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* r VOLUME VII.-NUMBER 1157. SIX DOLLARS A YEAR VARIETIES. -Georgia grcws the tallest men in the tJnlted States; New York averages the shortest. -A ballet Is preparing at St. Petersburg, in which the stage represents a pianoforte key? board, upon which the danseuse goes through her steps. -An Indianapolis financier proposes to ex? tinguish the public debt by substituting Treas? ury notes for bonds, and keeping them in Circulation till they wear ont. -Brigham Young's theatre has produced uGrI?ith Gaunt." The moral, of course, is that Griffith should have emigrated to Utah and enjoyed both wives in peace. -A circus proprietor, whose show was seized for debt In Cincinnati, claimed his per? forming mules as his homestead. >>ut the Judge did not regard them in that lighc. -A man in Illinois has invented a spring to be attached to the feet by which a person is relieved of the labor of walking to a great ex? tent. He claims that his Invention will enable a man to walk ten miles an hour with ease. ^."Professor," said a student in pursuit of knowledge concerning the habits oi animals, "why does a cat, while eating, turn her head first one way and then the other?" '-For the t reason," replied the Professor, "that she can? not turn it both ways at ?nee." -A materialist surgeon ot Paris lately show? ed to one of hi3 friends ono of his instruments the handle of which was carved in bone. "Do you know," he asked, "of what this handle is made?" "Of ivory, I suppose." "No," said the doctor, while tears almost choked his voice, "it is the thigh-bone of my poor aunt." -The authoress ol "East Lynne,*' (Mrs. Henry Woodj) speaks in her last novel, "Ro? land Yorke,'* of "the not-attempted-to-be concealed care" ol Roland's face, which brings to mind Miss Barney's remark? on "the-sud den-at-thc-moment-though from-lingoring-ill ness-orten-prcviously-expected death of Mr. Barney's wile. -In the Supreme Court of the District of Co? lumbia, objecu^n wa3 made to an interlinea? tion in an indictment, the instrument having been written in black ink,and the interpolation In blue Ink, Judge Carter said : "Now. In this period of the abolition of all distinction on account of color, it appears to mu that this criticism is hypercritical.*' -The Sun, describing a new hoUl ia Fifth avenue, New York, says: "The waiters are of ineffable elegance, and of an intellectual cast of countenance. They look like graduates of Harvard. They wear two clean shirts and two white chokers a day, and change their aprons three times an hour. A spot on a bosom or crease in a tio involves instant dis? missal. -A Chicago paper tells a story of election night, which lt thinks shows the enterprise of young Chicago. A party of boys were seen getting together the materials for a bonfire. When they were asked what was the news, they replied that they had none. "We don't dabble In politics. AVe built tho dre so thal when the news comes we can sell it out to thc side that beata !', -A short time ago a close-fisted farmer on the Sandy River, in Maine, died, alter devising one dollar to his only sou. The old gentle ' man was duly buried iu the venerable church? yard, which suffered a terrible washing away by the late flood, and a short time ago his body was" found opposite the son's place, hav? ing been brought down the river a longdis? tance. When the tonder-hearted sun was in? formed of the tact, he made tho touching re? mark: "Probably come back after that dol? lar." -One of the simplest and best cures for stammering ia to beat time with the thumb upon the forefinger beiore commencing to speak, and while speaking. One is then almost obliged to speak rythmicalty an?! dis? tinctly. Another so-called, certain cure con? sists merely in the frequent and rapid pronun? ciation, with due emphasis, of the following gibberish: Hobbs meats Snobbs aud Nobbs; Hobbs nods to Snobbs, and roba Nobbs' fobs; that, cays Hobbs, is the worse fe Nobbs' fobs, and Snobbs sobs. -AMiss Laura Keene's company, atihe Chest? nut-street Theatre, in Philadelphia, is playing a drama entitled "Bogu3," which is highly successful, in spite ol* the critics, who say that there ls not a particle of merit in it. But as lt ie announced to run l'or some time, lt ls sug? gested that a little variety might be made by giving all the women's parts to men, and the men's parts to women, for a few nights, and then to give a fresh Impetus to thc play by varying the order of thu acts, beginning some? times at one end, sometimes at the other, and then In tho middle-all of which they think can be