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THE DAILY NEWS. RIORDAN, DAWSON ft CO. PROPRIETORS. OFFICE Sb. 1? EAST BAY. .56 00 XZBHS-DAILY NEWS, one yt-ar. HAILY SEWS, six months. 3 00 DAILY SEWS, three months. 2 00 TRI-WEEKLY NEWS, one year.3 00 Tai-WEEKLY NEWS, six months.2 00 PAYMEKT invariably in advai ce. No paper sent unless the cash accompanies the order, ox for a long? er time than i aid for. TH? DAILY NEWS will be served to subscribers in the city at IS cents per week. AOVSBXISSUENXB.-First insertion, 15 cents a line; subs?quent insertions, 10 cents a line. Business Notices, 20 outs a line. Marriage and Funeral No? tices, One Dollar each. NK w ? SUMMARY. -Gold cloded in New York at So. -Cotton in New York closed dull and heavy at 29?; sabs 900 bales. -Cotton in Liverpool at noon, yesterday, was quoted declining ; uplands 12ajd; Crloans 12Jd; sales 6000 bales. . -Four thousand million pounds of rags aro estimated to be annually made into paper in the world. -It is stated that.a new localitj has been found in Germany for the c?lcbrated Solenho fern lithographic stones. -A Vienna millionaire recently committed suicido, but before he did it he made a bonfire of all bis paper money, bonds, jowels, doods, Ac., in order to spite bis heirs. -They toll of a Fifth Avenue mansion deco? rated with point lace cur'taius, ludia shawl coverings oa tho furniture, bronza doors, and silver monosrams on everything. -In Boston a grocer once had but four weights, with which he weighed any number of pounds, from ono to forty. They consisted of one, three, niue, twenty-seven pound weights. -A Washington telegram says : "Rev. Mr. Lewie, Pastor of St. John s Church, (Episco? pal), oa behalf of tho relatives of Harald's friends, bas applied to the President for per? mission to remove the remains lo tho family burial-ground. ? Application has now been made for tnebodios of all those executed for complicity in the assassination of Mr. Line?la, ex?2:>t Payuo, and tbero is no doubt that thc President will give ordeis according to thc re gu. sb of tho potitionors." -A Washington letter of Sunday says : ^To insure tho passage of bills at this session of Congress, ir respective of thc President's ap? proval or disapproval, it will bc ucccaaury t^at they got through both brancbos by noou vt . nert Saturday, tho 20th instant. Accordingly, to touro action upon the resolution amend? ing, she constitution as to suffrage in case of a veto by the President, Mr. Bontwell will to? morrow move that tha'Houso concur in the Senat J amendments to the resolution." -Tao mammorh ox General Giant, which was presented tj the President elect in New York, has arrived safely in Washington. This anim;'lis a n.i bio specimen, perfectly white, and weighs over threo thousand pounds. Tue ox is consigned to a committee consisting of Mayor Bowen, Hen y D. Cooke and Mr. D?liais, and -will bo exhibited at acme suitable place in thc eily till about tho 25th instant, ?Thoa ho wiil be slaughtered for use on inauguration day. Ho ia eleven yeurs old, was onco presented to President Lincoln, and by him given to tho J sanitary commission, whoso lund? by iwsex Libitiou during tho war wera increased ?-.bout $12,000. His skin will be stuffed for the Cen tral Park SI ssc um. Now York, and his skeleton at the request of Professor Agassiz, depoaitod in tho Museum of Comparative Zoology, at Cambridge, Massachusetts. General Cashing, the United States Special Commissioner io Bogota, in conuoction with tho Isthmus Canal, returned to Panama from his mission cn ?ho 1th inst., and arrived in New York hy tho steamer Henry Chauncey on Saturday. It is stated that tho General has been entirely successful in his mission, and brings home wiln him a treaty for tho pro? jected Isthmus canal, which only awaits the approval of the Congress of tho United State He arrive J in Washington yesterday. During his stay on the Isthmus, at Aspinwall, General Cuahiog, accompanied by tho United States Consuls al Panama and Aspinwall, and other gentlemen, called on hie Excellency tho Presi dent, and was received with military honors and with the most becoming courtesy. Aller wards Goderai Gushing was entertained by General Smith, at tho United States Consu? late. -It seems to be pretty generally conceded that Mr. Johnson, on retiring from the Presi? dency, will plunge at once into tho political struggles of Tennessee; and it seems to be equally well nuderstood that if ho dots, ho will mato lively times for everybody conccruod. A Nashville letter in the leading Democratic paper of St. Louis, the Republican, says there is a good deal of opposition to thc project on the part of the Democratic loaders; bat this, ho thinks, will make ao different** Ti th the re? sult, for, he adds, that he never know Mr. John? son nominated on the Democratic ticket with? out great opposition from tho party; but that he always succeeded. Ibo writer adds : "John? son is not a party leader, but a leader of a cer? tain class of the people. He is a party driver. If it is his intention to canvass Tennessee for tho ofilia of Governor, he will do it, no matter what Democratic leaders may say, no matter what bonduolding Conservatives may say, no matte- what the Conservative papers of Ten? nessee may write on the subject. But none of these will openly oppose him. I can safely predio , that A. J.'s cam ass for tho Governor? ship of this State, should it be mado, wiil not be exceled by anything in tho way of political drama, jet enacted, for tidiness of entertain? ment." -A Washington letter to tho Baltimore