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TEEMS OF TUE NEUS. THU DAILY NEWS, hy mail, one year $6; six months $3; three months $2; one month 75 coins. Served lu the city ai FIFTEEN CENTS a week, paya? ble to the carriers, or $ti a year, paid in advance at the odlce. Tins TUI-WEKKI.Y NEWS, published on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, one year $3; six mouths $2; and 60 cents a month for any shorter period. SCBSCKHTIOSS in all cases payable In advance, and no paper continued after the expir?t iou of the time patti for. ADVEKTISEMENTS.- *l>irst Insertion li. cents a line; subsequent insertions lo "cents a line. Spe? cial Notices 15 cents a linc each insertion. Busi? ness Notices-0 cents a line each insertion. Mar? riage and Funeral Notices uno Dollar each. Cuts and Electrotype Advertisements will bc inserted on ttieFourth Page only. NOTICES of Wants, To Bent, Lost and Found. Boarding, ftc., not exceeding 20 words, 25 cents each kisertiou; over 20, and not exceeding 3u words, 40 cents eaeli insertion: over 30 and not exceeding -io words, so cents each insertion. All announcements to bc published at these rates must be paid for In advance. REMITTANCES should be made by Postofllcc Money Order or by Express. If this cannot be done, protection against looses by mall may be secured by forwarding a draii on Charleston pay? able to the order of the proprietors of TUE NEWS, or by sending thc money In a registered letter. Address RIORDAN, DAWSON A CO., No. l-tsjjEnst Bay, Charleston, S. C. M ON DAY, JANUARY 3, 1S70. *XE?1S OF TUE DAT. -Saturday last bei tig a holiday there w ere no operations anywherc^n thc cotton markctr. -George D. Prentice is critically ill at Lou? isville with rheumatism or thc heart. -The receipts or the Union Pacitlc Railroad lor November were $714,SS5. Thc expenses wcf4 I499.G0S. -The New York Times says that Rev. Dr. Sara . ucl Osgood has adopted thc. Episcopal raith, and that his retirement frotn the Church or the Mes? siah, (Unitarian) previous to his departure Tor Eu? rope, was made with this change in view. -A large number of merchants and ponerty hojd?rs residing In Victoria, Nanalmo, and other places in British Arncricau Territory, have sent a memorial to President Grant in favor of a trans? fer of British Columbia to the U nited States. -Washington negroes have another grievance against Washington Radicals. The former at? tended Stanton's funeral In large numbers and . had a good place in ttie procession ; but the latter didn't allow the fact to j;ct into the papers. -The leading New York hotels arc considering the propriety of cutting down their prices thirty three per cent. They could well afford to put them down fifty per cent., and nearly all thc hotels In the country could joiu them. The day or war charges has gone by. -President Gram's recommendation Tor thc repeal or thc civil tenure law has rallen pretty flat. There has been no response to It whatever in the Senate, and it is said that body is not moro favorably inclined to surrender its control over thc ofllces than lt was last spring. -Twenty Insurgents were killed and sixty cap? tured in a sharp engagement Thursday at Magua, in thc Cinco Villas District, Cuoa. The Spanish loss ls not stated. Valmaseda reports that about swen hundred men, with their officers, have laid down their arms in his district, and that the chief, coca, aud his men had surrendered in thc District ol Remedios. -The President or thc United States has been selected to'decide between Portugal and Great Britain as to the ownership or thc Island of Belanla, and thc piece of territory opposite, on the west coast of Africa, claimed by both. It is stated that these positions are valuable only In connection with facilities for carrying on the slave ' trade. -The Augusta Chronicle says: ,;Superintend cnt Hulbert, or the State road, has been dismiss? ed from office by Governor Bullock. Thc new offi? cers of the road are said to bc: Foster Blodgett, superintendeut; A. L. Harris, master of transpor? tation; W. H. Stallings, treasurer; Henry O. Hoyt, I supervisor; James Mullen, master machinist; V. j A. Gaskin, attorney lor the road. The Legisla- ( tare ls considered safe against Bullock's plunder? ing schemes. Bollock's last move has sundered the Radical party. ? -At the auction sale of Scranton coal in New York, last week, thc Delaware, Lackawana and Western Railway Company sold seventy thous- . and tons. Stove coal sold at $6 to $6 25, more than a dollar less per ton than at the last sale, bat all other kinds advanced 10 to 80 cents per ton. Thc first bid for egg coal was at $4 50, and the price was rnn up until (he first lot was knock- J ed down at $5 65. Thc average price obtained was $5 32}?.. Steamboat coal s'arted at $4 30 and sold up to $4 ST,S', while grate started at $4 so 1 and advanced to $5 17#. 1 -The managers of the proposed International Exhibition at Washington deny that they ask any appropriation from Cougress. Thc citizens of Washington have already made a botui flue sub? scription of $600,000, and have asked Congress for authority to levy a tax or $500,000 more. Men of ' capital stand ready to erect thc requisite struc- 1 tures on this basis, with a hen on the receipts for reimbursement to the extent of- $1,500,000 more, j which would make a total expenditure of $2,500, 000, or about thc total gross cost of the Paris 1 Exposition, to which Congress appropriated ' $100,000. Apropos to this, the St. Louis people, i whcrsthlnk their city ought to be the uational , capital, are moving for a World's Fair to bc held there In 1S71. * -The West ls not disposed to give up the Idea of getting tTae benefit of increased representation < under th?new census bill, and especially if the ? whole'number is to be increased to 300. Accord- ? ng to the usual order of things there would be ^ no election or members of rongress under the new apportionment till three years hence. Bot ' the Western people mean to get the new members < at the next election, and