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\ Tko Plighted Trota. On the sands, thc yellow sands, Sat two lovers musingly. Clasping tight each other's hands, Sadly looking toward the sea. ?I shad sail in yonder ship," Said the youth unto the maid, "Ere to-morrow's sun shall dip, From my sight the shore will fade; Bat my heart with thee will dwell, As lt dwells with thee to-day, And I only say farewell. To return and ever stay." Then the malden whispered low, "1 shall Hunk of thee, dear love; Joy may yet give place to woe. Still my heart will constant prove. . . * . Tears have come, and years have fled, Since the lovers made their vow; Fears arose and tears were shed But they are united now. 1. . .. ' '. 'Neath thc ocean's ruthless wave, Burled deep, the sailor Hes; O'er the maiden's grass-grown grave, Soft and low the night-wind Blghs. [Once a Week. CZTRBEXT NOTES. -By a large majority, lt was voted last weak (o admit ladies to medical study at the Edin? burgh University. -The number of women studying medicine - t the University of Zurich increases la geo? metric progression. Four years ago there was but one, the next year two, then four? then eight, and now there are sixteen. V ' -WKertch, on the Sea of Azof, has lately been made a first-class fortress by Russia, and the works are nearly equal to those of Sebastopol. One ot the remarkable features of the fortress ls the largest cistern in the world. It will hold ? Y * a water supply for ten thousand men for a whole year. -An Immense bed Of petrified fossil shells bas been found near Sara too, in Southeastern Rus? sia. In a scientific point of view this discovery ls valuable, as many Of the specimens are in ? y each a state of preservation that the shape of the shellfish, their former occupants, can be easily traced. -Th? revenue on sugar and tabacco coming from Cuba to the United States ls annually 125,000,000. In return we send goods to that V laiand worth only $20,000,000 each year. About half the sugar we receive in this coun? try comes from the "Queen of the Antilles," '. V and General C?spedes proposes to equallize our trade by;settng up a republic and Inviting emigration, thus creating a greater demand for our manufactures. V'V _ -Tho poor people of Ireland are beginning to go to Africa to live, believing that they caa do better there than at home, should even the land bill pass. We believe that tho French Government takes them out to Africa free of coat. To what portion of the world will the Irish emigrant be a stranger soon ? Not one. lt ls a great pity-not to say ihame- that these poor people cannot be enabled to live in com? fort upon the soil of their nativity. -An ice and cold-producing machino has been invented by F. Windhausen, Brunswick, Germany. Tuc action of tho machine is based on the principle of producing cold and warmth by the expansion and compression of atmos? pheric air, which ls accomplished by means of mechanical power. The machines require no chemicals-nothing being used in them but water and atmospheric air. They produce from 100 pounds to 1000 pounds of Ice per boor, according to size, at a cost of from 2d. to M. per 100" pounds. -The Chinese, says- a French Journal, are terrible gamblers. They play whether they have money or not. During a gambling afonee, the players have near them a bowl of a pee aliar kind of oil which they keep hot by a lamp placed underneath the bowl; and lying on the table between' tah players is a very sharp hatchet. When the money has given out and one of the'players win? he seizes the hand of tho loser, places lt on a stone, and with a blow of the hatchet cuts off a finger; the loser of tho finger plunges what ls left of the muti? lated member Into the oil, which acts as a caustic to tho wound. The game thea proceeds as before. -The Germans, says the Pall Mall Gazette, delight to honor