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THE DAILY NEWS. RIORDAN, DAWSON & CO., PROPRIETORS. OFFICE No. 140 EAST BAT. -o-? IXKM?_DALLY NEWS, one yrar.$6 00 DAILY NEWS, elx months.? 00 DAILY VEWS, three months.%.. 2 00 vs v TBI-WEEKXY NEWS, one year.S 00 TBI-WEEKLY NEWS, six months.2 00 PAYKEKT In variably in advaice. No paper sent unless the cash accompanies the order, or for a long? er ttme than paid for. THE DAILY NEWS will be served to subscribers in the dty at 15 cents per wees. AavzanszMENTS.- I irst insertion, 15 cents a line; subsequent im-ertionf, 10 cents a line. Business Notices, 29 cents a Une. Marriage and Funeral No lees, One Dollar each. NEWS S JJ M IM A It T. -Gold closed in Now York depressed, at Slf. _Cotton in New York closed easier. Sales 1200 bales at 28|o. ?_Cotton in Liverpool closed Armer but not higher. Uplands 12d; Orleans 124al2Jd. -All show-cases and protruding signs on Broadway, New York, are to bo removed. -The heirs of Noah Webster are said to re? ceive $25,000 annually from the sale of his dio tionary. -The Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, con? tains a bride who shines rn $150,000 worth of diamonds. '_-Bot two of the seven members of Grant's original Cabinet have ever been in Congress, viz:Messrs. Creswell and Washburne. -Au eatato of $3300 was lately settled in Os wego County, New York, m which the lawyers roceived $2900, and the heirs-at-law the rest about $30 apiece. -The "Prohibitionomctor" is an instrnment invented in Boston, by which a "moderate drinker" can tell when he ceases to be sober and is getting drunk. -A daughter of Captain Wirz, tho Anderson Tille jailer, is a governess io an English noble? man's family. She is reported to be an ac? complished and reline 1 lady. -The leading veloc?pedo manufacturers of New York and New England have mado agree? ments with the Hanlon Brothers to pay them $5 royalty on each machine for the use of their patent. ' -By a recent experiment- instituted between Boston and San Francisco, it has beon iouod that electricity tra vols at tho rate of six thous? and miles in something less tu in 6ixty seconds of time. -Auerbach, Speilbagon, Clara Mundt, and Hans Wdohenbusen are the leading narnia on the petition addressed by German authors to General Grant tu recommend to the next Con? gress the adoption of an international copy? right law? -The Ame ?can Shipmasters' Association in New York bas L. ra ti lcd a ce t tillea to to Cap? tain George lirooks, a colored man. Ho bas recently successfully navigated a vessel to tho coast of Africa and back, and is said to bave been the first colored mao who has received the certificate of the association. -The question of admittiug negroes to full fellowship in the Sunday School Union is now 'being agitated m Washington. The matter was broached al a meeting of tho. Union Mon? day night, and after a somewhat bitter disons ; sion it was postponed until a futuro meeting. It is feared that the result will be the breaking np of one of tho best Sundav Sohool organiza? tions in tho conn tr v. One Sunday sohool bas already withdrawn from the Union, and others - threaten tb follow. -It is asserted by the New York journals that if the increase of lents in that city con? tinues, New York will, in a short time, become . ft residence for two classes at th J extremes of "the social scale-tbe very poor huddled in 'tenements, and tbe very rich living iu luxuri? ous splendor. It is stated that an immeuso .number of persons aro driven out of the city every first of May by high rents, and that a further rise tb'ie year will compel between fifty and one hundred thousand more to seek cheap? er houses in the neighboring towns. These emigrants are taken from tbe very best classes, that is from perBons of industrious business habits, but possessed of limited incomes. -The New York Sun says : "For some time past it has been known by a few that Mr. A. T. Stewart has meditated a charitable enterprise on a colossal scale, lt ia intimated that it will -eclipse in magnitude all other instances of pri? vate munificence, and w?l operate in ad.reo tion where, more than m any other in this city, a helping band is needed. Mr. S.ewart pro? poses, In a woid, to erect bornes for the work? ingmen and women of New York, and already ground has been broken for the foundation of one of these institutions. It is to be erected on Fourth avenue, between Thirty-second and Thirty-third streets. This spot has been clear? ed of ?ll old bui'dings, and for a wook past t men have been at work digging out old stones and collars, preparatory to tho wotkfor the new structure. The around on which it is to stand is tho large vacant square opposito tho New Haven tunnel. It contains twenty-two lots, for which Mr. Stewart paul about $10 OOM apiece two years ago, and extends the whole distance between Thirty-second and Thirty third-streets, 193 feet, running bao'.t 205 fool. On this square a magnificent building is to bc raised, iron, tire-proof, sevou stories high, and architectuially finer than any other structure in the city. Ibis will be the working women's hotel. Hore sewit.g girls, feminine clerks, hard-workii g notuen of every trade, are to bo provided with board ai d room for the smallest possiblo sum. and ?be house ia to bc managed in thc best manner. Tho ground floor may bo let out tor store tho proceeds io bc applied to tho building of other similar Institution*. Thc eutirc cost of thc hotel will bo about $2, 000 OOO. The cditico will nut be ';otnp'etcd in k88 than two year.