done without injury to the consecutive sense of th<* play. TJfjf jro.Bjroxs ix o OTB: AH. Tb?ir Numbers, Condition and Pros? peet*-A Mormon Temple to be Erected In Xevr York-"What it will Cost-IM t?ratting Interview with a. Mormeu Bider. A Mormon temple is to be erected in New York City within the coming year. A commit? tee, at whose disposal the requisite funds will be placed by the Mormons In this country, has been appointed to choose s suitable site and to make the necessary arrangements for the edifice. They have nearly completed their plans, and meet next week to draw up a report of their proceedings, which will bc laid before the Saints and elders ruling the sect in America. The New York Times says: This building, which will cost at least $500, 000, is to be a house of reception for .Morin on 'emigrants from Kurope, and a resting place for the travelling brethren of the United States. A portion ol' it will be set apart for the accom? modation of unprotected t?males,, who, be? cause of the general belief that they are poly? gamists, are looked upon as ioose characters, and are beset b.v men for ID oilier tiiau vici? ous purposes. Here, however, it is intended they shall be received, watched over ami kept until they can pursue their journey to their friends in safely. Those who arc 'poor and without the means to provide for their Imme? diate wanta, will here iluda home until they get employment and can settle them selves comfortably. Apartments will be fur? nished also for t:ie uso ol' missionary saints and elders sojourning ia this section to watch over the religious welfare of the faithful scat? tered throughout the Eastern Slates. This temple they will make their Eastern head? quarters, whence they will journey from time to time to make a circuit North and South among the various Mormon communities. In the centre ot the sullding will be erected a house of worship, om which thc whole will take the name of'.vtnple. The establishment will be ruled by a resident saint, assisted by a number of elders and a regular board of com missioners, all of whom are to be appointed by thc Government ol' Utah. This enterprise hos been on foot for some time, as the maturity of the plan Indicates, and the purchase of a satisfactory location will be made within a month or two. The reasons lor trie ?rection of such an establishment are tb* increase ol' Mormon einigraiioii and the difficulties under which the emigrants labor on their arrival here. There is hurdly a European packet comes to our shores that does not bring a Mormon family. Agents are stationed in all parts of Europe, whose duty il is to ser J to the United States such of the faithful as are ready'and willing to travel westward toward Utah", their promised land. Most of them aro Swedes, Germans, Welsh, English and Scotch, and have no friends or relatives in the Atlantic States. They were regularly con? signed by the European to the agent In New * York, whose business it is to look after and provide them with boarding places until they can shift for them? selves. Like most other strangers in our city, they often fall into the hands of Hu- harpies who are ever on the watch for like unsuspect? ing prey, and are mulcted of their money, de? spoiled of their effects, and left to wander houseless and homeless through our streets. With men this is bad enough, bul with the fe males it ls terrible. Their miseries in many instances onlv began with robbery and starva? tion. The fate of living death is often theirs. These dangers will be lessened, if not entirely obviated, at the existence ot the Mormon Tem? ple. Emigrants will step from the ship to lt, where they will find wann friends ready to shelter aud* aid them. The Mormons are fast becoming a large sect among us. They ore nu? merous in t.iis city and Brooklyn, although so quietly has Mormonism grown up In our midst, that it; progress has been scarcely ob? served by the general public. At present theie are upward of three hundred lamilies of Latter-day Saints in Brooklyn, and as many, if not more, In New York. They have a church in Brooklyn, which is open lo all com? ers, and are governed by a saint and several .Mers. These people ever look forward to the day which will seo them located in he city of the saints and their prophet. Brigham Young. They are all well off ami in gooubusiness cir? cumstances, and bear excellent characters among their Cliristiau neighbors. Every Sun? day Is spent In devotional exercises al I heir church, wkich is well lilied from !