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THE DAILY NEWS. RIORDAN, DAWSON ? CO., PROPRIETORS. OFFICE Xo. 149 EAST BA Y. -o TEEMS-DAILY NEWS, one year.$6 00 DAILY NEWS, sis months. 3 00 DAILY NEWS, turee month*. 2 00 TBI-WEEKLY NEWS, one year.3 00 TBI-WEEKLY NEWS, six months.2 00 PAYMENT invariably in advai ce. No paper sent unless the cash accompanies the order, or for a long? er hmo than paid for. Tux DAILY NEWS will be served to subscribers in therciry at 15 cents per week. ADVEBTISEMEKTS.-First insertion, 15 cents a line; -Subsequent intertions, 10 cents a line. Business "Notices, 20 cents a line. Marriage and Funeral No ices, One Dollar each. NEWS S XT X MART. -Gold closed in New York at 31|. _ -Cotton in New York closed i lower at 29c; aa lee 950 bales. . -In Liverpool cotton closed dull; uplands 12al2jd; Orleans 12^al2jd; sales 8000 bales. -No first-class hotel in New York will re? ceive a colored guest. -Louisiana proposes to license gambling houses at $5000 each. e-A law has been gassed in Kentucky pro? hibiting marr?se Let ween first cousins. -An owl waa recently captured in the main? top of the Cunard steamer Cuba in Jersey --Blue coats with gilt buttons, and vests and cravats of white satin, are the new style of eve? ning dress in Paris. -Tho North Carolina Land Company lately sold t won ty thousand acres of land for $30, 000 to a Germany colony. --Kansas boasts that its salt springs are in eihauatible, and produce the purest salt to be . obtained in the United States. ..-All the firemen of Chicago are iusui cd in tho-Travellers' Company, of Hartford, for two .thousand dollars each, by tho city merchants. -White kid gloves are no longer fashionable for fall-dress occasions. Light yellow, cream, or lavender are the "corre, t" colors now in vo-^ue. -The State of Alabama gives five thousand dollars to the widow of each person assassina? ted in that State. Husbanda arc getting anxious. -The Boston Transcript says Judge Hoar .would now be Governor ot Massachusetts, h d he consented to become a candidate last au'.umu. -Alike McCoole is getting quito aristocratic since bis marriage in St. Louis. His saloon has 1 been removed to a handsome building in a res? pectable locality. -Congress and the Legislature of Massachu? setts are said to be the only legislative bodies that adhere to the old custoni of engrossing billa on parchment. -The City of Key West, Florida, is at pres? ent literally overrun with Cuban refus?es, and evcrv_ vessel, steamer, yacht or smack ai? ming fi om Bavaria ia generally crowded with them. -It is noteworthy that of the men selected 1 for the now Cabinet not ono haa achieved Ibo ] distinction of a place in Appleton's "Now \ American Cyclopedia," or io the latest edi- , tion of "Men of the Time." -Never before the present time was a wi ole military staff of a commanding General ordered ' into the President's bouse as assistants, and to execute the orders of the highest civil officer 1 of the country. Spurs and epaulettes. i -The immense Maxwell House, in Nashville, j which in its unfinished condition was used as a j military hospital during the war, is nearly j -ready fur occupation. Its cost approaches $400,- j 000, snd it ia one of tho largest hotel - in the country. The lot on which it is built waa ( Jjpught m 1830 for $11. < . ?- Eicbard Buateed suggests that a fond ba < establish od in the Treasury Deptrtment in i which the people, neb and poor, mieht be free f to give what they pleased to pay off the public debt. He recommends that the volunteer ser- j vices of the press, pulpit and proscenium could be brought to bear in aid of the project, and 1 offers his own services for the purpose. 1 -The New York Times, speaking of the ar- 1 rival of ex-Secretary Seward in New York, says: ] "He proposes to make a visit, before many ? days, to Aiken, South Carolina, partly for recre- ( .ation and partly to pay a visit to Mr. Weed, of . whoas rapid improvement in health he receives trery gratifying reports. Mr. Seward is unre- c served and e mphatic in expressing his approv- ' al of the Cabiuet selected by General Grant, 1 -and his predictions of tho entire succ?s.i of ' his administration." . i -A. T. Stewart must have been very loth j to give np the Treasury Department. He au .thorized the following statement to be pub? lished in the National Intelligencer ol Tuesday: 1 "Mr. Stewart will not recede if he can accom- J modato his extensive business connections so -aa to obviate the present difficulty; and in this i Tiew he has offered to make an absolute trans- ? fer and disposition of all interests and profits . wbich may be derived from carrying on his bu? siness during his official term, the transfer to be made to three eminent gentlemen as trus? tees, who shall have the absolute disposal of tho funds thus acquired for tho uso of public charity in the City of New York; the trustees to - select the charity, and to bs absoluto in the matter." -The Washington Star says : "It is a ra? ther singular circumstance that the difficulty how existing in regard to the Secretaryship of the Treasury should also have baon met in tho . .experience of the lato Confederate States Gov- I ernment. It will bc remembered that when that coucern wis set up thc United States sta? tutes at largo were adopted and put in force bodily, which, of