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THE DAILY NE WS -o &I3&DAN, DAWSON ft 0 0., PBOPBLETOSS. OFFISB No. 1&??S1 BAT, --o Zs Bm-DAXLI KIWI, on* 00 DULI Ns wa, six mont?t.3 00 DAXU NSW?, three montai.3 00 lai-STanxxx Nura, one year.8 00 TTU-WKXELI NlWB, atz months.3 00 PAtnisi invariably in adrar, ce. No paper ?eat an leu the cain accompanies the order, or fox a long? er Hm? than pud for. i Zan Daru NKWB will be serred to tub scriber? In th e city at 15 cents a week, ? Au Tu* TL?it ?um.-Fini insertion, IS cents a line; subsequent insertions, lo cents a Une. Business Mottoes. 30 cents a Une. liairtAge sad Funeral No - ti oe?. Oas Dollar eseh. KBITS SUMMART. -Gold, at New York, doa od, yesterday at sei. -Tho New York cotton market was un? changed. Sales 1600 bales at 33gc. .-At Liverpool cotton closed a shada firm? er. Quotations unchanged. Sales 12.000 bales. -There was s show of frost Sunday morn? ing st tho Greanbrier White Sulphur. -General Boseoisns has declined the Demo? cratic nomination as Governor of Ohio. ?-Three kerosene oil explosions in New York, Saturday, camed sloes of $8000, and one hu? man hts. -In sons parts of Indiana the farmers give half their wheat crop to whoever will harrest and thresh the whole. ? Somebody bas figured up Commodore Van? derbilt's wealth st 1100,000,000. This nlaees him ahead o? Astor snd Stewart, of Nsw York. .-Archbishop McCloekey, of Now York, sailed for Breat on Saturday by the a team s h ip City of Paris. The .archbishop is boond for Borne to .attend the Ooomeniosl Council. -Constant Meyer has nearly finished an ideal portrait of Tennyson's "May Queen." It is s halMenjrth figure of a young girl holding a ?prig of tbs snow drop, her head garlanded With early spring flowers. -If the Empress Eugenie should visit the United States next sommer, as it is reported she wiQ, the French squadron accompanying f met is to be esoorted across the Atlantis by Bear Admiral Radford bi his flagship, the fctajUjaj, -The State Legislature of Tennessee, as far aa heard from, will contain sixteen Conserva? tives in the Senate, with five districts to hear from, whilst in the House there will be forty six Con serva ti ves^ four Republicans, snd four Stokes Republicans-ultra Radica ls. -The purchasers of the textile fabrics on exhibition in Cincinnati sie principally whole? sale deslere. The amount realized is satisfac? tory. Tbe exposition bas been s great suc? cess, sod is regarded as the greatest event in tbs commercial history of Cincinnati. -Ai the late session of the American Doutai Association, at Saratoga, a resolution was in? troduced favoring the admittance of women to foil membership in subordinate associations. The assocution refused to adopt it, bat laid it on the table ss s "matter beyond its jurisdic? tion." -The late Bufos Lord, of New Tork, who died recently, bequeathed the balk of his estate, valued at four millions of dollars, to two of his brothers. Two other brothers and s sister receive only moderate sums. Charitable societies receive twenty thousand dollars. . -The editor of the Albany (Ga.) News says : "We hara reports from ail sections that the rust is seriously injuring the cotton. We have seen it ourself, and whare it exists the cotton looks ss il s flame of fire had swept over it. We are having too mach iain for cotton, and if it continues a'day or two longer, all hope of a foll crop will bs at so end, for what the rast le*vj8B$he caterpillar will destroy." -Rx-Preeid^nt Johnson, in a speech of over three hoars' duration, at Blountsville, Tenn., the Isst he made before tho election in that Stats, took the moat open sod unequivo? cal grounds in favor of national repudiation. The bondholders, he said, bad already re? ceived the amount of their investments. The greatest enthusiasm was manifested through? out the address, at the conclusion of whiob three hearty cheers were given for the ex President. -The aati-ooal monopoly organization of Buffalo, New Tork., held soother meeting last . week. A committee was appointed to arrange for aa immediate supply of cosl and procure a charter for the ci tizeos' coal organization. Re? solutions were passed recommending the aboli? tion of the tariff on ooah instructing the repre? sentative of the district to use his utmost en? deavors to procure auch abolishment in Con? gress, and denoan oin g the coal monopolies. A committee was appointed to draft a memorial to Congress tor the abolition of the doty on foreign coal. A moat earnest and determine i spirit is manifested to break ap the coal mo? nopolies. .-A Utile steamer of fifteen tons burtben left Baltimore last Thursday for Attakapaa, Louis ianfa, to make ber wsy by canal to New Tork, thence by river and through canals sud lakes to the MisaiaBippi. Ia addition to this effort to damons trate an inland water communication with the Mississippi from the North, we see it stated that Robert B. Wentworth is on his say to Dubuque, Iowa, from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, with a steamer and two barges Isden with one million shingles, intending to take back to Green Bay a cargo of wheat, and thus demon? strate the feasibility of navigation from the Mississippi to the lakes through the Wisconsin and Fox rivers. -New Orleans is promised s very good opera company for the next season. Mr. Cala bresi, the leader of* tho orchestra, is now io Palis seles tin? snd engaging singers. Among those already engaged are Mlle. Arnalde, a promising prima donna of only twenty years; Mlle. Depuis ss premier? chatdease legere, from the Paris Opera Comique; M. Mich- ud as tenor; M. Dumestre as baritone; and M. Vidal as basso pxofnndo. The last three are from the Grand Opera, Pans, and for each of them, as well ss for Mme. Dumestre, who also joins tba company, the manager has to