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THE DAILY NEWS. y Lars??? Circulation*-TBS DAILY NEWS BEING TBS NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE? COGNIZED AS HAYING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN TBS CITY OF CHARLESTON, PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THE POSTOFFICE AT THE END O? ?MACH WEEK. ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NSW POSTOFFIUE LA W. CHEAP ADVERTISING. Tum OBASLSSTO* Nxws, the circulation of which is about twice as large aa that ot any other paper publ.shed iu South Carolina, is the beet advertising medium for all business men For person^ wLo want situ lirons or sei rants who want house i or apartments, or have them to rent; who WT nt or who offer board and Iodg ing; who have lost or found articles of value, THE If sws has no equal; and in order that nil el asaca may have their wants supplied, we have adopted the following scale of CHEAP ADVEB anOB) payment for which mast invariably be made tonen 171? enter is given: Advertisements of situations wanted by or offered to clerks, governesses, tutors, work* men, mechanics, house-servants, porters, shop boys, cooks and washers; boord and lodging waated or offered; apartments wanted or to ?let; articles lost or found; houses, shops, offices and warehouses wanted or to let, and miscella? neous wanes of all kinds. For each insertion of Advertisements of the classes specified : Hot exoeedtng rawu LiKts or 35 words_25 coota ? " . f'wa Li-taa or 90 words.... .40 ? ''*?'. Frvx irma or 40 words.60 All advertisements to be inserted at these rates most be prepaid and delivered at TBS Nsws office bv 9 P. M. Bange nt* Thermometer at the flews Saturday.. Band ay... 8 A. M. I 19 M. 81 I 83 80 I 84 S P. M. 6 P. M. 82 LOCAL MATTERS. MEETINGS THIS DA Y. FriendshipXodge, at 8 P, M. Mia*, Fire Company, at half-past 8 P. M. Burns' Charitable Association, at 8 P. IL Mochan i cs' Union, Mo. 1? at 8 P. M. AUCTION SALES THIS DAT. WrLLfax MGKAX will sell at 10 o'clock, at his store, household f arni turo, ?Vc. Fm Bios.-We have been shown some very Hoe specimens of the growing rice, from the Hobooy plantation of Mr. iL Bischoff, on the Com bah ea River. From the length of the young unfilled ears and the lux ur-ince of the plant, tbs prospect seems fair' enough for a good crop. ^ " > QUICK Wons.-At ten o'clock Saturday morn? ing'a lady reported to the chief of the detec? tara force, that she had been robbed-ot several dollars in money and a breastpin. Officers Nipson and Lovett were detailed to work np the case, and in thirty minutes had arrested a woman named E. M. Conlon, in whose posses? sion the' missing artioles were found; TBS DETECTIVE FOSOS.-To-morrow night Conned will meet, sad about the most impor? tant business before it is the ratification of the ordinance relative to the detective force and the election of a chief. 1 hus far we have only heard of one candidate for this important posi? tion, Mr. A. E. Philippy, who for several months past has boen in oom tn an dot tba force, and by the able, energetic and impartial dis? charge of the duties pf the office, has won the commendation bf all'who have had dealings with him. He is an ex-United States Army officer, and shortly after the ?vacuation was in charge of the county jail. Mr. Philippy will doubtless be elected even if there be other can? didates. - ? r- 1 ?. PEESOICAL.-General Robert H: - Anderson, formerly of the United ttates Army, and sub? sequently of the Confederate States Army, and at pi ese nt'Chief'of-'the Savannah' Police De? partment, accompanied the Savannah Base Ball Club on their excursion to this City. . ' Messrs. E. L. Beard add George G. Kimball, editors and proprietors of the Savannah Ad? vertiser, and Hr. Wm. My Sneed, of the Savan? nah Republican, also came over with the Baso ?Jail Club. Messrs. Beard and Kimball are members of the Savannah Club, and to them is mainly doe the interest felt by the Savan nahiana in the national game. None have worked^ harder lo sustain the elsi?than they, both oo the tripod and n the field. I'nuatBS_Geo. A. Richmond . has received from Governor Scott an appointment ai notary public for the City and County of Charleston. Among the .fifty.or more aspirants for the position of clerk of the markets, ia Officer W. Y, Lovett, of the detective force, who is work? ing very hard to secure .the position, and it is said that his chances are the best of any. The fox which was captured by the detec? tives, and has several times escaped and been recaptured, escaped again Fridy night, and sought the protection of the law, having hid? den himself under tho seat of the Recorder in the City Ha IL A lady recently stopped at one of our hotels and registered herself as Mrs. Captain ?, of the United States army. The fine musical box raffled at Mr. Yon San? cho's store, on Saturday, waa won by Mr. H. I. Chiiolm. A 8wtKDLISO NKOBO,-On Saturday morning a colored man named Ohas. Campbell was ar? rested by Officer Freeman, and arraigned be? fore the Mayor to answer the charga of piss? ing himself off as a detective. It appeared from the evidence, that Campbell had also ripresented himself as an ex-United States army officer, and bad applied to several per? sona stating that he wou'd obtain bounty .'or them. He secured money from some, among them a half of a doz -n ex-'Jonfederatea, to commence the cases before the courts. The final hearmg of his ease was postponed until to-day._ ABBTVAX or THE SAVAJTSAH BASEBALL CLUB TBS GAME THIS Arrsastoos.