-*, lt ii uti icrslood that Mr. Stewart also poposos to pu: up, in time, a workiugmcn's hotel on the same p'au." -Tho principal importera oi millinery goods had their regular spring opening in New York a few days sino, and as thc inevitable Jenkins was on band, wc are enabled to inform our fair readers that tho bonnet* a'o to bo vory small, without crowns, and sonio styles are high iu front. In fact, tho Milo is only a now and re? vised edition of tho pretty i-'aucuoa. L'onnets are to bo olaboratoiy trininieJ, to correspond ..with the present etv'o of costume, trimmed with laces atd flowers ; r.bbon is sparingly usod. Il )ses in all colors and sliadco, from the richest totl.3 mott delicate Unis, mil bo moro iu vogue tbau any oilier flowers. Somo of the roses arc very large, on? covering the eu tire top of tho bonuuf, from w' :ch falls a vine of half opened n.vcs ?.nd i i with green leaves, not at the sido, ?ts 'asi season, but straight down. Laco ia also mach used m sashes or veils, falling at tho back. Thc new color ia flowers which will bo most worn for tba present is "capucino," a daik. warm :olor, with beauti? ful tints. Green grnr-cs will be much in voguo, and occasionally antamu-iinted grasses aro som upon a lac:' bonne! or fancy straw. A now stylo of fancy straw is clo,o in front with? out face trimming. With this tho hair should be in waved rolls. Laco veils, joined with satin bowB, fall bom tho back, and over these aro trailing clematis, and on tbe rep a lu dower with crystallized greon leaves. A co coloied crape bas the .-ashes of crape at I back, edged with w de black lace, and the i tire bonnet covered with a profusion of dowe A white tulle made over a transparent fra is a nove.ty. There ?B a diadem of straw, w green grass across th' .lront, aud falling each side, trailing along the kee which for tho circlet in iront. A white fancy str trimmed with purple satin ia very pr?t Another novelty ia a bonnet made of sa folds, on wire ruuning two or tbreo tin across the front, thoa falling in horizon loops at the back. A small roso in front voi y lai ge one ou the lop, and a trailing vi at tho back, ccmiletes the trimming. Wi and long white r.bbon strings-not lo bctiet aro clasped below tho throat by a green veb loop. CHARLESTON". ' SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 18, 1869 Tbe Great Hnilrond Case. We print, this morning,-the decision Judge Platt upon the motion of the Sou Carolina Railroad Company to set aside tl verdict, the assessment, and the whole pr ceedings of the jury which determined tl compensation to be paid by the Columb and Augusta R-rUroad Comps ny for a wt over the lands and rights of way of tl South Carolina Railroad Company fro Gran?eville to Augusta. Judge Platt di misses the motion. There may be some good technical reasoi that we know not of, why Judge Pla should have decided as he has done. Bu to the unprofessional mind, it must see: strange, that Judge Platt should doul whether he could set aside proceeding whioh he admits were irregular and illega and yet allows it to be inferred that h would set them aside if the South Carolin Railroad Company would pledge itself nc to apply for an injunction against the Col umbia and Augusta Railroad Company. Reviews. PHO.TTXIANA. OR SKETCHES AND BURLESQUES By John Plicou x. Now York : D. Applotoi &Co. Charleston : John Russell, trice 5' couts. These sketohes have gone through twelvi editions since they were first publisher nearly twenty years ago, and the names ol John Phoenix and the San Diego Herald are familiar in every corner of the land. There is a joyous, rollicking humor in Phceoixiana which is ?'ficrent from thc fun of misspelt words und to-lured grammar. Toe rising generation should read "John "PbccLix," and the oldster? even can afford to laugh with him once more. Lian s OF A SENTIMENTAL IDLER, from Greece, Turkey, Eaypt, Nubia aud tho Holy Land. By Harry Harewood Leech. With a Portrait a d Eugraviogs. New York : D. Appleton & Co. 1809. Charleston : John Ru.*sell. The "Sentimental Idler" is sometning of a dilettante, and g >saip9 his way through the Eist, describing, suggesting, dream? ing and adm ring, always alive to the hearties of nature and art, and always gracefully tender in his appreciation of the poetry of life. There is no dullness in the book and no villanous smartness. There is no straining after effect, and yet it ia winningly interesting, from the first page to the last. We know of no book which gives a more vivid picture of the oriental man? ners and customs; nor Ijave we met with a work which bringa more nearly home to the reader the palaces and the temples, the splendor and the squalor, the romance and the wretchedness of the E ist. HER MAJESTY'S T' WEB. By William Hepworth Dixon. New York : Harper ti Bros. Charles? ton : Holmes. The history of the famous Tower of Lon? don epitomizes that of the English court and people. It is at once a palace and a fortress, a chapel and a prison and a sepul? chre. Its vaults have prolonged the coho of the gayest revela and the Baddest lamen? tations. Upon its gray walls many of the noblest names of England have been traced with trembling hands. Its worn pavements and its plots of turf have been stained and soaked with the tears of the gentle and the blood of the brave. . Mr. Dixon's book needs no higher commendation than the statement that it ia worthy of ita romantic theme. Ita facts havo been carefully and laboriously gathered from state papers, as well SB from printed books. It overflows with anecdotes and historic sketches, which receive the coloring of the author's vivid enthusiasm and richly decorated style. TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE IN THE TEBRXTO-X