will be quite likely to I have their way. The question of apportionment , had to be dropped from the census bill, or lt could j not have passed the Bouse before the recess; but 11 will come up separately at an early day, and the Western men are preparing for a big fight over what they cossjidcr their rights. The West i expects to gain about fifty members or Congress ] , under the new ccnsuB. -Advance sheets of the introduction to Mrs. Stowe's new book in thc defence or herself and ' Lady Byron have been Issued by the publishers. . Mrs. Stowe reiterates that her assertions about < Loni Byroa in her famous Atlantic Monthly arti- , cle are true. She repeats thc excuse Tor the pub Ucation or that article, tluit Lady ll vron had been . j previously attacked ia the Countess Guiceiolli's ' book, and in thc journals which copied its state- t ments. She says she has not personally read any ( of tts? articles upou the subject which have ap peared in reply to hers. Friends uudertook the task for her, and gave her from time to time thc ? substuncc of anything really worthy.of atteutlon. ? Now that the first fury or thc storm she provoked t ls spent, she will proceed, first, to prove what she ] has asserted; and, socoud, to add to her true story i such facts aud incidents as she did not'think proper at first to state. What these auditioual proofs are she gives nd intimation, and of course lt ls impossible to so-y how much weight should ] baattached to them. I 1 -John G. Walker, the gentleman having in j charge the Chinese who reached St. Louis lost week, lu a communication to the St. Louis-Ke publlcau, says: "There ls little prospect at present ? that -Julia' will trespass on the domain of 'Sam- ] bo' to a serious citent. Those who have held out ( In hopes or procuring very cheap labor by Import- j lug ii from the shores of Eastern Asia, are,I hluk, udsiakeu tu their conclusion. From ouc ( end of'ciiiuato the other the value or labor iu ? American California is well known, and although '. abor lu Chiua ls very cheap, able-bodied, iueii . wiU not engage to expatriate themselves Tor a , .series or years, except on coudition or receiving such high wuges as will surelycnable them to 1 return*- home in. comparative ajllucuce. I ?' am' cou?dcut that uo reliance can bc i placed upon obtaining and retaining Chi? nese labor for agricultural work, except at thc wages of the country whore labor ls performed, and much more is this the case for railroad labor. Mr. Walker believes,'however, that a considerable Dumber of excellent laborers may bc found in California ul fruin SM to $2> per month, aud they Had themselves, or fruin ii: tu ?13 aud fouud. Friends Fallt 113 Out. History, we aro told, lins ?ls vindications. Dui sometimes the vindications follow the record as closely us Hie moral follows the fable, uf Ulis truth thc Radicals of East Tennessee now furnish an illustration. None have been com mended more l?udl/ titan they. Disciples of Brownlow, armed and merciless regulators of loyalty, examples of a partisan devotion to which no official honors and revenues could be denied-it seemed, for a long time, that no atrocities committed by them, no deeds of spoliation orof blood, could eclipse the lustre of their public services. Thc " rebel ' " outcries .gainst these villains were of as slight avail as the spols and mists that seek to stain the brightness of the sun. But now it is the Knoxville correspondent of the New York Tribune who denounces the Republican politicians of Tennessee, as "men whose prime quality seems to have "been treachery to party and to country;" as merl '.'recreant to every principle of honor "or of patriotism," and 'alie most corrupt "of modern times in comparison to their "natural ability." In his unger thc Tribune writer confesses thc utter unworthiness of the Republican leaders. 'These are the mon," he says, "who have passed and placed upon the "looks statute after statute for the oppres? sen of those who failed to agree with them "politically. They have plundered thc pub ** lie treasury, until we are almost on. the "verge of bankruptcy, and our free schools, "which should be in full blast, have been for "[some time suspended." This is bad enough and damaging enough. For the question will at once occur: Why, then, did Republicanism ally itself with such men, confer office upon them, and further iu every way their foolish and wicked policy? And why, after sanc? tioning their enormities for so many year^, does it expose and denounce them now? Yet even this question need not be asked. Wiih a simplicity that is suggestive of lunacy, the Tribune correspondent goes on to tell why he now denounces his compatriots and bosom friends. "These," he cri*, "are the " men who, when il was ascertained that "the sceptre was about to pass from them "forever, commenced intriguing to keep the " 'ring' in power, or to break up thc Repub "can party of the State. These are the "men who now. Jutting turned their lacks " upon tlipse wiih whom they once acted, and "having succeeded in placing their enemies "in power, prate about proscription, and "spe,ak of the policy of the Republican parly "as being too proscriptive. If these treacher "ous men had proved true te their professions, "pursued the line of duty, instead of being "led by their inordinate ambition, theRepub "lican parly of our State would hare been "in power KOW, and would now command "the respect of the nation and of the State. "As it is, we are degraded in the estimation ?'of our friends and, utterly despised by our "enemies, who will spare no opportunities " during-this convention to keep us down." This is truly lamentable! Wo feel it at the heart's core. That the party should have wallowed in bloody mire with these swine, [or years, soliciting nothing but their com? pany, and should at length have been de? serted, is an event that might draw tears from a stone. No crime that they might not have freely committed-perjury, burglary, arson, murder ! No crime that they did not