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THE DAILY iVEWS. Soul and Body. DT ALC.ERSOS CHARIXS SWINBURNE Before tbc beginning o? ye irs lh rc carno to tbc malting Ol mau Time, wi h tbc gift of t?iNi Oriel, with a gi*** 'hat rou; Pleasure, w.tb sm ?ct leaven; .summer, flowers tba fell; Remembrance, fallen lrom Heaven; Aud mai) ii ess, risen from hell; Stiengtb. widiout bauds to smite; Love, that endures for a breath ; Sight, the shadow of light; Aud life, the shadow of death. And the high gods toole in hand Pire and tho f liing of tears. And a measure of sliding sand From under the feet of the years; And froth and diift of the sea; And dust of the laboring earth, And bodies of the things to be In the houses of death and of birth. And wrought with weeping and laughter, And fashioned with loathing and love, With life before and after. And death beneath and above, For a day and a night and a morrow. That bis str< ngth might endure for a span With travail and heavy sorrow, The holy spirit ol' mm. From the winds of the North and the South They fathered as unto strife, lhey breathed up in bis mouth, Ihey filled body with life; Eyesight and speech they wrought Fir the veils of the soul therein, A time tor labor and thought, A tune to serve and to sm, They ?a ve bim light in his ways, And love and a space for delight, And beauty and length ol days, . And rigid, and sleep in the night. Bas speech is a burning fire. With his lips he travadech, 'In his heart is a bund desire, In hie eyes foreknowledge of death, Ho weaves, and is clothed with derision, Sows, and be shall not reap. His life is a watch or a vision Between a sleep and a sleep. AFFAIRS IN TUE STATE. Marlboro'. In Benncttsville on sales-day several tracie of 1 and and personal property were sold by the assignee and tho sheriff at moderate rates. One or two tracts ot land were sold as low as $2 50 per acre. > Orangeburg. The total assessed value of all real and per? sonal prop?rtv in Orangeburg County amounts to $3,204,558 49. The Orantreburrr News savs: "A good deal of personal and real property was sold hero on 'sales-day last. Wo notice nj .leaded advance in real estate. Laud sold by P.V. Dibble, Esq., assignee, brought good prices. The sheriff sold thirty acres near town at $14 per acre. The sales of the day netted $5150. v Lancaster. Governor Scott lias appointed Georsro W. Watts, colored, notary public for Lancaster County. ? Beal estate in tho neighborhood of Taxahaw, sold by the sheriff on last Monday, brought Lom $10 to $16 67 per acre. The following sales were made by the sheriff: Estate John Mc? manus-sixty acres at $1000-Amos McManus, purchaser. S orehouse and lot at Taxabaw, $400-James Welsh, purchaser. Seven acres at $70 -B. F. Miller, purchaser. Estate J. E. Cure ton, deceased - one-half interest in six? teen acres of land in suburbs of town $102 25 H. J. Hickson, purchaser. ? Laurens. . Tho Laurens vi lie Herald says : "On Monday last, the following real estate sales occurred : Assignee of Aaron Wells sold lot at Cross Hill, containing ll acres, with store and dwelling, for $650 cash. Colonel Jones, sheriff, sold for Uni ced Sutes Mai sb al, S locomotives. 2 coach? es, 5 box cars, dec, tbe rolling stock ol tho Laurens Railroad Company, for $8300, at the snit of A. M. Brodie and Juo W..S. Arnold; his Excellency Governor ?. K. Scott, the purcha? ser, and Slr. Joseph Crews tho bidder. Captain Richardson, clerk of tho court, sold as follows: Estate of - Jones, tract containing 320 acres, $1000; 425 acres, $750 ; 164 acres, $2000; terms, one und two years. Estate of Hosea Mahaffey, 100 acres, $400-six mouth's time. Estate ot Samuel Spakus, 40 actes, $155, cash." Horry. In Horry on sales-day tho sheriff sold sove ral tracts of land, ranging from five cents to ono dollar and a half per acre. Some Virginia and North Carolina traders were present. There is living on tho plantation.of T. W. Graham. Esq., near Little River, a uogro man named Jacob Manning, about ono hundred and eighteen years old. He has around him chil? dren of the fifth generation, is rational, and enjoys good health. The Horry News has obtained from C. L. Johns JD, Esq., Coun'y Auditor, tho following statistical ropo, t of taxabl? property in florrv Jrlumber of horses 517 vi, -1 at $39,161: cattle 19,633, valued at $85 928; gilles 160, valued at $17,755; sheep and goats 7708, valued at $9628; hogs 20,098. valued at $36.218; watches 151, valued at $4708; rianos, melodiane 10, valued at $1295; carriages' 53, valued at $2095; dogs 1095, valued at $2443. Besides tho ab ive tbc average value of merchandise, manufac tiring interest and manufactured articles with fix? tures, value of monies, stocks, bonds, leases. ?bc., making a total value of all taxable prosonal ?roper tv ot $418.461; the total value of real es .te $447,139; total