v co, W II Chnfee A co, J c H Cluussen, Claclus & wu te, li O'Neill, Laurey A Al? exander, Buchhcit A Son. M Triest, and others. Experienced heavy westerly enies. Sehr Ann S Deas, Carbul i. West Point Mill. 05 tes rice. To Cohen, Huiiekcl A co, J 1) Aiken A co, J I. Shepherd. Steamer Dictator, McMillan, raia I ka. via Jack? sonville. Fernandina ?uni Savannah. S bales cotton and mdse. To J D Aiken A co. J Morrison. W M Lawton. Reeder A Dnvte, M Goldsmith A Son, W M Bird A co. PJnckney Bios, J C Pringle, E B Means, and others. Steamer General Maiiigault, Conies. George? town. S C. S hales colli n ami mdse. To Shack? elford A Kelly, G ll Walter ? co, Clwghoru, Her? ring A co. CLEARED YESTERDAY. :;eaniship James Adger, Lockwood, New York -James Adger A co. Bark Annie Torrey, Libby, Liverpool-W Roach A co. Sehr N W Smith, Tooker, New York-W Roach A co. Sehr Eveline McLain, Hall, Hahim:>re-W Roach A co. SAILED YESTERDAY. Steamship .lames Adger, Lockwood, New York. Sehr lt A S Corsoii, Corson, North Weymouth, Mass. Sehr Wenonah. Noyes, a Northern port. Sehr O S Edwards, Corson, Jacksonville. Sehr S L Russell. Smith, Jacksonville. Steamer Dictator, McMillan, Palatka, via Jack? sonville. Fernandina and Savannah. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Tennessee, Chichester, New York. March 23. Sehr A E Gaskin, Gaskin, Wilmington, N C, March 28. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr Frank and Emily, Colley, at Baltimore March 27. Spool (Colton. BEST SIX-CORD. at Paisley) Sn?MaKi janio mw&iinotf?.tji Qljonloer Crace. rjl II E C HA SI P I O N BRACE, rills BRACE, in its peculiar construction, has all thc advantages of SUSPENDERS AND SHOULDER BRACES COMBINED. First. It does not disarrange thc Shirt Bosom, second. It cannot slip off the shoulders. Third. There ls less strain on the buttons of the pants han .with common Suspenders. Fourth. Each tection of the pants can bc adjusted Independent y. Fifth. By means of the Adjust Ible Back Strap i gentle or powerful Brace can he obtained. Sixth. It attaches to the pants at the same points hat the ordinary Suspender does. Sole Agent in Charleston, E . SCOTT, DEALER IK SHIRTS AND FURNISHING GOODS, Meeting street. Opposite Market Hall. Jan2l Smos PYOU WANT PAPER BAGS, FLOUR SACKS, and Bags of every description, go to EDWARD PERRY, lo. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, i Ci arieston, S. C. decl4 Smos Business (Earbs. ADAMS, DAMON 4 CO., 16 BROAD ST., Dealers In Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Ac. Agents for the Automatic Washing Machine and Wringer. A1MAR, G. W.-CHOICE DRUGS, CHE? MICALS, Surgical Instruments, Perfumeries and Toilet Articles, 469 King, cor. Vanderhorst st. ARCHER'S BAZAAR, 363 KING ST., Wholesale and Retail Notions and Fancy Goods, 50 per cent, less than elsewhere._ A LLAN, JAMES, WATCHES, CLOCKS, J\. Jewelry, Sterling Silver, Platedware, Spec tacles, Fancy Gooda, Ac. No. 307 King street. BAKER, H. F., & CO., SHIPPING AND Commission Merchants, Central Wharf. BARBOT, ALFRED A., AGENT OF THE Havana Cigar Factory,"La Valentina," 118 East Day street. BAZAAR, F. VON S ANTEN, IMPORT ER of Paris Fane Goods, Toys, French Con rectlonery.Indla Rubbe Goods Ac, No. 2*29 King st. ISCHOFF & CO., HENRY, WHOLE SALE Grocers, and Dealers In Wines, Li? quors, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac. 197 East Bay._ CHARLESTON HOTEL, THE BEST regulated and mushed House In the South ern States. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor._ COSGROVES SODA WATER MANU? FACTORY and Bottling Warerooms for Bass and Hlbbcrt's London Ales, 37 Market st._ CHAPIN & CO., L., MANUFACTURERS and Dealers In Carriages, Harness, Ac,, 20 Mayne. A 33 A as Plnckncy st. ; also, 193 Meeting st. CORWIN A CO., WM. S., IMPORTERS and Dealers in Coico Whines, Brandies, Teas and Groceries, Wholesale and Retail' 275 King st. CU AFEE & CO., WM. H., WHOLE? SALE Dealers In Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Ac; Agents for Exton's Crackers, 207 East Bay. CHAFER'S TONIC, THE REST AND most pleasant Stomach Regulator extant. Chafce A Co., No. 207 East Bay, Manufacturers. DUVAL & SON, J. B., MANUFACTUR? ERS or Tinware, Dealers in Stoves. House Furnishing Goods, Ac. 337 Kine st. ' EASON IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1838, Nassau and Columbus streets: Steam Engines, Marine. Portable and Stationery. Boilers. FRENCH CHINA AT REDUCED prices, filass and Crockery, at R. II. McDOW ELL'S, Agent, corner or King and Liberty sta. FOLLIN, G., TOBACCO COMMISSION Merchant, Manufacturers' Agent for the sale of Standard Brands, No. 151 East Ray. ?RN1TUR?- WAREROOMS, ESTAB LISUED1838. D. H. Silcox, Nos. 175, 177 and 179 King st. Goods carefully packed and shipped. r* OLDSMITH & SON, MOSE*, 4, 6 AND \JC 8 Vendne Range,Wholesale Dealers In Iron, Metals, Rags. Paper Stack, Hides, Wool, Ac. p URN EY, WM., FACTOR AND COMM1S VT SION Merchant, 102 East Bay, and 1 Accom modal lon Wharf. /^.UUTEVENTER BROS., (SUCCESSORS VT to A. Hiing.) dealers In Millinery, Fancy Goods. Toys, China, Glassware, Ac, 237 King st, ENEREY. WM. S., 314 MEETING ST., Machinist and Founder, Manufacturer of Engines, and improved Agricultural Implements. KINSMAN & HOWELL, GENERAL Commission Merchants, and Agents for Mapcs' Superphosphate of Lime, No. 128 East Bay. LIONS A M URRAY, WHOLESALE AND Retail Dealers in Boots. Shoes. Trunks, Ac, 78 Market st.. near Meeting. Sign or "Big Hoot." LA CRI0LLA.- JOSE JARA, IMPUR TEIt aud Manufacturer or Havana Cigars, Wholesale and Retail, cor. Meet lng aud Market sts. L~?TTLE & CO., GEO., 213 KING ST., sell thc cheapest and best Clothing and Fur lushing Goods In Charleston._ MERTENS, W. A., DEALER IN LA? DIES'. Misses', Gent's, Boys' and Child ron'a Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, .tc. 282 King st. M~ ER?AUGilT?T, DEALER IN BOOTs^ Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Ac, 212 King si rout. MARBLE WORKS.-THE OLD ESTAii LISHMENT, E. R. WHITE, Proprietor, UP Meeting st., nexto'd Theatre lot. MATTHIESSEN, WM., STAU SHIRT Emporium nnd Fine Clothing and Tuilorlnp lluuse, Gents' Furnishing Goods. 201 King st. NEU F VILLE, B. K., BLAIN li BOOK Manufacturer, Job Printer and Stationer, P Broad st. Magazines, Ac, bound In all styles. N~OAU'S~?RK.-WM. McLEAN, JOBBE ll and Dealer In Toys, Fancy Goods, Show Cu ses. Stamping A Pinking a specialty; 433 King st. STENDORFF & CO., WHOLESALE Grocers, Dealers In Wines, Liquors aud Cl gars, No. 175 East Bay._ O'NEILL, BERNARD, WHOLESALE Grocer and Commission Merchant, isa East Bay, and 48 and 60 State st. PADDON, W. F., GAS FITTER, STEAM Fitter ?11(1 Plumber. 447 King st. All kind* of Gas Apparatus made to order. IANOFORTE AND MU?*lC STOKE, 191 King St.. ZOG BAUM, YOONG A CO.. Agents far Knabe A Co., Dunham A Sons, etc. PHONIXIRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1844, John F. Taylor A Co., Engineers and Boilermakers, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 Pritchard st. EllRY, EDWARD, 155 MEETING ST., Printer, Stationer, and dealer In Blank, Schooland Law Books. STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers in Dry doods, No. 289 King street, three doors below Wentworth. SCOTTS' STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM and Gents' Furnishing Room. Meeting st. op? posite Market Hall. Agent for the Champion Brace. SPEAR, JAMESE., 235 KING ST., OPPO site Hasel, Importer and Dealer In Fine Watch cs. Jewelry, Silver, Platedware. Fancy Goods. Ac. "TU1E GREAT SOUTHERN TEA HOUSE. JL WM. S. CORWIN A CO., 275 Klug st., brand. House or 900 Broadway, New York. OIGT, C., DEALER IN FRENCH CALF SKINS, Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Shoe Findings. Hides. Furs and Beeswax. 