course, included thc acts im? posing restrictions on tho office in question. In time, Hr. Trenholm. one of tho largest merchants in the South, was called to tho Treasury Department, and he Mk d tho o?ioo for some time before his ineligibdity was dis? covered. When it was pointe! out ho severed his connection with all mercantile interestsin this country, elthougb wc believe he main? tained his relations with a loreign houso." -The spring cloctions throughout tho in? terior of New Yorlc State 6ho\v a very gratify? ing incieaso ot Democratic strength. Pough? keepsie has electod a Democratic Mayor, for ?he first time in its municipal existence, by a majority of more than 200. Newburg has heretofore been strongly Republican, eh cting city officers of that stripe, and giving a ma j ority for Grant fast fall. The Democracy bas now made a clean sweep, electing tbe whole municipal ticket except ono Alderman and one Supervisor. For tho past three years tho Re? publicans have carr.ed thc City of Oswcgo.hut last week the I emocrats elected their candidate by a majority tbe largest ever received by a mayor in that city. Columbia County has made a gain securing a two-thirds majority in the Board of Supervisors. In Utica the suc? cess of the Democracy is unparalleled, and in Elmira it has carried all before it. In Saratoga, Erie, Cayuga and Ulster Counties. Jarge gains have been made, and throughout the Sta lo thc indications are moat encouraging. ComiDg so soon after the Republican success of last fall and at thc very time of tho inauguration of the new government, these returns are gravely siguiiicant of a rapid change in the prevailing popular seutimcnt, foreshadowing a speedy return of the masses to the support of the party of economy, equal rights and constitu? tional govern meat. -A curious case has been brought to thc notice of the State Depaitment, by a resolution of the illinois Legislature, which will undoubt? edly give rise to considerable diplomatic cor? respondence, at least, between this government and those of Wurtemberg and B" varia. It appears that some forty years ago a member of the royal family having left that State to marry in opposition to the royal will, a law was ouactcd declaring all marriages of the subjects of that State, when contracted abroad, to be null and void. A similar law was also enacted in Bavaria. A case has now for the first time arisen where a marriage in tho United StateB has been pronounced illegal under this law. Not long since ibo widow of a naturalized citi? zen of Illinois and a native cf Bavaria returned to tbat country to claim an inhei itance be? queathed to her husband, when she was in? formed that the government ,of Bavaria recog? nized no marriages in tho United States as valid, as far as they related to Bavarian citi? zens, and bbc was compelled to drop the Dame ot her husband aud take her maiden name, thu3 virtually declaring her children illegiti? mate. It is the duty of this government to have the obnoxious laws repealed immediately, or at least rendered inoperative as far as they relate to American citizens. -The New York Herald says Parson Brown? low presen ts the most extraordinary picture of physical debility that was ever before witness? ed in any legislative assembly. Thad. Stevens might have been considered, when brought into the Senato Chamber on men's shoulders to take bis pl?co among the managers in the memorable day* ol the impeachment trial, tho best illustration up to that time presented of the triumph of intellectual will over a shattered and prostrate bodily organism; but Brownlow's appearance shows even greater indications of physical wreck and ruin, and yet the latter lacks nothing of the same unconquerable men? tal fire and energy that marksd to his latest moments the character of the Great Common? er. When taking the oath Brownlow lay back in his chair, his head bent down, his face shrivelled, ghastly and of unearthly hue, his hands clasped in bony, vice-like grasp, and his wholo appearance indicative of great physical dcpro3sion. As Mr. Co! fax read the oath tho poor old Parson raised his feeble arm, which shook with palsy .ind dropped every moment to his side. Assistant Sergeant-at-arms Bassett went over and sus? tained his arm through the remainder of thc ceremony, thoo uh the old man mado ono or two desperate efforts by himself to sustain the right arm by propping it with his left hand. Aller he had taken tho oath the Parson stretch? ed forth his hand for a glass of water, which shook wildly before it reached his lips. The ordeal, slight as it seems, Lad completely ex? hausted him. CHARLESTON". THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH ll, 1809. What Wc May Expect. Wendell Phillips is an orthodox Radical, one whose Radicalism is beyond all re? proach. Upon all the great questions which have agitated the country during the past ten years, he has, in the beginniog, been far in advanoe of the extremest men nf his party. But hitherto the party have worked up steadily until they reach d the plane upon which he stood, making it nec? essary for him to propound another doc? trine, more thorough and more bitter than that which went before. Higher nod still sigher he has soared, making his latest po? etical pronunciamiento, in a lecture deliv ?red in Jersey City on Saturday