OF ALASKA AND omi,", PARTS OF TUE NOUTH PA? CIFIC. By Frederick Whymper. Now York: Hirper & Brothers. Cu rleaton: Holmes' Book House. Ii is pleasant to know that we oan obtain recent and authentic information about Alaska without beiug obliged to wade through, thc Seibonian bog of Mr. Sumner's oration. The refuse matter which Mr. Whymper has n jtfcted from his entertaining narrativo would have been spun out iuto a congressional folio by the distinguished senatorial verbosity from Massachusetts. A - it-ka is of interest to everybody, because it is the last republican investment; it is of special interest to the ethnologist who finds I here the uumisUtk ible traues of the Asiat? ic migration wbiota originally peopled our. coutineut. Tuc author gives au interesting description of the people and the couuiry, together wit? u mao and numerous illustra? tions Tuc readera attention is fixed by the wild novelty of tho subject, the variety ol udveuiure experienced by >be uuthur, es? pecially during bia explorations tn the great River Yukon, and also the freshness and piquancy of the e'yle. The volume also records the observations in British Col u-ibia, CulifnrnU and the eastern coasts of Siberia ?iud Ktmchu'kii. REINOLD'S >"EW FICTORXAX, READER, for Schools and r'timilies. Columbia, S. C.: Duffie & Chap?n iu. Cuailesion: Holmes' Bouk House. We have received number's one and two Of this'excellent and handsome series. The exercises are graduated, so that the little pupil is conducted comfortaoiy from the first letters of the alphabet to tho hight-et grades of spelling and routing. Thc volumes arc beautifully printed and richly illus? trated; indeed, there uro no better books of the sort. Dr. Reynolds has found time, amid the Fchtdisiic duties which attach him to the Suite University, to render a real service to the prim iry schools of the South, and we havo no doubt that these pretty i volumes will have a wide circulation. Magazines. THE WESTMINSTEB REVIEW. . The January number (Leonard ^cott Pnh li6hing Company) ha? an attractive table of contents. The principle articles are The Struggle for Empire with the Mahral tae, Richardson's Clarissa, Our Crimine Procedure, Mr. Bright's ?Speeches, Art and Morality, and Mr. Darwin's Theories. These magazines and reviews are for sale by Russel), King-btreet. BLACKWOOD. The January number of "Old Ebony' contains the continuation of Doubles and Quits, a light but readable story, which followed by an excellent article on Army Organization, in whioh the consoling state? ment is made that General Grant based his plan of battle on "the numerical superi? ority but inferior fighting powers of his "great army." Next comes "In Life and "in Death," something of the deliciously horrible kind. Cornelius O'Dowd sends his usual budget of rambling jest and earnest humor and sense. Next is an able article upon "The Chinese Mission to Christen? dom," followed by "The Pulpit of the "Olden Time" and "Vapors, Fears and "Tremors," a paper for the benefit of wo? men. The political article is "Mr. Glad? stone and Disestablishment," in which it is argued that while the Church of England lasts in England there eau be no true dis? establishment in Ireland. THE GALAXY. The March number of this popular mag? azine is a good one. Mr. Reade's new novel is begun. The opening chapters are spir? ited, and, wonderful tp say, free from exag? geration of manner. "Put Yourself in "his Place" promises to be a success. Eu? gene Benson gives a sketch of George Wil? liam Cortie, Richard Grant White cudgels "Is Being Done," and Mrs. Edwards con? tributes three more chapters of "Susan "Fielding." Mrs. Julia Ward Howe dis? cusses the claims of women to the right of suffrage, and Mr. Justice McCarthy sends a fine paper on the "English Positivists." There is also an article called "Will Murder "Out ?" which answers itself in the nega? tive; a capital sketch of the oareer of Gou? nod, thc author of Faust, and a number of miscellaneous articles. A sixteen page supplement contains a large instalment of | "Cipher," which is to be concluded next month. The tale is vividly interesting and the denouement will be startling. Wu SEE that r. resolution has been adopted in the House of Representatives for the ap? pointment of a committee "to investigate .he charges mado against Governor Scott 'or giving his testimony in the contested election caso of J. P. Reed and L. S. [loge." No whitewashing ! THB L?GISLATURE of the State has ratified he Fifteenth amendment to the Consum? ion of the United States. No ono is sur? prised. M Salt. AT P RI V A T K SALE,THAT FIMO l\_ STAND v.i'h fixtures for a Grocery, corner Jaihoun and East Bay streets, No. 35. Apply ON ?BEMI-ES._tout ii_January 21 STEAM F.XGIXES KOR SALE CHEAP, if applied tor immediately Ill One ia horse Portable ENGINE (ll One 4-IIOTSS Portable Engine. ALSO, [1) One 8-horse-power ENGINE, In (rood condition. L'AMEHON, BARKLEY k co., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland-streets. Januar? 15 FOK SALE, OLD NEWSPAPERS IN anyouintJty. Price 75 coats per hundred, the cheapest wrapping paper that can be used. Ap ny at we office of THEN r.WS. Marchi foal ano /anno. JlTRAYKD, PROM No. 37 HAY*E .sTREET. Ja-t Monday. Stu ins> , a White and L iver colorod POIN i EB COG, answering to the ii-mo of .?HERO." Has au oval liver colored spot ID the centre of the torehoad; both nido* of the icad aud ono ear liver colored, tho cher white, and iver-colored spot above tho root of tho tail. Any >er*on returning some to above p'ace, will be ?ult ibly rewarded, if required. 2 M ireh 13 j LOST P?