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?t - Super Fl ?nt In? Babylonia 17 liSIBNOK CHABLIS SWiXBtTRNK By the waters of Babylon we sat down and wept, Remembering thee, That for ages of agony hast endured and slept, And wouldst not eee. By the waters of Babylon we stood up and sang, Considering thee, That a blast of deliverance in the darkness rang, To set thee free. By the rivers of Italy, by the sacred streams, By town, by tower, There was teas ting, with revelling, there was sleep with dreams, V _ Until thine hour. .ind they slept and they rioted on their rose-hung beds, With mouths on flame, And with love-locks vine-chapleted, and with . rose-crowned heads, And robes of shame. By the rivers of Italy, by the dry streams' beds, When thy time came, There was casting cf crowns from them, from their young men's beads, Tte crowns of shame. As a water ta January the frost confines, ?Thy kings bound thee; As Awater In April ia. ta the new-blown vines, Thy sens made free. In thy grief had we followed thee ta thy passion loved, Loved ta thy loss; - m thy shame we stood fast to thee, with thy pangs were moved, Clung to thy cross. Bf the hillside of Calvary we beheld thy blood, Thy blood-red tears As a mother's ta bitterness, an Aebblng flood, Yean upon years. And the North was Gethsemane, without leaf or bloom, A garden sealed; And the South was Aceldama, fer a sanguine 'fame . Hld an the field. ?t/ the stone of the sepulchre we returned to weep, Prom far, from prison; ?J?KA*4 the guards by it keeping it we beheld asleep, But thou wast risen. And an angel's similitude by the unsealed grave, And by the stone; Antf the voice was angelical, to whose words God gave i Strength like his own. "Lo, the grave-clothes of Italy that are folded ap In uie grave's gloom ! And the guards as men wrought upon with a charmed cup, By the open tomb. And her body most beautiful, and her shining head, These are not here; Vcr your mother, for Italy, is not surely.dead; Have ye no fear. AB of old time she spake to you and yon hardly heard, Hardly took heed. . 80 now also she saith to von, yet another word, . Who ls risen Indeed. By my saying she saith to you ta, your ears she Who hear these things, . Po* no trust in men's royalties, nor ta great men's breath, Nor words of Kings. For the life of them vanishes and ls no more seep, Nor no more known; Xor shaD any remember him if a crown hath been, Or where a throne. .?."??'. Unto each man his handiwork, unto each his crown, Tnejust Fate gives; Whoso tokes the world's Ufe on him and his own lays down, He, dying so, Uves. Whose bears the whole heaviness of the wronged world's weight And puts lt by, it ie wen with him, suffering, though he face man's fate; How should he die? | fleeing death has no part ta him any morie, no power Upon his head; ' He aaa bought his eternity with a Uttle hour, AndH not dead. POT an hour, if ye look for him, he is no more found, For one hour's space; Then ye lift up your eyes to hun and bohold him crowned, A deathless face. Ca the mountains of memory, by tbe world's well-springs, -In ail men's eyes, Where the light of the Ufe of him ls on all past things, Death only dies. Kot the light that was quenched for us, nor the deeds that were, . . Nor the ancient days, ^or the sorrows not sorrowful, nor the face most fair Of perfect praise." Sc the angel of italy's resurrection said, " 80 y et he saith; So the son of her suffering, that from breasts nigh dead, Drew Ufe, not death. That the pavement of Golgotha should be white as snow, Not red, but white; That the waters of Babylon should no longer flow, And men see light. [Fartniahay Review. I COMMERCIAL NEWS. Import*. LrvsBP0oC-Per steamship Harlen-9 casks Hardware, 6 casks hardware, 1 case hardware, 8 begs nails, 14 casks hardware,, to J E Adger A "co; fl casks hardware, to Hart A co; 2 casks hard ' ware, 1 casting, to C Graveley; 4 bales twine, to S T walker: 4147 sacks Bait, l case, 19 casks, 40 ?vus, 1000 bundies arrow ties, to R Mure A co; cases, to O A Trenholm A Son; 1 case hard ware, to Hart A co; 12 packages, to J Speare. Toe Charleston Cotton Rice and Naval Stores Harket. OFFICE CHARLESTON NEWS, 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 27, 1869. f COTTON.-The inquiry was somewhat moderate, bat prices were steady. Sales about 400 bales, vhs: 8 at 23)i; 41 at 24; 26 at 24*'; 31 at 24*; 91 at M'A; 18 at MX; 39 at 24\; 46 at 25; 85 at 25*; 8 at #s.*c, and 6 on private terms. We quote: LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to good ordinary.23*@24* LowmiddUng.24i?@ - WddUng.25 <? Strict mlddUng.26*@ Rica.-Prices for this grata had a softer ten? dency. Sales about 160 tierces of clean Carolina, say 40 tierces at 7* ; 16 at 7X; io at 7* ; so at 7%c. We quote common tc fair clean Carolina at 7*@ 7K;good7X@7Jic* ?. NATAL Sro BES.-The transactions were limited in the absence of supplies. Sales 95 bbls extra Vc 1 rosin at $2; 50 bbls No. 2 do. at $1 80. FSEIGHTS.-The supply of freight room to most points fa for the moment sufficient for the de? mand. To Liverpool, by steam, engagements are making at *d $ rb on uplands and l*d on sea Islands; by sall, *d on uplands and \a on Bea is? lands. To Havre, by steam, nominal; by sall, IMO f? lb on uplands and l\c on sea islands. Coastwise, to New York, by steam, *o 9 lb on uplands and lc on sea Islands; by sail, Jfo rs on uplands. To Boston, by steam, nominal; by sall, Xe fl D on uplands. To Philadelphia, by steam, %0 fi mon uplands; by saU, somewhat nominal. To Baltimore, by steam, *@??c V rb en uplands; hy sail, somewhat nominal. Markets by Telegraph. