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TERMS OE THE NEWS. TBS DAILY NEWS, by mall, one year $6; six months $3; three months $2; one month 75 cents. Served In the city at FIFTEEN CENTS a week, paya? ble to thc carriers, or $6 a year, paid in advance at the ornee. TUE TM-WEEKLT NE*VS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $3; six months.$2; and 50 cents a month for any shorter period. SUBSCRIPTIONS In all cases payable m advance, and no paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. ADVERTISEMENTS.-First Insertion 15 cents a Une; subsequent insertions 10 cents a line. Spe? cial Notices 15 cents a line -ach insertion. Busi? ness Notices 20 cents a Hue each insertion. Mar? riage and Funeral Notices One Dollar each. Cuts and Electrotype Advertisements wlU bc inserted on the Fourth Page only. Fifty per cent, addi? tional charged for inserting advertisements in TUE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS. Advertisements for Tn s TRI-WEEKLY NEWS only, two-thirds or daily rates. NOTICES'or Wants, To Rent, Lost and Found, Boarding, Ac, not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents each insertion; over 20, and not exceeding 30 words, -10 cents each Insertion; over 30 and not exceeding 40 words, 50 cents each insertion. All announcements to be published at these rates must bc paid for in advance. REMITTANCES should be made by Postofllce Money Order or by Express, ir this cannot be done, protection against losses by mall may be Becnrcd by forwarding a draft on Charleston pay? able to the order or the proprietors or TUE NEWS, or by sending the money in a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A- CO., No. 149 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. MONDAY. FEBRUARY li, LS70. SEWS OE THE DJLT. -Cold closed in New York on Saturday, .duli, at VJ% -Cotton closed easier, with sales ol 1200 bales .at 2-- '.c. -In Liverpool, Saturday, cotton closed steady at u: changed prices; sales 10,000 bales. Thc Fifteenth amendment, it is estimated, makes 900.000 new voters. -General Beauregard is said to bc engaged to Mrs. Haas, or New Orleans. -Tao insurance on the Great Eastern and her cargo of cable is $3,560,000. Thc Papal authorities have permitted-the resto? ration of horse-racing In Rome. -Fifty out of u hundred students In the Minne? sota State University are women. -The London Times opposes the government proposition for promoting emigration to Canada. -Thc amount in thc Bank or Englaud Thursday evening was ?145,000 greater Utan thc same day last week. -Advices from Madrid state that it ls reported thai : he Carlista are preparing Tor another insur? rection. -The shore end of thc India telegraph cable, taken out by the Great Eastern, bas been lauded at Bombay. -Thc London Times urges that O'Donoyan Ros? sa'- election to Parliament from Tipperary be dc clar d void. -Two cotton pick?rics, those of KehUnger and OoUens, of New Orleans, were bumed last week. Lo.*.; i-100.000. -Tile steamer M iggie Hayes, from New Orleans for Pittsburg, blew up Thursday afternoon. Nine persona wcie killed. -Ti:c bark Answor, from London for Boston, foti adored on the -.Stn ultimo. The mate and seven others were saved.8 -The Viceroy of Egypt has concluded to send lib Ironclads to Constantinople, but will with? hold thc rifles manufactured for him in Europe. -Two men publish a card in the Chicago Tri bu:.e .-aying that they are the makers or tee Car dlffglaut, and are ready to make any number to on'.cr. -The Spanish Government has sent authority to the Spanish Minister at Washington to make trea les of peace with the Republics or South America. -Thc colored peop:e or "?v- .messee hold a con- I venilcn at Nashville on thc 21st instant to com? pare notes relative to the condition or their race in the State. -The British Minister Informed the Secretary ' of the Navy OL Thursday that the iron-clad Mon? ard: would leave Portland for Annapolis on Sun? day (yesterday.) -Thc Home Secretary, in view of recent mani? festations of popular discontent in Russia, recom? mends thc Czar to cancel all liberal reforms late? ly inaugurated. -Another effort is to be made to start a humor? ous and satirical paper in New York on the style of Loudon Punch. It ls to be called Punchinello, which docs not show much originality to begin with. -ID the Rouse of Commons, on Friday, the post- i masti general alluded to the proposed reduction or potage between Great Britain aud the United States, and said it would increase the malls and | the i evenue. ! -General Neche, with a strong division, lort Puerto Principe on the 3d instant to commence < a campaign against the Cuban insurgents. It , vas expected that General Duello would soon leave and again attack the rebel forces. ' -An actual test was recently made iii New Or- . leans of the pneumatic power -lesigned for the use of street cars, but the thing was a failure. Thc < supply engine would not raise powe: enough to ] work the cars. Only one hundred and fourteen pounds pressure could bo obtained. -The President has directed the remittance of the unexecuted portion of thc sentence of the 1 military commission, from the Fifth Military District, In the cases of Charles L. Pitcher and John A. Richardson, citizens sentenced in | October last to imprisonment for four years in , the penitentiary! -Paris ls still quiet, although thc police stil patrol the streets in force. Over four hundred persons ! have been arrested lor complicity in the rioting I during the three days past. It