> A. M. until .j P. M. lu their business transactions with Christians they aro scrupulously honest, and Where they deal once they invariably strive to keep up ' the connection. It seems to be their object, however, to trade n?* little as possible with those who are not of their creed, In consequence of which they do not come so much under the notice of outsiders, and are sn little known to the public. Some of the men, it is said havens many as four or live wives living in different paris of the city. No doubl it may seem curious to the reader that polygamy can be practiced in a city where tho laws against it are so stringent. But the Mormons do not marry their wives according to thc common law ol'the Stale; they Uve in a stat?' of concu? binage, amenable to no law. Our reporter had an Interesting interview with a celebrated Mormon dignitary yesterday. This gentleman is un elder and a practical polygamist, having We were informed, eleven wives at present. Hu was very a?uble and communicative, and spoke without the slightest embarrassment on some of the most delicate topics connected with his religion. He invited investigation, be said, and had no doubt, of being abb' to con? vince the most skeptical of the truth of the Mormon doctrines. Speaking of tiie Temple, he said that the committee had orders to push the enterprise along as fast as they could and to hasten its completion. Being asked how much money, If any, had been appropriated for lt, be an? swered that no Axed sum liad been yet sot apart for the work, but that whatever .he com? mittee having the matter In band considered necessary would be immediately forthcoming, as the Mormons were well off, many ol'them wealthy, and all prepared to furnish any sum commensurate witta their means. t Special Notices. ?STTUE GENUINE LIEBIG'S EX TRACT UK MEAT secures great economy excel? lence in tho preparation of beef-tea. liny none but that made by the "Liebig Extract of Meat Company.'' Baron Lieblg's signature on every Jar. For siile by druggists and grocers. J. MII.HAC'S SONS, novo ?nfimo Ko. isa Broadway, New Turk. f?r* A CARD.-A G E N T L E M A ? wishing to enter in active business, would contri? bute CAPITAL to any approved establishment in city or country with a capable aud responsible party. Address "Trade." through this oillee, giving references and statin , ?he character of business. nov&! 3* ??r MANHOOD.-A ML )AL ESSAY on the Cause and Cure of Prema.urc Decline in Man, tlic treatment of Norvous sud Physical De? bility, Ac. "There Ls no member of sooiety by whom this book will uot bc found useful, whether such per? son holds thc relation of Tarent Preceptor or Clergyman."-Uedisal Times and Gazette. Sent by.mall on receipt of ilfiy cents. Address the Author, Dr. E. DKF. CURTIS, Washington, P. c. _ septl lyr yST- BATCHELOR'S HAIR DYE.-THIS splendid Hair Dye ts the best in the world: thc only true and perfect Dye; harmless, reliable, In? stantaneous; no disappointment; no ridiculous tints: remedies thc ill elfecu of bad dyes; in? vigorates and leaves the hair soft and beautiful black or brown. Sold by all Druggists and Per fumers; and properly applied at Ba chelor's Wig Factory, No. - Bond street, New York. mavis lyr_ ?S?T* WORDS OF CHEER-ON THE Errors of Youth and the Follies of Age, in rela? tion to Marriage and Social Evils, with a helping hand for the erring and unfortunate. Sent lu sealed letter envelopes, freu of charge. Address HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P., Philadelphia, Pa._ _septi'j amo? pS-'YQ CONSUMFfIVES. -THE AD? VERTISER., having been restored to health In a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having sulTered several years with a severe lung affec? tion, and that dreadful disease, consumption, ls anxious to make known to his fellow.sufferers the meuus of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy ol ?he prescription used (free of charge,) willi the direc? tions for preparing and using the same, which they will Und a sc OE CURS Koa CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Ac. The object of the ad? vertiser in sending tke Prescription is to beucht the afflicted, and spread Information which he con?oives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will eost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad? dress Rsv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, NVw York. nova limos .jtfirA CARD.