University of South Carolina Libraries
THE IJAILY JEWS. Week Old-Wee Cold-Weak Old. For a combination of i athos and humor, thc fol? lowing from the >oiwich (Conu.) Adveitifcr. pur? porting to be the wail of a father over his buried boy. >a. to say the least, very p culiar: Close nestled in h.s mother's arms, His cheeks as red a- roses, With eyes ot Heaven's bluest Hue, And anubbiest of noses Close nestled in his mother's arms, My wcck-old boy roi oses. Fast mouldering on thc bill .?dc green, Where myrtle . bloom, aud rosee. Bis baby b-other steeps I ween No arm his torm cuclo.-es Fast mouldering on his hillside gra?n, My wee cold boy reposes. Sweet slumht rer ia loving arms Dear dreamer 'neath tho roses May I as free from all alarms Rest when lui- brief life closes When, mouldering ou the hillside green, This weak old boy repose O ie FILIAL. - LIST OF LET ! tits remaining in the Post-office at Charleston, for the ?reek ending MARCH ll, 1669, and printed officially tn TUB DAILY NEWS, as the newspaper having the largest circulation in the City of Charleston. ?S" Persons calling for Letters Advertised, should ?tate that they are "Advertised." Xtsr Office hours from 8 A. M. to 6 P, M. On Sun. days, from 5 to 5 P. M. STANDET G. TROTT. Postmaster. WOMEK'b XJCST. ??mair, Jane A Hammer, Mrs L McCarthy, Mary Allston, Mrs C Haas. Mrs L E Allenrong, Mary Hastings. Hattie McCay, Mary Allen. Sara P Hardy. Kate Mecano, Lydia Ball, Miss L o arnson, M iss L McGratb.Mary H Baker, Jennie Elas< ll, Mrs L H McKenzie, Mrs Bentham, Kate Hey ward, Mary Alex .Beaton, tarah E McMaston.Mrs T Senrman, Mrs C Henderson, Car- N Brice. Mary J rieE Mi-Pherson, Mrs Bird, Mary A Harans, XanojJ Jj Bing, Mrs F |Hobda. Hester | Atc Vicar, Mrs L Boyle, Miss M Hoi ima n, Mies E Newton, Miss R Bolles, Miss M R Hoyt, Juna D ? /Connell, Miss Belles, Rate C Hort, Miss J M Boiler, Mrs B Harley. Mary A Par?ms, Miss E Bryant, Mary Holmes, Mrs L 0 Bul, Mrs Homes. Miss R Parker, Mi?; E Burns, Nanny Ingliss, Camilla Palmer, Kate Burke, Sarah E Pineknev. Tyra Burna, Bidget *?es Giace rincknoy, Miss C <^JT* , ?ii-s johnson, Mrs B E Brown, Miss RC W tfolbemus Jane Carter. Miry Johnson, Mrs W Quinley, Abby Carry, MraE H iQuU-n, MrsB ChristafeU, Mrs B Johnson, Sarah Karney, Susan Christi*], Mrs L Johnston, Amelia Re.1man,Mrs S M (Chapman, MrsB Jeffords, Mrs M Byan, Ann Chaton, Sarah H Sandle, Mrs L Cleary, Mrs B Kramer, HattieC scriven, Miss M Chiton, Clara A Ktlr y, Ellen i Seabrook. Miss S Cochran, Mn 0 Hlr .y. Miss M ?cott Ju'ia Cori, Flora Kay, Mrs ?hoity. Miss M Cohen, Delia M Larkin, Jane Speissigger, Mrs Davis, Mrs H L Laiourcade, Mrs A A Saver, Anny A Stewart, Miss 0 Bibble, Miss M A Lanard, Mrs E Smith. Julia E Donaldson, Ann Lewis, Annie Smith. Mrs G R Sn tiemann, Miss Levin, Mrs L T s>lmous, Mrs A M ?? . " Leaare, Amelia Thompson, Sa Tarabee, Miss J Lipton, No .lie A rah rurr. Anne L L Lipton, Nellie A Thomas, Jane Train. Bringt Loyal, Miss F Thomas. Ju'<a Gadsen, Mary Lundes, Mrs B Turner, Carrie Caillar J, Mrs" W H Walsh, Mrs J Gadsden, Miss M Mahoney, Miss J Wall, Mrs M J Oeraahty Mrs 1 Ma-nard, Mrs H Weinberg, Mary Gibbs, Miss RR W M Gillc. Josephine Mattisou, Kate L Webster, Betsy Clover, Kata Mutant, Mrs CE Wcscoat, Ellen ? Goodin, Lacy Mar?chal, Lottie Wheaton, Ellen GraveR, Miss B Miles, Mary Wiukler, Miss H O Mood, Miss M J Wright,Christina (hay, fane Mill, r, Mrs W Williams, Amelia Graves, Ann B aicavy, mr? j Washington,Miss Hamilton, Mise McCormick,Kate L 34 . . IVTEoNPS LIST. /Chille.Monsieur Gridiron.Cbarl- F Pool-, Pordvm! ?JohnL Gregg, Wm J Po'.lcrose A Co Ackerman, James Green, 'i bomas Penbeld, J L Adams, J D Gracier, John C Senr tiiim, George Hayes. Edwd D Quinn. M M A Annerly, Georse Hannam, Wm bro Anderson, James Htmonglit, S Rand JJ ph, Rev B W [cl damson, Gen J F Ancrum. Daniel W Badgeo, William Austin, Master Hannam, Mr B?chenbach, D .- Arthur banuam, Wm Kevel, Capt M B, A: . . Ha-tmann, John KB;ter. John? Barri. William Hamdtou, James liednold,William Bailey, Ephraim 8 Bjmer, Fiioj A SenJkin, D H rich Babcock A Co Higgius.Antbon/ Robison. S Baldwin, A Hobson, James Robinson. Jack Baker, Jobn BC A Robertson, AU BeU, Edward Holmes, Edward drew (col'dj Beck. Josiah, Jr Holman, Scarps. Fei Blakeiy, Charles Ephraim Schreiner, J C k Boyce, John P HoefJiug, John ^ns Bradley', Edward Hullen, J H Sehl, Jonann Browning, C K Jenkins, Charles ^perrr. an, charles Brown, Thos K . ' H sim. Thomas Bram. Joseph Jenkins, Henry Shaw, John Bul winkle, H B Jenkin?. Scipio Sims.Thonias (M Byrnes, cWilliam Jo.n?on.theRev D) Canter, J' Samuel Roose- Siellng, F Cassidy k Son volt sinkler, Levi Cannon, Henry Johnson, J Simmons, John Campbell, Joseph Kerr. Wm C Cardoaa, Pedro Kilroy k Co Sining, Willir.m Aga Kin law. Moses -heppard, D H Cannie il, Col G Klein, Isaac Smith & Melton H Ko minski, Ja- Smith. Allen Canter, Joshua cob Smalls k Micket Carpenter, Philo Laverne, Mons Shappo, Frank Cathcart, Richd Jules (cord) 8 Lau. Johan 8pry. James Chiflolm, J J Lory ca. Estar Steed man, A B .'Cherry, William Lan;ham. Joseph s tall eres, James Chichester, Wil- Law. Daniel J liam J i Loiyea, J Stoney? G Clark, C Mao. Mikel 1 Stroy.RevWm Cowan, John Mackev, John G stemmermanu. Cox, B A May. R H John Coombs, Stephen Marshall Jr? Mc- St?ll?u?fleet, H R B Millan A Bro Coal, J P. ." Manigo, Joe taylor, D S .Cotter, Robert , (eordl Tarver, Wm Curtis, Robert llenchon,Dennis Tennant, J Al Cnttin, Joe MeyerhoQ, Hin- bert Davis, Charley rich Thole, Charles Davis, Charles F Mitchell. C L thurston, E M Davis, Robert Mikel!, Jos M Thompson, F F Davis, T B TW""y*, John Tompson, Edw'd ? De wire, Jamos j A Iracy, Rev Wil Bennett, Ado!