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THE DAILY NEWS. The Pendulum. Swing on. old pendulum of the world, forever ?od forever. Kee mg .he time of suns and slaw, Tbe marah tbat endetb never. . Tour monoton? st-eaks joy and grief, And failure and endeavor Swing on, old pend alum, to and fi o, y ore ver and forever. Long aa yon swing shall earth be glad, And men be partly ?cod and bad, And each hour that passe a by, A thiiuaand s J ul a be born and die; Die from the earth, to live, we trust. Unshackled unallied with dust. Long aa you swing shall wrong come right, . Aa sure aa morning follows night; The dav goes wrong-the ages never Swing on old pendnlu n, forever. THE HARV ABD AND OXFORD BOAT RACE. Th? Thames from Putney to Mortlake. As the time approaches for the international . boat noe on tbe Thames, bet ween? the crews of the Universities of Harvard and Oxford, the '. pubhc interest increases naturally in all tbat relates to the novel and interesting contest. Oar readers will therefore receive kindly, per? haps, a sketch of tbe ground, or, more strictly apes king, the water course, over which the race will be rowed. The Thames, which from Sbeeburv and Sbeerneaa. where it enters the Germa;: . ' Ocean, to the Pool below London Bridge, is a deep, full river, not without a certain majesty, and worthy, trom its tidal flow, of bearing upon ita bosom the vast commerce of London, rapid? ly diminishes in volume as yon ascend it above Battersea, until at Richmond ic becomes, to eyes accustomed to the Hudson, the Potomac and the Mississippi, an insignificant stream. It is nowhere a wide roadstead. At Grave? send it is not m oie tban half a mile across, and at London irs widtb cannot exceed tbree hundred yards. The ocean tides, however, " which rise I rom seventeen to twenty-two feet, give s volume and current to tbe Thames far arrester and stronger than, in other latitudes, ' belong to larger riven. Wbat the Thames loses in strength above London is yet moro I th*o gained in interest sod beauty. As and? ing , it jon pass the em bo wei ed villa of Pope, and the noble palace of Wolsey and William, and soon after glide by the "proud keep of v><1lmdeor''andthe .antique towen" of Eton i CoBege, which are all sweetly reflected fr rai its surface. Beyond Eton it rous through rich pastures, narrowing more and more, and ?,; navigable only fer barges; and winds with <-' picturesque graos, though with slender our zoos, by the tomb of Fan* Rosamond and the venerable walls of Oxford's Colleges. -Loadon is peculiar in-the lovell ness of its SU burbs. All that is mean and squalid and re? pulsive of the greft etty is shat up in the pur? lieus of Whitechapel and St. Giles', or stretches r sway toward tue Pram stead marah ea. As soon aa the country is reached in any other direc ? lion, the rich rnrf, the waving trees, the bow? ery cottages, .the quaint old thorps and ville sres, make the prospect soothing and derigbt JoL. Ass part of the environs which borden . on the Thames-beyond Chelsea Hospital is rawimsSTIj attractive. The river, as yet unpol? luted bj the wash of the metropolis, and r* sweetly margined by fertile meadows, is the .very image of purity and peace. The locality, which has witnessed for several years the boat race* of Oxford and Cambndsre, and which has been chosen for the coming cont est between England and America, ia a bend of the river of Ivs miles, reaching from Putney to Mortlake. ' On the map ia a horseshoe, or more nearly an eye (of hooks asst eyes) ip shape. By the rail? way or the high-road the distance between the . two .places is not more than two wniles and a bett, j, Moe* is s quiet Bille town of shout six 10 thousand inhabitants, immediately opposite v sToJham, wi?h which it ts connected by s wood < sst bridge. The pipes of tbe Chelsea water ' works company cross the river on pian just 5 above the bridge. There ls little of interest in Putney, which ?as the birthplace of Gibbon, , the historian, beyond the old parish church, ? buiR age* aim, and enlarged in the reign of Henry VIL Rome-pretty villas lie scattered about along the liver, the village bank; of which, immediately st the bridge, is edged with bans and b^er-houses, deriving their cos som chiefly from the rx? trag otu os. About midway of the eonrse the Thames is spanned by a noble suspension bridge at Ham ~ meramita, an outlying su barb of London; and here the river bank on th? northern side is liped with buildings for a considerable dis '.'ttjQo*. iSTory window .of these buildings is . crowded with spectators on the occasion of a ?rest noe, as the windows on Broadway are .?9ted wheo ss imposing procession is to pass -ct*/. The bridge also, from shore to shore, presents a dense mass of human beings, occu? pying every foot of s pace, from an early hour of the morning'. Above Hammersmith, on the same sids, is Chiswick, and beyond Chiswick, on the other md i, is Barnes, a amati antiquated cluster of brick houses, built along narrow lanes, witb a tower peeping out of the foliage-the lower of the parish church, where Melville preaches. Heren solid Iron railway bridge raised on stone Diera crosses tbe river. No. spectators ' are permitted to go upon this bridge. As soon as the boats shoot under ita arches the. cocsawains catch sight of the "ship" at Mortlake, wheres flag signal indicates the . gos!. Not more than sax hundred yards now remain to be sesomplished of the distance, . ned as Barnes Bridge is passed tbe excitement