pay ten thousand francs a mooth in gold. Mr. Calabreei thinks he liss secured a treasure as madre de ballet, but the name is not given. The house where the opera is to be given is undergoing thor? ough repairs. -Following close upon the breach among Radical and Conservative Republicans in Vir? ginia and Tennessee, which resulted in the re? tient triumphs of liberal principles in the South, we have the news ftom New Toik city that the oew Republican organization, called the Union Bapublioan Central Committee, has he'd an ad? journed meeting, and issued an address to the R -publicans of New Tork city sad Stile, set? ting: forth the causes that hive I id to the pre? sent movement, and detailing the corrupt prac t c"8 of other li.publican organizations. The miin object of the new party organization, as Sit forth io ile address, sf to express the dis? gust of the mass of. the Republicans at the f -auds perpetrated in lut> district associations, in which little cuquea of three or four have kept entire control of euch associations, and prevented that "reform in the party in New York so vitally essential te save it from min and give it prosperity ano ancoona.'' -A sale of goods which have been suffered to remain io bonded warehouses at New Tork for a period of from one to two years took plaoe last week, mneh to the profit of the gov? ernment. Ten caseB of cigars, appraised at $3 ran np from $3 to $37 per thousand, at which there waa a load whistle beard, aa if the whistler felt the successful bidder bad been "stuck;" a bale of anny blankets, appraised at $13 was run up to $300; another bale, earns valuation, sold at $140; three cases of macaroni, valued at 50c. each, sold for from $160 to $2 each; several cases of shrubbery, of *(no value," sold for from $125 to $5; the only watch and ohain Bold brought $55, valued at $10; one box of cigars, which had Moses Taylor & Co.'s mirk, was run up from $8 per thousand, the valuation, to $46; the sum of $150 was paid for two trunks of artificial flowers, valued at $125; vinegar, valued at 10o per gallon, aoid for from 30c to 40c; a cask or rum, valued at $5, sold for $2550; sixty eight -oases of religious tracts, valued al $670. bung a long time before the ap? praised value was bidden, and were finally knocked down for $700; an invoice catalogued as "one case of books," was represented to bo Boll's Life, and though valued at $30, brought $5750. CHARLESTON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGU3T ll, 1869. The Disease and Ute Kerned j-. The injustice of the present system of taxation in the State lies in the administra? tion of the law and not in theprinoiple upon1 which the law ia baaed. It is admitted on all sides that every man should be taxed according to his wealth, and that all prop? erty i h oui d be equally taxed at its ac? tual market value. The State Board of Equalization, however, in doubling and trebling the assessments of the county aa season, and taxpayers themselves, set at naught the principle that all property should be taxed at its actual raine. In this way the application of the law has been oppressive and unjust, and they who hate to pay taxes upon twioe and three times the amount for which they would sell their property are more than ever convinced that there is no hope of justice for the honest eitiian while aband of needy carpet-bag? gers and soalawags control our public af. faire. Bat the action of the State Board of Equalization, bad as it is, is not the grossest wrong of whloh complaint is made. It is hard enough to ba foroed to pay taxes upon what we do not possess, but it is harder still when this is oaused by a deliberately executed purpose of freeing one olass from every kind of tai it iou. A letter from a Santee planter, which we print this morn? ing, points out the glaring evil a of the pres? ent oonditon of affaire, and hits the blot in regard to the immunity of negroes from taxation. Under the new State Constitution no poll tax is permitted, except for educational pur? poses. The ?ffeotof this is to prevent any assessment for the general wants of the State upon negroes who possess no proper? ty. But even the blindest negro worship per in South Carolin? will admit that near? ly every family of colored people has some property, real or personal. The merchant pays taxes upon the capital employed in his business, upon the unney in the hands of his bankers, upon the stocks and bonds which he is so fortunate as to possess. Every white man is compelled to pay taxes upon every artiole of his property, upon every dollar that he has. There is a tax upon his daughter's piano, his wife's watch, and the very spoon with whioh his children are fed. No eomplaint is made ot th ia. We were told that all our property was to be taxed, and we know that pianos, watches and spoons, as well as stocks and bonds, horses, cattle and sheep, are articles of prop erty. But the same rule is not applied to the negroes, and we have good reason to believe that the collectors in Santee are no more careless in collecting taxes from the colored people than their fellow-collectors are in the rest of the State. We do not be? lieve that one-tenth of the colored people pay any tax whatever. They are allowed to escape bec tuse they are Rad i eil voters, and the white people mult make np for their shortcomings. In a matter of thia kind it is useless to appeal to Governor Scott. He is too anx? ious for re-election to do aught that would stir the bile of the Union League or set the cheated freedmen against him. There is no hope in that direotion, and in one quar? ter alone is relief to be found. These Radi? cal rogues and thieves must be driven from the seats whioh they usurp. It oin be done next year at the general eletions. There is no other way ont of the woods. And eaoh fresh