-A CLERGYMAN, while residing iu South America as a Missionary, discovered a safe and simple remedy for thu cure of Nervous Weakness, Karly Decay, Disease ol the Urinary and Seminal Organs and the whole indu of disorders brought on by baneful and vicious habits. Great numbers hare been cured by this noble remedy. Prompted by a desire to benefit tue afflicted and unfortunate, I win semi the recipe for preparing and using this medicine, in a scaled envelope, to any ono who needs it, free of charge. Address JOSEPH T. INMAN, Xaiion . , Bible House, oet4 limos* . New York City. 0BT> SJ E D1C A L NOTICE.-PATIENTS suffering from Diseases pertaining to tho Genlto Urinary Urgaus, will receive the latest scientific treatment, by placing themselves uudcr the care or DK. T. REEN TSJKP.NA, ornee No. T? Dasei street, three doors eas;, from Hie Postohlcc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT inplication will be made at the next Session of the Leglsu ture by thc Charleston Board of Trade or a Modiilcatlon of its charier. ongSS latno3 f&* ERRORS OF YOUTH.-A GENTLE. MAN who suffered for years from Nervous De? bility, Premature Decay, and all thc effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sas**jf suffer IHR humanity, send free toall who ucedSt, the re? ceipt and directions for making the simple rem? edy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addressing, with perfect coutldence, JOHN h. oe DEN, No. 42 Cedar street, New Yerk. novo 2met Sriencr Notices. "^ckvELESTON SAVINGS INSTI? TUTION.-Thc following amounts havo not been called for In thc above named Institution. As thc office will bc closed on the 31st of December, all persons interested arc requested to bring in tholr Pass Books and receive the amounts due them. Those who have drawn the FIRST Instalment, but not the SECONO, will not Cod their uaraes in this list, as thc fact of their having drawn one in? stalment lian evidoncs that thsy knowof tuetr interest ia the Institution. HBNRY S. GRIGGS. Treasarer. NAMES. Anderson, A. J., Trustee Anderson, Ann. Anderson, Charles. Anderson, A. J., Trustee Arnold, Ann. Trustee... Alston, Thomas, Trustee Rallesty, Charles Hums, Ann. Burke, James Rostieman, J. F. Rallentinc, Isaac, Trustee Boyce, Marv. Brisbane, Maria. Trustee. Backes, Mathilda. liauin. John A. Bunch. I>. 1). Bcgg*< ?'liarles, Trustee.. lia mc, Matilda.I.. Brown, Isahella. Bellinger, M. c., Trust?e. Blake, .Margaret M. Carr, Susan D. ?8 69 Connoly, Elizabeth. o 30 Care?-. George. 723 55 Cleary, catherine. * 00 Carmaud, H. McO., Truste?. 15 40 Cameron, Alexander. 14* s<> Cameron, D. W. 6 40 Casey, Janies. 15? ?3 Currie. A. M. 4S 14 Comstock, 1). H., Trustee, (two accounts). 4 .'?4 Chandler, Janet B. 14 o'. Collies, K. S. OM Collins. Mary Jane. 2 41 Cortissy, Marv Ann. 2 os Clarkson, K. ii.. Trustee. 9 06 Coburn. J. Robert. 2 82 Carabar, Rose Ann. 0 Cb Curry, S. A. D. ll? Dorrie. Louis?. 04'? 9:> Derrick, David, Trustee. 20 73 Dan*y, Michael. 17 M Dupont, C. C.. Trustee. 17 74 Desvernev, Peter. Trustee. 4M os Durne. D. A., Agent. ? SI Drayton. John. M *.*> Brans, Edward P. 82 43 Earlv. John. Trustee. 11 61 Brrtckson, J. P. 0 03 Boston, Hannah. 9 4^ Eldred, G. P., Trustes. 0 51 Frost, Ilenry P.., Trustee. 10 00 Ferguson, James. 0 00 Inlier. Mrs. CA. 97 10 Patironback, 8. 1 07 Ford. Mary. 2 40 Flood, Margaret. 82 7? Garden, Ruth C. 18 M Gilbert, Theodore N. 84 Ss Guilbert. A. 4 00 Cordon. Alexander, Trustee. ISS 27 Geitel, Johane. 6 88 Cross. Barnwell. 4 4S Graham, Anne. ? 24 Graham, Kiddy .!. tl 76 Gregg, William, Trustee. 2 27 Grierson, J. w., Trustoc. 3 48 newitt, M. E.. Trustee. 3 15 Hennessy, Mary. ? 60 Hennessy, charles.'.. et 7S Hummel John. 20 is Hcncrcy. John T. 0 215 Henry. E. H., Trustee. 21 68 nancken, C. Winiam. 'J S4 Moran, .Tames. ? SO Holmes. .1. \v" Trustee, (two accounts)- s 7.-i Hvutt, Thomas, Trustee. 3 on Himlz. Thomas.- 160 04 ?Ochmann. H. 9 47 Hamilton, Jas. A. w. o 74 Holland, Mary. 3 67 Jackson, Jane A. 4 99 KelUi, M. Irvine. ? 99 Kenney, .lames. 1 18 Kenney, John, Trustee. 9 02 Keogaii, John. 3 93 Leverett, Charles E. 3 40 Lockhorn, Elizabeth. 4 02 Lord. Sarah A. 1 98 Lyons, William, Trustee. 0 RO Lae, L. s. 2 so Meyer. Ilenrv. 7 42 Marshall. A. W., Trustee.: 61 38 Mayor, Anna. 4 14 Mayor, John George. 19 04 Moran, Marv. 10 95 Miller. Robert. Trustee. 5 22 Miller. L P., Trustee. 0 SI Mattsfon, J. A. 138 29 Maxwell, Susan. 0 42 Mnggc, Catherine. 2 04 Hakam, Ann. 3 98 .Mormon. Anna Maria. 34 39 Murray, Martha C., Trustee. 41 85 Murray, F. H......../.. 0 50 Mixer, George C., Trustee. 41 06 Muckenfuss, B. A., Trustee. 1 IS Mazyck, CM. 1 06 McCrndv. Edward. Trustee. 0 00 McCrlght, Sarah A. 0 .11 McDougall, John. 0 5ti McDougall, Hugh. 3 75 McDonald. John. 1-7 41 Mulnaruey, M*ry. 71 26 Norman, Thoma*.,. 8 17 Person, Ann. ll SI Porcher, Thomas W., Trustee. 0 "5 Porcher, E. w., Trustee. 22 37 Poinsett, Henrietta. n 15 Phelon, Julius. 