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THE DAILY NEW?. Largest Circulation_THE DAILY SEWS BEING TEE KEWSPAPER OFFICIALLY RE? COGNIZED AS HAYING THE LARGEST CIR? CULATION IN THE CITY OF CBARLFSTOV. PUBLISHES THE LIST OF LETTERS REMAIN? ING IN THF. POSTOFFICE AT THE END Of EACH WEEK, ACCORDING TO THE PROVIS? IONS OF THE NEW POSTOFFICE LAW. THE DAILT NEWS will be served to subscri? ber in the cit; at six DOLL?BS a year in advance, or at rrrrzEN CENTS a week, payable to tbe carriers. LOCAL MATTERS. A VCTION SALE THIS DA Y. J. A. ENSLOW cfc Co. will sell at ll o'clock, on Palmetto Wharf, fifty barrels clayed molasses. ADVERTISEMENTS FOB THE NEWS dropped into the iron advertising box at tbe corner of Hayne ?cd Meeting f-treet*, before ll o'clock P. M., wfll appear on the following morning with as mush cer? tainty as if they were left at the office. CHANOS OF THE BELL.-On and after to-night, St. Michael'8 bell ?ill be rung at eight and ten P. M. instead of seven and nine, as heretofore. THE MARINER'S CHURCH.-Thero will bo services in the Mariner's Church, Church-street, to? morrow, Sunday, at halt-past ten o'clock in the m omi o g. and balf-past three o'clock In the after? noon. *_ ACCIDENT CF THE ROAD.-A Mr. Crawfoid and another gentleman procured a hone and buggy yesterday and went np the road on a pleasure ride. When about three miles fi om the city the hores dashed off throwing the gentlemen ont and slightly injuring them. The horse and bug fry returned to the Charleston Botel, leaving the parties up the road to get down tbe best way they could. THE STATE COUBT-HON. B. B. CARPENTES PEZSISINO - In the Common Pleas -The action of Mayor Clark to the alternative writ ol manda mut was read, and tbe further hearing of the cause postponed until this morning. In Equity.-Jae court continued tbe call of the docket, and was so engaged until the heur of ad? journment._ THE UNITED STATES COUBT, MAE CH 19-HON. 0>KO. 8. BATAN. PBssrorNo.-The court was occupied yesterday in hearing the libels of D. Boyle and T. Hoy ward against the steamer Volunteer, and Charles Hoinrobn, Dan'l Dnpre and M. Bunn vs. the same, her engine, tackle, Ac, for wages. Deas & Burnett for libellant and Bingle k Barker for respondents. Thc case was continued over until Tuesday next. THE RICE TIERCE. -In noticing; yesterday tbe mooted question of taking off the charge usually made in this market for tierces in selling rice, we wrongly said that the principal factors bad agreed to abolish tbe charge. The truth is that the buyers ol rice are the movers in favor of the abolition, the firms who sigurd the circular which wo printed be* lng the principal dealers in this city. We have no doubt that tho factors will consider the propriety ef making the ?hange, tnd we tru-t tbat they will soon declare that to be the p: sihve fact whick THE IkEWS announced a littie ahead of time. We leam that a special meeting of the Chamber of * Commerce will be held next week to consider and determine the whole question. ANOTHER SENSATION.-On the night before last several goveroment water carts and an ambu? lance were found in Queen-street after hours. con? trary to ordinance. They were taien to the Guard ' house, and early yesterday morniog tb eu were the most startling rumors afloat that ammunition wag? ons and artillery had been secretly carried to the * Guardhouse to be In readiness to blow the ''wool" ol' the head of the Republican "faithful" who sheuld show then* noses during the day. Pobtioal "love knots" tan?ed on the corners and ut the by ways, and the matter was seriously discussed and weighed, much to the distress of some of the "braves" who snuffed considerable discomfort In the tmpendlug result. Mid-day the truth was asceitained, "the laugh came in," an i the exercised "bussum?" beat to a loss excited pulse. CLUBS AND STABS.-The following are the cases disposed of at the Mayor's Court yesterday: Mary Boper, colored, drunk in King-street and had to be carried to the guardhouse on a furniture cart. Fined SS; couldn't pay-"went up." Antoine Wagner, white, drunk and carried to the guardhouse on a cart. Fined $5; couldn't pay "went up." Patrick Donovan, white, drunk in Broad-street Fined ?5; paid. Mr. Mcconkey for obstructing the sidewalk with ladders. No case-discharged. James Melvin, contractor, for leaving a dead dog in the street No case-dismissed. Robert Dickson, colored, selling fowls without a 1 ?cense. Fowls forfeited. Mr. Scanlon for allowing tho government wagons and an ambulance to obstruct the street at night. Carts and ambulance ordered to be delivered to the agent of the government. Maxwell Fields, charged with the larceny of money from Henry Draine, colored, was up before Magis? tral Mackey, yesterday, and the case continued tor further h< arin?. Henry and Joseph Mills, colored youths, were ar? rested, yesterday, by 1 ieutenant Coates and officer Gray, for breaking into tho trunk of Sallie Oreen, colored. Rutledge Avenue, and stealing therefrom $30 in currency, and some specie. James Westerfelt, colored, was arrested, yesterday, by Lieutenant Coates and Officer Gray, for having in his possession a lot of lead piping and a copper pump, wh<ch he could not properly ac co ont for. A suspicious looking white min, with a Roman nose, dyed moustaobe, m tied hair, and seedy cloth? ing, sailing under the aliase* of Augustus Oppen? heim, Charles Da Costa, and - Henriqnes, was picked up in King-street, yosterday, by Lieutenant Costos, for imposing on tho charity of several highly respectable Israelite fami ies, anl obtaining from them assistance under.'also pretences. BEPOBTEBS' CRUMBS.