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON, October 27.-N o 0 n .-Consols 93*. Bonds 82. Tallow 47s 3d to 47s 6d. LrvaapopL, October 27.-Noon.-Cotton opened .teady but quiet and active; sales 12,000 bales. Bed winter wheat 9sa9s 5d. Evening.-Uplands n*al2; Orleans I2*al2*d. Speculators and exporters took 3000 bales. Naval ?tores duU. PABIS, October 27.-Bourse opened firm. Rentes 71/060. Evening.-Bourse closed Arm. Rentes 7if 65c BA vax, October 27.-Cotton opened quiet, FBANKPOBT, October 27.-Bonds opened active MA DOMESTIC MARKETS. MEW Yoaz, October 27-Noon.-Stocks duU but ina. Money 8a7. sterling, long 9*; short 9*. acid 50. Cotton quiet at MMe. Turpentine quiet al 47*47*c Rosin firm and unchanged. Braning.-Cotton firm; sales 3200 bales at is xe. JROur Bal Oe lower; superfine State AS 30 ?5 60; aommon to fair extra Southern $6 30a0 80. Wheat .pened le better, and doaed late lower ; winter red Western $l 43ai 43?; Illinois $1 35al 40. Corn 2o3c better; mixed Western $1 osal io. Pork qrdet and steady. Lard Arru; settle 18alSK. Whiskey $121 Kal 22. The demand for groceries is 1 firm and steady. Turpentine and rosin steady. Freights very firm; cotton by steam ,'xd, sail Kd; flour by sail 2a7)?. Governments closed weak; 62'B 20%. Southerns active. Money easy at 6a7c Discounts dull at 10al2. Sterling very dull at 9a ?%. Gold exceedingly dull at 29%a30. Stocks very dull at close. BALTIMORE, October 27.-Cotton 26c. Flour favors buyers, but prices are unchanged. Wheat steady; Maryland red $1 35al 45; Western $1 33a 1 40. Corn, white $1 12al 15. Oats 57a59c. Pro? visions Arm and quiet. Whiskey $1 20al 21. CINCINNATI, October 27.-Corn In good demand at 85a87c Provisions and whiskey nominally un? changed. LOUISVILLE, October 27.-Provisions steady. Pork $31. Shoulders 17c. Clear sides 20%c. Lard 18c. Whiskey $112. ST. LOUIS. October 27.-Corn unchanged. Whis? key, $115. Perk, 20 75. Bacon dull; loose should? ers, 16, packed 16%; clear sides, 19%. Lard dull; steam, 16. WILMINGTON, October 27.-Spirits turpentine a shade better at 42%a43c. Rosin quiet; No. 1 $350. Crude turpentine steady at $160a2 75. Tar, $2. A better feeling In cotton, 24a24%c. AUGUSTA, Occtober 27.-Cotton market active, but prices easier and irregular; sales 727 balee; receipts 1133; middling $4a24% cts. Heavy frost this morning. SAVANNAH, October 27.-Receipts 3254 bales: sales 600; all middlings 25c; market firm. MOBILE, October 27.-Demand goad and better 'sto?k offering. Cotton closed firm; sales 1200 bales; middling 84%c. Receipts 1154 bales. Ex? ports 4328 bales. NEW ORLEANS, October 27.-Cotton firm at 25c; .sales 3200 bales; receipts '3566 bales; export!, Havre, 4129 bales. Gold 30?. Sterling 41%. Sight par to % discount. Wilmington Market. WILMINGTON, October 26.-TURPENTINE-Re? ceipts light, and market steady: sales of 72 bb ls at $2 75 for soft and $1 60 for hard, per 280 lbs. SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Sales reported of only 33 bbls at 43%c per gallon. ROSIN-Sales of 4ts bbls at $155 for strained, $3 50 for No 1, and $4a4 50 for pale. TAR-lot bbls changed hands at $2 per bbl. COTTON-Sales of 96 balee at 24,24%a24%c per lb. FISH-86 bbls mullets sold from wharf at $7 50 for pine bbls. Macon Market. MACON, October 25-COTTON-The market opened this week with thc best cotton at 24c demand being good and offering stock light. The price thronghout the week has not varied ma? terially, sales being effected at23%a23%c for mid? dlings-the best grade bringing 24c. To-day the market was quiet but steady at 23%c up to re? ceipt of noon dispatches, after which nothing was done. The receipts to-day amount to 606 bales: sales, 311 bales; shipments, 494 bales. The receipts of the week sum np 3&99 bales; sales, 2651 bales; shipments, 2925 bales. Receipts this week at East Macon, 94 bales; shipped, 135 bales. Stock on hand, 101 bales. COTTON STATEMENT. Stock on hand September 1,1889. 179 Received past week.3,999 Received previously.26,638-24,637 Total. 24,816 Shipped past week.2,925 Shipped previously.12,948-16,873 Stock on hand.. ?.8,943 Receipts by Railroad, October 27. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAB. 1567 bales cotton, 86 bales domestics, 80 bbls flour, 2 cars stock. To Railroad Anent, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, G H Walter A co, G W Williams A co, J B E Sloan, E J Wlss A co, Thurston A Holmes, C 0 Witte, Dowling A co. Brodie A co, L D DeSaus sure, Kirkpatrick A Witte. W C Courtney A co, W W Smith, wagner, Stewart A co, J M Caldwell A Son, J R Pringle A Son, and others, NORTHEASTERN KA 11.110 AD. 227 bales upland cotton, 2 bales sea Island cot? ton, 411 bbls naval stores, 60 bushels rice, lumber, mdse, Ac To Reeder A Davis, M Goldsmith A Son, Pelzer, Rodgers A co, A J Salinas, Brodie A co, Caldwell A Son, G W Williams A co, T L Webb, F G Archer, Graeser A Smith, Mowry A co, Kirk ?atrtck A Witte, Thurston A Holmes, F L Meyer, Smith, Frost A Adger, Kendall A Dockery, Clatr h- ni, Herring A co, J R Pringle, L Cohen A co, W C Bee A co, F G Snowden, W K Rvan, S D Stoney, TWelters, Sltackelford A Kcllv, jen Claussen. Dr St J Ravenel, R W Cox, Brown A Uyer, Mrs T E Paine, Ravenel A co, ingraham A Son, and D C Kbaugh. Passengers. Per British steamship narien, from Liverpool Miss Mackenzie, G lau!, and 10 in steerage. Per steamer St Helena, from Edlstd-Col Wm Gregg, W L Beckett, Col W Whaley and lady, G L Marsteller, Miss Emma Wescoat, A Benr, Mrs W Baynard and servant, B G Christy, Mrs M Whaley and son, J Wright, Major J Jenkins, S B Hawley, S Howe, Captain J W Grace and son, Misses Beck? ley, J Guy, Betsey Williams, and io on deck. Per steamer Fannie, from Georgetown, Ac H C Moseley, R C Wallace, M L O'Neill, Mrs New? ton and daughter. Misa Wilson, Mrs M Morse, I S K Bennett, Miss Virginia Morse, and 3 on deck. _PORI CALENDAR._ MOON'S PHASES. New Moon, 5th, 9 hours, 0 minutes, morning. First Quarter, 12th, 4 hours, 42 minutes, morning. Full Moon, 20th, 8 hours, 37 minutes, morning. Last Quarter, 28th, 3 hours, 14 minutes, morning. OCTOBER. 