of tbs spectators reaches its acme. On the southern bank of the Thames, all the why from Putney to Mortlake, there is a tow. path for the hones employed in the barge transportation, and this towpath is compactly thronged with "gents* tbe tradespeople, the multitudrnous hoi po?ai ot London town. Here the "Erect Kyard* of thence, with tbe dress, names, ages, weights, respectively, of the twoerews. is hawked about by ragged little - Arabs. Here mountebanks, strolling gypsies and Ethiopian strenadere beguile the weary -bonn of waiting with their performances. Here the piokpocket plies bis nimble trade, and the voice of the little joker makes itself aud;ble: ''One, two, three; two little thimble i .sod one small pea." As the gua is beard an ; jiouncdng that the boats aro off, tba immense . mass sways to sod fro with eager exoectstion, ' and the towpath then becomes a dangerous place, for great numbers of horsemen and - horsewomen-among the hitter many of the *>preUy horsebreakers" at the Ladies' Mile ' Charge up the river, keeping pace with the ar? rowy flight o? the boats and running over such unlucky people as may be in their way. On the northern bank of the river, f>rthe "Seen grouped opon the sward, or on the porti coes of handsome villas. ? Just opposite the Putney start in g-poet is the Episcopal palace, awide-aoreadiug park, of the ins bop of London, and further on is the coun? try residence or Poole, tho tailor, who eigna - bass every noe by? breakfast of faultless ex oellenoe of cuisine, to which the most aristo? cratic of hm customers only are invited. Immediately following the boats in tbe con? test ?ornes a lane flotilla ot the river steam 1 from London, black with cockneys, who ive come to witness the B pf eta clo from the vor itself. Nothing more dangerous or more loomfortable than this mode of attending the raoe could well be imagined, yet the accidents are few; and the cockney likes his steamboat, which lathe worst specimen of that kind ot correy moe known to exist. But the steam? boats are not merely uncomfortable for the passengers, they are a great outrage upon tbs contestants, and have notunfrequently swamp? ed the unsuccessful boat in the swell they create. Eight or ten of them ascending the river abreast make a surge which overtakes and embarrasses the crows that are imme? diately in advance of them. It is to be boped that some restriction may ba imposed upon the coming contest, and that the river may also lie cleared of barges, which, by some per? verse ehance, seem always to get in the way. The race of the 81st August will probably be witnessed, should the day be mir, by more than one million ot spectators, and every pi e caution should be taken, as well for the pre? vention of accident as for giving the competi? tors a fair chance. . .p -The Davenport (Iowa) Democrat tells of a singular case of superotition: "Chatting with an aged lady, we noticed the wonderful pres? ervation and beauty o? ber teeth, and could not refrain from mentioning it. ?Tes,* said ehe, .I never had a toothache or lost a tooth, because I bit the snake.' On inquiry, she stated that when children st home, hu- father bsd made them bite a rattlesnake, be holding the reptile by the hesd and tail;each child bit along the entire length of the backbone, not violently, but just so ss to indent the skin; and thia was considered an infallible recipe against toothache and decay, sad which the old lady believes op to the present hour.1* fcpaafrri?l. Exports. PROVIDENCE, B I-Per schooner Ftampede 107,900 feet Resewed Lamber, 13,000 feet Tim? ber. Charleston Cotton, Klee ?sta Naval Stores Si ara ev. OFFICE OF THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, 1 OHABXKBTOH. Monday Bvenine. Arums12J. I COTTON.-The market for this article exoiblted Tither a weaker tendency, and the inquiry was limit? ed. Sales 19 ba es, of which 3 were new coitOD; one, which classed middling, sold at Sic, and one seedy bale at 33c V Rs The trsn*aotions In old were 8 at SOX; 2 at 31; 7 at 31 X- We quote, nominally : LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to rood* ordinary.3-) Coi30 Low middling..31 fa 31 ^ Middling..33 @32?? Ry New York classification we quote: Middling.33 @ Bier -This article was quiet but firm, without transactions of uote. We quote nominally oommon to fair clean Carolina at 8@8X; good 8X<g.8%c. NATAL tTOBES -136 bbl a. spirits t arpen tine, in country package*, were eokfat 38o 9 gallon; 300 bbls. i oem, No. 3, at $176; io'bbte. do., No. 3, at ?1 70 * bbl. Anratet*by Telegraph. FOREIGN MARKETS. LONDON, August .3- Noon.-Consols?91 }?. .'onda 61X. Sugsr qui?t; on the spot ,39s 9Ja40s. Tal? low 46a. ETenlcg.-Turpentine 36s 6da26s 9d. LIVERPOOL, August 23-Noon.-Cotton quiet; uplands 13Xd; Orleans 14d; sales 10,000 bales. Breidstuffi dull. Others unchanged. Pork 104s. Lard 77s Sd. tvening.-Cotton a shade easier; uplands IS^'d Orleans 14d; ?BleelO.OOO balea, or which 20uo baie J were for export and speculation. Red Wheat 9s 6d; inferior grades sold lower. PARTS, August 2 i-Noon_Bourse firm. Rente:; 73f 70e. DOMESTIC MABXBT8. Nsw YOBS, August 33 - Noon.-Money steed I at6e7c sterling, long 9X; ?hort 10. Gold 3.'X Cotton dull a, 35c. Turpentine irregular ar 41a42Xf Boals fina; common $3 30a3 36; strained $3 36a 3 50. Kvening.