University of South Carolina Libraries
. THE BAILY NEWS. SIOBDAN, ?AWSOH * 0 0. pEOPBDZTOaS. OFFICE No. 149 BASf BA T. -o X SUB-BAILY Nxws, on* Tear.96 00 DAILT NXWS, six montis. S 00 DAZU NSW*, taree montas.a 00 TBfrWoixY Npra, one year.8 00 " U ' .TKT-'WXXXXT Saws, ats montas.3 00 - lattas* mvarlabry in ?dranos. Ho paper sent Miles* the cash ?ccompsnlee tbe order, or for s> long j i - r tima than paid for.. Tn DAILY Narwa val be tarred to subscribers In ike city tx is cents a weak. AjrnBTMMtarrs.-First internen, M sen ts a line ; iubsequeat Insertions, 10 cents a line. Business Hottcea. 20 cents anne, Marriage and Funeral No? tt ess. ODS DOUST etch._ NEWS B U M M AXE T. -Cotton clewed dull in Liverpool on Satur day at IS jd. for uplands. -In Ne w York cotton was a shade firmer; middlings 344 i35c. -Gold Closed at 844. -Colonel li. J. Moses, of Columbus, Qa., has reoeiv jd a small number of coolies, who may be seen working on his farm near that city. ?' -Th?* drought in Maryland is almost as bad aa in Virginia, and is moreover general. It is feared that not half a crop of oorn or potatoes will be raised if it oom innes. -The Levant Herald reports that two Arme? nian prelates who had been detained three -year? in Abyssima, have been released through jthe intercession of the British government. -At tte'Women's Suffrage Association in .New Tors, Mrs. Foaberg stated she had with jMasHfisnln dnSculty obtained seventy-five signatures to the petition for a sixteenth amendment, giving woman the vote; Not more than twenty of them jrere obtained from women. . : -The Richmond Enquirer of Wednesday says: "A statement hu appeared tn the ne .re? papers that Mr. Peabody bas giren to Wash? ing tor; College 180,000. This is a mistake. Hr. Peabody has a o (aim against the State of Virginia for about $50,000, and he has given twri-'^1^ to Washington College. -A New Tori journal says: "The effect of Mrs. Stowe's revelations con oem in? Lord By ion ia beginning to be felt in a largely increas? ed demand for his poema, and close observera jjffljfa demand cornea mainly from a class of pen?os tba* never read them before. One leading bookseller reporto a heavy increase, of bbl sales, and other tenses in the same line are anticipating a like harvest. New and ?heap editions of Byron for the nail lion, it is ftxpeoted, will soon be announced as in press." -The y^g??*^ dispatch, by way of Hong? kong, announcing the rejection of the Bur? lingame treaty with the United states by the Hhfr-? Government, published lately, is not Washington. It is evidently made Hp in tte interests ot the English merchants at tte treaty ports, who hare all along been bit? terly hostile to tbe new policy represented by tte BorUn^ame Embassy. Every one of the English papers printed at Shanghai, Hong Kanf, and other p?rtr, have been system itic m ito,denn no ia ti oe. The whole dispatch ie re? gardas a weak invention of the enemies of Cj^unli or of tba United States. -Tte New York correspondent of the Phila? delphia Bepnbhc saya: "Twentv-flvo Cpla^liala. ? emp^Sy'e^BrwTl??erTTrrThe city n?tela. Tue thine was acoomp?ished very quietly, lest the Milesian gentle moo employed at these est?b? il ?AOmeo ta s.tould mike a noise abo nt it. There |fj^Ah?"g ol the 'coolie* about these strangers, nor do they belong to what the Californians Call the riff-raff.' ibis first instalment of the coming flood was not Drought Bete by 8mrr. Maa narfioopmanscbaap, nor soy other wbole ' .sale cootrsotor, bat b* the proprietor of a pro? minent intelligence office in Bro id way. Tb rr wage* are $7 per month, with board, the first year; ttO tte second year, with a promise ci better terms from that time forward- if the ar? rangement is mutually agreeable." -Some weeks ago. an informal meeting of the colored meek mira of Washington was held Cor tte purpose of beginning be organization .of a National Colored aden's Trades Union. Committees ?ere se,ec ted and letters sent ah orsa> the oona try, explaining the object of the meeting and asking co-operation. .On Friday, a person interested in the matter received a letter from the president of a colored men's " trades union uTMacon, Ga., saying that they r?are fully organised and willing to aid their -brethren tere. The writer says tbe colored mechanics are well organised for protection throughout the State, but they find it impossi? ble to secure justice from the white population, sad tbat a convention of colored mechanics is called to meet tn Macon, in October, to dense moana for emigiation to the Northwestern States and Tem tories. A committee has been appointed to visit the Northern cities for the purpose of seourtug some competent persons to interest themselves in the matter, ami aid the colored people of Georgia to migrate West in colonies. -The New York correspondent of the Phila? delphia tVdger ?riles: "Gentlemen who pro? feta to represent tte interest of the Cuban Junto in this city piofees to be very jubilant about some nows wh oh they profess to bave J ust received. What it is is a secret they keep to themselves; but they condescend io assure us that things have now token snob atura dip? lomatically aa to leave no doubt fiat hy Christ? mas next the ever-faithlul isle will be its own master, and free from the domination of the detested Don i. AU this, now, is rather Delphic; but some of the long-beaded gentry in Wall? street interpret it as an indication that tbero I must be something in thee * ble rumors about * treaty at Madrid for tte cession of the island to the United States. Thov Ibiuk it quite likely, moreover, that ihe