7 b2 Pcnrifoy, A. 31 VJ Putta:, Josephine. 0 30 Pundi, Peter. ll 5$ Qualy, dies. ?9 63 Routh, William K. 177 36 Roberts, w. A. o 47 Rivers, John, Trustee. 6 wi Elvers. \Y. D. 21 Hu Reynolds, Catherine. 4 7u Russell, Eliza. 437 (.0 RICO, I. J. 2S ?1 ltice, B. F. 6 77 Keith, John. 6 4'. Richardis, Louis. 1S7 09 Ramspeck, Charlotte R. 1 72 Recd, Joseph. 17 80 Ravcucl, H. E., Truatu*. (?va accounts)... 10 22 Sinter, Maria. ll 01 Society, Ladies1 Domestic Missionary. os Ci Schwerin, J., Trustee. 3 7? Smith, A, !'.. ns so Smith, linnie!. 85 26 Smith, John. 84 :;i Smith, Marv. 19 40 Smith, s. E., Trustee. 4 23 Schmidt, John. 4 M? Stone. Thomas. ?Vj tn Steele, E. C. l"2 .:4 Shaw, charies (two accounts). 17 C2 Sweat. V: S.. Trustee. ti 70 Sweeney, Danie!. 1 ;,s Servi. ".' Caroline F.. 0 3u Skelly. Patrick. 4 tt ea Sullivan, Eugene. 1:7 ?2 Small, Tivmas i:.. Trustee. 0 vi Small. J. S. Trustee (four accounts). 347 Sear:", ?'illiam. SS ?fi Schroder. Henry. 43 17 Symons, Julio, Administrator. 19 02 s'ugue, Mary. 4 23 Turner, Hhzaholh. 23 ii wilson, Joseph, Traste?. ll es Wood, Susan. .? 61? Williams, Ann. 41 39 Williams, Susati, Trustee. 24 17 Walker, Geo. Wm. Trustee, ?two accounts,) ir, ? ? White, George. 0 30 While, David. 8 99 White, W. I!. 0 30 Wiemar. George. 47 17 W ill. David. 15 01 Welts, Elizabeth C., Trustes, two ao counts). l 7? wit; 'eiiu, Fred., Trustes. 2 cs Zirbst, T. II. 12 CO Total.,.$712^90 at nt stathlmool AnorsT. .. $377 .. 13 14 .. 23 04 .. 10 99 .. 19 21 2 45 4 39 51 57 4 89 57 24 8 Ul 2 S8 10 lit) 604 77 2 73 12 50 2 43 1 25 3 13 1 21 2 1U ?ttad)incrrj, Oaj^nj^#c. ?jyjEETING STREET FOUNDRY. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING THE IM? PROVED MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, Of varions sizes, on hand. Improved Vertical and Horizontal gTorn Mills, Sugar Mills, Sugar Mills, Sugar Boilers and Rans, of all sizes. Horse-Powece s nd Cia Gearing, from < te 16 feet in diameter. Improved Lover Cotton Presses, for Hand, Power, Saw and Rice Mills. Machinery and Castings of all dessrrptlons mada te ordor. Particular attention paid to House Fronts and Casting for Buildings, Gratuags, Cistern Covers, Sash Weights, Ac, .Vc. WILLIAM S. HENERET, MACHINIST AND FOUNDER, No. 311 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. angi mws c tailoring, LOTHING, TAILORING ANO FURNISHING COODS. MBNXE A MCXLBR, No. 325 KINO STRHBT, Three Doors helow Liberty street. Have just received and opened a lanie and fine assortment of Men's Youths'and Boy's CLOTH? ING, FURNISHING GOODS, Ac. Consisting ol Elegant OVERCOATS, Business and Dross Suits. Wime and Colored shirts, Underwear Doods, Ac English and Domestic Half Hose, Alexander's and Couvisler's Kid Gloves, Buckskin, Doeskiu, Calfskin; cloth, Casslniere, Tweed: silk aLd Thread Gloves. Linen ami Paper Collars, Cravats. Neck Ties, Pocket Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Umbrellas, Ac. Also, ? large and well assorted stock o.' BROAD? CLOTH, CASSI M KKK. DOESKIN, BEAVER CLOTH, A c.. a laure variety ol thc new style Pant? ami Vest Patterns, which wo offer to sell bj plect yard ur pattern, or make up luto garments by measure, tn the latest styles. Our stock has been selected with ercat care, and prices marked very low. In plain neurea. Being confident thal we can offer Inducements unequalled hy any other house, we solicit buyers in our line to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. All orders will receive our prompt and very careful attention. Entire satisfaction is guaranteed. oem mwfstnoa D ORB1UM <fc JURS, MERCHANT TABORS, nave removed to No. 14" KING street, Ove doors helow their former stand, where they will !<? pleased io see their former patrons anil frlonds, ami the public generally. Mr. Jurs has just returned from the North with a large and well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Beavers, Coatings, Doeskins, Cassiuicre* and Vestings. ALSO, Aline assortment of Gi -r.ts' Furnishing Goods, ivhlcll will h;: sold at a very small profit. Gcutlemen In want of any of thc above articles will da well tu cali before purchasing elsewhere. octii uiih miscellaneous. m F. c H JJ y E I N . DENTIST, OFTICB NO. 274 XINO KtttT, uovl3 9iaos jQO YOU WISH TO PUT OFF INDEFI? NITE LT Sick Headache, Sour Eructations and Acidity of the Stomach r USE SOLOMON'S BITTERS. For salo by RAOUL A LYHAH. septn ?mos GO TO GEORGE LITTLE .t CO. for Fine FURNISHING GOODS at LOW 1'iiu Ks._ stuthlmo SOLOMON'S BITTERS SIVE O EN ? It AL SATISFACTION. Fer sale br sept 17 Sinus_RAOUL A LTNAH. TTTANTED, TnE LADIES TO CALL TV and examine