taxable property $865,600. I Apart from this there is $15.150 worth of real estate not taxable, and $53,632 worth of person? al property not taxable, making $68,782 worth ef property exempt from taxation, and an aggregate of $934 382 worth of property in Horry. Barnwell. Mr. J. S. Mixson, the County Surveyor, has entered upon his work of laying off tho county into townships. A meeline of the Barnwell Railroad Compa? ny was held ou Monday last, at which neces? sary steps were taken to posh it through to Blackville. Richmond Dunbar, freedman, sends to tho Barnwell Journal the following statement of crops madn on W. P. Dun oar's plantation (Gar? vin place:) "Plenty corn to carry on sauio business another year. Amount received, arter plying Mr. W. P. Dunbar his portion, $1850. Seven hands employed. At a meeting of the planters of Barnwell County, held at tho co irthouse on sa'es-day, Colonel B. H. Brown was called to tho chair, and W. H Duncan requested to act as secre? tary. The chairman stated that the object of the meeting was to appoint demotes to the Agricultural Convention, which meets in Co lumb a on the 23tb instant, when the following gentlemen were appointed: E. H. Dowling, W. B. Rice. J. M. Whetstone, C. C. Coopar, T. J. Counts, J. Williams, J. W. Rilov, J. E. Cros? land, J. V. Martin, E. B. Means,* Alfred Ald? rich, A. D. Caredeau. Laaden Brooker, Paul F. Hammond. Johnson Hagood. There waa a large crowd at Barnwell Court? house on sales-day. Considerable property was an posed of by the sheriff and clerk, and a number ol tracts of land belonging to Georg a Hoffman, by his assignee, Frederick J. Smith, Esq., of Charleston. Wo give below a list of | lands sold Dy the county officers. By the clerk-One tract of fifteen aeres, in Town of | Barnwell, $1500: purchased by A. P. Manville. One tract, four hundred and thirty -icres, $500; purchased by D. P. Sprawls. One tiact ot two hundred and sixty acres, $265; purchased by F. M. Bamber? and E. R. Haves. One tract of fifteen hundred and fifty-six acres, $1105; same parties. One traci of thirty-five acres, $12: purchased by A. J. Weatbersbee. One tract of five hundred and thirty-eight acres, $110; and one tract of four huudred and ninety-three acres, $1060; ptirshasca by W. Graham. By tho sheriff-One tract of seven hundred acres, $1650; purchased bv T. J. Couuts. One tract ot three hundred acres, $1095; purchased bv J. V. Baxlcy. Ono tract of seventy a<Tcs, $25; purchased by H. H. Hill. Ono lot, one aoro, $10. purchased bv J. M. Williams. Commercial. Rx por ts. PHILADELPHIA-Per sehr Ella Matthewes-104,. 000 leet Flooring boards, 35.000 leet Tunbor. Charleston Cotton and Rtce Market. OFFICE Ol' TUE CHARLESTON DAILY NEWS, I CHARLESTON*. Mouoay Evening, April 12. j COTTON.-With rather better telegrams there was a stronger (edina; in tho market and more de? mand for Ute staple, prices being firmer but not higher. Sales about 630 bales, viz: 3 at 26;31 at 26>?;luot26,J?;lU8at27; 234 at 27??; 134at27>i; 41 at 27??; 4.1 at 28. We quote: UVET-POOL CLASSIFICATION. Ordinary to ttood ordinary.20 @27 Low'21%? - Middling.27?i@ Strict middling.27Ji? By New York classification wo quote: Low middling.21 H& Middling.27>?'<? BICE.-The fii muc?s of factors rather restricted transactions, and wo cote sales of only 25 tl-rc?s of clean Caioliia at 8 5-iCo. We quote common to fair clean Carolina at 7J?@3>? ; ?ood 8V'fa!jJ?c ^ ?j. Mm leets by Tdr?ruph. FOREIGN MARKETS. LOSDO J, April 12.-Noon.-Cannois 98i\?. Bonds 83?.'. Tallo v IO; 3d. I^vEnpooL, April 12.-Noon.--Cotton firmer but not higher; uplands 12Vd; Orleans 12?i<i; salo; 1 'OOO bale Breadstuifs quiet. Corn 29s 3d. Evening.-Colton firmer bm not higher; uplands 12??J ; Orleans l2&d:.?ate* 12.U?C' bales. DOMESTIC MARKETS. NLW YORK, April 12.-Noon.-Money active at 7. Sterlingly. Gold 33V. Colton finn at 2SV- Tur-N pentine drooping at 49V- Rosin quiet: siraincd $2 47 V i2 52 V Evening.-Cotton very finn; sales 45C0 bales at 28ii. Flour dull and beavy ; superfine State $5 GC tu $9; common to fine extra Southern SC 35 to $7. Wheat declining. ?Corn a thsdc lower; white South? ern 92. Pork irregular an I closing at $30 75. Lard a shade firmer; kcttlo 18 V to 18V- Wbiskry nomi? nal at 92. Ri ce quie* ; Carolina 8 V'a9. Sutiar steady. Coffeo firm. Turpentine 49a49V- Rosin S2 45.8. The striogency in the money maikci bas increased ; money on call 7 per cent curroacy, l-16aV added. Sterling 7 Va7Ji. Gold 33%. Stocke dull. Govern? ments strong. Southerns quiet. Georgias 80. BALTIM 'EE. April 12.-Cotton activo at 28 cen ts. Flour fairly active. Wheat steady; good choice red i-2 10a2 25. Corn firm ; white 82a85 ; yellow 80. Oats firm; prime 75. Pork $32. Bacon quiet. Lard 19 V Whiskey 92. CrscrsNATi. April 12.-Whiskey 90. Mess dull and nominal Bacon duU. Shoulders 13. Clear sides 16%. Old lard 18 cents. IT. LOOTS, April 12.