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CITY AFFAIR S,. Meeting* Tal? Day. Strict Observance and Landmark Lodges, at S P. If. Hook and Ladder, Ko. l, at 7 P. M. Freundschaftsbund, at 8 P. M. Terpsichore Social Club, at half-past 7 P. M. Vigilant Fire Company, at 7 P. M. Awction Sales This Day. Leitch * Bruns will sell at ll o'clock, at the oki Poe to fjl ce, real estate. A. o. ?McGUllvray wUl sell for tho sheriff, at ll O'clock, at the old Postofflce, real estate. John S. Ryan will sell at ll o'clock, at the old Postofflce, real estate. Henry Cobla & Co. will sell at half-past 9 o'clock, at their store, hams, shoulders and crockery. R. A A. P. CaldwcU will sell at half-past 9 o'clock, at their store, shoulders, hams, Ac. J. & W. Knox wtu sell at io o'clock, at s toro No. 337 King street, balance of stock of A. Hiing. Lauroy A >Iexander will seU at 10 o'clock, at their store, barns, sides, Ac. .John O. Milnor A Co. w?l sell at 10 o'clock, ladles' hats, cloaks, Ac. THE HOPE FLEE COJCPANT had a delightful soiree at their hall, In Archdale street, last night. JCDOE CARPENTER, we leam, is still suffering from the accident he received in New York a short time ago. . " DROWNED.-On Sunday afternoon last, a little sonof Mr. Buckley, living on Sullivan's Island, fell Into a cistern and was drowned. ImmsnoaTiON.-Majors Ogilsby and Van Horn and Captain L?sche, with Chief Engineer Nathan, whom they invited to Blt with them, have been Investigating the cause of the late fire at the Citadel. The investigation wul probably continue for a day or two. BENEFIT.-A number of citizens have ten? dered a benefit to Mr. Reed, "Comedian," and Miss Florence La Fond, "Juvenile Woman," of thc Metropolitan Theatrical Troupe. The benefit wul take place on next Thursday night. They will be assisted by a number of amateurs. THE Up-CorjNTRr.-A correspondent at Clin? ton, S. C., writes that gathering corn ls finished, and cotton picking is nearly over. The result ls about half a crop of corn and two-thirds of a crop of cotton. Turnips are almost a failure, bni.wheat and oats are good. FIRE IN ST. JOHN'S BERKELEY.-The store stock of goods, and six or seven bales of sea UlanXcotton, belonging to Mr. TrW. Easterllng, were destroyed by fire on the 28th ult. The fire occurred at twi^o'clock in ^ the morning. The origin of the fire Ts unknown. The loss will be between three and four thousand dollars, on which there was na-higurance. SAIES OjK BEAL ESTATE.-The following sales of rcaLsjState were made in front of theCourt JUttuse yesterday., by A. C. McGillivray, by virtue |T?1 a writ ot?erijacia?: The lot of land, with the buildings thereon, sit? uate fb east side of Mazyck street, near West street; said lot measuring In front on Mazyck street 30 feet, by 100 feet ia depth, for $1000-Mr. John Harbers purchaser. The following lots of land, with the buildings thereon, to wit: One lot on Chestnut street; measuring 76 feet front, by loo feet tn depth, for $&oo-Mr. B. Harrison purchaser. ' Also, one lot on Lucas street, known as No. 18; measuring 36 feet iront, by iso feet in depth, for $680-Mr. W. L. Oswell purchaser. Also, a lot on the east side of Gadsden street, near Spring; measuring in front 76 feet, by 126 /eet tn depth, for $485-Mr. W. L. OsweU pur? chaser. ORGANIZATION OF A COLORED CONSERVATIVE CL?B.-Last night about thirty colored men as. sembled bi the ball at the corner of nut son and King streeta for the purpose of organizing a Con? servative club. Among those present were W. R. Fordham, W. Cochran, W. G. Rout, M. Cochran, Aaron Harper, Isaac Taylor, Joshua Hague, John Thomas, Abraham Deane, S. Middleton, W. Long, F. Matthcsson, Ed. Butler, Robt. Fields, B. Brown, Aaron Harper was called to the chair and Isaac Taylor appointed secretary. The rules for the government of the club v 5re presented and signed by an but three. A committee waa appointed to nominate officers and report on next Monday night, to which time the club then adjourned. This organization should be encouraged and supported by our citizens. There 1B every pres peet of its becoming a large and strong organiza? tion. We wish, these men every success. THC MASONIC FAIR.-The Masonic Fair to be -openffc here on the 15th of this month will bo one of the grandest exhibitions of the kind ever witnessed in the city. : The following named gentlemen nave been ap? pointed a committee to solicit donations of arti? cles representing the dur?rent branches of busi? ness in the city, and they announce that all pres? ents will be duly acknowledged through the pub? lie prints, exhibited with the buslnes? card of the -donor at the stores of Messrs. W. G. Whllden it Co. and Knox, Daly A Co., until the commence ' mest of the Fair, and then appropriated as prizes : S. Thomas, Jr., Lodge No. 1; G. H. Ingraham, Jr., Lodge No. 4; J. Ogren, Lodge No. 6; N. Levin, Lodge No. 9; E. M. Jeanneret!, Lodge No. 10; R. E. Brown, Lodge No. 14; S. E. Welch, Lodge No. 21; D. Moiler, Lodge No. 36; A. Melchers, Lodge No? es; W. Vf. Simons, Lodge No. 73; W. W. Pember? ton, Lodge No. 78; C. W. Stiles, Lodge No. 96; W. L. King, Lodge No. 136; z. B. Oakes, S. C. Com mandery, No. 1; J. H. Loeb, Chapter No. 1; A. lindstrom, Chapter No. 3; W. J. Trim, Chapter No. ll; L.F. Meyer, Chapter No. 12. Tai KILLS HOUSE, which has been closed tor about eighteen months, was opened to the public on yesterday. . The boase, which bas about one hundred and twenty-rive rooms, has been thoroughly reno - -vated and furnished throughout with elegant fur? niture, carpets and curtains, and supplied with all the modern conveniences. The proprietor. Mr. J. Parker, has secured the services of Mr. John Campbell as bookkeeper, and Mr. George McGinlay as caterer-both of whom are therlght menin the right place. The other departments are lncharge ct men equally competent to dis charge the duties of their putees. The proprietor has opened under favorable auspices, and will nort?j reap the reward which follows enterprise and energy. A first-class livery, Robert Graham proprietor, ' ts attached to the house, and carriages for the conveyance of passengers will be In attendance at all steamboats and railroad trains. Mr. Graham is one of our own people, and the public will find it to their advantage to give him a share of their custom. A great hotel ts to a city a new source of wealth. It attracts visitors, compels Improvement in oth? ers, and increases trade. The Continental, In ' Philadelphia, the Burnet, lu Cincinnati, thc Lin dell, in St. Louis, have been rare auxiliaries in the development of those oltles, while New York ls perhaps remembered In nothing more favora? bly than In her Astor, her Brevoort, her Fifth Ave? nue, her St. Nicholas, her Westminster, and her Metropolitan; and the success of these have been so marked that new and even more extensive re? sorts are projected. Charleston deserves to have, and has her good hotels, in proof of which we point to the "Charleston," the "Mills," and the "PavlRon." There are a large number of travel? lers who annually visit and pass throngh the city. They are generally persons of means, and are ac? customed to live comfortably in their o wu resi? dences, and when they come here they are will? ing to pay weil for what ls furnished In the style to which they are accustomed. Sucha house as jj .the Mitts will be eagerly sought; and its assured prosperity will not only improve ita. competitors, tr that ber possible, but in time encourage the - building of others. ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COW?TITEES.-At the annual meeting cf the Charleston Board of Fire Underwriters, held on yesterday,the folio* lng officers and committees were unanimously elect? ed for the ensuing year: Wm. B. Heriot, presi? dent; S. Y. Tupper, vice-president; A.L.Tobias, secretary. Committee on Constriction of ?nlldinos, -Ad? rice ae to Removal of Stocks and Inquiry into Causes of Fires.-Messrs. J. H. Colburn, of Col burn A Howell; D. Ra vend, Jr., of Buger & Ra vend: Chas. T. Lowndes, Z. B. Oakes and A. H. Hayden. > Committee of Arbitration.-.Messrs. S. Y. Tup? per, Z. B. Oakes and A. H. Hayden. Committee to Revise Rates and of Reference on Rates.-Vim. B. Heriot, S. Y. Tupper and A. L. Tobias. ARREST OF MR. AVERILL.-Yesterday, while Mr. C. N. Averill, Flour Inspector, was exercising the duties of his office, he was arrested by Po? licemen Nipson and Pond, and carried to the Guardhouse, upon the charge of violating the ordinance, passed at thc last meeting of Coun? cil, "to prevent or punish any person who may exercise, or attempt to exercise, the duties of any municipal office, unless ho 6hall have been duly elected to thc same." Mr. Wilkinson, counsel for Mr. Averill, appeared and offered bail for him, which was refused. He then went over to the State Court, whlcli wa3 in session, and asted Judge Carpenter to issue a writ of tiabeas corpus and have the prisoner brought before him immediately. Judge Carpoutcr s*nt for Captain Hendricks, who came and stated that a magistrate had been sent for to draw np a ball oond. A return to the' Guardhouse showed the statement of the Chief to be correct. Tiie boud in thc sum of one hundred dollars was given, and Mr. Averill left, after being informed by the Captain that he would be arrested every time he attempted to Inspect flour. STATE COURT-HON. R. B. CARPENTER, JUDGE, PRESIDING.-The November term of the State Court was opened at ten o'clock yesterday morning. " The roll of the grand and petit jurors was call? ed. Twelve more names were ordoretl to bo drawn for the petit juries and four for the grand Jury, after which the petit jurors were dismissed until next Monday, and the grand jurors until 1 P. M., to which hour the court then adjourned. At one o'clock the court was reopened. The grand jury was then reorganized as follows: Patrick Moran, foreman; F. W. Bensaman, John Monsees, A- B. MUler, T. L. Quackenbush, John A. Selby, Wm. Glover, R. H. Dehay, white-S; Braw ley ArgUl, John Bonum, Jack Mitchell, Moses Campbell, Wm. Jervey, John B. Morris, Cuffy Richardson, Robt, A. Wainwright, James Whip? ple, colored-9. After the organization of the jury, Attorney General Chamberlain Instructed them lu regard to their duties, saying, among other things, that one hundred and fifty bills would be brought be? fore them-more than were ever before brought before a grand Jury of the State Court; that crime was on the increase in thc county, and it was in a measure due to the leniency of the grand jury of the last term. The jury was then ordered to assemble at their room every morning, at 10 o'clock. M. B. Allen, a negro lawyer from Massachusetts, presented the necessary papers and asked that he be admitted to practice in this court. He was admitted. Court then adjourned until 10 A. M., on Monday next. UNITED .STATES COURT-HON. GEORGE S. BRYAN, JUDGE, PRESIDING.-A special session of the District Court was opened at 10 o'clock yes? terday morning, and thc following business dis? posed of: Ex parte W. L. Wilkins, in re Bcnj. Allston petition for extra compensation. It was ordered that the assignee charge the estate of bankrupt with $100 in addition to the sum of $75 previously allowed by the Registrar. Final hearing of the petition of Robert \V. Du? rant, of Sumter, for final discharge lu bankrupt? cy, was ordered to take place ou the 29th of No? vember. Petitions of Isaac A. MCEasen. of Sumter, and T. W. Godbold, of Marion, for Anni discharges in bankruptcy, were referred to Registrar Carpen? ter, and final hearing ordered to take place at Colombia. Da re T. Savage Heyward A Son-petition for final hearing. It was ordered that the hearing take place on the 10th of November. Ex parte John T. Peterson, lu re Martin Chap?n petition of assignee to sell real and personal prop? erty. The assignee was ordered to sell on the 1st December. . Ex parte John T. Peterson, In re J. Hardy S?? ber-petition of assignee to sell real estate and personal property. The assignee was ordered to sell on the 1st of December. Ex parte BA Walker, et al, In re W. T. Thom? as-petition' OT creditors to be paid. It was or? dered that the assignee shonld pay said creditors. Ex parte R H. Wardlaw, in re W. A J. R Clink scales-petition of assignee for order to sell household property. The petition was referred to Registrar Clawson to report after notifying lien creditors. Ex parte R H. Wardlaw lu re. A. C. Hawthorn -petition to sell. The petition was referred to Registrar Clawson. Petitions of Thomas J. Tyles and J. D. Cope? land, of Laurens, Geo. W. Rosor and J. J. Lewis, of Anderson, for final discharges, were referred to Registrar Jaeger. The petitions of W. C. Hunter, of Abbeville, and J. F. Lindsay, of York, for final discharges, were referred to Registrar Clawson. Ex parte Daniel Loeb, in re. Isaac Klein. The petition was referred to Registrar Carpenter. Ex parte J. Arthur, in re. G. Garner-petition to establish Ben. The report of the Registrar was confirmed and orders of sale granted. Ex parte E. Gilmore, In re Roberte. Miles-peti? tion to establish lien. Orders of sale were granted. Ex parte V.J.Tobias, in re Bonnell and Drum? mond-petition to sell personalty. The report of the Registrar was confirmed, and order of sale granted. Ex parte A. Bonneau, application for copyright of a work entitled "A tract on the higher grade of mathematics, disclosing the theory, principle, construction, philosophy and practice of loga? rithms, clearly demonstrated and Illustrated by theoretical and practical examples," by Peter C. Lawrence. The application was granted. The Court then adjourned. CRUMBS.