lsst. The lootrine then published may soon be press id upon Congress with all the force of rhetoric and invective, as necessary to the salvation of the country. In his lecture Wendell Phillips said that iie was perfectly satisfied with the state? ment made by President Grant, in his in? augural address, that he would carry out the will of the people. "All hail"-said ie-"to the chief who will carry out the 'people's will." And what is the will of he people ? As explained by Mr. Phillips, t is to fire upon the Southern people with .annon, to hew them down with the sabre, o gibbet and burn and destroy. Mr. Phil? ips says that a Ben Butler is wanted 'large enough to cover thirteen States;" ind, we presume, with an arm long enough to reach out and buffet our old men and Dur women, and a carpet bag big enough to contain all our precious metals and jewels of great price. In.the name of the people, Mr. Phillips calls upon Grant to play the role of Crom? well, and make the name of Union man as terrible to the South as thc Lord Protector made the name of Englishman terrible to his enemies. The cannon ''now lying idle "in Washington" are to be turned upon us. Scaffolds are to be erected ns high as that on which Haman hung. And all this by the obedient Graut, thc mau from whom some weuk minds have expected magnanim? ity, independence and sense. All this rav? aging, and slaving, and polluting, is to be the work of Grant; for he has pr uised that he will carry out the will of the peo? ple, and will "vigorously execute every law "that Congress puts ia his hands." And. says Mr. Phillips, "Congress should cover "the South with ctiunou, bauners und tcaf "folds, tiil full security of person and prop "erty ls enjoyed, und till it eau be Faid "with truth 'we will have peace We do not fear that the merciful sugges? tions of Mr. Phillips will bc adopted by the people of the North, whatever may he their welcome at th j hands of the ultra Radicals. Nor do wc fear that this burning and de? molishing cnn bc accomplished. Wc arc able to take curv of ourselves, and will take care of ourselves, even in thc face of the great guns and big swords which it is now proposed to usc. All thc Philips who ever lived, from Philip of Mic-'don down, can? not daunt us now. We kaow that there is peace in the South, and that life and prop? erty are as secure here as iu tho heart of Mtssachusctts. This, however, we do not expect to bc believed by the Radie ils, as long as they can grow rich aud their party retain power by garbling and denying the truth. What wc now desire is to impress upon our people the fact that the most extreme of the extreme Radicals is satisfied with Gran', and has implicit faith that he will blindly obey every decree of Congress; also, to reiterate our belief that we have no more to expect from Grant than we should have had from Wade, Sumner or Stevens. Gold or Paper. j The decision of ihe Supreme Court of the United Statea iu thc case cf Butler against Horwiiz, a suit for ground rent in Balti? more, upon a contract made in 1791 for the annual payment of "English golden guin "eat>" of a specified weight, is still more explicit in affirming thc binding force of special contracts for coin, whether inadc before or after thc Legal Tender acts were passed, than the decision given in the case of Bronson against Rodes two weeks ago. The opinion in (bis case of Butler against Horwitz, an extract from which was pub? lished in THE NEWS of yesterday, was given by Chief Justice Chase and assented to by the whole Court except Justice Miller, and clearly establishes the principle that when a contract is made for either gold or paper the courts must enforce it in kind; wh le a contract for money, not specifying cither, may be satisfied in any legal lender money, at the option of the debtor. Thc Court said : ' This inference as to contracts made prior to the passage of tho acts makin g United States notes legal tender is strengthened by the con? sideration that those acts not only do not pro? hibit, but by strong implication sanction con? tracts since their passage for the payment or delivery of coin; and consequently, taken in connection with the provision of the act of 1792, concerning money of account, require the damages upon such contracts to be asses? sed in coin and judgment rendered accord? ingly; leaving tho assessment of damages for breach of other contracts to be made and judgment rendered in lawful monoy. It would bo unreasonable to suppose that tho legisla? ture intended a different rule, as to contracts prior to the enactment of the currency laws, from that sanctioned by them in respect to con? tracts since." So that the court sustains special con? tracts for coin made before the passage of the Legal Tender acts, expressly on the ground that these acts themselves, properly construed, make such contracts legal after their passage, and that Congress cannot have meant to apply a different rule to con? tracts previously made. These decisions remove all difficulties from the way of those who desire to make con? tracts which shall not be subject to thc fluc? tuations of an uncertain currency, and they, may now act with entire confidence. There is no legal limitation whatever upon thc right of the people to use the coined gold and silver of the United States both as a circulating