-Pork dull at $30 50aS31. alacon heavy and lower. Shoulders 13 V; clear sides 1G.:J. LOUISVILLE, April 12.-Ba-on quiet. Shoulders 133(011, Clear sides 17,Val7V. Meas S31 50aT2. WmnHOHOX, April 12.-Spirits turpentine quiet at 44. Rosin steady 1 86 to ll. Crudo turpentiuc un? changed. J ar lower at $2 25a2 JO. Cotton dull. ADOCSTA, April 12.-Market firm; silos 357. Re? ceipts 145. Middlings 26%. ^SAVANNAH, April 12.-Cotton in good di man 1; sa. cs ?00 bales. Middlings 27??. Receipts 800. Exports to Liverpool 2118. MOBILE, April 12.-Cotton firm and in fair de? mand ; sales 650 ; low middlings 26??; receipts 923; no exports. NEW ORLEANS, April 12.-Cotton more active and Va.Vc higher; middlings 28V i28'?; sa'.03 4C50; re? ceipts sine? Saturday 2383, exports 4413. Gold 3?%. Sugar in belter demand-common 10??*ll, prime 13 V- Molasses scarce-prime GO. Columbus Cotton Market. CO LUM BU*. April 9.-Th- following arc tho re? ports of thc warehouses lor tho wc.-R, Northern mid? dlings being the basis ot qu dations, and employing strict classifications: Saturday 2G cts, sites 9 bales; Monday 2Gc, ales GO bales; tuesday dull, 25 V c ts, sales 21 bales; Woduesdiy 25 Vc sales 103 bales; Thursday 25 Vc. closing weak, sule3 229 bales To? day's sales 132 bales. Middlings, on account of s ?reity, bring relatively higher Drees. Tho follow? ing are inline quotations: <<rdinuy 22a23c; good ordinary 24a24V; low middlings 25c; middlings (Northern) '?5%c; strict mid lings 26c; good mid? dlings 26V cents. Warehouse pole* for the week 651 bales. Week's receipts 343 bales against 521 tbs cor? responding week of last season, and 473 the previous week of this year. Shipments 729 bales-G29 by s W Railroad, 100 for home consumption. . WEEKLY STATEMENT. Stock on hind Sept. 1,1868. 280 Received past week.343 Received previously.46.303-46.G4G 46,926 Bhip'icd past wcik. 72) Shi ?-ped previously.34,926-35.055 8tockonhand April 9, 1829.11,271 London Money Market. The London Economist, of March 27, thus speaks of tho money market: In preparation for the requirements arising out of thc Stock Exchange fortnightly settlement winch be? gan yesterday, und to meei the slightly increased de? mand from thu country which has hecu experienced, there has been just s l'ai- inquiry fjr money in tho general n arket. The tendency of thc value of money bas. however, been decidedly downwards for the moment, and there seems but little probability that the course ol thc market wilt bc r. versed tor some time, in alni ist whatever cur?, lion wc look, it is difficult to mid any traces worthy of notice ol a ma? teria! revival in aoy branch of trade. Better things have been looked for ere this lor tho year 1869. In? stead of which, as regards certiin branches of manu? facture, wo arc m a more dead calm ever The continued scarcity and dennos of cotton is causing a return to the hard times which it was hoped had been left behind, uni tho other evideticos which roach us from tho North eau but confirm tn? im presi?n that the stagnation in the cotton districts must, so lou.- a- it lasts, cxerciso a depressing effect I upon 'he whole country, sonic slight attention has been attracted by a renewal of.withdrawals ol gold trom tie batik, but in the face of over a million ster? ling which is on ts way from Australia, and consid? ering thc accumul dion ot treasure at Paris, no ap? preciable efl*, ct hus been produced. With thc con? clusion of Easter hoi days the supply of money will be augmented by the paymeut of the dividends, and although various projects are kuowu o be tu readi? ness for a favorable opportu' tty, the extent to which the public have already subscribed to loans. Ac, may be advanced as a rcssou whi now undertakings, un? less of a thoroughly sound and useful nature, will not be likely to meet with support. Murray, Ferris o? Co.'* Naval Stores Cir? cular. NEW YORK. Avrit 10.-t?rraiTS TURPENTINE Oponed weak, but reports gaining on Tuesday that three cargoes were to leave Wilmington this mooth, coupled with ii ber il purchases lor export, gave an improved tone to the market, which closed firm st 61c shipping. This was lost in the two following days by a combined movement on New York and Wilmington tu break prie-s, resulting in sales here at 49a49V. and as low as 44c In Wilmington, but at tho close yesterday thee prices wero generally re? fused, as there were symptoms of the bears becom? ing buyers The combination for lower prices has received no little assistance from the severe money pressnr free receipts and the giving way of all the speculative holders, whose sto.k tor two weeks past ha\o b en flooaing the market; but tueso having now changed bands, wo think it reasonable lo look foran imorovement under the promised ro ief from export. Tho sale? are 20i*0 bbls at 49aC9V merchant, 51 shipping, and 50a51V for New York bbls. [te ?ip ts 1055 bbls. Lxpoits 2 bbls. ROSIN.