heroes, and have at last turn? ed their attention, to Baron von Stein, who solved the Prussian land question. A watch? tower to his memory has been Inaugurated at Wetter, In Westphalia. The Prussian Govern? ment has undertaken a memorial at Berlin, and near the ruins of the ancestral castle of Stein.; In Nassau a Gothic hall ls tn course of construction which is to contain a marble ' statue of Stein. Tho inscription at Wetter, panning upon his name, calls him the grund siein (foundation stone) of- the good, the eck siein (curbstone) ol tho bad, and the edelstem (Jewel) of Germany. -Experimenta have been made to test the practicability ot supplying the North German army and navy with compressed or condensed food. The principal object was to ascertain the best means of furnishing a soldier In the field with a three days' stock ot provisions re? duced to a minimum of weight and bulk. It bas.been found that a sort of meat-bread is ad? mirably adapted for this purpose, as lt may either be eaten dry in the form of cakes, or lt converted into soup. Similar attempts nave been made to compress hay and other provender for horses. The cost of this pre? pared food is considerable, so that its employ? ment in peace time would be out of the ques- | tion. -Recent investigations have brought to light several ancient maps, on which the Nile ls laid down as running from two large lakes . Which correspond in position with those dis? covered by African travellers, and supposed to be the sources of the great river. On an ancient manuscript globe at Venice, Lakes Tanjaalka and Nyanza are delineated, and a ?ahume printed In 1768, and entitled "Robert Morden'a Geography," which gives similar In? timation, bas recently been discovered in Chicago, DI. Thia geography, it ls stated, con? tains a well executed map of Africa, on which Iwo extensive surfaces of water are conspicu? ously presented under the names ot Lake Zaire and Lake Zaplan, both communicating with the Nile. ti -One of the most extraordinary passages ever undertaken and performed has recently been accomplished by the steamer Helen Brooks. On the 5th day of August, 16G9, the steamer Helen Brocks left Baltimore, Md., for Bayou Teche, La. She left Baltimore by way of tee Chesapeake Fay, and passed through tte State of Delaware by canal; up rvlaware River to Trenton, N. J.; through tile State of Jjaw Jersey by canal; down Rarltan river to .?W York City; up Hudson River to Troy; through the State of New York by the Erie Ganai to Buffido; thence^ by way of Lake Erie Cbicago; down through the Illinois Canal to I Illinois Elver; and thence down the Mlssis Blver, arriving at Napoleon, Arkansas, Thursday morning, October u, 1869, after . circuitous Journey of over three thousand aires. -The Peruvian?, 20,000 lu number, who 4fepadoned Lima and Callao, to take refuge it tfce interior, In consequence of the earth qmke predictions of Abbe Falb and Cap*ain Saaby, are very Indignant that the prophesied ' catastrophe did not occur, and nave burned ' the prophets in effigy. The refugees carried i their property to the plains and gardens in the '. country, and lived during the week under the shelter of tents and rudely constructed buts. The anxiety and fright, and tho insofilclent shelter of the refugees, have had an injuri? ous effect upon the pabilo health, and epidemic fevers, caused by the wet nights and damp at? mosphere, are now prevailing extensively. The panic, it ls estimated, has caused a loss of | over one million of dollars. The government Increased the general alarm by ordering the customhouse and public offices to be closed. -The pack ot harriers owned by the Prince of Wales were recently sold by auction ' near Windsor. Efforts had been made to Induce the Queen to defray the expenso of her son'i hunting establishment, and on the failure of | the negotiation, the hounds were