medium and as money of ac? count. This will enable the Southern pub? lic, if they BO desire, to bring all transac? tions down to a gold basis, and to resume practically a specie circulation. THE WINTER has been mild, and yet the Pacific Railroad is so blocked up by snow that the trains cannot run, nnd, according to the telegrams from San Francisco, "have not been running from Wasacht to the western terminus of the Union Pacific since February 12 " This is a proof that the Union Pacifio Railroad, however useful it may be, oannot on account of its position meet tno -equirements of (rade or give us open communication by rail with the Paci? fic for more than nine months of the year. Every ton of snow which falls upon the present line is an additional argument in favor of the Southern Pacific Railroad, which ought to be built, ?nd will be built if the South has any influence, even of the "you tickle me and I'll tickle you" kind, upon Congressional legislation. GRANT has blundered : tint, in nomina nating as Secretary of the Treasury Mr. Stewart, who was ineligible; second, ia sup? posing that Congress would instantaneously repeal a good law because the President wished il; third, in taking it all back in a sulk because he could not have his way. This is a good beginning, surely ! WE FEINT this morning a lucid and inter? esting opinion of his Honor Judge Bryan, of the United States District Court, touch? ing thc construction of certain sections of the Bankrupt act, as applied to the case of Abner Hambright, bankrupt. It will be seen that the decision of Registrar Claw son in the matter is overruled. Botircs in pnn&rnptrn. IH THE DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED STATES, F R THB DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA-TN THE MATTER OF hYD NE? P. DURANT, BANKRUPT, BY WHOM A PE? TITION FOR ADJUDICA! ION IN BANKRUPTCY WAS FILH.D t'N THE 29TH DAY OF Od OR ER, A. V. 18(58. IN PAID COURT-IN BANKRUPTCY. This is to elvo notire. that on thc NINTH DAT OF M A II cit, A. D. 1809, a Warrant iu Banktupt"V was Is? sued against ihe est?t - of SVDNtY P. DURANT, of Lynchburg, in the County ot ?-umter, and State ol SoVh Carolina, who has been adjudged a Binkrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property io said Baiilc.upt, lo him cr for niH usu and thc transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of thc s.iid Bankrupt, to prove their debts aud to cbou?c ?ne or moro As hignecs ol his ostat'-, will bc held nt a 'ourt of Kauk rupicy, to bc hoi en at No. T'J Braod-stree*, Charlo' lou. >onth Carolina, b lore J. P. CARPENTER, Registrar, ou ihe lwaxrx-rausTll DAT or MASCH, A. D. 1809, at ll o'clock A. M. J. P. II. I PiTNO, Uiiited --tates Marshal as Messenger. March ll_1 IM THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE UNITED STATES, FOR THE DM BIO I OF SOU LH CAROLINA.-IN THE MA IT ER OF JOHN HUFFMAN, BANKBUPl.-IN RAN K RI'PV?'Y.-To whom it may concern: The U': dendgnrd hereby gives notic of his appointment a? Araign?e ol JOHN li - Ftfu AN, in thc County of OrangcL'urv and Mute ol Si>ulh Croll tn, within said District, who Ins I ?cen adjudged ;i bankrupt upon his own petition, by Un- District Court of said District. Dated ?I Orangeburg C. II , Ibo 3d day of March, A. D. 18?!). C. B. CLOVER, Asdgnec. Natch 4 'hs I) l'SSKLL'? BOOK STORE. Wl.LKLY LIST NEW BOOKS, &u. TUE POET AND THE P.\T\TER, or Gems of Art and 9>'oug, with uinoty-nioo 1 irge sieol oograv ?L^S, Imperial svo. woree o, $2t). TENNYSON'S ENID. Ill ?-triteJ by Gustave Dort-, fo? lio, i? an e'egaut hindiug, ?lu. TENNYSON'S LOCKSLY DALI., Illustrated by Hennesy, 4 octavo, fy. OKAY'S LLEOY, with seventeen Rnelv colored draw? ings ami a photographic reproduction cf the oriit'nal manuscript, no SO n?. WAYSIDE POSIES, original Poi ms ol country life, edited by Robert Buchanan, with fur.y-r-cvcn illustrations. 4'o. SK) THE Binn, by Mich -let. Illustrated by two hundred aud icu exquisite engravings bv GtacomeUi, SC. Curisr IN ?>ONO. or II>ius ol Immanuel, selected irom aliases by Philip Schaff, D. D., Svo, cloth Uih extra, SO. COWPER'- IABLE TALK, aud other Poems, bcauti mily uluslratcd by the wost cmiueat English Ai lists, i volume, 4to, S3". ? TORY WITHOUT AN END, bom the German ol Ca rove, large 4to. WT th tifltvii beautiful pic? tures, iu imitation of water color*. $7 5". CHRISTMAS CAROL, by Charlea Dickens, with thirty iliu-trati JUS. by Ey ii tige, > niall 4 ocavo, SJ. SCOTIA'S BARDS, thc choicest productions of the Scot Uah Ports, beautifully illustrated. Svo, il. MARMION, UV Walter ,-cott, with fiict-cu photographic illu-traiiou , SH. LAYS OF THE HOLY LAND, from ancicut and modern writers, with sixty-three Illustrations, SVJ, -s. CHAMBERS' ROOK OF LAYS a miscellany ot popu'ar autiquitic.-, two lar.'C volume, total Svo, i'J. Tie above arc ah in ciegan; biudiugs. January 1 lyr liants. WANTED, A CO LOK KD WO MA Al TO do th? Coolting and Washing of a small fani liv. Apply at No. 23 CANNON-SlREEl. March ll IA r A NT KD. A F1K.ST.CL ? SS LAI'N T? DltliSS white. One who understands rino wasliiu-; snd fluting. Non? need apply without reco*-_mondntiou. Apply at No. li SMI t'B-STBERT, corner ol' Wentworth. 