Is reported that | the editors of the Marseillaise, and two editors of . the R?veil, and many others, have been arrested , Di Paris, on charges of conspiracy against thc government. The Marseillaise reappeared on Fri- 1 day, and was eagerly bought on the streets. -In the United States House of Representatives, | on Thursday, dnring the discussion about mileage ; and pay of members, there was a lively time. Dawes gave Butler a lunge for desiring to dis? pense witta the capitol police last year and sub- ' atitute therefor the standing army. Cox, of New I York, rushed in and ironically defended Butler, for which hegot a wipe from Butler that complete- , ly floored thc New York member, but he recover? ed, got out of temper, and pegged away fiercely 1 in earnest at Butler, calling him naughty names 1 and asserting that the Massachusetts member ' was a bad man. and was ostracised socially and , otherwise. Butler brought thc House down in a tremendous roar of laughter when he rose and quietly remarked that he would not attempt it. 1 answer the diminutive member from New York. > He would rerer him to the boys on the streets, and 1 the organ-grinders who were singing and playing , "Shoo ?y, don't bidder me." This was accom- . .panted by a comical manner and a sweep of the ?rm that proved to be too much for the risibles 1 of thc auditors. Cox said Butler had a tough ' skin, and could not be impressed with any at- ' tack upon his character. Here the Speaker in- < tervened, and the amusements ended. -A bill is reported in thc United States Senate talncrease the number of judges or the United States Supreme Court to eleven, with the same ' number of circuit juds<^l The Judiciary Com- ( millee reported, with amendments, the bill to 1 .C'lang'- ?he judicial circuit as follows: Tho first . circuit to consist of the districts of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode 1 Island, and Connecticut; the second of thc dis- . trict or New York; Hurd, Pennsylvania. New I Jersey, Delaware. Maryland ami Virginia; fourth, j Ml.--:- i;i|>i, Lonisana, Texas and Arkansas; fifth, . North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia. Florida, Alah una ami Tennessee: sixth, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky ami West Virginia; seventh, Illinois, ; Ind^La and Wis:oa-!u; eighth, Minnesota, Iowa, t Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri: ninth, Califor? nia, Oregon and Nevada. Thc bill further pro? vides that the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States shall be residents of their re? spective circuits, and vacancies now or hereafter existing in said court shall in every case be filled by a resident of the circuit. -A Washington letter to the Baltimore Gazette says: "It looks very much ;?s though there might yet brew a squall between the President and Con? gress as to thc policy of the administration In re? gard to appointments. General Grant is reported to have given out some time ago that he would place no tuan on a judge's bench who ever served as a judge under thc old slave code, or believed in lt, or practiced law under it. This accounts for the persistence with which the nomination of .iloar was pushed for a Southern vacancy In the Supremo Court, and the carrying on of the war, on the same line, in the nominating a New Jersey man for the same place. One fact is developed iu this couneciion that may yet create a schism in the Radical household, notwithstanding the giv ings out that there never was so harmonious a family since tho formation of thc government, and thal is, that the Southern and Western sena? tors are persistent in their determination to op? pose any nomination of an Eastern judge for this place. This is the reason Uoar was rejected. There was no particular objection to him person? ally, but the senators referred to didn't want the South utterly ignored in the formation of the Su? preme Bench, and ii Dame Rumor says true, this ls the reason why Bradley may share the same fate." _ No Struggling: / Our contemporary, the Columba Guar? dian, tilters some very sensible and manly words in deprecation of the folly and danger of any jealousies or divisions-of which there have lately been some unpleasant symptoms among the Anti-Radical press of South Car? olina. We have all the same end in view, and we cannot afford to quarrel about the means. Wo shall have need of all our strength to crush thc common foe. We must strike and win together, if we would win ut all. Who would not sink, for the moment, all minor differences, for the sake of wresting South Carolina from the grasp of the wretch? es who delile with hideous revelry the capi? tal of the State? Upon public men and public journals there now rests a grave and solemn re? sponsibility. They can render good service, in making the defeat of dishonesty and cor? ruption decisive and complete. Or, they may heighten our dangers and aggravate our peril by factious opposition and untimely dissension. But none of them, nor all of them, can roll back the popular tide, or alter, in the least, the lixed determination of the people. A change of rulers is demanded-a. chance from nepotism, ignorance and vice, to parity, intelligence and virtue. This is the supreme necessity, and that they may attain this end tho people bow lo the in? exorable logic of accomplished facts. They submit to thc inevitable, and accept the log? ical consequences of their forced submission. And if the press which has enjoyed their confidence, or the public serrant whom