-Cotton quiet; ss'es 400 bales; mid? dling 36o. Flour more active and lower grades firmer; superfine state 86 90a6 30; common to extra Southern 86 66*7. Wheat more doing; winter red Western 81 66*160; white southern 81 70. Corn, .laid Western 81 Hal 15 Oats dull and late lower. New mess pork 838. Lard beary; kettle l?X-20c Whiskey fl 25al .6. Bice firm and quiet ; carolina 8Xe9Xo. Sugsr firm; P rto Rico and M nae o vado 1334al4)he; Havana 12?ic Coffee arm. Mobusca quiet and sleady. Naval stores doll. Turpentine 42a43c Bo sin S3 80*8. Freights firmer; cotton, by steamer. Md; wheat lt lOd. Money 0a7c. Sterling Ooldeknedat 33. Stocka unsettled snd duli. Southerns generally quiet Btr.TTtfOiE. August 23.-cotton steady at 35c Flour very duli and favors buyers; Howa-d-street superfine 86 50i6 75. Wheat dull and heavy; prime to choice red 81 teal 65 Corn firmer; white 81 14* 116; yellow 6113. Cats dull at 8115. Rye dull at 8106*110. Mens rot k Brm at 834. Baron, shoulden 14*16X0. Lard firmer at 30a2 lc. Whiskey trdmated at 8128*135. CracuwATi, August 33. - Whiskey blaber $1 18 al 30. ProvlfiODs held firmly wi h little demand Meas pork held at 833 60. Bacon, shoulders 15?,c; clear aides 19c; hams 33e34c Lard held at Sue. ST. LOUIS, August 33.-Whiskey firmer at 6118 al 19. Provisions doll Mess pork 834 35; jobbing sale*. Bacon, shoulders 15Xe; clear s:de* 19a 9Xc; sugar-cured bama 33s33c. Lard beary at Soo Wiutzroxaar, August 33.-Spirits turp?n tine 39c Resin steady and stock light at 8160a4. Crude tu: pee boa S3 60aS Tar steady at 83 3.'. AUOUSTA, August 23 -No offerings of cotton; sales 5 bales; receipts 3 bales; middling 32c. SAVAXMAB, August 33 -Cotton receipts 16 biles. MOBILE, August 33.-Nothing done; receipts of cotton 38 balee; exports 10 bsles. NEW OXXXAXS, August 23.-Cotton dull; sales 16 bales; quotations nominal; receipts 66 bales; ex. ports Saturday, coastwise 21C8 bales; stook this evening 189 bales. Suexr, molasses and coffee dull and unchanged. Gold 33X. Sterling 45?. New York sight exchange Xe premium. Easton di Co 's Cotton t'eport, for the ween: ending A mg nat ?e. I860. NF WYOBE, August 31.-TTE? MAKXXT. -In our hut report the n srket clored ste* y at 83Xc 1 or mid? dling upland?. Saturday there waa not much doini,', but prices were unchantteL Sales 1053 bale'. Mon? day the market f r cottoa on the spot was dull, the eales only reaching 487 balee. Tooday there wa? * brisk demand from spinier* and peculators. Prices weMadvaseeiaXo. Wednesday, wub continued favorable foreign advices, our manet was active, spinners bought 3200 bales. Sales -?738 bales at 34c. Thursday the market waa active and excited, sales 2543 balea Middling. 34X*c Yesterday the market opened firmer with an advance in prices, but closed quiet Sales 1724 bales. Middling uplands 35c During the week prices have steadily hardened un? der exo'un J Liverpool advices. Tho official closing quotations is 35c for middling uplands; but this rep? resents the holders asking price anl not actual trama'hone. The feeling at the clcse wa- dull, and there was more cisposition to offer cotton for future delivery and few buyers. The weather at the South for the past week baa been very favorable for tte grew!og crops. The hot and dry spell has done mach towards preventing the spread of the cater? pillar, wbiob had appeared in tome localities. lbe demand for future contracta has bees quite large thia week, matty on European account; 28 yo has been paid lor low middlisg, December delivery. At the present anice ot geld thia ls equal to 13Xd, sold tn Liverpool If gold should decline to l.*5o 33X0 would be equal to 13Xd, sold hore. We hope our plant1 ag friends ?iii take adviutage of this foreign demand, and let pert o> their crops go. Whether they will be able to realize such prices when the weekly receipts are 9J 000 or 1C0.OC0 t alcs, is very doubtful The deficiency in visible supplv which, o i 6th August, was 430,760 ba es. and on 13th, 364.575 bales, is to-day, 858.095 bales. There have been received at the porta since 1st September, 3,043,058 bales of which exporters have taken 1,438.026 bales, spinners Cl. 1*3 bales; and the stocks are 37110 bales smaller than at that date. Deficit in receipt? as compared with last year, 50 637 bal ea. .Pe/cii la ali ip men ta to Liverpool, 341, 9.4 bales. SAL ta roa FUTURE rExrvEBX.-The sales have been ?s fullows: For August. 100 nales at 32Xc; for September, 300 bsles at 31c; 300 bales o? pri\a(e terms; for October, 550 bslea on private ten*', 100 ba es at 39c, SO at 29 S'c. 100 at SOjfo 125 at 2?Xe; foi November, st 0 I ales at 38c. 100 at 26X: for De? cember, 500 biles 37XC, 900 at 27>. c, 400 at 27 "<o 830 at 28o, 600 on private term?; for D -comber and Jan? uary, 100 bales on private terms; tor Januiry, 160 bales at 36\'c. 1100 balee at 27c. 60 at 27 ye, 350 on private terms; for February 400 bales at 37c; free on board at savanaah in December, 400 bales at 36Xo; tor November and December 600 bales on private terms; for January. 300 balee at 37c; free on board at New Orleans. November and Dec:mb?r, 603 biles on private terms; for December 100 balts st 27X in Baltimore. 75 October and 76 November on pri vate terms; 100 September Wife* 308 October, 30c 400December, on private terms; 7.0 December, 28 3T0 December. 38Xc; 100 December or Jsnn<ry 27\-;ieo January, 37X: 100 February, IfMej 200 December or January, free on board at Savannah 27 Jic ; 100 December and 100 January, free OB boar, at Mob'le, 37Xc; 3C0 December, free on board ?t Mo? bile, 37X0. retal. 11,875. Upland A Mobile. New Florida. Orleans. Texas. Ordinary.- a30X - a30X- a31 - aUM Good Or? dinary.