<OM A WAGON, AT TU? tTWtfi NEU of liait Bay and Hroad streets, on tho nornin? of 12th instant, a yearling DEEH. Any jersoo having the rame will pleaie leave informa ion at the M A IN GUARDHOUSE. Maroh 13 _r?_ rtTK A?"ED PHOM THU COR!* KR OP O Cha el and Alexander-streets, a Tallow and White Setter DOG, with a steel chain collar oo. en? graved with the ?arno ot A VAN DERUOKSI, ;bapel-atriot. A reward will he. paid for his re? covery. 2* March 12 BOARD.-A PEW SINGLE GENTLE Mt N can oDtiin BOARD in a private family .n vory moderate terms. Location central. Address "G," &>y Lox No. 57. 2* March li Jli?saiuti?u of Copartnership. MK- HERMAN O. Ml* 1KB HAS THIS D?.Y purchased from mn tho "?!fl?BLES ION ER ZE1I UNG," and all .natter l crin HID? to it, nud there ore luv connection ?lib tho saxe und my rcspouw bili i v lor iho Nunc cetus*. I would be p.-ak for Mr MLIEK tho support of the ZhI i UNG ar a median foi thc elevation of tho Germant elf meut ol tn: cuumrv. WILLIAM IFKERH-RDT. ! iiarlcston. Mirch 10, 1HC9 TUE "ZeiTOVG" WILL BS ISSL'ED THREE time* a w i l: after tho llrst ol' Aptil next, on SUNDAY*. TCEODAYS and 'IUOHSDATR MaicU12 2 il itMAKD MEfEh DISSOLUTION F COP 1KTNKUSHIP. Th': co-;rirtnershiph.!ret nore e i-tinj; nul r UJ-.UC ami a >le of UEO .G W. Si E.' FESS k CU. has bcou il.? Ol ved b? mutua1 coiiMUtt. ?ll pc:s ??B ?.iviui/c'aiui-will purent the 'oruo, and lu? o iu,ic'ted will uiakH paymMt <o either ut the undcrjiuuod wi tum ono mouth f mu dale. G W. S E-'K INS. February 2G, 1SC9. E. C. BOu.-EK. THE UNDEB-IGNED WILL CONITNUB THE WHOLESALE AUG I ION AND COM AU'MON UV >IN1X>, at No HO Vc-u-.luo i-aug-, ou his own ac? count. G. W. STEEPENS. THB UNU-u-IGNED WILL CONTINUE TH? WllOI B-ALEG"0 ERY ANO lt: ?AI?.' UOINIft at N?>. :JOG King.sircut, comer of Gooroo-streut, on his own accuut. F. C lljlt..El:. IN WfTriDRAWING E.?OM THE MUM OF G. W ?? ? UK KEN.- ft CO. lUte this inca s to ret nu nr. ilia Ls t > lb? publ'o for ibo |?lronaiie he? nlow??! uj'O'. tho ?i e timi ami would >u-peeUuOy a.-i: a couiiuiiance ol tho ?n mc to nu -ucc^fBor. February V.7 ni G. W. M i Fe KN5, ^riiulturul. ?Xl?E?MUli CU i TON NE KD. THE GENUINE ' XCEL^IOR -KA I?L\ND SEED, thc Cotton ot whioh s iii! ni ihm market at One Dollar ai d i o ty Cc'iis per pound |ol 4e), loi salo in lots io snit purcha ci?, by WM. UUItXcY, March 1 Imo No. HU C?& Hay. y y iLLis ? cn t su E.M. FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ANO SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL ATTEND TO TUE PURCHASE, SALE ANC SHIPMENT (to Foroign and Domenic Torts) ol COTTON. RICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES ATLANTIC WHARF, Charleston, & 0. E. W1XI IS.A. R. CHISOLM. October ?5 Tottis. WANTED, A RESPECTABLE MIW? UL* aged WOMAN, white or" colored, to cook and wach ; for euch liberal wages will bp paid. Apply to JOHN KEN NEBI Y's KA RM, abo? o tho omba km?nt._ l* March 13 EMPLOYMENT.-TEA' DULL A KS A day and constant employment Guaranteed' to every mau and woman in w*nt of work, in a hcht, honorablo and profitable business. Gr?at induce? ments ofTored. Descilptive circular? freo Achires* JAMES C. K*ND & CO., March 13_stool_Biddeford. Mo. A NT ED, A PASTRY CUUR. APPl Y at PAVILION HOTEL. 3 Maren 12 W WT AM ED, A GIRL, FDR A CHILD'S Nursf, and one who will make herself gene? rally nf eful, to go with a family In the country, sp ply for two daya at No. 29 EAS1 BAY. March 12 2* TX ,r ANTED? E VE KV HOD V TO SUB T* SCRIBE to the CIRCULATING LIBRAE?. CH;.RLES C. RIO LITER'S Select Library of New Hooks contains all of the latest publications. April 21_No. 181 KING-STREET. WANTED, SUBSCRIBE H S POR ALL THE LEADING MAGAZINES AND NEWS? PAPERS, at publisher's rates. CHARLES C. RIGHTER, April 21 No. 161 Kins-street. WA>TKD.-TO LAW) ERS.-AYOUVG MAN desires to study lav m some office where he can earn bis board by acting as olerk, copyitit, i-c. Aldreis "COPYISr," DAILY NKWS Of? fley_ Imo* March 30 WANTED, A SITUATION AS SALES? MAN in a Grocery bouse. Applies-, t has ex? perience, references given. Address "R ." Office of THE NEWS. March 10 tn flatt. TO RENT. PINE BUICK RESIDENCE, seven rooms and kitchen, wi.h gus, cistern, ?cc., No 12 Elizabeth-street, near Charlotte. Possesdon given April 13. R. M. MARSHALL ft BRO., Real Estate Brokers, March 13 stnth3 No. 33 Broad street. TO RENT, A HOUSE AT THE CORNER of Society and la*t Bay street''. Apply to JOHN MARSHALL, Marshall's Wharf. March ll_th Btu TO KENT, A HOUSE OP POUR ROOMS dreseing-room, pantry, two attics and double pinzzi, with convenient outbuildings, heated in Islington Court, near Cannon-street, and within short dlilauco-f street cars Bent $20 per month. Apply to T. GfUNGh SIMONS, Commlssiou Agent, Planters'and Meelianlcs'Bank. f3 March 12 - . TO KENT. A D'1 LIGHT Kt h SUMMER RESIDENCE, with FARM : ttached, at tho southwest corner of Bco and Pr?sidant street*. Tho houBo contains four room? and pantry, with wide double piazzas to the south, giving a full view of Ashley River. On tho lot. which i* large, there ii a kitchon of four rooms, and a neat cottace containing two large snd wcU-floiJhrd rooms, with lire place - in each; carriaao h uso aud stable, and wcU of pure spring waler. Altachi d is a Int ot about one acre, uow plauted wi,h market vegetables now coming up. For term*, ic, apply at IRIS Or ?ICE. March ll 6? TO RENT, THE ST<?KE AND RESI? DENCE, corner of Ring and Lainboll-st'oets. Inquire ot P. O'DONNELL, on the next Lot north ol tho above. February 24 TO KENT,ONE ROOM,TO ONE OK TWO gentlemen. Apply at No. 141 MABKET STRELT. Februaiy 23 ?icmoDcl. KEMI IVA L_THE *UBSC?IBER HAS this day removed his Bakery I s'ahlishment fr. m No. 07 King-street to