commit with impunity; yea, with laudation. They were defended; they were encouraged; they were gorged with plunder aud with blood. Alas ! all in vain. "They acted with "us," cries the Radical, not reflecting that he is making a terrible revelation. "They " turned their back against us," he bitterly adds, not observing that he is giving even to these demons the semblance of virtue. Effect of tlic Snez Canal. Thc rarioutr??ational bunting that fluttered it (amalia, and thc 1 jh* and mighty poten? tates who interchanged felicitations with the Khedive at Suez, rendered a due tribute of honor to a work which allies three Conti? nents, aud which seems destined to produce the most remarkable changes in the commer? ?ai system of the world. In the prosecution if the canal, the remains of a Venetian mer? chantman, that had been stranded and buried jenturies ugo, were unmasked. Those moul lering timbers were a laudmark and a pro? phecy. They were a monument indicating ;he coarse that the wealthy commerce of :he East once pursued, and the proud power, low wrecked and broken, that once controll? ed it. They were a prediction proclaiming hat the "Great Sea" of history had recover ?d its prestige, and would again bear over ts blue waters "The wealth of Ormus and of Cud." n Britain may look with just suspicion and lateral chagrin upon an achievement which ser greatest engineer pronounced to be im? practicable, but which a Frenchman has ictually brought to a substantial completion. Notwithstanding the unexpected obstruction )f the Serapeam rock which revealed itself llmost at thc last moment und effectually' losjponed the reduction of thc channel to its ntended depth, there can be no question ;lio.t this didiculty can. be overcome hy a :ompnratively trilling expenditure*; that ships )f 2000 tous register have passed through lately; and that two ships of 1500 tons jurden passing through per day will muin? yin the canal and pay good interest to the EChedive and shareholders. Contrary to England's prognostications, the canal is a success. But now this success gives all Southern Europe an advantage over England in the xade with Asia. Russia, Turkey, Austria, Italy, France, Spain are all nearer than she ,0 those populous nations whom she hus nude tributary lo her power, whether by xilicy or by anns. The opening of (he Suez janal is equivalent to the removing of Eus? and from her Indiaif^ossessions a distance jf five thousand five hundred miles. Albion, lowever, luis the siai*-iu ihe maritime race. Flic canal is opun to her a's to all the rest of the vorld, and it?s not demonst rated thal sailing russels generally will, or can, take thc Suez .oute. Yet, while her American Colonies are ?napping the bonds that unite them to the uother country, her Asiatic Colonies ure abo drifting away. It waa chiefly as a commer? cial dependency that Hindost?n retained any value, after the wealth of its rajahs had been plundered. "What is its worth to England now? Thc potentates pr?sent?t tho inauguration indicate what nations expect to reap the lionii.shar.e of the trade. Some will bc dis? appointed. The Prince ancl^Princess of Hol? land and tlie Crown Prince"of Prussia, who left unceremoniously, in disgust, represen kingdoms which will reap comparatively small beucht from the opening of the nev pathway of commerce. But Austria and France will be largely bencfitled ; and it wu* policy more than compliment which led the Egyptian Viceroy to assign to them so im? portant a place in the celebration. They are his special customers. As for himself, this work to which be has lavishly con? tributed makes thc Viceroy superior to the Sultan, lt raises Egypt from the servitude' of two thousand years. It restores the old commerce which ministered lo her mysterious and g?and civilization in ages level willi Hie dawn of history. It will enable Cairo to dictate to>Coustantinople. THE County Commissioneraftof Horry are honest, hard-working, tax-paying Democrats. They held seventeen meetings during the year at a cost of $110 70. They levied county tax of $4174, and spent only $3634. Now for the other side. The County Com? missioners of Georgetown arc Radicals to thc core. They held two hundred meeting at a, cost of over $2000. They have spent, | SIO.OOO and are $8000 in debt.' And Horry is the larger county. The difference between *:IG34 and $18,000 represents thc value to Horry of a Democratic county administra? tion. Bnsincgg garbs. NOTICE.-THE UNDERSIGNED HAV? ING withdrawn rrom Hie Firm of L. GAM KKILL A co,, will continue tho Gond and Stock Brokc?igc business on Iiis own account, at No. 2a Broad street. , Orders left for the purchase or sale of Bonds, Stocks, Gold, Bank Bills, or other Securities, will be promptly and faithfully executed. Special at? tention given to the loaning of money on good Collaterals. EDWARD M. MORELAND, Late or M. Gambrill Co., Charleston, January 3, 1870. jana 6m3*._ ?oi Snlc. FOR SALE, A CHOICE LOT NORTH KIIN HURtfES, Mured and Mule?, and No. Milch Cows with young Calves. Inquire at No. 02 Stn- J street. Janl HORSES AND MULES. - THE SUB SCKIUEK has and will keep on hand a con stuut supply of MULES AND HORSES athis Stables, Queen street, between Friend and Ma zyck. P. WEST. declS m FOR SALE, A FINE DWELLING IN thecentre of the city and convenient to busi? ness, with six large square rooms and three dress ing rooms, and outbuildings necessary, in line order, inquire at thia ofllcc. docta FOR SALE, AN EXCELLENT VARIE TV or UPLAND COTTON SEED. Delivered at the South Carolina Railroad, lu bags or two bushels, $1 50 per bushel for rout* bushels or less, SI 25 per bushel ror six bushels or more. Apply to GEORGE E. WHALEY, St. Matthews P. O., Orangeburg County, s. C. decs 2uios PRINTING PRESS FOR SALE AT A GREAT BARGAIN.