Cubans here mav be in receipt, per cable, of un oi tant iotelligeJve that nobody etoe has, inaamuob as Ur. Sickles ia known to be on intimit? fenns wttb some of them, lu any event, at th J next Cabinet meetmi: at Washington the exDeotation is that tbs country will be treated to a flr-t class sen? sation.'' -A terrible tragedy occurred in Philadel? phia, on Tuesday morning, near the scene of j the rwitcheii murder. The family of Mr. Thomas L. Brans assembled at breakfast at the usual boor, and during the progiessof ? the meal the airange behavior ot a son, named Marshall Evans, waa freely disouesed. It had been determined that the fat bet, after bre k fast, should visit the family physician, Dr. Vao Dyks, m order to pr.oure a certibeatb of the son's mental condition, on which he could bo rem rod to an insane Jost as the conversation was conclu Jed Marsh ill came into the breakfast-room and look bis scat at the table. Hui fatbet bide bim good but he made no reply to this salutation. and it was uspeoted by ali present that be bad over? heard the conversation. He ate heartily, and While be was thus engaged his father left the room to change hi? dressing-gown for a coat, and procuring his hat, Mr. Evans started down the front stairway. On his father reach ing the hall landing, Marshall walked toward the front door, drew a revolver and shot at his father three times in rapid succession. Mr. Evans retreated through the parlors and fell near the dining room. His soo followed, and aa the body was lying on the floor he bent over it, bot said nothing, and when the police en? tered the last words of the dying man were: "Don't harm my boy, for he didn't know what he was doing." Young Evans is twenty-six years old, has been afflicted with rheumatism for many years, ana has recently behaved in a violent manner to bia wife and members of his own family. He was, without doubt, in? sane, for he has been, until a few weeks, a good son and an affectionate husband._ CHARLESTON. MONDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3'\ 1869. Tbe News Price Carrent. On Wednesday next, September 1, we will publish TBS NIWB Price Current, con? taining our usual full and ace orate review of the markets for the commercial year closing on the Slst instant. Orders for ex? tra copies, with or without cards, must be left at THB NBWS offioe by Tuesday evening. Deep Water. The Committee of the Chamber of Com? merce, to whom was referred the subject of examining the Beach or Sullivan's Island Channel, report that the greater part of the channel shows a mean low water depth of over thirteen feet, and thai with some little dredging this channel can easily be made the safest and shortest entrance and outlet to the port of Charleston. The committee recommend that application be made to the Treasury Department to hare a surrey made, and an estimate taken of the expense of dredging the chancel and of removing the wrecks which Us in it, so that Congress may be memoralfced for an appropriation to oover the whole expense. Suoh a memorial, supported as it would be by the whole Stats, would doubtless be successful, but, as the memorial cannot be presented until lht oost of the work to bc dene is ascertained, it seems to us that it would be bettor to ap? ply to City Council to hare the necessary surreys made at onos, at the expense of the oity. Bed tape in the departments would cause a long delay? and Congress might hare adjourned before tbs survey was oom ploted. If, however, the work be put in hand at once by the city, we shall within a short lime know what it will cost to obtain and maintain a depth cf twenty feet at high water in the Beach Channel. And, in this connec tion, it has suggested itself to us that it - will not be well to oonfiue (he survey to one channel only. The greatest depth of water expected to be obtained in the Beach Chan snel is about twenty feet. This must do, if ws oanuot do batter; but it seems to us that the Mah* Ship Channel, also, should be carefully surveyed for the purpose of as? certaining whether we cannot hare at that point as much as twenty five feet of water. At the same time, detailed information might be obtained from Europe oenoerning i Jahip^aSjaSjitllill'iiil'Jti A tftft? ports, a work to which deepening our channel to twenty five feet would be a bagatelle. In this way we should be dealing with hard facts, and should hare before us the record? of what others have done under oiroum stances more embarrassing than our own We hare not been able, so far, to giv* Un? important subjeot all the attention it merit s but, it appears to us, the wisest oourse is to begin the survey without delay, to have both the Main Ship Channel and the Beach Channel surveyed, and to obtain from Eu rope all the information in regard to similar undertakings which is in any way acc?s Bible. The expense will not be great, and if we venture nothing we cannot win the high pries in the mighty game of commerce A lew Material tar Paper. 