- a83X - a33X- a33 - ?SSX Low Mid? dling...- a34 - a34Ji- aS4X - o34X Middling - a 85 - a35X- a35tf - ?35 y Sales of the week 11,450 bales, including 7281 to spinners, 2552 to speculators, and 1023 to export? ers. Gross receipts at this p-?rt for the week 1383 bales. Since 1st September 550,347 balee. 1869. 18?i8. 8to-k in Liverpool. 228 GOO 510.210 Afloat from India.. 690,000 582.000 Afloat from America. 30,000 6 500 Stock in London. 39,8''0 44,39s Afloat lor London. 7t .0O0 134,ooo Stocl in Havre. 63,430 87,205 A float for Havr-. 118,275 312 578 Stock in Bremen. 6,188 10,847 Afloat tor Bremen. 4.701 13.260 Stock in United Sutes ports. 16 848 61/24 Stock in the interior towns. Ll ll 3.672 Total.1,148,069 1,500,154 Deficiency in visible supply . 358,085 Stock of cotton held by Manchester et Innern at the mills, now 140.000 bale?; same time 1868,135,000 bales; middling Orleans now 14d, tbenlOXd. Xmrray. Ferris dc Ce Naval Stores Cir? cular. NEW YORK, August 2L-SPIRITS TUB PX? TIKE Bas been quiet and arcady at previous rates and ai* though the local tra ie ls light, there is enough busi? ness to absorb current receipts. The sales reported are 1060 bbls at 42Xa43c merchantable, and include 350 N Y bbls at 43X, and 80 to amve per Empire at 43a. Beceipt8 3345 br]s;.xporU 479 bbls. Boara.-All grades continue in good demand, though there was ie-s disposition yes erday on part ot ravers to pay full rates for common .-trained The market I* quite bare of extrt pale. Ralf s amount to !???/w?&J!? whkb M 090 are low gradeo, at 83 37Xa3 35 for common to . ood strained: 63 40*3 forNo 3;83Xa*X 'or Ho. 1; ffeO fer pies, and 40*7 for extra pals. Beceipta 18,403 bbl*. Exports Stat bMs TAB-Ia quiet, and transactions of a r^taT charac? ter. Sales are 600 bbls at $3 30 for Wilmington as it rans, sod 12 55?2 60 Tor 23 and 25 gallon bbls. Re? ceipts 418 bbls. kxports 60 bbls. Consignees uer So m ti I molina Ila Ur ORO Anglist Ul and 93. 23 bales Cotton, 68 bales Domestics 905bags Gra'c, 35 pkgs Bacon. 40 bois Flour. 467 sacan a '.our, 68 bbis Naval Stores, 10 cars Wood, 10 cars Lun.bcr. 2 esra Msves, 4esra Stotk. To Railroad Apent GU Walter ft Co, ? J Wlss. J B E ?-oan. P lzer, RodgT* 4 Co, R C :Uarp ft ? o, G W Williams ft Co Bol man Bros. J D Osterholz, ? W Stiffens J t- Kiep. Jel fords ft Co, Goldsmith ft son, stenhouse ft co, Hop? kins. McPherson ft To, J S Schirmer, Reeder ft Davis. J Marchall, Kinsman ft Ho ? el!. ^Passengers. Fer steamship Minnatonka, from New York-alias Harv Smivar Fancie B .-nhvan, Mr s W sulivan, Jose Jara, Geo Ko igers. C B Leacb. C - treen W ? Ryan. A B Lee, Geoige Grimes, John Schultzberg. J Towers, O W Brown, A L lumea. Per steamship Sea Gull, from Baltimore-Mr Twohlll aud child, K B Bewee, T Ryan, W P Ingra htm. C O Michaelis, L Tornay, Jobn Winges, and one on deck. tannr Iros Port ot CbarleiHton. August 24 i^OJttT CALiKNUAK. PBS CS CV TUE MOON. New Sloss, 7th, 4 hoars 46 minutes evening. First Quarter. 14th 7 hour. 19 minute?, morning. Full Moon. 21st ll bouts. 3 minnies eveuinp La?t Quarter, 30th. 2 hours, 3? minute?, morning. AUOUST. BC5 MSLI. j SITS. MO O'S ms I.B. WAT Cl 23 Mon Jay.... f> 29 24 lueaday..., 6. 30 25 Wednesday. 6..St 2*1 Thursday...! 5..S-1 27 Friday.... 6..32 28 ^ararday...! S..33 29 Huuday.' 6. 33 6 .34 I C. .33 6..32 6..81 S 30 6.. 28 6..27 <\. ..44 8..16 8..46 0..16 9 48 10..24 ll.. 1 8.. 39 8..65 9..30 10.. 6 10..44 ll..75 12..12 Ai-rivcti Veitcraay. Steamship Minnatonka. Carpenter, New York left 20lh Mdse. Ta Havenel a Co. J E adger ft Co, C D anions, adams, Damon ft Co. E Bate.?, B>nry Bl-ebon*ft Co, W M Bird ft Co, F C Horner, Brown ft Hy cr, T A Be J m is h ft Co, C Bart k co, ii D Btahe. Chtpolm Bros. T D C aney ft Co, W Carrington, J 0 H Claus sen, CL eins ft Witte, B ft A P Caldwell, J A Cook ft Co, Crane, Boylston ft Co, H Cobla ft Co, M fl Collins ft Co, W H cs ? fee ft Co, J Campat-n ft Co, J M Cater. B L Davis, Douglas? Miller, B A Duck, Dowle ft Moise. Miles Drake, A W ? chols ft Co. For? syth, Mocomb ft ? o. John & Fairly ft co Furchgott Bro-, Goodricn, Wineman ft co. fl Gerdts ft Co J H Graver ft co, A sent Florida steamer? P L Guille min, A A Qooawln, lt Howard, Jr. J H Billen. 1 Hy? man ft Co, Wm Barral! ft Co. Hart ft Co, buger ft i.ttvene), H D ft < o, OBI grehsm ft Son, Johnsi.n, Crews ft Co, Toee Jua, Jeffords ft < o Cnaa Kerri-on, Kinsman eros, H Kia'te hija. Ls urey ft Alexander. E J Lewith, DeSauesure ftf^on. Jno G Milner ft Co. Muller. Nimitz ft Co. MoffVtt ft W arton, W Mathies? on. McLoy ft Bice, Murphy ft Little, J M Martin. P Melt* 1er. Marshall ft Burgs. M ft Co, diamond N ft Co, A ..? etz. r> H Nelson, haebmae ft co. J F O'Neill ft Son, D O'Neill ft Soo, B O'Neill, Ostendorf ft i o, Palmetto P O Asiociaton. L ?. Quackenbnsh, Seeder % Davis, Hie ke ft .schachte, M B Rnascli ft ' o, s ?iectendo-t, southern Express Co, P O schrod-r. Q W Steffens ft Co. J balzbarber, W Steele, J F la>ler ft Co oblas ft Son. J thomas ft co, jno B Vollere. Charles Voigt, Wagner ft atOBStes, Whittemore ft Rhudes, w a ker, Evans ft 'ORBwell, Wi mer ft Duck? er, J N M Wohltman. J Wietels. Steamship bea Gull, Dutton. Baltimore--left 30th, P M. Mdse. To Mordecai ft Co, Courtenay ft 1 ren bolxn, J k Adger ft Co. G W Aimer, ? D /hrens ft Co, c D Brahe ft Co. Boll m ann Bios, J O Blohme, to bischoff ft Co. W H Boring w M bird ft < o, Geo B Brown, I M Bristol), R ft AP Caldwell, J Camp-en ft Co, L Coraray ft Co. J C B Clauasen, Goodrich. Wineman ft Co. J H Gr ver ft Co, Usn ft Co, * M Butler. Kirkpatrick ft Wi tte, fl Klatte ft Co, Laurey ft > !? xander, Z Miller ft Son, F L Myer. Marshall ft Bure-, B O'Neill. Os eudora" ft Co, c F Panknln, Biecke ft Schachte. Bi-ppe ft I.ilientbal T F yan, G W Steffens, L fcchulxTt, shackel/ort ft Belly, J Thrmson ft Co, A l'obla?, John il V?llers, J N Al Wobliraan, J B Wmbmiu, Winir ft Lacer, W G Wbliden ft Co, W L Webb. H O Rillroad Agent, N E Railroad Agent, Pelzer, Rodgers ft Co. Ci , area Yest? rda j-. Behr Stampede, Stratton. Providence, R I-L T Pot? ter. Cleared for tb Ia Port. Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, at Now York. An gu?: 21 . l p for fhts Port. Birk B B Walker. PdtingJ ll, at Boston, August 21. From this Port. Bohr M trover. Brown, New York, August 20. ?irme.? anita. Oonsieores per steamship J W Everman, Hinck? ley, from Philadelphia, exp. cte?! to-oay. Mdse To Jno ft Theo Getty, G W J O aiken * Co, B F Btker ft to. Byrne ft fogarty, Bollmann Hro , Uudd ft Blake, Cameron, Baikley ft Co, McD Cohen, < raoe, Bovlston ft Co. Chat leeton Mining Co, J t osgrcre, L Chapia ft Co. Charleston Sulphuric A<id a d super? phosphate Co. Denny ft Perry, H \ Due. N Fehren bach. Fogariles' Book Hon e, John S Fairly ft Co, Gaslight Co. Goodrich. Wioeman ft Co II Gerdts ft Co. H Hardc nb roi ile, J Hurkamp ft Co, Johnston Crews ft Co, Jeffords ft Co, Klinck, Wicienberg ft Co, M Kennedy. D Kenrick, G J lunn, Marshall ft Burge, John G M?norft Co N K Railroad, C P Pop? penheim, C Bing John Russell, Pi-ley ft Cr-ighton, SC Mining co, hackelforn ft Kelly, N C Railroad, Stenhouse ft Co, Jobn Thornton ft Co, TJ s Quarter? master, Walker, tv au s ft Cogswell, P Walsb, and others. The sehr Madison Holme?, Howard, from George? town, S C, arrived at New York August 20. The brig Ben j Carver, Myers, from Georgetown. S O, for earsport, Me, was ^okc J Ctn lnat, 25 miles E8E of Foina Psn .-hosls, with loss of foretopgai lent sail, mainsail and main royal. Tbe sehr Hsdsou, Kemp, for Georgetown, S 0, cleared at New York Auguu 20th. The brig W B Parks, from Georgetown. S C. for Boston, arrived at Holmes' Bol met August 19th. The sehr 8 Webb, Rowlsnd, norn Georgetown, :. C, arrived at New York Augnst 20th. The sohr M L Wed more, Tom v, from Georgetown, 8 O, arrived ac New York August 21st. CIST OP VKSMKLS OP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR i HIS WA FOREIGN LIVERPOOL. The Vinco, Halliday, sailed....,,.July 15 British brig Courier, baa?, soDed.July 9 DOMESTIC 30Srrs. Bark B B Walker. Pet tin Rill, up.August 21 Brig M C Bosevelt, Farnsworth, cleared.. .August ll Brig J A Devereaux, Clark, cid.Aug ist 18 Brig Cy ole ne. Friable, cleared.August ll Anna E Glover, ierr;, up.August 19 mtv? ross Steamship Manhattan. Woodhull, cleared, august 21 Sehr Nancy Smith, Boyd, up.August 16 Sehr Geordie, Swan, cleared.august 14 Sob. Lilly, Bashes, cleared.August li Sohr clara Montgomery, Cole, cleated.August 14 Sehr Menewa, Dissoaway, cleared.August 9 PHILADELPHIA Steamship J W Everman. hinckley, cleared.August 19 Back B G W Dodge, Munro, cleared.augut Li BALTIMORE. Sehr Virginia Dare, Johnson, np.AuguU 14 Sohr Wenonah. Mitchell, np.August 14 ?i K A P T 8 M ? M ? S LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, OF NEW YOBK. Office i Park Bank Kulldlng, Kos. 214 and 210 Broadway. CAPITAL.:.?240,000 COE ADAMS. President. WILLIAM T. PHLPP?, vice-President. HENRY BELDEN, Secretary. J. T. HUMPHREYS, Agent for State ot South Carolina, Office No. 27 Broad-street. J. S. BUIST, M. D., Medical Examiner. 49" >UP-AGENTS wanted throughout tbe State. Apply by letter to J. T. HUMPHREYS, General Agent. m De.comb>-r 7 ROS AD ALIS. Sold by GOODRICH, WISEMAN di CO., Direct Importers of European Drugs and Chemicals, MsyS f tu til yr CHARLESTON, 0. ?, /fritters. T?B "IAI.OU1 ? FHRTILIZEIl" 18 MADE KKOM THE PHOSPHATES OP Sou tb Carolina, and la jTononncd br various cbenilsta one ol the beet Manures known, only interior to Peruvian Guano lu its P. BI ?LIZIN? PROPERilES. Tbese PHOSPHATES are the rematas Of extinct land und ?ea asimsls, and po-s- tB qualilies of th- gr??tes value to the agriculturist. We annex the aualysis uf Professor S"EP > BD: "LABOE A TOBY OF THE MEDICAL COLLE az OF SOUTH CAHOLTNA. Analysis of a sample of CAR^LINA FERiILlZER, personally selected: Moisture excelled at 212 dea? V.16-70 Organic Matter with aome water of combinai ion excelle J at a low red heat.16.60 Fixer Ingredients.66 80 Ammonia.2.60 Phosphoric Acid-Soluble. 6 96.Equivalent b> ll 27 t-o'.obie Phosphate of Lime. Insoluble. 6.17.Equivalent to 13.48 Intoluble (bone). 18.13 v4.76 Phosphate of Lime. buUhnr'c Acid.ll 01.Equi valent to 23.65 Sulphate cf Lime. Sulphate of Potash. SO Sulphate or roda. 3.60 Saud.11.(0 . On theetrenctb ot the.-e result-. I am ,UA to certify to tbs superiority of the CVROLINA FERTI? LIZER, examined. C. D. SBEPABD, JR." SO- We will furnish this excellent FEHTIL'ZEB to Planters and others at 665 per ton of 2000 lbs. GEO. W. WILLIAMS <fc CO., A ur ust 14 FACTORS. stuthlmo gousf-farnisijing Qtoo?s, (Stf. ESTABLISHED 1833. . A. . DUO, MAN I'FACTUH Ell OP v * * PLAIN AND STAMPED TIN-WARE, ARD WHOLESALE DEALER IN JAPANNED-WABE, HOUSE-FURNISHING WOODS, &c, .?os. 18 HAYJ.E-STKEET AVU 580 KI \ G-STREET, t II AK Lt STUN, 8. C. ROOFING AND (.UTTERING DONE. tuths2moB AugU6t 2 Sous. MARVIN' PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOf _ . SAFES Are most desirable for quality, finish and price, j MARVIN'S n SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES Cannot be Sledged ! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, g.. VAULT DOORS, ?|? EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFE8, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send for a catalogue to MARVIN & CO., (oldest safe manufacturers) . . . (265 Broadway, New York. Principal 1 m che8tnut gt-f Phi]a Warehouses j108Bank St., Cleveland^ And for sale by our agents in tht principal cities throughout the United State? .>. FOB SALE BY WM. M. BIRD ft CO.. No. 303 EAST BAY, CI1AKLM9TOW. December 19 Ijr 0 B A T H TO W?itMsl B C Y FLEMING'S WOBJI CONFECTIONS, The Best In Use. They are made of "Santonine," acd contain no Injurious dreg. Bead what one of the most distinguished physi? cians ol Richmond. Va., cays about the Lozenges : I have long used r"autonine, tbe active principle ol European Woim-Seed, as sn effectual remedy for Worms io children. Mr. Warner L. Fleming pre. pares a Lozenge composed of it. whim is a veiy pleasant and palatable f irm in which to administer it to children, and which may be relied on a? prop? erly prepared. O. F. MANSON, M. D. For sale by DR. H. BAKE, Wholesale Agent, June 21 No. 191 Meeting-street. ? prDjjs, (L?ifrai?Q?s, (Ctr. SUN'S TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. E 1 .Viirraiited to lieinoTe all Desire for Tobacco. It ia rarely Vegetable and contains nettling Injurions Ibe following is one cf thousands of testimonials that are daily received by the Manufacturer: lucnM VD. VA., November28, 1688. DEAS ME-The "lobacco Antidote" prepared by you according to the leceiptyou have submitted to me, and tho ingredients ot which I have examined, ls purely vegelab e. entirely ha? miers, and contains nothing in tho least injuiinus. It is not disagreeable to the taste, ?nd as a home article, I hope you will uiett with ready suie :or it, and I believe that if the . ?rec tiens aro loll? wed, it will do all you chimed for it JOBN DOVE, M. D. ny Price 60 cents per BOT. The usual discount to the Trade. W for sale by Dr. H. BAER, WHOLESALE AGENT FOB SOUTH CABOLINA. June 7 YUH r vs PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. Letter /ron Bon. AUx. H. St phau, of Georgia. CBAWFOBDSVILLE, Ga september 29. 1808. Darby* Prophylactic Fluid ls an article of little co-t. t.ct : reat value. Its domestic as well as medi? cinal mes are numerous, while ita specialties ore mon wonderful I have not been without it lor ten j cars. ?nd no head of a family who can afford to hive it should be without it. ALEX. H. STEPHENS. THE WON'DE lt FL L FAMILY MU DI. CIN K. Letter from the Surg:.on-G-,'<fral of the late Confedera ate Stales. HICHMONO, Va., January U, 1809. JOHN DA?BT A Co., No. 160 William-street, New York: ' Gentian ?-I have received your letter of the 15th of December, 196(1, calline my attention to your (Darb) V Prophylactic) Fluid. I moat cheerfully tute that ibe Fluid was furnish, ed to, and extensively used by, the surgeons in chirsre of general hospitals in the Confederate ser? vice with croat benefit to the patients-all the sur* Keora making a favorable report-a great deal of it was used lu the hospitals. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, sAM'L PRESTON MOORE, M. D, THE ASTONISHING DISINFECTANT. EMORY COLLEOE.-GXFORD GA., December 2*. 1868. Prof. DAIIBY. Dear Sir- Having not been en? gaged for many years in the active duties of the Medical profession, I am only superficially acquaint? ed with the claims ef your Proph>iactic Fluid, bat am well acquainted with its chemical elements. While, there'ore, 1 rannot speak experimentally of the value of the compuund rec the disinfecting and therapeutic properties of the agent* employed in its cocnnoFition, together with the well knowu reputa? tion J ' t- discoverer, as a chemist, authorize me to regard its merit- as of a hirth order; on the whole it must be considered as a valuable contrioution to the class of articles to which it belcngs. These view*. I may add, are sustained by the testi? mony oi many competent judges, who have tested its properties. Believe me, dear sir. Tours, respectfully, A. M KANS, M.D., LL. D. CURES BURNS. WOUNDS, STINGS, die. ALABAMA INSANE HOSPITAL, j TUSCALOOSA. December 22.1868. | Messrs. JOHN DABBT &; CO , No. 160 William-street. New York: Gentlemen-1 received your circulars of the lrth instant, asking an expression ot' opinion from me as to the merits of your Prophylactic Flutd. The pre? paration has been so g -nerally used by thc protea *ion and public at large, and so universally esteem? ed, that it seems io me to need no further recom? mendation. As a disinfectant and reme liai agent too, when iu? dicata d, it is not excehV d by any similar preparation. We use permeanganic prupaiations very extensively m this h'-spital, and cou it not do without them. 1 consider yours tue best an 1 most elegant prepara? tion of the kind manufactured. Respectfully yours, Ac, P. BBICE, M. D., Snp't and Physician Alabama Insane Hospital. DO WIK df MOISE. WHOLESALE DhUGOISIS, May 25 ruthi3mos t cents for South Carolina. fJIO REMOVE GKEASE SPOTS. USE THE DOUBLE DISTILLED BENZINE, Prepared, and for sale, wholesale and refill, by DB. H. BAtB, May 29 No. 131 Meeting-street, grails, Cjgggjj? (Etc J. L V H 3 , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY S. E. Corner of Kins; and John-Sts. SPECIAL AND PEESON AL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PHYSICIANS' PRESCR PT?0MS, DEAL EE DI FOREIGN AND X0KE6TX0 DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS, 1'UFFS A KD PO FF BOXES, TOILET SETS, dc. ? PATENT MEDICINES GENUINE BAY HI M. LUHN'S COLOGNE 18 UNSURPASSED BY ANT OTHER. A TRIAL WILL REPAY YOU. GERMAN COLOGNES. , LUHN'6 FLAVOBING EXTRACTS Have 00 equal for strength aod purity, aud ought to be used by all SODA WATER DEALERS AND ICE CHEAM MANU FACI UBERS. Mr. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor of the Charleston Hotel, Bays: "I recommend your Extracts without hesitation to the public for Ice Creams, Jellies and Pastry." Mrs. H. M. BULTEBTXXLD, Proprietress of the Pa? vilion Hotel, says: "They axe well worthy the atten? tion of those wbo deal in them or use them " These Extracts are put up in small Tisis, by the dozen, for tbe trade and family use, and in pint, quart and half gallon bottles for manufacturers. Congress and High Rook Spring Waters CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Any arf cle desired, not in Stock, will be procured to order. Goods delivered in the city FREE OF CHARGE. June 8_pac_ruths 3m o TREVER AND AGUE, FROM WBICH MANKIND SUFFER over a large part of the globe, laue consequence of a diseased action in tbe ?ystem, induced bv the poison? ous miasm of vegetable decay This exhalation is evolved ty the action of solar best on wet soil, and rises with the watery vapor fi om lt. While the ena ls below the horizon this vapor lingers near the earth's surface, and the virus is taken with lt through the lungs mto the blood. There lt acts as an irritating polfon on the internal viscera and excreting organs of the body. 1 he liver becomes torpid and falls to secrete Bot only mis virus, hut also tbe bile from the blood. Both the virus and the bile accumulate in th? circu? lation, and produce vio ent constitutional disorder. The spleen, the kidneys, and the stomach sympa thize with 4he liver, and become disordered also. Finally, the instinct of our organism, as li in an at? tempt to expel th? noxious infusion, concentrates the ?bole blood of tbe body in tbe internal excreto? ries to force th em to cast lt out. The blood 1? aves the surface, and rusbes lo the central organs with congestive violence. Ibis ia the CbilL But in this effort lt falls. Then the Fever follows, In wnich the blood leaves the central organs and rushes to the surface, as it in another effort io expel Ike irritating poison ?brough that other great excretory-tbe skin. In tbis also lt fails, and tbe system abandons the attempt exhausted, and w.-its for tbe recovery of strength to repeat tbe hopeless effort another day. These are the bis of paroxyems ot Fever and Ague. Such constitutional disorder will of course under mine the health if it ls not removed. We have labored to hnd, and have found an anti? dote, AYER'S AGUE CURE, Which neutralizes tbis malarious poison In the blood, ond stimulate.? the liver to expel it from the body. As it ? it does cure this afflicting disorder with perfect certainty. And it does more, or rather does what is of more service to those sub? ject to this infection. If taken in season it expels it from the system as it is absoroed. and thus keeps tboso who use it free ?rom its attacks; keeps the sys? tem in health although exposed to the disease. Con? sequently it not only cures, but protects from, the great variety of affections wbich are induced by this malignant influence, such as Remittent Fever, Chill Fever. Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache. Bilious Fever*, r-eurelgla. Bheumatlim Gout, Blindness. Toothache. Earache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitations Painful Affections of the spleen, Hysterics, Colic, Paralysis, and Painful Affect ons rf the Stomach and Bowels, all of which, when arising from this cause, will be found to as? sume, more or less, the intermittent type. This "AGUE CUBE." removes the canse of these derange? ments and cures the disease. 1 his it accomplishes by stimulating the excreto? ries to expel the virus from the system ; and tbese organs by deereea.become habited to do this, their efhee, of their own accord. Hence arises what wc term acclimatation. Time may accomplish the same end, but olteu l<fe is not long enough, or ls sacrificed in the attempt, while this ' Ague Cure" does it at once, and with safety. We bave great re ; son to be? lieve ibis is a surer as well as safer remedy for the whole class of diseases which are caused hy the mi? asmatic ln'ectt' n. than any other which has been discovered; and it has still another important ad? vantage to the pifbiic, which ls, that it is cheap as well as good. PREF KHEX) BT Dr. J. C. AYER di Ct?., Lowell, Masa Practical and Analytical Chemists. Price One Dollar pe' bottle. Sold at Wholesale, by DOWIE A MOISE. Charleston, South Carolina, And by Retail Druggists everywhere. J une 26 nao . Ktarb?mos 1 rjltlE BISHOP J* I L LI TUE BISHOP PILL! THE BISHOP PILL! A Purely Vegetable Pill (Sngar-Coated.) "COSTARV BISHOP PILL, "Is of extraordinary efilcecy for Costiveness, Indi? gestion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Nervous Debility, Liver complaint." "The best PILL in tbe world." M edi iii Journal, September 8. TRY T H E Ml TRY THEM! tS" AH Druggists in CHARLESTON sell tbem. " COSTAR'S " STANDAK1) PUPPA lt ATIONS ABS '.Costar'?" Kat. KoacU, Aie. KxtcrmiV "Lo-tai V Bed Una Kxterminators. '.Costar's" (only pure) Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Remedies known." "18 years established in New York." "20CO Bcxes and Flasks manufactured daily." "111 Beware I ! I of spurioui- imitatione." "All Druggists in CB ABLESTON sell them " For SI, SI, ti and $5 sizes, Address "COSTAR" COMPANY. No. 13 Howard-street, New York. Sold in CHARLESTON, 8. O, by GOODRICH, WIN KM AN di CO. March 23 nae lyr ?pOSADALlS Purifies the Blood. For Sale by Drug gis tr Kverywnere. July 28 *?i Proas, Comtois, Ctr ry H , O. S. PROPHITT'8 FAMILY MEDICINE CONSISTING OF HIS CRT.KBBATED LIVER MEDICINE, ANODYNE PAIN KILL IT, ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS, AGUE PILLS, Dysentery Cordial, Female Tonie AND ^ PURIFYING PILL?. TBE FSCELLENT REMEDIES OF O. 8. 