instanoe of Radical injustioe, Radical tyranny and Radical wrong should bind oar people more firmly together, and make them more determined to work man? fully when the time comes for the election of honest and trustworthy men. The Annual Pair of tba State Agricul? tural Society. The first annual Fair of the'State Agri? cultural Society will be held in Columbia on the second Wednesday in November next, and promises to be au exhibition of whioh we may all be proud. These Fairs bring the people together, encourage gen? erous emulation, and give every farmer aa opportunity of seeing for himself what his neighbors are doing, and in what particulars their plans or methods ara superior to his own. They bring before the people all the latest inventions in labor-saving machines, they lead to the introduction of new aod improved varieties of seed, and, ic general, do important service in developing the ma? terial resources of the State. But money is the sinews of an agricultu? ral fair, and the Eiecutive Committee can? not make the Fair a success unless they are liberally supported by the people. Columbia and the whole of the up-ccuntry counties have been generous in their con? tributions, but Charleston has lagged be? hind, perhaps in order that she might be able to give more than is given by her neighbors. However this may be, the cir? culars of the Executive Committee have so far met with no response from t'.is city, and it is full time to show that the metropo hs o? ino State will not be back ward for long in doing ker part for the common good. Many persons may be unable to make a Urge donation, bat they cnn make a email gift, and every one bas it in ni? power, at least, to become a member of the society. Next year the Fair will, in ail probability, be held in Charleston, and the way to make it successful here in 1870 is to do all that we can to make it a grand sueeess in Columbia in 1869. The annual subscription of the members is $2, and a subscription of $10 makes the donor a life member. This is within the means of every business man who bae any thing to gain by the prosperity er to lese by the ill-for tune of the Slate. -Most of eur business men can do more than this, and will, we hope, make the donation of $20 requested by the Executive Committee. ?U subscriptions and donations may be forwarded to Colonel D Wyatt Aiken, at Cokesbury, who will give any further rn formation that may be desired. Piss0inti08 gf jtggflrtacr3^:". DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP*. The Copartnership heretofore existing be? tween LAS!. 18 EM AN. No. 364 King-street, baa beeu dissolved tn mutual consent, ihe business will be continued by ISAAC I-KU AN, at the same stand who uss um ts the liabilities of the old concern. august ll wrm3? I. A M. DJEMAM. DISSOLUTION OP COP VH1 N KU SHIP. WILLIAM PAUL withdrew from the t?rm o? 1> PAUL A CO-, on 2d instant. The business will oe conducted by the subscrib? ers under the same name M heretofore. DUN BAB PAUL. August 7 stuwft JOHN PUL. l?arbiHfl. DAY BO l KOO* MODERATE T Kit BIS can tie bad by applying at No. 154 MEE I IN G 81BEET, near Artesian Well, or at THIS OFFICK. Auffu-t 4 wfm6? HUD J)Bpliiat>0os. Q.REAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. IMMENSE 8??CESS. POPULAS BOOKS SENT FE EE OF POSTAGE AT THE PBICE8 ANNEXED: JOHN MARCHMONT'^ LEGACY, a Novel, by Miss M. E. Braddon.SO MlsTKr.?s AND MAID, a Novel, by Miss Mu loch.SO BAD TALE OF THE COUBTaHLP OF CHEVA LIER PLY FOX-Wickof.30 THE WOXDEBFUL AND AMU ISt* DOINOB Oif OSCAR SHANGHAI.?0 MIND YUUBHrOP*.90 BEADY BECEONEB.40 WHIM, LOO 1UCHBB ANO POKE i i.90. MADAME LE MABCBAND'a FOH1 U>E TEL? LER AND PREAMER'> DICTIONARY.49 SPENCER'S COMI ! SPEECHES AND HUMOR? OUS RECITAI ION H.SS MADAME LE NORMAND'* UNERRING FOB TUNE IELLBB.45 LAWS OP LOVE.85 LAD 1 Es' LOVE ORACLE.SS LADIES' G TI DE TO BEAD LY.30 BOXING MADS EASY.30 FON TAINE'1 001 DEN WHEEL FOB I UNE TELLER AND DBI-AM BOOS.40 BOOK OF HOUSEHOLD PET?.65 TBK A lt r OE BEAUTY, by Lola Montes.80 TBE PLAY GBOOD.:.55 AMERICAN CARD PHYEB.65 HOW UAMB'.EKS WIN, OR IHE BEC RE rs OF ADVANTAGE PLAYING.56 THK BAHM BALL PLAYEB.16 LESLIE'S PI TORI AL.15 HARPER'S WEEKLY.\6 CHIMNEY CORNEB.15 LI IE it A K? ALBUM.15 DAY'S DOINGS. 16 POLI' E NEWS OB UAZEITE.15 HARPER'S BAZXAB.15 BUNYAN'S PILGBIMS PHOiBKv,.35 OUB LIFE IN THE HIGHLANDS, by Queeu Victoria.35 COMIC MON l H LY.20 BUDGET OF FUN.rt20 Either ot the iollowlnsj B >oks malLd on receipt ol four SJ. stamps. Old numbers of LESLIE'S, GODEY'S, PE 1ER SON'S, LAND WE LOVE, or DEMOBKSI'S. Any one of Beadles or Munro'? TOME NOVELS. Also, a Comic or sentimental SONG BOOK. Norcia by Charles Dickens: OLIVER TWIST, 172 PAGE*. 30 CENTS: AMERI? CAN Notes, 104 piges 20c; Dombey A Son, 356 cages. 40c; Marin Cbuzalewit, 341 putss, 40o; Our Mumal Friend. 33d pico?, 40c; Christmas Stories, 162 pages. 80c; Jaie of Two Clues, 144 page). 25c; Hard Times and Additional Christmas Stories. 2'JO pages, 30c; Nicholas Mckirdy. 3ij pages. 40c; Blesk Home, 340 paces, 40>; Little Dorrit, 1*3') page.?, 4'ic; Pickwick Pupers. 326 pages, 40 .; David Copperfield. 