80me very interesting experiments bare been in progress at the Ciokassabogue Pa? per Mills, near Mobile, as we learn from the Mobile B-giB'er, under the direot eu perriaion of Dr. J B Heed, of Tusoalooss, well known as the of the Reed Shell wbioh has rendered the Parrott gun so effective an engine of destruotion in war fare. 8 ever al years since, when the oost and soaroity of rags rendered it important to dieoover some material wbioh might be substituted in whole or in part (or rags was the subject of much thought and inves? tigation, the idea occurred to this gentle? man that the okra plant, belonging to tbs family of the eotton plant, and containing a good deal of excellent fibre, might be ad? vantageously used in the manufacture of paper. With him, to think was to act, and he at once commenoed a series of experi? ments with a view to subj ?ot the theory to a praotioal test Obtaining a small boiler, eapable of bearing a considerable steam pressure, and gathering a few Btalks as they were left in his garden, he c mmenoed his work with the patience, labor and perse? verance which seem to belong in a high de? gree to inventors, and are essential to their success. The experiments thus far made demon? strated tho tact that gocd brown pap*' could be made of okra; but. it. remained to ehow that this material oou'd be bleaobed to sufficient whiteness to moko it available for priming or book, papers, and if so, at what cost in comparison with rag or other material To decide by aotutl test, tnis important question was tbs object of the investigation at the CbickasBabogue Mills to which we have referred. The experi? ments were oonoluded, and the result is . rn men 11> gratifying to those engaged in tnem, and is of particular interest to the press, dealers in and manufacturers of paper generally, and to farmers and g r deners in tbs South within reasonable dic lanoes of paper mills. Ia the opinion nf the experienced paper makers who watohed the progress of toe work from the cutting of tbs dry sulks of okra to the production of paper from the maohine, the following points may be regarded as established : 1 Okra requires but little handling to prepare for boiling, is readily passed through the outter, nee ia uo sorting, and the entire plant is available from the root to the pod. 2 It is easily boiled, if vieil cured, re? quires only time to redone it, and may be washed and beaten ready for the machine in abont half the time required for prepar? ing rag etook, thus largely inoreasing the productive eapaoity of the mill without ad? ditional machinery. 3. When properly boiled it yields readily to the aation of chemicals and oan he bleach? ed at no greater expense than ordinary rags. 4. The pulp works as freely and smoothly on the maohine as any other fibre-does not stick to metallio press rolls like straw and wood, even when working pare okra pulp, dries readily, and oan be run safely at the highest speed of the maohine. 6. The paper made here from it is very strong, tough and elastic-better in these respects, when made entirely of okra, than either straw or wood pulp when mixed with fity per oent. or more with rags. It has none of the brittleness and hardness so ob? jectionable in straw papers, and may be fubjeoted to strong friction by rubbing be? tween the thumb and fingers, or between the hands, and will open ont smoothly and soft as a glove. 6. It will make an excellent substitute to mix with other fibres in the beating en? gines, and is of itself a superior hand stock. 7. Whether worked pure or mixed with rags it makes a paper entirely free from the objection justly raised by the printer against straw and wood papers. 8. It makes an excellent stock for fine wrapping paper, and imitation Manilla pa? per, and even in its raw state, without boil mgr or bleaching, makes a strong artiole of oommon wrapping paper, suitable for gro? cers and hardware use-superior to any paper made cf straw. The grand result will be the cheapening of paper to consumen, and it ought to be the transfer of paper manufacturing mainly to the South, where this fibre is ao readily and cheaply grown. We may add that the Ghioksssabogue Pa pi c Mills, near Mobile, are now advert?s ing for okra stalks, and will purohase 1200 tons of that material if it can be furnished. He-views. TEX MAW WHO LAUGHS. (Complete ) By Vic? tor Hugo. Mew York: D. Appleton 4 Co. Charleston: John Bassell. Those who have not had the courage to read the latest work of Victor Hugo in the pages of Appleton's Magazine, may now at tack it in complete form with a better pros? pect of amusement and edification. The Man Who Laughs is a wonderful work in more senses than one, but it has power and force,whatever its occasional buffoonery and broad brutality-and will be universally read. The author says in his preface : "Toe true title of this book might have been "Aristocracy. Another book which will fol '.low may be entitled Monarchy Ajid these "two books-if it is permitted to the author "to complete this labor-will preoede and 'I ad to another, whioh will bs c tiled Ninety "Three " 8o there is more to come. The complete oopy of ?The Mit Who APPLETON S JOUBNAZ NOW York: P. Appleton ft Go. Tne monthly issus for August inoludes tho four numbers of the Journal published that month, with an index for the first volume, tn at. closed with the twentieth number The volumes will be completed semi-annually hereafter. The distinctive feature of tho Journal is its union of notion, science, literature and illustrations, without dis? carding a certain amount of news. Toe first volume shows that it will be sustained. The papers that are given are of a high de? gree of merit, whichever department they fill, and it ts not too much to say, perhaps, that the Journal is discharging an impor? tant funotion in raising the standard of our rent literature and absolute knowledge in a large circle of society. It deservas support quite as much as any literary undertaking, and principally beoause it gives a solid re? turn for a solid outlay. ' TBS suggestions of the Chamber of Commerce in regard to the manner of licens? ing pilots will, we hope, receive soms at eration at the hands of Governor