'ROPHJTT, Mi V., need no recommendation heir well known power in rcmovng tbe diseases pe? culiar to our Southern climate having already eatab lah ed for them an enviable reputation in Georgia ind the adjoining .-tates. As the majority ot per - g i ving in the Routh are predi?po-ed tc dl?easc tha> Liver, it is granted by all intelligent phys'clan hat nost of the pains and aches ol our people ore noe o or* mic or luncticnal derangement of that impor .nr organ. Prophitt's Liver Medicine and inti. Bilious Pills strike directly at the root of the evil. rbi?v cure the Liver, which in nine cases out of en, Ut at the bottom of the Coughs, Dyspepsia, colic, Sick Headache. Bheumatism, Conttipation, Men* strual Obstructions, Ac, so common among our people. Earache, Toothache, acute Bbenmar!sro, Neuralgia and bodily pains of every kind flee before F HOP HIT r's PAIW HULL IT like chaff before the wind. PROPHITT'S IilVEH MEDICINE. Dr. Propkitt- Having used this medicine suffi? ciently long to test ita virtue,. nd to satis(y my own mind that it is an Invaluable remedy for Dy ?peer?a -a disease from which the writ?r~has suffered much for six years-and being persuaded that hundreds who now suffer from this annoying complaint weigal be signally benefitted, as he has be. n by its ns^m deem it a duty we owe to Jhin un fort maa te cia? to recommend to them the use of this remedy, which bas given not only himself bat several members ot bis family the greatest relief. M. W. ARNOLD, Of the Georgia Conference. DOOLY Comm, 6A , April, 1867. Thia is to certify Ibat ( was routined to the bou?e. and most of the tire to my bed, and ?uffering th? greatest agony imaginable ?iib Blteumathrm, for rive months, and after trying every available reme? dy, with no relief, I was cured with two bottles of Dr. O. 8. Prophlti'a Anodyne Pam EiU It, each cost? ing fifty cents only ; it relie. ed me almost instantly. I therefore recommend it m the high eat degree to others suffering from similar dise iee I can say that lt is one of tbe bett family medicines now out, certain. Toura truly. w. A. FOB EH A ND. CovnoTOV, GA., Joly 9,1867. Dr. Prop/tit-Having used your Liver Medicine, for mon than a year kn tn y family, I cheerfully re? commend lt to ah persons suffering from Liver af? fections, Byspepsia or Indigestion in any form. I also recommend your Dysentery Cordial aa the beat remedy for that disease. ? O. T. BOGERS. STAHTOBDVILLE, Prmax COUHTT, Oct 1,1837. Dr. 0. 8. Frophiti- Dear Slr-Ibis ls to certify that I have used your Ague Pilla for the last tea ye ?rs. and I have never failed to cure .be Ague in a single instance with them. They always break tho chills the first day that they are given. I can recom? mend them as being the neat ague medicine that I have > v sr found, and they leave BO bad effects foll o w iDg them, as Quinine, Ac. ? Toura respectfully. A. WESTBROOK. PUTOAM roon. GA. September 93,1868. Dr. 0. S. PropkUl-*ix-l have used for the last two years in my family you- Liver Medicine, y oar Pain EUI It, and yam Female Tonic, and I barm no fears in saying lbat they are the best medicines I have ever used for thrLlver and Stomach Neuralg-c and Bbcumatic afflictions. Headache, Coho, and pains of every kind are subdued by them. After usmg the medicines so long, I cheerfully recommend them to any aiid every one, and io all that are afflicted, as the beat and safest remedies for aO the diseases fur which they are recommended, Ac Toura respectfully, JAMBS WEIGHT. DU. PROPHITT'S PE M AXE TONIC. This Medicine, with ita associates, 13 a safe and certain remeoy for all curable diseases to which Fe? male? alone are liable. It ls also an excellent pre? ventative of Nervous Blledneee, or Nervous Dis? eases in either male or len ale. It ts a powerful Ner? vine Tonic, setting up a full and free circulation throughout (Le system. All of the above Medicines sold by Druggists and Merchants generally throughout the southwest. ED. S. BURNHAM, Wholesale and Retail Agent, No. 421 King-street, (near Calhoun,) Charleston, P. O. Prepared only by DB. 0. 8. PBOPHITY. April 18_stutn6moa_Covington. Qa. Q P. PANKNin, Apothecary and Chemist, No. 133 Meeting-street CHARLESTON, S. O r?UE ADVERTISER BEGS TO CALL ATTEN? TION to bis stock of the best Imported and Domes? tic : . CHEMICALS, DRUGS, . AND * PATENT MEDICINES. DEATH TO FLIES. USE LIO OTIS INO L IG Fl TN OG LIGHTNING LIGHTNING FLY PAPER FLY PAPER FLY PAPER -4 FLY PAPER. SURE AND SPEEDY DESIKUCTION TO ?s 4 THIS TROUBLESOME VISirOR. POR SALE BT THE SHEET, QUIRE OR REAM, B"ST THE ADVERTISER. MANUFACTURER OF PANKNIN^S HEPATIC BITTERS, Which have established for themselves a reputation surpassed by none. Through constant effort and attention be hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage which has hitherto been extended to him, * February 16 tu thal yr