No. 3SI KTNO-STltKBT, above George-street, where ho will be happy to see his old customers and the public generally. A. F. Ml.ECHEMS, No. 331 King-street, above George-street. March 0 G CnUDtinrj, (Ctr. np A I L U K I iv o ? THE SCB^CRIBER HAS JUST RETURNED from New York, uiih a haudsonre selection of CLOTHS, CA Ssl M ERES, VESTING?, ko, and is now prepared to ox- cute all orders with dispatch. Hiving had many years exp?rience m tho bud;.cns, ho leola sailsflcd that tho mat.rial and workmanship will give every satisfaction. Call and examine my Stock. ALSO, A FINE LOT OF FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN RUGHEIMltB, No. 141 King-street,. March 10 G wfm7 Third door not th o. Queen. Cigars, Crbaffo, &r. ATTENTION, TB SMOKERS! IF YOO DESIRE TO SMOKE A GENUINE IM? PORTED HAVAN A CIGARand LEAK OBACCO, rall at No. 80 MAliKET-s'lRtET, where you will find now open for inspection th? largest and most wv-ect stock ol Cigar? and Leaf i obaccn ever import? ed to this market, and which we offer at a pilos that will satisfy all demands. Wholesale and Retail, by SAYAS & MARINAS, Ao. SO MARKET-STREET. January 1 ws 3ouMfs, guiness, Cte MCCLELLAN SADDLES! TEAM HARNESS, BUGGY AND CARRIAGE HARNESS, A KD SADDLERY LEATHER, etc. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS NOW ON HAND A ?arce stoc<r ot old and now McClellan Saddles, Government Harness for two. four, six horses, also, fimi Eunuch .sommerset PADDLE-, Bridles, Bits, kc , ko., together with a v ria assortment of tho fiudi ngB n" cea-ury to manufacturera. Ho is i>reparod to sell to dealers, Plouch Bridles and Plough Gear? ing gcaorally at New York factory prices. Oatt Tunned Lea,her by tho singlo aldo or roll af low figur?e. F. F. CHAPEAU, Meeting-street next Milis House. March 9 ' tuthslmo S ADDLEKY, SADOLEHY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE MATERIALS, LEATHER, &c. fTTHK UND 'RSIGNED HEG TO CALL ATTEN-I J_ TI"N lo their .'ante and oomplclo S ock of SADDLES, BRU LES, HAUNli-S aud all kinds of CARRHGK AI \TEBLAL-, whn h they oller at Wholesale and Retail upon the mo.-t liivorable terms. US-ORDERS PUOMPrLY FXE0?CED. JENNINGS, THOMUNSO.v & CO.. No. ?G'J MEETlNG-tvlTOET, opposite Charleston Uotol. N. B.-Also, Second-hand Govcrumout MCCLEL? LAN SAHUL C.S. M a-chi Imo ?.lliSirU?ncous. JAMES A. DU FPUS, No. 9 STATE-STREET, OFFrRS Ul? SE!iVli""ES TO THE PPBt II AS a GENERALAGENT for thc COlXB't'lOV o'' ItS NT.-s Ai COHN I S, BUYING AND .-ELLING OF RKAL A.ND PK?4?ONAL PR IBER? x, an . nu- ?CHT Commission Bu taos* th >t may bo entrust d to his care, li- will be prompt iu ihe disc laig.; ul il.iii"s, uu wi.i endeavor tj th.- be-tuf his ab.??ty to ?j vj mUsiac iou. Mareil 12 f\ 'iMBl'S LINE TO M . GNO- IA. THE -UL'M-Ul''En WOCLD RESPECTFULLY aniiuun c io the citizens ol Cliarleolou that, on and .lier ibu s ay. the lilli h'St., he w 1 istaiiiwiu LINE OK OilNlBU-'Es. uudor l e super.ute de ice ol Mr ll. G ^ l> -, ?0 tuii Mini the cora r ol aiee? iii . ami i Ines n et-, to Numiott* Aveuueaiid the J h ri e Milu House. Ibe-c OAtNIUUaES w".Il .eavo each termini!'.' every u lt-Uuu< irons 0 A. M lo 12 M.. and over? (pia ter hour tram 2 io li P. M., und will ruu evo y dav. Faro-10 cents A stifrtudlier.-neoto schedule guarant<-ed. ArrsLg?! . cuts can be mulo lor l'ie-nic Parties troiu same dale, at -iago Cilice, earner Lino cud Meetug-strecls. G_Itullhltl GUAU .M. MU^EB?MTfS! MULE BOOTS! TITULE BOO?S HOB r. OUCHING IS niCE 1VJL lau s manufacturo.! on an improved sijle, and ?o:d low hy F F < 'H A PEAU, No. 03 Me Huti-striHrf, March 10 G Next.o Milln House. T|?liltSUJI k BATES, CHAMPAGNE ALE DRE?VETtY, HARLEM, iv. Y. This celebrated A'c is b:cwcd fresh all through the j'-ir and i? guaranteed to kc-ip sound ihrou .ib tho kOtle t weather, aud on that ace > nt is oi u.i Ales tho Desi adapted t > tho -out h ern climat?. The proprietors are dessous of establis.iing a trade tor their Ale in this ociioa, and wwii lo -t .ko a - ramsments with amii: 'ti r?elle, responsible i any to ta:. - - lie gcucy tor Hie s ilo cf it m . 'ba; 1 stun and vieiuity. RYERSON ft B \ 11 Darlem station, New York Ci ly. February 16 3m o ?Reetings. YOUNG MKM'S CHRISTI AN ASSOCIA 1I0N. AK FXTRA MEETING OP THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION will be held 1 ms EVENING, at tho Ito 'ina, at bnlf-past Seven o'clock. A general attendance ia earnestly ri quested. E. A. SILrOX, Recording Secrotaiy March 13_" 1 SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAIL? ROAD COMPANY. rriHK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK HO LD 1. ' 1RS of t'-e savannah and Cbur.eaton Railroad Company (postponed lrom tho secoua Wednesday in Junuiry; v.ill tako place in the City ol Charlesion. on ; ! e TH mu WEDNESDAY IN MABCB. being tho 17th of that mooth. Place of meeting, tho Hall of. tho Planters' and Mechanics Bink, Ea t Bay. at Twelve M., at which time an election will be held for six Directors to serve the ensuing ytar. A Committee to verify proxies will be in atten? dance at Ten A. M. S. W. FI-HE?, Secretary. SST Savannah republican and Herald will pleaso copy and saud bill to office Savannah and charleston Ruliread Company. February 27 sth?wl /ertilijtw. To Farmers and Planters. Z E L L ' S AMMOMATED BOSE SUPERPHOSPHATE, FOR COTTON. TOBACCO. CORN, OATS, WHEAT, Rye, Potatoes. Turnips, Grass, ve. Permanently improve the soil. Quick and active as Peruvian Guano. For this valuable FERTILIZER we only ask a trial aide by sine with any in toe market, to at? test its sup??iori.y. P. ZELL ft SONS. No. 89 South-street, Baltimore, Maryland. For salo on accommodating terms -cash or credit SCRI VEN dc