- Middleton,Stcph- liam phus ney Volk. Charles R Dunkle, Joel Miles, Francis F Van Allen, Gen Edebohls, Hanke p Yeleranz, Al Ma Eaacrson.Samuel Moller, Herr Jo- rinero SHves P nos tre Elder, James Moore, William ?Valton, Alfred Bille, C Carl Montan, Owoa. Wal?h, Edmond Eilyer, Giles Mit Moyles, W P Welch. J9hn * frard Mever, Mons Jo- Waring, Thomas Ellis. Frank H soph s Farina, Manuel Meyer, Monsieur Welch, Edward Felton, Wiiiiaui Cns Wentworth, B Fischer, Jacob Meyer, Louis Wigger, J ii Francis. Wm H Moyer, F B?E Witschen, Cart 6rant,*-Benry MoCalrey, Wil- sfcaa Gflyard, Richard barn Wirth, John Garivea, Johann BlcCottes, F Wheatfull, Benja Gilchriat, Capt Magrath. James min (col'd) Albion McNamara, Dan- Whit?, Dr Thoa Gilchrist, Alex- I iel G ander McNanly, Ber- Wilson, Lee Gourdine, Jacobi nard rcol'd) Gooding, Capt lOlbo'dtz, J D Wilkerson.James Joseph lO'NeU, Mr Williams, Wm Gourdin, Flau- O'S eil!. John J WunJer, E dors I Parson s, Cbarlef Wrede, Johann Grant, Hercules Palmer, H L Wyatt, & .Petrie. Henry L . 49~ Persons depositing letters in the Postoffice will please place the stamp near the upper right ?and corner of the envelope, and they w?l also please to remember that without the stamp a letter Cannot be mailed, but will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. March 12 Consignees per sou tn i molina Kuilroatf March it. -.EGG bales Cotton, Cl hales Domestica, 1514 bushels Grain, 2 cara Lumber, 3 cars Stock. To Railroa d Agent, Caldwell k Son, Pelzer, Rodgers & co. Ch is olm Bros. G H Walter & Co, J R Pringle, T W M i kel. Brodie k Co, Graeser k -mtth, E J Wiss W C Courtney k Co, G W W'lliams k Co, W W Smith, J A Tidemau k Co, Jeffords 4: Co, H Bulwinkle k Co West & Jones, R M Butler, M Israel, Hart k Co. Consignees per Korthe astern Katlroad March ll. ' 43 bales Cotton, CO bushels Roueh Ricc,*100 bush? els Peas, Wood, Mdse. ko. To Reed-r A- Daw, At?, drews k Salvo, J A Qua kenb >1\ B s h ff - v ?.' i. J M Fasfn A Bro, W K Myan. ? oilliv .'? . m. t Ct \< Williams 4: Cc, J O ui s ? v 0?, v?uo.-. & o . o ? Twinkler, Caldwell ... ox. r. .-t & AU C i'lig. horn. Hernrg k Co J I . ik v it ?, J >>.. i m r. B Stoney, Railroad A| n nu* ii er Pasata^eis. Per steamship Magnolia, for New York-r O'Neill, U Hail eran, T Killoil, Mrs H Aimetrong. L loss, J Cammo, Mr Barrett, Mis Lxranaga and fcur chil? dren, Mrs M C Knock, S >'adon, H Slinson, p Car? roll, P Culleton, Mr Prince, lady and ?our children, Mrs C Stackley. nurse ?nd cbtld. Miss E Stacklcv, J D Briggs. J Stockhaiigt-f, 8 3,hito, A C Buckwal'ter, W gack, J Keeley, W Ma tin, P Mood, W Ti escott. Per steamer City Toint. from Palntka, via Jackson- ! ^IRo'^ernandSiia and ? a rar.ual -Dr Bailey. C Smith, iSS*T"*" ??a lady, j? Q Pm -kuey and lady, W Jif"'.J *Bta*tej, J W iiuintard. E L BuUer, W LKinard, Mw Chalk, W <j Camero-, H L Favor. J G 2Fm2.dlS',nRM^m?th'^0 M Sparkman, Srw?ft'fc??P^/S? W relton> Kirk wood Ktmr. Mr Haightoa ar. \ lady W Hoffmaa H T jargent, J P Oroning, aad 15 on dock. - _ ' ^ /inanriul aii?* ?0 murndal. Tilt rim ri? sion .Honey Harker. THCESD.VT, March ll, 18C9. The past wef k has beea one of unprecedented cxlluess, and the quotations given below aro wilh few exceptions merely nominal, there bein!; no transactions upon which to base any change in pnets. The bills of the Banks of Charleston, Plan? ters,*: Mechanics. Southwestern Railroad and Cam? den Ranks havo appreciated slightly since the last quotations. City steck is still held at v' to 58, not? withstanding the Municipal muddle. SOUTHERN BASK BOXA CurreutRatc3 Bank of Camden.6'J ti 0 ) Bank ?S Charleston.Cn (S1 0 Bank af Chester.IP <?<W Bank of Georgetown.U' fi "0 Bank of Hamburg. 1 @<* Bank of Newberry.& ?wi Bank of Kcnth Carolina.14 fc-90 Bank of State of S Carolina, prior to 1 SCI.38 fe\iO Bank of Stfiteol S. Carolina,after 1st Jau., 18C1. C ?SOC Commercial Bank. Columbia. 2 (it)!! Exchange Bar?!:, Columbia.10 (?00 Farmer.-" and Exchange Bank, Charleston..0 feUO Merchant'.Bank.Cheraw.9 ?10 . People's Ba.ik..Charleston.CS feOO Planter's Bani of Fairfield.5 0.00 Planters' and Mechanics' Bank,Charleston.0U it > 0 Southwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston, (old).?2 (g00 southwestern Railroad Bank, Charleston. (new)....43 @00 State Bank, Charleston.. 5 ($00 ?nion Bank, Charleston.93 fiOO City 01 Charleston Change Bills.90 fe 00 State S. Carolina Treasury Notes.88 ($00 BONDS, STOCKS AND COUPONS. City of Columbia Bonds. 70^00 City of Columbia Coupons..,.75 feOO South Carolina Railroad and Bank Stock ,whole shares).42 (5,43 South Carolina Bailroad (half shares).20 (?21 S. C. Railroad Six Per Cent. Bonus.74 fe 75 S. C. R. R. Seven Per Cent. B'dse.86 feOJ S. C. Railroad Certificate ol Indebtedness.65 (aOO City ol' Charleston Six Per Ct. Stock..dull.57 (ii 58 City of Charleston Fire Loan Bonds.70 fed) State of South Carolina Bonds (old 1.71 (a 00 1 State of South Carolina Bonds mow issue. of January 1,1807).C7 (SOO 1 State of South Carolina Stock.60 (>00 1 Stale of South CarolinaCoupona.05 (?00 r People's National Bank Stock...,.par. (e 702 First Nnfif.r.i.I Bank Stock.?ar, feios j1 broTT* 0<J1?T?I,:.1 Ba.Urpad Slati< guarantied ?i0 |l Greeuvdle and Columbia 1st Mortgage " Bonds.71 fi 00 u Northeastern R. R. 1st Mortgage Bonds.82 (300 ? Northeastern R.R. 1st Coupons (past due).00 @C0 p Northeastern R.R. Certificates ot Indebted- B ness.50 tfCOO Charleston Gas Company Stock.23K0OO 8 Charleston City Railway Stock.52 feOO Charleston and Savauuab Railroad Bonds 2 (State guarantee).43 (3.00 Charleston and Savannah Railroad Stock.00 @00 11 City of Savannah Bonds...-......90 feOO b City of Savannah Coupons (due previous 1 to 1st June, 18CC).95 feOO | City of Savannah Coupous (due after 1st l June, 18C6).56 <&-M> Memphis and Charleston Railroad Stock. .4S feOO n Memphis aud Charleston Railroad Bonds.87 (?00 Memphis aud Charleston R. R. Couoons. .93 feOO ? Exports for thc Week ending Thursday March ll. FOUEION. LTVEBPOOL-Per bark Lizzie H-8Gbags Sea Island Cotton, 2853 ' ales Upland Cotton. 202 bbls Rosin Per Da is 1 bark Kamm* Funder-60 bags b< a Island Cotton, 373 nales Upland Cotton, 1045 bbls. Bosio, 482 sacks cotton seed, 5 tiorcos Cot? ton Seod, 22 tons Phosphite Bock. PORTO BloO-Per schrGolden City-0081 feet Pitch Pine Linn ber. DOMESTIC NEW YORK-Per steamship Janies Adger-31 tierces Bice, 503 bales Upland Cotton, CC l-alcs Domes? tics, 21 bundles Paper, 61 packagos Sundries Per s eamahip Saragossa-288 baies Upland Cot? ton, 198 tierces Rice, 40 Packages... .Per seam ship Manhattan-287 tierces Rice, 9 bags Sea Island and 477 bales Upland Cotton. 