constituted a subscription pack, under Slr Robert Batte son Harvey as master. The pack, consisting ot iorty-eight hounds and seven couples of j puppies, were put up In one lot, and sold to Slr Robert Harvey for $G50, bis being the only bid. Seven valuable horses were also sold for sums varying from $200 to $500, and yielding altogether about $2300. These prices were very nmch below the real value of the horses and hounds, and the gentlemen, by their com? bination not to bid against each other, re? venged themselves upon the Prince of Wales for refusing, at his own expense, to keep up the pack for their amusement. Jnonrance. Q.UARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW T O R K. ORGANIZED IN 1S59. ALL POLICIES NON-FOBFEITABLE. HALF LOAN TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. LIST CASH DITIDBND (FIFTY) 50 FIB CENT. STATEMENT. Polices in force.$26,000,000 Assets. 1,600,000 Annual Income. 800,000 Losses Paid. 600,000 OPFICBBS. W. H. PECKHAM, President. WM. T. HOOKER, vice-President. L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. G. A. FUDICKAR, Superintendent. DIRECTORS. Hon. John A. Dix, New York. Hon. James Harper, Firm of Harper A Broe.,e Mayor New York. John J. Crane, President Bank Ropubne. Wm. M. Vermily .., Banker, (Vermilye A Co.) Chas. G. Rockwood, Caa kier Newark Banking Company. Hon. George Opydyke, ex-Mayor New York. Minot C. Morgan,'Banker. Thomas Rigney, Firm Thomas Rigney A Co. Benj. B. Sherman, Treasurer New York Steam Sugar Refining Company. Aaron Arnold, Firm or Arnold, Constable A Co. Richard H. Bowne, Wetmore ? Bowne, Lawyera E. V. Uaughwout, Firm E. V. Haughwent A Oe. Wm. Wilkens, Firm or Wakens A Oe. Julias H. Pratt, Merchant. Wm. W. Wright, Merchant. Charles J. Starr, Merchant. William Allen, Merchant. Geo. W. Cuyler, Banker, Palmyra, N. T. Geo. T. Hope, President Continental Fire Ins Br? an ce Company. John G. Sherwood, Park Place. Walton H. Peckham, corner Fifth Aveaae and Twenty-third street. Edward H. Wright, Newark, N. J. Geo. W. Farlee, Counsellor. W. L. Cogswell, Merchant. KEIM A I8SERTEL, General Agents for South Carolina and Georgia, Office No. 40 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. Dr. T. REENSTJERNA, Examining Physician. janl2 lyrnac_ -?ROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets over.$1,300,000 Issues all kinds of Life and Endowment Poli? cies. Dividends annually in cash. Only Com? pany having the Definite Guaranteed Surrender Value Plan Policies, world-wide. Second tono Company in the United States for stability, libe? rality and economy. Offioe No. 141 Broadway, New York. CHRISTIAN W. BUCK, President. WILLUM M. COLE, Secretary. State Agency No. 36 Broad-street, second floor. Local and Canvassing Agents wanted through? out the State. Apply m peraon or by letter to JAMES G. HOLMES, Jit., General Agent for South Carolina. Julyiz mwfomos_ NCORPORATED 1869. CAPITAL.$360,000 CASH ASSETS.$100,900 J. F. BozISMAN, President. D. F. WILCOX, Secretary. Continues to furnish perfect security against loss or damage by fire on all kinda er Insurable property at adequate rates. Agents can be round at every prominent point In the Southern States, to whom applications fer Insurance may be made. Apply to HUTSON LEE, Agent, No. 2 BROAD STREET, octl9 tnth2mos CHARLESTON, S. C |J R A F I S M E N S 1 LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, OP NEW TOKE. Office: Park Bank Ballding, Nos. 214 and 219 Broadway. Capital.$240,000 COE ADAMS, President. WILLIAM T. PHIPPS, vice-President. HENRY BELDBN, Secretary. . J. T. HUMPHREYS, Agent for State or South Carolina, Office No. 27 Broad street. J. S. BUIST, M. D., Medical Examiner. 