86 Market si. WILLIAMS & BRO., A. M, !) BROAD st., up stairs. Railroad, Commercial and General Job Printing, at New York prices._ WHILDEN ? CO., WATCHES, JEWEL ry and Silverware, 255 King si. Crockers and Glassware at Whclesalp. No. 137 Mceimr,*?.. WING, ROBERT, BELL HANGER AND Locksmith, 122 King st. Hotels and prl vate houses fitted up with Bells. Speaking Pipes. WEBB, WM. L., IMPORTER OF CHI? NA, Glass and Earthenware, 128 Mcctli g Star Sljirts. W M. MATTHIESSEN, So.291 KING STREET. CORNER WENTWORTH, ACENT FOR THE MANUFACTURERS OP TI1K CELEBRATED STAK SHIRTS! EACH QUALITY OF SIURT IS NUMBERED. PRICES AS FOLLOWS: No. 42.$2 no No. 62.A. 2 60 No. 72. a ou No. 92. S 50 feb3 5mos J. T. HUMPHREYS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. SALES OF REAL ESTATE. STOCKS. BONDS SECURITIES AND PERSONAL PRO? PERTY ATTENDED TO. No. 27 BROAD STREET, Charleston, S. C. REFERENCED.-Hon. HENRY B?IST, W. J. MA? GRATH. Esq., General JAMES CGNNER, T. R. WARING. Esq. OCt4 ?lisrellaruone. RISH ROOFING FELT THE BEST, CHEAPEST AND MOST DURABLE Material for Rooting known. For sale by CAMERON, BARKLEY k CO., Corner Meeting and Cumberland streets, meh24Gmo Charleston, R. C. | ^ ?AK I NG jr THE STANDARD REPUTATION AT? TAINED hy this unrivalled and infallible YEAS r POWDER during twelve years past, is due to its perfect purity, healthfulness and economy. Put up in tins, actual weight, as represented, and will keep for years. The quantity required for use is from one-fourth to one-half less than other. Baking Powders. Sold by Grocers thronphout the United States. DOOLEY A BROTHER, Manufacturers and Proprietors, No. 60 New street, New York. mclil4 mw?3mos MiitMB?; tonia DYSPEPSIAS INDIGESTION SOLU EVERYW YB.M0ISE ' PROPRIETORS & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS N. B. Thc Commissioner or Revenue has decided that any dealer can sell Ulla article without a special license. _ mci) 2 Murray & Lanman's Florida Water, Thc most celebrated and most delightful of all per jiiinct3, for use^n thc hand? kerchief, at thc toilet, and in the bath, for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers. Tor sale by BOWIE, MOISE A DAVIS, Jan24 nivvt-jnum Charleston, S. 0. IF YOU WANT TUE CELEBRATED CARTER'S WHITING and COPYING INK combined, go to EDWARD PERRY. No. 15ft Meeting street, oproilte Charleston notol. Charleston, s. C. decl4 ftmos <?Ioll)ing ano .famishing ?ooo? THE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY as the result of a long established and successful business enables us to offer inducements that makes this announcement worthy of ATTENTION. Importing our foreign goods* di? rect, controlling many leading styles of American fabrics, employing the best artistic talent in the production of our goods, and "constant progress" our motto, we claim to lead the mar? ket in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines of all grades, for Men and Boys. In CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassedfor qual? ity, workmanship and elegance, (n GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOGS our stock is constantly large and seasonable. We are the sole manu? facturers of the which we supply both ready-made and to order. Prices uniformly low. . Gentlemen visiting New-York are requested to call and have their measures recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measurement, and other information promptly furnished when desired. Address P. 0. Box 2256, N. Y. DEVLIN & CO, febl2 2m os s ?roceries, Ut. OUTH CAROLINA GROCERY AND TEA WAREHOUSE. (Branch of No. 900 Broadway. Corner Twentieth Street, Kew York,) WM. S. CORWIN & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, AND IMPORTERS OF CHAMPAGNES, WINES, EEANDIES, &c, NO. 275 KING STREET, CU ABLESTON, S. C., SOLE AGENTS FOR TIIEj W. S. C. CLUB-HOUSE GIN, URBANA CHAMPAGNE CO., AND ATMORE'S CELEBRATED MINCE-MEAT, FULTON MARKET BEEF, j-n-^y^^^zr^fy- GOVERNMENT JAVA,. SMOKED BEEF |?Qru5\0 /?