-The sales and resales amount to 28,000 bbls. low grades at $2 40 for bu k, $2 ?ja > 50 irhitfly $2 17 V for ?traine.i; 52 5 ) for good strained, anil $2 51 >ju2 90 (chiefly S2 COi for No. 2; 800 bbls. at $3? S4V for No. 1 ; SiValV for low pale, und $7a8 for extra pale; 50 bbls new virgin reported lu our last changed hands at SIS. We dee m it well to caution our iriends agiinst purchases based on 'his price as it is admitted to bo largely in excess oi value for ordinary use. Rceoipts 22 459. Exports 4G82. Huston 6i Co.'s Cotton Report, for thc Week buding April 'J 1809. NEW YORK, April 10.-TUA: MAUSET.-In our last report tho market cloped quite steady at 28,^ o28Vc saturday, with rather botrer loreign ac? counts and diminished stocks in tho interior, pri?es wero ?rmer and there was more doing tor spinning and export. Sales 3146 hiles at 2H%c. Monday the market was dullaud slightly lower. Sales 1638 bales at23Va28Vc Tuesday unfavorable accounts from Liverpool aud tight money mar -et weakened prices. Sales 16S8 bales at 28 Vc Wednesday there was a more steady feeling and more doing tor exoort. Tho I exchange market was better. Sales 3320 bales ut 28 Vc. Thursday there was a good oxport deraaod and prices wero steady, soles 3067 bales a: 28 Ve. Yesterday, with a very considerable increase in the Liverpool stock, prices were weaker. Tho lower quotations brought in spinners, ana tho riso in gold enabled exeorters to AU orders. Thc sales were 37i2 bales at 28.V >28>?c. Upland A Mobile. New Florida. Orlcaus. Texas. Ordinary.25Vu25 l? 23Va25>?" 23%u26 26 a26>4' Good Or? dinary. 2GVa26V 26Va2t$V 26??a27 27 a27V Low Mid? dling... 27Va27V -7V>27V 27*4a2S 28 a2SV Middling 28Va28,V 28Jaa28V 2S%a29 29 B29V Sales of tho week 16.881 bales, including 58S4 to spinners, 11G7 to speculators, and 9830 to export? ?is. Gross receipts at this port for thc week, 10,344 bales. Since 1st September 545.51G bales. On the week-our prices show a decline of % aud Liverpool h tn declined V i,V I. on uplands, and Va Vd on Orleans. Eaily in the week, telegrams were received uv cable noticing heavy imports into Liverpool. We sec bv the weekly report yesterday tbat the arr va's during tho week must h ve been ab rut 13.".,000 bales. This has bec . the cause of tho depression there, and wu expect uext week t ? see au improved tradu and export d< maud, now thatihe supply on sale shows a be. ter assortment. ? he no- I tion of lotion i- very strong, and we eau see nothing, except war, to prevent hi-.'her prices Inter iu the sea? son. Tho s oe- ? in the interior towns have decreased 13,577 bales in the past two weeks. Thero have been received ut thc ports since 1st Soptea.ber, 1.818.93.) bales, of which exporters have takcu 1.0G4 G42 balea; spinners. 454,8J'7. and tho stocks have increased 300,456 bales Deficit m re? ceipts ss compared with last year. 130.685 bales. Deficit in shipments to Livi rpool. 287.751 bales. The sa es lor future delivery have boeu sn all this week. 150 bales sold :or April at 2f-ic. 400 bales f jr May ai 27Vc loo l>iles for Juno at 28c. ' STATISTICAL POSITION-- 18G9. 18(18. StO'k in Liverpool. 3:if000 350,550 Afloat from India. .-?13.000 lsG.000 Afloat from America. 152.000 2'J5.0(iO Sto -k in London. 76 760 G9.8I1 Afloit for Lonaou. 60 003 33,000 Stock m Havre. 46 962 29,908 afloat for Havre. 30,702 31.155 Stock in Bremen. 5.259 7,544 Afloat for Bremen. 7.9i7 10 495 Stock la Uniied States ports. 344.0.?0 250 778 Stock m the interior towna. 0i 019 20,202 Total.1,317,289 1,260.443 Excecs ni visible supply. 6?.846 Stock of cotton held by Manchester skinners at the mills now 65,000 bilos, same time 1868. 250,000 bale?. Middhut? Orlc.ins now 12,Vd; then 12Vd. Consmuccs p."1*Sou,n l'?*oliB?a ttuilroMii ?vril 12. 275 bales Co ton. Gt? biles Domestice. 832 busheis Gnin, 37 bbls Naval Stores. 9 cars Lumber. 3 enrs Stock. To Railroa.i Asout G ff Williams ft Co. Pel zer. liodcers ft Co, Caldwell & Son. Reeder k Davis, lt ?'ure k Co, Dowling Jkn'o. Mowry k Co. Johnston, Crews ft Co, I. D Deiaussure, C N Averill, Ir.??? *. Adger.G H Walter & i?0, War Haw * "-^ Coh^ HaucKol & CO, araeaa? * v.jnith. Goldsmith ft Son, Enslow ?C?, stenhouse .fe Co, O Tiderainu, Werner ft Ducker, J N Molter, and J Ad JCT ft Co. Jflarinc tos. 3?ort ol Charleston, April 13. JPOJtfiX *JAJLil?2>lL>j\.?t. PHASES OF IHK MOON. Last Quarter, 3d, 3 hours, 28 minutes, evening. New Moon, llth, 8 hours, 27 minutes, cveuiug. First Quarter, 19th. 9 hours. 40 minutes, morning. Full Moou, 27th, 1 hour, 1 minute, moraine. SO BISES. I SETS. MOON RISES. HIOH WATER. 12 Mouday....i 5..35 i 6..27 13|Tticsday....| 5.. 31 ! ?..27 14|Weduesday.| 6..32 | fi..28 15? Thursday...- S..31 I 6..29 lCIFriday.j C..30 j G..29 17 Saturday... 5..29 0..30 lSlSuuday.I 5..28 I 6..31 Sets. 8.. 