Scott. The old system worked perfectly weil, and the new system works infamously. It is hard to see that there is any political question wrapped up in this pilotage matter, and we trust that Governor Scott will recommend the repeal of the obnoxious aot, and that the Legislature will have sense enough to adopt the recommendation THE Lancaster Ledger says: "The friends "of the South Carolina Central Bail road will bear in mind, that the road "when constructed from Gourdin's depot "on the Northeastern Boad, through Wil? liamsburg, Clarendon, Sumter, Kershaw, ' Lancaster and Mecklenburg Counties to "Charlotte, will aff ird a route from Char 'lotte to Charleston shorter than any other ?road by sixty-five miles. This will, un j "doubtedly, be the best paying road in j the State." Ws learn tuat the railroad bridge across the two branches of the Cape Fair is com? pleted The bridge was begun two years Hgo, and is said to be equal to any work of . h?* kind in th? U ii ted States. Passengers will now escape the ferry at Wilmington, which has always been one of the ugly features of a trip North by the sea-ooast route. ON THE Abbeville circuit the juries, in all oases brought on ante-war deb's, have given verdicts for one-half the principal and in? terest to January 1,1861 In oases of Con? federate deb's, the rule furnished by the act of 1869 has been applied, except in oases of oeouliar hardship. yy tilias at FACTOBS. COMMISSION MERCHANTS SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO THE PTJBCHASE, SALE ANT SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Perts) ot COTTON, BICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL 8T0328 ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston. 8. 0. S-^W.?7JLI!;.** *. OHISOLM October 28 SIX HUNDRED HANDS WANTED, FOB work on the Brunswick and Albany Railroad, ueorer?. Waget one dollar and twenty five eenie ($1 25( per day. Free transportation ont. For for ther particular?, apply at the corner of Vanderhorst and'. Coming it reels, or at Forest Boase, No. 190 Kinc-e reet, of GLOBOS L. PRATT. J. F. MEB OEB. Agent B. and A B. B. Augmt 30_ 9 WAITED, A COMPETENT ARD RE? LIABLE M A N. a Coppersmith and Tur? ner, accustomed to Railroad work. Good wages and steady employment. Address C. COLT IMS, Af aster of Machicery, A. and G. Railroad, Savannah, Qa. August Sj_ _6 WANTED, A GOOD 0'OL.Ott KIO SER? VANT immediately, to cook, wash and iron, and do general house work. Apply at No. 43 RAI - OLIFFE STRtET.southwest side, corner of Thomas. August 30_mw2 WaNIEl), TWO H?UMS, IN A K? 8PE ; I ABLE neighborhood. Address "B ,'* at tir s Office, stating terms, immediately. August 30_3_ WANTED TO RENT, A SCHOOL HOUSKand BESID.NOE. Address, sUting terms, P. 0. Box No. 168. wfm? August ll GOOD SERVANTS. WHITE AND COL? ORED, can. be obtained by ayplyiog to EM? PLOYMENT OFFICE, bo. 80 Queen-street. Augustas_ WANTED, A YOUTH FROM IS to AO years old, who would be willing to make him? self generally useful as olerk in a fiore in Umooville. b. C. Address i'O-TOFFIUB BOX, No. 17. Union C. H., S.U. August 14 dllQPi WATCH FREE TO KVKKl Ml/Of.) sftENTI Business entirely new. Apent making fortunes I Address C.S. M. CO.. HID DE _"OBt, MALN_. imo nao ' August ?4 WANTED, BV A MLARKIEO A situation bi some Cotton Mill -out :i or South? west; ts acquainted with all bmuches, having work? ed In them all, but should 8 led W_-.V1.>G ss a choice, lames wishing to engage each . perso i ?Ul please address ? note, stat ns terms, to JOHN J. KELLY, No. 1?8 state-street, Boston- May 24 WANTED, EVERY BOD? TO SUB. 8CBUBE to the crBCULATINQ L1BBABF. CHARLES C. BIQBTEB'S Select Library of New Books contains all of tko latest publications. April 21 No. 161 KtNO-STBEKT. CHINESE LABORERS.-PARTIES wishing to employ largs OT small numbers of CHIS ESL: LABORERS, irsy make the necessary arran gements for procuring gang* of aiae required delivered in any part of the country, br application to KOOPMANS'CHAAP, San Francisco, California July 80_ WANTED, EVERYBODY TO KNOW that JOB PRINTING of all kinds, plain and ornamental, it executed promptly in the neatest ttyle and at the lowest New York prlrea, at irrs .Narwa Job Office, No. 149 t AMT BAY Call and ex? amine the scale of priest before giving your orders elsewhere._ WANTED. AGENT* KOK THE AM h RI? CAN FARMEBB' HORSE BOOK, In both Eng? lish and German, by Robert stewart, V. ts., of Miss, i he wora covert the whole ground of the breeding and raising, and the treatment of hortet and mulet, bo'.h In sickness and health. It hat won itt wtv to popular favor, and it to-day the mott popular and best Helling Horse Book out. Address O. F. VEN , Publisher, Cincinnati, 0. 6mo? . March 19 Co finit. TO RENT. A li li THAT COM PORTA? BLE DWELLING No. 6?K sr_ith-?treet. Pos? session given immediate'y. Also, for Bale. TWO L>E>I ABLE BUILDING LO H on tul ivan's It ISLd. App.y to HfcNRx OKTJEN, No. 4 Marion street. wfmS_Auimst 26 TO HHVT, A H/tLiF OK A HU?B? plettantD tituated io tbe central part of the city Apply at No. 272 KI.NG-STREfcT. August 28_ Tl) RE Vi', THE PLEASANTLY >ITL Ai ED three and a half story uE-iDHNCE, No. 59 -mlth-st-est, near Vanderhorst Apt ly at No ( LIB.B1Y-.1R--T._3?_Aogust 27 BU1L "STATE AO KV TS, ANO O'HE't1 hsvlng bonset to reut, can have their Placards fcc. printed at the lowest rates and in the newes and neatest ttvlet of tvpo, at 1 HE NEWS JOB OF HOE, No. 140 East Ray M ?Saie. AT PRIVATE SALE, AT No. 39 M\lt< KBT-?TBEEr. near Meeting, ono DoNKtY wita Cart and Harness. Will bc sold on Tuesd y 31? t Jlnt'snt. Can be seen between the boort of 9 A M and 8 P. M._2*_August 30 BULL. AM) NKW FOU*ULAND PUPS FOB SALE.