-One small OyUndcr TAY? LOR PRESS in complete repair. It has been but little used, and ls sold simply because the present owner has nw use ror it. The size or the bed of the Press ts forty-rour by fifty-eight Inches. Said Press will be sold at a great bargain if applied for at once, as the room lt occupies ls wanted for other purposes. Addresss Box No. 3795 New York Postoitloe. sopt20 FOR SALE, STEAM PORTABLE CROSS-CUT OR WOOD SAWING MA? CHINES, King's patent, suitable lor cultiug curd wood, shingles, staves or clapboard blocks, and particularly adapted to the wants or railroads, wood contractors, wood yard, saw mill, and lum? ber meu generally. For this machine wc claim precedence over anything or the kind ever at? tempted. All parties interested and thc public arc invited to sec this machine in operation daily irom ll o'clock A. M. to l P. M.. at thc Artesian Well Lot, corner Meeting and Wentworth streets. State or County rights, or single machines for sale. Apply to CAMERON, BARKLEY A CO. dec3 lino_ tards for Gale. r^jTsTTE oTivJ^ COTTON PLANTATION, within two miles of Florcucc, coutainiulng 830 acres, most of which ls cleared and under renee, with a comfortable dwelling and all necessary outbuildings. Apply to E. A. LAW, Darlington Courthouse. dcc2S G FOR SALE OR RENT, A PLANTATION situated on the Ashley River, a lew miles irom thc city, containing about one hundred acres, one-hair cleared, with comfortable dwell lng and necessary outbuildings, ir not sold br thc 20th instant, the owner will bc willing to let the premises to a rcponsible party with a small capital, to bc planted on shares. For further in? formation apply to Venuing's Wharf, south or Calhoun street. dec-4 FLORIDA LAND FOR SALE.-A valuable PLANTATION or 880 acres In Ma? non County, Florida, ls Bife rod at private sale, about one hair cleared and uudor cultivation; part best hammock. Ttds Plantation ls one or the most desirable in the Stale; ls very produc? tive Tor Cotton. Rice. Corn, Sugar, Vegetables, Ac; also One ror Oranges and other Fruits; Li located in one of thc healthiest nnd most plea? sant neighborhoods in thc Stale, being conveni? ent to ruilrbads, churches. Ac. Apply to A. B. MULLIGAN, Colton Factor, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston. S. C. novia VALUABLE TIMBER LANDS AND STEAM SAW MILLS FOR SALE.-I will sell 20.000 acres of LAND and FOUR STEAM SAW MILLS, situated in Gulle tun County, S. C., on thc Edlsto River. These Lands have an unlimited supply of the very ti nest pine timber, and also Hue facilities for ruuniug machinery with water power. All the Mills are now in successful operation, and arc couuected with the river either by oanal or rail? road. Location healthy, water excellent, and Lands well adapted for corn, cotton, rice or cane. I will sell these Lands in a body or divide them Into tracts to suit purchasers. For runner particulars, apply to JOHN T. JEN? NINGS, George's Station, S. C. Railroad. dec3 rm w2 tn os* ?ost anil iroun?. LOST, A^V^ITl?D^U^vTfl? A BROWN spot on his back and tail. A reward will bc given if he ls left at No. 8 Meeting street, janl 1* T CST, ON THE EVENING OF THE Jj 31st December, 1S69. In Market street, a DOOR FRAME belonging to the lantern of the Hose Keel of the Pioneer Steam Fire Company. The limier will be rewarded bv leaving thc same at the Engine house, or with D. W. MUSTA'll), at Mc LOY A RICE'S. j0i'.3 2 STRAYED OR STOLEN, A BRIGHT Sorrel Horse Mule, about lu years of age and a white spot on the back; muue and tail trimmed short; missing on the 27th of December, 1809. A llbyal reward will lie paid by delivery or infor? mation to Washington Plantation, St. John's Berkeley. Cooper River. WM. R1STIG. Janl 2? ?o Rent. TO RENT, A TWQ-STORIED HOUSE, with large LOT, No. 7 Drake street. Posses? sion given immediately. Apply at this ofllcc. jauu raws* TO RENT, ROOMS WITH KITCHEN. &c, near thc nattery, suitable for a small family. Apply at No. 6 Meeting street. jan3 mw2* TO RENT, THAT PLEASANTLY SITU? ATED House, No. G Lamboll street, north side, lour doors Irom Legare street, containing six up riglii rooms, dressing-room, bath room, pantry, ?iud private staircase. House furnished willi gas and water; large cistern ou the premises. Apply to Kt) ?VARD M. MORELAND, Broker, No. 89 Broad street. Jan31* rjlO RENT, THE HOUSE SOUTHEAST JL corner or Pitt and Montague streets. In? quire on th? premisos, or at lt. M. MARSHALL A URO.. Ko. in Broad street. dec.'ju thmtnltU* Boarbinn. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD ut Mrs. MILLER'S, No. G Hudson street. uccis IDnnts. WANTS ?F ALL KINDS CAN BE made kuown to everybody In this column at the rate of 20 cents for tweuty words or less, each insertion, if paid in advance. TXT ANTED, A GOOD, MEDIUM-SIZED VT Fire-proof Safe. Apply at No. 41 noyne si reet._?_^_jan-3 j? WANTED-A BOOKKEEPER WANTS'A situation as llookkccpcr, Assistant Rook keeper or Entry Clerk. Pest recommendations furnished. Address A. ll. C., "News " odlce. jan3 fi* TTT ANTED, A COLORED WOMAN OF YT pood character and steaily habits, todo the cooking and washing for a smiill family: rec? ommendations required. Apply at Xo. 2 Smith's layic._ jnnl 2 \T/-ANTED A WHITE GIRL O R TY Woman to mind two Children and do Housework. Apply next to thc corner of Cal? houn and St. Philip streets, souih side. Jana a_ WANTED, BY AN EXPERIENCED Drum.ncr and Salesman, a situation in a wholesale hoi..;c. Address S., Post?nico, Charles ton. S. C._janl"4*. WANTED, A COLORED ^OMAN without inenmbrances, to Cook and Wash for a small family. Apply at this oillcc. janl_ WANTED TO RENT, FOR ONE YEAR, by a gentleman of steady habits, one or two FURNISHED ROOMS. Tho southern or west? ern part or the city, near the line of the City Hail road, preferred. Address Post?nico BoxXo. 71. Jam 2*_ WANTED, A No. 1 TANNER, TO take charge of a yard in Newberry. Ap? ply at this orilce, . jam 0 WANTED TO PURCHASE, AN EIGHT or ten-horse power ENGINE, In good or? der. Address L. S. C., P, 0. Do.