4VSUB-AGENTS wanted throughout the State. Apply by letter to J. T. HUMPHREYS. General Agent. aeci m LEMING'S WORM CONFECTIONS, (SANTONINS.) F They are purely vegetable, Bare and sure. The best lu nee. For sale bv Dr. H. BAER, .. No. 181 Meeting street, .ow Wholesale Agent. ?l?trjing and #nniisr)ing ?soto. TARGB STOCK OF FINIS JFJLXJXJ CMLiOTBrnVO. MOW OPENED AT Nk>. ?91 King Street, OtRMBR OJ? WENTWORTH, A Urge and elegant sappi? af Pall aad Winter CLOTHING FOB MIN, YOFTHS AND BOTS, Mada la th? ba* maanar, aafttef all tko latest styles far tia flat, aai afltrea at LOW PRICES. IM TH1 STOCK Ail THE FOLLOWING: MIXED CASSIMERB BOTTS.$16 00 Doable and Twisted Oasauaere Salts.17 00 Paney Caesuaere Batu.18 00 Dahlia Melton Sui ta. 18 00 Black and White SUk Mixed Salts. 20 00 Diagonal Co a tine Salt*. ll 00 Scotch Cheviot Salts.a* 00 Elbosuf SUk Mixed Salta. 26 00 Golden SUk Mixed Suits.26 oo OUre Mixed Melton Suits. 38 00 Oheaterneld Coats at from.$12 oo to 30 oo Water-proof Tweed Overtasks. 10 00 Melten Oversaeks.12 oo English Melton Saoki.19 oo Fancy Casslmere Panta at from.... $5 00 to io 00 Vests of Casslmere, Cloth, Coating, Beaver and Velvets, at from.$4 M te io 00 BOYS' AMD YOUTHS' CLOTHING, To flt boys and yoaths from three to seventeen years af age, In great variety or qualities, for School and Dress Salta. FUBNIBHING GOODS. The handsomest supply ever offered ta this olty, consisting In part as foUows: BAJOD'S PARIS KID GLOVES, or all shades Laport's Paris Kid Cloves, of all shades Trlfoasse Paris Kid Gloves, of at shades (all cele? brated makers) Caster Beaver Gloves Calfskin Qievea Alert Cape Driving Olevse Buckskin Wanting aad Drlvtag Ca? vea Tanaed Deerskin Glovaa Busk Gauntlet Gloves Suspender? af all atrlas, Including tho Rossi an Braee, with Pateat-hwrer Baakles Cardlgaa Jackets Travelling taawbi * Fancy, Ootortd and Black SUk Ties Bowa, Beer* aad cravata, ?non as tas Dumas, the Parisian, the Hew Brighton, tas Shake? speare, tka Opera, Alplae, Aa. AMS, UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS, la all quali? ties, laeladlag Ua AjajraU Planiel, Merino, Lamb's Wool, Oanton flannel aad Shaker Flaanel, Ac COLLARS af Paper aad Linea, nek as the Or aye, Diebeaa aa? Bi* marat, af Paper; and the Byron, Tnalaerg, Dickana, Bgbart, Shakespeare an* BeJtuagaaa, af Uaea. THE STAR SHIRTS, Noted far their fitting qualities and good wt rk raanshlp. A full supply always on hand. Pd .ces at from $2 25 te $4. THI Tailoring Department, ?npplled with a largo stock of new FORI fid IN IMPORTATIONS ror this fall's wear of the mest liiolce styles, which will be mad? up to ord er in hebest manner, ander the care of a first-class 'renoh Cutter. Pnces fixed and marked on each -garment.. Cnstomors are invited to call an d look thifongh he stock, and make their selections. William Matthiesi sen. t. W. MoTUREOUS, Superintendent, tsp 121 fcittucmw Plantation Sitters. GLORIOUS CHANGE. That any sick man survived tho treatment of fifty years ago, must be considered a proof that haman beings are very hard to kill. The lancet, calomel, cantharldea and drastic pur? gatives were then the order of the day. The phy? sician played into the hands of the apothecary, and noe unfortunate patient was drenched morn? ing, noon and night with prostrating medicines. We live in a more rational and conscientious era. Ttte importance of supporting Natur? in ita con flict with disease ls now understood. Complaints in themselves weakening are no longer aggravated . by artificial depletion. They are met with TOKIOS that rally fte vital powers and enable them to de? feat the enemy. Chief among these allies of Na? tara, in lu battles with tl ctn eas, is PLANTATION BITTERS. This wonderfil reg et a Wo restorative ls the anee t ar. ca or af the feeble and debilitate?. As a cordial for the aged and aecrepid lt has ne equal among stomachics. As a remedy for the nervous weakness to which the tender sex are especially subject, it is superseding every other stimulant and nervine, lu all climates, tropical, temperate er frigid, it