-Tickets for the Mag? nolia line omnibus w ll bc so'd at ?he ellice, corner of Line and Meeting-street, twelve fora dollar. Tight Rev. Bishop Lynch made an appeal last fijioiiy to the congregation ?? St. Micha- l's church, PhilApelphi 1, in behalf of the impovoiishod Catholic Churcbos sod religions institutions in Charleston, and the result was a collection of 51300. It wih be borne, in mind by tourisms that thc steamer St Helena leaves Market wharf to-Jay, at ten A. M., for the forts and fortifications lu the harbor. A pair of horses at:acliod to a carriage ran away in King-street, night belorc las?, breakiug the vehicle up. It is reported to belong to Riley. Comparatively speakiug, there waa very little in interest mamiesied yester-lay by the colored cle? ment in reference to the writs brought up iu court. The Skiff und Gaylord troupe left last night after ere i ting a I uro re ? here. Iustcad of Dae woitoorindicatiogthe beginning of spring to-day, it loots more like the advent cf -full fledged" summer. The number ot strangers in the city and tho gcae ral prognostications ot a resuscitation of tb? pros? perity of "other days," would seem to warraut the openin,' of the Mills House by some go-a-aead host Several organizations in thc city contemplate tes? timonials to faithfal officials. For tb? present their names shall bo "mum." It has been suggested that an equal amount of vigilance tn detecting the thieves who stoat platforms at night, to that displayed in overhauling the un? fortunates who aro victimht.-d, would bo a proper distribution of justice. All the plunder at the gu ard bou se, recovered from thiv^jos - ad Bold yesterday, only brought ten dol? lars: There aro a number of Northern drummers pass? ing through the city in search of trade. Our mer? chants must be wide awake and np to the times. Iii THE CONTESTED ELECTION. Since the beginniofrofthecontest between the M IT or and A'darmea of Charleston and tbn Pillsbury party, who claim to hare been electe.l at the No? vember elections.the public bave become familiar with the ordinary course of legal proceedings, and there is scarcely a colored man in town who does not know that a writ of ma rfamuJ means GET OUT 1 and thit a writ of quo warrante means WHAT BIGHT HAVE YOU TO STAT 1 The interest in the result of this comest is in'ense. and at ten o'clock yesterday morai og the courtroom of the Circuit Court wis fill? ed with spectators. The Aattng Mayor and Aldermen were represented by the HOD. W. D. Porter, City Attorney, Theo. G. Barker. Esq., and C. Richardson Miles, Esq.; the claimants being reprtsonted by the Hon. D. T. Cor? bin, United States District Attorney. The return to the writ of mo adam us waa read, 'the respondents say that they do not surrender their ofices because they are in possession rf said offices, having been admitted and sworn under ap? pointments and elections duly made, and that the ?mandamus is not tho proper remedy; and, luriher, that by the acts of the present General Assembly, they are entitled and bound to continue in office until their successors shall be elected and qualified according to law, and that Gilbert Pillsbury and the other petitioners have not been elected and qualibed according to law. They then recite tho well-known circumstances of the election, the contest, the find? ing of the Board of Aldermen, and say emphatically that the validity of the election of"Pillsbury and the other petitioners has never been j u i i c i al ly deUnaiu ed otherwise than by the Acing Board of Aldermen; that the Supreme Court expressly declared that they did not mean to express any opinion as to tbe rights ot the petitioners to the offices claimed by them, and that the petitioners aro entitled to have the same determined by a due process of law. They also say that they are advised that the act to con? firas and declare valid the recent municipal electicn ls contrary to the chartered rights of the corporators of the city, and also to the 12th, 14th and 26th sec? tions of the first article of the Constitution of k> . State, and to the 20th se: rio a of article 2d of ina same, and te the Fourteenth amendment to the Con? stitution of tbs United ?tates. In conclusion, the res? pondent!! admit the demand of Pillsbury and the other petitioners for the offices and properties of the airy, but say "I bat the petitioners were not duly elected and qualified, and