\ No. 4, Orange burg, S. C._dec2il (i* WANTED TO PURCHASE, A BAGA? TELLE TA1?LK, small size. Address "A. C. P.," at this ?nice._dcc27 WANTED, A, HOUSE, NEAR TUE central part of thc city, containing live or six rooms, with good outbuildings and water. Address I), at this oillce. sept-28 WANTED, A GERMAN GIRL TO Cook and Wash for a small ramify. Oue that can bring recommendations will hear or a good home. Apply at this oillcc._dcc28 WANTED, A SITUATION AS SUPER INTENDKNT on a Rice Plantation by a one armed man, who has seven years' experience llicc culture, and good recommendations from his former cmplovers. Please address W. D. W., Charleston, S. C. dec2 WANTED, A SITUATION AS CLERK, bi a Wholesale Drug Store, or a large Re? tail and Prescription Drug Store. No objection to go lu the country. Will expect but a ninan com? pensation at tlrst. Thc applicant ls a graduate of thc South Carolina Medical College. Address M. P.. through the Postottice._?_oct!? WANTED, AGENTS.-TWO HUNDRED and Fifty Dollars per month, to sell tue only Genuine Improved Common Sense Family SEWING MACHINE. Price only $18. Great in? ducements to Agents. This ls the most popular Sewing Machluc or ibo dav-makes the famous "Elastic Lock Stitch"- will do any kind or work that can be done on any, machine. * One hundred thousand sold and the demand constantly i creaking. Now is the time to take an agency. Send ror Circulars, fff Rcwareof infringcrs.-Sa Address SEC0M? A CO., Boston, Mass.; Pitts burg. Pa., or St. Louis. Mo._oct20 amos ^Dissolutions of (?npnrtncrsl)iu. 1MIE FIRM OF SEYMOUR <fc SILCOX IS this dny dissolved, by mutual consent. The business or the late concern will bc settled bv S. C. SEYMOUR. < S. C. SEYMOUR, * January 3,1870. F. A, SILCOX. Tho uudcrsigned will continue the Paint and Oil Rosiness, at the old stand, No. 79 Comlnir street. jati? S*_S. C. SEYMOUR. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. The Copartnership hcrctororc existing be? tween thc undersigned, In the name or J. N. T1DEMANN k CO., was dissolved on the 1st inst., by mutual consent. Thc outstanding business or the late firm will bo settled up by WM. BURMES? TER and JOHN D. ZERHST, who will continue the HAY AND GRAIN BUSINESS, and sign the name of the late Urm In liquidation. Thanking our friends for their patronage of the old timi, we hope thc same will be extended to the now. JOHN N. TIDEMANN, WM. nURMBSTER, January 1st, 1870. JNO. D. ZERBST. Jan3 3. COPARTNERSHIP DISSOLU T IO N. Thc Firm of LENGNICK A SKLL ls this day dissolved by limitation. Either Copartner will sign In liquidation. CHARLES A. LENGNICK, EDWARD EMERICK SELL. Charleston, December 31.1869. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. The undersigned have this day formed a Co? partnership under Firm name or LENGNICK, SELL k FOSTER, and will continue the business as Importers and Jobbers or Fancy Goods, No lions, M ii lm er v and Straw Goods, hcrctororc con? ducted by LENGNICK k SELL. CHARLES A. LENGNrCK. EDWARD EMERICK SELL, CHARLES FOSTER Charleston, S. C., January i, 1S70. jana mw ni . DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. Thc firm of HOWIE A MOISE ls this day dissolved by its own limitation. GEORGE DOWJE. li. F. MOISE. B. D. LAZARUS. Charleston, S. C.. Jauuary 1,1870. Tito umlersisrufid will continue thc WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS under the name andsivlcol DOW1E, MOISE 4 DAVIS. GEORGE DMW1E. I!. F. MOISE. . ' W. C. DAVIS. Charleston, S. C.. January l, ISTO. jam 3 DISSOLUTION.-THE FIRM OF MOW? RY .t CO. ls this day dissolved bv thc withdrawal or Mr. W. S. MOWRY. Either part? ner ls authorized io siga thc name or thc linn in liquidation. L. D. MOWRY. j W. S. MOWRY. January 1, 1870. A. H. MOWRY. COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned will continue the Factorage ?ind Commission Business as heretofore, under Hie firm of L. D. MOWRY k SON. L. D. MOWRY. Jam smwf4_A. IL MOWRY. COPARTNERSHIP'S NOTICE.-T II E Copartnership heretofore existing under Hie name and style or BUCHHEIT k SON, was this day dissolved'by mutual consent. PHIL. ItUCIIIlElT, Sr., January 1,1870. G. F. Bl/CUIIEIT. - . m I will continue thc Bakery Business at the old stand, No. 83 East Bay, opposite Boyce's Wharf, where I hope, by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance or the patronage hcrctororc extended to the old firm. janl 3_G. F. BUCHHEIT. CEoportiursljin Notices. VTOTICE^-WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, 1.1 have this day rornicd a Copartnership to car? ry on the business as Stevedores and Riggers. WILLIAM SMITH, JOHN TORRANTS. January l. 1S70 *_??_j an 3 3 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-WE, THE undersigned, have this day formed a CO? PARTNERSHIP. In llufciiaiue <.'' BUR.MESTER & ZKRUST, ror coniinaanunorthe HAY and GRAIN business, as rormorly done by thc late linn or J. N. TIDEMAN* A CO. WM. BURMESTER, January 1, 1870. JOHN 1?. ZERBST. Jang 3_ COP ARTNERSHIP NOTICE. - CHARLES K. BATES is admitted as partner In our Urtu rroui this dale. EDWIN HATES A CO. Charleston, 3. C.. January l, lyjo. janl 16 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE.-THE SUB? SCRIBERS have Mils day associated with them Mr. J. SEABROOK WELLS, in the General Shipping and Commission Business, as conducted by them at tho old stand corner East Hay and Ad? der's South Wharf, under thc Firm of WILLIAM ROACH 4 CO. Thankful to onr rrlcnds and the public for the patronage extended to the old Finn, they would solicit a continuance. Jannary-1.1870. WILLIAM ROACH A CO. *^-Ncw York Journal ol Commerce. New York, ind Boston Post please copy twice and send bill. Janl 3_ TTT I L L I S <fc .C Hv? SODl, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SHIPPING AGENTS^ Will attend to tho rnrchaso. Sale and Shipment to Foreign and Dornest ic Ports) of COTTON. ftlCE, LUMBER and N'A VAL STORKS. .?? ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. C. E. WILLIS.A. R. CUISOLM. OCt25 ? ?fleetings. SOLOMON'S LODGE, No. 1, A. F. M. The Monthly Communication will be held in 'laconic Hall Tnis EVENING, thc 3d Instant, at 7 .o'clock, Tho Arrear List will rcccrte Its second reading, ot which all concerned are very frater? nally requested to lake due notice. Members aud Candidates M ill bc punctual in attendance. Ly order of tim W. M. TV. A. WILSON,,. jan3 _Secretary. IO. O. K-THE OFFICERS AND MEM . HEMS of thc lt. IV. Grand Encampment will? picase assemble at Odd Fellows' itali, Tins (Mon? day) EVENING, at 7 o'clock, for thc purpose of in? stalling thc ouiccrs of Palineua Encampment, Nu. l, and Ashley Encampment, No. 3, on MONDAY EVENING, thc iota instant. By order of the C. C. P. jans_.1. E. M EVE ft, Grand Scribe. ]PALMETTO ENCAMPMENT, No, 1, L 0. 0. F.-Thc Regular Meeting of this Encamp? ment will bc held at Odd Kellows' Hall, Tins EVENING, at 7 o'clock, precisely. This being tlic night Tor the installation of offi? cers for thc ensuing term, all thc members are earnestly requested to attend. The olllcers will bc punctual. Jan"_E. J NO. WHITE, Scribe. ? PALMETTO FIEE ENGINE COMPANY. The regular Monthly Meei lng or your Com? pany will be held at your Hall, Tins (Monday) EVENING, January 3, at 7 o'clock preuisely. * By order or the President. Jan3 ALEXANDER BUNGAN, Secretary. /CHARLESTON MECHANIC SOCIETY. A Monthly Meeting of thc Chariest ou Me? chanic Society will oe held Taif EVENIKG, at thc Masonic Hall, at S o'clock, jami JOSEPH GUY, Secretary CM. S. /CHARLESTON RIFLE CLUB.-ATTEND V_J Besnlar .Meeting ut Masonic Hall, THIS EVENING, at hair past 7 o'clock. -: By order. A. B. DESAUSSURE, Jang_Secretary. AREGULAR QUARTERLY MEETING of thc Board or Trustees of the P. E. So? ciety for the advancement of Christianity In South Carolina will be held Tins EVENING, at 7 o'clock, at. the residence Ol' Riv. Mr. Gadsden. JOHN HANCKEL, Recording Secretary. jana MECHANIC'S UNION, No. 1.-ATTEND the Regular Monthly Meeting at Eagle Hall Tins EVENING, ai 7 o'clock.? By order. J. V. KIMMEY, Jami_ Secretary. 11 HE WIDOWS' HOME.-THE LADIES . managing Hie Widows' nome respectfully request. Hie attendance or the frlends<or that In? stitution nt thc Home, in Broad street, on TUES? DAY EVENING, the 4th January ensuing, at hair past 7 o'clock. Thc purpose or thc meeting ls to advise upon the best means to assure the con? tinued success ot this benevolent enterprise. A statement by Hie ladies or the progress aud success or their etlorts will be laid before the meeting._'_decio Oucational. T" HE"EXERI5KES' bl? m^ li?ir?x?A ONS' School will bc resumed Tnis DAY, January 3d, at her residence, No. 10 Mary street. jan3 l_ MRS. WOTTON'S SCHOOL.-STUDIES will be resumed on MONDAY, January 3, at corner or Archdale and Magazine streets. decal wrm3* _ rnHFT?iiss?s ROACH WILL REOPEN JL their School MONDAY, January 3, at No. 13 Society si reel. Janl 2 1MIE EXERCISES OF THE PAROCHIAL . SCHOOL of the Church of the Holy Commu? nion will be resumed on MONDAY, thc 3d or Janu uary, 1X70. JOHN GADSDEN, jam 3_Principal. QCIIOOL.- MISS PHILLIPS RESPECT? k3 FOLLY informs thc public that the duties or lier School will be resumed the 3d or January. Everything taught in English for $1. Additional for extras. J'ains taken with the progress and morals or pupils. Also Night School for Youths. Terms $1. Please apply northeast corner o? Anson and Society streets._Janl 3? CAROLINA EDUCATIONAL INSTI TUTE.-The Exercises or Hits School will bc resumed (D.V.) on MONDAY', 3d January, 1870, at No. ll Coming street. Madame GIRARD. Janl 2_Mr. and Mrs. J.W. ALEXANDER. SELECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, No. 7 LEGARE STREET. Miss C. M. REID. 1 Principals Mrs. R. W. BAGOT. I Princip?is. Miss MARIE BAGOT.Assistant. Thc excrcbea or this school will bc commenced on MONDAY, January 3, 1870. For Circulars containing terms, apply to either Principal._decl3 m4? KING'S MOUNTAIN MILITARY SCHOOL, TOURVILLE, S. C. Thc First Session of thc school year of 1870 will bsgln on thc 1st of Fchruary, 1870. Terms-For school expenses, Including tuition, board, washing, lights, fuel, books and station? ery, $135 in currency, per session ot five months, payable In advance. For circulars containing foll particulars, apply to COLONEL A. COWARD, deco thniS Principal and Proprietor. 37 NG Ll SH, FRENCH, CLASSICAL AND ll MATHEMATICAL SHCOOL, NORTHWEST CORNER OF BULL AND COMING STREETS. Thc Exercises ol the subscriber's School will bc resumed on MONDAY, thc 3d of Jauuary next. A Tew pupils can bo accommodated with Board In his family. dec30t)mi2?_JOS. T. CALDWELL. SELECT SCHOOL FOR BOYS, No. 104 BROAD STREET, WM. P. DESAUSSURE, PRINCIPAL.-The Exercises of this School will be commenced on MONDAY. Jauuary 3,1870. N. Ji. For circulars with terms, apply to the Wnclpal._"_dcc24 o /CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, ENG V> USU, FRENCH AND GERMAN SCHOOL, Nu. 82 WENTWORTH STKSKT.-The Exercises ol this School will bc resumed on MONDAY, Janu? ary 3, when a class ur beginners lu Latin and French will be formed. Instruction lu German will be given by Dr. BLANCHE. HENRY M. BRUNS. Principal. * CHAULES B. COCHRAN, Assistant. A fow Boys will bc received as boarders In lite family of the Principal. dec29 Wlamtui HIGH SCHOOL OF CHARLESTON. The Exorcises or this Institution will bc resumed on MONDAY, January 3d, 1870. Instruc? tion given in Laiin, Greek, French, German, Mathematics and the higher branches ol English. Thc Behool is well provided with maps, globes ami philosophical apparatus. Terms or Instruction, $12 per quarter, payable In advance. No extra charge for French, German or Stationery-. W. R. K1NQMAN. A. IL, dec27 7 Principal. H Enromare, OntLerrj, #c. A R D W ~A* B B GUNS, CUTLERY, ?c., ie. Thc well known establishment of BISSELL'S HARDWARE STORE, IS DAILY UECEIV1NG NEW STOCKS OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, suca AS PLOUGHS, HARROWS, ALSO, JUST ItECElVED, A SDPrLY OF HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES. Call and examine, aud then judge for your? selves. Look put for the sign of the "MAMMOTH PAD LOCR," In H?sel street. v . JSJTTRRMS STRICTLY CASH. dec25 M J- 0 H N MARSHALL JR. COMMISSION MERCHANT. NAVAL STORES, COTTON, LUMBER ANDJRICE. MARSHALL'S WHARF, Charleston, S. C. sna:24 s _ *" A. p: CnEVREUX, SCULPTOR AND ARCHITECT MARBLE WORKS, * Corner Meeting street, and Horlbeck's Alley, Charleston, S. c. Plans made to order and work executed promptly julyl thmOmos Slmnsements. CADE M Y OF MUSIC A SHAKESPEARIAN REVIVAL. Engagement of thc Eminent English Tragedian, Mit. NEIL WARNER, who will appear on MONDAY, January 3d, as the * , Young Prince, II A M L E T ! supported by thc entire Company, strengthened by several accessions. In announcing Mr. WARNER, the Manager un? hesitatingly endorses him as one ol' thc few Grand Actors of the age. He has been secured ata heavy cost to secure the presentation of Shake? spearian and other plavs tn thc very best stysk PRICES OP ADMISSION.