Ga? zette says: "The cxaminalioa of private ser? vants on Mr. Corcornn's claim excites no littl j comment in diplomatic circles. The claim for the occupation of property by thc Liueoln ad? ministration was allowed in the Treasury De? partment. Congress not donying thc jiistico of it, iceks to avoid tho payment of it by tax? ing Mr. Corcoran with disloyalty. Accordingly Mr. Brewer, who wa3 a scarcely giown man six or Bsvcu years ago, is brought before tho Committee oa tho District of Columbia, to whom thc o.' tim has been referred in the Sen? ate, aad nlbwod to testify in an examination Btrictly ex narie, that at a private dinner at tho Russian .Ministers a very prominent gentle? man-one of tho old school-said that he would give tea thousand dollars to have Jeff. Davis come to Washington and hang Liucoln and his Cabicot, upon which Mr. C. said that he would give ton times as much. No gentleman, possessed of that tact which loug political ex? perience give*, would have so compromised a minister ia troublous times. Bo3ides which, another gentleman, said to havo been present, -declares that ho never was at such a dinner. Barun Stoeckl bas left Washington, it is now known, not to return; otherwise this creature would never have dared to give any such testi? mony. What will bo thc upshot of it it is im? possible to say. Some foreigners think that the members cf the committee may yet havo the decency to dismiss the subject without at? tempting to moko the testimony public. The i dea of trusting at any time to the testimony of lackeys as to private dinner table conversa? tion, is simply too monstrous, and to attempt to bring it forward after years have elapsed makes it a creat deal worsp." -A steam velocipede bas recently been in? voiced, by which it is asserted groat speed can bo obtained. The cylinders are placed vertically in-front of tbe boiler, between it aud tho seat, and connect witb cranks on the shaft of the driving wheels, which, two in number, are situated on the front part of the carriage. Tho engine is a direct-acting compound en ?iue of two cylinders, each cylinder two-and-a half inches diameter and Uve inches Btroke. The steering gear consists of an endless chain working over a grooved wheel on tho axle of the driving wheels, and passing over a corres? ponding wheel, fixed between the forked shaft just over the single steering whoel. which in this instance is in the rear of the carriage. Tho latter grooved wheel is a wide one, and over it passes another chain, which works arouud the boss of the front wheel. This arrangement gives power to thc steering wheel, so that in turning a corner it takes a wider sweep than the two driving wheels, which go first. In travel? ling on a straight road tba machine is turned to either side by turning the steering wheel to tho opposite side. The fire box and tubes are copper, pressure two hundred pounds to the square inch; but it is asserted that a pressure ot twenty-five pounds of steam will givo a power equal to tho, force necessary to propel a volocipeds by the feet. The steam velocipedes, however, it is asserted, will be an uncomforta? ble apparatus for the driver, since ho must sit near the boiler. Up to January 1, 1869, it is reported, there have been taken out thirty patents for velocipedes, the first patent dating June 26, 1S19. CHARLES TO ?. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17,1869 Dur Financial Position. Thc question cf the resumption of specie payments, which'isso generally discussed in the North, attracts but little attention in the Southern States. Our newspapers are not flooded with letters pointing out the royal road to the haTd money era ; public speakers have no word to say about the almighty paper dollar; our new-fledged rep? resentatives in Congress arc not bored with memorials or petitions in opposition to the glitter of gold, or in favor of the flimsy greenback. The reason is obvious. Wo aru at this moment, notwithstanding tho war ana the uncertainties of a system of free n< gro labor, in a more sound financial condition toan are the Northern States. At our backs we have two and a half mil? lion baka of cotton, worth in the "aarket two hundred and fifty million of dollars. In this State alone, the cotton crop is worth more than twenty million. This year tho South miy expect to produce at least four million bales, and v/e do not anticipate that, any crop short of four and a half million bales wiil cause uplands lo sell for less than from twenty to twenty-two cents. Cotton is our buck-bcue, the. strong tower of our whole commercial fabric. It is evident enough thar, cs long ns we can make ?ot tou as well as wo have done during the last yrarj- m tong-a.?-.?Up TTUIUI-umhj la "min that long-loukcd for cotton couutry which can make it independent of. our staple, we can com mind ail thc^currcncy that we re? quire, and be always in a better position to resume specie payments, or endure an inconvertible currenoy, than the merchants and manufacturers of thc Northern centres of trade. Cotton is gold, if we choose to make it so. Tne price of the staple is regulated by the-European demaud, abd not by do? mestic consumption. Every pound of cot? ton which is exported is sold for gold, and wc repeat that the South could drain the whole of New England and the West of its specie, by requiring that cotton should bo paid for in hard money alone. Such a pol? icy on our part, however, would evince little practical wisdom. There is not over? much confidence here in cither greenbacks or United States securities. Thc planters and farmers do