54 bales arn, 6 bales Hides, 9 biles Bast, 33 packages. ....Per steamship Maguolia-C8J baleslpland Cotton 52 bales Yara. 25 casl.e Clav, lj bags Phosphates. 91 empty Beer Barrels, 134 tierces Rice, 14 bbls Eggs 133 bbls Potatoes, 20 puck ages Suudiies. PHILADtLPiilA-rPer st>.im bin f'romotheus-193 K.I.- ?.'???ton. Tr. ti.-re-n i .icc, % bags Cocoanuis, 3 bbls Dri d Fort. ITS saris Dried Krait, 48 boles Domcsti s, 4 bi,'S .10 I. 10 bags Peanuts, 156 empty Barrels. 2 bois Whiskey, 50 cask* Clay, 5 h'uN Iron, and sundry Packages ... .i'er Ecbr Jotiaihin Hay-luwatd Cargo from ragua, BALTIMORE-PIT stcanship Maryuiud-250 tierces Bice, ]33ba'o* Upland Cotton. 28 ea-ks Clay, 21 bales Yarn. 29 lulen Rag? and Wasto, 30 Tack ages.Per ?tcjmsbip Falcou-CO tierces Rico, 200 Dales Upland C >uou. 42 casks Clay. 15 b les Waste. 18 b Jes Rags, IC bbls Dried Fruit, and Sundries:'. THK CIIAKLiBSTOX B1ARKKT. 1FOK THE WEEK ENDING THUU8DAY, M'JlCU ll. J COT I ON.-This article tu the et'r y part of the week just closed exhibited a mAre active character, and prices had a fi mer tendency at I Jvcrpool, caus? ing a hope ihat for a timo tho mirkot for tin ?tapio wculd have shown a more animat?d aspect ihm heretofore; but dullness iud depression have a^air. become the prominent, leature- of tho fibre, and manufacturers aro holding off to secure lower rab.?s. The fluctuations in the article have boen small-the Eogllsh market opened at 12J, improved to 12?<d, and dccli. ed to 12?l2^d; at New York thc ai tide commenctd at 39?29Xc stiffened to 29.^, and re? ceded to 28??c lb, while in this market prices have beeu rather steady, middling uplands generally ruling at 28>?c ?I lb, with a very dull market much of the time, and transactions could only be effected to a veiy limited extent at thu quo c! rates, and closing yesterday quite nominal. 3 bo Liverpool and New York matkets have shown the foUowing transactions and prices as reported by telegraph: On Frilay, March^Sih. the formerwas firmer, sales ?12.0GU bales, uplands 12d; the latter was unchanged; sales 1309 biles at 29?29??c. On Saturday tue fonnir closed active, sales 15.0*00 bales, uplands on the spot re>?d, afloat ie ^J ; tho latter was firmer, and moro a-five, sales 3.00 bales at 29j?c. On Monday the torm-ir closed quiet, sales 12, 000bales, uplands 12)?d; tho latter was firm, sales 1900 bales at 29,1c. On Tuesday the formor was quiet, sales 8000 bales, uplands 12J$J; tho latter was dull and a shade lower, sale3 10D0 bales at 29@29,l4'c. On Wednesday the former wis duh, uplands 121(3) 1 .'."-id ; sales 800 bales; the latter was ;?c lower, sales 950 balds at 29c 9 lb. Yesterday the former was dull, sales 7000 bales, uplands 12dtS12)?d; thc latter was lower at 28??c ? tb. The arrivals of the ai tide fir tho woek continued to exhibit u decline, and were 51 bags of sra. i-landp aud Floridas, and 2900 biles of uplands, against 64 ba B of sea islauds and lloradas, and 3131 bales of upland, the week before, and 133 bags of sea island* and Floridas and 6C24 bales of uplands for the cor? responding wetk last year. 'lbe receipts have been from the following Bourree, 'say of uplsnds per South Carolina Railroad, 2681; per Northeastern Rai.road, 206; from Georgetown, S. C., 13; of sea islands, from Beaufort, 28; Edisto 5; Northeastern Bailroad, 3; Florid 1; Savannah, 14, Tho transactions and prices prevailing in this market for the week hive been as follows: On Friday. March 5tb, the demand was light, transactions limited and prices steady; sales 220 bales, ordinary to good ordinary beirg quoted ut 2G>?@27>?; low middling, 27%@28, and middling, 28>4c lb. On Saturday tho transactions wore to a grcatir extent, but the inquiry was not general; ?ales 756 ba'.rs ; quotations the sam - as the day before. On Monday there was a fairly con iuued and ?ti adv demand for the staple, prices showing no quotable alteration; sales about 700 bales, ordinary lo eood ordinary being quoted at 2G"l?@27,l? ; low middling 27J?@28; middling 28!4'c lb. On Tuesday the inquiry was quite limited; sales 150 bile - : quotations wt rc unaltered. OnWcdn-esdiy thc rnarkorwas quiet, thc demand continuing very light. Sale's 2 ?0 bales, ordiuary to good ordinary being quoted at 2J.'?@27,'?; lo* mid? dling27?ia28; middling 28??C ? lb. Yesterday th s'aplc was flit a<)d nominal; sales only 24 bales at 28c ~$ lb. Qu 'tatious arc quite un? settled, but we renew previous rati s nominally, say >i LIVERPOOL CL.'jSlTlCAlIOS. O di ars tc gool ordinary.26J?f}27)? .' V .1 .lj in-.: .27???.J;U8 V-ILiu .. .V8,V<? !'.> 1 ?. Yuri, cl. ?rf ra M 1. u ^un ?:: l.-rw Ll i'd" li. SS'i'eJ - lEv.Lto rr .?.a.- Uer mps 1M* a-te oilv j lesri-r: ?; ?.1 .>ii..,. u-l.i w-iv il Hi is ol .-ci .and I ano M ?? i .<, against C4 ? r wwii bciore, aud 'I'S io'- | the week 'a-.t your, 'i lie market bas beeil generally dull, witu onl* an occasional I ran auction, prices being rather 1 \ buyer's favor. Wo note sales ol about 50 bags < t ?ea i-hnds and Floridas for the week, among which tu? 5 staiueJ sea islands at 88c. ; 2 do at 35 ; 1 do at 10 : i at 45 ; 5 sea islands al 80 ; 6 at 85; 7 at 103; 9 a. 120, aud 13 Floridas at 80c. "fi lb. Wc quote nominal!} : Common to medium sea islands at 75fi85; medium to fine OOffilO-i; Ono to choice at HOrtjil'30 lb. BICE.-This grain his experienced rather a quiet market, and prices in some eases have shown a ten ( dency to go ilowor; Ibu. lectors wero not generally | fe scccpting any Im ont hint dee"inc. =ales cf about 500 tierces clesu Carolina tor the week; e.iy 4} atfr;7ato.',,'; 10at8>?;47a!.8J?; 12?at8K; 52at iii': 20at81MCcf! lb. Yesterday there was but little oflermg; talcs 175 tierces of clecu Carolina: 10 at 8c; CS ::cr<fc? at 8???; J9 at 8 7-lfi; V at 8 11-16. Wc quote corny on to fair C'ean Carolina et 8aS%; good S^a S.lJ-l'J. Carolina eough cuotcd ut St 7?