-Orchestra CMrs, SI; Orchestra Circle, Si; Balcony Chairs, $1; Balcony Dress Circle, $1. Entrance on King street. Se? cured Seats, 25 cents additional. Family Circle, 50 cents, (one-half reserved for colored families;) Gallery, 25 cents. Entrance on Market street. &5~ Scats caoJ)c secured from 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. dally, at thc Ticket omeo. - Jan3 Gr RAND MASQUERADE BALL OF TnE GERMAN FREUKDSCHAFTSBUND, HIBERNIAN HALL, ON THURSDAY EVENING, FEURUARY 3d, 1870. Tickets, admitting a gentleman and twrJladies, $2. The number or Tickets will be limited. They may bo had on application to any member of thc Committee of Arrangements ; but thc sale of Tickets wilt bc positively closed on Monday, January 31st. COMMITTEE. CHAS. SIEGLING. C. PLENGE, C. NORDHAUSSE?, R. HEISSER, J. L?EDERS, JOHN KLATTE, JOHN BOESCU, . Jan3 m th s g T. PETER'S CATHOLIC FAIR. No. 140 Meeting street, opposite Pavilion Hotel, wilLbc protracted to the Nicrrr OP WEDNESDAY, January fi, 1870. The Hall opened in the afternoon from 3^to 6; at Night from 7 to ll. Children not admitted at night, unloss?wlth their relatives or guardians. Price of admission-Grown persons 25 cents; Children IQ cents; Season tickets $1. Jan3 T Newspapers, .?lagajirtcs, &z. nTiTBiTR?T^ Col, D, WYATT AIKEN, of Abbeville, has be? come associated with thc undersigned in the pub ?cation or thc RURAL CAROLINIAN, which la ruture will be published by WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, and D. WYATT AIKEN. Articles for publication addressed to the "Edi tor;" Business Communications to WALKER, EVANS A COGSWELL, Charleston, S. C. WALKER, EVANS i COGSWELL. January 1, 1870. Thc January Number of thc RURAL CAROLI? NIAN Is now ready for delivery at the office of publication, No. 3 Broad street. ?ir* Now ls the lime to Subscribe. janl 2 ROUND THE WORLD. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEW YORK OBSERVER, Thc Large Doublo Weekly FAMILY NEWSPAPER. Sound and Good. Try it. lt will be Money well Spent. $3 50 per Annum. j?3-Sample Copies Free. SIDNEY E. MORSE, JR., k CO., No. 37 Park Row, dec31 Imo New York. ?li s ft ll un co ns. DANCING SCHOOL, BY MONS. BER? GER, over Mr. Kinsman's Confectionary Store. Hours of Tuition at 4 and 8. o'clock. Soirees every Saturday. Dancing taught in all its rarities. Mons. B. ls too well known to re? quire any comment. Apply at No. 332 King street. Janl smws* QYSTERS.- PLEASE TAKE NOTICK Freshly-opened OYSTERS will be found every day, beginning TO-DAY, December 31st, at thc Grocery of JOHN HURKAMP & CO., ?-tty SOUTHEAST CORNER OF BROAD AND KINO STREETS. The sales by F. KRESSEL, Jr., No. 95 King street, are discontinued. THOMAS MoCRADY, dec31_Agent. IF YOU WANT BLANK BOOKS MADE TO ORDER, and of the best material, to any pattern, go to EDWARD PERRY. No. 155 Meeting street, opposite charleston notel, Charleston, S. C. . decll Ginos A CTS LIKE A CHARM! THE GENUINE ENGLISH CnLORODINE, (J. COLLIS liltOWNE'S,) Is tho best Anodyne ever known to the profes . sion. To bc bad of . DR. II. DAER, novS No. 131 Market street. J E . DAUER, MUSIC DEALER, Plano Tuner,'Teacher of Vio lin, Flute aud Guitar. Repairer of Musical Istru monts. Hitchcock's Five and Ten cents Music always on hand. BALLS AND PARTIES furnished with the best and most fashionable Music lately received from Europe at moderate prices. Apply at No. 449 King street, four doors above Calhoun. octl2 tulmthemos FLEMING'S WORM CONFECTIONS, (SANTONINE.) They are purely vegetable, sare and sure. The best Bi ase. For sale by Dr. H. DAER, No. 131 Meeting street, octs Wholesale Agent. IF YOU WANT NOTE, LETTER AND CAP PAPERS and ENVELOPES, go to EDWARD PERRY. No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel Charleston, S. C._decl4 Brnos UPHAM'S ANTIDOTE FOR STRONG DRINK. A SUPE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Bottle. Sent by mail, postage paid, on receipt of price. The Antidote is the best remedy that can be administered in Mauia-a-Potu, aud also for all nervous affections. . For sale by Dr. H. BAER. No. 131 Meeting street, oct6 Atreut for South Carolina. IF YOU WANT LITHOGRAPH CHECK BOOKS, or Lithographlug done in flue slade, go to EDWARD PERRY. No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C._decl4 Cmos ALLS CIT'Y STEAM BAKERY, LOUISVILLE, KY., Manuiactory or Patent, drated. Farina, Water, Boston-Butter, Sugar, Lemon, Wine, Milk, Cream add SODA CRACKERS, Ginger Snaps, Mo? lasses Cakes, Ac. Having accepted., the Agency or thc above Factory, I am prepared to IIB all orders at Manufacturer's prices. J. N. ROBSON, . Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, dec3 fmwlmoDAC_Agent for the Shite. U'ST RECEIVED F J AT GOUTEVENIER BROTHERS, SUCCB8?0KS TO A. ILLINO, FELT CARPETING 1>? yards wide. decl6_ IF YOU WANT THE CELEBRATED CA RT if R'S WRITING and COPYING INK combined, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting .street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston. S. <? dec 14 6mos IF YOU WANT PAPER BAGS, FLOUR SACKS, and Haps of every description, go to EDWARD PERRY, No. 155 Meeting street, opposite Charleston Hotel, Charleston, S. C. s decl4 Cmos ? grocerice, Cignors, #c. " CHO1CE~1POTATOE^ c^??rc?