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THE DAILY FEWS. Tue Sword in t tic Sea. " Thc billow? plunge like steeds that bear lbs mights wi lb snow; crests; Ibe ?ea winds boure like bogles, where lb i Alabama reeta 1 Old glories from their splendor-mists barate with trump and ball Tbe (?word that held the ocean lists Against the worid in mall. An1 down from Albion's rarret-h:!le. From terraced 8 opes of France, The i ru v -, bngb. wine ot valor fills This chalice ot romance. For her? was honor's tourney, space. The tilt yard uf he sea. The battle-path ot kingly wrath, And kinglier cou tesy. And down the deeps, in sumless heaps. Tbs gold, the ?.em. the pearl, In QB? broad bb 2 9 of splendor, belt, Great England like an Earl. And there tb ey rest, the princeliest Of earth's re^alia-gems, The sUrhght ot the southern Cross, Tho sword ol BaphaelSemmea I Pennon and plume the waves entomb The f>roud hopes of the free, In ths?great glaive that arthur gave In yarnton to the sea. F. O. TICXNOB. Torch Bill, Columbi**. Georgia. A S BIB BURNED AT SEA. Supposed Los* of Sixty-one Id-res- Suf ferlags of tb.? Surrivors-inhumanity. In March last t h 3 British ship Blue Jacket wa? burned at sea, while on her wa; from New Zeal and to England. Ont- of sixty nine per Sons on board only eight are known to hare been aa\red. The Lindon Herald publishes ibe fol io wm g letter from ons of the survivors. Addressed to bis motacr, and dated at Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, April 29 : I will telt yon wbat has happened on board the Blue Jacket tince she left Lyttleton np to the time she wa? barned. We left that ?pit JTebnury 18. We bav?t seven sa.oon passen? gers grown urC twelve second cabin, and ve yen children, ? ll young, and a stewardess ot the saloon. Ot the passengers' there were bix women: two of the children wer- at the breast. Ship's company ali told, forty-Lfja. Total num? ber of people on board, mxty-two, and seven children. There was titule sea sickness at starting; that, soon paastd away. We made a very go? d pat Bag e to the Horn ia twenty days. On the 7th of March we passed ihe Falkland Islands m sight, 1 ttle dreaming at that time that this piace would be our refuge before ' long. OW TIM. Bat on tbe Taeeday tolicwthg there was a scene that I never wish to new ag .in. About bali- past one m the afternoon smoke was Been lawmng ont of the fore hatchway. We well knew what was the matter, and in about ten miaute?' ime there was a good supply of water beiDg played upon it. There were uo flames, bat Very cense smoke ari*rug. As soon as tho -captain saw that : wai likely to prove serions, Jte told Hr. Williams to get the yacht siuog and provisioned and ready for going over tue side; then the two life-boats wera got reidy for lo^erimr Abd provisioned. In the mean A bo4 a few bajidA shortening sail. While thia waf proceeding ue pimps were still kept going, every ono working ifor his lite. It ha pened to be a Tory floe afternoon; everything was being dons to exting?is-> the fire, and ?.out six u'olock we. hong ht we would get the op er hand ot it. Halt an bonr after wards it broke out Untante worse than evsr. ^ve still kept hard at it until a little after oioe that night, at which time the coals that were in the fore pa. t had caught fire, and in ten min nt es after the whole ot the forecastle was in a blase. Then oar fate appeared sealed. CAST i DRITT. The order waa given to get the yacht over tb? atoa, which waa done with great nek ot . limbs, aa there waa a nasty sea running, bat - abe waa got over all safe. Before lowering ber loto the water we got tue women and children into her all safe, then lowered her; after which the remarnmg passengers got in, th?' fire in the mean tim e working aft very rapidly, an the j _ port life-boat there were Hr. Wnnams and his watch. In the starboard boat. Hr. Bell and iii? watch. I waa ia tba yacht. The other boats left the Snip a li ttl e before us, for we oooid not prevail apon the captain for some time tb leave the ship, and I do not think he would have lett her if ba had n >t promised the radi?e that ne would take charge or them. He said he did not like to leave tho oid ship. Ba we eat away and drifted clear of the ship. About an hour after wa left the foremast fei. over the side; half an hour afterwards the Basin and museo followed ita example, with a heavy ci ash. The vessel WM theo tn one mass of thaine it was a splendid and fearful sight to witness. We kept aa near the s h rp aa poa-? Bible, thinking a vessel might see the fire and bear down to her; bat there waa no such lack. Next day there waa a dead calm, and Mr. Wil? liame came on board tba yacht, so we straight . ?ned up the boat a little sod made things more oomfortable. In the evening the captain told me to go to the mate's boat and Mr. Williams to att7 in the yacht Boen attar dark a breeze sprung up. and was increasiBg all night. We kept together all night by means of lanterns, which we held up every now and then. Next morning the other two boats were well ahead; the brees* waa still iooroaainn, aid ia two hoare* time we pi . ked them ap. Mr. Williams dla not maka any sign to come into bia