>a2 for iiiterif, aud it P3a3 15 for u acca^t. N.'JTAL S I ORES-Tho arri-jls luve been light and were oa'y about 400 bbls for tlic v. eek. We not'.' salts of Ko. 2 to extra No. 2 rosin, .f. SI 90 fi bbl. .vrc':its ot turpentine wai 4C;47c fi gallon. UAY.-There have bseu received ahcft 225 bales ol L'asiern/'or thc wc.-k. No North Direr. We note sales of at SI ll per hundred /rom the wharf. COUN.-T?'c receipts have been ample,.eud were about 20,000 . bu-hels, from raltim.ic aud Norfolk, and mod rate arrivals by rail. Tho market Ins been quiet under ti. cse liberal supplies, and tlio?e has Leen au ab-cnw of wholesale txausictous in Mary? land qualities. Ti e note sales of Tenui ssce ot $.1,05 per bushel for mixed, wcLjh'. bags inc oded, by the car load from tb? uopot. FLQUIt -Dealcrs^ixve an ample stock o" Northern i an> Wo.-tern floiur, f?r wilieli there has bteu a fjood and vt-ady demand, tlie liberal terms of our flour mcrckinls giving them j. steadily improving field ol o. eralicns. Price: have continued Juriug tits wt ck. w ihout L'oticeiMe chang?, aud wo ?euew pre? vious figures, Fay for Northern and Wcs'.oru su? per S7g;7 50 fi bb!; extra S7 75?8 26; lamil/ SS ?0.3.9 i 0, an..' extra fcmTy aaa choico Sll@12 fi barrel. Southern bramUarjin ligtt supply, and may be quoted at $9 fi oarrel for soper; ff?) lorexlra, and 510^12 for family; Campbell's ci^y malii are telliDg it $9 $ barrel for sup jr; $10 fo.-ext-a, ?.rd $12 fjr choico f mliy. BiCON.-With rather increasing suppliesa'ld a aodera'c demand, this artWo Ju? hid a dcc'ininj ?baiacter prices ba;ing slightly receded. Vc quote j ?r:me shoulders a'lSJ?tfJl?c fi lb; rib rids IS.'iV, ind clear nb at 18,V@ 19j; bulk shoulders rrny be luo'.cl at U%@15c; clear rib sidc3 at 17|f?l8Cj irimc slripj arc selling at 19;?'5 20o f> lb. tSUG Ut AND MOL VSSES.- these orticln have " ibon duli, purchasers generally holdiug off, being tu^'^ug td pav present figures. MISTS Enslow k :o. so'.d, during thowell, a cargo of D3W crop so? ar an I molares, ox Minerva, 'rora Uavma. Tho aolapses brought 53,l?'@5Sc fi gallon, and fair to ;ood grocery sugars sold from 13 to 15c fi lb. SALT.-Th're have ben received direct from .ive: po il about 900J saclts, part of which was sold 0 arrive. A cargo is tow be:nj sold from ship? yard at S2 js sick, in lots of not less tuan 100 saclts. he article from sto e m iy be quoted ut$2 10@2 15 1 sick ior coin eon Liverpool. BUTiEU.-'.'rime Gosli n, of which (hero is a ?xlerate stoclc, is quite Arm, and m ty be quoted at sft'Oe fi lb Wc3t?ia and other low grades sell at J@40c fi lb, as iu quality. INDIA BAGGING.-The market for this arline as been quiet. Gu any cloth 4 ."..'j inches w do and >i lbs to tho yard, is held at 23>???24;. Dundee agging. 44 inches, Iii lbs. for the yard,is held t 30@35c. Sea island bigging, 45 inches wide, 2 3s. tor tiie yard, is held at 45c HOPE-The demand for rope is model atc, and rices arc somewhat nominal at quotations. Wo uotc hemp at - cents fi lb. ; greenlea! at lt' cent?, nd jute at Bj?@9 cents fi pound. IBON BANDS ANO TIES for cotton, of thc most nprov.'l pa'terns, arc 0ffcrod on Ibo market, at 7 8c fi lb TIMBSK AND LUMBER.-Ibero is o^'.y a mall s: ock i.f thi-< artielo in Hie market aud receipts igbt. Timber, UK milling purposes, may be quo: J at CfiiS ft M feet, ??hipping timocr ut $12 fi M nd upwards ; 5-4 ? 4-1 ii i'ring scarce and would ommaud $15 fi M. Bright lumber, good mei luutablc, cut to rizo, from 22 a 25 by the cargo, Flt KIO H rs.-To Liverpool, by steam, wc [iiolo nominally -on upland?, and -- on sea -laud ; b> sail, ;J .t on uplands, !,i<k\'i on : ca island.-, lavrt-nominal. To lin-West Indies, Cuban ports tort h side, on lumber, $9 CO in gold, und S10 outh side. Coastwise-To New York LT steam ?c fi Mi on uplands, and lc. on rca islands, ll 50 fi tio:co on rlce;by ?ail, - fi bite on np and-, and-fi tierce on rice; on boards $1 ?v(? i fi M, on resawed lumber ?10 fi M , i<n timber -. To Boston, by steam, via Ballimore, lc. fl ir: >n cottcn and - V tierce ou rice; by sail O-IC? ?a'o fi ll> oi' cotton, i!2 00 fi M. ou ?vsawed lumber iud $13 00 fi M. on limber. To Philadelphia. - ti tb on upland cotton by steam and -c. fl lb by sail; ou flooring boards S.8 fi M.; on n> lawed luiube-, $ 0; ou Umber, $10 od fi M. lo Baltimore, by steam, cotton >?c on upland, and brough to I'tiiladelphia, v:a Baltimore, 'Ac; $150 fi tierce <"n rice; phosphates, fi 20U0 lbs., $1 in packigcs, in bulk as per ag'cement; lamber r' M SSfein. as in rise; wheat fi basin. 112c in sacks. By this hu J to Philadelphia on cotton, >^c. ; rico fi tierce S2 OL' ; phosphate per ton, $6 in packages. To Louisville. Ky., on rice, 76c. ? hundred. To c incinnati 65c. To St. Louis 85c. By sail on boards and scantling, hence to Baltimoru, 58; on lum ber $10; phosphates $5. EXCHANGE-Storhng Bills-The rate yesterday was 142A? for sixty day bills. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE.-The banks aro purchasing light checks on New York par; 6 days }? discount They are selling sight checks at }4 prom. QOLD.-The brokers W?TC yestorday buyiug ol 32, t.nd selling at 33. Marietta by Telegraph. FOUEION MAItKETS. LO?TDON, March ll-Two 9. M.-Consols 92K .i>r money, 93 On account Bonds 82<?. Stocks steady. LrvKnroon, March ll-Noon.- QflpDU opens qu?cl ; uplands 12al2^d; Orlcins 12^al2^d. Two P. M.-Cotton dulL Brcid.-tuffs quiet. Beef 90s Tallow 45s 9d. Evening.-Cotton dull; uplands 12d; Orleans 12/14al2^d. Uacon 59s 6d. Turpentine 31s Cd. UAVI?E, March ll -'Jo'.ton opens quiet. DOMESTIC HAIIKETS. NEW YORK, March ll-Noon.-Money steady at 7. Sterling ?%. Gold 31JJ. '62's, 18>i- CulUm lower at 28*ic. Evening.-Cotton heavy and lie lower; sales 1000 bales at 2.s,'^c. Flour more activo, but prices favor buyers;supciQue State $64Ga5?0; com non lo t ur extra Southern SO 60. Wheat cloned quiet. Cum dull aud.dceliuiug. Pork firmer; ?3J 7">a31 Hy. Lard dull at lO^alOjic. Whiskey dull at ?.?,:. Gio ceries dull. Sugar dull; Muscovado 12}4'c. Naval stores quiet. Freights dnll. Governments.closed strong. 