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CITY AFFAIRS. yTrtE CHEAPEST YET.-The NEWS Job Office ls notv printing hi'.l-heads in the best style and on fine paper, at $250 per thous tad. Merchants, think of lt? Meeting? tula Day. Grand Royal Arch Chapter, at 12 M. Ihtiernian Society. at T P. JL Relief Loan Association, at hair-post : P. M. nook and Ladder. No. 2, a: half-past 7 P. M. Washington Fire Company, at 7 P. M. Carolina Dramatic Club, at S P. M. Auction Sales this Day. Leitch I: Bruns will seil at ll o'clock, at the Old Postofnce. real estate. Z. B. Oakes will sell at ll o'clock, at the Old Postofllce, bonds and real estate. R. M. Marshall i- Brother will sell at 10 o'clock, at No. 165 King street, tree--, plants, .vc. Jeffords A- Co. will sell at half-past 9 o'clock, at fiieir stores, damaged coffee, corn and ?our. Wm. McKay will sell at io o'clock, at his store, household furniture, .Vc. Riccke k Schachte win sell at half-past 9 o'clock, at their store, shoulders, hams, kc. Lauroy k Alexander will sell at io o'clock, at their store, bacon, corn, Ac. John G. Milnor & Co., will seil at io o'clock, at their Store, cigars, dry goods, ?c. THE SCHCTZEXFEST.-The GeteaxrrT Ride Club, at au extra meeting held on Saturday night, adopted a programme aud estimate of expeuses for :he next Sch?tzenfest. The club have deter? mined to make their coming anniversary superior in every respect to its predecessors, and the com? mittee of arrangements will soon commence the necessary preparations. FUNERAL OF THE LATE HENKT COMA.-Thc death of Mr. Cobia cast a saddening influence over business circles yesterday, but his loss was felt most keenly by the various organizations of which he was a member. The German Friendly Society, the Board of Trade and the Pioneer Fire Company, each met and proceeded in a body to the house of mourning, where they formed a part of the funeral cortege. Tlie Chamber of Commerce met, and, after pass? ing resolutions of condolence with the Board or Trade, adjourned and also attended the funeral. Among those present were the presidents and officers of the banks and public institutions, and representations from the prominent business ?rms. The nags of the shipping in the harbor were all at half-mast during the day. Thc funeral services were performed at St. John's Lutheran Church, Dr. Bach man and the Rev. w. W. Hicks officiating. The chnrch was densely crowded, a promiucut feature being thc presence.of the orphan children, who Ulled one of the galleries. After the services were concluded, tho remains were conveyed to Magnolia to be in? terred iu thc family burying ground. Tits CHARLESTON CHAM UER OF COMMERCE. Tliis time-honored body that, until the advent of the Board of Trade, was the only corporate com? mercial association in the city, celebrated its forty seventh anniversary yesterday. After the chamber had assembled, at 3 P. M., Colonel Andrews, In a few tf*jrds, announced thc death of Mr. Henry Cobia, president or the Board or Trade, aud offer? ed rosolutious or condolence with that body, and moved that the chamber attend the funeral. The chamber was then adjourned for that purpose, to r?assemblent a later hour. When again called to order, the regular business of the meeting was transacted, and the followiug "fncers re-elected unanimously to serve for thc- ensuing year: Robert Mure, president: S. Y. Tupper, first vice president; E?Iorry Frost, second vice-president; P.Barbot, secretary and treasurer; George A. Trenholm. Henry Gourdin, Theodore Huchet, Wm. 1 M. Lawton, Wm. Ravenel, Wm. C. Bee, committee ' of appeals; F. J. Porcher, Theodore D. Wagner, 1 F. J. Pelzer, A. F. Ravenel, w. A. Courtenay, . committee on charity. After the meeting, the 1 chamber adjourned to the supper hal!, where I Tully had provided one of lils incomparable 1 spreads. The supper was private, and no toasts 1 or sent?nents were offered. ' COURT or GENERAL SESSIONS AND COMMON PLEAS-HON. R. B. CARPENTER, PRESIDING. The Court was occupied up to 12 o'clock in sound? ing the civil doekets and disposing or cases. Ex parte Joseph Delaney, John Robinson and E. McKensle, seamen or the bark Warren Ordway. Petition ror writ or heabus ?brpus. R. S. Tharln, Esq.. ror defence; C. E. Kanapaux, Esq., for cap? tain. The defendants had refused to do duty on shipboard and were put in Jail by. the captain. The motion was refused. The State vs. T. J. Mackey-assault and battery with intent to kill. The scaled verdict was opened and read by the clerk. Not guilty. The State vs. Charles Harrison-murder. G. R. Walker and R. W. Seymour, Esqi, for the de? fence. This case was heard last term, but resulted in a ml&rial. Harrison was charged with killing James Seabrook, both colored, for alleged crimi? nal nteroouse with his wife. The shooting oc? curred last year at Vardell's farra near the Four Mile House. Tne prisoner was ably defended by his counsel, who proved that the shooting was done in the heat of passion, caused by the direct discovery of his wife's iufldcllty. The jury, after a short absence, brought In a verdict of not guilty, and, on motion, the prisoner was released from custody. The grand jury returned no bill in thc follow? ing: Harvey Rutledge-larceny. The same for re? sisting an officer. E. Klein and C. w. Townsend thc same offence. True odis were returned tn the following: Mary Middleton, alias Forrest-assault and battery. Wm. Hunt, the same. Jacob Comfort, Smart Por? cher and Doctor Greene-grand larceny. A SPLENDID SCCCESS AT TUB ACADEMY-TUE OATES BCRLESQCE AND OPERATIC TROCPE.-The reign or burlesque has " fairly begun. It was in? augurated last night at the Academy of Music with splendid success. Mrs. Oates' Burlesque and Operatic Troupe ls certainly, beyond comparison, the best appointed and most completely satisfac? tory in its peculiar line that has ever appeared npon Charleston boards. The company was evi? dently taken upon trial last evening, but the cur? tain had not been lifted for ten minutes before the spontaneous responses of the crowded house to the piquant attractions of the charming prima donna and her brilliant band of followers, dem? onstrated beyond all doubt the success of the en? gagement. "The Field or the Cloth of Gold" has the usual Bterary ind dramatic demerit or all the bur? lesques we have ever seen; but, In the hands of the present troupe, it has, with admirable taste, been converted Into a grand musical spectacular exhibition, gorgeous in costume and equipment, richly diversified with comic and melodious inter? ludes, and affording an opportunity for every variety of high and pleasing entertainment. The performance ls so nearly upon a level or excel ence that it is hard to discriminate as to indi? vidual merit. The voices are alt tolerably fair Mrs. Oates' being the only one of real compass and sweetness-and, though of no special merit in solos, are harmonious and effective in chorus. Mrs. Sheldon (Lady Constance) also deserves par? ticular mention for her grace, beauty and spirit, and Mr. Allen for his capital personation of Queen Catherine. But the acting or the whole troupe was above the average which we had been led l>y previous experiences to expect. Among the agreeable varieties of the evening were thc really wonderful "Tumbieronic?le" per? formances of Professor O'Reardon, which are worth going specially to see; thc guitar solo and bal'et dancing of Mr. Hernandez, whose form ls more supple than an advocate's conscience, and the amusing absurdities of thc mock-Japanese. Altogether, wc can cordially recommend the troupe as thc least objectionable and the most en? tertaining which Charleston has yet been offered in the musical-burlesque Hue. "The Field of the Cloth of Gold" wili be repeated this evening with the Introduction of many new Interludes. On Wednesday night "The Daughter or the Regi? ment" ls announced, to bc tollowed during the week by various attractive novelties. LINCOLN'S BIRTHDAY.