boat again, so when the captain gave W the eouTSi to the Falkland Islands we went ato see it we could nick the other boat up. (bra we could see her tbe yacht was out of j eight. When we came np to the second mate's boat we both lowered our sails and hove to, for tbe yacht to get np to na agata. While we were waiting we bad dinner, wbicb consisted ot about a quarter of a pound of preserved meat, a very few.bits of biscuit (which had got spoiled with salt ws ter oomiog into the boat) and not quite two gills of water. We had a pretty good supply of provisions and water, pdt we gnow not how long we would have to be Jo the. boa t before we were picked np or reach? ed ls nd. We waited there some time, but DO yacht waa to ba seen, and we were los UR the nar wind, so we asked Mr. Bell if he waa going to wait any longer. He said.'.Na" With that answer we hoisted ctr and-ead- started, bat up pb the time we o<i BUM t of him ho bad a t moved. We atil? went OD, bu- during the night Iba wind shifted round right dead against us, EO we steered Cor toe main latia, as il waa imooe aible fur us to roach the islands. We never saw aetther of the boats after that. DEATH IS THB BOAT. There were fifi eeo ot us in ona boat ; there Tere i'sM*p n-""w-1* Befaste, ami asses aJaUrfess in ihe yacht, and thereat with Mr Bell, st end matt. I havo Lo.doubt t ?ber would recollect the brown do? that Mr.-bad. It waa in Oar boat- ?ix diva, af;.ex. we left the shipw? killed it, drank the blood and ate the flesh. Six data after that waa the conmeooemiDt ol the honors ot a castaway orear One of the Doxa oat A two died through drinking aalt Waler. We managed to keep lt from him dor ianthe d.vtime, btu at,night be wooM ge- it. Ho was ont of bis mino about eleven boors be? fore he d'ed Wo boned the poor lad as well aa wo cou d nader the cireamstanceH. vVe road (he barral service for the dead at Bea, but we h?d nothing to sink bim with. It wan a painful ia?kt Lui it waa Ul? will ot God. Wo prayed to the Almighty in that boat wita mon. carnea)nee-than any or os bad ever done tu? fare. We o. a.d see death ?taring OB in tue fa oe. Dav alter day OJ land, oo vtssoi. Five days after the boy died we lest the carpenter si>d a Beaman. . Ihe latter, poor fedow, died from n ter debility and old ave. The carpen? ter, .who waa a flue, tail maa over s.x teet. died from tait water. They were both Bemm Ca1 holies. The carpenter ba* lett a wife, with fu m r fivo eui'.dr ..a, io mourn their loss. Two days after another mau died raviMir oa.d. ibroula salt water; ha was the noaithteai look ng man in thc boa .. To.TC ware uo others (the anilmnker and otc oe Am. i..) out ot their miud. We expected they w u d b off at say Next dav Eothi. g in eight; we .hoaghi tue Almighty bsd br.tigtii' ns tt>ere to brtatbe our last; we had b eakiast which was ene saidu.e. sou.e bitcutt that we had to tqaecao t > get thu s-ui. water oat: ..nd about two tablespoons ! o Is of wale?, I forgot io, UH you,that, about ten days leaving tho 6hip, our f et btcamo to p-tisfnl with trost-bile Wat wi had to cat ot r boots off. -he ? um was so excruciating. For my t art. I waa inc med to drink salt water to pal un emt u> my lite, for what wi'h tho bu> . ger. the liars* and the paiu in my ft-et I nearly went mad; m fcc , oie afternoon for a tow boars JL was ont of my mint.: tbe.v all said thay.iho?gbt 1 fhonid gooff. Atter -o i.aii hau*breakfast all the provisions wa had h ft was a siiiuh oox of sardines, plenty of spoiled bread, and aboai one L-a ion or water; A B aOOS ABD 15HUMAN XBBAIHSX?. Tl tr . a a ligut briezj. and a niue biter 12 "V ck . e ot the men situ ited out "omi, hoi" v\ ail fir the mon>ent lorgoi ocr wok seas and pain and jumped a.-, and t..?ro wad a Jbark b~. down upon OB; we v, ere soon alennside of her, and were hauled np the side, for we were as helpless as children. 1 forgot to tell you that we had saved three boxes of cold from the ship, valne, ?10 OOO. When he found we had cold be got into a frightful race. He put the boatswain io irons, and two sea? men also, and chained them down-men that were not able to lift a pound weight, and several times he threatened to take tne boat? swain's bfe. We jost pot sufficient food to keep ne alive, and that waa all. Well, these islands wese the nearest place. The A mighty blessed us with a fair wind. We arrived here on Sunday. The captain a d a passenger he had with him went on shore and reported that he had picked np soma wrecked sailors, and from what he could make out we had murdered every one on board, and then set fire to the ship and taken the gold and left her. When the doctor came on board he ordered the ?rous to be taken off, and to give ns plenty of wine. Next d?.y (Monday) we were all brought on shore and put into houses. Before I go further I must tell yon that three more died on board the bark, leaving eight of us to tell the tale. Nothing has been heard of the other boats. domrarrnal. Kiparra. LTVRBPOOL-Per Britiah bri? Chiton-800 bbls Spirits . nrpentine, 638 bbls Bosln. PHILADELPHIA-Per steamship J W Everman-102 bales Cotton, 366 bbls Rosin, 61 bales Dome*tics, 21 bales Leat tr. Shales Bags, 62 empty Ale B?r? rela, SOO Waterme ons. 66 Packages....Per sehr Adolph Hugel-155.300 feet Flooring Board*. charleston Cotton ansi nice Market. OFFICE Ol' THE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, I . CHARLESTON, Friday Eveninc, July 23. ) Conon-Ihe muket was flat, with no disposition on the part of buyers to purchase at the rates of sel? lera, and no transactions took place. We quote nominally: LTVXEPOOL CTASBmcanOH. Ordinary to sood ordinary.30 #92 Low middling.32*? Middbng.S3 @ By New York ela ssl flea ?