8UN. RISES. SUN SETS. MOON K. ? S. HIGH WATER. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday... Friday. Saturday.... Sunday., 6.. 13 a.. )4 ?...15 6..16 6..17 ?..18 ?..19 6..14 6..13 5..12 6.. ll 5..10 6. . 9 6.. 8 9.. 10 10.. 4 H.. 3 morn 12.. 6 1..11 2..19 10..32 ll..22 12..19 1..21 2. .28 3..36 4. .40 MARINE NEWS. CHARLESTON, OCTOBER 28. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. British steamship Darien, J Peters, Liverpool sailed October 6. Assorted Cargo. To R Mure A co, J E Adger A co, Hart A co, C Graveley, R T Walker, G A Trenholm A Son, and J Speare. Ex? perienced head winds on the passage, and came to the north of Bermuda. Sehr Henrietta, Leavitt, Baltimore-62 hours. Corn, oats and flour. To Risley A Creighton, C N Averdl A Son, H Bulwinkle A co, Budd A Blake, J Campsen A co, Holmes A Calder, Mordecai A co, T J Kerr A co, Ravenel A co, NTldemann A co, R M Butler, and P P Toale. Sehr J A Parson, Stevens, Philadelphia - 3 days. Coal and slate. To C W Selgntons. Sehr Ida Bird sill. Birdsall, New York-4 days. Railroad Iron. To W Roach A co, and Railroad Agent. Sehr Ann S Deas, from West Point Mill. 136 tierces rice. To Cohen, Hanckel A co. Steamer Marlon, Robertson, Wright's Bluff and landings on Santee. 77 bales cotton, 266 bbls rosin, 17 bbls spirits turpentine, 7 bbls crude, and sundries. To the Agents, J R Pringle A Sou, W C Dukes A co, J M Caldwell A Son, Reeder A Davis. Graeser A Smith, J Wiley, s L Howard A Bro, J Marshall, Jr, Kinsman A Howell, Wagcncr A Mou? sers, Goldsmith A Sons, J A Smvthe, and others. Steamer Fannie, White, Georgetown, S C, Ac. 179 tierces rice, mdse, Ac. To Thurston A Holmes, W C Bee A co, J R Pringle A Son, Cohen, Hanckel A co, W H Chafee A co, M Goldsmith A Son. Terry A Nolan, C Alston, Mrs R S Trapler, Fraser A Dill, J M Rason A Bro. G A Trenholm, W C Courtney A co. and Mrs D E Huger. Steamer St Helena, Elliott. Edisto. 70 bales sea island cotton, 2 baloB upland cotton, 225 bags cot? ton seed, and sundries. To J H Murray, Ravenel A co, J Hanckel, Roper A Stonev, Wagner, Stew? art A co. W C Courtney A co. Fraser A Dill, W K Ryan, W A Boyle, G H Hoppock.Taft A Howland, W S Henerey, Gaillard A Min ott, J Colcock A co, Bollmann Bros, and Cohen, Hanckel A co. Boat from James Isluud. 9 bags sea island cot? ton. To Fraser A DUI. Received from Chisolm's Mill-2 baga sea island cotton, 133 tierces rice. To Frost A Adger, and J D Aiken A co. IN THE OFFING. Sehr Myrover, Brown, New York-3 days. Mdse. To W Roach A co, and others. SAILED YESTERDAY. British steamship Pioneer, Shachford, Liver? pool. FROM THIS PORT. Steamship Minnetunka, Carpenter, New Tork, October 24. Steamship Maryland, Johnson! Baltimore, Oc? tober 26. CLEARED FOR THIS PORT. Sehr M A Holt, Holt, at Philadelphia, October 23. Sehr Sarah Fisher, Carlisle, at Philadelphia, Oc tober*23. BY riLlGRAPH. SAVANNAH, October 27.-Arrived, steamships San Jacinto and Huntsville, New York; brigs J L Bowen, Boston; George Gilchrist, Portlaud; schrs WR Beebe and Nellie C Hayne, New York; Ne? vada, Philadelphia; Alice Moore, Baltimore. MEMORANDA. The brig J A Dcvereaux, Clark, from Boston for this port, saUed from Holmes' Hole October 21. The brig Georgie, Swan, from Georgetown, 8 C, arrived at Boston October 34. 4T.* 2cJ?r H^Rewood. Derricksen, from George? town, 8 C, arrived at New York October 34. Shipping. F ? ft LIVERPOOL CHARLESTON AND LIVERPOOL STEAMSHIP LINE. The Al Iron Screw Steamer DARIEN, ^rjCftW 1172 tons,-Master, is expected to^M?Jfci arrive on or about the 25th Instant from Liverpool direct, and will sall again for said port with dis? patch. For Freight or Passage, having comfortable ac? commodations for a limited number of cabin pas? sengers, apply to ROBERT MURE A CO., oct9 stoth_Boyce's Wharf. J1AST FREIGHT LINE TO BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON ANO THE CITIES OF THE NORTHWEST. The Steamship "FALCON," Horsey Commander, will sail for Baltimore Atiiin SATURDAY, October 30th, at 1 o'clock P. M. iront Pier No. 1, Union Wharves. 49-Insurance by the Steamers of this line * per cent, to Baltimore and Philadelphia. To Bos? ton X. Philadelphia Freights forwarded to that city by railroad from Baltimore without addi? tional expense for insurance. MO- Through Billa Lading given to PHILADEL? PHIA, BOSTON and the CITIES OF THE NORTH? WEST. For Freight engagements or Passage, apply to COURTENAY A TRENHOLM, oct27 wthsS_ Union Wharves. ?pOR NEW YORK. The side-wheel steamship CHAMPION, ?dFjgEav R. W. Lockwood Commander, will ''"^flhiralri dispatched for the abave port on SATURDAY, the 30th instant, at 2 o'clock P. M. precisely. For Freight or Passage apply to Ogg 4_JAMES ADGER A CO., Agents. ?pOR PHILADELPHIA AND BOSTON. INSURANCE ONE-HALP PBS CWT. The steamship PROMETHEUS, Cap-^fjCfiw. tain A. B. Gray, will leave North Atlan-J^UfiSS? tto Wharf THURSDAY, 28th Instant, at 12 o'clock M. For freight oagagements apply to JOHN A TBEO. CBTTY, Ogg_ North Atlantic Wharf. g T B A M TO BOSTON. We arc prepared to give Through ^f???. Bills af Lading for Cotton, to Honttu.Z?WMi via Semi-Monthly Line Boston and Savannah Steamships, and Steamers DICTATOR, CITY POINT and PILOT BOY, at liberal rates. First Steamer leaves Savannah on the 20th Instant. OCtl8_J. D. AIKEN A 00. rpRA VELLS IS PASSING THROUGH CHARLESTON EN ROUTH TO FLORIDA AND AIKMN, And other places, should jay in their ^fjrr?