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THE DAILY FEWS. Largest Clrculation-r/Wi DAILY NEWS BEING TUE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE? COGNIZED AS HAYING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON, PC BUSHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THE FOSTOFFICE AT THE END Ol FACH WEEK. ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW FC STOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. MEETINGS THIS DAY. Charleston Typographical Union, at 8 P. M. Phonix Fire Company, at 9 P. M. Committee Arrangement Catholic Orphans' Entertainment, at 8 P. M. THE MARINER'S CHUBCH.-There will bo ser? vices in the Marincr'a Ch arch, Church-street, to-morrow, Sunday, at hai/.past ten o'clock in the morning, anti four o'clock iu the afternoon. EXTRA Tarp TO SAVANAH.-Tho steamer Dictator, Captain McNelty, will, in addition to her regular trip, leave Charleston on Saturday evening, at eight o'clock, for Savannah, and returning:, will leave Savannah for thia city, at four o'clock, on Sunday afternoon. THE INDEPE?TDEXT OED EU or ODD FELLOW.?. It will be perceived by reference to our ad? vertising columna, that the order in this city will celebrate their fiftieth anniversary, on Monday evening next. Tho occasion ia one of great interest, and we doubi not that there will be a Jhrgo attendance. DKAWTNO THE LOCAL JURY LIST.-The Com mitt's ot Council, charged at the last meeting with the duty of drawing the local jury list, will commence their labors to-day. As they have Borne discretion in the matter of qualifi? cation, it is hoped they will apply it in the general interest of tbe community. A GENERAL HOLIDAY.-lhere seems to be an universal desire that there should be a general holiday on the occasion of the annual parade. There are so fow holidays that our people en? joy,that the demands of trade might well allow tbat the day in question should be devoted to public enjoyment. What 'say our merchants ? PERSONAL.-In the Prize Li?t for the session of 18C8-9 of the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, Edingburgh, Scotland, we no? tice that the names of J. Wis tar Vance, of Abbe? ville, S. C., and Carolus A. Simpson, of Lau? rens, S. C., appear, the latter carrying oft a gold medal in the senior division of the class of Anatomy, and the former recorded as a third junior in tho class of Systematic Sur? gery._ THE BATTEBT.-A loree of laborera was en? gaged yesterday in putting this favorite resort in something like decent order. But thc weeds and overgrowth are not the only marring fea? tures of the garden. The walks, especially on thc sea face,ar : in a shocking condition and sad? ly need repair. In several places there are holes, which after every rain fill up and render tho way impassable. In this age of improvement something surely should bo done to prevent, at least, further deterioration. QUARANTINE REGULATIONS_On tllO first of May the quarantine regulations of the port will be pat in force. They will be of a very strin? gent character, and every exertion will bo used to preserve the best hygiene, by constant vigi? lance on the part of the hoalth officials. Dr. George M. King, of Baltimore, Md., but who has been residing here, and practicing his pro? fession since the war, ha3 been appointed by the health officer, Dr. R. Lebby, and approved of by Governor Scott, as the boarding officer at Fort Johnson. As IMPORTANT FEATURE OF THE FIBEMEN'S PARADE.-The Augusta Chronicle announces to the thousands of friends of Colonel Jeems Meredith (Grand Cyclops of the Ku-klux brigade) both in Augusta, Charleston and elsewhere, that he is rapidly recovering from his serious indisposition. His physicians think that he will be able to participate in the grand fireman's parade at Charleston on the 27th. It is understood that he will represent the beauty of Augusta on the occasion. He will reach here on Tuesday morning. THE UAXXED STATES COUBT, Am IL 23-HON*. GEORGE S. S HY AN, PBESIDIKG.-M. Manheim was finally discharged in bankruptcy. Hearing petitions for the establishment of liens occu piecrthe attention of this Bide of court. In the Cirait Court the following casos were 1 disposed of before the jury: The Tredegar ' Iron Works against John Aloxandor; the Judgo ' pigned decree for $8te 72 and interest. Miller ' & Ellis, against J. Lilienthal & Co.; dectee 1 signed by Judge for $652 with interest. H. B. 1 Claflin& Co. against Bristow & Blackwell; de- ] cree ior $716 U with interest, &c. HIOH SCHOOL.-At a meeting of the Board 1 ot Supervisors, held yeoterday alternoon at 1 the Mayor's office, Mr. Virgil C. Dibble was 1 unanimously elected first assistant teacher. Mr. Dibble has been a zealous, painstaking 1 and successful teacher. Hi? promotion is a ( simple act of justice gratefully rendered by - the board. As much to his surprise as gr&tifi- 1 cation, Mr. Dibble was yesterday presented ' by the pupils of ?is department with a very 1 handsome set of gold studs. Action on the ( subject of electing other assistant teachers -was postponed until Friday next, at five P. M. * Mr. W. R. Kingman was unanimously elected - secretary of thc board. 