> n we quote : Middling.33*? RICE.-The market for tills grain was quiet, but the article waa held Bindy; aalea 10 tierces of clean Ca olin? at 8Vc V lb. We quo e common to fair clean Carolina at 7*67*; good 8@8*c *? tb. Mar II eta bj Telegraph. FOBEXON MABKBtS. LONDON, July 23-Noon.-Consols, 93*. Bonds 83. LXvXBPOOL, July 23-Noen.-Cotton steady; up? lands 12*d; ralea of the week 64 000 bales; for j export 12,000 bales; for speculation '000 bales; stuck on baod 363,000 bale-, ot which 193,000 bale are American ; Bom! a j sbipmenta to the 20th 12,000 J bales; cotton afloat C64.000 ba es. cf which 81,000 kales are Am* rican. Flour 23s 6d. Bed Weat rn wh< at 9s 2d. Evening.-Cotton, uplands I2*d; Orleans 13<1; sales 12 000 bales. Turpentine 26s 9d. Tarns and fabrics at Manchester steady. - HAVBX, Joly 23.-Cotton buoyant both on the spot and afloat PAMS, July 23 -1 be bullion in the Bank of | France has increased T.OOO.OO0 francs. ftcMSstlO MASKEM. 1 Nxw TOBE, July 23-Noon.-*- btucka firm And more arti ve. Morey 7. Stetting SX. Odd 86% Cotton dull at etc. Terpentine rt ead y at ?Sc. Bosln anobangtd. I vening ?-Cotton dull and lower; salo* 275 b'-let at 33*>.84c. Flour, superfine to laney Ma; e (6 36a 6-90; roi them mote active, common to cboio 96 60all 76. Wheat fairly active at 3*4c better. Corn unchanged. Meta beef atesdy. Meas pork quiet at $82 76*82 87*. lard beary; kettle ll*i 19*c. Bice quiet ai 8*8*0. Turpentine ?2*4 3c Roaln 12 26a8. Freights lower; flour, by steam, 2a Cd; wheat 8s. Money easy at 6a7. immense * usi? nes* st lower rate ; prime discount* at loiter rstes Merhng 9*. ii?.ons gild to-morrow $800,000. Gold weaker at ?6* F cn th ern securities sch ve; new North Carolinas hgher, touching ?2>? bu closing st 61 *?62; this advance tended to at ffeu ethan; Soatb Carolinas, new 66*66*. BALTMOBX. July 23.-Cotton quiet at 84c. Four fairly active; lew and n ed um crades advanced 23a 60c; superfine 15 75?6 60. Wheat armer at $1 60a 1 68: whit* fl "ital 76 Corn firm er; white $110*112 yellow fl C8al ll Oats dull; prime new "Oe. Mess pork 834. Bacon active sud advancing ; shoulders I6*el5*c. Lard 19*1200. Whlakty acaree at 91 io. CWCTNXATI, July 23,-Provisions quiet Meas pork 133. Bacon, .boulders ?4*aU*c; clear aides 18*a38*c; sogar-curea barns 22a; 3c Lard dull at 19*?19*c. ST. Lorna, July 28.-Flow bucyant for low grade?; superflue ?5 40*5 50. Whiskey Arra at $1 08 Prc visioBB firm. Mess pork (33 (0a?3 75. Bacon, shoulders 14*a14*c; dear aides 18*aI6*<\ I^rrrsriLLx, July 23.- Providions firm Mess pork SSS. Bacon, shoulder? 10c; clear fides 19*o. Whiskey fl. WxumiSTOW, July 23. -Spirits turpentine steady at 58*c. Bosln nnchanged; strained ll 66. Crude turpentine unchanged. Tar IX ATOCSTA, July 23 -Cotton, market quiet; little offering; sales26bales; middling82*c; receipts 27 SAVANNAH, July 23.-No market; no cotton of? fering; rectipta 29 balea MOBXLX, July 23.-Cotton, recipts for th? week 131 bales; exports coastwise 1016 bales; stock 2?48 bale?; sales tor the week 370 bales; sales to-day 70 bales; tarketdull; low middling 30c; receipts 14 bales; export s ?TC bales. - Nsw OXXEANB, Joly 23.-Cotton, receipts to-day 121 bales; ter the week, groas 886 bales; net 468 ? bales; exports for the week, Vera Cruz 810; New York 3218 bales; stock 630 bales; ?alee to-day 160 bales; kr the week 1458 ba ea; market steady; mid diing 32*c. Go d 36*. Sterling 49*. New York right *c premium, sugar, common Italic; prime 14*c. Molasses, prime fermen mg 63c New York Klee Market. 2 ht Journal of Com coerce ol Wedbesday, Joly 21 says that lor Caro dna tuere i? a fAir inquiry, both lo? cal and out-of-town, and with a reduced stock and very l ttle coming to hand prices ve m the seller's fav ir ; 210 c*k- sold at ? ,c for inferior to 9c lor prime. We quoi? lor the range ol LO od to choice 8* a'l*c Banttoou is mi-re sought lor, owing io the scarcity cf domes ic; the atock 1s, however, larne, and holders are tree sell?is. We learn of sales oi'760 bag* for borne use at 7*a8.*. We quote lots in bond at 2* 3*c, gold. The New Yuk Vegetable Market. 1 he New York Journal of Commerce of Wednes? day. July 21, report? that potatoes ?re very cheap; ibey ara crowded on the market from near points, and balea are maXirc at $1 25*42 tar New Jersey and Long Island, ihe luatdaapnce for Jackson whites, there ia no sale lox. Ncafo.k; some smad iota t.roagbt 60c and $l per bari el. apples-pr ms Nor io k range ah Ute war tn m fi 5ua*i; J ney apples, wind tal-, S2e*2 (J; do, picked. S8a$4'26 Peaches are comii g i" sio#iy >et .rom Delaware, bul prices are running down; ai .3ui6 per erat e. Norfolk peaches are coming m oad oider, and as a general thing do m it brin., over SI per orate; creen coro is seUiuu at SUSI 60 per l-nudred; string beana si ?0A t i ; Norioik toma oca 75ca?l pei I ox; marrow squashes $3 pei b ?? ; Long Islauo cucumbers 60a76c per hundrei; eab->age* i4?S6; peas SI 6Ua?2; yel.i.w squaali 42 .6; Lawton bl ekbeme* 15 >% c, * I b some besh luis .t 25c; onions 1t ?8a.t? 60 lor white soutn rtlncon Mm vet. MACON, July 11- OTTO?. - Receipts t>day 4 bale-; sales none; shipped ID. Receipts for the A? k, ending this evening, thu above included, 13 bale?; balen tor -am. n.i.e Ul; em pm eu t.