^^^^7? ^??tF MARACAIBO, A ND TONG U E S, l^%lff7 ^S^^yA {( \hto J LAC U A V K A " SUGAR-CURED (?HB BREAKFAST I ^REEX V ^^^F^^J RW STRIPS. '-^?sa;^-'-'J COFFEES.. CHAMPAGNES. .LADET''. SAUTERNES, ?CC. MO ET A CRANDON GREEN SEALlBRAND'G FRERE'S MEDOCj BRANDENBURG FRERES. Vc Clicquot Ponsardln Johnston A Son's Mcdoc Lu Croix Blanche Piper A co.'s Hcidsclck Johnston A Son's St. Loubcs Chateaux Paillett Bouche, Fils A Co.'s cabinet Es?hcnaucr A Co.'s Bouiilac Nlerstelner ll. F. A Co.'s Napoleon Cabinet Gcdard's Cnutry Ilochheiraer ll. F. A Co.'s Carie Blanche Sf. Julien Medoc Ucselle Muscatel B. F. 4 Co.'s Dry Verzeuay Chateaux Margaux Uhambertln, Nuits 0. H. Mum m's Vcrzenays Chateaux Yquem Sparkling Cat affba J. Mumm's Private Stocky Chateaux La Rosa Champagne Cider Urbana Champagne (Lynch St. Julien, L. A 0. [English and Scotch Ales. 30KER'S, RUSS', ST. DOMINGO, HOSTF.TTER'S, ANGOSTURA, DUNHAM'S, STGUGHTON, AND? DRAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS. ft, * . Hernictlcnlly Sealed MEATS, Soups, Fish, Vegetables and Fruits, or every variety, by the can, dozen or cuse. A Borden's. Lelbpg'a and Toartelot's EXTRA Cf OF BEEF. * PRESERVES, Jellies, Jnme and Blandy Fruits, English Sauces, Pickles, Salad Oil, Capers, Spaulsh und French Olives. ^ i'atle and Terrine de Foi Grax, Anchovies, Anchovy Paste, . Walnut, 1 om ato and Mushroom Catsupsr PEPPER SAUCE, Currie Powder, Raspberry Vinegar, Leuion and Orgeat Syrups, ' Maccaronl and Vermicelli. -o Famlllrp, Hotels and Vessels supplied at WHOLESALE PRICES In purchasing by the package; Alt Coons warranted. ondFULL WEIGHT guaranteed. We will be pleased to lumlsh a List of Prices tc ihose who may write tor the articles and quantity desired. Goods delivered to ail parta of the City, Railroad Depots und Steamboats, FREE OF CHARGE. ?3~ TERMS CASH, OR CITY ACCEPTANCE. Send ror one or our Catalogues of Merchandise. GEORGE II. GRUBER.5. E. BEDFORD.J. S. MARTIN.. mchl21mo Jnsttrancc. Scales. ST^L^TI3-A.K.ID SCALES. AGENCY TRANSFERRED TO HART & CO., So. 3'.? II A Y XE STREET, AND CC It VER KING AND MARKET STKEETS, CHARLESTON, S. C. K7T A FLT.L ASSORTMENT CONSTANTLY ON HAND AT MAN CFA OTC R E R'S PRICES. m din niuo _ #iisrellan?ms. gHAUPOUlNG AND HAJE CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended at their residences promptly and ai reasonable rates. Send orden? to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, aprilU No. 31 Broad street, mn stairs.) TAMES CONNER'S SONS UNITED STATES TYPE AND ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTER'S WAREHOUSE, NOS. 28, 30 AND 32, CENTRE STREET. CORNER READ AND DUANE STREETS, NE W Y ORK. A large Stock of ENGLISH AND GERMAN .\Ai,'ES. hoi h Plain and Ornamental, kept on land. All Type cast at this establishment ls nanufastured from the metal known as Conner's Jnequaiied Hard Type Metal. Every article ne lessary for a perfect Priuiiug Ofllce furnished. Jan29 stu ?bamos* ffemspapers, ?ilagouncs, #c. ^ BOUND THE WORLD SUBSCRIBE FOB THE NEW YORK OBSERVE B. The Large Double Weekly FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Sound and Good. Try lt. It will be Money well Spent. $3 60 per Annum. ??.Sample Copies Free. ? SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR., A CO., No. 37 Park Row, dec3i New York. IF YOU WANT YOUR PRTNTTNG DONE In Fine Style and at Reasonable Rates, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, optosRe Charleston Hotel, Charleston, s. C. decl4 6mos