^K supplies of Clarets, Champagnes, Cor-2*$|sfiK dials, Brandies, Whiskies Wines, Canned Soups and Meats, American and English Blsciits, De? villed Ham, Tongue, Lobster, Durham Smoking Tobacco and Imported Segare. WM. S. CORWIN A CO., No. 276 King street, opposite Hasel, Charleston, S. C. Branch of No. ooo Broadway, corner 20th street, New York._sept28 Cmos pACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPY'S THROUGH LINK TO CALIFORNIA, CHINA AND JAPAN. CHANGE OF SAILING BATS. Steamers of the above Une leave Plcr^?<Cfiav No. 42, North River, foot of Canal street.^AlEsfc New York, at 12 o'clock nooa, of thc 1st, nth and 21st of every month (except when these dates faU on Sunday, then the Saturday preceding.) Departure of 1st and 21st connect at Panama with steamers for Sontb Pacific and central Amer? ican ports. Those of 1st touch at Manzanillo. Departure of nth of each month connect? with the new ?team Uuc from Panama to AustraUa and New Zealand. Steamship CHINA leaves San Francisco for Cl?na and Japan October 4,1869. No California steamers touch at Havana, but go direct from New York to Aspinwall. One hundred ponnds baggage free to each adult. Medicine and attendance free. For Passage Tickets or further Information ap? ply at the COMPANY'S TICKET OFFICE, on the wharf, foot of Ounal-street, North River, New York. F. R. BABY, Agent. marchl2 lyr -pOR WRIGHT'S BLUFF AND LNTER MEDIATB LANDINGS ON TUB SAN TEE RIVER. The Steamer MARION, Captain _ ?JT-?n. Alexander Robertson, ls uow recel v- JjiaBWaC lng Freight at Accommodation Wharf, and HUI leave on SATURDAY NIGHT, the 30th instant. Freight must be prepaid. For engagements, apply at THE OFFICE OF THE AGENCY, oct28 3 Accommodation Wharf. ~pOR EDISTO, ROCKVILLE, ENTER PRISE AND WAY LANDINGS. Tho Steamer ST. HELENA, Capt. H. D. Elliott, wlU receive Freight:,_ THIS DAY and leave TO-MOBKOW MORNING ut lu o'clock, aud Edlsto SATURDAY MORNING at 9 o'clock. For Freight or Passage apply on board or to JNO. H. MURKAY, Agent, Market Wharf. Thc steamer leaves again TUESDAY MOIIMNO at 3 o'clock, and Edisto WEDNESDAY MOKMNG at 2 o'clock. ?Ct28 l* JP O R FLORIDA, VIA SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA AND JACK? SONVILLE. Oa and after the 23d of October _ ^JFT*w the steamer CITY POINT, Captain ?gSSrfE&a George E. McMillan, will sall from Charleston every SATCBDAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock. Returning, the CITY POINT will leave Savannah every THURSDAY MORNING, ut 9 o'clock, connect? ing with Central Railroad at Savannah for Mobile and New Orleans, and with the Florida Rallroud at Fernandina for Cedar Keys, at which point I steamers connect with New Orleans, Mobile, Pen? sacola, Key West and Havana. Through Bills of Lading given for cotton per Sa? vannah Une of steamers to Boston. Through Bills of Lading given for goods to Mo? bile, Pensacola and New Orleans. J. D. AIKEN A PO., Agents, octl? ' . South Atlantic ".'narf. "pOR SAVANNAH VIA BEAUFORT. The fast steamer "PILOT BOY," _ . rlT^m* Captain Fenn Pock, will leave Mid- ?slS^CSC die Atlantic Wharf for above points every THURS DAY MOBNIKO, at 8 o'clock, uutU further notice. Returning, wlU leave Savannah SATURDAY MORNING, at 7 o'clock. The PILOT BOY wlU touch at Bluffton on her way to Savannah ou tho 2Sth October. oct9_J. D. A1KF.N A CO. -pOR BEAUFORT VIA ROCKVILLE, EDISTO AND CHISOLM'S LANDINO. The fast steamer "PILOT BOY," - ?-TP^ita Captain Fenn Peck, will leave "I'1 ?jSjjy?S-TT die Atlantic Wharr for above points e veryMu N DAY MORNING, at s o'clock, until further notice. Returning, will leave Beaufort every TBESDAT MORNING at 6 o'clock, and Kdlsto 2 o'clock P. M. oct9_J. D. AIKEN A CO.. Agents. Q H ANGE OF SCHEDULE. FOR PALATKA FLORIDA. VIA SAVANNAH. FERNANDINA AND JACKSON? VILLE. . The Elegant and First-olass _ ^.17*"??^. Steamer DICTATOR, Captain W. T.^??S^S? McNelty, will sall from Charleston every TUES? DAY EYHN?NO, at 8 o'clock, for the above points. Returning, tho Steamer wlU leave Savannah SUNDAY MORNING, at 9 o'clock Connecting with the Central Railroad at Savan? nah for Mobile and New Orleans, and with tue Florida Railroad at Fernandina for Cedar Keys, at which point steamers connect with New Or? leans, Mobile, Pensacola, Key West and Havana. Through lillis Lading signed to New Orleans and Mobile, All freight payable on the wharf. Goods not removed at sunset will be stored at risk and expense of owners. J. D. AIKBN A CO., Agents, oct4 South Atlantic Wharf. fjotels. C HARLE STON HOTEL, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA This first-class HOTEL, situated in a pleasant location, and in the business portion of the city, renders it the most desirable Hotel for either per? manent or transient guests. The accommoda? tions are unsurpassed, having extensive suites of elegantly furnished apartments fur families and single gentlemen. The proprietor will endeavor to maintain the high reputation enjoyed by the "Charleston" as a ilrst-class house, and no effort will be spared to deserve a continuance of thc liberal patronage heretofore bestowed uponit. The best of Livery accommodations will be found adjoining the establishment. The house is supplied with the celebrated Arte? sian Water, of which delightful baths can bc had ?ither day or night. E. H. JACKSON, julyl2 Proprietor. S UFBRIOR COLOGNE WATER. Manufactured and for nala by Dr. H. CAER, cet? Ko. ut Masting .rreet. F Shipping. OE LIVEBPOOL. Trie line American nark A. B. WYMAN, -?kk of small capacity, A. B. 