- 123 a o?iug a d cr ant- ot iec<-ipia over tuuso ot tbe week ?eion- vt 46 bales; mci ease of sales for samo timp 88 ihe narke; nus been almost dead ?tl 1 oun-g the week under rev cw, and opera ions were onfiued lo ou y .w . traoiucuou?. Puces have tal eu off -ibout lc since tho date ot our laut ustkly review - midd. ;nga bel a hell ibis ? vening at 30c, wnb but a lew bale? offering, and no bu. ers in the mqrk't MACON COtl W STATEUE T. ?tock September ls.,.b?8. 1 826 Ree. iveu p.s. week. 13 RueeLcd v-ovio?Siy. 58.342-58 ?55 Total. s Lipped p-st week. Shipped previously, sioek on bund. Consignees pt< - .mn ..lulinw IIAHMUH July ?3. 31 UCea Colton, 81 isl s I t mestice, 2r. packages ?a.on. 30casea La o. 7tsick- t our, 125 Lbs Na? va ?tuacH. 1 car Lumber. To Ita- road Agent, tiold sml h k -ou Kinsmau ii Howell. U tonia k ? o. Ut W -.iiff.ns, KL CA- * chichie. i< O'Nei l. Bollni.inn Bios. U D.w, Wa.ker. Evans k Cogswell, and ? te bou-e & u. Passengers. Per steam-r P?ot B y. trom beaufort via Buist o J (Mela, n Winur a. d wile K al (libra and wile. J F ForleoUs Ut. K C Ma;lier Dr ituveue . vre Alo es, Hissimune, W Whaley. C B Northrup DJ Quigtey, and 7 on deck. fiitizt Erms. -fora ol Ui3.uxlest.urx, July S4. PORT CALENDAR. F BU ES OT TEX MOON. Last Quarter, lat, 7 hours. 27 minnies, evenir p. New Moon, 9th, 8 hours, ll minut?e, roo:nmer. First Qaartsr. 16th. 1 hour. 28 minutes, morning. Full Moon, 23d. 8 hours. 34 minutes, moraine. Last Quarter, 31st ll hours, 45 minutes, morning. JULY. am KOON USES. mos WAXES 19 Monday.... 20 Tuesday.... 21 'Wednesday. 221 Thursday... 23 Friday..... 34|8atnrday... 25!Hundav. 5. 10 7.. 6 7.. 6 7.. 5 7.. 4 7.. 3 7.. 3 7.. 2 1..42 2..27 3..16 Bises. 7..2? 7..59 8..35 5..63 6..40 7..28 8. .11 8..46 Arrived Yesterday. Bohr Farah Cullen, Aria, Philadelphia-16 days Railroad Iron and Coal. To H F Baker fc Co, and Railroad Agents. Steamer Pilot Roy, Peck. Beaufort via Edisto, kc Mdse and Sundries. To J Ferguson, Konthern Ex pre?? Cs, Kllnck, Wfckentierg & Co, Ropers: Stoney J Adgsr k Co, M CUsolm, and F KresBel. July 22 at 8y, A M, speke yacht Lulu, capt Poreber, in Coo saw River, nine miles from Beaufort, under sail. Cleared Yesterday. Steamship J W Everman, Snyder, Philadelphia-Jno k theo Getty. British brig Cllf.on, Williams, Liver*ool-R Mure Co. Behr Adolph Hugel. Adams, Philadelphia-H F Ba? ker k Co. Sailed Yesterday. Steamship J W Everman, Snyder, Philadelphia. Brig Adelaide, Wilson. Providence, R I. Behr Clara W a 1 well. Jenkins, Providence, R I. From tills Port. Brig J A Devereaux, Clark. PhUadelp' ia, July 20. Fchr Jot n A Griffin, Foster, Philadelphia, July 20 Sehr Margaret k Lucy,Cross-ley,Providence, July 19 Cleared for this Fort. Steamship Magnolia, Crowell, at New York, Joly 21 British brig Courier, Erina, at Liverpool. July 7. Sehr Soli?te, Dexter, at Rockport, Me. Julv 14. Sehr Clara Belle, Ana s bury, at Rockport, Me, Joly IL Stiipne wa by I e'f.errapii. SAVANNAH. Joly i2-Cleared, sehr Hannah, Brews fllemo* t*m*nav The sehr Mad lt on Holmes. Howard, from George? town, a C, arrived at Dew York Joly 20. The echr Carrie S Webb, Rowland, fer George town, B O, cleared at Mew York July 20. The sehr Enoch Moore, Chambers, for George town, s C, cleared at New York July 20 Progs. CfyrtmralSj (Ste. Jj AKBY S PKUPHYJLACT1C FLUID. letter from Bon. Ale*. H. St phau, of Georgia. CBAWTOBDSVILLX, Ga September 29.1868. Barby's Propnylactlc F md ls an article of little cost but crest value. Its domeatio as well as medi? cinal raes are numeren*, wbile its tperislties are most wonderful I have not been without lt (or ten jeers, and no heed of a family who can afford to have it should be without lt ALEX H. STEPHENS. THE WONDEKFIL FAMILY MfcDl. VIVI. Letter from Oe Svrgeon-Qtirral of k\t late Confeder? ate State*. RICHMOND, Va., Januar? 14, 1860. JoBW DA?BX k Co., No. ?C'J William wrest, New York: Gmtltm-n-l bave re rei red your letter of the 15th or December, I860, callina my attention to your ?Darby "a Prophylactic) Fluid. I most fheenoRy swte that the Finid was furnisb ed io, and extensively med by, lbs surgeons tn charge of panerai hospitals In the Confed?rate ser vico with ereat benefit io thc patients-all the sur? ge or s making'a favorable report-a great deal of it woBUse'i io the hospitals. .. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, HAM'L PRES 1 ON MuORE, M; D, TUE ASTONISHING DISINFECTANT. EHOXT CCLLZOK, CxroED. ti A.. December 2-1. 