33U pages, 49c; Bsroar.y budge 257 pages, 3Cc; Old Curiortty H bop, 221 page-, 33c; Orr at Expectations, 181 pages, 30c; fketcbes, 196 pages, 30o. Tue following- Norcia, by Sir Walter Scott, ai ulled at 30 ct ut s Eacht WAVEBLY, IVANHOE. KENILWORTH. GUY Mannering, antiquary, Bob Boy. Old Mortality. The Black Dwarf ana a Legend of Montrose, Bride of Lammermoor, Heart of Mid t.o'htan, The Monas? tery, The Abbot, The Pirate, Fortunes of Nigel, Peve? ril of the Peak, Quen'in Durward. St. Bonan's Well, Bed Gauntlet, ihe Betrothed and Highland Widow, The Talisman, Woodstoek, Fair Maid of Perth, Anne of Geieratcin, Count Robert or Paris, Ihe Surgeon's Daughter. On recel d of the price, either in cash or stamp?, copies of any books in this list will be sent by mall postpaid. CHAS. C. lt I (?HTKU, No. 161 Blag-street, Juh 12 cac tiharlestoo. S. C. J^L'SSELL'S BOOR STORE. RECENT PUBLICATIONS. THE 6UMTEB AND TBE ALABAMA. Service Afloat during the War b'tween the States, by Ad? miral etan mes, 1 vol. 8?o., cloth, $5. BESOUBCES OF IHE sOUTHUIN FIELD* AND FORKS is, Medical. Economical and Agricultural, by V. P?yre Porcher, M. D.. 1 vol 8vo., Si SO. CHRIs J i AN MNGEB* OF G-KM ANY. by Cathe? rine Winkworth, transit or snd romj-iler ot "Lyra (ierma l?s," Illu?trated, 12m i., forming volume 6 of the "Sunday Library." fine cloth, (2. HISTORY ut EU if PK \ N MORALS from Au? gustus to Cbaileuiaene 2 vols., 8vo , 16. FORE>T LIFc IN AC ADI E. "ketcurs of Sport and Natural H is;orv in the Lower Provh-ce-t ol the Cana? dian Dominion, by Captain C. Hardy, Illustrated, 8vo.. . 3. THE NEW AF UNITIES OF FAITH, A Plea for Free Christian Union, by James Martlne-'iu, 25c. SPEC I RUM ANALYSIS, Six Lectures, by H F. Roscoe, with sppebdiccs, co.ored Plates and Illus? trated. 8vo. $9. MIND AN? BR UN; or. The Correlation of Con? sciousness and Organization. Systematically Inves? tigated and Applied to Philosophy. Mental Scieuce and Practice, with a Preliminary Dissertation on Method and illustraiive ot the Text, by Thoa. Lay? cock. M. D.. 2 vol? . 12mo., 425; xvi. 494, $7. LIFE OF PIZ ARRO, with tome account of his As soclstes in the Conquestor Peru, by Arthur H el, e, 1 vol., 92 76 THE OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY, from the Creation to the Return from the Canrivity, edited by W. f-mt h. L.L. P.. 1 vol., limo., $2. WOMAN'd.-UFFBAGr, tne te orin Agalast Na? ture by Horace Hu-h nell, 1 vol, limo., Si 50. THE s>UBJECHON OF WOMAN, by John Stuart, M. II., 1 vol, 12mo.. $1. PRE-HISIOBIO NA1ION?; or Inquine'' Concern? ing some ot ih* Great Peo Die 3 and Civ lizitmns ot Antiquity, ami their Probable ltciat.'on to a still Old? er Civlhzirion ot thc Ethiopians or Cushitfs of Ara? bin, bv John D. Il.ildw n, limo . $1 75. EIObT YEAR ?. WANDERINGS IS CEYLON, by Sic samuel Waite Baker. Illustrated, louie, cloth, ?1 50. THE SCIENCE OF BIGHTS by F. G. Fichte, translated by A. E. Kroeg r, 12aao.. cloth. Si. .H-<l-E THOUSAND MILE-? THROUGH THE BOCK Y MOUNTAINS by A. E. McJlurc. Illusirat ed. lino . c'otu Si. Bkii RICE. A Poem, by Hon. Boden Noel, i-quure 10mo.. cloth, gilt top. $1. TB E S I- X c's, H '.- lt E AND HEREAF rEB, by Wil? liam H. Holcombe, M D , 12mo., paper i loth, $150. LIVES OF .ST. LOUIS AND CALVIN, by M. Guiz >t Illustrated, limo , cloth $2. J HE QUAKER P.Altil-iANS, A Revolutionary Story, with Illustrations, limo , c'oth, $1 50. FICTION.-A uer back's Villa on toe Rhine; Erek mann-.hatratn's Waterloo; Hig.(neon's Ma.boue; HofTmanu's Al.ce Murray; Hugo's L'Homme q.n Blt; Lettice Ltxie; Phelps' Men, Women am Oh'-sts; Ihe Quaker Partisan?; Rob neon's For Uer sase; South worth's Changed brides; Spielhageu'? Problem stlcal Charjc;ers; Woods'Gat- s Wide Open; Kln-.s i-y'- Stretton; My Daughter Elinor; The Lac ietan'? Household; !. chadd's Huberm-isier; southworth's The brioc'* Fut?; Trollope's He Knew He Was Light; Z->cliokke'H Dead Guss ; Fieytag's Lost Mau - us"ript; Jean Inglelow's Mopsa the Fairy. Janusrv 1 lyr ^lllAULKSTON AU U1C ULT URAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED SIORE. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, GARDE i SEEDS <?c. ELLERBE'S TRANSPLANTER FOR SALE. GEO. E. PING REE. Nc. 110 Meoting-itreet, Charleiton. March 21 6mo WwwU. WANTED TO REVT, A SCHOOL? HOUSE ?nd BESlDf JfCE. Addrj's. stating tonas, P. O. Box No. 169. won33 Augutt ll WANTED A COOK-.? COMPETENT FEMALE COOK Must ?ring recommenda tiona a? to character and capacity. Apply between tte. hears of 10 and 13 o'olock, at No 131 COMINO STREE r, opposite st. Panl'a Church. Aa?nat ll_1_ \XTAXTRB, A SITUATION, BY A RE TT 8PtCTA?LB White ?lrl, io Cook, Wash and Iron, Apply aa No 86 ANSON-STBHET. August ll_ 1? W.V>TKP A KK?Pit.iSlBLEWOHAN to nurse-willie or colored. Must bring satis? factory recommendations, and willing tc'sleep on fte pi ?mise?. Ai ply at the Northwest Corner of KING AND MOB!.Ia STREETS. 1 August ll VTUKSK WA ff) ED FOR A CHILD? Jjd three years old ; must come well recommended. None other need apply. Inquire st No* 16 HT. PHIL!P-M BBgT._1*_August ll WANTED, A SITUATION BY A COM? PETENT Bookkeeper, but who is willing to ts Se tue place ot an A rai staut Will act as Sales? man and make himself generally useful. Las no objection to travel. ?afcir> not bo much an object as perm >nent employment Bert of reference! given. Address '. Ch ALL KM ON IAN," care of "NEW? OF? FICE." August ll SHRIMP l SHRIMP 1-WAISTED UK SPONsIBLE FISH EHMEN to coiitraot for fur idshing 8HBIMPd<Uy dnxiog the season. PAUL, WELCH A BB.\NDE3. 3_August 10 WANTED. A FEMALE ASSISTANT IN a country sohool, to lake charge of the Pri? mary One acquainted with muele, and the publie Behool method of teaching preferred. Salary (ISO dollars and brod per scholastic year of | ten months. Address, w?b teatimonials, J. D H., P. O. Box 431. 3*_August 10 WAATMD. A KKSFECTABLK WHITK W< HAN. todo housework and make herself | generally uselul in a email family. Apply at No. t CHUBCH-M REE r, east atde, near Battery. August 10 3 WA N T * D TO KKRT OR LEASK, A PM A Lt. HOUSE, with four rooms. Arc , in a convenient locality. Apply at THU OFFICE. August 10 3* WANTED, PAKT OF A HKslDKM'K, say THBKE US FOUR BOOM s, on or tear Wentworthstreet. ox Butledge Avenue. Bent not te exceed 1350. Address X O. E., at thia oflce. Jury 37_ WANTED, BV A MARRIED HAN, A situation in some Cotton Bill South or South weat; ia acquainted with all brauches. having work? ed in them all, but should select WEAVING as s choice. Eames wishing to engage auch s person ?ill please address ? note, atatlng terms, to JOHN I. KELLY, No. 118 stats-street, Boston. Maj U WANTED, EVERY BOD V TO SUB. t? CB LB 41 to the CrBC UL ATINO LIBRARY - CB ABLES C. BIOHTEB'8 Selfed Library of New Books contains al) of the latest publications. April 21_No. 161 KING-3TBEET. CHINESE LABOKERS.