University of South Carolina Libraries
THE DAILY NEWS. Largest Circulation.-TUE DAILY NEWS BE1NC&TUE NEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE? COGNIZED AS BA TING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CHARLESTON. I^UBLISBES THE LIST OF LETTERS R Eil AIX t[G IN THE FOSTOFFICE AT THE END O? %VU WEEK. ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS ONS OF THE NEW FOSTOFFICE LAW. LOCAL MATTERS. AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. WILLIAM MCKAY will gell at 10 o'clock, at his salesroom, Meeting-street, dry eood?, ?urniture, tc. A>. MOBBTDE MOTH will Bell at 10 o'oiock, at his salesroom. Broad-str et, horses, furniture, Ac. A. 0. MCGILLIVRAY will se'l at 10 o'clock, at his office, Brcud-stret', hot ses, malus, ka. N. He ST k SON will MU at lu o'dook, at their salesroom. Meeting street, boo's, a-oes, kc Lsrcoii k Bsvvs will ull at ll o'clock, at the old postofhee, etty six per cent and bank stock, kc B. il. ?'??'".? B..urara ?ill sell at half-pa at 10 o'clock, at their office, Broad-street, horses, mulos, paintings, 4c._ MEETINGS THIS DAT. Delta Lodge ot Perfection, at 8 P. SI. South CTOtini i odee, al 8 P. M. Landmark Lodde, at haif-eaet 7 P. M. 8L Andrew's iOeiety, at 8 P. M. JOB PBLNTTXG AT THE NEW? OFFICE.- For the accommodation of our friends and the public, we have just established, in connection with our buain-'ss, a Job Pri a ting Office, where we are now prepared to execute all kinds of job printing with cheapness, accuracy and dispatch. This department of oar office is in charge of accomplished and con? scientious practical printers, and onr friends who favor ui^rith their orders may rely upon their punc? tual and careful execution. THE STEAMER GENES AL MANIGAULT will leave for Cheraw and all landings on the Peedee Biver, from South Commercial wharf, on Saturday, A. M.. the 3d of April. LAST DAY.-To-day is the last day allowed for the payment of the first instalment of one-third of the city tax on real estate. The Mayor has in? structed the Ci y Treasurer to keep his office open until six P. M. for the accommodation of tax-payers. THE STATE COUST-HON. B. B. CARPENTER, PBismnto.-Alter the concusi?n of the arguments in the quo warr anio, tho court proc tded to dispose of a number ot tho cases on the :rialdo:ket, in which the time of tho cturt was occupied till the hoar of adjournment. MORTALITY REPOST.-The bill ' * mortality prepared by the City heglstrar for the .?k ending Saturday, 27th inst, ahows a total of twenty-two deaths, fourteen b acks and eight whites. Of thia number, six were from contumption, four whites and two blacks. THE NEW EAGLE STEAMER.-The new steam Ore engine of the tagte Furo Company was tested yesterday, and on the first trial played two hundred and forty feet of solid water through a 13-16 inch nozzle. At an extra meeting of tho company, held after the trial, the engine ?aa acoepied unanimously. EXECUTIVE APPOINTMENTS.-Charles U. Shep? ard, Jr., inspector ot guauo and fertilize.-s; A. G. Magrath, Jr., of Charleston. Oer rpo W. Watts, of Lanoastec. and F. w. McBee, of Greenville, have been ifypoiuted notaries public; J. B. Kerrigan, J. B. Craig and Jered Warley, magistrates for Claren? don County. CLUBS AND STABS.-George Chapoian, white, arrested for assaub and battery, and turned over to MagistrateDiuglc'a warrant. Issac Field?, colored, arrested for robbing the farm of Otto Schweitzer, on Sunday morning last, .fa lot of fowls, a nfl J aud one coffee kettle, was turned over to a magistrate. Julia Simmon.*, colo: o i, who applied for lodgings ?axing the nlghi prevlon?, was discharged. DB. J. BOBSBTSON REID.-From an English paper we take the following: On March Jd. Dr. held. M. A., LLD., F. E. LB., kc, Head Ma ter of the Whittington International Cellege, Highgate, delivered an able and interesting lecture on "Heat," In tuo Northwick College, Maida Hill, it ticing the eleventh of the series for tbe ses? sion 1368-69. At the con^lu.-ioa of the lecture tbe Bev. A. P. Mandes, Principal, moved a cordial vo>e of thanks to Dr. Reid, which was oarried with accla? mation. It will be remembered that Dr. Beid, above refer? red to, was for some time Professor of Mathematics at the York ville Military Academy, and afterwards Principal of ht Eavid'a Academy, at society Hill, during the war. THE SOUTH CAROLINA SOOTETT.-At the an? niversary meeting of the South Carolina Soci?t?, held yesterday at the hall. Meeting-street, the an? nual election for officers was entered into with the following result: Hon. WILLIAM D. POSTES, Steward. Hon. P. C. GAILLARD, Senior Warden. JBAAOW HAT-E. Junior Warden. EBASOIS L.dCE, Clerk. i .VAN EDWARDS Tieasurer. JOHN D. MILLER, Ballkeeper. LEE HOWARD. I "_ JAMES C. JEBVIT. J <*??tables. Commute on Charily.-Richard Toados, A. E. Miller, G. H. Ingraham, Fen, Edward McCrady, Jacob F. Schirmt-r, Bev. W. B. Taws, James Copes. INOUSAKCE ON FREIGHT.-In this day ot com? petition, when the great currents of trade oaay be changed from one course to another by what ap? pears to be very trivial charit?s, it is important to success that the leading Unis of ormmunicaiion from and to cities should be con meted at the lowest figure. In accordance with thia idea we aro pleased to notice that Messrs. Robert Mure k Co., agents of the Liverpool and Charleston steam Une. are exert? ing themselves to have freight by their stoamers laid down in Liverpool at tne most accommodating rates, and it wiU be noticed by their advertisement that insurance by the steimsbip Camilla, now on the barth for that {ort, has been been reduced from three-quarters to five-eighths per cent. The friends of Sinthern prosperity will do well to patronize these ships. THE UNITED STATES COUST, MASCH 30 Hos. GEORGE ?. BRYAH, PBESIDIXO.