1 AKKU AL PICNIC OF ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN t SUSDIT SCHOOL.-This interesting event came < off yesterday, and was a complete success. At ? about nine o'clock a specie! train, heavily I freighted with thc children and thoir friends, ( moved from the Northeastern Railroad depot, ' bound for Porchcr's farm, somo fiteeu miles < ?tomAhe city. Thc entire party, children and I adults, numbered between four and five hun- ? dred, and amused themselves after a manner 1 which was as entirely satisfactory as it was * decorous. Wo observed upon the grounds tho 1 venerable and esteemed pastor of the church, " the Rev. Dr. Eachman, and also his able junior J and associate, the Rev. W. W. Hicks. Towards : sunset the happy party returned. Teachers ? and scholars alike deserve congratulations * for the successful result of this pleasant field I inspection and review of this largo corps ol f that grand body, the Sunday School army. I THE FrLXBUSTEBS.-Tho Savannah Repub- t hean says the eastern part of that city is con- t siderafaly agitated, especially the idle sailors 1 and loungers, by Cuban affaira. The large of- j fers of money, especially for experienced ofli- i cers and able-bodied men, aro tempting many c a man to take a boat to Florida, where he will < meet an aient who settles everything to his i satisfaction. The truth is that 6ome money < has been made by certain parties in that city 1 in connection with services rendered to the 1 emissaries of the revolutionists, who have a | rendezvous in Savannah. A certain sloop i which has recently been coasting in our wa- i tere, has handsomely rewarded her owners by i running the (so-called) blockade of Cuba, bav ingJfe?de two trips, and about to engage in a i third attempt. She has taken men and am . munition, and reports no difficulty in landing, provided proper vigilance is exercised to . avoid the Spanish war vessels. BASE BALL.-The meeting of the Hun Dory Base L'ail Club last cvenins was one unusual iuterest. Their president, Mr. La renee Murphy, was made the recipient ol a v< handsome poid badine Mr. G. L. Finn?g presented tho badge, and alluded in a very licitous manner to Mr. Murphy's Iou;: conni tiou with them-Lis diligence, zeal and imp; tiality. Mr. Murphy made an appropriate i spouse. He returned bis thanks with much fe ins, and said that the present prosperous con. tion of the club was mainly owing to the cxi tions of the members. The Hunki Dorys i getting themselves in good trim forthesumn: campaigu._ HOTEL ABBITALS, April 23-Pavilion Hotel. F J Higdon, Jamison's T O; D A Hoskii Greensboro'; J Minima Sullivan, Groenvil James Stewart, New Yotk; L Dantzler, Mathew's; W Mallard. Boston. Charleston Hotel.-A H Chisolm, City; C Andell, John's Island; S S Hoe, It M Hoe, C Hoo, A H Stockwell, New York; James M Mot C H Hali, Orangeburg; Charles II Delar Now York; J B Ezell, Columbia; Frank Taylor, H J Green, City; Salo Schnrey, Louis; S R Black, Gordon McMay. England; T Jaques, Pensylvania; F L Mullford and wii Colonel W W Price, wife and servant, Them E Smith and wife, W H Ford, Mrs J G Gregoi Miss J R Gregory, Miss Ble?del, New Y01I1. REPOBTEKB' CB-OS. - C. W. Wieclring erecting a booth in Meeting-street, imme ately opposite the Charleston Hotel, to satit the wants of che thirsty on the 27tb. The City Park bas been relieved ot* ita weet and the brick base of tho railifig has be cream-colored. The contrast with its fora: appearance is pleasing. Washerwomen, tailors, seamstresses, & are as busy as bees, gettiDg uniforms rea for Tuesday. G. W. Clark & Co., report says, arc soon change quarters to the building diagona opposite their ptesent location, and formet occupied by James W. Brown &> Co. Tlv Union League, at its last meeting, tri Daddy Cain on the charge of doubtful feall and acquitted him. BeLarge was to have be arraigned, but Caius acquittal quashed t indictment. ?_ OUT OF IHEIR ELEMENT.-Night befe last a seamen, belonging to the schooner A nie E. Glover, lying at Brown's wharf, diecc ered a long black object floating along t head of the dock, while directly in its rear wc several smaller ones following at a rapid pat Being unable to determine their character, 1 procured a boat and went in hot pursuit, wh he ascertained the object of his curiosity to a large femalo mink, with eight or nine youi ones, trying their utmost to keep np with t mother. He succeeded in capturing a yon one, and yesterday had it aboard of the vess It is about tbo size of a small lap dog, and 0 parently several weeks old, and ht a long sba teeth. Several persons made attempts to ca turo tbc mother but failed, and only caug some of the young. Thoaa that were left wi th3 mother got in*o the Customhouse do. and could not be lound. THE NEW YOBE HERALD has lately present? a new and interesting feature-interesting I the general reader, but more particularly so the commercial community. Heretofore tl marine column bas boeu conducted on tl samo plan in use for years by tho apeciall mercantile papers, to make a monotonoc record of arrivals and departures, with, psr haps, the slight diversion