^POs. TATOES ! . ^ . Harrison's, Pink Eyes, Dykes and Goodrich's. Now landing .ex-schooner N. W. Smith. For sale low from wharf. jan31 WILLIAM ROACn A CO. Q.ENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO. au tons Genuine Peruvian GUANO In store, and for sale low. Apply to jqu3 1_J. A. ENSLOW A CO. JJ AT, POTATOES* AND FISH GUANO. 3-20 bales Prime Eastern HAY. GO barrels Potatoes. - 113 barrels Fish Guano. Just received per Schooner Eveline, from Bel *ist, Me., and for sale low while landing. Apply to J. A ENSLOW A CO.. jan3 2 No. 141 East Bay. gCOTCH PIG IRON, s 20 tons, No. 1, Glcngarnoch PIG IRON, 75 tons, No. 1, Eglington PIG IRON. For sale by RAVENEL A CO., Jau3 Cor. East Bay and Vandcrhorsfs Wharf. SALT AFLOAT. 2090 Sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, landing from Ship SUcvc Bloom. For sale low If taken from Wharf. RA?SSSL, & CO., Corner East Ay and Vanderwrst Wharf. jan3_ QORN, OATS, BRAN AND HAY.. ?4500 bushels Prime WHITE CORN, 1300 bushels Prime Black and White Oats 1000 bushels Bran 300 bushels Primo North River Hay. * Por sale by .liURMESTER A Z ERBST, Successors to and late of the Firm of J. N. Tie? mann A Co. Jan3 QUNNY CLOTH! GUNNY CLOTH f On thc spot and to arlvc. For sale by 0Ct7 nj_GEO. A. TRENHOI^I A SON. PRIME WHITE CORN LN < BULK ?FLOAT. . 200S bushels PRIME WHITE BALTIMORE CORN lu bulk, ex schooner "S. E. Woodbury." ALSO. 1000 bushels TRIME OATS. For sale by declQ_. JOHN CAMPSEN A CO. J^IVERPOOL SALT AFLOAT. % 2800sacks LIVERPOOL SALT, jnst received per steamship "Adalia," and for sale by ROBERT MURE A CO., dec24_Boyce's Wharf. rJIAYLOR'S ALBANY CHEAM ALE. A fresh supply of this Celebrated Brand of ALB received fresh every week, rn barrels and half barrels.* For sale by ? . JOBN F. O'NEILL X SON, * Agents for Somh Carolina, dccll_.__No. 107 East Bay. J^TOW LANDING AND FOR SALE LOW RI EC-EE' & SCHACHTE' 8, NOS. 21 AND 23 VENDUE RANGE, 10 boxes D. S. Long'Clear MIDDLES 10 boxes D. S. Bellies . 20 boxes D. S. Chicago Shoulders Tierces and tilba Pure Lard - Tubs Extra Lard if packages Fair to Choice Butter 25 sacks Rio Coirec 75 sacks Manilla Codee ?tc ? 20 Jjbls. Sugars 7 25TOls. Molasses 20 bbls. Syrup, Golden Drip and Magnolia. Cheese, Herrings, Mackerels, Soda, Soaps, Can dies, Matches, Starch, Ac, Ac. dec29 wfm T A R D AND CANDLES. Choice FAMILY LARD, In 3, 6, 7 and 10 pound caddies. Candles, In whole and half boxes, all weights. As Agent for the Manufacturers, I offer the above goods at lowest market rates, with a liberal dis-? conni to the trade for large lots. Dealers are re? quested to give me a call. Being in weekly re? ceipt of supplies, I can AU all orders promptly. J. N. ROBSON, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf, dec? rowflmoDAu . ' RHINE WINE, FRANKER WINE, AND " MOSEL WINE. The undersigred takes thc liberty to Inform his friends and the public In general, especially these who arc fond of a good glass of Wine, that he has just received several casks of excellent RHINE, FRANKER, AND MOSEL WINE, and whl dispose of the same by the barrel, gallon, bottle or glass, at reasonable rates. J. M. MARTIN, dec22 v>fm3mo - No. 35 Market street QLD WHISKIES.. The undersigned beg to announce that they have been appointed by Messrs. HENRY S. HAN? NIS A CO., of Philadelphia, their Sole Agents for the Stale of South Carolina for the sale of their celebrated ACME/C, XX XXX, XXXX. NECTAR,. CABINET, andpther Brands OLD BYS WHIS? KIES. r They also wish to announce that they will be in constant receipt of their COPPER DISTILLED MOUNTAIN PURE RYE WHISKIES, direct from Distillery at Hannlsville, Berkeley County, West Virginia. 60 barrels of the above always on hand. . Liberal contracts will be made for large lots of new Whiskies In bond at Distillery Warehouse. CLACIUS A WITTE, s. Customhouse Sqnare, *L N. E. corner of East Bay and Fraser's Wharr^ - A dec20 mwf2mos Charleston, S. C. _~ Q.EO. W. WILLIAMS & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, HAYNE STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C., nave In Store and to arrive, which they are offering at lowest market prices 1000 bbls. Yellow Pink Eye Planting POTATOES 4000 sacks Liverpool Salt 50 bales Standard Gunny Bagging 200 colls Hemp, Jute, Cotton aud Manilla Rope 500 bbls. Relined Sugars 30 hhds. Porto Bico Sugars 25 hhds. Muscovado Sugars 100 hhds. Old Crop Cuba Molasses 300 bbls. Old Crop Cuba Molasses 100 bbls. Sugar House Syrup coo bags Rio, Laguuyra and Java Coffee SOO boxes Colgate No. 1 and Pule Soaps 250 boxes E. I)., Cheshire and State Cheese 300 bbls. Fine, Super, Extra and Family Floor 500 packages Fish, Nos. 1, 2 aud 3 leeo kegs Parker Mill Nails. Orange Rifle POWDER, Shot and Lead, Caps, Candles, Fire Crackers, Soda and Sugar Crackers, Sugar Jumbles, Soda in kegs and papers, Starch, Oysters, Sardines, Candy, Buckets and Tubs, Raisins, Figs, Potash and Lye, Rice, Ac, Ac nov24 wlm3mos_ JgXTRA UPLAND COTTON SEED. Bancroft's Selection of the PROLIFIC DICKSON SEED. Its genuine character and great yield per acso* as grown near Athens, Georgia, is authenticated by certificates signed by gentlemen of known re? spect ability, and can bc seoL at my ofllee. soo bushels will be sold at $4 per bushel, in sacks of 2 to 3 bushels. W. M. LAWTON, dec25 stusintu5_Factor, Boyce's Wharf. Sewing iflorijiiKS. f jgxposr^^ 18?. " WHEELER A WILSON. THE GOLD MEDAL* . HlGl?IsT PREMIUM. 0 ' LOCK-STITCH," SEWING AND BUTTON-HOLE MACHINES. The only Gold Medal. ? dee24_Eighty-two Competitors.' J. P. MOODIE, COLLECTOR AND .REAL ESTATE -4GENT, - No. 26 BROAD STREET, ?Charleston ,'S. C. Will attend to the BENTINO OF HOUSES, Oel locttbn of Rents, Accounts, Ac. Refers to Messrs. Gourdin, Matthlcssen A Co., J. C. Cochran, Esq., Dr. T. L. Ogier A Son#Messrs. Pelzer, Rodgers A Co., Thomas lt. Waring, Esq., Messrs. W. B. Williams A Sou. decie thstu3nro CJ. SCHLEPEGRELL, * No. 37 LINE STBEET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. . LUMBER of every description and BUILDING MATERIAL, Lime and Plastering Laths, Pams^ Oils, Classes, Shingles; also Groove and Ton^H Boards, Ae., constantly ou hand at the lovHSC market prices. octll mtuslyr^