3 8..69 9..57 10..54 ll..CO Mo n. 8.. 9 8..42 9.. 24 10.. 5 10..51 ll..45 Morn. Arrived Yesterday. Steamship J W Evcrman, Snyder, Philadelphia left Friday, A M. Mdse. To Jno k Theo Getty. Railroad Agents G W Aimar, D A Ammo. H Boer, F C Borner, J M Brown, Bollmann Bros, H F Pakcr k Co, W M Bird ft Co, H D Burkett & Co. E Bates k Co, Bissel! .v. Co. '1 M Urieloll. Mell Cohen, Dr P M Cohen, W S Corwin k CO, Dowie k Moise, B Feld raann k Co, Fogartie's Bo'ik House, J .> Fairly k Co, Goodrich. Wincman & Co, M Geraghty, H Gerdts k Co, Rev M U Prentice. Gas Compuu?, Hart k Co. J Hurkamp-ft Co, Holmes' Book nonse, Jeffoidi ft Co. B Johnson. C H Jolm-on ft Co, E.iuck. Wickenberg & co, C L EornahreuH, G J Lunn, W Lebbv, Muller, Nimitz k Co. Mantoue ft Co, A Mct.eish. Marshall ft McMillan, Mrs W A Mehrtens, N E Railroad Agent, N A Pr.ut, G W Stroub & Co,<W A Skrinr. Mrs M A Suondeu, Southern Express Co, T Y Simons, J H Wuhrman, J liencken, J N M Wohltmann, W Gur? ney, Wallie', Evana ft Cogswell. W G W bilden & co, anet P Walsh. Sehr E F Cabada, Swam. New York-5 days. Guano. To the Master, X J Kerr & Co, J N Rohson, Wando Company, and Order. Sehr Jane F Du- fee, liuntlcy. Frederleksburg, Va -4 days. 10,000 bushels corn. To T J Kerr ft Co. Cleared Yesterday. Sehr Ella Matthcwes, Mchlwce, Philadtlpbia- D F Baker ft cc. Sailed Yesterday. British sehr Mary ft Susiu. Cleave, Bahamas. Sehr Francis Hat. h Gregory. Sew York Sehr H N Squiie. Fisk, Paila lelphia. Sehr Alexander Young, Yoong, Darion. Geo. Cleared for tlii? l'on . Steamship Manhattan, Woodhull, at New York, April 10. From this 1'orr. Steamship Magnolia, Crowell, New York, April 12. Sehr Stephen Morris, Seaman, Savannu?, April 12. Shipnctvs by Telegraph. NEW YORE, April 12-Arrived, steamships United States, Sandiord, Livingston. Magnolia and Virginia. HAVANNAH, April 12-Arrived, bark Alano, Bre? men; brig Woodlawn, New York; schrs B C Ferry, New York ; Stophcn Morris, Charleston. Cleared, ship Screamer, Liverpool; bork Atlantic, Pcnarth Roads. Memora at. A. Tho Spanish steamship Yarra, OVonnor, from Ha va va for Charleston, arrived at Nassau, N P, Mar u 27. The sehr Linn, from Matanzas for Chariest -i, with a cargo of sugar, ran a-hore on Crab Cay, Bi ? bamas, but was got off after discharging port of J cargo, and was going into Nassau 30th ult. Th. sehr M C Hort, Bawley, fromBucksville. S C. for Thomaston, Me, arrived at Holmes' Hole April 8, and sailed same day. The sehr Lath Rich, Paddock, from Georgetown, S C, for Newburyport, arrived at Holmes' liolo April 8. The sehr Kunduskear, Wyatt, from Bucksville, S C, arrived at Portland, Me, Aprils. LIST UK VfCSSULN CP. CLEARED AND SAILED FOE THIS POA, FOR Ei a S LIVERPOOL. Ship R C Wiuthrop, Stewart, clcacd.March 8 Tho Royal Charlie, Anderson, sailed.March 8 Hie Clifton,-, up.March IC Bark Ueleu Sands, Otis, railed.March 18 MATAOUEZ, r R. Sehr Ellen. Carr, up to sail.March 25 MATANZ.H. British sehr Lion, McLclliu, up.March 5 D O M E fi T I C MOSIo.'i, Brig Wm Robertson, Recd, up.March il Sehr Sarah A Hammond, Wiley, cleared_March 30 SchrP M Bonney, small, cleared.March 22 Scbr-James A Crocker, Currier, up.March 3U PORTLAND. ME. Sehr Martha Marla, Dean, cloarod.March 27 >""<" TURK Steamship Manhattin. Woodhull, cleared.... April 10 Sehr J M Morales, Newman, up.April 0 Sehr Argus Eye, Thompsoi, up.April 2 sehr Ida Richardson, Bodell, cleared.April 5 Sehr Col Cook, Beorsc, cleared.Alirch 18 Sehr Jessie S Clark.-, up.Mar? h 17 ocbr Mary Stow, Bankin, up.March 31 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Watauga, Lawrence, cleared.April 5 _Stoma. _ M. L. FILLEY'S Celebrated Cooking Stoves, " PHILANTHROPIST" AND " CIVILIAN,r' Manufactured at Troy, N. Y.. and for sale by D, I. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, GA. THESE STOVES STAND UNRIVALLED FOU capacity, durability, convenience* and the gen? eral purpose-, to which Cooking Stoves arc used. The PHILANTHROPIST is oxtra hcavj plated, and ha? Adi Drawer; eau be mad>< into a six boiler hole .?tove; has cast irou Wilcr Tank galvanized, or enamel lined. A strictly first-class Stove. Ihe CIVILIAN is of a neat design, und has afine large Oven. This Stove eau be had with tho extension back, six holes, and reservoir when desired For further information apply to D. L. FULLEH?ON. January 30 (mo* Aucusta, Ga gaber&?sljen). LONDON MD PARIS EXPOSITION PRIZE ALS 1 THE GEORGE A. CLARK'S O. IST". T. SIX COKO, SOU FINISH SPOOL COTTON. This favorite Thread bein? Six Cord to No. 80, purely Soft Finish, is recommooded for its great superiority for Boucl and Machine Sew? ing FOR SALE BY THE Principal Wholesale and F tail Dry Goods and Notion Dealers. February 27 3mo C. F. PA?KiNliY, Apothecary and Chemist, No. 123 Meeting-street, CHARLESTON, S - C. rJMIE ADVERTISER REGS TO CALL ATTEN TION to his stock of tho best