-E. H. Hol? man petition?ii io establish b>n ot mortgage which was referred to Beg strar Carpenter. A. P. West and D. B. Phifer, as ass eneea ot Wil-on Abney and Thomas Whitmore, Charles Bait and J. C. Uawkius. assignees of John lt. Johnson. C. F. Pruitt, S. R. Porter and W. T. Johrson, petitioned for order ot sale, and orders of reference to Registrar < 'lawsun were sirmed. Tho report of Registrar Carpenter, made in the case of King k Cassiday, was read and oonilrijse 1. <". B. Glover, assignee of Jacob F. Witt, petitioned to call ia lien creditors and for sal*, a-?d the prayer of tho petition was granted. Ibu petition of Darnel Tennis to establish aud enforce lien was referred ?o Registrar Carpenter. Tho petition of C. B. Glover, assum?e of John H .fftnau. bankrupt, to call in hen creditors and for salo, was favorably con" sidered and order of sale graute I. On the udmiralty sirle of the court was heard the cause of C. B Graut anl others against the sloop P. C. Gaillard. libel tr-r salvase. Warrant? ot arr? sts were i>sued, returnublo April 1st._ HANDSOME MASONIC b ALLOT Box.-Mr. P. M. Ruff, an ingenious mechanic and ardent Mison, of this city, has mudo, with a commas iron hoop pocket kni'i?, an elegant and curiously connived Ma? sonic ballot box, which ho interds to areBcnt to the pythagorean Lodge, of which Le is a niambar. It must have cost h m much patiout and sli.hul labor ond his generosity in giving awav that for which'he might obtain a lar?o sum of money ia a strong proot of his devotion to Masonry. Ti.o box is mudo of highly polished mahog-ny, inlaid with satin wood representing various .Masonic emblems. The bal lots-the white bein;: round and thu black square ore kept in a compartment of th. box, lo which thore is an opening easily admitting, re hand, and just back of this companment is a bolo, through which the ballots are dropped into a drawer which opens on the opposito side ot the box. The Mason can tins rot. with perfect secrecy, cboosiog tke baUot by foaling whether it is round or square, aird depos ittngTrt in the drawer without once taking his hand ont of the ballot box. j THE CHARLESTON ELECTION Pro??cdlug? upon ttxe Writ of Q,uu f rauto. THIRD DAT. The closing atjrumeut in the eas? o? the of quo warranta, sued cut by Gilbert Pillsbur; others against ihe Acting Major and Aldcrm Charleston, was continued yesterday mornin the Eon. D. T. Corbin, the counsel for the peti ors. Mr. Corbin reviewed bia argument of yeste that, in this case. :t was not necessary to go int question ot the statement* of fact made in tho dating act, a? the Supreme Court had passed I the objections urged by tho ?clins Board of A men, and had ioun J them insufficient; also, tba court compellod the Board to do their duty in d mg between the parties, which decision was t final. The court dottimined the Jaw, and the Bi by their declaration, determined the feet, court held that there waa an e'oction, and the Ti declared who were elected, and that decision is 1 bag. If these preliminary questions be true, i cides the whole case. Counsel then proceeded to review the ac Msrcb, 1869. saying. IQ passing, that the act w< much a romodial act ag those mentioned by thi posing counsel, although they seem to think what wa3 a hea'ing remedy for one set of peo. le a fatal poison to another. Mr. Corbin cited Ji Cooley to show that the Legislature may deten the way in which the judicial power shall be t deed, and that what it could dispense with ant? to the proceedings, it can dispense with, by a ri epectivc act, subsequent to those proceedings; i that a retrospective'act, remedying irregulariiii voting rmd c~'ducting an election, ls not von constitutional gi ounds. The Constitution of Si Carolina does net require the voters to take an c the failure to take which was the great argus against the validity of tbe election. Mr co tben cited a caso (3 Wallace, 327i ba which a cuni or validating act m uki- g good an irregular olec was held to he valid? and the bonds is-ued county under such election wore mads b lng upon tbe county by the cu ra ti e This was a case wht h affected the prop of the people of the county. Ibey v bound for a sum of money, and in consequi Of irregularities in the election th? subscrip was declared vo d. But the Legislature paasi validating act, and the validity of the subscrip was then sustained by the Supreme Court of United States. This was a case similar, in ita por tan ce, io th? Charleston election case. Mr. < bin th? n read from Judg* Cooley's work, to si that the Legislature had full power to pas* a re spective act, even although a case was pendin the cou'ts. But the validating acts must ol way i confined to mattera with which the Legisla! might have previously dispensed. In regard to the objections to the constitution: of the Validating act, urged by the counsel tor Aotlng Mayor and Aldn m .n, bo said that to con the cou > ti tu tiona b, ; y required a great deal of nd Andrew Johnson waa a bold man, but he admit that he must obey a law ot Congress until it was dared unconstitutional by tbe courts. The cour on the other aide were bolder still. They advi th9 Mayor and Aldermen to stay in office, defiance of the law ; and as there is a pen-, attaobed, if ?hoy are wron/ their clients and : they will suffer. According to Judge Cool a cou t should not decide an act invalid t leas it was absolutely necessary to th? decision the cause, and the court would avoid it if lhere wi any other ground upon which to de:?rmiuo t cause; al-'o, that the court would not cooaidor t unconstitutionality of an aci upon a question ma by persons not interested in it. Now, the Act! Mayor and Aldo men had no Interest la the cons rationality of the act. They could nut raise the qui tion, although Mr. Lesesue might havo done i Cooley ul o said that when courts ire called upon pri nounce invalid aa aot of th? L?gislature, th will never declare lt void unies* its invalidity placed beyond a doubt. Wht re thor? Is a dont the act must be