hive no right or title thereto; and that inasmuch as the re? spondents ai e been ad mn ted, sworn, and are actu ally in possession ef their several respective offices, the proceeding by mandama? is not the proper re? medy for the petitioners, and they pray that the same be quashed." Signed by G. W. Clark, Mayor, and Aldermen Gedding?, Potter, Lindstrom, Deretf, Cade, Olney, Honour, Rh?den, Marshall and Voigt The pleas to the writ ot quo warrant? are to the effect tbat proceedings under a writ of quo warratta were depending in the Supreme Court at the rime of filing the information and issuing tho rule in this case, and that tho information should be quashed. The counsel state the fact that all the Aldermen were appointed by General Canby, save Messrs. Honour, Whilden and Olney, who were duly elected ia 1866. and that they are bound under the eily charter and the ac's of the present Geaeral Assembly to hold their offices until those effices are filled by tho elec? tion and qualification of their successors, and that no ?uccessora have so boen elected and qualified. They admit that the demand was made by Pillsbury and others for the offices and tho prop-rty belong? ing to them, and that they did not surrender thc same because thc claim mts have not been duly elect? ed and qualified, and ore not Mayor and Aldermen of Charleston. The plea is signed by the Bon W. D. Porter. C. B. Miles, Esq.. and Theo. G. Barker, Esq., counsel for defendants. After the reading of the returns, Mr Corbin said that in view of the ne* isaues and questions brought np in the returns, he would ask a postponement of the hearing of tie care for a few hours. J'ldge Carpenter then postponed the further hear in; of the case to this morning. HOLT WEEK_To-morrow will be Palm Sun? day, the opening day of Holy Week. The religious exercised of tho week in the Catholic Churches will bo as tollo wa : Cathedral.-Thc office of Tenebne will begin at 7 P. M. on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even bags. Sermons after the office of Tenebne, on Wed? nesday by Bev. F. J. Shadier, Thursday Very Kev. T. Bermingham, Fiiday Rev. Br. Moore. HOLT THURSDAY. (Holiday of obligation U?a year.) The morning offices will begin at half-past 10 o'clock P. M., at which hmo the consecrations of thc holy oils will take place. coon rai DAY. Ihn Mass of the preaanctified will commence at 9 A. M. Stations of the Cress in the avenicg at 5 P.M. HOLY SATURDAY. The effices of Holy Saturday will begin at 8 A. M. St. Mary'i-Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Mass at 7 A. M. Sf. Pairie*'*-Palm Sunday, Mass at 7 A. M. Bl ssing and distribution of palms at 10 A. M.. fol? lowed by High Mass. Monday, Tuesday and Wed? nesday, Mass at 7 A. M. Thursday, Mass at 7 A. M., and High Ma? at 9 A. M. Friday and Saturday, Mass at 8 A. M. ?. Joseph't-Palm Sunday, office of blessing palm at 10A. M. BolyThursday, first Mass?t TA. M.; second Mass at 9 A. M. Gool Friday, service at 9 A. M. Ho y Saturday, service commences at 7 A. M. St, Paul's-Maundy thursday, 8 A. M. Good Fri 'day, 8 A. M. Holy Saturday, 7 A. M. . St. Peter's-Holy Thursday, Mass 6>i A. M. Good Friday, exercises of the Holy Agony, 3 P. M. THE LIPE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA.-We publish this morning the advertisement of the Lite Association of America, a company which, in the course of nine months, has secured an annual reve? nu ', from premiums on existing policies, of nearly half a million of dollars. This, as we understand it, ls but th? natural result of the system upon which tho company was established. A well tried and pop? ular plan was adopted. This was the first step, and theo a sufficient number of the merchanls and capi? talists of St. Louis insured their lives to put tee com? pany upon a sound basis. So the company obtained a large paying business without the expeEscs for agents and advertising, which in tho ttl at years press so heavily upon new cotnrauies. We may tdd that it is a part of the system of thc compiny to invest in each district the premiums received in that diftciet, so'that no m .ney paid to this company for premi? ums will be drained out ol tbc State The following extract from au article published by tho "insurance Monitor,*' tho independent and ro spectablo organ of insurance interests, will show lh? estimation iu which the company is held : LIFE ASSOCIA TIOS OF AM KOI CA. The advertisement of this company will attract unusual attention; not that uhrs been au uncommon tbiug f r life companies to be formed in St. Louis during thc past year, but b cause it is uiieamujon > lor any company. East or West, old or new. unch substantial rc .