-PAKTI KS wishing to ?os ploy largs or small Bambers of I CHINESE LA BO BE HS, tray make the necessary | 'arrangements for procuring gang? of ihv- required, delivered m say part of the country, hy application to K o OPM A N 3 CH A AP, baa Francisco. California. July 30 _ WANTED, KVEKYBODY TO KNOW that JOB PRINTING of ill kinds, plain and ornamental, la executed promptly in the neates style sud at the lowest New York prices, at Tax NEWS Job Office. No. 148 EAST BAT Call and ex ?mme the scale of pri?es before giving year srders elsewhere._ WANTED. AGENT*. KOW THE AMURI CAN FARM EUS' HORSE BOOK, in both Eng? lish and German, by Robert stewart. V. h., of Alisa. 1 he work covers the whole ground of the breeding and raisins;, and the treatment or bones and mules, both in iles ness and heal tb. It bsa won its way to popular favor, and is t>day the most popular and pe A selaOg Hoi'se Book out Address 0. F. YEN I, Publisher, cincinnati, O. 6mo* March 19 to Britt. TO KENT, THE THREE UPPER STORIES of the ADO ER BUILDING, each floor forming a fine hall, hoing 95 feet deep and 54 feet wide, withs bold entrance ou King-street; will be titted up to suit any purpose for wo ich they niav be desired. Apply io J. L. II 'S Es, Collector and Beal Estate Agent, No. 34 Broal-etreet. July 14_wim 13 TO RENT, THE PL K ASA NTL Y SITU? ATED TWO AND A HALF 8 TO BT HEM Dc NOE. No. 6 Gadsdenstreet, opposite Wentworth. Apply at OHABLEMON 8 TEAM SAW MILL. Ju'ie 14 RK AL. " STATIC AOKVTS, AND OIHE1IS having nouses to reut, eau hare tUeir Placards. Ac., printer at the lowest rates and In the newest and neateat styles of type, at IHK NEWS JOB OF ?ICE. No. 149 East Bay. JOT Sale. FOR SALE. OVE HI' \DK ED THOUS? AND AUBES OF LAND in Kershaw County, South Carolina. CON 81 HT iso OF: FIFTY YEST fiELtOT FAKMs near Camden and on the Railroad, varying in size from 150 to 600 acres These and adjoining Farms are being taken by our best citiiens, and afiord every advantage tor health lui. cornier able and profitable farms. M\NY LABOE AND CHOICE PLAMATI0N3, convenient to market DESIRABLE RESIDEN : 13 in Camden and Kirk? wood. SEVEBAL LABOE TBACTS OF WOOD LIND AMD A few very VALUABLE SITES for manufactories. Address, WM. M. SHANNON, Attorney at Law, Cast len, H. C. Joly 38_ PAC_Imo? FOR SALE, POUR MCCARTHY HOL? LER GINS, second hand, but little used 1 Premium Faim Gri-t Mi I, "Proseus"Paient 1 Haud-powcr Steel Grist Mill 18 Ploughs, of varied and most approved patterns, all but little used, an 1 st low prices 1 Cotton B eaker 1 Four-horse Power steam Engine, tecond band, in good condition. Apply to i AMERON, BARKLEY A CO., Nor.beast corner Meeting and Cumberland streets august 9 Ima AUCTIONEERS, BKOKERS, AND others wishing "lor sale" liscard*, business Cards, or other Joo Printing executed with neat? ness and dispatch, will consult their interest bv leav? ing tbeir orders at THE NEWS JOB OFFICE, No. 149 East Bay._ FOK SALE, OLD NEWSPAPERS IN any quantity, IT?CP 75 cents per hundred. The cheapest wrapplug paper that eau be used. Ap? ply at the offl.-e ol TH E N r; WS. March 1 ?01113. ?1 It AHLESTON HOTEL CHARLEMOS, S0U1H CAROLINA. THIS FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. SITUATED IN A pleasant location, and in the bu-incss portion of the citv, rend-rs it the most desirable Hotel tor either permanentortransient guests, .beaccommodations areunsurpaared. having extensive suites ni elegantly furnished apartments lor f'.millee a id single penile ni"n. The proprietor will endeavor to maintain tho high reputation enjoyed by thc "Charleston" sa s find class bouse, and no effort will be spared to de serve s continuance of the liberal patronage hereto? fore bestowed upon it. 'The best of Livery accommodations will be found adjoining the establishment. the house i- eupplled with the celebrated Arte? sian Water, of which dc l^hiful ba hs can be bid euber day or night. t. li. J aCKrOV. July 13 Proprietor. Qi T . CLOUD HOTEL. TOM NEW AND COMUOI IOCS HOUSE, I OCAL ED corner ol Broadwai and Korty-secocd-sireel. possesses advantage* owr ?ll Other honae* tor the ac cooiffiodatiou oi Us guests. It was built express); lor a flr-t-i l if? family boardiag house-the room? beiuc large and eu sui:e, heated by steam-willi hoi and cold w ter. sod furnished second to mae; while the culinary department is In tte nott experienced bandB, alL-rdiug ({nests an unequal!* J (able. tine of Atwood's Patent Elevators is BISO amoDg the "modern Improvement*" ana ut tboscrvtceoi guests nt ali hour.?. The broadway and University Mac- Cara pass tbs door cTerv lour minute!*, running from the City Hall to Central Park, while the sixth au 11 evento Avenue !iue< ar? but a sh?n block on einer sine, affording ample facilities for communicating willi ail the depuis, steamboat landings, nlares of amuse? ment and business of the great metropolis. MOKE <fc HOLLEY. Proprietors. Varch 13 6naos tP.nfs, ftqagcS) (Etr. QLD WHISKIES. 1 HE UNDERSIGNED' BI G LEAVE TO AN? NOUNCE th*i tiiev have been appointe i by ti es-ra. Ui Nil Y s. HANNI."? A; CO.. of t'Uil idclphia, tbeir sote Agents lor lha st ile of s<>u:li ?'arodna for Hw ado ot then- clehrated ACME X XX. XXX. XXXX, NM; (Mt <'ALUNE l fad ober brands OLD uYc. WUT'KIE-. Ihi-y H.90 wish to announce thal they w ll be in cou?tant receipt of th ir f'OPl'ER DlMiLi.ED MOUM'AIN PURB RYE WHI-KILS, direct li om blat!U?