sustained Mr. Corbin then reno ed tho sections of tbe coustitutiou to which tho a was sam to be obnoxious. L That the right of Liai by jury it interferid wit Thia was rot the caso. The Board of Aldermen ha tho Dover to decid? Letwecn UM cuata.kaut... as their decision was to be final. This board hid mo member? than a comm o. jury, and as it was a speen tribunal to try th? facts, that trial did not m tor fer with the tight of tr al by jury. 2. lhal all fa ii* th ?li 6 . general and universal, an not partial. The Validating act does refer to tb whole City of Charleston, and in that sense is cent ral and not pa. tia!. Any act that affected all th people of Charleston alike was general. The cou ? sel on the other side ought to have shown that i affected some of the Aldermen of ? htrlcston and nc Others-some ciUz-ns ot Charleston and not other; Then, te admit? ed, tho law would be void. Coolo says ?.ll lawa pubic in their object may be cot fined to one class or not; for the Legislature may di termine whether ?ll parts of the Ma te. or only a oei tain part of it, shill ? e a ff c t ed. One law, then, ma be given to Charleston and one io Greenville, and a acts given to them aro general aa to ihcm, and ar not obnoxious to the constitution. Nor were an personal rights inteifered with; for the poople c Charleston have no vested rights in the charter which may be disposed of as the Legiilature m i; please. 3. J hi ?na law thall be retrospective or impote a pen alt]/ but by judgment of or.t'speert or the law of ttl land. Tho Valida lng act imposed no penalty for ai often ce com omitted prior to ita pas-age, but for om that might be committed afterwards. Nor was an] penalty imposed tbat could be enforced wlihout i trial. But the true definition ld that i ctr^s; ectivi laws which are not criminal m their nature do noi com . under the h-ad ot tx post facto laws. i. Tha: no act shall bc tnacted which impairs the ob ligation ef contract!, an om er. as Mr Clark, hos co contract to oont nus In office. None of tho lawn passed by the state in regard to corporations are ci nt acta between the State at d the corporators ot the office: a of the-corporations. The State may change or abolish mnnicipal offices at aoy time; and their property In offl-o, aa far as derived from the State, must be controlled by tba State. And tho franchise imposed upon the citueas of the corpora? tion may b? revoked by th- Licrislature at will sad in any manner. Mr. Clark bas no property le hu office Th? Legislature may take away tho whole compensation without intertering wita tho office. 'J he supreme Court bad decided (16 How? ard, 369) tbat tho Mate bad the uower to reduce the ct mpensation ot State officers daring ti.oir term of office; the court holding tbat a public office for a public p.irpose was not a property in the eenso of a private riyht. Tbl? case decides that no publ c offi? cer has any private right hi his office any longer than tho Legis.ature chooses to allow him to remain and he ponorms his duty. T her? is no contract between thc State and tho titi er, and bis p .y might bc re? duced to nothing even the day after his election. Mr. Cla.khasuo property in his office, and there is no c-rntract with bim. 6. T>>at the Valida'ing act is an exercise by th'. Legis [alu-- of judicial power. Tho ValiJatiug act is a con? firmatory act, ano not a decree or judicial determi? nation. It ii a ca ?'malory or remedial so*, which aeon and again hr.- boen declared no*, to I o obnox? ious to the consiitu ion. In support of this position Mr. Corbin cited Cooley. All attuoritiis ag'cod that the Legisla uro mittht dispense with formalities in thc conduct of an election. All statutes of a do claratory und eonnnna-ory character involve, in a certain sense, the exorcise of a judicial power; but. as in tha case of ibe Vdida?og act, they arc valid because they only confirm su i declare what bad al? ready been done. They do not ia any way trench up >n thc judicial deuartment of the fta;e. 6. That an act shall relae to b a one subject, and thct expressed in the title. Upon this poiut, Mr. Corbin cite 1 Cooley to prove that this rule was valu? able ss a guido for the General Assembly, but was not Intended for public use. The object ct tho p o vision is ac-omplishcd where the act reiers to but one general subject, wiiich is expre?sed in it< title, and does no' iucludo incongruous provisions. Tho rul?is directory only, and must be liberally con? strued. All the provistas of tho Validating act come within ono general subject. But if tl.ere aro matters in it whicb are not conuccted wit i the title* that part ruiy be stricken out and the rest wi 1 stand good. Mr. Corbin c: ted Cooley in suoport of this visa', and said that if tho oourt d d declare that certain sections of Urn act wora iuvalid. the remainder whicb was indicated in tho title would to valid, itu J would, at least, mako good the first section of the act in whicb the election is declared and confirmed. 7. That it ii contrary to the Fourtcnth Constitutional Amendment, 'J ho Validating bill did not infringe any privilege* or immunities, because those derived Irons a corporation were uot privileges or immuni? ties, in the sense ot thc c'institution, and have been so decided over and over again. It waa not design? ed to tic up the bands of the Legislature, and he, Mr. Corr-in, thommt that tho bare statement of tho facts was suffioifnt to prove that it had no such in? tention or purpose. Mr. Corbin then said that immemorial usase had Justified such an usage of power as that of the Valida? ting act. 