-Abont half-past ?ix o'clock yesterday morning, the steamer Nick King arrived, bringing the members ot the Savannah Base Ball Club and a large num? ber of excursionists. They were received at the wharf by the com? mittee appointed tram the Carolina Club, and to the tune of "D.xie" from the Washington ^Cornet Band (colored) of Savannah, marched np town and were quartered at the Charleston Hotel. The game will be called at half-past one .o'clock to-day. and will be played upon Citadel 'Green. The nine ? and scorers of the clubs are ?snaffled: Savannah Club.-G. G. Kimball, L B. ; J P, Flanders, S ; W. F. May, 3B.; F. Dasher P.; ti. W. Ho?! cu ol, C. F.; P, Neidlinger, C.; E. L. Beard. L. F.; J. McNultv. 2 ti.; W. C. Nich? ols, B. F.; W. F. Bi na; ism, 8corer, Carolina Club_E. Maun ire 8. S.; John A. Moroso, R. F.; C. Houston. C. F ; J. J. Edser *tbn, %B r F.,Meyer 8 B ; C. S. Mcnulty, L. F.; D. Toohey. P.; C. ?gglestoo, C.; E. F. Scba?bje, 1B.; li. F. Tapper, Scorer. FA S BW ET. T, TO A PHI E ATE. The Friend* of Bishop Fersice) Present hun with a Parse on tile tVre of hu Departo rc for Kome-'l he Addresses dec. . A, large Bomber of Cathode gentlemen ac aembledlast evening at tho Episcopal resi? dence in Broid-street, to present to Bishop Pcrsioo an adilres* upon hin departure for Rome, before entering UDoa his d ltira as new? ly appointed Bishop or Florida. Among those present on the occasion, we recognized a num? ber of the clergy. Rev. Dr. Bermingham, Vicar General, Fathers Shadier, Quigley, Northrop and Schachte, and Rev. Dr. Moore of this city; then we noticed Mr. B. O'Neill, Pr?sident of the Catholic Instigate; fdr. O'Brien, John B. and Edward Lafitte, Bsqa., and numer?os other gentlemen representing the Tarions Catholic congregations. On behalf of the c JJ) mi i tee appointed bv the Catholic In? stitute, Bf. P. O'Connor, Esq., rose and de? livered tho following add rea -: BISHOP PEBSICO-Bight Reverend Sir : The ilergy and laity of this diocese have been Torced to realize, with emotions of the pro roundest regret, that voar laborious and useful mission amongst them in about to close, lhe summons that has CJ lied jon to another and ?rider sphere of ministerial duty, terminates roar labors among a people boand to you by ties of the parent amity. Relations mast soon je severed as sacred as the ministry voa have lignified by your chara tee and adorned by roar talent?. Before part?awith yon, it is their desire, in union with and under the auspices and san ;ion of the Catholic Instit oto to make aa ex >ressioa (feeble though it be) of their feelings m thin occasion, and to testify their appr?cia ion of your valuable services, and their over? saving Gratitude for the zeal and devotion you lave displayed in miniateri> g to their spiritual rants Ton came into tins community a itraoger; you leave behind yon hosts of nacer? and admiring friends, noon whose leam have been luddlibly stamped the mage ot your noble vtrtaes. the soft mpression of yoar finer qualities, and the nemory of your pious example. You came waring the cross of che humble missionary, vi th mitre and golden crozier studded with rema and preci?os atones, the gifts of Elstern inn?es bestowed as a reward for your heroio lacnucee and Christian acbievemmts in a dis? ant and heathen land. Yon bear off with you i greater prize-fresh and endnting laurels ron in the cause of Catholic truth and unity, n the full blaze of the progress of the ame lean Charon in this enlightened nineteenth notary-a bright exemplar ot the good and IOIV missionary of Christ's Church, covered nth the panoply of faith, with heart fired with ore and charity for all mankind, penetrating he wilderness and the pathless desert, and coidmg the tootsie pa of her pilgrim children, iv the ever radiant beams of that Church rhioh excites him to further cona nests, and ?pens to his entranced vision ne'w fields of oil and glory for the salvation ot tonis. rVith characteristic humility, you for awhile a das de t be Episcopal robes,and io tue hamble rarb of a priest went abroad among oar people rherever there was a soul to be converted, or he consolations of the Church were needed >.v the faithful. Yoar efforts for the diffusion fa better knowledge of the pnnoiples of our auction, enforced bv your own good example, las been attended with signal success in South karolina. Io places re oote trom this See, f hare the glimmering embers of the faith were lu m bering in. their bed, by yoar presence and lersoaaive eloquence i's flame bas been re iodled and barns again as blight aa ever, h hearts that were sterile, yon have sowa tne eeds of a new lite, and the fruits of Catholic ave'and piety have sprung up from this newly pened soil. Religious fndiffeience, ripening a some instances almost into infidelity, you lave successfully combarted, and by contact nd tho force of holy oommaoion, tbe light of our faith has dispelled the darkness which raa gradually overshadowing others. The riand of youth and patron ot education, voa ave enconraged every rising virtue, checked ach budding vice in the one, and by your en owments as a scholar stimulated every enter rise for the other. Yon have porsonified tho ood shepherd, whose voice obeering and com irtiog lite the soft music of the swain's pipe i heard at evening's twilight dose, amid the lea tin g of the flock return mg home. A volun ur soldier of tho cross yon appeared among people having no claim upon you, and sut -diuating yourself to the command of tbe iperior of this diocese, with a self-abnegation liy equalled by your modesty and fervent ety, yon have nourished with your prayers ad your care the tree of onr Church. whoa* [bet vigorous stem was planted on Carolina