-Gentlemen who have cngagei PU PS from the advertiser will please coll tor tb-n at No. H3 RINO--1 FEET 3* AuguM 27 _____- .-_-? " J "KJ low rites at MAi.SHALL'd WHARF. Auaust 20 Imo ' POR MAI V., 1100 ?CMBM UF WKL1 J? UMBERED t.-ND in lower p rt ot Barnw.-l Count , six miles trom -outh . disto River, leran mado very low For particulars, address Dr. C. B uti no, Graham's Turnout, c.s. B. K. August 20 ssc 36 FUR SALE, FOUR McCtRlUY KOL. LEU jIN's, second hand, but little used 1 Prem um Faim Gri-t MM, "Proteus" Patent 1 Hand-power teel Grist Mill 18 Ploughs, of varied and most approved patterns all but little used, an I ut low pricet 1 Cotton B eaker 1 Four-horse Power steam Engine, second hand, li goot) condition. Apply to < A MERON, BABKLCY k CO., Nor beast comer Meeting sud Cumberland streets Aucu?t 9 imo FOU SALK, THE DESIRABLE DtN E. oeur Hampstead Mall-the House and Lot NO. 84 Atnerics-street, ono 'loor south ol Blake, on east ?ide of >a?d s -1 cet lhe Lol measures in fronton .'.mono-street G5 feet C incite-, m dop h 150 feet, m ?re or less, with the r-ar portion ol the lot on the south, eav - leet - iucbee. On th pre ? isesi- a suostaattally nullt two-ind-a-half srorv wood<>n 'welling o . a brick 1 <un>ij?on contaluins five squire room*, with ga? flxturis >n oidor, s dressing room, pantry und finished attics, and rou? ble p azza, all movere > with heavy tin lately repaiut e , and a pnvato stairway; also, a tso story Kitchen ?Ith t.'U' 'oems, a -iO-cbhouse, ->tat?le ard H y loft, Ac; also an extensivo cistern, built with a filtering wail, an i a good wei of ?bolee spring water, each f urui.-hel with a modern u up. An open fence io iront, wi;u ev- r^reen hedge, also fl >wer ?arden in front, estenstve vine ot cho ce grapes no? io full Dearing, v-gotabie garden aud trait trees compris? ing sweet orange, neeta lue. peach, plnm. fig, Ac. The neigh ortjood is notoilcus a? a healthy location Possession can be given immediately. For terms, ic. a ply to EDW\IID 0. TH?,BIN, No. 8 Gtllon-strect, near Old Postotbce or on tue premi-es._August 19 At? i HIM. Kits, Bu oKKIt?, -NO others wishing .'/ or Sale" ilacards, Business cards or other Jon Printlna executed with neat? n-ts and dispatch. wiL consult their interest by leav? ing their orders at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, Na 149 East Bay._ FOK SALE, OLO NEWSP4PKRS IN any quantity. Price 75 cents per hundred. Ibe cheapest wrapping' paper that can be used. At? ol T st the office of TH I N - W s. March 1 inst OHO janna FFT Y HOLLA M S HE WARD.-LOST, ou the 22d inst, one BLACK HOBS- M (Ti.E. abou' five j e - r? old, with white nose, m fine order, roached and trimmed sbout tlx ?eeks ago, white ha ira on bit book, the maras ot a cart laddie. 1 he abov reward will be paid for him with evidence to convict the thief, if stolen, and f taken up Twenty* five Dollars will be paid tor hit delivery to 'L Ai> HOBN, HERRING k CO., Accommodation Whart. August 28 g HARLESTON HOTEL CHAELESION, SliUTli CAROLINA. c THIS FI EST-CL-..SS HOTEL, SITUATED IN A pleasant location, and ia thc bu-mete portion of tbe cit , renders it the molt . eslrabie I lotet tor either permanent or tran a 'em guss. e. . he accommodations arc nnsurpasicd. havi-c cxicnstv." suites ol elegantly lu ulsnfd ap.rtmeuts to. f mi.'iesa d singlorentle ?ui'B. The propmtor will endeavor to matntaiutlie bi_h reputation e joyed by the " .harlestoti" as a flint class hons-', an.t no effort A?IL be soared to de? serve u continuance or the liberal patronage hereto? fore bestowed upon it lhe best of Live y accommodations w?l be found adjoining the establishment. I lbs house 1-supplied with the celebrated Arte niau Water ot winch de_?htful baths csu be bad either day or m-zbL E. H. J . < _ ON, Jilly 13_Proprietor. T . CLOUD HOTEL. THIS NEW AND COMMOIIO?S BOURE. LOOAT, 1 ED corner ot Broadwat and Forty-i>econo-eireet. poasesfes a JTantage-s over all other houses for the a. cou.modatlou o Its suestt. lt was built erpressij 1 for a nr-t-chgs family boarding honte-the rooms beine large and en suite, heated by steam-?nb bot an J cold w ter. and furnished second to noie; wbiie the culinary department (t In tbe most ex jeri>-need nanda, alf .r_i_g unests an unequsllsd tabl;. one of Atwood'-i Patept Elevator, it at<o amona lae "mixlpm loipiovementt" ano at the service o' guests at ali hours. The Broadway and Cniversity Plac- Car- oas* the dooi eren-lour minutes, runnm. froiu the ti) Hail to Central Park, while the sixth au < evento Avenue'ines ar? bnt a short block on el uer ?1.1? ailordicgample facilities for communicating with all ;he depots, ttesmboat landings, (thees of tirase ment and business of the great metropolis. MORE & HOLLEY, Proprietors. March 12 eo w CHARLESTON HIFLK, CLIB, ATTEND A MEETING OF TOVE CLUB THIS EVENING, the 80th inataat, at halt-past Eight o'clock, at Masonic flail. By order. A. W. TiFT. August 80 Secretary and Treasurer. HIGH SCHOOL OF CHARLESTON. The Ezercises cf this tnsdtutlon will be re? sumed on MONDAY, September 6 rh. Thorough in? struction given in LATIN. GBEEK, FRENCB, GEB M AN, MATHEMATICS, and the higher branches of ENGLISH. Term?- $12 per quarter, payable in advance. No extra charge for FBENOH, GEB ii AN or 8TA TIONEBY. W. B. EINGMAN, A. M., PrincipaL . V. 0. DIBBLE, A. B., First Assistant H P. FURO AS, A. M., Fren . h Master. W. A. A. DEAS, Esq., German Master. August 30 _10 ENGLISH, FHBISCH. CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SCBOOL, No. 30 BULL ?iuEET.