1 March ll WANTED, EVERYBODY TO sifJB SCEIDE to tho CIRCULATING LIBRARY. CHARLES C. RICHTER'S Select Library of New Hooks contains all of the latest publications. April 21_ No. lill K7KG-STBEET. WANTED, SUBSCRIBERS WMt ALL Tilt. LEADING MAGAZINES AND HEW> PAPERS, at publisher's rales. CHARLES C. RIGHTER, April 21_ No. ici King-etrect. WA> TED-TO LA ;V \ ERS.-A YOUNG MAN desires to sludy lav m eome ofllre where ho can earn his board by acting as clerk, copyist, i-c. Aidress "COPYIST," DAILY NEWS Of? fice^_Imo* March 10 WANTED, A SITUATION AS SALES M AN in a Grocery bouse. Applicant bas ex? perience, i-efcrencea given. Address "R." Cfit ce of TUE NEWS. March 10 Co Bent. TO RENT. A DKLI6IITFUL SUMM EU RESIDENCE, with FARM : ttached. at the southwest corner of Bec and President streets. The house contains four room* snd pantry, with wide double piazzas to the south, giving a full view of Ashley River. On tho lot, which is large, there is a kitchen of four rooms, and a neat cottace containing two large and well-finished rooms, with fire places in each ; carriage h use and stable, and well of pure sprint: water. Attached ia a lot ot about one acre, now planted with market vegetables now coming up. For terms, Ac, apply at 1 HIS Orf ICE. March ll 0* TO III \ I . A nut'SK AT THE COK NE lt of Society and last Bay streets. Apply to JOHN MARSHALL, Marshall's Wharf. March 11_ thstu TO KENT, A SMALL HOUSE, CO STAIN? ING tour rooms, with kitchen acd all neces? sary buildings. Apply at No. 124 KING-STREET, a lew doors south of Queen-street. March 9 Iuthm3* TO KENT, THE STORE AND RESI? DENCE, corner of King and Lamboll-st1 ects. Inquire of P. O'DONNELL, on the next Lot north of the above. February 24 TO RENT, ON E ROOM, TO ONE OR TWO gentlemen. Apply at No. Ill MARKET STREET. February 23 pst ano /onno. LOST, A SMALL BROWN BITCH, answers to the name of FANNY, eight ti onths old. Any in formation ol thc samo will be thankfully received if 1 ft at No. 20 WENIWORI H-sTtf EET, and a reward givuu if necessary. 1 Mareh ll /or Sole FOR S\LK, ONE EIGHTY HORSE POWER STEAM ENGINE AND UOlLERs, two Old boilers for heaters. Hovel wheels,, Bricks, Lumber, fivo thousand New flour Barrels, Sering Cart, Harness, i'fflcc Desks, Letter Press, Chairs, Tab'e, New and Sccond-baini Steam and Gas l'ipe, stop Cocks and Valves. Ci bine; maker's Hench aud Tool-, Engineer's Tools, k<\, by F. W. CMUSSEN, Southwest corner 8tate aud Curnbr rland-stroots. March 8 mthm3 AT PRIVATE SALE, THAT FINE STAND with fixtures for a Grocery, corner Caihouu and liast Bay streets, No. 35. Apply ON PREMIRES. tbstu -j, January 21 STEAM ENGINES FOR SALE CHEAP, if applied tor immediately (1) Ouo 12 horse Portable ENGINE (1) One 4-1;orso Portable Engine. ALSO, (1) One 8-horse-power ENOINE, in (rood condition. CAMERON, DARKLEY k CO., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumberland-streets. January 15 FOR KALK, OLD NEWSPAPERS IN anyquintity. Price 75 cents per hundred. Ibe rhcape?t wrapping paper that eau be used. Ap? ply at the oiii.-o ot THE N tW& March 1 tiemaopl. I) EMOVAL.-THE SUBSCRIBER HAS t this dav removed his Rakery b stablish ment from No 07 King-street to No. asl KING-STKEET, above George-street, wbeie he will be happy to seo his old customers and tho public generally. A F. MELCHERS, No. 331 Kiug-street, above George-street. March 9 6 (Dp?rtnrrsljijj Mire. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE ENTER. ED into copartnership uoder thc same of KNOBELOCH k SMALL, for the purpose ol carry? ing on a WHOLESALE FLOUR AND COMMISSION BUSINESS, at No. 78 East Bay. W. KNOBF.LOCK, Jr., JOHN J. SMALL. February 23 DAO ruths LAW NOTICE-THE UNDERSIGNED have this dav formed a Copartneri-bip for the practice of LAW AND EQUITY In sumter and ad? joining Counties, and lu tho United State* Courts for the District of South Carolina, under tho name and style of RICHARDSON ? M')SE>. JAMES S tl. RICHARDSON. MONTGOMERY MOSES. Sunter, S. C.. Febnnry 3. february 9 BOARDING. - A VERY COMFORTA? BLE ROOM with good HOARD, can b- obtain? ed if applied f it immediately, at t! c KING MAN? SION, corner George and Meeting streets. Match 10 2 Oui?tinn?i. rnllE DUE WEST FEMALE CHI.. _l LEGE.-This is oue ot thc most flourishing in? stitution? lu tho State. Pupils received at any limo, and churged from the time ot cn'erlng. Tuition, including Latin aud French, $4 per month. Boarding, including Fuel and Washing, 514 50 per mcutu. J. S. BUNN?.R. December ll mlb/dino President. tailoring, (Etc. rn A i L o ii i N G . THE SUBSCRIBER II AS JUST RETURNED from New York, with a hondson c selection of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING?-, Atc, and is sow prepared to execute all orders with dispatch. Hiving had many years experience in thc bu>i c*s. he lecis satisfied mat the mat.rial timi workmanship will give every satisfaction. Call uud examine my stock. ALSO. A FINE LOI' OF FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN ItUOHElMtlt. So. 141 King-strect, March 10 C wfm7 Third duor uotth ot Queen. ?oms. M ANSIO N II O ll S K , No. C9 BEOAD-3THEET, c ? A a L i: s roy. s. c. TR ANSI KN P, FAMILIES and DAY BOARD at the most resonable tenus, by Mit?. R. C. KINNEY. January 30 MuihJmo yylLLIS .V CIIISOLM. FACTORS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AN I SHIPPING AGENTS, WILL AlltND TO TUE PURCHASE, SALE AM 8U1PMENT ito Forcigu ?nd Domestic Ports) oi COTTON, RICK, LUM HER ANO NAVAL STOUTs ATLANTIC WU A