ni by the venerated and beloved Eng and, istained by the faithful and enterprising Rey alda, and which has grown and flourished un 3t the patronage of our renowned Diocesan whop. Lynch. The genial warmth of your >cialia?rcoarse bas frequently enlivened the athulic urcle, and tba charm of your in aenet will forever cling to those who ave como under its sway. Those to hom yow hare peraooally ministered ta supported with yoar advice and conso .t ion io the hour of adversity, will never ill to oherish the remembrance of your kind ess. Your name and good deeds will ever be ?sociated in their minda, and idemifisd with ie good pastor. Your removal seems to re? ive more forcibly the conviction, how fleeting nd transitory aro all haman arrangements nd calculations.. We bad began to regard and lai m you as our awn; but a higher power haa iscinded oar appropriation. To-day yon are present with us, receiving nd interchanging oar sympathies, under the batlow or the mouldering ruins of our once e mt ifni cathedral ; a few days hence and yon rill stand beneath tbe dome of the Vatican in ompanx u mitred bishops and abbots from very quarter of the gio oe, surrounded by all ie insignia and glory of Christianity, and in ae presence of the good father of all the faith - il. Oar prayers tor y qpr personal safety si? md you m your journey; oar highest and lost virtuous aspirations will continua to ?s? end to the Throne of Grace for the glory and e rf ec t ion of y our new and more enlarged fa? ire mission. In taking leave of voa permit me. oa behalf f the Catholics of Charleston to prosent you ith a small collection, the offerings ot their banty, as an inadequate bab genuine token of heir esteem and friendship. Littlo sleniu ance is to bo attaobed to its intrinsic value; nt as a tribute of the homagi and respect aid by loving hearts, I am sore you will pnz3 od cherish the testimonial. Ia conclusion, ll we have to ask of voa, ia yoar journey aroagh life, are your prayers and your benedic? to n. II. P. O'Comma, For and on behalf o? the Committee. At the conclusion of the address, Mr. O'Con or, on behalf of those present, handed the tisbop a paree of $525. Bishop P?rsico, who S3em.9d very mach af? retad, repUed kia few touching and feeling smarks, expressing his grateful sense of the nlfbrm kindness shown him by the peeple of harleston-his reverence for shs great men f the 8 -.ate, and particularly for Bishop Bog md, whose fame was traditional. He rafer ad in eloquent terms to his great success ia he oause of religion, and paid a passing tri? ?te to bis distinguished successors, the light Reverend Bishops Reynolds and Lynch, fe alluded io a mist feeling manuer to the offerings endured by our people ia the late afort?nate war, the sad traces ot which he ad witnessed ia bis mission through tho tate; and returning to all the people of Sooth .Tolina whose generous hospitality be had hared his heartfelt thanks, ho couolud.d itu his best wishes for the prosperity of all nd extended his Episcopal beoedictioo. The Bishop leaves oo Wednesday morning >r Washington, en roule for Rome, to attend ae (Ecumenical Couucil. He will return as lishop of Florida. POSTPOHTO.-The meeting of the Republi ans, which was to have been held to-night, as been postponed until Wednesday light, rben Dr. Mackey will give the secret history f the political imbroglio in the State. THE NEWS IN THE COUNTBT.-Readers of [HE NBWS goin^: to tho country can receive t'eir fav inte paper by mail, daily, at seventy ive cents a mooth, by addressing a note, with heir subscription, to oar publication office. THE MILLS HOUSE.-OU Saturday last, Alder nm T. J. Mackey received ihc Deccan ry bonds or the rent ot the Milis House. He will pro isbly take chartrr- of tho building on Tuesday ir Wednesday next, anl the work upon it will ) j commenced at an early day. st tb cl Pl th ti THE YACHT RACE. Tao Maggi* Mitchell tai Eleanor With? draw n after Sailing n s ba rt Dis? tance-The fella Anna Win? tn? Race. On Saturday the majority of the citizens of Charleston were either on the water or near its edge, to witness the long-talked-of race be? tween the yac a ts Ella Anna, Maggie Mitchell and Eleanor. Thesteuners St. Helena, Sam? son and Emilie were crowded with passengers. The harbor was literally white with the sails of the nnmerons small craft that gayly flitted to and fro. The day was bright, a light breeze blowing, on which floated strains of music from the bands aboard the steamers, and from the vessels in port van-colored bunting flat? tered, all oombining to form a bright and beautiful scene. REGCLATTONS. It was agreed that the Maggie Mitchell should be allowed the difference of eleven min ltes in her favor, and that the yachts shou'd ?cart at one o'clock, from the White Point moy, and proceed down the harbor, passing ;o right and southward of Marsh Channel moy, to left and eastward of Cummings Point >noy, to the right and southward of Pumpkin , Idl buoy (red, ) out and around the Charles- j on Bar Lightship. Rot urning, passing the - bumpkin Hill buoy to the lett and southward, ? be Cummlng'a Point bnoy to the right and j lorth ward, the Marsh Channel buoy ta the left , nd southward, then np the harbor, and round a stake boat anchored near Bemley's . 