Hie Stock or louth's, Boy's jud Children's CLOTHING, at GEORGE LITTLE k CO., oct3ti stuthlmo No. Ji:j Klni?street. jQO YOU WISH TO SLEEP SOUNDLY at night, and awake la the morning with a thorough appreciation of your egg, rolls aud coffee ! CSE SOLOMON'S BITTERS. For sale by RAOUL A LYXAH. sept IT smoj (Ellina, (Crockenj, &"c. jp R E N C H CHINA NOW SELLING AT COST AND LESS THAN COST, A Urge and well assorted lnvoico of FRENCH CHIN A : 75 China Dinner SETS, cost iZi ;c, at iZi a set CO China Tea Sets, at 50 a set loo Ciiina Taney spittoons, from SIS] to si IO each 7? china Fancy Candlesticks, cost Ol io, at 70c. ALSO, WHITE CHINA-WARE. SOUP TUREENS, SAUCE TUREENS, BOATS Covered Dishes and Dessen Pieces Cups and saucers, Sujrar and Cream, Plates, of al! sizes, Ac., .V c. ^ K. H. MCDOWELL, for Importers, novo stuthlmo King and liberty streets. Seining iflacbines, E W 1NI? MACHI N ii 3 The place io buy S E WING MACHINES 1? where you have a cf styles of UiTcrem makers. I h.ivo thc best single and doubls-thraad Ma? chines uow before thc public. ' TUE WILLCOX A GIBBS' SILENT MACHINE ANO TUB "T/EBB" F. F. LOCK-STITCH Arc thc simplest ami most reliable Machines made. Every Machine is warranted to'jrive satis, faction, or lt will be exchanged for other kinda All kinds of Sewing neatly aud promptly done. Orders taken f? ? ?iii first eiass Sowing or Cnllti-, Machines. Needles, OH, Thread, Silk, Ac REPAIRING as usual. D. B. HASELTON, nsf y i stu tuy No. 207 Klag street. Tobacco. Q FOLLIN, T'O BACCO COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 151 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON, S. C., Agent for th? sale of the following well known Brands of Virginia and North Carolina Manufactured Tobacco. E. T. PILKIN TON'S FRUITS AND FLOWERS, "Gold Leaf," pounds, FRUITS AND FLOWERS, "Figs." PLANTER'S PRIDE, "Gold Leaf," pounds, COMMONWEALTH, "Ui ight," pounds and half pounds, ROCK CITY, "Bright," 4's, PLANTER'S DAUGHTER, 16's, ROSE BUD, 16's, VIRGINIA PLUM, "Dark," half pounds. O. W. SPICER'S "CELEBRATED FIG," SUGAR PLUM, pounds, STAR, pounds, GRAPE, S's. F. 8. ANTHONY <fc CO.'S ARRINGTON GAME, pounds, CHICORA, 4's, PLANTATION, 4'fl, PICAYUNE, Long Tons. 71 T. ??TO VAL L'S "SUPERIOR PANCAKE," PACE & TALBOTTS "ROUGH AND READY TWIST," J. L. VAUGHN AND W. A. CHAFFIN S "CHOICE TWIST.' Smoking Tobacco. FRUITS AND FLOWERS, PLANTER'S PRIDE. COMMONWEALTH. LOVE AMONO THE ROSES MAY QUEEN, aud W. Dttka A Son's C?l?br?t Pd "DURHAM." Has constantly on hand an assortment of CHEWING AND SMOKING TOBACCO of all grades, styles and sizes, to which thc attcntion^of thc trade is invited. netti mimo TJOLEDAY AND "WEDDING PRESENTS. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF FANCY GOODS AT ' JAMES ALLAN'S, novio ?-?imo No. 307 KINO STREET. A VISI TOR once said If we. only knew where the resident citizens made their parchases thsra wo should get well served. To *uch wu odor A DIRECTORY. Thc Indies who desire thc latest styles of fash? ionable Head Dressing, Curls, Chignons or Braids. Go to M. A A. ASHTON. Tho gentlemen who de-Ire to bu presentable in Adonis attire, for Wigs, Co to M. & A. ASHTON. AU who doslra thc best German Colognes, Co to M. A A. ASHTON. For Diadem or Coronal Combs, all Co to M. A A.?ASHTON. Thoicwho require thc best Extracts, Go to .M. A A. ASHTON. F.very one who decres good Hair Brushes or Combs, Go to M. A A. ASHTON. Of necessity all who require a good Tooth Brash, Go to M. A A. ASHTON. Fer genuine Talc do Ven?s, all must Go to M. A- A. ASHTON*. For Hair Dye-a and Regenerators, nearly all Co to M. A A. ASHTON. In fact, all who require gonulue goods from the follow-in? house? : Society Uygienlqne, 1 .[Bailey's, 1 . Lnbin's, Atkinson'*, g COWdray'S, s ??iisi.ell's. 'Z River, '- Lowe i Sons, .? Guerlain, - Vardlcy, I - i icu ry A Demarsou, J itowlauds & Sons, I *. ?Gowlaud, J3 As also. Vents Goods in their linc from every repntabls manufacturer In the States, Co to ll. A A. ASHTON, No. SM King street, novl Five doors from Market street. TMPOBTANT A N N 0 U N 0 E il E N T. BAZAAR. No. J?3 KING STREET, . OSNET. 0 COHOS, J. A ROH ER, PROPRIBTOR. I would respectfully Inform my numerous cus? tomers that I have returned from New York, and have received per steamers Manhattan ami .lames Adtfvr cases assorted miovliandlse. comprising everything lu the NOTION. HOSIERY, SHIRT, TIES and general fancy line. My stuck, nt pres? ent, is the largest ever ottered in tinselly. My position willi importers ami Manufacturera "as II CASH buyer," gives me many advantages; ena biltii; me tosell ail goods st least from 26 to KU j percent, less than those hulaing old stock previ ?usiy bought mi CBKDIT. Odd lots given away. Prie* list on application. UAZAAIl, No. 3?J KING STREET, Corner George. Thc Ladles' Favorite Store. t?