-The- anniversary of Lincoln's birthday was celebrated yesterday by the parade of the Scott Light Infantry and the United Fire Company. Roth looked and dressed well, and the martial bearing of the sable war? riors was the admiration or the crowded side? walks. REAL ESTATE SALK.-Messrs. Lowndes & Grintball sold yesterday, at thc old rostoillce, thc large brick mansion on the west side ol Meeting street, below thc Scotch Church, and known as thc Allston House ror $19.000-one-quarter cash, the balance one, two and th ree years. This property is one or thc old landmarks or Charleston, having been built by the ancestors or the late owners, and furnished at a great ex? pense. Its original cost in years gone by was $60,000; but in the present depreciation or real es? tate, the price Tor which lt was sold was at the top or the market. It was purchased by a broker of this city Tor a charitable purpose, but the ob? ject is not known. TUE CATHOLIC FAIR.-Though laboriug un? der many disadvantages, and ticing compelled to work both early and late, yet thc ladles and their male assistants who had charge or the decora? tions and arrangements succeeded in bringing order out or-chaos, and have rendered this rair in no wise inrcrlor to others that have been held in the Hibernian Hall. Everything is very tastily arranged-the evergreens forming wreaths, fos toons and other ornaments that add to the beauty or the scene and improve the appearance or cacti table. Last night thc rair was attended by a throng or both sexes-young and old, grave and gay-who were passiug anil repassing. but who could not escape the voice or thc charmer, and their pockets foll a prey to the wiles that were brought to bear upon them. Each table had much that was attractive, and yet hard to describe, as the stock In trade was so varied and comprised so many articles whose use is known only to the initiated, that we forbear the attempt. On entering thc hall one or the first objects descried is a miniature Academy or Mu-ic, very prettily constructed, and a striking resemblance to its great prototype. Tables Nos. 1 and S on the north side are under the direction or Father Schacte, and arc presided over by Mrs. Michel and Mrs. Kennedy. Table No. 3, St. Joseph's Church, ls under the charge or Mrs. Commins and Miss Mary Kean. Table No. 4 is the grand rallying point where tire good things of this Ufo are rarnlshed for a rair exchange or greenbacks. This table ls under the supervision or Miss Owens and Mrs. Blcaise. A Jacob's well stands invitingly near, tempting the weary to slake their thirst with nectar served by blooming Hebes. It was liberally patronized during the evening, and no one grumbled at the small toll that was de? manded. On the opposite side ol the hall are an equal number or tables, making eight in all. The Chapel table ls devoted to refreshments, and has among its ornaments two portraits or Fathers Qnigly aud and Shadier. It is under the charge or the Misses Sweegan. The next in order is thc table or Father Cro ghan, who ls ably assisted by Mrs. Gannon. The St. Patrick's Benevolent Society have the next, which ls conducted by Misses Darcy and Burke. The last, which is under thc charge or Mrs. John Moran and Mrs. T. E. Hogan, has a picture o? the late Father Fileon and the Pope. The rair is not only highly creditable to those who have originated lt, but adonis a ?lace or amuse? ment and en rtaiument where a deserving char? ity can be aided without thc giver fooling his loss. Last night was hardly a good time for a critical visit, as thc heat and burden or the day was hard? ly over before the rair was opened. It will be largely Improved to-night, and should have a large attendance. ^ The following ls a list or the prizes won last evening: Wax fruit, Lizzie Mcrnaugh; fruit cake. Mrs. J. Hallis; handsome ?Joli, E. R. Morris; handsome tobacco pouch. Ellen Dougherty: silver pitcher, Emily Burk: one pair vases, Michael Bannon: chair cover, W. T. Little: one pair dogs ind mats, Sophie Neumann; one pair mats, Thomas Dougherty; one pair mats, Mrs. Shanna ian; one handsome doll, Miss Mary Murray: one >alr mats, Mrs. Conley; photograph of Arch jlshop McCloskey, Mrs. Francis; one pair chiua logs, Miss Bridget May: one pair mats. Miss Annie May; one elegantly draped doll. Minnie Dunning; one dozeu handkerchiefs, James E. ?orbit; one pair shoes. Miss Mary Bush; one handsome doll, G. F. Babbage. A STEAMER PARTS HER CABLE AND PRIKTS TO SEA, WHERE SUE FOCNPEKS.-The Savannah Advertiser of Sunday contains a statement of the particulars, so far as ascertained, or the loss at sea or the steamer Two Boys, with 409 bales or cotton on board, she having been blown ott* by a westerly gale after parting her cable, and is re? ported to have sunk about forty miles from land : The following are the Tacts In reforence to the misfortune to the steamer Two Boys: She arrived ar narien from Dublin on Monday night, the ?lh Instant, at io o'clock, with a cargo or 456 bales or upland cotton, everything being in good working order. The steamer took in two cords or wood at Danen and departed for Savannah at 12 M. same day. The weather at the time was foggy-no wind or sea. On thc following day, Tuesday, at 1:30 P. M., while crossiug Sapelo Sound, near Black Bear Island, and abont a mlle from shore, the engineer notified the captain that the steam? er would have to be stopped, as the nipple had been blown off the steam drum,'and at the same time we observed a great escape ol' steam under thc cabin floor. The captain ordered the steamer's head to be put towards the sea, when her rudder chain gave way. She was im? mediately anchored after this lu three or live fathoms of water, no sea or any consequence running, wind blowing rrcsh Troin the west. While her rudder chain was being repaired, she dragged her anchor. More cable was given, which checked her. She again commenced dragging, and continued to do so until she was ehecked thc second time, being stopped this time about two" hundred foet rrom the shore. Her head was then turned towards the beach. About ten minutes arter this her cable parted. Captain White theu ordered myseir, Pilot Bailey and others to jump overboard with a hawser, and, if possible, make lt last to the shore. She was then lu about four foet or water. No means or securing the hawser could tie found to a log or drirt wood, partially bound in the sound. This proved insuttlclent, and the steamer drifted off rrom the shore, due east, at the rate or about five knots an hour. The party ou shore, consisting of F. Shannon, mate; Thomas Dickson and Elbert Baily, pilots; Jim Dawson, steward; Adam and Wm." Berry. Daniel Turner, and one deck hand-eight In all-was unable to reach the steamer. The Two Boys remained in view for about two Lours, and when last seen, though endeavoring to make headway with her steam, lt llnally gave out. We remained on the beach from that time until Friday morning, when we were taken off by Cap? tain Thompson. From thence wc caine by the Nick King to Savannah. The partv had a hard time of lc on the Island, rrom Tuesday till Friday, and prickly pears Butter? ed much rrom the hungry ones, as did. indeed, anything that could be round to sustain life. LATER.