'C2's, 19J?. South rn securities generally unchanged. Money easy at Ca7 fi cent Gold.31Ji. Stirling quiet at 8%. Stoeks lower und unsettled. BALTIMORE, March IL-Cotton 28,'i. Flour dull and unsettled. Wheat dull; choice while $215. Corn-white 8Ua85; yellow 89. Oats and rye nomi? nal. Pork quiet. Bacon .quiet; shoulders 14^al5. GfXQMltAXX, March IL-Whiskey quiet; 91a92o. Mess pork dull; $31 50. Bacon shoulders, 13j?c; clt ir sides, 17e. Lard quiet; holders finn. Sugar cured hums dull; sates of excellent brands at 18 lc. LOUISVILLE, March H.-Mess polk $311?. Lard 18?4. Bacon shoulders 14;"clear sides 17>i- Whis? key 93. WILMINGTON, (N C,) March H.-Spiri s turpentine declined 4?c; 45,'?c. Ro-iu steady at SI 82Jia3 (J2)i Crude turpentine unchanged, Tar sloady; $2 55. Cotton dull; 26,lic. ADO . STA, March H.-Colton easier; salt s 320; re? ceipts 440; middling 26>?a2C??. SAV.VSXAU, March ll.-Cotton dull and nominal; no trausaclious; receipts 7C5; exports coastwise 410. MOBILE, March ll.-Colton dull cid eisy-mid? dling 28; sale? 200 bales; low middling 28>j; receipts 203; no exports. NEW ORLEANS, March H.-Cotton dull and Jower; middling 28; sales 800 bales; receipts 983; BxoortsSS?. Gold 32,l4'; stcrling,43J,; commercial <2';a4 i; N- w York sight exchange hi premium, su^- 'i: 1 nommai-common ll.'?al2??; ptimo U.l? H %. Mol i. bes-primo 70a75. .\;:, ^f?r?>et< \ ;1IVTLLE, March 8.- ct.'S-I'virpoV sn! New \OI-K wore rinu to-dry, ii . I*I ou.- marke:Hiern is no 'i ovemout, as buyers co : i.'o.- pn.M s t--o U'pu for shipment However, wc hoa d oi ono buyrt ?ho had the backbone to advance ?HI tho quotations, which aro as follows; Ordinary, 23a21; good ordi nary,25!?'; low middling, nc. COTTON SI-TEMEST. 5took on b md September 1, l?i>8.CO Itecrivpd to-day. 485 Itcceivcd previously.w -11,303 Total. 11,453 Shipped to-dav. 353 Shipped previously.34,522-34,873 Stock on hand.(?,578 Interior C otton MaiKcts. SUMTER. March 9,-About l? i halos sold during the week at 2G!ia27c. j ; NEWBERRY, March 9.-Cotton in fair demand nt from 24 to'?Oe or middlings. J! A CON, M ireh 9 -Tho market was quiet to-day au? closed dull; middlings20>?c; receipts CB bales; shipments 15G bales; sale i G8 bales. COLUMUtK March ?.-l here waa a bet ter .feel? ing and price* were noaa nully hisber, tliough there we-.- c .'io buyers Warehouse sales 4 bale . ; rec cipts 02 bai.s. Wilmington Market. WiLMINGi ON. Mar h 10.-TunrE?m.s-E -Micket unclianfetl. Kales of 172 bois at ;3 for toft, and $2 tor har.i. per 280 pounds. Branxs Tu UPF.NTISE.-Sales of HU bois at 4Cc per gallon. Roux* cales ol 940 bhls at SI 70"for slraine 1,1 75 forhtraine;! and No 2, s3a3 3 23 for No 1, and SS Pua ?5 87 J,' for pale. i AR -323 obis received and changed hands at .f2_55 per bbl. M o ni ^oine r y Market. "MONTGOM TIY Miren 9.-D?nand fair at full prices middh'L?s sell rcaJily at 2>>Hc. W?-.KLT COTrOS STATEMENT. Stock on hand - o;it mberl. Received pa t week. 169 Received previously.36.3S1-3G.659 Total. 37,183 -f-hippt d past ?oek. 723 bt ipped pre'vipus y.28,994-29,722 S.tocJv on hand March C, 18C9. 7.4GG Received corrc-p -ndiug week last year. 431 ?hipp* 1 cor; espoading ??eek last year. 280 Memphis Colton Market. MEMPHIS M..rch8-. COTTON 6TA?EMEST. Slock on bind Sop e ?ber 1, 2BG3. 47 Received to-day,.6.6?7 Ilecci ?ed p i ev: o??ly.205,140-210.817 Total.,. 210,804 Escorted to-day....3 495 i xpjrted previously,.J81.774-185.2G9 ito. k on hind .25,595 jo cow ? . S? 2. ri 33 H12 'SSS ?/i ~. ta ea r~ LI -a to I : : a^ ' JiB ??2 di . ? -Jcs? ooc. - -t H Si g 5o ..?.?:.??r.-r:.~P ?go -g t. 2Shsss: ssgas: g? ?" I ? 521 B " 3- ?(..utrC> ?o- SJIg i : : : : : '. ' ? & a M: : - SH 21 * - co 1 . . . - ' . - - o 3 I ?? . 2: : : : S? . SS J_ -J] * CT. ?Ul / - --"- ?J'I : : : : i ?3o c 5 22 -t: j i -I fas; -S |8f ri||g S Bl S S . . . oo_i_r- a? ._?_=>- " I . . . I .- "i- r*, B - ^ : cs 5o o w ?? S?S wo 1 o Sfc! ?S? SSC E - fcis looos- io!3 - ???t ? 2.2. - o- j? g? 55"- ?>mu"!?: 9? PO "! ? ao> .c>o>.~i *-.~.r.t-=L-_t_a?- ojl g?? : : Eco S^?r-s?; ll? slr 5g : : Ik SSS 3 g5S Sj_Ij? i : ^ i -"| gs d" i ? Erl?: cS^ss; 6 S j egg fis : 2 Sgg: ?8888: H r I I :" : : : : I ^ n ? . _ . . . . I -i -T. : S E ss: : M ss |g ? 5 il iii! S?23? llL?_ * S 588S*.J.oiji?5*? lo c: co io io ?'W it 01 o t-en I CtOCOCOCftCn--tO-IO*-l?*- I o SBS8B?5 OO M Cn - rt t- o* S32&&8333S23 - I .1 B 2. M I ? . S i; co i?; "co 7- toi co ci ? ' ; io ; -j o ; ?9 jo ' V- * if 0 ; g ? . ?j* Qi M.. .|M >-. . - :o lilj*-->o' cn o o ?X -ir 2 ?> 1 01 u . 10 *a to ?o * o 51? ii* ch jo . 'ro*.UtU-S*OtOC0^?* S?S2 i ?tS'2 I Sf .J 2 S;5 o ? o so wi co w . cn cn eft, M eft 06 uo to * cc cn > ! o to C -1 CO . -J Cw. IO Ol * . M fe H?. g? M 01 S; ; M OO .-. to to, *M c 1*-' . coVoofioo* 05Si .Overland to manufacturers. NOTE.-We have deducted from Now Orleans 22,003 bales Upland, from Mobile 8885 bales, from Savannah 3314 bags Sea Uland and 53 bales TJp land-and from Charleston 2430 bags Sea Island and ITC huies Upland, thc quantities received at thoso port? trom Mobile, Florida, Texas <v?'? havannah. Comparative Kxports of Cotton, trom tuc Port ol Charleston. EXTORTED TO Li verpool. Oilier Lritish Ports. Total to Gre t Britain... Havre. Other i rcuch Ports. Total ta France. >o:?a o.' Enroco. lota*:Nor.h of Europe. . until ci Europe. .Vost Indies, ic. Bales. 2,534 2.591 Bales. 30,976 30,570 Total Foreign Ports. Boston. Rhode Island, ~>c. New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore and Ni-i -ik Other United StM^s Ports. Total to Coastwise Ports. Grand Total,... 2,594 14 2,125 2,W7 4,791 1.208 U2.183 3,923 1,784 61.288 4 438 13,803 108,236 140,4192 Stocks of Cotton in the Interior Towns not Included in thc Itcccipts. TOWNS. Augusta sud Hamburg.February 28 Macon, Geo.Marcb 8 Columbus. Geo.,... March 8 Montgomery, Ala.March C Selma, Ala.Maicb 6j Memphis, Tenu.March 8 Nashville, Tenn.March 8 Total. Exports of Klee. Naval Stores and JLriro? ner from the Port of Charleston, from September 1 to March ll, 1 Sb'J Boston. New York. Philadelphia. Baltimore. New Orleans ., Mobile..,., Providcuce, BI..., Other U. S. Ports.. Total Coastwise' Tierces. Barcelona., Majorca k a Market West Indies. Halifax, N fl_ St Johns, N B... Loudon. Bristol, Eng.... Liverpool. Havre. Montevideo. Grert Britain... Total Foreign..! Grand Total,.) 