- Several smart, intelligent Youths wauled. Lov9 imo ijnroiuarf, (Cnticrrj, fJc. Q II A B L E S Jv E R H I S 0 N, Ju, Ko. 219 KINO STKERT. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GL"X3, AGRICUL? TURAL IMPLEMENTS, ia A select assortment of TABLE AND POCKET CUTLERY, Rodgers' and oilier Scissors, Paney Hird Cages, Taper Basins and "Jackets aad Iluu?e keeping articles generally. ALS", AN ASSORTMENT OF ABGRICTURAL IMPLEMENTS, NAILS, CAR? PENTER'S TOOLS, &C ol best make. Sole Agent for tho genuine Eurelia Cottee Pot, the Russian Hemp Castor, ami tho American Papier Mache Company. novia stutlilmo rTlHE CELEBRATED WATT PLO??E OVER BIGHT THOUSAND SOUL PATKXTZD BY orroncr: WATT, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. The beht Fallow, Subsoil, Ditching and Cultiva? ting TLOUGn. Superior tn all others hy actual test, being adapted to every soil, and doing tho hoe and |?luu;;!i work without choking. For ?ale at manufactory prices, freight added, by J. E. ADQER A CO., Agents, No. on East Hay, Charleston, s. c. Also on hand, a la;-""-> assortment of oilier Ploughs, Com Suellen, liny cutters, um: Agricul? tural Implements or eil kinds. octso stntli rpi IE WATT PLOUGH AGAIN TRI? UMPHANT. In addition to onmerons premiums, s SILVER MEDAL bas just been awarded to ir at the re? cen: L-:a:e ."air, m Columbia, S. C., as thc heit TURNING PLOUGH ON THE GROUND. S C T E R I 0 B T 0 A L i. 0 T !I I* R S For sala st Factory prices, freight added, by J. E. ADO KR A' CO., Agent 3, No. 62 Last Bay, Charleston, S. c. nov;? ftnw3 P R . DAUBE, MUSIC DEAT.r;it., Teaehcrof Vio? lin. Flute a^d Cuitar. Repairer of Musical istru men ts. Hitchcock's five and Ten conti Music always on lund. BALLS AND PARTIES furnished with tho best end most fashionable Music lately received from Europe at moderate prices. Apply at No. 4*9 King street, four doors abor* Calhoun. oona talmthemo' Eloiliing ono inimsliing (Sooos. Q P E N i N G . FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING, )F OUU OWN SELECTION AND MANUFAC? TURED IN CHARLESTON BY OURSELVES, IVbloa we havo determined to sell a; such prices as cannot full to satisfy thc views of the :LOSEST DEALERS, EITHER THROUGH ORDER OR PERSONAL SELECTION. TO WIT : Fancy Tweed Ca?3lmeres, (Suck and Pants)..'. $ 7 so Mixed CQsslmere Suits. 13 00 Double ami Twisted Cassimcre Suits_ 10 Ou Harrison's Cray Casslmcre Suits. 17 Ou Paney Casslmcre Suits. K oo Dlackand White Silk Mixed Suits. On Colored Scoi ch Cheviot Suits. SO o' 3o!d Silk Mixed Suits. SS 00 lllack Cloth (Sack, Pants and Vests. ll co [Hack Doeskin Casslmire Pants from.6 00 to 10 co Colored Casslmcre Pa nts from.160 to 9 Colored Union CtUtSlmerc Pants from.100 to .: ou Fine Clack Cloth Vast_,. 3 Co Kine Colored Casslmcre Vests. -JO" Waterproof Tvread Over Sacks. WOO SLOTHING FOR BOYS AND YOUTHS FROM NfNE TO TWE .'TY YBARS OLD. TUE UENULNE STAR BRAND 3HITIT AGENCY. Lot 18Star Shirl. S 2 ou Lut ?J Star ?hiri. 2 CO STAR BRAND COLLAH, $2 60 PER BOZEN. COTTON FLANNEL DRAWERS, OUR OWN MAKE, ut ?I 25. MERINO SL'IRi'S FROM Ti cents to ?1 jO, A COO? ARTICLE. Call aud ?ee us. We do not boast or having thc most oxpeuslve GOODS, but wo can boast if having Hie cheapest aud best mada CLOTHING In Charleston, and equal to tho IiE.iT CUSTOM WORE. Tutus Casa, or eily acceptante. O. E ,v A. S. JOHNSON, octl4ltnssmos No. sn KINO .STREET. QLOTHING jELLING AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. G E 0 Ii G B L I T I L E & C 0 ., No. 213 KIM: STKEET, Would respectfully call the attention of thc lublic lo their large aud vaned assortment ol Wen's, Youths'and Boy?' CLOTHING and FDR DISHING GOODS, width Uley are oflering at jriecs that cannot bc competed with in tho city. Uiy one in need ortho above mentioned articles, ?rill please give us a call before purchasing i?l?e ?There, and we will guarantee lo snit then in itylca ami prices. Remember our Fine Cassimcn PESTS semcg at $2 fia C E ORCE LITT L E & CO.. No. 213 KINO STEEKT, Five doors below Market Street. ori30 stuthimo TT7" A T C EC E S ! W A T C El E S : WATCHES of Hie best En;!? :i, Swiss ?tt< American manufacture, in Gold and Silv r Gcses it JAMES ALLAN'S, novl mthlmo No. ?0? King street. EWE L Jl y I JE W E L G ? J An ?te^sm assortment of One half sett El! SINGS, Lroooh?i, fcc, at JAMES ALLAN'S, nov! mthlmo No. "01 King street. gEXZLXE, DDI BLE DISTILLED, IV I L L R BUOY.G GREASE SPOTS Manufactured and Ai>r