'J he charter ot the city was in the hands of the Legislature, aud bad boen frequently amend? ed. The State had many years ago confirmed au ac? tion of Council which tho courts bad declared void, and, although DO one did object, the law would have been void if it had been unconstitutional. The nv re want of objection had nothing to do with that case, or with the Timmonsville aud Moultneville election ca'cs. If there was any difference in the cases, it was in laver of the Vahdatiug act. In regard to thc objection made that there waa a case yeeding, he said th it thrre was a statute grant? ing judgmect where a case had been discontinued to tho public detriment, and under that the counsel could, doubtler?, get their costs. Kow, the clerk of the Suptemo Court certifies that the original quo warranta was discontinued in opon court, lill* presumes that it was done with the consent of court, aud could not be contested, nor could the record ne contradicted. Ihe certificate tint thc discontinu? ance is of record puts tin and to the question. Mr. Corbin-Ad that the ei-o was almost without a parallel. Nc ene usually refuses to obey the decree of the Supreme court, declaring certain persons elected, 'i be utual form was to admit them and try them snd their title by quo wrranlo, and the con? duct of the Bo?r1 of Aldermen in refusing to sur? render waa a precedent dangerous to thf peace and security of the communty. Suppose that at the election for Governor in 1870, the court to promul? gate the election, consisting of the present officers, should deel re th*- election void. Would not this lead to bloodshed, anarchy and c nfus on? The Gov? ernor e'ect should be adm.tted, and the legality of his election tried afterwards. This was a case io which ho felt that he might urge the court to make a speedy derision. The pubho intete ts at stake, the party foaling and the passions of ibo hour, a l require for this case a speedy solution. All rests with the court. We, said Mr. Corbie, are here to claim our righ's, We do not appeal to passion or ferliog, but look at tbe case as a le;al question io be decided between the parties. This we submit to the court. We do not want the case to hang along, but to be determin? ed forthwith. And I know that when the decision ia once rea hed io the pure and calm atmosphere of th? courts, it would comme, d itself to the calm judg? ment of the community, and all would acquiesce in it. But until he right is determined, thoro can be no confidence and no protection; no confidence in tho ( fflcars of ihe city, who would have but a slight hold upon the people, and no protection or v'ndisa tion ot the right. We cow ask your decision in tho name of the dcarost rights that the people have. Mr. Porter ai OBO and asked leave lo say that he and his associates had been taken completely by sur? prise by tho assnmp ion or the part of Mr. Corbin that tho S ut. rem'j Court, in the mandam 3 s case, bad adjudged the validity of the election. Upon this the whole case turned, and as h? contended that the court bad carefully excluded tho question of lact from theil decision, be would b?g to read tho deci? sion to show that there was some lounJatton for what he said. Mr. Porter read Die decision referred to, aud tho caso closed,-thc decision of thc erurt being re? served. CHAHLESTOX ROXE-IEN SOOIETT PBOMBNADI Co NC EUT.-lt must not bo fo g .tien t .at tho proma? nado concert and gift enterprise in aid of the chinty fund of iho Chu rles ton Riflemen Society will com? mence this eveniog at South Carolina Hall Every (ffjrt has bean made to make (tan attractive enter? tainment and pecuniary suro ? 0. and. from all indi? cations, it is likely that tho wi,IKS of its most ardent and sanguine -.upportera will be realized. THE NEW TELEOUAPH OFFICE.-Cbnrlcstor has atlast, a tole? u ph office woithy of her gre it and growing commerco. Iho removal of berna-0 rial, Atc which has been io prog 1 ors for somo days past, was completed yesterday, and the first u e- sage To-day the main office will be opened regularly for business at the telegraph bnild'ng. No 63 Broad street, which has been renovated ard fitted up in a | ttyle that renders it one of tho most complete and convenient offices of tho kind in the South. While tho merchants of tee bay and the wharves and the brokers of Broad-it'ce: whose business tenders the constant use of the witei a necerMry, w ll be vaet'y beaeQtled by tho change, the up-1 own community will lose nothing, as a branch offlco is also to be opened to-day at tho charleston Hotel. Tho Tele? graph Company wish it uoderstood by tho public, that no charge is allowed to oe made for the delivery of mes ayes to their cusiomers. HIGH SCHOOL EXAMMATION- ?RESENTATION or A CAKE TO THE PKINOIPAL.-Mr. F. W. Clement's department was examined on geography, gran mar. s pel mg, practical arithmetic, me..ta! arithmetic. Latin, French, and German. Other studies ara pursued, but for want of time could not ba taken up. 'Ihe boys did remarkably well, and Mr. ("lemont aud tho other theicbers deserve much credit lor their efforts to advance the ju its. The following young orators delivered ad? dresses, and del vered them well: Ma?ter C. Fitz simons, fa.tie of Hohenlinden; Master Walter Whitehead, Frenchman and tho Pig ; Master P.. Wil? ton Small, Tennyson's Charge of tho L'ght Brigade; Master Philip Winemar, Bernardo Del Capito ; Mas? ter Wilmot G. Doaus .11 e. 1 he Worn Bat On Mon? day, after the conclusion Of the examination o: pu? pils of the first department, Ihe principal, Mr. W. B. King man, was presented with a handsome walk? ing cane, a tel of gold s'.uds and a portfolio. Master Wm. Thayer represented the boys, and tendered those tributes of esteem, die, in a neat little speech. REPORTERS' (,'R?MBS.