-ry a: Hanni s vi de, Berkeley county, West Viran ia. Liberal ciutraca wi"l ba milo lave lal* of now Whiskies lu ba id a: Disti '.erv Warehou-e. CLACIU- tj WIT I r. No. SH ?a-t Hay street, June 16 wfartoioa Char e ton s. C. ?Bcrtitgi. F RANK LI \ LODG K, No. 90. A. SF. M. rjXRB BEG?LAB MONTHLY COMMUAI CATION X of the shore Lodge will be held at Masonic H*U, THIS Enimia, at hight o'clock. Candidates for the Third Degree will pleaae be ponctuai. By order of the W. M. WM. BOY. A turnst II_Secretary. GE HM AN KI RE ENGINE COMPANY. ABzOULAB QU A m Et LY MEETING OF your Compnnv will be held, at th? Er gin? Hotre ians smxsootf, at linee o'clock AU members are requested ta be pun.too', aa lusLiess of Importan.-? will he croughs up. Tonare likewise summoned to tv and appear at the Engine Bouse st Three o'clock P. M.1 HIS DAT, in rall muions (white pants ) tor By order of the President. August ll GKo H A KD REICKf. becretary. CUTiOV A VD RICK FACTORS. AN ADJOURNED MEI TING OF THE COTTON AND BICE FACTORS will be held aTthe office ' td Messrs. FRASEE & i ILL. Alger's wharf. THIS DAT. at Twelve o'clock M Aagustll Mutters ia BanBrnptrij. IN THE OIVTK1CT CURT OK THE UN 11 ED STATES, FOB S0U1H CAROLINA JULY TERM, 1869-IN TUE MATTER OB B. B. ?HE TT, OF CHARLESTON, BANKRUPT^ PEfinoN FOB FULL AND FINAL DIS CB ARGE IN BANKRUPTCY-O'derai, That a hear? ing be had on the UOBTEEHTH DM OF October, A. D.1869. at Federal Courthouse in Charlton, ..?. C. ; and that all creditors, he, of said) Bankrupt ap? pear at said time and place, and show cause, if any they tan, why the prayer ot tho petitioner ? houle? not bo eran ted. By ord r of the Court, the 2: ( h day cf July, 1869. DANIEL HUHt BECK, Clerk of the ristrict Court of tho United States tor > ou i h Carouuu. w2 August 1 (Sin. atti na I. UN IVE Usn Y OK SOUTH CAROLINA. Tbenext Session will begin on the nnsr Mos SAT rs OCTOBER., sod continus without intermis? sion, to the ensuing July. An vantages are offered at this Institution to Stu? dents in Law. {the graduates being entitled to prac? tice m tb? Courts ol Uri' State;) Ta Meiidne. (the course of instruction being extensive and thorough, with two written eliminations du ri up the Session;) ia Engineering, Mathematics, Mental, Moral and Political Philosophy. H story. Rhetoric, English Llt<-raiure-, Ancient and Modern Languages,, and in the Tarions scientific schools. Expenses for -eepiou of nine months: Annual fee, a5 ; Library fee, 810; Boom Bent fee. $l{t;1nition Ceo,-; lor each of three schools, 918; laftioa in Law or Medicine, 960. Board can be bad at 916 to IBO per month. By messing lc will be less. Foe further information, sand for ostalogue? to tba Secretary of the Faculty, Ber C. BRUCE WALKER. B.W. BARNWELL. Chairman ot Faculty. Columbia, S. C., August 9? 1869. August 6_fmw2A ' Tey A S H I > OTON COLLBtK, LEXINGTON, YIRGLNIA. PRESIDENT, GENERAL R. E. LEE, AIDED BX A FULL COOPS OF I*Borx3s?aa. THE NEXT SESSION OPENS SEPTEMBER 16TH, 1869, and closes Jute 25tb, 1870. In addition io the regular Collegiate Course, the Pro<es*ional *chools of Law and Civil and Mining Engineering, are in tull opelation. Nece?sary expenses, from 8300 to i575. For <_alal< gue, address J. M. LE'.-:CH, July 19 imo Clerk of Fsculty. UNIVERSITY OF YIRGIvIA.-THE Session of this Institution commences annu? ally on tho first day ot October, and continues, with? out interruption, till the Thursday preceding (he four h of July ensuing. The organization of the Institution is very com pin.*, embracing extensive and thorough courses of instruction lu LITERATURE AND SCIENCE, and in the Professions of Law, Medicino and Engi? neering. 1 he expense of the Academic or Law Student, ex? clusive of tbe cost of text books and clothing and pocket money, amount to about 9365 per ses? sion of nine month?; aud of the Engineering or Medical 8tudent to about $395. ot wolca sums, re? spectively, S990 or 8230 is payable on admission, and tho (?dance in the progr?s of the tension. For derails send for catalogue. P 0., "Univ rslty of Virginia." 8. M AU PIN, July 24 Imo Chairman ol the Faculty. c JR isi*cilanco us. HISOLM'S SAW MILLS. (WE8T END TBADD-STBEET.) HAVING A LABOE ?iOCK OF TIMBER. WE are prepared io cat orders tor any size and quality of LUMBER, at moderate prices. CHI>OLM BROTHES', West End Tradd-stn-et, Au-rust 3 tufw.-s Or Adgera' North Wharf. Q_ULLETT'S STEEL, HRU3H COTTON GINS. THE SUB^CBIBEB IS NOW PBEPABED TO Oil orders for these justly celebrated GINS. Certifl cate? from reliable plante? in this state, who have bought and need them the past season, ts well ss troua the Fa-tors and Brokers, tully confirm all that is claims i for them; and the fact is now weU estab? lished that the lacrease in the price of Cotton ginned on this Gin will, on every forty bales, fully pay for the cost of the Gin. ALSO, HALL'S PAIENT COPION GIN FEEDER, A valuable Machine, saving boto time and labor in the ginning of a crop. Can be attached to any Gin made. Send for Circulars. C. GRAVE LEY, No. 52 EAST BAY, K0U1H OF OLD PJSTOFFICE. August 2 mwl 2rais Charleston, S. C. Q_ U N g. TOMES, M EL VAIN & CO., No. 6 MAIDEN LANE, NEW YOUR. FOWLING PIECES OF ALL QUALITIES, SUITA BLE for the Southern trade. Roth MUZZLE AND BREECH LOAD? BS. ALSO, IN STOCK A F7LL ASSORTMENT OF C?TLE Bx", PERFUMERY. BRUSHES, SOAPS, Ac. SOLE A0ENT8 FOB TUB GENUINE D??HINGER PlaTOL. July 19 mwflmo rpo CONTRACTORS, LUMBER MEN _|_ AND SHIPBUILDERS. I AM NOW PREPARED TO EXECUTE PROMPT? LY, upon the shortest rou ce, orders for SOUTHERN VLLLOW PINE POPL\R, HICKORY, GUM and o'he hard wood of any dimensions, delivered in the < tty of Charleston, ch an and bright, equal to tho best city pawed For further info matiou, apply to Mr. E. N. RHODIE, Charte*ton. s. c. J. M HUMBERT. John's i -laud Steam Saw Mill, August 1st, isc'J August 2 ii,'hlino STABLISH E D , 1 8 4 8 , THE MARION CRESCENT, MARION, S. C. . PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY S. E. .VC.WLZ.LV, Proprietor, THE CBESCEST, BEING THE PfTBCHASER and successor bi >h ; old district paper, is the eldest journal in the eas ern part of thc .