-OJ ai iou ot' public cuuQdi-m-o as the busiueas of ibis com;>uuy for December ? xhibit-. The premiums lor tue aicg'o month ntl MSW tartness foot thc princely sum ol SEVENTY-TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. Tuc company attributes Its remarkable success to tho lact ot its being a purely mutual i om pony, divid? ing all ns pr.'lits amouL' policy holders; and "if tbstlfl n it a good ground tor pcpnlarit .", our observation ba- been at UUlt, Thc giants of thc day arc intimal, audit rem tins to be seen whether any oihor plan will evtrcommend itself to tuc Americau public. Wc understand it to bc th- iota .tto.i v: ihe associ? ?t on to beard tbe lion in bis deu. and plant ut onco a branch office in ibis city, where lt will comp- te wida tho well ostaoliAhcd Eastern companies for the hon? ors ot the orient. Tbe office of the Charleston dei arl ment is at No. 40 Rroad-strcet, where all desired information may be oi'taicod. 1 az PROMENADE CONCERT AND Grrr ENTE? PRISE, in aid cf thc widow s and orphans of those members of tho Charleston Riflemen who fell in the war or died from its effects, promises to be ar ex? ceedingly popular uud agreeable entertainment. Good music has beon engaged, and the best of re? freshments wifl be provided. Among the prizes to bo distributed are those now on exhibition at Mr. A H. Hayden's, King-street, corner of Basel-street. They consist o': One tea s rvicc valued at S3C;a kettle richly arabesqued $35; two pair castors ?35 and $10; an ice p'tcb/.-r $12; a cake basket $12; a but? ter di3h and knife $10; al idle $3. All of these arf? ?les arc silver. Also, aix blue and red fans with ivory handles. Each ticket will draw something, Nothlt g will be wanrtng m preparation to mako the festival second to nono and equal io any that has ever been given htre, and the preparations making warrant ii>o belief that it will be a success in every particular. ti* L/ll/VlXJUEiO J. Vii HOME INSURANCE COMP ANT.-Messrs. A. L. Tobias, G. W. W?liame, Francia J. Pelzer, Henry Cob ?a and Henry Buist, the commisioners, ? ill en Monday morning; oren books and receive subscrip rions to the capital stock et the Homo Insurance Company of Charleston, at the office ol A. L. Tobias, No. 109 East Bay. Ibis is altogether what ils name conveys-a home enterprise, and the high standing and commercial reputation of the gentlemen connect? ed with it are guarantees that its affairs will be man? aged with intelligence and lore! bought. At this time about $150,000 is paid ?ut from this State monthly for premiums of bro and marine insurance, and it is the obj' ct of the new company to ?etain and use ibis capital at home. Before the war local companies were very prosperous, paying for many years divi? dends ranging as hieb ns twenty per cent., while their shares sold at fitly per cent premium. There is no reason why a similar good fortune should not attend thc Home Insurance Comp my, to which, as 'a Charleston company, managed by Charleston men, we wi-U a full subscription Hst, a large business and most abundant prosperity. HorEL ARRIVALS, MARCH 19.-PanUion Ho? tel- A B McXinstry. Mra W Coakling, Mrs Reseter, Pennsylvania; J J Benno?, H Horbeck, New York; Wm M Geddings, Michigm; - Bockert}-, New York; S Sandon, Florida; A Ingraham. Missouri; B E C Stearns, Wm Simpson, Fernandina, Fla; J J Bailey, wile and twa daughters, Newport, BI; FE Coburn, Summerville; W H Armstrong, R P Coburn, South Carolina; C W Hood, Georgia; G E f tedman, Blackville; G W Bomar, Jonesville, S C; Jamrs B Tollison, South Carolina; J X Borough and wile, John M Fredman and wile, S H Moseley and wife, Miss E A Morris, lt ?) Yore, Georgia; J G Camp. Co? lumbia. t7AttW?f#n Hetet.-James Hoiroll, Francis McBee ly. Thomas Foran, John fioely, ?bas Dockerty. New York; E Oossange, Harry Bossaoge, Savannah; Jas Gould, L J Aven. Boalea; G W Griffin, Miss Griffin, Baltimore; H A Jones, wife and ehild. New York; H A Wi der, Miss E F Wilder, Boston ; H Neave. J B Parsons aild wife. Gleveluad; Mrs James Andrew, Mrs A H Andrew, Cincinnati; J Pvant, Boston; D D Page and wife, St. Louis; H B Tucker, O X Semen, Savannah; Mrs D R Stockwell. T Y Stockwell, Ban? gor, Me; A T Lawton and wife. Dr Sam West, Miss MDebony, Rhode Island; B G Drew, Boston; PM DeLeon, Savannah; J J Gregg. Graniteviile; Mr and Urs S F Austin, H Stewart, Mrs Eugene Kelly, child and nurse, New York; H M Thompson, George Thomson, H L Chase and wife, J Sumner and wife, Massachusetts; R K Gevillin, Connecticut; B Marks, F Marlin, Near York; W B Buckhant J E Jenkins and wife, New York; L Brunning, 8t Louis; J G Hussey, wife and daughter, L P HaldemaD, Ohio; S B Nebaffis, Laurens. BUSINESS NOTICES. THE ATTENTION of dealers is called to the sale of 4. A. Enelow k Co., on Accommodation wharf, this day. THE SEASON.-Melcher's & Muller havo open? ed their new stock of fashionable dry goods at No. 217 King-street. See advertisement THE AMERICAN HOUSE, Boston, has large and airy family rooms, quiet and retired, although in the centre of buslne?s and p'aces of amusement This house bas no superior ia New England. To THE PLANTERS OF SOUTH CAROLINA AN? GEOBOIA.-Believing "WHANN'S" RAW BONE SU? PERPHOSPHATE OF IIME to be fully equal to the best Fertilizers in market, and superior to many, and being desirons of having it thoroughly tested, we have concluded to offer the following Premiums; 1st For the largest yield ol Cotton from an acre of land, a Silver Pitcher worth $100. 