not inveet their balances in five-tweuties or seven-thirties or any other ?alional financial denomination. Their distrust, however, is gradually wearing away; but it ia still Btrong enough to impel them to buy gold and keep it as something which neither Congress nor Radicalism nor the inevitable freedman can deprive of in? trinsic value. This feeling is bringing Bpecie in a 6teady stream to the South and holding it here; but as that specie repre? sents the net profila of the producer rather than the price of hia produce, it will not suffice to cause any embarrassing strin? gency ia tho Northern gold market. If, however, we were io demand gold or silver for the whole three and a half million bides of cur cotton, thc par er dollar would go head-long down hill, and. there would be a panic in New York greater even in ita in? tensity than that of twelve years ago. But we cannot afford to ruiu the North, evca if ive have thc power. As theio could not be lasting prosperity for thu North while the Souih waa in the dust, so there would be trouble, serious trouble, in the South, if the North were bankrupt. The two sec? tions aro more or lesa de-pendent the one upon the other; and aa we know that cotton is measured by a gold standard, and that ile price iu paper mu?t increase ia the ratio of the depreciation of the paper currency, wc can well afford to mind our own busi? ness and leave the problem of specie pay? ments to be solved by those whom it more detply concerns. We have this year demonstrated the won? derful elasticity and energy of the South. We have made ourselves commercially inde? pendent. We have given less attention to party politics and more care to commerce and trade. This, wo hope, will be the course of our people in the future. They can make as much money aa they need; they can, ia time, solve the negro question or cut that Gordian knot; they can, with? out agitation or risk, but with a few more crops of cotton, secure aa influence which will make the South a power iu Congress, and exuirt the adoption and continuance ot a liberal Federal policy. Our pusition \s strong: our hearts are light; our ful ure ia bright with hope. Why need we, who owe but little, and who produce yearly mon gold by our labors than ?B drawn from thc gold mines of the entire globe, trouble our heads with the questions at which Wall? street trembles ? * y New Publications. JESUS OF NAZARETH : Hi9 Lifo and Toachinss: founded-ou the ? our Gospels, and illustrated by reference to the manners, customs, reli? gious beliefs, and political institutions of his times. By Lipman Abbott, with designs by Bore, DeLaroche. Fenn and others. New York : Harptr & Brothers, 1869. Holmes' Book House, Charleston. Henry Ward, Beecher must look to his laurels. The life of Christ which he an nounces is anticipated by a volume written very much in his style, and with a variety of contemporary allusion, such as the sen? sationalist of tho Plymouth Church can scarcely go beyond. Tho analogies to which Mr. Abbott resorts are oftentimes fanciful, for lime does not repeat itself, neither does nature. The correspondence he seeks to establish between the Jewish Commonwealth and the American Republic fails in many particulars, ffis description of Galilee, as "the New England of Pales tine," is singularly infelicitous; it is found? ed neither on thc manners, of the people, the products of the sell, thoclimato, nor the geological formations, but simply upon the f ct that either i? a rolling country with a Lebanon (a white mountain) range to the northward. Perhaps Mr. Abbott needs to bo reminded that the Syrian Lebanon is white inside aa well as outside ; it ia a limestone formation, and so has only a re semblance in name to the granite heights of New Hampshire. Wo are constrained ulso to object to the rollicking spirit in which our author ap preaches so grave a subject as the life of the Redeemer. Witnout question he has made a popular book-full of information, of genial colloquy, of happy hits, of fasci? nating narratives. Thero is a freshness in the careless, crisp style, a picturesqueness in the rapid sketchings and groupings of the Evangelical history, au American movement and hurry given to the qniet Oriental life, which entrances the reader ; but for our part, we would be better suited by s style more reverent and solomn and tender. The illustrations are for the most part excellent, au J add to thu iuterest of the volume. The republication, however, of some of tue plates, from Abbott's "Holy Land," would have been very serviceable, Wc refer particularly to thc plans of the principal historic districts. No LOVE Losr. A Romance of Travel. By W. D. Howells, author of " Venetian Life," &c. Kew York : G. P. Putnam &, Son. Charles? ton : Fogartiea' Book DopoBitory. Mr. Howells is BO well known as a writer of graceful and delicate prose, that we have long felt that it was "on the cards" that he might some day glide into verse ; and just such verse as we have here, delicate, airy, tender, pathetic, musical. The poem is wri::en in hexameters, and Mr. Howells maneges that very difficult, measure with grace aud spirit. It is very short, only fifty pages of largely priuted letter-press The theme would have borne a little more elaboration. What there is of it, however, is simply charming, and few who have read it once but will retrace their steps. The "git-up" of thc volume inperfect, and the illustrations of unusual men:. tl J ANTED, AGtCNTS TO SKLL TI1K V\ .\JIERI?*AN KNUTING MACHINE. Price MS. 