-Aimar, tbe popular up-town druggist, who always bas the latest novel? ties, io his line, exhibits ia his window a wonderful chemical toy, call d "Alasita La ed scapes," by which the beau il ut iv inter sceues of nature are imitated by crystalisition, w th singular fidelity and rapidity. seventeen thousand dol?as wcro paid i ito the city troisary y es te .dr s for tuxes on real estate. Archibald C. McKinlay, colore), bas beoo appoint? ed ?ssistaut postmaster CM Oraugeburg, couth Car? olina. , The commencement bill of the Charleston Col logo will take placo on Wednoidiy evening, at the Milis House. Ubi' auuutl examination ol' tho public schools of this city will be held at the respective bchcolhoiiso-, on '1 hursday, 1st April, at 9 A M. Ihcic was -a e.opemout m the upper wards a couple of days ago; '.a? boto ucing a profess r ot the tonsorial art. und the hctoino a weir-known damsel of that locality. 'ibo stockholders of thc Blue Bilge r.tilroid Company will meet ia ibis eily on J u'-sday, 8th April Thc interest coupons due on Ibo 1st of April, 18G9, ou thc lirst mortgage bunda of .he i.hcraw mid Dar liiig'on liai pud Company, will be paid ou presen tatiou at ibe Northeastern Railroad Company'? office, or tho oltiec of tho treasurer iu Choraw. The Bazaar und thc Plym otb Chu ch Fair wore well attended lastt-veiiiug. After the 1st proximo person* hiviDg business wi'h thu Detective ollie; will apply at thi Guard? house to tho Captain uf Police, or lieutenant com* m lading -la his absence HOTEL ASRIYALS, M ireh 33. -Paviiion Ho (ef.-J C I and, Aurutta; J J Crutomylo.-, Santco; lloary G-irbarn. st ain.t ip Sang.issa; P Huff and daughter,Greenville; u w Luckca, Wdterbiro'; A L'"enen, North Carchua; W L Morena, Haywood County, N C; WU Berman, Lowisviile; 1 W li Bar? de. Spariauburg; \ Xewna:;, Waltcr^o-o'; EB Cole, Massachusetts; B H Dowling, h O Kirkluud. J J Brabham. Lerov Wilson, Barn well; M C Hall, Effing? ham, N C; P Bowden. South Carolina. Charl.sion Hotel-John Chad*icls. WadmaUw; W riercman, Aneu-ta; W W Davis, Agent Se-board Air Liue; S T Trapae, New York; H II Cottrybou, Au gusta; J W Gardy, r-partanburg; W J Hall, Now Yo k; W Godfrey. Walterbeto'; L F Youmaus, Edge field; James W Moore. W S NvClou-, South Carolina; A Branat. Augusta; Mr and Mrs D S Brown, Phila? delphia; Mr and Mrs Samuel Chow. Philade'phia; P L Benbow.Beunettsville; PGM Dunnovant, Edge field; W S Shouruaker W M -houmaker, Baltiiuore; W M Willingham, B M Forbos, Georgia; M V McMa han, Texas: H Moore, New York, THE THEATRE-MB. TEMPLETON'S OPERATIC COMPANY.-Mr. Temrloton and the public bare been truly union nus Ie lu tho delay in tho ap. I ouranee of the anxiously looked for female ope? ratic troupe It was occasioned oy tho tardiness of the steamer Manhattan, which did not arrive unM too late an hour last eveoing for any performance to tale place. The company oro all here now, how? ever, and baring had a longer rest than they antici? pated, the public may expect the operetta to-night to be produced in brilliant siyle. It has been quaintly said of Mr. Templeton's tronpo that ' they play so well that they would draw it they wero ever so utily, and they are so handsome that they would draw if they acfed ever so badly.'i A Card. OFF CHARLESTON BAH, March 80, 18(59. We, the undersigned, passengers from New York to Charleston on board the steamship "Manhat tan." at the successful termination of a boisterous pas? sage, take this opportunity of expres'ing our thanks to Captain W. 6. Woodhull, and his i-tucers and crew, for their energy, vigilance and courtesy upon ali occasions, and wo heartily recommend this good steamship to the travelling public as staunch and seaworthy in every respect, and worthy their faltes oonfldonce : J. S. Trions-, M. D. I J- R- MCRAT SKINNEB. MILBS DOAKS. E. V. R. LAN SINGH. W T. J. ?I WOODWARD. I F. U GRSXN J. P. BOSBACH. | J O KV 1 EMPLBTON. GEOBOE B. BOPFOCK- I OSO AB 1 EMM.?TON. W. H. JACKSON. B. S. FAVOB. ?WILLIAM braKTE. | H. ATKINS, and others. B US INES S NOTICES. CANARIES.-There are some fino singors still lett at Mr. Careen's, King-street, near Society. -0 CHAMPAGNE ALE.--Messrs. Knox, Daly ft Co.. corner of Meeting and Wentworth streets, have be? come i genie for this finely flavored and delicious ale. lt is possessed ?f fine body, andas a summer stimulant is umurpaescd. Ihose who have tested its merits testify to its superb qualities and recom? mend it unreservedly. WEPT INDIA FBT/IT, IMPOSTED DIRECT_ Messrs. Bart k Wirth, the enterprising fruiterers, have just received by tba schooner Morgan, from Savana, a large invoice of oranges, banana? and pineapples. ?ee advertisement. GARDENERS will bear in mind that now is thc hmo to transplant strawberries, as the plant ls m bloom, and tho male can easily be distinguished from the f. raslo. Ellerbe's Transplanter doeB the job completely. * A VOIOE. /inanrtat. CHECKS ON NEW ?0RK. LE3ESNE k WELLS, No. lOBBOAD-STBEfcT. March 31 13 F?ll SA IE. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD SEVEN PER CEN r. BONDS Union hank Stock (tn sums to suit purchasers) South an 'ina Railroad stock (hilt t-harcs) City Charleston Stock. Apply to H. H. DELtO.V, March 31 1 No. 24 liroad-street. .fHu'tcuanrpns. 8110.V CASES! SHOW CASES ! ALL RIZES AND STYLES CONSTANTLY ON RAND and for sale. Toy?. Trimmings, Musi - cal Insirumcnts, Stationery. Base Bahs and Fancy Good?, kc. nu. I-tamping, Braiding and Embroidering neatly exe? cuted. Vf. McL AN. March 31_Imo_No 433 King-street. LOM ARD PARIS EXPOSITION PRIZE MEDALS 1 THE GEORGE A. CLARK S O. IST. T'. SIX COKU, SOFT FINISH SPOOL COTTON. Thia favorite Thread being Six Cord lo No. 80, purely Soft Finish, is recommended for its groat superiority for Hand and Machine Sew? ing. FOR SALE BY THE Principal Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Notion Dealers. February 27 3mo if?i?inmj (?ooDs, Ctr. SPRING- OPE?TENG. MRS. M. J. ZERNOW RESPECTFULLY invites tbe attention of customers and the ladies in gencaltoaj largo and varied as? sortment of MILLI NERY GOODS, iucluding DRESS Tit IMMINGS, and Madame DEMOKEST'd PAPER PATTERNS. DRESS MAKING attended to as usual. No. 3 0 4 KIN (t -STREET, March 25_ SPRING- MILLINERY. MRS. BOOTEE WILL OP?N UER ?