acts aa a speolfle La every species of disorder whloh undermines the bodily strength and breaks down the animal spirits. Wherever lt ls Introduced it becomes a standard article -a medicinal staple. Druggists, although their profit opon lt ls small, find it absolutely necessary to keep a preparation for which everybody inquires, and for which nobody will accept a substitute. It ls to-day the most popular medicino In the civilized world. Extensively as lt ls advertised, Us best ad? vertisement is the beneficial result which uniformly follows its us*. Every bottle sold In? sures the aale of at laast half' a dozen more. Un? like other stimulants, it braces and fortifies the system without exciting undue cerebral action, The cheering effect whick lt produces upon the mind ls not me ncntary, but permanent. There Ls ne subsequent depression. It does net, a? ls thc case witt an tatter stimuli, beget a craving for ex ?1 tan ts. On Hali other hand, lt soothes and calm? the nerves,oeaibir lag.strango aa the anomaly maj teem, the quail) Hes af a sedativa and gentle ano dyne witt ftc) ? of a tonie and Invlgerant The serfeet pu lay el all its agrediente, tteh atmbraMe v tap to tlc* to fte purpose* ttej are Intended to- .subserve, the Judicious pre portland in wh! ton they' arc combined, a ni tba scientific akin with whlcV they are blend ed, render this i ou ions article at once thi moat potent and the- nont harn?eos of an I&aowi tonics and alteratives. Sold by au Druggists. dec7 lyr Omgs, Orjemtcala, &t. Q F . PANKNIN APOTHECARY AND CHEMIST, No. 128 MEETING STREET, CHARLESTON, 8. C. The advertiser bega to eau attention to bis stock of the beat imported and domestic CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND PATENT MED? ICINES. Upon the DISPENSING DEPARTMENT af his business he bestows the utmost personal care and attention, and guarantees the purity of the medi? cines used in compounding. PRESCRIPTIONS Prepared carefully at ail hours of the day and night. Special Agency for the sale of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Manufactured by Messsrs. GEORGE TIEMANN ? CO., OF NEW TORR. Hil 170 O K ?V HAIR, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, PERFU? ME RIES, Ac, Is larga and wau selected. AOS*CY VOB TBK SALI OP THU OBLXBBfIS ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRINGWATER, A supply of which ls always on han*. Manufacturer of PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, Which have established for themselvea a reputa tion surpassed by none. Through constant effort and attention he hope? to merit a continuance of the public patronage which has hitherto been extended to him. febia tuthslyr__________ USSELLS SOOTHING CORDIAL FOR INFANTS TEETHING. ALLAYS INFLAM S? ATION OP TUB GUMS, OOBBf CHOLIC, CHOLERA INFANTUM, DY3BNTEBY, AND ALL DISEASES TO WHICH CHILDREN ABE SUBJECT WHEN TEETHINO. CONTAINS NO ANODYNE. R?SSBLL'S SOOTHINO CORDIAL ls offered tc the public with an absolute guarantee against al danger from its use. Read the foUowlng certlfl CHARLESTON, May 16,1868. Mr. J. B. RUSSELL, one of our careful and Intel llgent Pharmaceutists and Apothecaries, has sub mltted to my examination the formula for tl? preparation of a Soothing Cordial prepared anvj vended by him. lt affords mc pleasure to express a favorable opinion of its safe and efficient adaptation to tlx particular coses of the diseases of children, whlcl it ls designed to relieve. E. GEDDINGS, M. D. Having had occasion to prescribe RUSSELL'! Soothing Cordial In severe cases of Bowel Com plaints In children and delicate females, I havi been much pleased with its effects. I consider ii a valuable medicine In all cases, in which lt maj be advisable to avoid the nse of anodyne, and par tlcularly for family use, as lt ls perfectly safe. W. T. WRAGO, M. D. CHARLESTON, S. C., 1868. Dear Slr-I have used your