'J he simplest, cheapest and liest Knitiins Ma? chino ever invented will knit 20.000 stitches por minute. Liboial inducements >o n?out?. Address AMERICAN KNIlUNG MACHINE COMPANY, He J'ou, Mass., or at. Louis, Mo. February 3 wfuil3* WASTED. A YOUNG HAN OK 10 OK 18 years, wi Iii:? to mako himself generally use? ful. Must write a fair lund AciVe-s. with tc er encc, in owu haudwritiuB, ALLANDALE COMPANY, Charleston, s. 0. 2* February 16 WANT KD IMMKIM ?TELT, BY A GEN? TLEMAN, a suite of ROOM -, plainlv fur. ni?hoH, and lu o ?ood 1 jcolity; <iowu town preferred. An abundunt supply of water must b? close at h-nd. Address, Btutiug location and ti. rms jv. P, ci Ul cc DAILY. NEWS. February 10 WANTED TO PURCASK, A HO J'S IO in tho lower part of the city, with not loss than oicht rooms, and a cood g rden aud outbuild? ings. Address A. at NEWaOFFlCK. Februar 12 6* WANTED, RY A LADY, A SITUATION as Housekeeper, or to make bc sell generally aveuli. Compensation no ol ject, as her desire is to obtain a home, ibo best of recom? nc; dation cac bo Riven. Apply at No. 73 EAS! BAT. February 8 WANT RU, BY A LADY ACCUSTOM? ED to write for the press, employment on ouc or n.oro Literary Papers or Magazines, as a WRITER OE SKETCHES. POETRY, kc. Address Miss K. E. W., Post?nico, Charleston. 8. C. October 8 WAM'KD, SUBSCRIBERS *'OR ALL TOE LEADING MAGAZINE? AND NEW.-v PAPERS, at publisher's rateB. CHARLES 0. RIGHTER, April 21 N<\ 161 King-street. I GENTS WA.NT KO.-$75 '?'O 8200 PK lt /i. month, or a commission irom which twice thur amount can be m ido by i-elling the latest im? proved COMMON .-ENSi: FAUUY -B?lN'i MA CHIN fi ; price $18. I c circulars and terms. adtlrcsH P. BOWE i b k CO., HO. 330 South Ibird-etrrot, Phila lelpbia. Pa. 3mo December 6 TlrANTtSO, KVKU Y ?tOD\ T?? fiUE. VV SCRIBE to th" CIRCULATING LIBRARY -. CHARLES C. RWUTER'S S.leci library of Ne? I'-ooks contain? all ci thc- latest publications. Amil 21 Sa ici K'NO-STREET. rro RI*NT, 7-ii \T D lil S i R A B L 13 JL DWELLING HO?SK. No 90 Co "lug- taw* c u'aiuing srveu square roomB two ottirn, pantry, kitchen, uud all ne.-ess.iry ou liuiltiiugs; Immediate post Ossie RIV'U. Per particulars, npi.lyat No 7 GEORGE- 'IESET. 6W January lt; TO KKflT, A PLKASANT ROOM iN A Genteel private iamllv, wiiero them arii no chi'drcu. Apply at f>o. 28 KING-Vt itl-.El. nwr 'bc Battery. 8 Peurnar* li TiO ?KAT, PART OV TU ?T DKSIf. ABLE rt EVIDENCE, No 13 Easel-street, third door Irom East lay. S* Fobruary 1G TO RENT. HOUSE Ao. 31 WKJiT WOE Ul between MeetiugnuQ anson streets. Applv on tao PKBUIoJS?. < February 10 8* m<> RKRT, THKEU ROOMS ON TH' X s, coud Floor, ia a good location. With use of ci?tori'. Apply at 1 HIS OFFICE, february IC 3* BOOMS TO KENT TO A VA Ml LY without children. Applv to G. GRAF, n-.rth oaet cornor of Weutw.rth and Pitt streets, l ebruary C iiopattntts^ip ??oticf. LAWNOI3CE-THE UNDERSIGNED have tb:8 da^ formed a Cop-irtnor>hip tor the pracuoe of I AW AND LQC! I Y in >uoatcr and ad? joining Counties, ami lo the Unite j Stale' Courts for tuc District of South Carolina, unaer tho name and Biyle of RICHARDSON * IIJSBN JAMES S G. RI0HAB.D8ON. M >N ?GOMERY MO"?ES. Sumter, ?5. C. Fem uart 3. i-cb tu rv 9 JAW N OT I C K .-McMILLAIN KI.HU, _j Ksq.. is Rds day admitted a partner in our Law Partnership. CAMPBELL & SEABROOK, LawTere, No. 50 Broad-street. JAME? B. CA MP lt ^LL. HENRY SEABROOK. MCMILLAN KLNO. .' Januar? 1 F. II. T RENUOLfl, . Ko. 1 BBOAD-STR?ET, OUABLKSTON, S. 0 , MLNEB, SHIPPER AND DEALER South Carolina Nativo Bone Phosphate. Jauuary ll ' Sinos SrijK??tn Schnapps. OFHOE OF UDOLI'ITO WOLKE. Sole //,ij)o) r of the Schiedam Arnmatir Scltnapps, So- ~~ Bcnvcr-st'-cct. . NEW YORK, November 15. 1868. Io the People of thc Southern States i "WHEN THE TITRE MEDICINAL F.ESTOF.ATIVK. now so widely kno?n a3 WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM ??CaNAPP?, was in'roduced into the world nuder the endorsement of four thousand leaden; members of the medical protes6ion some twenty years ago, tts proprietor was well aware that it could not wholly escape the peualty attached to all new and usefu preparations. He, therefore, endeavored to invest ii with strongest possible safesuard against counter? feiters, and to render all attempts to pirate it diffi? cult and congcrous. It was submitted to Statin? guished chemists for analysis, and pronounced by them the purest spirit ever manufactured. Its puri? ty and properties having oeen thus ascertained, sam? ples of the aiticle were forwarded to ten thousand physicians, including al) the leading practitioners in tho United States, for purposes of experiment. A circular, requesting a trial of the preparation and a report of thc result; accompanied each specimen. Four thousaud of thc most omlucnt medical men in the Union promptly responded. Their opinions of tho or?cle were unanimously favorable. Such a preparation, they paid, had lone been wanted by the profession, as no reliance could be placed on the ordinary liquors of commerce, all of which were moro or less adulterated, and therefore unlit for medical purposes. Ihe peculiar ex-cllence and strength of thu oi of jumper, which formed one of thc principal ingredients of the Schnapps, togother with an unalloyed character of tho alcoholic ele? ment, give it. in the estimation of tho faculty, a marked superiority over every other diffusive ftimu laut as a diuretic, tonic and restorative. These satisfactory credentials from professional men of tho highest rank were published .in a con? densed form, and enclosed with each bottle of the Schnapps, as one of thc guaranteer of its genuine? ness. Othor precautions against fraud wcro also adopted; a patent was obtained for the ari ide, tho label was copyrighted, a Jae simile of tho proprietor's autograph signature wa-- attached to each label and cover, his name and that of thc preparation were em? bossed on thc beides, and thc corkc were sealeU with bis private seal. No article had over been sold in this country under the name of Schnapps prior to thc introduction of Wolfe's Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps, in 1801; and tho label was deposited, as bis Irado mark, lu thc United States District Court for the Southern District of New York during that year. It might bc ?