HF. Charleston, s. C. K. WILLIS.A. R. CBISOLM. October ts _ mo BUSINESS Pl E N . THE SUMTER NEWS, o PUBLISHED AT tVAITEB, S. C., IS OSE OF THE BEST PAPER* IN i HE UP COUNTKT; has a hmo eire? at ion, sntl affords su? perior advantages as an advertising medium, i orms low. A cl dre* * DARU i: f>T?fcN, February 23_Prnpife ors. JAMES ES03.JOUN OIL1 KNOX ?! GILL, COTTON FA C T t? R S ASD GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 125 SMITH'S WHARF, BALTIMORE, Cc usigumcu ts of COTTON, RICE, frc., respect fully soliciten, and liberal advances made thoreon, Orders tor CORM and BACON promptly ex?cut?e with care and attention. April 27 12mos? JHCftiH?JS. WASHINGTON I.UDGK, No. 5, A. F. M. AREfiULAit ?'OMMONICMION OF WASHING? TON Lodue. No. 5, A. F. IL, will 'ake place at Masonic Hall, Tnw EY?NINO, at Seven o'clock. Candidates for Degrees aro requested to bc punc? tual. Bj order W. M. C. B. SIGWALD, March ll Ho retary. DRAYTON L'JDBK, \o. 27, A. F. M THE REGULAR COMMUNICATION OF THE above Lodge will bo held THIS EVENING, at Seven o'clock, at tlHr Hall, southwest corner of Calhoun and Eing streets. Members co requeatcl tn be punctual in atten? dance, as the Arrear List wdl be read. By order W. M. H. E. BARNETT, Marou ll_1*_Secretary. E. O. ti. F.-HOWARD LODGE, No. 3. THE REGULA? MEEI 1NG OF THIS LODGE will bo held THIS EVENING, at Seven o'clock pre? cisely. Mai ch ll th E. L. TERRY, Secretary. CATHOLIC INSTITUTE. THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEEITNG OF THE Catholic Institute wi 1 be held at their Ball, King-street. IBU (Ibursday) EVENING, at halt-past Seven o'clock. By order. HtNRY J. O'NEILL, March ll_1_Secretary C. I. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAIL? ROAD COMPANY. mHK ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD X r RS of the savannah and Charleston Railroad Company (postponed from the second Wednesday in Janu irv) will take place in the City of Charleston, on the THTHJD WEDNESDAY IN MASCH, being the 17th of that niootb. Place of meeting, the Hall of the Planters' and Mechanics Btnk, Eu-t Bay, at Twelve M., at which time an election will be held for six Directors to serve the ensuing y tar. A Committee to verify proxies will be In atten? dance at Ten A. M. S. W. FT-HER, Secretary. 9S~ Savannah Republican and Herald will please copy and Bend bill to office Savannah and Charleston Railroad Company. February 27 sth5wl /crtilijcrs. PERI)YIAN GUANO FOR SALE, DELITE RED AT ANY DEPOT ON tho Wilmington and Manchester Railroad at $9C cash per ton of 2240 pounds, we prepaying freight; and on Guano going up the Cheraw and Partington Railroad freight will bs prepaid to Florence. S. C. CHISOLM BROTH KR*. March ll 1 Adgct's Norh Wharf. " SUPERPHOSPHATES." CROAPDALL'3 GENUINE PHOSPHATE AND BOWER'S COMPLETE MANURE. Both standard Fertilizers. . , For sale by WM. GURNEY No. 102 Fast Bay. Eolo Agent for South Carolina. February 20 Imo , LAND PLASTER. 1 Afl? i BARRELS LAND PLASTER, TO AR 1UUU RIVE per Schooners Scud and Motion i>age. Orders rrceived by OLNEY k CO February 25 CHESAPEAKE GUANO, AN AM MO NIATED SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE, COMBINING ALL THE QUALITIES OF BONE AND PERUVIAN GUANO. rnHT3 Ft-RTILLZER IS WARRANTED TO GIVE X satisfaction. Planters and farmers are invited to send lor pamphlets, descriptivo of its virtues sud how to anply it. OS" Price]! 505 per ton of 2000 lbs. For sale by R. Al. BUTLER, February IT Agent at Charleston. 8. 0. "GUANO !" No. 1 PERU VIAN. SARDY'S "SOLUBLE PHOSPHO-PERUVIAN. " SARD Y'S "AMMONIATED SOLUBLE PACIFIC," ALSO, III fill EST GRADES PURE I* ll OS PH.A TIC GUANOS AND GROUND LAND PLASTER. THE USE OF THE ABOVE SOLUBLE P30SPH0 PERUVIAN and Ammoniated Soluble Pacific Guanos is particularly recommended, being com pouuds of tue ncbest Pacific Pho*phatic Guano, rendered soluble; thc former containing twenty per cent, of Po/uvlan Guano, and the latter highly am? moniated with animal matter-masing tho most concentrated and profitable fertilizers in use for cot? ton, corn, wheat and Tobacco, For sale in bags and barrels, in quanti os to suit. Testimonials from those who havo used tho above will bc lurni* ed on application. GRAESEK, LEE, SMITH di CO., Guncral Agents at Charleston. ?Feed your Land and lt will Feed Toa." December 24 DAC thstu4mo PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACIFIC GUANO. CAPITAL.81,000 OOO rpUTS GUANO C?FFLR? FROM PERUVIAN L Guano sinlply in 'ho relative proportions ot thc same eli men ts of fertility. Its uso during thc past tour years for the culture of cotton and -urn has given to it a character ior standard excellence unsurpassed by genuine Peru? vian Guano, and where seasons of drought inter? vene, II producos a large increase of crops. Tho pi ice at wince this Guano ia placed is so much below that of Peruvian Guano, as to constitute lt an object ol material Importanco to Southern Agriculture. Tho large capital and resources of tho Company enable it to furnish a Guano of the highest value at the lowest possiblo cost to consumer-? and thc highest iutereat of the Company is recognized in this policy. Thu Company looks to largo sales, sma 1 profits and a permano ut trado for compensation on capital Invested. Dr. ST. JULIEN RAVE KEL, of South Caro? lina, is Scientific Director to the Company, which affords a ?uro guarantee of the continued ex? cellence of tho Guano. None genuine uulo.