NISBET, Accommodation Wharf, Charleston, South Carolina. March 13_stnth No. I GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO winn LOCK s VKGKTATOH. AND ZELL'S SUPER BONE PHOSPHATE OP LIME AND RAW BONE PHOSPHATES. - TONS PERUVIAN GUANO, WARRANTED genu ine and puro -tons Vegetatur or " Woolston's Ammoniatsd Bone Phosphates of I lane," guaranteed to be M good a3 any Fertilizer-next to Peruvian Guai o-in the market. - tons Zell's buperpbos hat? of L'meand Raw hone Phosphates, both buperior Fertilizers. For sale by T. J. KBHR k CO. March 12_ "GUANO !" No. 1 PERUVIAN. SARDY'S "SOLUBLE PBOSPHO-PEHUVIAN." SARDY'S "AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC," ALSO. HIGHEST GRADES PURE I'HOSPHA T1C GUANOS AND GROUND LAND PLASTER. THE USE OF THE ABOVb SOLUBLE P80SPHO PEKUVIANond Ammoiil.ted Soluble Pacific Guanos is particularly recon. mended, beinc com? pon; da of tho nunest Pacific Pbo-phatic Guano, rendered solublo; the former c ntaiuiug twenty per cont, of Peruvian Guano, and ibo latter highly au moniated wiih animal matter-masing the most concentrated aud profitable fortiLzora in uso for cot? ton, corn, wheat and Tobacco, For sale m baas and bat reis, in quantics to suit. Tcstlmouiala from thone win have used the above wlU bu runii- ed on application. GRAESER, LEE, SMITH & CO., General Agonts at Charleston. ?Feed your Land and lt will Feed Yon." December 24 nao (hstu4mo " SUPERPHOSPHATES." CBOASDALL'S GENUINE PHOSPHATE AND BOWEB'S COMPLETE MANURE. Both standard Fertilizers. For salo by WM. GURNEY, No. 102 I- a-t Ray, Solo Agent for South Carolina. February 2G Imo LAND PLASTER. -I f\r\/A BARBELS LAND PLASTES. TO AB Ivl/V RIVE por Schooners Scud and Mation Gage. Orders received by OLNEY ft CO February 25 CHESAPEAKE GUANO, AN AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, COMBINING ALL THE QUALITIES OF BONE AND PEBUVIAN GUANO. THIS F F RTLLLZER It? WARRANTED TO GIVE satislocUon. Planters and farmers are invited to send for pamphlets, descriptive of its virtues and how to ar.ply lt. HW Prico, Wo per ton of 2000 lbs. For sale by It. M. BUTLER, February 17 Agent ot charleston. 8. 0. PATAPSC0_ GUANO. Letter from Jamos Pagan. CBESTEB, SOUTH CALLINA, January 6, 1800. Dear S ir-I have just locoived a communication from Geo. W. OraiBln, Esq., Treasur?r of Patapsco Guano Comuauy, rcquostlng my opinion of tho "PA TAP-CO," to be Bant direct to y ou-which I take pleasure in doing, as I 'inc -roly bollevo that it is tho best fertilizer now In nae. I hive tested its merits fully, and find those who have used it alongside of other popular fertilizers, do not hoMtnte to givo it the preferenco; there arc as many kin Js in uso as there arc merchants wlio doal in it. No two houses recommend tho same kind, but dunn? the last season I had a good nppormuity of introducing the * * PATAPSOO ' ' G UANO to some exteut. I pave to t-n (10| different planters COO pounds GUANO IO put each ou ouuuc.e ol lan J, and agreed to lake part of the product for pay. They all hucoeedod well. I gol nearly l'JO por cent, proilt liotn ihe tea uni es, and tho plante a aro aatii?oj that they gol 00 io lou i cr cont, more thau they couU have expected on the B-imo land without tho GUANO. I also sold tm .li quiutitits to st mo twenty or thirty p nulcrs, who Hied it on all sor.s or land, some of thutu certify to wouderfu. lOjttlU, and ovcry ono of Hiern have euKajrcd to Uko luttra for Hu cowing soai-ou. I expect to Sell ICU limes thu amount which WU* taken la t sea-ou. I began in 1807, and havo not hoard ono maa Fay it d d n .t over-pas him for his outiuy. lu sumo re? spect* it ."Udt be uupctior to the Peruvian Guano. For insifucu, yan ? au mix the soed with th'; PATAW co, aud thul'eiuviau must bo cjvercd bei? ic |?aut lng. i he "PATAMCU" acts a ouceu. on thc t-prou s, af soon as it como* from the toed sud moko, i. light oil-growing, and prevents tho bickiy s ago et/itou, without thu biimulus, has to go through_you know thi . For two or tlireo TU ks IbeiOttOnptsut il lu a eau iii on wilie- is so pre caril.u- that no planier can nay that he ha - u certain ?.laud 1 believe li e ' fAiAPsco" secures a oilier und more healthy stand (hau catt bj had .>}' 1..0 ap plieatiou ol any otb-jr fertilizer. 1 xpculi ft om cx periucu.s made for two yean. 1 have planted a lit? tle cotton tor tho of walebing thu io?u:t, and am sur.- that ro.*iiu thc seed i.i I'ATAI-SCO GUANU will tccure au carly auu h.-a.thy .-.lan., o: cot? ton, which is hko ^citing a goo.! start lu any kiim ot race. I would reeonuueud 253 to 300 pouii ls to the aero 1 ma e GOO pounds ii at from one acre by planting 5.0 pounds of '\PAT\PSC >," uhich mido 2?J ?.ouuda tho year heioro w.thout it, and thc s. asou 13t)7 w..s better for cotl-4 than 186i. ibu s ima field OJ the I ort not fo iliiz.d ma lo tuoro In 1&S? titan in '?? I teins i*. woul pay, howcv r, for ahou; 103 pounds to the acte. Ruspectiully, (Staled) - JAMES PAGAN. For further ifcforma'.ion. apply ?o Ci? l RTE V \ ? iV Ti: i; ' HOL "I. General Ar.outs, Union Wharf, February 13 eC Charleston, S C. CHARLESTON DBISTT^IJ DEPOT No. 275 Kl? G->'? RE KT, GOLD AND TIN FOIL. AMALGAMS, MINERAL TEETH, Steel Good-;, and every article usea by the Dentist. 