they have honored, refuse to stand iu the van and bear the brunt of the fight, the people will brush journal or politician aside, and adopt or create men and journals who truly repre? sent them, and who arc ready to share with them the hazards and uncertainties of a des? perate if not mortal struggle. Nor ambition, nor pique, nor blindness to Hie bitter exigencies of Hie times, must stand in the way of the public good. The wishes and the desires of the individual are as noth? ing in comparison with the weal of the State. We must bear and forbear, and each must do his part. This paper has decided opinions of its own, as everybody knows, but those opin? ions will be modified or waived whenever it it shall be shown that we can thereby in? crease, in the least, the chances of victory. Only, let our cause be tainted by no compro? mise with the handful of thieves and rob? bers who now rule over us, nor by any hypo? critical assumption of the party name under which they have masked their villany! Keep as clear o? the crew who are infamous, per? sonally and politically-propose no entan- ! ?jling alliance with the representatives of fraud, violence and wrong, and it matters little to us ander what Hag we fight. The election of Colonel Samuel W. Melton :o the Circuit Judgeship made vacant by the lentil of Judge Boozer, will give general sat sfaction, not less on account of thc learning tnd ability of the Judge elect, than because he action of tho Legislature indicates a wil? lingness to bridge over, for a moment at least, the deep chasm which ,ias divided the loutit Carolina Confederate soldier from the South Carolina Radical j)olitician. Colonel Melton is, in many t.ortant par? ticulars, a fair representative of the mass of the people of the State. A soldier in the Confederate service from the first to thc last, from Manassas to Appomattox, he has, since ihe war. hail little to do with political affairs. His influence was thrown against Radicalism ivith steady and persistent force, and he i<? low, if we understand him correctly, as far rom desiring any part or fellowship with the Republican party as when he wore the gray lttiforni of the South. In the past is neither tharne nor reproach; but living in the pres? ent, and looking to the future, Colonel Mel? on acknowledges all that the laws of the and require him to acknowledge, and ac- ' :ords to white and black alike all the rights : conferred upon them by the State and Fede? ral Constitution. Accepting the situatiou j "rankly and in good faith, he is ready to i ivork manfully for the purillcatiou aud re- ; lemption of the State. That such a man should have been elected 0 ollice is a cheering sign of the cotniug of jetter days. The sccues which attended Ihe j .lection were scandalous in the extreme. : Voles were bought and sold by the members >f thc General Assembly, under the very rose of the presiding ollicer. Pistols were " Irawn, ami the bullies of thc House howled ; br blood and thunder. But we are inclined ; to look over all this when we remember that 1 South Carolinian of untarnished fame, who lid not smirch himself that he might be ex ilted to place and profit, has been elected to . h. circuit beuch. < The Judicial Election. Is it Repudiation? We are informed that the City Treasurer is deducting from the quarterly interest on city stock, now in process of payment, an amount equal to one per cent, per annum on the par value of the stock. This is pre? sumed to be a tax levied by the city upon the stock, although thc public have no knowledge of the passage of any ordinance authorizing tho imposition of such a tax. The ordinance to regulate the assessment of personal property, adopted last week, clear? ly contemplated a taxation of the city stocks held by residents ; but it was generally un? derstood that the rate of taxation would not be determined until the gross taxable value of all the real and personal property In the city had been definitely ascertained. The assessment of property is not completed, no tax bill has been introduced or considered in the public meetings of Council, and the pub? lic desire to know by what authority the City Treasurer is now levying a tax upon the quarterly interest legally clue, without deduction, to the holders of city stock. When this first point is made clear, we may properly consider the legality, as well as the public equity, of imposing a city tax upon the city debt. THE Augusta Chronicle, and Sentinel speaks in highly complimentary terms of the great work accomplished by the present directors of Hie South Carolina Railroad, and is hopeful thal "the shareholders -.viii begin to realize "tho benefits of good dividends, solong neces? sarily withheld to complete the repairs of thc "road.