-The exercises of the above will be re* turned on WEDNESDAY, 1st Septem' er. W. H. TA tlK.\N I M. D., August 27_tml_Principal UNIVERSITY OK SOUTH CAROLINA. The next session will begin on the ITBST MON? DAY IR OCTOBKB, a d continue without intermis? sion, to tbo encamp Ju ). ?avantages am offered at this Institution to Stu? dents in Law tho graduates being entitled to prac? tice in ti e Courn ol thi "-tate;) To. Me Heine, (the course nfl< st action heine extensive and thorough, wiib two wi Uten exunlnadons daring the session ;i hi Entrtneeriug, Matoemadcs, Mental, Moral and Political Philosophy, H'story, Rhetoric, English Lib rature, Ancient and Modern Languages, and in the varions Scientific Schoo s. Expoutes for -'essiou of nine months: Annual fee, SJ; Library fee, $10; Boom Bent fee. $15; luulon fee. -- ; tor each of three schools. $15; lulUon in Law or Medicine, $60 Board can be bad at $16 to $20 per month. Bv messing it wiU be less. For further Information, send for Catalogues to the Secretary of the Faculty, Bev. C. BRUCE WALBEB. B.W. BtUNWELL. Chairman of Faculty. Columbia, 8. C., August 2,1889. Auguste_SSS MHS. KDWABD B. WHIT K'S KNO. LIS H AND FRENCH BOARDING SCHOOL Fi'B Y'dJNG LADIES, removed to No. 59 West ?2d street, opposite Beservoir Park, New York fitv. Bet?rendes: B shop PoUer, New York; Bishop Davis.' sratu Carolina; Bev. W. f. Btaotly. A-lan ta, Ga ; Professor Henry, Smithsonian Institute; Gene? ral Wade Hampton Mouth Carolina; W.W. Corcoran, Wasbinet n. D C.; President Middleton Charleston Collage; Protefsor I narlee Pavies, New York ; W. Gil? more simms, Uoutb Carolina; Professor Bartlett, West Point Military Academy. August 24_pao_6_ FIJBMA* UaUVrCttSlTY, GREEN? VILLE, 8. C.- The next session of this INSTI? TUTION win open the 16'h september, and continue fortv weeks wl'hout in term ??alon. Three yearn' (?cholsrahips may be obtained COLM ttoned on the payment of thirty dollars annuiUy for three years, and edtltUng the holder of a Schol? arship to the tuition of one pupil In aU the regular -cm>ols, en the payment of the incidental fee of five dollars, ncept to holders nf Scholarships, the charge for t ni ri n for the year will be sixty dollars, and Ave dollars for lncideutal exnenses. For in? struction in Practical chemistry, or In Modern I an guasea, there will be an extra charge, to be regula? ted by the size ol th? class Tbs regular School embrcco Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy, Piofessor JUDSON; Latin Language and Literature Professor S A 8KB; Greek Laniruage Professor ?MITB; Chemistry and Natu ral Pmlosophy, Professor ?ABB1S; Logic, Bti-toric, an ' Intellectual and Moral Philosophy, Professor FUKMA'I. Dr. PABCB will instruct In German, French and Spanish. Good Hoarding, exclusive of light' and washing, can be obtained at about $15 per month. Catalogues < r Scholarships ein be obtained by ad creasing the subscriber. JvMEs C. FUBMAN, August 23 18 President. ?fDlttDO?. Ey MO V A i -THv. VNOEtffilOKEO tates pleasure in announcing to bi? patron* bo hts rerr-ovea his Soda Water Minufartory from No. 662 King-street to No 66 HASELMREK t, between Aneou-strei t and East Bay. Thank ng ht'fi tends and customers for the liberal patron ace bestowed upon him at tbe old hopes to receive the same in tuc sam- measure at his new piace. C I. KOBNABREN*. -oda Water Manufactory, August 26 tbsluS1* No 66 Hasel-street PHILIP SCH! CK *1 A ?N, OE \ LE lt IN WOR-THD AND TRIMMINGS, bas removec to his former store, No 2.1 EING-STBI-ET, OPP? site Hasel-street. August 24 fliasoiatiott. ?Jkm?mM&*~, TH K ? OPA 'TNEH8HIP HKHETU< FOX1' existing under the name and style ol WIL IAM u. WHILDKN A CO . having this day ex pired by its own limitai ion we, tbe undersigned, have formed anew i 'opartnershlp under the mvot rame and .-t vie. for th? transaction ot business al No. 2.-'5 KING O UN RB OF BE?UFAIN *TBEKT, and No 137 MEEriNG-?TREET, "harleston, s. C. WILLIAM G. WHILDEN. W GLOtGE GIBBES HEP EN THOMAS, Ja. W. 8. LANNfcAU. August 14, 18C9. mf6 August 16 ?o ti ctn in pan?roptct). IN THU DISTRICT COURT OF i'llK UNITED MATES FOB ??UTH CAKOLINA. A?OU-T T. BM, 1869. - IS THE MAlTtB OF W .. B EDLIN >i, UANKBUPT.-PETIIION FOB FULL AND FINAL LI- HAliGE IN BANK I'UPT Y.-i-rdered, That a hearing be had OL the VOUBTH DAY or OOTOBEU, A 1), 1869, at Fed eral courthouse In Cnaries on. S. o, and that al creditors, Ac, of said Bankrupt appear at said time and p ac , and show cause, ir any 'bei ear, why the prayer of the petii loner should not be granted. By order of tho Court, the 24' b day or August 1869. DvNfEL HOl-LBEi'K, Clerk of the District Court of .he U. b. for S. C Aug'St 27 13 _jfcnruB c._ g U U T H E^sSA N LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, PURELY A SODXHhBN INSTITUTION. Assets Joly 1, I860.?510,000 DIVIDEND DECLAEED.FORTY PEE CENT. IN'UH ES LIVES AND PBOMPTLY ADJUSTS AND PAY* LOS-E- Its principal business ls with southern states, and to them it appeals for patron? age. 11 has ample means to fully protect policy-hold ers and pay all losses. STTOXBS. JOHN B. GOSDON, Pteatd nt. B. H. HILL, S. B. COLQ0TTT, Vic.-Presidents. A. AUSTELL. E. HOLLAND, Finance Committee. W. C. M OBBIs, secretary. BO ABD or D rasero ns. Atlanta, Ga.-JOHN B. GOBLON. A AUSTELL, E. W. HOLLAND, J. F. ALEXANDER. J. H. CALLA WAY, J. M. JOHNSON. Athens, Ga.-B. C. YANCEY, BEN; H. HILL, ROB? ERT IHOMAS Columbia, K. C.-WADE UAHPTON. AugUH'a. Ga - 0 H PRTNIZT EDWABD THOtdas. Maddon, Ga.-D. E. ROTLES \ abington. Ga.- EDBEBT loons*. Cuthbert, Ga -B J -MYTH. Newton, da -*. H. COLQUTTT. Charlotte. N. C.-WM J HNSTON. Allendale 8 C -B. L. WILLINGHAM. Greensboro, N. C.