1,636 0,876 1,277 6,016 140 403 6i8 M. STORES. I LUMBEB. Barrels. 70 10,3061 0.692 3,933 200 1,474 19,2?8' 15,299 1,726 hil 6.9C8 C,547 Feet 15.462 30,701 Ci a rles ton Wholesale Prices. ARTICLES. BA GOING. ft yard Dundee. 30 (3) 45 Gunnv Cloth. ?, - BALE ROPE, tl lb-Manilla. - @ - Western. 8 @ 12>i Ju e. 8U@ 9 COTTON, fl lb Ordinary to Good Ordinary. 2G!?(2 27 )? Low M-ddling. 27J?& 23 Middling to Strict Middling. 28.y@ - Good Middling. - ??? _ Sea Island....,. 75 fui 1.30 COFFEE, ft lb-Bt?,..I 20 @ 26 Laguayra .,,.,. 28 M - Java. 35 @ 40 FERTILIZERS- I Wando Fertilizer.160.00 fg - Double Refined Poudrottc.|30.00 ?a) - Niles* Phosphate.G3.00 (?) - Peruvian Guano, ft 2240 lbs.195.00 ? - Pacilic Guana, ft 2000 lbs.65.00 ia, - Phonix Guano. 55.00 @ - Baugh'sPhosphate, ft2000lbs.,,?60,00 <a _ Rhodes' Phosphate, ft 200? lbs... (ti?.O? ig) - BhodCS' Stand. Manure-*G5?IEO|57.50 fd) - ?rchilla Guano-.$40 time:35 00 foi - LardPlaetcr. 24.60 @ - Mapes'SupcrPhosphatc.ft 2000 Ib|<l5.00 (a) - Zell's Baw Bono Phosphate.lUO.dO @ - Zell's Super Phosphate ol Lime. ?60.00 (Sj - WooMou's Phosphate of fame- .105.00 <? - Woolston's V?g?t?t ir, ft 20CO lbs 165.00 <?> - Croasdale's Goo, Super-Phoi. nd 00.00 (gi - Bower-'Complete Manure, net.. GO.00 tjt - gardy's Phospho Peruvian, cash. 06.00 @ - gardy's Pacific Guano, cash.GO.00 fe) - Patapsco Guano.|65.00 fa] - FLOUR, ft bbl-Supci-. 7.00 (a) 7.60 Northern and Western Extra. 7.75 @ 8.50 EMlimore Extra. - (Sj - Southern-Super. 9.00 @ - Extra.10.00 (a) - Family.ll.CO (3)12.00 QUAIN-Maryland Oals, ft bushel.. 85 ? 90 Western Oats, ft bushel. 85 (a) - Corn, ft bushel. 1.05 @ - HA Y, ft cwt-North ltivor. - (a) - Eastern.?1.40 & - LUMBER, ft M. tact- I Clear White Pine, 1st quality.'50.00 (c?55.00 Whito Piuc, good run.[38.CO 040.00 Yellow Pine.,. . 20.00 (q25.00 Boards, ft M. feet-Bough.I12.00 ??15.00 Grooved and'lougucd_?28.00 .'.?32.03 MOLASSES, ft gallon- Cuba.| 66 @ 61 Muscovado. GO fe) 65 Sugar Uouso. 00 (oj 1.00 New Orleans. - (Sil - NAVAL STORES, ft bbl-Tar.... - ? - Pitch. - (ol - Rosin, Pale. - @ - ltosin. No. 1.1 2.60 (a> 4.00 ltosin. No. S.1.TJ0 (& - Rosin. No. I..?._ 1.7G iq) - Suirdi?Turpentine, i* uallci.... | 46 (al 47 Oa.tiliu. ft lb. I 16 lal* - S MLS-American, 4<??2?d, ft keg.. ! 5.50 O 7.00 PQWI-E7f-DiipouCs, F.F.F. g.... 6.70 @ DupouL's, F.F.F. 5.00 (al . Dupout's, Blasting. 4.25 @ i*7fOm/OAT5-ftlb- I Bacon, Hams, ft lb.I - ? - Bacou, Sides.| 17f?to 19 Bacon, Shoulders.j I4?f rt 16 Bacon, Strips. J9.- ;-o> 20 Lard, iu keg.I - (a) - Butter.j 35 (3 60 Cheese. 15 (ct 30 Potatoes, ft bbl. - fe, - Onions.;. - (gi - Apples. - (? - RICE-Carolina, ft lb. 8 ? 9 East India....,..'.. _ ?a - SALT- Liverpool, coarse ft saok.. 2.00 <cj 2.15 Livctpool, Une. - (? - SUGAR, ft lb-Baw.| - 0 - Porto Rico..,.I - fe) - M ure ovui'- .j - (5) - JHorinc Urns. Port ol Charleston, IVCsrruh. 1*2. POKT CALKNDAK. F UAH KS OF TUE MOO}). Last Quarter, 5th, 12 hours, 23 minutes, morning. New Moou, I3th, 3 hours, 2G niiuuv.v. morning. First Quarter. 21st, 12 hours, 36 uaiuntes, ?nurniuj,'. Full Moou, 27th, 4 hours. 12 minutes, eveuiug. BISES, j SETS. MOON 1USES. moa WAT En. 3 Mond av..... 6. .20 6.. 9|Tuesday....! G..19 i 6.. 10 Wcdiiesibv.t 6..18 | 6.. Xhurr..lay...: 0..1O ? C.. Friday.j 6..15 | 0.. Saturday... G..14 C.. Sundav.! 8% 12 I 6.. 3.. 32 4..14 4..53 6. .29 Keta. C..HO 7..23 4..33 6..24 fl.. 2 0. .48 7.. 17 8.. 3 8..3J Arrived Yesterday. British bark Dalkeith, Andersou, Loudon -GO days. Ballast. To lt Mure & Co Steamer City Point, McNclty, Palatk.i, ria Jackson, ville, Fernandina, Savannah, ic. 8 bales Cotton. kc To J D Aikeu k Co, W M Lawton, C W C k Co. Hilver k Frost, J H Bumicoy, Jeffords k Co, J lip steiUvJ Tum'U. K W k Co, M Bauiovey. J E ?dger k Co. JS Mccall, F E Schroder, C Graveloy. Dibble, W .t Co. Major Alden, J Lcvinsohn, W li Wil.iams, Miss Maggie McNclly. Cleared Yesterday. Btcam<ihip Magnolia, Crowoll, Now York-Ravcnel k Co. ? Steamchip Prometheus, Gray, Philadelphia-Jno k Theo Getty. \ Steamship Falcon, Horsey, Baltimore-Courtenay a Tieubolm. ? Bark l.uzl ? H, Spring. Liverpool-Street Bros k Co. IUni'b bark funder, Krogh, Liverpool W ilia k Chirola:. Sehr Golden Ciiy. Nickorson, Porto Rico-Street Bros k C \ Sehr Jonathau Mac, N il, Philadelphia-H F Baker & Co. Sehr Matthew Kinney, Ojjier, D arien, Goo-H F Bi? ker i Co. Sailed Yesterday. Steamship Magnolia, Crowell, New York. SleamslUp Falcon, Horsey, Baltimore. Steamship Prometheus, Gray. Philadelphia. Sehr Jonathan May, Neal, Philadelphia. From this Port. St?ac:phh_) Saragossa, Ryder, New York, March 8. Sehr Shiloh, Hubbard, Baltimore, March 9. Sehr 8 T Baker, Brewster, Pr .videuce, March 8. Scbr G C Morris, Artis, Jacksonville, Fla, Mur.h 1. Up tor thia Port. Sehr Charles F Hiliior,-, at New York, March 8. Cleared for this Port. Steamship Sea Gull. Sutton, at Baltimore, March 9. Sehr ltobert Caldwell, Mccormack, at New York, March 8. Sehr David Currio, Recd, at New York, March 8. V Inp nc\\s by Telegraph. SAVANNAH. March ll-Arrived, ?Jiips Ivanhoe, Liverpool; Kate Jroup, Cardin ; Nicteaux, Liverpool; Balmoral and Medalia, Loudon. Clear, d, steam-hip Herman Livingston for New Tort; hark Hauser for Queenstown; brig Virginia Dan- for Montevideo. Weither warui. Wind SW. Memoranda. Thc sti amsbip Saragossa, at New York from this port, reports : Had a very heavy northerly galo off Hatteras, on tho 6th iustant, lasting twenty hours, with very cold uca'.ber. J T. ll U JU P ll lt Jhl Y S , JJ KO KEP., A'JCltbNEER AND COMMIS? SION MERCHANT. SALES OF REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, BONDS, SE? CURITIES AND PERSONAL PROPERTY ATTENDED TO. No. ?7 BKUAD-STltKHT, CHARLESTON, 8. C. REFERENCES. Don. HENEY