sale, wholesale and r*. lail, by Dil. H. RAER, nov? Ne. 131 Mooting itivjt. printing. j?r* THE PRICE TELLS. CHEAP PRINTING. CHEAP PRINTING. CHEAP PRINTING. . . CHEAP PRINTING. CHEAP PRINTING. CHEAP PRINTING. The attention of tho business public ls Invited to t?e following greatly REDUCED RATES for JOB PRINTING AT TEE NEWS JOB OFF I OX, No. 149 EAST BAY. BUSINESS CARDS, ? From $C ?0 per thousand and upwards, accord? ing to slzo and quality of card. BUSINESS CIRCULARS, From *4 00 per thousand and upwards, accord? ing to tbe quantity of matter and quality of paper. ENVELOPES, With Business Card neatly printed tUareon, at from ll 50 per thonsadn aud upward*, acoordlng to oualitv. BILL nEADS, At from ii iy per thousand and upwai da, ae cordlng to size and quality of paper and amount of matter. DRUG LABELS, A: from to MU por thousand a&d upwards, according to ?is? and quantity. ALL OTHER KINDS OF PRINTING wal : be done at corrui^ondlngly low moa, and tu tito bett atyle. Jti- SHOW PRINTING A SPECIALTY, -?a. Call at THS NEW? 0:n"co and examino speci? mens tnd prices. Boobies uno ^arness. A D D L E EY WAEEHO?S E. WILLIAM H A R P. A L & CO., No. 19 BATXJB STREET. Wholesale and Retail Dealers ls SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, COACH AND HARNESS MATERIALS, &C noi 13 Imo ittillincrn, fanes ^OGOG; Ux. J? A L L O P E N I N G Of MILLINERY GOODS, AT MRS. M. J. lERNOWS, No. S? KINO ST. Having Just returned from New York, would re? spectfully oall th? attention of the Ladlee to a lurfce and handsome tssortment of MILLINERY GOODS, Including Dress Itimmlngs and Papor Patt trna. Cloolu on hsnd and made to order. Dressmaking attended to ns usual. Country orders solicited and promptly fried. ocr M :? tnthsSmos . M ILL!. N L U Y (j O ? D S. a. COMPLETS STOCK OF FINS MATERIALS IS NOW O PENH Which trill be made in cac BEST MANNER AND LATEST STYLES, FOR FALL AND ? INTER. All Orders promptly filled. M. J". BOOTH, No. 429 King street. oe: io & tnthsSmos Notices in Bankrnptcn. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X CSlTEli STATES, FOR .SOUTH CAROLINA. U<:tOber Term, lb?.?.-In the matter of PETER P. PALMER, of s. John's Berkeley, Bankrupt.-Peti? tion tor ii?:i and llual Discharge in Bankruptcy. Ordered, nut a bearing be had on the 3d day of December, A.D. 1809, as thc Federal Courthouse In Columbia, 8. C.; aud that all creditors, Ac, of >?i? Bankrupt api car at told time and place, and . i< v. canse, If auj they cou, why the prayer of the Petitioner should not i?' ^r.?itcd. i;.1 order o? tho Court, the loth day of November, A. 6.1809. DANI KL HORLBBCK, Clerk of the District Court of ihu United states, fur Semi it Carolina. novit th3 TX BANKRUPTCY.-IN THE DISTRICT X COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOI TH CAROLINA.-Ex pane WM. T. SHUMATE and A. BLYTHE, Assignees, In re JOHN v. GRADY, Bankrupt,-Petition to sell Real r . ; .. aulncnrabcred,callln Lien Creditors, Ac-Notic.- Ls hen by given to all Crediton hold? ing Lb ns against the Estate of JOHN w. GRADY, that they arc required to establish the sanie be fore W. J. CLAWSON. Esq., Registrar, at YorkviUe, S.C., within forty days from ti.o <ia'e hereof, or bc barred from all benefits ?.f Ute decree for dis trinution to be made In this case. By order <.>.' Hon. GEO. S. BUYAS, Jud^e of siid 0aUt ' ^^?".p-jAss^neee. Greenville, s. C., September 13, ic.6?. odis mwflS 30?C?G. ? \ ?1 A ? LESTON HOTEL, ^ CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Thia first-class HOTEL, eltnated ipa pleasant Uti ttl >Ti. ami in th-: business ?'orttoii of the city, rend rs it th< most desirable Hotel :'or either par ancnt or . guests, nie accommoda t1 - arc un m . II ...!. baving extensive saltes of itiy II ml? i< i apaninen ts for 'families and ?in . ni u. The proprietor will endeavor his h reputation enjoyed by the . i"as a ll rst-class house, and no effort willi . spared to deservea continnance of tho lib trail patroua: e heretofore bestowed apontt 1 b< besi of Livery accommodations will be found adjoining the establishment. The house 1: ?npplled with the celebrated Arte? sian Wan r, ol v. hielt dellghtfi I baths can bo had either <ljy or n?-?r.z. E. H. JACKSON, july VJ Proprietor. J> B. BYASS' LONDON PORTER T.J ARBITE PM BT 1TI3H STEAMER ilAEMORA, E0 casks R n Brass'London PORTER, pinta. 20 casks R. B. ass' 1 II h o Porter, quarte, j.-: sn?::e. - cask? J. & R. Tennent'* D, S. Ale, pjits and <,ujlr,V- .Ten enfa ::. I. A:e. plats ma 4 Ll', "'. i You . . -? E. I. Ale, pint-, g'.aai. _ casks Bass' A:?, pints ano quarts, p. ig^ie by ?A& BANCROFT, JR., u ?vis ;um'ws No. :oa Eas: Bay.