-W. A. CALDWELL. J. H. All LL KR, General Agent ATGO-TA, GA. S. Y. TUPPER. Resident Agent, CHARLESTON. S. C. H. W. DESAUS'URE. M. D., Medical Examiner. August 19 DAC ?mc j rp H E CAROLINA IFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF Ulemphls, 1 ennesgse. President, M. J. WICKS, President Memphii and Charleston Railroad. Vi e-Prealdent, J. T. PETTIT. recr. tarv, W F. hoi LE. I a pit al.8*00 000. Accumulations.8715.000, OVaR TH UER iHOUiAND POLIOTBd ISoCtD mee September. 18S7. Agents desire! tbronghsut t he State. B. J. MAGILL, No. 65 Broad-street General Agent for South Carolina. August 16 mthlmo L i F a ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT. XV. GEO. GIBBS, Agent, No. 256 KTNG-8TBEET, COBNEB OF BEAUFAIN. August 30_ RAFTSMEN'S UFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW TOBE. Offlee t Park Bank Building-, Noa. 81* ?ad 816 Broadway. CAPITAL.$840,000 COE ADAMS, President. WILLIAM T. PHIPPS, Vice-Pre3ident. HENRY BELDEN, Secretary. J. T. HUMPHREYS, Agent for State of South Carolina, Office No. 27 Broad-arreet. j. 8. BUIST, M. D., Medical Examiner. MW f-UE-AGENTS wanted throughout the State. Apply by letter to J. T. HUMPH BEY?, General Agent m December 7 G IS AIIDI A JV MUTUAL, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY or NEW YORK. Organized la 1859 . ALL POLICES NON-FORFEI TABLE. BALFLOAN TAKEN. NO NOTES REQUIRED. LAST 0A8H DIVIDEND 50 fFtFTY) PEB OE HT. aTaraauutT. Police* In force.t85,0O0.000 Assets. I,500,6t0 Annual Income. 800.000 Loaa ea Paid.t. 500,000 OFTICXBS, W. H. PECKHAM, President, Wac. T. HOOKES, vice-President L. MCADAM, Secretary and Actuary. G. A. FUDICKAB, Superintendent. iMiKnai Hon. JOHN A. DIX, Ne- York. Hon. J A__8 HARP KB, Firm of Harper k Broa., ex Mayor New York. Joan J. CRANE, Provident Bank Bepublie. Wa. M. VEEMXLTE, Banker (Ve rm il ye k Co.) CHAS G. ROCKWOOD, Cashier Newark Banking Com? pany. Hon. GEORGE OPDTKE ex-Mayor of New York. MINOT C. si ORO AN, Banker. THOMAS RIO NET. Firm Thomas Rigney k Co. Bra/, n. . H ER ii AN, Treasurer New York .Steam Su? gar Benning Company. AARON -.KKOLD, Firm of Arnold, Con-table k Co. RICHARD H. BOWNE, Wetmore 4 Bowne, Lawyers. B V. HAUOHWOUT, Firm E. V. Haughwont k Co. WM WILSENS, Firm of W. WUkensA Co. JCLTOB U. PRATT. Merchant. WM. W WRIOBT. Merchant. CHAS J. -TARB, Merchant. WTTr.TAM ALLEN. Merchant. GEO. W. CUTLXB, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. GEO. T. HOPE, President Continental Fire Insur? ance Company. I I JORK G. SHEIIWOOD. Park Place. 1 ' WALTON H. PECKHAM, Corner Fi th Avenue and Twenty-tbird-street. EDWARD H. WBIOHT, Newark, N. J. GES. W FARLEE, Counsellor. Ht_r. Omm\ -- m-- ? ~ O-OKUE KEMI, GENERAL AGENT FOB SOUTH CAROLINA. Dr. T. REEN ST J ERN* A, Examining Physician. H. IaSERTEL, GEN EBAL AGENT FOB CHARLESION. Office No. 865 King-street, CHARLESTON, S. 0. January 12_pao_ljr /> K U H O I A MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. or MACON, GEOBGIA. Authorized. Ca pi tal.9500.000 _ if FIBE AND LIFE DEPARTMENTS SEPABATE and disunet br charter. $10 .Ooo paid into the In? surance Department of Georgia according to law for the benefit of the assured in this Company. i>tockholders wealthy and responsible gentlemen of Georgia. A purely Southern Company, allowing only six per cent ot its earnings to the Stockbolders; the rest o f ibo profits divided amoug the Policyholders on the c. ntubutlon plan. Ure Department lias been in successful opera? tion tor t'x months, aud has already accumulated handsome assets. Lite Department in full and successful operation, and vieing with old companies m its success. Ail of its Collei's non-torfeirable. and of every description of Life and Endowment, together with an an i ul ty table and return premium plan. No restrictions upon travel, place of residence or occupation. Women insured on same terms ss men. Loans half of Ita premiums. No notes taken. amens: W. J. LAWTON. President. J. a McBt'KNEY, Vier-President B. J. LIGHTFOOT, .?ecrotary. 0. F. MCCAY, ''onaSiuting Actuary. P. H WBiGHT, Examining Physician. This Company is now prepared to ai? risks either in the Fire or Life Departments, and solicits a share ot the patronage of the etty and State. J. G. HOL ?IRS. Jr., General Agent for south Carolina. Local an i Travelling agents wanted In all oart* of the -ta e. Liberal commissions allowed, or a sal ! ary If preferred. Applications to be made to J. G HOLMES. Jr. General agent, No. 35 Broad street, Charleston, s 0. July 21_nae_wfm Jj it o o Iv L y N UFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets over.81.300,000 KM7MS ALL KIN iS OF LIFE AND ENDOW? MENT POLICIB?. Divid vdi annu-lly in cash. Onlv company having the Definite Guaranteed -ur reuder-Value PLm Policies, wond-wide. nerond to no Company m the United States mr stability, libe rali ty and economy. Office No. HI broadway, New York;. CHRISTIAN tt. BOUCK, President. WM. M. COLE, >-ecretary. State Agency No. 35 Broad-street, Secsnd Floor. Local and Canvassing Agents wanted throughout the .state. Apply in person or bv letter to JAMES G. tl ULM RS. Jr., General Agent for South Carolina. July 12 mwf Rm OB J O tl;\ D . ALEXAND El H , ACCOUNTANT. NOTARY PUBLIC AND GENERAL ASBNT, No. IS Broad-street. RESPECTFULLY 80110118 BUSINESS IN A? . J "M iNU ACCOUNTS ol Merchants and others, a id in WRITING UP AND POSTING their BOOKB, e tlier In part or whole, Ac. January 9 Ororetifs ort JEuttUmu. ^ W?ITA??