'Wyman master, SEE having a large portion of her cargo engaged, will be dispatched for the above pert. For further engagements, apply to - W. B. SMITH A CO., Napier's Range. WANTED, Four gangs of LABORERS on board tho above Bark to store cotton. Apply this day to A. B. WYMAN, Master, Atlantic Wharf._oct28 JpOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT. The new Al British Bark JEROME JONES, J?t Crosby Master, (very small capacity-l soo SSS bales cotton.) having a large part of cargo engag? ed and now loading, will be quickly despatched. For balance freight room, apply to QCt25 mtuth3 WILLIAM ROACH ? CO. jp O B LIVERPOOL. Tile Al American Ship ELLEN SOUTO- ilj ARD, Morse Master, having part of car-jfi?ai go engaged, will be dispatched for the above port. For Freight engagements, apply to WILLIS & GHISOLM, oct21 thatulmo North Atlantic Wharf. Jp O R LIVERPOOL. The fine British Bark DALKEITH, Lang. will Master, ls now ready to receive Freight I_ for the above port, and has a portion of her cargo engaged and going on board. For Freight engagements apply to ROBT. MURE k CO., oct26 Boyce's Wharf. F OR LIVERPOOL The American Bark ANNIE KIMBALL, Stlnson Master, 2000 bales capacity, haaj considerable cargo engaged and now going on board, and will be dispatched for the above port. For Freight engagements, apply to octil STREET BROTHERS k CO. I Jnenrancc. N C 0 R P~O1TA TED 1859 CAPITAL.$560,000. CASH ASSETS.$450,000. J. F. BOZEMAN, President. ?. F. WILCOX, Secretary. Continues to furnish perfect security against loss or damage by Ure on all kinds of insurable property at adequate rates. Agents can be found at every prominent point in the Southern States, to whom applications for insurance may bc made. Apply to HUTSON LEE, Agent, No. 2 BROAD STRBET, octl9 tuthimos CHARLESTON, S. C. Q. ? A R D I A N MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY m N 1 W YORK. ORGANIZED IN 1869. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE. HALF LOAN TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. LAST CASU DIVIDEND (PUTT) 50 PEU CKNT. STATEMENT. Polices in force.$25,ooo,ooo Assets. 1,500,000 Annual Income.i. 800,000 Losses Paid. 500,000 OFFICERS. ! W. H. PECKHAM, President. WM. T. HOOKER, vice-President, L MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. G. A. FUD1CKAR, Superintendent. DIRECTORS. Hon. John A. Dix, New York, non. James Harper, Firm of Harper A Bros., ex Mayor New York. John J. Crane, President Bank Republic. Wm. M. Vcrmllyc, Banker, (Vcrmilyc A Co.) Chas. G. Rockwood, Cashier Newark Banking Company. Hon. George Opydyke, ex-Mayor New York. Minot C. Morgan, Banker. Thomas Rigney, Firm Thomas Rigney A Co. Benj. B. Sherman, Treasurer New York Steam Sngar Relining Company. Aaron Arnold, Firm of Arnold, Constable A Co. Richard H. Bowna, Wetmore A Bowne, Lawyers. E. V. Haughwout, Firm E. V. Haughwout A Co. Wm. Wllkess, Firm of Wllkens A Co. Julius H. Pratt, Merchant. Wm. W. Wright, Merchant. Charles J. Starr, Merchant. William Allen, Merchant. Geo. W. Cuyler, Dinker, Palmyra, N. Y. Geo. T. Hope, President Continental Fire Insur? ance Company. John O. Sherwood, Park Place. Walton H. Peckham, corner Fifth Avenue and Twenty-third street. Edward IL Wright, Newark, N. J. Geo. W. Farlee, Counsellor. W. L. Cogswell, Merchant. KEIM & ISSERTEL, General Agents for South Carolina and Georgia, Office No. 40 Broad street, Charleston, S. C. Dr. T. REENSTJERNA, Examining Physician. Janl2 lyrDiio c Sine ftrts. H B 0 M 0 S ! t Thc largest and finest assortment of CHROMO LITHO* GRAPHS AMD ENGRAVINGS, Ever brought to. this city, now on exhibition and I for sale at New York prices, at QUBSBT A CO.'S Photograph Gallery, No. 201 King street, Charleston, S. C. PHOTOGRAPHS. PHOTOGRAPHS taken in every style. Entire satisfaction ia all oases guaranteed. QTJLNBY A CO. ect4 Imo ULIS k C H I S 0 L M, FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AM? SHIPPING AGBNTS, Will attend to the Porahase, Sale and Shipment (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) of COTTON, RICB, LUMBHlt and NAVAL STORES. ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. ?. K. Winja..AR. OmflSLM. .etat ?oilroa??. s OUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, \ CHARLESTON, S. C., Sept. 15, 1869. J On and after Thursday, September 16, the Pas? senger Trains on the South Carolina Railroad wtu ran as follows: 1 FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M Arrive at Augusta.4.46 P. M. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Mem? phis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery and Grand Junction. POR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.4.40 P. M. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, and Camden train. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.