-s brand? ed wi: i; tho natue otJOH.N S. l(Ek>E k CO., Gene? ral Agents ol the PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY. For tenus and mode of application, apply to J. N. KO H MIN, Agent ".or ihn State ol .-outh Curollna, Nos. laud2 Atlauiie Wharf. Dccemlor 10 DAC stutbtlmo THE LODI IlNUFlCIUfilHG CO, (ESTABLISHED 1-10., INVITE PLANTERS AND FARMERS TO SEND fora pamphlet descriptive of their Fertilizers. We oller our iXiUM.c REFI.NE-? P UDREl TE, equal to ihe b"si Superphosphate, at tho low pri?e of $23 1 er ton. i his Company also make a supe? rior article of Nitrophosplmtc uni pure Bone Dust, i-ct: testimonials: E M. tonD. smithfield. Va., says where he u-od tb- Duublu Refined i'uudrctie ou corn it uouulcd the yield WILLIAMS RHOS . Dover. Del, says il gave th-ir rhubarb and bunaloo a vigorous growth, ripening the lat'ur two weeks cantor P. W. HUTCHISON sr, near Cherokee, Ga., says it nearly doubted his yield Of rottoii. Hon 1 LI S. utrK.n, E'nfaula, Ala., says lils cot? ton wa- fully equal io adjoining reids manured with the beal suicrplio-phatov ,N MONTGOMERY, KI avilie, G.i.. say- it increased hi . ir.t|) ut t'oituu lull lbs per acre. U ls. (JULI suv. Mario! a, Ci. usa ' tt on corn aud cotton and ea>- it in TC lhau doubled the yield, nc roguidVil Hie cheapest aud m<?t relhtb.e Fertilizer within his knowledge. L?-Govcruor M TH, Warrenton. Va., tried it thr. e -i-vi ral crops thc lust aud present yoirs. und Hays: "I pro: ounce it with coulidoucc a most valua blii'iiiiuarc " ihe Supcilnlendent of General W. R. cox, Polk Island Pliuitatiou. N. C., says: "I think thePoudrette used for cm i ca' not be surpassed; us.'d it aiso on cotton which produced u large yield. Dr E. Ii. JE-EKDLi-TON, Si arta, Ga., says: "Tho Nitrophosiihate of Limo, used on cotton made 213 per i mit thc first year. Professor t.EoituE H. Cooa, of tho New Jersey St-ite ftprkaltuntl College, at New Kr?ns wick, ray.-: "Um I on I tic Refined l'oudrcttc and Nitruphosphalo of* Lime paid us luil 1U0 per cent, above their mar? ket value lu thc increase of crops this vear." A.l.irc-s Lu i il MANUFvOiURINU COMPANY. Box :;lot>. New York Postoflkc. Olhco No. 60 Court. lai-.t-Hivct. J. A. ENSLOW & CO. Vii vRLESTON, AGENTS FOB THE COMPANY. January 14 ihstutmios ?Igri?ultowl. EXCELSIOR CO I TON SEED. TUE GENUINE I XCELSiOR SEA ISLAND SEED, the Coll?n oi which s lld in this market at One Dollar und Foi ty Cci.:s fur pound (si 40), foi sale in lots o suit porcha-eir, b/ WM. GURNEY, March 1 Imo No. 102 East Bay. 4. $lruast (Ojemtf?ls, Ctr. COHEN'S MEDICAL DEPOT HEM07ED TO No. 300 KING-STREET, (Between Wentworth and Society Streets.) Ia now opened with a FRESH AND CHOICE STOCK OF European and American DRUGS, CHEMICALS PE B FU M E RY, PATENT MEDICINES, AND FANCY ARTICLES. ??VPRESCBTP1IONS PREPARED A3 HERETO? FORE, with accuracy and dispatch, by experienced Pharmaceutists. 1 March ll C. F. PANKNIN, Apothecary and Chemist. No." 123 Meeting-street, CHARLESTON, S. C. IJIHE ADVERTISER EEG3 TO CALL ATTEN? TION to bis stock of the best Imported and Domes? tic CHEMICALS, DRUGS, AND PATENT MEDICINES. OPON THE DISPENSING DEPARTMENT Of his business he bestows the utmost personal care and attention, and guarantees the PURITY of the MEDICINES used in compounding. PRESCRIPTIONS Prepared carefully at all hours of the day and night. SPECIAL AGENCY FOR THE SALE OF SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, MANUFACTURED BY Messrs. GEO. TIEMANN & CO., OF NEW YORK. HIS STOCK OF Hair, Tooth and Nail Brashes. PERFUMERIES, &c, IS LARGE AND WELL 8ELECTED. Agency for the sale of tho celebrated Bockbridge Alum Spring Water, A supply of which ts always on hand. MANUFACTURER OF PANKNIN*S HEPATIC BITTERS, Which have established for themselves a reputation surpassed by none. Through constant o Oort and attention he hopes to merit a continuance of tho public patronage which has hitherto been extended to him. February 16 tuthslyr TO BAKERS. JUST RECEIVED AND FOE SALE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL : CAC ON ATE UF AMMONIA PRIME HOP3 CREAM OF TARTAR. H. BAER, Druggist, No. 131 MEETING-STREET. March 4 DRUGS M?JIEMES. THE UNDERSIGNED CALLS THE ATTENTION of both city aud country purchasers to his large stock ol DJvUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, PERFUM? ERY, FA SOY GOODS kc, tc, all of which he Ot? ters at the lowest market rates. H. BAER, No. 181 MEETING-STREET, NEAR MAR KET-STREET. March < SOUTHERN STEM C ! L ll ANUFA CTORY E. H. RODG-ERS MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN STENCIL STOCK AN3 CIES, STEEL LETTERS A.\0 STAMPS CHUCK.!* A.\D TAGS BRASS AND GK. Kill AN SILVER KEY ICINGS, CHAINS, SiC MARKING USHERS BY TUE GALLON OR BARREL. AGENT FOI! HILL'S PATENT BAUD STAMPS SEAL PRESSES UR AN DIN G IRONS, tte. ISoflZQ EAST BAY-STRERT, CHARLESTON, S. C. #2?- Call auu examine specimens. January 16 amos CHARLESTON IDEISTTAXJ DEPOT No. ?75 KI-VG-STREET, GOLD AND TIN FOIL, AMALGAMS, MINERAL TEETH, Steel Goods, and every article usod by the Dentist. 2mo January 27 t?iocnus nn?) ^tB?ellanroos. IO CASES LITTLE HECK CLAMS 10 cases Ox Tail soup 10 cases Tomato Soup 10 cases Sausage Meat 10 cassa Krerb .?aim n . 10 cases Fresh Mackerel 10 cases Fresh Lob3?er. WM. S. CORWIN b CO., _g o. 275 King-street JAVA COFFEE. 