2d. For the sec? ond largest yield of Cotton from an acre of land, a Silver Pitcher worth $50. 3d. For the largest yield ot Corn from an acre of land, a Silver Goblet worth $25. The above premiums will be awarded where "WHANNS"' RAW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE alone is used on the acre producing the yield. Those applying for the premiums will be required to furnish eausfacto y evidence of the amount pro? duced on the acre, and a statement of thc manner in which they applied tho manure. A limited amount only of this Phesphate will be distributed during the season. Prices, delivered on the oars at Charleston, $66 per tpn, cash; or $70 for approved city accept anees, payable 1B t Novemner. CLAGHORN, HERRING k CO., Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, 8. c., And No. 7 Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. February 23 Imo -0 THE PROPRIETORS OF '"Whann's Baw Bone Superphosphate ot Lime cordially invite farmers, dealers aad others interested in procuring a first class manure, to call and examine their works, see process of manufacture, and inspect the materials used. They have no teeret*, give full value, and guarantee their Phosphate to come up to the itan dard analysis. Cleghorn, Herring k Co. aro tho agents for the sale of it In Aurtusta and Charleston. February 28 Imo /inanrial. FOR SALE. ~ CUY ?F CHARLESTON RAILWAY COMFANY 8TO0K, by BOLMtti k MACBETH, Maroh 20_1 Brokers, No. SC Broad-street. BANK BILLS! BANK BILLS! OF AIL KINDS WANTED, AND HIGHEST price paid by ANDREW M. MORFLAND, March 19_No. 8 Broad-street. BANK BILLS! BANK BILLS! CITY OF SAVANNAH BONDS (OLD). Wauled by A. C. KAUFMAN, Broker and Commission Agent, March 19 2 No. 25 Broad-street. B jlKob, Csnfrtionerq, ?c. H K A JU : lt It BAD! SUPERIOR WHEAT AND RYE BREAD CAN BE furnished at the RUTLEDGE-STREET BAKE h Y Dor.h oi Bull-street ordeMvertd to families in any pTtion of he city. BUNS delicious MUFFINS, WIGS and ROLLS can bo had every cay at the Bakery. Marsh 17 ws4* Sijirts ?ti?i /ornisljing (Booh. ~""THE ~ Pro'notor or tue Goutlenien's Furnisbiug Goods Emporium, Meeting-street, near Market, clesiious of bringing the lamons STAB Shirts into general use. ami believing that it is only necessary for ?jen'lomen to wear these SHIRTS once to be well pleased with them, will bereave: of? ter them to bia customers AND the public generally at cost prices. Uta stock ol Neck Ties. Scarfo and COLLARS win alic, bc sold at such prices aa to defy competi? tion, and if satisfaction is nnt GIVEN be will return the moaey. His charges are so rea? sonable as al a. os t to maka buyers believe the urtieles are given AWAY He is prppared to inaki Shirts to ord:r with the ntrao9t dis patch; and bis assortment of ready-made SLirts is so full that buyers can bs firte 1 at a mo? ment'? notice. F ir proof of these statements call AT SCOTT'S Star Shirt and Furnishing Goods Emporium, Meeting-street, nearly opposite Market Hall. January 1 6mos Jnsiiranrr. LIFE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA. A PURELY KU TU Ali WESTERN AND SUt'THEKN LIFE l.NSUMM K SOCIETY*. OFFICE OF CHARLESTON DEPARTMENT, Mo. 40 BROAD-STREET. UNPARALLELED SUCCESSI THI8 ASSOCIATION WAS ORGANIZED ON THE 22d of June lout, OD 5 nine months ayo, and has al? ready secured an annual revenue from premiums on existing policies of nearly $600,030 (Five Huc dreri Thousand Dollars). Its new business fori he month of December wa3 $72.393 36, insuring the amount of $1,157,030. Hs now business for the month of January was $86,624 71, insuring tho amount of $1,649.000._ One month's busineis being greater than that done by the largest and wealthiest Lifo Insurance Compa? nies in the United Slates during the entire first year of their existence. The Association waa first started by the most wealthy and Influent lal citizens of St. Louis, for the purpose of changing the curreat of Life Insur? ance and Life Insurance capita*.! from the East to the West and South, andas Its plan is liberal and just to every section, State and district, the wealthy men of the West sad t-'ou h generally are insuring their lives in it, to the exclusion of other companies. This ie shown by the fact that the pohciea issued during the months of December and January are of an averange amount of $T 308 42, drawing an aver? age annual premium of $418 20. The largest average attained by any other compa? ny in the United States ls about$4tt0 to each poli? cy, while the average size of all policies existing in this country is only about $2S00. These facts speak lor themselves, and show that the busines ? men of the country, who have money to inveal, select tbis Association in preference te all other institution*. A Branch or Department is about to bo established hers, under the supervision of a Local Board of Di? rectors, tbe net asso s of which are to bc invested in this community. March 20_lyr LIFE INSURANCE. THE SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE AND Annuity Company of Kew Tort, Robert JJ. Case, President. Theo. R. "Wetmore, vice-President. Isaao H. Allen, Secretary. A urti over. Annual Income. New Assurance In 1868, 93,000,000 . 