1868. Pref. L'AbBY. Dear Sh- Ha lug not been en? gaged for many years in lita active duties of tbs Medical profession. I am cn ly superficially acquaint? ed with the cla'ms ef your Prophylactic Fluid, but tm web acquainted with its chemical elements. While, therefore, I cannot Speak experimentally of the value of the compuund vet the disinfecting and therapeutic propertlea of the agent* employed m ita composition, together with the well known reputa? tion of its discoverer, as a chemiat, authorise me to regard ita merit- as of a hieb order; on the whole it must be considered as a valuable contri uu ti on to the cia BI of articles to which lt belongs. These views, I may add, are sustained by tbe testi? mony oi many ocmpetent judges, who have teated its properties. Believe me, dear sir. Yours, respectfully. A. MEANS, M.D., LL. D. CUKES BURKS, WOUNDS, STIX GS, ?fie. ALABAMA INSANE HOSPITAL, \ Tnsc'AiAOSA. December 22.1868. j Messrs. JOHN Donni k Co., No. 160 WlUiam-etreet, New York: Gertie men-I received your circulars of theil th instant, asking an expression of opinion from me as to abe merits of your Prophylactic Finid. Tbe pre? paration has been so generally used by the profes? sion and public at huge, and so universally esteem? ed, that it teems to me to need no further recom? mendation. As a disinfectant and remedial agent too, when in? dica t< d, lt is not excelbd b> any similar preparation. Wense permeanganic pieper anona vary extensively m this hospital, sad con d not do withoat them. 1 consider yours tue best and most elegant pieparav tion of the kind manufactured. Respectfully y oars, Ac , P. BRICE, M. D., Sup't and Physician Alabama Insane Hospital. DO WIK Si MOISE. WHOLESALE D KU" OG I SIS, May 25 tathsSmoe i gents for South Carolina. 6 i ROSAD ALIS, ? \ ROS AD ALIS. Sold hy GOODHIOH. WISEMAN & CO.. Direct Importers of European Drugs and Chemicals, May8 atathivr CHARLESTON. H. 0. JAMES KKOX.'....JOHN GILL NOX & GILL, Cotton Factors AND * K GENERAL COMMISSION MERC LIANTS, j AP. US SMITH'S WHARP. BALTIMORE. CONSIGNMENTS Ol' COTTON. RICH, fcc., RE spRiiTFCi LY solicited, an i libera: advances iautie tueieon. Orders for COHN und U-CDN promotlr executed with c*ire ai d attention 3mow Ma lc Jj1 1) IV A ll H D A la Y , GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. S'A Warren-street. NEW roitR. .PK BRO NAL ATTENTION UIYEN TO THE PCR CUxSB ot all kinds oi Mi Ri'H M ISE t-oots .?hoe*, Uara, Cu a md Truni\ ai J Htraw ( ? spec'aity. CoiislgntueiiM of all kiud.? ci Htaple Articles ?nc gensral Proouee soUcited. Prompt rei mm* gua-snieeO. EPV9ABD DALY, late oi Charleston. S. C. mi-WeeXly "rice Cm reata fen: 'ree by i-ost Jannary 2s ?ac '?mt . (til A ft LKSTON A G lt I C ll LT V KAL J WAREHOUSE AND SEED SIORE. A>;R1CVLIVRAL IMPLEMENTS, QARDEL SEEDS <?c. ELLERBEKS IRANSPLANTER FOR SALE. ut?'. iL. P1NGRKE, Nc. 140 Meetinit-street, Charleston. March 21 ?too ?\ O L O O N I, ?CPERrOR TO TPE BE.VT TMPORTED CO t OGNE WATER, mmuiaerared a d sold wholesale Bud retail by Dr. H. B ?KB. June 21 No. 181 Meeting c'.rc*L _Prags, Qtyrairols, (ftc. ~JTy K i O. S. PRUPHITT'.S FAMILY MEDICINES CONSISTING OF HIS CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE, ANODYNE PAIN KILL IT, ANTI-BILIOUS PILL8, AGUE PILLS, Dysentery Cordial, Female Tonic AND PURIFYING PILLS. TflE KXCELLENT REMEDIES OF O. 8. PBOPHITT, M. D., need no recommendation their well known power in removing tte distases pe? culiar to onr Rom hern climate having already estab? lished for them an enviable reputation m Georgia and the adjoining stales, AS tbs majority ot persona living in tne South are pred??po*ed tc disease ol the Liver, it ls granted by all intelligent physicians, that most of the pains ano aches ot our people, are due to orginic or functional derangement of that Impor? tant organ. Prophitt'a Liver Medicine and Anti Bilious Pills strike directly at the root of the evil. Tb?V cure the Liver, which in nine cases ont of en, is at the bottom of the Coughs. Dyspepsia, Colic, Stet Headache, Bheumatism, Constipation, Men? strual Obstructions, kc, so common among our people. Earache, Toothache, Acnte rheumatism, Neuralgia and bodily pains of every kind flee before PKOPHITT'8 PAI N KILL. LT like chaff before the wind. PROPHITT Vs Ll V Kit ME Ul CI Mi. Dr. ProphiU-Having u-ed this medicine suffi? ciently lon? to test its virtue, i nd to satisfy my own mind that it is an invaluable remedy fer Dyspepsia -a disease from which tbo writer has suffered much for six years-and being persuadM that bundie-s who now suffer from this annoying <. .plaint would be signally benefltted, as he has be>-n. by its use, *e deem it a dnty we owe to this unfortunate cites to recommend to them the use of this remedy, which has given not only himself but several members ot his family the grca'cst relief. M. W. ARNOLD, Of thc Georgia Conference. DOOLI COUNTY, GA , April, 1867. Th I J is to certify that t was confined to 'be house and most of the tire to my bed, and suffering the greatest agony imaginable with Rheumatism, for tve months, and alter trying every available reme? dy, with no relief, I wa' cured wi iii two bottles o' Dr. O. 8 Prophitt's Anodyne Pam Kill It, each cost lng tfty cents only; lt relieved me almost instantly. I thereion recommend it in the highest degree to others suffering from similar dise se I can sa> that it is one ol the best family medicines now out. certain. Yours traly, Y7. A. FOBEUAND. COVINGTON, GA., July 9, 1867. Dr. Prophit.