-Captain Hernandez, of the pilot boat Annie Sims, who arrived to day, reports the se? quel to this statement, and lt Ls the latest yet heard of the steamer. Captain Hernandez made the following statement to us : That on Friday af noou, at 2 o'clock, while he was lying off east of Ty bee, bearing northwest, he made out an Ameri? can bark, name unknown, bearing east by south, standing In by thc wind, and flying her jack as if a pilot was warned. He got alongside or her at hair-past seven o'clock that evening, and asked the captain if he wanted a pilot. The latter replied no, but said that he had the crew of the sunken steamer Two Boys onboard; that she was sunk in twenty fathoms or water. He asked me ir I would take the crew on board to Savannah. I told him that I would, but, as there was a schooner-the Althea Frank? lin-a fow rods astern at the time, I told the cap? tain that as soon as I spoke thc Franklin 1 would return and take the crew. Went to the schooner, and the captain ol ker refused the usc of a pilot. I immediately tacked and stood for the bark; set our lights and she stood tn the wind. I chased her an hour aud a hair, and then gave lt np. Thc bark was bound to Doboy or Brunswick. The schooner Althea arrived in port yesterday with thirty bales or cotton that she hud picked up near the point or the disaster, which is located about fortv miles out irora land and southeast rrom Tybe'e, between there and Sapelo. The Al? thea reported that a large steamer was among the great mass or floating bales and was rast picking them up. The unknown bark had thirty three bales on board. Under thc " circumstances, perhaps much or the valuable cargo will be saved. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHE s.-"Your troches are too well and favorably known to need commendation."-Hon. Chas. P. Phelps, President Massachusetts Senate. "My commu? nication with thc world has been very much en? larged by the lozeugc which I now carry always in my pocket; that trouble in my throat (for which the troches arc a speedie) having made me orten a mere whisperer.'*-N. P. Willis. For sale by Dowie, Moise A Davis. CHARLESTON BOARD OK TRADE.-At half-past 1 o'clock, yesterday, a special meeting was held, to make arrangements for attending thc funeral of thelate president, Henry Cobia, Esq. Vice-president A. H. Hayden explained the ob? ject of the meeting, and that the board would bo pleased to hear any remarks on the subject. George A. Trenholm, Esq.. said, that the an? nouncement just made to the meeting conveyed mournful intelligence, which, although known to all before, still was proper to bc made herc to this body-to show the respect due to its late pre? sident, and give melancholy proofs of its attach? ment to thc departed. There are many, he said, who stood- in closer relation, commercially and socially, to the deceased, but few knew him ear? lier. Very carly in life he worshipped in the same church of which Mr. Cobla had remained a mem? ber through life. He knew him when he first commenced business as a merchant. He began with those indispensable requisites to success genius and Integrity. He had thc genius or In? dustry, aud Integrity of character. He was not ambitious of public distinction-never sought oillce for Its honon or emoluments. Bat when entrusted with its duties, none discharged them with more fidelity or more zeal than he. This board has sustained a great loss; our communi? ty Las sustained a great loss, and it behooves this board to testify its appreciation of the worth and character of thc deceased in a suitable manner. This is not thc occasion for an extended eulogy. Other persons better qualified thoo himself would discharge thc mournfully pleasing duty of testify? ing in a proper manner to the many virtues and excellencies of character of the deceased. He said he had only risen to present the following resolu? tions : Resolceii, That this meeting has heard with pro round regret thc sad intelligence of thc death of Mr. Henry Cobia, the late president of this socle! v, the "Charleston Board ot Trade." Resolved, That thc funeral services being ap? pointed for 3 o'clock this afternoon, the members of the Board of Trade will attend ina body asa mark of respect for his memory, and In evidence of the sense they entertained of lils worth. W. H. Hastie, Esq., seconded the resolution, and made a few suitable remarks, stating that our deceased friend had been taken from us in thc zenith of his usefulness; that he needed no better eulogy than thc numerous positions of public trust which he had so long and so satis? factorily filled. The resolution was unanimously adopted. H. H. DeLeon, Esq., moved that when thc board adjourned, Its members go at once In a body to the residence of the deceased, and from there to the church. On motion, the board then adjourned. Hotel Arrivals-February 14. CHARLESTON HOTEL. F. W. Stark, New York; General Wm. Win? der, Philadelphia; E. W. Loyd, Florence; George Low rey, Darlington; Mrs. II. Blaylock, Philadel? phia: Harris Covington, Bennettsvillc: E. G. McClure, Chester; A. Ramsey, Edgefleld; A. D. Goodwin, Fort Motte. PAVILION HOTEL. Captain Wells, city; J. H. Clarke, Darlington; W. Singleton, South Carolina; J. J. Westervelt and J. A. Quinn, New York; E. B. C. Cash. G. M. McCown and A. J. Pierce, South Carolina: M. W. Felder, G. W. Turnor, J. Walker and L. L. Rice, Barnwell; I. S. Bamberg, -Bamberg; J. T. Eich burg. Kew York; L. Dantzlcr, St. Matthews; R. J. Kelly, Wlnnsboro'; J. W. Anderson. Covington, Ga.; C. F. Mathews, Savannah; W. X. Jones, South Carolina. MILLS HOl'SE.?. Thomas Wlthey and lady, Wisconsin; C. H. Don nelr, Keir York; Mr. and Mrs. Withers, Boston: Robert Lyon, Mrs. Richard Lyon and daughter. Xcw Jersey; W. A. Ilildrcth, Liverpool; H. A. Templeton, Philadelphia; T. X. McGregor, Green? ock; C. B. Monteith and lady, Baltimore; S. Flan? nigan, C. L. Flaunlgan, Philadelphia; J. G. Pier? son, J. X. Tremain, W. J. Chatham and wife, Xew York; Dr. A. G. Mackey, South Carolina; H. G. Bridges, Xcw York; T. Buhl and wife, Mrs. C. H. Buhl, Miss Freddie Buhl, Mls3 Ida Buhl, Detroit: Wm. McKee. Robert Suoddy, Scotland; J. Wright* John King, Edlsto; Mr. Smith, M. Johns.Edwin L. Clark, Philadelphia. Taxing City Stock. CHARLESTON, February M. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEWS. SIR: On your to-day's editorial, -Is it Repu? diation," I respectfully suggest that a meeting should be called together of all those Interested pecuniarily, and interested by their honest sense of right and wrong. Most respectfully, yours. XON QUS SED QUID DIX ET. BUSINESS NOTICES. AUCTION NOTICE.