-.8.00 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.60 P. M. Leave Columbia.7.45 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.00 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.6.10 A. M. Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nashville and New Orleais, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta.4.10 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.00 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (Sundays excepted.) Leave Charleston.6.06 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.4.46 A. M. Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Greenville and Columbia Railroad, and on Mondays, Wednes? days and Fridays with Charlotte and Sooth Caro? lina Railroad. Leave Columbia.6.50 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.6.30 A. M. SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.4.06 P. M. Arrive at Summerville.6.30 P. M. Leave Summerville.7.10 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.8.25 A. M. CAMDEN BRANCH. Camden an* Columbia Passenger Trains en MONDAYS, WSDNESDATS and SATURDAYS, and be? tween Camden and Ringville daily, (Sundays ex? cepted,) connects with up and down Day Pas? sengers at Ringville. Leave Camden.*..6.35 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.11.00 A. M. Leave Columbia.1.45 P. M. Arrive at Camden.6.00 P. M. (Signed) H. T. PEAKE, septlS General Superintendent. Drugs, (f hcrmcals, &c. F . P A N K N I N , C. APOTHECARY AND CHEMIST, No. 123 MEETING STRBHT, CHARLESTON, S. C. Thc advertiser begs to call attention to his stock of the best imported and domestic CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND PATENT MED? ICINES. Upon tho DISPENSLNG DEPARTMENT of his business ke bestows thc utmost personal care and attention, and guarantees the purity of the medi? cines used in compounding. PRESCRIPTIONS Prepared oarofully at all hours of the day and night. Special Agency for thc sale of SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, Manufactured by Messers. GEORGE TIEMANN & CO., OP NEW TORR. HIS STOCK OF HAIR, TOOTH AND NAIL BRUSHES, PERFU? MERIES, Ac, Is large and well selected. i AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF THE CELEBRTED ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRING WATER, A supply of which ls always on hand. Manufacturer of P A N K N I N ' S HEPATIC BITTERS, Which have established for themselves a reputa? tion surpassed by noue. Through constant effort and attention bc hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage which has hitherto been extended to him. febl6 tuthslyr_ JJR. RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES. Ask for no other, take no other, and you will save time, health and money. $1000 reward for any case of disease In any stage which tliev fail to cure. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 1 enres Ulcers, Ulcerated Sore Throat and Mouth, Sore Eyes, Cutaneous or Skin Eruptions, Copper Col? ored Blotches, Soreness of the Scalp, Scrofula, Ac; ls tho greatest Renovator, Alterative ami Blood Puriller known, removes all diseases from thc system, and leaves the blood pure and heall li v. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 2 curt's Mercurial Affections, Rheumatism in all its forms, whether from mercury or other causes; gives Immediate relief in all casca. No dietiBg necessary. 1 have thousands of Certificates proving the miraculous cures effected by these remedies. Price of either No..l or No. 2, $5 per | bottle, or two bottle? for Su. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, a safe, speedy, pleasant and radical cure for all Urinary Derangements, accompanied with full directions. Price $3 per bottle. Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN ELIXIR D'AMOUR, radical cure for Nervous or General Debility, in old or young, Imparting energy with wonderful effect. Price ?5 per bottle, or two bottles for $9. On receipt of price these Remedies will be snip? ped to any place. Prompt attention paid to all correspondents. None genuine without the name of "Dr. RICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES, D. B. RICHARDS, Sole Proprietor," blown in glass of bottles. Address D. B. RICHARDS, No. 228 Yarick street, New York. Onice hours from ? A. M. to 9 P. M. Circulars sent. july3 lyr JUST RECEIVED. CARBONATE OF AMMONIA Bicarboaate of Soda Cream of Tartar Fresh Hops. For sala, wkstoaie and retail, by Dr. H. BAHR, oe?6 Ne. 131 Meeting street. Q J. SCHLEPBGRELL, NO. *?7 LI?CB STREET, BBTWEHN KING AND ST. PHILIP. LUMBBR of every description and BUILDING MATERIAL, Lime and Plastering Laths, Paints, Oils, Glasses, Shingles; also Groove and Tongue Boards, Ac, eonitanUy on hand at tue lowest market prices. catii mtuaLyr H?em publications. JgOOK BUYERS WILL FIND IT, TO THEIR ADVANTAGE TO CONSULT THIS * CATALOGUE. The List frill be changed at least once a weat. NEW AND STANDARD BOOKS FOR SALE AT FOG ARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY. CATALOGUE NO. 1?. THE GREAT ARCHITECT, as manifested In the Material Universe; by Memgo Ponton, $160. The Days of Knox, a Tale of the 18th Century; by the author of the "Dark Day of Dundee," $2 26. The Christian Leaders of the Last Century; or, England a Hundred Years Ago; by the Rev. ? J. C. Ryle, Christ Church, Oxford, $2 25. China; The Country, History and People-London Religious Tract Society, $1 60: Our Life In China; by Helen S. C. Nevins, $160. The Library of Biblical Literature; being a Re? pository of Information on Geographical, His? torical, Biographical, Scientific, Archeology