of au occasiona item of acknowledgment ot thanks to an obltg ing steamer purser for late3t foreign papers Now the miscellaneous character of the gene ral news column? bas been introduced, ant ?under the heading of "?hipping Notes" th liveliest bits of gossip and information con corning tho movements of the five or six hut dred vessels usually in port are given, and b; a writer who is evidently thoroughly posted 0; the Bubject matter of bia contributions. Th Herald has two steam yachts engaged in th gathering of ship news-two regular marin editors, and the special writer of "Shippinj Notes," and is certainly entitled to tho credi of being beyond rivalry as a news gatheror. THE SEA EHTBANOE TO CHARLESTON_Th main requisites of a prominent seaport is sufficient expanse of deep water well protects: by the land, to accommodate and keep afloat 1 numerous fleet of ships, and a sufficient deptl of water leading to the sea to enable vessels ti pass with facility. In the former requisitt Charleston is admirably located, baviug foi miles around ber a depth of five, six and sever fathoms, where tho fleets of the world might ride. Her sea entrance, however, has been considered somewhat contracted, and for very heavy ships it stands as au obstacle. The Tampkin Hill Channel, at present used, will permit a passage, _t fair tides, of seventeen to sightoen feet, and even eighteen and a iialf bas been successfully brought in. Tho British propellers, which are now ?ming into tho cotton trade of the South Io not require more thau this, ind pass In and out of our port with facility, and It is probable tbat three-fourths, of tho world's cjtnmercc is transported in ships of no greater draft ; but notwithstanding tho present lepth is suitable not only for oar present traf? fic but tor a largely extended trade au im? provement ia the amount of water on tho bar ?vould have its advantage?. This subject wa3 ittracting much notice, and a dredge boat, :onstract;d by our enterprising fellow-citizen, T. M. Eason, Esq., had been used with consid jrable success on an or 1rance to the harbor toown as Maflit or Beach Channel immediately ?ext to Sullivan's Island; but the late unt'ortu late struggle put au end ?0 this and all other jfforts for tho improvemout to tho sea cn iince to the port. With tho view of initiating lome new efforts in this direction, several gen lemen belonging to thc commision, who form? erly had the work in charge, among whom wcro klesars. Henry Gourdin, P. J. Porcher and W. >. DeSaussure, accompanied by two ol our ex leriencod pibts. Messrs. Samuel Bell and S. Hancock, went down yesterday forenoon to nake an observation on ibis channel near Sullivan's Island. This point of entrance bas tome prominont advantages, among which are rery limited sea motion and proximity to ibe iity. Its conveniences are eo considerable that n 1858, '59 and 'CO, much the larger portion of he commerce of tho city was dono through bis entrance. These gentlemen wore much ileased with thou: rcconnoisance, and were .'ratified to find better water thau they bid ex? acted. The tide fell ont quite low, and 60und Dgs were taken at low water slack, when he least water found was eleven feet, indica ing about nineteen feet at good spring tido3. i spit extending from Drunken Dick breaker uta into the channel and somewhat contracts ts dimensions; lhere are aleo some half dozen mnken blockade runners near by; bat these ibstructioBS can probably bo goi rid of at a nodorate expense, and with a lemoval of the JU ter part of thc breakwater this channel may be made the moat convenient entrance to the tiarbor. We trust that tho efforts of those gentlemen will meet with encouragement, as notwithstanding the many natural advantages of our positiou, the sharp competition around us renders it necessary that every possible facility should be given to tho prompt and cheap transaction of business at this point. With vigilance and energy on the part of her sons, Charleston will take a leading placo among the great commercial marts of the country. OFFICERS OF TOE GIUNITEVILLE MANUFAC? TURING COMPANT.-An election for President and Directors ol the Granitevillo Manufactur? ing Company was held on Thursday, in Gran? itevillo, and the following named gentlemen unanimously olected : H. H. Dickman, Presi? dent; A. S. Johnston, W. L. Trenholm, J. P. Boyce, John M. Clark, H. Beattie, A. B. David? son. Wm. Gregg, Jr., Directors. BUSINESS NOTICES. NEW ICE CBEAM GABDEN.