1,000.000 14,000,000 AV. Ul ISON TOWNSEND, Aiken, GENERAL AGENT FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. For standing of this Company, see roports of Su pexintendeots of Insurance for States of N JW York and Massachusetts. Its busiaess is conducted upon thc Mutuil and Non-ferieiiingplan. No restriction In travel or roai dence. U<ual forms of Policies issued. Annual Dividends to dite*, Fifty Fer Cent. A credit of from forty to fifty per cent, allowed on Premiums when desired, and dividends applied to cancelling the same. Terna5 1 beral. It is a bettor investment than a Barings Bank. Information choeriully givon ot Agency. JOHN D. A L tx \ NU ic It, Agent, No. 16 BROAD-STREET, CHARLESTON, S. C. March ll_jfcafl mwsi iETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF HARTFORD, CONN. CHARTERED BY THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT IN THE YEAR 1820. Assets over.$10,000.000 Annual Income. 0,000,000 Surplus. 3,000,00? Losses paid in 1968, Three quarters of a Million Dollars. Dividends paid in 1868, over Half a Million Dollars. The Atna has $126 to pay every $100 liabilities.] It has insured over sixty thousand raf DD bora. It insures from $600 to $20,008 on a single life. Tho entire profits divided among Policy-holders annually, commencing at the end of the first year. ALL POLICIES NON-FORFEITING. New Cash Rato3-Cash Policies-Cash Dividends on the Contributive Plan. HUGER & RAVENEL, AGENTS, CORNER EXCHANOE-STRE'T AND EAST BAY. Charleston, S. C. March 9 tufms* J T. H u ni P a ll E Y s, BROKER, A UCTIONEER AND COMMIS? SION MERCHANT. SALES OF REAL ESTATE, STOCES, BONUS, SE CORiriB- AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ATTENDED TO. No. ii 7 BK O A D-STREET, CHARLESTON. 8. C. BETE sa~4o as, Hou. HENRY DPIST. W. J. MAGRATH, Esq., General JAMES CONNER, T. H. WARING, Esq. October OFFICE No. 375 KING, OPPOSITE HASEL-STREET. January 27 3ui0 J M I' O ll TE lt S OF TEAS WISES. BRANDIES, ic. And Dealers IU CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. J. SC11LEPEOKELL, No. 37 LINE-STREET, BETWEEN KING AND ST. PHILIP. L DM BER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ANL BUILDING MATERIAL, LIME and PLASTER? ING LATHS, PA Di TS. OILS. GLASSES, SHINGLES; also. GROOVE AND TONGUE BOARDS, Ac, cen. stoutly on hand i.% the lowest market prices. September 12 mthslyr jim (#0005, ctr. FASHIONABIBT-DBY GOODS. BELCHERS & MULLER. NO. 217 K i a a S TB E~E T, KESPEOTFULLY INFORM THEIR FETEN DS and cns. omers that their stock of the present and coming setsoii, consisting of the most fashion? able DRE6-? POODS, S'LKS LINEN-i. WHITE OOCD3 SHAWLS, LAMA HUE PEINTS GLOVES, HOaLEBT CASHIMKBES, &C, Ac, Is larger and more complete than over before, and an Inspection ot it before purr-basing elsewhere is solicited. MELCHOR k MULLER, March 20 sarw3 _No. 217 King-street DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS ! LOUIS COHEN & CO., No. 248 King-street, BEG LEAVE TO BBAW THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBL'O TO THEIR VE KY EXTENSIVE AND WELL ASSOBTED STOCK OF Fresh and Fashionable Dry Goods, JUST OPENING, CONSISTING OF: DRESS GOODS, WHITE GOODS, SILKS EMBROIDERIES, LACES, BIBBONS NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS, DAMASKS TOWELINGS, DIAPERS, IRISH LINENS CALICOES, GINGHAMS, SH LR TINGS SHEETINGS AND PILLOW CASING, in Bleached and Brown. We invtte^esopeciol attention to onr large Stock of Dress Goods, Cloths and Embroi? deries, Which will be found rory complete and reasonable, A call ia respectfully solicited. LOUIS COHEN & CO.. No. 348 KING-STREET, BETWEEN MARKET AND EASEL STREETS. March 2 _Inthelmo SPRING-1869. FASHIONABLE DRY GOODS. LORD & TAYLOR HAVING MADE ARBANGEMENTS TO ESTEN! their WHOLESALE BUSINESS, would respectfully inform SOUTHERN B II Y E ij I that their stock during the coming season will b LARGER AND MORE COMPLETE than ever beiore, and an inspeotio? bf it before pm cbasiug elsewhere is solicit*^ Having their ow? 0Uyer8 'in each of the principi Eu-opoa^ na.rtotB, tho; wm be able to maintain th ?CTng es abllshed reputation of the house for keepin desirable, saleable goods, of which, also, their len experience as successful ret ulara is ample gu?rante* The aeveral oe par, m -nts are, viz : nILKs DEES GO (Di, CLOTHS >HAWLS, OLOsKS, UPHOLS TERY, LINEN*. WHITE GOODS, HOBIE KY an GLOVES, LADIES' and CBILDREN'd i UTFI1 TING, in each of which ?ill be lound goods telec ed especially to meet the demands of fcouthern cm terners. Samples of New Goods sent upon application. LORD k TAYLOR, Nos. 4G1, 463. 