-Having used ycur Liver Medicine for more than a year in mv family, I cheerfully re? commend it to all persons suffering from Liver al feci ions, .Dyspepsia or Indigestion in any form. I also recommend your Dysentery Cordial aa tbe best remedy tor that disease. O. T. BOG k 89. STANTOEr.VTLLE, PUTNAJt COUNTY, Oct. 1, 1867. Dr. 0. S. /Yopftt/t-Dear Slr- Ibis la to certify that I have used yonr Ague Pills for the last ten and 1 bave never failed io cure ihe Ague In a bingle instance with them. They alwcys break the chills the first day that they are given. 1 can recom? mend them as being the .-cst ague medicine that i bare . v?r found, and they leave no bad effect* follow ino them, as Quinine, tc. Toara respectlully. A. WESTBROOK. PUTNAM COUNTV. GA. September 92,1868. Dr. 0. & ProphiU->ir-I have used for the last two years in my family you' Liver Medicine, your Pain Kill lt, and. you. Female Tonic, and I have no fears in saying that they are tbe best medicines I have ever ustd for the Liver an-J Ftoroach ? Neun? g-c and Bbiumatlc afflictions, Headache, Colic, and pains ol every kind are subdued by them. After using tbe medicines solong, I cheerfully recommend them-to any ai.d every one, and to all that are afflicted, as the best and safest remedies for all tbe diseases for wbich they are recommended, tc. Tours respectfully, JAMES WEIGHT. UR. PROPHITT'S FEMALE TUX IC. This Medicine, with its associates, ls a safe and certain remedy lor all curable diseases to which Fe? males alone are liable. It is also as excellent pre? ventative of Nerrena Blindness, or Nervous Dis? rates in either male or lea ale. It ls a powerful Ner? vine Tonic, setting np a full and free circulation throughout (Le system. all of the above Medicines sold by Druggists and Merchants(generally .hronghout the southwest. ED. S. BURNHAM, Wholesale and Retail Agent, No. 421 King-street, (near Calhoun,) Charleston, 8. C. Prepared only by DB, 0. a PBOPHITT. April 16 ttUtb6mos Covington. Ga. Q F . PANKNIN, Apothecary and Chemist. , No. 123 Meeting-street CHARLESTON, 8. C rp HE ADVERTIS EB BEGS TO CALL ATTEN? TION to hil stock of the best Imported and Domes? tic j CHEMICALS, DRUGS'' AND PATENT MEDICINES. DEATH TO FLIES. usn LIGHTNING LIGHTNING LIGHTNING LIGHTNING FLY PAPEK ELY PAPEK ELY PAPER FLY PAPER. BURS AND SPEEDY DESI RUCTION TO lhi? TROUBLESOME YIS1I0R. KUK SALK Bl THE SHEET, QUIRE OR REAM, B'S- THE ADVERTISER. I MANUFACTURER OF PANKN IN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, Wbicb have established for tnexoeelTts a reputation surpasse J by lone. Through constant effort and attention he hopes to meiit s continuance of the public patronage which has hitherto oeen extended to him. february lg tnrhslyr G . Jrafls, (Crjcinif?U, Ctr. J. L?HS,' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY S. E. Corner of Kine and John-Sts. SPECIAL AND PERSONAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO PHYSICIANS' PRESUM PTIONS. DEAL EB IN FOREIGN AND TC MT. STIC DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, FANCY GOODS, PERFUMERIES, SOAPS, PUFFS AND PUFF BOXES. TOILET SETS, de. PATENT M IC DIC I V ES GENUINE BAY Hi n. LUHN'S COLOGNE l? TJNSUBPAS8ED BY ANT OTHEB. A TRIAI WILL BEPAT YOU. GERMAN COLOGNES. LUHN'6 FLAVORING EXTRACTS HOTO no equal for strength and purity, and ought to boused by all SODA WATER DEA LEES AND ICE CHEAM MANU FACTTJBEB3. Mr. E. H. JACKSON, Proprietor of the Charleston Bole], says: "I recommend yonr Extra?is without hesitation to the public for Ice Creams, Jellies and Pastry." Mrs. H. M. BPLiwtriai.n, Proprietress et the Pa? vilion Hotel, says: "Jhey are well worthy the atten? tion of those who deal in them or use them " These Extracta are put np in f-mall vials, bf tho dozes, for the trade and family use, and lo pint, quart and half gallon bottles for manufacturers. Congress and HIgn Kock Spring Waters CONSTANTLY ON BAND. Any aft'cle desired, not In Stock, w Ml be procured to ord'r. Goods delivered in the city FBEE OP CHARGE. June 8 nae ruths Smo F BYER AND AGUE, Vt. FBOM WBICHMANKIND f-UFBER H over a large part cf the globe, is the ^m\^A\z A consequence of a diseased action in the system, lnnuced nv the poison H nus mia>-ni ol vegetable d'cay Ibis Jam- mMmwy exhalation is evolved i y thc action M of solar heat on wet soil, and r ses W with the watery vapor f om lt. While tte sun is below the horizon this vapor lingera near the earth's surface, and the virus is taken vrith it tbrongh the lungs uro the blood. There it acts as an irritating poison on tbe Internal viscera and excreting organs of the bodv. 1 he liver beoomes torpid- and falls to secrete not only this runs, but also tbe nile from the blood. Both the virus and the bi e accumulate in th? circu? lation, sod produce vio ent constitutional disorder. The spleen the kidneys, and the stom -ch sympa? thise with the liv r, and become disordered siso. Finally, the instinct of our organism, ss 1 in sn st tempt to eit el the noxious infusion, coneeairates thc ?hole blood of tbe body in tbe internal excreto? ries to force tbem to cast lt