-Mr. Amos Brook banks bas opened an ico cream and soda water garden in connection with his fruit store, in Meeting, near Queen street. Mr. DOYLE, the well known clerk at tho Amer ican House, Boston, isoue of thf great favorites i with the travellins: public. His well known i face at the office is only an intimation of the thorough comfort and uniform courtesy which meets tho guest throughout. -pHOTUGRAFIi COLORING. PERsONS WISHING TO HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS tinted with eire and taste can have their orders promptly filled by leaving them at Holmes' Book House. Written directions should in each case be given as to the style of coloring pioferred. April 22 3mos* MONEY WANTED. FIVE TO TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ON MORT? GAGE ot utencumberod Real Fstate within the city, or on irocts ot 3600 acres land in St. An? drew's and St. Paul's Purisbcs, recently inspected and certified to, containing extensive and solid beds of best qnalitv Phosphate Rock. Apply by letter, Box No. 188, P. O., or personally to N. M. POR 1ER, April 21 w*2 No. 143 Calhoun-streei $i)trts an) /ainis^tng ?nobs. 1?HE KEASON WHY S c o T T S T A R S H I R T S ARE PREFERRED OVER ALL OTHER STYLES OF Shirts in tho market, ls tobe found In the recog? nized superiority of thoir QUALITY, FINISH AND FIT. JuFt received a LARGE STOCK, of the above named popular make of Shirts, made expressly for our trade, which are offered at reduced prices. Also, Undershirts, Drawers, Handker? chiefs, Socks, Suspenders, Gloves, Col? lars, Cravata, Bows, Ties, Scarfs, and every? thing pertaining to a gentleman's (oik -, at SCOTT'S, MEETIN'G-ST, NEARLYOPPOSITETHEMARKET. January 1 Cmos (Clotl)imi an) Jiirnisljinij ($0005. CLOTHING! CLOTHING! GREAT ATTRACTION! I WH* I LARGE STOCK OF SPRING CLOTHING, AT No. 291 King-street, Corner of Wont-wort ii. AN ELEGANT SUPPLY OF Spring Uothing and Furnishing Q- O O 2D S, FOR MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS, Now Opened and Offered at Low Prices. The Stock comprises all the new Styles of GOODS AND GARMENTS introduced this season. Pur? chasers are invited to call and examine thc stock and make their selections. FURNISHING GOODS IV GREAT VA RI ET V, INCLUDING THE STAR BRAND S HURTS! Which I have been Sellins for twenty-five years, neted for their GOOD I TT aud Durability, 'lhere are four qualities of them. ALSO, A LARGE LINE OF LINEN AND PAPER COLLARS, Viz : TUE BItKO?*, TUE DICKENS. SHAKES? PEARE, THALBERG, EGBERT, GAROTTE, BISHOP. Ac, Ac., Ac. THE TAILORING DEPARTMENT, SUPPLIED WITH Cholee French., English and American SPRING CLOTHS, CASS131EKES AND COATINGS. Which will'be MADE UP TO ORDER in the best manner, under the care of a first-class French Cutter. WU. MATTHIESSEN. B. W. DIcTCi!SOL'S, Superintendent. April 23 30 gHAMPOOIIVG AND HAIR-CUTTIilG. LADIES AND CHILDREN attended at their residences promptly and at reason able rates. Send orders to W. E. MARSHALL, Barber, April.H No, 81 Broad-street (up stairs.) JHisrellanraus. FOR THE FIREMEN'S PARADE. NEW ICE CKEA:U GARDEN AT SANTA CLAUS' HEADQUARTERS, Meeting-Street. THE SUBSCRIBER BEG* TO INFORM THE public that be bas opened an Ice Cream and Sodi Water Ga-clon at bia old siand in Mcrtiug Rtreet. whpro be is p'epared to furnish Icc Cream, Fruit, Soda Wat?, &c. &c. A. Um > OK BA .\ KS, Meeting-?troet, two deors above Queen. April 2t , 2 ICE CKKAtf. THOMAS THE US IS NOW READY TO SER7E his cusiomors with CREAM, at No. 103 Went worth-street, j WO DOOR? EAS! Ot" Pin. April 24_1*_ WO?fD! WOOD! FINE Yk'LLOW PINE WOOD FOR BAUS, IN Iota to suit purchasers. Apnly at WOOD YAR< , Lucas, foot of Mill-street, adjoining .Moulding Sow Mill. Orders left at tho tollowiug places will receive prompt attention: Drugstore of W. A. Skri'-e, King-street, Drug store of P. M. <"ohci, Kins-street, And at A. Brookbanks, corner oi Meeting and Queen strocts. 3. O. N' >LT E. April 24_shithlmo DOTTEREk'S GRAIN MILLS. Corner Calhoun and Alexander-streets. MANUFACTURES GRI3T, CORN MEAL, PEA Al EAL, and feed ot aU kinds.>- orders supplied by wacon. Having purchased an interest in the obove Mil!, 1 nm now prepared to supply my friends. Those desiri UK to give mc 'be r custom can do so by leaving their cards at either of th- follow, ing places where boxes will be found: Fogartie's Book Store. King-Btreet;Southern Expreis Company, Meet? ing-street; Walker, Evans * Cogswell, Hroad-slreet; J. A. Qnackenbush, East Bay. Orders for aoods to be sbippo'l mu-t oe left by half-past Ten o'clock, A. 51. No charge mado tor drayase. All communica? tions addressed to S. GOURDIN PINCKNEY. April 23_ SHOW CASES ! SHOW CASES J ALL SIZES AND STYLES CONSTANTLY ON HAND and for sale. Toy*, Trimmings, Musi? cal Instruments, Stationery Base Bal:s and Fancy Good?, ??c., fcc. ??tamping, Braiding and Embroidering neatly exe? cuted. W. McLcAN, March 31_Imo_go 431 King-strcet. Japanned and Stamped Tin Ware, offered at wholesale only by WilJiam Shepherd, No. 17 Hayue-street, Charleston, S. C. REFINED FA511 LY LARD PACKED Br PROCTER & GAMBLE, Cincinnati. Ask your Grocer for onr brand of Lard In these Packages. r?k>x' ? H.. c ii*, in m o. ,1.?;. , se-,n, shipmont. Cheapest mode for selling Lard. Pend lor Price List, Imo April 8 ^ocl)incrn, (Eastings, (Etc. I^KETING-STKEKT KUUAOKY, THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING THE IMPROVED McCAUTLJY COTTON OIN, 8TEAM ENGINES AN.O BOILERS, of various stzfs on hand IMPROVED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL COEN MILLS, SUGAR MILL.