466 k 467 Broadway, ) " _ _ . Nos. 205, 267, 259 st 261 Grand-street, J wew xork* WHOLESALE WABEBOOMS : Nos. 461 to 407 Broadway, en rance on Grand-st. March 2 Imo* iHi5?t?aitc0U5. THE ACTS AN? JOINT RESOLUTIONS OF THE General Assemblv OF SOUTH CAROLINA PASSED AT TBE 8PE0IAL SESSION OF 180? together with the STATE CON3TITCIIOS ant MILITARY LAWS DE-ENACTED. For sale by DBNNY ?Si PERRY, Printers and Stationer , No. 163 Meeting-street. March 15 mwf6 LONDON AND PARIS EXPOSITIONS IPJFIIZE IVEEIDA-I-iS J THE GEORGE A. CLARK'S O. IST. T. SIX COKU, SOl'T FINISH SPOOL COTTON. This favorite Thread being Six. Cord to No. 80, purely Soft Finish, id recommended for its groat superiority for Hand anil Machino Sow inn. FOR SALE BY THE Principal Wholesale aud Retail Dry Goods and Notion Dealers. February 27 3mo JAMES KNOX.JOHN Ol LI EiNOX & GILL, COTTON FACTORS ANO GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 125 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE. Consiguineuu ol COTTON, RICE, Prc, respect? fully sobcitcd, and liberal advances made thereon, Orders for COHN and BACON promptly ex?cut?e" ivith caro and atteutlon. _ A""U 27 _ l2mo?? g HAVING ANO HAIR-CUTTING, BY W. E. MARSHALL, AT THE BROAD-STREET BARBER SALOON, No. 31 (UP STAU?;. December 8 frogs, tl)tarirais, <Et(. C. F. PANKJiTN^ Apothecary and Chemist. No. 133 Meeting-street, CHARLESTON, 8. C. rj/IHE ADVERTISER BEOS TO CALL ATTEN? TION to bia etock of the best Imported and Domes? tic CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES. UPON THE DISPENSING DEPARTMENT Of his business he bestows the utmost personal care and attention, and guarantees the FUBITT of the MEDICINES used in compounding. PRESCRIPTIONS Prepared carefully at all hours of the day and night SPECIAL AGENCY FOR THE t? ALE Ol SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MANUFACTURED BY Messrs. GEO. TIEMANN Sc CO. OE NEW YORK. HIS STOCK OF Hair, Tooth and Nail Brashes PERFUMERIES, &a, IS LARGE AND WELL SELECTED. Agency for the sale of the celebrated Boekbridge Alum Spring Watei A supply of which is always oa hand. MANUFACTURER OF PANKNIN'S HEPATIC BITTERS Which have established for themselres a reputath surpassed by none. Through constant effort and attention he hopes m exit a continuance of the public patronage whii has hitherto been extended to him. February 16 tnthslyr D IR, XT Q- S CHEMICALS PATENT MEDI0INE8 PERFUMERY FANCY GOODS PAINTS OILS SPICES, & WHOLESALE AND fiZT?11? DR. H. BAER, (LITE E. H. KK!,LEKS & CO No. 131 MEETING-STREET, NEAR MARKET, HAS ALWAYS ON HAND, AND WILL SELL A THE LOWEST MARKET BATES : HOSTETTEB'S BITTERS PLANTATION BITTERS HUFE LAND'S GERMAN BITTERS STOUGHTON BiTIERS WINE BIPTER IODIDE POTASSIUM BROMIDE P0TA8SIUM CHLOROFORM ETHER QUININE MORPHINE, &c AYER'S PREPARATIONS JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE, EXPECTORANl PILLS, &c RADWAY'S MEDICINES HELUBOLD'S BUCHU WRIGHT'S ELIXIR PAINKILLER VERMIFUGE DEAD ?HOT, &c HALL'S SICILIAN" HAIR RENE WER CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR LYON'S KATH AIRON BARRY'S TRtCOPHERO?S C HALFAN I'S COCOA CREAM, Ac, KO CURE! NO PAY! FORREST'S JUNIPER TAR H. BAER, No. 131 MEETING-STREET. March 12_ TO BAKERS. J UM RECEIVED AND FOR SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL : CARBONATE UF AMMONIA PRIME HOPS CREAM OF TARTAR. H. BAER, Druggist, No. 131 MEETING-STREET. March 4 DRUGS IND HBD1WS. THE UNDERSIGNED CALLS THE ATTENTION of both city and country purchasers to his large stock of DhUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUM? ERY, FANCY GOODS, Ac, Ac, all of which he of? fers at the lowest market rates. H. BAER, No. 131 MEETING-STREET, NEAR MAR? KET-STREET. Marchi ' Unrutrved Sale Molastes. : BY J. A. EN SLOW & CO, THIS DAY, thc 20th inst, at ll o'clock, A. M., wil be told on Palmetto Wharf, without reterre, 60 tbde. Clayed MOLA.-SES. landed from the schooner Willie Martin, from Cardenas ' March 20 Handseme Parler and Bedroom Furniture, consisting of Chairs, Tables. Sofas, Std steads, Bedding, ??c., at Auction. BY G. Sc BRIDE SMITH. On TUESDAY, the 23d in?t, at the residence No. 2? George street, at ll o'clock. The Residence No. 26 Georgt-street wi? be sold at auction on THURSDAY, the 26th mst See ad ver tlaement March 20 Positive Sale of Two Lots on the north side of Allway-street, near Spring street, ai Auction. BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH. On THURSDAY, the 25th instant, at 10 o'clock, at the Old Postomoe, The above LOTS, known in T. N. Gadsden's plat as Nos. 86 and 87, measuring each 33^-feet front br 100 feet deep, more or less. Terms made known in a future advertisement. March 20 stuwtbA A Handsome Three Story Brick Dwelling, No. 26 George street, next Northeast Corner of King-street, at Auction. BY G. MCBRIDE SMITH, On THURSDAY, the 2Sth instant, at ll O'clock, at the Old Pottofise, will be sold, I hs above, containing 7 square rooms, dreadag room, bath room and pantry; iras throughout; brick kitchen with 5 rooms, briok carnage house, 8 rooms, stabl. s, good cistern. Lot 47 K feet front, by 171 feet deep, more or less. Terms-Hall cash; the balance ia one, (woand three years, secured as