out. The blood leaves the surface, and rushes to the central organs vito congestive violence. lhi? is the Chill But in this effort it islls. Iben the Fever follows, in wblch the blood leaves the entrai organs and rashes to the surface, as it in snotber effort to expel the irritating poison tbrongh that otb? r great excretor:-tbe skin. In this also it falls, and tbe system abandons the attempt exhausted, and w its tor tbs recovery of strength to repeat the hopeless effort another day These are the fits ot paroxysms ot Fever and Ague. Much constitutional disorder will of course under? mine the health if lt is not removed. We have labored to end, and have found an anti? dote, AY ER'S AGUE CURE, Which neutralizes ibis malarious poison in ihe blood, ami Btimnlates the liver to expel it from tbe body. As it should, so it does cure this Afflicting disorder with pei feet certainty. And it does mme. or rather does what ls of mare service to those sub? ject to this Infection. If taken in season it expels lt from the system as it is absoroed, and thus keeps those who use it free irom its attacks; keeps the sys? tem in health although exposed to the disease. Con? sequently it not only cures, bat protects from, lbs great variety of affections which are induced by this malignant Influence, each as Remittent Fever, Chill Fever, Dumb, or Masked Ague, Periodical Headache, or Bilious Headache. Bilious Fevers, eural?ia, Rheumatism Gout, Blindness, Toothache Farache, Catarrh, Asthma, Palpitations Painful Affections of | the -pleen, Hy il erl ce, Colic, Paralysis, aad Painful Affect ons > f the Stomach and Bowels, all of which, when arising from this cause, will be Jound to as? sume, more or leas, the Intermittent type. This "AGUE CUBE," removes the cause of these derange? ments ard cures the disease. Ihia lt accomplishes by stimulaurg tbe excreto? ries to expel the virus from the system ; sed these organs by degrees become habited lo do this, their .efflce, of their own accord. Hence arises what w term acclimatation. Time may accomplish the same end, bnt otten life is not long enough, or ls sacrificed In the attempt, while this "Agus Core" does it at j once, and with safety. We bave great re . son to be? lieve this is s surer ss weil ss safer remedy for the whole class of diseases which are caused by the mi asmatio lniectl?a, than any other which has been discovered; and it has still another Important ad? vantage to the public, which is, that it is ebeap as well as good. PBXPASSSBT Dr. J. C. AYER di co.. Lowell, Matas Practical and Analytical Chemists. Pllce One Dollar per bottle Bold at Wholf sale, by DOWIE IE MOISE. Charleston, South Carolina, And by Retail Druggists everywhere. Jane 3C nae stntb3mo? r?lHE BISHOP PILL! TUE BISHOP PILL I TUE BISHOP PILL! A Purely Vegetable Pill (Sugar-Coated.) "COSTARV BISHOP PILL, 'Ts ol cxtraorelnjry etllcacy for Costiveness, Indi gesti?n, Dyspepsia, Headache, Nervous Ueblhtv, Liver complaint." .T6ebe6t PILL in tbe world." Medical /osma', Sej-'.ember ti. TRY THEM! I R Y T li E ST I ?3- All Btngiiata; in C8 ABLEST ON fell I'.'CDJ. "COSTAK'S" STANDARD PREPARATION,* ARE "Cottar's" Kat. Itoaclt, tlc. External's. .?Lo-taj's" Bed BaSS Kxtermtnators. ?Cost ar's" lonlypnrei Insect Powder. "Only Infalliblo Bf-aeniea known." '.18 year.- established in New York." "JUCO Iii ie? and Flasks ms nu ft ct tired dagy " '.111 Beware I ! I of spurious imitations." "All Druggists in CHABLaMON sell them." For $1, $?, fi and $5 sizes, Address "COSTAR" COMPANY? Vo. 13 Howard--;tren. ,\cu Yarli, Sold in CH ABLEST ON, ?. C., by OOOUltIC II, \\ IN KMAV ?i CO. March 23_PAC_<>T Jj ? I A D i L II Purities the Blood. tor Sale ?by Druggists rrerfwoero, July 33 Ut Soies. MARVIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SAFES Are most desirable for quality, Ankh and price, y MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES Cannot be Sledged ! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, i EXPRE8S BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCK8 Please seed for a catalogue to MARVIN A CO., (oldest f Me mannJac tarers) " . . , (265 Broadway, New "?isrk. Principal J 721 testant st., Pbila. Warehou8e8 (108 Bank St., Clevelaa?.O And for sale by our agents in thc principal cities throughout the * United State? TOB SALE BY WM. M. BIRD k CO., No. QOS EAST BAY, CHAKLICSTOA. December 29 lyr sBrogif (fltenwals, Qrtf. JQK. KICHAU'S GOLDEN REMEDIES As-K FOB SO OTBBB, TABB NO OTB EB, ANL> yon will eave time healto and money. 91( GO REWARD lor any cate of disease in any ?tage which they fill to cure. Dr. RICB<U'd (iOI.DEN BA LOAM No. 1 eurea Ulcers. Ulcerated Sore Threat and Month, rare t yes Cutaneous or Hkln Eruption*. Cooper Odored Blotches, -orenea* of the -calp. Fcrofaia, Ac. ; la the greatest Renovator, Alterative and Blood Purifier known, removes ail diseases from the sy ttem, and leavea the blood pure and health v. Dr. RICBAU'f GOLDEN HALSAM No. 3 cures Meraurisl Affections, Rheumatism in ?ll it- ronna, whether fi om mercury cr other causes ; gives Imme* diste relief in all cases. No dieting ncoeeaary. 