-, SUUAR BOILERS AND PANS, ot ull sizes HORSE POWERS AND GIN GEARING, (rom 6 to 10 feet in diameter IMPROVED LEVER COTTON PRESSES for Hind. power, ?jaw and Rice Mills MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all defcrlptionf made to order Particular attention paid io HOCSE FRONTS AND CASTINGS FOR BUILD? INGS, GRATINGS, CISTERN COVERS, SASH WEIGHTS, tic , dr, WILLIAM S. HENEREY, Af A CU IN IS 2 AND FOUND EB No. 314 MEETING-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. August 3 mw* PHOENIX IRON WORKS. JOHN F. TAYLOR & CO., SUCCESSORS IO I A M E K tl N Cv CO.. Engineers, Boilermakers, &c Noa. 4, 6 and 8 PRITCIIARD-STREE2, (NEAR THE ECY DOCK), Charleston, S. C. STEAM ENGINES AND EOILEILS-MAUINE, STATIONERY AND TOR TAR LE. RICE THRESHLRS AND MILLS Ol' EVEitY DESCR11M1UN. SUAJTESQ, PULLEYS AND GEARING IRON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS, CASTINGS OF EVERY KIND IN IRON OB DRASS. Wa guarantee to furnish ENGINES and B fLEBS of os good quality and power, ondatas low rates as ?ai be had in New York, Baltimore or fhilo.letphia. AGENTS FOR Ashcrofts Low* water Detector, THE ONLY PERFECT SECURITY AGAINST DAMAGE FROM LOW WATER IN THE BOILER. REPAIR'S PROMPTLY ATTENDED IO. February l D*C 3tuo3 JOHN D . A li B X A M D K ft , ACCOUNTANT, NOTART PUBLIC AND GENERAL AGENT, No. IO BroaU-strcct. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS BUSINESS IN AD JUSTING ACCOUNTS of Merchants and otherB, and in WRITING UP AND POSTING their BOOKS, cither In part or whole, fcc. January 0 Prnrj5, (Lljcmifals, (Str. I)?. 0. S. PItOPHITT'S FAMILY MEDICI NES, CONSISTING OF HIS CELEBRATED LIVER MEDICINE, ANODYNE PAIN KILL IT, ANTI-BILIOUS FILLS, AGUE PILLS, Dysentery Cordial, Female Tonic AND PURIFYING PILLS. THE FXCELLENT HEMED LES OF O. S. PRO FUITT, M. D., need no recommendation their well known power in removing the diseases pe? culiar to our Southern climate having already estab? lished for them un ouvluble reputation in Georgia [ T] thc adjoining i-tates. As the majority or persons living in the South ure predisposed tc dt?ease of the Liver, His granted by all intelligent physicians that most of tbe pains and aches ol our people are due to or/ mic or lunctinnal derangement of that impor? tant organ. Prophitt's Liver Medicine and Anti Bilious Pills strike directly at the root of the evil. Thcv cure the Liver, which in nine eases out of en, is at the bottom of the Coughs. Dyspepsia, Colic, Sick Headache. Rheumatism, constipation, Men? strual Obstructions, Ac, M> common among our people. Earacbo, Toothache, Acute Rheumatism, Neuralgia and bodily pains of every kind flee before PKUPKTTT'j PAIN KILL IT like chaff before the wind. PU O PH II I '? Ll V Kit MEDICINE. Dr. .Frop AiM-Having n-cd this medicine suffi? ciently lon;,' to test its virtue, i nd to satisiy my own mind that it is nu invaluable remedy for Dyspepsia -a disease from which the writer hos suffered much for six years-and being persuaded that hundrcos who now suffer from this annoying complaint would bo signally benefittod, as ho bas been, by its uso, we deem it a duty we owe to this unfortunate class to recommend to them tho use of thiB remedy, which has given not only himself but several members of his family the greatest relief. M. W. ARNOLD, Of the Georgia Conference. DOOLY COUNTY, GA , April, 1807. This is to certify that I was confined to ibo honse, and most of the titre to my bed, and suffering the greatest agony Imaginable with Rheumatism, for ?ro months, and after trying every available reme? dy, with no relief, I was cured with two bottles of Dr. O. S. Prophitt's Anodyne Pam Kill It, each cost? ing fifty cent s only; it relieved nie almost instantly. I therefor* recommend it in the highest degree to others suffering irom similar diso.PP. I can say that it is one ot thc best family medicines now out, certain. Tours truly. W. A. FOREHAND. COVINGTON, GA., July 9,18C7. Dr. ProphiU-Having used yt ur Liver Medicine for more than a year in mv lomily, I cheerfully rt commend it to all persons suffering from Liver af? fections, Dyspcpnia or Indigestion in any form. I also recommend your Dysentery Cordial as thc best remedy tor that disease. O. T. ROGER?. STANFORPVII.LE, PUTNAM COUNIT, Oct t, 18C7. Dr. O. ft /'ropAiff-Dear Sir-1 hi* is to certify that I have used your Ague Pills for ihe lost ten yoirs, and i have never failed lo cure :he Ague In a single Instance with them. They always break the chi ls the first day that they are given. 1 can recom? mend Hiern a? belog thc nest ague medicine that 1 have i vcr lound, und they leave no bad *ffecta follow? ing them, og Quinine, .tc. Yonre respectfully. A. WRSTQSQOK PUTNAM focsTY, GA. September 22, D?C8. Dr. O. ?. ProphiU ->ir-I have used for tho last two years in my family you* Livor Medicine, your Pain Kill It, and youi Fem ile To;, ic, and I have no foars in saying (hat ?hey ate tho best medicines I have ever used for the Liver an-l Stomach. Neura'g:c and Rh'umatic afflictions, Headache. Colic, and pain? of every kind are subdued by thom. Atter using the medicines so long, I cheerfully recommend them to ?my and every one, sud io all that arc afflicted, as the best and safest remidies for all the disease- for which th- y ure recommended, Ac. Yours respectfully, JAMES WRIGHT. DR. PROPHITT'S FEM ALE TONIC. This Medicine, with its associates, is a safe and rei tain remedy for all curable diseases to which Fe? males aloue are Hablo. It is also an excellent pre? ventative of Nervous Blindness, or Nervous Dis? eases in either male or ic.