BUIST, W. J. MAGRATH, Esq., General JAMES CONNER, T. B. WARING, Esq. Octobpr ' Lil SX UP VKSSKLg UP, CLEARED AND SAILED FOR Tim POA J . FOREIGN LIVERPOOL. British bark David McNutt, McEihenny, sid..Jan 18 British brig Cecilia. Bistrup, sailed.:..Jau 6 POm TALBOT. The Couri r, Jenkins, sailed.jau 12 DOMESTIC nosio.s. Brig Wm Robertson, Beed, up.March 4 Sehr Annie E Glover. Terry, cleared.March 2 Sehr Charles K Baymond, Higgins, cleared....Feb 20 Scbr Sarah Cullen, Avis, cleared.March 2 Sehr H N Squires,-, up.Feb 2C PORTLAND, ME. Sehr S E Adams, Donnell, cleared.Feb 1G CALAIS, ME. Sehr Scud, Coggins, sailed.Feb 20 BELFAST, ME. Sehr Mary Ella, Thom is.March 1 SK-'- 70RF? 8cbr N W McGe?, Ketchum, e'eared.March 6 Sehr Lucy A Orcutt, Haskell, cleaved.Feb 27 Sehr A D Scull, Scull, cleared.,.... March 3 Rehr L A Edwards,-, up.March 5 Sehr Lilly, Francis, up.March 8 Sehr Dav'd Currie, Hoed, cleared.March 8 Sehr Robert Caldwell, Mccormack, cleared..March 8 Sehr Charles F Hillier,-. np.March 8 PHILADELPHIA. Sehr Ella Matthews, Mclilwee, np.March 4 BALTIMORE. Steamship Sea Gull, Dutton, cleared.March 9 Sehr Bodington, Gregory, up.Feb 28 Sehr S S Bickin>rc, Barter, chared.March 2 Sehr J P Alien, Allen, cleared.March 4 RICHMOND. Scbr Francis Hatch, Gregory, sailed.March 6 LIST OF S HIPPIS ? lu thc Port of Charleston, M ure ri ll. VXacELS UNDER 100 TONS, AND STE AME ?S COASTIKO WITHIN THE STATE EXCEPTED. STEAMSHIPS. Champion, 1418 tons, Lockwood, at Adger's wharf, for New York, loading-James Adger ft Co. SHIPS. Richard? III, 985 tons, Wood, at Accommodation whan, from Liverpool, waiting-Master. Mutfeongua (Br), 791 tons, Groves, at Boyce's wharf, from liverpool, waiting-R Mure k Co. Amelia, 688 tons, Boreham, at A'lantic wharf, for Liv. erpool. waiting-Patterson k Stock. Graham's Pulley, 759 tons, Burgess,at Atlantic wharf, from Antwerp, waiting-Patterson ft Stock. Pacinc, 133 tous, Foss, at Atlantic wharf, for Havana, ready-W B rmith k Co. BABES. Boroco (Bi), 705 tons, C?rd, at Boyce k Co's whan, lor Liverpool, loading-B Mure ft Co Lizzie H. 890 tons, Spring, at Brown k Co't wharf for Livorpool. ready-Street Bros k Co. W G Pu nam (British), 700 tons Richard, at Atlantic wharf, foi Liverpool, loading-Withs k Chisolm. Olimpia (Spanish), 481 tons, Pons, at Brown's what/, for Barcelona, loading-W P Hall. Agra i Bri isb), CJ9 tons, Fullmoro, at Yonderbors.'s wharf, from Liverpool, waiting-Barnool k Co. Kamma Funder (Danish), 354 (ons, Krogb, at Atlan? tic wharves, JOT Liverpool, ready-Willis k Chisolm. The Oueen (Br), C98 tons, Cook, in the Stream, from Slraniean, Scotland, walting-lt Mure it Co. Hirriet F Hu-sey, 081 tons, Vaudeihowt's wharf, from Liverpool, discharging- Baven el <s? Co. Dalkeith (Br), -tons. Anderson, in the stream, from London, just arrived-B Mure k co; BRIGS. Miria (Spanish,, 155 tons, Font, at Palmetto wharf, foi Tarragona, loading-J A Endow k Co. SCHOONERS. Montrose, 212 tons, Knudson, at Palmetto wharf, from Ni w Orle ins, to bo repilrcd-J A Enslow It Co. Myrover, 458 tons. Brown, at N E Railroad wharf, for New ?ork. loidlng-W noach k Co. Golden City, 84 tons, Nickerson, in the st;eua, for West Indies, ready-street Bros k Co. C s Groves, 2:8 tons, Weaver, in Ashley Diver, for , Baltimore, loading-H F Baker k i o. Rachel Seaman, 261 tons, Bigh, in Ashley Bivor, for New York, loading-Risley k Criighton. Maguolij. 13*tons. Dowdy, in Ashley River, for a Northern Port, loading-J A Enslow k Co. W H 'Hera, 298 tous, Hoffman, at Central wharf, for Phil.delph?, loadi- g-H F Biker & Co. Emma ll Unban, 211 ton*, Smith, in Ashley Biver, tor Baltimore, loading-H F Baker & co. Annie Bo?ton, 224 ton?, Erin;, ot Yenning*! wharf, for Baltimore, buding-H F Baker ft < o. Clara. l?? tons. Millford, at B noell's whuf lor Phil? adelphia, Irading-ll F Baker k Co. H W Godfrey, 180 tons. tars, in Ashley River, for a Northern Port, loadiug-'., T Po.ter. Minerva. Ill toes, Col'im. at Palmetto wharf, for West Indies, 'oading-J A Enslow k Co. BN Hawkins,SM lois, Wy*?r, at Adger's wharf, from Hos on, .-W Roach k Co. Richard Vaux, 240 tons, Whittler, ut Brown ft Co's wharl, for Boston loading-W Eoacu k Co. WH Thorndike. 120 tous. Bull, at Atlantic wharf, fi oin Baliiiujrc, ilii barging-Master. Bola, 152 tons. Brown, in Asbiey Bivor, for Philadel puia (aiding- H F Baiter ft Co. Galena. 116 tuns, Hi lc, at Uuiou wharf, for Boston, loud ng- our onay AT Treaiholin. Sylvan, 137 tous, B anchard, ai Kerr's wharf, irom New York, discharging-W ?oach ft Co. George U Mills. J98 tons. Mills, at Adgc's wharf, from N.wYork, discharging-W Batch ft Co. Trado Wind. 160 tons, Hnifunu, at Kerr's wharf, Irom New York, wailing-W Roach ft Co. Miry ?j Haskell, 305 tone. Barbour, at Marshall's wharf, I rom Wood's Uolo, Discharging-H F Ba? ker ft Co. Fl) tu? Scud. 99 tons, Mitchell, at Kerr's wharf, from No-iolk, Vu, di-chatging-disley ft Creighton. Ciara Sawier, 127 (ons, sawyer, in tho Stream, for Darieii, ready-i Tapper ft so i*. DC H?lse, 193 tons, Uildreth, iu Ash'.ey Biver, for New York, lo ?ding- W lloach ft Co. Edith. - tons, Wheeler, at l ojco ft Co's wharf, from Liverpool, discharging-K Mure ft Co. "T_^ Y K lt S O fi ft BATES, CHAMPAGNE ALE BREWERY, HARLEM, N. T. This celebrated Ale is brewed fresh all through thc year, and is guaranteed to keep sound through tho hottest weather, and ou that accoint is of all the desi adapted to the Southern climate. The proprietors arc desirous of establishing a trade for their Ale in this -cctioa, and wish to ranko ar? rangements with som : en. rg<itie\ responsible party to take tho - geiicy for (be ?ile of it in charl ston and vicinity. BYEUSON ft BATIS. Darlem Station, New York City. February 15 3mo M. L. FINLEY'S Celebrated Cooking Stoves, " ?HlLANTH?OPlST" AND "ClYILiAN,' Manufactured at Troy, N. Y., and for sale by I), I. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, GA. THE^E STOVES 9TAND UNBIVALLED FOR capacity, dor-'bi li ty, conveniences aud the gen? eral puipnsc" to which Cooktug Stoves are used. The PHILANTHROPIST'S extra hcav> plated, and bas Ash Drawer; cnn bo mad- iulo a fix boiler hole stove; bas cast iron Wilcr Tank galvanized, or enamel lined. A strictly lirst-ciass stove, 'the CIVILIAN is ol a neal design, and has a fine large Ovon. 'Fbi* Stove can be bad with tho extension o.tck. sixliolc, and reservoir when desired For further ii I 'riualiou apply to D. L. FCr.I.EliTON, January 30 %n\o* A aguata, Ge, LAC8KR 'S SUItE t'oi'l FOR DESTROYING R its. Mico, ftc, ftc, without tho unpleasant rff?cld ari-lug from their living in their holes. A PHOSPHORIC PASTE, bcrmcticillv sralce, and warranted to keep tix'sii for all limes, rho greatest discovo y of i s kui '. in lin -ge we live ic. No pera > i . i ed 'i . t-?.!? <1 wit? itu* Mice, Bed lings or r ,r : - I ir ?U. s c n'i d s tructive remedy is ?vii iuiliu ..vsl?,'l i*. orv ?PI d only by himself ir-?-?i a? .?ul a.a ?. . e c .tn >'iu ?. its cheapness is .'s v ilir-?, a? is e 'eic--hm? drcds o? testimonia s mvc ben '???i c J.-, m tl parts oj thc Uujred . ? n? s ll r. i .- v l.i.i ? . I 4U ?j tory operative power. I: ?--- wi.i il, .or want of sp^ce, wc simply select tho .ol o .ring. WILLARD'S Ho IEL, \\ ASHLMOTON, D. C., I October l3t, 1SG3. J Mn. ISAACSEN-Dour Kir: It gi .'es me great pleas? ure to testily to the gratifying result obtained at this Hotel through using your Phosphoric Paste; it is now two years since I firs' heard of yo:ir remedy.and give it u fa1 ? ir ?I; thu trial proved so successful that uot o troce i ? Rats or Roaches have since been discom-ed, although previous to tba' tim2 we were completely ove-.ttn. Wishing you eveiy success iu the useful career you have chosen, I remain, yours respectfully, " JOH:,' WOLFE, Engineer. For sale by DOWiE ft MOISE. Wholesale Druggists, No. 169 Meeting-*tratst, corner Hasel, Charleston, S. C., January 13 wfmli Agents tor Southern States. SOUTH CAROLINA KA ILIUM GENERAL SUPKRINIENUENT'S OFFICE, I CJIAJLLLSTON. ?. C., February 13. 1869. ? ON AND AFTER SU. L'A?, EEliRUABY 14iH, thc PASSENGER TRAINS of the South Caro? lin: Railroad will run a? follow? : FOB AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston.8.30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta.6.10 P. M. Connecting with trams for Montgomery. Memphis, Nashville and X sw Orleans, via Montgomery and Grand Junction. FOB COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston.8.?0 A. M. Arrive at Columbia.6.45 p. M. Connecting with Wilmington and Slancbester Rail? road, auc Camden train. Ft?ll CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta.8.U0 A. M, Arrive at Charleston.6.00 P. M. Leave Columbia.745 A. ?H. Arrive at Charleston.G.O'J P. M. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. I Leave Charleston.7.30 P. M. Arrive at Augusta.6.C0 A. M. Connecting with trains tor Memphis, Nashville and New Orleans. v:u Grand Junction. leave Augusta.4.10P. M. Arrive at Charleston.....1.00 A. M. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SUNDATS EXCEPTED.) Leave Charleston.;.C.05 P. M. Arrive at Columbia.4.45 A. M. Connecting Sundays excepted) with Greenville and Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia.6.30 P. M. Arrive at Charleston.5.30 A. M. St MMEKVII.LE 1JIAIN. Leave Charleston.3.00 P. M. Arrive at Summerville. 4.20 2. M. Leave Summerville.7.10 A. M. Arrive at Charleston.j.23 A. M CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays Leavo Ringville.4.20 P. M. Arris e at Camden.7.00 P. M. Leave Camden. .6.85 AVM. Arrive at Ringville.9.20 A. M. Signed 1 H. T. PEAKE, Fobruarv 15 General Superintendent. SC?C5. MARTIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PR0?J? "T^-lsaara I ' . 'Ai SAFES Are most desirable for finality,, finish and price. MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR Hill Cannot be Sledged! Cannot be "Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled 1 BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOpRS, EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send for a catalogue to MARVIN & CO., (oldest safe man u fe : tur ers) ", . , (265 Broadway, New York. Principal J721 Chestnut St., Phila. ' Warehouses j108Bank St., Cleveland.O And for sale oj om agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. FOR SALE BY WM. M. BIRD & CO., No. 303 EAST BAY, CIIAICLKSTOi*. December ?9 lyr /tfiiiiciiiincons. lA^i O SI PIA MUSH GOLD MEDAL FOR 18G8 HAS JUST BEEN AWARDED TO CHAS. M. SHEFF FOR THE BEST PIANOS NOW MADE, OVER BALTIMORE, PHILADEL? PHIA AND NEW YORK . PIANOS. OFFICE AND WAREROOM. No. 7 N. LIBEBT?. 6TBEET, ABOVE BALTIMORE-STREET, CAH ?.MUKi;. Nd. SHEFF'S PIANO- HAVE .ALL THE LATEST improvement, including the Agrade treble, ivojty fronts, and the improved French Action, fully war? ranted for five years, wi:h orivilcgo of exchange within twelve mouths if not entirely satisfactory to purchaser. Second-handed Pianos and Parlor Or gans always ou hand Iri'm S50 to ?'Mi. REPEREES WUO HAVE OUR MANOS IN USE! General ltohert E. Lee, Lexington, Va. General Robert Ransom, Wilmington, N. C. General DYH. Hill, Charlotte, N. C. Governor Jnhu Lctclier, Lexington. Va. Messrs. R. Burwetl k sous, c'Lariorte, N. 0,, Fe? male Seminary. C. B. Riddick, Female College, Kittrell's Springe, N. C. Bi.diop Wilmer, New Orleans, La. Max Strakoacb, itali >u Opera. Messrs. Pierso.i S: Sous, Sumter, S. 0. Charles Spencer, Charleston S. t? S. ud lora circular. Terms liberal. Octoli ;r 23 po UU SIXES S MEX. 'in:: FTJMLE;: i.'swg, PVliuauh.:* AC .UM -EU, a. a., i o.E t e rm v. :- ? p???? a>jx IH? OP i'XiV: i" V; :i..?i.i i i-::i-eire'. 1 ion, iffil affjrdasu per..i. a 'V'.utagesLJ au a..\ 1 t H' ?; r.i ? i^m le.'ma low. itdjres DAlil, .*.- u-T_t,X, Fouruary 22_Proprietors. JAMES KNOX. ...,.JOBS OTU COT T ll a FACTORS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 125 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, * Consignments 01 COTTON, RICE, ftc, respect? fully solicited, and liberal advances made thereon. Orders tor CO UN and BACON promptly executed with care and attentiou. April 27 12mos*