-upposed by poisons unarquainiod with tho diring character ot tho pirates who prey upon the rc* v'ation ot honorable merchants by vend? ing deleterious trash under their name, that tho pro? tections so carefully thrown around those Schnapps would have precluded the introductions ami sale of counterfeits. They seem, however, only to have stimulated thc rapacity of impostors. The trade mark ot th J proprietor has beeu stolen; the indorse? ment which his Schiedam Aromatic Schnapps alone received from the medical profession hud been claimed by mendacious humbugs; his labels and bottles have bcon imitated, his advertisements para? phrased, his circulars copied, and worse than all, dishonorable retailer*, after disposing of tho genuine contents of kn bottles, have filled them up witb :ommou gin, tho most deleterious of all liquors, and thus madn his name and fannel a cover for poison. 1 ho public, tho medical prolCMiou and ihe sick, for whom Ihe Schiedam Aromatic Schnapp? ia pre? scribed as a remedy, arc equally interesto i with tho proprietor iu thc deice:iou and suppression of these aclarious practices.. The gocume article, mauuiac lured at the establishment of thc undervalued in Schiodam, Holland, IH distilled iro'ii a barley of thc Incst quality, and flavored with an essential extract >f tte berry of thc Italian ju: ipt-, of unequalled pu? rity. Bj a procoss unknown in the preparation ot my other liquor, it is lreed.l'roui every acrimonious iud corrosiveelomcut. Complaints have been rc reived from tho letuling physxlans and families in tho southern States .of h.- salo nf cheap imitations of the .-chicdain Aro natic Schnapps in those markets; and travellers, ivho are in tho habit ot usin? it as an antidoto to thc i3Ui.?il_ii>ii<-.proi' of viwhr'-'nrifl ---, ie? ?fy that cheap gin, put up in Schiedam bottles, is frequently palme8 off upon the unwary. The igeutiot the undersigned have been requested to institute inquiries on the si bjent, an! to forward to dm the ni> ines of buch parties as they may a-dr? ain to bc engaged in thc atrocious system of docep lon. lu conclusion. Ihe undersigned would say that io has produced, from under tho bauds of the mo-t listiugui-hca men of snout o in ? monea, proofs un inswerublo of the purity and moaiciual excel ouco of tho Schiedam Aromatic Selina: pa ; that ie hus expanded many thousand dollars in eur rounding ic with guarantees and safeguards, which lu designed should pro eel thc publia and himself teaiust fraudulent imitations; thai be has shown it o oo tho only liquor in tho world that eau br uui bruly depouded upon ai unadulterated; th it he has :balienged investigation, aualyeii?, comparison and jxpcriincnt in all Ita torrns; and from every ordoa] he preparation whl.hbears his came, (cal and trade nark, hus como off triumphant. Ho, therefore, fools tad ut y be owes lo lus ioJiu w-cit z -ns geiiorally, to he lucdical protes'sion and tho sick, to denounce ind expose thc charlatans who counterfeit these evi lenci c* of identity, and he calls upon the press and he publia to aid him iu his efforts tu remedy so great in eviL The following Utters and crri ideates from the eading physician.! and che inst' of this city will, irove to thc reidor that all goods sold ry the under ligne.} arc all that they are rcpre entcd to be. UDOLPHO WOLFE. Ueel bound to say, that I regard your Schnapps is beiug in every respect pre-eminently pure, and leserviug o' medical patronage. At all event?, it is the purest possible artiaiu of Holland Ciu, hcreto oi e unobtainable, and us cuan may I s safely pr, -cribed bv physicians. DAVID L. MOTT, M. D., Pharmaceutical Chemist, New York 26 TIME-STREET, NEW TOIIE, I 4 Nuvciubur ?O, l?C7. j UDOLI'UO WOLPK, tsq., Present: Hear Sir-1 havo ma ic a chemical elimination of isample of yoa> Schiedain schnapps, with thc in? tent of dolerin.nmg if any for- igu or injurious sub? stance hud boon ud.lCil tu lu- simple uisii led spirits. Thc examination baa resulted m tho conclusion that tito R.Hillie contained nu poisouuns ur h rinful ldiuixuue. i luv.) < cn u J able tu il ?seo vor any trace oi thc deleterious su tm a neo? wich aro em iiloved in tho a miterai ton of liquors. I w.mld not ue.-ituto to usu myself or ta reeumiu- nd to others, lor medicinal purpos-s, tho Sch.ciiuin schnapps as iu excellent and unobjectionable variety of giu. Very ic.Npoetii.nj your*, (Signed,) eli AS. A. SELLY, Chemist. NEW YOKE, NO. 53 CEDAH-BTUEET. I Novuinjor.26. 1887 J DOObrae Wnuri?, i-sq.. Present : Dmr Sir-: bavo aubniittcd to chemical unalvms wo !>uttl"s ot ..