usual. Purehaaer te pey G. MOB. S. for papers and stamps. March 18 thswtM Valuable Real Estate at Auction. BY LOWNDES k GRIM BALL. By virtue of an order of sale, to me dlroated by tito Hon. George e. Bryan. Judge ot the Omted States District Court, for the District of Hourn Carolina, I wiU offer for sals at Pu Wo Auotien, at the Old Postofllce, Charleston, 8. O., on TUESDAY, April 6,1869. kt ll o'clock, A. M. Ail that LOT OP LAND, with Buildings thereon, tn the City of Charleston, State sforetaiJ, situated sad being on fpriog street, south side, anown as No. 87, measuring ?fty-flve <66) feet front, by one hundred and seventy-five (175) feet deep, be the same more or lees. Term:-One-half oath in gold, and the remaining one-half on a credit cf one year; purchaser to give bona for such credit perd?n, bearing interest from day of sale, and payable in gold, ?ecu ed by a mort. gave of the premises, with a covenant for insurance and assignment of policy, and for t?sale ia essa of breach of condition of bend, and to pey for papers and stamps. G. HERBERT SASS, Assignee of Evans ts flogs wefl. March 18 Mhl8.20,3?,26.27,8O.Apl,8,? Residence in Waler-street, North Side, aft? boort from the Battery-No. 6. W. Y. LEITCH & R. 8. BRUNS. Auctioneers. Will bo sold at Auction, on TUESDAY, 23d instant, at the Old Ponomca. at ll o'clock, The desirable three and a half WOO ?EN DWEL? LING, on a brick basement, lontaining ll square rooms and 2 attics, with necessary outbuildings. Lot measures 24 K feet front, by 112 feet ia depth, more or less. Terms-One-half cash; balance In one and two years, with interest Property to be Insured and pollcv aaelgnod. Purchaser to pay us for papers and stamps. Possession to bo given two weeks after sile. wstoS March 11 THE STATU'. OP SOUTH CAKOLIB?A GREENVILLE COUNIY.-IN CHANCERY. Wyman, Byrd Sc Co., vs. Grady $ Hawthorn. Bill to Foreclose Mortgage, $c. By virtue of the decretal order of his Honor, Judge James L. < ?rr, in ide in the above case, I will sell to the highest bidder at Greenville Courthousj, on MONDAY, the >th of April next The PREMISES describid in the pleadings, viz: All that PIECK, PARCEL AND THA0T OE LAND situBtcd in the County of Greenvile. s<- - -j from the Coutuouse and six Jr0" ,v" BaUroadI Depot lylo- ~ ^ gfc J^gg* containir^ i(jnp hundred and ninety-nine acres, more or less, in a high state of cultivation Upon tho place ls locate'! the well known Cotton and Wool Factory of the defends -ti. Tho Cotton factor/ is ia lull op?rai ion, with some nine hundred tua fifty spindles and twent -four looms; the Wool Factory with one hundred and t web ty mule spindles, is also m good order and successful ope at* o a. On the premises are a good Flouring, Grist and Saw Mills, with blacksmith ?hop-two oom oriablo dwelling houses and several smill framed houses for the Operatives, with a nice brick church. The water |OWer at ali ?jasons ls sulfleient to drive three times the amount of michinerr now in operation. Th? coontry ls remarkably healthy, with a climate un? surpassed in the United States, with a sober, Indus? trious and energetic population. Wooded lands ad? jacent, well timbered, can be purchased at reasona? ble prices. Tula it the best oppo-rani ty tor an In? vestment to capitalists that has been offered in the up-country since the war. Terms cash. Purchaser to par for papers and stamps. W. A. MODANIEL, O. 0. 0. Clerk's Office, February 2d, 1869. March 6 _ swS JH?iljmcrtj, (Eastings, (fix. PHOiNIX IRON WORKS. JOHN F, TA YLOR & CQ., ar/ooessons t? / CAMBRON Oe CO. t Engineers, Boilermakers, &t>? Nos. i, 6 ando* PRITCHABD-STREE1, (NEAR THE DEY DOCK). Charleston, S . C. STEAM ENGINES AND BOLLE BS-MARINE, STATIONEBY AND POBTABLE. BICE THRESHERS AND HILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. S HATTING, PULLEYS AND GEAB1N8, IRON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS, CASTINGS OF EVERY KIND IN IRON OB BRASS. Weguaranteo to furnish ENGINES and BOILERS of aa gooil quality and power, and at as lo w rates aa caa be bad in New York, Baltimore or Philadelphia. AGENTS FOB Ashcrofts Low-water Detector, THE ONLY PERFECT SECURITY AGAINST DAMAGE THOU LOW WATER IN THE BULLER. HEP AIR S PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. February 1_nae 3moa ^EETING-SrnKt.T FOCA DU V. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING THE IMPHOYED MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAil ENGINES AND BOILERS, of various sizes on hand IMPROVED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL CORN MILLS, SOGAR MILLS, 8UGAB BOILERS AND PANS, of all sizes HORSE POWERS AND GIN GEARING, from C to 16 feet in diameter IMPROVED LEVER COTTON PRESSES for Hand power, Saw and Rice Mills MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all descriptions made to order Particular attention paid to HOUSE FRONTS AND CASTINGS FOB BUILD? INGS, GRATINGS, CISTERN COYERS, SASH WEIGHTS, dee., <?c" WILLIAM S. HENEREY, MACHINIS1 AND FOUNDER No. 311 MRETTNG-STBKBT, CHABUCBTON, S.O. August 3 nroa.