-t.a'o. It is a powerful Nor \loo Tonic, setting up a full and tree circulation throughout the ay H ie m. ali Of thc above Mc.Heines sold by Druggists aid Merchants generally ihroughout Ihe-Southwest, E. S. BL KN HAM, Wholesale sud Retail Agent, Charleston, 8. C. r.^-??j ojt i,..-_TJn 0_ R-.W-OPBITT. April IC stuthCmos Covington, Ga. C. F. PANK N IN, Apothecary and Chemist. No. 133 Meeting-street, CHARLESTON, S. C. fJIHE ADVERTISER BEGS TO CALL ATTEN TION to his stock of the best Imported and Domes? tic CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES. UPON THE DISPENSING DEPARTMENT Of lils business he bestows thc utmost personal care and attention, and guarantees the PURITY of the MEDICINES used in compounding. PRESCRIPTIONS Prepared carefully at all hours of tho darf and night SPECIAL AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MANUFACTURED BY Messrs. UEO, TIEMANN & CO., OF XSTEW YORK. HIS STOCK OF Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes. PERFUMERIES, &c, IS LARGE AND WELL SELECTED. Agency for thc sale of the celebrated Rackbridge Aluin Spring Water, A supply of which ls always on hand. MANUFACTURER OF PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, Which have established for t selves a reputation surpassed by none. Through oonstaut effort and attention he hopes to merit a of thc public patronage which has hitherto been extended to him. February 18 tuthslyr Jtotjft C^mffttbj detr. AYER'.* SA??SAPASLLZ^ FUR PUKIFJING THE BLOOD, " THE REPUTATION ^~r~^ 'tis excellent medicine?>. J -^K?^'~AV ioypi 's derived from its A \ ,^4 i ure?, many of which ore /sA<B?- jflM truly marvellous. In7ele *T >i,i>L-jg' rate cases ot Scroiulonn ... dlseaso. where the system /f /Vii seemed saturated with ASys. corrup'ion, have been ju S?jjs?jifN "*T~fefi? li?ed aud cured by it. ^JjjJP""-^ ?3 _ Scrofulous anections and _Aw^?Sfe^ - disorders, whici were og .-JS^?^RSHS?" prava'ed by the scrolu ..-.-?ssSHR?*^ loua ccniaminatioD until they were painfully afflictlog, havo been radical^ cure J in such great cumber? m aime it every section of the country, that the public scarcely need to bi informed of its virtues or nee'. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often this unseen and unielt tenant of (he organism undermines the constitution, and invites the attack ol enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Attain. it neem? to breed infection tbrouah tho body, and then,on some favorable occasion,rapidly develops into one or other 01 its hideous forms, either on the surface oramong the vitals. In the latter,.tubercles may bc suddenly deposited in the langs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or lt shows it? presence by eruptions on the skin, or loni ulcerations on some port of tho body. Hence the occasional use of a bottle of this SARSAPARILLA is ajvisable, even when no active symptoms cf disease appear. Per? sons afflict e 1 with tho following complaints generally find inmediate relief, and, at length, cure by the use of this SARSAPARILLA: St. Anthony's Fire, Bose or Erysipelas, Tetter, Salt Rheum. Scald Head, Ring Worm, sore lyes. Sore Ears, and other erup? tions or visible forms of Scrofulous die ease. Also, in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Beert Dbeaso, Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia, and the va? rious ulcerous affections or the muscular and ner? vous sv8tems. syphilis or Venereal and Mercurial Diseases are cur'-d by it, though a long time is required for sub dUrins mese obstinate maladus by soy medicine, But long continued use of this medicine w?l cure tho complaint. Leucorrhcaa or Whites, Uterine Ul? cerations and Female diseases, are commonly soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect Minute Directions for each case are lound tn our Almanac, supplied gratis. Rheu? matism and Oout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Congestion 01 \ Inflammation of the Liver and Jaundice, when aris? ing, au they oflea do. from the rankling poisons in the blood. Ibis SARAPARILLA is a great restorei for the strength and vizor of the system. Thoso who are Lanpuid and Listle-s, Despondent, Sleepless and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fears, or UL y of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, trill find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PEEPABXD BX Dr. J. C. AVER di CO., Lowell, mass.. Practical and Analytical Chemists. Bold at Wholesale, by DOWIE & MOISE, Charleston, South Carolina, And by Rttail Druggists everywhere. March 25 TAO thstuSmoe HOUSEKEEPERS ! HOUSEKEEPERS ! M15N-WOMEN-AN D CHILDREN t M EN-W OME 3 -AND CHILDREN 1 READ-READ. "Cooling toScahlB and Burns," "Soothing to all painful wounds," &c. ..Healing to ali bores, Ulcers," ie. 'COSTAR'? BUCKTHORN SALVE Is the most extraordinary SALVE over known. Us power or Soothing and Healing for all Cuts, Burns, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Chapped Hands and skin, for Sore Nlpp'.es, for Piles, 4c, ic -is without a paral? lel. One person says of it: "I would not bo with out a box in my house, if lt cost $5, or 1 bsd to in? Ttl all lb i w?y lu New York tor it." l-V. Y. Evening Newt, September 5. 