-Daddy Cain requests that the "City Council wiu please restrict the nse of morphine os an explosivo clement, and order Captain Hen? dricks to place a guard over it at $3000 a year." Jack Frost made his appearance in Darlington on Wednesday. Those who do not make their tax retnrns pre? vious to the 15th of November will have to pay a double tax. "Mayor Pillsbury," says Daddy Cain, "has be? come an artful dodger, dodging eveu a ball from Colt's revolver; in fact, thc whole Council eau do som et liing in that line." There were sixty-eight "arrivals" recorded at the three hotels of the city yesterday. Bennettsvilb is to have a new Methodist Church. The longshoremen, says thc Missionary Record, "have struck again, because Mr. Stoddard, steve? dore, was discharged. Strange contrast. This Mr. Stoddard was the man who wrote letters against the granting of a charter to these men last winter." The meeting of Council to night, it is expected' wilt be more than usually interesting. The 8outh Carolina Institution, for the educa? tion of the deaf and dumb and the blind, located at Cedar Springs, Spartaubu g County, will be re? opened for the admission of pupils, on Wednes? day, November 17. The carpenter work on the Opera-House has been completed, and the work of upholstering and decorating commenced. Visitors are not de? sired now, as they will incommode the workmen. There wUl not be an inspection of the colored Ure companies to-day as reported. One company will parade. ?. Manuel Cox, who is charged with having committed a highway robbery upon a colored man, on Spring street, about six weeks ago, was arrested yesterday bj Officer Pond. The fines imposed by the Mayor yesterday amounted to $2* Ci TT RAILWAY-ANNUAL MEETING.-The annual meeting of the City Railway Company was held yesterday, when the following directors were olected : J. S. Riggs, W. L. Trcnholm, II. H. DeLeon, Wm. Aiken, Henry Buist, A. Siniouds, E. W. Marshall and W. G. Wliilden. At the meeting of the directors tuc following officers were elected: President, John S. Riggs; Secretary and Treasurer, S. W. Ramsay ; Assis? tant Secretary and Treasurer, Evan Edwards. Hotel Arrivait-Fovcinbor 1. CHARLESTON HOTEL. Captain George F. Carpenter, Purser E. W. Sparhawk, Steamship Miuuetouka; George Bar tow and wife, T. D. Lockwood and wife, BenJ. T. Martin, New York; Henry P. Darlington, Phila? delphia; L. Hubbei:, New York; George n. Quincey, Boston; Edward Phelan, New York; Charles A. Oliver, Baltimore; 1). Callahan, Savannah; J. C. Brown, Georgetown ; H. B. Stevens, H. C. Squicr, Buffalo; D. G. Wilson, Beaufort; J. V. Creswell, J?hn J. Patterson, Pennsylvania; F. J. Moses, Jr., nud servant, J. L. Ncaglc, and two sons, Colum? bia; n. Fox, Now York; J. A. Dukes aud sou, George's Station; James P. Low, Anderson, Robert Douglass, Augusta; Frederick E. Wells, St. Thomas' Parish, r.VYILION HOTEL. E. A. Simpton and T. V. S. Gilchrist, Jackson? ville; W. H. Burgess, city; J. Kenney, ?. S. A. A. J. Thonron, Steamer Dictator; Jacob Oltoleit gul, city; W. B. Worsham and P. L. Worsham, Cooper River; E. R. Lesesne, Willlamsbug; B. B. M. White, Marion; W. Haltiwanger, Ninety Six; J. W. Burbridge, Walterboro"; G. A. Malcolm, New York; J. W. Cokes, Augusta; T. McCain? S. C.; L. M. Keen, W. S. R. S.; S. B. Newsome, S. C. ?. MILLS HOUSE. John Chadwick, Wadmalaw; A. G. Goodwin and family. William M. Bird and lady, Charles H. Bass and lady, O. D. Seymour, Jr., H. D. Burkett, City; J. W. Redwood, H. C. Redwood, Virginia; H. N. Hatch, Baldwinsville; J. H. Grovestlne, New Y'ork; Dr. Browu and lady and maid, St. Augus? tine; George W. Tallant, Chattanooga; L. C. Smith, Christ Church Parish. BUSINESS NOTICES. MR. J. L. SHEPPARD. Produce Broker, has an office nt Cohen, Hanckel A Co., No. 40 East Bay. A FINK ASSORTMENT OK AuiClfS at very low prices, including those holding fifty pictures, at one dollar each. CHAS. C. RIGHTER, nov 2 No. 101 King street. TUE CELEBRATED FLORENCE SEWING MA? CHINE.-Persons will find it to their interest to call and examine this machine at No. 352 King street. To TUE LADIES.-We beg to call your special attention to two (2) cases of Poplins in choice styles and colors at twenty-five cents. These goods are from auction; you will lind them cheap, and very desirable, at No. 287 and 2S9 King street. Respectfully, STOLL, WEBB A CO. nov2 A FINE ASSORTMENT OP PHOTOGRAPHS, impe? rial cards and frames, at C. C. Righter's, No. 101 King street. ^_ FOR COUGHS, Colds, and Throat Disorders, use "Brown's Bronchial Troches." luiviug proved by a test of many years. Thc Troches are highly their efficacy recommended and prescribed by physicians and surgeons iu the anny. Those ex? posed to sudden changes should always bc suppled with "the Troches" as they give proi it relief. BUSINESS ENVELOPES.-THE NEWS Job Office is now prepared to furnish good envelopes, with business cards printed thereon, at $4 per thous? and. Send your orders. Every merchant and business mau should have his card printed on his envelopes. ONE QUIRE fine Initial uote paper and twenty five envelopes to match, for forty cents, at C. C. Righter's, No. 161 King street. iHioccllancons. rpo SPORTSMEN. Just received a full supply of fine ENGLISH G DNS, carefully selected by one of our linn for this mar? ket, with especial attention to the quality and va? riety of Boy's Single and Double-barrel Guns. Fer sale low by J. E. ADGER A CO., No. 139 Meeting street, and No. 62 East Bay, novl 3_Charleston, S. C. rjlIIB CELEBRATED WATT PLOUGH". OVER EIGHT THOUSAND SOLD. PATENTED BY GEORGE WATT, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Thc best Fallow, Subsoil, Ditching and Cultiva? ting PLOUGH. Superior to all others by actual test, being adapted to every soil, and doing the hoc and plough work without choking. For sale at manufactory prices, freight added, by J. R ADGER A CO., Agents, No. 62 East Bay, Charleston, S. C. Also on hand, a larg? assortment of other Plouglis, Oom Shelters, Hay Cuttcrs.