'oint, retaining to the starting buoy. It was arther agreed that providing the race was not , aade within six hours from the time of start- . og, that it should be declared no raoe, and ' be boats should sail again within two weeks. DIMENSIONS, SO. The dimensions, tonnage, dec., of the yachts rill be found in tbe following statement: Eleanor-Tonnage 9.75; length of keel 36 feet , inches; length over all 38 feet; beam 14 feet j inoheB; draft aft 4 feet 3 inches. . Ella Anna-Tonnage 7.69; length of keel 85 j set ll inches; length over all 39 feet; beam ll . bet 3 inches; draft aft 4 feet. . Maggie Mitchell-Tonnage 5; length of keal 9 feet; length over all 28 feet 6 inches; beam 1 feet 3 inches; draft aft 1 foot 8 inches. JUDGES. ^ The following named gentlemen were ap- . ointed judges : A. O. Stone, judge of the Ella una, sailed in the Eleanor; N. L. Coate, judge . f the Eleanor, sailed in the Ella Anna; J. 8. . 'erry, judge of the Maggie Mitchell, sailed in . tie Eleanor; Captain McMillan time-keeper. . Captain 1 hom is Daniela sailed the alas gie litoheH; Captain Thomas Yoong the Bleanor, , nd Captain Nichols the Ella Anna. TBS BACK. - At one o'clock the signal for the start was . iven by fir:ag a gun from the reveane cutter . ring off Southern wharf, and all three yaohts - tarted with mainsails and jibs set. The . [iggie Mitchell was to the leeward and the ?lia Anna to the. windward, the Eleanor in the entre. The wind, what there was of it, was , ast and southeast. The Maggie Mitchell forged ahead on the tart, closely followed by her opponents. Off . ?astie Pinckney her sails foaled and she lost istance. UffFort Sumter there was a strug le as to which should get to the windwaid. . be Maggie Mitchell cat the Ella Anoa on the ret tack,.bat the last named yacht again icked and regained ber position. On the ont ard tack the Ella Anna passed Fort Sumter t 42 miaates, the Maggie Mitchell 42} min? tos and the Eleanor at 49} minutes past one 'clock-the Ella Ann? being one hundred iras to the windward. After passing the ?rt, rigging was gradually put on, and before e ie yachts reached the bar all sails were set, in ^ der to catch every capful of the wind, which as getting lower and lower. Before reaching the Charleston bar light lip, both the Eleanor and f Haggle Mitchell tve np and started to return to the oity. The ? Ila An ia passed the lightship at seven ram? os past four. At five o'oloek there was urary a breath of air, yet the Ella Anna con unod on bor course, taking advantage of rery whiff. About this hoar the interest in ie race commenced to subside, with those on te water-in a great measure occasioned by ie provalence of sea sickness, and the steam- . -s and sailing craft returned to the city, hose who were not damaged by the trip join- . I the crowd on the battery, to which there ere further am" large accessions from that . ass of persons who np to this time, either om ohoice or necessity, remained at their aces of business. The course of the Ella Anna as sho came up te harbor was closely, anxiously watched, and any bets were offered and taken that ehe ould not reach the starting point by seven 'clock. She did, ho are ver-arriving within in minutes of the time allowed for the race lo , e made in. . Last year the race WM O ver the same ground, . id the Ella Anna won it in four boors and six limites. _^_ j HOTEL A sm VALS, JOLY 24 AND 25,-Charles n Hotel-?. Stelling and family, J. Hahn and c ife, J. C. Levy, Augusta; Miss J. Knox, Mrs. 6 attersoi, Atlanta; Mrs. HoMihoa, Tennessee; f eorge H.. Andrews, United States Army; S. . Wooibery, Barnwell, C. H.; 8. Paris, B. < regman, Florida; C. H. Carfield, New Jersey; < bilip Sterne, Germany; Charles A. Larnsdon, < "denington, N. C.; Major D. M. Cohen, United 1 bates Marines; John A. Sbroder, New Tork; 1 t. B. Crowell, E. W. Bparhawk, Steamship lasnolia; John 8. Fairly, City; Wm. M. Sneed, ( J. G. Charlton, Charles 8. Park, J. Belsinger, * . H. Bradley, J. A. Knatein, Isaac Russell. . Potter Williamson, John T. Thompson, W. > . Taylor, Wm. D. R. Millar, John Cooper, B. 1 . Lester, P. H. Ward, W. Johnson, W. F. ; [ay, George G. Kimball, J. P. Flanders, 1 'rank Dasher, G. W. BosignoL P. Neid- < nger, E. L. Bsard, J. 0. MoNulty, P. < toComber, Alexis Mc Sui ty, J. J. Abrahams, < f. T. Bingham,T. Brown, S. J. Wheaton, Thoa, hrosolaude, L. A. MoOarthy, Martin Milla, J. * I. Hunt, wife, servant and two children, J. ? falters, Captain A. Talbert, B. Wayne Wilson, J 'rank Hanter, E. J. Martin, W. L. Baynod, E. . Holcombo, Thoa. Arkwright, M. Henderson, 7. McKonna, L. Haynes, J. C. Thompson, W. i .. Gammell. Savannah. Pavilion Hotel.-J. H. McKoon, South Caro- i na; \Y. 0. Ulmo, Guorgia; R. Keasy, Philadel- 1 hi i; L. Davis and child, M. C. Davis, Florida; 1 j. Liney, R.chmood; J. P. Gibbes, John Leon- ' rdy, G. N. moomba T. D. Papoy, E. W. I Vii?on, W. T. Bingham, J. P. Brown, M. Hen- 1 orson, N. MoKenna, J. A. Einstein, J. Belbin- < er, J. H. Bradley, L. Schaffer, I. Russell, Sa- 1 annan. . _ < ABE TSE CONSERVATIVE POLICEMEN TOBE JiecnABGED ?-We are informed that there is < strong pressure being brought against the ] 1 ivor and Chief of Police to make them dis- i naree from the police force the twenty-five or 1 hirty conservative members. These men aro f ld and efficient officers, and the freedom from ( a vlessness Charleston has onjoyod is doo al- i OKOthor to those worthy men. If thc Repub- i ?can party daio be guilty of thia act of pro- | criprion an ] appoint, us in that event they ? rill do, men who are totally inexperienced, in- i fBeient in every way and repugnant to all ;uod citizen*, the evil that is done to the city rill bo duo to them alone. We understand < hat Captain Hendricks has it in bis po ver to J irev nt tho removal of these officers. In the i lame of thc law-abiding citizens, we ask that > 10 exert every effort lo prevent it. UPSHOT OF THE BOWEN SPRKXADE. The Mackey Mea tbarge the Serena? ' der? and Capture their Pla?, which thor