-PRING STOCK OF MILLINERY AND FANCY i?OOL?s THIS PAT, at Hore No. 439 KING-STREET. Uc ?R all t,c\v and fre>b Go d?, a call rr< mold cus-tomcis ?nd IL* ladies generali* is requested. March J9 (1 m *I3 jT 1?! :* O lt ll. lt Si U K TEAS, WINES. BRANDIES, kc., And Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. Vf M. S. CORWIN k CU. ?3-Goods delivered to all parrs of the City. October 24 S HAVING A?l> HAIK-?UTTISG, .BY W. E. MARSHALL, AT THU BROAB-STREET BARBER SALOON, No..31 (UP STAIRS), Deoember 9 jnsaroni?. FIRE, MA ii INK AND J?FJK INSURANCE. SECfUITY IVSl'KAM'K CUMPAW, of Now Torie, Capital amt Surplus, 81,700,000. PI ICE MX INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York, Capital and Surplus, $1,600,U00. MANHATTAN IVHU.WCE COMPANY, of New York, Capital and Surplus, 91,302,000. INTERNATIONAL, INSURANCE COM? PANY, of New York, Capital and Surplus, 81.177.000j ' NORTH AMEKIC\N INSURiNCE COM? PANY, of New York, Capital and Surplus, $703,000. ENTERPRISE INSURANCE COMPANY, of Cincinnati, * Security, Capital and Assets, 83,239,000. WIDOW?' AND nunn vs' BtiNKFIT l.IFK INSURANCE COMPANY, Capital and Assets, 81,500,000. Aggregate AvaUable Assets, TEN MIL? LION DJLLAUS. S. Y. TUPPER, Agent, lN PLANTEES'4,MECHANlCS' BANK BUILD " INO, EAST BAY-STREET. March 22 mwflmo INSURE YOVk LIFE AND PROPERTY. LIFE IN THE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL LIFE IN? SURANCE COMPANY, or HAJJ rr ORD, CONNECTICUT. ASSETS and Surplus over.824,000,01)0 DIVIDENDS have averaged ovor 50 per cent au n nally. RESPONSIBILITY.-For every $100 cf Liabilities, lt has $154 of Afecta. PREMIUMS.-Notes take J for 50 per cent, of same. NEW ENGLAND MUTUAL LIFE INSUR? ANCE COMPANY, 07 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. ASSETS over.87.000,000 PREMIUMS.- Notes taken for 40 percent, of same. DIVIDENDS paid annually on the Contribution plan. PROPERTY IN THE JE TNA FIRE INSURANCE CO JI? PAIS Y. HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. ASSETS.a}.85450,931 THE H AKT FO Ul) FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. ASSETS.82,020,640 THE NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSUR? ANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. ASSETS.8416,132 THE CONNECTICUT FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. ASSETS.8342,613 THE 1KVINGFIKE INSURANCE COM? PANY, NEW YOttK. ASSEIS.8324,043 Mr. W. C. COURTNEY, of the Arm of W. C OO0BTNE7 A CO., No 9 Boyce ie Co.'s Wharf, will, ID connection with ibis Agency, taire risks on COT? TON, RICE AND PRODUOE gonerally. A. H. HAYDEN, No. 272 KING'STRKET. January 29 fmwSmo MARINE INSURANCE. RISKS TAKEN FOR FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC ports in the PHENIX. MANHATTAN AND ENTER? PRISE INSURANCE C0MPAMFS. Cash assets and security, $4,000,000. ^?.,., 1U.?? iuj.i.'.. lu uruiil! miu 'otc Z lug wu cu desired. S. Y. TUPPER, Agpnt. March 13 fm wi mo CHARLESTON BRANCH LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. A PURELY MUTUAL WESTERN AND S Of TH l?. i* LIFU INSURANCE SOCIETY. OFFICE OF CHARLESTON DEPARTMENT, No. 40 BROAD-STREET. Net Assets of this Department Invested In this Community,' THIS ASSOCIATION WAS ORGANIZED ON THE 2 2d of June last, on'y nine months axo. and bas al? ready secured an annual revenue from premiums on existing policies of nearly $600,000-1Fivs Hun dred Thousand Dollars), Ita new business for ihe month of December was $72,393 36, insuring the amount of $1,167,000. Us new business for tho month of January wa? $86,624 71, insuring the amount of $1,649,000. One month's business being greaier than that done by the largest and wealthiest Life Insurance Compa? nies In the United Slates during the entire first year of their existence. i he Association was first started by the most wealtby and influential citizens of St. Louis, for the purpose of changing the current or Life Insur? ance and Life Insurance capital from ?he East to the West and South, and as its plan is liberal und just to evory section, State and district, tho wealthy men of tho Weet and Sou h generally ore insuring their lives in it, to the exclusion of other companies. This is shown bf the foot that the policies issued during the moniha-of December and January are of an ovo ran cte amount of $7 3ti8 4?. drawing an aver? age unnual premium of $418 20. Thc largeet average attained by any other compa? ny in thc United SUves is about $40 0>to each poli? cy, while tho average tizo of all policies existing in this country is only about $2600. These facts speak lor themselves. Officers. H. G. LOPER, President (Cashier People's National Bank i. W. GtO. GIBBES, Vlee-President (W. G. Whilden k no.) E. E. JENKINS^!. D., Medical Examiner. Directors. J?RN n. STEELE fol Norjh. stool- k Wardell.| a. IRVIN <V*I KER (Walker, Evau k Cogswell.) ii. W. AIM B, Draw ?st. H. T, PEAKK, Ueceral Superintendent South Care lina Ratl'.oa I. C. F. PAN KN IN. DrngjrisL J\?t. li. tfPKA ; J-we 1er. D. ll. SI (.COX Wholesale aud Retail Furniture. B". P. CARTER, Secretary iud A?cnt, March 20 lyr Na 40 Broad street. OFFICE No. 273 KING. OPPOSITE UASEL-STltEET. ?Taniiary27 3mo J T. HUMPH RE YS, DUO KER, AUCTIONEER AND COMMIS? SION M EUCH Ah T. SALES OF UKAL EST RIK, STOCKS, BONDS, SE CCRIi IE- AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AITL'NDED TC. SO. '-i 7 BKOAD-STREET, CHARLESTON. S. C. REFERENCES. Hon. HENRF BUIST. W. J. MAGRATH, Esq. GeooralJ AMES CONN" UR, T. H. WARING, Esq. October faction Sales. One Iron Safe, in perfect order. Stationery, Blank Booka, Inkstand*, ?$.-., at Auction. BY R. 27. 