1 have thousands of Certificates proving the mixaan lons cures effected by these Remedies. Price of either No. 1 or No. 2, 95 per bottle, or iwo bottles for $9 Dr BICBAC'? GOLDEN A N" II DOTH, a safe spee? dy, p'eaeant and radical rare fr ah Urinary Da ragements, accompanied with full directions. Price $8 per botde. Dr. BICHATi'S GOLDEN FLLXlrF D'.AMOCB, a ladies! euro for > ervous or Gen- ral Debility, in old or jonng; imparting emrgy with wonde ful t Sect. Price 15 per bottle, or two bottles for 99. On receipt ot price these Remedies will be abipped to any place. Prompt attention paid tb all correa dents. None genuine without th? name of "Dr. HICBATJ'M GOLDEN REMEDIES, D. B. RICHARDS, Sole Proprietor," blown in glass of bot las. Address D. b. EICHA RDS. No. 238 Varie*-?troe t, New York " Otfire Boura from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Clrcn'asa sent._ly_Mj 3 i s o i ' s TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. Warranted to Kc mo ve all Desire for Tobacco. It ls Purely Vegetable ?nd contains nothing Injurious. The following is one of thousands of testimonials that are daily received by the Manufacturer : Rieux VD VA.. November 28. 1868. DBAS iiK-lhe "Tobacco Antidote" prepared by you aeeorotng to the leceiptyou have submitted to me, and the Ingredients ot which i have examined, ls purely vegetab e. entirely baimiess, and contains nothing ia the least injurious. It ia not disagreeable to tke taste, sud as a Lome article, I hope yon will meet with ready sale lor it, and I believe that ff tte directions are lollowed, it will do a l you elsimed tor it. JOB N DOVE, M.D. jay Price 50 cents per BOT. The asnal discount to ihe Trade. jay For sale by Dr. H. BAER, WBOLI SALE AGENT FOR 60UIH CAROLINA. June7_ Jj K ? A lt E F ll li WHAT MEDICINES YOU TAKE. WBBNYOD ARFFXB-iTJSTD BY OVERWORK of bead or hand, and feel the need ol tooethb g in vigoraiing. don't drink whiskey or any intoxica ting thing, whe ber under the niime ol Hitters or other? wise, -uch articles give just a mtcb strength to year weary t ed' arri mind aa the whin gives to th* jaded boise, ard un morn, Alcoholic stimulants are injurious to N> ive beulib. and tie .! LWAYs followed by DEPRESSING REA Cl ION. I ind d's Nervine and hmgorator ia a TON If? ard GENTLE STIMTUN r ?flieh in NOT attended by RL4CITON. W at it pams for yon it maiman s. Will n ill . ire-he.- bndv or mind, it refreshes v<i b natural sire gib ha cine-" io may. Weare not recommending tecoiaiism in the interest of unv faction; bat >oug und ex ended one?rvA ion teaches u* that he wiio loor'.* lo ihe twite for resi or ncnperaiion, will find, us beim* ar j . that he is kindling a liri: in bis hoots ?liich will consume like tin-fl lin H <.t perdition Turn irom it iak-a tonic that will rHres'i nd not destroy. DnDD's NEBViSK i- for sa e nv all Dnigiists. Pi ice One Dr Har. see linois of Certificates that accompanies each bettie. 7mos June2? J^?KG'SC UVEIISAL ROSSI A fi HEALING SALVE. THIS VALUABLE REMEDY U\> EFFECIEI innumerable CI res. and bis g.iined tor i's 1 a c eat reputation. Ihe discoverer . f this Salve has spoil d ltwitli eoiiucm succe-s in tliou-a> ns ot cases dur? ing the Cilmean War. und han cured daigeroua w ands, in manv casi s considered mortal. MU. E. HERG is he eo e possessor ot th- valuable ai cret ot making ibis ata ; from is experience in using it in i nropr aun be rocet-SS attending >te s.]> plication there, he has been induced to introdu<-e it late ti.e Di ired -lates ! I' ?Kl I. VPS PA INI Ito e ?ho have Wou d->. ni ni ses tut. ot all kind?, oi ii're?, r.lons. Scratches Musquito tutes Fros Bitten Joints, sore I.i s rhilblai ?.Cb'ldr'n's -enrbulic complaints un Bead and Fa e, are i-rx edin cured It h i s proved t great advantage tn ladies, Jnj is i e uliar.y adapted for ?aibered breast?, rore legs, Ao. Ibroneh contine.neut, and other canses It acts like m 'trie IU removing foils Pimples, and Cutaneous Disea-e*. onil hm been sncce-sfully n*ed for > oms bunio is and Hore Throat, b? apply? ing exi' ruai y evert ' v id u before eoiog to bed. EorsBieby lldiusgiais Prl-e 23c . 6Jc,uud9l prr Jar. ( mee. N . 2G'J U ?try, M. v. None genuine ui ess countersigned t KEHU'o OVTVErfixLR? MAN HEALING a.lLVE, No 2?0 Bowen. New Ycri. atulh ly july 8 c. F . FA*' K' ? tli 4 CHEMIST AND APOTHECARY, No. 123 Meeting-street. CHARLESTON, S. Cr IM.P <? j?TL'R AND DEALER JW GERMAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH ANO ' DOMEBTle-*1 DRUGS, CHEMICALS AND PATENT MEDICINES? ...... i '? t . ? i PHE?ORIPTIONB FBXFABaTD O?BBDTVUII Aft* ALL HOURS OF THB DAT AND MICKHT, BT BEO?LAB GRADUATES IN PHARMACY. Upon late bru ch of tbe business, the ntmoit PERSONAL ?rt ead atieaUen If beare we?, and j* PUB ITT of the # s MEDICINES Ueed is com po on ding is GUARANTEED. FRESH VICHY WJ^TER, (HAITERIVK^ . ALSO, VICHY POWDERS, Of Dire et Importation. EACH BOTTLE OR PACKAGE BEARING THE GOVERNMENT STAMP. .j CONGRESS AND COLUMBIAN WATER. FRESH FROM THE SPRINGS. . AGENT FOB TBE CELEBRATED ROCKBRIDGE ALUM SPRING WATE B, A complete assortment os SOAPS, PERFUMERIES. AND TOILET ARTICLES, A COMBS, BRUSHES, **> GEO. TIEMANN & CO.* OF NEW YORK, MAmrrAcrruBErta or S U R ti IC A LAND DENTAL INSTRUMENTS, APPABATHS 'FOB DEF0RMI7IE8, FRACTORES, a*. Uar 19 wfm ^