-tate. I he Crescent is t ar: olUcial a ivis jr of Marion County. The Crescent bas a large aud growing circula Uon among tbe he -t people of tue Peedee Country. Ibo Crescent is the nest advertising medium in tb s st cu on. Always addiess CRESCENT, August 1U Imo Mari m. H. C. rp II E STAU JL AND SOUTHERN REAL ESTATE ADVERTISER, As au adverting m?dinm, offers facilities t > Mer? ca mts, Dru gist-, Ma'hiuisls, Ac, of extending ttieir bu-nue s, unsurpassed by any Southern Weeklj. Us circulation is fa<t heconin? general. Real Estile agents, an 1 parties int-re-ted in the purchase or Aile of real Petate wil lind it to their advantage lo consult its columns and advertise thereiu a? we are effjciin,' arrangement- bywhidi our pa|.er will circu?ate largely among Northern ca italists. luiennaiiou tending to the development ol our mineral, manufacturing and ?crien lt ural resource* descriptive ol dinnie, soil, i . -so.ici:cd aud tnank tdily '?relved Irom any -ection. Terms cash. S3 a year; a copy gratis'o ai y one sending ?six s ii o cr'hers; a dub . f ten, $2 .lo each. Rjt-s ol adv. rtituuj UoeraL Ad ire.?? Vf. J. McKFKRALL, July 16 Marion,. S C. Gr Ja-nranre. U A R D 1 .t 1 M ? T ?J A li LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OT NEW YORK. Organized lat 1850. ALL POLICES NOS-FORFEITABLE. HALF LOA S TAKES. NO NOTES BEQUIBBD. 1AST CASH DIVIDEND 50 (FIFTY; PEB CE ST. ?BASBcaar. Potares In forer.??,003 OOO AIM?.. 1,900.000 Annul Income. 800.000 Lone* Paid. 800,000 .amena?, W. H. PECKHAM, President. WicT. BOOKER. Vice-Pres'dent L. Ma ADAM. Secretary and Actuary. a. A. FUDICKAB. Superintendent. Btaatttoaii Hon. JOH? A,Dir, New York. Hon. /AXES HVABP?B. Firm of Harper k Bros., ?x- | Mayor >ew lora. Jm* J. CEA NH, President Bank Republic. WM M. VEBMILTE. Banker (Vermllye k Co.) CHAS G. BOCKWDOO, Cashier Newark Banking Com* | pany. Hon. GEORGE OPDTKC, ex-Mayor of New York. MINOT C. M on o AM. Banker. THOMAS RIO VET. Firm Thomas Rigney A Co. EB SJ. ll. i-HEB MAX Treasurer Nevr York Steam Su? gar Refining Company. A ABO it ARNOLD, Firm of Arnold, Constable k Co. Bien ARD H. BOWSE, Wetmore A tlowne, Lawyers. E. Y. HAUOHWOUT Firm E. Y. Haaghwoat <k Co. WM. WILSENS, Firm-of W. Wilkeus k Co. JCLTDS H. PBATI, Merchant. WM. W. WniOHT, Merchant. CHAS J. STABS, Merchant. WILLIAM ALLEN, Merchant. OEO. W. CUTLER, Banker, Pal s? y ra, N\ Y. GEO. T. Hora, President Continental Fire Insur ance Company. JOHM O. SHBUWOODS Park. Place. WALTON- H. PECKHAM* Corner Fib Avenue and Twenty-third-street. EDWARD H. WBIOBT; Newark, N. J. OEO. W. FARLEE, Counsellor. W. L. COGSWELL, Merchant. G bO HUE HEDI, GENERAL AGENT FOB SOOTH CAROLINA. Dr. T. REENSTJtRNA, Eximlalog Physician. ti. ISSERTEL, GENERAL AGENT FOB CHARLESTON. t'Aee No. 96? King-street, CHARLESTON, 8. 0. January H_SAO_lyr Q. E O lt G I A MUTUAL FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF MACON, GEOBGIA. Authorized Capital..9500.000 FIEE AND LIFE DEPABTMLNT3 SEPARATE and dlstlact by chart-r. $10'J,000 paid into the In? surance Department of Georgia according to law for tho benefit of the assured in (hts Company. Stockholders wealthy and responsive gentlemen of Georgia. A purely Southern Company, allowing only six per cent, ot its earnings to the stockholders ; the re-t of (he prouts divided among the Policyholders on the ccnttibution plan. Fire Department has been in successful opera? tion for six months, and. has already accumulated handsome assets. Life Department in full and successful operation, and vieing with old companies in its success. All of its Policies non-torfettable, snd of every description of Life and Endowment, together with an annuity table and return premium plan. No restrictions upon travel, place of residence or occopatlou. Women Insured on same terme aa men. Loane half cf irs premiums. No notes taken, omcin: W. J. LAWTON, President. J. C. McBOBNEY, vice-President R. J. LIGHTFOOT, Secretary. C. F. MoCAY, constituting Aotuary. P. H. WRIGHT, Examining Physician. This Company is now prepared to take risks either in the Fire or Life Dei ar tm en ts, and solicits s share ol the patronage of the city and SU'e. J. Ci. HOLMES, Jr., General Agent for South Carolina. Local an 1 Travelling agents wanted in all parta of the Ma'e. Liberal commissions allowed, or a sal? ary if preferred. Applications ia be made to J. G. HOLMES. Jr., General Agent, No. 35 Broad street, Charleston, & C. Jnly 21_D*^_wfm J?KOOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Assets over.91,300,000 ISSUES ALL KINr)S OF LIFE AND ENDOW? MENT POLICIES. Dlvidmdi annmlly la cash. Only Company having the Definite Guaranteed Sur? render-Value Plan Policies, world-wide. Second to no Company in the United Sutes tor stability, libe? rality and economy. Offlco No. 141 Broadway, New York. CHRISTIAN W. BOUCK, President. WM. M. COLE. Pecretary. St atp Agency No. 35 Broad-street, Second Floor. Loral and Canvassing Agents wanted throughout the Stato. * Apply ie person br bv letter to JANES G. HOLMES. Jr., General Agent for South Carolina. July 13 mwf 6m os ^ME RICAN TO\TI\E Life and Savings Insurance Co. SOUTHERN DEPARTMENT, No. 1 MARYLAND BUILDINGS. BALTIMORE. DB. WM. M. POST. Medical Examiner. 'J HUMASE. COURTENAY, Manager. BRANCH OFFICE, CHARLESTONS. C. DB. THOMAS L. OGIEB, Medical Examiner. JOHN KIRKLAND, JB., General Agent. CHARLESTON DOA 110 BEFESEMCE: Hon. ALFRED HUGER. W ii .M AGR \ I H Esa., President S. C. R. R. Hon. J. U. CAMPBELL. Attorney at Law THh.0. D. WAGNER, Esq., ol J. Fraser k Co. .ANDREW SIllO.NDs, Esq.. President Pant Na? tional Bauk. Romaic MURK, Esq . of Messrs. R. Mure i Co. EDWAltD LAFITTE, ot Ed. Ladite A Co. ( oiouei J. Li E. SLOAN, Lotten Factor. W A. DOUBT EN AY, Esq., ol Ucssre. Courtenay k Treuholm. H. ti. OLNEY, Esq., of Messrs. Olney 4 Co. Havinebeen app luted General Anent for North and south Carolina for the above reliable and popu? lar Life Insurance Company, I am prepared to re? ceive applications at reasonable rates and on favor? able term?. JOHN KIBKLAND, JB. office for th? present at Messrs. Courtenay & Trenholm's. Union Wharf Ws3mos. June 2 T . HUMPHREYS, BROKER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS SION MERCUA? 