Present to Dr. ?aekey-Speeches .f Do?tor and Alderman Mackey Bowen Compared to ? Snake- Sher LAT I . Davekey. Slopi Woolf g JP nee-Wooli* | Purniehti ht? Epitaph ?nd then Kndesrora to get up m Panerai. THE NEWS of Saturday gave an account of all that transpired between the Serenaden and the friends of the Mackeys np to half-past ele von o'clock Friday night, at whioh hoar the reporter left, supposing that the affair was over. But not so. CAPTTBE OF THE FLAG. About a quarter of twelve o'clock the Mackey men charged the serenading party, dispersed them and captured their flag, which they bore in triumph to the residence of Dr.. Mackey, who, upon being loudly called for, came out and thanked the crowd for their demonstra? tion, and adviued them to preserve order. The dag was then presented to the Doctor. BOWEN COMPARED TO A SH AJEX. Alderman T. J. Mackey was loudly called for and said that the action pf the assemblage that night had proven that when it was necessary to denounce traitors to the principles of the Republican party, Bepublietna needed no leader; they rose spontaneously and each one became a leader nato himself. A farmer once 'ound a snake nearly frozen to death, and when be had picked it ap and restored it to ife, it had stung him. C. 0. Bowen is the make and you are the men who saved him, and lave been struck by his treacherous haod. iou will consign bim to ? tho mad of infamy m ivhich you originally found him. After thia speech the crowd quietly dis? traed. SHKBTJfT MACKEY. BTEIXBS WOOLF. Shortly after the capture of the flag by tbe Mackey men, Woolf went to a barroom on Broad-street, where Sheriff E. W. M. Mackey ?aa sitting, and walked np to him and insulted lim, using very abusive language, whereupon he Sheriff gave him several severe slaps in the ace. Woolf " spoke and looked daggers, bnt ised none." WOOLF r?KNISHE? HIS EPITAPH. Daring the confusion occasioned by the Uffioulty between Sheriff Mackey and Woolf, Captain Hendricks went into the saloon to lacertain what the fuss was about. Woolf! urned upon him and denounced him as a rieBd of the Mackeys, and informed him that f he stuck to then they would hang bim. iVoolf, after declaring himself a Democrat, md swearing vengeance against the " Repub icans who had thrown dirt down his back," rent to the guardhouse snd wept. He then ?formed an officer that he intended to poison limself after " putting a p'stol ballet through tis enemies," and he hoped when " his poor lead body was found, the Republicana would jury him, and over bis grave erect a monu nent inscribed: "Here Lies a martyr whe was ;aenticed upon the altar of Liberty and Bepub icanism." WOOLF'S EFFOBTS TO GET OP A FUN EBAL. Saturday morning Woolf ceased weeping and ook to drinking. By two o'clock steam was ip to the highest pitch, and he proceeded to he scene of the difficulty between himself and Sheriff Mackey, and thea and there, with re olver io band, threatened to exterminate the rhole Mackey family on sight. Captaiu Hen Iricks hearioff of this belligerent demonstra ion, proceeded to the saloon and took tbe revol 'er from the would-be serenader and custom toase officer. Woolf was then arrested and car ied before Magistrate Misbaw, wbo, observing hat he was not in a condition to und . rpo aa lamination, therefore postponed a hearing intil to-day, requiring $100 Mourity for hie ap? pearance THE CUSTOMHOUSE WAE. Ir. Clark Withdraws hu Charge of A aa a nit and Dattery againat Alder? | j man T. J. and nr. A. PI. ni ache y-He is Arrested upon the Cnarge of Perjury. At eleven o'clock Saturday morning, Alder nan T. J. Mackey and Mr. A. M. Mackey ap ?eared before Magistrate DaLarge, colored, to nswer the charge of assault and battery, pre erred by Mr. Clark. The Assistant District Attorney appeared for ir. Clark, and asked a postponement of the ase until four o'clock, on the ground that Mr. }lark was engaged a. tbe Customhouse, and it rouid be detrimental to the pablic service for lim to appear belore that time. Alderman Mackey demanded that Mr. Clark hould appear at once, asserting that he would lot give a hood to keep the peace towards Mr. "lark, as he bad learned he was to be request id to do. The Assistant District Attorney stated that te bad come for the purpose of making the ildermao give bond to keep tho peaoe towards tis client. 8ome farther discussion ensued, and the ma? gistrate sent a constable for Mr. Clark. After the lapso of about fit teen minutes the loustablo returned, stating that Mr. Clark had aid be wonld be at tho magistrate's office iu a ?w minutes. His attorney, however, announced that Mr. ;lark would not come, bat would drop the maige of assault and battery against all ex? cepting Dr. Mackey, and would demand that >oth Alderman T. J. and Mr. A. M. Mackey be JO und over to keep the peace towards him. Alderman Mackey contended that Mr. Clark lould not, under the law, bind him over to keep .be peace. The magistrate decided that as ho saw notti? ng that would support the charge of assault md battery against Alderman T. J. and Mr. A. If. Mackey, he would dismiss the case; bot as ie had reason to believe that there waa danger >f a breach of the peace, he would kind both >f the accused and also Mr. Clark, in the sum >f 1100, to keep the peace towards one another. At this stage of the proceedings Mr. Clark ?ame in and signed tbe bond, as did the two Mackeys a moment after. The court then ad ourned. CL IEE ABBBSTEDFOB PERJUBY. Immediately after the adjournment of Mag stra'e DeLarge'sojurt, Alderman T. J. Mackey trent to Magistrate Misbaw and had a warrant ssued against Mr. Clark, charging him with saving committed perjury in sweanug that he lad committod an assault and battery upon nm. Mr. Clark was summoned to appear be tore thc magistra e aod did so at three o'clock, when be waived an examination and was re? quired to give security in the sum of oue thousand dollars, to appear aod answer tbe marge before the next term of the State Court. CHABOES PBEF?KBED.