Soothing Cordial fo; Dlarrhtea in teething children, and und lt a ver] excellent preparation, lt has a great advantage over most preparations of the kind In contalnlni no Opium or Narcotic. When these aro required they can be added ii proportions applicable to the case. I therefore can recommend its use In the affee Hons for which lt ts designed. Respectfully yours, Ac, T. L. OG 1ER, M. D. CHARLESTON, 8. C.. 1808. I certify that I have most successfully use? RUSSELL'S Soothing Cordial In the Summer Com plaints of Infants. He bas fully exhibited the in jrrcdlents of his remedy, and the tedious metho< of preparation. I recognize the prescription containing no anodyne whatever-as a most aar and efficacious one in bowel affections of children When much pain or restlessness attends the ?ffe? tlon, doses of Paregoric can be added to the pr? scribed doses of the Cordial according to the agi of the patient. The compound, though mon often, acts in an efficient manner without any ail ditton of anodyne. In the Diarrhoea of the aged, In Increased doset it ia of great value as a remedy; never disagree lng with the stomach-increasing appetite, lm proving digestion, and acting as a slow but eil cicnt astringent agent. W. M. PITCH, M. ?. MOUNT PLEASANT, S. C., 1868. Mr. J. B. Russell : DEAR SIR-I have used yonr Soothing Cordli for children extensively In my practice, and moa cheerfully testify to lu merits. I have found u without an exception, to accomplish au ft clalmi and consider lt superior to anything hi nae fe children. Its freedom from anodyno of any kind recon mends it as a perfectly safe preparation Lu th hands of mothers and inexperienced nurses. Very respectfully, Ac, D. L WILLIAMS, M. D. Made by J. B. RUSSELL, Ch&mJet. Sold by Dr. II. BAER, Wholesale Agent fo South CaroUna. oatis E C A R E F U ] WHAT MEDICINES YOU TAKE. When you are exhausted by overwork of hes or hand, and feel tlie need of something invigorai lng, don't drink whiskey or any Intoxication thing, whether uudorthenameor Bitters or otliei wise. Such articles give just as much strengt to your wearv body and mind as the whip give to the jaded horse, and no more. Alcoholic aclu ulants are injurious to nerve health, and aro a ways followed by depressing reaction. DODD'S NERVINE AND INVIGORATOR Is a Tonie and gentle stimulant, which ia not ai tended by reaction. What it gains for you j maintains. When it refreshes body or mind, I refreshes with natural strength that comes t stav. We arc not recommending teetotalism i the*interest of any faction; but long and extent ed observation teaches us that he who resorts t the bottle for rest or recuperation, will Und, as h keeps at lt, that he ls kindling a fire in hts bone which will consume like the names of perdltiot Turn from it. Take a tonic that will refresh au not destrov. DODO'S NERVINE ls for sale by a Druggists." Price One doUar. See book of cert neates that accompanies each bottle, lune ii 7B10S Drags, Chemicals, #c. JJB. RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Ask for no other, take no other, and yon win save time, health and money. $1000 reward for any case of disease In any stage which they fall to core. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 1 cures Ulcers, Ulcerated Sore Throat and Month, Sore Byes, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Copper Col? ored Blotches, Soreness of the Scalp, Scrofula, Ac; ls the greatest Renovator, Alterative and Blood Purifier known, removes all diseases from the system, and leaves the blood pure and healthy. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 2 cures Mercurial Affections, Rheumatism in ail Its forms, whether from mercury or other oauses; gives Immediate relief In all cases. No dieting necessary. I have thousands of Certificates proving the miraculous cures effected by these remedies. Price of either or No. 2, $5 per bottle, or two bottles for $9. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, a safe, speedy, pleasant and radical cure for all Urinary Derangements, accompanied with full directions. Price $3 per bottle. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUR, radical cure for Nervous or General Debility, In old or young, imparting energy with wonderful effect. Price $5 per bottle, or two bottles for $9. On receipt of price these Remedies will be ship? ped to any place. Prompt attention paid to all correspondents. None genuine without the name of "Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES, D. B. RICHARDS, Sole Proprietor," blown in glass of bottles. Address D. B. RICHARD8, No. 2S8 Varick street, New York. Office hours from . A. M. to 9 P. M. Circulars sent,_Julys lyr ^YER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A LAXATIVE MEDICINE. Perhaps no one medi? cine ls so universally re? quired by everybody aa a cathartic, nor was ever any before so uni? versally adopted into use. in every country ana among all classes, as this mild but efficient purgative PILL. The obvious reason ls, that it ls a more reliable and far more effectual rem? edy than any other. Those who have tried lt, know that lt cured them:, those who have not, know that lt cures their neighbors and friends, and all know that what lt does once it does always-that it never fails through any fault or neglect of its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of the certifi? cates of their remarkable cures of the following complaints, but such cures are known in every neighborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions In aU climates; containing neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ever fresh and makes them pleasant to take, while being purely vegetable no barm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powerful Influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it Into healthy action-remove the obstructions ef the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to aeaith, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangements aa are the first origin of disease. Minute directions are given in the wrapper on the box, for the following complaints, which these PILLS rapidly cure: For DYSPEPSIA, or INDIGESTION, LISTLESSNESS. LANGUOR and Loss of APPETITB, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the atomach and restore ita healthy tone and action. For LIVER COMPLAINT and Its various symp? tom?, BILIOUS HEADACHE, SICK HEADACHE, JAUN? DICE or GREEN SICKNESS, BILIOUS COLIC and BtLious FBVERS, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruction); which cause lt. For DYSENTERY or DIARRHOA, but Jone mild dose ls generally required. For RHEUMATISM, GOUT, ORAVF.L, PALPITATION OP THE HSART, PAIN IN THE SIDE, BACK and LUNGS, they should be continuously taken, aa re? quired, to change the diseased action of the sys? tem. With such change those complaints dis? appear. For DROPSY and DROPSICAL SWELLINGS they should bc taken in large and frequent doses to produce the effect of a drastic purge. For SUPPRESSION a large dose should be taken os it produces the desired effect by sympathy. .Aa a DINKER PILL, take one or two PILLS to pro? mote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels Into healthy action, restores the appetite, and Invigorates the system. Hence it ls often ad? vantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these PILLS makes him feel decidedly bet? ter, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. DR, J. C. AYER A CO., Practical Chemists. Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. A Sold at wholesale and retail by DOWIE MOLSE, Charleston, S. C., and by Retail Druggists everywhere. PAP_oct4 mwf3mos URE POP. THE ONLY CERTAIN BAT DESTROYER WITHOUT DISAGREEABLE RESULTS. ADOLPH ISAACSEN'S PHOSPHORIC PASTE, HERMETICALLY sealed and warranted to keep fresh for all time-the greatest dis? covery of its kind in the age we live In. No person need bc troubled with RATS, MICE, BED BUGS or ROACHES, for Mr. Isaacsen's destruc? tive remedy ls within the reach of all. Prepared only by himself, from rare and valuable com? pounds, Its cheapness ts as wonderful as lu effi? cacy. Hundreds testimonials have been re received from all parts of the United States. The great advantage thia SURE POP possesses over all similar preparations is the FACT that lt bi CERTAIN IN ITS EFFECTS, and free from the unpleasantness of rau dying In their heles, as it causes them to leave the prem? ises to seek air, and consumes them so entirely as to leave NO DISAGREEABLE ODOR. ' Numbers of references can be made to PERSONS IN THIS CITY, who have successfully used lt. Sole Agents for Sooth Carolina, DOWIE A MOISE, Importers and Wholesale Druggists, Corner Meeting and Hasel streets, oct?* wfmio_Charleston, S. C. ROSAD ALIS, ? S W Mi, Ste* ROS AD ALIS. Sold by GOODRICH, WINEMAN & CO., Direct Importers of European Drag? and Chem teals, Charleston, S. C. mays stutUly Sewing Jtiacrjines. s EWING MACHINES The place to buy SEWING MACHINES Is where you havo a choice of styles of different makers. I have the beat single and double-thread Ma ehlnes now before thc public. THE WILLCOX A OIBBS' SILENT MACHINE AND TBS . "WEED" F. F. LOCK-STITCH Are the simplest and most reliable Machine: made. Every Machino is warranted to give satis faction, or lt will bo exchanged for other kinds All khids of Sewing neatly and promptly done Orders taken for all first class Sewing or Kniitin. Machines, Needles, Oil, Thread, Silk, Ac. REPAIRING as usual. D. B. HASELTON, mayl atuttuy Ne. 307 King street. fjeuatir iSiitcrs. PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, ABS AU SUIAJK8 OT CD STOMACH A1TD LT7EE. TH11 ABE MCOXBBNDnD BT RB MEDICAL PACULTY. HEGEMAN & CO., AGENTS, NEW TOBE, tafactnred by C. F. P?ATCNIN, BjJD?BR ASS ABOTBXCAST, CHARLESTON, S. C. t?fEor Sala by Druggist* Evorytcherv."^. . febl? mwflyr ?H?GCCIIHHCOIIS. MARVIN'S PATENT Alum ?Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SAFES Aro most desirable for quality, finish, ana* price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES Cannot be Sledged! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled ! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Plats* Mad for a catalogno to MARVIN & CO., (oldest safo manufacturers) , , (265 Broadway, New York. I-rincipal J m che8tnut St/ PbiI_ WarahouaeB (108Bftnk gt., Cleveland^ And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout tao United States. For sale by , WM. M. BIRD k CO., NO. 203 EAST BAT, deez? lyr _CHABLESTON. * ???nj ?_32-s-?2"5o 3 K^ j sS{s .Ss ?J .s_? 3 ?2 5?-cn S??3i?>??t8 noTl3 '.6 STAIR RODS, 220532, TBS OUT, A Porcelain, HslNfWM JW C?l-?Vi SW TBS FA-DIT DROP FIXTURE, wiucl li- tro mim Th? Crfgt?il aid c-7 2ol_'clo Extsro aida. It can be applied to p any Stair Rod, oither (Round or Flat, and jo events Its slipping om its place. Ask for the Fotest Drop Fitters, ssw ar jai , Carpet Dealers, AUB BUT NO OTHES, nr., t SSAS3 AOT JOJO STAIR PliATE?, For Hotels, Restaurants and Public Buildings MANUFACTURED BY W. T. & J. MERSEREAU, 62 Duane St., H% augl3 3mo3 X PRATTS ASTRAL OIL ?OR FA^L?TJSK -NO CHANGE OF ?LAMPS WprireoY-A pctfectHn^fo Llnminaiing Oil-Strictly Pra?^'o Mixture^ No C?St?cala-WISmot Explode JSroisst 145 degrees (being 3?vdWecs higher (han k iccrmred h^^^'\^ov^^^^^?^ianed fcc BdU Scad fis cjajsasBL v ?iiiL itinv^?^^5fl?^i^c^?^?i? For sale by the Acents in Charleston, ??O?KICU, WINEMA3? A CO.. septo mwf?mos No. 23 Hayne street. ^ F. CHEVRE?X, SCULPTOR AND ARCHITECT, MARBLE WORKS, Corner Meeting street, and Horlbeck'a A?ry, Charleston, S. C. Pkns made to order and work ?wate? prwnptfy. juif i tunemos