-c-nodaai Schnapps," widen I took Iruui a ircsh package iu your bon ed warehouse, una lind, us buiurc, mu the spirituous liquor is ireo ruin injoriuus nigredieut- or f.nsilicunon; that il lias thu nnuksoi Ix mg aired and HUI recently j>rc ?larcd oy mechanical admixture of ulcohoi and ate tn ali cs. Urapociiuuy, FRED, F. MAYKR, Chemist. NEW YOBK, Iuesday, May 1. DDOLPHO Woun ESQ.: ?ecr ?ir-ino ?Vau! Of pure Winos and Liquors lor inodiciuul pnrpneee bo* bien lung fe thy the pro lessiou. una iho.ismdH ol lives have been soen ticed by the use ul uti unmated artlrlefl D lintim i reubens, and uth'-t diseuses o. ihe ands ?nd n rves, so nie In ibis ouuuiry, aro very ruro iu Europe, o-, mg, iu a great d?crue, lo th? ditf<.reuoo n ibo pu ilyof the s pi; its sold. We leeied the seve al aria, h b imported and sold by >uu luouiiiuj; your tim, which you Bell un? iter th>- name of -roinutio ? chiodaiu -chuupps, wucousid. r justly ei tilled io the high reputation it ha* acquired in ibis country; und from your long c-x ou iuui-a as a foreigu impart?r, your mulled Wines iud Liquor* should meet w th ihe sumo demand. Wu would recommend you tu apnoini sume ot tho respectable apuiuojaries in did'erent ports of th<> city as agent* for ihe sal? of your Hran.iics >.ud Wines, wuere he profession can obtain the tame when aucded for medicinal purposes. Wi.-hing yuu suuctxis iujuur new enterprise-, ? e romain, your obedient -crvun ts, VALEN UNE MOTT. M. 0., ProiVeor of Surgery, University ivled'cal College. New ?o.k. i. M O.UtNOcHiN. M. D.. Professor of Clinical -urgir}-, -urgeou-in-i bluf to the oiute liusirituL, kc, so. 14 r-Sct s.xloeut..-stroct LEWI- A. s.AYilt, M. i -, No. 7'J i Broadway. II P. I'E WEIS?, M D.. No. 791 Iroadwav JOSi PH WORM Ell, M D.. .\o lid Ninth-street. SEL.-oN S1KELE, IL D , No. 37 Blouker-strtet. JOHN O'lil-.IL ?, M. D., No. 230Fourth sm? ii. I. ItAPH.Ar.L, M D.. Prof-PS or ot the Principles and Prac thy ot MU* ery. New Kork Medical Col? l?ge, ic. No. 91 Nintu-i.troet, oud others, Tl?e proprietor also offers for sale. BO ITLED WINES A?ND LIQ DOBS, [nano -ten and brittled by himself, expressly tor me hemal uso. Koch bottle hoe hM cern fica-e of its pu? rity tBUi.r'M'l WOLKK. November ll 3 moa I.O.O.F. SOUTH OA ? <>LIN A. LODGE NO. L, THE BEGULAE WEEKLY MEETING OF THIS LODGE wilt be held THIS EVENING, it .Seven o'ci od precisely. By order. T. W. CANNON, February 17 w Secretary. HEBREW BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. THE REGULAR .MELTING OF THIS SOCIETY wlU late place THIS EVENING, at Seven o'clock, it tbe Hebrew Orphan 8-clety Hall. A general attendance is earnestly requested,as bu? siness of importance will "-e transacted. By order of tbe President. NATH'L LEVIN, February' 17 1 Secretary and Treasurer. . UNION LEAGUE. EEADQUABTEBB Cccxcn. CHAMBEB, U. L. A., I CHARLESTON. .-. C., February 16, 1869. i THE MEM BE US OF THE SEVKRAL COUNCILS of the Union Leasuo of America, in the C'Jy and Coumy of Charleston, arc respectfully request? ed to assemble at thc Military Hall in this city, lo MOBBOW, tbB 18th day of February, 1869, at Soven o'clock In tho evening, lor the purpose nf consider? ing matters ot vital i reportan co to the League. By order of Jons H. AD AS?S, President ROBT ABTSON. February 17 2* Secretary. iOSt (Mfr /0uttD. LOST, A NEWFOUNDLAND . HOG. Description: Both ears block, large block abd white ?pols on body, bushy tail; answers to the name of "Jeff." A liberal reward will be paid for bis re? covery. A. M. JACKSON, February 16 3 Accommodation .'Whorl. MAIN GUA RD HOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C.. FEBRUARY 16, 1869.-Found and troughtto this Post 3 H REE SAFE KEYS, which thc owner can have by proving property and paying expenses H. W. HENDRICKS, Februrry 15 3 Captain of Police. MILCH COWS AND SPK INGE ICS Just in aud for sale it Mrs. CAMPBELL'S CATI LB LOT, Po. C88 King-street. February 17 1* AVERY PRIME YOUNG MULE FOR FOR SALE. ALSO, 130.000 ORAv BRICK, on a lancing fourteen miles irom Oao city, conveniently placed for shipping. Apply at Na 17 ASHLEY-STREET. February 10 wfm FDR SALE OR LEASE, THE RESI DENOH No. 17 Ashley-street, on a ?u- lot with all necessary outbuildings. House has six largo and four airall room- furnished wltb gas, bot and cold water baths, water closet, kc ; within a han! j minn es' walk of tbe city Railroad. Apply OX THE PHEMlShS. tuih?3mwf_Ft brnajy 9 AT PK IV ATE SALK, A DE SI BAB LE BOUSE end four acre LOT in tbe Town of Aiken, s. C. 1 he Houso contains seven (7) rooms on ono floor, celled and papered, and two (') good attics; Ironts south, with piazzas to Ihe sou'.h and ? tat, and is is ;;ocd condition, requiring but sligtit repairs. The Ki'chou con ains three (3) rooms. Tho location oi these premises is ono ol the best in Aiken, situated on a hill m thc ponheastern portion ol the town, rommunding a fine view of tho same, and only about ten (10) minutes' walk from the dopot. For further particulars, ar>ply to GEORG KD. CONNOR, February IS No. ll Broad-street. ST EA AI ENGIN RS FOR v\LK CHEAP, if applied lor immcOIaloly 111 One 12-borso Portable ENGINE (li One 1-borso Portabio Engine. ALSO, (ll One 8-horse-power ENGINE, In good condition. CAME it ON, BARKLEY & co., Northeast corner Meeting and Cumborland-strccts. JJuuarv16 financial CERTIFICATE^! CERTIFI? CATES t OF BANK OF THE ?TAT!. BILLS. SIGNED BY NILES G, PAUKER, -tito Treasurer, wanted. ANDREW M. MOREL ?ND, Februnry 18 Broker. No 8 Broad-street BANK KIL'S! BANK BILLS! ALL KINDS BOUGHT HY ANDREW M. MORELAND, February 10 Broker, > o. 8 Brood-street. STATE STOCK ! ST^TE STOCK ! OTATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA STOCK WANTED. .O ANDREW M. MORELAND, February 16 Broker. No. 8 Broad-street. gnsine& \taxos. J) AR RY Si LITTLE, PRACTICAL PRINTERS, No. 8 STAT E-S TREEI, CHARLES: ON, S. C. February 16 3 J O II N C. all N Ol T , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Nb. 1 COURTHOUSE SQUARE. February 16 mwf Imo JUIl N