^^ CUH ED H AMS, dtC, * ^ LAUDING PER STEAMSHIP SARAGOSSA. -I rv TIERCES WHITAKER'S EXTRA 8UGAR J_U CU KED HAMS email size 6 bul*. Extra Breakfast Bacon Pig Sams and Shoulders banoked Beef and Tongues. For sale by W. 8. CORWIN A- CO, Auguat 30 _1_Ho. 270 Kliig-etrest. CLARET AND CATAWBA WINE. 2CASKS FRENCH CLARET, -AT SI CO PER GALLON 2 casks Ohio Catawba Wine on Draught Also, A supply of the following favorite brands CLARET WIVE, in oases, viz: GODARD'S COUTBY Johnson's Mod oe Brandenberg M ed oe E. B. 0. A Co. Booinao Johnson's st. Loube's Chateaux Tquein Sparkling Catawba Sauturne Wine. 1 "or sale by W. 8. CORWIN A CO., ^ August 30 1_No. 276 Klng-ttreet, WESTLE? BACON, MAGNOLIA HA SI 9. OA HBD3. CHOICE WESTERN BIB, CLEAR OU BIB ANDCLBAB SIDES 20 hhds. choice Western Smoked Shoulders 10 hhds. laterita* smoked Shoulders 26 tierces Celebrated Magnolia Hams 10 tierces " Lorin g V cincinnati Hams. In store and for sale by BERN ABD O'NKILL. August 80 _mwf8 SUGAR, SALT, COFFEE. ern HHD?. POETO BICO. MUSCOVADO AND OU CENIBIFCGAL SUGAR' 1000 sacks Liverpool Salt, in fine order >: 100 sacks Rio, Laguayra ind Java Coffee. In afore and for sale by BEBNABD O'NEILL. August 30 _mwtS FLOUR ! CORN! OATS ! A rv A SACK" CHOICE FAMILY AND EXTRA ' 4k WU FL?UB-"CAMP.?EN MILLS." 300 bbif. Northern Flour-Family, Extra, Super and Fine 100 bola. Tennessee Flour. COHN. 1000 BUSHELS PRIME WHITE CORN. OATS* 2000 BUSBELS PBIME OATH. For sala by JOHN CAMPSEN A OB. August 80_3 GUNNY CLOTH. 1 AA BALES HEAVY GUNNY CLOTH. FOB LUU sale to arrive, by ' _ August97 E.LAFITTE A CO. COTTON BAGGING. 1 KA PIE0E8 *'EWAH'>" BUBB HEMP DUB LOU DEE SEA ISLAND BAGGING, 46 inches, l%tb pounds yard 30 pieces Dundee Bagging,46 inches. m pounds, yard 60 pieces Dundee Bagging, 46 Inches, IX th pounds yard 26 pieces Dolphin Manufacturing Company Sea Island Bagging i % th pounds yard. For sale by W. C. BEE A CO. . Augtut 21_ GI NNY CLOTH, ON THE f POT AND TO ABBI VE. For tale by Auga*t20 GEO. A. TREHOLM k SON. NEW YORK BAGGING, DOUBLE: AN CHOU BRAND. THE 8TANDABD WEIG9T TEE standard w'dtb full 44 inches. It is wider, doter stronger, and affords better pro* tec'tion (or the entire covering ot the Cotton baie than any other n use J We sell at manufacturer's price and expenses laid down here. A supply always on band. WILLIAM BOACH A 00. * August 9 _Imo_Agents. NEW GOODS. EAST INDIAN MANIOCA. A NEW, AGBEBA BLE, most de latona a id healthy toed, usad for Puddings. Jellies, Blanc Mange, Ice Cream, Griddlecakes Soups, Ac, put np int lb. pack? ages, with directions for use. Desk-caL d cocoanut for Pies, Puddings, Cakes, ftc , put op In half tb. packages, with directions. Bweet Oil, French and american in half pints, pints and a narla. Cider and White Wine Vlnegir, warranted pure Fresh Hoasted Bio Coffee, of good quality, at 86c V lb. Just received and fer sale by CO-OPEB* TVE GBOOEBY STOBE, Southwest corn?r Meeting and Market streets. - <J ? ? 11 Joli roi ed tree. May 28 GREEN LKAF ROPE. i KA HALF COILS OREEM FAF BOPE. LOU For sale by HENEY COBIA A CO. August 27 fata COFFEE. MIG R,&e. r A BAGS CHOICE BI<> COFFtE " OU 30 bags Prime Bio Coffee 26 bags . hoi oe Laguayra coffee 75 pocketsCholoe Java Coffee ann 203 barrels various quail iss Refined SUGARS AXSO. PRPPEB, MilCH ?, SODA. Ac. For sale by HENEY Co BIA A CO. August 27_fmw8 FRESH DRUGS. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALh WHOLESALE ANO REI AIL BY DB. H. BAEB, No. 181 MEEITNG-STBEKI RIbON'.i TOBACCO ANTIDOTE Bose's Couk-h Syrup t cbenk's Puimonlc Syrup Schenk'a Sejsweed Tonic , Cherokee Remedy "\ Cherokee Cure Cherokee Pills Cherokee Injection opeare' Frail Preserving Solution Brown's Chiorodyne German Blood or "Kaiser" Pill?, Ac. Ac. Fleming's Worm Confections Weight's Bejuvesatmg Elixir Churchill's ?yrap HypopbosphiU of Lime Van Deu*en'a Worm on'ections Hurley's Wo m candy Bardotte'- Worm ?ligar Drops Gr?teu berg Pills Cephalic Pilla Schalleuberger's Fever and Ague Pilla Strong'a Pills McLane's Liver ri!l< *. Llon'H Vegetable Pills Russell's Soothing Cordial tor Children Teething Jayne's Iterative Jayne's Explorant Jayne's ? arm (native Jayne's .?a .arive Pills Badaav's Beady Belief Bau way's B. Pilla Ridway'a Beady R?solvent. June 21 mwf H0>EY! FORRALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAL. BY Dr. H. BAEB, June 26 No. 141 Meeting-street, mUiats, p(\uo?si (Etc. Q h D BV H I ? K l B ?. I HE U.i'DEF.SIGNED BEG LEAVE TO AN? NOUNCE that tbev bave been appointe! by Mestrs. Hi-.NiiY A, HANSIM A CO.. of Pbil.idelpliia, their sole Agents for the Htite of Mouth carolina for the sale ot their celebrated ACME X XX, XXX, XXXX, NKOIAR CABINE! and o-hor brands OLD BYE WHI KIES lh"j siso wish to announce that they wal be in constant receipt of their COPPER DI> TILLER MOUNTAIN PO BE BYE WHISKIES, direct frooT Distillery at ninnis vide, Be.keley Oounry, West Virginia Liberal contracta will b? male tor la-ge lots of new Whiskies in bo ra at Distiller^ Warehouse. CLAOIU AWTTIk, No. 06 East bsy street, June 16 wfmSroos ' barleston, S. C. A F . C H B V R AO I" X , bC?LPTOE AND ARCHITECT. MARBLE WORKS, Corner Meetiag-Mreet and Horibeek,s Alley, CHABLE8TON, S. C. Plans made to order and work executed promptly, July thm6mos C. J. SCHLEPEORELL, No. 37 LINFSTBEET, BETWEEN KING ANE ST. PHILIP. LUM BEE OF BYBBY DESCRIPTION ASL BUILDING MATERIAL, LIMB and PIASTER INO LATHS, PAINTS. OILS. GLASS E.% SHINGLES; also. GROOVE AND tONGUE BOARDS, AC, con. ?tantly on hand at the lowest market onces. September 19 torbsl-r /JHAHLKSTON A URIC ULT URAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED SIOBE. A tiRlCVL C?RAL IMPLEMENTS, GARDBI SEEDS, dc. ELLERBfi'S TRANSPLANTER FOB SALE. GEO. E. PINGBKE. No. 110 Meetiag-etreet, Charleston. March 34 6 mo