-and Agricul? tural Implements of all kinds._oet30 stuth QULOMON'S BITTERS GIVE GENERAL SATISFACTION. For sale by sepfI7 3mos_RAOUL A LYNAII. WANTED, THE L ADI ES TO CALL and examine the Stock of Youth's, Boy's and Children's CLOTHING, at GEORGE LITTLE A CO., oct30 stuthlmo No. 213 King street. rjro OWNERS OF PINE LAND, TURPENTINE-MAKERS, Ac. The undersigned have Just published a Pamph? let describing their new patented process of making Turpentine; by which three times ns much ls produced os by the ordinary mode, and the very finest qualities of Rosin made, If properly distilled, throughout the season. We have had it ia successful operation the past season near Georgetown, S. C. Address MORGAN A PUDIGON, Georgetown, S. C. Pamphlets at TnB CHARLESTON NEWS and Courier offices, and at Shaokelford A Kelly's. ootlO totUsO jyO YOU WISH TO PUT OFF INDEFI MTELY Sick Headache, Sour Eructations and Acidity of tte Stomach? USE SOLOMON'S BITTERS. For sale by RAOUL A LYHAH. scptl7 3mos_ f^O TO GEORGE LITTLE & c?T VjT Tor Fine Cassimcre SACKS at $0. oct30 stuthlmo JJ O YOU WISH TO SLEEP SOUNDLY ai night, and awake in the morning with a thorough appreciation of your egg, rolls and USE SOLOMON'S BITTERS. For sale by RAOUL A LYNAM, septl7 3mos ?}otdo. C HARLESTON HOTEL CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. This first-class HOTEL, situated in a pleasant location, and in thc business portion of thc city, renders it the most desirable Hotel for either pei manent or transient guests. Thc accommoda? tions are unsurpassed, having extensive suites of elegantly furnished apartments for families and single gentlemen. Thc proprietor will endeavor to maintain the liiert reputation enjoyed by the "Charleston" as a first-class house, aud no effort will bc spared to deserve a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed uponit. The best of Livery accommodations will be found adjoining the establishment. Hie house is supplied with thc celebrated Arte? sian Water, of which delightful baths can be had either day or night, E. H. JACKSON, Julyi2 Proprietor. ftuction Boles-?l)is Ita. BTE. & A. P. CALDWELL. Jg A C O N . THIS DAY, thc 2d instant, will be sold bnforc our Store, at half-past 9 o'clock, 300 small-sized New York SHOULDERS 150 Baltimore Hams 100 Baltimore Shoulders 50 boxes Adamautine Candles. Conditions cash,_nova BY J. & Vi. KNOX. EIBBONS 'AND MILLINERY GOODS. IMPORTANT AND UNRESERVED SALE FOR ACCOUNT OF UNDERWRITERS AND ALL CONCERNED, OF GOODS DAMAGED DURING THE LATE FIRE ON KING STREET. Wc will continue to sell THIS DAY, commenc? ing at. 10 o'clock A. M., The balance of Stock of Mr. A. Hiing, No. 23T King street, damaged by water, during the late fire, comprising DRY AND FANCY GOODS, Toys, Ac. Conditions cash for all amounts under$100; $100 to $500, thirty days; over $500, sixty days. #5- Parties unknown to thc auctioneer will be required to give a deposit on purchasing. nov2_ BY LAURE! & ALEXANDER. HAMS, SIDES. SHOULDERS, NECK BACON, STRIPS, POTATOES, BEEF, AC, Ac. THIS DAY, 2d inst., will be sold before our Store, No. 137 Emt Bay. at 10 o'clock, ooo bagged and unbagged HAMS 175 Sides 400 Shonhlc 5 barrels Neck Bacon 5 barrels Strips 5 barrels Smoked Beef ' 10 tierces Pickled Beef, Ac, Ac. ANO 100 FLOWER TOTS. Conditions ensh._nov2 . BY HENRY COBIA & CO. JJAMS, SHOULDERS AND CROCKERY. Tnis DAY. at hair-past a o'clock, in front of our Store, will be sold. 300 Bacon SHOULDERS 400 Sugar Cured llama 20 tubs Lard. AND A lot of assorted CROCKERY. Conditions cash. _nov2 A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. JJNDER DECREE INEQUITY. J. LUCAS PEARCE vs. FRANCIS C. PRIOLEAU AND JULIA DLPRE. Will be sold THIS DAY, thc 2d day of Novem? ber. In front of the Old Customhouse, at ll o'clock A. M. preclselv, All those LOTS OF LAND, with thc dwelling house and buildings thereon, situate on thc north side of Beach street, in thc Town of Mount Pleas sant, known by the Nos. e, 7 and 19 in a plan of Had rail's Point, made by Edward B. White, Sur? veyor, in January, 1849, containing in front on Beach street ns feel, on tue back line on White street 1T2 feet, in depth on thc eastern linc 577 feet, and on the western linc 517 feet Q Inches, bc the said dimensions-more or less; bounded to thc north ou White street, south on Beach street, east on lauds formerly of Alonzo J. White, and to the west on lands now or formerly of Hibben Le? land and James Anderson. Terms-One-hair cash; residue on credit of one and two years, with Interest from day of sale, payable semi-annually, secured by bond or bonds of the purchaser and mortgage of thc premises sohl. I remises to be Insured and policy assign? ed. Purchaser to pay lor impera and stamps. ALSO, Under a Decree In Equity, J. Lucas Pearce vs. F. C. Prioleau, ai the saitre time and place, All that valuable PLANTATION or TRACT OF LAND, with a dwelling house and other outbuild? ings thereon, situate on thc drains of Shaw's Creek, in the County of Barnwell, S. C., and in 3 miles of thc salubrious and flourishing Town or Aiken, containing 480 acres, more or less; bound? ed north, northwest, and west by lands of Eugene Darbee and G. B. Lythgoe, on thc east and north? east bv land of Edward Arthur, on thc southeast by lauds of Johu Arthur and F. Foll?n, and ou the south on lauds of Rebecca Woodward. Terms-One-half cash; balance on a credit of one and two years, secured by bond and mort? gage, Interest payable semi-annually. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY, nov2 tn4_S. C. C. A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. JJNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. J. EDWIN MATHEWS. TRUSTEE, vs. T. SAVAGE HEYWARD, TRUSTEE, ET AL. Will bc sold THIS DAY, 2d November, at ll o'clock A. M., In front of the Old Customhouse, ALL THAT LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND, with the buildings thereon, situate, lying and be? ing at the southeast corner of Legare and Lam boll streets, in Charleston, measuring and con? taining on Legare street, as per plat of Charles Parker, 117 feet 9 Inches, and on Lamboll street 07 feet 2 inches, more or less. Butting and bound? ing north on Lamboll street, east on land of Estate Wilkins, south on land of Elizabeth M. Smith and Margaret Savage, and west on Legate street. Terms-One-third cash; balance on a credit of one and two years, secured by bond with interest at thc rate ?f 7 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually. Mortgage of property and In? surance ol buildings .with assignment of pulley. Purchaser to pay 1er papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY, nov2 tl'.3tul_S. C. C. A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. TJNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. IL WHAM HAEC. EXECUTOR, VS. JAMES FER GUSON, HT AL. THIS DAY, thc 2d day of November, at ll o'clock A. M., will be sold at the Old Custom? house, in Charleston, All that PLANTATION situate In the Parish of St. John's Berkeley,on the western branch of Coop? er River, kuown as the Ohl and New Farm, meas? uring 555 acres, as per plut of Thomas J. Mellard, dated 16th April, 1S44; bounding northeast and north on Lands lately of Frederick Ford and Mul? berry Plantation, southwest on Wappahoola Creek, which separates it from Seaton, southeast on Dockon Creek, and east on Cooper River. And also, as part of the said Plantation, the TRACT known as thc Elbow Truct, measuring 25 acres. Also, all that adjoining PLANTATION known as Seaton and Westham (or Weston), measuring 1280 acres, as per plat of John Diamond, dated July 1792; bounding northeast on Wappahoola Creek, which divides lt from the Old and New Farmsand from South Mulberry Plantation, north on Lands formerly of Thomas Milliken, west on Monck's Corner road, and south on Dockon Plantation. Thc said two Tracts of Lands being sold subject to a lease to Samuel W. Lynes until 31st Decem? ber, 1371, at an annual rent of $2500. Terms-One-fifth cash; balance In one, two, three, four and five years, secured by bond, and mortgage of the premises, with Interest from the day of sale at seven per cent, per annum, pay? able annually. Purchasers to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY. nov2 s3tul Sheriff of Charleston County. H. <5ats, (Cops, #c. II. WILLIAMS HAT BAZAAR, No. 243 KINO STREET, Opposite thc Big Boot, Takes pleasure In announcing to lils friends and the public generally, that he has opened a com? plete stock of Gents', Youths' and Boys' HATS AND CAPS, Of thc latest styles, to which he would Invite their attention before purchasing elsewhere, knowing that he will give full satisfaction In both qui tty and price. Just received, a beautiful style of SILK HAT. A call Ls solicited. oct26 JJOLMES & MACBETH, No. 36 BROAD STREET, Charleston, S. C., BROKER, AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Will attend to Renting and Collecting of Rents and purchase and sale of Stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver and Real Estate. ALSO, To the Pnrchase of Goods and supplies for par? ties in thc country upon rwwonab'o terms. GEORGE L. HOLMES. ALEXANDRE HACRKTU. janl lyr S HAMPOOING AND HAIR CUTTING. LADIES AND CHILDREN Attended at their residences promptly and al reasonable rates. Send orders to w W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, aprlU4 No. 31 Broad street, (np stairs.) Unction Sales--?l)is Darj. BY JOHN G. MILNOR & CO. LADIES' TRIMMED HATS, BLACK CLOTIT CLOAKS, PLAID SHAWLS. NU? BIAS, DOODS, MEN'S HATS, DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. THIS DAY, 2d Instant, at 10 o'clock, wc will sell in oar auction salesroom, No. 135 Meeting - cases TRIMMED HATS, New Styles Ladies' Ricli Trimmed Cloth Cloaks, All Wool Fancy Double and Single Shawls, Nubias, Hoods, Ladles' Waists, Worsted Comforts, Gray Blankets, Bed Blankets, Opera Flannels, Red, White and Blue Flannel, Black and Fancy Satinets, Casslmercs, Kentucky Jeans, Fancy and Mourning Prints, Fancy DeLaincs, Undershirts, Drawers, Shirts, Assorted Felt Hats, Balmoral Skirts, Colored Counterpanes, Ball Fringe, Tooth Brushes, Back Combs, Fancy Soap, niuo and Brown Shirting, Blue Dejilms, Blue Drill, Fancy Plaids, Ticking, Linen Cambric, Lawn Handkerchiefs, Head Hand? kerchiefs. Clothing, &c. Conditions cash. nov2 BY .YT. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. DESIRABLE TWO STORY WOODEN HOUSE, No. 0 NUNAN STREET, FOUR DOORS FROM RUTLEDGE AVENUE. " Will bc sold THIS DAY, 2d November, at ll o'clock, at the Old Postofllce, That, two story WOODEN DWELLING known as No. 0 Nunan street, 4 doors from 'Rutledge, with double piazza. The Dwelling cont ains 4 rooms with kitchen, and stabling room for 3 horses. Lot measures 25 feet front by 100 feet in depth, more or less. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay tu for papers and stamps. nov2 BY >Y. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. ESTATE SALE BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTOR. Will be sold THIS DAY, 2d of November, at ll o'clock, at thc Old Postofllce, That desirable two-story BRICK DWBLLING known as No. 13 Mill street, south side, contain? ing four Rooms and a Pantry. On thc lot Is a de? sirable store, and has been occupied as a dry goods store. Lot measures 55 feet front by 00 in depth, more or less. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps. uov2 BY W. Y. LEITCH & II. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. TWO-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, No. 144 MEETING STEET. Will be sold THIS DAY, 2d November, at thc Old Postofllce, at ll o'clock, That desirable and well located two-story BRICK STORE AND DWELLING, east side of Meeting street, third doer south of Wentworth double piazzas in rear; kitchen and all necessary outbuildings of brick. Lot measures 22 feet in front by loo feet in depth, more or less. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and two years, with interest at Die rate of 10 percent, per annum; property to bc insured and policy as? signed. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps. nova BY~W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. DESIRABLE KINO STREET STORE, WEST SIDE, KNOWN AS No. 437. WU] be sold THIS DAY, 2d November, at the Old Postotiice, al u o'clock. That desirable two-story WOODEN HOUSE AND STORE kuown at 4S7 King Street. Lot measures 2.*i feet front, by 162 feet in depth, tn ore or less, with Joint use ol' alley on the north; fencea as they now stand, the boundary line. Terms-One-half cash; balance in one year, with interest; property to bc insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps. _nov2 BT W. Y. LEITCH & K. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. TENEMENT STORE. WEST SIDE KING STREET, KNOWN AS Nos. 25 AND 25J?. Will bc sold TniS DAY, 2d November, at the OK Postoillee, at ll o'clock, That desirable two-story Wooden HOUSE, con? taining two Stores, known as Nos. 25 and 25 King street. Lot measures 36 ieet front by 136 feet in depth, be the said dimensions more or less. Terms-One-half cash; balance In one year with intorcat; property to bc Instiled und policy as? signed. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stumps. _nov2 JOHN S. RY??^~ Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE BY ORDER OP THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, AND DIRECTION OF TUE ASSIGNEE. IN TUB MATTER OF EMANUEL MORRIS, A BANKRUPT, EX PARTE OSWALD REEDER UNITED STATES OF AMERICA-THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN BANKRUPTCY. By virtue of an order of the Honorable the Dis? trict Court of the United States, I wlU offer for sale, at thc Old Postofllce in Charleston, THIS DAY, thc 2d of November, at ll o'clock A. M., Tile following Parcels of LAND, to wit: All that TRACT OF LAND, containing one hun? dred and twenty-five (125) acres, more or less, situate and lying on the public road leading to Saltketclier Bridge, in thc District (now County) of Beaufort and State of South Carolina, and bounded on thc north on Land of Estate of Wm. Cook, cast by N. Langford, south hy John Harvey, and west by Lands of Elizabeth Kearse. ALSO. All that LOT OR PIECE OF LAND, containing three ucrcs, situute and lying at the Whippy Swamp Cross Roads, in thc County and State aforesaid, and bounded on thc north by Lands of R. N. Terry, east aud south by Lands of Jehu Harvey, anil west by Lands of W. J. Terry. Terms-One-half cash; remainder in one year, to bc secured by bond bearing Interest from day of sale, at rate of 7 per cent, per annum and a mortgage of the property. Purchasers to pay for stamps and conveyance. nov2 s3tul J. W. BURBRIDGE, Assignee. BY JOHN S. RYAN. AUCTION SALE OF LOT OF LAND NORTHEAST CORNER OF EAST BAY AND GU1GNARD STREET. THIS DAY, the 2d day of November, at the Old Postoillee at ll o'clock A. M., 1 will sell?t Public Auction, without any manner of reserve, All that LOT OF LAND, at the Northeast corner of East Bay and Gulgnard street, measuring and containing 21 feet 6 inches front on East Bay, by 153 feet on Gulgnard street, and 24 feet 8 luches on the back, bc thc same more or less. ALSO, The LOT Immediately adjoining the above on the north line, same dimensions. Terms of Sale-One-third cash; remainder In one, two and three years, secured by bond and mortgage of the property sold. Purchaser to pay for conveyance and stamps. N. B.-For further Information, apply to nov2 JOHN S. RYAN, No. 52 Broad street. Sewing JUacijines. GETING MACHINES. Tho place to buy S E WINC MACHINES Is where you have a choice of styles of tiifforcnt makers. I have thc best single and double-thread Ma? chines now before the public. THE WILLCOX A GIBBS' SILENT MACHINE AND TUE "WEED" F. F. LOCK-STITCH Are the simplest and reliable Machines made. Every Machine 13 warranted to give satis? faction, or it will be exchanged for other kinds. All kinds of Sewing neatly and promptly done. Orders taken for all first class Sewing or Knilt?., Machines, Needles, Oil, Thread, Silk, Ac. REPAIRING as usual. D. B. HASELTON, mayl stuthly No. 307 King street; C. J . SCHLEPEGRELL, No. 37 LINE STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBBR of every description and BUILDING MATERIAL, Lime and Plastering Laths, Palms, Oils, Glasses, Shingles; also Groove and Tongue Hoards, Ac, constantly on hand at the lowest market prices._octll mtusiyr T V . B A R D I N, C 0* M ul I S S I 0 N MERCHANT Marshall's Wharf, Charleston, S. U Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Rice and Naval Stores, and Country Produce gen? erally. octS Imo Stactten ?aU?-fnlnte Warn. BY W. Y. LEITCH & TL. 8. BR?NS, Auctioneers. TWO STORY WOODEN HOUSE, DOUBLE PIAZZA. NORTH SIDE WEST STREET, KNOWN AS No. 12 WEST STREET. Will be sol?! on THURSDAY. 4th instant, at ll o'clock, nt the Old PoBtofflce, That Desirable Two Story Wooden DWELLING, containing 4 rooms, with double piazza, kitchen and all necessary outbuildings, known os No. 12, on the north side of West street. Lot measures 55 feet front by 25 feet in depth, be the said di? mensions more or less. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay U3 for papers and stamps. nov? BY W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS. Auctioneers. FOUR WOODEN DWELLINGS, PICK? ETT'S ALLEY. A FEW DOORS FROM KING STREET. Will be sold on THURSDAY, 4th Instant, at ll o'clock, at the Old Postoffice, The following desirable PROPERTY, situated lu Pickett's Alley, a few doors from King street: No. l, (south side.) Two story WOODEN DWELLING, cotalnlug 3 rooms aud kitchen. Lot measures 24 feet front by 67 feet in depth. No. 3, (south side.) Two story Wooden Dwell? ing, containing 3 rooms and kitchen. Lot mea? sures 25 feet front by 07 feet in depth. No. 5, (south side.) Two story Wooden Dwel? ling (tenement.) centatnrag 4 rooms and 2 kitch? ens. Lot measures 33 feet front by 07 feet In depth. No. 2, (north side.) Two story Wooden Dwell? ing, containing 3 rooms and kitchen. Lot mea? sures 33 feet front by TO feet in depth, be the said dimensions more or less. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay us , for papers and stamps. nov2 BY W. Y. LEITCH & E. S. BRUJ?S. VALUABLE PLANTATION AT AUC? TION. Dy virtue of an order of sale to me directed by the Hon. Georges. Liryan, Judgeof the United States District Court for thc District of South Carolina, I will offer for sale, at public auction, on THURSDAY, November 11th, 1S09, at the Old Pos tontee, foot of Broad-street, . AU that PLANTATION or TRACT OF LAND, long known as "Racuon Island," situate, lying and being In St. John's Parish, Colleton District, adja? cent to Edlsto Island, and by a causeway con? nected therewith: butting and bounding north on Land! of Major W. S. Murray, formerly of Wm. Meggett. and the South Edlsto River, and east on Lands of W. S. Murray, south on Hayne's Creek and thc South Edlsto River, and weston thc South Edlsto River. Terms-One-half cash; balance in one year, se? cured by bond of purchaser bearing 7 per cent, interest and a mortgage of the i-cemlses. Pur chasher to pay for papers and stamps. LOUIS