- Lieutenant Philippy, commanding the detective forci, on Saturday ireforrod charges against (Jfficer Reed, and re? quested tho Chief of Police to suspend him [rom duty until the chariros could ba invest i rateJ. Tbe charges are, substantially, that on ,he afternoon of Friday last (when Mr. Clark leized the Customhouse) Officer Reed, revolver n hand, headed a mob and entered tho Cus ;omhouse. Captain Hendricks, immediately ifter the receipt of the charges, comolted with ho request to suspend I he officer Irom daly. *: IlisT FOB DOLL HUES.-Take advantage >i the great reduction in prices, and preparo br the approa:liiDg bud ess season by hav? ing your Job Printing neatly; expeditiously ?.id cheaply done at THE NEWJ Job Office, No. 119 East Bay. SATiKHAEaixB.-By reference to the "Hotel Arrivais,'' it .will ba seen that there are a large number of citizensof Savannah en a visit to'oar city; Besides those registered are many others who1 hs ve remained on board tie exe ora ion steamer. BUSINESS : NOTICES, Wi WOULD call the attention of all who are in want of travelling cr plain trunks* to call at John Commins1, No; 181 Meeting-street, nearly oppoai teMajrltet, His prices wfll be found to be quite low. lmtbf Julv 2,9 o i i ? Go TO G io EOS LITTLE 4 Co. for fine Liben Sacks, ll 60. 6 July 22 INTERNAL REVENUE STAMPS of all denomina? tions, also PBOPSXETABY STAMPS, a full assort? ment always kept on hand, and for sale by HUGER 4 RAYENEL, . No. 66 East Bay, Joly 10 Opposite Courter Office. Stitt* an) /urnist)tnn, ?ooh. Gr B T TOUR" SHIRTS AT THE QBEAT DEPOT FOE IE NTS' FURNISHING GOODS LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS DRAWEES OF ALL QUALITIES LINEN AND PAPER CUFFS HOSIERY, IN COTTON AND LISLE THREAD NECKTIES AND CRAVATS QMBBELLAS IN GBEAT VARIETY Ac., Ac., *o. 8HLBT8 ready made and made to order. Direc? tions for measurement aent by mail. July 8 SCOTT'S den tl omen's Furnishing atore, Meeting-street, opposite the Market. DAO Brnos BLACKWELL'S No. 910 KIKG-STREET, One door below Market A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TIES, SCARFS, HANDKERCHIEFS SHIRTS, COLL AB 3, GLOVES HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR FINE SBIBIS TO OBDEB, A SPECI ALTT. GOODS. Ju"y 22 fm ^rtB. pilUTOORAPH COLORING. PERSONS WISHING TO HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS tated with care and taste can bave their orders promptly filled by leaving tbem at Holmes' Book Souse. Written directions should in each case be riven as to the style of coloring preferred. July 23 Smoa* Jlrq ?00LU, (Etc. TTBNTION t DRY GOODS RUTERS. GREAT REDUCTION OF A FINE AND LARGE SrOCK OF DRY AND FANCY GOODS, WE WILL. PREVIOUS TO TAKING SIOCK, reduoe many of our Goods to ONE-HALF THEIR VALUE, ivblch should not be lost sight of by those in nee a of articles in our line. FURCHGOTT & BRO., iOUTHWEST CORNER E. IN" G k CALHOUN SIS. ALSO, Boots, Shoes. Hats and Tranks, FOR SALE LOW. May 3 3rnos JHtiffll?ntous. fJIRUNKS, TRUNKS, TRUNKS. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE LOT OF TRAVEL? LING AND PLAIN TBUNKs.whlsh will be ?old very low at JOHN COMMINS, No. 131 Meetliigrtreet. July 23 1 m th! Nearly opposite ?larker. Jg EDD U GS-ON FORFEIT. BEDSTEADS AND BKDDING UA DE BUG proof by a single application of tie "BUG DE arttOT&ri." Warranted to contain neither poison Dor quicksilver It ino eases dally in favor, alon,. BEKGEK. No. 20 Weatwor o-street. will apply it on forfeit Ho d by Mons. LVASSAUNE, No. 104 Einc-street. thorns* July 22 G V N S TOM KS, IHELVAIN & CO., No. 6 MAIDEN LAXE, NKW YORK. FOWLING PIECES OF ALL QUALITIES, 8?ITA. BLE tor the Southern trade. Both MUZZLE AND BREECH LO.VD J! RS. ALSO, IN STOCK A PHLL ASSORTMENT OF CUTLE? RY, PEBF?MEBY. BRUSHhS. SOAPS, ?c. SOLE AGENTS FOB THE GENUINE D? HINGER PISTOL. July 19 mwflrao TU E STAR AND 8?UTHERN BEAL ESTATE ADVERTISER, As AU advertls'ngm?Jiuro. offers faei ities to Mer hi itu. I ru uists, Mabloists, Au., of extending noir business, unsurpassed by any Southern EVoekly. Its circulation is ta-t "eeotnin? iren-ral. neal rstate agents, un'l parties int re-ted in the purchase >r sile of real p?iato wil Hud lt m their advantage ocon-ultits roi mus and ailvortisc therein aa we ir* effcc'in;? arrangement- by wh.CU our pa, er will :ircu.ate larrey arno Norih-ru ra itullats. Information ten dn.? io ihc development of our inners!, in .nufaciuriu?;;iu(l tgricniiural resource ir?cnptivo ol climie, soil, k - so.lciteJ and tliank ? i ly ecolve? iioiu any section. TVnns rash. 43 i yea- ; a 'opy pratts lo anyone ?endiug six suo-erbers; aeuuf len, $2 AO each Butt-B of adverti?iua Huerai- *d ir*** W. J. McKVKRALL, Joly 18 Marion,. 