D. ALEXANDER, ACCOUNTANT, NOTARY PUBLIC AND GENERAL AGENT. No. IC Uroa?l-strect. RESPECTFULLY SOLICITS BJSINESS IN AD. JOSTING ACCOUNTS ol Merchants and others, aud in WP.TTING UP AND POPTING their BOOKS, either in part or whole, kc. January 0 SOUTHERN STE^CIJJIMIJFACTORY E. H. RODGERS MANUFACIURER AND WHOLbSALE DEALER IN STENCIL STOCK AN9 DIES, STEEL LETTERS AND STAMPS CHECKS AND TAGS BRASS AND GERMAN SILVER KEY IS INGS, CHAINS, iUS. IVE A.:R:Kx:isrGr iisnKS BY THE GALLON OR BARREL. AGENT FOR HILL'S PATENT HAND STAMPS SEUL P1SESSES j BRANDING IRONS, ?fcc. No. 129 BAST B4Y-NTKE11T, ' CHARLESTON, S. C. KS' Call "no oxamino?speciiucus. JiDuarylG _ilmoa JTOLMKS Si MACBETH, No. 30 Broad-street, Charleston, f?. C., BROKERS, AUCTIONEER?. REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Will atttend to Renting and Collecting of Rents and purohaso and sae ol' stocks, Bonds, Gold, Silver aud Heal Estate. ' ALSO. To tho Purchase of Goods aud '.mpplies for par1 ?es in tho country Upon reason .ble ?orran. GEOBOE I* HOLMES.Ar.BX.vtnjEH MACBETH. Jai.u ry i ? lyr Jl I) W A lt D DALY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 82 Warren-street. NEW YORK. PERsONAL AT TEN I ION GIVEN TO THE PUB CHASE of all kinds ot Ml-.R 'H NDIsE. Boots, -li"es. Hats, ''a e und Trunk?, und Straw Goods a specla'ty. Consignments of all kindj of Staple Articles and general Produce solicited. Prompt returns guaranteed. EDWARD DALY, Late of Charleston, S. C. Weekly Price Currents eentfree by post. January 28 Gmos OFFICE So. 375 KING, OPPOSITB HASiL-STB?BT. January ?7 3nw tjimmmtni. JIM KUBI*.SO*t'S CHAMPION CIRCUS! Under the Managerial Direction of Mr. JAMES M. NIXON, wiU exhibit at CH AULLS ION three days and nights, MO*? DAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY February 21st, 2 M and 23d. Two Performances-AFTERNOON AND NIGHT. US' Doors open at half-past One and half-past Six. Entertainments will commence punctually half an hour after opening. The Management tako special plcasuro in announc? ing tho positive appearance ot thc only great rider in th?: world, ''JIMMY ROBINSON," Champion Horseman of the Universe! Leading Bare-Back Equestrian I Unsurpassable in all Boles of this school of Arl 1 "An Artist without a Peer I" "The Sensation In Europe 1" The Pride and Boost of America 1 jJSS~ Mr. JAMES ROBINSON, in revisiting the South with a Circus of bis own, would state that he does so in accordance with a long cherished desire to appear before the friends ot bis childhood in the hope of receiving the some marks of approbation that he was so oft-times the recipient of at the outset of his professional career. Wearer of go den gifts from oil the Crowned Heads of Europe, POSSESSOR OP THE DIAMOND S1UDDED BULT, and with the conceded and nuivorsally admitted tide of "CHAM PION," he desires in his manhood to receive the full endorsements of approval ii cm those who sustained and encouraged him in bis infancy. ROBINSON will ride, as he alone can, at each en tertaicment. bis RAPID BABE-BACK ACT1 throw? ing his FORE AND BACK SOMERSAULTS over high Barriers and Balloons, andC A BRTINO HIS INFANT SON CLARENCE ON HIS HEAD ! MASTER CLARENCE 1 ' The youngest, etuallost and prettiest chf% who has evor appeared in tho arena, and who, by the New York press, bas been chris)eoed TBE MITE OF BEAUTY, will bo introduced in a MINIATURE MENAGE A')T, in which he ?ill, on hts Elfin White Pony, give a sirios of exorcisas illustrative of the PARISIAN HAUT L'COLEl The following Ladies and Gentlemen constitute thc leading members of ?OCI\SO\'S CHAMFIO?V CIHCUSI Ml?s LUCILLE WATSON, Principal Equestrienne. Messre. SHAPPY and WHITNEY. Extraordinary Gym nos e. . PETER CONKLIN, Clown of Merit JULIAN KEN I, clever Comedian and Jester. Mr. WM. SPAllKS, Herculean Athloto. The LOWANDE ^R?THERS, Spanish Acrobat*, of marked abilities. Mr. JEAN JOHNSON. Histrionic Equestrian. Mr. R. ELLINGHAM, tho accomplished Ring Master. Mr. THOMAS CATIE, Eccentric Vaulter. Sig. FKHRANTA, Cortortionlst; and a POWER? FUL AUXILIARY COUPS, who, together with a fino stock of elegantly trained, blooded, and marked Korsos nnd Pomes, eon H ti tu te the BE3T CIRCUS EVER BROUGHT SOUTH ! f rr.cLAi. NOTICE-Tlcko's, which will admit tho holders to tho Circus before thc opening of thc 1 ickot Wagon, will bo for sale without any premium charges) at thc Charleston and Pavilion Hotels. i HE CB AMPION UELT, won and worn bv Mr. JAMES EOblNSON, will bo upon exhibition at the jewelry estiblishnieut of JU1E> P_ SPEAK, Kiug strret. opposite Huxel. wsmrul lebruary 16 QUATOllIO. MRS. DARBOT TAKES PLEASURE IN AN? NOUNCING that Rossini's Oratorio of the "STAB AT MATKK" Will be given at ST. MARY'S CHURCH, HASEL-STBEET, TO-MORROW EVENING, VATH INSTANT. Programme. 1. Introduction.'..Stabat Mater 2. AT.Cujus Anlmam ft. Duo.Quia est homo i. Ait.PropeCi-atiB 5. (Thoms and Itccit.Ela Mater rt. Quatuor.'..ft.Paneta Mater 7. Cavatlno. ;.Fae ul. portem 8. Air and 'thoms..Inflamtnatus 9. Quatuor.Quando Corpus 10. chorus r?anlo.Amen Tickets SI, tob? obtained at the Music Storer of Mr. Seigling and Messrs. Zogbanm, Yonng tc Co., and at tho Book Stores of Messrs. Russell and Greer, King street; Messrs. VY allier. Evans A: Cogswell, Broad street. Tn consequence of thc small capacity cf the Church, the sale of Tickeis is limited, and none will bc sold at the Church. CST Doors open at 7 o'clock; Oratorio to com? mence'at 8 o'clock precisely. 