-Z. B. Oakes, auctioneer, will sell this duy, at ll o'clock, that handsome Iron front building, Xo. 54 Broad street; and $16,000 City of Savannah 7 per cent, bouds. LADIES, have you seen that nico note paper at the Hasel street Bazaar, price 25 cents for two quires? BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office ls now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $4 per thous? and. Send your orders. Every merchant and business man should have his card printed on his envelopes. Ber you i new novels at thc Hasel street Bazaar. DOUBLED TUE YIEED.-"Rust has injured my cotton but very little, while others-are com? plaining a great deal who used the Wando." DEAN SWAMP, S. C., September 23,1S09. Messrs. Kinsman it Howell: Sins-I received yours of the 1st "Instant, and learning from Its contents tba"; you wished to know the cifect of your lime on my crop, I can say, with coulidence, after applying the lime to the same land that I had planted last year with? out any manure at all, that it will yield double the quantity per acre of cotton and corn t han lt did last year, although I cannot tell exactly what lt would have done If we could have had a good season, but we have suffered a great deal for rain. Thc rust has Injured my cotton but very little, while others are complaining a great deal who used the Wando. I planted my cotton about two weeks later than those that used the Wando, and minc has opened as soon as their's, but lt may lie owing to the dry weather which wc hore had now ror several weeks. I hepc this will he satisfactory ;. if not, write, and I will give you all that ls in my power. I would like to hear from you when you get thi"-. Yours, ftc, (Signed) _ _J. E. GARVIN. A NEW STYLE of fine initial note paper and envelopes, 40 cents a box, at the Hasel street Ba? zaar. iliacijincrrj, (Eastings, &z. ?JgXCELSIOR IRON WORKS, ESJTADLISnED 1S39, FOOT OF 14Tn STREET, EAST RIVER. IRON FRONTS, AXD EVERY DESCRIPTION OF IROX WORK FOR BUILDING PCiirOSES. GEO. R. JACKSON, BURNEY & CO., Proprietors. BRANCH OFFICE, NO. 201 CENTRE STREET, CORNER OF HOWARD. nov30 3mos 1?O THE WORKING CLASS.-AVE ARE now prepared to furnish all classes with constant employment at home, thc whole of thc time, or ror thc sparc moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a pro? portional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Bors and girls earn nearly as much as men. That ail who sec this notice may send their address, and test thc business, wo make this un? paralleled offer : To such as arc not well satisfied, we will send *1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work ou. aud a copy of -'Thc Peo? ple's Literary Companion"-one of the l?rgest und best famUv newspapers published -all sent free by mail. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable work, address E. C. ALLEK ft CO., Augusta, Maine. Jaul7 3mos Special Notices. ?3* CONSIGNEES PER STEAMER MA? RYLAND, from Baltimore, are hereby notified that she is Tnis DAY discharging Cargo at Pier No. 1, Union Wharves. All goods not taken away at sunset will remain on wliarr at Consignees' risk. rebl? 2_MORDECAI A CO., Agents. ^.CONSIGNEES PER STEAMSHIP CHAMPION", from New York, arc notified that she ls discharging Cargo at Adger's South Wharf. Goods uncalled for at sunset win remain on the wharf at owners" risk. JAS. ADGER & CO., febis 1_Agents. ?S3-AT THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY of thc UNITED FIRE ENGINE COMPANY, held on Monday, the 14th instant, the following ofll cers were elected for the ensuing year: H. LARCOMB, President. F. BURNOW, vice-President. J. H. STEWART, Secretary. E. P. N. MARTIN. Treasurer. J. FRAZER, First Director. M. PINCKNEY, Second Director. B. F. SMALLS, Tldrd Director. E. ri NCR NET, Fourth Director. JAMES SNIPES, First Axraan. -, Second Axniau. ? P. JONES, Engineer. B. BRIGHTMAN, Steward. P. A. GREEN. Hallkeepcr._fehij i pB" HAVING'BEEN APPOINTED Proxy of Hon. W. S. GARDNER, of Massachu? setts, Grand Master of Knights Templar of tho United Stntes, to reorganize South Carolina Com? mander)*, No. 1,1 summon the members of said Commandery to meet at the Masonic Hall, lu Charleston, on TI'ESDAY EVENING, 15th instant, at 0 o'clock P. M., to reorganize and elect ofllccrs. feb- A-13_HENRY BUIST. ,-^NOTICEOFCITY TAX RETURNS OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY.-OFFICE OF CITY APPRAISER-CITY" HALL, CHARLES? TON, FEBRUARY 12, 1S70.-Notice is hereby re? spectfully given to all concerned that blank forms of returns for Real and Personal Property for this year will be ready for distribution at this otllce, on and after MONDAY, the l-Jtli Instant, and that by ordinance said returns must be filled out and returned to this otllce on or l>eforc the 20th instant, after which time the ordinance prohibits the Appraiser lu receiving any return, but as In default. P. J. COOGAN, City Appraiser. EXTRACTS FROM ORDINANCE. rcDLisnED FOR IN? FORMATION. SECTION 7. Every person required by this or? dinance to list property shall, annually," between the 1st day or January and the 20th day of Feb? ruary, make out aud deliver to the City Appraiser A statement, verified by lils oath, of all the real ami personal property possessed by him, or un? der lils control, on the first day of January or that year, cither as owner, agent, parent, husband, guardian, executor, administrator, trustee, re? ceiver, olllccr, partner, factor, or holder, with thc value of sahl personal property at the place of re? turn, estimating according to the rules prescribed by this ordinance, which statement shall set rorth: 1. All real property. 2. The ntimiicr or horses and their value. 3. The uuinber or neat cuttle and their value. 4. Thc number or mules aud asses and their value. 5. Thc number or sheep, goats and their value, o. The number or hogs and their value. 7. The value or gold aud silver plate aud num? ber or gold and uiver watches and their value. S. The number or plano rortes, mclodeons, cab? inet organs and ; heir value. 0. The number or carnages, wagons, dravs or other vehicles. 10. The value ot goods, merchandise, monies ami credit? pertaining to lils business as u mer? chant. 11. The value of materials received, used, or provided to be used, m his business as a manu? facturer. 12. Thc value or machinery, engines, tools, fix? tures and Implements used or provided for lils use in his business as a manuracturcr. and or all manufactured articles on hand one year or more. 13. Thc value or moules, including bank bills and circulating notes. 14. The value or all credits. 15. Thc value or investments in stocks and bonds or any company or corporation out or this city, except national banks. H.. Tlie value or all Investments in bonds and stocks, except bonds or the United States and this State aud city expressly exempt rrom taxa? tion by the law under which they were issued. 