Imported and Domes? tic CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES. DPON THE DISPENSING DEPARTMENT Ofl.ia business he bestows thc utmost personal caro and attention, and guarantees the PURITY of the MEDICINE8 used in compounding. PRESCRIPTIONS Prepared carefully at all hours of the day and night. SPECIAL AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MANUFACTURED BY Messrs. GEO. TIEMANN ii CO., OF NEW YORK. HIS STOCK OF Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes. PERFUMERIES, &c., LS LARGE AND WELL SELECTED. Agency for thc sale of thc celebrated Ko ck bridge Alum Spring Water, A supply of which ls always on hand. MANUFACTURER OF PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS, Which have established fur themselves a reputation surpassed by none. Through constant clfort and attention he lio?.cs to merit a continuance of thc public patronage which has hitherto been extended tu him. February 1(5 tuthslyr Jj! O V T Z'N CELEBRATED Horse and Cattle Powders, _ - 1^->"jr*='=^-- incident to this am mal, such as LUNG FEVER, GLANDERS, YEL LOW WATER. Jfc,. HKAVES, Coughs, Distemper, Fevers, f&JtjfXfc Founder, Loss of fflKt\ Appetite and Vital ^BBfetasnctv the Wind, increas- ^^^?^^^^y^^^^ and transforms tho ^^^^X^^^^^^y^^'^S^:: mlserableSkelclons .xi*^j^^^??'^aS^>J-~ - into a fine looking and spirited Horse. TO REEFERS OF COWS THIS PREPARATION In fattening cattle, ii gives them an appetite, opens their hides and makes them tin ?ve much faster. JN ALL DISEASES OF SWINE, SUCH AS COUGHS, eradicated** or cn^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ tiroly prevented. If given in time, a certain prc live und euro for thc Roc Choleara. PREPARED BY DA VI U K. P U ll TZ, WHOLESALE DltUO ANO MEDICINE DEPOT, No. HG Franklin-strei t. Baltimore, Md. FOB SALE mt DOW IF. it MOISE, WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE, No. 151 MEETING-STREET, OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL, March 31_15 E 0 S A 1) A LIS Purifies the Blood. Kor sale hy Drustjlsts Kvtrywbcr .lui v.'- nae j. n HKAIID, V. r. I W. J RCARD. NORFOLK. c. w. rooso, s. y. I F. E. GoonnrDOE, roBTsMotrrn. JJ KA KD, YOUNG & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. ?17 Washington-street, NE IF YO It K. SPEC!IL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF EARLY VEO KG ABLES. FRUITS, POTATOES &c. REFERENCES.-Governor Z. B. Yanco, Charlotte; W. D. Reyno ds ? Uro., .Norfolk; E. G. Ohio, Super? intendent H. i. R Railroad, Portsmou h ; Col eel a. L. Fremont, E. E. Burruss, Esq, Wilmington; H. K. Thurbor & Co., Langhra i & Egbert, New York; Bernard O'Neill, Charleston ; Alexander A Russell, Savannah. 3mo9 April 2 ^isrelliinecus. PIANO FOET?S, MUSIC, Sc G. KECE'Vi?D BY L ATE IMPORTATIONS, A choice assortment ol PiANO FORTES, at strictly frctorv prices; wi-ran'cd for five years. Also, eight uitl'ercat styles of Cubloet Orgms and Me'odeo -s, ' f t?c best makers. Purrhascrs about selecting an instrument are in? vited to call and cximinc thc supply of excellent instruments now offered for sale. In addition to tho above, the under.?encd begs to call attention to his fine stock of Musted Instruments and Musical Mer? chandise, ot tbe bet quality iorcigu and American. A large an-l varied collection of Music BookB, with lato ai'd fashionable shee-. Music on hand, and re? ceived as soon ns published. Boosey ft Co "s popular s'andard of correct and cheap Mu^ic PuMtca.ions, from easy to tho most difQ'nit, to suit all tastes. Catalogues free on ap? plication PIANO F031E3 kept for Hire. PIANO FoBT tuned, n pair, d S and other Musical Instruments dieu iu exchange aud bought. HENRY SI EGLING, COtt.VJ-lK IC ITV G AN D BKA V VAIS kW ENTRANCE TUlli?- BOOR FRO.1t KING. Manh 23 lulim J Tin PJate, M:<et-Irou, Wire, and all other tinsmith's goods, for sale by William Shepherd, No. i 7 Hayne-street, Charleston, S. C. REFINED FAMILY LARD PACKED BY PROCTER & GAMBLE, Cincinnati. Ask your G roo r for our brand of Lard in those Pn-kages. Packed 3 lb, 6 lb. ll> lb Caddies, 60 lb cases for shipment. Cheapest mode for selling Lard. Send for Price List. Imo April 8 SHOW CASKS! SHOW CASES! ALL SIZES AND STYLE-} CONSTANTLY ON HAND and for sile. Toys. Trimmings, Musi? cal Instruments, Stationer}* Base Balls aud Fancy Goodp, ftc, ftc. stamping, Braiding and Embroidering neatly exe? cuted. \V. McL.-:AN. March 31 Imo No iTI King-street. V ICOin 4 TU 350 horse power, including the cotcnrateJ Corliss Cut-?d Engines, -Olde Valve Sta? tion?r* Engines, Portable Engibes, ftc. Also, circu? lar Mular and (lung saw Mills. Suitar Cane Mils, sha.Hug Pulloyr., ftc. Lath and Sbiuglo Mills. Wheat and Corn .Mills, Circular* saws Bellin-.', AC. Scud lor descriptive Circular and Price Wi'OP ft MANN STEAM l.NOINECO.. Febrility 1" fimos Utica, Now York. r'??fS. Tirs Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROO, SAFES Are most desirable for quality, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL Cannot be Sledged! Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, EXPRESS BOXES FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send for a catalogue to MARVIN <& CO., (oldest safe manufacturers) " . . , (2C5 Broadway, New York. Principal 1 m Chogtnut St PWla< Warehouses ^108Bftuk St., Cleveland.0 And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. * POR SALK BY WM. M. BIRD & CO., No. 303 EAST BAY, Cll.lltl.KM'U.V, Iieccmber 23 lvr ^ -Ai Oil ISO Mil. FACTORS, COMMISSION MEI?CEIANT8 AND SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO TUE PURCHASE, SALE AND SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) of COTTON. RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STOKES. ATLANHU WUABF. Charleston, S. 0. B.WILLIS.A. H. CBISOLM Od ober 2? SHAVING AM) Il WU-CliTTlNU. BY W . E . Jl A li 8 fl A L L , AT THE BR0AD-STREE1 BARBEE SALOON, iso. 31 (UP STAIRS), December R FBRTILIZ E? S ! RHODES' SUPERPHOSPHATE ! THE OLD AND LONGEST ESTABLISHED STANDARD MANDEE. , ORCHILLA GUANO! PERUVIAN GUANO! EBODES' MANURE IN ITS PREPARATION, 13 M \DE EQUALLY ADAPTED FOR FACING Jaree crops of Cottou, Corn, Wheat, Tobaco, Potatoes and other Root Crops. Ihe Manuiacturlng Department ts condactcd by Frederick Klett, one of the most silllfal Chemists and Manufacturers in the United Suites. It is endorsed, approved md recommended by all of the most prominent Chomists and Agriculturists In the Southern States. "It can ho relied upon as uniform in quality," always reliable, productive of large crops, and unexcelled by any in the market, in the high percentage of "True Fertilizing Principles." Price $57 60 cash, or *6> time, with Factor's acceptance, and 7 per cent, interest until IstDecemb r. 1869. OKCHILLA GUANO-"AA." a fine Bird Quino, rich in Phosphates and Alkaline Salts. Price n cash. $40 timo. I'Litl Vi v\ GUANO-Warranted pure, and always on hand. Furnished at market prices for cs'h. Analysts of Rhodes' ^landard Superphosphate of Lime. Moisture ?xpelled at 212?...'.5.05 Soluble Phosphoric Acid.9.06 Equal to Phosphate Lime.19.78 Common Phosphoric Acid."..16.03 Equal to Bono Ph03phafe.34.99 Total Phosphates.54.77 Limo with Phosphoric Acid.29.68 Sand.00.00 Sulphate of Limo and other Salts not estimated.40.18 100.00 The above analysis indicates a Mammal Superphosphate of Lime of the highest grade ordi? narily found in the American market. Its large amount of Soluble Phosphoric Acid supplies an anivo nutriment for the development and maturity of the fruitage. The Sulphuric Acid which it contains, by chemical affinity with the elements of most soils, contribute to its Fer? tilizing Properties. To show its best effects, this Superphosphate should bs applied under and in contact witb tho Seed, and with a moderately shallow covering of soil. A. MEANS, Inspector, Savannah, Chatham Countv, Georgia. G. H. WILLIAMS, Assistant Chemist. Fobruary 13th, 186?. Wo guarantee that every package of RHODES' STANDARD SUPERPHOSPHATE>hall. fully come up to the above analysis. B. M. BH0DES & CO., No. 8? SOUTH-STREET, IIA LT 1 MOKE. B. S. RHETT & SON, February 27 AGENTS, CHARLESTON, S. C. Australie. GUARDIAN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Organized in 1859. Ail Policies non-Forfeitable. Hali .Loan Taken. No Notes Required. LAST CASH DIVIDEND 50 (PIPIT) PER CENT. Statement. Policios in force.$25,000,000 Assets. 1,500,000 Annual Iucome. 800,000 Losses Paid.- 500,000 Officers. W. H. PECKHAM, President. H. V. GAHAGAN, Secretary. L. Mc AD AM, Actuary. * O. A. FUDICKAR, Superintendent. Directors. Hon. JOHN A. Dix, New York. Hon. JAMES HARPER, Firm Harper & Bros., ex-Mayor New York. ?IOHN J. CRAKE. Pre-udout Bank Republic. WM. T. HOOKER. Wall-streot. Wa. IL VEr.ant.YE, Banker (Vennily? & CoO CHAS. G. ROCKWOOD, Cashier Newark Banking Company. Hon. GEORGE OPDYKE ex-Mayor of NOW York. MINOT C. MORGAN. Banker. THOMAS RIGNEY, Firm Thomas Rigney & Co. BENJ. B. SHERMAN, i'roasurer Now York Stoam Sugar Refining Company. AARON ARNOLD, Pirra of Arnold, Constablo & Co. RICHARD H. BOWNE, Wetmore & Bowne, Law? yers. GEORGE KEIM, General E. V. HAUOEWOOT, Firm E. V. Haughwout Jr Co. WM. WILKENS, Firm W. Wilkens & Co. JULIUS H. P.IATT, Merchant. WM. W. WnioHT, Merchant. CHAS.- J. STARB, Merchant. WILLIAM *.LLEN. Merchant. GEO. \V. CUYLER, Banker, Palmyra, N. Y. GEO. T. HOPE. Piesidout Continental Fire In? surance Company. JOHN H. SHERWOOD, Park Place. WALTON H. * "?CKHAM. Corner 5th Avenue and Twenty-Uiira-street. EDWARD H. Wntonr, Newark, N. J. GEO. W. FARLEE, Counsellor. W. li. COGSWELL, Merchant. Agent for South Caroliua. Dr. Ti KKK.