8 9, K? 9 K O O X SCROFULA, DY9PEP3IA,. LIVER COMPLAINT, ' NEBY0?3 DEBILITY, ? H EU MA Its M, NEURALGIA, KIDNEY AFFECTIONS, ER CP I IO NS OF THB (KIN, ANT AU. Ob s lin? te or lone standing diseases of th? BLOOD, LIV LB, URINARY ORGANS, NERVOUS SY8T?M, Ac. it purifies and enr?e li es ?he Blood, eradicates all Syphilitic orKcroiulous Taints. Restores (he Liver and Kidneys lo a healthy action, aids digestion, reg? ulates the bowels, and lavigorate* the Nervous Sys? tem. ?9- NOT A "ECBET QUACK MEDICINE."io FOBMUL*. ABOUND EACH BOTTLE. Recommended by the best Physicians, eminent Divines. Editors, Druggets, Merchants, Ac. MW THE BEST AND MOST POPULAS MEDI CINE IN USE. ; PSEPASES ON'LT nz J. J. LAWBENCE, M. D., (An experienced and weiMmown Physietan and Chemist,) Laboratory and Office, No 6 Main-street, No BF OLK, YA. Price One DoVar per bottle. " For sale by GOODRICH, WISEMAN A CO , DO WIE A MOI<?, Charleston, 8. C. And Druggists everywhere. July jj_' noo lyr jg B CAREFUL WHAT MEDICINES YOU T A K K . Wff EN YOU AB EES H AU S TED BY OVERWORK of bead or hand, and feel the need of something in? vigorating, don't drink whiskey or any intoxicating thing, wheiher under the name of Ritters or other* wise, such articles giv? Jut a? much strength to your weary bodv and mind as the whin gives to the Jaded horse, and no more. Alcoholic stimulants are injurions to Nerve health, and are ALWAYS followed by DEPRESSING REACTION. Dodd's Nerrine and Iiivigorator U a TONIC and GENTLE STIMULANT which is NOT attended by REACTION. Weat lt gains for yon it maintains. When Hr* trashes body or mind, lt refreshes with natural strength that comes to atsy. We are hot recommending teetotalism in the interest of any faction; but long and extended observation; teaches us that he who resorts to the bottle tor rest or recuperation, will find, as ho keens at it, that he is kindling a fire in bia bonea which will consume like the flames of perdition. Turn from it. Take a tonic that will refresh md not destroy. DODDS NERVI SK is for sale by all Drugoiata. Price One Dellar. See Book of Certificates that accompanies each bottle. "mos June 25 T UK BISHOP PILLI TUE BISHOP PILLI THE BISHOP PILL! A Purely Vegetable Pill (Sugar-coated.) "C08TARV BISHOP PILL, "Ia of extraordinary efficacy for Costiveness, Indi? gestion, Dyspepsia, Headache. Nervoua Debility, Liver complaint." "The best PILL in tbe world." Medical Jmtrnal, September 8. T B Y THEM! T B Y T H E HI AU Druggists lo CHARLESTON sell th coi. "COSTAR'S " STANDARD PREPARATIONS ABZ "Co&tnr'a1' Bat, Roach, ote.. External's, < tratar V Bed Bag Exte rmi ran tora. "toatar's" (only pure) Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Remedie* known." "18 years established in New York." "2000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured daily." "111 Beware 111 of apurions Imitation?.." "All Druggiats in CHABLkSTON sell them." For $1, $2, $3 and $6 sizes, Address "COST AU" CODI PA NY, No. 13 Howard-street, New York. Sold in CHARLESTON, 8.0., by GOODRICH, WIN KHAN 6i CO. March 23 DAO lyr S A D A L I S Purilies the Blood. For sale by Druasrisis Kverywbere. Jnlv 38 lr? S ' RE P O Pl THE ONLY CERTAIN RAT DESTROYER WITHOUT ftaasyraMbU Results. ADOLPH I ?-A.A. CS EIS"'S PHOSPHORIC PASTE, HERMETICALLY sealed and warranted to keep freahforali time the greatest disrovery of its kind In the age we Uv* In. No person need be troubled with BATS, MICE, BED BUGS or ROACHES, for Mr. Isaacson's destructive remedy is within the reach of all. Prepared only byAlmself, from rare and valuable compounds, its oo/apness ls as wondesful as its efficacy. UuncT'ds of testimo? nials have been received irom all puru ot the United States. lhe great advantage ibis SURB FOP povseasea over all Mmilar preparations is the FACT that it ia Certain In Its HlTects, and free from the unp'easantraae or rat? drina 1? their holes, as it causes them to leave the premises to seek air, and consumes them so entirely as to leave ^ Diaaarreeable Odor. Numbera o? refeienees can be made to Persons In this City, who have successfully used it SOLE AGENTS FOB FOU l'H CAROLINA, DOWIE & MOISE, IMPORTERS AND WBOLE?ALE DHUOG1ST8, Corner Meeting aa J Hasei-Btreets. April 23 mwf6mo_Obar'.es'on, 8.0. mo REftlOVK ti '.EASE SPOTS. USE THE DOUBLE DISIILLED BENZINE, Prepared, and for ta'e, whelesa'e and retail, hy I IL LT. I ALK, Hay M NO. 131 Meeting-street. ?Uiltra ?ito. ..?a'? Household Furniture. Book Catee, Mir rori. LOK* g et, Sofa?, Sideboard ic HM. McKAY, Auctioneer, Will sell THI? D>Y, Mia In start at No. 136 Meeting street, commercing at 10 oeMk. ALSO, Long's t'e ?-rate j PATENT SODA FO HM TAIN, fa* complet" order. Terms cash. w : D.N KttDAY, ?th, sale of assorted DET GOODS' andJNoiions._JCT? Sundries, to pay Freight and other Expensa. BI LAI KEY & A LEX INDER? TO-MORROW 27th IQ?tant, will be sold before oar Store, No. 137 Hast Bay, at 10 o'clock, to pay f:eight and o UT *xpenses, 81X1?-KOUB PACKAGES, CONSIST rsa or: COFFEE, Spice. Brooms, Backets Rope, ?teri, molasses, ?boes Burkitts, Trunk?. Pails, Paper Hollow-ware. Soda, Ice, fte., ftc Condition* cash._Jm\y 14 Positive Sale-Family Removing front ike Stale-One ttory Wooden Dwelling, Nv. 8 Bogard street, one door east of Coming, in good order inept W. T. LEITCH & B. & BRUNS, Auetioneers. wi'i be sol J TO-MORROW 27rb instant, at the Old Pt ?tornee, at ll o'clock. That fine ONK bl OBY wnoDFN DWELLING, with piazza and eas fixtures, known as Mo. 8 Bogazd t- rr ee i. no i th sid?, one door east of com ng, with rt'rben and stable. Boose contains three roomsv lot rc pap ur 4 > by 61 leet, moro or lees. Terms-One third cash; bal noe In one and tww years, wi'h Interest, tee tired by bond and mortgage. Property to be insured, pone? assigned. Purchaser tn pay us for paoer* and stamps. -9 Inly M SUKKIPF'8 S AXiK. By Tirtue of a Writ of Fieri Kaela s to me directed and delivered, will be sold on MONDAY ano TTJ?BDAY, tho Sd and 3d days of August next, at northeast comer of the Ceuitbouse, netweeo the honra ot ll A. M., and 8 o'clock P. IL. All UM right, title and ntereat of the defendant fa: a LO I OF LAND with a woden Dwelling and other improvements thereon, g I tu? te on the south ?Ute of Ann street, between