1 fl A MATS orD GOVERNMENT JAVA J. v\J 50 mais Genuine Manilla Coffee 25 sacks uenu ne Laguayra Coffee 10 sacfs Fore Mocha Coffee 60 sacks Rio Coffee, all (Trades. Parched Java and Gronud Java, warranted pure. WM. ?. CORWIN b CO.. _ No. 276 King-street. 20 PRINCE ALBERTS. BBLS. PRINCE ALBERT POTATOES 25 rbis. Mercer Potatoes. WM. S. Cc EWIN & CO., No. 275 King-street. FRESH PEACHES. CORN, &c. 25 10 75 CASES, 3 LB, FRESH PEACHES 25 eases. 2 lb, Green Corn 10 oases. 21b Green Peas 30 cases, 2 lb, Fresh Peaches 10 cases. 2 lb, succotash 10 cases, 2 H lb, Mri g Beans 10 cases. 2 lb. Pineapple * 10 cases. 2 lb, Strawberries C cases, 2 lb, Quinces 6 cases, 1 lb, Frem h Peas 5 coses, 1 lb, Mushrooms. WM. S. CORWIN A CO., _No. 275 King-Btreet. CHAMPAGNES. CASES DE CLICQOOT PONSABDIN 20 cases Green seal 25 baskets Piper Heidseick 10 cases Dr; Verzenay 5 cases Dry Sillery 6 cases Mumm's Private Stock 60 cases Urbana W ne Company. WM. S. CORWIN b CO">; _No. 276 King-street CLARET WINES. CAPES ST. JULIEN MEDOC 60 cases Guard's Coutry 26 cas -B Johnston'" Sons Medoc 26 cases Brana. nburg Freres Medoc CO cases Johnston's St. Loobes . 60 case' E. B. ic Co's. Bou iliac 10 cases Cha eaux Margaux 10 cases chateaux Hockhelmer Labbehh elmer Clos de Touget WM. 8. CORWIN tc CO. _No. 275 Kin?-?treet. ~ MOLASSES. *?~ BARRELS SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES, FOB | 0 sale by H EN RT COBLA ic CO. March ll_1_ WBLsKEI. ?)K BARRELS 1 WBISKEY OF VARIOUS JUO 15 half-barrols J BR.\ND>. For sale by March ll thstu3 HENRY COBIA&CO. SALT AFLOAT. er/~\r\f \ SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT NOW Q\J\J\J lending from chip Edith. For sale by GEORGE W. WILLIAMS b CO. March ll_3 FLOUR AND CORN MILLS AND MILL MACHINERY, ALL COMPLETE, FURNISH EB AT SHORTEST NOl ICE, aou oftho nest Improved style and plans. Four of the said Mills aro m operation in this city now, and bave all proved satisfactory and superior to all ethel s. Bolting Cloth, Screen Wire, Ac, constantly cn hand. Ii Ali 1 b MUNSON. Util a, New York. For particulars apply to the undersigned, whore the Mills can be seen in full operation daily. JOHN CA MPs EN A CO., A 'tents lor South Carolina, March ll thru Smos Charleston, 8. 0. CHI ICE MOUNTAIN BUTTLR. p! fifi POUNDS CHOICE MOUNTAIN BUTTER 0 Vj U Jus rece1 ved and for sale at the CO-OPER \ . IVE URDCEBY STORE, Southwest corn'r Meeting and Market streets. Goods deliro ed tree. March 10 SALT AFLOAT. P??\f\? \ SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, LANDING f ) yJ U \J tbi day from t>ark Harriot F. Hussey, and ready for delivery. RAVEN EL b CO. March 10_ CORN LANDING. 4000 ^f^9 PBIUE TOITE OORN IN 1060 bushels mime White Oom In bulk, per schooner Flying Send, from Norfolk. AUO, 150 bushels OATS. For sile low. T. D. CLANCY b 00, March 8_ DEMIJOHNS, BOTTLES AND IMPORTED LAO UK BIER. 1 fiAH FTVE GALLON DEMIJOHNS IOU" 2000 demij hos, smaller sizes 100 crates claret und Madeira Bottles 100 casks Bottled Lager Bier, In quarts ana pinta Imported from Bremen, and f~r sale by CLACICs b WITTE, February 4 tbstu Jmon No. 86 East Bay. ?. COAL ! COAL! * rE UNDERSIGNED KELPS ON HAND THE BEsT RED ASH COAL, suitable tor Parlor Grates, Stove and Cooking Ranges, which he-will sell at rcduod prices. j ALSO, SOFT COAL, by applying to F. P. SEIGNIOUS, Corner East Bay and Hasel street. East Side. February 23 ruths Imo SUUAR! SUtfAti! AND MO LASSES! 1 fifi DBDS- CHOICE DRY GROCERY SUGAR lu v 100 boxes OnoiceDry Grocery sugar 50 hhds. Prime Muscovado sugar IOU hhds. New ? rop Cuba Molasses 100 hhds. New Crop Clayed Molasses, Being carg ? of American schooner E. M. Pennell, to arrive irom Cardenas, and tor sa e by W. P. HALL, Brown b Co.'s Wharf. February 23 tuths WHARTON A. MOFFETT, No. 115 WEST-STREET, NEW YORK. MUFFETT & WHARTON, No. 114 EAST BAY, CHARLESTON. All varieties of Need and Eating POTATOES. HAVING A PARTNER IN NEW YORK WHO will give Iiis t.crsoDal attention to the sale of tar y VtOE I ABLE? AND FllUir, and promising quick sa'e< and prompt rcurns. we sollet thc pa trun:ige ot shippers. Our com fissions it ill be five pc . cen-, ou'y. ORATES furnished to those who ship tous. J. G. MOJWi i I.I". J. WHARTON. December 30 Cmos Sii?Mes, Qtiriicss, detr. "* MCCLELLAN SADDLES! T E A M HARNESS, BUGGY AND CARRIAGE HARNESS, AFB SADDLERY LEATHER, ?te. THE UNDERSIGNED H\S NOW ON HAND A lamo Ptoc> ol old and iew McClellan Saddles, Government Harness for two lour, six horses. Also, fine Engli-ib ..vinmerset SADDLE-. Bridles, Bits, ie . Atc, to-'clh.-r with avro assortment of the fiudii gsn ccs-jry tonimufac'urcr?. Helsprepared 11 sell to dcilers, Plouch Bridles and Plough Gear? ing goucrally at New York factory prices. Oak lamed Lea.her by the siug'o sido or roll ot low figures. F.F. CHAPEAU, Meeting-street next Mills House. March 9 tutbelmo SADDLERY, SADDLERY HARDWARE, CARRIAGE MATERIALS, LEATHER, kc. i THE UND RSIGNED HEG TO CALL ATTEN- \ TI 'N to their .arce aud complete Stock of SADDLI S, Bull LES, HARNE S ood all kinds of C ?RRi\G- M iTLUlAL-, which tliey offer at Whoiesale and Rct.iii uponfh*! ?no?t favorable terms. ?5-0RDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED. \ JKSAlrYGS, TH?AILIXSON & CO.. No. 159 MEETING-STREET^ Opposite Charleston Hotel. N. B.-Also, ?.ecoad-hand Government MCCLEL? LAN SADDLt?. March 4 Imo