*' With regard to the movement towards thc water, our Augusla con mporary says : "We arc glad to find the president and di? rectors fully alive to thc importance of water connections nt Charleston. As soon as ar? rangements arc made there to take treight down to the wharf, without the expense and loss incident to a long draynge, we are confi? dent that the income of the road will be mate? rially increased. All obstructions to, and re? strictions upon, the quick, cheap and safe transit of goods must now be abandoned. The wants of trade and commerce require that these old relics of local prejudices shall be re? moved, and tlie currents of business allowed to How in the most direct and easy channels." WHIPPER, in his speech nominating Colonel Melton for Circuit Judge, said that a man should bc Judged by his merits and not by his politics. This is sound doctrine : but if it were agreed to by the Radical parly, very few of their present Officers would remain long In ollice. WHEN will a committee Ucuppointed to in? quire into the charges of bribery and corrup? tion, made against certain members of the General Assembly in connection with their vote for Circuit Judge on Friday ? ? I O 'I ? SOME of the Charleston colored men think that living must be very cheap in Columbia, as their representatives in thc House eau keep double teams and swim in champagne on six dollars a day for the session. IT IS currently reported that fifteen hundred dollars was paid to members of Ute House to change their votes, before the result ot the ballot for Circuit Judge was announced. WHAT was the price paid the "forty thieves" for their vote upon the circuit judgeship qucs tion ? ?o Bent. HOUSES, FARMS, STORES, ROOMS, Ac, now vacant, can readily ho rented by advertising them in this column. Thc rafe Is 25 cents for twenty words or less, each insertion, If paid lu advance. mO RENT, THE BUICK STORE AND JL Dwelling, No| 15 King street, to au approved tenant, Apply at Nu. :<i King street. fchU 4? TO RENT, THAT WELL LOCATED Store. No. 125 Meeting street, two doors south or Market street. Apply lo THEODHRE STONEY, Yanderhorst Wharf._febl4 mill QTEVENS HOUSE TO LET-BEAU O FORT, S. C.-Thc above old-established Ho? tel to let or lease, and the furniture for sale, on favorable terms; the commodious bar attached to thc Hotel will be le: with it. The store under thc Hotel is also offered to let. For further particu? lars, apply to or address JOHN S. SMALLWOOD, I'ostOlllce Building, Bay street. Beaufort, S. C. rebll rm wc_ TO RENT, A LARGE STORE IN KING Street. Apply to ll. H. RAYMOND, corner or Battery and Water street. jaii271 fmw DESIRABLE BUSINESS LOCATION. To Rent, thc second and third STORIES of the capacious Building No. 147 Meeting street, op? posite thc Charleston Hotel. Possession given immediately. Apply at No. 141 Meeting street, up stairs. Tebin thsmtl TO RENT, THAT THREE STORY BRICK STORE. No. 308 King street, well adapted to thc retail business, and situated in a ilesirnblc part or King street. Apply Ul J. II. STElNMEYEIt, at Steam Saw and Planing Mill foot of Beaufjiln street. rcb4 _ferJ5fljc. REAL ESTATE OR PERSONAL PRO? PERTY or any kind may be advertised R?? sale in this columu, at the rate or 25 cents ror twenty words or less, each Insertion, ii paid In advance. FOR SALE, A FINE PLANTAj'ION MOLK. Apply to EDW. LOWNDES, No. 4 Broad street. rebl4 i* ALARCE AND HANDSOME SHOW? CASE AND COUNTER Tor sale at No. 125 Meeting street, next to Dr. Panknln's. febl2 2* MULES ! MULES! MULES! AT THE Kentucky Sale Stable, No. 90 Church street, between Chalmers and Broad streets. Just received, per South Carolina Railroad, two car? loads of young broke MULES, at reasonable prices, for cash or city acceptance. R. OAKMAN. reb9 6* PRINTING PRESS FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN.-One Bmall Cylinder TAY? LOR PRESS in complete repair, lt has been but little used, and ls sold simply because thc present owner has no use mr it. The size of the bed of the Press ls forty-four by fifty-eight Inches. Said Press will be sold at a great bargain if applied for at. once, as the roora lt occupies ls wanted for other purposes. Addresss Box No. 3795 New York Postottlce. scptiO Cost an? ionn?^ LOST AND FOUND AGAIN.-IF YOU have lost anything, make it known to the public through this column. Thc rate for twenty words or less, each insertion, ls 25 cents, If paid lu advance. STRAYED, ON FRIDAY LAST, BE? TWEEN the Six-mile ilouse and thc city, a blue speckled tan eared HOUND DOG. A reward ?.viii be paid for his delivery at No. 3'.) Ashley street. feb2 wini LOST ON THE EVENING OF THE Sd, at the Grand Masquerade Ball, held at lim Hibernian Ball, one White Kid GLOVE, with (?old fasteniug. A liberal reward will be given to the finder if returned to the Ticket Ollice or the Academy of Music. feb5 _UemouaIs.__ FRANCIS G. CART, FACTOR AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, has removed ns Ollice to the corner of East Bay street and Edger's North Wharf. febli IJoar?ing. VTTCELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND IX BOARD at Mrs. MILLER'S, No. 6 Hudson Mreet. decl3 Jfcro Publications. ^T^THFHAS?L "STREET^ BAZAAR^ lou can get the STANDARD NOVELS at ten per :ent. less than publishing prices. janl2 flUetings. ORANGE LODGE, No. 14, A. F. M. Thc Regular Communication of Orange Loilge will be held THIS EVENING, at Masonic Hall, at hair-past T o'clock precisely. Candidates for F. c. Degree will be punctual. THOMAS S. DEE, febl4_Secretary. PIONEER STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM? PANY OK AXMEN.-You arc hereby sum moxed to attend an Extra Meeting or your Com? pany, Tins (Monday) EVENING, thc 14th inst., at your Engine House, Market street, at 7 o'clock. By order of the President. j. w. MCHENRY, rebl4 Secretary. 717 TNA STEAM FIRE ENGINE COM iJlk PASY.