49" /-ll Druggists in CHARLESTON sell it. "COSTAK'S " STANDARD PREPARATIONS ABS HIS BEATJTIFIEE1 THE Bitter-Sweet and Orange Blossoms. 43? One Bottle, $1-Three tor $2. HIS -.i os ta r's" Kat, ii one h, .tc.. External's, "costarV Bed Bas; Exterminators. "Costar'a" (ouly purej Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Bcmediea known." 'Ill Bewjrol ! 1 of spurious imitations." "All Druggists lu CHARLESTON sell them " A dd rcs? .. CUS TAR,'' NO. 13 Howard-st., Ff. Y. Sold in CHARLESTON, S. C., by GOODRICH, WI NEMAN cw CO. March 23 Dio lyr KOSAD ALIS Purifies tue Blood. For Sale by Dru CR is ts Every when. JulVJI DAC IV jTjl O U T Z ' S CELEBRATED Horse aud Cattle Powders. ^^^^^^^^^^^r^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^iUL-iiJout to this ani? mal, such as LUNG FEVER, GLANDERS. YEL LOW WATER. Jiw H KA VES, Coughs, Jg?p&\ Distemper, Fe>er3, fjftTMffl^ ail'i transforms tho ^'^^^?^^/i^N^'* miserable Skclelous SI"'??T3-*5**!^ into a flue looking md spirited Horse. TO KEEPERS OF COWS THIS PREPARATION In fattening rattle, it (lives them an appelito, open? their hldos and makes them thrive much raster. IN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, SUCHAS COUGHS, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tirely prevented. If given in time, a certain pre five and cure for the Hog Cholera. --PREPARED BY D A V1 U E. FOD TZ, WHOLESALE DRUG AND MEDICINE DEPOT, No. 116 Franklin-street, Baltimore, Md. FOR 8AI.1? DY DU WIE ?S? ?IUISE, 3 0 LE 8 A L E DRUG HOUSE, No. 151 MEETING-STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL,' March 31 45 Jtortifln Sales. Genteel Residence, Ko. 106, east side of Sf. Philip, one door south of Morris. BY Z. B, OAKES. Yill bo sold on 1 HU BSD AY, 29tb, at ll o'clock, at tbe Old Postoffice, Teat well finished and genteel two and a half itory DWELLING, No. 106, esBt side St. Phih> i tree t, containing fonr upright and two attic rooms, arge pantry and dressing-room, wide entry and landsome stairs. The O ouse measures 18 by 40 feet, louble piazzas south and east. On the premises is ? well-finished two-story Kitchen, besides a large eis? ern and well, 'ibo Dwelling is furnished with gas Ix turee and bella throughout, and Is in complete or ier. Lot 36 feet Iront by 110 feet deep. Immediate possession given. Conditions-$2500 cash; balance in one year, with nterest. Purchaser to pay for papers and etamps. April 24 Auction Sale of Porto Rico Sugars and Mo? lasses. Will be sold at Auction, THURSDAY, 29th Instant, at ll o'clock, A. M., on Accommodation wharf, TBE CABGO EX SCHOONER NELLIE CARR, from Mayaguez, P. R, as follows: 100 hhds. Choice and Extra PORTO RICO GROCERY SUGARS 11 bbb). Choice and Extra Porto Rico Grocery Su? gars 75 puncheons Choice and Extra Porto Rico Mo? lasses 12 tierces Choice and Extra Porto Rico Molasses. Terms of Salo - For amounts of $1000 and nader, cash will be required; over that amount thirty days' city acceptance will be received, or one per cent dis eonnt allowed._April 28, Auction of Agricultural Implements. KNOX, DALY & CO., No. 150 Meeting-street, cor. Wentworth, Will sell on MONDAY, 26ih Instant, commencing at 10 o'clock, The ENTIRE STOCK of a house retiring from business. Conditions cash._ April 19 Valuable Real Estate in Orangeburg District at Auction. BY H. BIGGS, Sheriff O. ?. By virtue of an Order of sale to me directed by the Hon. George S Bryan, Judge of tho United States District Court for the District of South Caro? lina, I will offer for sale at public auction, at Orange burg Courthouse, on MONDAY, Moy, 3,1869, at ll o'cock A. M. .... ALL THAT TRACT OF LAND in Et Matthew"? Parish in the District of Orangebarg and State aforesaid, on Halfway Swamp, waters of San tee River, containing fifteen hundred sores, more or leas; bonnded on tbe north by lands formerly of James Stewart and Jacob Hare, now or lately of Challes B. Trick, on the east by lands of Charles B. Trick, J. M. Irick, John Shlrer and John. Townsend, on the south by lands cf William Reese, John Townsend, Jool Bookhardt and David Bookhardt, and on the west by the run of Halfway Swamp, Separating the same from lands now or late of F. J. Pelzer, as by a plat of said lands made 2?U? of December, 1866, by Stiles B. Melllchamp, District Surveyor, and now in my hands, will more fully appear. t Terms-One-half cash; balance on a cr?ait of one year, lo be secured by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Purchaser to pay for pa mSS stamps: G. HERBERT SASS, *? Assignee of Evana A CogswelL April 13_tnth?8tnl_ UNDKK DKCKKK IN EQUITY. /. I. Pearce ns. T. 0. Prioleau, A. C. MCGILLIVRAY, Auctioneer On TUESDAY, the 27th instant^ in front of the Old Customhouse. atUjj'cloekiA. il., wM XUat ?ol"-"-'- " " UM lATfON or TKAU JL VJ? LAPD, with a Dwelling House and cutbu'ldlngs thereon, situate, li lng and hoing on the drams of .