17. Tus value or all other propertv or whatever kind. SEC. 22. All companies and corporations, whether organized under the laws or this State or not. thc manlier or listing whose personal prop? erty ls not otherwise speclilcally provided Tor by? law, shan list ror taxation all their personal property aud effects at tlie .same time, man? ner and place as individuals are required to list similar property and effects for taxation. SEC. 34. Any person claiming not to have any property, shall, upon demand or the City Ap? praiser, make oath to the tact that he has no property, and ir he reruse to make such oath, he sha:: bc subject to a penalty or nrty dollars and costs of prosecution. SEC. 45. ir thc city Appraiser shall suspect or be Informed that any person or persons, corpora? tion or company, has evaded making a return, or maile a raise return or lils, her, or their personal property ror taxat ion, or have or has not made a a rmi return, or that thc valuation returned is less than lt should have been according to thc rules prescribed by this ordinance, it shall tic his duty, at any time before the settlement with the Treasurer r?r the year, to notify such party to ap? pear before him al his otllce, at a lime fixed In said notice, together with such other person or persons as said City Appraiser may desire to ex? amine, and the party, together with any witness called, shall be examined by said City Appraiser, under oath, (which oath said City Appraiser ls authorized to administer,) touching thc personal property and the value thereor or such party, and everything which may tend to evince the true atnouut such party should have returned ror tax? ation. _fcl>12 3 - /SJ-WHAT DOES REASON SAY? The little mongoose when bitten by a deadly ser? pent resorts to a certain plant, cats or lt, and es? capes the effect or thc poison. That is instinct. Human beings, on the other hand, must depend on reason and experience In selecting the means or protecting health and lire against unwhole? some Inlllienccs. Now, what docs resou say ou this vital subject? Docs it not tells us that to In? vigorate and purify the system ls the best way to protect it against the invisible poison which generates disease? Surely lt docs. The next question is, what guide shall we follow In choos? ing a medicinal safeguard ! Reason replies, let your monitor be experience. Well, the experi? ence or eighteen years comprised In one unbroken series of satisfactory testimonials assures us that HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS posesscs strengthening, regulating and antiseptic proper? ties which are not combined in the same happy proportious lu any other preparation extant. This, therefore, ls thc antidote to which reason bids us resort when our health ls Imperilled either by the malaria which produces epidemic disorders, or by any other cause, whether inhe? rent and constitutional, or connected with our habits, occupations and pursuits. The venom of noxious reptiles ls scarcely more subtle and dangerous than that which lurks In Toni airand Impure water. To escape thc revers, bilious disorders, disturbances of the bowels nr.d other serious maladies produced by these Insalu? brious elements, it is absolutely necessary that the stomach and all the secretive organs should be. so to speak, In a robust condition. Upon the amount of resistance which thc vital system can oppose to the deleterious influences that assail it, the safety of the health depends, and it is because the CHEAT VEGETABLE ISVIOORASTimparts energy and regularity to the most Important functions or the body, that it can be recommended and guaranteed as au invaluable preventive medi? cine._rclill Gli&C ?Sf "WEDLOCK-THE BASIS OF CIVIL SOCIETY.-Essays Tor Young Men, on the honor and happiness or Marriage, and thc evils and dan? gers or Celibacy, with sanitary help ror the at? tainment or man's true position in lire. Sent Tree In scaled envelopes. Address HOWARD ASSOCI? ATION, Box P, Philadelphia, Pa. jatrJS 3mos__ pif TO PRINTERS.-IF YOU WANT NEWS, BOOK, CAP, DEMI and MEDIUM PAPERS, Bill Heads, Statements, Cards, Card Board, Print? ing Material, Bindiug, Ruling aud Cutting, go to EDWARD PERRY", No. 155 Meeting street, oppo? site Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C. decl4 Cmos P&-KO CURE, NO PAY. -FORREST'S JUNIPER TAR for Coughs, Croup, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis. Sore Throat, Spitting of Blood and Lung Diseases. Immediate relief aud positive cure, or price refunded. 35 cents. N. B.-The genuine article has yellow labels, with white, unprinted wrapper. Sold by G. W. AlMAll, Agent, Corner King and Yanderuorst streets. QOV23 thstu3mo Unction Salea-aijis fltorj. [SALE POSTPONED.] By W. Y. LEITGH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. UN DEE DECREE IN EQUITY. Falk vs. Jacobi, Administratrix, ct al. THIS DAY, the 15th February, will be sold, at ll o'clock A. M., near the Old Customhouse, All that LOT OF LAND situate on the west side or King street, a few doors south of Bcaufain streer; measuring In front on said street 30 feet, more or less: on thc back line 27 reet 10 inches, more or less: and on the north aud south lines 153reet 6 inches each, more or less; there being an angle in the north line at the northwest cor? ner or the brick store. Bounding east on King street, south on Land or Mrs. Vogel, west on Land or John Slegling, and north on Land or John Sicgling and J. S. Bird. With the Lot ls In? cluded in the sale thc walls, bricks and materials of the building and outbuildings, partially de? stroyed by lire, as they now stand. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings thereon, situate lu St. Philip street, Upper Wards. Bounding north on Land or Jas. Adger, east on Land of Mary Campbell, south on Land ot Bobt. Wing, and west on St. Phillp street; mea? suring 50 feet on the north line, 54 feet on the south line, ami 25 feet on the cast and west lines each, be thc said dimensions more or less. Terms-One-third cash; balance in two equal successive annual lustalmentsfwithInterest from the day of sale, payable annually; the buildings on the St. Philip streer Lot to be lnsnred and the policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. J. w. GRAY. feb 15 _Sp'cial Referee. By W. ?. LEITCH & lt. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. McDowell vs. Whilden. TUFS DAY, the 15th day of February, at ll o'clock, will be sohl near the Old Customhouse. All that LOT OF LAND, with the comfortable two-story Wooden Dwelling and outbuildings thereon, situate in Wragg's Square, and fronting on the Park or the Second Presbyterian Church, measuring in front 34 feet 8 inches, and in depth loo feet, be the same more or less; bounding north on Lauds of w. II. Houston, south on Wragg's Square, west on Land now or late of N. Hey wanL ami cast on Lands of Otto Cook. Terms-One-third cash ; balance in one and two years, secured by bond or thc purchaser, bearing Interest rroiu thc day or sale, at thc rate or 7 per cent, per annum, and mortgage or thc property: thc premises io bc insured and the pollcv assigned to the Referee. Purchaser to pay for stamps and papers. JAMES W. GRAY, fehl 5_Special Referee. By Z. B. OAKES. CITY OF SAVANNA'S SEVEN PER . CENT. BONDS. Will be sold TniS DAY, the 15th tnstant, at the Old Postofllce, at ll o'clock, in amounts to suit purchasers, City otSavannah Seven per Cent. COU? PON BONDS. $500 each. Interest July and Janu? ary. % Terms cash._fcbl? By Z. B, OAKES. SPLENDID IRON FRONT BUILDING, No. 54 Broad street,?ear Church. Will bc sohl THIS DAY. loth Instant, at the Old Postoince. at ll o'clock. That splendid ntoilcrn-bullt Thrcc-story IRON FRONT BUILDING, No. 54, north side of Broad street, the lower part occupied by Messrs. W. B. Heriot & Co., Insurance Agents, and thc upper part, by the New York Life Insurance Company. Together with the Lease of the Lot upon which thc Building stands, having three years to run from 10th March, 1870, at a ground rent ol $3oo per annum and taxes, with thc privilege ora re? newal or thc Lease for an additional term of three years, at. $400 per annum ami taxes. At the ex? piration or the Lea*e the Buildings and improve? ments are to bc paid lor in cash by thc owners or | the Lot. at a valuation to be placed upon them by disinterested appraisers. * Conditions cash. Purchaser to pay for papers ami stamps. febl.l By R. 31. MARSHALL & BRO. SALE OF IMPORTED PLANTS, TREES, Bulbs, ?Vc. Will he. sold at No. in? King street, THIS DAY, 15th insiant, at ll o'clock, Thc above Stock, just Imported from France, consisting or JAPONICAS. Magnolias, Rododen ilrous, Azalias, Peonies. 250 new Rose Trees, Fruit Trees, viz: Pears, Apples. Cherries, Plums, Chest? nuts, A variety or Flower Bulbs and Seeds. Conditions ca'sh._reb!5 By R. M. MARSHALL & BRO. FIFTEEN HUNDRED ASSORTED Peach Trees at Auction. THIS DAY, at No. lf>5 King street, near Clifford street. Immediately after thc sale of imported Plants, Ac, The above TREES, from the celebrated Nursery Farm or John Perkins, Morristown, N. J. feb 15_ By JEFFORDS & CO. DAMAGED COFFEE AND FLOUR. Will be sohl THIS DAY, In front of our Stores, at hall-pnsi 8 o'clock. 12 sucks COFFEE 2 bbls. Flour. Damaged on voyage from New York to this port, and sold on account of underwriters aud all concerned._feb!5 By JEFFORDS & CO. DAMAGED CORN. Will lie sohl THIS DAY, In front of our stores, at hair-past 0 o'clock. 17 bags Damaged CORN. feb H>_ Br JOHN (J. MILXOR & CO. FINE SPANISH CIGARS, ON ACCOUNT or underwriters and all concerned. AliO, Dry Goods and Sundries. THIS DAY, 15th instant, at hair-past 10 o'clock, we will sell at oar Auction Store, No. 135 Meeting street, on ncnount or underwriters and all con? cerned, slightly damaged on voyage or Importa? tion, 3OO0 "Urauia" CIGARS 1000 "Grande" Duchesse. Also, a general assortment of desirable Dry Goods. SATINETS, Cottonades, Bleached and Brown Sinning, Fancy and Mourning Prints, Gray Un? dershirts, Kentucky Jeans, Blue Plaids, White Hose. Brown aud Mixed Half Hose, Men's L. C. llatKli'erchiafs, Table Covers. Balmoral Skirts, White Tucked Skirts, Black Felt aud Wool Hats, Men's Caps and Sundries. Conditions cash. . febl5 B y LAUREr & ALEXANDER. SHOULDERS, HAMS, STRIPS, Corn, Ac. THIS DAY. the 15th iustaut, will be sold in our Store, at 10 o'clock, 300 Bright SHOULDERS 150 Sugar-Cured Hams soo Sugar-Cured sn ips and Bellies 75 bbls. Peach-Blow Potatoes. AM), OS' ACCOUNT OK ALL COSCEUSED, 00 sacks CORN, slightly damaged. Conditions cash._fcblS By RIECKE & SHACHTE. SHOULDERS, HAMS, STRIPS, BUTTER, CHEESE. Ac. Will sell THIS DAY, before their Stores. Nos. 21 and 23 Vendue Range, at hulf-past 0 o'clock A. M. 1000 lbs. Bacon SHOULDERS 1500 lbs. Bacon Hams 2000 lbs. Bacon Strips 25 tubs Butter 30 boxes Factory and O. C. Cheese 1 bbl. llottlc Corks 250 lbs. Western Meat Bolognas 50 roams Ilrown Wrapping Paper, Ac, Ac. Terms cash._febl5 By WM. McKAY. SPECIAL SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FUR? NITURE, Linen Sheets. Pillow Cases, Platcd ware, Feather Beds, Crockery and Glassware, THIS DAY (Tuesday) at No. 136 Meeting street, at lo o'clock. febl? N E W BUSINESS THOMAS P. SMITH, (Late Naylor, Smith A Co.) FACTOR AND GENERAL COMMISSION MER? CHANT, No. 10 Boyce & Co.'s Wharf, Solicits consignments of Cotton, Rice and other Produce. N. li.-GEORGE W. Mi IVER is connected with the business, and hopes, by faithful attention to the Interests or his friends, to secure a portion of their favors. _rebll tuthslmo JT^OUIS McLAIN, BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 48 BROAD STREET. Charleston, S. C. Stocks. Bonds and Gold bought, carried am sold short in New York City. Particular attention paid to the purchase an. sale or aU kinds of Southern Securities. pets_,_ ILLIS & CHISOLM, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, Will atteud to the Purchase. Sale and Shipmen! ito Foreign and Domestic Ports) of COTTON, RICE, LUMBER aud NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. E. WILLIS.A- Oaisoui. OCt26 Unction SoUs-^?H?nre flDatjs. By W. Y. LEITCH ft^?TTSTBJSD?S^ FEQUITY. -BLACKWELL ET AL, VS. HAMLIN, et al. At Auction. The undersigned, by order made In the above entitled cause, will sell at public outcrv on TH URS DAY, the 17th February, at ll o'clock, A. M., at the Old Postofllce, All that LOT OF LAND with the residence thereon situated on the west side of Gadsden street, city of Charleston, bounded north by lands or late Philip Moore. Measuring in depth one hundred and twenty reef, and in width one hundred and twelve rect. Terms-One-third cash; balance In one and two years, credit portion to be secured bj bond or bonds or purchaser, with interest payable annu? ally and mortgage or the premises; buildings to be Insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to? pay Itereree Tor papers and stamps. The property can be treated for at Private Sale. CHARLES INGLESBY, feb3 thtu5_Spacial Referee. By TVARDLAW & CAREW. SALE BY TRUSTEES, UNDER AU? THORITY or thc Court or Equity-Exten? sive and Valuable Property. Will be sold at ll o'clock A. M.. on THURSDAY, .21th Instant, in front or the Old Postofllce, That elegaut HOUSE AND GROUNDS, situate in Hampstead, at the corner ol Drake and Blake streets. Thc Lot measures four hundred (400) foet on Blake street, by about two hundred and eighty (2S0) feet in depth on Blake street, from west to east toiBay street. On the premises are an elegant Mansion or mod? ern style and finish, containing twelve large rooms, with double piazzas on thc south, com? manding a fine view or the bay and harbor, with all necessary outbuildings, such as kitchen, con? servatory, stables, Ac. In addition to the above, there ls a commodious Dwelling on the northeast corner ol thc Lot. This property will bc offered first, as a whole, but on failure to Und a purchaser, will be sold in parcels as follows: 1. One Lot on which thc Dwelling and Build? ings are situated, measuring two hundred and twenty (220) foet front from north to south on Drake street, by about two hundred and eighty (2S0) feet deep from west to cast on Blake street, to the Bay. 2. one Lot next sonth or the above, sixty (60) feet front on Drake street, by the depth or the Lot from west to east f? the Bay, say two hundred and eighty (280) feet. 3. One Lot next south or thc above, sixty (>30) feet front on Drake street, by thc depth or the Lot from wost to east to thc Dav, suv two hundred and eighty (2S0) feet. 4. "One Lot next south or the above, sixty (00) foet on Drake street, by the depth or the Lot from west to east to the Bay, say two hundred and eighty (280) feet. ALSO, . A body or MARSH LAND, east side or Bay street, separated from the above property by Bay street, embracing six hundred (COO) feet from non li to south, by three hundred (300) foot from cast to west, on the west side or the Northeastern Railroad track. Another body or Marsh Land lying east or said road, containing - feet. Terms-One-third cash; thc balance In one, two and three years, with interest at 10 per cent, per annum. Purchasers to pay W. Sc C. for papers and stamps. febS tustuth Snsiucss Caros. ADAMS, DAMON & CO., 16 BROAD ST., Dealers in Stoves, Ranges, Grates, Ac. Agents lor thc Automatic Washing Machine and Wringer. AIMAR. G. W.