-The Recular Monthly Meeting of the Company win be htid Tins EVENING, 14th instant, at the Company's Hall, at half-past 7 o'clock. By order. JOHN McLEISII, febi4_ Secretary. PHOENIX FIRE ENGINE COMPANY. Attend an extra meeting or your Company THIS EVENING, at l)i o'clock. Members are re? quested to be punctual, as business of great im? portance will be transacted. By order. A. G. MAGRATH, Jr., Iebl4 Secretary. MARION FIRE ENGINE COMPANY. Aitend an extra meeting or your company at your Hall, THIS (Monday) EVENING, at7 o'clock. Those who intend visiting Augusta with thc Com? pany are requested to attend. By order or vice-President. Tebu_GEO. A. CALDER, Secretary. UNITED FIRE ENGINE COMPANY will celebrate their flrst Anniversary Tnis DAY, the 14th instant, at 3 o'clock P. M. Of? ficers and Members will meet at their Engiue Ilouse at half-past one o'clock. Bv order of thc President. JOHN II. STEWART, febl4 Secretary. ME. GRAND ROYAL ARCH CIIAP . TER, OF SOOTH CAROLINA.-The Annual Grand Convocation will bc holden in the City or Charleston, Deo Volcnte, in Masonic Hall, at 12 Meridian, To-Moimow, Tuesday, the 15th Instant. Members, Grand Otllccrs and Delegates from Subordinate Chapters are requested to attcud punctually and generally for the consideration o? important business, and the election of Grand Otllccrs for thc Masonic year ensujng. By order of the M. E. G. U. P.. Companion R. S. BRUNS. EBENEZER THAYER, fcbl4 2 Grand Secretary. ASONIC.-THE MOST PUISSANT (?rand Councilor Royal and Select Masters or the State of South Carolina will be convened in (?rand Annual Assembly, at the Masonic Hall, In Charleston, on TUESDAY, thc 15th lust., at io o'elock A. M. H. W. SCHRODER, rebli Crand Recorder. -IR ~-' ?ants. WANTS OF ALL KINDS CAN BE made known to everybody in this column at thc rate of 25 cents for twenty words or less, each insertion, u" paid In advance._ WANTED, A YOUNG AND ACTIVE Woman to mind children and do house? work Applv In Calhoun street, second door from St. Phillp street._feb!41? WANTED, A COLORED BOY TO WORK In a Store during the day. Apply at this onlce. . febl4 XX7ANTED, A COOK. AT CORNER OF Vf Charlotte and Elizabeth streets. Iebl4 1*_ WANTED, A WHITE WET NURSE. One without a child preferred. Apply at this office._fcbl4 3 mHE USE OF ONE OR TWO HORSES IS JL desired as equivalent for the keeping. Light wort and good, care guaranteed. Apply ut No. 20 East Hay, near Southern Wharr, between the hours of'lO A. M. ami 2 P. M._fcbO wfm3 EMPLOYMENT WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN or Industrious habits, and with good relercnces. Wholesale Grocery prefcrrd', Apply at this oillcc._febia WANTED, A NURSE TO MIND Children. Must bc well recommended. Apply at Mr. ALEXANDER'S, No. 124 Ring street, near Queen._febl2 2* PIANO WANTED.-WANTED TO RENT for a few months, a good PIANO, or which good care will bc taken. Address W. B., Key Box No. 7, Charleston Postolllce._ febl2 WANTED, BY TWO LADIES WITH A CHILD and Nurse,, who arc spending thc winter in Charleston, pioaeant 110AIIO in the ncigiiooiuoou or the Battery, TWO oeuioums mid a parlor, or the use or a parlor will bc needed. Address "M. P.," oillce or Tun NEWS. JanflO 3TURPENTINE HANDS.-I WISH TO . employ 30 good Turpeuilne Hands for thc iialance or this year. $20 per month and a Ra? tion. Any time during two months will do to :ome to Georgetown, S. C. A. MORGAN, janis WANTED, A H O U S E, NEAR THE central part of the city, containing flvo or six rooms, with good outbuildings and water. Address D, at this Otllce. scpt28 WANTED, A SITUATION AS SUPER? INTENDENT on a Rice Plantation by a one irmed man, who has seven years' experience in lllcc culture, and good recommendations from his former employers. Please address W. B. W., Jharlcston, S. C. dec2 WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that JOB PRINTING of all kinds, plain ind ornamental, ls executed promptly in the leatcst st vie and at thc lowest NCAV York prices, it TOB NEWS Job oillce. No. 149 EAST HAY. Call md examine thc scale or prices before giving your miers elsewhere. {jovticulturc, ftgricnUttre, Sit. JIO PLANTERS. Wc have been appointed Agents for the sale or 511A W'S COTTON SEED HULLER, MANUACTLUED DY THE "DIAMOND MILL MANUFACTURING CO.,'.' ind orrer the same at Manufacturer's Prices, Freight added, ?"eellng assured it is what every Planter needs. Sample of work, Circulars and all Information furnished on application to us. )neorthe 'HULLEKS" to bc seen at our Oillce. BRODIE A CO., Factors and Commission Merchants, North Atlantic Wharf. Charleston, S. C., February 12,1S70. fobl4 mwfSmoH SORGO SUGAR AND REFINED 3 SYRUP. We wonld Invite the attention of Planters to he consideration of some of thc advantages In he cultivation of SORGO as a Crop, which nre, he small amount or labor; the hardy character )f the plant in its ability to endure, without ma erial injury, both drought und wet; Its freedom rom the attack of worms; its early maturing, md the fact that the Seed and every part or the >lant ls of great value. lu consequence Ot the Imperfect method lithcrto adopted In preparing thc Juice ur this Jane, there baa arisen a prejudice, and the belief hat Sugar could not be produced, but only a very iiferior Syrup, hut, by the discovery of thc ioutheru Process, these opinions have been coin ?letely reversed in the minds or all those who lave examined and tested this Process, as they callze that not only pure Syrup, superior to the icst chemical Syrups of the Refineries, ls pro laced, but also Sugar equal to the best New or eans, in such quantity, as to make it without loubt, the most profitable crop that can bc plant id. Of these Tacts abundant evidence can be bown. Any information on this subject can be obtaln !d by applying to Mr. F. G. CART, Charleston, S. J., who has been appointed our authorized tgent, and who will be prepared to furnish pure mphec Seed and Machinery. Or to ourselves at ?reenville, S. C. PASSMORE A WILHELM, Greenville, S. C. 