7. SALES OF REAL ESTAI E, 8T0CE9, BONDS. SB CTJRITIEs AND PERSONAL Ph OPE RT Y ATTENDED TO. No. 37 BROAD-STREET CHARLESTON, 8. a REFERENCES. Hon. HEN >V BUIST, W. J. MAGBATB, Esq. General JAMES GONN KR, T. B. WARING, Esq. October ?rotfrits 0H0 iHisfcUaBf?uj. G3RDON'S SYRUPS AND PRB? SERVES. JUST RECEIVED : ASUPPLY OF O >BDON'S SUPEBIOB LEMON, Pweapule. Raspberry and Orgeat bYBUP? and Bsipberry Vinegar Pre barred Peaches and Quinces Ra 3 pb arrien and .strawberries - Tumblers of assorted Jel les, via: Quince, Crab-ap? ple, Bed and Black Currant. Raspberry, Rtaaw berry ?ad Blackberry Jelly, Guava Jelly, Orange Marmalade and Tamarind*. For sale by W. 6. CORWIN 4 CO., August ll mti_No 276 King street. ROPE AND TWINE. rJB! HtLF COIL8 " GREKNLEAF" BOPB * O T6 bundles Iwiue. Por aile by J. N. ROB. ON, August ll wf 1 Nos. 1 ano 2 Atlantic Wharf. ZINC, ? EM OW M ETAL SHEATHING ARO NAILS, rt ; CONSTANTLY ON BAND. FOB SALE BY Cb HOLM BROTHERS. Angust?_swlmo_Adger** Wharf. SUGAR AND ?Ol ASSES. A I* HHi'S. CHOICE PORTO Rico SU?AB 4tU 60 bbls. choice Porto Elco Sugar 60 hbds Muscovado Sogar 109 bhds. Cuba Molasses 60 bbls Cuba Molasse* IO bhds. Porto Bico Molasses. For sale tn lots to ault pur basera, by W. P. HALL, Joly 7_walroo Brown k oo.'s Wharf, COTTON GINS. 3Vc CA KT BY GIN?, FOB SALE BY W. GURNEY, August 9_mwl3_No. 102 East Bay. NORTHERN POTATOES, n /"YNTONS AND CABBAGES, FOB 3 A LB LOW FOB \_? cash. B, L. LAWLESS, August 9_mw2*_Ha. 62 state-street. FRESH. DRUGS. JUST BECETVED AND FOB SAXE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BY DR. H. BABB, No. 131 MEE HSG-STBEET BlaON'd TOBACCO ANTIDOTE Bose's Cough Syrup bcheuk's Pulmonic Syrup Schank's Seaweed Tonic Cherolae Remedy Cherokee Cure cherokee Pilli Cherokee Inj action spears' Ertut Presar ring Solution Brown's Chlo rod yn# German-Blood or "Balser" Pills, Ac.. Ac. Fleming's Worm Confection* Wright's Rejuvenating Elixir Churchili** fyrnp BjrpophospbJt* of Lima Tan Deusen's Worm Loutecuoos Harley's Worm Candy Bard ot teWorm Sugar Drops Gratfenberg Pills Cephalic Pilla Schallet;berger*s Fever and Ague Pills Strong's Pill* McLane's Liver ruj. Lion'* Vegetable Pills Russell's Soothing Cordial lor Children Teething Jayne's / Iterative Jayne's Expectorant Jayne's Carminative layne's Sanative Pills Rad way** Beady Relie** Bad way'* B. Pill* Rid way 's Beady Besolvent, June 21 mwf EASTERN HA?! 1 AA BALES PBIME EASTERN HAY. J.UU For sale by OLNEY k CO. August 10_ NEW YORK BAGGING, D J IB LE AM H O li BRAN li. THE STANDARD WEIGHT 2t;@2?i. T?B standard width full ?a inches. It is wider, doter stronger, and affords better pro? tection tor tba entire covering of the Cotton bale than any other >n use. We sell at manufacturer's price and expenses laid down here, A supply always on hand. WILLIAM BOACH k 00. August 9 Imo Agent*. ~C0RN. FLOUR, HAY. QAAA Er -H ELS PBIME WHITE BAL 0\J\J\J TIMOilE AND TENNESSEE CORN, ex steamer se* Gull and in more. FLOUR. SOO bbl". NOBTHEBN FLOUR-all grades ZOO tacks Southern Flour. HAT. A00 bales PBIME EASTlBN AND N. R. HAY, For sale by Angoat 9 3_JOHM CAMPSEN a CO PE4S. i)A A A BUSHELS BLACK PEAS, SUITABLE ?\r\)\J for seed and leedkg, for sale by July 24_T. J. KEBB k CO. CHEAP CORN. QAAA BUSHELS WESTERN WHITE COEN, OUUv slightly heated. For sale, at a low price, by T. J. EE BB A CO. July 22_ NEW GOODS. EAST INTI AN MANIOCA. A NEW, AGREEA? BLE, mott de icio us aud healthy food, used for Puddings, Jellies, Blanc Mange, Ice Cream, Griddle Cakes, Skips, Ac, put up ia 1 lb. pack? ages, with di reckons for use. Deslccat'd Cocoanut, for Plea, Puddings, Cakes, Ao, put up In half th. packages, with direction*. Sweet Oil, French and American in hali pints, pint* and quart*. Cider and White Wine Vlnegir, warranted pure Fresh Boasted Kio Coffee, of good quality, at 35c **?*. Just received and for sale by . CO-OPEBAiIVE GROCERY STOKE, * Southwest cornrr Meeting and Market streets. Goods delivered tree. May 28 HONEY I FOB SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAL. BY Dr. H. BAER. June 2d No. 131 Meeting-street. SUMS. M. FILLET, TROT, NEW YORK, ALANCTAC rUBEB OF STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS, HOLLOW WARE, &c. MANUFACTURES OF MPHlLANTHBOPlSr," "CHIEF COOK,' "CHASTER OAK" AND "CIVILIAN'' COOKING STOVES. ADMIBABLY ADAPTED TO THE SOUTHERN TBADE. AMD FOB SALE BI D. L. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, GA. THESE STOVES 8TAND UNRIVALLED FOB capacity, durability, convenience* and the general purpose" to which Cooking Stoves are used. Tha PHILANTHROPIST if extra heavy plated, and hu A -h Drawer; can be made into a six boiler hole stove ; has catt iron Water Tack galvanized, or enamel lined. A strictly first-class Stove. TL? CIVILIAN ia of a neat design, and has a fine larg? Oven. This Stove can be bad with the extension back, six boles, and reservoir wben desired. For further inlormation apply io D. L FULLERTON. January 3? imo* Augusta, Ga J_?OL31BS * MACBETH. NO. 30 Dr o nd- Stree l, Charleston, 8. C., BROKERS. AUCTIONEERS. BEAL E8TATE AND GENERAL C U fil M I ? S 1 O N AGENTS Will atttend to Rmtiug and Collecting ol Rent? and purchase sud ea?e ci btockf. Boots, ?Sold, Silver ana Rea! Estate. + ALSO, lo the Purchase ot Good.? anl supplies for partie In the country apon reason ible tcrni3. G KORO E L. HOLXEi.AlEXAXDZB M AC PEI H. Jan u? ry 1 lyr