-CHOICE DRU?S, CHE? MICALS. Surgical instruments, Perrumerles und Toilet Articles, 409 King, cor. Vanderhorst st. ARCHER'S BAZAAR, 363 KING ST., Wholesale and Retail Notions and Fancy Goods, so per cent, less thati elsewhere. ALLAN, JAMES, WATCHES, CLOCKS, Jewelry. Sterling Silver, Platedware, Spec? tacles, Fancy Goods, Ac. No. 307 King street. BAZAAR. F. VON SANTEN, IMPORT? ER or Paris Fancy Goods, Toys, Freuch Con? fectionery.India Rubber Goods Ac. No. '220 King st. CHAPIN & CO.. L., MANUFACTURERS and Dealers in Carriages, Harness, Ac,, 20 Payne. A 33A35I'inck:icy st.: also, 193 Meeting st. C10RWIN & CO., WM. S., IMPORTERS I and Dealers In Colee Whines, Brandies, Teas and Groceries, Wholesale and Retail* 275 King st. CH AFEE & CO., WM. H., WHOLE? SALE Dealers In Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Ac; Agetits for Exton's Crackers, 207 East Bay. ClIAFEE'S TONIC, THE BEST AND most pleasant Stomach Regulator extant. Chafec A Co.. No. 207 East Bay. Manufacturers. DUVAL & SON, J. B., MANUFACTUR? ERS or Tinware, Dealers In Stoves. Htwse Furnishing Goods, Ac. 337 Klug st._ EASON IRON WORKS. ESTABLISHED iv.*. Koa ?mu mid Culuiiibus streets: Steam Engines. Marine. Portable and Stationery. Boilers. OLLIN, G.. TOBACCO COMMISSION Merchant, Manufacturers' Agent for the sale or Standard Brands. No. 151 East Bay. FURNITURE WAREROOMS, ESTAB? LISHED 1S3S. D. IL Sllcox, Nos. 175,177 and 170 King st. Goods carefully packed and shipped. GURNEY. WM., FACTOR AND COMMIS SION Merchant, 102 East Bay, and l Accom? modation Wharf._ p OUTEVENIER BROS., (SUCCESSORS VX to A. Hiing.) dealers In Millinery, Fancy Goods. Toys, China, Glassware, Ac, 237 King st. HENERBY. WM. S., 314 MEETING ST., Machinist and Founder, Manufacturer of Engines, and improved Agricultural Implements. KINSMAN A HOWELL, GENERAL Commission Merchants, and Agents for Mapca' Superphosphate or Lime, No. 12? East Bay. LA CRIOLLA.-JOSE JARA, IMPOR TEtt and Manufacturer or Havana Cigars, Wholesale ami Retail, cor. Meeting and Market sts. LITTLE & CO., GEO., 213 KING ST., sell thc cheapest and best Clothing and Fur nls'ilng Goods In charleston._ MARBLE WORKS.-THE OLD ESTAB? LISHMENT. E. R. WHITE, Proprietor, 119 Meeting st., next old Theatre lot. MATTHIESSEN, WM., STAR SHIRT Emporium and Fine Clothing and Tailoring House, Oents' Furnishing Goods, 291 King st. ?TEUF VILLE, B. K., BLANK BOOK ^| Manufacturer, Job Printer and Stationer, 9 Broad st. Magazines. Ac, bound lu all styles. .vroAirs ARK.-WM. MCLEAN, JOBBER XI and Dealer In Toys, Fancy Goods. Show Ca? ses. Stamping A Pinking a specialty; 433 King st. PIANOFORTE AND MUSIC STORE, 191 King St.. /OGBAUM, YOUNG A CO., Agents for Knabe A Co. and Dunham A Sous. PHONIX IRON WORKS, ESTABLISHED 1S44, John F. Taylor A Co., Engineers and Boilermakers, 4, 6, S, io and 12 Pritchard st. PERRY, EDWARD, 155 MEETING ST., Printer, Stationer, and dealer lu Blank, School and Law Books._ STOLL, WEBB & CO., WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers In Dry Goods, No. 289 King street, three doors below Wentworth._ SCOTTS' STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM and Gents' Furnishing Room. Meeting st. op poslte Market Hall. Agent for the Champion Brace. SPEAR, JAMESE., 235KLNGST., OPPO slte RascI, Importer and Dealer In Fine Watch? es, Jewelry, Sliver, Platedware, Fancy Goods. Ac. THE GREAT SOUTHERN TEA nOUSE. WM. S. CORWIN Sc CO., 275 King st., branch House nf POO Broadway, New York._ TJrEHrl, WM. L., IMPORTER OF .CIII W NA, Glass and Earthenware, 128 Meeting street._ -\T7-L1IL1)EN& C?., WATCHES, JEWEL VV rv and Silverware, 255 King st. Crockery and Glnssware et Wholesale, Nu. 137 MeetliiT.*.. J P. MOODIE, COLLECTOR AND REAL ESTATE AGENT, No. 20 Bito.vD STU EKT, Charleston, S. C. Will attend to the RENTING OF HOUSES, Col loci lon or Rents, Accounts Ac Refers io Messrs. Gourdin, Matthlessen A Co., J C Cochran, Esq., Dr. T. L. Ogler A Son. Messrs. Pelzer, Rodgers A Co., Thomas' R. Waring, Esq., Messrs. W. B. Williams Sc Sou. declO thstuamo S TONE Y ? LOWNDES, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, VANDERHORST'S WHARF, CHARLESTON, S. C. THEODORE STONNY. HENRY D. LOWNDES. jane thstuSmos _ S HAMPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended at their residences promptly and at reasouable rates. Send orders to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, apriU4 No. 31 Broad street, (up stairs.) ^ftnrtitm Sales~-$nture ?Darj0. Br A. C. McGIXEITBAY, Auctioneer. TTNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. . U Tapper, et al. vs. Eliza Shingler, et aL Will be sold In fron t of the Old Custom Iionse, OK * TUESDAY, the 8th day of March next, at ll o'clock A. M.. ' AU that LOT OF LAND, with the three Briet Tenements thereon, situate on the sooth side or Princess street, in the City of Charleston, and known by the numbers 1, 3 and 5, measuring aid containing In front on Princess street_feet. on the south linc - reet, on tho east line -- feet, on the west line - feet; butting an? bounding north on Princess street, south on_. Terms-One-third cash; balance In one and two years, secured by bond of the purchaser, with interest from day of sale, payable semi-an? nually, and mortgage of premises. Premises to be Insured and kept insured and the policy as? signed. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. feblS tu4_E. W. M. MACKEY, S. 0. C. A. C. MoGLLLIYRAY, Auctioneer. UNDER DE CREE IN EQUITY. Furmau & Spratt vs. George Corker, wm be sold on TUESDAY, tte 8th day of March, 1870, in front of thc Old Customhouse, at lt o'clock, A. M., All that LOT OF LAND, known on a Plat of Gadsden's Lands, divided by R. K. Payne, Sur? veyor, In 1842, as Lot No. 115, on Chestnut street, measuring 45 feet front, b>loo feet In depth. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY, S. C. C. febl4 tu4_ A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Furman & Spratt vs. E. J. Klngnan. Will be sold in front of the Old Customhouse, oa TUESDAY, the 8th day of March next, at ll o'clock A. M., All those three LOTS OF LAND, known on the plat of Gadsden's Lands, divided by R. K. Payne in 1842, as Lots Nos. 251, 252 and 253, on Robert's Court, each measuring la front 35 feet 8 Inches bj 115 feet la depth,-more or less. ALSO, Those three LOTS OF LAND, known on said plat by the Nos. 266,267 and 268 on Norman street, each measuring 40 feet front by 100 feet in depth. ALSO, The LOT OF LAND known as No. 260 on said plat, In-street, measuring 35 feet front by 115 feet lu depth. Terms cash. Purchasers to par for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY, S. C. C. . feb!5 tn4 _' A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Susan Porcher, Executrix, vs. William Rhett. Will bc sold on TUESDAY, the 8th day of March next, In front of the Old Customhouse, at ll o'clock A. M., All that TRACT OF LAND situate on the east side of the public road from Charleston to Goose Creek, and between the Northeastern Railroad and Cooper River, la the County of Charleston, and known as the "Marshall Tract ? and con? taining 243 acres, more or less. Butting and bounding north on Lands of Henry M. Manl gault; easton Cooper River, and Lands of Dr. F. r. Porcher; south pn Lands of F. Y. Porcher, and west by the Northeastern Railroad. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and two years with Interest from day of sale, payable semi-annually and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. feb!5 tn4_E. W. M. MACKEY, S. C. C. By A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. ^ UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. Balley, et al, vs. Whaley, et al. Will be sold on the 22d day of February instant, lu front of the Old Customhouse, at ll o'clock, A. M., All that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND, situate on Wadmalaw Island, in Charleston Coun? ty, measuring and containing 200 acres, more or less; butting and bounding north on Wadmalaw Sound, south on Lands ol Joseph S. Whaley, east on Lands or George Scharlock, and west on Lands of Edward LaRoche. Terms-One-third cash; balance on a credit of one and two years, with Interest from day of sale, secured by bond of purchaser and mortgage of premises. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY. febl tu4_S. C. O. Br J. S. RYAN. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. ? Anne E. Earle va. Julia Earle, et aL . On THURSDAY, the 17th of February next, w?l be sold, near the Old Customhouse, All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, situate on thc west side of Anson, adja? cent to Calhoun street, In the City of Charleston, ' measuring 32 feet 6 Inches front on Anson street, 193 feet 6 Inches on the north Une, 20 reet 6 inches on the west linc, and 183 feet on the south Une, be nie same more or less, with thc Buildings thereon, couslstlug of a two-story Frame House and a one-story shed-room; bounding on the north, by Lot No. 2, cast by Anson street, west on Lot No. 5, and south by Lands of sundry persons, ac? cording to a plat of Burvey made by Charles Parker, City Surveyor, dated 1st February, 1854, on winch plat said Lot of Land is designated as Lot No. 1. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, next adjoining to the north, with the Buildings thereon, measuring 32 feet 6 Inches front on Anson street, 204 feet on north line, on the west line 29a feet, and 193 feet 0 Inches on the south line, be the same more or less; bounding on the north by lands of estate of Mrs. Marshburn, John Mann, and others, on the East by Anson street, south by Lot No. 1, and west on Lot No. 2, designated as Lot No. 2 In plat of Charles Parker, as stated above. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with the buildings there? on, situate south side of Calhoun street, measur? ing in front 40 feet, and on thc rear 50 feet, by 109 feet In depth on the east, and 202 feet on the west Hue. designated in plat above mentioned by the No. 3, be the same more or less. 'm ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND situate on the south side of Calhoun street, in the City of Charleston, meas? uring in front and rear 43 by 202 feet in depth on the east line, and 205 on west line, designated on above mentioned plat by thc No. 4, be the same more or less. ALSO, All that LOT OF LAND, with Buildings thereon, consisting of fourteen tenements, each being two story brick buildings on a court 263 feet on the cast line, by 43 feet on thc south, and the same on the west linc, fronting on Calhoun street. ThLs property ls known ns Mills' Row, designated as Lot No. 6 on plat as stated above, be the same more or less. ALSO. All that LOT OF LAND, with thc buildings there? on, consisting or a two story Frame Building, with double piazzas, at thc south and west, and a two story Wooden Building next adjoining; a two storv Brick House, and a brick range of kitchens, one story high. These buildings are all upon the extreme back Hue, having a fine view from the south and west, situate south sid? of Calhoun street; measuring in front 40 feet 6 inches, in the rear 34 feet, by 203 feet 6 Inches In depth on the cast line, aud 217 feet on the west line, designated on thc above plat by thc No. 6, be thc same more or less. ALSO. All that Lot of Land, with Buildings thereon, consisting of a two story Wooden House, with piazza to the south; a two story Brick House immediately adjoining on thc back Une, and a two story kitchen lu the rear, situate on the south side of Calhoun street; measuring In front 36 feet, and In rear 36 feet 6 Inches, by 217 feet 6 inches on thc east line, and 218 feet on the west line, known in above plat as No. s, bc the same more or less. ALSO, All that LOT on thc south side of Calhoun street, measuring In trout 36 feet, lu Hie rear 35 feet, by 218 reet In depth on thc cast, and 219 feet on tho west Hue, and desl?uated ou said plat by the >o. 9, bc the same more or less. ANO . All that LOT OF LAND on Cove street, SuUi van's Island. T.Tins-One-third cash: balance on a credit of one and two years, to bc secured by bond or bond* bearing" Interest, payable annually, and mortgage or the premises. Buildings to be in? sure.! and policies o-ssigued. Purchasers to pay for papers and stamps. A piai or me above men? tioned Lots may be seen at my office. '1 JAMES W. GRAY, jan29 stuthO_Special Referee. By N. A. HUNT, Auctioneer. ESTATE SALE. By permission of the court or Probate, I will sell on SATURDAY, the 20th Fcburary, at IO o'clock, A. M., The entire CONTENTS OF THE STORE No. 353, on thc west side or King street, between Liberty and George streets, lately known as LAND RETH'S SEED STORE, and recently occupied by Conrad Ring, deceased, consisting or the follow? ing articles, to wit: STONE ANO EARTHEN? WARE, Woodenware, Twines. Rope, Willowware, Brooms. Brushes. Hardware, Cutlery, Corn Shel? lers, corn Mills, Hay Cutters, Plough's, Harrows, lines. Spades, Shovels Rakes, Plough Points and Land Slides. Seed Sowers, Garden Sew and a general assortments of Seeds. Also thc lease of Hie Store to the 1st day of May, 1870. Conditions cash In current funds. febl2 S3 JOHN E. BOWERS, Auctioneer. ANEW VILLAGE LATELY LAID OFF, of 500 LOTS, extending from the Clement s Ferry to the Junction of the Dorchester ahd?ate Road. The Northeastern and south Caiobim RailroadS pass through the TractolLand. ?Uh o Turnout on the Land. All the Front Lots arc on the Plank Road. . ,ront of Will besohl on thc SSW or Febraary. inmntoi the old Postomce, corner of m oad and Last nay St-ool't'rnx to be sold by thc plat which will bc the^?*f?& Smj? see,, prior to that time .it mr nfl!cc No. 200 Mug SlrCOU Terms cash, and no charge for papers or stamps. febO wstustUO*