cal and Literary Subjects In relation to. the Holy Scriptures. New Theological Arrange? ment, 3 Vols., $4 60. The Class and the Desk; a Manual for Sunday School Teachers-Embracing the Old and New Testaments; by James Coraper Gray, Halifax, 2 Vols., $3 50. V The Earth's History; or, First Lessons In Geology; by D. T. Ansted, $1. The Shepherd of Bethlehem, King of Israel; by A. L. 0. E., with Illustration, $1 75. The Essays of Abraham Cowley, with Life, Notes and Illustrations; by Dr. Hurd, $125. The Earl's Choice: a Book for Daughters; by Rev. W. K. Twedle, D. D., $1 60. Archbishop Leighton's Commentary upon the First Epistle of St. Peter; 2 Vols., $2 60. A Commentary, Practical and Exegetical, on the Lord's Prayer, by Bev. W. Denton, M. D., $1 60. Our Lord's Parables; Notes, Questions, and An? swers; by Rev. A Wilson, M. A., $1. Standing and Stumbling; Part 1st. Seven Common Faults; Part 2d. Your Duty and Mine; Part 3d. Things Rarely Met With; by J. E. Phillipa, M. A., Vicar of Warminster, $125. The Great Cloud of Witnesses; or, Faith and its Victories; Abel to Moses; by Wm. LandeLs, D. D., $150: The Gospel of the Resurrection; Thoughts on its Relation to Reason and His? tory; by Brooke Foss Westcott, B. D., $1 50. Duchenler; or, Thc Revolt of La Vendee, $1. The Sunday Magazine; a Monthly of Recreation and Instruction, profusely illustrated. Edited by Rev. Thoa. Guthrie. D. D. The October number commences a new volume, contain? ing fourteen articles with fifteen illustrations, single part 30c., yearly subscription $3 60. J. B. Llpplncott A Co., American Publishers. Specimen copies will be sent by mall, by en? closing 30c. to Fogartle's Book Depository, Charleston, S. C. A Memoir of the Rev. John Keble, M. A., late Vicar of Hursley ; by tho Right Hon. Slr J. T. Coleridge, D. C. L., second edition, with addi? tions, 2 vols., $4. Miscellaneous Poems; by thc Rev. J. Keble, uni? form with the Memoir, $2. Rites and Customs of the Greco-Russian Church; by H. C. Romanoff, with an introduction by the author of "The Heir of Redcliffe," $3. Moral Reforms, with Remarks on Practical Reli? gion, by J. Cleveland Cox, $1. The Spirit of God as Fire; Thc Globe within the Sun our Heaven; by ?. Mortimore, D. D., $1 50. Tlie Astronomy of thc Bible, by 0. M. Mitchell, LL. D., with a Biographical Sketch, $175. The Literature of the Age of Elizabeth; by Edwin P. Whipple, $175. Dixie Cookery; or, How I Managed my Table for Twelve Years; by Mrs. Barringer, of North Carolina, 50c. Gleanings from the Harvest Fields of Literature, a Melange of Excerpta; curious, humorous and Instructive; collated by C. C. Bombaugh; fourth edition, enlarged, $2 50. Sleep and Its Derangements; by Wm. A. Ham? mond, M. V.. $1 75. Sorghum and Its Products; an account of Recent Investigations: by J. L. Stewart, $1 50. A large und varied stock of Pocket Diaries for 1870. Wc arc now receiving, in advance of the Holi? days, many Beautifully Illustrated Books, Photo? graph Albums, Portfolios, Writing Cases, ?c., Ac. For the Young Folks, wc have a large supply of Juveulle Books, and new supply of the School Girl's favorite, " student's Companion " and "Casket." Novels and Light Reading of the latest and Standard Authors sent by Mull without extra charge. Any Books published In America or Europe sent free of postage on receipt of publisher's price. Address FOGARTIE'S BOOK DEPOSITORY, No. 260 King street, (lu thc Bend,) Charleston,' S. C. octg stu th ncc_ JJUSSELL'S BOOK STORE. RECENT PUBLICATIONS. MCCULLOCH-Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, und Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. By J. R. Mcculloch. 1 vol., svo, with maps, 1600 pp. $25. Wood-Bible Animals, being a description of every living creature in thc Scriptures, from the Ape to the Coral, with 100 illustrations, 1 vol., 8vo. $10 50. Chefs-d'Ouvre of the Industrial Arts. By Philippe Burt/.. Pottery and Porcelain, Glass, Enamel, Metal, Goldsmith's Work, Jewelry and Tapes? try. With numerous Illustrations. 1 vol., Svo. Elegantly printed. $6. Watson-The Reasoning Power of Animals. By thc Rev. John Selby Watson, M. A., M. R. S. L. $3. Phosphorescence; or, thc Emission of Light by Minerals, Plants and Animals. By T. L. Phip son, member of the Chemical Society of Paris. $1 75 Meteors, Aereolltes, Storm;, and Atmospheric Phe? nomena. From the French of Z?rcher and Margollc. By William Lackland. Illustrated. $1 BO. Volcanoes and Earthquakes. By MM. Z?rcher and Murgoile. Beautifully illustrated. $3 75. The World We Live lu. By D. T. Ansted, F. G. S. 75 cents. Physical Media In Spiritual Manifestations. By G. W. Samson. $1 25. Force and Nature. By C. F. Winslow, M. D. $5. General Forrest's Campaigns-The Campaigns of Lieutenant-General N. B. Forrest, and of For? rest's Cavalry, with portraits, maps and Illus? trations. $2 60. " In this work will be found an authentic account of the campaigns and operations in which I took part during the war," Ac. [Note by General Forrest. Pollard-The Lile of Jefferson Davis, with a Secret History of the Southern Confederacy. Port. $2 60. ' Semm?