2mo January 27 H ilmnscnrnis. I BERN IAN HAL Ii . THE HANLON BROTHERS WILL om A GRAND MATINEE . TUM (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON. Admission.Fifty Cent?. Evory lady who atienda will be presented with a PHOTOGRAPH Oj? THE HANLON'S "LIT? TLE WIDGETS." Opens at 1:30.Begins at 9:30. SATURDAY E VE NI NG. M A R C H 13, Lost Night ot the HANLON COMBINATION. ?S-Priccs as usual. Soats at HOLME s' BOOE STORE. No extra charge. Opens at 7 o'clock; begins at 8. March 13_l_ JJ 1BERNIAN HILL. EOU MANAOR E.B. F. WHITMAN*. THE MANAGEMENT RESPECTFULLY AN? NOUNCES that, on his way to New York, he willre Tlsit Charleston FOR TWO NIGHTS ONLY, MONDAY, MARCH 15th, AND TUESDAY, 16th, Ard will present the succesEful Operatic Spec? tacles of CINDERELLA AND UV DINE. CINDERELLA, MONDAY; UNDINE, TUESDAY. > s arranged a la Opera Bouffe, and pla; ed hun? dreds of nights to crowded houses. The Great star, MLLE. ESMERALDI DIANT, the popular Vocalist and Actress, MLLE LIZZETTE BEEN ABD, all the Gorgeous Sooner/ of tba r AWN, including the Great Transformation Scene. ^BS-Ad mission $1; Referred Scats $125; Back Feats 75 cents; Gallery 51) couts. Scats ran be se? cured at once at HOLMES' BOOK bl OHE. Marca 13 3 F ARE W ELL TOUR.. RETURN OF THE VETERANS I SKIFF & GAYLORD'S MINSTRELS AND BRASS BAND, WILL APPEAR MARCH 172?, ONLY FOR THREE moms, AT HIBERNIAN HALL. THE LARGEST ORGANIZATION NOW IN EX ISTENCt. Four Opora Comedians; the magnifi? cent Quartette; ANDY MoKEE, the great Song and Danos man ; the grand triplo Clog Dance. The Wonder.ul Pantheoptipionsnlca description cf tho following beautiful scene-: City of Bethlehem; Birthplace of Christ; Mannt Calvar..- and tho Cruci? fixion ; Burial PLco of Lord Byron; Napoleon Re? viewing hi* Armv; Napo'oou an Exiloatst Helena; So-diei'* Dream of Home; Ship at Sea, Storm Arisos, Thunder, Lightning and the Wreck. FORMING TWO GREAT fcHOWS IN ONE. LOW GAY LORD, Manager. JOE GAYLORD, General Agent. Parquette and Dross Cirolo.ll 00 Reserved seats. . '60c Colored Seali. 6Uc A GBS.ND MATINEE ON FBIDAY AFTERNOON, Mmch 19, st Two o'clock. Admission: Fifty cents to ail uarta of the house. G March 18 /rrtU.jrrj. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. CAPITAL.S 1,000 OOO fl"! HTS GUANO DIFF?RS PROM PE RD VI AN L Guano simply tn <bo rolaUve proportions of tba sams eli menta of fertility. Its use during the past four years for the culture of cotton aud -om has given to it a character for standard excslleuce narnu passed by genuine Peru? vian Guano, and where seasous of drought inter? vene, ii produces a large increase of crops. The price at wince this Guano is placed ts so much be'ow that of Peruvian Guano, as to cour tit ute lt an object or material importance to southern Agriculture. The large n vital a ud roaources of tho Company enable it to furnish a Guano of tho higboit value at the lowest possible cost to consumer- and the highes: interest of tbo Company is recognized in this policy. .he Company looks to large rales, smal profits and a pcrinaneat trude for compensation on capital Inveaiod. Br. ST. JULIEN RAVENEL, of South Caro? lina, ls Rcientiflc Director to the Company, which affords a sure quarante? ot the continued ex collcnco of ibo Guano. None genuine uu!o-n brand* ed witu tho name ot JOHN ri. KEliaE at CO., Gene? ral Agents ol tho PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY. For terms and mode of applica.ion. apply to J. A. ROBSON, Agoni for the State nt -ou:h Carolina, Nos'. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. December 19 DAO stntbSmo THE LODI MANUFAGID?ING CO, (ESTABLISHED 1840.) INVITE PLANTERS AND FARMERS TO PEND for a pamphlet descriptive of their Fertilizers. We oiler our DO UM LE KEFI.vB^ P UDRElTE. equal to the bsst buporphoaphate, at the low price ot ?'?? i er ton. ibis Company also make a supe? rior article of Nitrophosphate uni pure Bone Lust, bee te.? ti in ou i als: li M. i ODD. binithfielil. Va., says where ho u<cH th- Double Refined Poudrette ou corn it doubled the yield . WILLIAMS BBOS . Dover, Del, says lt gave th"ir rhubarb uud t.iuia.oe a vigorous growth, ripcuiug the tal'or two weeks earner P. W. UUTCIUSO.-I. *r, uuarO urokee, Go., says il ni-arly duubicil his yield ol colton. lion tu S., Eunjula, Ala., says his cot? ton wu- luily equal io adj.lining i.eld* manured with the I-est ?U|iori>n(> phale .->. M0NI?O.MJK11Y, E: II ville, G-., says it increased his crop ot cu.toa iou lbj per ucre. G s. OuLi.sDT. Aiarict a. Ga . us ; it on corn and cotton ai.d ?fay. it m re ihau n muled thc yie d. ce relaid-11 Hie clioipost and innot re.iab e Fertilizer within his Knowledge. ha-GvVeriior . M TU, Wat renton. Va,, tried it w th three wal erupa tue boland present >e>rs. iud mys: "I ure eui nco it with confidoucu a most valua? ble man.ire " J he Superintend "nt or Ococral W. R. Cox. To.k brana Pfciuiaiiuu. N. <:.. isyc: ?.! hiiik the Poudrette lund for u mi ea' u >( bu Mili'i irt-ed; us. d it ou coi t "u whichpvuu.iced .?aiKC yu .a. Dr. E. M. i KKDu TON. > mu. Ga,, says: "The Nllraphoniihaie uf Liiuo, need on eottou made 213 per . i) it the fir.-; jaar. pM.fe.pci' bfioiiOE H. Coos, ' f the vow Jcrsei Stile 'gricultural COI U?", at Ne*' i'runswi-k, .-ayK -the i nunkiKeUiMil 1 oudrclie and Kltrophuephale of Limo paid us lu.! iou pur ec .1. uouVr tbeE' mar? ke value in the lu -reas ot erupa ihin .v ar." address LOLi UA.-UFiC CUING COMPANY. Eux -fl?I New York l'ost Rice. Olhco No. CG court J." A. ENSIJOW & CO. CH ?LESION, AGENTS FOR TUE CO u l'A NY. January 14 ih.-tuJuios r_JOLMES A MACHETll, Np. 30 Broad-street, Charlo .ton. KC, BROKERS, AUCTIONEER?, REAL E8TATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Will atttoa 1 to Rontiuj and Collecting of Bents and pu'chiso aud RIO CI. btocss, Bonus, Gold, Silver uud Real Lera.e. ALSO. i o the Purciitiso ot Go Jd.- aud Supplies for pir'ies in ibo emu -ry upon roa^ou hie erma. Gl'.OllUK U I.OLA11?S.ALI'S I.SD2E MACBETH. Ja. u ryl_lyr E ? . ll. UOPPOCK, F & C I O B AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AOCOmiODATIOJ) WHARF, Charleston, S. C. P. GADSDEM HASELL. 