'HE SOUTnERN PROCESS OF MAKING SUGAR AND REFINED SYRUP FROM SORGO CANE. Having Inion appointed by Messrs. PASSMORE t WILHELM, of Greenville, S. C.. Agent for thc ?outhern Process or manufacturing Syrup and ingar from Sorgo, I will take pleasure In giving ny Inrormation that may be desired in rela'ion o the cultivation or thc Cane or the Process of iianufature. ami will bc prepared to furnish pure mphec Seed and all the Machinery. FRANCIS G. CART, janis Charleston, S. C. Qrbnrfitionnl. DUE WEST FEMALE COLLEGE. Thc Summer Session opens 1st MONDAY in lurch, und closes 2d TJII-KSMAY III July. Tuitl lou and Hoard big, including luci and washing, er Session, $37 50. Music, Piano, $24. French, 5. The College was never more prosperous. J. P. KENNEDY, feblO 12 Secretary Faculty. Qtnmoersarics. QHARLESTON CHAMBER OF COMMERCE.* FORTY-SEVENTH ANNIVERSARY. The Chamber will octebrate Its Forty-seventh Anniversary Tms DAY, the 14th February, 1870. A poll for the Annnal Election of ofllcers will be opened between the hours of 3 to 5 o'clock P. M., at the Hibernian Hall, under the management of the committee for the Supper, viz: Messrs. F. J. rORCIIER, ROBT. MURDOCH, W. A. KELLY, EUGENE WEST and F. S. RODGERS. The Meeting of the Chamber will take place at 3 o'clock P. M. at the Hall. Members can obtain their Ticket3 by applying to the Treasurer at the Hail, between the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock P. M., or at the Planters'and Mechanics' Bank, East Bay. Supper will bc served up at 8 o'clock precisely, By order. P. J. BARBOT, febH Secretary and Treasurer. &mtt5cmcn?s. QA TH O LI O FAIR. TO BE HELD AT Il I BE RN I A N HALL, COMMENCING ON MONDAY, THE UTU OF FEBRUARY, 1870, IN AID OF ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH. E. F. SWEEGAN, Chairman. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Jr., Secretary. L. B. MICHEL, Treasurer. Thc Fair will be opened on MONDAY EVENING, 14th February, at 7 o'clock, aud will be kept open every day during the week, from 12 o'clock M. until 2 P. M., and every evening from 5 to ll. The price of admission has been Axed as fol? lows: Family Season Tickets, admitting Parents and their Children.$2 00 Season Tickets.l 00 Sin trie Tickets. 25 Children... 10 Servants in attendance on children. 10 febll (Ellina, Crock erg, Ut. -pRBNCH CHINA. Now open and for sale, a fine assortment of FRENCH CHINA DINNER SET'S, Tea Sets and Chamber Sets. ALSO, Dinner and Breakfast PLATES, Tea Plates, Coffee and Tea Cups and Saucers, Covered Dishes, Flat Dishes, Teapots, Sugar and Cream Bowls. Butter Dishes, Ac, Ac, at Importers' cost. R, H. MCDOWELL, for Importers, janl2 wrmlmo King street, corner Liberty. ittisccUaneons. WADE & CO.'S BLACK AND COLORED PRINTING INKS. Thc best now used by all Prlutera. For sale at manufacturers prices by EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meelina: street, febll Opposite Charleston Hotel. LOSET PAPER, FIFTY CENTS A REAM AT TUE C HASEL STREET BAZAAR Jani2 ._ IF YOU WANT NOTE, LETTER AND CAP PAPERS and ENVELOPES, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston notel Charleston, S. C._dccl4 Cmos THE CELEBRATED THOROUGHBRED Stallion "JONCE HOOPER" wUl stand this season in Spring street, near King. Terms-$25 the season and $1 to thegrcom, payable in advance. For pedigree and any other particulars, apply at No. ll Vanderhorst Wharf_Jan3l tnwf IF YOU WANT SCHOOL AND TEXT BOOKS of all kinds, cheaper than you ern purchase elsewhere, go to Rim ARD PERRY. No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston nacl Charleston, S. C. dee? omos TO THE WORKING CLASS.-WE ARE now prepared to furnish all classes with constant" employment at home, thc Wrholeofthc time, or for thc spare moments. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a pro? portional sum by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys ami girls earn nearly ?is much as men. That all who see this notice may send their address, nnd test thc business, wc make this un? paralleled offer: To such as are not well sjtlslled, we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sample, which will do to commence work on, and a copy of "Hie Peo? ple's Literary Companion"-one of the largest and best family newspapers published -all sent free by iri?nl. Reader, if you want permanent, profitable wo>-k, address E. C. ALLEN A- CO., Augusta, Maine. janl7 3mos IF YOU WANT YOUR PRINTING DONE In Fine Style nnd at Reasonable Rates, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston. S. C. dec? Cmos F DAUER MUSIC DEALER, Piano Timor, Teacher of Ylo lin, Flute and Guitar. Repairer of Musical Istru men ts. Hitchcock's Five and Ten cents Music always on hand. BALLS AND PARTIES furnished with the best and most fashionable Music lately received from Europe at moderate prices. Apply at No. 449 King street, four doors above Calhoun. OC112 tulmth6mos IF YOU WANT PAPER BAGS, FLOUR SACKS, and Bags of every description, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, s. c. decl4 Omos m F. CHUPEIN DENTIST, OFFICE NO. 275 KING 8TBEET, novia Oraos IF YOU WANT BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER, and or thc best material, to any pattern, go to EDWARD PERRY. Sn. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C. decl4 omos pLIMPTON'S ROLLER SKATE, PATENTED JANUARY, ISC'!, AND JUNE, 1S06, Is the Original AND ONLY PRACTICAL SKATE Which has yet been devised, whereon all Hie rraceful movements ami evolutions of ice skating ?an be executed with case nnd precision ou a iinooth floor. PLIMPTON'S PATENT SKATES have already icen introduced, with gratifying results, hillie uties ol' New York, Hartford, Buffalo, Cincinnati, louisville, Indianapolis, New Orleans, Atlanta ind Savannah, and will be in many others as loon as suitable halls or rinks eau be provided. THE EXTRAORDINV SUCCESS vhlch has so far attended thc Introduction of ?OLLER SKATING proves conclusively that, vhile lt ls unequalled and Invaluable as an inno icnt, exllarating exercise, it is fast becoming the nost popular and fascinating of amusements, lossessing all the merits and attractions of Icc Skating, without any of its objectionable features, md meets with thc mo3t hearty and earnest np >roval and endorsement of the Clergy and Medi? al Profession. t AS AN INVESTMENT here ls probably none which offers such induce* nents to capitalists, especially those owning pub? ic halls or rinks, as Hie EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to tse and vend said Patent Skates, In proor of vhlch it Is only necessary to refer to the Indian ipolls IUIIK, which cleareU over S/OOuo In ten reeks, and Glover, of Louisville, Hie receipts of vliicli were Slu.coo in two months of Roller Skat ng. Nor are these exceptional instances of [access. For TERRITORIAL RlfHITS to use and vend laid Huller Skates and Information, address E. M. DRAKE, feus wftnO Louisville, Kentucky. rF YOU WANT THE CELEBRATED L CARTER'S WRITING and COPYING INK :umbined, go to EDWARD PERRY, io. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C. decl4 cmos Amusements. ^CADEMY OF MUSIC. EXTRAORDINARY ENGAGEMENT ! The justly celebrated Burlesque and Opera Com? pany under the management of thc distinguished Comedienne and Lyric Artiste. MRS. JAS. A.OATES, INCLUDING M. O'REARDON, The Wonderful Tumbleronlcan Performer. HERNANDEZ, The Guitarist, Pantomimist, Ac, AND A COMPANY OP RARE E X CE L L E N C E. .ON MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, The Famous Musical Entertainment and Bur? lesque entitled THE FIELD OF THE CLOTH OP GOLD ! Arranged by Mrs. JAS. A. OATES. Abounding in the Funniest Incidents, Delicious Music and Exquisite Variety. Seats can be secured at the Ticket Office dnrlng the day. febl4 ifiucmciui. ANTED UNION AND SPARTANBURG RAILROAD, STATE GUARANTEED, BONDS. Bank of Charleston Stock. City of Charlestou Six per Cent. Stock. Apply to L S. K. BENNETT, Stock Broker, . febl41 No. 40 Broad street. w ANTED PLANTERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK STOCK Savannah and Charleston Railroad Stock Bank State Bills, (old Issue.) Apply to EDWARD LOWNDES, No. 4 Broad-street. febUl* w ANTED. Greenville and Columbia Railroad BONDS, State guarantee. Spartanhurg and Union Railroad Bonds, State guarantee. Spartanburg and Union Railroad Coupons, past due. Memphis City Coupons. Tennessee State Coupons. Columbia City Coupons. State Bonds. By' A. C. KAUFMAN, Broker, fcbl2 2 . No. 25 Broad street. GA M BRILL, STOCK AND BOND BROKER, MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. Will buy and sell GOLD AND SILVER COIN, COUPONS, BANK NOTES. Ac Collections solicited, which will be promptly at? tended to. REFERENCES.- George W. Williams A Co., Taft A Rowland, L. Gambril A Co., Charleston. S. C.; Woodward, Baldwin k Co., C. A. Gainbrlll A Co., Baltimore; Woodward, Baldwin A Co., Kew York._Jnn3t niwflino ? C. KAUFMAN, BROKER, No. 25 BROAD STREET, CHARLESTON, S. 0. SOUTHERN SECURITIES of every description, viz: Uncurreut Bank Notes, State, City and RaU road Stocks, Bonds and Coupons, bought and sold on commission. ALSO. GOLD AND SILVER COIN. Orders solicited and promptly executed. Prices Current Issued weekly and forwarded gratuitously to any point on application as above Attention given to the purchase and sale of Real Estate. dec is mwf 3mosD*c milliners, iwitfi ?oo?s, #r. g PRING AND SUMMER IMPORTATION 18 7 0. RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND S T R>A W GOODS. ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF BONNET TRIMMING AND VELVET RIBBONS, BONNET SILKS, SATINS AND VELVETS, BLONDS, NETS, CRAPES, RUCHES, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ORNAMENTS, Straw Bonnets and Ladles' Hats, Trimmed and Untrimmed, Shaker Hoods, Ac Nos. 237 and 230 BALTIMORE STREET, BALTIMORE, MD. Oiler thc largest Slock to bc found In this Coun? try, and unequalled in Choice Variety and Cheap? ness, comprising thc Latest Parisian Novelties. Orders solicited, and prompt attcutlou given. febll imo* Sljirts ano irurmsljing G?oo?s. g c o T T ? s STAR SHIRT EMPORIUM S S S S S S S s s S SCOTT'S S SSSSSSS SSSSSSS S STAR SHIRTS S S S S AND COLLARS S S > S S READY MADE S S S S AND MADE S S S S TO ORDER. S S S s - s S MEN'S S S S S FURNISHING S SSSSSSS SSSSSSS S GOODS. S S s s s s s s s s THE LATEST STYLE R O M A. IN PATENT MOULDED PAPER COLLARS. LOOK FOR THE STAR SIGN, MEETING STREET, NEARLY OPPOSITE MARKET HALL. Janl7 6IUOSD4C _ Q P L E N G E , No. 37 BROAD STREET, Informs his customers and the public generally that he is now disposing or a choice lot of STAR SHIRTS AT TEN TEH CENT. LESS THAN PREVIOUS PRICES. CANTON FLANNEL DRAWERS of thc same manufacture, and WOOLLEN UNDERSHIRTS AT TEE SAME REDUCTION. feb8 Imo K?iuspcipcrs, iHagnnnes, ?-c. ^ ROUND THE WORLD. SUBSCRIBE FOR r n E KEW YORK OBSERVER. The Large Double Weekly F*A M I L Y' NEWSPAPER. Sound and Good. Try it. It will be Money well Spent. ?3 50 per Annum. ?S-Sample Copies I- ree. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR., A CO., ' No. 37 Park Row, dec31 New York. c (?roreries, ?iqnors, Ut. 0 R N AND OATS. 5000 bushels PRIME VIRGINIA CORN 2000 bushels prime North Carolina Cora 500 bushels prime Black Seed Oats (Prince Ed? ward's Island) . 500 bushels prime White Seed Oats looo bushels prime Feed Oats. A full supply of empty Sacka and Twine always on hand. For sale by feb!4 1 WEST A- JONES, No. 76 East Bay. QOEN! CORN! CORN! Landing and In Store: 6000 bushels Prime White CORN 1000 bushels Prime Yellow Corn 1000 bushels Spring Seed Oats. For sale by BURMESTER k ZERBST, feb!4 2_Opposite Kerr's Wharf. Q.EO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, HAYNE STREET? CHARLESTON, S. C., Have in store and to arrive, which they are offering at lowest market prices 1000 bbls. Yellow Pink Eye Planting POTATOES 4000 sacks Liverpool Salt 50 bales Standard Gunny Bagging 200 coils Hemp, Jute, cotton and Manilla Rope 500 bbls. Relined Sugars 30 hhds. Porto Rico Sugars 25 hhds. Muscovado Sugars loo hhds. Old Crop Cuba Molasses 300 bbls. Old Crop Cuba Molasses 100 bbls. Sugar House Syrup 600 bags Rio, Laguayra and Java Coffee 300 boxes Colgate No. 1 and Pale Soaps 250 boxes E. I)., Cheshire and State Cheese 300 bbls. Fine, Super, Extra and FamUy Flour 500 packages Fish, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 1000 kegs Parker Mill Nails. Orange Rifle POWDER, Shot and Lead, Caps, Candles, Fire Crackers, Soda and Sugar Cracsers, Sugar Jumbles, Soda In kegs and papers, Starch," Oysters, Sardines, Candy, Buckets and Tubs, Raisins, Figs, Potash and Lye, Rice, Ac, Ac. noy24 wfm3mos_ "JTEW CLAYED MOLASSES. H5 hhds. New CLAYED MOLASSES. For sale by RISLEY k CREIGHTON, feig 2ml_Accommodation Wharf. QLD WHISKIES. The undersigned beg to announce that they have been appointed by Messrs. HENRYS.HAN? NIS k CO., of Philadelphia, their Sole Agents for the State of'south Carolina for the sale of their celebrated ACME X, XX, XXX, XXXX. NECTAR, CABINET, and other Brands OLD RYE WHIS? KIES. They also wish to announce that they will be In constant receipt of their COPPER DISTILLED MOUNTAIN PURE RYE WHISKIES, direct from Distillery at Hannaville, BerKeley County, West Virginia. 50 barrels of thc above always on hand. . Liberal contracts will be made for large lots of new Whiskies in bond at Distillery Warehouse. CLACIUS k WITTE, Customhouse Square, N. E. corner of East Bay and Fraser's Wharf dec20 mwf2mos_Charleston, S. C. JJJ.CE FLOUR! RICE FLOUR 1 For sale at Fifty Cents per bushel, by the single bushel or more. Apply at West Point Mill. febll 3_*_._ FRESH ROASTED AND GROUND COFFEES. Just received, Fresh Roasted Rio and Java COF? FEES, best quality of each. Rio and Java Coll?es freshly ground twice a week. We warrant our Ground Coffees to be pure and entirely free from adulteration. At the CO-OPERATIVE GROCERY, .^Southwest corner Meeting and Market streps. esr Goods delivered free. jan21 'rjlAYLOR'S ALBANY CREAM ALE. A fresh supply of this Celebrated Brand of ALE received fresh every week, In barrels and half barrels. For sale by JOHN F. O'NEILL k SON. Agents for South Carolina, decll_No. 167 East Bay. RHINE WINE, FRANKER WINE, AND MOSEL WINE. Tl- . nndcrslgred takes the liberty to inform his friends and the public in general, especially those who are fond of a good glass of Wine, that he has just received several casks of excellent RHINE, FRANKER, AND MOSEL WINE, and will dispose of the same by the barrel, gallon, bottle or glass, at reasonable rates, j. M. MARTIN, dec22 wfntfmo ,_No. 35 Market street. JJISON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE IS WARRANTED TO BEHOVE AL*L DESIRE FOB TOBACCK). RISON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE ls for sale by DR. H. BAER, G. W. AIMAR. O. J. LUHN. DR. E. H. KELLERS. DR. W. A. SKRINE. E. S. BURNHAM. nov24 wfm3mos SDnj ?0O?s, Ut. JgARGAINS! BARGAINS! I N DRESS GOODS, A T STOLL, WEBB & C (rf, For the next THIRTY DAYS we offer our entire Stock of WINTER DRESS "GOODS AT AND UNDER COST. One lot of POPLINS and DELAINES at 6 yards for $1 One lot All-Wool Figured Delaines at 25c Together with, assorted lots of Choice POPLIN'S, In Chene Poplins Worsted Poplins Solid Colore' Irish '? pllns Poplin Plaids. All shades in Empress Cloth?, irom 80c. to 85c. Freuch Merlnoes from 75c. to 85c. ALSO OFFERING, One case SPRING POPLINS, at 30c. Oar Stocks of Domestic Goods are also com? plete, and at the Lowest Cash Prices. At STOLL, WEBB & CO., feb7 mwf Nos. 287 and 289 King street. S PECIAL INVITATION. LAST NOTICE. Call in time, while the following articles are offered at such prices to suit the times ami to draw the pubUc: A fair quality BLACK DRESS SILK, only $1 60 per yard. Drees Goods at 25, 30, 34. cents and upwards each worths to 10 cents more. White 10-4 Blankets at $4, actually worth $6. Arab Shawls at one-half their original value. 4 pieces 6-4 Black Beaver Cloth at $2, worth $3 Longcloths, Brown Homespuns, Hosiery Gloves, Collar and Cuffs, and Fancy Articles, as. tonlshlngly cheap. All our Stock ls reduced, and only BARGAINS can be found at No. 437 King street. ~r FURCHGOTT k BRO., Corner King and Calhoun streets, No. 437 King street. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Ac, kept separate and sold at correspondingly reduced prices. US' Ali we want ls an early call. jan31 JT^OUIS McLAIN, BROKER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 48 BROAD STREE/T. Charleston, S. C. Stocks, Bonds and Gold bought, carried am sold short in New York City. Particular attention paid to the purchase an. sale or all kinds of Southern Securities. > oct5