-Thc Sumter and tho Alabama; Service Afloat during thc War between tho States. By Admiral Semmes. Swinton-The Twelve Decisive Battles of thc War; a History of thc Eastern and Western Cam? paigns, In relatlou to the actions which decid? ed their issue. Hy William Swinton. $3 6o. Hamilton-Reminiscences of James A. Hamilton, or, Men and Events at Home and Abroad dar? ing the last three-quarters of a Century. $5. Gladstone-Juventus Mundi. By the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. $3 50. Ruskin-Thc queen of tho Air; a Study of the (?reek Myths of Cloud and Storm. $1 25. Brin ton-The Myths of the Now World. By D. G. Briulon. $2. "Dr. Brlnton Is the first Amer? ican who has treated the subject of Indian My? thology tu a thorough ami scholarly way." Bolter-Konlgsmark ? the Legends of the Hounds, and other Poems. By George II. Boker. $175. Robinson-Diary, Reminiscences and Correspon? dence of Henry Crabbe Robinson. 2 vols. $4. Country Parson-New editions. Recreations, 2 vols., $2 :>o; Leisure Hours, il ?5; Graver Thoughts, ts ''0 : Everyday Philosopher, $l 26; Counsel and Comfort, $175; Autumnal Holy days, jl 25. WORKS OF FICTION. Andersen's Improvisa to re; Mrs. Austin's Ci? pher: Mrs. Bacbe's Legends of Fairy Land; Hiss Braddon'* Black Band; Mrs. Bright's Three Bere? nices: Dash's Mlle. Fifty Millions; De Mine's Cord and Creese: .Mrs. Dorr's Sibyl Huntington; Dor? sey's Nora Brady's Vow; Dumas'Love and Liber? ty; Holland's Aspasia ; Victor Hugo's Claude (iueux; The Man Who Laughs; Kingsley's Hetty; Mackenzie's Marries! Against Reason; Marlin's Cunufess Gisela; Nauman's Sidney Elliott: Mrs. Newby's Margaret Hamilton; and, Right and Left: O'Leary's Irish Widow's Son; Robinson's (Inder the Spell; Soimeme; Mrs. Southworth's Prince of Harkness; Trollope's Dream Numbers; and, Giulio Dalatesta; Walter Ogilby; Miss Warner's Daisy; Mrs. Weod's Roland Yorke. oe M JJ E NR Y WARD BEECHER'S SERMONS IN PLYMOUTH PULPIT, Are being read by pcoplo of every class and de? nomination all over this country and Europe. Thev are full ol' vital, beautiful religious thought and"feeling. PLYMOUTH PULPIT is published weekly, and contains Mr. Beecher's Sermons and nave'is, in form suitable for publication and binding. For sale by all newsdealers. Price 10c. Yearly subscriptions received by the publishers, $:s, giving two handsome volumes of over 400 pages each. Hall-yearly $1 75. A new and superb steel portrait of Mr. Beecher presented to all vearly subscribers. Extraordinary offer! PLYMOUTH PULPIT ($3.) and The Christian Union ($2 50.) an I'nsectarian Independent, Weekly Journal of Christianity-with Lecture Room Talks anil Kedlt?rial Articles by Mr. Beecher, sent to one address for 52 weeks for four dollars. Spe? cial inducements to canvassers and those getting up clubs. Specimen copies, postage free, for 5 cents. J. B. FORD ii CO., Publishers, septni imo No. 39 Park Row, New York. UPRAM'S ANTIDOTE FOR STRONG DRINK. A SURE CURB FOR DRUNKENNESS. One Dollar a Bottle. Sent by mall, postage paid, on receipt of price. The Antidote ls the beet remedy that can be administered lu Mania-a-Potu, and also for all nervous affections. For sale by Dr. H. BA KR. No. 131 Meeting street, .otc Again for ???uta Carolina girthing cmb ' ^tt^6jjgj^gg??: rjO THE CITIZENS OF CHARLESTONS jMLACTJj^ut.AJR, Au WJJAM8 ?fe " PAKT?E1T, AT NO. 287 KINO STREET, ' Have in store a large stock of FINE CIA7THTN0, all of their own manufacture. They are offering' all Wool "Cheviot Suits at $12 worth $20. Coal? and Sacks at $10, worth $15 to $20. Pantaloons $3 to $8. Tests $1, $2 and $3. Shirts $2. Un? dershirts and Drawers at $1 each. Hosie^r/ Qloves, Ties, Collars, Ac,, Ac., ali at. low prices. Their, old customers, and all who good goods, are invited to examine their stock No. 297 KING STREET. STORK FORMERLY eCC?PLED BT M'DUFF CO BW. OCt5 tuthslmo ?Hiscdlan?ons. ^'GENTS WANTED TO SELL OHAMBERLIN'S V FOR BUSINESS MEN. ? , INVALUABLE TO Every Merchant, Every Mechanic, Every Manufacturer, Every Farmer, Every Business Man, and Every Young Maa; Worthiten times its price. Agents are hering great success. For circulars and full information, address O. D. CASE A CO., J^bllahera oct23 5_ ' ' Hartford, Ct. MARVIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Piaster FIRE PEOOF SAFES Are most desirable for qual?y, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES Cannot be Sledged! Cannot be Wedged ! . Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY P LATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send for a catalogue to MARVIN & CO., (oldest safe manufacturers} . , (265 Broadway, New York. Principal ) m che8tnut St Pnil4i Warehouses |108Bank gt>, Clercland.0 And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the? United States. For sale by dcc29 lyr WM. M. BIRD <fc OL, No. 203 EAST BAY, CH AK TESTON. STAIR RODS, B3QN22, 7BZ OUT, ^J/^Vi^ WITH TUS r.TT.XT /Mil V DROP FIXTURE, I Ser? A Y< ? wolca nu so smsas, _^^^^^^^r-^==x. Si^Uc Tuiat mide. \ I 7. *j'? ??" It can bc applied to ii A j(ia-<sSai^^?? any Stair Roo, cither ll i 5s?^ >?*'^W>?T^i"0U,,d or Flat' an? 4 i A ^^i,^^^?*;'5'^S''reventa D* ellpping ^^^^^^l^^ll P?tot Drep l?xrire, I fa8?^BB&^^5^^'jal?M Carpet Dealers, AI? BUY NO OTHER. ^^^sP^^ E2ASS ACT ZSSZ' STAIR PLATES, For Hotels, Restaurants and Public Bullige, MANUFACTURED BY W. T. ? J. MERSEREAU, 62 Duane St., Mr augi3 3mos _ " /ROS?DALIS. ? SPBBSMMUMfflJJQJCTUW^gSJBlSHS.y'^ ROSAD ALIS. Sold by GOODRICH, WINEMAN A CO., Direct importors of European Drugs and Ohtaa lcaLs, Charleston, S. C. mays stutaly JASON'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTB. Warranted to remove all desire for Tobacco la any form. Restores sufferers from its Injurions effects to robust health. Of great benefit to D/S-" peptics. For salary Dr. H. BAER, No. 131 Meeting street, ectfi Agent for South Carolina.