McLAIN, octl9 tuthlS Assignee E. W. Seabrook. BY HUTSON LEE, Auctioneer, TJNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. MARY E. WILLEY V3. CHARLES WILLEY ET AL. Will bc sold on TUESDAY, the 16th day of Novem? ber, in front of thc Old Customhouse, at ll o'clock A. M. precisely, All that LOT OF LAND, with tho Buildings thereon, situate on the east side of President street, in the City of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and known by thc letter "H" In a plat drawn by It. K. Payne, Surveyor, and recorded In plat "A," page 103, measuring and containing on President street 35 feet, by 100 feet in depth: butting and bounding north on Lot marked "G," east on Lot marked "D,"south on Lands of-, and ? ?st on Prcsldeut street, on the above men tinned plat. Terms-One-third cash; balance in two equal successive annual instalments with Interest at the rate of 7 per cent., payable annually till the whole amount shall bc paid, secured by bond or bonds or thc purchaser and mortgage of the premises sold. Purchaser will pay for papers and stamps. E. W. 51. MACKEY, S. C. C. nov2 tu3 BY HOLMES & MACBETH, Auctioneers. VALUABLE PLANTATION. By-virtue of an Order or sale, to mc directed by the Hon. Geo. S. Bryan, Judge of the United States District Court, for the District of South Carolina, I will offer for sale, nt Public Auction, at thc Old Postornce, foot of Broad street, on THURSDAY, November 4th, 1869, at ll o'clock A. ll., All those TR REE PLANTATIONS OR TRACTS OF LAND, situate In St. George's Parish, District of Colleton, and State of Son th Carolina, com? prising all that Plantation or Tract of Land, mea? suring and containing eighteen hundred and twenty-six (1826) acres, more or less, and generally known as thc "Indian Fields Mill Plantation;" butting and bounding to thc north on land now or lute of Major David Gavin, to tho south on land now or late of Captain D. Cannady and land now or lately claimed by William Utsey, to thc east on laud now or late of Colonel John Humph, on land hereinafter described and land now or lately claimed by William Utsey, and to thc West on land how or Late of the Estate of Thomas Byrd, and land formerly a part of the said Indian Fields Mill Plantation, but sold off therefrom to John L. Durr and William Utsey, and by the said William Utsey to Major David Gavin. ALSO, All that PLANTATION OR TRACT OF LAND ad? joining thc above on the east, measuring and coHtululng seven hundred and thirty-four (734) acres; butting and bounding to the north on Land now or late of Captain J. L. lnabent, to the south on Land now or late of Christian Rumpb, to thc east on Land of thc South Carolina Rail? road Company, and to thc west on Land now or late of Colonel John Humph and thc Indian ricki Mill Plantation ubove described. A uso. All that TRACT OF PINE LAND, measuring and containing forty (40) acres: butting and bound? ing on all sides by Land claimed by Wm. Utsey, and touching the east side of the Indian Fields Mill Plantation. The above three Tracts of Land will de sold as a whole, and comprise in all twenty-six hundred (2600) acres, a portion of which ls cleared and well adapted to cotton, and the balance heavily timbered. Terms-One-third cash; balance In two equal successive annual Instalments, seenred by bond or bonds of purchaser, with Interest, at the rate of aeven per cent, per annum, payable annually, and a mortgage of the premises. Purchasor to pay for pupers and stamps. LOUIS McLAIN, Assignee of Wharton A Petsch. octl? ftu?thl iflillinerrj, irancg ?oo?s, Ut. J A L L OPENIN^G OF MILLINERY GOODS, AT MRS. M. J. ZERNOW'S, No. 304 KING ST. Having Just returned from New York, womd re? spectfully call the attention of the Ladles to a large and handsome assortment of MILLINERY GOODS, Including Dress Trimmings and Paper Patterns. Cloaks on hand and made to order. Dressmaking attended to as usual. Country orders solicited and promptly Ulled. octl4 3 tuths3mos M ISS It. A. MURTLAND, No. 303 KING-STREET, Would Inform her customers and the Ladies genorally that she has opeucd a varied and choice assortment of NEW AND FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, Adapted to thc season. oct26 tuthslmo ILLINE RY GOODS. M A COMPLETE STOCK OF FINE MATERIALS IS NOW OPENEL Which will bc made in the BEST MANNER AND LATEST STYLES, FOR FALL AND WINTER. All Order3 promptly "lilied. M. J. BOOTH, octl9 5 tuthsSmos No. 429 King street. J. T HUMPHREYS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. SALE'"* OF HEAL ESTATE. STOCKS. PONDS, SECURITIES AND PERSONAL PRO? PERTY ATTENDED TO. No. 27 BROAD STREET, Charleston, S. C. RBPBBENOE0.-Hon. HENRY BUIST. W. J. MA? GRATH. Esq., General JAMES CONNER, T. K. WARING, Esq. OCU Qtoxtifl?i 0aIes--iFntnr^?irj3. ^ BY RLECKE & SCHACHTE. . QONTENTS OF A GROCERY STORE. We will sell on" next WEDNESDAY, the 3d Di? stant, at thc southeast corner of Washington and Vernon streets, at io o'clock A. M., The Contents of a well Stocked GROCERY STOKE, and also a good assortment of House? hold Furniture. Terms cash. nov2 BY A. C MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. TJNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. JOSEPH S. DNGLESBY vs. GEORGE EVANS, ET UX, ET AL. Will be sohl on TUESDAY, the 23d day of Novem? ber, at ll o'clock A. M., precisely, In front of thc Old Customhouse, All that LOT OF LAND, situate on the southside of Tradd-street, and known as No. 45, in the City of Charleston, measuring and containing ia front on said street 25 feet o Inches, and lu depth 08 feet, be thc same more of less. Batting and bounding cast on Lands of WUUam Ingleaby; south on Lands of-; weston Lands of-, and north on Tradd street aforesaid; together with the right of a passage through a small alley, in common with the House and Tenement to the west of the aforesaid Lot of Land. Terms-One-third ca?h; balance in one, two and three years, secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of thc premises sold. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. nov2 tu4 E. W. M. MACKEY, 8. C. C. A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. TJNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. PALMETTO SAVINGS INSTITUTION VS. COR? CORAN. By virtue of decree In above' case, I will sell at public sale on TUESDAY, the 23d lustaiA at ll o'clock A. M., at the Old Customhouse, Broad street, All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings thereon, on the south side of Ann street, City of Charleston, measuring in front on Ann street 42 feet 8 inches, and the same on back une, by* 200 feet in depth. Terms-One hau* cash; balance In one and two years, to be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of premises. Premises to be insured and policy assigned. Purchaser to pay for pa paper? and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY, nov2 tu4_Sheriff C. C. A. c. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. JJNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. EX PARTE LAWRENCE B. LOVEGREEN, HT At. By virtue of a decretal order of the Hon. R. B.' Carpenter, Judge of the First Circuit, will be sold on THURSDAY, the 11th day of Novem? ber, 1860, in front of tho Old Customhsuso, at ll o'clock A. M., All that LOT OF LAND with the Buildings thereon, sltnate ou thc south side of Tradd street, . formerly known as No. 61. Terms cash. E. W. M. MACKEY, nov2 tusmthl_S. 0. C. A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. TJNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. N. DUCKWORTH A SONS V3. LOUIS HALBER? STADT. Will be sold on TUESDAY, the 23d day o? Novem? ber instant, at ll o'clock A. M. precisely, in fitf nt of the Old Customhouse. ? All that PLANTATION or TRACT OF LAND known as "Traveller's Home," containing 130* acres, more or less, situate In St. James Goose Creek; butting and bounding north on Lands now or formerly of the estate of William Turpin ami Frederick A. Ford, cast on Lands now or late oT John Donnelly, Sr., and George Grences, south on the old Burnt Tract and Lands of the heirs of James McCall and thc heirs of Burbage, as set forth in plat made by Daniel Shepperd, Surveyor, and dated 1st March, 1837, and duly recorded in Book 0, No. 15, page 315, in the oitlce of Register Mesne Conveyance, Charleston County. Terms-One-third cash; balance on a credit of one ami two years; credit portion to be secured by bond bearing seven per cent. Interest, and mortgage of premises. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY, nov2 tu4 S. 0. 0. A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. TJNDER DEOREE IN EQUITY. THE RELIEF LOAN ASSOCIATION VS. PETIT, ET AL. Will be sold on TUESDAY, the 9th day of Novem? ber next, In front of tho Old Customhouse. In Charleston, at ll o'clock A. M. precisely, All that LOT OF LAND, with the Buildings there? on, situate on thc east side of King street, known by the Nos. 464, 460 and 468, north of John street; measuring and containing ia front ou King street 53 feet 9 inches, about the same on back Une, and in depth 160 feet. Bounding north on Lands for? merly of J. H. Kalb, now of Amme; east by Lands of the South Carolina Railroad Company; south on Lands formerly of C. T. Mitchell and-Dunn, now of P. A. McBride, and west on King street aforesaid. Terms-One-third cash ; balance on a credit of one and two years, to bc secured by bond bear? ing interest at thc rate of 7 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and mortgage of the premises. Buildings to be insured and policy as? signed. Purchasers to pay all taxes and for papers and stamps. E. W. M. MACKEY, octi" tu4 S. C. C. A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer. TJ N DER DECREE IN EQUITY ROBERT STEWART, TRUSTEE, VS. WM. T. SAN? DERS, ET AL. WIM be sold on TUESDAY, otb day of November iiex>, - in front Of the Old Customhouse ia Charleston, at ll o'closk A. M. precisely, All that LOT OF LAND situate in St. Andrew's Parish, Charleston County, containing about 29 acres, more or loss: bounded north by Lands of Alexander H. Brown, Esq., east by Lands of the same, south and west on Lands of Wm. Ravenel, Esq. On the Lands aro a line Dwelling House, Kitchen, Stables and Outbuildings. Terms-One-third cash; balance in one and two years, to be secured by bond of the purchaser, with interest from day of sale, payable semi-an? nually, and a mortgage of the premises sold. octlO tu4 E. W. M. MACKEY, S. C. C. BY WILBUR & SON, Auctioneers. CIALE OF OBJECTS OF ART. k5 -- On THURSDAY and FRIDAY next, 4th and 6th November, at No. 186 King street, opposite SU cox's Furniture Waterooms, at ll o'clock, wlB be sold, and sale continued la the evenings at half-past 7 o'clock, until the entire stock is Bold, A GUANO ANO ATTRACTIVE ASSORTMENT OP ELEGANT OBJECTS OF ART. CARRARA MARBLE STATUARY, Vende De Prato, French Bronze Twenty-one Day Clocks, Bronze Figures of entirely new models, Alabaster Statuary, Vases, Tazzas, Pedestals, Silver Plated Ware, Ac, lately imported from Italy by Signor G. B. Pandollnl A Co., of New York. The assortment comprising Carrara Marble Statuary, viz: The GUARDIAN ANGEL, by Bar? ata; Putto Lon Nide, by Cherie!; Group Contend? ing Cupids; Veiled Bust, by Fronzoni. ALABAS". ER STATUARY. DIANA, Madonna, Love and Psyche, Birth of Venus, Bacchus and Arianna. BRONZE STATUETTES. AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE, Cornelius Molliere, Dante and Vcrgllio, Cloe and Sappho, Milton, Haroun and Curlomagulo, Diana, Ac, Ac. Twenty Photographs, Views of the Cities and Monuments of Floreuce, Pira and Semina. ALSO, A splendid assortment of TWENTY-ONE DAY CLOCKS. Superbly Carved Marble Vases, copied from Etruscan. Roman, Hebe, Got ldc, Egyptian Flo? rentine and Grecian Designs; Herculaneum Urns, Animals, Ac. ALSO, WILL BE APDED TO THE SALE, A large collection of FINE SILVER PLATED WARE AND CUTLERY. The importers have used every exertion to render this collection complete In every detail, and lt will, upon examination, be found to be be vond all precedent as regards the beauty and va? riety of the articles offered. This splendid collection will be open for inspec? tion on WEDNESDAY, thc 3d instant, and the La? dies are specially Invited to come and examine the recent splendid European Importations. - Conditions cash. novl auctioneers' flri?ate Sales, Sit. BY J. FRASER MATHEWES. J">ICE AND PROVISION PLANTATION. At Private Sale- ,"???,.? That, valuable RICE AND PROVISION PLAN? TATION, called Romney, sHuated at South Ferry, on thc Santec River, containing 1353 acrcs--loo cleared and under bank, 300 high land, 87 clear? ed balance well timbered with cypress, oak, Ao. The Plantation is now under cultivation, is well settled with Dwelling, barns and negro houses, and known as one ol the best places on the river. Titles unexceptionable. For terms, apply to ' ri J. FRASER MATHEWES. Real Estate Agent, No. 56 Broad street. OC?22 itu