3 February 17 ?i H AULESTON TH KAT UK. LESSEE AS? MAHAOEB. .. .e.. .JOHN TEMPLETON. AMUSEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! FOR A FEW NIGHTS ONLY. Commencing To-Slorroir, February 18. Engagement with Whitman's original world-rc nownod Spectacle, entitled thc Enchanted WHITE FAWN I . With Mr. B. F. Whitman's Celebrated Parisian BAL LET TROUPE: M'LLE ESMERALDI MANI, Star Danseuse (rom her Majesty's Theatre, Loudon and Venice. M'LLE AUGUSTA SOHLKE, Star Dansouse. from Theatre Boral. Paris, and Niblo's Gard m. NJW York, with Principal and Second Premier Danseuses and Full COUPS DE BALLET. MISS ALICE VANE, The Star of the Sunny South and ST JB DRAMATIC COMPANY. The Groat Fifteen Thousand Dollar TR A AT S F OHM ATM? X SCESl El The whole under thc : inmediate supervisiou ot B. F. WHITMAN, Efq . tho Proprietor. SC ALZ or PBICES. Admission.?.? M Reserved '-eats. 1 25 Geller es.? ?! f/S* Tickets oan b? had at HOL "EV BOOK ST J RE and HO I EL?. February 17 FACTORS. COMMISsjION MERCHANTS AND SHIPPINQ AOENTS. VVTLII ATTEND TO THE PURCHASE, SALE AND SHIPMENT (to Foreign and Domestic Ports) ol COTTON. BICE, LUMBER AND NAVAL STORES ATLANTIC-WHARF, Charleston, S. C. fi.WILLIS.A. B, CHISOLM. October ?S Gr EO. 1? . CUNNO lt No. ll Brorvd-3trcct, WILL BUT AND SELL on CoauiissioN REAL ESTATE, BONDS, . STOCKS, COUPONS, GOLD, SILVER AND BANE BILLS. February 1 Imo ?Wrriw ant) j?tsccUaneons. EATING POTATOES, & OA A B4BEEL9 CHOtCE PEACH BLOW, JACK OUU fcON White and Prince Alberts. For sale low by KINSMAN & HOWELL. February 17 2_Nc. 168 East Bay. FISH GUANO. 1 AA BARBELS PTJEE FISH GUANO. - lUv For sale by, . ... - KINSMAN "A HOWELL, February 17_ No. IBS East Bay. PLAIN TING POTATOES, BARBELS GENUINE PLAN UNG POTA ?uU TO. S. assorted kinds, in prime order, and for sale low by KINSMAN * HOWELL, February 17 ' wig No. 163 East Bay. GENUINE >, PEELER COTTON SEED. ASM ?LL CONSIGNMENT OF THE ABOVE SEED Just received'from Ne ? Orleans. For sale by SHAUKELFORD & KELLT,*' No. 1 Boyce's Wharf. SS~ The Cotton raised from t?ls Seed commands in the New Orleans market 9 to 13 o-nta''Vor pound above the current prices obtalneo for the com moa varieties. wfs3 February 17 ALES, PORTEE &c. JEFFBEY'S SPARKLING EDINBURGH ALE, pints; atone Bass' Pale Ale, in pints; glass Fiudlater's Dublin Stout, ia pints; gloss Fresh Boasted Coffee (best quality Bio). 35c. per lb. Country butter, at 30 85 an? 4io Tb. At the CO OPERAI IVE GBOCERY STORR, . Southwest Corner Meeting and Marget street?. Gooda delivered free. February ll LIQ CORS ! LIQUORS ! QBEAT SEDUCTION IN PRICE AT BYRNE & FOGARTTS, CORNER CHURCH AND CHAIMERS-STS. . Also, a fine seleoUon of LIQUORS in tb* Bar Don't forget the name-BYRNE k i OG AKT. Y. February 12 _: fmwlmo WHARTON & MOFFETT, V AIEW YO UK. M 0 F FE TT & WHARTON, . CHARLESTON. . NO. 22. EAST BAY SI BEET. WE ABE NOW RECEIVING BT EVERY STEAM? ER, APPLES and POTATOES, and ofter foi silo the following varieties of Ealing and Seed POTATOESl Goodrich Seedllng-PINK EYE Early Harrison-M eroer Jackson Whites-Dvkeman's Western Bed-Dock Eye Chili Red-Davis *eedliiig Peaoh Blow-Early Bose. Parties ordering for seen should do so at once, be fore the rivers and canals are irozen up. . I. J. WHARTON, No. 115 West-street, Jlew York. J AM K;? G. M OFF EXT, No. 22 East Bay street. Charleston. December 30 , tao . ?Miimxn ?O0i)sf (tic. gP RING IMPORTATION 18 6 9. B I B .B 0 NS. MILLINERY AND 8TRAW GOODS. ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO. Noa. 237 AND 230 BALTIMORE-STREET, BALTIMORE, fh IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP . . BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBONS VELVET ANT) SASH RIBBONS BONNET CRAPES. SILKS AND SATINS ILLUSIONS, BLONDS. LACES, RUCHES. NETS AND VELVET3 , V . FRENCH FLOWERS AND FE ATHEES STA AW BONNETS AND LADIES' HAT3 trimmed and untrimmed SUNDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS. : The largest stock or Millinery Goods in this coun? try, and mit quailed in choice variety, which we ol fer at prices that will defy competition. OBDERS SOLICITED. Eeruarr 15 " - 6* i???fl)incrn, (?astinrjs1 ?tc. PHON??l?ilr? JOHN F. TA Y LOR &IQG>. 8UCCESSOHS TO CA M KRON & CO.. Engineers, Boilermakers, &c. NOB. 4, 6 and 8 PRITCBARD-STREE1, (NEAR THE DBY SOCK), X Charleston, S. C. STEAMENGINES AND BOILERS-MARINE, STATIONERY AND PORTABLE. RICE THRESHERS AND MILLS OF EVER! DESCRIPTION. . SHAFTING, PULLEYS AND GEARING IRON FRONTS FOR BUILDINGS, CASTINGS OF EVERY KIND IN IRON Ol BRASS, Wo guaranteo to furnish ENGINE 4 and BOILER! of as good quality and power, and atas lo w rates ai cac bc had in New York, Baltimore or Philadelphia. AGENTS FOB Ashcrofts Low-water Detector, THE ONLY PERFECT SECUP.ITY AG AINSI DAMAGE FROM LOW WATEB IN THE BOILER. REPAIRS PROMPTLY ATTENDED 2?f. February 1 DAO 3oao8 j^EKTING-STRJEH-T FOUNDRY. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FURNISHING THE IMPROVED MCCARTHY COTTON GIN, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, of various sizes on hand IMPBOVED VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL COBB MILLS, SUGAB MIL.L3, SUGAR BOILERS AND PANS, of aU sizes HORSE POWERS AND GIN GEARING, from 6 to 16 feet in diameter IMPROVED LEVER 0OTTON PBESSE8 for Bland . pc wer, Saw and Bice Mills, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS of all descriptions made to order Particular attention paid to HOUSE FRONTS AND CASTINGS FOE BUILD? INGS, GRATINGS, CISTERN COVERS, SASH WEIGHTS, de., 4e. WILLIAM S. HE NE REY, MACIIINISI AND FOUNDER No. 314 MEETING-STBRET, CHARLESTOS, S. C. August 3_mwc CHARLESTON 3DE3STTAIJ IDE POT No. 375 KiAG-VTRiSKT. ^ G Ol JD ANO TIN FOIL, AMALGAM.?, aC'HKBAL TBKTB, Steel Goods, and every artacte used by the Dentist, 2m o January 27