\ s 1 .1 KK.vA, Examining Physician. H. ISSERTEL, GENERAL AGENT FOR CHARLESTON, January 12 6 mo Office No. J >J King-Street, Charleston. S. C. /nmiturf, d?te. JDJkJSTX^?L IEE. SILOOX, Nos. 175,177 and 179 KING-STREET, - ? Charleston,C., Keeps constantly on hand a large and well selected assortment of CABINET IT fJRNITURE, Of thc latest aud most approved styles, which he offers at prices that c innot fall to please. ALSO, CHAMBER AND COTTAGE SETS, OF XVERY DESCRIPTION. ts- TUE BEST ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED IN THIS MARKET.-?* N.B.-Goods Carefully Packed tor Shipping. ^ March Its DAO fhstu2mo8 XYEiVS SAKSAPA?lLLA, PUK PURIFYING IHK il LUDI) THE HEP0TAT1 Ol _ thia excellent medicine ec /-^f ' :7V jovs, is derived from fl A '.., ^ < ure?, many of which ai svC, -:?Sj truly marvellous.\ Invett j ^^L*J&r rato ca-ps of Scroiulcu ?y ( . disease wbeio Uic systcn /( set med saturated will /3??S\ J corn? ion, bave been pu MM H * feg iltled and cured by it ^???5?" 1 j ? Scrofulous atlcciions ant ? ri -MB disorders, whiet were ag :i^"??J ?fBS?*- -''iva cd by tho pcrotu ~-.^=??fi?T*Sr?^ lous couiaminattOD un ti they wore pn in tully affltctiug, havo been radical.) cured in such great cumber? in altur it every sectlou ot the countrv, that thc oublie scarcely need to be luiormedof its virtues or use?. Scrofulous poison is one of the most de tractive enemies of our race. Often this unseen a duniell tenant of thc orpanis-n undermines thc con titution, an i Invites ih.- attack ot enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seem? to breed Infection tbrounb tuc body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develops into one or other ot its bideous forms, cither on the surface or among the vitals. In tbe latter, tubercles may bc suddenly d-nositd In tito lungs or heart, ct tumors formed iu the liver, or it shows lt-? presence by ( nu .docs ou thc skin, or foul ulcerations on soc e part of thc body. Heneo the occasional usc ; lilith-of ihis SA it-.ii1 \ iii: LA is a ulsable, .veil when no active symptoms of disease appear, ci? tons afhictc ' with thelol o wt Lg complaints gent tally find ?oin ciliate relief, und, at length, cure t; >bc use ol this SARSAPARILLA: St. Anthoui'a fa? ltoso or Erysipel is. Tetter, Salt Rheum. Scald V ead Ring Worm, ?orc \yes. Sore Lars, and o'her Tip tlons t r visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Alu*. in tho more concealed forms, us Dyspepsia, Di ?tv, lieurt l)i-ea?e. Fits, Epilepsy, Neuralgia and th- v. nous ulcerous affections ot the muscular am1 nc; - vous svHii-ms. ..?ynb?ls or Venereal and Mercurial Disease- rr etired by it, though a loug lime is required foi ?it. duing these obst?nate ma lodi s by any med".LC Itut lou-; continued use of this medicine will (UH the oom plaint. Leucorrlioa or Whites, Uterus DI cralionsand Feiuatedisca?*f, uro commonly icot relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying sm invigorating efl'ct. Minute Directions for eacn i ttl arc found in our Almanac, supplied gratis, brou malism and O' ut, when raus:d by accumulations o extraneous matters in the blood, yield quickly tc il ss also Liver Complaints. Torpidity, Congestion ot Infliinuiation of thc Liver and Joun'ice, when aris? ing, as they ofteu do. t'om the rankling poisons m the b owl 'J his SAUsp.UMLLA is a great restorei for the strength and vicor of tue system. Those who aro Languid and Li*tie-a, Despondent, sleepless and troubled with Nervous Apprehensions or Fears oroLVoitbo affections symptomatic of Weakness, will find immediate relief anJ convincing evideuce of its restorative power upon trial. PEEPARKD BY Dr. J. C. AVER d? Ca., Lowell, Mass. Practical und Analytical Chemists. Sold at Wholesale, by DOWI1-. ii MOI -E. Charleston, Sooth Carolina, And hy Rttail Druggists everywhere. March 25 DAQ tbstuSmos \ HOUSEKEEPERS! . HOUSEKEEPERS ! MEN-WOMEN-AND CHILDREN: MK.N-U OMF.N-A.VD CHILDREN I READ-READ. "Cooling to Scalds and Burns," "Soothing to all painful wounds," Ac. "Healing to all Sores, Ulcers," Ac. 'COSTAR'S' BUCKTHORN SALV Is thc most extraordinary SALVE ever known. I power of Soothing and Healing for ail Cuts, Burne Btuises, Sore9. Ulcers, Chapped Hands and fekin, ft .-ore Nipp es, for Piles, ftc, Ac -is without a paral lei. Uno i erson says of it: "I would not be with out a box tu uiy house, If a cost 95, or I had I travel all tL i way io New York tor it." IA". Y. Evening Newt, September 5. ??SJ* All Druggists in CHARLESTON sell it. " CO ST Ali'S " STANDARD PRE P AR ATIONS ARS HIS BEAUTIFIEKi THE Bitter-sweet and Orange Blossoms 45? One Bottle, SI-Three for $2. HIS "Costar's" Kat, Koach, Ac., External's. "Cottar's" Bcd Bag Exterminators. "Costar's" (only pure) Insect Powder. "Only Infallible Remedies known." ? 111 Rcwarcll I of spuriou? imitations." "All Druggists in CUARL?SION sell them." Addrcs-? "CUSTAU," No. 13 Hovrard-st..>7?. Y. Sold in CHARLESTON, S. C., by GUODKICH, WINEAIAN * CO. March 23 D*C iyr