6mos September 21 (tomes unit ?hit?mous. I AAA POUNDS OHOICB SBGAB-CUOTD lUUv KAM>, at 20e per pound Yarmouth Bloaters Cb"icc !. niton Maiket Beef. Just received at the CO-OPER\ ' IVE GROCERY STORE, Southwest corn' r Meeting and Market streets. Grod>> dehvc ed tree. March 13 FLOUR. 1 A A BARBELS FAMILY AND FXTRA FLOUR. iUU For sale by RAVENEL k CO. March 13 _mw2 BEA- GRASS EXTRA. SI GAB CU R KO HAMS AND BEEF. - O r CA--K3 OF THE CELEBRATED BE 1RGRASB ??O HAMS 10 boxes of the celebrated Beanrrass Beef. As i'gent for tbs packers I ( ffcr tbe above Hams on aa favorable terms aa Roms or tbe s me equality, and will Guarantee every H<im to give -utiefaclion or the money wiU be refund? d. Consumers. who, there? fore, wish a good rt Ide, ?1.1 find it to their Interest to ry tbe tcareras?. J. N. ROBSON, Nos. 1 and 2 Atlantic Wharf. March 13 ?*o_stoth3 BACON. 6000 l^IDEBIME ?" B*A?LD WBBED 3000 Prime Shoulders. For sale low by JO HN CAMPSEN k CO. March 12_2_ CORN, OATS. FLOUR. 4000 B?CHBNS PHIME WHITB MILLIN? 2000 bushels Prime Mixed and Tennessee Cora. OATS. 260? bushels PRIME OATS. FLOUR. 600 t-bls. NORTHERN FLOUR-all grades 500 sicks CampseB Mills Choice Family and Extra Flour, lor sale low, by March 12 8_JOHN CAMPSEN k CO. MILL FEED SHORTS AND . BRAN. FOR 8AL? LOW AT CAMPSEN MILLS, $0.14 Ma'ket-atreet, by March 13 sw* JOHN CAMPSEN k CO. SALT AFLOAT. C?f\i~\f \ SACKS LIVES POOL SALT NOW 0\J\J\J landing from irblp Edith. Fer sale by G EOE Gt W. WILLIAMS k CO. March ll_[_3_ CORN LANDING. 4000 ':USHELS PMME TOITBCOBNIN 1060 bushels mine White Corn in bulk, per schooner Flying Scud, from Norfolk. ALSO, 160 bushels OATS. For sile low. T. D. CLANOY At CO, March 8_ WHISKEY. C%PT BARRET.8 1 WBISKFY OF VABIOU8 ??O lr? half-burels J BBAND?. For sale by March ll tbrtnj B EN RY COBIA k CO DEMIJOHNS. BUT CLES AND IMHOKTKD LAOKK BIER. ?J \ FIVE OALLEN DEM JOHNS JLOv/V/ 2C00 dem J bus, snia 1er sizes 100 crates 1 'hiret and Madeira Bottles 100 casks Bottled Lager Bier, in quarts ana pints Imported from Bremen, and f*r sale by ?'LACTU* & WITTE, February * thslu:iroos No. 80 East Bay. IOALI<OAL! riTHE UNDERSIGNED KEi-P.-i ON HAND THE J. BE?t atED ASS . OAL, 8'itablo lor Parlor Grates, stove ard co. kia.; Banges, which he will sell at reduced prices. ALSO, SOFT COAL, ty applying to E. P. SEIGNIOUS, * Corner East Bay and Basel street East Side. February 2.1 ruths loo SUGAR! SUi.U?. ! AND 4O L ASSES: 1 f\f\ HBD-t. CHOICE DRY GROCERY 8UGAB Xv/U 1W0 boxes O.ioiceDry Grocery sugar . 60 hhds. Prime- M uso uv do .-UK ar IOU hhds. Now Crop < nba Molasses 100 hhds. New Crop clayed Molasses, Being oarg' of American ?chooner E. M. Pennell, to arrive from < 'ar dena ?, and tor sa e by W. P. HALL, Brown st Co 'a Wharf. February 23_ tuths LITTLE NECK CLAMS. "I f\ OASES LITTLE NECK CLAMS LU 10 cases Ox Tail >onp 18-case? '1 ornato Soup 10 oases Sausage* Meat 10 cases t- rc.-h -elm n 10 case* Fresh Mackerel 10 cases Fresh Lob 3? er. WM. 8. CORWIN ? CO., -_s o. 278 King-street. JAVA COFFEE. 1 AA MATS OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA XUU 60 ma's Genuine 61 anilla Coffee 25 sark* ttenu. ne Laguayra Coffee 10 aaoks Puio Mocha C> flee 6u sacks Rio Coffee, all crades. Parched Java and Gionnd Java, wjrrantcd pure. WM. 8. CORWIN ti CO., _No 276 King-Blreet. PBJNUE ALBERTS. C)f\ BBLS. PRINCE ATJRERI POTATOES ?i \ J 25 Lb.e. Mercer Potatoes. WM. 3.0 EWIN &CO., _No. 276 King-street, FRE8H PKACriEs. CORN, &?fT <T)?r CASES. 3 LB, FRESH PEACHES J. f_> 26 rajes. 2 lb, Green Corn 10 cases, 21b Green Peas 30 cases, 2 lb. Fresh Peaches 10 cat>tB. 2 lb, 10 eases, 2>j lb. -ni a Beans 1 10 oasee. 2 lb, Tine apple * 10 ca-es. 2 lb, str>woerrlea - 6 cases, 2 lb, Quinces 5 cases, 1 lb. Fren h Peas 6 cases, 1 lb, Alus i room J WM. b. CORWIN k CO., _No. 275 King-?treet. CHAMPAGNES. I f\ CA*-ES VE Cl ICQOOT PONSABDIN 1U 20 cases Greeu > eal 23 baskets Piner Heidseick 10 cai-e>. Dry Verzenay 6 raees 1 r> Silii ry 6 caste M noam's Prlvato Stock 60 oases Urbumi W ne Company. WM. S. COltWIN k 00., _No. 276 King-street. I .LAU ET Wi>ES. ry?r Ct-ES ST. JULIEN MEDOC i O 60 cases G ca?d'.* Coutry 25 eis s Johnston'* -ons Medoo 26 i as. s Ht une nbttrg livres Modoc t0 ci-es Johnston's r-t Loubes 50 use . E li. A-Cu's Honiilac 10 ru-ses Cha ouux Muigaux 10 casts I ateuux Uockueiincr Lai beuhei'iier ? Cios de Vougeot WM. 8. CORWIN k CO. _No 275 Kin--.-treat. SALT A F I.?'AT. fJinn SACKS LIV. BPOOL S*LT, LANDING t)1 ' V'\J tlii d y lrom l ark Harnet F. Hus cy, and ready ur delivery. RAVEJEL k CO, Maroli 10 lYHARro:* 7:. MOFFElT, Ko. 115 WEST-STREET, NEW YORK. ft?] 3 F FE TT & WHARTON, No. 114 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON. Ali varieties of ; ced and Eating POTATOES. HAVING A PARTNER IN NHW YORK WHO will rrivo his . crsuiia! .mention lo tho sale of > ar y V- OE i A ULE- AND FKUIT, and promising quick .-ae n ul urompi re'ur.s. we sollet the pa ir.ui go I I shippers. Our com issions *ill be five pe cen . ou-y. CU iTli* inrnis'joit to f ose who ship tons. . G. MOSFi ll.r. J. WHARTON. Decemt cr 30 h 3rno3 JOHN ?. ALEXANDER,* ACCOUNTANT, NO TART PUBLIC AND GENERAL AGENT. No. l? croad-ritrcct. KE.SPE0IFUI.LY -OLI'Ills BJSlNESS IN AD? JUSTING ACCOUNT- ol Merchants and others, .aud m SF KD INI OP ?ND PO-TING their BOOKS, .either In part o* whole kt: January 9 C. J. SCHLEl'KUUELL,, Ufo. 37 L1NF-STBEET, BETWEEN KING AM ST. PHILIP. LOMI3ER OF EVERY DESORPTION ANL eUIiiDlMG MATERIAL, LIME and PLASTER? ING SrATIIS PAIN IS. OILS. GLAS>ES, SHINGLES; also . ROO^E AND . ONGUE BOARDS, ka., con? 6Uut!y oa baud ?% ?ic lowettmarket pricesT Sopiembar 12 mthslyr