3IA?NHAIL & B30. THIS DAT. at ha'f-past 10 o'clock, at No. 33 Broad _i-ticct._March 31 Fine Buggy Marc, Two Mules, One Buggy, One Ton Superphosphate Lime, in Barrels. Rosewood Piano, Carpet and Furniture, at. Auction. BYR. 51. MARSHALL & BRO. THIS DAT, at quarter-pist 10 o'clock, at No. 33 Broad-street. March 31 Fine Collections of Old Paintings, at Auction. BY B. M. MARSHALL & BRO. A net io ne erg, \o. 33 Broad-street. THIS DAY, ll o'clock. Terms p-sb. March31 Ht. M. NA KS HALL & BKO., Auctioneers, No. 33 Broa tl-a tr cet, Wu) sell, TBI-t DAY. at half-rast 10o'clock, G bois. 1 wl-tej TOBACCO, weighina 430 its. 28 bags Smoking Tobacco, welshing 246 lbs. By order of W. H CLOU TM AN, Acting Collector Inte'na] Revenue. United Slates Inter al Revenue, OoUector*e Office. Second District. South Carolina; Charleston, March 31,1869- March 31 One Handsome Soda Water Stand, Two Cop? per and Two Iron Fountains, Six gross Soda Bottles, Glass Jars, Barr?is of Corks, ??c., at Auction. BY B. 31. MARSHALL & BRO. THIS DAY, at half-past 10 o'clock, at No. 33 Broad street, March 31_ Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Balmorals, Brogans, ?c, ?rc. BY ff. HUNT & SON. THIS DAY, the 3'st instant, at 10 o'clock, in our salesroom, No. 142 Meeting-street, we will sell lor cash, 100 cases, onr usual fine spring stock of BOOTS, 8boes, Gaiters. Balmorals, Bronana Ladies', Misses' and Children's fine Balmorals and Gaiters -Children's Silver and Copper Tips. March SI Horses, Vehicle, Furniture, Bedsteads, Bed? ding, fie, at Auction. BY (j. McBiUDE &MITH THIS DAY, at 10 o'clrck, at his Salesroom, No. 31 Broad-street, ALSO, A LOT OF CROCK C RY, H ARD WAR E. *c. Marchai_ Stock of a Retail Dry Goods Store, Shoes, Hats, Notions, $c. WM. McKAY. Will sell, TRIS DAY (Wednesday) 31st inst., at 10 o'clock, at No 1 6-Meeting-street, Tbe above GooDS. ALSO, I he entire FUR N 11 URE o? a faa Hy. No reserve, as the party is about leaving the State. 1 erma cash day of sale._Marth 31 Horses and Mulei at Auction. BY A. C. McG'LLIYRAY, IVo. 39 Broad-street, sign of the Ked Post and Klag. Will be sold, THI.s DAY, at 10 o'olook, at hut usual weekly auction, Snnd'y HORSES, Mules. Plantation Carts, tte. March 31 * Valuable Plantation at Auction. BY A3.0NZ ? J WHlliK & SON, Brokers, Auctioneers and ((cal bistate A gents. By virtue of sn order of sile lo mo tHreoted by tbc, udgeotthe United Slates Court for tbe Distinct of -outh < arohn !. I will of? ter for sale, at I-ublic Auction, at theOidPostofflce, foot of Broad-street, < harleston. a. C., onlUEtJ. D*Y. tho 13 h of April. 18C9, at ll o'cto. k A. M., Alttbat PLAN J A l ION Ott TRAC ? OF LAND, known as -ca -ide. containing 1168 acres, more or less, and hou-ded on he i orin br lauds < f Ur. Mc Cants, on the east by lands nf Mr Corbett, on the west ny laud of Mi Ve .mes, and ot, the s ute bs tho -ound. a- por p at an-' survey made by Robert K. Payne, ?sq. Said Laud being in Christ church Pa rish county ot Cbarle?io . The above Plan talion to be sold is subject to a lea=e ta ODO Wm. Hock ady for a period of five years, com men-tn? on thc flr-1 Novena b r, 1867. and ending on the first Novara bor. 1872. Annual rent $300 to accrue to purchaser from dav of t-ale. Conditions-tme-halfcash; balance payablem twe equal suroesslve annual instalments, vi th Interest ai huaiiv. secured by bond or bonds of tba pur chaser and mortgaee of Plantation. Purchaser 'c pay for papors and stum a. LAWRENCE W. O'BEAB, March 22 mwflOtul Assignee 'I beodore Stoney. THE STAT*; ??F SUUTIl CAROLINA GBEENV1LLE COUN1Y.-IN CHANCEBY. Wyman. Byrd ?f Co., vs. Grady ?r Hawthorn BUI to Foreclose Mortgage, ?cc. By virtue of tho decretal order of his Honor, Judge James L. "rr, m 'de in tbe above case, I will sell to the highest bidder at Greenville Courthouse, on MONDaY, tbe th of April next. The PR EN'LS ES dencnbed ha the pleadings, viz: All that PIECi , PA rt CLL AND TRACT Or' LAND, situated in the County of Greenvi le. seven miles from the Couth ou e and six from the Greenville hail road Dppot lying on both side" of Seedy River, containing lour huudred and ninety-nine ocres, mora or less, in a hiub state of cultivation Upon the place ls locate i the veUknown Cotton and Wool Factory of tbe defends ls. The Cotton Factory ia li tull opera ion, with some nine hundred and flfrj spindles and twent -four looms; the Wool Factor* with one hundred and twee ly mule spindles, ls alec m good order and successful ope afton. On thc premises aro a good Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, wth blacksmith shor-two com ortable dwcllin housesood several emili framed houses tor the operatives, with a nico brick chut eb. The watet pow' r at all seasons ls sufficient to drive three timet the amount of micbinerv now in operation. Thc country ia rema kably healthy, with a climate un? surpassed in the United >tates, with a sober, indus? trious ard-energetic population. Wooded lands ad juceut well timbered, can be purchased at reasona? ble prices T is i? the best oopo-tunity tor an in? vestment to capital isis that has been offered in the up-country since the war. Terms cash. Purchaser to pay for papers and stamps W. A. MCDANIEL, C. C. C. Clerk's Offlco, February 2d, i860. March 6 sw8 grjjdtii pitiers. THY NU'S HEPATIC BITTERS, THEY CURE DYSPEPSIA, AND ALL DISEASES OP TUE STOMACH AUD LIVER. tm? Attn RECOMMENDED ar TAB MEDICAL FACULTY. HEGEMAN & CO., AGENT'S, NEW YOEE. ManufactnrerJbyC.F.P?NKNIN CHEMIST AND AF0TEECA2Y, CHARLESTON, S. C. jWi'or Sale by Emi/gists Everywhere.^ t-cb tua y IS mwflyr * ?/ U.MS ?t riJISL'L'i. w FAC?Oli?. COjlMISoI?? MERCHANTS ANI, SUI PPIA'O ? GENTS, WILT. A'fTIN D TO THE PURCHASE, SALS AN I .SHIPMENT ito Foreign *ud Domestic Porta) o COTTON, RIC li, LOM CEO AND NAVAL STOBEb ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, S. 0. ti. WILLIS.A. -E. CHISOLM, October *5 U BV SISES ii ol K N . THE SU HITER NEWS, PUBLISHED AT SUMTER, S. C., Il ONE OF THE BEST PAPERS IN THE UP COUNTRY; has a large cirouiation, and affords sn porior advantages aa an advertising medium. Termi low. Addrea DARR A 0>TKKK. Fobruary 22 Proprietors. faction Sales. . City Stn ck in Suma to suit Purchaser'. W. I. LEITCH & R. S. BBUIW, Auctioneers. Will bo sold THIS DAY, 31<t ln?tant, at il o'clock; st the 'ld Postofflo*. 