-haw's Creek, in the District of Barnwell, in the State aforesaid, and within three miles of the salubrious and flourishing town of Alfcen, containing four hundred and eighty acres, more or less; bounded on the north, north? west and west by lands of Eugene Durbec and G. B. Lythgoe; on the east and northeast by land of Ed? ward Arlbur; on the southeast by land of Jobs Arthur and F. Foll?n, and on the south by land of Rebecca Woodward. Conditions-One half cash, and the balance on a credit of one and two years, scoured hy bond and mortgage, interest payable semi-annually. Purcha? ser to pay for papers and etamps. ' ' E. W. M. MACKEY, S. O. O. April 10_;_s3ml THU STATE OP SOUTH CAROLINA,. GREENVILLE COUNTY. In Chancery.- Wyman, Byrd 3; Co: vs. Gra? dy Jc Hawthorn.-Bill to Foreclose Mort? gage, ?rc. By virtue of tbe Decretal Order of hts Honor Judge JamesL. Orr, made In the above case, und also by order ot Judye G. S. Bryan, I will sell to tho highest bidder, ut Greenville Courthouse, on SALES-DAY in May next, The premises described ba tbe pleadings, vis: AU that PIECE, PABCEL AND TR I CT OF LAND, situ? ated in the County of Greenville, seven miles from the Courthouse, and six tr om the Greenville Railroad Depot, lying on both sides of Reedy River, contain? ing fear hundred and ninety-nine acres, more or less, in a high H t a te of c ult i va ti on. Upon the place la located the well known Cotton and Wool Factory o( the defendants. The Colton Factory is in full opera? tion, with some nine hundred and filly s, ind lc i and twenty-four looms; the Wool Factory,^rith one bon. dred and t wen ty mul e spindles, is also m good order, and m .-ces*fal operation. On tho premires are a good Flout log, Grist and Saw Mills, with Blacksmith f?hop-two comfortable Dwelling Houses, and several small Framed Houses for the opet stives, with a nice Brick Church. The water power at all seasons ii sufficient to drive three times the amount of ma? chinery now in operation. The country ls remarka? bly healthy, with a cllmare unsurpassed in the United States, with a rober, industrious and energetic pop? ulation. Wooded lands adjacent, welt Umbered, can be purchased at reasonable prices. This is the host oportumtv for an investment to capitalists that han been offered in the up-country since the war. Tcrms?ksh. Purchaser to pay tor papers and stamps. w. A. MCDANIEL, C. C. C. Clerk's office, February 2, 1869. April 10 sw7ml _ NOTRE TO CONTRACTORS, MM* OFFICE ENGINEER AND SUPERINTENDENT) SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON R. B- \ i iiABXEsroN, April 13,1869. J BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED UH TO THE 25IH instant for the building of the SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD from Coosaw hctchic io Ihe City of Savannah, Georgia. All information in reference to the subject will be furnished bv application at the office ot the Com? pany, foot of Mill-street C.S. GADSDEN, Engineer and Superintendent. ?S?5avannah Morning News will please copy, and send t.ill to office Savannah and Charleston Railroad Company._fathsA_April 13 SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, I CHAHLESTOU, S. C., April 0, 16C9. I ON AND AiTER SUNDAY. APRIL 11TH, THB PASV?73]iB TRAINS of the South carol.DI Railroad will run a* follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta.4.45 P. M. Connecting with trams for Montgomery, Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Montgomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. LcavA Charleston.P.?0 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.6.10 P. AL . Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester R Jl road, aili- Camden tram. KGU CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.9.H0 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.?.IO P. M. Leave Columbia.7 45 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.5 10 P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS ISCNDATS EXCZrIED. ) Leave Cnarlettoti.7.30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.e. 10 A. M. Connecting with trama tor Memphis, Nashville and Ii PW Orleans, via Grand Junction. leave Augusta.4.10P. M. Arrive at Charleston.4.00 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SUNDAYS XXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.3.0.1 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.4.45 A. M. Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia.5.50 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.5.30 A. M. SUMMERVILLE TRAIN. Leave Charleston.3.35 P. M. Arrive at Summerville. 5.tu 2. M. Leave Summerville.7.10 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.8.25 A. M CAMDEN BRANCH. Camden and Columbi* Passenger Tra?as on MON? DAYS, WEDNESDAYS and SATUBDATS, connects with up and down Day Passengers at Ringville. Leave Camden.G.35 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.1L00 A. M. Leave Columbio.. " '.C?" H;T:PE7AKEP;M ?pr?] m General Superintendent. f\ T T O SONNTAG, DYER AND SCOTJREB, So. 141 Market-street, Between King and Archdale. Gents'Coats, Vests, Pants and Hats DYED, SCOUR? ED and PRESSED; also Blankets and Carpets Clean? ed and Washed with greatest dispatch. April 3 2 mo