Meeting and gllsabeih-itrests, and known as No. 19, measuring A3 fest front br 300 feet in depth. Levied on and to be sold as the property of /ano* Ccrcor in, at the several suits of F. D. 0: Kracke and B. Foley. AISO, At toe same time and place, All the right, title and interest ot defendant la * LOT OF LANB wim tue wooden D weill ag and im? provements thereon, ai-nate on the sooth aide of Cathoo, n-street, and known sa Ho. 108. Leveed on and to oe sold as the property of J. F. Church, under an execution m the case of J. and P. Dawson va. Francis Dawson, adrnisurtrator ott, r. Church, deceased. I ALSO, At the same tune and place, All the right, U l? and interest of tbe defendant m an that Pi KC H OB LOT OF LAND, situate at the southwest corner of Market and Bast Baw streets. > Levied on and to be sold as tbs property of Thouu* N. Gads Jen, at the suit of John Horlbeok,' et al. Executors of J. O. Blum. ALSO, AU the right, title and Interest of the defendant tn a LOT OF LAND, with tbe Buildings thereon, situate on the west aide of Chestnut-street, measur? ing 75 feet front by 100 feet lo depth. ALSO, A LOT OF LAND, with-the Buildings thereon, situate on Ute east side ot- Lucis-street, and known as No. 18, measuring 36 feet front by UM feet in depth. ,. ALSO, A LOT OF LAND, situate on east side of 0*ds den-srreet, near Spring-street, with the Building? thereon, measuring 75 feet front by 169 feet ut depth Levied on audio be sold as the property of H. BL Hamey, al the suit of the Exchange National Baak. of Norfolk, Virginia. ALSO, At the same time and place, All the right title and Interest of the defendant ia a LOT OF LAND, with a two story Brick House and other Buildings thereon, situate on the south alda of Harket street, and known as No. 7L Levied on and' to be sold as the property of B. Enlckmeyer at the suit of Tycho Beens tjema. Terms cub. Vi E. W AL MACKEY, Joly 12_mil_8.O. a Assign?e1? Sale pf Beal Estate of Samuel Fo~ gartie, Bankrupt, by Deere? of the Court in Bankruptcy. WK G. MCBRIDE SMITH. Auctioneer, die* Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in August next, at the old Pc staffle e, foot, of Broad-street, at .11 o'clock A. M., The following-valuable HE VL ESTATE: 1st All tbat TRACT OF LAND ?nth the Baudin** thereon, situate in the town of Mount Plecas nt, fat the Pariah of Christ Church, and . 'o au ty of Oharies? ton, measuring three hundred and ten by three hun? dred and forty feet, and designated on a plat of the same ai three Lots in Hiluardnlle, numbered 119, 113 iud Ul. 3d. AU that TB ACT OF LAND known as Lot No. 21 on the plat of the Mount Pleasant Ferry Compa? ny's land, containing twenty-two acres, manor Iee?. 3d AU that TIA CT OF LAND adj oin [DR tho above, known as Lot No. 26 o s said plat, and contain? ing twenty-two acres, more or less. Terms-One half cash; the balance In twelve? months, secured by bond or bonds ot the purchaser or pureba-ers, and mortgage of the pr?mises res? pectively. The buildings to be mea-ured, and the policy assigned. Lurch ?sera to pay tor pt pera and stamps. FBRDEBIOK J SMITH, Assignee samuel Foejartte. Nones is hereby given under order of Court, made m the above case to all person? holding liens upon th? above described Beal Estate, to prove the sante before J. C. CABPhNTBB, Isq . Registrar in Bank? ruptcy . in Charl est? ra, on or tjafore the first day of August next, orbe debarred from aU parttdparkwA mme distribution of be net proceeds of the sala thereof. FBED EBICK J . SMITH. July 12 mi Assignee Samuel FogartJe. lailroiiDs. CJOUTH CAROLINA KAILKUA1). Q EN EBAL SUPEBINTENDENT'S OFFICE, I CHABXISTOM. 8. 0" April ?, 1869. I ON AND AFT EB SUI* DAY, AFB LL ll TH, THC PASALL'OEB TBAINS of the 8oute Oarobia BaU road win ron as follows : FOB ATJeUBTA. Leave Charleston.8.89 a. V. arrive at augusta.Ail P. af. Connecting with trains forMontitomery, Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Mont,ornery and Qrand JuacUon. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.,.8.89 A. M, Arrive at Columbi?..'.6.19 P. M. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester B*ftV road, ano Camden train. K*a OHABLESTON. Leave Auguste..9.99 A. BL Arrive at Charl eaton.9.10 P. M. Leave Columksn.7 46 a. ht. Arrive at Chill ss koa.6.10 P. BJ. AUGUSTA NIOBT ETPBE*? isfRODATS saiaawtaaj Leave Charleston...7.90 P. sL Arrive at Augusts._9.10 A. H. Connecting with tratas for Memphis, Nish vt Un and Hew Orle ana, ve Grand Junoann. Leave Augusta.4.10P. M. Arrive at CharlevAea..4.00 A. Xi, OOLVMBIA NIGHT EXPBB88. (8UKDAT? aacmwvxo.) Leave Charleston.106 P. H. Arrive at Colombia.4.46 A. M. Coaneo ting (sundays excepted) with Greenville sad Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia.6.9o P. M. Arrive at Charleston.1.80 A. M. Sr MMEBVILLB TBAIN. Leave Charleston.3.36 P. M. Arrive at Summerville. 1.(0 P. V. Leave Sommerville.7.19 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.25 A. Bl CAMDEN K fU NO H. Camdon and columbi i Parson uer Trails en Mox BATS, WEPSESDATS and ?ATuaDATS, eonneots wKh up and il J vu Day Pawmgers al Eiogwill*. Ueava Camden.6 86 A. M. Arri? eat Columbia.ll.MI A. MU. Leave Columbia.2 2v p. M. irrire at Camden.7.9SP. M. Mlgnedi B. T. PBAKK. ?prU 10 Q sn seal sa?*n ot ?iden t. QHAI. IIICERV, GILDER, POBTBATT ANB PICTTJBE BBAME MANtTFAO TC BBB, No. 3? KIN O - STREET, C H AB UM TON, 8.0. LOOKINQ-GLASSES of aB ants fitted to Frames. July 16 nae fraw3aio A. F. C II K V li E tJ X , SCULPTOR i ND ABOHITECr. MAB ULE VT OAK S, Corner Meeting-Street nnl IlorUbeck'S. Alley, ( HABLS TO i ?, C. Plans made to cr 1? r and wo rr t xs nawd^romptky*. July 1