2000 DOLLARS OF OITY ?TX PtR OENT. STOCK. ALSO, 78 SHARES UNION BANK STOCK 60 shares UDIOD Bank Stock $700 in New Booda of the Slate of South Carolina. Terms cash. A'areh 81 No. 19 Marsh strut. W. Y. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers Will be sold TO-MORROW, April 1st, at tbs Old TI..* i . J?B,?ffl<:e, at ll o'clock Dn-EI T iNff n8 ?r? *Dd ? half story WOODEN DWELLING, on tbe ?.?*' side of Marsh-street, known as No. .?. Tbe House contains four sonars and t?o attie .-soma; gas throughout A flue ku ?chea. and cistern attached. Lot measures 40 test fronTb? 118 in depth, '? * Terms cash. Purchaeer to pay us for papers aol ' BtmpB. Marth 31 No. 26 Marshiest. W. T. LEITCH & R. S. BRUNS, Auctioneers. Will be sold TO-MORROW. Ayrll lat, at the Oldr Postofflce. at ll o'clock. That two-storv WOODEN DWELLING on the east. side of Marsh-street, third door from udhoun, COB. faining four rooms; ou the premises will be found ? good cistern and kitchen. Lot maa*ure? thirty-?re, : feet front by one hundred and twenty felt is dept*. Tenn s-One-half cash; balance in one year with interest. Purchaser to pay ns far papers/ sad stamps. *- ' Marah 31 Five Hundred and- Fifteen Shara Stock .Sa? vannah and Charleston Railroad Company, t BY HOLMES & MACBETH; Auctioneers. 5 Will be sold on TUESDAY neil, 6th day of April, 1869. at the north of the rxchauge, at lt o'clock; A. M., in lots to ault purchasers, lo the highest bidder, lor and on account of all persons whom it may concern, or who may be anywise interested therein, FIVE HUNDRED AND FIFTtEN SHARES Ol' THE CAPI TAL STOCK OF THE bAVANNAH ANO CHARLESTON RAILROAD COMPANY, plsdged as collateral security. Terms cash. wambat LAND FUR S A I.E. WU1 be sold at Public Auction, on tko first MONDAT in April, at ll o'clock, A. H., at Barnwell Court, house, in South Carolina, TWO HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-THREE A CB ES OF LAND, more or les*, belonging to the Ettal? of Mrs. EUsibetk Paso ills, deceased. Thia tract Hes within about a quarter of a mile of tbe i oath Caro? lina Railroad, one sad a quarter of a mile from Johnson's Turnout, and about six and a half miles from the Town o' Aikeaa. It ts adjacent to landa ot John c. Wade, Loma MTloxetter aud others and ls mostly covered wi. h wood and umber It will bs sold by direction of tbe will of Mrs. Pesoahs, ont to close her estate. ? u ...? Terms cash. JAMES J. Mc CARTER, April 1 1 Executor. ' Residence in Charlotte-street.. BY LOUIS D. BeSAUSSUBE. At Private sale The WOODEN BEiIDEvCE on brick baaement, on ibs North side of Charlotte-street, known hy tho No. 22, confining six upright, two garrets, oat dressing-room, aud twoi pantries, private stairerty, two piazzas cistern. ?-P. so On be premies arsag. excelniicnen. ?nd a carnage bouse aal stable. Ihe lol me-isures 80 lest front by 2t0 leet doop. Ap* plv as above at No. 22 BROAD-STBBET. March 2J_[___mwg Aciidcnce on Church-street, and Lot on King street. BY LOT IS D. DeSAUSSURE. For Bent or 8alr The THBEE-STORY BRICK D WELLING HOTT3B, No. 15 th nrch-H troct, about Baree rai ntaa' walk from the Batterv ; contdniuir eleven rooms, doubla p1ss> ass, kc. On >ho premies are brio*, kitchens. Lot* to teet front by 120 test deep ALSO, ihe LOT OF LAND on u a West side Of Kin?, street, betweeo Broad and Queen-streets; moaiuring 47 feet front by 178 left deep. Apply aa above at, March ?9 mwi3 No. 23 BKOAL-31 BEET. Dwelling in Pitt street. BY LOUIS 1?. DeSAUSSUBE. At Private Sale- > The WOO DEN DWELLING on brtok basement, oat west aide of Pitt-street, second house south of Bnfl street, containing az up na tit and oas dressing; rooms, pantry, piszsa ga?, cist-'rn. On tbs premias? aaa kitchen, carolus hour? and atable. Lot mts* NMi KTS38 i?ot trout, by isa trot aeep more or Jasa? Apply aa above at Ko. 28 BHOAD-.I I BEBT. Marob 20 mwfS rtl : Real Estate. ' BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH. No 31 Broad-street, south stats, nesnr state-street. At Priyate Salo FIRS r CLASS SEi ISLAND COTTON PLANTA? TlONS Valuable Rice Plantations Valuable Upland Plantations and Farms . Extensive aud Valuable Munuf icrorie-t, MUI Bitas and DeUgbtrm -ummer Beeiden oes ia vari Otts parts of the South. AXSO. .... . _, HOUSES AND BUILDING LOTS Of all ai?es, prto and descriptions in every part of the oi ty. . . January 26 mwtSmp Stilts otto /nr ni s bing ?coto. THE Proprietor of the Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods Emporium, Meeting-street, sear Market, desirous of bringing the lamons STAB Shirts into general use, and believing that it is only necessary for gentlemen to wear these ? SHIRTS once to be weU pleased with them, will hereafter of? fer them to his customers AND tho public generally at cost prices., His stocket Neck Ties, Scarfs and COLLARS will also be sold at such prices aa to defy competi? tion, and If satisfaction ia not GIVEN bo will return the m one v. His ob arar os are so rstV* sonable as olaost to make buyer, behove tbe ?rtica?? are given AWAY He is prepared to mik J Shirts to o-der with .tbs utmost dispatch; and his assortment of ready-mads i* hirts is so full that buyers can befitted ata mo? ment's notice. For proof of these statements cell AT SCOTT'S . .-tar thirt and Furnishing doods Emporium,; Meeting-street, nearly opposito Market Hau. . January 1 6mos TO BAKERS. JUS2 RECEIVED AND FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND REI A IL : CARBONATE OF AM M ONI \ PRIME HOPS CREAM OF TABTAB ? H. BAEK, Druggist, No. 131 MEETING-STREET. Marcb t DRUGS m MEDiCINES. THE UNDEBSIGNED CALLS THE ATTENTION; of both city and country purchasors to his largo stock of DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINAS, PEBFTJM? ERY, FANCY GOODS, kc, kc, ah of which he of? fers at the lowest market rates. H. B A E R, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, NEAR MAR? KET-STREET, March t